#fic: proxima centauri
kingfisherprince · 7 months
hello fisher!! as you well know, i am ready and willing to hear about any of your WIPs but the one that most intrigues me (title alone and because i'm on a sci fi kick at the moment) Proxima Centauri??
would you believe, you know everything about proxima centauri already!! haha it's the poly beehive fic, so named because tjv are my "starboys"
Primož's farewell is less a party than a funeral, everyone somber in their black-and-yellow team clothes. The room is small, the champagne is plenty, and yet the mood hangs overhead like a sword. Grischa has retreated to one corner to allow the team their time with each other, watching from afar as Koen and Sam talk with bowed heads, as Attila wanders around the room with seemingly endless energy. As for the star of the night, the man in the coffin — he's sitting at the table next to Grischa, quietly drinking his own champagne and staring out into nowhere.
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aziraphales-library · 1 month
Heya!! I was wondering if you guys had any wedding themed fics? Not like Az and Crowley getting married but them attending other peoples weddings? I don't have any specific themes other then romance and fluff lmao
Thanks :D
Hello! Here are some fics in which they attend other people's weddings...
And I mean to go on and on and on and on by yolkinthejump (T)
A wedding of old friends. Aziraphale gets drunk on Gay Love and Crowley absolutely adores him. Par for the course. Thoughts on the muddled history of marriage and the power of love, persevering.
when two lovers meet in Proxima Centauri by heydoeydoey (T)
The Archangel Gabriel and Beelzebub, Duke of Hell request the honour of your presence at their wedding 4:00 pm on Tuesday, 9th of January Proxima Centauri
Love on the Rocks by mageofthepeople (E)
Aziraphale and Crowley are guests at Anathema and Newt's destination wedding. Having problems of their own, they spend the week up to the wedding trying to save their relationship while keeping up with wedding events and social engagements as a couple.
The Nice and Accurate wedding of Anathema Device, Witch, which went just as expected by Nenchen (G)
Wedding planner Anathema Device is the Number One. She can organize anything for a wedding, flower arrangements, catering, a marching band or an emu. The name Device is a guarantee for a picture perfect wedding - and the perfect pictures will be taken by her top wedding photographer, and best friend, Anthony J. Crowley. Both of them see weddings mostly as business, until Anathema meets Newt, Love of her life, walking natural disaster extraordinaire, and very much not a person it’s possible to have a perfect wedding with. Which is perfect since Anathema frankly never wanted one for herself. She just wants a fun party, good food, and all of her friends to attend - including Crowley. For whom this might just as well be the apocalypse because no, he is not allowed to work on her wedding. Strictly invited only as a guest, Crowley finds himself at a loss. What the hell do you do at weddings? Well, if you are Crowley, the answer is some James Bond-like action, some worrying about fly swarms and their sources, having a lot of emotions, drinking some very funny wine, putting your foot in your mouth and just maybe meeting someone to share all of that with. Oh, and there’s always cake, isn’t there?
Talk About It by hope_in_the_dark (T)
Aziraphale and Crowley have been best friends for sixteen years. Crowley's been in love with Aziraphale for almost that long. When Aziraphale tells his family that he'll be bringing his boyfriend to his step-brother's wedding, things get a bit complicated. A Fake Dating AU.
It's Not The Journey by cosmya (T)
It had been going so well. They’d averted the apocalypse, averted their punishments, averted further investigation or attention by their respective organizations. They were left with little to do but bask in the happy ending. Therein had been the problem. Another champagne, sir?” interrupted the flight attendant. Aziraphale’s eyes snapped open. Oh, I shouldn’t, he thought. “Yes, please,” he said. “Thank you.” Anathema and Newt are getting married, and two of their wedding guests are in a bit of an awkward place. An all-inclusive resort with unlimited alcohol is precisely what they need to re-break the ice.
- Mod D
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mentalisill · 6 months
what space name did we as a fandom decide for scar???????????
cause if grain is the sun you could totally do some star close to the Sun like Proxima Centauri (This one is more me enjoying space, and I have compared Scar to this specific star in a 3rdlife fic before)
Although Scott is The Stars, and Proxima Centauri is long and I get not wanting to use it
We could finally use the comet/metor name that people tried to use for Martyn before Mars stuck
Or (my personal favorite) we can call him Mercury, not only is Mercury the closest planet to the sun, but it's the name and symbol of the Roman god Mercury (or the Greek God, Hermes) the god of communication, trickery, financial gain (among other stuff). The planet itself shares symbolism for communication.
All i'm saying is we have no much potential for Scar here, I know the fandom was wanting to call the winner Venus and it would be pretty ironic for the guy who had no friends to be named after a symbol for love, but I think we can do a lot better
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Fucking. Pokemon space fic. Ships use a modified Teleport move for interstellar travel - it's not quite instant, but because it's not technically movement you can go faster than light with it
It takes more and more input energy for greater mass, greater speed, and greater difference between the potential energy of the beginning and target positions - teleporting closer to a gravity well will take less energy than teleporting further away from said gravity well, for example
You can teleport as fast as 50 times the speed of light, which would take you from Earth to Proxima Centauri (nearest star to our sun) in 29.2 days
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ribinapan · 3 years
hello everybody here is an original piece of writing i was kinda proud of bc im trying to post on social media more.
prompt - aliens receive signals from Us (as in the US)
they are from proxima b and i will give more worldbuilding info if yall interested ok here we go :’)
one - meteorgazing
notes -
opi - (two earth days)
rings - (eleven earth days)
We get a lot of meteors.
Reason 50678 the surface isn’t safe-- no atmosphere means no pushback. Rocks hurtling from the sky aren’t quite uncommon. There’s not much damage to anything but what they hit. Of course, while it’s scary to watch, it doesn’t do much but cause a roofquake-- a rumbling beginning from the Seeing Dome to the rest of the tunnels. There’s been some incidents, some injuries and some deaths- like everything, it’s something swept away as a horrible- but normal- natural disaster, and most of the time it’s not much more than a little shiver. Really. People in the city at the time tend to gather just to watch. There’s something memorizing about watching a hurtling ball of rock slam into the face of our planet at high speeds while completely ablaze.
Even with the commonplace activity of gathering in the center of the city to watch space rocks fall dangerously close to our Seeing Dome, however, I never thought we would go so far as to make a surface dome just to watch one of the biggest showers yet to date. It was dangerous enough as is-- really, it was-- so I wasn’t particularly interested to watch in any case- yes, a little bit curious about it, but the feeling was quickly stomped out by fear and replaced with a sense of resignation. There was always Holowatch-- a projected hologram from your home holodevice to show you the news-- mostly surface stuff, or from City Twenty, where the biggest political station we had throughout the cluster of cities was placed.
But then there was Ama. Ama, with his bright eyes and his huge grin, practically shivering with excitement as he rushed me in line to get a ticket. We didn’t have enough money for the usual, so he entered us into contests basically any chance he got-- I wasn’t worried, and no way by all the gods would they curse me so much by--
“Elli! I got it-- look, I got two!” Tickets waved in the air for the first ever surface dome built specifically for watching meteor showers in our tunnel, I felt my heart sink as I made eye contact with Ama, beaming more than I had ever seen before.
There was something about Ama and his excitement that just pulled you in and shoved away your rationality. The way he smiled made you feel like you had to do anything to preserve it-- maybe because it was so hard to get him like this, maybe because love blinds you to even the stupidest of ideas. I flattened my sweatshirt against my chest nervously and grinned back, taking my ticket out of his hand. Three rings until disaster and we had free tickets to watch.
For the next three rings, every opi I woke up to a message about strange noises coming from a sector we call Terra, holding a planet that astronomers deemed safest and most habitable for intelligent life like us. Or about giant meteor showers. Or about how rare we are to get huge rocks falling from the sky hurtling at the surface in a desperate attempt to show us the way to our doom and them staying the size they do. And it was adorable, really. Usually it was me, and usually it was seventy messages about something boring from me, and so with a sense of duty I read everything Ama sent and poured as much excitement into a response as I could. 
We’re going to die! Screamed my brain, but by the sun god was I dumb enough to be happy to go along with it.
We weren’t the only tunnel with a surface dome ready for the watching, either. City Twenty had the biggest, and far on the other side of the Habitation Line was 9296- the longest lasting surface dome with even a small bit of surface travellers living on it. Of course, they had underground homes to sleep in, but they spent most of their waking hours up on the surface. Everyone knew about it, and Ama swore he wanted to be one of them one day. I wondered how it’d feel to be watching this from there-- normal? Did they see meteor showers all the time? Were they afraid it might hit the dome every time they saw one screeching towards them faster than an Aquatrain? Not for the first time and definitely not for the last, I closed my eyes to sleep before we went up to our tunnel’s first surface dome with only one thought, an absolute certainty: oh my gods, we’re going to die.
When I woke up, I found myself wandering to Ama’s home with an even stronger sense of resignation and a desire to not be alone with it. Immediately upon arrival, I was met with the most excited four-eyed gaze I’ve ever been locked in-- and there it went again, I knew I was going to do this and be just fine with it.
His chatter continued, rising as the time got closer to head up to the surface dome, and often I found myself opening my mouth to share a fact just to keep him going.
“Did you know space tastes like rubusberries?” I heard myself saying, “Do you think the rocks taste like that, too?” He stopped for a moment, frozen on the sidewalk on our way to the train to the surface dome just to stare at me. Bubbling up with laughter, he tossed his head forward in a snort,
“Are you planning to taste the meteor, Elli?” My face heated up in embarrassment, but I bit my tongue and then shot back a response. “Maybe! I mean, it’s good research! A lot of things can be identified through taste!” “Local child just up and dies because they went outside to taste a space-rock.” “At least I’d know if it tasted like rubusberries!”
Rubusberries stayed the topic for a bit longer, the topic clinging to our tongues until it faded away into excited shivering as we stepped in line for the train. It hit me like a solar flare, making me bubble with anticipation that I really was excited, too- I wanted to see it, and I wanted to see Ama see it. The voice screaming ‘we’re going to die!’ finally dulled down to a whisper in the back of my mind.
Hey, at least it’ll be interesting.
Once on the aquatrain, I watched the train-tunnel fill with water as Ama listened to the rest of the train’s quiet, excited chatter. My hands gripped the edges of my seat as I watched it slowly bubble up above my window, bracing myself for the kickback of the train shooting through the water. It was interesting technology, really, but the amount of malfunctions I’d read about had me uneasy every time I was on one. One glance at Ama told me he didn’t as much as I did- if at all- so I bit my tongue and watched as the train suddenly lurched forward, shooting through the water and up towards the surface.
Here we go.
Suddenly, there was a chaotic ball of energy at my shoulder, pressing his hand against the window as we watched ourselves shoot up towards the danger, up towards new experiences and life on the surface yet to come.
“It’s funny we’re going full circle. Surface to underground to surface.” I murmured.
“Now we know what we’re doing. We hadn’t evolved enough before. The sun god knew we’d kill ourselves up there.” He replied simply, and the casual tone of his voice made me choke on laughter.
“Then why are we going up there now?” “To prove him wrong out of spite!” Cheered Ama, leaning over me to press both hands against the window. “Look, there it is!”
Look I did, and like he said, there it was. A giant, metallic door that looked unopenable by any number of Centaurians, and yet it slid open and let the water slosh to the side as the train pressed forward and through it, coming to land and slide against the top of the tunnel as we made our way to the surface dome entrance.
I won’t lie. I screamed.
“Elli. Elli, we’re fine! This is how trains work! Elli!” Climbing the rest of the way to the entrance was much less scary, as there were stairs and stairs are solid and won’t explode under too much water pressure, certainly since there’s no water. A muffled voice boomed over speakers we couldn’t see, giving us directions we couldn’t hear-- and then the crowd started moving, so we followed. Metallic doors that looked a little more manageable by Centaurian hands slid open with a slow, painful screech in front of us- and there it was, above the slope we were climbing: another Seeing Dome. This one above the tunnels.
Ama basically squealed-- and as I was jerked away from the line by excited hands, we pushed our way to the front as Ama stared at the stars above us. Closer than ever now, our feet hit red dust and we looked up to see the sky now only separated by a dome and not red rock all around us. It felt scarily empty-- up here, there were no tall walls or caves all around us. From every angle, there was sky.
“This is literally amazing.” He breathed beside me. “Yeah.” I said back with much less air, absolutely slammed by a feeling of sheer surrealism. You could see so far-- the dark line and the light line, where the heat and cold gods warred from afar. The horizon was much more beautiful in person than in pictures.
“Elli, look!” We were now the only people standing by the entrance, the others wandering to the edges of the Seeing Dome to get a better look. To my absolute dismay, however, what should’ve been the safest spot to stand-- right beside the exit-- was where a small meteor was heading, sending itself straight at us. 
Ama watched it with wide eyes. I watched it with a wince. It was beautiful-- it really was, watching them streak the sky, and the surface, and our Safety Dome, but watching it hit with a Clank! still gave me a shiver.
Wrinkling my nose as I squinted up at it, I tugged Ama’s hand as my feet began to move on their own. Following it as the burning ball of-- well, whatever it was, slid towards an unoccupied side of the Dome, Ama stumbled behind me. “Elli, where are we going? We’re going to miss the rest of it!” “It shouldn’t have made that noise.” I said back, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Elli, you’re nuts.” “It was metallic. It clanked. Ama, it clanked. That’s not a meteor. That’s something someone made.”
And suddenly we were both speeding towards it, Ama whooping and me with my head spinning, stumbling and hitting the side of the dome as we stared down at a mess of melted metal and a white substance bearing a strange, rectangular logo-- red stripes and a blue corner, with what looked like misshapen stars decorating the blue bit. Strange text in bold letters sat above it, smeared and burnt as the capsule remained aflame.
“ALIENS!” Ama shrieked, jumping up and down. He punched my shoulder. “Take that, everybody! ALIENS!!!”
We weren’t the only ones who found something.
Holowatch was projected all over the city as capsules popped up all over the planet. 9296 got two. City Twenty got one. Another surface dome found half of one. Cities were rushing to build more or get Centaurians on the surface to find more. They came with garbled audio-- messages we couldn’t understand. But what sent everyone reeling was the one we found-- it was the sound of another animal, not the intelligent life that kept trying to talk to us. Something big-- something that sounded like our own creatures, a series of clicks, whistles and pulsed calls. Biologists rushed to identify it-- but it was soon determined not to be one of our own, just something close. It was big, most likely lived underwater, but used the same noises ours did to get around-- they used sound for navigation.
There was no doubt about it, there was life on Terran.
“We discovered aliens.” Ama wouldn’t stop saying. “Not us.” “We found it first!” “9296 found theirs thirty-two blinks before we found ours.”
“Second! We discovered aliens second!” “...Fine. Second.” “Aliens, Elli!”
“I hear you, Ama.” I said with fake exasperation, watching him pace around his room. 
“We found it. We should get to see what they do with it.” “We are literally children, they weren’t going to let us help.” I said slowly, eyeing him suspiciously as he stopped walking across the room. He looked up at me and grinned.
“Am-- no. No, absolutely not. Whatever you’re thinking is a big, fat, nope.”
He continued grinning, taking a step towards me as his expression melted into something akin to affection mixed with excitement. The mischief was there-- I could see it. Feel it. But rationality slipped away as he grabbed my shoulder. “Let’s just try to sneak around. It’s not like we’ll even get anywhere with it!”
I let out a heavy sigh as I quietly threw my life into ruin. I unleash the sun god upon you, aliens. Why do you do this to me?
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shipaholic · 4 years
Omens Universe, Chapter 13 Part 2
Nearly made it to Alpha Centauri!
Warnings for this chapter: the terrifying vastness of space; vertigo; and more child endangerment than we’ve seen so far.
Link to next part at the end.
(From the beginning)
(last part)
Chapter 13, cont.
Of all the infinite spaces they’d found themselves in recently, this one truly made each of them feel small.
Nebulae crackled in the corner of their eyes. Comets sparked across the heavens like distant fireworks. There were stars, billions upon billions of stars, a riotous tumble of them. And planets, cold and grand, passing by like ships.
Aziraphale had never been here before. For the life of him, he had no idea why. No - perhaps he was afraid of the vastness. Of feeling engulfed.
He leaned, half-consciously, towards Crowley. Their fingers brushed. Slowly, as if moving underwater, Crowley gripped Aziraphale’s hand.
Aziraphale tore his eyes away from the magnitude of space and looked at Crowley. He was in profile, lips slightly parted. His eyes shone with starlight. Aziraphale wanted to kiss him and keep watching him forever. He remembered Crowley had probably seen this room before. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years in the past. Perhaps it hit him harder to come back than Aziraphale to see it for the first time.
“Did I ever mention I helped build some of these?” Crowley whispered.
“Yes, dear,” Aziraphale whispered back. His heart brimmed over.
He happened to know the only part of Her creation missing from this room was the Earth. That was because it was on the top floor. He saw it the last time he presented his weekly report to Gabriel, floating in the air like a large, sedate disco ball. They would all use it in three days' time to transport themselves to Earth for Armageddon. Every angel in Christendom, pouring out of the sky.
Aziraphale peered around. There didn’t seem to be much of a filing system in here. Maybe all he had to do was…
“Alpha Centauri?” he said.
It was like going for a gentle stroll and accidentally stepping off a skyscraper.
Space lurched. The detritus of the universe streaked towards him, and past him before he could think about screaming. Two blue dots came out of the darkness like all-knowing eyes that meant the end of all things. They expanded until they were the size of suns, filling his vision, pinning him under their gaze, until with a heart-stopping wrench -
It all stopped.
Space was still again. The binary star system of Alpha Centauri lay before them, winking blue.
Aziraphale shook off the feeling he’d just freefall dived from a million miles up. He glimpsed Crowley’s face, and got a sudden idea of what it must have felt like for him, before all this happened. The Fall. He squeezed Crowley’s hand. Crowley’s eyes were glazed. Slowly, he came back to himself and squeezed back.
Aziraphale remembered, a fraction later than he should have, to check on Adam.
The boy’s face was white with exhilaration. “Wicked,” he whispered to himself.
Spacedog yipped and scratched his flank with his cybernetic back leg. His ears jiggled inside his fishbowl helmet. He didn’t look impressed. Aziraphale supposed he was made for this environment. Then he went back to deliberately ignoring Spacedog, because while Spacedog’s existence was remarkable, Aziraphale found him far too ridiculous to dwell on.
“We want Proxima Centauri B,” he said.
This time they all braced themselves. There was a relatively short, painless lurch forward as the room zoomed in on the planet orbiting one sun, Proxima Centauri. The planet was pockmarked like porous stone. It turned ponderously in the light from its star.
“Oh!” Crowley leaned forward in wonder. He pointed down at the craggy little planet. “I remember this! This one was one of mine.”
Aziraphale watched him puff out his chest and smiled.
“Yup. I totally helped with this one. Well. I looked over the plans. Well. I graffitied a rude word in some space dust.” Crowley paused. “They probably took it out.”
“How lovely,” Aziraphale said, dryly.
This was it. Triumph rang through his head. He was about to become an outer space fugitive. He couldn’t believe they’d got this far. There was only one step left, and they were home free. Or… not home. Not yet. But definitely free.
“Crowley, do you trust me?”
Crowley’s head snapped round. “That’s a funny question at this stage,” he said, sounding perturbed.
“Sorry. I need to be sure, though, or this next part won’t work.”
Crowley’s golden eyes regarded him.
“I trust you, angel.”
Aziraphale turned to face him. Crowley did the same, mirroring him. Aziraphale caught his other hand, holding them both, bare and gloved.
“Fuse with me.”
Relief lifted Crowley’s face.
“Oh, thank Satan. I was worried for a moment.”
Aziraphale gave a chuckle. “Sorry for being dramatic. I wasn’t -”
He broke off. He hadn’t been sure. If Crowley had truly forgiven him, yet. It would be understandable if he needed more time.
Apparently not. Crowley was attempting to loosen up in the receptionist’s tailored trousers. He stretched his inhumanly bendy spine, wiggled his snaky hips. It would have been rather alluring if Crowley wasn’t, as Aziraphale well knew, an awful dancer. It still was quite alluring, actually.
“Remember how to do this?” Crowley grinned.
“Of course. Like riding a velocipede.”
Crowley groaned and laughed. He began… a kind of shimmy, Aziraphale supposed. It was very wriggly. It had a slight drunk-wedding-guest-cum-gay-bar aspect, not that he’d been to a wedding or a gay bar in over eighty years.
Now that push came to shove, he felt rather foolish doing this in front of an audience. He avoided looking anywhere near Adam and broke into a modified Gavotte.
They danced towards each other. They were taking it slower than the urgency of the situation asked for, if he was being honest. But it was thrilling, the build up without touching, the coy flashes of eye contact. Aziraphale felt Crowley’s body heat through his silk blouse. Crowley’s long, skinny chest wiggled inches away from him. His gem glowed softly, like it was warming up.
Aziraphale clasped his arm, and his own gem flared.
They melted together.
Zadkiel stumbled out, wide-eyed and flushed.
“Wow. I need to get a room.”
He noticed Adam.
“Ummmm. Hello there. We’ve sort-of met, sort-of haven’t. I’m Zadkiel.” He held out his hand.
Adam glared as he took it. Some weird grown-up stuff had just happened, and he was ready to zip away from it at the speed of light.
“They just… turned into you,” he said.
“They’re really bad dancers.”
“So am I!”
“Right. Why’d they do that, then?”
“Well… they’ve been apart for a while, and while they’re not human, as you know, er, I know for your species the whole dancing thing can be something of a mating ritual… has anyone ever given you the Talk?”
Adam looked deeply disgusted.
“Why’d they turn into you?” he asked, in slow, measured tones.
“Oh! So they can’t track us.” Zadkiel flashed a grin. “The people we’re running away from can tell whenever Aziraphale or Crowley use their powers - their alien powers, that is - but I don’t show up on their, errr, alien scanner things. So they can’t follow us to Proxima Centauri.”
This was going to require a lot of discipline, he realised. If they wanted to be good intergalactic space fugitives - and Zadkiel absolutely did - there would have to be no more performing of miracles unless fused from now on. One thoughtless snap of the fingers from either of them, and it would all be over. Zadkiel hoped the other two were up to it.
He squared up to the orbiting planet below.
“Enough explanation. It’s time to go. Are you ready?”
Adam nodded. The blue lights of Alpha Centauri shone in his eyes.
“Brilliant. Hold on to my arm and don’t let go no matter what.”
Adam scooped up Spacedog,[1] along with the Book, and looped his spare arm through Zadkiel’s. He may have shown up unexpectedly, but he was a reassuringly large presence.
Zadkiel performed the ritual on himself and Adam. Nobody needed to leave their gems behind accidentally at this stage. He guessed it would be messy in Adam’s case.
“Here we go -”
Zadkiel reached out.
His fingertips dissolved as they neared the planet. Then his whole body melted into a stream of atoms, and this really was a freefall, dimensions compressing around him, his body stretching back miles, stars streaking across his vision. He was made of mist and he was rushing through a cold tunnel faster than any living thing had ever moved
They popped out at the other end, mouths agape like fish.
The first thing was the silence.
It was crushing and absolute. It was the silence of a void. A sea of darkness full of pinpricks of light that only made the darkness more infinite. He remembered, from two different perspectives, rowing across a lake that had been like this.
Then, the planet.
It spread out below him. A hard, mountainous, canyon-pocked waste-scape. He could see where it curved, the crescent of light like the rind of an orange. He could see the shimmering corona of its atmosphere. He could see the granite and sandstone and marsh-coloured patches of its body, all merging like a paintbox left out in the rain.
He had never seen anything like it. A new world. Untouched. Alien.
He had to admit it was a cracking view.
Adam’s fingers dug into his arm. The green dog yipped at a hysterical pitch.
Zadkiel looked down at the boy and noticed the third thing.
Adam gasped for breath that wouldn’t come. He stared into Zadkiel’s eyes, terrified, as his lips turned blue.
[1] Neither of Zadkiel’s components knew what to make of the dog. They’d each secretly hoped that fusing would bring some wisdom on the subject. Zadkiel was happy to report: nope. The dog thing was really weird.
(Link to next part)
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on-stardust-wings · 3 years
So I'm having thoughts about Alpha Centauri, and I haven't seen any of them mentioned anywhere, so here goes.
It's a common theme in fics that Crowley has some sort of personal attachment to Alpha Centauri, that maybe he made it, and that he really wanted to go there. I'm not saying it's a bad trope. I've read very cool fics about them going for a trip to Alpha Centauri after Armageddon together.
I think we're reasonably safe to assume Crowley has been to Alpha Centauri as an angel. He knows that it's always nice this time of year. Now, it is a fairly flippant statement, but we know he helped built a nebula, so maybe he happened to pass by Alpha Centauri on his way to work or something. Maybe he helped make it as well. He doesn't say, but he might have.
The other common theme about Alpha Centauri is the "it's a binary star system, two stars locked in orbit around each other, and that's a metaphor for their relationship".
Science geek me isn't quite satisfied reading that one, because it's a triple star system. Alpha Centauri A and B are more or less sun-sized stars orbiting a common center. They're pretty close together (their orbits would fit into the Sun/Pluto orbit, which really is pretty close for two stars). They're orbited by the third star of the system, the red dwarf Proxima Centauri. It's called "Proxima" because it's the closest star to Earth. Out of the three components, Proxima is also the only one currently confirmed to have planets. It has two of them.
And that's an interesting thing, isn't it? It's the star closest to Earth. Crowley says, while trying to talk Aziraphale into leaving with him "lots of spare planets up there, nobody will even notice us". Lots of spare planets. The system he picks has two. By now, surveys for exoplanets have found lots of systems with planets, including systems with planets in their stars' habitable zone.
The system he picks has one potentially habitable planet. It's also, far as running away goes, a very interesting choice. Let's run away from Heaven and Hell, as far as the nearest planet we can reach! ... Because that's it! It's the nearest planet. Not one that's far away, hidden in the far and wide stretch of the cosmos where nobody can ever find them. As far as running away goes, on a cosmic scale, Alpha Centauri is like running away from the law and moving in next door instead of fleeing the county. Surely nobody will find you here? One house down the road. Yeah, seems perfectly safe. Very good running away you're doing.
It goes even further than that. Alpha Centauri A and B are visible to the naked eye from Earth. (Proxima is too dim.) If you were to live on Proxima's planet, A and B would be the brightest objects in the sky at night by far, but know what would also easily be bright enough to see? The Sun. Our Sun. As a main sequence star a measly four lightyears away, it would be one of Proxima Centauri's brightest night sky objects. You can't only see Alpha Centauri from Earth, you will also see Earth's Sun from Alpha Centauri.
My point here is, Crowley doesn't choose a far away system to run away to, as would be probably smart. If you're running away from Heaven and Hell, run away as far as you can. Instead, Crowley wants to run away just the bare minimum he has to. Just far enough to reach the next best star.
He doesn't choose a safe place to run away to. He chooses a place to run away to from where he will be able to see Earth. It'll be in his sky, every night. And if it goes up into a big puddle of burning goo, the flash of the explosion will spark on Proxima Centauri's sky like a supernova. Crowley will be able to see the end of Earth. From a distance, yes, but it will be impossible to miss. Depending how the war goes, how long it lasts, the Heavenly and Hellish fires burning up the Earth might last month, years, centuries. And all this time, the spot in Crowley's chosen sky where his former home planet was will burn bright and clear. Even without fighting, even after having run, he'll bear witness. He'd be unable not to.
I think Crowley didn't pick a star system he worked on eons ago, when he was still an angel. No, he picked the closest thing to Earth, the closest thing to the planet he loves, that he lived on for 6000 years, where he became the person he is now, where he met the only other being he wants to share his life with. He picks the closest thing to home.
To go to to watch home burn. All his plans to stop it have failed. He's lost hope. He can only run. He wants to take his most important person along, but not really to a safe place. It's a safer place, yes, by a margin, but it's also a place where they can continue to do what they've done together for 6000 years. Bear witness to Heavenly and Hellish atrocities committed on Earth. Like they bore witness to the Flood and the Crucification. They might not be able to stop it, but they'll witness it, lighting up the sky from the closest vantage point in the entire universe.
Crowley doesn't pick Alpha Centauri because it has a lot of personal meaning to him. He picks it because Earth means a lot to him, and even if he leaves, he doesn't go far.
Excuse the angst. To end not on a bleak note, I have another point to add: remember the thing about the three stars, not two? Remember the relationship metaphor? Suggestion for a new metaphor: the two main stars, A and B, are Crowley and Aziraphale, closely orbiting each other. The third star, always bound to both of them, is Earth/humanity. To say Alpha Centauri is a binary star system leaves out the constant push and pull of the third star on both of them. The system is only stable, and accurately described, if you consider the influence of the third component. Proxima Centauri is a vital component of the Alpha Centauri star system, and Crowley and Aziraphale wouldn't work the same way, maybe not at all, without the gravitational pull of Earth and its humans.
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elenyafinwe · 2 years
Underneath the Silence
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Tobirama pointed the telescope at another star. "This is another star system in the immediate vicinity of our solar system," he explained as Minato looked at it. "The two suns together with a red dwarf form a triple star system. Have you ever heard of the three-body problem?"
[Minato:] "Yes, of course. A mathematical problem used to describe the behaviour of three bodies under the influence of their own gravity. These usually move in chaos in relation to each other, and to obtain quantitative results, the equation of the three-body problem must be solved numerically."
"This star system is thought to offer good conditions for extraterrestrial life. Its proximity also makes it easy to observe; it's only about four light years, making it the closest star system."
"Nevertheless, due to the three-body problem, it could be difficult for a stable environment to form there."
May I present you? A date. At least what Tobirama sees as a date. Aka: Behold! Obscure science facts! He got a new telescope and tries it out with Minato. Super romantic *cough cough* What Tobirama describes here is a real star system called Alpha Centauri and the red dwarf is Proxima Centauri, seen on the southern hemisphere on Earth.
(May I interest you in the novel The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin? Super hard science fiction, but sooo cool and soooo tripy. Alpha Centauri plays a vital role in it as well as the three-body problem ... who would have guessed.)
Go read the fic on ao3.
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orangepanic · 2 years
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I posted 1,418 times in 2021 - my first year on tumblr!
506 posts created (36%)
912 posts reblogged (64%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.8 posts.
I added 1,242 tags in 2021
#irosami - 282 posts (surprise! who's surprised? I am)
#iroh ii - 274 posts
#asami sato - 240 posts
#tlok - 227 posts
#fanfic - 59 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#general iroh of the fire nation looks at the inept government next door and is over this shit. time to end the experiment that was the ur.
My Top Posts in 2021
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The non-bender bonding we all deserved.
91 notes • Posted 2021-08-03 04:04:31 GMT
Royal Firebenders + Stars: The Next Generation
Ok ok ok ok you guys... so what if I asked @monochrome-swirl to make some bonus art to extend their series Royal Firebenders + Stars to include Izumi and Iroh II? And what if they agreed? And the results were AWESOME?!?!
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Royal Firebenders + Stars: Izumi
Izumi is here with a red dwarf star. Red dwarf stars burn at lower temperatures than many other stars, making them long-lived and stable. Examples include Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star.
See the full post
103 notes • Posted 2021-05-14 00:33:28 GMT
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Underrated friendship.
116 notes • Posted 2021-11-14 04:14:11 GMT
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"I'm Keeping Her"
133 notes • Posted 2021-11-21 17:37:09 GMT
The moment you re-read an old fic and think wow, I like this, wish the author would write more! and then realize it's yours and you have complete control over this.
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226 notes • Posted 2021-09-07 03:55:29 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Ok there’s tons of cute art and fic and metas our there connecting Crowley’s past as a star maker to the star he wanted to run away to and the romance of Alpha Centauri being two stars that orbit each other and it’s all really sweet, but I can’t help thinking...
Y’all know Alpha Centauri is a triple star system right?
Alpha Centauri A (Rigil Kentaurus), Alpha Centauri B (Toliman) and Alpha Centauri C (Proxima Centauri).
A and B form the super romantic pairing.
C is a red dwarf, orbits much farther out (closer to Earth), isn’t visible to the naked eye, and is the one that actually has confirmed planets in the habitable zone.
Like, I honestly don’t know what romantic thing you can do with this information but i honestly love the sort of angsty/unrequited romance feel of it which doesn’t seem like a good fit for this ship (more of an OT3 thing? Or some kind of identity thing idk?) but I’m just saying if anyone pulls it off idk tag me and I’ll name a cat after you in the future.
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kingfisherprince · 2 months
Proxima Centauri (I know I misspelt that 😭) for the wip meme?
you actually got it right haha
that's my poly tjv post vuelta requiem because i'm still not over it. here you go:
Jonas had come to his room one evening during training camp, sat down on the foot of the bed with his hands up in surrender and explained the whole thing. What saying yes would mean, how it would be perfectly okay not to. What the team would and wouldn't ask of him, and how all that really mattered was communication.
Finished by saying, "It's entirely up to you — " and by that point Attila had been relieved-confused-curious enough to lean over and kiss him. Dramatic, again, but it had worked out. 
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The Stars Welcome Him - Crowley x Male Demon Reader
Is wasn't requested, it just occurred to me. Yeah. I love space, okay?
Me and @fortune-fool02 both wrote a version if this fic, so go check theirs out. They're a really good writer as well!
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(That, my good friends, is The Grand Nebula. Amazing, isn't it? But also amazingly destructive.)
It wasn't a secret that Crowley liked space. In fact he loved it, but he also wanted to share it with someone. Aziraphale had...refused, in a way (you go too fast for me, Crowley), and he knew of nobody else that would go with him.
But then again, he did know someone, and that someone was Y/N, another demon, another fallen Angel, one with the darkest red wings, with feathers like blades. When Y/N had been an Angel, he watched over War. He gave his feathers to unknowing humans, and they used them as swords, and now bullets.
Y/N had wanted to fall. He watched over War and had soon learned that Angels were worse than their counterparts. And so he had disobeyed, questioned, and fallen.
He had, however, also fallen.
And he had fallen in every sense of the word. He had fallen from Heaven, but he had also fallen for Crowley.
Now, Y/N and Crowley weren't dating. Not really. It had never been confirmed by either if them and neither had really asked the other out, but it was all there. And as cheesy as it were, neither if them really knew. Everyone except the two knew.
Crowley wanted to take Y/N to see Alpha Centauri. He helped create it. He wanted Y/N to see the beauty if what he had made, his own little paradise.
Every Demon had an animal assigned to them. Beezlebub had their flies, Hastur his Frog, and Ligur his Chameleon. Crowley had the Snake. Y/N had a Raven. A large, black, intimidating Raven perched on his shoulder at all times.
A raven, or a crow, was often seen as a sign of death, and it was true. Y/N collected damned souls, and sent them to Hell. He travelled wherever his work took him, he dealt with more important souls, and his ravens dealt with less important souls.
However, Y/N was having a week off. His ravens could deal with the work, there was enough of them.
There was a sudden knock at Y/N's door, and he answered it, knowing who it was.
"Crowley, took ya long enough." Y/N smiled, wrapping Hus arms around the serpentine demon. Crowley chuckled quietly, returning the embrace, and then he pulled away, taking Y/N's hand, and leading them outside, to his Bentley.
"I'm taking you on a trip." Crowley stated, and Y/N raised an eyebrow, questioning. "Alpha Centauri, it'll be fun. It's lovely this time of year." He explainer, and Y/N grinned.
Y/N knew about Crowley's previous occupation, and therefore knew about Alpha Centauri. "Oh, really? It's about time. Let's go!" He chirped excitedly, the Raven on his shoulder flapping, mirroring Y/N excitement.
Crowley started the Bentley, and off they went. He drove out of the city, past Tadfield, into endless fields. This is where they stopped. Both got out of the car, and they headed, hand in hand, away from the road, away from sight.
"Crow, how are we gonna get there?" Y/N asked, and Crowley smirked.
"A miracle, duh." Crowley chuckled, and he snapped his fingers.
Y/N suddenly couldn't breathe. It wasn't an issue, though, because he could just miracle some oxygen up, and ta-da, he could breathe again. There was also the issue of keeping his corporeal body together, so that used another miracle. He then looked around, and was awestruck.
Alpha Centauri was actually a star, so Crowley had moved them to Proxima Centauri b, a nearby exoplanet that was in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf star. Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri were both visible in the clear sky. Well, technically there was no sky, as there was no atmosphere, but it could be called a sky.
More distant stars glittered and glimmered in the distance, dotted around like glowing freckles, and if Y/N looked hard enough, he could spot the Sun, the very sun that Earth orbited, and he grinned.
Faint Nebulae were visible, just about, and so were nearly invisible Supernovae. Y/N marvelled at the sight, and then turned to Crowley, tears in his eyes.
"Thank you for bringing me here, Crowley." Y/N whispered, and Crowley smiled ever so slightly, and wrapped a jet black wing around Y/N's smaller body. Y/N brought out his wings too, and spread them out, blood red, razor blade feathers obscuring the sky behind them, but it didn't matter because nobody was looking behind them.
"I've always wanted to bring someone here. I wanted people to see what I had created, I wanted them to see that I'm not just a demon. I used to be an angel too. I created these stars, these planets, these nebulae." Crowley mumbled, standing up. Y/N stood too. "I don't just make trouble." Crowley added. Y/N nodded.
"No, you made something beautiful. People will look out at all this for years and years to come, and although they don't know you did this, they will marvel at your work." Y/N smiled at Crowley. "Isn't that what you wanted?"
"Yeah. Yeah it is."
@dekahg @meganlpie @whatawildone @highfunctioningfangirl19 @steampowerednightvaler @alexa-lightwood-blog
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lineffability · 5 years
For the fic ask: 1, 3, & 5!
favorite fic you wrote this year
I’m quite fond of this one and this one, and another I haven’t actually written, but which remains in my head, somewhat
favorite line/scene you wrote this year
There is a magic trick that time plays with light.
It shows you the light of fires that have long since burned out. If you are looking at the night sky, at dark velvet spangled with millions of stars, you are looking at the past. And then the light fades and is forever gone. But you, you have witnessed it. You have been there, on this day, in this time, long after the stars sent you their love–and exploded.
Time shows you ghosts.
Crowley is thinking of ghosts.
If you look at the sun, what you see is the sun as it was eight minutes ago. So little time, so much distance. Eight minutes for light to travel into your eyes.
From Proxima Centauri, the red dwarf outlier burning up around the Alpha Centauri star system, it’s four light years. From the Pleiades cluster, four hundred. Light travels for four hundred years to show you ghosts.
most popular fic this year
a drabble of Aziraphale being introduced to Crowley's plants  
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Write Your Letters in the Sand
A gift for @cinnamon-freckles as a part of @dailyhaikyuu‘s Secret Santa!  I hope you enjoy!
Ship: DaiSuga Rating: T Word Count: 6,089 Summary: Sawamura Daichi and the crew of the Fukurokuju left Earth on December 29th, 2039.  They came back 87 years later to a planet they no longer recognize, but with inhabitants who recognize them. Tags: Time Travel AU, Space AU, Somewhat Scientifically Accurate Time Travel, Fluff, Comfort, Light Angst with a Happy Ending Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17238368
Fic under the cut!
Operation: Fukurokuju.  Mission Description: Deep Space Exploration to Proxima Centauri b. Launch Date: December 29th, 2039. Launch Time: 14:35.  Mission Director: Ukai Ikkei.  Mission Commander: Sawamura Daichi.
It was a cold, gray morning when Sawamura Daichi awoke early on December 29th.  His alarm gently beeped on the night stand as he cracked open one eye and then the other.  He sat up, rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and reached over to silence his alarm. The last one he'd been turning off for a while.  Well, on Earth any way.  Today was the day.  Days before his birthday, Sawamura Daichi was going to deep space.
It was an honor to be chosen for this mission.  Operation: Fukurokuju was JAXA's first manned deep space exploration mission, and he was one of eight astronauts to be selected for the team.  In fact, he had been selected for mission commander for this trip.  It wouldn't be Daichi's first trip into space; he had been on three trips to the International Space Station for a total of 90 days in space. But this time, he'd be on a deep space exploration mission, traveling at light speed to an exoplanet trillions of miles from Earth all in the name of data collection and research.  He shivered with excitement as he pulled himself out of bed.  He also shivered with nervous anticipation.
The previous night, Daichi had spent the last night he would ever have with his family.  Trillions of miles of travel meant travelling at light speed in order to reach the planet within the astronaut's lifetime. Travelling at light speed meant that there was a very real possibility of something going very, very wrong.  He didn't want to dwell on it too much, but as he prepared breakfast for one last time, he couldn't help but reflect on the first mission brief all those months ago.
"Our technology should be advanced enough that your ship should stay intact as you travel through light speed," Mission Director Ukai had told the crew on the first day of training, "and the cryogenic pods will help you maintain your body's regular functions."
Ukai had paused then, taking an unsteady breath before he added, "And because of time dilation, we can't guarantee you'll ever see your families again."
Ukai had held up a hand when the cries of shock and protest filled the room.  Once the assembled crew had quieted down, Ukai had continued, "We know that this will come as a surprise to some of you, especially those who may not have as strong of a background in physics.  However, this is a risk anyone who wants to participate in this mission must be willing to take."
"How much time would pass here on Earth?" an astronaut who would later drop the mission asked.
"Proxima b is 4.2 light years away, and you'll be spending three years in orbit around the planet collecting data," Ukai explained.  "It'll then be another 4.2 light years to return to Earth.  Not accounting for the two years in orbit, it might be about 80 years of time on Earth."
Another murmur had rippled through the assembled group.
"I know that the uncertainty of all of this is daunting," Ukai said, "but this is—quite literally—a once in a lifetime opportunity.  You get to work not only with your current generation of scientists, but future generations as well, exploring a planet that we know so little about.  This is a phenomenal opportunity for you all.  If you need to withdraw from the mission, I understand.  But I hope you'll all stay on."
In the end, they had to replace all but four crew members.  Daichi remained on as mission commander, as did his fellow astronauts and lifelong friends Azumane Asahi, Michimiya Yui, and Tanaka Ryuunosuke, the crew's physician, resident geologist and the crew's pilot respectively.  Added to the crew were Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Shimizu Kiyoko, and Ennoshita Chikara.  Hinata would act as their navigator and communications technician, Kiyoko their chief engineer, Ennoshita was an astrophysics researcher who specialized in exoplanets, and Kageyama was the systems operator for the journey.  They each had their specializations, and they knew the risks involved.  Still, they were all prepared to undertake the journey.  Daichi had nothing but respect and admiration for their dedication to space exploration.
After breakfast, Daichi took a quick lap around his apartment.  The place was bare; most of his furniture either left with his family or sold off.  He had been allowed one crate of personal effects, and those had been with JAXA for weeks now.  There was really nothing left for him there, but Daichi couldn't help but felt a twinge in his chest as he stepped into his bedroom for the last time.  His room was the only place with furnishings.  His parents would be by later to pick up his bed and dresser, taking the last of his clothes for donations and selling his remaining furniture off.  Daichi spun in a slow circle, taking in his bedroom, and his eyes fell on a lone picture frame on his dresser.  
He picked it up, turning it over to examine the picture.  It was a picture of his family during a birthday several years ago.  It must have been his sister Miko's birthday, as she was in the center of the photo.  Her wide smile had a missing tooth, placing this photo at her seventh birthday. Akane was seated to her left, his small hand reaching towards the cake, most likely in an effort to steal some frosting while Miko distracted.  Daichi in the picture had his hands resting on Miko's shoulders, eyes closed and head thrown back in laughter.  Neither of his parents were in the picture.  Daichi blinked back the tears that were welling in his eyes.  He knew that he was going to cry, but now wasn't the time.  He had other things to do.   Daichi took the picture out of the frame and folded it gently.  He tucked it into his pants pocket with a gentle pat; JAXA wouldn't mind if he brought along one more thing.
Daichi made his way back to the front room, stopping at the genkan to put on his shoes and his jacket. With one final look at his apartment, Daichi gave it a little wave, then left.  He locked the door, and dropped the key in the mailbox for his parents to find later.  Stepping out of the building into the early morning sun, Daichi checked his watch; 5:30am, just in time to watch the sunrise on the river bank.
It took Daichi about twenty minutes to make it his favorite spot on the river bank.  It was cold, but it wasn't snowing.  It rarely did in the city.  It was cold enough that he'd wished he'd brought a scarf, but he had donated his scarves a while ago.  He picked his way along the river bank, his hands shoved in his pockets as he made his way to a small alcove just behind a large boulder.  It was his favorite spot on the river bank, secluded, peaceful, empty.
Daichi sat on a large rock that sat on the edge of the water.  A gentle breeze ruffled through his short, dark hair as the sky steadily grew lighter and lighter.
"I knew I'd find you here," a familiar voice called.
Daichi turned to watch Azumane Asahi pick his way down the bank towards Daichi.  Daichi moved over to make space for Asahi to sit down. With a quiet grunt, Asahi sat on the rock, his gaze turned towards the sunrise.  They sat in silence for a few minutes, content to watch the clouds turn pink and orange as the sun finally rose over the horizon.
"Whatever you're about to say, keep it to yourself," Daichi said after a moment, reaching down to run a finger through the freezing sand.
Asahi blinked twice, his mouth dropping in shock.
"How did you-?"
"You do it every mission, Azumane," Daichi teased.  "You always make some speech about us blasting off to explore the vast unknown for the betterment of humanity like a sentimental senpai in a manga."
"Pot, meet kettle," Asahi scoffed, giving Daichi a playful shove.  "If anyone in the organization overhypes missions with sentimental speeches, it's you."
"Fair, fair," Daichi said, letting the conversation lapse back into silence. After a few minutes, he gestured for Asahi to speak.
"Oh, so now you want my sentimentality."
"Get on with it, Azumane."
Asahi sighed, pulling his knees up to his chest.  "We're going to be leaving Earth for who knows how long."
Daichi hummed in agreement.
"There's no way we're making it back to Earth while our families are still alive, and who knows what Earth will be like when we get back."
"If we get back."
"I'm trying to be optimistic here," Asahi said, glaring at Daichi.
"Sorry, go ahead."
Asahi nodded, "Thank you.  As I was saying, who knows what Earth will be like when we get back.  And frankly, that scares me.  That absolutely terrifies me.  And I'm scared about what will happen to my parents when I'm gone.  The future is uncertain, and that scares the shit out of me."
Asahi stopped, tears welling up in his eyes.  Daichi reached out and pat Asahi's hand, waiting for him to continue.  After a minute, Asahi wiped his eyes and took a shuddering breath.
"But, I know that things are going to be okay.  I'm going on this mission surrounded by people I've known for years, people that are my friends and that I love.  We're going to be gone for a long time, but I'm not going alone.  I'll be with people who have my back, and I'll have theirs. We're going to be okay."
Daichi pulled his friend into a tight hug.  Asahi wrapped his arms around Daichi without hesitation.  Daichi knew he was crying, and he knew Asahi was crying, but neither of them addressed it.  It would ruin the moment otherwise.
"Come on," Daichi said after a minute, his voice heavy with emotion, "let's go to space."
Daichi helped Asahi off of the rock.  Asahi went first, picking his way back up the bank to the road.  Daichi's gaze dropped to the sand next to the rock.  He had traced his name in the sand, just out of reach of the waves.  One last piece of himself left on Earth.  Daichi turned away and climbed the bank after Asahi.  He had a ship to catch.
The mission had been a success, in Daichi's mind, but at the same time, three years in orbit hadn't nearly been enough time to fully study the planet.  Chikara and Yui had found some interesting data on the planet, but they could have found so much more if they were allowed to stay.  The Fukurokuju had very little problems thanks to Kiyoko and Tobio's teamwork, any problem the ship may have had was fixed under their careful scrutiny. Ryuu, finding that his own job wasn't as important during the orbiting stage, learned how to navigate drones to and from the planet's surface.  Daichi, needing something to pass the time, assisted Shouyou in creating star charts and relaying communications back to JAXA.
It wasn't all work onboard the Fukurokuju.  The crew made it a point to send an over-the-top Christmas photo back to Earth once a year along with pictures of birthday parties and zero gravity antics.  As it turned out, Chikara was an excellent filmmaker and spent plenty of time documenting the day to day life of the crew.  The crew also set a record for the most amount of weddings held on a space ship outside of the Milky Way, with Kiyoko and Yui, and Shouyou and Tobio all marrying within one rotation of one another.  Daichi had officiated both weddings, and the crew held a joint reception between the two couples.  The ship's interior had been filled with makeshift decorations that hadn't come down for weeks.
But the three years were up, and the Fukurokuju hurtled back towards Earth at the speed of light.  The ship dropped out of light speed somewhere around Mars and had been on a steady course for Earth for months.  Soon enough, they were approaching Earth.
Shouyou was the first to spot Earth, dragging Tobio over to one of the ship's windows with a loud, "Tobio, you need to see this!"  Tobio tried to resist at first—citing cryopod maintenance as a top priority—but once he caught a glimpse of Earth he froze.  He wrapped an arm around his husband's shoulder and pulled him close, marveling at the blue speck that grew closer and closer.  The rest of the crew was alerted soon after and preparations for atmospheric entry began.  Within a week, the crew was strapping into place and preparing for their descent back to the planet's surface.
"Hey Daichi," Ryuu called from the pilot's chair, "I think you should let Chōfu know we're coming.  Don't want them to think we're aliens or anything."
Daichi rolled his eyes as he pressed a button on the coms board and said, "Chōfu, this is Mission Commander Sawamura Daichi of the Fukurokuju.  We're beginning our descent through Earth's atmosphere.  We'll transmit you our coordinates for pickup once we land. Over."
Silence.  Ryuu looked over at Daichi with an eyebrow raised. The rest of the crew looked on with mild concern.
"Do our coms not work anymore?" Yui asked.
Daichi pressed the button again, speaking louder this time, "Chōfu, do you copy?  This is Mission Commander Sawamura Daichi of the Fukurokuju.  We're beginning our descent and we're requesting pickup on impact.  Over."
More silence.  Then came a crackle from the coms.
"Fukurokuju, we copy," said a calm voice. "We have someone tracking your shuttle now and we'll have someone meet you at your landing point."
The crew let out a cheer of relief.  Daichi sighed as he pressed the button again, "Roger that."
"Oh, and Commander?" the voice said.
"Welcome home."
Daichi smiled. Satisfied, he sat back in his seat and nodded at Ryuu.
"Alright Ryuu, bring us home," Daichi said.
Ryuu gave Daichi a small salute.  "Yes, sir."
As Ryuu piloted the ship down through the Kármán Line, a well of emotions bubbled up inside Daichi. They had made it, they were home.
Touchdown was rockier—or rather, wetter—than the crew anticipated.  The ship overshot land by a few miles and landed in the Pacific Ocean. They'd been lucky that the ship's landing gears included floatation mechanisms, but they still had to wait for several hours for a ship large enough to pick them up from the ocean.  Daichi had radioed Chōfu again, and the person on the other end had laughed hysterically before telling Daichi that a ship was on the way.  The ship that came to get them, however, was something they weren't prepared for.  For starters, it skimmed just above the water.  No, it wasn't skimming.  It was hovering.
The crew gaped as the large gray vessel slowed to a halt in front of them.  It certainly looked like a carrier, but carriers didn't hover like that. They also didn't rise into the air high enough to open the bottom of the hull and pull the Fukurokuju inside using a tractor beam.  It was like something out of a sci-fi novel.
"I'm starting to think that Ukai was onto something with the whole 'time dilation equals time travel' thing," Asahi muttered to Daichi as they stepped off of the Fukurokuju and onto the floor of the now closed hull.
"Well, if you're thinking that it's 2044, then you're right.  Welcome to Earth, circa 2127."
The crew turned to see a group approaching their own.  They were led by a blond man with—surprisingly—piercings and his hair held back by an athletic headband.  Daichi noted that the group following him was all dressed in what appeared to be JAXA uniforms, but one in particular caught his eye.  Standing near the front of the group was the most gorgeous man Daichi had ever seen.  He was Daichi's height with the fluffiest silver hair Daichi had ever seen.  He was toned, Daichi could tell that much from the uniform.  His amber eyes seemed locked on Daichi, and Daichi felt a blush creep across his face. The silver haired man flashed him a quick smirk and Daichi groaned internally.  That was entirely unfair of this stranger; he been in space with people he considered family that he'd forgotten how to cope with attractive people.
Thankfully, the blond haired man stepped in between Daichi and the source of his torment, snapping Daichi out of his stupor.  The man held a hand out to Daichi, "Ukai Keishin.  You worked with my grandfather."
Daichi looked between the man's hand and his face before grasping it.  "Sawamura Daichi.  You look an awful lot like him," Daichi remarked.  "Wait, did you say 2127?"
Ukai shrugged, "We're going to wait to debrief you all until we're back in Chōfu.  We've set up some temporary quarters for you here on the carrier so you can freshen up and all that.  I can't imagine you've had an easy return journey."
There was a murmur of agreement amongst the crew.  Daichi knew he was probably exhausted, but he had questions.
Ukai seemed to sense this as he gave Daichi a weary smile, "Rest up, you'll find out everything you need to know later.  Tsukishima, Yachi, Yamaguchi.  Please escort the crew of the Fukurokuju to their quarters.  Takeda, with me.  The rest of you, back to work."
Two men and a woman stepped away from the group.  The girl, Yachi, pointed out a room for Kiyoko and Yui to while Tsukishima and Yamaguchi led the others to their own rooms.  The doors were opened by handprint, again, something Daichi had only seen in sci-fi.  It was a little unnerving, but then again, he had apparently spent the last 84 years living a sci-fi story, so he really he had no leg to stand on.  Tsukishima—the taller of the two—gave Daichi a solemn nod before turning to let Asahi and the others into their rooms.  As Daichi entered his room, he could hear a voice call down the hallway, "Are these the missing astronauts?"
'Missing?' Daichi thought as the door closed behind him.  'Were we missing?'
Daichi shook his head and surveyed the room before him.  It was the same gray as the rest of the ship, with a tiny window overlooking the ocean. There was a bed, a side bathroom, and a dresser up against one wall.  A single change of clothes had been placed on top of the dresser.  Otherwise, the room was bare.  Daichi crossed to the dresser and picked up the clothes – a T-shirt and a pair of jeans.
"How did they know our sizes?" Daichi wondered aloud.  "Maybe they were still on file or something."
Daichi shrugged his shoulders; one more question to add to the list.  He set the clothes down and stripped off the top of his flight suit. He peeled off the undershirt and dropped it to the floor.
"Excuse me," said a voice from behind him.
Daichi nearly jumped out of his skin, spinning on his heel to glare at the newcomer.  The silver-haired man from before stood in the doorway.  He held up his hands in a placating manner, a wide but sheepish grin plastered on his face.
"Hi, sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he said.  "Can I come in?"
Daichi blinked twice, then nodded, "It's, uh… it's okay.  Come in."
The other man lowered his hands as he stepped over the threshold.  He gave the room a once over before returning his attention to Daichi. "My name's Sugawara Koushi," he told Daichi. "I was the one who gave you contacted when you started your reentry and when you landed in the ocean."
"Nice to meet you, Sugawara.  I'm Sawamura Daichi, but I guess you already knew that."
"Call me Suga, all my friends do."
"Alright then. Suga it is."
Suga's face suddenly turned a bright red and he gave a quick cough.  Daichi quirked an eyebrow, then looked down.  His own face flushed as he realized he was still shirtless.  Suga picked up the shirt from the nearby desk and tossed it at Daichi.  Daichi snatched it out of the air and pulled it over his head.  Suga was staring at him and it was making Daichi a little uneasy.
"Thank you for your help by the way," Daichi said as he tugged the shirt into place.
"What?" Suga asked, snapping out of whatever little world he had been in. "Oh, it’s nothing, really.  I imagine it'd be kind of scary to crash land in the middle of the ocean and have no one come pick you up."
"Yeah, it was a little concerning," Daichi agreed.  "Especially since we weren't expecting a helicarrier to come get us."
"A helicarrier?"
"It's from an American superhero movie, don't worry about it," Daichi said.
Suga nodded.  He opened his mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by a sudden commotion out in the hallway.  Suga poked his head out of the door and groaned.
"I gotta get going," he said.  "It looks like Nishinoya's trying to make friends in the most destructive way possible."
Suga left before Daichi could say anything, but Daichi figured out what he meant when he looked out into the hallway.  Shouyou, Tobio, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi watched as Ryuu picked up a short man—Nishinoya, maybe?—in a JAXA uniform and lifted him over his head, much to the delight of the man.  Asahi, Chikara, Kiyoko, and Yui were suspiciously absent.
"Wow, 21st Century humans are a lot stronger than I thought they'd be," Daichi could hear him say.
"It's either that, or you're really small," Tsukishima said.
"You got something to say to me, bean pole?" Nishinoya snapped.
"I bet I could pick you up too," Ryuu said, setting Nishinoya down.
Shouyou chanted in response, "Do it, do it, do it!"
"Don't you dare," Tsukishima hissed as he took a step back.
Suga stepped forward at that point, a stern look on his face.  For the briefest of moments, Daichi thought that he was going to put an end to the shenanigans.
"You're gonna hurt your back if you try lifting him.  Let me help you."
Tsukishima gaped at Suga before turning tail and booking it out of the corridor.  Daichi smacked his head against the doorframe; it was going to be a long trip back to land.
The following week was a blur of debriefings and press conferences that left Daichi's head spinning. They'd been given rooms at a JAXA owned dormitory—a new feature as of 2115, according to Suga—and then they'd immediately been swept up in debriefings: what happened in the 87 years they were gone, what they experienced in space, general mission debriefs. But then everyone at JAXA wanted to meet with the "missing astronauts" as they were come to be known. Then every other space program wanted a meeting with the crew as well.  As did every news corporation and world politician.  It was a week of press junket after press junket after meeting after press junket.  None of the crew seemed to be handling that part well, but least of all Daichi.  As mission commander, he was the star of almost every interview.  Everyone in the 22nd Century wanted to get to know the man in charge of the Fukurokuju crew.  It was exhausting.
One good thing that came out of all of this was Suga.  Within the span of a week, the man had become a close friend and guide for Daichi and the rest of the crew.  Daichi wasn't sure how, but it felt like he'd known Suga forever, given how seamlessly he blended in with the group.  The century's difference between him and the crew was nonexistent.  He was funny, supportive, informative, and charming. He took the crew out on a tour of Chōfu their first morning back, receiving only a mild reprimand from Ukai once they got back.  He'd bring food for the crew in between press conferences and answer questions about 22nd Century life.  He always had a quip or a joke whenever someone was feeling down.  Daichi had to admit it, he was falling hard and fast. Really, it was hard not to when he made it a point to see Daichi and the crew at least three times a day, including dropping by Daichi's quarters once a day.  Aside from the blossoming feelings of infatuation, Daichi recognized something in Suga.  He was a source of comfort.
This was especially nice after a particularly brutal interview that involved way too many questions about his family and whether or not he'd been in contact with any potential relatives.  Daichi was embarrassed to say that he had stormed out of that interview, but really, who could blame him?  He may have been slowly adjusting to life on Earth almost a century after he'd left it, but his family was still a sensitive spot.  If either of his siblings had had kids, or grandkids, none of them had reached out to him.  Or maybe they had and JAXA hadn't passed on the messages.  Regardless, it wasn't something he wanted to talk about.    
Suga had been waiting for him when he left the press room, his smile fading at the look on Daichi's face. He followed Daichi back to his quarters in silence.  He waited patiently while Daichi opened the door, and then followed him inside. Daichi flopped down onto the bed with a sigh.  Suga remained by the door, tense and silent.
"I don't know how you feel about hugs," Suga began after a minute, "but you sure look like you need one."
Daichi sat up.  He studied Suga for a moment, his eyes roving over Suga's worried expression, his amber eyes flashed with empathy.  Daichi gave Suga a curt nod.  The tension seemed to drop from Suga's shoulders as he approached Daichi.  He pulled Daichi to his feet, then pulled him into a tight embrace that knocked some of the wind out of Daichi's lungs.  Suga, Daichi was pleased to discover, gave fantastic hugs.  Daichi relaxed as he wrapped his arms around Suga's waist and tucked his face into the crook of Suga's neck, the tension of a long week seeping away into nothingness as he just stood there and let himself be held.
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Suga whispered.  "But if you need to, I'm here for you."
Daichi took one long, shuddering breath, then exhaled.  "They asked about my family."
"Someone asked Kiyoko and Yui about it in their joint interview the other day," Suga remarked. "You'd think that would be on the 'Don't ask' list, but reporters are nosy."
Daichi snorted, "At least that much hasn't changed since the 21st Century."
They fell back into silence. Suga brought a hand up to run his fingers through Daichi's hair, the other rubbing small circles across his back. Daichi closed his eyes and let himself relax further into Suga's touch.  He could feel himself drifting off in Suga's arms, but he didn't care.  This felt right.  It felt like home.
"Do you wish you hadn't gone?" Suga asked.  "To space, I mean."
Well, wasn't that the question?
"I… don't know," Daichi admitted.  "Part of me wishes that I could have grown with my family, but then again, if I hadn't…"
Daichi trailed off, letting the unspoken then I wouldn't have met you hang in the air.
Suga pulled away from Daichi enough to look him in the eye.  There was a fire there as he said, "Wait here."
"I'll be right back," Suga told him, pulling away and leaving the room.
Daichi immediately missed Suga's warmth.  With a snap, Daichi realized just how much he craved Suga's company.  He was something familiar in unfamiliar territory, a piece of driftwood in the unknown sea of the 22nd Century.  In less poetic terms, Daichi was fucked.  With a groan, he collapsed back on his bed.  Falling for a guy he had met a week ago was the exact icing on top of the cake of weirdness Daichi had to deal with.
Suga's voice came from the doorway a few seconds later, "Don't fall asleep on me now.  I violated several archival rules to bring you this surprise."
Daichi sat back up as Suga crossed the room to sit next to him.  In his hands was a small JAXA tablet.  Daichi glanced between the tablet and Suga's face.  Suga beamed with excitement as he held the tablet out to Daichi.
"Since your mission was one of the most famous space exploration missions in the last century, everything about your lives was documented," Suga explained as he tapped the screen and held it out to Daichi.  "That included interviews with your families."
Daichi froze, his hand inches from the tablet.  "They interviewed our families?"
"That they did," Suga replied.  "Do you want to see yours?"
Daichi swallowed, tears rolling down his face as he whispered, "Please."
Suga brushed the tears from Daichi's face, the gentle touch more than Daichi could handle at the moment. Suga moved his hand from Daichi's face to his shoulder, then pressed the screen of the tablet.  On the screen were his parents, significantly older than they had been when he had left Earth.
"It's been hard for us, without Daichi," his mother said with tears in her eyes. "But we know that what he's doing is important.  His work has meant so much to him, I'm glad that of all of the people working with JAXA, our Daichi was the one who got to go."
"We're so proud of him, we really are," his father chimed in.  "We like to tell his nieces and nephews that if they look closely, they can track his ship across the night sky."
Daichi's heart skipped a beat; he'd had nieces and nephews.
"If you could tell Mission Commander Sawamura one thing, what would it be?" a voice off-screen asked.
His parents exchanged a loving, but pained look.  Then his mother turned back to the screen and spoke, "We love you, Daichi.  Please come back to Earth safe and sound."
"Name a crater after me if there are any on Proxima b," his father added with a chuckle.
The video ended there. Daichi didn't mind too much that it was a short clip; the tears falling from his eyes obscured the screen anyway. Suga set the tablet to the side and pulled Daichi in for another hug.
"They loved you so much," Suga whispered.  "They were so proud of you, and they loved you so much."
Daichi pressed his face into the crook of Suga's neck.  He took a deep breath and said, "Thank you, Koushi.  I… This means a lot to me."
Suga tensed for a moment, clearly caught off guard by the use of his given name.  For a moment, Daichi worried that he'd crossed a line. After a moment, however, Suga squeezed him tight.
"You're welcome, Daichi."
It took six months for the press conferences to finally stop.  By that time, the crew of the Fukurokuju had officially settled into life in the 22 Century.  Yui and Kiyoko had moved out of the dormitory and back to the small town in Miyagi they had grown up in.  They found jobs at the local university, with Yui working in the geology department and Kiyoko taking on a job in the Engineering department.  Shouyou, Tobio and Ryuu stayed on with JAXA, training future astronauts in flight, systems operations and navigation.  Chikara got a job as a science consultant for movies, as well as a teaching position at a local university in Tokyo.  Asahi found work at a local hospital near Chōfu. Daichi also stayed on with JAXA as a mission director, but moved back into his old apartment.  It was bittersweet to come back to it, but it had been his home almost one hundred years ago.  He needed the familiarity.
To his delight, Koushi continued to drop by unannounced almost every single day.  Usually he brought food, but sometimes, he just brought himself.  Whenever he'd show up, they would hang around Daichi's apartment and talk until sunset, then Daichi would take Koushi out for walks around town, showing him all of his old haunts and comparing them to how they were 87 years previous.  Koushi usually had a remark about Daichi being ancient when Daichi would complain about "new fangled technology" and Daichi would easily counter with an exasperated "kids these days".
It was in moments like that where Daichi discovered little things about Koushi that made him fall even deeper in love.  The bridge of Koushi's nose scrunched when he laughed.  Koushi's eyes would flash a little just before the delivery of a swift jab to Daichi's ribs after a terrible joke.  Koushi played with strands of his hair when he was nervous, or lost in thought.  Koushi's smile was brightest whenever Daichi used his given name.  Koushi's eyes flickered between Daichi's and Daichi's lips whenever Daichi spoke.  Koushi always hugged Daichi tightest whenever the group would split for the night. Koushi flushed a light pink whenever Daichi caught him staring.  It was all of the little things that made Daichi love Koushi more and more with each passing day.  And it was about time he did something about it.  
On Koushi's birthday, Daichi and Koushi went for one of their usual sunset walks.  They stopped by Koushi's favorite ice cream shop before Daichi led him to the river bank he'd frequent 87 years ago.  They made their way across the river bank, their hands brushing against each other.  Feeling brave, Daichi laced his fingers with Koushi's.  Koushi gave Daichi's hand a squeeze.  Warmth spread across Daichi's cheeks as he grinned.
"So, where are you taking me, Sawamura?" Koushi asked.  "You've been awfully secretive about this whole birthday adventure."
"I bought you ice cream, didn't I?" Daichi teased.
"Don't dodge the question."
"It's one of my favorite places in Chōfu."  Daichi said.
He led Koushi to the alcove. To his delight, the area remained unchanged.  He sat on the rock closest to the water's edge.  Koushi sat next to him, pulling his knees to his chest and resting his head on Daichi's shoulder.  The sun set behind them, leaving the pair to admire the twilight sky.  Daichi reached down to the sand below and traced his and Koushi's names into the sand.
"Anytime I left Earth, I'd come here to watch either the sunrise first," Daichi explained.  "It was always so tranquil here.  No one would find me; it was just me and the world around me.  Knowing that I would be coming back to this was what made me want to go to space in the first place.  I always had something to come back to."
"Thank you for sharing this with me," Koushi whispered, lacing his fingers with Daichi's again.
Daichi sat back a little, turning to look at Koushi.  He studied the other man's face for a moment before he asked, "Can I kiss you?"
Koushi blinked at Daichi, then punched him in the shoulder.  "I've been waiting for you to ask for six months, Sawamura!"
Daichi laughed as he rubbed his arm, "You know, you could have taken the initiative."
"Shut up and kiss me, asshole."
All too happy to comply, Daichi cupped Koushi's chin and pulled him into the kiss.  It was a simple thing, as far as kisses went.  It was a gentle kiss, but it had just the right amount of passion behind it to send shivers down Daichi's back.  Koushi brought his hands up to rest on Daichi's shoulders.  He tilted his head to deepen the kiss, and it was like the final piece of a jigsaw puzzle falling into place.  It felt right, being there with Koushi.  Koushi was comfort, Koushi was home.
"I love you," Daichi whispered against Koushi's lips.
Koushi pulled back to press a kiss to Daichi's forehead.  "I love you too," he replied.
They stayed that way for a while, trading gentle kisses as they watched the sky turn black.  It was exactly where Daichi wanted to be.
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appreciate-kaimaki · 6 years
Since Maki have a lot of scars (she's a freaking assassin after all), Kaito likes to kiss them and sometimes compare them to constellations of stars (sorry for my Bad english;;;)
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Ngh… this… this is just so cute! Dammit, Kaito, you big sappy romantic…
I was originally going to make this a headcanon, but the writer gods intervened and made this into a fully fledged fic with lots of kissing and fluff! I hope you enjoy this, anon, because I sure did.
The fic is under the cut!
~Mod Shuichi~
It’s not like Maki hated being intimate with Kaito - while she would never admit it out loud, their cuddle-slash-makeout sessions were easily her favorite part of the day. His exuberant warmth always seemed to fill her very heart and soul with comfort, melting away her hardened exterior until only the goodness inside her remained. Yet, as they sat in each other’s arms on his bed in one such session, she couldn’t help but freeze as his warm hands slid into her waist and brushed across her back. There was a good reason she had yet to take her top off in front of Kaito despite him being topless before her many times, one which brought back painful memories, yet he was dangerously close to discovering it by himself.
Maki used to be, until very recently, a very… efficient assassin. Slip in, kill target, slip out. She never made detours to eliminate witnesses, because no one ever saw her. She had no injuries to patch up, because she always killed with the first strike. That, however, wasn’t always the case. There was a time Maki was inexperienced and untrained in combat. That period was most definitely short - her handlers wouldn’t have it any other way - but it still left a fair share of scars on her in both mind… and body.
A bullet mark that went through her left flank, from a firefight with a dozen police officers with just a single emergency pistol. One round versus hundreds. Long, jagged lines running across her collarbone and chest, from when she’d failed to kill a target with her first hit and he retaliated with a kitchen knife. Burns scattered across her back from when she was captured and tortured by some foreign agents for killing their boss. And much, much more - some were even from her own handlers, as punishment for each time she screwed up. Her legacy of murder, left as permanent disfiguring marks on her body.
Her boyfriend’s fingers found one such mark, following the long, rough line running along her spine. Kaito looked up when he noticed his girlfriend stiffening under his touch. His expression immediately shifted into one of genuine concern.
“Hey, Maki Roll, you okay? Maki Roll?”
Maki remained frozen, unable to respond. While Kaito did know that she had a history as an assassin, she had never showed him her scars. For good reason, too - even if he accepted her past as a murderer, who would want to date a girl with hideous scars all over her body when there were better girls, ones who never had to kill for a living, ones with beautiful unblemished skin from head to toe? Her fears, visions of Kaito leaving her, denouncing her as ugly and scarred, came crashing down on her all at once, ringing in her ears like too many gunshots blending together -
The sound of her name jolted her back to reality, and she desperately pulled away from his grasp, pulling down her shirt over her back as her breath spiraled out of control.
“I, I have to go now.”
Kaito looked back at her with sadness and worry filling his eyes.
“Maki Roll, don’t go.”
He reached out and tentatively held onto her fingertips, as if she was a lifeline that would explode if held too tightly.
“Tell me what’s bothering you. Let me help you. Please.”
His touch seemed to drain the panic out of her through the small area of contact, and she could think logically for a moment. Leaving would simply delay the inevitable. Sooner or later they would end up in the same situation again, and he would figure it out by himself anyway. Better to tell him in her own terms while she still could. Hesitatingly, Maki admitted, “I’ve been hiding some things about me to you. A lot of things. I’m sorry.”
Maki allowed her boyfriend to draw her in again, sitting in his lap as she tried her best to calm her raging senses. Kaito slowly lifted her shirt up, exposing her trembling back riddled with too many scars than Maki wanted him to know about. His warm fingers traced each line, lingered in each bullet mark, as he gently ran his hands over her back and massaged her tense muscles, and despite the situation Maki found herself calming down. Kaito always had a way of doing that to her.
“I’m sorry my skin isn’t as fair as the other girls,” Maki blurted out. “If you hate me for this I can understand. You don’t have to put up with an ugly girl like me…”
“Maki Roll.”
Kaito wrapped her from behind in a heartfelt embrace as he nuzzled into her neck, the tip of his pointy purple goatee ever-so-slightly brushing a thin line over her collarbone. Maki let her eyes flutter closed as she leaned back into her boyfriend. The way he said her nickname was so tender, so loving, that it sent pleasant shivers up her spine as his breath played on her skin. Tenderly kissing the side of Maki’s neck, Kaito undid his hold on her to slowly move down her back. He took his time with her, planting kisses on every scar, every injury and blemish, kisses so soft and warm that Maki almost felt the scars melting away and leaving her clean as could be.
“You’re beautiful. All of this, all of you, is so much more beautiful than I ever thought you could be. And you, Harukawa Maki, are the only girl for me until the end of spacetime.”
“I’m not… the scars…” she stammered.
“They’re all beautiful, every single one. Like the shining stars in the sky. Maki Roll, if you think I’ll leave you over something like this you’re dead wrong.”
He left trails of kisses on them all, bestowing heavenly names to each and every mark on her back.
“Proxima Centauri.” Kiss. “Cassiopeia.” Kiss. “Andromeda.” Kiss. “Vega.” Kiss. “Aquarius.” Kiss. “Deneb.” Kiss. “Ursa Minor.” Kiss. “Virgo.” Kiss.
Finally Maki turned around to face her love, twisting in his lap to wrap her arms around him and drink in that wonderful scent of his. Kaito merely smiled that bright smile that always gave her butterflies in her stomach and kept right on, along her collarbone, above her chestline, and dipping down once or twice to plant even more kisses on her navel and abdomen.
“God, you’re so perfect. Like starlight made into a person. So divine, so heavenly.”
Lost in the sheer amount of love Kaito was giving her, Maki found his lips with her own and kissed him with all the strength she could muster, her feelings of relief that her Kaito would never leave her behind intensifying her hold on him. Her starry-minded boyfriend reciprocated in kind, and the two remained locked in their loving embrace for the longest time. As they finally separated to gaze into each other’s eyes, Kaito lifted a hand to gently caress Maki’s cheek.
“Maki Roll, you’ll always be my universe. Forever and always. Because I love you, with every atom of my being.”
Maki could only blush as she pressed her face into the crook of his neck once again.
“I love you, too.”
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yoi-fanficrecs · 6 years
Fanfic Writer’s Appreciation Day 2018!!!
I’m so thankful for all the fanfic writers in out there and especially the writer in the Yuri! on Ice Fandom. Here’s a list of some of the fics I’ve read this week & some of my favs all mixed together! (THIS IS BY NO MEANS A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF ALL THE FICS I THINK ROCK) 
Don’t forget if you’re a fic reader to go and leave an extra comment on your fav stories or drop an ask in the author’s tumblr about how much you appreciate the work that they do! Some of the authors in the fandom are FANTASTIC and I can’t believe that they aren’t paid, professional writers!
Much Ado About Something by @eternalsunshine13 &  Skowronek 
AO3 Summary: By day, Victor Nikiforov is the head of European operations for LearX, a company on the forefront of private space travel. By night, he is makka-baby on Tumblr, a prominent figure in the small but passionate poodle fandom.
By day, Yuuri Katsuki runs F.O.O.L., a subsidiary of Katsuki Enterprises, whose stated goal is to bring LearX down one lawsuit after another. By night, he’s oodlesofpoodles, an active member of the poodle fandom and possibly makka-baby’s biggest fan.
By day, they duke it out in court. By night, they become friends—and maybe something more—as they fall for each other one Tumblr message at a time.
Or: a romantic comedy starring two idiots in love, the Katsuki family, the mothers Nikiforov, the husbands Chulanont-Giacometti, two doggos, six hamsters, one Yurio, and many, many schemes to get our favorite lovebirds together.
I devoured this in one sitting. They were so frustratingly adorable!!!! This fic is a great enemies to lovers filled with poodles, matchmaking Chris & Phichit, and a futuristic Tumblr app that is still the worst. :P 
In Regards to Dynamics by ICanSeeClearlyNow, Oxytreza 
AO3 Summary: In a world where betas ruled, alphas and omegas were treated as less than human. After centuries of prejudice, they rebelled, commandeered a colony ship and left Earth for the Proxima Centauri system, vowing to create a new world where all people, regardless of gender, would be treated equally.
200 years later, a reformed Earth approaches Proxima asking to reestablish contact and to reconcile their worlds. Victor Nikiforov, a popular and successful politician on Proxima, is chosen to lead the mission to Earth and accompany a team from Earth back to Proxima for a scientific exchange.
The team from Earth consists of ordinary people descended from omegas and alphas who chose to remain on Earth. Yuuri Katsuki, a researcher into transporter technology and completely ordinary and unremarkable Earthling (a PhD and excellent service record don't count - shush Phichit!) is both thrilled and terrified at the prospect of meeting the handsome ambassador who has taken the Earth by storm.
I’m a sucker for ABO fics. The history and world-building in this fic fascinated me and gave our boys some interesting backstories. 
Cherry Blossom Winter by Ars_Matron
AO3 Summary: The war was over, and they had lost. The invading army covered Japan in a show of complete dominance. All bowed before them in hopes of being spared. And Hasetsu was no exception.They couldn't fight, there were no more battles to win, yet they were bound and determined to keep their omegas safe. All Yuuri and the others had to do was keep low until the soldiers were gone. Blend in. Never be caught alone.Yuuri hadn't meant to catch the attention of the blue eyed alpha.Viktor wasn't going to let him slip away.
ABO FICS FOR THE WIN!!!! This fic is an ABO version of another one of Ars_Matron’s stories Snow in Spring - so if you like the summary but not the A/B/O aspect hit that story up! I think the A/B/O aspect really raises the stakes for this story. Just from reading the summary you think it’s going to be a Dark Viktor, but Ars writes his POV as well so we get his thought process too! This is a great conquering Alpha! Viktor and dancer Omega! Yuuri that you’ve got to stop and read it! 
Hide and Seek by senshoo
AO3 Summary: Thankfully, the walk only took a few moments and soon, Yuuri was juggling both the child and the key while he shouldered his way into the apartment, set the kid down on his secondhand couch, and then sighed, sinking to the floor.
One deep breath.
Maybe two.
And then, it hit him.Holy shit.Did he just kidnap a child?--
Or: The one where Yuuri accidentally becomes a father at twenty three. Oh, and there's still skating.
EKKKKKK!!!!! I love baby Yurio and this fic warms my cold dead heart! Not to mention this fic is HILARIOUS! I’ve literally laughed out loud reading multiple chapters from this fic much to my embarrassment during professional development workshops. It’s just a cute pinning fic with a cute little Yurio and a dash of angst but mostly humor. <3 <3 <3 
Plus: the writer is a consistent updater! 
Can I have some of that, Please? by TheLittleSeven  
AO3 Summary: If there's anything he learned during his mate's pregnancy, it was to never, EVER question a craving of a pregnant person. Ever. Unless he wanted to deal with a crying fit that resulted from him asking the omega why he wanted mango ice cream with siracha and peas topped on it. Pregnant people usually have weird cravings during their pregnancy. Yuuri Katsuki-Nikiforov is no exception.
I stumbled upon this little one shot over the summer and absolutely love it! The writer says this is their first fic and it’s so cute! You’ve probably read the story somewhere on the internet and it fits our sweet boys so much! 
Dearly beloved by Sophia96
AO3 Summary:  This is the story about unconditional love between true mates. When they are destined to be together, there will be nothing standing in their way. Not even language barriers or great distances. As long as they have each other, they will never need anything else.
I couldn’t make a fanfic writer’s appreciation post without including my main writing KWEEN @sophialala1 !!! All of their fics are amazing! Long, fluffy, plot twists, little angsty Viktuuir goodness! Also, they are a dedicated writer and right now going on over a week of daily updates! I’m so thankful they are writing for this fandom and cannot express my gratitude enough! 
Between Sixes  by D_Toska
AO3 Summary:  When Yuri Katsuki is hired as a caretaker for an elite competitive stable owned by Viktor Nikiforov, he knows he's in for trouble with his stunningly handsome new boss. When he makes a major mistake on his first day, he learns just how far Viktor is willing to go to ease his guilty conscience.
HOT HOT HOT!!!! This story is spicy, flaming, sexy, and OMG! I’m pretty sure I have a perpetual nosebleed the ENTIRE chapter. There’s also a lot about horses, which is very lengthy and detailed so I’m sure the writer knows what they’re talking about, lol (bc I know nothing about horses). But I love the chemistry between the dom Vitkor & sub Yuuri and i am on this rollercoaster for good. 
Learning Life & Love (Work) by BellaBear13
AO3 Summary: Yuuri Katsuki gets admitted to the hospital for his anxiety and Viktor Nikiforov becomes his therapist. They fall for each other and develop a prohibited relationship, while dealing with problems and situations along the way. Yuuri befriends another patient, Yuri Plisetsky, where they find friendship in one another and open up about difficulties they have with their mental health and relationships.Together they all learn the meaning of life and love.
I was hesitant to start this fic only because I thought the power balance between Viktor & Yuuri would be skewed bc of the therapist/patient bit. I WAS SO WRONG!!! This fic is beautiful and heart-wrenchingly angsty and you know, a little pinning. The writer takes so good pace with their budding relationship && how they approach Yuuris (&&Viktors) mental illness. I really love this story and it updates consistently on Wednesday. Take a chance, and read this fic! 
Seven Years and Twenty-Four Hours (Work) by Glaucus_Atlanticus
AO3 Summary: A time-traveling shower transports 18 year old Yuuri into the body of his future self—and into the arms of his idol, Victor Nikiforov. Now Yuuri must pretend to be his older self until he can return to his own era. Which would be a lot easier if Victor weren't so attentive. Or so affectionate.But as time goes on, Yuuri finds himself torn between his old life, and a new one that would hand him everything he ever wanted...but at the cost of his real identity.
COMPLETED! So beautiful. The younger time-traveling Yuuri is so heartbreakingly anxious and Victor is just a sad sac without his time-appropriate Yuuri. This is an angsty fic, but such a great read.
P.S Sorry this turned into an A/B/O fic appreciation post, lol. (but not sorry)
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