#fifth guardian
p12lysanderdelanne · 1 month
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if i had the skills and the patience i would do a whole animation of this but i dont so i wont
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doorstovenus · 2 months
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these are so much fun to make
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gallifreyanhotfive · 4 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 56
One time when a baby was Cyber-converted, they were given regular Cyber-arms as well as a Cybermat tail. (Novel: Illegal Aliens)
Chewing on jelly babies helps the Doctor think. The Eighth Doctor said that the "tensile strength of a jelly baby offers the perfect resistance." (Audio: World of Damnation)
Speaking of jelly babies, the Eighth Doctor once went missing for days because he was looking for the perfect jelly baby. (Novel: The City of the Dead)
Zoe had the Second Doctor install an orthopaedic bed in her room on the TARDIS. (Novel: The Menagerie)
There is such a phenomenon as temporal tsunamis. (Audio: The Other Side)
TARDIS heartbeats must keep a steady rhythm, so when they are parked, they continue to travel through time at the same speed as their pilot. Otherwise, the TARDIS would be lost to the past (if they were traveling at a slower speed) or disappear into the future (if they were going at a faster speed). (Audio: 1963)
On Gallifrey, marriages mainly serve to strengthen political alliances between the different Great Houses and to maintain the Chapter's power. (Audio: Spirit)
Vassar Dust looks somewhat like snow and is always cold. It also has some telepathic qualities. This dust is a byproduct of time travel. (Novel: Loving the Alien)
Ian once woke up inside a Time Museum as an exhibit. He had been removed from his own time with a time scoop. The curator of the museum - Pendolin - had time scooped Ian with the hope of attracting the Doctor’s attention and making him his prized exhibit, but he did not successfully get the Doctor’s attention. (Audio: The Time Museum)
The Doctor kept a bracelet (that appeared to be made of gold) in a trunk in his TARDIS. After regenerating, the Second Doctor retrieved it, looked at it fondly for a short while, and then returned it. Ben saw that it had odd pictures on it but couldn't make it out. (Novel: The Power of the Daleks)
John Benton, Sarah Jane Smith, and Allison Williams were all involved in the clean-up following the Cyberman invasion from The Tenth Planet. (Novel: The Power of the Daleks)
The Doctor thinks of the entire universe as their foster family after their parents had "decided to opt out of their responsibilities." (Novel: Beltempest)
The First Doctor's left hand was cut off in a sword fight with a Soul Pirate captain. He had to get a new one fashioned for him as it did not grow back. (Short story: A Big Hand for the Doctor)
As revenge for his defeat on the Enlightenment, the Black Guardian altered the established timeline. To defeat them, the Seventh Doctor, Ace, and Benny had to reassemble the Key to Time. The following objects are actually segments of the Key to Time: the First Doctor's TARDIS instruction manual, the Second Doctor's stovepipe hat, one of the swords used when Ace fought the Third Doctor, one of the Fourth Doctor’s jelly babies, a cricket ball used by the Fifth Doctor, and the Sixth Doctor's cat badges. (Comic: Time & Time Again)
The Third Doctor used to visit the zoo frequently. He'd often sit across the tiger, feeling some sort of camaraderie with them. He spent some of his wages upgrading the tiger enclosure, but the tiger's mind had already been broken. They continued walking back and forth as though their enclosure was still small. The Doctor decided to be sure that his mind wouldn't also break in his captivity because one day his TARDIS would be fixed and he couldn't stick in his old habits when that happened. (Audio: Walls of Confinement)
On one such visit to the zoo, the Brigadier had the Doctor babysit his godson. The Doctor didn't keep a close enough eye on the boy, and he ended up in the tiger enclosure. (Audio: Walls of Confinement)
Fitz Kreiner once found an old woman in the TARDIS library. Her name was Emily, and she had been dressed in clothes one might expect a teenager to wear in the 1960s. She was also covered in cobwebs. Fitz brought her to the Eighth Doctor, who recognized her and seemed embarrassed about her presence, but Emily didn't recognize the Doctor. (Novel: Mad Dogs and Englishmen) Though never explicitly clarified, Emily had likely entered the TARDIS as a teenager, got lost, and lived her entire life in the TARDIS. As she didn't recognize the Eighth Doctor, this event would have predated his incarnation. Perhaps she was even one of Susan's classmates.
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englandhatepage · 12 days
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these redraw challenges are getting out of hand
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whiloww · 3 months
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giddyaunt425 · 10 months
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badwolf-9 · 5 months
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Just take a moment to appreciate how pretty the artwork is in the collection season 20
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vizzyturlough · 9 days
And respectively if he does I want his hair like…long, not like lusciously long but long enough to tie up:
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I also want him to have subtle like eyeliner, undereye pencil. I know that Mark used to have some eyeliner to make his piercing eyes more noticeable.
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Thinking about rotg being a world and time beyond goc, where the Guardians— perhaps individually, perhaps in pairs— have connected with Pitch in some manner. Made peace with him, in a way. A few of them have even discussed offering him Guardianship, despite the fact that they as a group were created to fight the fearlings he surrounds himself with. Children need some healthy fear to survive, after all. That may be something that needs to be guarded. Maybe one of them did talk about it with him- and he turned them down.
Thinking about Guardians who maybe didn’t try as hard as they could, but certainly tried more than nothing, to give a chance to Pitch. Guardians who, by the events of the movie, had accepted that it just wasn’t what Pitch wanted. Oh, he wanted to be believed in, but he wanted more than healthy fear, more than children. So the Guardians fight— but one not-Guardian doesn’t quite… get it. He thought they were similar, him and Pitch. He’s not bad, just extreme.
Thinking about having to explain that Pitch could certainly change, could certainly help people— but he didn’t want to.
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cosmicfan776 · 9 months
I wish i could draw decently my brain tells me “we’re gonna have to kill this guy/damn” but with the black guardian and turlough and i have no space to put that
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masterbaiting · 2 years
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doctor who; enlightenment (1983)
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Turlough in Target Novelizations
I might write a longer thing about this later, but I’ve looked through a few of the novelizations of serials Turlough was in. All the novels were written by the authors of the serials, so these two different versions of these stories come from the same source. Anyway, here’s a few interesting things:
1. Mawdryn Undead: The Black Guardian possesses Turlough before he attempts to kill the Doctor with the rock. That was the Black Guardian’s stupid idea. 
2. Mawdryn Undead: Turlough deliberately uses technobabble a teenager in the 80s wouldn’t know in front of the Doctor to tip him off that he’s not what he seems in a way the Black Guardian won’t punish him for.
3. Planet of Fire: There’s an opening scene depicting the Trion ship crashing on Sarn, depicting Turlough’s father with his wife and infant son. Since Turlough’s mother should already be dead (though the novel doesn’t mention her death at all), this might confirm that Turlough and Malkon are half-brothers.
4. Planet of Fire: Turlough’s exile was meant to last ten years. He was expected to learn something from the humans, but since Brendon wasn’t exactly the best of humanity, it didn’t really work. But, this explains why Turlough talks about learning from the Doctor so much. The Doctor taught him what his exile couldn’t.
There are obviously more than this, but this is all I have to say off the top of my head.
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enbyjane · 1 year
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the truth is (a perspective on love)
context: edit based off a personal conversation with @onlineproblems about parental love, unconditional love and the love we deserve bonus: her wise perspective:
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more bonus:
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#i don't make edits nor any other posts in months and then when i do it's based off a personal conversation#anyways a bit of background context for the bad bitches who care about this stuff <3 (i love you bad bitches)#i chose the church scene for 1 for the fact that it's one of the lowest points for jane (and lisbon too arguably)#in our lowest points we are more likely to feel like we are not deserving of love#(particularly if our guardians would have expressed or implied we are not worthy of love respect and consideration if we didn't comply)#and also for the church imagery: that they're in a church and god is said to be unconditionally loving#(but a lot of folks - yours truly included - may not feel so. i am not speaking for everyone tho and my perspective is christian)#the second one is...well i would've wanted to have a shot with both their faces but i simply couldn't get it so i focused on lisbon.#but they both want to be loved as they are. by the other one preferably. and they both love each other. idiots (affectionately)#the third one is rather simple - alex jane is an abusive piece of shit and probably i don't have to explain much here#the fourth one is...well lisbon's mum wasn't present and her dad definitely didn't know how to care for them and offer them love#it is also implied that the mother wasn't very responsible either#and the fifth is...they have each other's love but just as importantly they have the love of their community as well.#the love they give and receive doesn't stop there with each other#they give and receive from their family and friends and community as well; and from themselves#the mentalist#jisbon#wayne rigsby#tm edit#tm meta#my edits#love#parental love
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being-of-rain · 2 years
I wonder why the Black Guardian chose Turlough as his weapon to kill the Doctor. It goes about as well as you’d expect from picking a random guy to be your assassin: Turlough is squeamish about killing and, even with constant monitoring and directions from his employer, only makes the most half-hearted and indirect attempts on the Doctor’s life.
I can think of a few reasons the Black Guardian might chose Turlough over any of the deadly individuals the Doctor meets every day. Turlough is used to looking out for himself and can be selfish, he’s used to keeping big secrets, he’s got an obvious desire that the Black Guardian can bargain with (wanting to escape Earth and change his life in general), and he was in the military (according to the EU). Perhaps the very fact that Turlough isn’t someone who’d try to kill the Doctor under normal circumstances counts in his favour, since the Doctor is used to dealing with practiced killers who are out to get him. As shown in the Turlough’s stories, when confronted with an alien boy who acts strangely (and maybe even noticeably dangerous) around him, the Doctor decides to keep him close.
But I did think of a better reason why the Black Guardian may choose Turlough in particular. What if Turlough was always going to be the Doctor’s companion? It’s not particularly hard to imagine that without the Guardian’s involvement, Turlough may have still come into contact with the Doctor, and jumped at the opportunity to escape Earth. Maybe the Black Guardian looked at a list of the Doctor’s companions, and decided that Turlough was the best available combination of self-serving and unlikely to usually kill. I imagine the Black Guardian would’ve been quite happy at the idea of intervening and turning one of the Doctor’s own best friends against him.
(There’s lots of companions who would’ve made for much more effective assassins. But Compassion and Destrii would’ve been too hard to manipulate, and the Doctor was basically already expecting it from Klein. Perhaps the Black Guardian should’ve tried C’rizz...)
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grayrazor · 10 months
Maybe it’s just because I trend towards ace/aro, but I find it kinda depressing when sci-fi or fantasy has a message like “romance is what makes us human” or a reveal like “sex is the quintessence of the universe.”
Like…that’s it? That’s all there is? That’s the best you got?
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One time I got ambushed by this trope was in a '70s Guardians of the Galaxy comic.
They had to defeat a cosmic anti-life entity, and apparently the only viable solution was that the one female member of the team had to make a giant astral projection and screw it, I guess following "revive kills zombie" logic.
All kinds of ick.
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the-visitation · 2 years
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