#fighter review movie
munchflix · 1 year
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IMDB BLURB:  Col. Guile and various other martial arts heroes fight against the tyranny of Dictator M. Bison and his cohorts.
WARNINGS: Violence and just a whole lot of fucking weird shit
RATING: 20 Billion BisonDollars
OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER: All reviews are done solely for humor and should not be taken seriously ever. If you cannot handle cursing, crude humor and probably some offensive things, pls do not read this.
Munch: So we're here again with the muthafuckin' street fighter movie which is so fucking great. Everything about this is absolute garb but it's so much fun. Raul Julia is putting his entire pussy into this absurd performance. Jean Claude Van Damme is the most hilarious "American" I've ever seen. His accent is so thick it hurts.
Biscuits: My opening thoughts are 'I'm eepy', okay?? (Biscuits is sleep-deprived again)
Dib: This movie was shot in a whole ten weeks and allegedly Jean Claude Van Damme was blasted off his ass on coke during the filming of this movie.
M: Watching his performance, I'm not at ALL shocked by that. ANYWAY. We open on uh...a really intense opening credit scene with a news reel talking about how bad M. Bison played by Raul Julia ( may he rest in peace ) is. Chun Li is reporting? Because she's a reporter in this?
B: Allied Nations, is this world war three???
M: Sort of, M. Bison is kind of the dictator
D: There's our man! I guess we just have like a hostage pit in M. Bison's doom dome? I forgot how shit the acting was. Raul was also years into battling stomach cancer when this was filmed.
M: VanDamme shows up as Guile and threatens Bison on the air which goes pretty well, you can't even understand his fucking accent.
B: I keep feeling phantom ants, like a meth addict. What is happening??
D: A lot, it doesn't slow down.
M: I'm trying to summarize but this goes like 100 mph. We've been introduced to Chun Li and Charlie and Blanka who are the same person, shut up, and E. Honda and DJ and Cami played by Kylie Minolgue.
D: Charlie and Blanka are different people in the game.
B: I don't understand what's going on
D: M. Bison has taken hostages and he wants 20 billion dollars from the government.
B: WHAT government???
D: THE government. Basically he wants it from Guile (vandamme) And now we're gonna be introduced to Ryu and Ken at a random street fight in a barbed wire electrified cage
B: These are Ryu and Ken??
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Y’know, Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter...
D: And Vega, who kinda looks like his character. And that's Sagat. Sagat and Ryu and Ken have historical beef but not in this movie.
M: This is so much to take in. I guess Sagat is trying to get Ryu and Ken to help him sell guns.
B: So this white guy and this asian guy meet Barack Obama in some weird asian nightclub and they throw tennis balls at them and now they're fighting.
D: This will be the only fight for like...an hour. Meanwhile in Shadaloo? We're back with M. Bison. In this movie, Dhalsim is not a yogi, he's just a scientist? They couldn't do the stretchy limbs thing but come on.
B: They are just firing characters at us!
D: Canonically Blanka is just a weird guy, not some super soldier they created in a lab??? And definitely not Charlie.
M: Back to Dhalsim and M.Bison who is torturing BlankaCharlie with nazi propaganda and stuff to make him BAD. Also Zangief is here staring confusedly in the background, which he does the entire movie and I love him so much.
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You can tell he’s being brainwashed because he’s wearing one of those photo-viewer toys from the 90s.
D: No! this movie does not. Now we're starting with another street fight between Vega and Rye-u or Ryu, it changes constantly.
B: I've seen better acting in a porno.
D: Ken looks like he belongs in a porno. Everyone is shirtless and the audience is horny.
B: That is not a real sword.
M: They could not afford real weapons.
B: When you don't have the money to score your movie, you can just throw in royalty free classical pieces! It’s not lazy or distracting at all!
D: But the fight is interrupted by a tank with Guile in it, and also 800 phone calls from Munch's mother.
M: That's not a joke, she’s called six times in the past half hour. Anyway, it's Guile. He's here with some guys that will not be relevant at all to the rest of the movie except maybe Cami but even then....and there's a spy guy.
B: Is that what spies do?? they just jump up in the middle of meetings and attack?? That's some good cold war espionage right there. What? Ken and Ryu are in jail eating scrambled eggs. That wasn't even a grammatically correct sentence.
D: Back in jail, they're all fighting for some reason.
M: Why?
D: I don't know. Guile is watching from above and back in Charlie's tickle basement, BlankaCharlie is being tortured again and there was a scream when his mouth was closed. Dhalsim is not happy with their methods though so he's gonna make CharlieBlanka look at nice things? they're making CharlieBlanka really swole by showing him bad things? and injecting him with dna otter pop mutagen.
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I had to put an image in here of this shit to show you just how much it looks like otter pop juice.
M: Makes perfect sense. Back at the movie! Refugee camp with uh...the allies?
D: Here's ken and ryu and van damme
M: I guess he JUST broke them from prison?
D: Ryu and Ken are not criminals.
M: Just lovers.
D: No Ken is married. Not to Ryu.
B: Yeah, I've never heard of a married gay man.
M: Guile's accent is murdering me, his one liners are just so bad. So so bad.
D: Ken and Ryu fake beef for some reason. Vega hasn't said a single word in this movie. Oh they were stealing the keys.
B: They just throw the keys up in front of everyone, just show em off.
D: And then Ken gives Sagat and Vega the keys anyway but now there's a prison break.
B: I like how the Allied nation guys just have like random flags on them
D: Well technically that's supposed to be where they're from. Guile is shooting down a van but he just got shot.
B: What is the PLOT of this movie right now???
D: Chun Li does an epic dodge roll and there's shooting and then Ken and Sagat kiss. Just kidding. GUILE IS DEAD.
M: He's not though. There's medics, and now elephants back in Shadaloo. M. Bison is making a mini replica of Bisonopolis because he's gotta have a monument to his ego. Chun Li is reporting again about how bad Bison is and how Guile is dead. For real.
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Reports have been coming in of a man posing as a health inspector in order to obtain free food.
D: DJ also didn't work for Shadaloo. Raul Julia M Bison's the hell out of this.
B: Is that what you want, M. Bison? Because I'm really confused about what your actual motivation is.
D: He's about to explain it.
B: So the evil leather daddy nazi wants to create an army of super soldiers to save everyone by...killing everyone?
M: Zangief sheds a tear and says Bison's speech was beautiful. He is my favorite. Everyone's alliances here are very suspect. There's a curfew now and stuff. Bad things are happening.
B: Why does Bison needs 20 million for this?
D: I don't know. Chun Li is apparently really a spy. Or a ninja. Or both.
B: She puts on like a bad balaclava and then she just like stealths up into the AN headquarters. Very sneaky. Apparently to sneak you just walk sideways in a black jumpsuit and put your hands up like oooooh.
D: She's got her very loud tracking thing and she's in the morgue, which is empty save ONE dead guy, being Guile. It's full of wet specimens in jars like any good morgue.
B: Oh fuck he's dead. I was so emotionally invested in this character.
M: I like how they just left him in his clothes. Like you do with dead bodies. No autopsy for Guile. He immediately has Chun Li arrested. She's got a sad backstory about how she wants to kill Bison for reasons.
B: I like the random classroom skeleton in the morgue. What war?? Is this just Shadaloo against the entire world?
D: Yep!
B: All the action sequences are so bad, she's just like speed walking away.
D: meanwhile at an illegal gun auction in Shadaloo....
M: Bison is sitting there while ppl who are definitely NOT Honda and Chun Li and Balrog in costume are performing. How did they get there? We don't know. Everyone is just in Shadaloo in a one kilometer radius but Bison doesn't notice.
D: and now Ken is horny for Chun Li but DJ is also horny for...someone. Ken is gonna get kidnapped.
M: Zangief is here, my special boy.
D: Ken is gonna get beaten by Chun Li because he's a scrub. Canonically.
B: Whoah pilot, I'm not that kinda guy. Bison and Sagat are getting a little too close.
D: Bison gives Sagat an entire case of "Bison Money" and says that it will be worth five times the pound when he kidnaps the queen. Which is a great line. Sagat gets mad.
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B: Thanks for that backstory, now we know that Honda and Balrog were a sumo wrestler and a boxer. Someone should have told them they didn't need to put every single fucking character from the game in the movie.
M: But they did. Chun Li is planning to blow the entire place to smithereens and she left a fucking video message to let them know about it because that's smart. QUICK, CHANGE THE CHANNEL! says zangief. He is so dumb and we love him.
D: there goes the entire budget
B: They had to buy so many bootleg fireworks for that one scene, it must’ve cost them like 20 whole dollars. Well, 20 dollars in 1994 money, so that’s like $2 million in today's money.
D: I don't really know what Ryu and Ken even do in this movie
M: I don't think they really do anything.
B: This feels like the climax of the movie but we're only 40 minutes in.
D: This movie is a non stop climax. Meanwhile in space....we're gonna geolocate M. Bison with some bullshit tech.
M: Shouldn't be hard to find everyone, they're all in the SAME PLACE. Somehow Ken and Ryu are now M Bison's personal friends for turning in Chun Li and her friends. We don't to see how any of this happened.
D: Balrog and Honda are going to the sex dungeon while Bison goes to personally sexually harass Chun Li.
B: I can't parse if what you're saying is true
M: No it's all true.
B: Ken has to tell the audience who the good guys are
M: Guile is back at the base giving his men a speech about getting into Bison's secret hideout.
B: Their only option is ONE single boat to get into Bison's ancient ruin hideout, okay.
D: meanwhile E. Honda is getting a spanking and he is no selling it. He looks bored.
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This is not a scene from a porno, I swear
M: Lots of experience getting lashes. Honda is gonna pull the chain right out of the wall because he's fucking swole. Zangief's accent isn't horrible, he's giving Ken and Ryu new oufits.
D: Ken's chest is covered because he's not actually buff. They're gonna just somehow communicate the two halfs of the map they saw? And here's Guile's speech which is so bad that his lips don't match because Van Damme was so out of it they had to overdub it
M: Guile tells a man he doesn't have balls and then he gets fired but it's fine because only Guile can fight Bison. The war is cancelled. No big.
D: He gives such an inspirational speech that everyone becomes war criminals and they're gonna go after Bison
M: I thought only one guy could get in there?
D: They're gonna follow him I guess. Guile gets in the bat boat mobile and he's gonna go kill Bison.
B: The real UN would've just been like - Please stop being a dictator or we're gonna write a stern letter.
M: Back in Bison's bedroom he's got Chun Li dressed like Chun Li and he's changed into his sex hat and sex robe and he's making an evil martini while Chun li exposits all over everyone about her tragic past.
B: In movies they have a thing called tell don't show, because why would you show something when you can just have someone tell us everything.
D: Back with Ken and Ryu and Honda and Balrog who have broken out but I guess they don't realize they're on the same side.
B: I do want Bison's giant bone chandelier. Hey do you wanna see my chandelier and my painting from John Wayne Gacy? ( that's really in there )
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( No, really )
M: Chun Li is still fucking talking about how Bison murdered her dad and girl, he does not care. He's the bad guy. Bison knows women though and he's like, you are harmless. But that's what she wanted him to think!
D: she casually breaks her handcuffs and kicks Bison's ass by kicking him twice. Bison pretty good at fighting, actually.....OH NO THE GAS G-GAS GAS
M: What kind of gas? Who knows! Bison escapes in his uh...evil elevator?
D: Back in Guile's boatmobile, which is his because he has his name on it.
B: Can this movie just....pick a struggle...
M: Nope! and now for the needle drop with Guile's little home video of him and Charlie and then we're back with Blanka who looks like the Lou Ferrigno hulk
D: time for more evil with Blanka. But anyway Dhalsim is gonna give Blanka some nice asmr videos.
B: I love the way fake techy computer stuff looked in the 90's
D: they show him dolphins and weddings and babies and happy things. By the way, the entire Blanka storyline is completely irrelevant.
M: no it's true, nothing ever comes of it at all. I don't now why they put it in the movie. I don't know why they put most of this in the movie. Only Zangief.
D: Speaking of Zangief...he's here. Vega says his one line. I guess everyone got caught again. Oh they got gassed in the room. So now back with Guile they're gonna stealth mode, which changes literally nothing.
M: They just machine gun down all of Bison's sensors. Dj's accent tells us that something verrrrry strange is going on in the river, it's the invisible boatmobile!
D: Anti Guile alarm! Apparently they have an anti stealth mode. So now they're gonna get out M. Bison's big special boy floating platform with video game controls on it. Zangief looks around confused that Guile is alive.
M: all zangief does is look confused until the end. Bison is unsurprised Guile is alive and he's gonna kick everyone's ass whenever Guile and Cami and whoever else get there but apparently he's just gonna press buttons and use underwater mines.
D: Bison blows up the boat but somehow Guile and everyone get out. Insert coin to continue. meanwhile they realize Dhalsim has been beaming good vibes into Blanka's head and they accidentally release Blanka but he's full of good vibes now.
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Yes, he does actually look this goofy.
B: They've just made a guy who's addicted to television.
D: Blanka in all his receding hairline glory is gonna save Dhalsim. the only thing he really does in the entire movie. So here's some Shadaloo guys getting beat up by Guile and T Hawk and Cami so they can finally infiltrate the secret aztec base.
M: Everyone is soooo stealthy. they just walk around and beat guys up. Good thing they have a sewer grate into the secret base. Guile and Co fall into a hole.
D: They're finally starting to look like their actual character counterparts. The movie is mostly over.
M: Bison's account has ZERO DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS. Now he's gonna get mad. I wonder if he'd accept Bison Bucks instead of the 20 million.
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D: Probably. OPEN THE HOSTAGE CHAMBER. Guile has broken into this place in 20 seconds, directly into the Blanka chamber.
M: Why do they just have an aquarium. And he finds Blanka and somehow immediately knows he's Charlie even though he doesn't look at all like Charlie. Blanka grunts a lot.
D: CharlieBlanka sad.
B: That was easy! Guile is just gonna shoot him, but Dhalsim stops him.
D: Bison is like why have I not been paid? Bro, you're asking 20 billion.
M: Who even are these hostages, are they worth 20 billion?
B: Who even fucking knows??? Raul Julia is CHEWING the scenery
M: I love it. he's giving 30000 percent.
B: What is the point of this blanka shit? Why is this even in the movie?
M: they're gonna send Guile instead of Blanka I guess, even though Guile isn't a super soldier.
B: I love Zangief, he just stands around looking so confused. I feel that.
D: Guile does a 20 foot leap and drop kicks Bison who orders people to shoot the hostages and now everything is happening so much
B: Everything has been happening so much since it started
D: Everyone gets more naked and the AN is here and E Honda and Zangief are gonna fight for 20 minutes.
M: I wish that was all that happened. Guile is now outside shooting people somehow and I don't now where Bison is.
D: Honda bodyslams Zangief through a secret passage. So Bison finds out Blanka was being programmed to be good and he punches out the screen and now the allied forces are here and Ken kinda almost does a shoryuken.
M: This fight lasts the rest of the movie. Bison is like, DJ and I willl face defeat together and DJ is like, yeah I'm out. Ken is kind of an asshole in this movie. Rye-u and ken get mad and Ryu goes back to save people even though he's not getting paid.
D: This movie is a non stop car accident. Blanka is destroying things while Dhalsim yells. The smoke machine broke and Guile is shooting people and nobody knows where Bison is, including us.
M: But he's not! He's gonna call Guile out and they're gonna fight in man to man combat!
D: Guile has the american flag tattoo! They're gonna street fight.
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M: If his run in with Chun Li is any indicator, this should be easy. they show a video of Zangief and Honda destroying the model of Bisontopia with godzilla noises. I love this show. Bison and Guile are still fighting. Props to Raul Julia for fighting in that fucking outfit.
D: Balrog suddenly has his boxing skills back.
B: Where are the hostages?? In the hostage pit! Where do you think they are???
D: M. Bison has died.
B: He gets thrown into a control panel and dies.
D: No we haven't climaxed yet
B: ....but....fuck....whut...I think I've had an aneurysm.
D: Bison life support activated!
B: he has life alert!
D: His suit administers cpr, and now he's gonna use ELECTRICITY!
M: Meanwhile DJ is gonna grab a treasure chest that Bison has in his locker and get out. Ken is also looking for treasure but all he finds is a statue and a bad computer screen with icons but he does see Rye-u and yells at him. It's a trap!
D: Ryu gets ambushed by Sagat and Vega
B: I forgot they were in this movie
D: Bison is gonna fly.
B: Hold up *whispers* just for like...one second please.....WHAT. Why has the climax of this movie been happening for 80 minutes?
D: He's gonna fly. With superconductor electromagnetism. Yanno.
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He’s playing the bass and I’m flyin’! (Editor’s note: how many times have I made this fucking joke?)
M: I love Raul Julia so fucking much though oh my god. I miss him. Oh yeah Ken and ryu are fighting and shit and people are losing their shirts.
D: He kinda did a Hadouken. Ryu is gonna burn Vega in the incinerator but only a mild burn
M: Ken and Ryu unsuprisingly win and now they're gonna go to Dizzkneeworld. Bison is just flying all over and shooting lightning at Guile but he's got BIG KICKS and he launches Bison into the screens and he explodes.
B: Oh shit the energy field is unstable!!! Oh shit!
M: Balrog punches open the hostage room. Zangief and Honda are STILL fighting but Honda is like welll I gotta run and Zangief is like DJ! Come fight with me! And DJ is like dude Bison is the fucking villian. Zangief is again confused. Bison is a bad guy???? You got....paid??? He is best boy.
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D: Oh no the blast doors are gonna close! How are we gonna get out?? Oh it's ZANGIEF! Who somehow got outside and he's holding the door open and he's also much more naked. And now we're back with Dhalsim who is now bald and mostly naked and he's like nah I'll take CharlieBlanka out, we're fine.
B: WheaheIyeah???
D: And then the evil temple blows up and Cami and Chun Li kiss. Not really. All the Shadaloo henchmen are giving up
M: Zangief stands there proudly as a new good guy.
D: Sagat and DJ escape and now Sagat is shirtless but the treasure is actually BisonBucks
M: Everyone thinks Guile is dead but he's not and everyone is so happy to see him
B: He's been an asshole this whole time.
M: Everyone is good guys now!! And everyone is fine with that I guess. Chun Li and Guile have a little something something but it's kinda gross
D: Why is everyone horny for Chun Li?? Me at the entire Street Fighter Community.
B: Why is it still exploding?
M: The energy field
D: What happened to Blanka and Dhalsim? We'll never know
B: I don't know what happened, period. What the fuck is going on.
D: This is the most insane movie I've seen in my entire life. The breakneck pace does not stop, it starts at an 11 and goes up to a 14 real quick and stays there. Zangief is best boy,
B: w...what? I don't have anything else to say. What was any of that???? What? Why?
M: You're looking for meaning where there is none. It's beautiful chaos.
B: I will say one thing...there's NEVER a dull moment. Not a single one. You're not given a second to be bored.
D: How many stars would you give this movie?
B: Mayonnaise.
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srkshaju · 8 months
Hrithik Roshan Soars High, but 'Fighter' Lacks Emotional Punch
Siddharth Anand's latest offering, "Fighter," featuring Hrithik Roshan, takes audiences on a visually spectacular ride through aerial action.
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While the film impresses with its stunning visuals, it falls short emotionally due to a one-dimensional triumphalism that overshadows the narrative's potential.
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Love for Nation and Hrithik: "Fighter" carries a secondary theme of patriotism, but its primary focus is on portraying Hrithik Roshan's charisma.
The picturesque landscapes of Jammu and Kashmir take a back seat to Roshan's flawless presence, showcasing his timeless dance moves and captivating expressions.
The film captures the essence of his character, Patty, with a delightful play on his call sign.
Plot and Conflict: Patty, a decorated squadron leader in the Indian Air Force, finds himself in conflict with Rocky (Anil Kapoor), the group commander, setting the stage for the film's central conflicts.
The narrative builds tension with a nod to the "Top Gun" franchise during training exercises.
The plot intensifies as the characters respond to a terrorist attack, mirroring real-world events, and the film's tone becomes notably triumphalist.
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Visual Brilliance and Flawed Dialogue: Director Siddharth Anand, known for visually compelling films like "War" and "Pathaan," continues his streak with "Fighter."
The film seamlessly blends real-world aircraft with impressive computer-generated models.
Despite the visual brilliance, a flaw emerges in the dialogue, written by the Dalal brothers.
The script often adopts the language of grim war films, lacking nuance and subtlety.
Hrithik's Performance and Supporting Cast: While Hrithik Roshan delivers a commendable performance, the film's tenor disappoints.
Roshan's past characters exuded heroism with ease, making this departure into more aggressive territory less appealing.
Deepika Padukone struggles to find her footing, and the villains, portrayed as grotesque caricatures, leave much to be desired.
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Cinematic Dilemma: "Fighter" presents a dichotomy for Hindi cinema enthusiasts. On one hand, it delights with its visual finesse, coherence, and polish—qualities often lacking in recent action films.
On the other hand, the film feels haughty and emotionally immature, lacking the depth expected from a cinematic experience.
The exchange of insults between characters feels more like a playground spat than a serious combat scenario.
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Conclusion: While "Fighter" may be a treat for fans of Hindi cinema's action genre, its emotional shortcomings and unrefined dialogue hinder its potential.
Siddharth Anand's visual brilliance shines through, but the film ultimately lacks the emotional depth needed to make it a truly memorable experience.
As audiences await box-office results, "Fighter" leaves a lingering question about the direction of Indian action cinema.
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tiphares · 2 years
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street fighter 7/10 so many miscasts and yet some of them so dead on.. so much drama behind the scenes, coked out van damme whos havin an affair with THE kylie minogue who plays cammy lmfao ryu is chinese ken isnt blond and e.honda is hawaiian! but chun li is great, zangief is dead on sos vega and obviously raul juila is an amazing bison rip! these photos r gr8 tho a+ cosplays XD
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jimsmovieworld · 1 year
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A martial arts champion goes missing while investigating a gang of drug lords. His sister teams up with some of his friends to find and free him, on the way they battle a colourful cast of villains.
Excellent martial arts movie. The fight sequences were refreshing and unique. Loved the crazy outfits and whacky characters. Very funny dubbed voices and and silly dialogue.
Great film.
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storylineid · 1 year
In this engaging movie recap of Law Abiding Citizen (2009), we dive deep into the gripping plot of this crime thriller. Discover the twists, characters, and memorable moments that make this movie a must-watch. From Gerard Butler's compelling performance to the shocking ending, we break it all down for you. Whether you're a fan of the movie or new to it, join us as we explore the secrets and analyze the storyline of Law Abiding Citizen.
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Shrek SuperSlam
In generations past, a fairly common sort of licensed game would be a take on Capcom’s often-forgotten Power Stone. These games often had a lot in common – two to four fighters allowed to move freely through a three-dimensional area, picking up and using various weapons to KO the other fighters first, and mechanics that focused more on enjoyable chaos than true depth. Shrek Superslam meets all these criteria admirably, and yet something strange happened – people started taking it seriously. Well, somewhat – it was never going to reach Evo in a hundred years, but a small presence for the game began examining it more closely. Unfortunately, whatever community there was for the game dispersed some time ago, as there simply wasn’t enough there to work with.
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kamaljohnsonnetwork · 2 years
The Equalizer 2 On Starz Review | The G.A.B. Episode 110 (SAF Segment)
Full Show On The YouTube (Kamal Johnson Ent). Link Below
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https://youtu.be/4W1lU62P1vw via YouTube
Podcast Links
iHeart: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/338-the-gab-101916901/episode/black-wealth-equal-white-sabotage-108947259/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6FvbrZRMEeIavbDYjuw8WK?si=81386f476c4547df
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-g-a-b/id1547660066?i=1000599685599
Podpage: https://www.podpage.com/the-gab/
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badassbutterfly1987 · 2 years
2022 Movie Reviews
4 stars
Accident Man (2018): a fun action movie with a rather unlikable but still entertaining assassin trying to figure out which of his fellow assassins killed his ex girlfriend, assissted by his ex's new girlfriend. Solid action with interesting characters, would watch again in the right mood.
One in the Chamber (2012): It's about two competing assassins both dealing with competing Russian mobsters. A fun time with fun characters.
Black Panther Wakanda Forever (2022): Superhero movie with a lot to say about grief. Pacing feels a bit odd and length could have been trimmed down a little.
Strange World (2022): Some pacing issues and the message is delivered bluntly, but a good family movie.
3 stars
Lightyear (2022): a bit underwhelming for what was probably expected for a Buzz Lightyear movie but I do like the characters and its message.
Scream of the Wolf (1974): a decent mystery thriller about possible werewolf attacks. Extra points for presumably accidental homoeroticism, although don't expect a happy ending for the two guys.
Day Shift (2022): Clunky worldbuilding and script needed a bit tightening but a fun (and funny) vampire movie. The Nazarian Brothers are a highlight.
The Package (2013): Similar to One in the Chamber but a little more down to earth. The German (played by Dolph Lundgren not even bothering with a German accent) is both entertaining and intimidating.
Samaritan (2022): An introspective superhero movie with an interesting twist. Feels like it's trying to say something regarding class and crime but it's hard to identify what that is.
Street Fighter (1994): Is this a good adaptation? Not exactly. But I did find it surprisingly fun.
Black Adam (2022): A bit clunky narrative-wise but makes for a good popcorn movie.
2 stars
Legendary (2013): Script issues and bad CGI abound, yet I still find the characters and plot charming. Maybe it's just because I have a soft spot for cryptids and Scott Adkins.
Uncharted (2022): A bad adaptation and mediocre adventure movie. The leads are miscast, though the script doesn't help. At least the villains are fun. If you want a good Uncharted experience I'd reccomend just playing the games/watching a playthrough or watching the short film with Nathan Fillion
Abduction (2019): Interesting set-up with interdimensional creatures kidnapping people, shame it fumbles the landing. Starts out like a good if weird Power Rangers episode, but ends like a bad Power Rangers episode.
Dead Trigger (2017): So Dolph Lundgren has been in two zombie movies. Sadly, this isn't the fun one with robots. Mostly just a boring zombie movie that I barely remember.
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oneofusnet · 4 days
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Digital Noise Episode 346: The Men From Digital Noise DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 346: THE MEN FROM DIGITAL NOISE Chris and Wright have a stack that goes all over the place, from deadly electrified motorcycle beach killers to Costner “classics” getting a not-so-great reevaluation. From Bowie playing a con-man working with Rosanna Arquette to rob a restaurant, to a giant spider eating people in an apartment complex. We definitely got it all here at Digital Noise. All titles were sent to Digital Noise by the distribution companies in question for the purpose of review. No other compensation was involved. The opinions here are our own. PLEASE USE OUR IMAGE LINKS… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 346: The Men From Digital Noise read more on One of Us
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praiseinchains · 26 days
Mental Reset Day (8/25/24)
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Unfortunately, as much as I was looking forward to today, it didn't go how I planned. I was awoken at or before 3:30 this morning because I was hurting and unfortunately, I wasn't able to get back to sleep until a little after 5. Going to bed late is one thing, but waking up so early is another, and I'm never able to catch up on my sleep if I awoke so early. I was far too tired to want to follow my schedule for my mental reset day, so a lot of it was substituted for sleep, and even then, I wasn't refreshed.
I'm still much too wiped out to make a big post about it, so I'm just going to say my favorite thing about the day was reading (I didn't get in as much as I wanted to since I was so tired, but I'm pleased with what I managed). My new book is The Girl in the Ice by Robert Bryndza. It's good so far, but not as good as the one from last week. It's the first in the series, and I can already tell I won't be reading any further works. I just love the anticipation of picking out a new book :-) My other favorite part (which isn't typical for my mental reset day) was buying the piano version of You Say by Lauren Daigle. I listen to it all the time on my laptop, but she's got such a low voice that I can't match. I'm really wanting to sing it when promoting my book, so I was getting kind of bummed. But I found the piano version and transposed it until I found a key in which I could sing it and really excited with how it's going! :-)
My least favorite parts were:
*My movie - I chose Choose or Die on Netflix. I'd tried to watch it before (not even lasting 20 minutes) and after trying again I remembered why! I always try to pick two movies, but the other one was The Fighter with Mark Wahlberg, and I'm not interested in watching it anymore. I wasn't in the mood to pick out another movie, so I just laid in bed and either slept or listened to background noise on my laptop
*Reading The Diary of a Young Girl. I've always been kind of bummed that I wasn't required to read her book in school. We had to read Frankenstein my senior year, but I think that was it. Even though I'm not a fan of general history, I'm a fan of certain parts of history - the Titanic, Anastasia, tales from WW2, Anne Frank . . . just stuff like that. I've got two movies of Anne Frank, which I enjoy, and I can't wait to watch My Best Friend Anne Frank on Netflix - even if it's not in English. I typically stay away from foreign films, but I've been looking forward to watching it for a while. I've always wanted to read Anne Frank's diary, but unfortunately, I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would. It's still really good, of course, but I would rather watch the full movie rather than read the book.
Other than that, there's not really much else to report. I'm looking forward to next week when I'll hopefully be a lot more awake and be able to enjoy my mental reset day :-)
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ratleyland · 26 days
"For you; the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life... but for me, it was Tuesday!"
The classic movie is absolute cheese... but it has some of the best one-liners.
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I watched Fighter and i definitely lost braincells in the second half of the movie
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twosentencereviews · 4 months
Street Fighter (1994): 4/10
I was prepared to accept a plot that goes through mental gymnastics to justify magic martial arts and fisticuffs as the sole method of conflict resolution; that's what Street Fighter is. But I refuse to accept a film that focuses more on gunplay that fistfights, gives Guile top billing over Ryu, and doesn't have a single sonic boom or hadouken.
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grayrazor · 5 months
Watched the movie Devotion because I remembered that it existed, and that I had been somewhat excited about it since there aren’t exactly a lot of movies about aviation in the Korean War.
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It’s a bit oddly paced, maybe because it’s based on a biography?
It's unsatisfying from a narrative catharsis standpoint, but I guess really it's how more "inspired by real events" war movies should end. One day you're the big hero who routed the enemy and sent them fleeing over the hills, the next day you catch a stray bullet and die face down in the snow, cold and alone.
I’d have thought the F4U Corsair vs MiG-15 dogfight would have been played more climactically, since it’s one of the three times a prop fighter shot down a jet after WWII. But no, there's only one jet and they just dispatch it like a TIE fighter and move on.
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Has some nitpicky errors, a lot like Flyboys or Midway. Corsairs switch between the .50 cal version and the 20mm version sometimes between shots. I think a couple of times they showed A-1 Skyraiders when the dialogue was saying F8F Bearcats or F9F Panthers. Nobody drops their rockets or drop tanks before dogfighting. Rockets are portrayed as crazy accurate and powerful, more like proton torpedoes from Star Wars. I don't think you're taking down a concrete and steel bridge with just two small fighter-launched rockets.
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Of course, only enlisted men can be racist in this movie set in 1950. All the commanding officers are anachronistically tolerant and progressive; most of the racism happens off screen and is described after the fact. Gotta keep that Department of Defense assistance!
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mostlygibberish · 5 months
"Men are such a pain in the ass!"
I liked the part with the pigeon.
Flawless badass Michelle Yeoh beats the hell out of people with incredibly choreographed martial arts. She's just so effortlessly cool, I don't see how anyone couldn't love her. The Indiana Jones comparisons are obvious, but beyond the leather jacket and the whip the similarities end.
Michelle Yeoh obviously stole the show, but Lau Chin-Dei was surprisingly cool and had some impressive fight skills too. I also quite enjoyed Richard Ng's con-artist character, who brought a lot of laughs and ended up proving himself in a satisfying little arc.
A lively adventure movie for the most part, with solid action sequences and good comedic relief. There was a great bit where a guy shot a flaming arrow through a Japanese rising sun flag, into the officer waving it around. The ending was kind of a bummer though, with everyone celebrating a weirdly Pyrrhic victory. 
Great fun. Highly recommended.
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afabstract · 6 months
Ae Watan Mere Watan - Sara's Frequency Falters in Radio Drama
⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 2.5 out of 5. Sneha Jaiswal (Twitter | Instagram) Director: Kannan Iyer Writer: Darab Farooqui, Kannan Iyer “This is the country’s radio calling on 42.34 meters (wavelength) from somewhere in India to somewhere in India.” The 2024 Bollywood movie “Ae Watan Mere Watan” is a historical drama set in the 1940s, celebrating the life of real-life freedom fighter Usha Mehta (Sara Ali…
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