#finally finished it omg it took me way more that it should have
keirahknightley · 2 years
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Costume appreciation series: Enola Holmes 2 (2022) dir Harry Bradbeer
Costume Design by Consolata Boyle
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houseofripley · 7 months
Hotel Hell - Part Two
Rhea Ripley x Fem!Reader
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Part One Pinterest
WARNINGS: SMUT, 18+, Fighting, Shoving, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, MAKEUP SEX
A/N: omg i am sorry this took me years to finish, life has been busy but it should calm down soon. i got such a good request the other day and i haven't gotten it off my mind so i will start that tmrw if i have time. also i proofread this at 2am so please ignore any mistakes lol
“The Brutalization Chamber? You want to know what The Brutalization Chamber is?” The Irish man laughed out, his eyebrows raising once you turned your gaze towards him. 
An expression of curiosity displayed on your face as you repeated the name of the supposed ‘chamber’. It was obvious to the man that you wanted to know more.
The man began making his way down the stairs, “No offense sweetheart…but I don’t really think this is the place for a girl li-” He tried to speak before being cut off.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
“I don’t really care what you think sir, I want you to show me what's down there.” You chirped out, following the male down the flight of stairs, your hand hovering over your aching ribs.
“Well shit, if you insist,” The guy chuckled out, “Feisty, she’ll like you.” He muttered under his breath as he opened the door. 
She’ll like you…was he talking about the same ‘she’ you had spent your night with? The same woman who just got done unleashing pure cruelty onto you? The same woman who disappeared into this exact building moments ago?
“Name’s Finn by the way,” He mentioned, “It’s just us, the big boss is probably around here somewhere as well.” Finn spoke as you scanned the room looking for ‘the big boss’.
Grimy was the only way to portray the room. Rope lights scattered across the ceiling, some were dim while others flickered. There were freezing concrete walls with cracks littered all over. A red neon sign displaying the letters ‘TBC’. A blood stained ring sat taking up a quarter of the room. Various pieces of gym equipment and punching bags were compressed into a room off to the side. 
“So…just a gym?” You questioned the man, there was no sign of Rhea.
“Nah, it’s a little more than just a gym love…think of it as a fight club. A fight club with a fuck ton of money involved.” Finn stated leading into a room the size of a walk-in closet, the room seemingly being a pathetic excuse of a nurses office. 
You leaned against the door frame while Finn babbled on as he started unpacking his bag, “People come to us in desperate need for money. They’re entered into our roster, put in the ring and bet on. If they win their match they get fifty percent of all bets placed. Bunch of sick wealthy men love wasting their fortune on this shit.”
“Don’t you think this is just a tad bit illegal?” You chuckled, sending a small wave of pain to your ribs.
“Eh I don’t worry about that too often,” Finn shrugged, digging around his duffle. “Rhea’s not too worried about the legalities when there's this much money involved, she can pay her way out of damn near anything.”
Despite your pain you perked up at the mention of Rhea’s name although you stayed silent.
“Rhea would like you, you’re quiet but there's just something about you, like there’s a fire inside you.” Finn mentioned, pointing at you. “I would introduce you to her but earlier this afternoon one of her top guys lost her like seven thousand. She stormed off to god knows where. Another one of her main guys has a big match in about half an hour. Going up against some new kid we’ve never seen so I’m sure she’s busy worrying her ass off.”
You heard a scoff echo from the main room as footsteps approached. “Jesus fucking christ Finn! Do you ever shut your goddamn mouth?” You heard Rhea sarcastically laugh trying to cover her anger.
You slowly turned to face Rhea, examining her tensed jaw and narrowed eyes. Reality had finally washed over you. The weight of Rhea’s actions flooded into your brain. You couldn’t figure out if you felt more betrayal or anger in the moment.
“Ah! Rhea mate!” Finn exclaimed, trying to divert from Rhea’s critiques. “I was just telling this young lady how much you’d like her…I never caught her name though.” 
Your face turned to the ground as you tried to mutter out your name. “We’ve met.” Rhea butted in, her voice was fully flat-devoid of any sign of emotion. That’s when the regret hit you. 
You shouldn't have come here.
“I should leave…it seems you guys have a busy night.” You muttered quietly. Rhea took a firm grasp on your forearm, “That can wait, let’s go have a chat.” Rhea said as her head motioned towards what you assumed to be her office.
“No, I-I can come back another time, I really don’t want to be a bother.” You barely managed to stutter out while Rhea’s middle and pointer finger of her opposite hand guided your chin up, forcing you to look at her. “I said let’s go have a chat.” Rhea commanded, her grip on your arm tightening. 
You reluctantly followed the woman as she dragged you in the direction of her office. You knew you were in for it big time.
“You are a fucking insane bitch! What could have possibly made you think it was okay to fucking show up to this place?!” Rhea lashed out at you the moment the latches of her door clicked together. She dropped your arm before shoving you towards the other side of the room. You had been lucky enough to catch your balance as you were just inches away from barreling into the concrete walls.
“I just wanted to learn more! I wanted to figure you out Rhea! Can you blame me for wanting to figure out why you’re so angry and cruel every time I see you?” You said loudly, your voice filled with hurt.
“That doesn't give you the goddamn right to follow me to where I work! You don’t fucking get it, these people I work with are dangerous and I don’t want you getting caught up in this bullshit!” Rhea retorted out as her breaths began picking up speed.
“What makes you think I’m so incompetent that I’m incapable of being around danger?! You put me in danger nearly every fucking time I see you! ” Your hands flew around as you yelled at the woman, tears accumulating in your eyes. 
Rhea began inching towards you, a look of irritation covering her face. “I don’t fucking put you in danger!”
“Yes you fucking do! You have no idea how many bruises you’ve left me with. The other month you choked me till I passed out, yet you didn’t stop fucking me to check if I was okay! For fucks sake Rhea, an hour ago you left me bleeding and collapsed to the floor!!” All hell had broken loose between the two of you as your tears started escaping from you.
“You told me you could take it! I don’t get why you’re bitching and moaning all of the sudden.” Rhea continued arguing.
Your fist crashed down onto Rhea’s nearby desk, “I can take it rough, but you can’t keep disappearing after being borderline torturous! You’re so damn immature!!” Your screaming matched showed no signs of stopping anytime soon.
“I’m immature? You’re the one that followed me to my job and is throwing a tantrum right now!” Rhea’s voice thundered around the room. 
“You don’t get it Rhea! I’m a fucking person and you dont give a shit about me! Why don’t you fucking care?!” You yelled through broken sobs as you started unleashing your sadness and anger onto Rhea, pushing and beating on her chest. 
Rhea made no attempt to stop you. She made no moves, just allowing you to inflict your pain onto her. 
Once your hands had dropped to your sides in exhaustion and your breaths became heavier as you tried calming yourself down Rhea quietly mumbled, “I do care…”
“But you don’t…” You looked up at her with wide eyes, lifting your shirt. You exposed your aching torso displaying your cut up skin, dried blood pooled around your laceration and the letters of Rhea’s name carved into your skin. “Someone who cares doesn't do this and run away.” You quietly said, your voice strained from the screaming match.
The regret in her eyes was apparent as she darted her eyes away from you. The realization she had gone too far had hit her hard, feeling as if she was being crashed into by an eighteen-wheeler. 
Her vulnerability was short lived, Rhea quickly repressed her display of emotion, replacing it with her regular cold and emotionless stare. She had to put on her tough guy attitude. It was her only safety blanket. Emotions are for the weak, Rhea could never be weak.
“You get worse every time I see you, something has to change Rhea…” You breathed out, trying to articulate your speech as you lowered your shirt back down. “If you can’t fix this behavior I’m done.” 
“You know you don’t mean that.” Rhea sighed as she ran her hand through her black hair. She didn’t want to lose you but she could never admit that. “I need to think about…everything. Just give me a some t-” 
Rhea was cut off by a deep voice from outside the door. “Ten minutes till the bell Rhea.” Rhea rolled her eyes and made her way to the door, “Just give me some fucking time Damian! And go get a roll of gauze from Finn. Quickly.” Rhea demanded after opening the door just a sliver. 
You clenched your jaw as you sensed Rhea’s levels of anger were once again rising. The last thing you wanted was to end up back at square one with her. You couldn’t handle another argument with her. Not tonight at least. 
The pair of you stood in silence as you waited for the man to return. Once he had arrived he opened the door, handing Rhea the roll of fabric. His eyes curiously examining you through the crack in the door. 
“I’ll be out in a minute…” Rhea aggressively muttered before closing the door. She mumbled your name under her breath before walking to her desk.
 “You’re lucky Finn showed up early, only God knows what could have happened to you if one of the other guys showed up before him.” Rhea grunted as she unlocked a drawer and began rummaging through the mess inside. 
What is it about her?
“Why such a dark line of work? What made you choose this of all things?” You questioned, you were terrified to set her off but on the other hand you wanted to push for answers from her. It was the only way to get your foot into the door of her life.
Rhea stumbled her way towards you avoiding eye contact, a tube of antibacterial gel in her hand as she shrugged. “Not something you choose. You’re born into it and can’t escape it, you just have to accept it and make the best out of it.” She mumbled while she lifted your shirt up. 
Rhea applied a small glob of the antibacterial gel to her finger while she lowered herself to her knees, becoming face to face with your shredded skin. The woman began dabbing the gel onto your skin causing  you to let out a small hiss from the pain.
Once she finished applying all of the gel she wiped the residue from her fingers onto her pant leg and grabbed the roll of gauze. Rhea cleared her throat before speaking up, “Just stay in here for a while, I can take you home after this match.”
“I’m perfectly capable of walking home by myself, Rhea.” You stated, watching Rhea carefully wrap the gauze around your waist.
“I’m walking you home and that’s final.” Rhea stood her ground, “Seriously though, just stay in here. I’ll be back.”
You weren’t planning on fighting about this with her, deciding to keep your mouth shut you let her take the win. “Fine, whatever.” You gave in as Rhea tied a knot in the gauze to hold it in place. 
“Shouldn’t be more than twenty minutes.” Was all Rhea had said as she stood up. Nothing else left her lips as she exited the room. 
No apology?
You groaned as you sat down in Rhea’s large chair. You blankly stared at the wall for several minutes before your mind started to wander. Exploring anything that popped into your head. Places, things, people, Rhea. 
If you were being honest with yourself you were doubting the woman's ability to change her ways. You assumed she would most likely be this way her whole life, although you prayed she had it in herself to change. She had the potential to be great if she would put her pride aside.
It wasn't long until the cheers of the crowd on the opposite side of the door had started drowning out your thoughts. 
You wanted to catch a glimpse of the madness. You stood up from the large chair, your feet scuffing the ground as you strolled to the door
You cracked the door open, taking a peek of the ring surrounded by a flock of rowdy men that were yelling. The large man you made eye contact with earlier was in the ring brutalizing a much smaller guy who couldn’t even be older than twenty-five. He was putting on one hell of a fight but it was clear he stood no chance.
Rhea was the only woman there, she was stood right against the ring watching intensely. She had caught your image in the corner of her eyes. Her face turned in your direction, she tilted her head as if she was asking you what the hell you were doing.
You mouthed the word sorry to her before quickly closing the door. 
Fifteen excruciatingly boring minutes had passed, the cheers had dispersed into muffled conversations. Rhea had finally arrived back in her office. She seemed content which you enjoyed. 
“You ready to go?” Rhea asked, you answered with a simple nod.
As the two of you made your way out of the building Rhea exchanged goodbyes with some of the strange men.
The entire walk was silent, the both of you reflecting on the weird night you had been through together. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable, it was almost peaceful. Having Rhea in your presence when she was somewhat calm was pleasant. You wanted to hold onto this peacefulness for the rest of your life.
It took you by surprise when Rhea insisted on taking you directly to your door instead of just dropping you off in the front of the large building and ditching. 
“You didn’t need to take me all the way up here.” You quietly mumbled as you unlocked the door to your apartment. “Lot’s of bad people around this time of night.” Rhea muttered as your door swung open. 
You turned around to face the woman, her eyes peering over your head, scanning the entry of your apartment. “There’s bad people around all times of the day. I’m used to it.” You said quietly, her eyes returning to you.
An awkward silence filled the air as the both of you gazed upon each other. Rhea began rubbing her neck, “Uh…I should go. I’m gonna go.” She feebly stated before turning away from you, quickly walking down the hall. She had stormed off before you could even speak up.
Still no apology?
Multiple days had passed. Rhea had made no contact yet. You spent a concerning amount of time just staring at Rhea’s contact in your phone, debating if you should press the call button. Yet you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
She’d call if she cared enough.
It felt as if life had paused, your days seemed empty. The busy streets of New York City felt devoid of any livelihood. The live music that took place at work sounded muffled. The flavor of your favorite foods had been stripped away. Once colorful flowers sold down at the street market now sat dull.
Days just painfully repeated. 
Tonight you had the night off, your only plans were to stare out the window of your bedroom and pray for a text from Rhea. 
You sat criss-cross at the edge of your bed twiddling your thumbs, your mind seemingly empty as you stared into the windows of the skyscraper across the street when the sound of a knock echoed down your short hall.
Groaning in annoyance as you got up you began making your way to the door, chewing the inside of your cheek as your feet shuffled below you. 
You weren't sure who you were expecting to be in the hall but it completely caught you by surprise when you swung the door open to see the dark haired woman waiting for you.
Without a word Rhea launched herself onto your lips, the force causing you to be pushed back a few inches.
Jesus Christ.
This felt like more than just a kiss, it had an intense amount of passion intertwined into it. Rhea’s hands gripped onto your waist as you backed into the apartment, her foot kicking the door behind her closed.
She had never kissed you in this way before. Before tonight you had only received measly pecks while the two of you had sex. It was never emotional.
Rhea slowly pulled away from your lips, both of your breaths were heavy as she finally spoke, “Fuck, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“God, I’ve treated you like shit and I have been such a dick. It’s been the only thing on my mind. You don’t deserve that, It’s not okay.” Rhea began rambling as you stared into each other's eyes. “I get it if you never want to see me again but please just give me a chance, I’ll do whatever it takes. I’ll get my temperament under control, I’ll go to therapy, whatever you say I will do it.”
“Rhea-” You whispered, trying to calm her down but she continued her rant. 
“I want to know you, more than just your body. I wanna know everything, The good, the bad, the boring…I wanna know what pisses you off and what makes you cry. I don’t know why I kept you a stranger for so long and I’m sorry for that.”
You led Rhea into your small living room as you listened to her rambling. You took a seat in your chaiser lounge and ushered her to sit in front of you as her speech continued on. “I don’t know why I ran away…I think it's cause I didn't want to hurt you. But I did hurt you, so badly. I don’t want to run away anymore, I had no right to ever hurt you the way I did, just for me to leave you alone right after. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever done and I’ll never forgive myself for it. It’s just that I-”
“Rhea!” You slightly raised your voice causing Rhea to finally close her mouth. You leaned closer to her, placing a quick and gentle kiss on her lips. “You’re okay, don’t worry.” You comforted the woman, softly chuckling.
“I didn’t interrupt your night did I?” Rhea asked, slightly nervous as she scootched up closer to you. You shook your head no as a smile creeped on your face.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to end up in a heated makeout session, your hands roaming over one another's clothing. Rhea groaned your name against your lips before pulling back just a few centimeters. 
“Please let me show you how sorry I am.” She practically pleaded, her eyes full of desperation, “Yes please” you quietly giggled, your eyes adoring the woman's face. The second Rhea heard the word yes echo from your mouth her lips went straight for your neck, causing a whimper to escape from you. 
Rhea took her time as she kissed upon your neck, carefully leaving soft love bites every so often, marking the skin a flushed pink shade. Her lips only leaving your skin as she pulled off your sweater before she began peckering kisses against your collarbones.
Her hands crept behind your back, unclasping your bra and pulling it from your chest. Your fingers grazed upon Rhea’s tense shoulders as she left a path of kisses down your torso.
As Rhea’s face reached the base of your stomach, her eyes fixated on your face as if she was asking for your blessing. You gave her a nod before lifting your hips into the air, allowing her to slide your sweatpants off your legs. 
 “Rhea, please,” You whined out while Rhea’s fingers toyed with the seam of your panties. Rhea grinned to herself as she slowly shed the final layer of clothing off your body. 
The woman wasted no time connecting her mouth to your heat, causing you to let out a breathy moan. “So fucking beautiful…” Rhea praised against your skin.
Truthfully, her tongue felt like heaven as it worked its way around your wetness. Rhea didn't want to rush you. This wasn't for her, she just wanted to make sure you knew she had the ability in her to change for the better.
Your breaths picked up their pace as Rhea’s hand inched its way closer to your core. Her ring and middle finger traced a circle around the perimeter of your entrance before slowly being pushed into you.
“Shit,” You whined out, your back arching as both Rhea’s tongue and digits worked their magic on you. Although you enjoyed roughhousing with the woman, you undoubtedly appreciated the amount of care Rhea was putting into you.
You were a whimpering mess under Rhea’s touch, and she loved every small sound that escaped from your mouth.
“More! Please, I can take it!” You begged for more of her. Rhea obliged, sliding her pointer finger into your tightness causing you to roll your eyes back as her fingers filled your insides.
“That’s it baby,” Rhea preached quietly when your hips began to rock against her fingers, your moans filling the room. “Such a good girl for me.” She added on before her tongue got back to sailing over your clit, her fingers picking up their pace.
Your legs tightened around Rhea’s head as your orgasm quickly approached. “C’mon sweet girl, let go.” Rhea’s encouraging words were muffled, your walls clenched around her curling fingers. 
“Fuck Rhea!” You squealed out as the knot that filled your stomach released onto Rhea’s fingers. Your hips twitched into the air as the fingers inside of you helped you ride out your climax. 
Rhea was grinning ear-to-ear as she slowly pulled her fingers out of your hole. She groaned in pleasure, licking her fingers clean. 
She soon brought her face to meet yours, her plumped lips giving your jaw a kiss before whispering in your ear.
“How’s that for an apology, hm?”
Chapter Taglist: @babybatlover @whiteleoqueen @luvvleah @lovingperson1
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thehorrorgirlstyles · 2 months
Tainted Love
Ethan Landry x fem!reader
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Summary: You meet Ethan at a Halloween party Chad invited you to and start to become close to him, when the truth is later then revealed of his family’s plan. Was your relationship ever real or was it all a lie?
Warnings: Mature themes and language, mentions of sex, death, non-con, sub and dom trope, sexual scenes
18+ is recommend for this story, read at your own risk ⚠️
Songs for reading: All Mine;Brent Faiyaz, The Devil in I;Slipknot, Heartless;The Weeknd, Change;Deftones, Often;The Weeknd, Daddy Issues;The Neighbourhood
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You were on your way to a Halloween party that one of your best friends, Chad, invited you to. At first you were hesitant due to it being almost 11pm at night and you had class in the morning at 9, but you decided you would go because you haven’t seen Chad and Mindy since they moved away almost 2 years ago. Since you weren’t planning on doing anything for Halloween, you didn’t have a costume and thanks to chad telling you last minute about the party, you didn’t have time to buy anything. You decide you would just put on your old cheer costume from high school and add some fake blood, to make it more Halloween like.
When you arrived at the party, Mindy introduced you to her friend Tara and girlfriend Ankia. You were happy she finally was able to settle down with someone. You took a couple shots after and made you way over to Chad who you spotted talking to someone in a knight costume.
“Hey Chad, long time no see” you said to him, catching the attention of both him and the cute guy next to him you realized.
“Y/n, omg you actually came”
“Of course, anything to see my best friend, I’m still mad at you guys for leaving me, high school sucked without you”.
Chad gave you a long awaited hug and you tilted your head up to see the guy looking at you. “Who’s this?" you asked.
Chad looked back, “oh yeah this is Ethan my roommate”, he looked over at Ethan, “and this is y/n, my best friend, we grew up with each other before we moved away”
“Hey it’s nice to met you, Ethan” you smiled at him
“Uh- yeah you too” he scratched his head and held out his hand to you. You shook it and looked into his eyes.
“Shy?” You asked, he blushed and quietly laughed, while looking at his feet.
After the three of you talked for a while, Tara stole Chad away, leaving you and Ethan alone. You took the chance to get to know him a little better, when someone bumped into you spilling their drink all over you,
“Hey what the fuck!” you groan out, “I’m gonna head to the bathroom and try to get some of this off” you told Ethan,
“Yeah of course, uh- did you need some help”
You smiled at him, “No I should be ok, I’ll be right back”
You finished in the bathroom and just as you were about to leave you ran straight into your ex.
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” He asked.
“None of your business”, you went to walked around him, but he pushed you back into the bathroom against the wall.
“What are you doing, let me go Leon?!”
He responded by lifting your skirt up, “Aw but baby I missed you so much, let’s just have a little fun”, he smirked at you.
“This doesn’t sound fun to me” you replied glaring at him.
“Why do you always have to be such a bitch Y/n, just be the good little whore that you are, and take this fucking dick”, he said gripping you hair as he slammed you back against the wall
Tears started to form in your eyes. Was your ex boyfriend, someone that you use to love and care for, really about to rape you in some bathroom at a party?
You tried to get out of his grasp, but he was too strong and no one could help you, everyone here was either to drunk to notice or high to care. You stood there, starting to accept your fate, when a person in a ghost face mask busted through the room, stabbing Leon in the back, you screamed out, Leon falling to the floor, while the killer started to repeatedly stab him over and over again, not knowing what to do, your flight or fight took in and you darted down the hall, not looking back.
You ran all the way back to your dorm and locked the door, you started to think that maybe you had too many drinks, this couldn’t be real, could it??
A week later, there was news of the recent ghost face killings, you met up with the group on campus and told them everything. Mindy was explaining who it could be, when you caught Ethan looking at you. He turned his head quickly, saying something about "dying a virgin". You were surprised at this considering how good looking he was.
After the meeting, Sam ordered that everyone stay at her apartment. You were on the couch next to Ankia, when you heard a bang coming from Quinn’s room. Everyone got up, when the door was shot open and Quinn fell out, ghost face was right behind her. He went after Ankia and stabbed her in the side, so you took the nearest item and hit him in the head. He fell back, which gave you time to get Ankia to safety. You accidentally tripped when getting to the room, ghost face right behind you. He caught up to you, tackling you down to the ground.
He got on top of you, straddling you. He didn’t do anything, just stared at you, was this the same ghost face that killed Leon? After a moment, he got up off you and ran to get the others, you laid there in shock, why didn’t he kill you?
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It had been a week since Ankia was killed by ghost face, since then you and Ethan started seeing each other more and more, you started to really like him and tonight you wanted to take things further.
When you arrived to his dorm, Chad was already gone, perfect you thought.
You closed the door behind you, and wasted no time, kissing him. He was surprised but returned the kiss. You lead him over to the couch and push him on it, getting on top of him and straddling him. You trailed your hand up his chest, stopping your hands when they got to his neck. You wrapped your hands around his neck and started to grind on him, you could feel him starting to get hard, turning you on even more.
“Y/n” he rasped out, “I really like were this is going and I really like you obviously,” he pointed to his boner, “but I need to ask you something before we start anything” he looked at you.
“Your right I’m sorry I kinda just busted in here and took action, I’ve been really stressed out lately, with the deaths and everything” you paused, “and I know that you never done this before and I would love to be your first if you want... so you don’t have to die a virgin” you added.
He laughed, “of course I want to, it’s just-” he paused, getting nervous, “I- I really like you and I just- I mean- will you be my girlfriend?” he asked.
You smiled at him, “I really like you too, of course I’ll be your girlfriend” you kissed him. “So can I ride you now?” You asked.
He blushed, “yea-yes”
You trail you hands down to his pants, starting to unzip his jeans. He shudders watching your moments.
“Don’t worry about anything Ethan, let me take care of you” you told him. You freed him from his jeans and moan at the sight of him, he was so big, you dropped to your knees and looked at him,
“I want you to fuck my mouth, he groan, and does as you asked, putting his dick in your mouth.
“fuck your mouth feels so good” he moans out, “y/n, I can’t- I’m gonna- please mommy”.
You look up at him..did this man just call you mommy? Not that you were complaining.
You get off the floor and straddle him again. You lower yourself on top of him, adjusting to his size, starting to move, he grabs a hold of your hips.
“Wait, please fuck- I just need a minute, because if you start moving again, I’m going to cum right now”
You laugh at him, “Do I make you feel that good baby?”
“So much better than good, your so fucking hot”
You start to move again after a minute, ridding him like your life depends on it. Ethan is moaning and groaning under you, his hands never leaving your ass.
You can tell he’s getting close, “I want you to cum in me, I’m on the pill” you tell him.
He grabs your throat pulling you closer and kisses you hard, you moan into the kiss.
Ethan then flips you over on the couch and starts fucking into you, “Ethan” you cry out. Where did he gain this confidence all of a sudden?
He fucks into you faster, “Tell me your mine Y/n, all fucking mine”
“Im yours Ethan” you cry out.
“No one, will ever fuck you as good as I can, you're all mine baby, all fucking mine” he slaps your ass, making you jolt upwards.
After a while you both reach your climax.
You both lay there when you're done, him holding you like you're going to leave him. He looks up at you, “I think I’m falling in love with you Y/n”.
You smile at him, “So do I”.
After cuddling for a little longer, you both get up and put your clothes back on. Ethan tells you he is going to take a shower, so you head to his bedroom, thinking you will just lay on his bed and wait for him. When you go inside you find a duffel bag on his bed, a mask peaking out of it, you look closer and start to make it out, you gasped..it was the ghost face mask.
You go closer and open the bag finding the outfit and a knife, with a list of your friend's names.
Ethan was ghost face, he killed Ankia and Leon. This was why the ghost face didn’t hurt you cause it was him the whole time.
You pull out your phone, deciding to call the cops, when Ethan appears in the doorway.
“Y/n?” You look at him, as he looks over your shoulder, seeing the bag. Fuck what were you going to do?
“Did you look through my bag?” He asks.
You lie, “No, I just came in here”
He steps closer to you and wraps his arms around your waist, “I know you saw, you know the truth now” he continues, “so what are you going to do about it?”
You look at him “Ethan, you-.., why are you doing this? Please just stop this now and we can forget about it”.
“But I can’t stop, it’s in my blood”... He explains..
“You don’t understand, I have to do this for my family, you're either with me or against me”
“And what if I’m against you, are you going to kill me?” You ask him.
“Of course not baby, I love you. I’ll just have to tie you up and keep you here, if I can’t trust you to keep this a secret” he looks at you.
This isn’t the Ethan you knew, the shy, goofy, nerd that just asked you to be his girlfriend.
“You're my girlfriend now, you can’t leave me..you said you were all mine Y/n”. He adds.
“That was before I knew you were killing my fucking friends Ethan!” You yell at him.
He grabs you, throwing you on the bed. He takes your hands, pinning them against the headboard.
“Like I said Y/n your either with me or against me and right now, it seem like your against me, so I hate to do this, but your not leaving me” he ties your hands to the headboard.
“Ethan please, you don’t have to do this, you said you love me, this is not what you do to people you love!” You cry out.
“Sometimes you hurt the ones you love, in order to keep them safe” he says starting to get up.
“Wait, Ethan you can’t just leave me here..Ethan please” You beg tears starting to fall onto your cheeks.
He comes over to you and kisses you on your lips.
“It will all be over soon Y/n” he says, grabbing his duffel bag and leaving to finish his duties.
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clubforfrogs · 6 months
Slip Ups (Part 2) Poly Marauders x Reader
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Quick note: Omg I can’t believe I’ve already finished my first fic. It’s obviously a pretty small one (only two parts) but i’m so excited that people actually seem to like it! If you have requests please send them- I need ideas!
This part is about 2.3k words- I hope you enjoy!
Earlier, sneaking around and breaking rules with the marauders sounded fun. Running away from teachers, giggling amongst each other, and thinking of new pranks when inspiration struck. Really, who wouldn’t want to prance around with Hogwarts’ hottest group of guys? But right now, looking at that same group standing in front of you, you wanted to be swallowed whole by the couch you were sitting on. The boys had been about to sneak out and continue on their adventure without you, but somehow spotted you before they actually left.
“Hey, are you guys heading out?” You winced at how lame you sounded as James replied, “Uh, yeah? I invited you earlier today. We thought you’d gone to sleep already, but this is perfect! Now we can all head out!” Your stomach sank at the excited nod the three of them shared. There was no way you could just ditch them without hurting their feelings. You slowly heaved yourself up from the couch and made your way over to them. 
“James’ invisibly cloak is probably too small for all of us, so we’ll need to split up into pairs. Who here’s good at the disillusionment charm?” Remus asked. James shook his head first, “I’ve only casted it a handful of times, I’m no good.” Sirius looked at you and Remus sheepishly, “Same here, Y/n, gorgeous, love of my life, please tell me you know how to cast it?” Your face felt hot at Sirius’ words, but before you could answer James interrupted, “Hold on Sirius, I wouldn’t mind huddling close under the invisibility cloak with Y/n.” He sent a wink your way and you were pretty sure your face would burst into flames at any moment. Before anyone else could get in another remark, you spoke, “I’m pretty good with the charm. So Remus and I will use the charm while you two,” you pointed at James and Sirius, “use the cloak?”
Remus nodded in agreement, “Yeah, that should work, now let’s head out. We’ve got a long night ahead of us.” James and Sirius threw the cloak over themselves and immediately disappointed. You and Remus looked at each other. You watched as Remus cast the charm on himself, and you watched as he disappeared. The only evidence that he was there was the faintest outline around him. You took a deep breath, then did the same, muttering the incantation and finally disappearing. You heard a low whistle, but couldn’t see who did it. You were immensely grateful at that moment that none of them could see you flush red. “Ok, let’s head out. I trust that you, Sirius and James, know the plan. Darling, we’ll fill you in on the way.”
Your mouth dropped open as you all headed out of the common room. The entire student population at Hogwarts described Remus as the shy, stoic type. All of that seemingly disappeared from his demeanor the second he started talking to you or the other marauders. Did that mean he liked you too? Did that mean all of them did? You shook your head as if to clear the thought. Stay focused L/n, don’t be ridiculous. A low whisper broke you out of your all-over the place thoughts, “Make sure we stick together, splitting off from each other just makes us more likely to get caught.” Remus reasoned. You agreed with his thinking, but were slightly surprised when you felt a hand grab your own. You let out a squeal of shock, then quickly slapped a hand over your face. “Sorry about that,” Remus adjusted his grip on your hands, so they were now intertwined, “hopefully we’ll be able to stick together more easily now.” You quickly wondered how he was able to find you so quickly, but brushed it off as him having a keen eye. “Oh, yeah. Makes sense.” Your voice wavered a bit, but if any of them noticed, they didn’t say. Another voice spoke. It was James, surprising you with how close he was, “Alright, let’s head to the snake pit.”
Nerves churned in your stomach as you made your way to the Slytherin common room. Yeah, that was definitely the reason your stomach was in a knot, certainly not the fact that one of your longtime crushes, Remus Lupin, was holding your hand. Remus, feeling the way your hand tensed, mistook your infatuation for the fear of being caught, “Hey, don’t worry, this is a pretty mild prank compared to some of our others. James wouldn’t have invited you if this could get you into serious trouble. You want me to walk you through the prank? Would that help?” You couldn’t help but melt a little at his concern. “No, it’s alright, I think I’d rather be surprised by your guys’ utter genius.” You said the last words with obvious sarcasm, as Remus let out a noise of disbelief, “I’ll choose to ignore that last bit. But good choice, you’re going to love it. Oh, and would you look at that, we’ve arrived.”
You looked and around and realized Remus was, in fact, correct. It was colder down in the dungeons compared to the Gryffindor common room. You wrapped one arm around yourself as Remus led you toward the sound of James and Sirius’ footsteps. Sirius, having heard the pair of you approach, told each marauder where to go and what to do, “and you, my dear Y/n, get to sit back and enjoy the show.” You waited as they all dispersed. You looked around nervously, praying that prefects didn’t decide to do check in over heard for the next few minutes. But you also couldn’t deny the adrenaline rush you were feeling. You had never really been a strictly “by the rules” student, but you’d also never snuck out to prank Slytherins in the middle of the night. An out of breath silhouette of Remus stood in front of you, you could hear from the way he spoke that he was smiling, “Now we get to watch it all unfold,” 
He led you to the now open door of the Slytherin common room. It was absolutely nerve-wracking being in there, but the way Remus grabbed your hand again made you feel a lot a little better. Suddenly, you heard a commotion, and a group of four Slytherins came scrambling into their common room. You recognized them as students that would constantly pick of the first years and make fun of any other wizards and witches for not being pureblood. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel any satisfaction from seeing their panicked faces, and you strained to hear their conversation, “Did you see that?” a tall and skinny wizard said. Another wizard who looked almost identical aside from his much lighter hair responded, “Of course I did! I didn’t think ghosts could get into our common rooms! But did you see that thing? It was all bloody and mangled and terrifying.” The first boy spoke up again, “Of course I saw it! And it doesn’t look like any of the ghosts here at Hogwarts. We’re so fucked!” The group of them looked positively frightened, before a shorter boy who hadn’t said anything yet pointed to the dorm stairs and spoke in a shaky voice, “Guys…”
A pale man floated through the air towards the boys. His hair was flat and greasy, his neck bore long gashes caked with blood, and he looked angry. Remus squeezed your hand as if to reassure you that this was all fake, and you were immensely grateful for it. You watched as the boys ran around the common room like headless chickens, attempting to flee from the ghost. The tall boy with light hair had been cornered by the ghost, and whimpered. It was hard to make out in the dimness, but you could see how his pyjama bottoms started to darken, indicating that, “Oh Merlin, he just pissed himself,” you whispered to Remus. The two of you cracked up, while trying to be as silent as possible. You were laughing so hard that you didn’t notice when the prank had ended, not until Remus calmed himself and muttered, “Let’s get out of here.” 
The two made your way towards the Gryffindor common room. You were walking at a nice leisurely pace until your ears picked up on a pair of footsteps that didn’t belong to you or Remus. You stopped Remus, asking, “Do you hear that?” The both of you listened, but Remus was the one to catch sight of Filch as he turend the corner, walking down the same hallway you and Remus were in. Now, Remus and you were still disillusioned, but neither of you were willing to take the chance of being caught. Remus grabbed you and pulled you into a nearby broom closet quietly. The two of you were both breathing heavily as you strained to hear if Filch was gone or not. Your thoughts didn’t stay of Filch for long, however. They were pulled to Remus’ strong chest now pushed flush to yours. His arms hanging at his sides, but were still so close to you. Remus had apparently noticed the same thing, because you could feel his breath hitch. You desperately didn’t want the atmosphere to turn awkward, so you whispered to him, “How long do you think we’ll be-“ he interrupted you. “You didn’t want to come out with us tonight, why?” 
His tone wasn’t accusatory, it was just matter-of-fact. Regardless, you started to stumble over your words, “What? I didn’t- I never said, that. You just.. read the situation-“ he cut you off again. “Just be honest. Is it because your uncomfortable with us? Do you not like breaking rules? What is it?” His tone was so desperate, you just wanted to tell him everything. Tell him how the reason you didn’t want to go out with them was because you were so horribly in love with each of them, even though they were already in the perfect relationship. Your silence made the air in the closet feel heavy. Suddenly, you felt Remus move his hands to your hips. It made you feel dizzy and hot and wonderful at the same time. He leaned down, “Or did you not want to come out with us because of how you feel towards us?” His words shocked you. “Look, I’m not trying to mess you guys up. I know you’re already committed to each other. I swear I’ll distance myself and leave you guys alone.” 
Remus spoke quickly, “No! that’s not what I want- not what we want.” “What? What are you talking about?” you questioned, trying to stop the feeling of hope blooming in your chest. “James, Sirius, and I speak about you all the time. Those ‘jokes’ we make in class? That’s just how we feel. We want you, if you are willing, to be with us.” If you thought Remus’ hands on your hips made you feel things, his confession doubled those feelings. “Really? You’re not kidding? Because that would break my heart.” Remus wrapped his arms around you and pulled you impossibly closer to him, “I swear to you that I am telling the truth.” 
Giddiness overtook you. Without thinking, you grabbed Remus’ face and pulled him towards you, smashing your lips onto his. The kiss was full of all your pent up longing for this exact moment. All of the times they’d make flirty comments toward you without you knowing how to respond, all of those moments you wished you could just fit in to their world. But right here, kissing Remus, you finally felt like it was a really possibility. You both pulled back, gasping for air and grinning like idiots. Remus dragged you back to the Gryffindor common room excitedly, the pair of you practically skipping your way there. 
Inside, you found a worried looking James and Sirius. “Where have the two of you been? We thought you guys had been caught!” Sirius rambled. You looked at Remus, confirming your prior situation hadn’t just been a figment of your imagination. He nodded and you with a smile and you launched yourself at Sirius, connecting your lips. He huffed in surprise before eagerly retuning the kiss. This kiss was wilder than your kiss with Remus. Sirius tasted slightly of fire whiskey, so you assumed he and James had celebrated their prank on their way back from the dungeons. You heard the disbelieving chuckle from James as he talked with Remus, “I take it you told her then?” You broke a part from Sirius and looked at James, “He might’ve.” 
James walked over to you with the brightest smile you’ve ever seen. Your lips met and finally everything was complete. You had the three men you’ve been pining over for forever all to yourself, and you didn’t want to waste a single moment with them. You flung your arms around James’ neck and pulled his head even closer to yours. He obliged you as he smiled into your lips and kissed you sweetly. When you both finally came up for air, you looked around at Remus, Sirius, and then back to James. They all looked back at you with the same excitement you were sure was displayed plainly across your face. The look in their eyes was the only confirmation you needed: this was going to work. All of you fear and worries surrounding whether they really liked you or if this would last disappeared. They were going to do everything in their power to make this work, and you would do the same. 
The four of you went up to the boys’ dorm and flipped down onto one of their beds. It was a tangled mess of limbs, but no one cared. You used Sirius as a pillow while James laid on your stomach and Remus was lying by your side. You were pretty sure life didn’t get any better than this.
Thank you for reading, and again, send me some requests! I’d love to hear them💕
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puppym3 · 2 months
hiiiii! i saw that you’re requests are open so here i am 😁😁 almost all of your writings have smut (NOT THAT I’M COMPLAINING! I AM ENJOYING EVERY PART OF IT AND I SWEAR U WRITE IT SO GOOOD) and i was wondering if we could get a fluff for han? if u watched the jae friends episode with han and chan, han mentioned there that he loves shaving his beard rather than getting it laser removed like chan. he said, “it’s a small romance in this busy modern world.” (mann iluv han jisung sm he’s such a romantic ☹️☹️) soooo can we please get skincare night with reader, and han wants her to shave his beard and they just get all lovey dovey at the bathroom sink (no smut :D)
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ skincare night ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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han jisung x reader
wc: 1k
warnings: fluffiness, cuteness, omg, heart melting, kissing, (lmk if i missed any)
a/n: omg thank you SO much anon for this suggestion, fluff AND han??? i love you. i can't believe it took me this long to write something for han :(
i would love more suggestions if anyone has any for me! also if you'd like to be added to the taglist, please let me know!
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The gentle hum of the bathroom fan filled the air as you laid out your skincare products on the countertop. Han leaned against the doorframe, watching you with a playful glint in his eyes.
“You’re really into this skincare stuff, huh?” he teased, stepping closer.
“Of course,” you replied with a smile. “You should be too. Your skin will thank you.”
Han chuckled, moving to stand beside you. “Okay, skincare guru, what’s first?”
You handed him a headband, and he raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
“Yes, really,” you laughed. “We need to keep your hair out of the way.”
He reluctantly put it on, and you couldn’t help but giggle at how cute he looked. “You’re adorable,” you said, reaching up to pat his cheeks.
“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled, though his eyes sparkled with amusement. “What’s next?”
As you started to cleanse his face, Han leaned into your touch, closing his eyes. “This feels nice,” he murmured.
You smiled softly, enjoying the quiet moment. After rinsing his face, you grabbed your next product. “Okay, now we need to exfoliate.”
He watched as you gently massaged the scrub onto his skin, his eyes filled with affection. “You’re really good at this,” he said.
“I’ve had a lot of practice,” you replied, focusing on your task. “And you have great skin to work with.”
Han chuckled. “Thanks, I guess, do you want to shave for me?”
Once his face was rinsed again, you reached for the shaving cream.
You nodded. “Trust me, I won’t hurt you.”
He hesitated but eventually nodded, sitting on the edge of the sink. You applied the shaving cream, and he watched you intently. “You��re taking this very seriously,” he said softly.
“Of course,” you replied, picking up the razor. “I don’t want to mess up.”
As you carefully raised the razor to his face, Han remained still, his eyes locked on yours. The silence between you was filled with an intensity that made your heart beat faster. You gently swiped the razor across his cheek, removing a few stray hairs.
Han continued to watch you, his gaze never wavering. As you moved the razor to his jawline, he placed his hand on your waist, his thumb stroking your side. He was looking intently into your eyes, looking at you in a way that made your heart flutter.
After rinsing the razor, you continued to shave his face, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. When you were finally finished, Han was grinning.
You rinsed his face again and reached for the aftershave, gently applying it to his skin.
"Ah- ah... I almost forgot a part!" You suddenly exclaimed.
"Which one?" Han asked curiously.
You leaned down onto his face, placing a soft kiss on his nose. He giggled as you started attacking his face in tiny kisses.
"Baby..." he tried to speak but couldn't stop giggling.
"Yes, sweetheart?" you stopped and looked into his eyes.
"What's next?" He asked, smiling.
You couldn't help but giggle as well.
"Next we put the serums, and then a moisturizer."
"I have no idea what a serum is."
You laughed and pointed, showing him the serums.
"Why do I have to wear these?" He pouted.
"Because they're good for your skin. Trust me."
Han sighed and nodded, letting you continue.
"You have to wear sunscreen and lip balm," you said, grabbing the products.
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" Han objected. "That's where I draw the line, sunscreen at night?"
"It's good for your skin," you insisted.
"Yes, really," you said, giggling.
He sighed and nodded, letting you apply the sunscreen to his face.
"Okay, now the lip balm," you said, applying a coat to his lips. "Let me see if it works."
"What? is this another trick to kiss me?" He asked, his eyes wide, a smile forming on his face.
"Definitely not," you lied.
You leaned down, kissing him softly. His lips felt warm and smooth against yours, and you couldn't help but smile.
Han wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close as he kissed you back. You could feel his smile against your lips, and you couldn't help but chuckle.
As you pulled away, Han gave you a cheeky grin.
"Okay, okay," you said, grabbing his chin to make him look at you. "I think we're done."
Han nodded, a soft smile on his lips.
"Now it's my turn," you said, turning to the sink.
"Your turn for what?"
"To get my skincare routine," you replied, giggling.
"Okay," he said, watching you closely.
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taglist for my beauties: @loverbangchan, @reignessance, @imperfectlyperfectprincess1
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alexwritingspot · 1 year
hii ! i LOVED your percy x reader sm!! and your writing is BEAUTIFUL !
ik you just posted recently but could you do percy x gn!reader with prompt 9? and possibly make it enemies to lovers? <3
Maybe even enemies can love each others…
prompt 9: “are you flirting with me? Took you long enough to understand it”
A shared punishment imposed by Mr. D, by the side of the great Percy Jackson leads you to finally face all the feeling that you had hid for so long…
A/n: Omg! Thank you so much! 😭😭😭 you have no idea how much this comment means to me, you literally made my day 🧡🧡 I’m not an English native speaker, so I’m always doubting about both my writing and my language skills, so having a compliment like this is just very appreciated! As always the prompt list is on my page. words count: 800
warnings: maybe cursing? Other than that none
It wasn’t like you totally hated Percy Jackson. He saved your life more than once and was after all a nice guy. But he got under your skin, a whole lot. You hated how everyone at camp saw him as the perfect guy, the handsome boy with a golden heart who saved Olympus twice and had chosen to refuse immortality to help the camp, heck, even his fatal flaw was a merit! But you hated it because it wasn’t absolutely like that… ok, maybe it was. But you hated how no one pointed out his flaws.
So here you were, forced to a shared punishment with the son of Poseidon because you two had ‘disturbed’ Mr. D’s breakfast with your bickering. You pulled up your sleeves and put on a pair of gloves waiting for the torture to end. You two had to wash the breakfast dishes in the camp’s kitchen and you both were left alone since Mr. D had left.
You watched the water pour from the sink faucet as you held out an hand and waited for Percy to pass you a plate… except he didn’t. When you turned he was juggling with some apples found around. You let out a tired sigh “have you finished messing around or do I have to clean up all of this by myself?” Annoyance dripping from your voice. With a single move he stopped throwing the apples in the air and put them down on a near wooden table “you should enjoy your life more, you know?” He teased, a smirk was playing on his lips and Oh gods, how much you’d like to smack it out of his sneering face! But you couldn’t, so you simply turned your glare back to the sink and said nothing else, you had to bite your tongue to not retort back.
He then came closer to the counter with a pile of dirty dishes in his hands, a light was entering the window and kissing his face almost poetically, his green eyes shining bright… what were you thinking?! You forced yourself to simply take a plate and you started washing it, well aware of his eyes on you. “You’re just gonna stay there all day staring at me or you’ll actually help?” You asked him in a very serious voice, and he laughed, how dared that- “relax, we have plenty of time and if you didn’t notice I’m helping you” he said, clearly amused, you side glared at him “how, exactly?” He put down the pile of plates and took a step nearer “I carried here the dishes” he pointed out, you rolled your eyes, and turned your head once again to give him a warning glance to not make you anger, but you stopped the moment his face came into your vision. Why did he need to have such a pretty face, you wondered. You ended up doing all the dishes alone as he stood there, until finally he spoke “I like your eyes” he said, you turned, confused, he had that same playful light as always “you what?” You ask, looking at him, your face scrunched up in confusion “You heard me” he said smiling, as he got nearer “do you want to play 5 questions?” He asked, you turned fully, your back resting on the counter as you dried your hands, the dishes could have waited
“Wasn’t the game ‘20 question’?” He shook his head “It’s funnier this way, you have to choose the most important ones” He said, your shoulders were touching and, oh boy, you didn’t mind at all “Who starts?” You asked, he went straight to speaking up “what’s your favourite colour?” You laughed a bit at the irony of the question “what about the talk you made about three seconds ago about the fact that this way we had to do important questions?” You mocked him “you didn’t answer” he answered back, ignoring completely your statement “I like green” you shrugged “like my eyes?” He questioned “like your eyes” you confirmed “my turn… do you like someone?” You asked, sure that the answer would have been a positive one, even if strangely the thought made you jealous. “Yes, a certain child of y/g/p, who has a really smart mouth” he looked you in the eyes and you could swore he was looking into the depth of your soul. You stood there, processing the information with your mouth slightly agape. “Are you flirting with me?” You asked, in total disbelief, he took a step closer, placing his hand on your cheek, even if he was warm it made you shiver “took you long enough to understand it” and then he closed the gap between your lips, with the softest kiss someone has ever gave you…
A/n: Hope it reached your standards! Feel free to request anything else! 🧡🧡🧡
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lizzychanstuffss · 1 year
Hey! I got a prompt for you: let's say that the reader comes from a place where courting braids are a thing. Their people usually has long hair and it's tradition that someone would braid their SO's hair. Reader is hesitant to bring it up since their former partners never did it because they found it silly or too time consuming. I think Astarion would love the idea of braiding reader's hair and would probably go overboard and come up with complex braids or add decorations into the braid (feathers, beads, jewelry and all that jazz). Baby boy wants to express his creativity and is happy that you trust him with something so important to you 🥺
And if the braid comes undone, oh no what a tragedy, he's just gonna have to do it again! 😉
If it's too silly or too much of a hassle, feel free to say no tho. I just thought it would be so freaking cute ☺️
This so cute omg I need to write this.
Astarion x Tav!reader GN
set post-game so spoilers
Requests still open!
Finally, after all the adventures of mind flayers and tadpoles, you were happy to finally settle down with your lover. Astarion was happy with the predicament too, even if you also wanted to find a way for him to walk in the sun again...but he suggested you should take a break first, or else your body might start falling apart.
So you took his advice and the two of you had been taking things slow for the past few months. You two had the rest of forever to find a way for him to be in the sun again, there wasn't a real rush. So with that in mind you finally started wearing your hair down more often, it was already rather long but the length really showed now that it wasn't tied up or braided to keep it out of your face.
But there was one thing you couldn't stop thinking about. It was something that was prominent in the area you grew up in and was something you hoped you would be able to continue with whoever you ended up in a relationship with. But considering your relationship with Astarion was forged in the midst of chaos it was never really the time to bring it up to the vampire.
But tonight the man saw you looking over a book. It had instructions for several different styles of braids but all of them were too complex for you to do yourself. You hadn't even noticed that Astarion had been behind you until he placed his hands on your shoulders giving you a peck on the cheek. His eyes glanced over the page and it instantly caught his attention.
"My, my what's this?" His knuckle stroked the page inquisitively. Looking up at him you smiled.
"Ah just some braids, where I'm from there was something called a courting braids..." You trailed off a bit slightly embarrassed at the thought of it. Astarion gave your shoulder a slight squeeze urging you to continue.
"Uhm well, when two people are courting one of them will braid the other's hair...it's a bit silly saying it out loud" You look away from him as you speak only to have him gently move your chin to face him, a frown formed on his face as he spoke.
"Darling, it's not silly if it's something you care about...and frankly it sounds rather fun" He paused. "Would you like me to try one of them?"
"Well, if you want to?" You smile up at him and suddenly Astarion seems so excited. The two of you get into a more comfortable position so he could properly do your hair. He gets to work looking at the guide for the braid and twisting your hair gently into the shape on the page. Once he's finished Astarion marvels at his work quite satisfied with himself.
"Oh my I do say you look rather dashing in this style" He chuckles before grabbing two hand mirrors handing you one and he holds the other to get a good look at the intricate braid. His handiwork is honestly remarkable, must have been from his skills in embroidery  transferring over to another.
"You did a wonderful job Astarion~" You smiled as you looked at it. Turning to face Astarion, he was still rather excited by this new found talent he had discovered and it gave you an idea. "How about you do another more complex one?" Suggesting to him and his eyes seemed to light up at the prospect.
"Are you sure?" His eyes were filled with a sense of light at the prospect but he couldn't help but ask if it was really alright. He was still cautious about such things but you couldn't blame him, it’s not like though healing from trauma was a one fix all. Of course you give him an enthusiastic nod.
Then the man sets off to work trying another braid from the book, something much harder to replicate for certain. As you sit there his hands playing with your hair is a rather soothing experience, it takes a while but eventually he finishes this one. It's slightly rougher as he is still getting used to the process, but it demonstrates such skill and talent regardless.
Over the next weeks, Astarion continues to braid your hair. Sometimes he puts in flowers or ribbons or whatever other decorations he thinks would look nice against the color. Today he chose a more simplistic braid instead of his normally complex art pieces. But as you went about your day the braid ended up coming undone.
You were a little distraught as all his hard work became undone. Upon seeing this Astarion wasn't upset at all in fact.
"Oh dear~ such a shame I have to braid it all again" His voice was dripping with sarcasm and sass. Scoffing a bit in response to obvious tease, but then sitting in front of him.
"Alright, let me see what I can do" he smirks a bit letting the hair fall where it may and then getting started on something a bit more secure. As he works his magic looping the hair in on itself, adding a ribbon to help keep it in place.
Once he was finished he proudly showed off his work, a smile making its way across your lips as you take in his work. "You are quite skilled at this, love.” Turning to him you gave him a gentle kiss which he reciprocated in kind.
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soullumii · 1 year
if my heart’s gonna break | joel miller x f!reader
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part 1 (read part 1 before reading this!)
summary: a couple nights later, you head back to joel’s
warnings: 18+!!!! smut again. unprotected piv. fem!afab!reader. angst again don’t worry i’ll make a happy ending okay
word count: 4k
joel mod in gif is by speclizer (so fucking hot oh my GODDDD)
a/n: finally finished part 2 omg i’m sorry for the wait yall… i’m a perfectionist it’s lowkey debilitating. anyways… i hope u guys enjoy <3 tysm for the support on part 1 and tbh on all my other fics too… i can’t believe ppl like my writing that much. i am very grateful! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
im scared but if my heart's gonna break before the night will end
i said we're in danger
sleeping with a friend
You cant stop thinking about the kiss. 
The kiss that honestly shouldn’t mean so much to you. You’ve kissed him, like, so many times. So many times his tongue has been in your mouth, been in your damn vagina. So why the fuck… why the fuck are you so worked up over this right now?
It’s just…it was so heavy. It felt like…like more than just a kiss. Like he was laying his life down for you, much like he does in patrols. 
He… Joel… he usually never kisses right after sex. He recognizes in the post-coitus energy that things are different. They mean more. He has to know that. So… why now? Does he…?
No. You’re just in your head again. Maybe you’re thinking about it too hard. You’ve never had a friends with benefits situation before now. Maybe this… maybe this is regular.
But for your own psyche, you think you might have to set some ground rules. 
There was always that main rule, that wretched, critical rule. The one you said to him on the first day of your strange exchange.
“Don’t go falling in love with me, cowboy.”
Well, to hell with that one, right? Pretty sure you’ve beaten that shit to death. Shattered all possible remains of it.
So more rules. More rules will have to do. Starting with:
No kissing.
Should be easy enough. 
You’ll figure out the rest later. You have got to stop thinking about it, though, because you’re on the way to his house right now. 
You knock swiftly on the door, and you swear you feel your heart drop into your pussy the moment he opens the door to reveal himself. A plain, black t-shirt is stretched across his broad chest, haphazardly tucked into a pair of plaid pajama pants that hang loosely around his hips. His graying hair is ruffled beyond belief, curling around his ears and falling over his forehead. In your fits of passion and desire a couple nights ago, you hardly realized it had grown longer. It looks nice.
This sleepy and soft Joel is not one you’ve seen in a while. Well, it’s not like you’ve seen him much lately anyway, with him having been gone and all. Still, it’s disorienting. 
“Howdy,” he says.
“Um. Hi.” You try not to gawk. “Did…did I come at a bad time, or something?”
“No, not at all. I just got back from patrols… took a shower,” he says, leaning a shoulder against the door jamb, strong arms crossing over his chest. There’s a tiny, barely perceptible smirk on his lips. “Need somethin’?”
You see it now, the water clinging to his hair, darkening it, beading at his temples like sweat. You follow a line of water trickling down his throat until it disappears behind his collar.
Rule 2: Don’t come over after he’s showered.
“I…uh, I can come back later if you want—“
You’re nervous to ask him what you want to ask him, which is honestly ridiculous considering you guys have been doing this for months now. You used to be able to just knock on his door and he’d pull you in, and it was that easy. Or you’d give him a look when in public, and he knew exactly what you needed.
Now, you’re painfully awkward. Curse him and curse your feelings.
He straightens a bit, his brows furrowing in slight concern. “What’s goin’ on?”
Heat spreads down your neck, embarrassment. Shame. It’s strange, how just a couple nights ago you let him finger you in public, and now you’re afraid to ask him for sex again in his house and for your panties back.
You should honestly just say something like:
I’m here for my underwear.
And you’re positive he’d say:
Want it back? You gotta earn it, sweetheart.
And your knees would buckle and you’d sink down to the carpeted floor in front of his couch and suck him off until he was coming down your throat, stroking back your hair and thumbing his cum on your plush bottom lip.
But instead you’re scowling at him and blurting: “I need a drink.”
How dare he leave you high and dry for three weeks, come back and fuck the shit out of you, make you realize you’re in love with him, and look this good?
God damnit, you need to get your shit together. 
Joel’s eyes widen, surprised only slightly by your outburst, before he backs up to allow you inside his home. When he shuts the door behind you, his hand settles warmly on your lower back as he steers you toward the kitchen.
He immediately beelines for the liquor cabinet and grabs a bottle of red for you. A warm, tingly feeling stirs in your stomach at the fact that he knew you’d want wine. The frustration you’ve been feeling fizzles out. 
“You know me so well.”
He gives you a light smirk, uncorking the bottle. The liquor gurgles as he pours it into a glass. “Think you’d kill me if I didn’t know after all this time.”
You laugh, “Sure, but the real test of friendship is if you knew how I’d kill you.”
“A swift kick to the nuts and then one of my guitars to my head.”
Your eyes widen on a guffaw. “You think I’d damage one of your guitars?”
“You care more about my guitars than my genitals?” 
“Yes. Why would I ever smash one of your guitars?”
He rolls his eyes. “Kill two birds with one stone—my soul and my body. It’s effective. If you needed to kill me, I’d hope it was like that. Now how would I kill you?” 
You hum in consideration. “Trick question. You wouldn’t—no, you couldn’t.”
“You know me so well.” 
His words mirrored back at you so gently, with his brown eyes trained on you intently has the warmth in your belly spreading, making you drop your gaze.
His smirk grows and he hands you the wine glass and reaches for some homemade brandy. You watch the muscles in his arm flex as he pours, sipping daintily while your mind replays thoughts of filth. Of you dragging that arm between your legs, grinding down on it until—
“So, you really only here for a drink?” He asks with a playful lilt, taking a sip of his own beverage and effectively jolting you out of your daydreaming.
You lean against the island, wondering if you should tell him the truth. From the way he’s looking at you, hungrily and heated, like a lion ready to pounce, you’re tempted to.
But…you’re afraid. You can’t stop thinking about The Rule. The one you broke and the ones you just made. You wonder if whatever might happen between you two tonight will unravel them before you can even put them into place.
You look up at him through your lashes, lips pursed around the rim of the glass. “Maybe, maybe not.”
His eyes darken, tongue darting out to lick his lips of sweet fermented wine. His gaze travels up and down your figure, comfortable and breathable in a t-shirt and shorts. Nothing fancy and cute like your sundress from the other night, because today you had to work. But Joel has never minded what you’ve worn, swearing you always look sexy in anything.
Which is something that also makes you question this friends with benefits situation you have here.
He sets his glass down and eases in closer, curling an arm around your waist to pull you into him. “How high’s the chance then?”
“…What do you mean?”
“I mean what’s the probability that you really did only come here for a drink?” he drawls, eyes following your lips as your tongue dips out to wet them. “Or was there another reason?”
The cold tip of his nose brushes along your throat, lips ghosting over your skin. You tremble in his hold. “Odds are in favor of the first option,” you breathe, “ran out of alcohol at my place.”
“And you couldn’t just stop by the Bison? Had to steal from my stores?”
“You know you have the good stuff.”
“You’re lyin’ but I’ll pretend like you ain’t.”
That makes you laugh, and more tumble out of you when one of his hands traces lazily over your stomach, fingers light and delicate and teasing.
“So why d’ya need a drink?”
Because you’re driving me crazy. Because I’m driving myself crazy. Because the universe wants to fuck me over.
You smile and your free hand skates up his muscled back, your fingers brushing along the stretchy fabric of his tee, your voice soft. “Just needed to destress a little. Work has been intense.”
He grins back, presses it into the spanse between your throat and your shoulder, before he lightly scrapes his teeth over it and lays a gentle bite that has you keening into him, pressing your body against his.
“Well, I could help you destress another way too,” he murmurs, palm squeezing the pudgy flesh of your waist, fingers digging lightly into your muscle.
“Mm… yeah?” you hum, your voice a low purr, back arching. Your breasts press into his chest, and Joel makes a sound deep in his throat in agreement.
He presses you into the island, caging you in with his hands on either side of you. He towers over you, a sweatpant clad leg sliding between yours. 
He leans down to kiss you, and a flashing light blares in your mind — NO KISSING — loud and bright and distracting. You turn your head at the last second, his lips landing on your cheek. But Joel doesn’t pull back, doesn’t question you. He just kisses down your cheek, along your jaw, mouthing at you. Sucking your skin to leave little marks that will either fade or be covered by concealer. 
It used to upset you when he left marks because they’re a pain to cover up. Then, you started to like it. You didn’t mind covering up the marks because when you took the makeup off and saw them at the end of the day, all you could think about was him. About the how he made you come. About the words he muttered in your ear. About the feeling of his hands on you—in you. 
Now, you’re starting to grow upset again, but this time it’s because you want to wear them proudly. Want people to know he gets to claim you like this. But… you can’t. But you also don’t want him to stop.
You allow him to continue marking you up, his hand coming up to rest behind your skull, holding you in place. You press your body into his eagerly and with desperate, soft noises that he returns with placating moans.
And then he shifts, and his thigh ruts against your clothed core, and you moan lightly, airily, grinding your hips down against him, searching for any friction. 
His hands curl around the hem of your white tee, and he peels it off your body. One skates behind your back to easily undo the clasp of your bra, and then your breasts are heavy and on display for him. 
Joel stares down at you with heavy eyes. “Christ, you’re beautiful.”
Longing claws at your chest, and you look up at him coyly, your lip caught between your teeth. Joel groans like he’s in pain, and squeezes along the underside of one of your breasts before leaning down to close his mouth over the nipple while his other hand gives attention to the other, squeezing and pinching. Your hands find purchase in his damp hair as low moans tumble from your lips. 
When he’s deemed one nipple adequately appreciated, he moves onto the next. Licking, revering, his dark eyes peering up at you while his peppered hair is fisted in your hands. The sight has slick arousal pooling in your underwear.
Eventually he pulls back and his hands clamp down on your hips. He guides you along the muscle of his thigh, your clit pulsing at the contact. 
“Want you to come on my thigh, baby.” His voice is a ragged slur of words against your ear, warm and paired with a kiss to your cartilage. 
“Fuck…yes, Joel,” you whimper, sparks flying through your nerves with each roll of your hips.
His fingers grip your chin, tilting your head so you have no choice but to keep eye contact with him as you rut against his thigh. He’s grinning, eyes heavy lidded and deep, dark like wet tar. They suck you in as if they were quicksand.
You’d let him drag you under a million times over. 
Your best friend.
“Joel,” you moan, feeling yourself grow close. Standing at the cliff's edge. His eyes bore into yours, his grin slipping as he focuses on you. Focuses on making you shatter atop him.
“Come on, baby. You can do it. You can come,” he says encouragingly,  fingers stroking the skin of your hip. You feel tears prick your eyes as the waves crash, spreading from your throbbing clit along your muscles. Filling you with warmth, stronger and deeper than the buzz from the wine.
“Good job,” he praises gently. “Did so good.”
“Shut up,” you huff.
He laughs, and despite yourself, heat floods your body, throbs between your thighs. His words caress a deep, carnal animal inside of you, and the hunger takes over.
You frantically pull at his shirt until he has to tell you to slow down, and takes it off himself. Your hands run along his chest and stomach the moment they’re able to and down to the waistband of his sweats. You palm his hardening cock through the soft, gray fabric. Joel groans deep and heavy, his lashes fluttering as he stares you down. His hips thrust into your palm automatically. Involuntarily. 
God, that makes you light up like a firefly. Makes your nerves sing and your cunt flutter and your mind go numb.
He tugs down your shorts and underwear and sets you on top of the granite, but before he can strip the underwear from your ankle to no doubt pocket this pair like he did the other, you flick it off your foot across the kitchen. It lands somewhere near the door to the dining room.
He can’t steal all your underwear, or you’ll have none left.
“I wanted those,” he drawls, expression on the edge of a pout.
“Yeah, well I need them. It’s not common to come across a good pair of panties in this world.” 
“But I’d give ‘em back.” He’s full on pouting now. It is, unfortunately, very cute, but you’re used to it.
“Sure… like the pair you took from me the other night that I have yet to receive.” 
“How else am I supposed to get you to come over?” 
“I dunno? Maybe ask?”
“Should I leave a note on your door? Is that good enough for you?”
“At least be classy. A letter delivered in my mailbox with a wax stamp, please.” 
He laughs. “As you wish, Princess.”
He finally peels off his sweatpants, free of underwear beneath them, and you watch with barely concealed hunger as his cock springs free. 
And while you like the idea of him fucking you on the counter, you’d much rather him fuck you against the counter, so you hop down and turn so your back faces him. Your hands curl around the granite lip of the counter top, and you push your ass out and back, peering at him over your shoulder.
This way, it’s easier for him not to kiss you. Easier for you to turn your head and deny your lips to him. 
“Look at you…” Joel hums appreciatively at your show, at the wiggle of your hips as his palm smooths down your back and over your ass, squeezing at the plump flesh. 
You moan quietly, and Joel’s eyes darken, watching you intently like you’re the only thing in the room. 
His fingers drift down to your cunt and your slickness coats his fingers fully. You’re so wet for him. So ready for him to bury himself inside you and call you his.
It’s funny, you’ve lost all your heat from a few nights ago. All your sharp edged words. Now, you’re soft and pliant.
He swirls his soaked index and middle fingers along your clit, punctuating your sensitivity, before sliding them back inside you to the knuckle. You keen and push back, desperate for more. His fingers are so much longer than yours, thicker, and yet you crave more.
“That’s it, Joel,” you huff. “Fuck, feels so good. Need more.”
“Yeah? Tell me what you need, baby girl.”
Shame lights your cheeks, but you push down the embarrassment. “Need…need your cock inside me.”
He lays a kiss on your neck. “Still a bit desperate aren’t we?”
“You’re the desperate one, Mr. Panty Stealer. You’re a fucking creep.”
He chuckles against your neck, but he squeezes your ass in retaliation. “Be nice, would you?”
“You like it when I’m mean.”
“Wanna see how much I like it?”
“If you’re willing to show me and get on with this, sure.”
He huffs in amused frustration. “God, you’re annoyin’.”
You just smile innocently at him.
Your legs tremble, slick running down your thighs when Joel pulls his fingers out. He replaces them with the hardness of his cock, of which he runs along your wetness, readying himself.
“I think ‘bout you way too much,” he says into your back, pressing a gentle kiss there. “D’ya think ‘bout me too?”
It’s an odd question. One you’re not expecting. One that has your heart stuttering in quiet confusion from this sudden switch in tone.
“Of course I do.” Obviously. You told him as much. Three weeks. Three weeks you thought about him.
“Good… wanna be the only thing on your mind.”
A high pitched keen hisses through your teeth as Joel eases himself inside you with a long, slow stroke and a low moan. Your fingers white knuckle the countertop, gripping it tightly.
He presses in close, burying himself all the way in before he withdraws slowly, his cock sliding inside you torturously. 
“Joel,” you moan.
“I know, baby.” He presses kisses to your shoulders. 
Joel’s hand gravitates to the back of your knee, and he slowly pushes up to lift your leg until your knee is resting on the counter. 
And then… with this new angle…he starts fucking you in earnest.
His hips snap against your ass, the sound deafening in the kitchen, and you crumple against the granite with a moan.
“Shit,” Joel grunts. “Yeah.”
Each of his heavy thrusts punches the air from your lungs, and your fingers slip on the countertop, scrabbling for purchase every chance you can get. He’s hot, thick inside you, warm as he folds over you, his hand on your tummy holding you upright, the other keeping your leg up to continue hitting you at that pleasant, delicious angle.
“H-holy shit—oh—“
He breathes heavily at your neck, low grunts and moans escaping his lips from his efforts. “Could spend eternity inside you, darlin’. Fuck, you’re mine.”
Your heart stutters, the words uttered in a lust filled craze, likely meaning nothing. But to your traitorous brain, to the hope lingering in your chest like a persistent cough, they mean everything. 
“All…” you’re losing your train of thought, fucked into blissful nothingness. “All yours, Joel.” 
It’s too difficult for him to kiss you from this angle, which you’re relieved about. But a part of you longs for it, longs for the feel of his mouth moving against yours. 
Joel’s strong arm wraps around your chest, and pulls you up so you’re flush against his back as he pounds up and into you. Keens and whimpers and breathless pants escape you with every thrust.
“Please, Joel,” you cry, tears pricking at the edges of your swirling vision.
“What, baby?” He huffs. “Need’a come?”
You nod crazily. “Yes—need to—“
“Shhh okay… I’ve got you,” he murmurs gently, the hand wrapped around your tummy inching down to circle at your clit steadily.
Your legs buckle beneath you but Joel keeps you upright as the pleasure soars through you, sudden and strong. He strokes you through it, groaning praises into your ear before he comes inside you a moment later. 
The two of you hiss in tandem when he pulls out, but he smothers it when he lays his mouth over yours. You’re hardly coherent enough to remember your rule, and for a moment you let him kiss you. You kiss him back, chasing the heat of his mouth with your own, moaning against his lips when his tongue dips into your mouth. 
Then, you remember.
You pull back panting, cheeks a flame, “Joel.”
“Hm?” He murmurs, dragging his lips down your jaw before moving back up to pull you into another kiss. You move away before he can. His brows furrow in confusion. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t… I don’t think we should kiss anymore.”
He blinks. “What? Why?”
Your eyes flit across the kitchen, catching on labeled jars and wooden spoons and spices, anything but his own. “It’s too intimate.” 
It’s a lame excuse. Joel sees through it immediately.
“And my cock inside you ain’t?”
You sigh heavily, avoiding eye contact. “It’s different.”
“How? Enlighten me.” His tone has gone rougher. Hurt swirls in his eyes, and you feel worse than you did the other night.
Because you and I are friends. Because I don’t think I can pretend like that’s the truth when all I want is to call you mine. Because when I kiss you it’s like my world finally starts to make sense. 
“Please, Joel. Just…I don’t want to do it anymore. Can you respect that, please?”
He runs a hand down his beard, his hurt expression hardening into a stoic one you haven’t been on the receiving end of in years. Fuck. “Alright, I’m sorry. I won’t kiss you anymore.”
You expect relief but all that comes is a deep longing and sadness that you try to push to the depths of your conscience. Though, like a buoy, it keeps popping above the surface. 
“Thanks,” you say quietly.
The cleanup is awkward. He watches you silently as you pick up your underwear and slide them and your shorts back on. He seems far away, here and gone all at once. It makes you worry, makes you wonder if what you just said was the biggest mistake of your life.
But you have to do this. You have to hold him at arm's length because if you admit to him…if you tell him how you really feel… maybe he really will leave you. He’ll realize you’ve gone and fucked everything up, and the friendship you’ve kindled, the trust you’ve built, will all be for nothing.
You can’t lose him, even if it means you can’t keep him close.
“Thanks for tonight,” you say eventually, when he’s walking you out the front door.
He smiles at you, faint and untrue. It’s like the one from the other night. Like that laugh he forced out for you. You feel like a Joel from the past has teleported to the present, with his thin smile and his hard eyes. “Yeah, of course.”
“You okay?”
Joel frowns, shifts on his feet. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I dunno. You just seem… I don’t know. Never mind.”
“I’m good.” 
“You sure?”
He nods. “You need me to walk you home?”
“No, I’ll be okay.”
“Mhm,” you hum. A moth circles the porch light. The two of you stare at each other for a long moment. He looks as if he wants to say something, but thinks better of it.
“Okay,” is all that he says. 
“Okay,” you repeat, feeling empty. A waif, a lonely white flag waving in the wind. “Um, I’ll see you later, then.”
“Yeah, sounds good. Night, darlin’,” he says, squeezing your arm, like he’s trying to be normal. It doesn’t work. His hand is cold. “Sweet dreams.”
“Night, Joel.”
It’s raining by the time you reach your house, and you curl under your blankets after a shower, your hair cold and wet against your scalp, listening to the droplets splattering against your window.
Sleep doesn’t come easy.
part 3
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bby-blu-swirll · 1 year
can you write something with shoto x reader but the reader ignores shoto after a fight? ( happy ending though !!! ) love ur writing xx
omg of course !!! babes i can't tell you how big it made me smile to see this in my inbox sksdkjsdjklsd xx
content warnings : mild angst and a HEAVY sass,, lol nothing too heavy, hurt/comfort w a very sweet little ending, pls enjoy nonnie !!
" cold shoulder ? " - todoroki x reader
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the student commons were filled with soft music and small giggles from you and uraraka, completely side tracked from the homework iida was desperately trying to pull your attention back to. midoriya had given up at this point, just watching the three of you with a small smile.
"i'm just saying, i think a small break to run and get coffee would be productive." you chuckled softly, more amused by iida's arm chopping than anything.
"we took a long break less than an hour ago! it would be more productive to at least work a small while longer!"
you only laughed harder when ochako began to imitate his expression and movements. you stopped, however, smile dropping when you saw a todoroki stepping towards your table.
you closed your book quickly and pushed it to the side, standing up.
"y/n, wait-" he put a hand on your shoulder carefully, pressing his lips together when you shrugged it off.
"yeah, i'm going to go get a coffee. ochako, you wanna come?" you pushed in your chair as she nodded, standing up. "i'll grab you guys something too, just text me whatever you want."
you were already at the door before they could get a word out. deku and iida both jumped when you shut the door firmly. your boyfriend, however, just let out an exasperated sigh.
"um.. hey, todoroki?" midoriya fiddled with his pencil. "what was that about?"
"yes, it seems out of character for her to give you the cold shoulder, even when upset." iida had pushed his books to the side now too, his concern for a friend taking priority.
"she's not giving me the cold shoulder, she's just..." he sighed again as he pulled a chair and took a seat. he pressed his hands together and took a deep breath. "when she gets angry, she avoids me and ignores me so she doesn't say something she doesn't mean. like i did," he rubs his eyes and pulls his hands down his face, groaning in frustration. "i'm such an idiot..."
"what exactly, did you do?" midoriya cocked his head curiously, both boys now looking worried.
"finals are coming up, and i guess i've been letting that, and everything else lately, get to me. last night when i was putting away the dishes, i just kept thinking about it. my provisional license, the exams, my old man... i was just trying to finish quickly so i could get back to studying. y/n had come in to get a glass of water, and i didn't see her, i accidentally ran into her..."
todoroki took a deep breath and closed his eyes. the look on your face, he just couldn't get it out of his head.
"she dropped her cup, it broke, and i got stupid and angry. i got upset with her even though she apologized, even though it was my fault, and that turned into a stupid argument, and i said something i shouldn't have. i heard my father's voice coming out of my mouth. 'you're in the way.' ..." he took another deep breath. "but it wasn't my old man that hurt her. it was me,"
the boys just stared at him. they weren't exactly sure what to do or say.
"she's angry, and she has every right to be. even if she was just giving me the cold shoulder, i would understand. after all, that's what i did to my father when i was upset." he cracked a sad smile. "i guess we're alike in that way... but she handles these things better than i do."
he stood up abruptly and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
"todoroki? are you alright?" iida stood too, followed by midoriya.
"i'll be fine, it's y/n you should worry about... i'm going out. i'll be back soon."
"uh- wait! todoroki! where are you going?" midoriya took a few steps after him, towards the front foyer.
"to fix this." was all he said before closing the door behind him.
"hey ochako, can you hand me my phone?" you pointed to it sitting on the night stand that far from where you sat on your bed.
"huh? oh, yeah!" she leaned over and grabbed it, it was only a few inches to her right.
"thanks.." you took it and skipped the song, biting the inside of your cheek. it was the song you had showed shoto when you were first getting to know him.
while the two of you had been out, you explained why you were ignoring your boyfriend. she was upset on your behalf, even though you told her not to be. you understood why he was so tense, but that didn't excuse what he did. it wasn't worth someone else getting upset over, though. this was your problem. she, however, insisted that this wasn't something you could push her away from and demanded that you let her spend the rest of the evening taking care of you and your fragile emotions. you bought candy and picked movies to watch, anything to keep your mind off of him until you and todoroki were in a better state to talk about it.
after you and uraraka had gotten home from your "coffee break", you were surprised to find your study buddies on the couch, picking out a movie. they didn't explain why, but apparently they had decided you had all done enough work for one day. you ended up watching whatever together until you and ochako retired to your room and blew off dinner. (normally iida would never condone such actions, but after hearing from todoroki what had happened, he decided to just bring the two of you a couple plates from downstairs.)
so here you were, just listening to music and talking about whatever, letting the conversation go wherever it did. until, however, a knock pulled your attention to your door. you looked over at uraraka before getting up to open it.
there was nobody on the other side, nobody down the hall either way, and you almost closed it before you saw something on the ground. you knit your brows together and couched down. a few packages of your favorite snacks, some of them from shops that were more than 30 minutes away. there was a bottle of your favorite beverage with a small pink sticky note, a heart drawn onto it carefully.
most eye-catching, though, was the jar full of your favorite flowers. it was a beautiful bouquet, small enough to fit on your desk but in no way minimal or boring, with a bow of your favorite color tied around it.
"y/n? what is it?" uraraka asked from your bed, leaning over to try and see.
"it's..." your eyes drifted down to one of the snack packages, with another sticky note. this one, however, was covered in tidy, familiar handwriting.
you pulled it off the bag and read it a few times over.
"i know you need time. take as much as you need. you have every right to be upset with me. what i said was wrong. all of it. i'm sorry. you deserve a better apology than this, too. just please come and find me when you're ready to talk. any time, wake me up if you need. i love you. -shoto"
you smiled softly, shaking your head. "it's a gesture, i guess..."
todoroki was in his room absolutely losing his mind. he couldn't stop thinking about you. he was hunched over his desk, trying to read the same paragraph for the 4th time over, but it was useless. yesterday, his studies were the most important thing in the world. now, they didn't matter at all. nothing mattered except you. how he'd upset you and how he just wanted to fix it. now you were the most important thing in the world. and that's how it should have been the whole time. you should have been his priority.
a small knock snapped him out of his thoughts. he checked the clock, it was almost midnight. his heart leapt into his throat, adrenaline shooting through him as he prayed it was you on the other side. he was at the door in seconds, but hesitated before opening. he took a deep breath and pulled on the handle.
and there you stood. hands together, tugging on the cuffs of your sweater. you looked so beautiful, he just wanted to throw his arms around you, hold you, kiss you. but he knew he had to earn that again.
"hey..." he mentally kicked himself as soon as the words left his mouth.
"hey?" that's all you have to say? really??
"you... gonna let me in?" you motioned behind him.
"oh-" he stepped out of the way quickly, wishing he could slap himself to get his head on right.
you sat down on his floor calmly, crossing your legs and looking at him with an expectant look. he took his seat across from you and took a deep breath, trying to find the right place to start. he had spent every hour since he snapped at you trying to think of what to say, and suddenly now, he was drawing a blank. your piercing gaze wasn't exactly helping either, but he figured he kind of deserved that.
he took a deep breath and met your eyes. "i'm sorry. for what i said. really, really, sorry. it was stupid. i've been letting everything get the best of me lately, with my father and exams, and my license, which isn't an excuse. i just thought you should know why," he swallowed before continuing. "it was just a stupid cup, and even that was my fault-"
you huffed a laugh, making him stop and smile softly.
"i shouldn't have lost my temper with you. you don't deserve to be a punching bag for my frustrations. and you know that, but i need you to know that i do too. and i need you to know, you're never in the way. ever. i let other things get in the way of how much i care about you. school and stuff is important, but you take priority every time, and i need to start acting like it. so, i'm sorry. do you think you could forgive me?"
he held his breath, terrified of your answer. you stared at him for a long moment.
all of todoroki's fears melted the second you broke into a smile, throwing yourself into his arms. you wrapped your legs around his waist and buried your head in his neck.
you laughed and ran your fingers up and down his spine slowly. "you're forgiven... all you had to do was ask."
he let out a heavy sigh of relief. he pressed his nose into your hair, smelling your shampoo, just enjoying being close to you. he smiled to himself and kissed your head, making you chuckle.
"just..." you pulled away, keeping your arms around his neck, just far enough to look him in the eyes. "talk to me, next time. when you start to get overwhelmed. let me help you. you know that you don't have to deal with things alone anymore."
he sighed and looked to the floor. "i know, i guess old habits die hard... i'm sorry-"
you held his face gently and pressed your lips to his. he hummed softly, putting his hand at the base of your neck.
"you've said enough sorry's for one night," you pulled away with a smile. "don't sweat it, just make sure you talk to me."
a faint smile decorated his lips as he pulled you close to him, nestling under your jaw. he took a moment just breath you in. he sighed contently.
"i don't deserve you..."
you chuckled, tangling your fingers in his hair.
"i know.. <3"
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1967 words sksjkdkjsd <3
i didn't think i would get this done in the matter of time i did lol - i saw this request this morning as i was on my way out the door, so i had a tone of time to think about it until i got home later. pretty happy w/ how it turned out i think,, i hope whoever requested it likes it !!
it's my first request so i hope that i did a good job, please, anybody feel free to send me any ideas ! writing so much over the last few days since i started this blog on a whim has really been a good distraction for me, and a good exercise for my brain in general.
btw,, apologies for any of my personal issues that may have leaked through lol <33
love you sm !! hope everyone has a lovely day/night/morning/evening 💗💗
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biibini · 9 months
Could you possibly write something for modern mizu with a gf that bakes alot during the odd hours at night due to insomnia to past the time :^ due to this, mizu gets gifted a bunch of sweets and pastries
modern!mizu x baker!reader (request)
a/n: this is such a cute idea omg,,, personally im more of a cook over baker (my roomie bakes more than me) but i do like a good pastry. time to add my fav gif of mizu … isn’t she just so dreamy 😻
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the first few times u stayed over, u were able to sleep in peace with mizu
surprisingly, ur insomnia didn’t keep u fully awake while ur gf was sleeping
feeling her warm arms wrap around ur body made u feel more secure as u started to slumber
u weren’t fully knocking out every night but it became easier to fall asleep and stay asleep for a good duration of the night
it felt so satisfying to finally sleep through most nights
as midterms became closer & closer, the quality of ur sleep began to decrease dramatically
most nights spent with mizu ended up into some
and then some nights became few
at first, u attempted to hide ur insomnia with using homework and projects as an excuse
initally, they weren’t excuses but u had played the card so much that it started to become one
It was a week and a half before midterms week, aka hell on earth. You and Mizu had just finished dinner, now relaxing on her bed. While she was busy on her phone, you were preparing to find the best way to fall asleep successfully. Staring into your laptop in front of you, you felt her get up from the bed.
She walked over to the bathroom and getting ready to go slumber. You on the other hand, are still mentally stuck on how well you will sleep tonight.
Having insomnia meant having many off days and nights. During high-school, it was more difficult to manage your sleep schedule due to the amount of extra-curricular activities and schoolwork you had to balance while growing up. You’ve found a few ways and simple tricks to fight against it.
One way that helped you calm down during high school was baking. A messy task, yes, but the end result was worth it. It had been a few years since it’s gotten this bad. Junior year was a while ago, and the thought of college during that time sent your stress levels through the roof.
Maybe bringing back baking wouldn’t be so bad…
“Hey baby?”
You snapped out of your empty stare and look up at Mizu.
“Are you going to wash up soon? It’s past midnight and you have a 9 AM tomorrow.” she reminded. Mizu knew how grumpy you could be the next day if you stayed up too long.
“Yeah, um” you glance at your computer only to find a title slide on a history presentation, “I’ll sleep soon, I just want to finish my part of this project.”
Mizu nodded as she turned off every light except for the night next to you. You look up to her, a small smile growing on your face.
“M’kay,” she placed a hand on your cheek and planted a soft kiss on your forehead, “Just not too late.”
She moved to your lips, giving them a good night kiss.
“I’ll try.” You say as you reach for her face to share another good night kiss. You lower the brightness of your laptop as Mizu tucks herself in next to you.
An hour later, you end up finish your part of the presentation. You check your phone to let your group know about your completion. Putting it down, you read the time. 1:30 AM.
Fuck, you should really get some sleep for tomorrow’s lecture.
You slowly get out of bed, checking to make sure Mizu hasn’t waken up from your movement. All you hear is a turn to the other side away from you.
You plug in your laptop quickly on the desk, making sure that all the lights in the apartment were closed. You gently tugged at the sheets, tucking yourself in as quietly as you could. As you started to close your eyes, you took a deep breath.
In. Out.
In. Out.
In. Out.
A grumble could be heard from Mizu, turning back towards you. You feel her hands try to find you, slowly grabbing what she could find. As she pulled you closer, you continued to relax your body.
Eyes closed, mind empty.
Yet, your mind does reach a thought. An anxious thought.
What if I wake up tired, like before?
You try to shake away the thought, enveloping yourself with Mizu’s presence. Forcing your eyes shut, you continue to take slow & deep breaths.
2:30 rolls in and you’re still stuck trying to fall asleep. Technically, you should be in dreamland right now instead of being awake. Your eyes are heavy but they not too heavy to completely close. Your body is still yet your mind keeps racing.
You trusted your old tricks would help you fall asleep. Hoping that they would work, your mind finally begins to clear up and rest.
as the days went by, it got progressively worse and worse
it went to the point where u were just always up, maybe spare an hour or two for a nap, and then the nightly attempt to fall asleep next to mizu
ur aware of what was happening yet ur mind wouldn’t stop running at full speed
u wish ur mind would just shut off
and if it wasn’t ur mind staying awake for once, it was ur body keeping u awake
it was so tiring to think ab peace night after night after night, hoping for a good nights sleep but to end up feeling drained and half awake once the sun rose
on nights where ur mind or body wouldn’t shut down, u ended up succumbing to ur old habits and took out the baking pan & sheets
u thought u could stay quiet like a few years before
on the other hand, mizu began to notice the slight changes in the house
whenever she would wake up for morning workouts, ur laptop would open and on ur lap
or the baking pan and whisks and mixing bowls would be dripping wet on the drying rack
once she found a new loaf of bread in the pantry, something was up
she figured u were just up cleaning late at night as a break from the late night homework grind
but with the random loaf, it didn’t quite fit the story she had in mind
one early morning, she heard a metal noise mid toilet and tiktok session in
(a/n: i’m guilty of doing that too sorry)
concerned, she went go check in the bedroom to find an empty bed
“Y/N?” she quietly called into the hallway.
God damnit.
You had accidentally banged the baking pan on the oven’s metal rack. You quickly slid the pan into the oven, hoping the croissants u had just prepped wouldn’t be seen. You peeked over your shoulder to see Mizu’s eyes half awake, trying to comprehend what she was seeing.
You quickly checked the time on the clock. No way it was already time for her workout.
5:30 AM.
“Morning, Mizu.” A weak smile spread on your face. You felt blood rushing to your cheeks, stemming from the embarrassment of getting caught in the act.
“I just went to the bathroom and heard a noise. What’s going on, Y/N?”
She looked down into the oven, spotting the croissants.
“Did you want a sweet treat that badly?” her voice questioning you and slightly concerned. She walked towards you and gently pressed your hand.
“No, it’s just that…”
You took a deep breath as you glanced down at her hand grasping onto yours. You look up to her eyes, ready to tell the truth. Her blue eyes seemed more awake and ready to listen, almost glowing in the dark.
“I have insomnia.” You let the truth spill out. “It hasn’t been this bad since high school but coping with it has been a bit difficult these days. I’ve tried so many ways to shut my mind off but nothing’s working.”
“Aw, baby…”
“And the best way I managed it back when it was worse was baking. It helped me keep my mind off things and pass the time.” You took a step back to find your phone and put on a timer for 12 minutes.
“So here I am. Back to old habits.” You ended, sighing in relief. You weren’t sure of what Mizu’s reaction would be. A little part of you was frightened, anxiously waiting for her response.
You didn’t expect her next actions. She let go of your hand and headed toward the sink, calmly washing the bowls and other dishes that have collected over the night.
Stunned, you watched as she continued to wash up. You looked over to see her reaction only to find a calm face.
“Mizu?” you asked, still confused about her response.
She looked up, her hands still cleaning the mixing bowls you had used.
“Did you need help with anything else before I go to the gym? I know insomnia must be hard to cope with but if this is what helps you pass the time,” Mizu finishing the final bowl, placing it gently on the dishwasher rack. “I’d like to help out in any way I can.”
“No, I’m okay but thank you for cleaning up for me.” Coming up to her, you give her a kiss on the cheek. She smiles at you and nods.
“Anytime, hon.”
She takes a glance at the clock. 5:40 AM.
“I’m gonna get ready now. Let me know if you need anything or any ingredients.” She hurries into the bedroom, getting ready to change into gym clothes.
“Okayyy.” You say, checking your phone for the timer.
A thought comes to mind.
“Actually, there is one thing you can do.” You say, following her into the bedroom. Mizu, mid-tying her hair, paused and gave you her full attention. “You can be my little taste tester.”
She chuckled as she fixed her hair into a bun.
“I get first dibs? For lil ol’ me?”, she says playfully as she grabs one of her light zip-up jackets from the closet, completing her workout outfit.
You nod happily. “Mhm. You can even request a recipe or two.”
How enticing, Mizu thought.
if u were up during her workout days, she would always find a fresh batch of pastries sitting on the dining table
on days that her or ringo had classes, u would leave a little bag or container of pastries that they go bring to school
u would always leave a little love note with a little heart and a “To my Mizu”
mizu loved the little gifts, especially if they were at her request
one night, she asked for a peach cobbler pie
woke up the next morning to find a slice in a container and a sticky note atop reading “a request for my love ♥︎”
she placed the sticky note by her desk
and brought the slice to school with her
after her class she shared with akemi, they decided to get some late morning tea by the coffee shop nearby
mizu’s eyes widen after the first bite settled in
it was bomb
peaches were practically bursting in her mouth
she continued to eat, trying to contain the deliciousness of the pie
she would text u later ab how good it was
in full detail
many paragraphs
many positive critiques
and end with a thank you for ur baking ♥︎
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buckgasms · 1 year
Game Day
Y'all...... This might be the filthiest thing i have ever ever written 🫣🫣🫣 like omg it's really, so dirty!
Without spoilers this is a dark fic with elements of dub-con and if that makes you uncomfortable please do not engage!
Plot: Bucky shares you with his close friends and you don't know it's happening until it's happening 🎀
Special thanks to @imyourbratzdoll for encouraging me and coming up with some of the filth that features here! Lysm 🖤
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You should have known something was amiss when Bucky insisted he choose your outfit for this evening. Even more so that he chose a tiny skirt, barely covering your ass and a sheer white top. He finally finished off the look with your bunny ears and attached a pink collar around your neck.
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"Bucky... I only wear this when we have our nights together" you pout and fiddle with the hem of your top. He saunters forward, pinching your chin and tilting your head upwards, meeting your gaze. "Just for tonight baby, don't make a fuss."
You didn't feel better but he ignored your moans and bent you over. "Baby if you don't shut up your whining I'm gonna put this plug in dry ok?" He shot, landing a swat on your ass cheek.
Your whimper died in your throat and he took your silence to be your agreement, continuing to prepare you for the evening.
"I want my bunny ready to use" he said as he worked your holes, satisfied by your soft breaths. "Although.... You're always ready for me aren't you pretty baby?"
"Yes Bucky, always good for you" you moaned as he lubed up your ass and probed his fingers in. Before long you felt the familiar cold steel pressing against your puckered hole.
"Take it all Bunny, relax and take it for me" he hisses as he watches it slide in. He stands you up and smiles at the strained look on your face, eyes already glassy. "That's it bunny, my good girl."
So you were perched on his lap, plug sitting snugly in your ass, jolting you every so often as he bounced you on his knee.
You were surrounded by Bucky's friends, all of whom had openly approved of your outfit. You blushed and thanked them before heading off to get Bucky's beer from the kitchen.
It was a smaller group than usual today. Only Bucky's closest friends, Steve of course, Sam, Nick and Lee were attending the game night tonight. You were disappointed to find none of them had brought a girl tonight. It was sometimes nice to have some female company when sports facts were being thrown around, but you supposed Bucky might keep you occupied as you headed back into the living room.
"There's my girl" he smiled and pulled you close, pressing a kiss to your hair and running his fingers gently over the plug. You flushed but managed to kiss him back before you were pulled into his lap, to watch the game.
"Bunny...?" Bucky whispered in your ear and you glanced at him, before watching his hands snake around your waist to rest on your thighs. "What?" You whisper back, smiling a little as he jiggled you around. "I'm bored, wanna play with your pussy."
Your eyes widened and you looked around the room. It didn't seem like anyone heard, but you leaned in closer just in case. "We can't Bucky! Not here!" He looked around and clicked his tongue. "Yeah I guess you're right... I tell you what, go into the room next door and wait for me. I'll come join you in a bit, that way no one will know."
You grinned and giggled quietly at him before nodding. You sat back for a moment before the excitement got to you and you hopped out of his lap and scurried into the other room.
You figured Bucky would like it if you were on your knees, so you knelt in the middle of the room, undid a few buttons and readjusted your bunny ears.
You heard the guys in the room next door groan as you did. You wondered if there had been a missed goal, although it sounded... Different.
You waited until finally Bucky appeared, and slipped quietly into the room. He stalked over and smiled at you. "Such a good bunny, waiting for me like this." You smiled, pleased he had noticed. "God those guys have no idea what a perfect little fuck bunny I have do they? Wish they could have you huh?"
You giggled as he slipped his thumb in your mouth and you greedily sucked. Your hands quickly moved to his shorts and pulled them down, sucking harder on his thumb as his thick cock sprang free. He stroked himself, occasionally rubbing his precum over your lips and cheeks. "Tell me what you like baby bunny, wanna hear your dirty secrets..."
Thinking it was a little game you listed off your favourite things. Sucking his cock until you choke, when he fucks you like a slut, when he uses his hands on you, you like when he plays with both holes, "choke me, slap me, use me Bucky" you panted as your hands gripped his thigh. You heard another groan from the other room, and Bucky chuckled, hand running through your locks. "All right baby, take your clothes off and show me where you need it..."
You scramble to your feet and shimmy out of your skirt and top. He manhandles you around to check on the plug, wiggling it around and making your whimper. His other hand rakes up your thigh before pressing through your soaked folds. Your knees buckle as he rubs at your heat and moves the plug in tandem. Your moan fills the room and echos a little kn the unusually quiet house.
"Bunny, if someone hears us they'll come in. And if they come in, I ain't sending them away, you hear me?"
Your stomach flips and you nod, hand flying to your mouth as you nibble your fingers. "I'll be quiet promise" you whisper and he nods, resuming his torture.
What you don't know, is that you are putting on a show for the whole room next door. The remaining men are sitting there, watching Bucky play with you like a doll. They've been waiting for the word, for Bucky to get you prepared for what's to come. He promised them all a turn on his pretty bunny.
He was sick of them eyeing you up, but he also couldn't get the idea of you being used by all of them out of his head. So, with Steve's help he fitted out a room with cameras so they could watch, and film your destruction. It was unbearable waiting for this day, for this moment. But here it was...
"Can't we just go in now?" Lee drawled readjusting himself as he watched Bucky start fucking your throat on the big screen.
"No" snapped Steve, "she's gotta be ready or she'll fight it. We wait now, and we get to do what we like later..."
Lee smiled and cursed as he watched tears track down your pretty face. What he'd do to have to himself...
"Can't fucking believe this is real" Nick muttered, not even trying to hide his arousal, "she's so... Filthy" he said, mostly to himself as Bucky dragged you smiling across the room to rest on your hands and knees right in front of a hidden camera.
"Christ, look at her face... So fucked out already" Sam said, "bet Fowler's never made a girl look like that before" which earned a laugh from the other men and a scowl from Nick. "Fuck off Wilson, bet I can make her squirt before you do."
They continued to bicker and throw bets and money about before Steve cut across them all.
"Get ready... She's almost there."
They all quietened down again as they watched your blissed out face react to Bucky taking you from behind. His hand gripped your hair and pulled your face higher.
"Smile bunny, you're on camera"
In your fucked out state you didn't really hear what he said, but you smiled and thanked him for fucking you. That was normally what he wanted.
You then felt him pull out and his fingers swirl around your clit before rubbing harshly at your sensitive folds. You couldn't contain the squeal that left your lips, but before you could stop yourself the door clicked open.
You tried to stop, to make Bucky hold back but his hands never stopped as you watched Steve, Sam, Lee, and Nick walk in the room. They looked excited, amused and hungry for you.
Finally Bucky halted his actions, wrapping his arms around your retreating form and leaving you held open for them to see. "Oh dear bunny, I guess they heard you being a little slut didn't they?" You whimpered and tried again to hide your body. "Nu-uh baby girl. Don't be all shy now, when you didn't care before... Told ya, if they come in, they get a go on you. You did this to yourself slutty bunny."
You wanted to sob and scream, but you just sat on the floor as they all towered over you. Your lower half was buzzing and your brain was on a time delay. Surely they were joking?
"Bucky's told us about your mouth Bunny. Why don't you show us how good it is?" Sam reached out and flicked your bunny ears, before trailing a finger down your cheek. You looked to Bucky for help, but all he did was roll his eyes and grab your hair before shoving your face directly towards Sam's crotch.
He was more prepared than you, gripping his dick as you were pushed closer. You opened your mouth on instinct and took him as far as you could. He was longer than Bucky, so it choked you quicker than you were used to.
As you choked and gagged the other men sprung into movement. You saw pants being removed and cocks being pulled into view. You were now in the centre of a very impatient group of guys, all wanting a piece of you.
"Use your hands bunny" a voice commanded and you did as you were told, gripping unknown dicks and stroking as Sam used you for a while longer. "Come on Wilson, don't be a fucking hog" you recognised Lee's voice before you were dragged off Sam and another length was rammed down your throat before you could even blink. Your hands fumbled and your eyes streamed as they used you. Eventually hands drifted down to your throbbing heat. "Fuck she loves it" Steve growled as his fingers sank into your soaking heat. You moaned around a cock and Nick swore loudly as the sensitivity pulsed through him.
"Please, please" you begged as Steve flexed his fingers inside you, your pleasure reaching a new high as your mouth was refilled and hands tweaked at your nipples and pulled your hair. "Don't you fucking dare come Bunny" Bucky's voice cut through the haze, "you haven't done a thing to earn it yet. Lazy sluts don't get to come..."
They all chuckled as you were lifted up like a toy and carried to the couch. You lay on Steve's body, his cock brushing against your soaked heat, and you finally had a good look at them all. They were all gorgeous in their own ways but you still felt like this was wrong, but Bucky said it was your fault?
Bucky leaned over you and pressed a kiss to your lips. Tears stung your eyes but he just laughed before pulling the plug out of your ass. "Made sure she was nice and stretched out for you guys... Don't waste it..." That didn't make sense you thought, but Steve lined up his thick dick and sank into your puckered hole making you wail in pleasure and pain. "Fuck that's nice" he growled in your ear as your pussy was filled by Nick, his hands slapping at your breasts and face. "God what a whore" he muttered as tears leaked down your face.
Bucky leaned over again and licked them away, his hand drifting softly through your hair. "Don't cry silly bunny, you like this don't you? Like being a little slut for me and my pals?" You didn't have time to respond before Lee was climbing upwards and shoving his dick in your face. With a hard pinch from Bucky you opened up and took him all the way, the airtight sensation had you overwhelmed in seconds.
The alternating thrusts and touching had you coming quickly to a high. "Fucking watch this Wilson" Nick muttered before pulling out and thrusting two fingers straight in your cunt, flexing fast. You screamed around Lee's cock as you squirted, Steve groaned underneath as you squeezed him like a vice. "Fuck sake Fowler" growled Lee as he allowed you a moments breath before continuing.
"Not bad Nick" Sam mocked, "for a first try" he chuckled before replacing Nick at your pussy and sinking in. You groaned again, as the thickness made your holes ache. Lee finally pulled away, moaning about showboating assholes and you could take a deep breath as Bucky's two best friends fucked you in tandem. Your boyfriend appeared back at your side, wiping your drool over your face.
"So pretty hmm? You like getting fucked by my friends bunny?" As he spoke Sam and Steve fucked you harder and deeper, making your eyes roll and a string of curses left your lips. "Keep going guys, she's still got miles in her yet." They all laughed again and jeered as Bucky spat on your face and you instinctively licked it up.
"I want her ass" Lee growled, eyeing you impatiently as you bounced up and down. "One sec" Sam grinned before he too, pulled out and sank his fingers in to you. This time you could see your release spray over him, you screamed and cried out, held firm by Steve's strong hands. When you finished he wiped his hand on your face before striding over to Nick and waving his wet hand. "That's how you do it."
You sank to the floor but Lee was on you, pushing your head to the floor with his foot he pressed down until your ass was in the air. He sank into your ass and fucked with abandon, you could feel him spit on you as he did it, making your walls flutter, much to your embarrassment. You wailed and cried, but no one cared, they just continued to use you, swapping places every few minutes until you weren't sure who was using you when.
"Show me my Bunny" you heard Bucky say after a little while of this treatment. You were pushed over to lay on the floor, limbs flopping to either side, your body covered in red marks, spit and sweat. He added a few more of his own before pushing your legs up and folding you in half before sinking his cock in. "We're gonna fill you up, cover you in come, make you swallow it. Whatever we want bunny, then I'll let you rest."
You whined and cried as he pinched your clit hard, before rubbing it and making your legs shake. "Say you want it, tell us you want it..." He growled and you wailed out your need for them. Anything to call time to this game. He gripped your hips and fucked hard, your walls fluttering again as he worked his magic. "Bucky please..." You whimpered and he grinned before rubbing at your clit again. "Come now bunny, come for me..."
Your eyes rolled backwards and your limbs shook as you felt him fill you up with his release. "Atta girl" he groaned before standing up and carrying you over to the sofa again. "She's all yours" he said putting your head on his lap and stroking your hair as they descended upon you once more. Nick wanted your mouth again so he settled in, fucking you fast and hard before he was spilling over your lips and cheek. But you could barely register because Steve was using your abused pussy as his own personal fuck toy, his growls making you weak. He pulls out to come on your stomach as his place is filled by Sam, who fucks in tandem with Lee who is using your mouth. Your hand grips Bucky's who is holding yours as the stimulation drags you closer to another peak.
"So. Fucking. Pretty" Lee growls as he chokes you through his orgasm, making sure you swallow him all down. Your breath shudders as Sam finally finishes, adding his mess to Steve's.
You lay on the sofa, body twitching, limbs throbbing and everything else aching. "Bunny.... Don't forget your manners" Bucky says, stroking his hand through your hair and your lip trembles as you look at them all and croak a "thank you". There's an air of tension in the room, as if they don't want to leave, but Bucky takes back the reins and says casually, "Game must be back on by now? Shall we go and see what the score is?" They all chuckle before pulling their clothes on and heading out of the room.
You lay on his lap, whining and disorientated as he leans over so you are looking at him. He's got the devil in his eye and it makes you swallow hard.
"My turn..."
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bokutosbiceps · 1 year
real deal
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kure raian x f!reader | smut + some fluff | 2.2k words
summary: raian comes home from a job to find that you’ve replaced him with a little piece of plastic. he decides to show you why the real deal is always better
warnings: mentions of murder, cursing (it’s rai omg), nsfw under the cut, use of sex toy, cunnilingus, throat fucking, choking/gagging, pussy eating, fingering, rough sex, possessive sex, mating press, dirty talk
a/n: i’m dedicating this to @thebigevilsamp + @missmadness123 because i used to thirst over raian with these two so i figured you guys would appreciate this 🥹 i’m sorry for leaving LOL. oh + also @kenganparadise + @kengan-ass because i enjoyed their writing at the peak of the fandom 💕
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Raian swung his keys around on his index finger as he strolled back to his car, whistling a tune he’d had stuck in his head throughout his entire job. Erioh had sent him to kill some asshole who had been embezzling money from one of Erioh’s oldest friend’s company, and Raian couldn’t have been less intrigued. 
The job was easy, since the target was just an old dude. A simple squeeze of his hand had snapped the old man’s fragile cervical spine, extinguishing the last bit of life the guy had left in him. Whatever, he was probably going to die within the next 10 years anyways. But however easy the job was, it was equally long. The target rarely ever worked given his old age, and it took forever to get intel on when the old bag would show up to work. Raian was never able to figure out where he lived, either. He didn’t understand how old people could be so elusive.
I’ve just gotta go report back to old man Erioh and then I’ll finally be able to get home. Raian grunted to himself as he weaved in and out of traffic on his way to Kure Village. I wonder how my bitch is doing… Raian’s expression softened as he thought of coming home to you after being away for so long on this job. He would probably never get used to being received with such excitement and love when returning home from a job. Deep down, he loved it. And deep down, he missed you more and more as the days apart from you passed. He appreciated the short but sweet texts you would send him, telling him that you were thinking of him, or that you missed him, sometimes even complete with a cute or sexy photo of you.
Maybe he should do something nice for you. Since he was in a good mood.
Raian sneered as he slammed his car door shut after pulling up to a random supermarket. Dumb bitch, making me get her flowers. Why do women even like flowers? They’re so useless, can’t even eat them or use them as a weapon. Fucking hell. He grumbled to himself as he picked up some flowers, already knowing exactly which kind he would get since he had taken note of what types of flowers you liked to adorn the kitchen table with in the house. He could be observant when he wanted. He threw some cash at the cashier and stalked back to his car, speeding to Kure Village so he could debrief Erioh and be on his merry way to your arms.
“It’s finished, old man.” Raian leaned against the door frame to Erioh’s office, a lazy smirk playing on his lips as he watched his grandfather raise his eyebrows in surprise.
“I’m surprised it took you so long. I was starting to wonder if you’d finally pissed someone off enough to get yourself killed.” Erioh cackled at how quickly Raian’s smirk disappeared.
“Kill? Me?” Raian snorted. “You know better, you old bastard, no one can kill me.” Raian straightened once he remembered your flowers were resting in the front seat of his car, likely shriveling up in the sweltering heat of the afternoon. “I’m leaving. If you need anything else, don’t.” Raian turned on his heel and waved to Erioh as he exited his house.
“Raian.” Erioh called out to him and Raian huffed as he turned back around to face his grandfather, glaring at him expectantly. “I’m giving you the next two weeks off. Spend some time with your woman.” Erioh smiled slyly and sat down at his desk. “If I’m going to be appointing you as head of the clan anytime soon, I’ll be wanting to see that you are capable of upholding your bloodline.” Erioh gave Raian a pointed look. “Get busy.”
Raian scoffed as he continued to make his way out of Erioh’s house. Way ahead of you.
It took Raian less than 3 minutes to drive the short distance from Erioh’s house in the depths of Kure Village to his own home somewhere in the upper ring of the village.
He unlocked the front door and entered the silent house with flowers in hand, somewhat disappointed that you weren’t jumping into his arms to greet him like you usually did. It’s what he got for trying to surprise you with his return.
“Y/n?” Raian called out as he walked from the front room to the living room, stopping in the kitchen to set the flowers down on the table next to the vase filled with almost identical flowers. He heard a small buzzing noise coming from down the hall and followed the noise to the bedroom. What he found was a delicious sight.
You were lying on the California king, legs open wide, chest heaving, and lips parted in pleasure as you held something small and colorful and vibrating to your clit.
“Hmm, the fuck is going on here?” Raian’s deep drawl shook you out of your haze of pleasure, causing you to immediately close your legs and sit up in slight fear and embarrassment.
“Rai, I didn’t know you were coming home.” Your voice was breathless, your hair slightly tousled, and your cheeks held a shade of arousal that Raian found so delectable. He approached the bed in one long stride and snatched the vibrator out of your hand before you could even think to hide it. “I missed you.” You said bashfully, watching as Raian inspected the toy that fit in between his large fingers.
“You missed me so you tried to replace me with this thing?” Raian challenged, crushing the vibrator between his fingers and shifting his gaze to you.
“Nothing can replace you, Rai.” You sat up onto your knees to become level with Raian, who was still standing by the bedside, now brushing the remnant of your brand new vibrator onto the floor. You slid your hands underneath his shirt and up his chest. “Fusui just…suggested it to me. She knew I was missing you and you never told me when you’d be back…a girl has her needs, y’know.”
“So did that little fucking toy satisfy your needs?” Raian seized your hands with one of his hands and used his other hand to grip your face. You shook your head in blatant and hurried denial. “Good, I’m glad my bitch knows the difference between a piece of plastic and the real deal.”
Raian wasted no time in pushing you back on the bed and placing his knees on either side of your naked body, dragging his shirt off while you made quick work of his belt and pushed his jeans down to expose the bulge in his boxers.
“You see how hard I am already, bitch? This was your plan all along, hm? For me to come home and see my bitch all laid out on the bed for me, ready to be fucked?” Raian sank his teeth into your shoulder, rutting his hips so that his bulge was rubbing against your pussy. You gasped at the sudden contact and wrapped your legs around his hips obediently, giving him more access. “Good girl.” He growled, moving his hands down to squeeze and knead your ass.
“Rai, fuck—I missed you, so much.” You breathed, bucking your hips against his boxers, getting them soaked in your arousal.
Raian sat back on his heels, eyes raking over your naked body which was trembling with excitement at the evening ahead of you. He looked down at his boxers and frowned. “Dirty girl, huh? Getting my boxers all wet with your pussy juices.” He stood up briefly to take off his boxers, releasing his girthy cock and letting it slap against his lower abdomen. You drooled at the site of his pre-cum leaking out in beads from his tip.
Raian kneeled back on the bed and grabbed a fistful of your hair, coaxing your lips closer to his cock until it was fully shoved down your throat. He warmed his cock in your throat until he noticed tears forming at the corner of your eyes and decided to give a good, strong thrust into your mouth, causing you to gag.
“My bitch is gonna gag on my cock, huh? Did you miss the way it tastes? Are you gonna take all this cum for me?” He bullied you, fucking your throat despite your gagging and choking until he was shooting ropes of cum down into your stomach. He slid out of your mouth and let you catch your breath while pushing you back down on the bed and pressing kisses down your neck, to your breasts, to your navel, before placing a chaste kiss to your clit, making you whine and arch your back.
“Does my girl want me to fuck her cunt with my tongue?” Raian smirked at your whining as you twisted his hair in your fists, trying to push your hip into his face. “Tell me what you want, baby.”
“I want you t-to fuck me, Rai.” You breathed. “I missed your cock so much, baby.” Raian clicked his tongue before pushing one, then two, then three fingers inside of you, eliciting a high pitched whine from you that originated from deep in your chest.
“Not yet, bitch.” Raian pumped his fingers in and out of you as he licked a stripe up your clit. “I’ve gotta torture you first.” Raian continued fucking you with his fingers and licking and sucking on your clit until your thighs were trembling and he was sure you were about to cum. Just when you felt like you were about to fall over the edge, Raian abandoned your pussy, making you shiver slightly at the cold air that replaced his touch.
You lifted your heavy head to see Raian kneeling again, stroking his cock and spreading his pre-cum to make sure he could fuck you easily. You eyed his cock hungrily, remembering how just moments ago that thing had been shoved down your throat so far you could barely breathe.
Without any warning, Raian hoisted your legs onto his shoulders and leaned down in between your legs to lick greedily up your neck before capturing your lips in a rough kiss, almost feral, that left you dizzy. Raian’s lips put you into such a trance that the pressure of Raian pushing his cock inside of you made you squeal in surprise, throwing your head and arching your back, making Raian’s angle inside of you even deeper.
“Fuck, babe, how could I resist the feeling of your pussy squeezing my cock like this?” Raian picked up the pace, bottoming out with every thrust. “How much did you miss me?” Raian gripped your chin and forced you to look at him, but your eyes were rolling into the back of your head from the pleasure of Raian’s cock filling you up. “Look at me, bitch, tell me how much you missed me fucking you like this.”
You willed yourself to meet Raian’s feral gaze, which made your walls squeeze around Raian’s cock even tighter as he fucked you into the bed. “I missed you so much—baby, I-I dreamed about you coming home and—f-fucking me just like this.”
“Hm, good answer.” Raian's pace started to become erratic and his hips stuttered. “I think I’m gonna let you cum. Is that what you want?” You managed to moan out a yes as Raian’s thrusts became rougher and he squeezed your hips with his fingers, hard enough to leave bruises. He growled as he neared his release and the sound was the final straw to bring on your climax. Raian was not far behind you and he released into you as he bit your bottom lip before smoothing it over with his tongue.
Once he was sure he had emptied the last drop of his cum into your cunt, he slipped out of you and threw himself down onto the bed next to you, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you into his chest. He let you catch your breath before continuing his bullying.
“So me or the toy?” He asked through a smirk. You huffed.
“Rai, shut up. I was just desperate, you were gone for a long time.” You said the last part quietly.
Raian felt a twinge of guilt poke him in the chest. He frowned and ran his hands down your back, squeezing your ass. “Sorry.” He mumbled. Two weeks didn’t seem like that long when he was focused on a job, but he had never thought of how long it must’ve seemed to you when you had to deal with his family every day.
“It’s fine.” You stifled a yawn and curled yourself further into Raian’s chest. “Just as long as you come back to me every time.”
The corner of Raian’s mouth turned upward into what could have been regarded as a smile, had you seen it. He just grunted in agreement. Nothing could keep me away.
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akutasoda · 1 year
omg, i really like your headcanons. Have you seen that TikTok trend when the boyfriend kisses his gf but she cleans the part where he kissed? May i request that with chuuya, kunikida and tecchou
(I’m really sorry for my bad English :’))
have it your way
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synopsis - from them just wanting to show affection to you teasing them, how do they react?
includes - kunikida, chuuya, tecchou
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, teasing, slight misunderstandings, wc - 667
a/n: ty anon! i myself have not seen it so i asked a friend and they told me about it, so if its slightly off sorry! no need to apologise, its fine!
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doppo kunikida ★↷
↪ a small part of you felt slightly guilty about what you had planned to do given the next opportunity to do it, but you had ultimately decided to do it just to test out his reaction.
↪you two had planned to have a small date at home. he had offered to make the dinner that night, and as he placed the meal infront of you he had given you a quick kiss and watched as you smiled at him before wiping it off.
↪what? why would you do that? had he done something wrong? you sat in silence for a while until he spoke up and asked if anything was wrong. maybe you should of expected that and immediately felt bad, explaining how it was just a joke to see what he would do.
↪now he understood. he would get you back later. and get you back later he did. as you two were finishing dishes he walked behind you circling his arms around your waist and pressing kisses onto your cheeks. you couldn't help but smile and slightly giggle as he kept kissing you over and over.
chuuya nakahara ★↷
↪it was a more than normal evening when you had decided given the opportunity you would be a slight tease to your lover. just to see how he would react.
↪everything was going fine, the routine you two had built was going smoothly. he had returned frim his work, you greeting him with a hug and when you two pulled away he pressed a kiss to your cheek which you wiped away. maybe he was seeing things?
↪he changed clothes and joined you on the couch, as you idly watched whatever seemed to peak your interest. he sat next to you and to see if he was just imagining things earlier, pressed another kiss to your cheek. and yet again you smiled at him before wiping it away. he tried again and yet again was met with the same result.
↪now he would ask if something was wrong or if he did something, but he saw a smile smirk break your facade. oh. you were teasing him. he smirked to himself as he turned to properly face you. you stared back at him very confused to what he was doing but that was quickly answered when he started pressing more and more kisses to your face.
↪he pulled away from you, smirking, and slowly pulled your hand up to his face before pressing a final kiss to it. your face was now burning from embarrassment. seems he had teased you more than you had teased him.
tecchou suehiro ★↷
↪curiosity got the best of you. and you had decided to be a tease to your boyfriend upon your next opportunity. you just couldn't help but wonder what would he do?
↪similarly, he had gotten back from work to originally find you getting up from the couch to grab a drink from the kitchen. you smiled at him and smiled back. a short while after he had returned from changing into something a bit less uniform and joined you in the kitchen.
↪you had passed him a drink and he took it and gave you a quick kiss. but watched in confusion as you wiped it off before going back to what you were doing. now he resembled somewhat of a kicked puppy.
↪had he done something to upset you? or was he just imagining it? maybe you just needed some space, so he left to go sit on the couch. you had felt slightly bad about it, he looked quite upset. so to avoid any misconceptions you quickly finished what you were doing and joined him on the couch.
↪sat next to him, you gave him a quick peck on the cheek and now he was even more confused. you had to explain to him that it was just a joke to see his reaction, now he understood. hmm what a fun way to get back at you eventually.
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brackishkittie · 1 year
୨୧- CHAPTER FOUR, blame it! - ୨୧
summary: you go to a party with your friends and see ellie, you try avoiding her the whole night but when she sees you talking to an old friend, her blood boils and she just has to say something.
c/n: alcohol usage, strong language, jealous!ellie, you and ellie argue ( kinda idk ), and ellie going crazy..again.
a/n: idk why this took me so long to finish but here you guys go! come get y’all juice!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️
series masterlist! - chapter four ➝ chapter five!
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"girl I'm outside hurry up," ashlesha said as she tapped her nails on her grey leathered steering wheel as she signaled for nari to scoot over to the other seat with her bag. “I’m coming outside just let me grab my bag and I’ll be right out,” you answer back while fixing your lip liner and ending the call. you walk out of the house and head straight for ashlesha’s car, “girl we thought you were gonna take 18 years and 5 business days to get ready..” nari says as she fixes her blush in her small mirror. “oh please I didn’t even take that long..now let’s go, I’m ready to down some tequila and henny.” you all laugh as ashlesha takes the car out park and puts it back in drive. 30 minutes later, as soon as it hits 8, you all finally make it to the party. “I’m telling y’all..if ellie is here I’m leaving..” you say but get pushed infront of the door by your two friends, “GIRL GOOOO SHE’S NOT HERE!!” nari says, putting her hand on her hip, and groaning.
“ok ok!” you push open the door and walk in as ashlesha and nari follow behind you. you all rush to the kitchen for that well known red solo cup and only a few cranberry and hennessy shots later, you all are on the couch laughing your asses off at the littlest things and then you see her. the one person you didn’t wanna see was right across the room, in the corner, looking down into her cup, and her eyes suddenly dart towards yours as if she knew you were looking at her. she smiles slightly and looks back into her cup but god if you only knew..while she looked unbothered, she was sweating and panicking. “oh my god she’s here? MY PRAYERS!! MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!” she thought to herself and had to stop herself from screaming at the top of her goddamn lungs.
you furrowed your brows and huffed looking at your friends, “you guys said she wasn’t gonna be here” you groaned and playfully hit them both and they giggled. “it’s not funny cmon I wanna go home” you frowned and laid your head on nari’s shoulder. “you should go talk to her” nari says as she pats your head, “no way I don’t wanna talk to her” you sigh and look to your left and see dina and jesse making out in a corner like some freakishly horny crazy highschool teens. “ugh..get a room..” you roll your eyes and look to your right and see a very familiar face, “oh my god? jasmine?” you gasp and she looks at you, “y/n? oh my gosh, hey gorgeous!” you stand up and she comes over and hugs you. ellie sees this and immediately her face drops from “omg my favorite sexy ex that I miss so much is here!!” to “who the actual fuck is that touching her. what the hell.” she clenches her jaw as she watches you two from the corner of the room, her face hot and red.
the more and more you and jasmine laughed and giggled the more ellie felt herself losing her cool. she knew she was your ex now and she knew she couldn’t just march over there but the alcohol was kicking in and she was feeling bold. she walked over to you and jasmine and put her hand on your shoulder, “can I borrow her for a sec? yes? ok thanks.” ellie says as she pulls you away from jasmine who looks extremely confused. “what the hell ellie? what do you want?” you turn to her and say while she just stares at you, pulling her hand away from you and biting the inside of her cheek. “y/n are you doing this on purpose?” she says which makes you tilt your head and show visible confusion to her question. “what the fuck are you talking about?” you’re frustrated, folding your arms and leaning against the wall while she just stares at you trying to get you to fess up about whatever she thinks you’re doing.
all of a sudden, ellie’s face turns red out of embarrassment realizing you actually weren’t trying to make her jealous and that she probably needed to sober up from the alcohol. she rubbed her neck and opened her mouth to speak when she didn’t even get a chance because you immediately read her like a book once you saw her face turn red. “you’re jealous aren’t you?” you squint and almost laugh, “we aren’t together anymore els..move on please.” you say while pushing yourself off the wall to walk away.“whatever..there’s no one better than me anyway.” she now crosses her arms as yours fall to your sides. “oh fuck you. you sound like a man.” you roll your eyes and walk off while ellie flips you off and you can hear her mutter “fuck you too.” and you start giggling to yourself as you walk back over to jasmine.
as it got later on into the night you, nari, and ashlesha all fall asleep on the couch and around 3 in the morning you feel someone shaking you awake. “y/n? Y/NNNN!!! GIRL GET UP LET’S GO.” nari lightly slaps your face trying to wake you up and you start to open your eyes. “ughhhh my head hurts...I have a fucking headache what the hell.” you rub your head and look up at nari, “how many shots did I take?” you ask as she shrugs and looks at ashlesha for the answer but she just shrugs too. “god..can we go back to my place?? you guys can just stay until it’s finally morning.” you sit up from the couch and stretch. “yeah..can we order wingstop when they open? I’m fucking starving and I could fuck up some mango habanero wings right now…a cow even.” nari says while patting her stomach while you pick up your things and follow behind your friends who left the house. “do you think dunkin donuts is open? I need something sweet like now. I feel like a pregnant woman bossing around her wife and child.” nari says as you all fucking lose it while ashlesha starts driving back to your house, still laughing her ass off.
meanwhile with ellie though…
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“oh cmon ellie..it couldn’t have been that bad...I hope…” dina says as she pats ellie’s back as she ugly cries into her hands about how much she fucked up that small interaction she had with you a few hours ago at the party. “well I mean..it could’ve gone worse.” jesse says as he chuckles and runs his fingers through his hair, “wow thanks jess, that totally makes me feel better!!” ellie says sarcastically which makes jesse huff and roll his eyes. “all she said was fuck you ellie..she could’ve like slapped you for even pulling her away or cussed you out even more for everyone at the party to hear.” he says while falling back on ellie’s bed and staring up at the ceiling. “jesse, you’re gonna send the girl into cardiac arrest please stop.” she looks at him and hits him on his arm, “well call me kevin gates because you know exactly what happens next after the cardiac arrest.” he laughs while dina and ellie turn to look at him with the most “shut the fuck up” expressions ever. “bad timing?..sorry.” he mutters and looks away.
“obviously?? and stop with that kevin gates video, it’s making me feel extremely ill.” dina says as she shakes her head and sighs, “ellie you really need to talk to y/n…SOBER and IN THE RIGHT MIND.” as soon as dina said that, ellie immediately stopped her ugly crying and side-eyed her so hard. “no shit dina..no shit..and stop yelling in my EAR because I’m right NEXT TO YOU.” ellie says as she wipes her face with her sleeve and goes to the kitchen for a tissue to blow her nose. dina looks at jesse and shakes her head, “man..she’s hooked on this girl..I feel bad because y/n may not come around and she’s on her bad bad BADDD.” dina scratched her head while jesse nodded in agreement.
ellie came back into the room and sat back down on the bed, “so what should I do? it’s only been like a week since our breakup. I can’t just say I wanna get back together now..” ellie groans and grabs her pillow that jesse was laying on, “hey! I was laying on that..” jesse sits up and frowns, “well that’s too damn bad.” ellie scoffs and hides her face in the pillow. “I say give it a few more weeks or a month maybe??” jesse says in response to what she said earlier which she freaks out about. “A MONTH?? ARE YOU CRAZY? she’ll already have moved on by then..I’ll just give it a few more weeks maybe, hopefully, she’ll unblock me on everything and talk to me...if not I’ll have to text her off one of my lurking accounts.” ellie sighs and rubs her temples, “I’m sorry did you just say ONE OF?? AS IN THERE’S MORE THAN ONE??” dina looks at her with pure concern as ellie turns to her and makes a face that says “uhm hello???? obviously???….”
“why do you need more than one?? one is enough to lurk at her..bro what is your problem?” dina blinks a few times before turning away from her and shaking her head in disbelief and disappointment. “in case she finds out it’s me and blocks me? duhhh like I need to have multiple accounts. it’s a necessity when it comes to lurking..you wouldn’t know anyway.” ellie rolls her eyes and nudges dina. “ok so like what if she presses all new accounts made will be blocked??” jesse blurts out which makes ellie’s neck snap towards him and she throws the pillow at him. “take that back NOW. do not manifest that negative energy into my life jesse.” she frowns and gets up, grabs her phone from her desk, and goes onto instagram. “now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go do my daily lurking on y/n’s account.” ellie says with a smile while jesse and dina groan in unison.
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tags: @elsmissingfingers @astrcmoni @cowgirlcherrie @theganymedes @ximtiredx @ellieswifee @liabadoobee 🩷🩷
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cuddlyjongho · 7 months
I absolutely love how you write jongho but I'm a few years older than him- is there in any way that you write him with a noona reader (someone who is older/respectful) doesn't have to be smutty I just need him to be flabbergasted by a lady
- raccoon anon
just kiss me already
idol!jongho x fem!reader
warnings: kinda smutty (?), suggestive, make out session
a/n - omg thank you so so much!! i don’t even do this properly, like i’m not a writer or anything i just started to post my thoughts when i was drunk one night lmao! so knowing that people are actually liking what i write is amazing 🥹 this is also my first ever request so it probably won’t be great but i will try my best for you! ❤️
there you were, at the concert you’ve been dreaming of attending for years. you finally get to see your favourite group, which also means you get to see your favourite person, jongho, for the first time too. you managed to get a front row ticket and although you didn’t think you’d get any interactions with ateez you still outdid yourself with your outfit - all black, sophisticated and sexy.
halfway through the concert jongho comes over to your side of the stage. he scans the front row and his eyes finally land on you, the moment you wanted so bad to happen. inside you were dying of excitement but you kept yourself composed and gave him the biggest smile. he smiled back and gave you a quick wink before he ran back to the group to start the choreo for the next song. your heart skipped a beat and you felt the heat rising in your cheeks.
jongho kept glancing over to you for the rest of the concert until they finished the last song, left the stage, and the lights turned back on in the arena. everyone around you was still losing their minds and you just sat there with a big smile on your face in disbelief with the attention you got from jongho.
as everyone was filtering out of the arena you started to get up to go too when a member of staff tapped you on the arm. you looked at them and they said to follow them. you were instantly scared, thinking you had done something wrong. they took you through a couple hallways backstage and then to a door. the member of staff said to go in. so you did just that, not knowing what you were getting yourself into.
as you stepped into the room, your eyes immediately met jongho’s. he got up from the sofa he was seated on and greeted you with a huge gummy smile. “oh my god… is this real?” you ask. he giggles and replies “yes, it is! i actually asked our manager to bring you backstage. i hope that’s okay with you?” “of course it’s okay!!” he giggled again in response. “you really caught my eye in the crowd for some reason, maybe it was because you were so calm and composed, you really stood out from the rest.” he explains. “well, if i had seen you when i was a teenager things would’ve been different, i would’ve been screaming your ears off.” you both laugh, “…but now that i’m in my late 20’s i’ve been enjoying concerts more when i’m relaxed and able to take everything in without just losing my mind”. you both laugh with each other again.
after talking for a little while, you notice that you’re both sitting a lot closer than you were before. you both look at each other, no words spoken… until, “you’re so hot” you accidentally blurt out. jongho then breaks eye contact, looking down at his fidgeting hands and giggling like a teenager with a crush, a rosy red colour creeping up into his cheeks. “please don’t tell me that i’m making THE choi jongho blush right now?!” you say to him. he looks back up at you and says, “is it bad if you are?” “not at all, i just didn’t know i had it in me to get you in this state” you reply.
a few minutes later, you notice him looking down to your lips every so often as you carry on the conversation. you wonder whether you should make a move, or even if he’s thinking about you in that way, but then you think of how he literally got his manager to pick you out of the crowd and bring you backstage for him. it’s not just a chat he wants right? he looks at your lips once again, so you say “with the way you keep looking at my lips it makes it look like you wanna kiss me”. “what if i do?” jongho replies quicker than you could process what he just said.
you suddenly put your arms around his neck and begin to kiss him. he leans into the kiss, putting his hands on your waist. you move closer, not breaking the kiss at all, and end up straddling his lap. you hear him softly moan into the kiss, still not believing you have this effect on him. you pull away, both of you panting for air. he bites his lip, moving his hands to your hips. he pushes you down into his lap, making you aware of what you’re *really* doing to him. you gasp and smirk, leaning in for another deep kiss.
just as both of your hands start roaming around each other’s bodies there’s a loud knocking on the door. “it’s almost time to go back to the hotel, jongho” a voice says. he looks at you and asks, “wanna come back to my hotel room to finish what we started, beautiful?” “fuck yes” you say, making both of you giggle.
let’s just say that it was a long night for you both. and enjoyable one at that.
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rashomonss · 1 year
For the 800 follower prompts could you pretty pretty please do "don't come back if you walk out that door..!" with Lucibabes. We love our overworked father of 7 (including Diavolo) and we would absolutely love if we even add more to his workload with some angst<3
Aside from that, I do genuinely enjoy your stories and you are absolutely good at what you do.
aww thank you sm anon! I’m so glad you enjoy my work it means a lot!
and omg, lucifer angst is my absolute favorite, you literally have no idea how much fun this was to write (⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
lastly i wanna apologize for getting this out so late, i’ve been procrastinating a lot with everything lately, but anyway i hope you enjoy! ♡
“it’s too late for that”
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Being the Avatar of Pride was a lot to bear for one demon. However you would never, in all of the three realms, hear him admit that fact. Instead you would hear something along the lines of how well he’s doing in his position.
He was doing well at everything and anything, that’s just how he was. But why was he falling short of this feeling when he thought about his relationship with you.
You seemed quiet to him, more so than usual. He did remember that you could possibly be upset due to him canceling plans with you, but he believed you’d get over it by now. So why was he still feeling like this?
As fate would have it he was coming down the stairs just as you had made your way through the front door. Lucifer then smiled and made his way over to you as you took off your shoes.
“Where have you been?” He smiled.
Your face turned to one of surprise upon seeing him. “I was at Purgatory Hall. You know, since you told me you were to busy with work to go out”
You didn’t catch the face Lucifer made as he heard your words. The oldest sighed then continued. “Well I finished early so how about we do something? Does that sound nice?”
You thought for a moment and weighed your options. You did think it would be nice to spend time with him after he was brushing you off for so long, but on the other hand you were tired of only being his partner when it was convenient for him.
“Maybe some other time. I’m tired” you replied, keeping your eyes away from his.
“Is this because I canceled our date the other night? Are you still upset about that?” Lucifer sighed, he was beginning to grow slightly concerned about how personally you were taking things.
“That has to do with part of it, yes.”
“Part? MC, what are you mad about this time?”
This caused you to turn around and face him for the first time since you both started talking “This time? Oh I don’t know Lucifer. Maybe, just maybe I’m upset because you’re only acting like my partner when it is convenient for you. If it’s not on your time then you couldn’t give two shits about me”
“MC I don’t want to have this conversation again. Are you still not over that? We spoke about this once. Was that not enough?”
You stared at him for a minute, trying to process if he actually said that, and after he gave you a look you finally spoke up. “I can’t keep doing this with you Lucifer, no matter how many times we have this conversation you never learn. Frankly it’s annoying and just draining.”
“Annoying and draining you say? Well I for one agree there, I’m tired of that as well. Everytime I try to talk to you, all you do is bring up the past and get upset. Plus you have no room to criticize me when you hang all over other demons.”
Your eyes widened slightly, then your brows furrowed as you took a few steps closer to him. “Excuse me? Hang all over other demons…?”
“MC don’t play dumb with me. I’ve seen the way you hang off Diavolo and Barbatos. As well as that shady sorcerer. Oh should I also mention Simeon as well? I see that you both have been spending a lot more time together recently” Lucifer said smiling.
“Oh is that so? Well maybe if my partner actually gave me attention I wouldn’t be hanging out with others so much? Has that thought ever come to mind?”
“Attention? Is that what this is about? You’re upset because of something as simple as a little attention?” Lucifer asked in a mocking voice, as if he was trying to take you seriously.
“Excuse you? I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you but your not even taking me seriously”
“I never said I wasn’t taking you seriously. It’s just that I don’t see the reason for you to blow this out of proportion is all.”
“Blow this out of proportion?” You replied, giving him a look as if you were asking him if he was serious.
The two of you went from speaking to yelling at each other in a matter of seconds. No later than a minute everyone knew you both were fighting again.
Sighing each brother made their way to the foyer and it was a sight to behold. There you were yelling from the door at Lucifer who continued to roll his eyes as he raised his voice back at you.
Insults were being thrown back and forth and none of them knew if they should intervene until they heard Lucifer yell.
“Don’t come back if you walk out that door…!”
“I wasn’t planning on it.” you spat grabbing the side of the large wooden door.
Lucifer glared at you as his brothers stood behind him in shock, faces going back and forth between the both of you, yet not one said a word. They all knew you both had a rocky relationship but in the end it always worked out after the two of you fought.
So why was this any different?
Maybe it was due to the sinking feeling they each had in the pit of their stomachs as you and Lucifer had been yelling across the foyer. Maybe it was the fact that you didn’t cry.
Or maybe it was the fact that they could tell you were serious.
You had slammed the front doors shut leaving the seven of them in the silent foyer. Lucifer did nothing but glare at the door with his arms crossed as his brothers stood watching the door.
“Ya gotta go after them Lucifer” Mammon yelled, shaking his older brother.
“Lucifer…please go get them” Levi then spoke up.
“You need to apologize,” Beel said, fidgeting with his fingers.
“You need to do more than that. No apology from you would ever fix something like that” Satan spat.
“He’s right, you know.” Belphie then replied as he stood closer to his twin.
“Lucifer please. You have to go after MC.” Asmo said, touching his older brother's arm.
“If you all want to go after MC, be my guest. They however are not allowed to step another foot in this house anymore. Is that clear?” Lucifer spat as he glared at his brothers.
“You know you're so insufferable. It’s no wonder, they got fed up with you and left. They can’t stand to be around your horrible personality anymore. And you know what neither can I.”
Lucifer’s head shot over to the fourth born and he glared his way. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” Satan spat then left slamming the front door behind him as well. Not long after Belphie followed along with Asmo and Levi.
Mammon and Beel were the only ones left. They both looked at each other then Lucifer. Beel made his way to the front door along with Mammon who turned to Lucifer before shutting the door.
“Ya know…for the first time I’m actually disappointed in ya, older brother ”
Mammon sighed then shut the door leaving Lucifer alone in the foyer. The Avatar of Pride sighed and took a step toward the door but quickly stopped himself.
He turned on his heel and walked back to his study without a word.
Even now after fighting with you, he wasn’t going to set aside his pride to go out and look for you. No matter how special you are to him, there are always more important matters.
He tried to tell himself that, of course, but the sinking feeling in his stomach consumed his every thought as he made his way closer to his study.
For the first time in his life he was conflicted about his own feelings, towards you and towards his pride.
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