#fi lore
Forever Bound to the Soul of the Hero
Fi's retelling of the Breath of the Wild Memories
(Rated T: Canon typical violence)
For @linksthoughtbrambles
I have been asleep for a very long time.
The woods where I was laid to rest have flourished since their destruction in the last war. The spirits of the forest are chittering with nervous anticipation as I spark back to wakefulness. The Great Deku Tree rumbles his warm welcome, even though my awakening signals a portent of doom.
I feel the evil gathering in the land. Even in my sleep, I have sensed the aura of dark energy seeping into the earth, the trees, the wind, the shifting of stone on stone.
It is hard to tell how long it has been between cycles. Sometimes millennia will pass, sometimes only a hundred years.  But every time the evil comes, someone will be chosen to fight back.
I can feel him out there. He sees me in dreaming, and he knows a great destiny awaits him.
It will soon be time. I shall be raised skyward once more.
Ceremony of Innocence:
“ Hero of Hyrule, chosen by the sword that seals the darkness… You have shown unflinching bravery and skill in the face of darkness and adversity. And have proven yourself worthy of the blessings of the Goddess Hylia. Whether skyward bound, adrift in time, or steeped in the glowing embers of twilight… The sacred blade is forever bound to the soul of the Hero. We pray for your protection…and we hope that-- that the two of you will grow stronger together, as one…”
I am afraid.
Much has been lost in the generations since the last champion of the Goddess bore me across his shoulders. I can see remnants of the technology, lingering vestiges that have not decayed over the millennia. But so much knowledge is gone. 
There is no mystery here as to why this spirit maiden is unable to awaken her powers. The Sheikah elders from whom she must receive guidance and instruction in every generation have lost their influence over the royal family. They are only now, through their adept understanding of ancient technologies, able to regain some of their former status. But the king and these so-called priests of Hylia take no account of the Sheikah’s wisdom. Instead, they have her bathing in the sacred springs, without any of the other rites of purification. They have her speaking prayers that carry no meaning and no power. And this blessing she speaks over Link, over my new master… 
This cannot be all there is. There is so much more to do. The hero’s soul has not been tempered, not been tested. While the sacred realm has long been sealed, the Sheikah of generations passed have devised many trials to strengthen our bond. But they are dormant, so it seems that this, too, is forgotten. 
I have been reduced to some mere symbol, a figurehead in this war. 
I am very afraid.
“From here, we’ll make our way to Goron City. Then we’ll need some adjustments on that Divine Beast so Daruk can manage it as easily as possible. He’s figured out how to get it to move! However, it’s apparent that we still have much more to learn. But to think, that Divine Beast was actually built by people… That means we should be able to understand how it works and use it to our advantage. 
These Divine Beasts…so much we don’t know… But if we want to turn back the Calamity Ganon, they’re our best hope.”
My master always listens keenly to the spirit maiden Zelda, even though he lacks sufficient technical understanding to truly follow her excited monologues. She has much of Hylia’s wisdom and ingenuity. She is passionate and dedicated to her craft. In some ways, she is the most like Hylia of any of the spirit maidens I have ever encountered. I estimate that, given proper training and access to the correct tools, this spirit maiden would have a 78% likelihood of being able to forge an entity similar to myself. 
The lack of technical comprehension in this era continues to trouble me greatly. The slate the spirit maiden is holding is an invaluable tool, designed by the Sheikah to interface with my technology and assist in the transmission of information, transportation, and a myriad of other utilities that they cannot even fathom. All of these have been designed by the Sheikah to aid the fight against Ganon, and it is only being used at a fraction of its capacities. 
“Tell me the truth… How proficient are you right now, wielding that sword on your back? Legend says that an ancient voice resonates inside it. Can you hear it yet…hero?”
My master stops in his tracks. He cannot, I think forlornly to myself. I can see his thoughts, I am coming to know him little by little, but still, he cannot hear my voice. No matter how much I scream, my master only perceives me as an echo in his subconscious. 
Being the hero is not just a matter of drawing the sword – he isn’t tested. He has not passed through the goddess’ trials and forged the bond with the master sword through the goddess’ flame. His spirit may very well shatter when he confronts the agent of Demise. 
He is angry and sad and cannot tell her. He tries to listen for the sword but no one has ever taught him how, and I am too weak to reach him. 
And even now, I can feel the stirring in his heart. Every reincarnation of the Goddess draws the soul of the hero to her side. Whether friends or lovers, they cannot bear to hold hatred between them. I can feel the way his heart quickens when he has to grab hold of her. I know the thoughts he does not allow himself to think. 
He says nothing. She turns away in a huff, thinking this means he has nothing to say.
Devotion and Resentment 
My master has awoken, suddenly aware of Zelda’s absence from Tabantha stable. This is hardly the first time she has tried to evade him, but over the last few months he has become far more adept at finding her. 
There is a 75% probability that he has deducted that I am the reason he is able to trace where she has escaped, no matter how clever her trickery. He feels it not like the dowsing I used to perform, but rather as an itch behind his eyes. A compulsion that pulls him forward, towards her, demanding that he be near her. It was designed by the Goddess, that their souls should find each other. And I will always pull them together. He can no more stop following her than he can stop breathing.
After a fierce gallop across Tanagar canyon bridge and nudging his horse up to the ancient columns, he finally starts to relax. I can feel the tension leave his shoulders. 
Zelda, however, seems far from pleased. 
“I thought I made it clear that I am not in need of an escort,” she says with great indignation. “ It seems I’m the only one with a mind of my own. I, the person in question, am fine, regardless of the king’s orders. Return to the castle. And tell that to my father, please.”
She was in the process of examining one of the shrines left by the Sheikah monks, meant to temper the hero’s spirit and strengthen him for the trials ahead. These are objects of curiosity for Hylians, and for Zelda in particular, but they are meant to play a vital role. It is essential that the hero be able to access these shrines. Without completing a significant portion of the shrines, I predict a 98.2% chance that the hero’s spirit will break. 
My master takes this in stride. It is hardly the first time he’s weathered such outbursts. He steps in line, always three paces behind her. 
She whirls around. “And stop following me!”
She is so angry with him, all the time.  She does not understand that Hylia’s chosen hero will follow her to the ends of the earth and beyond. He will follow her through time, through space, through any hardship, just to see her safe and the land protected.
She does not yet know that she and the land are one. And he is now starting to realize that his duty, his destiny, is to protect them all.
A Champion’s Compassion
“Ah, well…you certainly got here fast. I should have expected as much from the princess’s own appointed knight.” The Gerudo champion looks down at the sleeping Zelda. “She was out on a survey all day today. Still as the sands now…” Turning to look at my master, her eyes sparkle in the desert night. “So…? Spill it, boy. Have the two of you been getting along all right?”
Quite the opposite, I think to myself. He must have heard the thought, because he winces. 
The champion laughs. “It’s OK… I know. Your silence speaks volumes.” She sighs, looking down at the sleeping princess on her lap . “She gets frustrated every time she looks up and sees you carrying that sword on your back. It makes her feel like a failure when it comes to her own destiny.”
And hardly fair, given how little progress this hero has made in his own right, I think sullenly. They are both so unprepared, so untested. Training drills and prayer are hardly enough to strengthen their spirits. The champions have been through much more rigorous trials to connect with their divine beasts. I am happy to say that Zelda’s confidence in them is well founded. 
“Don’t worry, it’s not like you carry blame in any of this.”   She sighs, stroking Zelda’s hair.  “It’s unfortunate. She’s put in more than enough time. Ever since she was a young girl, she’s gone through rigorous daily routines to show her dedication. She once passed out in the freezing waters trying to access this sealing power. And she has nothing to show for it… That’s the motivation driving her research. I’d be doing the same thing.”
I appreciate the Gerudo champion. She is a formidable blademaster, a dedicated champion, and a wise and supportive presence in Zelda’s life. Far more than can be said for the useless aristocrat that calls himself the king, without a drop of Hylia’s blood to his name. 
“She really is quite…special. You be sure to protect her with your life.” She looks at my master with a piercing maternal gaze. “It’s quite the honour.”
He knows this. I know he dreams of it every night. He knows he will fight and die for her. He meets Urbosa’s gaze, and I sense she knows it too. 
The champion reclines on her cushions. She has done much to make her divine beast a more comfortable abode, befitting a Gerudo chief. 
“The night brings a chill… It’s probably time we take her in. Or...” She smirks as some mischief crosses her mind, then with a snap of her fingers, the desert sky lights up with electricity.
My master stumbles at the quaking thunder and Zelda wakes up, frightened. Neither of them have ever been particularly fond of storms and lightning, even if they don’t know why. 
“Urbosa! What was that?! Did you feel that?!” Zelda gasps, before catching my master’s shadow by the doorway. 
“Wait, what--how did you-- what are you doing here?!”
He blushes furiously, and though the darkness might conceal the pinkish glow from some, Urbosa’s gaze is far too sharp to miss it. She leans back with a hearty laugh. 
“Wha-what’s so funny?”
“Ah, you, my dear.” Urbosa wipes a tear of mirth from her eye. “One day you’ll laugh about all of this.”
I hope she is right. They deserve to laugh. 
Blood on the Sand 
MASTER! I am screaming as loudly as I can. MASTER! DANGER! GO!
He feels my desperation, dropping the bundle of arrows he was examining from a merchant in the Kara Kara bazaar, and takes off sprinting towards the pull that he’s grown used to, the itch behind his eyes that’s always there. But now it is more acute, so loud he must be able to hear the ringing of the dowsing call in his ears. 
He rounds the corner and sees them. Those cursed agents of evil, seduced by the false promises of Demise, and they are chasing Zelda over the sands. They cackle, their wicked sickles glinting in the hot desert sun. There is a cold rage in my master’s heart, and he puts on another burst of speed, drawing me from my scabbard. I brace myself, ready for the battle, as the Yiga’s blade curves towards Zelda’s fallen body.
My master is quick, and ruthless. I feel myself slip through the Yiga’s neck with a cold efficiency as warm blood soaks the edge of my blade.  The body drops to the ground as he wheels around to face the other two. I can sense their fear, and I calculate only a 26% likelihood that they will attempt to continue the fight.  
Sure enough, they scatter and vanish into the desert wind. My master does not take his eyes from them until they are truly gone, only then sheathing my bloody blade and turning towards Zelda. He gives her his hand to help her upright. “Are you hurt?” he asks fearfully. I can feel his heart still pounding in his chest. 
Her eyes. She has never looked at him with any fondness before, but her eyes are brimming with gratitude and care. “ No, I’m fine, I just…” she pauses, and bursts into tears. 
I know Link is thinking nothing of propriety when he wraps his arms around her. I know she is thinking nothing of resentment when she buries her face in his shoulder and sobs, the fear and adrenaline rushing through her body. 
Maybe this is the beginning. Maybe this is how their spirits will grow. Maybe this is how evil will lose.
I am not supposed to feel emotion. It was not part of my design. Yet after spending millennia borne by Hylians and getting to know their innermost thoughts, I have inevitably adapted to many of their traits. 
To that end, I am beginning to feel… frustrated. 
“There’s one! Oh! And another! The flowers we have in Hyrule aren’t just beautiful…They’re also quite useful as ingredients for a variety of things.”
Today the spirit maiden and my master are out on a field survey. I am grateful that they are getting along better, and that her resentment seems to have given way to a nascent friendship. My frustration is not with them. It simply irks me to see the Sheikah slate being used like some ordinary pictobox. 
She gasps with excitement, and Link quickly settles down beside her. 
“This one here is called the silent princess. It’s a rare, endangered species. Despite our efforts, we can’t get them to grow domestically yet. The princess can only thrive out here in the wild. All that we can hope…is that the species will be strong enough to prosper, on its own.”
She smiles, sadly, and my master’s heart flutters. He understands her meaning as clearly as I do. Neither of them can thrive here. They know that their destinies are not waiting for them inside the castle walls. 
The prayers, the training, the wasted time, the technology that they’ve only uncovered 18% of the capabilities of… they must feel as frustrated as I do. 
The somber moment is dissipated as Zelda gasps with excitement and lunges forward.
“Is that what I think it is?! Look at this, I don’t believe it, but I actually caught one! This delicacy is known to have very, very potent effects under the proper circumstances. Tada!”  
She opens her hands to reveal… a frog. My master recoils slightly.
“Research from the castle shows ingesting one of these can actually augment certain abilities. We wouldn’t be in a controlled environment out here, but with your level of physical fitness…you’d be a perfect candidate for the study! Go on! Taste it!”
Link makes a truly disgusted face. 
“Oh come now, I’ve seen you eating Goron rock roast. Surely you’re not put off by a little bit of mucus for the sake of scientific inquiry?”
She may have a point there. This particular incarnation of the Hero’s spirit seems to have a stomach made of cast iron. 
With a resigned sigh – he truly cannot refuse her anything – he leans down towards her hands… and the frog leaps straight into his face. He startles, falling backwards on his rear as the frog scampers away. 
Zelda collapses to the ground in a fit of infectious giggles, and soon enough the pair of them are leaning on each other as their laughter echoes through the hillside.
The Question of Destiny
In truth, I do relish sword drills. It is for my benefit as well; learning how my master moves, what his grip is on the sword, the gestures he favours. My algorithms internalize and optimize every movement. As we practice together, we grow closer. Even if he cannot hear me, he knows that I am with him, helping to guide his actions and see that each strike lands true.  
Zelda watches him closely from her shelter beneath the tree.
“I doubt this will let up anytime soon… Your path seems to mirror your father’s. You’ve dedicated yourself to becoming a knight, as well. Your commitment to the training necessary to fulfill your goal is really quite admirable. I see now why you would be the chosen one.”
He stiffens slightly. His father had only died a year ago, and the wound was still fresh. But Zelda seems too lost in her own thoughts to notice.
“What if… One day…You realised that you just weren’t meant to be a fighter. Yet the only thing people ever said…was that you were born into a family of the royal guard, and so no matter what you thought, you had to become a knight. If that was the only thing that you were ever told… I wonder, then…would you have chosen a different path?”
There was no other destiny for my master. He was born to be Hylia’s chosen.
Not for the first time in my long existence, I wonder at the cruelty of the Goddess’ choice of mortal champions in this cosmic war.
Link pauses a moment before returning me to the sheath across his back. 
“This… isn’t about me, is it?”
Zelda blushes. “I… well…”
He takes her hand. I can feel both of their heartbeats quicken.
“I think…” he pauses, choosing his words carefully. “I think that no matter who I was, where I was born, whatever was expected of me…”
“I would find my way to you.”
Prayer and Dedication
It is a unique pain that my master must experience, and thus I experience alongside him. The unique pain that comes from watching someone you love torture themselves for circumstances beyond their control.
These prayers are useless. She is not praying to a Goddess. She is meant to awaken the Goddess within her own spirit. But they still cannot hear me, and nothing I could suggest to my master would have any effect. And so, I sit, sheathed and silent as my master and I ache at the desperation in Zelda’s voice. 
“I come seeking help, regarding this power that has been handed down over time. Prayer will awaken my power to seal Ganon away… Or so I’ve been told all my life. 
And yet… Grandmother heard them--the voices from the spirit realm. And Mother said her own power would develop within me. But I don’t hear, or feel anything! 
Father has told me time and time again… He always says, “Quit wasting your time playing at being a scholar!” Curse you…”
Holy water splashes against clenched fists. 
“I’ve spent every day of my life dedicated to praying! I’ve pleaded to the spirits tied to the ancient gods. And still the holy powers have proven deaf to my devotion.  Please just tell me, what is it…? What’s wrong with me?!”
Link’s composure finally cracks. I am truthfully relieved when he drops me down on the stones and splashes into the spring, wrapping a sobbing Zelda in his embrace.
“There’s nothing wrong with you. We’ll figure this out, together. I promise, Zelda, I promise…” He strokes her hair, and she weeps all the more.
I cannot weep, it is not in my design. I should not feel emotion, but despite my programming, I have begun to understand something of grief. Oh, children, what have we done to you?
They may not succeed. They may not have the strength and ability to fight off the coming Calamity. But I will fight back. The Goddess created me to protect and guide her chosen. I must do whatever I can. 
Calamity and Corruption
The final spring. The last hope they had. And just as I had predicted, nothing happened. 
The champions all do their best to conceal their dismay, offering words of encouragement to Zelda, but to little avail. The Zora champion starts to say something, but –
The ground shakes.
The sky darkens.
The Rito champion launches himself skyward to see what’s taking place, but before I even hear his horrified gasp, I know what has happened. 
My master leaps forward to support Zelda as she stumbles. He does not need to be told either. Just as with every Hero’s spirit preceding him, he has seen this moment in his dreams since he was an infant. But he is not ready, Zelda is not ready and the Calamity must know this as well. It has chosen this precise moment of despair to strike. 
The champions disperse, each of them racing back to their Divine Beasts. Without the spirit maiden’s sealing power, the only hope at holding the Calamity at bay now lies with the strength of the champions. 
Link and Zelda, now alone, race down the promenade towards Kakariko village. Bolts of purple and black tar seem to be streaking across the sky overhead, the sunset rapidly disappearing behind the dark clouds.
This is unfamiliar to me. What kind of attack is the Calamity readying? I have never witnessed this before. 
They keep running, over the Sahasra slope and towards Hyrule field. The castle is the nexus point. Link must be ready for when the champions reach the divine beasts for their attack. We must try to defeat the Calamity, with or without the Goddess’ power. There is only a 2.6% chance that we succeed, but 2.6% is not 0. 
beep    beep beep beepbeepbeepbeep
A guardian! Link and Zelda both heave a sigh of relief. The guardians have been deployed from Castle Town to protect the surrounding villages. At least that will provide some measure of safety.
Wait... Something’s wrong.
Without a moment to spare, Link tackles Zelda to the ground out of the way of the guardian’s deadly line of fire. Without a second thought, he pulls me from my scabbard, leaps forward and drives me straight into the guardian’s vulnerable eye. It sparks, fizzes, and collapses, purple smoke billowing out of its joints.
“What’s going on?” Zelda screams, as torrents of purple-black tar continue to pour from the sky onto Hyrule field and Castle town. “Why did it fire at us?”
Wasting no time, Link grabs her arm and whirls around, sprinting back the way they came and dragging Zelda behind him. 
“Link, no! We need to go to the castle!”
“Zelda, we – ”
A bolt of purple tar slams into me.
“The master sword!” Zelda cries. 
This is the Calamity’s plan! Oh, Hylia, no!
He has remembered his defeat from 10,000 years ago. He remembered the technology that was turned against him and his armies, and his hatred and malice are now corrupting every element of Sheikah technology, and everything they interface with.
Including me.
NO! I twist through the dark tendrils reaching through my circuitry. YOU WILL NOT TOUCH ME. I WAS CREATED BY THE GODDESS HYLIA, AND I WILL NOT YIELD TO YOU, FOUL AGENT OF DEMISE. 
I push back along these tendrils of malice, burning them away with the divine light of the Goddess. I reach through the telepathic link I share with the Sheikah technology, cutting and blazing through the spreading rot. The Sheikah slate, the towers, the shrines, all the creations designed to interface with the Hero’s soul, I can still connect with them! With every scrap of energy I have left, I burn away the malice creeping through their networks.
The malice fights back, the darkness spreading… but I will not yield.
Exhaustion and Despair 
The forest near the bottomless swamp is dark and twisted, the tangled roots and mud are treacherous in the shadow of the storm. It is almost dawn, they haven’t slept, they are still running.  I can feel the exhaustion creeping in, their stamina depleting. I too am exhausted - still fighting against the malice, trying to keep it at bay. I cannot help them any more than this. 
Zelda stumbles and cries out, falling to her knees on the path made slick by torrential rains. 
“How… How did it come to this?”
My master kneels beside her, desperate to move along, but reticent to force her to keep running. 
“The Divine Beasts…The Guardians… They’ve all turned against us. It was Calamity Ganon. It turned them all against us!”
She is weeping in earnest now, rivers of tears meeting the raindrops already pouring down her face.
“And everyone--Mipha, Urbosa, Revali and Daruk… They’re all trapped in those things… It’s all my fault! Our only hope for defeating Calamity Ganon is lost, all because I couldn’t harness this cursed power! Everything--everything I’ve done up until now… It was all for nothing. So I really am just a failure! All my friends, the entire kingdom, my father most of all… I tried, and I failed them all… I’ve left them all to die…
“Zelda…” he grips her tighter. “Zelda, we have to go. There may be soldiers who can protect you at Fort Hateno. We need to go.”
She nods miserably, taking his arm and standing up again. They turn to the misty shadows, and keep running.
I truly had hoped their love might be enough. 
Hylia Reborn
They are tracking us. Some corruption of their programming has locked them to our signal. Perhaps it is me they are tracking, a beacon of the Goddess’ light flickering amid the swirling chaos of malice.
Wouldn’t that be ironic. 
The guardians homing in on us are coming thick and fast. While I am able to target their weak points with a respectable accuracy, I was made to cut through Demise’s creations - beings of corrupted flesh. I was never made to fight these machines. 
Link is exhausted. Almost two days with little sleep and hardly any food, he has taken more than his fair share of blows. There are gashes across his legs and arms that are oozing blood, and three of his ribs are broken. I predict that he will lose consciousness in less than four minutes. 
But Zelda is unharmed, for now. Nothing else matters to him at this moment.
He stabs me through the eye of yet another guardian, staggering backwards and leaning on me heavily.
“Link, save yourself! Go! I’ll be fine! Don’t worry about me! Run!”
He can hardly hear her through the blood rushing in his ears, and the incessant beeping as they scan for us. I don’t know what to do! The Goddess left no instructions for this. I have never witnessed my master die. 
Another guardian has spotted us through the husks of its fellows. My master is so tired, and I have no strength to give him.
And yet Link pulls me up once more, readying himself and covering Zelda with his body, as the laser flares to life. 
This is it. 
Hylia, forgive me. I have failed you.
Zelda leaps forward, throwing herself in front of Link, hands raised in desperation. What is she -?
The world explodes with golden light.
Link winces, but does not shield his eyes. Nor would I, if I had eyes to behold this sight. The light radiates from her, guardians exploding and collapsing in its wake. 
She did it. Hylia has come into her own!
“Was… Was that…? The power?” she whispers in the sudden quiet that follows as the corrupted machines power down.
You did it, Zel. he thinks, and seeing her safe, he finally yields to the pain. 
She whirls around as he falls. “ No, no…Link! Get up!” She lifts him into her arms, hardly noticing the blood soaking into her ruined dress. “You’re going to be just fine…”
He looks up to her, eyes full of pride, of sadness, and love, and then he lets the darkness take him. 
Our telepathic link snaps. I cannot sense his thoughts anymore. He is... gone. 
Hylia help me, I did everything I could, but I could not save him. May the Goddess forgive me. 
The Goddess holds his body and weeps.
But, wait.
Against the pommel of the sword, I feel the slightest pressure.
thump thump
thump thump
thump thump
A pulse. A pulse! His heart is still beating. He might yet be saved!
With my  limited remaining computing power, I desperately run through the calculations. The medical infrastructure needed to treat these wounds is sorely lacking in this era of Hyrule, but... Yes! It is there! Reaching through the Sheikah network, I can feel it, safe from the Calamity’s corruption. I remember the monk Maz Koshia designing this shrine for just this reason. The Shrine of Resurrection. 
Above me, Zelda shifts. Slowly, she starts to relinquish him, not noticing the pulse that I can feel, still beating ever so faintly in his chest.
No. NO! She cannot let go! 
HYLIA, HEAR ME! I am screaming through broken circuits and fragmented code. I have been damaged beyond anything I was designed to withstand, I am decayed beyond measure, but she is awake! She must listen!
My strength is fading, but she cannot abandon him! Not now! 
“The sword…?” 
She has heard me! YES.
“So he can… He can still be saved?”
“I… how..?”
“Princess!” a voice echoes from across the field. The Sheikah, loyal to the last, have tracked the Goddess here. Their timing could not be better.
“Princess! Are you all right?”
She draws herself up with a strength I have never seen in her before. 
“Take Link to the Shrine of Resurrection. If you don’t get him there immediately, we are going to lose him forever! Is that clear?! So make haste and go! His life is now in your hands!”
The two men nod, immediately setting to work to stabilize him for the journey. They lift him carefully, wrapping his deepest wounds in bandages, before melting into the shadows as only Sheikah can. Zelda watches them disappear into the rain, then grips me hard, clutching me to her chest.
“You speak? I can hear you? How? How is this possible?”
With the last bit of strength I can muster, I answer. YOU ARE AWAKE. 
“The power?”
“What do I do?” she cries. “How can I seal the Calamity without Link? Without the champions?”
I am not meant for this task. I am meant to guide the hero, not the spirit maiden, but I carry enough of the Goddess’ memories to know what must be done while she waits for the hero to return.
She looks startled, but she does what I say. Sitting in the mud amid the husks of the defeated guardians, she takes a deep, shuddering breath. Her ancestors gather around, and I hear the whispers of Hylia’s past incarnations floating past me, just on the edge of hearing. She glows with a faint golden light in the falling rain. After a few minutes, she opens her eyes.
“Yes.” She says. “Even if he cannot yet be defeated. I can hold the Calamity at bay. I… I have done it before.”
She nods. “And what of you? I cannot bring you with me, but I cannot leave you here.”
I am barely capable of speaking anymore. The decay of the malice has been stopped by her light, but I am already close to shattering. 
“Of course, what must I do?”
Laid to Rest
With the spirit of the Goddess awakened within her, Zelda can now see the korok spirits guiding her, from the field of battle all the way through the Lost Woods. Now she stands at the roots of the Great Deku Tree. At last, I can rest. In Hylia’s light, my master and I shall both become whole again.
“Your master will come for you. Until then, you shall rest safely here. Although the Slumber of Restoration will most certainly deprive him of his memories, please trust me when I say that I know he will arrive before you yet again.”
She places me carefully back in the pedestal at the Great Deku Tree’s roots. I feel myself slipping into my deep sleep once again. 
As my consciousness fades, I hear the Deku Tree ask “If I may be so bold…what is it that you are planning to do next, Princess?”
Zelda looks resolute. “The Master Sword… I heard it speak to me. It seems that my role is unfinished. There is still something I must do.”
“I sense there is great strength in your dedication.”
She has greater strength than ever. She is not alone anymore. The spirits of her ancestors are guiding her now, all the way back to the first Zelda who sealed Demise for a thousand years, waiting for her hero to return. 
“Great Deku Tree, I ask of you, when he returns, can you please relay this message… Tell him I—"
He interrupts her. “ Now, then… Words intended for him would sound much better in the tones of your voice, don’t you think?”
She smiles up at him, nods in understanding.
As my consciousness finally slips away, I think to myself, dearest Zelda. He already knows. He loves you too.
Awakening II
He is awake, and so am I. 
The spirits of the forest are chittering with excitement. Even as I rest here, I can hear the Great Deku Tree stirring with anticipation. We all felt the call of the spirit maiden locked away in Hyrule Castle, calling him once again to her side. I have felt her longing for him these hundred years. 
This time, he will grow strong in spirit. This time, we shall fight together. 
This time, the Calamity will fall.
Thanks so much for reading! You can also find this fic on AO3
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fnafluffy · 8 months
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" what do you see michael? do you feel fear? "
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pemprika · 3 months
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oc 💗💫🔫 paradise beyond
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shinobicyrus · 7 months
So I have been getting back into BattleTech, recently. Having only ever played a few of the video games, I've been diving deeper into the lore and have just discovered something amazing that many in the modern fandom seem desperate to ignore.
BattleMechs essentially amount to heavily armed nuclear fusion reactors on legs. The more rigorous activity you put a these giant war machines through, the hotter it'll run. This means that, if you are the squishy and vulnerable human who is piloting said 'Mech, you are going to be subjected to very, very high temperatures.
The original, canonical solution to this problem? BattleTech being an IP that dates back to the 80s, your average 'Mech pilot uniform consisted of the helmet that makes the giant robot go vroom, a vest filled with coolant, your skivvies, and not much else.
Examples of this include:
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Yes, it's like something out of that Sean Connery sci-fi movie where he wears a weird leather-strap sci-fi thong ensemble. Old school 'Mech pilots literally be rocking in as little clothing as possible for "heat management." I love 80s sci-fi.
Unsurprisingly, contemporary BattleTech lore has explained that in the past there were nice, non-kinky cooling suits 'Mech pilots could wear so they wouldn't cook to death in their cockpits. These suits were considered "lost technology" for a while until they were conveniently rediscovered and began to be implemented again.
Thus, the modern games and fandom have a nice lore explanation for why MechWarriors no longer wear speedos into battle, with some making a point to never mention that such things ever existed at all.
I call those people cowards.
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‘born in the wrong generation’ but I mean I’d have been so fucking good at writing edgy, lore breaking doctor who missing adventures books in the 90s
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z-mizcellaneous-z · 1 year
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I need fanfic of this now, damn
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evangelina-loz · 5 months
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I still don't share the opinion of people who consider Fi annoying. Like, yes, it pops up on the screen every five seconds, I get it.
But it's so logical from the point of view of the plot.
Of course, we, the players, understand how to solve this or that puzzle or defeat this or that monster, but here we miss a very important detail.
Link's character doesn't know anything we know.
This guy had just descended from sky to earth, left his small peaceful island, where the only "dangerous" place was a small cave, and found himself in a huge, unknown world.
Of course, Fi will always fly out with his tips and hints, because it's like teaching a baby to walk —you watch it’s every step and are afraid about whether it will fall.
If I were in Link's place, I wouldn't even give Fi the chance to return to the sword for at least five minutes.
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kennyswurvegurl · 1 year
Chai has officially been declared Open Season for backstory headcanons
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lillified · 3 months
do the characters, both autobots and decepticons, know primus is essentially their planet or do they view it as a myth? do they see primus as a god or worship him?
hey! that’s a very good question, which leads into the topic of:
There are several different accounts of the exact details of Cybertronian history, and that is down to several factors: decades of major conflict, information control, the hostile reign of the Quintessons, attempted eradication of language, and many other individual issues to boot. One idea especially in contention is creation.
The account which has dominated discussion for the majority of modern history is one of a divine creator, Primus. The thirteen original Primes, considered to be the first Cybertronians, recall an immense being, Primus, being the source of all life. Many accounts (including Alpha Trion himself) take this literally, depicting Primus as a sort of deity. In this version of events, all elements of Cybertronian history, including the Primes themselves, take on a very mystical quality.
Though the religious angle is the popular one, a different version of the narrative gained interest into the later stages of the Zeta era, especially in scientific circles. Cybertron is not actually a “planet” in the scientific sense of the term—in reality, it is a mass of rock, metal, and space debris encasing a massive “superorganism,” a planet-sized living thing on which the Cybertronians are comparatively microscopic. It is from this organism that all Energon is extracted, and, as far as science is aware, this organism is the only naturally occurring source of it that exists. Its death would inevitably mean the death of all Cybertronian life, in time.
Nobody is in debate about the existence of this organism: what makes it controversial is the speculation surrounding it. Recently, a wave of scientific questioning has posited an evolutionary link between this organism and all life on Cybertron, suggesting that, in one way or another, the superorganism is the last recorded ancestor. The theory suggests that Titans, a class of life on Cybertron, are the closest relatives of the Cybertronians, establishing a direct link to the planet’s modern inhabitants.
Albeit plausible, this theory is extremely controversial in religious circles. Many modern fields of science have named the planetary being the “Primus superorganism,” which, in the minds of many, is sacrilegious. Titans being related to modern Cybertronians would undermine many of the proposed ideas of divine destiny and significance spread throughout history. The Titans themselves are “monstrous” in appearance and behavior, and the idea of Cybertron’s forefather being something so unrecognizable is an existential prospect. In the modern day, these opposing clades of belief, called “divine truthers” and “Titan originalists” clash mercilessly.
While a breadth of modern knowledge supports the latter conclusion, it does beg the question: if this is true, why do so many, including original Primes themselves, dispute the idea? The answer may also lie in history. Alpha Trion fought on the side of Prima in the First War, a devastating conflict which split the original Primes and their people down the middle. Following the defeat of Megatronus and their allies, it was in Prima’s favor to control all accounts of history, writing them to be in his favor as the destined winner of this conflict. Even following his death, and, eventually, the reign of the Quintessons, this reasoning stuck around, finding new life as a way to hold up pre-Quintesson era Cybertron as a wonderful, utopian society. Alpha Trion was not a stranger to omitting and adjusting his accounts of history to make his place in it less controversial. Still, though, there is a very real chance we will never know whether he believes what he says.
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sapphicseasapphire · 2 months
Does Warriors know Fi? And, more importantly, does he know Ghirahim? Not just know of them, but had a conversation with them, interacted with them for extended periods of time?
This is a great question, thanks for asking!
During the events of Hyrule Warriors, Wars is very dependent on his Zelda as his Master. He does not go anywhere without her, he does not speak unless he’s answering a question or giving a warning, and he ONLY follows orders. He is pretty much the same as Fi was in Skyward Sword.
Fi, during the events of Hyrule Warriors, is the same way. Since there isn’t really a Link for her to serve (Wars has the Hero’s Spirit but no free will), she takes up Zelda as her Master as well. She is, after all, the descendant of her creator- Hylia’s blood pulses in her veins.
Wars knew Fi. They served the same Master and they fought on the same side of the War of Eras. He was around her pretty much constantly. Although… they rarely had the opportunity to speak. Neither of them, at that point in their lives, could function without orders. Unless Zelda were to physically tell them both to converse, they wouldn’t. And even if she did… what did they have to talk about? Whatever Zelda told them to.
(Usually battle strategies)
Still, Wars couldn’t help but wonder about Fi. Endlessly curious, though he never disobeyed orders. It wasn’t until he meets Sky (much later on) that his curiosity is sated, and he holds a quiet sword in his hands. Gone. The pain in Sky’s eyes in echoed in his own, reverberating through his metallic form. He never had the strength to know her- and now he never will.
Ghirahim??? Wars never interacted with except for in battle. Wielded by Zelda, he fought the Demon Lord more than once. He viewed the opposing Sword Spirit as he did anything else- data to analyze, patterns to predict. He never had any opinions on Ghirahim- didn’t have any opinions on anything. It’s strange, though, Wars found himself thinking during their last battle. Ghirahim was unpredictable. Wars’ analyses always came up short, never able to pin him down. Ghirahim… was unlike any Sword Spirit that Wars had ever known.
Again, it’s only when he meets Sky that he truly understands Ghirahim. How Sky flinches if he teleports nearby. How Sky’s eyes harden as he studies the diamond inlaid in Wars’ chest. Sometimes, the Skyloftian will tell him stories of the Demon Lord when he tells him about Fi. It’s rare, a quiet moment between just the two of them, and Wars finally understands.
The uneasiness in his chest when he faced Ghirahim was not a flaw in his design. It was human. And as he and Sky exchange horror stories, something inside of Wars cracks.
He… feels. Wholly and unapologetically.
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pan-perkozeq · 24 days
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[Superstructure Engineering]
Yeah that'll be a part of this AU's lore. Ancients having their specialized people to design superstructures
Why's this so important?
While the mass production of those machines became common in Rain World timeline at some point, each engineer squad came to creating their own creation differently by implementing various behaviors and functions to each iterator
Thus their role in this AU is special - they're basically like "my parents" thing xd
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catboymoments · 9 months
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I’ve been really thinking about my Lupus Automata ocs lately and how much fun I’ve had with them in the past and going forward- I’ve had a few pointers given to me on certain designs and narratives and I just love these ocs so goddamn much it’s UNREAL. I LOVE SCI-FI.
so pretty much now the mech is controlled by one person controlling each limb, but the robot itself is connected to the pilot’s brains via a neuroplug- it uses biotechnology to integrate the machine with the organic pilots, creating a seamless fighting machine, but it has to be separated into five people to evenly distribute the power of the mech. With the robot they can successfully destroy and contain the Biocolossal Anomalies, also known as Virals, and stop them from getting big enough to consume entire planets and solar systems….
(Also I find it so funny that I designed Kay El way before Hunter owl house was ever conceptualized to the public but he has so many similarities to him LOL)
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onesunofagun · 6 months
I will now yell about Fi and Ghirahim as symbols of their respective creators, please stand by:
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So, the biggest slap addition the lore that Skyward Sword gave us was (Her Grace) Hylia and (the Bringer of) Demise. Entities who, regardless of confusing localisation choices, exist as two sides of the same coin and are locked into a mutual karmic cycle.
They reflect each other like a mirror, and also represent an antithesis of each other, seemingly existing as consequence to one other. They were presented as the penultimate deities of the physical and metaphysical realms of their world since the advent of its creation by the departed Golden Goddesses; twinned yet opposite, and each both inevitable and necessary.
Shadow; Light. Chaos; Order. Indulgence; Restraint. Upheaval; Stability. Primordial; Designed. Spite; Grace. Hidden; Seen.
Ghirahim; Fi.
It goes right down to the blades that Demise and Hylia would level at one another. The spirits of each are a representative of the principles and philosophy championed by their creators.
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Now, the closer you get to the works and relics of the Gods/Gods Tribe in Zelda, the more you see divine constructs that blur the line of spiritual magic and advanced technology, and are ostensibly both. This was a direction that really bloomed in Skyward Sword, taking a running start on it that games hereafter have followed. The caveat is that only certain special people chosen by Gods or otherwise given permission to use this kind of Magitech can interact with it or produce things like it (either at all, or without punishment).
Even the Sheikah, who have closely served the intentions of the Gods/Spirits of Light (Hylia and her aligned) all throughout history, make the mistake of getting too comfortable in their inspiration and cross the line into imitations. Despite the successful utilisation of, and later recovery of, certain Sheikah Tech such as the Divine Beasts to positive effect, the tragedy of both the Sheikah's Divide and the Calamity's hijacking of Hyrulean defence systems is still played as a cautionary tale of hubris and knowing one's place in the natural order of things.
The Sheikah were effectively making unauthorised knockoffs of Divine Magitech and it bit them on the arse.
Can't have shit in Hyrule.
Pretty much every significantly advanced tribe in Zelda has a stated closeness to 'the Gods'. Either by being adjacent to or descended from deities and spirits collectively known as the Gods (specifically the Gods Tribe in JP), they are still distinctly subordinate to and separated from entities such as Hylia and the three Golden Goddesses.
Confirmed to be included in this special grouping are the Zonai and the Oocca, for instance. Speculatively, the Wind Tribe are an example of people who ascended (with permission or worthiness) from the surface-- they are an arguably Gerudo adjacent tribe who may even be precursors to the Zonai or related to the Twili.
The Picori, at the very least those in their native realm, also certainly count as part of this grouping. Though it could be argued whether those descent Minish living on the surface still do.
The Sheikah, it should be noted, have never gained entry to this Gods club. Despite their proximity in worship and service to Hylia, historically, they've also done some pretty shady things-- like the Shadow Temple and the general murder and espionage stuff -- that may have otherwise excluded them from ascending like the Wind Tribe did. They walk a grey line, and they have a duty in the eyes of the Powers That Be that apparently prefer they stay put.
Not Turtle-y enough for the Turtle Club.
Another example of this Icarus flying too close to the Sun type cautionary tale, and a far more egregious offender in the eyes of the Gods Tribe, are the 'Interlopers' who would eventually become the Twili. They were a tribe of people that, while squabbling with others, tried to take dominion of Hyrule (referred to itself as the Sacred Realm/Holy Land in TP) with powerful magic that more or less gave them a winning advantage. Specifically, the Crystal Stone of Shadow (the Fused Shadow) which greatly amplified their magical power.
Banished by the Spirits of the Light whole cloth into an underworld (lit. A Realm of the Dead) that we also know as the Twilight Realm, they have been shunned from the land they tried to conquer and transformed by shadow so much, they're now allergic to the light (without sufficient mystical power to bolster themselves).
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Basically, the intended message is this: any earthly people who have advanced themselves without approval by the Gods Tribe-- especially by using Divine Constructs as inspiration or means-- have therefore disrupted the order of things, and stacked the deck too much in their own favour. Even if the intent was primarily a fixation on preserving Hylia's bloodline, and by extension her sacred land, it is still possible to elevate oneself above your contemporaries (especially the capacities of the Royal Family line in Hyrule) in such a way that you impose too much independent influence upon the the natural world.
No longer following 'the way of the Gods' (the Gods Tribe law) or respecting the order of things (ala Shintoist inspiration), you are labelled a disruption to harmony and peace, and therefore seen as corrupted and pollutive, and generally negative in your impact. You will then be chased off, at the very least, unless you renege-- for fear that you will bring in demonic influences or be used by them. This has canonically happened to both the Gerudo and the Sheikah, now.
But you know who Magic Constructs on par with the Gods Tribe, except it's more eldritch and organic-looking and primordial in form? It's the other club, the one that the disenfranchised Sheikah went and banged on the door of, hoping to be let in if they started wearing cool red and black outfits and changed their name and stopped worshipping Hylia.
Yeah. It's the Demon Tribe-- who are pretty much just the inverse reflection of the Gods Tribe and its set up. Their Magitech equivalents, and what they can do, only serve to further cement this.
Specifically, if you could suggest that the Gods Tribe's main objective is maintaining a status quo of shared prosperity that provides an ordered and peaceful existence through conformity and tradition, the Demon tribe is an ever churning well of opportunity where winner takes all. It is a hierarchy built on brutal meritocracy, honed by constant challenges and hard won continuation-- survival and status fought for and maintained by individualistic influence and innovation.
Many various little bastards exist in the Demon Tribe. Bosses in charge of sub-tribes of monsters are commonly seen, but they have their minor Deities ad Spirits, too. The head honchos are called Demon Kings (plural, because it doesn't describe a single position, but rather just very powerful Demons who have clout). Demise is both a Demon King, namely the most powerful one, and also the 'Chief' of the Demon Tribe; just as, in this case, Hylia could be considered the 'Chief' of the Gods Tribe. So, Demon God-King, really.
While Demise is incapacitated by Hylia's seal, his role as the Chief of the Demon Tribe is actually the position that Ghirahim fills in for as his (literal) right hand man-- the very extension of his arm, as his blade.
Both the Master Sword (Fi) and Ghirahim himself are, perhaps, some of the most advanced forms of this sort of Magitech we've actually ever seen.
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Ghirahim goes above and beyond in his role, even going so far as to cultivate his full persona as a Demon in his own right in order to maintain his authority as the effective Regent while the big boy is incapacitated. He disguises his true form and nature, and with a surprising level of autonomy and self-transformation for what he is, sets about attending his duties with great devotion.
He seems to have an incredibly intuitive and flexible mode of operation. His sentience is full of creativity, emotionality, and genuine potential that he has the capacity to explore and shape with great freedom, for the construct that he is.
He is flamboyant and attention grabbing, highly expressive. He entertains great personal indulgence, even going so far as to toy with Link in a manner that borders on vicious training for a while. Though in part due to his undeniable sadism, Ghirahim almost can't help himself but to continue to test and push against the potential as a swordsman that the Hero has, inadvertently cultivating its growth.
This depth of identity and adaption he's capable of was either an intentional part of his design, or specifically not prevented by it-- both of which stand to represent something of Demise and Demonkind. The lengths to which Ghirahim is allowed to wield himself when not in his creator's hand is remarkable and, though he is shown to be unable to override actual commands from his master, it stands in an interesting contrast to Fi.
Where Ghirahim is able to radically redefine his own presentation and function to best suit his Master's needs in a way that mimics the organic, Fi's evolution is far more linear and streamlined, never really deviating from systematic updates. Though the sword itself is subject to physical restorations, Fi's personal appearance is unchanged and reflective of her true shape, indicating that her tempering in the Sacred Flames is either a slow return to previous form or a pre-programmed and permanent upgrade set into motion by Hylia. It is also an evolution that is entirely dependant upon the actions of others, largely lacking the individual agency and flexibility that Ghirahim possesses.
Not to suggest that Fi is any less devoted to her purpose, however.
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She is, quite unlike Ghirahim's aspect of individual advancement, wholly geared toward a model of mutual enhancement with a partner. She is built with a singular and clear objective in mind, perfectly designed to suit the needs of the one wielding her as a supplement to their ability, rather than an autonomous servant. She defers entirely to her Master's decisions at all times, though does make informed suggestions, and does not appear to be able to relocate the physical sword on her own. Many of her abilities are things that must be directly requested of her.
Even when she is given to performance, such as her singing or her ballet, these are seemingly dispassionate affairs that are precisely executed, preprogramed displays for Link's benefit. Absolutely nothing, not even particular inflections of emotionality, must risk the distortion of her relayed messages and guidance to Link-- these displays may also be something analogous to morale boosting rewards or a really weird form of reverence to the musically inclined Hylia. Either way, Fi is highly logical and presents herself foremost as an instrument and a tool. She does not indulge in a persona or otherwise engage in anything not directly tied to her assigned mission-- she does not get distracted or indulge personal whims as Ghirahim does. But critically, a large part of her design is geared towards an awareness of her surroundings. Fi has a visible consciousness for the living things around her at all times, contrasting to Ghirahim's seeming negligence of them and open disdain.
Fi's orderly efficiency and lack of cultivated personality to detract from her purpose make the fact of her construction obvious. Unlike Ghirahim, her true nature and her task is almost painfully undisguised. She exists in a simple sincerity, almost austere, seemingly unwilling or unable to seek function beyond her designation without being updated by another. However, her concentrated application seems to achieve concentrated results, strengthening both herself and her wielder in a near impenetrable mutual reinforcement.
It is perhaps of no coincidence that, despite Fi's seeming inflexibility and clinical pragmatism, she also expresses something of a fondness for Link at the end-- in many ways, mirroring her Divine creator. She does this very robotically, by correlating her collected data time spent together and their completed task with what she's observed of human happiness.
Skyward Sword seems to argue that Ghirahim's main flaw is spreading himself too thin, or trying to be so many other things, that he falls short as a sword in the end. It suggests that his sin, like others in the franchise, is getting too big for his boots scabbard and letting his pride become his downfall. His individualism gets presented with a great cost, as he has only enhanced himself in ways that seemingly do not apply when he returns to his primary function as a sword. The emotionality he has, such as the frustration and cockiness and bloodlust he indulges, are also shown to lower his successes-- reducing the sense of his efficiency and precision beside the ever level, measured Fi.
When he returns to Demise's hand, Ghirahim is already weakened and spent. Despite all he's done for his Master's revival, Demise is left to fight with a paling version of the blade that once fatally wounded Hylia-- not unlike a Master Sword in need of restoration to its full power.
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There's a legend regarding Gorō Nyūdō Masamune, widely regarded as the greatest swordsmith in Japanese history, and Sengo Muramasa, who is famously known for creating unique and terrifically sharp blades that are considered cursed.
It starts when Muramasa challenges Masamune to see who can make a finer sword. When the work is done, they go down to a river, and place the blades in the water with the cutting edge towards the current.
Muramasa's sword, which he named Ten Thousand Winter Nights, cuts everything that floats its way-- leaves, fish, even the wind that happened across it. It is so sharp that nothing escapes unscathed.
Masamune's sword, named Tender Hands, is placed in the river and cuts the leaves that go by so seamlessly, they reform on the other side. Fish swim up to it and seem to be repelled by its aura, avoiding death. The wind kisses the blade gently with a pleasant whistle.
Muramasa isn't impressed by this. He thinks the blade is useless, barely cutting anything at all, and starts to remark on the lack of skill. Masamune smiles at the criticism, but merely compliments that Muramasa's sword is indeed quite sharp.
A monk who had watched all this from nearby approaches at that point, bows, and interjects with his own observations.
Though he too observes that Muramasa's sword is technically very finely made, he notes that it's a bloodthirsty, wicked blade. It cuts anything in its path indiscriminately, he says, and would just as soon cut a butterfly in half as remove somebody's head.
Masamune's sword, however, was the clear winner in the monk's opinion-- a gentle blade that did not needlessly cut that which was innocent or undeserving, tempered by grace. It is a benevolent sword, and so far finer made.
In popular culture, Muramasa's blades have held onto their violent reputation. There's a superstition that they can compel their wielder to murder. It has even been said that, once drawn, they can't be sheathed again until their thirst for blood is sated-- even if it has to drink from its own wielder.
They also had a weirdly consistent habit of maiming or killing members of the Tokugawa Shogunate, and so became an anti-Tokugawa symbol synonymous with the rebellion. So that's fun.
But Masamune was considered to be a very calm man, who was controlled and reserved and quite spiritual. Muramasa, though, was depicted as an aggressive man, who was a bit wild and kinda unpredictable. As far as the folk stories go, Muramasa is depicted as having been quite envious of Masamune. Unlike Masamune, who approached his craft as the art of achieving clean death, they say Muramasa needed to transfer his unhinged energy into his blades to keep from being overwhelmed by it himself.
Because their natures bled into the swords they created, it was believed that Masamune and Muramasa imbued them with purifying and demonic power, respectively.
Just as with Demise and Hylia and the swords that they created-- as inspired by such a legend-- the spirits inside of them represent their natures, as well.
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tsukikonikushimi · 9 months
Omatikaya Food
(As always from the Visual Dictionary)
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styllwaters · 1 year
Guess what I maaade ;D
Sea Crawler Meiker is out!! Been working on this on and off for a few weeks and it's finally finished! Tried out a chibi style for the lines and I thought it turned out pretty cute :^
There's a bunch of colours, markings and accessories to choose from! (And different backgrounds too). Currently only for ocean-dwellers, but I might add a shore-dweller option someday. If you'd like a reference for the different OD ethnicities, here they are below on a pink base.
From left to right: Zunphua, Daihrut, Cevrunax, I'saimon, Xeld, Izvoi, Hvr and Zev'r.
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onethousxndvoices · 5 months
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whoaaaaaa omg they added a new hi fi rush character haha when did that get there (real) (not clickbait)
uhhh hi i finished hfr the other day and absolutely freakin loved it. chai stole my heart the minute he was introduced i couldn't NOT do some oc x canon shenanigans :] this is mocha she works for vandelay HR and pretends she doesnt hate it but shes probably exploding the nearest person with her mind always. i dont have much else for her (for now) but she comes in post-canon when chai's already working as the project armstrong ambassador
(close ups under the cut!)
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