#filter unfollow block
strawberrystepmom · 4 months
it never ceases to amaze me how mean people can be lol
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eddiespornstache · 23 days
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llitchilitchi · 6 months
sometimes I wish this site had a mute option
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blakbonnet · 8 months
so I'm seeing a lot of vitriol rn but mostly I'm also seeing a lot of followers and friends being unable to cope with the death threats and the anon hate so I'd just like to remind you that it's okay to turn off anons. Do it! It's quiet and peaceful on the other side and sure you lose those happy anons too but it's worth it, trust me. Another thing is if reading about other people getting hate or seeing people answer/reply to hateful shit stirrers is affecting you, unfollow! It's okay if it's a long time mutual, they'll understand. If you're friends, you'll still be friends. Or if the idea of unfollowing makes you sad, just put them in the filtered content list. It's inbuilt into tumblr (under the general settings tab) and you just take their url and copy paste it in there, and all their posts would be filtered until you're feeling open to seeing their stuff again. there is no shame in doing this honestly, it doesn't make you a shitty friend or a mutual or a blog, and I'd recommend this to big and small blogs who are finding it hard to not feel anxious anytime they visit their dash
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queerofthedagger · 2 months
fandom/character disk horse below /lh
i really don't have strong feelings about thingol one way or another beyond the occasional, heartfelt dude or yeah that's fair, but i'll say that sometimes people will just dislike your favourite lil guy and sometimes they will like them "wrong" and there is nothing to be done about it. and i do entirely mean this in regard to both thingol and the feanorians. like this is the it wildly depends on your interpretation of the text fandom can't we just leave it at that. i am begging actually
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xariarte · 3 months
The next time someone puts an owl on the dash without tagging it...say goodbye to me bc-
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nyukyusnz · 8 months
keep your flirting in your dms pls it’s so cringe seeing it all over my tl
idk who u are but unfollow and/or block me hello???? maybe even filter my isiah tag if you'd like.
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bloodmoonlich · 5 months
Somebody unfollowed me presumably for semi spam posting about espresso today. And I feel like I should warn everyone who's still here - if you don't like me today, you're gonna hate me next weekend after TTPD
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whumperofworlds · 8 months
Look, I get that you cope with humor, but could you please not make suicide/"I'll kill myself" jokes?
Not only would it concern me and your followers, it's also triggering to some people as someone who struggles with suicidal ideation for years. Could you at least filter with tags and such so we can block those out?
Not only that, but you might get reported, I heard, for saying things like that, because your followers could be worried about you and report your posts in fear you'll actually do it.
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zhongrin · 8 months
damn, i didn't know i can't have my own opinions on my own blog now. if you get pissed just from someone explaining why they don't like a game..... i'm so sorry your brain is wired that way.
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nostalgia-tblr · 7 months
i realised the "antis" thing and the age-old joy of shipwars is one reason i don't comment on fic as much as i would otherwise - there's this fear that appears that the author will click through to my own Works and see that i have written The Bad Pairing (whichever one that is for that person, which i mostly have no way of knowing) or some trope that enrages them and they'll like. block me and/or reply angrily. as far as i know this has never actually happened to me and yet for some reason i still worry about it.
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ahalliance · 9 months
folks im doing a pruning spree of my following for the sake of my own sanity (i follow too many people and it is stressing me out) and i apologise in advance if i accidentally unfollow any mutuals with whom i talk less 🫶 feel free to shoot me a msg if that happens
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localvoidcat · 1 year
Roleplaysvshouldn’t be on tumblr. Keep it private, no one wants to see it.
buddy this is the fandom website and you're gonna draw the line at fandoms ?
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
Aro culture is silently begging self-insert fic writers to please, PLEASE tag their shit properly. If they can use the generic ass tag 'writing', why can't they also use a general 'x reader' in the tags? Filtering 'x reader' in the post itself helped for a little and then something fell through the cracks bcs it's 'x f!reader'!! Ughhhh
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hollyand-writes · 1 year
So annoying that people don’t tag my NOTPs so that it’s harder for me to avoid them 😅  I’m guessing it’s because the ships in question are somewhat rare-pairs so people think nobody will be bothered by seeing them...? 
I don’t want to dump on any rare-pairs as rare-pair content is rare enough (and I totally understand the pain of that, believe me), but it makes it hard when everyone says “you should curate your social media experience!” and it’s getting increasingly hard to do so because people won’t tag things 😅 
Anyway, if people could tag the ships in their posts so that the rest of us can curate our experience better, that would be great. Thanks! 
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ohdarlings · 1 year
please stop making me look at taylor swift
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