#fentanyl mention
scratchandplaster · 11 months
Stack The Deck - PART 11
CW: obsessive thoughts, drug mention
Intermezzo ⇽ [Masterlist] ⇾ PART 12
Yaletown Park looked more like a rocky desert than anything adjacent to the open hangout it was sold as, especially in the hollow glow of the streetlights. Caught between high-risers and vacant retail space, the few square meters of cobble only offered some trash or needles to pluck from the ground. If the grass patches shooting out here and there were ever kept trim in the first place remained a mystery.
Behind a strategically chosen planter sat a reserved man, smoking the second pack of the day and stewing in his jaded mood, still waiting for whoever wanted to stop by. All this was normal for Morris by now.
The evening had started promising, with frat boys strolling along the sidewalk and a few girls in tow; a view that was starting to become more and more frequent. He smiled joylessly, remembering how he met Amber on a night like this.
More than a year must've passed since then, he figured, trying to cling onto thoughts that wouldn't shock him with memories of someone he didn't have to think about anymore. At least when he was chased around enough.
"You're gonna sit there until I tell you otherwise!"
Goddamn. Not that it was easy for Belanger either, patrolling the streets to prospect the usual scum. No regret laid in avoiding each other, but since Morris was dependent on any signal to engage with the more casual clientele, he was stuck in place. 
That's what I get for my not so tight scheduling. 
As a fixer caught at the bottom of the food chain, and honest to god no agency or willingness to change his position, it was better to keep his mouth shut and head down. But with skin still in the game, did he have another option? For all he cared, they could make him do their laundry and scrub all crack houses of the state squeaky-clean. Anything else than ending up in Dutch's office with that thing-  
Another thought he quickly shoved aside, another problem to ignore till it blew up.
Except a lone hobo who threw up way too close to his shoes, nothing ripped Morris out of the daydreaming that kept his last sliver of sanity alive. The risk of being arrested on the spot or stabbed to death by someone who needed cash even more than him aside, the prize of it all was just...surviving.
"One day you wake up, and your whole life is spent in what?" Amber's life lesson was now sober reality, spot-on to the last detail.
Hearing her voice again used to pierce through his gut and leave him wrecked with self-hatred, although these feelings had died down in the time they spent apart. Not that he didn't try to distract himself from the distraction, oh no, he had several chances to drown out boiling memories of past love during the spring months, but this year it was different. Nobody was waiting at home. Morris couldn't let go, not this time, not since her...since him-
If Belanger didn't call right now, he would find a good use for all those narcotics in his pocket.
A break from it all, that's what he needed to work himself to the bone for. 
Wrapping his leather jacket closer around his body, Morris wished to disappear into it completely. Even the colorful August couldn't hide that it had gotten colder in the last days of an already far too chilly summer. 
Without any warning, his peaceful solitude was interrupted again. 
A figure stumbled blindly along the sidewalk. Morris' gaze followed them closely, how disoriented feet pushed each other forward and finally letting them flop down onto a bench near the park's exit.
Drunk or high, certainly. Care for another round? 10 bucks for a flat of fentanyl - dark green, quite popular at the moment. 
Still, Belanger didn't give him the go-ahead yet. Maybe he should make today's slow business hum: be proactive, independent. Write it on a resume, why not.
His stiff knee gave an audible crack as it was forced to stand straight, lazily stretching the sore muscles in his back and taking the first few steps towards his potential customer, Morris started to become flustered. 
Could be a setup, for all he knew. Something was off. 
The soon-to-be buyer was wrapped up in shadows, sitting quietly by themself and only rarely mumbling at the stones below their feet.
He approached until their shoes nearly touched, time to play offense: "You good?"
Nothing. Awkward, he wasn't used to making the first move like this.
Shoving at the motionless shoulders only made their head flop forward, and a forced sigh quickly followed it. First week on campus, probably, lost their friends and self-control only to aimlessly walk around the neighborhood.
"You definitely had enough fun for today, buddy," Morris scoffed, ready to turn around. 
Suddenly, he faltered. They had to rethink Belanger's strategy if he ought to stay here, passed-out freshmen were only good for catching unwanted attention and as long as Dutch didn't want to see his ass in jail, any cops on patrol should be avoided. Not that they lost sleep about the mass of catatonic bodies scattered throughout the city streets, just when they were seen in the wrong parts of town - the pleasant ones.
"Move," so he demanded, quickly lifting up their chin, nestled against the stiff collar of their windbreaker, with his fist. "You're gonna get me in trouble."
The hot breath against Morris' hand sent shivers up his spine. After nights like these, he felt mostly frozen numb, but the air coming out in labored and shallow puffs let his fingers tingle with newfound life.
Suddenly, the howl of an ambulance cut through the silence. Not for them, of course, it was surely headed east. As it took a turn and rushed past the unusual couple, Morris caught a quick glimpse of his vis-à-vis.
For less than a heartbeat, his body froze.
His mouth began to open and close like a fish on land, unable to produce a single word, whilst the prickle spread from his back through every inch of his body. A wonderful illusion bloomed under the blue-red-blue-red flicker and as quickly as it had reached both, it left them alone in the nightly glow of streetlights.
Morris didn't hear himself gasp, the rush of blood in his ears was too deafening. Now dead focused on the freckle-sprinkled skin, tousled dark hair and soft lashes, an inward pull kept him from blinking: the fear that he would be ripped out of his trance.
No dream, no wishful thinking. Morris would recognize this face anywhere.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Masterlist]
Taglist: @whatwasmyprevioususername, @canislycaon24
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dirtbagfag · 9 months
favorite midmorning snack before afternoon errands is 90 grams of pure fentanyl and whenever im in the proximity of a cop the fentanyl that gushes through my near collapsing veins well basically if i were to get a paper cut on a reciept at the filling stations and a pig was behind meh ~ …..let’s such say i hope they have a epipen ! Y’all know the severity of fentanyl allergies and the rate at which it occurs among cops. crazy bro rest in peepee haha
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irbcallmefynn · 10 months
Perfect for killing cops!
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Should I put a special single fentanyl laced piece of candy into a bowl of normal candies on halloween as a prank?
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outer-spec · 5 months
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I am addicted to femtanyl!!!!
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tatiejosie · 2 months
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................................. donald????????????
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oh man i love grappling hook his name is finch named after that one anon who keeps talking about the finches i love him oh man im going to use him to escape so many Situations man o h man
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update 2
ayyy i jus tripped on shrooms the other night it was dope first time getting actual good visuals then i knocked out not long after. still usin fetty. got sum cold shots for tn im broke af now im going to see jazmin bean in montreal at the end of september and im gonna meet her im so excited lol love u guys i missed tumblr sm <3
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dumbshit42069 · 2 years
I know this isn't the site for this type of post, but it's been a month today since we found out my little brother died, and I think maybe some of the people on here need to see it. Especially the ones who may be just starting on this kind of thing. I know it's said a lot and I'm probably going to sound like a broken record, but STAY AWAY FROM STREET DRUGS.
No drug that you buy on the streets is safe. Stuff that shouldn't be able to kill you still can. People are putting Fentanyl in things that you wouldn't expect it to be in. Dusting it on marijuana flowers and psilocybin mushrooms. Putting it in Adderall, antidepressants, and antipsychotics and killing people that are just buying it off the street because of the shortages. Mixing it into MDMA (which is also Molly and Ecstacy). Your dealer most likely wouldn't even know it was in there. It's put in at the supply level. This shit killed my younger brother. He was only 26, and I know to some of you younger kids on here that's "old" or whatever, but it's not. And his girlfriend, who died with him, was just barely 21, had just turned 21 in January. I can't speak for her, but he was perfectly healthy otherwise. He was physically fit and had a great immune system. He had a high enough IQ that he could've joined MENSA. I know, because my mom went with him when he got tested, and loved to brag about it. From what we gathered from the police and the autopsy, he didn't even do the drugs himself. He just tried to resuscitate his girlfriend, and got it in his system when he did.
So please, for the love of whatever god or gods you believe in, for the love of your family and friends who would be lost without you, stay away from street drugs. The world won't end without you, but for the ones who love you? They'll feel like it did.
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fieryphrazes · 1 year
Okay here’s my personal coke ranking
1. A non-McDonald’s fountain coke
2. Mexican coke (special treat)
3. Can of coke (daily treat, must be poured over ice)
4. Bottle of coke (preferably poured over ice, from the bottle in a pinch)
5. McDonald’s fountain coke (used to be #1 because it’s extra sweet but I burned myself out on it and now I prefer more acidity)
6. Cheerwine
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Okay someone explain the cop fentanyl mass hysteria thing like I'm 5
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tic-loud-tic-proud · 2 years
Nobody is putting "Rainbow fentanyl" in your Halloween candy. This is an urban legend that goes around every single year and every single year it doesn't happen. The DEA is losing America's trust and therefore funding, so they have to come up with these moral panics in order to stay relevant.
If the DEA really wanted to reduce deaths by fentanyl overdose they would make Narcan and fentanyl test strips readily available, but they're not doing that. They still disproportionately place their effort toward marijuana when over 98% of cannabis plants seized by the DEA are growing wild.
Defund the DEA.
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moonlessbeast · 2 years
I know it’s bad practice to share like personal medical info online to strangers and stuff etc
But Also I’ve only received major medical care the last few years and some of the discoveries I’ve made about my health are Super Funny to me
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ask-my-sheepkids · 2 years
Heeey~ since you asked me ill ask you: DaySpring, Nightfall, what personality traits do you like most in your partners?
Day: “oh ! oh my. My Nighty, moonshine, the fall of my life. I love him, he’s strong, courageous, and I love when he give me a small hit in the ribcage when I overtalk ! Carmy is the sweeeetest, my little victim. As my niece likes to say a “scrunkly”. I know he can bite thoo~ As for, Fenty.. my veuve noir.. sooo dangerous, but also you just want to bite ! Oh and !!-
Night: « Thank you Day.
I think Day is lovely, my sunshine, but god if he can be annoying at times ! I do love when he gives me massages..
Carmel is just the cutest thing I’ve ever seen !! Do you just know how cute they’d look in a bow ? Look at those new clothes I just bought ! .. more seriously, I can’t help but feel the need to protect them.. so fragile at first sight..
Fenty… Fenty is my little poison vial !! I can’t help but gush over that time the fixed the lantern in our room ! They’re sooo smart and know so much !!! »
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Trick or treat! Can I have some fetanyl, or perhaps cocaine?
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henchmanintraining · 3 months
People don't talk enough about the good things legalizing casinos brings to the area. Like creating a convenient way for fentanyl dealers to launder their money.
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