#ferocious rawr
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doomspaniels · 2 years
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bricksxbooks · 29 days
I support this product idea on LEGO Ideas, and you should, too!
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kabutoden · 5 months
Nepta bug sounds adorable and ferocious
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lycomorpha · 2 years
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Behold this ferociously adorable cup moth, Altha nivea. *tiny rawr*
May the delightful fact that this moth exists carry us safely through another Monday. May the floof be with us.
Image by John Horstman (aka itchydogimages, sinobug,) whose Flickr is an arthropod-laden joy to behold
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bionicle-ramblings · 10 days
Fairytale AU Background post 2:
Thanks again to @chancetimespace
He's a dragon(rawr, rawr, rawr), and he's 'in charge' of guarding the castle and Nokama, who's trapped inside with him.
You read that right. They're stuck in the castle and on its grounds together.
Unlike Nokama, though, Vakama was born on those grounds, never able to leave. All he's known are the however many acres of woods surround the castle, the castle itself, and Nokama.
Something you might want to know about Vakama too: He's actually a sort of half-dragon. Not dragonborn, but he's able to switch between a humanoid form and a dragon form like it's nothing. Helps him sneak around even though he can turn invisible. Nokama has pointed this out to him, but it helps him get in smaller places.
No, having two forms is not the curse. He was just born that way. If anything, it just allows him to do more, like curl under a blanket with Nokama while she's reading about cantrips.
As for what he's doing in the castle in the first place, he was born there. It's all he's known. For a while, it was just him on his own, guarding treasure no one would ever use, in a castle no one lived in, and having people or animals or even other dragons get trapped and die trying to get out. That is, until he met Nokama, who was imprisoned in the castle.
Then he had an actual reason to get up in the morning aside from, "Fine, I'll eat something so I don't die." If he and Nokama were stuck together, then they'd be TOGETHER. As they two grew, Vakama made himself swear he would protect Nokama at all costs, even with his life, if he needed to. And, for what it's worth, he keeps his promises and protects his friend by any means necessary. He's killed people, the older he's gotten. It's something that doesn't scare him anymore; he's not afraid of shadows because that's where he catches intruders that heard the tale of a princess locked in a tower and bragged about how she would, "be easy money," and "coming with, even if [they had] to tie her up and carry her over [their] shoulders."
There's also one more reason why Vakama is as ferocious as he is: Dragons have started to be hunted down, and not just for sport either. Many parts of a dragon are magical or are believed to have magical properties. It's led to Vakama seeing some pretty harrowing things, as dragons look for refuge in the castle he's in. They'd had horns carved out, their fangs and teeth pulled, tails cut off, eyes removed, claws taken, even patches of their skin had been peeled away, and, worst of all, their wings taken, having been cut off with swords or axes or even chains. Think of it like how people IRL cut off shark fins and then leave the shark to die.
There were times overly ambitious groups came to the castle to essence use Nokama as a bargaining chip and to harvest Vakama. They never managed to get anything that couldn't grow back, but the time Vakama was able to overpower them. And they never managed to realize they were trapped by the time he found them and rescued Nokama. She isn't helpless, by any means, but Vakama does essentially give her scary dog privilege, and he has longer legs.
The two have known each other for years on end and will do anything for each other. They have a relationship more akin to siblings at this point, and are basically inseparable. Vakama's handled a run-in with a fugitive before, and the fugitive walked away safely.
Let's see how a group of four that are together due to circumstance fare.
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agronian · 5 months
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RAWR!!! i like pixels too heh :3 ferocious
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telestoapologist · 1 year
Cayde: Alright. If I was an animal, what animal do you think I'd be?
Cayde, reading off the answers: "A dog. A rooster, a rooster, a-... a rooster. A rooster. You'd be a rooster, Cayde! You're a cock."
Cayde, folding his arms and huffing with disappointment: I think I'd be a wolf. I think so, too.
One of the guardians, quietly: Did he just answer himself?
Cayde, smoothing his palm over his helm and striking a pose: I would be a wolf-lion hybrid mix. (clenches his fist boldly) King of the junjle- JUNGLE- but STILL, social, and uh- and- (stutters and taps his chin in thought, then makes cat claws with a charismatic smirk) ferocious. rawr.
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butchdykenormallen · 5 months
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RAWR!* A ferocious roar echoes through the Dessert Paradise. But don't be too scared! The source of the roar is not a ferocious lion, it's the adorable Cookiemals! A mysterious being whisked away three portions of dough that were drying next to the Witch's window. Placing the dough deep within the heart of Dessert Paradise, they became adorable Cookies who bounced and pounced upon four legs! These cuties have no natural predators and believe themselves to be the strongest Cookies of the forest. Oh, silly Cookiemals. No matter how hard they slam the ground, only pebbles barely manage to roll. They leap into the sky with all their might! Only to say hello to the fluttering butterflies. The three of them always travel together and always have fun together. One day, they discovered a drawing of them in a cave! Are they part of some ancient legend?!
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tvstarkuma · 8 months
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"Grr! Rawr!" Ferocious little bear.
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totaldramamovies · 11 months
Total Drama Movies- Episode 4- A Winner for Two
*Early morning, guys’ side of 4th Thing’s cabin*
Eddy: *Mumbling in his sleep* Sigita!..
Rajiv: God dude, you’re obsessed. Go touch some grass!
Kenny: Yeah man! I got some if you want!
Wyatt: Plus, she’s going out with me. Like, boi. 😂🫱🫱 *T-pose*
Eddy: I know you’re a joke character, but you’ve stolen Sigita from me! She was supposed to me mine 🥺🤓🤓🤓🥺
Rajiv: Sigita’s just a human like us. She can’t steal her, bro.
Wyatt: *360 no-scope* Yeah!
Kenny: (To Rajiv) Man, I don’t know HOW he pulls HER.
*Girls side of cabin*
Sigita: Yeah, I know! He was so surprised!
Dominique: Really?
Sigita: Oh, for sure! I mean, it’s not gonna be very big, just a little date, but Wyatt went crazy!
Dominique: So you’re going on a date tonight with Wyatt? I know I’m usually not judgy but… HIM? Really?
Sigita: What! He’s athletic! And strategic! And everything right in my dream man😍
Dominique: I’m not so sure… Kenny has been all up in my business. I think he wants me like Eddy wants you.
Sigita: Oh, please! Eddy? That nerdy band kid? I’d rather get with that sigma Fredrick…
Dominique: Oh, I don’t know… he has his charms! You like artistic guys right? He plays trombone!
Sigita: Yeah but… Ugh. Half the time he speaks theres the nerd emoji following it, and he’s always really awkward too…
Dominique: He just doesn’t get out much. I bet you two would get right along!
Sigita: Nah, I’m sticking with my date with Wyatt tonight.
*Ferocious Monsters’ Cabin*
Jamil: Maxim brother! How does it feel knowing we have no Bailey!
Maxim: Great, the cabins are so much calmer now! What are you doing?
Jamil: Well, I have a bit of a crush for Ines. She’s a powerful adversary yet also a caring teammate. I’m thinking I’ll ask her sometime soon. And a-
*Chris blows his airhorn*
Fangxiu: Giving newgen…😒😒😒😒
Andres: What noww..
Chris: Its your next challenge!! This episode: Romance Movies!!
Cece: Ugh, we’re gonna be DATING eachother?!
Chris: Nope, don’t worry! However there’s romantic tension on 3 of the teams, so I want each team to make a romantic scene for dinner for two! Whichever team does the worst loses.
Dennis: You said that only 3 teams had romance. What about the fourth?
Chris: That team is YOU, Mighty Wizards! So instead you guys can uh… walk through a haunted house for Halloween. Why not?
Dennis: *Sighs* I guess I will never find love…
Eliza: Romantic Tension? Really? On our team?
Ines: It looks so. I wonder who…
Eliza: Who do you think is the cutest?? 🥰
Ines: Hmm… I guess I’d go with Jamil. He’s a great competitor. I never really think about romance and all that stuff though..
Grace: Oh my god😜😜 JAMIL!! INES-
Jamil: Ye what is it?
Ines: I wanted to tell you that we should work together on building a table while the others go get candles and stuff..
Jamil: Sure! I think thats smart considering we are the 2 strongest.
Maxim: (to Jamil) Now’s you’re chance!
Tamia: Ugh, this haunted house is easy. Who would even be afraid of this crap?
Pietro: B-bro.. I’m soo s-s-scareddd!!
Roman: I know right d-d-dude!!
Pauline: Of what, that fake web, or the warewolf that’s clearly Chris in disguise?
Chris: I’m not Chris.. Im.. rawr…
Boris: Dwaeji was eliminated in episode one. Nobody should be pretending to be furries now.
Eddy: You think this contest is for me to win over Sigita?
Kenny: No, dude, it’s probably for Wyatt. They got a date tonight.
Sigita: Oh, Wyatt, let’s make this date setup perfect!
Wyatt: You got it babez.. 🤣😂😂🤣😂
Rajiv: I’ll get roses!
*4th Thing makes a beautiful table and chairs overlooking the studio on a balcony, perfectly lined up with the sunset.*
Chris: And… 4th Thing is SAFE!
Cece: Ugh, please… This challenge is making me nauseous. Lovebirds, fess up and don’t you dare end up like season 2 Geoff and Bridgette! 
Leopold: It’s me and Francesca! We were going to have a date last night but we moved it to tonight after I hurt my leg. Anyway, let’s get this date up and running!
Fredrick: We knew it was you and someone. I don’t have time for any women. But don’t call me “asexual” since I’m not part of any alphabet mafia. 🍷🍷🗿🗿🗿
Taniyah: Girl, we knew about this since last episode. Plus nobody would wanna get with you 🤭
Charlotte: Francesca, let’s make your date ethereal!
Cece: (to Self) I’ve seen these couples before. If I wanna win, I just gotta get one of them off, the other one will just be weak until they get eliminated. Easy peasy! I have a plan, but sadly it involves Fredrick.
Francesca: Oh, Leo, this date will be perfect!
*Fast forward a few hours, Mighty Wizards have completed the haunted house, its between Ferocious Monsters and Fearless Warriors*
Eliza: Well, one of us should confess if we want to actually make use of this place.
Jamil: I should confess… Ines! You’ve been a wonderful companion, may you want to go on the date with me?
Ines: Oh! Uh… sure!
Eliza: (To Ines) That didn’t sound too confident…
Ines: (Back to Eliza) Well for all we know, he could just like me platonically! Plus, he could grow on me…
Jamil: Let’s finish this! Let’s not be last! Again…
Ferocious Monsters: YEAH!
*The team has built a dark wooden table, 2 chairs, and have prepared a wooden wall painted red. The table is lit with a candle*
Taniyah: This table gonna be amazing!
Cece: (To self) This should be easy.
*She “accidentally” trips into thin wall, making it crash onto the table, and it sets on fire*
Fredrick: Oh no!! Our table!! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂 It’s broken!! 🍷🍷🗿🗿
Francesca: It’s okay, Leo. We can still bring some of the set chairs by the river and dine on the pier!
Leopold: Sounds great! As long as your there!
Chris: FEARLESS WARRIORS LOSE! See you at the ceremony tonight!
Eliza: We should still finish this up. Let’s give Jamil & Ines a great date!
(A few hours later, the 2 tables are ready for Wyatt & Sigita, and Jamil & Ines)
Jamil: This is nice.
Ines: Yeah!
(Francesca goes by the dock and sets up the chairs)
Francesca: Alright, Leo had no injuries, so there should be no problem!
(As like last time, time passes by, and Leopold is nowhere to be seen)
Francesca: Ugh, what now? Does he not want to see me? Is he shy? *Francesca walks back to the cabin*
*Francesca walks up to the boys’ side, and hears talking between Leo and Fredrick*
Francesca: I don’t wanna eavesdrop but…
*Francesca listens closely*
Leopold: Yeah man, I’m glad I dodged a bullet Francesca, what an idiot woman!
*The two laugh*
Francesca: *gasps loudly* WHAT?! 
(The two hear her and open the door)
Frederick: Look, it’s that stupid woman🍷🍷🗿🗿
*Flash to her, Charlotte, and Taniyah*
Charlotte: Oh my! He just insulted like that?
Taniyah: We should vote him out tonight. Who’s with me?
The three: I!
(Elimination Ceremony. The seven up for elimination are:
Cece, the Popular Girl,
Charlotte, the Stoicist,
Fangxiu, the Flop Icon,
Francesca, the Normal Girl,
Fredrick, the Sigma,
Leopold, the Track Runner and
Taniyah, the Baddie)
Chris: Okay, the seven of you have casted your votes! If I call your name, you will be safe, and you will get a “Golden Chris Award”!
Fangxiu: SLAY 😍😍😍
Cece: Yes!
Taniyah: Yay!
Charlotte: Phew!
Fredrick: Skibidi Rizz Ohio 🍷🗿🗿
Chris: The last two unsafe: the supposed lovebirds now conflicted. The last one safe is…
Fangxiu: WAITTT 😘😘😱😱!! *Jiafei Scream* ITS NOT THEIR DOING! ITS CECE’S!!
Francesca, Leopold & Cece: What?!
Fangxiu: I’LL TELL U 🥰
*Flashback to a bit before the date*
*Cece knocks on boys’ cabin door*
Fredrick: What do you want? 🍷🗿
Cece: Hey… What’s Leopold doing, he looks busy?
Fredrick: He’s getting ready for some date. Why? 🗿
Cece: A date!? But isn’t your entire “sigma” thing about ignoring and belittling women?
Fredrick: Oh. True.. Well… Uh..- 🍷🗿🗿 You know what? I will teach him the true side of women! He seems gullible enough!
Cece: That’s good! Thanks for hating on my gender! Anyway, the reason why I was here is because Francesca was about to set up Leopold. She wasn’t really going to go! Her kindness is a façade!
Fredrick: Really? Lemme tell em. HEY LEO!
Leopold: Yeah?
Fredrick: Francesca was setting you up! She’s not really kind! Cece heard her bragging with her friends that you were being set up! Why don’t the three vote Francesca tonight?
Leopold: Wait… what..? Really?! Ugh.. You know what? I WILL vote her tonight! 
Cece: Great! See you then! *Leaves*
Fredrick: Now you know the true side of women. Men are superior 🍷🗿
Leopold: Yeah man, I’m glad I dodged a bullet Francesca, what an idiot woman!
*The two laugh*
Cece: Oh, it’s easy to manipulate them like that. Bye bye, Leo & Franny!
*Back to present*
Chris: Okay, cute, but I don’t care! Leo got four votes from Cece, Charlotte, Francesca, and Taniyah. Seeya Leo!
Francesca: WAIT!! I’m sorry Leo, I didn’t know the full story.. I can’t believe I got you eliminated!! I’m so sorry… I hope you can forgive me.
Leopold: It’s okay, maybe we can go on a date after the contest?
Francesca: You know it! Just don’t be so gullible next time!
*The two chuckle before…
Leopold: *goes flying* AAAAAAILOVEYOU!AHHHHHH!!!
Taniyah: Sorry we got him out girl..
Francesca: It’s okay, you didn’t know any better. Maybe next time I should handle my anger better. And you, Cece! Why did you do that?!
Cece: Cuz this is a game of survival, only the strongest get to move on. If you’re dependent you’ll eventually fall!
Charlotte: Good lord, dear. You know it’s bad when it sounds like something Fredrick would say.
Fredrick: I mean… She’s true.. 🍷🗿
Francesca: And Fangxiu… thank you for giving us this info, even though its too late. 
Chris: And that’s it for the most dramatic episode of Total Drama Movies yet! If you want even more drama, stay tuned because next episode…
*Everyone gasps*
Chris: Don’t miss it, it’s this Sunday! Right here, on TOTAL! DRAMA! MOVIES!
So, 4th episode down! I wanted to have viewer voting on the first episode, but I wanted to set a lot of the characters up before anything. Anyway, stay tuned for tomorrow's episode, Episode 5! Due to viewer voting however, this series will now become weekly. Make sure to like, follow, comment, and show support for the series if you want to see more! See you tomorrow!
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p-l-a-g-u-3 · 11 months
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i can let out furious rawrs now!
Here I go!
Hm, so perhaps this sweater doesn't magically turn me into a ferocious creature from the Jurassic times with fun kiddy colours...
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Soldier Boy v. Butcher | The Boys 3.08
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sarahdrewthat · 3 years
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she’s a monster sheesh
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lycomorpha · 1 year
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ABSOLUTELY LIVID moths from this morning 😡🦋 May we be as ferocious as these micro-moths when we need to get all *rawr* at the world.
The first 2 are furious grass veneers (barred grass veneers to be precise.) The last one is a vagrant piercer who is suuuper pissed off that some knobcockle put "vagrant" in its common name.
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... Rawr...
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