#fic: the art of summoning
old-desert · 3 months
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Ah yes, hooman Loop
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^ early concept
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strawdool · 16 days
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(this is a recreation of this scene from Infinity train book 3!)
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Also bonus because if u know you know. :)
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Sasuke boutta drop the hottest diss-track of 2k23
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kellterntempest · 4 months
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I was summoned to be a ringer by @panic-flavored for her 2023 Stobotnik Secret Santa event
And so here is your gift @cease-this-bitch-crying <3 "Affection like hugging & hand holding" have some touch starved jimbotnik and hand kissing i hope you enjoy!!
mini ficlet accompaniment below
Stone slowly tugged the fabric off each finger of Robotnik's hand. Delicately, deliberately, as if the hands beneath were made of fragile porcelain.
Stone paused, looking into Robotnik's dark eyes. Is this ok? His own eyes asked.
Robotnik's fingers brushed against Stone's palm in response, barely making skin contact, almost afraid to touch and be burned. But the touch was not the burning sensation he feared, but instead a spreading tingling like the aftermath of an electric shock. Invisible sparks – Robotnik swore he could feel them.
One glove. Stone folded and placed it on the counter beside them, to be easily taken back if Robotnik became too overwhelmed and needed them again.
The second glove came off, and Robotnik’s heart rate already started to climb. His hands were bare now, nothing hidden. Stone’s hands clasped gently over his, caressing the skin with his thumbs.
Stone allowed himself to look, to feel, to finally worship the hands of his king, his one. As he took in the sight of Robotnik's hands, memorizing every detail, Stone traced a pattern with his fingers, tracing over very white, pinkish scar, over the visible and dark veins, over the rough knuckles of the long bony fingers. 
Stone lifted Robotnik's left hand up to his mouth, bowed his head, and kissed it. His lips were beyond soft, warm, and adoring.
Robotnik fought the gasp in his shaking lungs, but his chest couldn't hold it in. It was the stolen breath of a man who had never been kissed like this, never been shown this kind of tenderness, this careful gentleness – a man who had been starving his whole life. So, so hungry, and the abyss of his hunger was unfathomable. Robotnik never knew just how much his hunger had been suppressed, didn't realize how far down he had repressed his need for human touch until he finally received it. Finally feeling. 
Robotnik’s heart beat so fast, like an untamed creature flying against the bars of its cage so wildly he thought it would burst. The kick drum in his chest beat asymmetrical to the rhythm of their slow, ever so slow moment. His hands quickly began to tremble in Stone’s grasp.
Stone’s heart raced in tandem with Robotnik’s as he placed another kiss on his knuckles, harder than before. “I love your hands.” He whispered into the skin, unable to find any other words that could possibly describe the depths of his feelings. Stone was consumed with joy to show his love and more so for it to be accepted, he couldn't contain himself and planted more gentle kisses along the skin of Robotnik's palm up to his wrist.
I love your hands. Robotnik's eyes welled up, much to his disdain for the stupidly human emotions plaguing him. But he couldn't stop it, and tears pooled in the corner of his eyes, ignoring his internal struggle to not give anything away. He nearly whimpered under Stone’s touch, but there he stayed strong, and instead managed to choke out, “Thanks. I grew them myself.”
Stone chuckled into his hand, his chest quivering with laughter from the unexpected joke. Of course, the doctor had to make light of everything. It was his way, to conceal heaviness with humor.
“Exceptional work, sir.” Stone's eyes twinkled. “Beautiful.”
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jackmichaela · 9 days
Once again for the people who weren’t listening before:
FANFIC IS FREE IT IS OFFERED TO YOU AS A GIFT you didn’t BUY IT it is FREE. No one asked you to review it like a BOOK YOU PAID FOR. The author owes you NOTHING.
Say thankyou if you liked it.
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Go about your day.
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manofthepipis · 2 months
Random question that’s answer is probably very obvious, but I’ll ask it just in case:
What kind of magic does each Addison specialize in, and what do they visually look like? I remember them being used in the big Spamton NEO fight in the last few chapters, but I was wondering if it could be a bit clarified?
Like, does Click’s magic just look like a Cursor, or is it more complex?
(Also, sorry if the question’s worded weirdly, I didn’t really know how to phrase it)
it's all good! i honestly had to go back to even remember what id written for that chapter just to regain my thoughts on their attacks lol
so i thoughtd id put a fun spin on some different types of advertising as if the addisons were enemies in the deltarune universe! their attacks are meant to be visualized in the deltarune fighting format, with bullets relating to their forms of advertising.
Clicks has a variation of cursors, based on clickable product advertisements that show up on webpages, whether that be pointer fingers or simple arrows, Banner has banner ads (which i imagined like literal fabric banners with some sort of advertising on them), Survey has poll-based advertising, which can be bullets of "most likely-least likely" (or whatever poll options they summon) being used as attacks, Sponsor is those ads that shows you sponsored items that pop up first in your search engine, and he doubles as sponsor ads in internet videos, the attacks being video shields or computerized reinterpretations of random items he's had lightners search in the past. Spam's used to be mail projectiles, but he doesn't use them anymore, with the exception of being Neo.
Like if you were in the game and had to fight an army of these particular addisons, you'd be met with a deltarune-style battle of cursors, banners, polling options, and random items from the light world's town. Maybe some coupons here and there. It'd be the reverse of spamton's battle, in where you actually have to buy things to spare them.
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radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Fic Prompts: Zelda Tuesday
At the very edge of the Gerudo desert, right at the foot of the mountains, a watchtower balanced between two climates. Sometimes blisteringly hot, other times bitingly cold; it was a post no Hylian in their right mind would volunteer for. Of course, soldiers had whispered that retired marshal Bram was a little bit mad as it was, which was why no one was particularly surprised when he chose the watchtower for his home.
Bram didn't take his duties all that seriously-
At least, not the duties expected of him by the crown.
He didn't spy on roving Gerudo bands from his tower, or collect tolls from the Rito to remind them that they were subject to the King of Hyrule. Instead, he spent hot days napping in the sun, and cool nights attending the only duty he found worth pursuing: teaching his daughter to protect herself.
Linkel was a stout-hearted lass, full of courage and mischief alike. But courage without strength and wisdom could only get a child so far before they ran into trouble of one kind or another. Bram didn't insist that Linkel practice swordsmanship, as the knights of Hyrule had nagged him to do when the mark of the Triforce appeared on her left hand. There were plenty of things a body could use to defend themselves in a pinch: hammers, axes, crossbows, even cutlery! He saw no reason to enforce old traditions under the guise of "destiny" A blinky triangle on a ten year old's hand was no reason for everyone to lose their heads!
Linkel delighted in trailing along behind her father at night, terrorizing the local chu's and driving moldorms away from the slopes where a travelers' stable sat. Frightened horses caused Situations, and Situations were -- as her father often complained -- a Hassle. During the day, she attended lessons at the stable with several Gerudo and merchants' children around her age, or scampered up and down the foothills like a rabbit with little oversight.
Or at least, she did, until a Sheikah mistakenly accused her father of spying for the kingdom of Holodrum, and everything just got needlessly complicated.
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rococospade · 9 months
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OC art done for a painting demo on sheer fabric. Mostly done on stream in the Leyndell Creative server: thanks to everyone who came, hung out and offered live feedback, you guys made it a lot easier to stay motivated and productive :D
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nerevarbean · 2 years
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Goris the Maggot King, who i only became aware of this morning
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erzbethluna · 2 years
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Im reading this beautiful fic by amazing @takitalks and @ic3-que3n
"The boy and the summoned"
Im loving it! I did this quick drawing before actually reading how's Simon's outfit and noticing his lack of wings 🙈 but anyway haha. This scene is when he and Baz share a longing pinning gaze in the woods, surrounded by fireflies ✨
I highly recommend it, still reading chapter 6 and Im intrigued!! Demon Simon is a delight 🙌 and this mystery-esque scenario in Pitch Manor and Baz/Mordelia fierce brotherhood sealed the deal for me 🥰
Yeah I will be back to work on all my WIPs 🙉🤡 Im on itt!! Im actually planning my Malcolm Grimm drawing by doing research. He'll be a 50's Noir pulp fiction-esque Pierce Brosnan 👀🔥✨ and Im outlining an AU fic, so bare with meee 🥺
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mecharlie-fox · 2 years
Memoirs of a Summoner: Part 1
Rules are simple my fellow Summoners, the prompt works for anyone and everyone. Feel free to use them but with credits. This works for canon (Kiran, nonbinary/male/female), original characters, and self-inserts/readers. 
Ship intention: Alfonse X Reader / Summoner X Reader? Note: Okay uhh here’s a quick thing, the Summoner can be Kiran, your OC, whatever you’d like because there will be two important ppl in this short fic - YOU, the reader and the Summoner. So yeah, take your pick. And happy reading!
This is a really old fic that I made last year (May) 2021, I never went through with it but it was an interesting thought if we’re gonna you know... take in account of the official art for the Summoner. You see I like me my mystery men but the summoner can be any gender depending on your preference
You’re not the Summoner. You’re only but a faceless member of the Order of Heroes. You grew up reading and listening to stories about the Legendary Great Hero who would one day wield Breidablik to bring peace to the continent, and end this senseless war. You wanted to do your part, much like anyone else.
Commander Anna knows you - of course she does, as commander, she should know the names and faces of every single member who volunteered for this cause. And that alone she’s grateful to you.
But the Askran siblings - you know they were nice, and you know that they have the same goal as you. But you weren’t important and you weren’t a Hero - when you die, no one will remember your name. You’re just one of those nameless soldiers who died for the sake of their kingdom. A sacrifice. Cannon fodder.
You knew this and yet you fought anyway. It was all for your family. It was all for the friends you left in the village. Because someone needs to help.
Training was all left to you and ranking members who weren’t anything special in the order. Your captains did their best to make sure that your training was on par with the Heroes, making sure that none of you were in the way, making sure you all knew what to do. You were a few, couldn’t even call yourselves a platoon. A lot of people tend to forget that the Order had human beings like you, and when they say “Order of Heroes” it was.... well... always the Heroes and their reckless royal siblings.
The heir to the throne and his spare were both putting themselves at risks. Some of the few members understood it to be setting as an example, in hopes that more members would join and that they wouldn’t rely too much on Heroes. But in truth, it had an opposite effect. It was reckless, it was stupid, if both of them died, who would lead Askr to a future? If the King dies and both of them are gone, where is the future?
It wasn’t... royal like. You weren’t even part of the nobility, never even stepped foot into the royal castle. You were a mere commoner trying to make a living while protecting the kingdom in your own way. Even when there’s no recognition to it. The thought of fighting so your family wouldn’t was enough for you.
The Order didn’t make any money. It was mostly being funded by the government, and if the monthly budget didn’t make it - they had to think of ways. You reported the discovery of Aether Keep to the commander, and she commended you and your unit for a job well done. Your fellow members commended you guys for it, because it meant that no more part time jobs to feed those Heroes with your own labor. They weren’t all bad, the Heroes. Even though you were invisible to them, they showed kindness when they saw you.
But one thing did bother you. The royal siblings - Aether Keep was something of the past, to battle in the skies. It provided so much for the Order such as inns, crops, a music hall, everything they needed to relax for once instead of training on an endless basis. Yes, the commander, your comrades and some of the Heroes commended you for a job well done - but not them.
They were above you. You know that. They wouldn’t be talking to a lowly commoner like you, but it just bothered you. Because you and your unit found the Keep and yet... it was the Summoner who was congratulated. The Summoner who was praised.
You didn’t have any ill-will towards the Summoner. They were kind, concerned, innocent, good - they knew nothing about warfare and yet they did their part to help end this war. Just like you did when you first came. You were there to protect not for recognition.
Heroes who died could be revived, thanks to the Summoner’s powers. But your comrades... your comrades who fell did not share the same mercy from the gods. When they die, they die. Cannot be revived. It wasn’t the Summoner’s fault. You keep on telling yourself.
You saw it with your eyes. The Muspell flames.
Your task was simple, you and your unit were to go to a certain place in Askr to see what was going about. A woman who seemed to be like a Hero to you, was fighting by herself while the village was being destroyed, burn down into ashes until there was nothing left. You knew this village, you knew these fields - you used to come with your siblings to play around while your parents were having their own leisure of an alone time. 
Now it’s gone. Nothing but the red sky and ash smoke. You fought. You all fought. But it was no use. None of you had magic, that wasn’t the law of your world. Mages were rare and not all mages wanted to sacrifice their lives for nothing. You watched your captain burning, reaching his hand to you as you felt the painful fuel of the flames of Muspell.
Run. He said with his dying breath. Run. Warn them.
 Miraculously, as if it were the Dragon of Askr’s will - you made it back to the Order of Heroes. Your skin covered in burns and all you could mutter to your Commander was one phrase: The flames... the flames....
 None of them thanked you. Few of the Heroes (mostly the Heroes who healed you) thanked you for your service, and gave their condolences for the loss of your friends. You were in your room, ordered to stay in and rest, Sakura and Wrys would come to you four times a day to tend to your burns - and try to cheer you up. They would bring friends, although you were thankful for their kindness - your heart still felt the loss of your unit... your squad, your family.
The commander came and offered her condolences and had assured you that their families have been well compensated, all Anna hoped for was for you to forgive yourself. 
Even when you’re stuck in your room trying to regain your health, you weren’t important. You knew you weren’t important. Everyone was more focused on this new Hero named Fjorm from the Kingdom of Nifl. And as always, the Summoner was praised for finding her.
The Summoner this.
The Summoner that.
The Summoner wasn’t the one fighting the battles, it was all you and your comrades. The faceless, nameless comrades who died... who were just forgotten because they weren’t Heroes.
You couldn’t help but hate the Summoner. Hate the Prince. Hate the whole Order.
None of you were important. The volunteers from Askr were not important. Even when everyone dines together in the mess hall, you all knew your place. You had your own place at the edge of the hall as the Heroes dine and laugh with the higher members such as the commander, the Summoner, and the royal siblings. There was such a wall between the normal folk and the Heroes - there finally came a time where some volunteers... left during the war with Muspell and Embla.
Because you all didn’t feel welcome in the ranks at all.
"You’re leaving too?!” You could hear Commander Anna’s reaction from across the corridors of the ancient castle. 
“I am so sorry Commander.” Your fellow comrade bowed in apology, behind the pillar you couldn’t help but listen and started thinking for yourself as well. “But even when all our goals are the same, to stop this war and protect the ones we love... I don’t feel welcome at all Ma’am. It’s not your fault or the Heroes. It’s just... I can’t keep it up anymore. I’m tired of trying to keep up with big names and we’re just... us volunteers are just nothing.”
“Are... are you all feeling this way?” The Commander’s tone was sincere. Broken. As if she was starting to question her own leadership.
“We all have... especially since (y/n) came back to us.” Your comrade admitted in complete shame. “She and her unit... her captain brought out the best in us, trained us, took care of us. But seeing their sacrifices meant nothing to the Order - what’s the point of service if we’re just going to be forgotten in the end?”
“I didn’t...” The commander was in utter shock. She couldn’t comprehend on how this was going around the volunteer members. “I wasn’t...”
“We don’t blame you ma’am. And we are grateful for the opportunity to serve Askr. We have... outlived our purpose now, ma’am. With all of these Heroes, you don’t need us anymore.” He bowed, you couldn’t help but feel his full sense of hesitation and even regret. “I’m really sorry ma’am. I wish you the best on the war effort.”
You couldn’t help but wonder if it was right. Did you truly outlive your purpose?
The following morning wasn’t better when you saw your roommate packing up their things. And you said. “You’re leaving too, huh?”
“Yeah,” your roommate casually answered as they continued to pack their belongings. “I gave my resignation to the Commander earlier. I don’t want to leave but… we’re not needed here anymore and the Order made that clear.”
“You’re a captain, what will happen to your unit?”
“My unit is leaving with me.” You looked at your roommate as they just finished packing. Giving you a smile of reassurance was all they could do for you. “It sounds like we’re ganging up on the Commander, doesn’t it?”
You were still in a state of shock. And yet, you didn’t question their decision, it was understandable. “I won’t lie… but it does… but… but why—I don’t understand.”
“Surtr is trying to attack every village he could find that doesn’t have a strong protection from the Order and the Knights. Commander Anna is doing everything in her power, we know that. King Gustav too and I know we have much more Heroes than before, and they’re a more capable bunch that us… they’ll do well.”
“What will you all do?”
Your roommate sighed. “We’re all going home to our respective villages. Muspell is playing with the Knights but they’re only defending the capital, the Order is more focused on gathering intel for the king but… even we were replaced by Heroes in that field. Protecting villages with no fighting force seems to be the most logical option. That’s what the others are doing. How ‘bout you?” Your roommate gave a wary smile. “Are you still going to stay?”
“Maybe.” You shrugged, avoiding eye contact. You didn’t know what to do. A part of you still wanted to be involved with the Order because of your beliefs but, the other part didn’t want you to say because none of you were being valued. “I’ll try to stay for a while, I won’t lie… leaving has also crossed my mind from time to time.”
Closing their suitcase, your roommate nodded. “Alright, I’ll see you in the village if you made up your mind then.”
After giving you a pat on the shoulder, you just watched your roommate leave. Things weren’t progressing as smoothly as everyone hopped for. Some of the Heroes did notice the decline of volunteer folks and you couldn’t help but wonder if this became a problem for the commander. You wondered if the Summoner or the Prince and Princess noticed it themselves. The more people left; the more Heroes were being summoned into the Order.
The mess hall was livelier than before now. With more Heroes meant more friends but, you looked around to only find almost no familiar faces that were in your circle. You realized; you were the only non-hero in the mess hall now. Everyone else left. The music, the laughter, the jokes, they were all noises for you now.
You were just one nameless soldier in a room filled with important figures.
“You haven’t touched your food (y/n), something on your mind?” You looked up to find one of the castle’s servants looking at you with concern. You didn’t realize that everyone in the mess hall was already gone, including the Commander and the Summoner.
“There is, actually.” You couldn’t help but sigh. “I’m also thinking of leaving.”
“You too?”
You smiled at that ironic question. “Yeah… me too. I guess leaving on my own free will is better than being sacked eventually. No one even noticed the decrease of numbers; the Summoner just keeps on replacing us anyway. The more Heroes they summon, who knows when the Commander will tell me to just sleep in a tent outside so they could have a room and a bed.” You joked.
The servant Dahlia sat across you, giving out a small pout. “Now, now… you know Anna wouldn’t do something like that.”
“It… just crossed my mind.” You answered honestly. “With the volunteers leaving, there would be more room in the barracks for the Heroes right? It hasn’t been even the following day and I already have a new neighbor. Maybe my comrades are right… we already outlived our purpose. Everything was simpler when Zacharias was still here.”
Dahlia just nodded. “Things were simpler when the captain was here but, he’s not anymore. Do you think Captain Zacharias would be happy seeing you all like this?”
No one knew what happened to Zacharias. Though he was close to Prince Alfonse and Princess Sharena since they were young, he used to be your unit captain. He took care all of you, trained you, scolded you, gave you wisdom – the Summoner was no replacement for him. Everyone knew that. Zacharias would want you to follow your heart. Not think of yourself a burden.
You shook your head. “Good.” Dahlia smiled. “No one can force you to stay or go, (y/n), that’s your decision to make. And if you’re leaving too well… all I can do is wish you luck on future endeavors.”
Perhaps with a bit of luck you would know what to do. But fortune frowns before you, you didn’t know what to do. For years, all you could think about was joining the Order of Heroes to do your part. To help fight and protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. The years were kind and fruitful, filled with laughter and friendship – but now they’re nothing but a shard of a memory as you walked down the cold, empty corridors of the castle.
In your room, you proceeded to write a letter. Describing your thoughts and explaining why your decision to leave the order was made. Neatly folding it, you left for the Commander’s chamber. Knowing Anna, she would still be awake by this time – after all, she was once a volunteer like you before the old man retired and chose her to be his successor.
In your mind, you rehearsed and rehearsed what you were going to say to her. How you made up your mind and will follow the decision of your former comrades. Many good soldiers came and went, and they were gone not because they were killed in the battlefield, but rather they left on their own free will.
You were about to knock, but for a single moment, you hesitated the moment you heard crying from inside.
Anna’s crying. You noted to yourself. Found yourself froze in front of the door, with your hand about to knock the door. You couldn’t do it. You wanted to. You wanted to leave. You were unhappy with what the Order has become and how you were all treated. You wondered if you were an ungrateful soul, wanting recognition for things you have done – things that any Hero would do, but because you had no name, you were nothing, you weren’t recognized.
You knew Anna was grateful, wasn’t that enough for you? Was it too much to ask for the whole Order to know the deeds you have done? The sacrifices that you had to endure? Hearing the commander cry made your heart feel even more pain than the burns on your skin.
“May I help you?” You jumped in fright, turning around to see the Summoner. “You heard the crying too, huh?”
“Yes… Summoner.” You looked down. Not wanting to look into their eyes. Even if you did, you couldn’t see them. The Summoner always wore their hood and no one has ever seen their face. Some did speculate that only members of the royal family and the commander are able to do so, but there was never any proof.
But Kiran already had an idea why you were in front of Anna’s room. “What’s that on your hand?” They asked quietly. It wasn’t stern or serious, but rather calm and worried.
“My… resignation, Summoner.”
Kiran nodded. “You’re leaving too. I see… may I ask why?”
Why?! You wanted to snap. How… how could they? After everything you and your comrades did for this Order, wasn’t it obvious why you chose to follow? But it was late and you didn’t want to cause anymore trouble for Anna. You’d be gone in the morning anyway. So, you answered. “I don’t belong here anymore, Summoner.”
The Summoner was quiet, but continued to listen to what you had to say. “I’m aware of the damages that this war has caused the kingdom. I’m also aware of the selfishness that has come to mind, thinking about myself rather than the benefit of those who need our protection. I won’t speak for my comrades who left before me – but I’m not being valued here. When a soldier leaves, a Hero takes our place right? We’re not important to this Order. Not anymore.”
“I see.” The summoner was calmer than you expected them to be. You were waiting to be scolded with the importance of duty. The Summoner was a tactician, one of the keys to the Order’s victory in so many battles. They were the Legendary Great Hero, who would ever doubt them? Who would put them in the wrong? “Here,” the summoner spoke as they offer their hand. “I’ll give it to her for you. I wish you the best.”
It was all you could hear from anyone at this point. Not all of your burns have been healed up and yet, it feels like your heart too, was also burning from the pain. You bowed in the Summoner’s presence as if they were of high importance. In this castle, you couldn’t help but wonder what the Summoner was really like behind that hood of theirs.
The Summoner never really spends time with normal troops, they were always with the Heroes. People expected Prince Alfonse to take on that role more, since he’s the crown prince but to no avail as well. He too, was also hands on with the Heroes.
You couldn’t even sleep that evening. All you could wonder was the whole impossible idea: would people still be leaving if Captain Zacharias was still in your ranks?
You found yourself packing the following morning, ignoring the rushing footsteps from outside of your room. You jumped in shock the moment the door burst opened to find Anna holding your resignation in her hand, and the Summoner calmly standing behind her. The commander was taking deep breathes, you wondered how long she actually ran. From her face alone, you knew she had a sleepless night too – the bags in her eyes were deep, stains of tears could be seen on her cheek.
But none of that mattered to her anymore, all that mattered was her proposition to you. “(y/n)!” She shouted with determination as your eyes both met. Her gaze was even burning hotter than Muspell flames. “I have a proposition for you!”
In a sense, knowing the commander for so long, a part of you already knew that she didn’t accept your resignation and is about to offer you something you can’t refuse. “Be my steward!” Anna stopped, knowing that she said the wrong words to you.
You blinked. “Forgive me commander,” you answered as you closed your luggage. “But I do not see how that will make me stay.” You were confused. What soldier would want a stewardship? You thought that they were taking you as a servant. The order doesn’t pay well, you were stuck doing side jobs just to send back money to your family back in the village.
“Ack!” Anna couldn’t help but scratch her whole head with both of her hands, letter still in hand. “I’m! I’m sorry! Those words were completely wrong! COMPLETELY WRONG! What I’m trying to say is – PLEASE STAY!” The commander clapper her hands together, bowing in front of you. This sight alone was enough to make you feel worse as it is.
You knew Anna before she became commander. All of the people who left knew her personally before she took on the burden of the Order. Even with the fancy titles and all – she was still Anna, but compared to you, Anna was more important. She had more significance. “I – I know I’m not doing my best to make you all feel welcome. Especially when Kiran had been summoning Heroes left and right increasing our numbers! But I want to make things better for everyone! So please (y/n)! Give me another chance!”
If it was their previous commander, this attitude wouldn’t stand. They respected Anna but respect wasn’t the problem, it was pure negligence.
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seagullcharmer · 4 months
blaaaargh < once again working on designing an alternate ghirahim
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
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i drew a bigger cluster of sr stuff
another interpretation of passione’s prima-ballerina !!
enjoy :o)
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creamy-jam · 2 years
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more dinosaurs from my silly little fic and in the recent chapter we had our first appearance of a herbivore in Naomitsu!!!
Michi has been around for a bit, but only one solid appearance
^^ link if you'd like to read, its a Tobirama-centric fic with dino summons :)!
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crossbackpoke-check · 2 years
hiii! just wanted to pop into your asks to say thank you so much for always leaving such lovely comments on my artwork! i just love reading through the tags you write for them, it makes my day. please never change! 💓 i loved seeing the ideas you had for the devil!nico/jack drawing i posted, they were SO adorable ( OH and the demon squishmallow is named dante, like dante’s inferno )! again, thank you for being so sweet!
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no YOU thank you so much for creating such wonderful artwork!!! it’s an absolute joy to get to see it, i’m so glad you choose to share it with us 💕💕💕💕 thank you so so much and it makes me so happy to hear that you like my tags 🥺🥰☺️ ALSO!! that’s so cute 😭😭 i love that the devil squishmallow is named dante it’s alliteration and clever
#i can promise i will continue to be an enormous fan of you & your art#not even kidding!!! i can’t believe this!!! did you feel me working up the courage to talk to you!!!!#me about to come into your dms like ‘hi i just needed to say i literally HAVE NOT stopped thinking about your devil!nico i love him so much’#‘it’s been a week & yesterday i went ‘ok but nico’s pointed nails r like. natural stilettos they r PERFECT for nail polish :) demon spa day’#that’s cosmic FATE baybe 🥰🥰🥰 same brain same brain same brain (the brain is love & appreciation)#liv in the replies#anyway. guess who just looked up squishmallows & was like haha what if there’s a jack russell terrier one for jack and GUESS WHAT#there’s not but there IS a little black cat exclusive 500 edition squishmallow named jack who has the cutest little 😌 face &#‘can be a little feisty but he loves to cuddle’ i’m on the floor wheezing of all the squishmallows to be named jack. it’s a little black cat#(notably a *spooky* animal witch familiar which. jack summoned a demon) & it’s exclusive & has a pale pink nose/mouth he’s DELICATE & PRETTY#QUINN IS A KANGAROO I REPEAT QUINN IS A PEACH KANGAROO INTROVERT quinn eldest daughter kangaroo pouch thesis… macropods#luke is a little lamb 🥺 i would have said a puppy but he’s literally the baby the 8’’ version comes w/a rattle HE’S PART OF THE BABY SQUAD#have i devolved into looking up hockey players as squishmallows? YES BECAUSE THERE’S ONE NAMED JOELLE & IT’S BIGFOOT LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME#joelle is part of the sassy squad and i am slowly losing it because there is also a winter joelle AND an aus winter joelle#which is exclusive to australia & i did think about the line where joel goes ‘cool have you ever seen a koala’ to raff & wheeze laugh softly#laying my head down on my desk &weeping verbatim from the site connor the cow is at the finish line waiting 4u! connor is quite the athlete#plus serge(i) the skeleton bird… sid the snail… stevie the cactus… nathan gamer cat mackinnon… i’m having too much fun#i don’t NEED squishmallows but also the desire to buy dante just because of devil!nico has been slowly growing stronger#also me: but what if u reread the inferno so u can pick out a title for the fic u are(n’t) going to write & use that as the demon structure#oh editing also 2 say: if u didn’t want me to publish this i can take it down! i do Not know how to answer asks privately even after years
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Miranda: *Walks into a table* Ow!
*later that day*
Lif: *Throws said table off a cliff* You bitch!
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