#fiction fuel
toastling · 2 months
How many times did God create a universe hoping for free will only to end in disappointment, do you think? Do you think the angels took it personally when they realized they would never be capable of what their creator wanted? Do you think they were jealous when Eve chose to pick that fruit? Do you think God was proud when Lucifer chose to rebel? Is the purpose of life to choose, or to serve? If it's the latter, then who does God serve? Did he disappoint his creator, too?
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enchantingepics · 6 months
Story Prompt 65
The docks bustled with activity as people milled about, admiring the colossal ships docked alongside. Amidst the chatter and the sounds of seagulls, two figures strolled along the wooden planks, taking in the sights. Suddenly, a voice pierced through the ambient noise, calling out a name that stirred something deep within one of them.
The person turned around, eyes widening in disbelief as they locked onto a figure striding towards them. Memories, long buried beneath the sands of time, flooded back in a rush of emotions. The two locked eyes, a mixture of surprise and recognition flickering between them like a dance of shadows in the fading light.
"It can't be you," came the hesitant whisper, disbelief coloring every syllable.
The approaching figure smiled, a bittersweet expression etched upon their features. "But it is. It's been so long, hasn't it?" Their voice carried the weight of years gone by, yet held a hint of longing beneath its surface.
The air around them seemed to crackle with unresolved emotions as they stood face to face, the gap between them bridged by years of memories and unspoken words.
"Perhaps we should catch up," one suggested tentatively, breaking the tense silence that enveloped them like a heavy fog.
"Yeah, that sounds… nice," came the hesitant reply, tinged with a mix of nostalgia and uncertainty.
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transturbo · 12 days
So, like, what are the chances that a 2nd Turbotime arcade cabinet gets plugged in at some point? Same graphics & characters & everything. With the kids being appreciative of "retro" games(and, c'mon, Felix mentioned Turbotime being the most popular in the arcade when it was around, likely because of the steering wheel controller tech. at least this'd be the case before Roadblasters came around).
"but why would Mr. Litwak go through the trouble of affording a new one? When the last one got two of his games put out of commission?" man idk I just think he'd like to capitalize a little bit off of the kids' love of retro. if it breaks it breaks yknow. plus the incident was LONG ago I doubt that he'd even take it into account
I put all of this before just so you can imagine: Imagine a newly plugged in Turbo, ecstatic to make his debut as the greatest racer in the arcade! No malicious intentions(yet). And when he tries to socialize outside of his game, he's met with a whole array of strange looks. Ones of fear, disgust, wariness, and pity? He hadn't a clue what this was all for, talk about a tough crowd right?
At first he chalked it all up to some wide-range hazing ritual, something about showing the new guys what's up. This was all he thought before he started to see some peculiar graffiti staining parts of the GCS. Looked like some sort of fearmongering propaganda to him. He thought of it as some kinda funny prank, not to mention how kinda badass he looked.
Though, the joke was kinda starting to get old by the time he was barred from Tappers from the get-go. What gives! Can't a guy take the edge off at least once?? No breaks for ol' Turbo The Greatest Racer Ever??
Some wiseguys even thought it'd be funny to pick him up and use him as a basketball one time. He's not even the right colors to be a basketball! Jerks.
Turbo tries to confide in his fellow gamemates, trying to get some sort of answer to what's been going on with the treatment, but no dice, they don't know either because they've sworn off heading outside the game due to receiving the same treatment. Which angers Turbo even moreso. These guys may be his ingame rivals, but he can't stand for this blasphemy against his very name.
He'll get to the bottom of this. He'll show them.
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windydrawallday · 7 months
u know what I'm going to ask for 👉👈
I know, you know BUT- I had this drafted for quite a while and there's no better moment than this to give it to you! (yay breaking my request rules again because I'm the boss)
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And drew your rascal [Shrike] too, tiny kitty sparkling version!
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troutfur · 2 months
It's so weird to me as a very recent fan how much the Dovewing hate is the stuff of legend when I literally have never seen a peep of that sentiment being genuinely expressed. And yet, the fandom opinion pendulum has swung so drastically that I can totally imagine what it was like based solely on the modern Ivypool vitriol.
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kat-rose-griffith · 9 months
You can argue that it was because they proved themselves but I think that the reason Ares and Hephaestus didn’t do any real damage to Percy and Annabeth and actually kind of helped them is because Aphrodite ships them and they know better than to ruin one of her otps
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valhelos · 3 months
Thinking about this post and
"Old friend" (we were friends once.) "Old friend" (is that love doesnt really die)
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"Old friend" (but it does rot)
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thevampirearchive · 2 months
It’s that time again of the month where I am reminded that having a uterus means 4-6 buisnesss days of uninterrupted torture. I may be squirming in pain, but everyday I grow too strong for this society, physically, emotionally and mentally (by force) I am a weapon of massdestruction, I just can’t stand streight on day 2 and 3 so excuse my posture while I destroy
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toastling · 2 months
My body is a temple, but the God to which it was built is dead. This is not a place of worship, but of mourning.
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enchantingepics · 6 months
Story Prompt 24
In the dimly lit college apartment, the thumping bass from the party echoed through the walls, setting the rhythm for the night. Laughter and chatter filled the air as a group of friends gathered in the living room, swaying to the music. Amidst the chaos, two curious souls exchanged mischievous glances and decided to embark on an adventure.
Slipping away from the lively crowd, they tiptoed down the narrow hallway, shrouded in shadows. The door at the end seemed to beckon them, promising secrets waiting to be uncovered. With every step, the muffled music faded, replaced by silence that fueled their excitement.
As they reached the closed door, one of them pressed an ear against it, listening for any signs of life within. Satisfied that the coast was clear, they shared a smile and gently turned the doorknob. The door creaked open, revealing a room bathed in soft candlelight, adorned with decorations that hinted at the occupant's taste.
The duo exchanged amused glances and stepped into the unknown territory. Their hushed whispers reverberated as they marveled at the artwork hanging on the walls and the trinkets scattered across the room.
"Check out this funky painting. Wonder who the artist is," one of them remarked, gesturing to an abstract masterpiece that seemed to dance with colors.
The other chuckled, "And what's the deal with this collection of antique teacups? Someone's got a thing for old-school charm."
Their exploration continued, uncovering the occupant's quirks and interests. A bookshelf caught their attention, filled with novels that ranged from timeless classics to obscure titles. Picking up a book, one of them read a passage aloud.
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sleeplessgreaser · 1 year
what are jallys top 3 fave things about each other?
Johnny's favorite things about Dally:
He admires the way that Dally isn't afraid to speak his mind. Johnny is very soft-spoken and has a lot of trouble speaking up for himself, while Dally always says it like it is, and it gives him the confidence to talk more when he's around Dally because he knows he'll always back him up.
Johnny is absolutely mesmerized by Dally's bright blue eyes. He could get lost in them any day and he'd never want to leave. The way they can look so cold and mean one second, and the next they're like the hottest flames or brightest lightning. He just thinks they're absolutely beautiful. (Sorry Matt Dillon, I love you but Johnny prefers Dal's book description lol)
Finally, Johnny loves how tough Dally looks. He really wished he looked that tough, though he's not sure he ever could. Still, Dal was tall and strong, and despite what Ponyboy thinks of him he's plenty handsome. It especially helped that he carries himself with so much confidence. Of course, Johnny would never tell him any of that - Dally's ego was already too big.
Dally's favorite things about Johnny:
He loves hearing Johnny talk, especially when he's in a good mood or he's talking about something that he really cares about because then he's more confident in what he's saying, which is a rare occurrence for Johnny. Usually Johnny only talks that much when it's just the two of them and, although he would like for Johnny to talk more around others, secretly Dally can't help but enjoy being the only one Johnny really pours his heart out to.
It's no secret that Dally doesn't actually put grease in his hair, despite being a greaser, but what people don't know is that it's because he hates the feel of it. He actually loves Johnny's hair, even if he does think he puts too much grease in it, but he especially loves it when Johnny is fresh out of the shower and he's just dried it off, because then Dal can run his fingers through it and enjoy the softness of it without having to wipe his hands off afterwards.
Dally loves that Johnny doesn't look tough. Of course Johnny hates that about himself, because his dark doe-eyes were genetic and the way he slouched to make himself smaller was instinctive, but Dal likes all of it. To pair with that Dallas has always been a fighter, someone who was quick to defend himself and his friends, and he likes having any kind of excuse to make himself look tough. Being around Johnny though, he actually feels like all of his aggression and defensiveness has a purpose - and he can see the way it makes the smaller guy feel more confident and safe. He likes having that purpose, so it's yet another reason that makes him like being around Johnny.
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night-market-if · 6 months
i'm so glad this chapter was just about my wife belladonna meeting all my new friends and nothing else happened <3 (coping)
It's true. Chapter three was about having tea in artisan alley and Belladonna regaling them all with witty tales from her very non stressful time during MC's vacation.
I support this.
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thewittyphantom · 2 months
I remember reading this story ages ago and it stuck with me, and while it's since been deleted there was an archive of it. It's about a fire accidentally being set at Yugi's during a sleepover and while everyone else makes it out, Yugi is badly hurt and his friends wait to see if he recovers.
As tragedy consumes the lives of Yugi and his friends in a single blinding instant, one must wonder if there is any chance of a second chance…
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ghostoffuturespast · 8 months
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Tagged by @shimmer-like-agirl and @therealnightcity! Thank you!
Here's whatever this is. From upcoming Ch. 41:
The wind brushed holo-cherry blossoms across her skin, their touch immaterial, unlike her knobby scratched knees that cradled her head. The bustling anonymity of the crowd an ever shifting folding screen for the vibrantly dressed neons of the square. A few red maple leaves fell down. Scattered around in the breeze like the blood and guts spilled on pristine kitchen tile, framing the beautifully vacant milk-white gaze of her sister. A look that burned white-hot amidst a cold inferno, an explosion that rocketed through her left shoulder and stabbed him across the wreckage of a broken jungle. He landed in ravenous hands of silver, porcelain, and bronze. Each one etched more delicate than the next. They caressed him, a blush blooming underneath metal and ink and scars, at a worn and humble shade of brown that she missed. That felt safe. Was a home they could only imagine. That would eat them. She breathed it in and he held it in both hands before it was smacked out of his grip and buried with the rich decay and warmth of laughter, along with every single frivolous ambition. The worms grinned in the mud as they died, drowning from all the rain collected by a soldier's footprint. His head whipped to the side at the hand across her cheek. At split lips and bruised knuckles of two sad absent mothers that whispered. “Johnny, she’s dead.”
fic: so it goes
Tagging (no pressure)... @baublekute @streetkid-named-desire @dani-the-goblin
And as always, if I didn't tag you but you want to share whatever you're working on, ping me and I'll come take a look!
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defiledtomb · 1 year
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selene what's got you smiling so sweetly? (is it the hunter, covered in blood?) ๏˽๏
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kiisaes · 1 year
every now and again i reread "always raining here" and get so got dam emotional !!! FUCK !!! that's my EMOTIONAL SUPPORT BL WEBCOMIC RIGHT THERE !!!!!!!!
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