#fiber arts and all that jazz
quiltcas · 1 year
I wish people really understood how much effort, time, and money is takes to knit something.
Even if it's small!
Like yeah no sorry dude I'm not going to make 30 pumpkins for you for free. I'm honored you think I have enough time and generosity for that.
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alizalayne · 6 months
Whats the ventilation and heat like in the suit head? I can't tell if it would be warmer or more cool to wear in compaison to a faux fur fursuit head. The only thing I worry abt is how durable needlefelting is and if it can be cleaned like a traditional fursuit head. That being said I really hope you continue making these, they're cool as hell 👍🔥👍
Okay first of all I'm super jazzed to be able to talk about this with people, and I kind of went overboard answering this, but thanks for asking! Putting this up in case anyone else is curious.
The main answers to your questions are 1: wool is cooler than acrylic fur and less stinky
2: A fursuit head is a swamp and i am snorkling in it.
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I mentioned this in my behind the scenes post and there are pictures there but I literally just made a snorkel out of a snorkel mouthpiece and two collapsible automotive funnels, the kind that you can bend into a shape so that you can get goo into a weird part of your car.
that snorkel piece goes straight out of a vent hole in the inside of the ear and I felted a pink skin flap in front of it and then felted white fiber into that so it just looked like a tuft. it worked perfectly, it's just that I couldn't talk in it that well. But I'm definitely going to keep using it if I can't think of a better mouthpiece for it because as SOON as I breathed inside the head instead of through the snorkel I was like oh my god everyone is living in hell.
You can see it in this picture a little bit. nobody noticed it at all!
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My friend had made a much more traditional head with a bigass electric fan in it and he was having more heat issues than I was, because I cannot stress enough that acrylic fur is like, one of the most horrifically hot fabrics you can wear. I don't know how everybody is even alive!! and there's a layer of ACRYLIC BACKING on it! Also check out how "short-pile" my fur is, most of the head is only an inch thick, it's a half-inch bucket head made out of foam covered in maybe 1/3 of an inch of wool? the less space you have between the fibers the less heat gets trapped. I was shocked by how comfortable I was, and I was having migraine symptoms that day and was extra sensitive to heat. The con where we were had the air turned down and it was chilly outside, but I was shocked when I took the head off and shook my hair out and I wasn't even sweating. I had long hair in a wig cap under that thing and I wasn't sweating. It was crazy.
As for cleaning the wool, I cannot find anyone else who has done this who has cleaning tips for me, but the foam is what I'm worried about. After a few hours of wear there's nothing wrong with the wool at all, but i can TELL the foam is ever so slightly nasty, because the foam is polyurethane and wool is what you make hiking socks out of. I have some wool cleaner coming in the mail that's made for delicate needlefelted items like scarves and deposits lanolin, which is what keeps wool "alive" kind of like how you have to care for leather. It's definitely an experiment! Nothing ventured nothing gained!
I don't have an idea in mind for a second head right now and the next thing I want to make is a cowl so I can wear lower-cut tops with this head, but I might try something else if I think of an idea! I'm probably never gonna sell these because I'm weird about selling sculptures for whatever reason. They're like my living beasts.
But I definitely hope this encourages other people who might be interested in bringing needlefelt or other fiber art sensibilities to this space, that would be a massive complement and a high honor to give people a new way to enjoy a hobby that I know means a ton to a lot of people.
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lookninjas · 5 months
Had a hard time stopping myself from overthinking this one, but I think we're finally there:
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Pick a song from a bad description! You do not have to recognize any of the songs to vote. Just go by vibes. Pick whichever seems funniest to you. Or most relatable. Or whatever floats your yacht. At the end of the week, I will put all the songs in order from the song with the least amount of votes to the song with the most amount of votes, and share the playlist with you.
If you would like to hear the playlist when I'm done, leave a comment or put it in the tags of your reblog (or just write it in the reblog, whatever) and I will tag you when it's finished. If you're too curious and you just have to know about a song, send me an ask and I will answer.
Also, please reblog! The more votes I get, the less ties I get. (Usually. Last time we had three ties. Maybe all the descriptions were just that good, IDK.) But reblog it anyway. Inflict my weird music taste on your friends, followers, and mutuals. It'll be a good time.
Oh, and for those unfamiliar, let Get Smart! teach you how to frug.
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chargoeson · 11 months
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My First Writeblr- An Introduction
I’ve used tumblr on and off for over ten years but wanted a blank slate now in time for NaNoWriMo 2023 and all the future writing projects I’m devoting myself to. Also highly inspired by all the cool writing blogs I’ve discovered so far since restarting this account <3
About Me:
My name is Char or Charlotte (she/her), I’m 24 and live in the Pacific Northwest in the US
I write literary fiction now, but have kept up various personal essay projects and poetry over the years primarily through my private newsletter!
I have a Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Lit with a soft spot for the Gothic and Romantic eras.
Nothing published yet, but since I am finally out of school I am entering a new phase of creative freedom that feels very encouraging.
Fun extras: I’m a virgo sun, pisces moon (yes, it does hurt), my cat’s name is Brad, I am also a fiber artist, musician, home renovator, perfume enthusiast, and chronic illness advocate.
My WIPs:
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Project Amgydala (tentative title: Ballad of a Blue Whale) Novella- Literary Fiction/Surrealism Status- Draft 1 complete at around 33,000 words 2024 Goal- First revision/draft 2 Synopsis- Maren Hara, a recent graduate, moves back in with her father and turns completely inward. She removes herself from the life she created throughout university and begins walking from sunset to sunrise, looking for something she cannot put her finger on. This leads her to Devereaux's Salvation, a jazz bar seemingly from another era, whose eager manager and illusive owner begin to crack through Maren's walls and bring her back into humanity.
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Project Corvidae (tentative title: I Want to Build a Home with You) Undetermined- Literary Fiction/Light Mystery/Horror Status- Plotting and beginning first draft 2024 Goal- Complete outlines and give draft 1 my best shot Synopsis- In the wake of the death of her family matriarch, portrait painter and former performance art prodigy Leonie Richards finds herself on the receiving end of her grandmothers vast literary legacy and her eclectic, spirit filled home. Alongside her uncle, the art store clerk, and a host of portrait clients she begins to unlock the secrets of the final years of her grandmother's life.
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Mind Over Matter- this is actually backstory for Leonie from Project Corvidae and seeks to shed light on her past performance art pieces and the relationship between her and her grandmother. Light body horror, unsettling women, the works. One of These Nights- a slice of life, Murakami-inspired piece of an American expat living in Tokyo trying to ground herself within a new language. Digs into themes of friendship and social anxiety. Lots of fun music cameos. a green pea moon- my FAVORITE. My little baby. A surrealist romp through the dream world and how it relates to the joy and fear of being queer and letting yourself be loved. Near and dear to my heart.
taglist: @annlillyjose @coffeeandcalligraphy @subtlefires @belovedviolence @onomatopiya
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jmtorres · 2 months
I thought as a fannish tumblr I could stumble along without a *jazz hands* policy but I guess I gotta pin a post.
I am on Tumblr for fun.
If you send an ask for money I will block and report spam.
Below the cut: stuff I reblog, sideblogs, stuff I try to avoid, block policies, queue, do not ask me for money, and as a palate cleanser to thank you for reading, a nice picture of my cat.
I like to reblog:
pictures of animals and flowers
fannish stuff about shows, books and podcasts I'm enjoying (I like a lot of shit and I'm a fannish butterfly and/or magpie, it's not useful for me to post a fandom list, it expands often) (this includes thinking about characters banging, if you are an "anti" you will probably not enjoy my blog)
sometimes chronic health stuff, that's less fun but the spoonie community sometimes offers advice i find useful or just, relatable weariness
neurodivergent stuff too
food and recipes
art (no AI. if you see me reblog AI-generated content feel free to let me know) (by the way I HATE being suspicious of artists and trying to figure out if something is genuinely creative or machine-mixed.)
architecture and interior decor
hot people, often wearing fashion
if it makes me laugh. memes and shit.
language/linguistics stuff
filmmaking stuff
knitting and other fibercrafts
general nerdery
queer stuff (history, queer rep, talking about the queer experience, hot queer people flaunting it)
jewish stuff (usually cultural, some midrash, I try not to post about current events see below)
scifi & fantasy writing/what-ifs/meta
polls I miss LJ clicky-boxes but i vote in all kinds of polls it activates something in my brain
like literally whatever interests me, this is a personal blog, not themed*
* i have a couple of themed blogs, which I very occasionally update:
@teachdeathtodye, about both fiber and hair dyeing
@wheresmygoddamnlunarbase, about surprising or exciting scientific and technological advancements.
any other blogs that are not defunct? apparently as of 2023 I still post to @hewasonfogmachine, which was essentially a moodboard for an epic plotbunny I never wrote. it was a rock star AU, so lots of interesting musical instruments and performances. also an MCU/Mission Impossible fusion so hot pics of actors from both franchises, and my fancasts for OCs. either a very specific or very random themed blog, but if it's to your taste, enjoy.
But back to THIS blog!
I try not to post about politics (I am trying not to even read about politics on tumblr tbh) but sometimes the moment moves me. I will tag relevantly (I use "us politics" for American shit and "i/p" for the Israel-Palestine conflict).
I believe in curating my tumblr experience. I filter a lot of keywords and tags, but I also unfollow people if you post something that upsets me and gets past the filters. It's rarely personal. Who I follow is meant to give me an interesting and pleasing dashboard experience, not necessarily be a reflection of who I'm friends with.
I block fairly liberally. If I find your posts/opinions antithetical to my existence or my friends' existence, I will do my damndest to block you rather than argue with you (sorry if i was unable to resist arguing with you before I remembered the block button).
I softblock declared minors who follow me. I'm not an "adult" blog per se but I'm not filtering my content for children and also if you are a minor for your own safety you should not be announcing it on the internet, get that shit off your profile.
I periodically check who follows me and I might softblock (or hardblock) you if I do not think we are compatible (ie you have a DNI that lists people like me but followed me anyway for some reason??)
I queue shit and don't mark it queued so me posting is never an indication of whether I'm actually online.
And here's the thing I need to say that got me to pin a post:
I do not reblog ANY requests for money, I do not respond to asks from people I don't know personally asking for money. I'm on Tumblr for fun and my wallet is not available.
If you send me something like that and it looks spammy (which if you're cold calling, it does), I will report you to Tumblr. If you send me something like that and we don't know each other at all, I will block you. (If I know you I will probably gently remind you I don't do that. Unless I know you but you've been borderline annoying or upsetting in the past, in which case I might just block you anyway.)
Look. The world sucks. A lot of us are in financial straits and are not getting the support we need from our communities, our governments, our families. But I don't have the energy to figure out if you're "deserving" and I'm not loaded either. I do my volunteering/community aid locally in person, not online, to be sure I know who I'm helping, and because a lot of the help I am able to provide is via action rather than money. I am very sorry for the failures of our society that have made social media your best chance of getting help, but please don't ask me to participate in that.
Here's my cat.
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The end
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goodbysunball · 5 months
Digital monsters
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Sneaking a few in before April's done and gone. Many of these musics were experienced digitally only for the most part, whether it was due to lack of a physical product or expensive import prices, none of which now apply (except for the Stone Rollers) as I finally get around to posting this. Ian's making Light Metal Age tapes, MIKE just put Pinball on CD, I finally pulled the trigger on KN​Æ​KKET SMIL, etc. Still, the car is the place where most listening is done these days, an unavoidable and really-not-that-bad reality. Windows down, these up:
Maria Bertel & Nina Garcia, KN​Æ​KKET SMIL (Kraak/No Lagos Musique/Otomatik)
It would not be much of an understatement to say I'm a bit burned out on free-improv-jazz and adjacent records, but a live video posted earlier this year by @dustedandsocial piqued my interest in this duo. Nina Garcia shreds and mangles the guitar in a manner both controlled and explosive, like the best no wave auteurs, but the draw here is what Maria Bertel does with the trombone. She pulls these long, drawn-out notes from the belly of the instrument, like glass fibers being pulled from a melt, reminiscent Phill Niblock's arrangements for cello or voice. There's plenty of scrape 'n skronk coming from the trombone, too, like on "Trick & Illusion," but I find the bass-y drones to be more interesting. The end result is a brittle, harsh push-pull between the relatively free guitar and the more grounded trombone, where it often sounds like the two are running in circles in a room with their eyes closed, occasionally colliding to combine forces. When they are not at odds, as on "Nightmare of a Lunatic," the results can be thrilling. At other points on the record I am reminded of Harvey Milk's "Pinnochio's Example" (the title track), later-period Sightings ("Lost Arts," "Twin Truths") and the instrumental side of Khanate ("Playground of Blind Forces," "Inorganic Body"). Given how this is presented - bare, without any perceivable ornamentation or post-production - it makes for a tough listen; you've gotta be in the mood for something this harsh and unadorned, 'cause meeting you halfway isn't happening. But, if you've any affinity for old instruments hammered into new shapes by inspired/inspiring hands, there's some powerful, almost-mystic energy wafting from the grooves.
Bobby Would, Relics of Our Life (Digital Regress)
Bobby’s back, continuing his partnership with the esteemed Digital Regress label, who brought his STYX release to the LP format. STYX was dedicated to his mother, and initial listens have left me convinced that Relics also appears to be wrestling with her passing. Unlike STYX, which contained tracks like "Hype On" that worked themselves into something resembling upbeat and energetic, Relics is a comparatively somber affair. It's bookended by two quiet instrumental tracks ("Runaway" is especially good), and in between is more skeletal, maybe even refined, version of Bobby Would. The overall effect here is often reminiscent of Wonderfuls, or Lewsberg on In Your Hands: gossamer-thin arrangements, sparkling guitars, slow tempos and mumbled vocals. While there are points where Bobby Would presents as a bit listless or hopeless, it never stretches to the maudlin, mostly due to the opaque phrasing. As on previous BW releases, the lyrics are still usually little more than repetition of single phrases until they become profound, which works especially well on these subdued arrangements. The more I listen, the more it sounds like a natural progression from his last two proper LPs, the subtle refinement of a now-signature sound. Like “Maybe You Should” from World Wide World, “Tryin' 2," "Is It Nice Now?" and “No More” rank with some of his best slow dancers; "Explain" and "All I Do" feel like Baby's grown now, using only the necessary elements to create a song and cutting the tape when it's done (not that Bobby Would has ever had a problem with economy). The only misstep here? The hidden track at the end of the physical record, a cover of UB40's "Red Red Wine" (no fucking joke), and nothing more need be said about that. The nine tracks that properly make up Relics of Our Life deserve to be lived in, spindly guitar lines swirling around like smoke and mumbled vocal incantations taking you elsewhere for the duration. Another unassuming gem from the surprisingly durable Bobby Would.
Light Metal Age, s/t (self-released)
In retrospect, I think Gen Pop's PPM66 is one of the best records to come out in the past decade, wringing modern ennui by the neck to squeeze out lyrical inspiration, nailing down a balance between catchy and smart in an impressively effortless way. That record flew, and still flies, under the radar, unfortunately, and the band is no more. Light Metal Age is the new project of Gen Pop's Ian Patrick Corrigan, and it sorta picks up the thread of PPM66, but veers off into the countrified black humor of Country Teasers ("Quil Ceda"), lonesome new age ("Oakland 2017"), and a chilling minimal synth track ("Garage In Meridian"). Corrigan's vocals sound like Bill Callahan in his early days as Smog, but in content he appears to be searching for a place or meaning or some sign that the world isn't as backwards and cruel as it actually is. I think opener "What He's Done" is my favorite song of the year so far, a perfectly dusty guitar line paired with deep, reverberated vocals coldly presenting a personal inventory (“Tattoos since he was 20,” “$20K he owes/20 years to go”). It’s all tied together by the chorus of “You said let it go/But do you know/what he’s done?,” the anxiety of being a prisoner of your past neatly summarized. “Quil Ceda" is my other standout favorite, the biting line "It will make you sick" now popping up in my head all too often as I go about my days. Really, there's something to like on every track here: the double-timed portion toward the end of "T.U.L.I.P."; the rain-soaked, pre-dawn alleys conjured by "Garage In Meridian"; and the subdued Ben Wallers impression on "Gaps In the Material." Sure, "Oakland 2017" is maybe a bit long and saps momentum plopped in the middle, but this seems more like a mixtape than a finished product, and I've come to appreciate the cracks in the tracks forced together. I've been playing it non-stop for nearly two months now, a potent distillation of the young American's modern struggle, laid out without self-pity and the right amount of simmering discontent. Can't ask for much more.
MIKE & Tony Seltzer, Pinball (10K)
Here’s an unexpectedly economical and breezy offering from MIKE, produced entirely by Tony Seltzer. Not sure what Tony Seltzer did here to allow MIKE to let down his guard and puff out his chest a little, but it’s a welcome change of pace, if a bit forgettable. Seltzer’s beats aren’t going to have many rappers come calling, but they’re exciting enough jumping off points for MIKE to try on different personas. I get hints of UGK-era Bun-B (named checked in “Underground Kingz,” as required), Young Dolph, and Lil Baby in MIKE’s rapping on Pinball, and it’s fun and jarring to hear him rap over trap beats like “Yin-Yang.” For all his efforts, the album lags in spots - “100 Gecs,” “Underground Kingz” and “R&B” have become laborious over multiple listens, the beats sputtering, the rapping losing steam without MIKE’s usual emotional overflow. But the opener “Two Door,” the unassuming bounce of “Skurrr” and "Pinball," and the Niontay-featuring “2k24 Tour” still connect, MIKE throwing off a satin boxing robe and sparring with whoever. It’s true that overexposure to this album over the past few weeks has probably taken away some of its luster, but hearing MIKE in this capacity paints a more complete picture of him as an artist. Short ‘n mostly sweet, with no tears, Pinball’s sure to be a steady listen through the punishing summer ahead.
The Stone Rollers, The Ballad of Bill Spears (self-released)
Are the Woolen Men done? Nothing official on that, but members are shifting priorities to other groups: guitarist Lawton Browning is in Change Life, and the Stone Rollers features WM drummer Raf Spielman. The Stone Rollers have been releasing single tracks, one at a time, since September of last year, and The Ballad of Bill Spears puts all four tracks together. It's a separate project and unfair to compare the two, though there are strong sonic similarities to the Woolen Men. The Stone Rollers are bouncy and hard-strumming, somewhere between folk protest songs (yes, there's harmonica) and country with a punk edge (but obviously not as bad as that descriptor conjures). In the spirit of the best country songs, the Stone Rollers don't restrain themselves from saying some really mean shit on these songs, taking people to task with an acid tongue and leaving without apology. I like all four songs - if you're not listening to the lyrics too closely, these are breezy pop songs with the strong character of the '60s - but I think "The Shell Song" and "You Can't Reach Me" are the two best. The former has the harshest lyrics ("When I see you down the line, I hope you're not the same" and "I won't wait around to see what you become/because good or bad I do not care at all"), and "You Can't Reach Me" is an ode to the dream of escaping "my life/bound up so tight" for the greener grass. All four tracks are simple and effective/affecting in an immediate way, familiar but bristling, classic-sounding but unmistakably modern. A nice teaser from the Rollers, who I can only hope will excoriate this feeble review on an upcoming track.
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gemmahale · 5 months
15 Questions for 15 Friends
thank you for the tag @madstronaut (I'm getting through everything lol!)
WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? ...unless you count the lady on the radio dad borrowed the name from...no.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Cried cried? Last Monday. Teared up? This morning. I'm an emotional teddy bear.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Nope; I'm an (un)official "auntie" to some friend's kiddos.
WHAT SPORTS HAVE YOU PLAYED/DO YOU PLAY? One season of: water polo, track (long jump and triple jump), and tennis. One game of tennis ice hockey in college. 16 years of dance - ballet, tap, jazz, pointe, ballroom.
DO YOU USE SARCASM? No, never. (sarcasm)
FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Facial expression (thanks neurodivergency!)
WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? Hazel leaning brown
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Happy endings. Scary movies only if it's not got gratuitous gore in it.
ANY TALENTS? I'm really good at relating things to other things. Writing too, I suppose. I'd say dance, but it's been quite a while.
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Cozy video games, collecting craft supplies and patterns, fiber arts (knitting, crochet, cross stitch), watching YouTube let's plays, and writing.
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? ...are we counting cats that use our backyard? That's 5 - Marmalade, Jam, Toast, Cream and Socks
FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? Pre-college? Science. In College: women's lit and horticultural systems
DREAM JOB? I'm doing it, despite all the frustrations that come with it. Educator. Second choice: craft and cozy game streamer (NOT a content creator). Third Choice: writer. (The two are really tied, lol.)
I'm not tagging anyone, because I'm days late to this. But if you feel inclined to answer, go for it!
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idknikkip · 9 months
its really weird becoming an adult and all of a sudden people think I’m Cool. Like my whole life I’ve been a dorky nerd who read too much and made the kind of art that’s sad and dorky and a little contemptible (introspective, joking/absurdist, poetry, sound art, installation, fibers). I dress exactly the same way I did 10 years ago? But now everyone else is dressing that way too??? It’s weird growing up just trying to not be annoying about what I’m obsessed with, but now everyone says they want to hear about the weird music & movies im seeing at house shows and indie theaters. Suddenly, they’ve been thinking about taking classes at the weird art school I used to teach at, and they’ve definitely heard of a couple of the artists represented by either the jazz/blues or indie/experimental labels I used to work at. People want to see pics from artists I worked with at the fine art gallery in LA. They’re interested in the printing process & what I learned as a kid running around the graphic design studio/printing press for indie books that my single mom worked at. They’re awed by my understanding of how the world works informed & forged by spending my teens in a borderline cult environment.
but still I’m 32 & shy. I’ve been a freak & an outsider my whole life. I did these things because they seemed interesting at the time, in spite of pushback. && now I’m worried I’m coming off gate-keep-y, standoffish, because I’ve been here, unchanged, the whole time, & I can’t tell if I’m being made fun of when someone wants me to tell them more. I’m just a little doubtful & suspicious of motives anytime people suddenly like me.
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tomatoluvr69 · 2 years
hiiiii im shmwednesdsy night shmashed. anyway how do you remain existentially optimistic in the face of . It All
Omg loooooove that for you, bask in the youth of it all and lmk your cocktail of choice.
I think to maintain optimism you MUST become a casual hedonist. Like yes open a retirement account, make smart long term decisions, etc etc etc. but if you lean into and mindfully luxuriate within every pleasure that falls in your path, and make an active effort to seek/create pleasure you can learn that actually at this unique juncture in history we are incredibly equipped for euphoric and ecstatic sensory experiences upon demand. I have an entire world’s selection of spectacular foods: chocolates! Spices! Wine! Olive oil! Peppercorns! Citrus and tomatoes! It’s kind of a mind blowing expanse of riches. And the music, christ…stream some music and really listen…you don’t need 36 members of a live jazz band, because there’s a recording from 1954. Films, whenever you want them. And literature, straight to your library or your phone…unreal. Absolutely unreal. Think of the first printing presses, or the days when to have a manuscript someone needed to copy out each letter by hand with a pen nib and some reed fibers. Not to mention the millions of people who never even conceived of the written word. Or a citrus fruit, or a pinch of fenugreek, or a short documentary about those monkeys somewhere in Asia who visit hot springs every evening in winter…the location escapes me. But though the lack of knowledge of alien life within my lifespan plagues me, im regularly awed by the scope and breadth of knowledge and experience I have lucked into by winning the temporal lottery basically.
I focus a lot on that kind of thing whenever the unique stressors of modern life are wearing at me. It helps ease the pain of the job grind, or a long drive I don’t want to be doing…it helps so much to just live for pleasure I promise
But also it’s important to note that I’m not a universal optimist!!! I have an INCREDIBLY bleak outlook re: globalized society at large, and more specifically due to proximity, American life; it fucking KILLS me. I feel close to melting down sometimes in the grocery store when I snap out of the rut of habit and heuristics and I perceive the horrific quantities of plastics and styrofoam leaching into our food and bodies and children and watersheds. And I beat myself up constantly over my failures to find sustained romantic and sexual connections. And I’m also a survivor of an incredibly serious eating disorder, without the money to seek the ongoing maintenance treatment I need, which affects my ability to function normally every single day, not to mention gender and body issues, and struggling to come to terms with the resultant arthritis/dental issues etc. I think maybe my persona on here is altered by the times when I feel so overwhelmed with enthusiasm and zest for life that it can appear im better adjusted than I am? Im very messy and I’m still learning to be a living adult every single day. But the TLDR is that if you slowly build up the mindset of focusing on life’s incredible pleasures (food, friendship, gardening, sunlight, hygge or whatever, literature, film and the unique solidarity and emotional catharsis it brings, music!!, shared moments of humanity, small or large scale travel, FREE KNOWLEDGE about every topic online, art via viewing or creation…etc etc etc) I’ve found it can buoy you through the tough parts.
PS also…seek magic mushrooms and take twice the dose you think you want
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sugartonki · 2 years
Steve perry journey
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We’re able to orchestrate anything we want to do and do it right. Everything’s a possibility and there’s definitely some good stuff there. That may happen some day with me being reunited with Gregg and Santana. What do you think of those first Journey albums?Ī: I’m still very fond of those records and I’m sure we could even play them better now. Q: When you started Journey, those albums were closer to the jazz side of progressive rock than your later, more commercial stuff. His melodic side is what rubbed off on me and I think my fiery side kind of rubbed off on him. He’s got a voice within that guitar that’s just so strong. He’s a truly gifted guitar player, a master of melodic, soulful, tasty, crying and screaming guitar. Nobody plays like Carlos except for people who emulate him. I have always thought that Carlos has a unique style to himself. Carlos has been a major influence on my playing ever since I met him. Q: Do you think that experience made you a better guitarist?Ī: Absolutely. It was just a very eye-opening, mind-expanding experience. One day I’m in Ghana, Africa, playing with all these amazing artists, the next day, I’m all over Europe. So I went from high school, basically, to traveling the world. And I knew I was either gonna paint or design or play music. I was a sophomore in high school, kind of glued to an art room and a music room. What was it like as a teenager, starting out, playing guitar in the same band as Carlos Santana?Ī: It was truly an amazing experience. Q: You mentioned getting your start with Santana. Q: What was it like, the experience of being in a room with those guys after all that time, making music together? The songs were pretty much secondary, I would say, to the actual playing. Q: It kind of feels like you’re just picking up where you left off 45 years ago.Ī: Well, that’s kind of how we did things 45 years ago, you know? (Laughs) It was basically the chemistry between all the people together that made that sound. Carlos brought in a lot of ideas and we just kind of improvised and put it together organically. I brought a few songs, Gregg Rolie brought a few songs and the rest we kind of made up on the spot. We didn’t really rehearse or construct songs, just laid down about 50, 60 ideas the first two times we got together. There wasn’t a lot of preparation, if any. Question: That Santana album sounds great.Īnswer: I was very happy with the way that turned out, considering how we went about it. MORE MUSIC: Get the Things to Do app | 20 local music picks fro May | Top concerts this week | May concert guide for Phoenix | Latest concert announcements At present, he lives in Del Mar, California.We caught up with Schon to talk about Santana, Journey’s rise from the prog-flavored jazz-fusion fringes to the top of Billboard’s Hot 100, and his strained relationship with the man behind the voice of Journey’s biggest hits, Steve Perry. In the later phase of his career, he released many solo albums, which were a part of his musical pursuits before signing up with ‘Journey’. Overriding all the hindrances, he ‘breathed’ music all his life. Steve is known to possess one of the finest voices that music of all times ever had, His friend Jon Bon Jovi had coined a moniker ‘The Voice’ for him which best described his capacity to bring alive the music elements, entwining harmony and rhythm. Although his musical career was apparently fluctuating due to some unfortunate events, he nonetheless proved that he had the moral fiber to overcome them all. He added a clean sound to the band and refined it by adding traditional pop elements to it, making it fresh. The band achieved huge commercial success during his membership. He soon joined the much-famed rock band ‘Journey’ as their lead vocalist. Steve Perry realized quite early in life that music was his sole purpose of existence, and made great efforts in his early teens to carry out musical endeavors.
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discordantdream · 13 days
I should create a pinned post.
Hi there! Welcome, all that jazz, to a place where I reblog basically anything that catches my attention. Random memes, interesting stuff from fandoms, nostalgia, political takes, complaints about my disability and chronic pain, fiber arts, and occasional wins in life.
I'm a polyamorous pansexual, married for 21 years, in my mid 40s, liberal as fuck, and a friend to all trans folk of all varieties. TERFs and radfems can fuck right off, so can cop apologists or conservatives. I've got no time for your bullshit.
I love Xena, Chrono Trigger/Cross, Star Trek (various series though I haven't seen them all), the Valdemar series, and I'm sure I'm forgetting things. I cross stitch, I paint, I bake, I am slowly learning to embroider and sew, I crochet, I play too many video games, and I take care of two very stupid cats all while trying to write.
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quiltcas · 8 months
I love how one sewing tutorial about sleeves will spend 10 minutes explaining how sleeves work mathematically and another 10 minutes demonstrating a specific pinning + tacking technique to ease out the fullness at the sleeve head—
only for a different sleeve tutorial that's only 4 minutes long to come along and use nothing but an iron and prayer.
I love it here.
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bolkonskaya · 6 months
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edith/edie | twenty-one | uk
marya/anatole shippers DNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just kidding you're allowed to stay if you BEHAVE...
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stuff wot i like: war & peace, enjolras/grantaire, first person shooters, birds, ancient greek + latin, dead romans, archaeology, old web stuff, stardew valley, cs:go (rest in peace), it's always sunny in philadelphia, house md, astronomy, dolls, clowns, fiber arts, insects AAAAND marya bolkonskaya <3
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music: beach boys, elliott smith, the cure, oingo boingo, belle and sebastian, all kinds of jazz fusion, sarah records, of montreal, the microphones, neutral milk hotel AND MORE!!!
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i am a LESBIAN and a PISCES. i study classics + philosophy at university so i love translating lucian and fucking HATE schopenhauer. my friends say i look like a victorian ghost and as a child i used to mix grenadine with water and pretend i was a vampire drinking blood.
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normal dni criteria applies. if you are any kind of bigot like get the fuck out and maybe die also idk
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anyway that's all <3 i hope you enjoy my little corner of the internet
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Opening — High Fiber 2023
Exhibits can be viewed online or in-person:
Gallery Hours are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday afternoons, 12 – 5 PM
OR make an appointment for Mon – Wed at [email protected]
Masks and other COVID-19 precautions are encouraged for all visitors.
Please review our COVID Policy if you are planning a visit to the Jazz Gallery.
Opening Reception
Saturday, November 4th, 3-5pm
Saturday, November 4 - Saturday, December 16, 2023
Gallery exhibitions are free and open to the public. All are welcome.
High Fiber 2023
Southeastern Wisconsin has a strong tradition of working fiber artists and programs that foster them. Fiber artworks often bridge and break down the historic gap between traditional craft and fine arts. They create openings in interpretation, invite exploration of gendered roles/methods of making. This exhibition showcases the work of 15 invited emerging to established artists working with fibers.
This exhibition is free and open to the public.
Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts (JGCA) is a non-profit organization serving Southeastern Wisconsin with a diverse range of visual and performing arts programming, created by a diverse community of visual and performing artists. At JGCA we provide opportunities to create, present, and experience the arts.
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omegaplus · 2 years
# 4,251
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Kate Bush: Hounds Of Love (1985)
You know what I did during my two-week vacation in June? I blew as much money as I could. It was during my second-ever record-store victory tour where I re-visited the very location that started it all for me: Cheapo’s in Commack. Stu Cheapo wasn’t there, but two of his staffers were. For me, music-diving is an Olympic sport to me which I’ve won plenty of medals for. (Yeah, I know such a thing doesn’t exist but work with me and let’s pretend it happened.) I was ready to throw down as much of my savings as I could on CD singles and jazz / fusion records as I usually do when I’m there. I dart right on over to said jazz / fusion and soul section like I always do when I walk on the store and furiously dig in.
I usually don’t pay attention to what’s playing on the overhead while I’m minding my own and swim through the racks of rotting, chipped vinyl sleeves and inhale the stale smell of dust fibers and dehydrated cardboard. I could care less, to be honest. But this time I did. What played on the overhead could be or preferably would like to be described as imaginative, captivating and enchanting performance art by millions of her fans. I called it a trigger response that almost had me slam my head against the fucking wall, and we're not even talking about drunk punk. From what I heard with my little Edward Snowden bunny ears was that one of the staffers behind the counter mentioned to his co-worker saw a recent episode of Stranger Things where Kate Bush's music was recently used. I didn’t pick up on it right away but it took me a good fifteen minutes to realize what the hell was going on.
What was this?! My biggest "what the fuck is this" moment of the year, that’s what. I didn't know who it was at first but sure enough it was her. This was the artist that everyone is making Peter Gabriel jokes about? I ask myself how anyone would even tolerate this. I'm hearing all these animal noises coming from Cheapo's vintage speakers and It drove me crazy having to tolerate her music for three. hours. straight. Count 'em. That's how long I was there for. Meanwhile, that guy also said to his co-worker how he has almost all of her albums and looked forward in filling in the gaps to complete his collection, which when you multiply zero by zero together is why this is fuck-all going on. If there was ever a bi-partisan vote to shut this place down until this shit got rectified then that proposal would no doubt be vetoed and shot down like the last condor in existence. It also doesn't help that every time I see Kate Bush I see my ex- who looks exactly like her. Oh, Lord. At this rate, I'll never be over her.
You had no idea how bad I wanted out of the store. Yet, I prevailed because I have a very high threshold of pain and that was enough to scour the entire store and leave with $320.00 worth of music. Believe me when I tell you that I wanted to run up that hill and jump over that fucking counter and make a deal with God plea bargain with the prosecutor to throat kick whoever thought this was a great idea and get away with it. 
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lastoneout · 3 years
Mirabél Madrigal for the ‘send me a character’ asks😁!
Favorite Thing About Them: It's honestly way too hard to pick just one so I'll go with the thing that drew me to her in the first place, her glasses!! As far as I can recall Mirabel is one of, or the first, Disney heroine with glasses!! And as someone with glasses that made me very VERY happy. But in general Mirabel is just a 10/10 character I adore her.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: Ehhhhhhh nah no Mirabel is like tailor made to my tastes I love her everything.
Favorite Line: She has SO many good lines but the lyric "I've been patient and steadfast and steady" from 'Waiting on a Miracle' always hits me in the feels.
brOTP: Does it count as a brOTP if it's your family eh who cares her and Bruno the are the family weirdos and their dynamic is hilarious.
OTP: *furiously smacks my original character that I totally don't ship her with over the head with a broom as he tries to escape the closet I've got him shoved in*
nOTP: Theres barely anyone to ship in the first place and while I'm all for reader inserts in fics *side-eyes all the reader/benny and reader/shane fics I absolutely don't have bookmarked* but in this fandom at least it's a deal breaker for me.
Random HC: Mirabel really is a jack of all trades. She was originally just trying to make up for her lack of gift and would rabidly absorb whatever skill anyone was willing to teach her, but post canon she just likes knowing how to do stuff, though she does favor fiber arts. (Now if you'll excuse me I have a tailor's son once again trying to escape containment.)
Unpopular Headcanon: I wouldn't call it unpopular but I personally like to think if Mirabel became the "candle holder" after Alma once she started over seeing the gift ceremonies she decided they would be closed to anyone not family to take the pressure off and spare the child's feelings should something go wrong/their gift is instantly overwhelming/ect.
Song I Associate With Them: One by Sleeping at Last
Specifically this part:
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Favorite Picture of Them:
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Sorry it's two pictures and I know I've gone on and on about the color symbolism and all that jazz but MAN this part just HITS once you recognize THAT color 10/10 *chef's kiss* a fucking masterpiece the things this movie does to me good God 😩👏
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