dragonagecompanions · 9 months
I remember seeing the DAI crew with an unarmed martial arts type Inquisitor, so I request this DA2 companion react to a mage Hawke going full Chuck Norris on a group of bandits after their Mana is depleted using their staff as a Bo staff like Donatello or just fists
Bandit leader, smirks: "oh ho you dare approach me?"
Hawke, Tosses staff over shoulder: "I CAN'T KICK YOUR ASS WITHOUT GETTING CLOSER!"
Varric: He's running book before Hawke takes the first swing, and is unsurprised and unphased when his friend returns victorious. Honestly, given how much shit he sees in Kirkwall, this is nothing.
Aveline: As soon as they get back to Kirkwall she is marching them right up to the keep and enlisting Hawke to train the new guard recruits. If she can get them to fight with even a fraction of that skill they will go through much less daggers.
Also, given all their other odd talents, this does not phase the guard captain. Fereldens are a scrappy bunch.
Carver: This is nothing. You should have seen Old Man Bowers at the last Lothering Harvest festival. Pretty sure his sibling actually broke the man's jaw with one finger.
This is nothing new, and yet somehow the damn shadow he has lived under has somehow gotten longer.
Bethany: It wasn't Old Man Bowers, it was the miller's father, and he had dared to pinch Leandra as she was walking by. Bethany had healed the man's jaw and skull to avoid issues with the guard, but Malcom would have been proud of his eldest's defense of their mother.
Also she just made five sovereigns off Isabela. A good day all around.
Isabela: Now that is impressive. Could make some serious trouble in Lowtown a lot easier if she could throw a punch like that. Might be a thought for later.
After she wins her coin back from Bethany in Wicked Grace. Should never have trusted that innocent smile.
Anders: Yes yes, you just punched a mans head off, good for you. Now get over here so I can fix those knuckles, Maker I am getting tired of you lot....
Wait, did you just punch a man to death!?
....Can you do that to Meredith?
Merrill: Oh that is impressive! She's not sure human necks are supposed to twist that far, and she didn't know you could kick a man into the air! Could you do that to a tree? Would it hurt the tree?
Oh, they aren't supposed to twist that far!
Fenris: Moving, breathing art. Even if they are not romanced he has never been so attracted to them until that moment. He will give Hawke as much of the good wine as he wants to learn that leg sweep rib break combination.
Maybe if he can get the timing right, he could lyrium kick someone in half? Worth consideration.
Mod Fereldone
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monkiebois · 8 months
this is what happens when i try to write ts all day and then get stuck all day instead
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take it ya fiends/pos
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daily-okakuri · 1 month
Feris: *holding a sign advertising the maid cafe and twirling it around and tossing it and catching it while she stands on a street corner*
Daru: I can’t even tell which way the maid cafe is anymore
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fcc-art · 4 months
Smoke on the Moon by FCC-Art
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ferydraws · 2 months
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— We kidnapped a fucking (ballerina) vampire.
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mooreaux · 6 months
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I can’t believe I haven’t drawn my oc Anemone in her mermaid form yet … here’s fixing that ✨👀
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rui-drawsbox · 7 months
doodle of the gfs before going to sleep
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Turkish actress Feri Cansel in the 70s
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 6 months
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idk how many of you have taken a linguistics class but this is literally what it is. teacher goes “make this sound” and for the next hour it’s just a bunch of people having existential crises about their own mouth sounds.
simply put, linguistics 101 is making the most unattractive noises humanly possible for extended period of times and then being amazed and surprised by it.
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redstonedust · 1 year
wait im confused what is this kerilson lore you mentioned im apprently missing out on? Who/what is kerilson??
ok i'm gonna recap literally everything i can remember about kerilson because i'm not sure how much context you have. SO. INCOMING INFODUMP:
if you've been following the rest of hermitcraft season 9 you'd know that the majority of the active hermits went through the rift and got trapped on empires smp for a month. one of the only hermits left behind was xb, and he handled this... interestingly (badly)
so after showing footage of the hermits going through the rift via a security camera he apparently has set up in grians base, and then trying to claim the entire shopping district as his property (off to a good start) he opens his next episode proudly declaring that he's actually NOT alone, he has a friend, and that friend knows how to open the rift again!
enter kerilson:
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i should clarify that kerilson is, first and foremost, a reference to the movie castaway. like. in that movie the protagonist is stuck on an island with nobody to talk to but a volleyball he's named wilson. so theres already precedent for kerilson being just xb going kind of stir crazy without his friends (especially keralis).
so according to xb, kerilson demands a diamond throne (which also includes concrete slabs, the first sign that something weird is going on) and then they reopen the rift. except the rift sends xb to previous hermitcraft seasons instead of empires, where kerilson is distracted by wanting to look at past keralis builds instead of helping xb find his friends. eventually xb DOES end up on empires, but its season 1, and he's completely alone.
he wanders through the server, finds the ocean, spends several days at sea, gets picked up by a flying kerilson themed boat, the scenery warps back into his base, he gets back into bed, and then is woken up by beef, who seems disturbed by the fact xb is even IN bed. bc, y'know, hermitcraft, sleep should be instant.
he concludes the whole thing was a dream, tho that doesnt explain how he's able to accurately dream of empires s1, but gem's empires lore establishes sleep based world hopping so...... put a pin in that.
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anyways two episodes later kerilson can be spotted watching xb in the background of his base, but isnt acknoweldged. xb continues to be Totally Normal about his missing friends by building a giant keralis statue, except every time he looks back at it its head is replaced with kerilsons head. so he blows it up.
several months pass with v few kerilson hints, until xb starts teasing a makeship plushie of him and kerilson. in this weirdest way possible. ie. while building his base he mentions he's started hearing noises, and a low joepacity kerilson flashes on screen with scrambled keralis dialog in the background. (side note: xb heard similarly scrambled keralis dialog when keralis was coming back through the rift. unclear if this is related.)
aaand bringing it to now, xb gets a book inviting him to a TCG match, which turns out to be against kerilson. who is apparently real and able to hold TCG matches. except during the animation of the match kerilson never moves and keralis is shown to be helping him behind the scenes, implying kerilson was just an armor stand all along-- except for, you know, the whole established dream demon aspect.
and now he's a marketable plushie! :D
so yeah TLDR: he's an armor stand who has been simultaniously implied to be a figment of xb's imagination, a regular armor stand xb thinks is alive, a regular armor stand controlled by keralis, some kind of fragment of keralis, and an independent, dream controlling being. and also keralis has little to no involvement in any of these episodes.
and as a fun side note, this isnt the first time we've seen some kind of logic defying facsimile of keralis appear in somebody elses episode. when tango went to space to try and stop the moon crashing in season 8, he ran into keralis, who stated he'd been there for months, even tho this is not true in keralis' episodes.
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both of these are also scenarios where the enviroment is implied to not be real (a dream / a simulation) and the keralis-a-like appears to help them as they try to leave the server. coincidence? absolutely. but i love to make lore out of nothing!
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oriskid · 6 months
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No words qwq
@dusty-stone - Feri's owner
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monkiebois · 1 year
So I know azure probably won't be around lil xaiohua but still I like this scenario (heavily inspired by sharks stuff ngl)
"unkie lion"
"yes little star what is it?"
"why are your boobies so big?"
"....um..t-there not boobs dear.."
"that's not what papa said"
*Looks up in mac's general detection* "really brother please don't teach her that joke too"
Macaque: i didnt teach her that
Azure: there is no one else here that would-
Feris: :3
Azure:....i dont like you
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ross-nekochan · 24 days
Mandate vibes positive per questa tornata di colloqui perché, sarò sempre sognatrice speranzosa del cazzo, però sento profumo di assunzione (anche se mi mancano i colloqui n.2 ad entrambi). 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
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pgfone · 1 month
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Domenica di maggio.
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ferydraws · 9 months
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I support women’s wrongs
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mooreaux · 6 months
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Got the Christmas game crew done for the one shot @night-market-if is running for me and our friends 💖
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