#finallyy got them!!
caruliaa · 1 year
YIPPIE IM FREE FOR MY ART EXAM ITS FINALLY DONE AFTER SUCH A LONG WEEK YAYYY NOW I CAN FINALLY GO ZELDA MODE YIP- *a cartoon anvil with the text “estimated delivery time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm” falls on me*
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orshii · 5 months
Will I Ever See You Again? CHAPTER 1: Last To Fall
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Author: orshii
Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x reader
Warning: cursing, violence, blood
Word count: 4,6 k
Summary: You were left alone with your brother, Yunho, and his best friend Hongjoong, after your parents' death. Yunho had someone to grieve with, but you? You had no one as your brother and his best friend pushed you away, singing becoming your only savior. There was one rule that Yunho made inside his friend group: “Don’t touch my sister”. And for this reason, Hongjoong had always kept his distance. But one night, you find yourself in danger. And from then on, Hongjoong does not leave your side. He is suddenly overprotective of you, and your relationship shifts and becomes fraught with tension and unspoken feelings, with secrets lurking beneath the surface and a painful past haunting you. Will you find out the secrets your brother and best friend have been keeping away from you? Will you be able to finally free yourself from your cruel past?
Will you fall in love amidst the chaos around you?
A/N: Finallyy...the adventure starts everyone!! Yayy, I really hope you are going to like this whole rollercoaster, I really tried with this one. Please look forward to this story, as it has a really special place in my heart. Before reading, or while reading, please listen to WTF by Sasha Sloan, as it is included in the story. Okaay, enjoy!! hehet.
Taglist: @bvidzsoo @vixensss @deltamoon666 @scarfac3 <3 (taglist is still open if you are interested)
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I stepped onto the stage, darkness tightly hugging around me as I became one with it. I stood by the microphone, waiting for my bandmates to settle down. They nodded once they were ready and the lights suddenly blinded me as everyone could see us now. I felt vulnerable for a second, but when Yeosang, my best friend, started playing the acoustic guitar as he gave me a reassuring look, I finally got the courage to start singing.
♪ Sometimes I got a hard time seeing the point to existing ♪
My vocals resounded around the enclosed space as Yeosang accompanied me with his guitar, representative of our real-life connection. He has always followed after me, guiding me, holding my hand if I needed a little extra support. 
♪ Sometimes I got a hard time
Seeing the good in the chaos ♪
And then Jongho joined in with the drums that sounded like thunder, followed by San, who was our bass guitarist. I looked over to him as I sang, our gazes connecting as he smiled at me, telling me everything was alright with his soft eyes. These boys gave me the strength I needed to step out in front of the world and sing about my feelings.
♪ Am I the only one losing my mind? 
What the fuck am I doing here? ♪
It was weird singing about my feelings right in front of so many strangers, who came to the pub either to get laid or just have some fun. The thing is, that I feel more comfortable singing in front of people who I don't know, because I know they won't judge me. They are only here to enjoy themselves, listen to my singing, which is more like background music to them after a certain amount of alcohol has made it inside their systems, however, sometimes they would sympathize with the lyrics, I could easily see it in their eyes.
♪ Stuck in a one-man circus
Trying to find some purpose
But it’s unclear  ♪
Singing, was the only thing that kept me going after all the bad things that have happened in my life. I could escape my feelings like this, letting them out into the world. This was the only time when I allowed people to see the real me, my real feelings, because the second the music was over and people cheered, my mask was back on and my emotionless self was back again, showing no interest in anything at all. I was back to the state of not feeling, of being a robot who had to just simply survive. Days mushed into one, monotone and repetitive, there was no fun in being alive anymore. But still, something kept me going, something kept me alive, and I wasn't allowed to leave, yet. 
I had nobody except my brother, Yunho, whom I love the most, and my only purpose in life is to make his easier, so he doesn't have to suffer like me. We went through tough times together, and we had to stick to each other in order to survive. I have always tried my best, and I still do everything I can to support him. 
Speaking of him, I have to be at his boxing match in ten minutes. I quickly hurried backstage, where my bandmates were and hugged them tightly. I was happy to see them, and grateful that they were doing this with me. We have created our band just for fun, no serious intentions were put into it, however, we got an opportunity to perform some nights at a pub called, MIST. We asked the owner a few times to let us play, and in the end he allowed it. I guess it was an escape for all of us. An escape from a cruel world in which we couldn’t truly be ourselves. 
I ran towards my car with Yeosang trying to keep up so that we wouldn't be late to the match. 
"Are you okay?" Yeosang asked me as I drove off fast once we were seated inside the car. I really didn't want to be late.
"Yeah, of course." I briefly glanced at him. He saw how tired I was, so he was worried. I haven't slept well at least in the past three years, so my face kinda always looked like. Some people may think I was a living zombie, so I get it.
"You sang beautifully tonight." He smiled at me proudly.
I felt the urge to smile back at him, "Thank you, for being there for me too." I didn’t look at him, but I knew he was still smiling.
"I had no choice, I was the one playing the guitar." Yeosang teased with a chuckle.
"Mhm, so I am forcing you to play now?" I gave him a quick side glance.
"No, no." He put his hand on mine as it was on the gearstick, "I'm glad I can play alongside you, it's an honor, Milady." He grabbed my hand and gently pecked my knuckles. 
I chuckled as after running a few traffic lights and avoiding traffic as best as I could, we finally arrived to the Boxing Club. A few people were still outside, smoking a cigarette or waiting for someone, so this meant that the match hadn't started yet. We went inside the building and there were already a lot of people sitting in the grandstands. The air was a bit cold in the big hall. Some people stood around the boxing ring while behind them there were seats available, our reserved ones being among them. We went over to find them as I could feel excitement overcoming my whole body. The atmosphere was full with anticipation as everyone was here to see some fist fighting between bulky and angry men. I had no idea what the rules of these boxing matches were, but when my brother was in there, I felt like if anyone tried to harm him, I was going to get inside that ring and punch the motherfucker until he’s passed out. But to my luck, Yunho was one of the best boxers here. He was tall and well-built, and he didn't have enemies in this little town that would come to challenge him. Everyone feared him.
And he rarely lost too. One of the few occasions when he did lose, was against his best friend, Kim Hongjoong. He was shorter than Yunho, but he was strong still, and since he was smaller, he had the advantage of being quicker as well, so, he outplayed Yunho. Even though Hongjoong lost one of his teeth that one time, he was still smiling proudly over his win. I had a feeling that Yunho maybe let him win.
Yunho and Hongjoong have been best friends since forever. Hongjoong was kind of part of our family at this point as he had lost his own family in a car accident, and my father was there for him, together with Yunho, trying to breathe life into Hongjoong again. After a while, my dad started taking care of Hongjoong as if he were his own son, and one day I woke up to him suddenly living with us. Yunho and Hongjoong were like brothers and I was so envious of their relationship, because Yunho never told me anything, he never told me what he was feeling, he pushed me away, only letting Hongjoong in. I hated it, I hated that I was left alone, alone with my thoughts, with my feelings, after our father died. It was tough for everyone; the three of us were left without a parental figure for good now. Everything just seemed so suspicious to me, I didn’t know anything about how my father died, about what happened to him. Yunho and I were alone now, but he had another sibling to grieve with and I had to stay strong, alone. It was the three of us, yet they pushed me away like I was some stray cat, unworthy of their time and attention anymore.
I looked over at Yeosang, and I smiled as he sat next to me, looking around with big puppy eyes, taking in the atmosphere. Suddenly, I felt the urge to hug him. He was by my side from the second we met last year, when we bumped into each other as both of us were trying to find our next class, realizing in the process that we both were music majors. From then on, we did everything together. He kind of brought me back to life, he was a real sunshine in my life as his blonde hair lightened his beautiful face with a glow always to it, his birthmark under his left eye making him look even more ethereal. I have always admired him, and felt lucky that I had bumped into him. So, I hugged him, hiding my face in his neck, his scent enveloping me, offering me peace. He smelled like orchids, that's why my favorite flowers were orchids. 
He chuckled, "Okay, you’re acting strange, Y/N. Are you sick?" He pressed his palm against my forehead, checking if I had a fever. 
I smiled, "No, I’m not. I just wanted to hug my best friend, is that such a bad thing now?" I moved closer to him, not wanting to let go just yet.
"You never hug me, sorry, but it is strange." He looked down at me, smiling.
"I know…that's why I'm doing it now, because I'm glad you’re here, with me." It was rare that I expressed how I felt, I wasn’t the type to vocalize my thoughts so easily. 
"Yeah, me too." He hugged me tight and warmly. I felt safe in his arms, never wanting to let go of him.
After we killed the time by goofing around, finally the match started and we were waiting for my brother to appear in the ring, so that we could cheer for him. Kim Hongjoong was the first to compete against a big guy, so buffed up that I was kind of worried he would break Hongjoong into pieces. Both participants prepared for the fight, and when it started, Hongjoong looked like a little bunny next to the big man. However, Hongjoong never failed to surprise me with his strength as he attacked his big opponent with two perfectly timed strikes. The guy had no choice at all, Hongjoong didn’t even give him time to try and attack him. The man just blinked, and then he was on the floor. The crowd cheered for Hongjoong as he fist bumped the air as he celebrated his quick win with the crowd. 
After Hongjoong, more men fought inside the ring and it was becoming boring. They were playing the cat and mouse game, but finally one of them punched the other one and he was knocked out so hard that the ambulance had to be called. Nothing too unusual. 
Finally, Yunho appeared inside the ring with a confident smile, his opponent being Song Mingi, his other best friend. They had a very interesting dynamic, always glued together, they acted like I imagine soulmates would. I have always adored their friendship; it was unbreakable and full of respect. I really wouldn’t be surprised if one day they announced they were in love, really, I wasn’t blind, I could see the tension between them. I could see the way Yunho looked at Mingi, his eyes having a particular glint in them as if Mingi was his whole world, Yunho always only saw him. Yunho not only had Hongjoong by his side, but Song Mingi as well.
It was shitty when you had to compete against your best friend, but, may the better man win. They were standing in front of each other, both tall, but their bodies shaped differently. Mingi was always quick to dodge the strikes, but Yunho was merciless, and he never stopped. The crowd went silent as the thick tension between them made everyone shut up and follow their match on the edge of their seats. I knew Yunho well, and I was sure he did not care about the fact that he was going to kick his best friend’s ass in no time, because he only wanted to win. He was addicted to the rush he felt when winning. May you be lucky enough to never encounter Yunho after a match he lost, his rage scary and dangerous. I saw how Yunho and Mingi murmured to each other, something only they could. Mingi seemed a little off today, like he wanted to be anywhere, but here. Yunho, on the other hand, continued smiling confidently and quite smugly, not even noticing the expression on Mingi’s face, which seemed to be screaming that he didn’t want to fight against his best friend. 
Yunho was the first to attempt strike against Mingi, and he hit him straight in his ribs. After a few more tricks and moves, all we could see was Mingi trying to hit Yunho, but my brother dodged all of his poor attempts. Mingi seemed to have loosened up a bit as a smile appeared on his face. Suddenly, they smiled at each other, it seemed like a friendly match between the two, until it wasn’t anymore, until Yunho suddenly managed to strike some counter kicks and hits at Mingi and he was on the floor, his mouth bleeding. Mingi looked mad, disappointment showing on his face. But he suddenly got up and hit Yunho straight in the face. Yunho was taken aback, so he couldn’t fight back for a moment, and Mingi managed to hit him once or twice. But Yunho was the type to never give up, even if he had only one unbroken bone. The crowd around us suddenly roared with such loudness I wanted to cover my ears, especially when they cheered because my brother got hit, I didn’t like that. But Yunho suddenly got the strength to hit back, and that was Mingi’s last chance. He was on the floor after getting showed against the iron bars aggressively and roughly, now barely able to move from the pain. I felt sorry for Mingi. Yunho was so blinded by the rush of adrenaline he got, that he didn’t even realize that his best friend was on the ground, bleeding, because of him. This side of Yunho had always scared me, I didn’t recognize him when he was like this. And I was sure Mingi was fighting his inner demons as well, trying to understand Yunho somehow. In the end, the referee raised Yunho’s arm into the air, announcing he had won against his best friend, who had stormed off angrily towards the changing room. 
A few more matches passed, and then in the next one Hongjoong lost against a guy who seemed to know every calculated move of his. The guy easily dodged Hongjoong’s attempts, and quickly gave a few strikes back, straight into Hongjoong’s face and ribs. Hongjoong was breathing quickly, and my heart started to race. I was a bit worried for him as the guy tried to hit him again, but he dodged it, and punched the guy’s solar plexus. The guy fell to the ground, but it seemed he was a tough guy, and he got angry as I watched Hongjoong tell him something. That was when the guy moved forward quickly and stroke Hongjoong in the ribs with force, immediately making Hongjoong pass out. The crowd stood up at once, myself included, as Yeosang followed with a gasp, all of us shocked as we couldn’t believe the fucker knocked Hongjoong out.. The referee announced the guy as the winner, and finally, Hongjoong slowly opened his eyes, barely moving as someone helped him out of the ring. So, Hongjoong was out of the competition. After that, Yunho had a few more fights, Mingi as well, but in the end, Yunho was announced as the number one winner of the night. 
When the matches were finally over and the crowd started to slowly disperse, I waited for Yunho so I could congratulate him. Yeosang had already left as he needed to go home for some unknown reason to me. I was near the ring, but nobody was in the room as I read briefly over the history of boxing displayed on the walls. There were a pair of old boxing gloves on a shelf and I took it into my hands, wanting a closer look.
"Wanna learn?" A sudden voice from behind made me jump a little.
I turned around and saw Hongjoong coming my way, freshly showered, wearing a black tank top that tightened around his upper body perfectly, paired with black sweatpants. He had some fresh bleeding cuts on his eyebrows and lips, his two-colored, black and blonde hair was still wet, falling into his eyes. The colors of his hair kind of represented his personality. I knew he had a bright side that he only allowed Yunho to see, and whom he felt close with. And he had a dark side, which I have known from the beginning as he was always unnecessarily protective and mean with everyone. He had a really bad reputation, and he was a bad influence on Yunho. That’s why I hated him as he made Yunho become part of some dangerous gang, the two doing some illegal shit together. These things never ended well…
"Not really." I shrugged, and placed the old gloves back in their spot. 
"Come, I'll teach you some tricks. It may come in handy, and who knows, you may have to knock out some bastards." He said, motioning with his hands to follow him as he jumped up into the ring.
"When is Yunho coming?" I asked, looking up at him.
"In a few minutes. He is currently yelling at Mingi, so until they finally figure their shit out, come." He reached his hand out towards me, so that he could pull me up beside himself.
I sighed, and with a frown grabbed his hand, allowing him to pull me up. I suddenly felt worried about Yunho, I didn’t want him to fuck up whatever had been lately happening between him and Mingi. On the other hand, I didn't understand why Hongjoong was suddenly acting like this. We were never really on good terms, but we also weren't on bad terms. It was always as if the other wasn’t there, like we grazed past the other. Most of times, it was Hongjoong doing this, so, after a while, I started doing the same. And yes, I started hating him as well, because I felt jealous of him stealing my brother away from me.
I put the gloves on Hongjoong handed me. It was a weird feeling, but if I’m being honest, I would gladly punch him in the face with these gloves on or off. Preferably off, would feel more real.
"Can I punch you?" I blurted out without thinking much. 
"No? Why would you?” He looked at me with a frown, “Wasn't it enough when that other guy just knocked me out like I was nothing but a feather?"
"No, it wasn't. I want to be the one to knock you out." I tried to scare him as I hit the air in front of his face.
"Okay, okay, chill out, sugar." He grabbed my wrists, "You'll have another chance to take me out, but it’s not now." He said with a smirk, and I scoffed at the realization of how he meant it. Hell, no. I wanted to punch that smirk off of his face.
He started explaining how to hit someone in the solar plexus so that you knock them out immediately. I could practice as he held his palms up. I held my right hand in front of my face, because like he said, one hand must be there to protect your face. With my other hand, I punched his palm. Left-right, then right-right, and so on. After a few strikes he said that I could practice some more on his abs as he pulled his tank top up. I gulped seeing his toned abs, bruised with black and blue marks on his ribs.
“God, you are so bruised. I’m not merciless enough to hit you in this state, Hong.” I said, my eyes still on the cruel bruises. 
“Don’t worry, sugar. You only need to hit my lower stomach now. Try and find my solar plexus, but you can’t hit me strong enough to knock me out.” He smiled confidently and took his lifted-up top between his teeth, his hands held up behind his head, waiting for me to strike. 
Oh, so I couldn’t hit him strong enough? At first, I softly punched his stomach as he was watching me with eyes that made me feel like I was his prey and he’d pounce on me any minute now.
“C’mon, sugar. You can do better.” He said, taking the top out of his mouth just so he could talk to me.
“Fuck you.” I snapped, getting angrier. Suddenly, I struck him with all the strength I could muster up, aiming at his solar plexus only. It felt good. I started cackling loudly when I successfully hit him hard enough that he hunched over, trying to catch his stolen breath.
"Okay, okay, I think you've got this now." He raised his hands in the air in surrender, "But next time, you have to get it right away. It hurts, but it has to be the perfect timing if you want to knock the other one out." 
He stepped closer, reaching his hands out, one settling on my lower back and the other on my lower stomach, "You have to hit right here, without missing." He said it in a low voice, whispering it into my ear, his warm breathing sent shivers down my body as it tickled my skin.
“Your strikes are good, but if I wasn’t an unmoving target, I could’ve knocked you out in seconds, your left-hand needs to be here.” He raised my left hand slowly to hold it in front my face, “You need to protect that pretty face of yours.” His face was emotionless, I couldn’t read his features.
“You couldn't protect your dumb face, from that guy who knocked you out.” I said, getting angrier.
He chuckled, “Okay, sugar, fair enough.” He stepped even closer, watching me with an unnerving hunger in his eyes.
“One last thing.” Slowly, he let his hands travel down to my inner thighs, close to my knees, and made me stand in a wider stance, “You need to stand balanced so that you can put all your power into your fists.”  
Fuck this, I didn’t sign up for this. He really just touched me without asking for permission first, acting like he could do anything to me without it there being repercussions to his actions.
“Can you like, not touch me every time you try to explain something?” I snapped with a glare as I got more furious because of his actions.
Hongjoong looked at me with a surprised look on his face. I guess he didn’t even realize he made me feel uncomfortable. I was seconds away from recoiling and hitting him hard, showing him just how easily I could knock him out if I really wanted to, but suddenly Yunho was shouting at us.
"Hands off my sister, Joong!" Yunho approached the ring just as Hongjoong quickly jumped back, putting a great distance between our bodies.
"I just wanted to teach her some techniques she can use in the future." He raised his hands again in the air, genuineness showing on his face as he slowly walked near Yunho. Now he was acting like he was the hero and I was some damsel in distress needing his help, how funny.
"Let's hope she won’t have to use them, then." Yunho looked at Hongjoong with deadly eyes. This always happened when I was the subject of their conversation, they acted like I wasn’t even there, they talked about me like I was an object. 
There was a stupid rule that Yunho had come up with, “My sister is off limits, if you try to touch her, I'll just simply kill you.” And this rule did work because no one really dared to even as much as look at me. I hated it because I never had the chance to have fun. Yunho was always there in the shadows, letting others know that, “If you touch her—well you know what happens.” 
I have always felt like I was a princess held in a big tower, wanting to desperately escape...
"Let's drink something at MIST." Yunho said, sounding a bit angry and tired. He reached his hands out towards me, helping me off the platform.
"I thought you were coming home, that's why I waited for you." I jumped off the ring, accepting my brother’s help. It was alarming how cold I felt without Hongjoong by my side.
"I want to celebrate, come drink with us." Yunho looked at me through his dark eyelashes, his black hair still wet from the shower. 
"Nah, I'm tired, I'll just go home." I said, rubbing my face as I fought against a yawn.
"Do you need a lift? Hong can take you home, I came by bike." He pointed at Hongjoong, who finally jumped off from the ring, ready to take me home.
"I came by my car, so I don't need a lift.” I said, looking at Hongjoong with a sharp glare, “Alright then, see you at home, don't get shitfaced." I turned around and walked towards the exit.
"Drive safely, and send me a message when you have arrived!" Yunho shouted after me.
I just lifted my thumb up in as a silent way of telling him okay, and left the building. The weather was a bit chilly this evening as I was headed towards my car, trying to find my keys in my backpack full of notebooks and torn out pages. As I was walking towards my car under the moonlight, my mind was whirling around with thoughts accompanied by an unfamiliar melody, that I have noticed I started making up lately very randomly. The words that came to me had the potential to be even some lyrics, but it wasn’t anything I have heard before. It was my own song.
≫ The feeling of being drowned in your thoughts,
Trying to find someone who’ll jump to save you. ≪
I have never wrote music before, I thought I wasn’t talented enough for that, but this melody that lately had been playing in my head made me want to write these random lyrics down, so that maybe I could create something special too one day..
I finally found the keys to my car, and I sat inside my black Honda Civic, igniting the engine to life. I suddenly felt hungry, so I decided to stop at a restaurant, called Granny's, on my way home to order some takeout. It was a fifteen-minute drive from where the boxing matches were held, and after I arrived, I went inside the restaurant and ordered some chicken wings with french fries. I patiently waited around a bit for my order to be finished, then I paid and said my goodbyes.
I was currently headed to my car, grabbing the keys from my pocket, food in my other hand, when suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. I had no time to think as I suddenly found myself on the dirty ground. I hadn't even reached my car, it was blocked by two tall figures dressed in all black, and as I looked behind myself, I saw two other men staring at me like they were going to kill me right then and there.
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A/N: Ty for reading, just one thing, if that Yungi fight scene caught your eyes (wink), my best friend @bvidzsoo, wrote a behind story for them on AO3, I recommend it is very good, I died.
「Series masterlist」 <Next part>
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evil-comic-artis-t · 5 months
Here's Captain3!
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Their name is Narce! (Another name for the Mother Of Pearl)
I based them off the original Splatoon rabbit concept!
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Since the first Splatoon game came out in 2015, I wanted Agent 3 to have a scene kid phase, so thats what those stripes are supposed to reprisent. I feel like in the Splatoon universe, it would be called like... tigerfish tentacles or smthn 😭
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With Sanitised3, I hid one eye and the other was partially cover to make it look human???rabbit-like????? idk. This links to my headcanons of Sanitised inkfish not having control over their ink, causing it to leak out a lot. I wanted their movements to seem really sloppy while sanitised too.
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this final one is after their sanitisation, I wanted to show what the scars looked like at first but then over time a few scars have faded away.
additional notes:
-Splatoon 1 they had inkling girl hair, splatoon 2 inking boy but splatoon 3 is a combination of the two which also makes them look more rabbit like.
-I wanted to make the eyes connected like in swim form
-Theyre actually quite jealous of agent 4 since they're considered more powerful and "better" despite their role as captain
-How i got the name Narce is actually kinda silly... I thought of how they called 3 Sango when they were dj battling marina or smthn, then that reminded me of Sango Pearls from Genshin, then pearls reminded me of a steven universe roleplay game i used to play which had Narce gems so... heheh...
ururgehrhh it took me so unnecessarily long for their design eheheh...
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children-of-subcon · 2 years
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FINALLYY the ghost squad has been completed as well >:D I know that I’m a few days late to making it for November but in my defense I’ve been really busy and I got the main part of the ref done in November at least ;w;
I have waited so long to get to this guy... His first design was absolutely abysmal but I’m pretty happy with the final version! Oh gosh I’m gonna have to go back and edit every post I where he was hidden aren’t I o,_,o
ANYWAYS lore under the cut :DDD
The Tricky Merchant, also known as TM or just Timmy, is a notorious salesghost who mainly sells Magnets! Be careful when dealing with him, though... there’s always a 50% chance between him actually giving you the Magnet you asked for, or a completely useless one instead!
He can be found most anywhere, and as such, has quite a wide customer base! His best friends are Captor and Bowthreader, although at the moment he’s a bit closer to Bow. Still, he does hang around Cappy quite a bit, and has helped her with a couple of Magnets of her own :)
TM’s arms can be...rather wonky. He’s able to touch magical objects, but physical objects evade him. Usually this doesn’t bother him, though, since he can just levitate them instead! Too bad he can’t levitate himself u_u
He comes from the Twilight, a place for lost souls that have managed to get even more corrupted, even after death. With the help of someone else, he managed to escape– the glitches are a side effect.
Timmy loves “ligma” type jokes, and is ecstatic when he meets Prince because he’s stupid enough to fall for every single one of them ^^ Luckily, when Prince finally manages to catch on is when Duke comes around, so TM gets a new target :D !
Although not as frequently as Captor, TM does eat souls! Usually it’s those of annoying customers or people who try to get out of paying, though. Don’t try to scam the scammer, folks! Outside of these he probably gets them from animals.
Despite his upbeat and mischievous demeanor, Timmy has a deep-seated fear of being forgotten. It’s the reason that he goes around meeting so many people, and uses his rather...unconventional business practices. Yet, while he has many acquaintances, he doesn’t have many friends. Perhaps some certain aliens can help with that...
His theme would obviously use some motifs from the Badge Seller’s, as well as maybe the Main Theme and Spaceship Theme? I’m not sure if it would fit, but I think it could involve some nods to some of the music from Vanessa’s/Muriel’s Manor as well, since he originally was supposed to live there :D
Also, he claims to be a demon. He is not.
Alllright, that’s all for Tricky Merchant! Will I make another ref for December or just count this one? Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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spacefinch · 10 months
FINALLYY a fellow msb enjoyer on tumblr 😭😭 AND a carlos stan at that. do you have any cdshipping headcanons because of I LURV all your screenshots of them!?
And I have plenty of headcanons.
If you're familiar with the Percy Jackson series and Star Trek TOS, cdshipping reminds me of Percy/Annabeth with a bit of McCoy/Spock thrown in. They're both super smart, they argue and bicker, they annoy the heck out of each other, but they've got each other's backs.
In the scene in The Magic School Bus Rocks and Rolls, when Dorothy Ann tells the "erode to ruin" joke, Carlos doesn't roll his eyes or groan. Instead, he high-fives her and says "Good one, D.A.!" I have a theory that for the longest time, he was trying to teach D.A. how to tell jokes, but wasn't having much luck. D.A. can remember facts and figures, no problem. Jokes are a lot harder (I also have trouble remembering puns). Anyway, Carlos gets D.A. some joke books for her birthday or Christmas or whatever. For a while, D.A. is only able to remember the puns when she's reading them in one of her books. The "erode to ruin" scene is the first time she comes up with a pun on the spot.
Their relationship is basically rivals to best friends to lovers, and they're still best friends during the "lovers" phase.
Carlos is probably the one who fell first. He spends more and more time with D.A., and realizes he likes their bantering and teasing. He stays up late thinking about her. By the time he admits out loud he has a crush on D.A., everyone else (including D.A. herself) has already figured it out.
Things they both like:
Star Trek
Playing music
Greek mythology
Dorothy Ann: *does literally anything*
They're both huggers. Whenever they haven't seen each other in a while, they hug each other. Their first response to having a rough day is to hug it out. Anyway: here's my list of times in the show that D.A. and Carlos should have hugged.
A few times in Out of This World. First, when Carlos arrives back at the bus after he and the Friz eject from the crashed space pod. And second, when the asteroid is destroyed and he's congratulating D.A. ("Well, we don't have to worry about that asteroid anymore! Way to go!")
Every other episode they're in.
Some songs I think fit them:
"Love Don't Roam" by Neil Hannon (this is from Doctor Who, and it's basically the song for the Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler, another one of my favorite ships).
"Sunny" by Marvin Gaye
"Never Let Me Down Again" by Depeche Mode
"Island in the Sun" by Weezer
"Solar Waltz" by Cosmo Sheldrake
"Space Song" by Beach House
Thank you for your ask!
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xxk3vonicaxx · 2 years
I know this is a little odd, but im an old acquaintance-ish friend of blurrys from a while ago, back when we were about 12, where they told me about their tumblr and all the characters they drew. So I recently decided to try and find their blog to pass by and see what they've been up to after all these years, and I guess I chose the wrong time because all i see is people getting mad at them for a controversy? If you don't mind filling me in on what happened, I'd greatly appreciate it. If you dont want to its fine, It's just not everyday you go to check-up on an old acquaintance just to find out they got themselves into hot water 😭. It's so weird to think of the nice kid I met all that time ago doing something bad enough to delete all their blogs but everyone's capable I guess..
Hooo boyy, I'll try and just give you a rundown of the short versionn, aaa
Basicallyy firstt, Blurry got mad at me and made a callout post on me for drawing suggestive content/making a joke fic of his OCs when he did the same thing with one of his ownn (drawing wisee), after which he and his friend Cultc0re made false accusations about me being a proshipper to try and slander my name 'cause I ship two villains together in my web show who are unrelated adults in a consensual relationshipp (when Blurry was actually the one who romanticizes abusee, aand Cult is a proshipper despite how many times she tries to deny itt). He also complained about how I have a "school shooter OC" when he has an OC who's a full on executionerr, hhh
Thenn, a doc dropped on Blurryy, exposing him for being a hypocritee, gatekeepingg, aand romanticizing abusee (Ooohh, aand he also bought 1,000$ worth of characters from an artist who's a proshipper who drew CP and n*zi artt aand made false grooming accusations about mee). In that doc it was also shown that he stole my best friend's outfit designs for his OCss, acting like they were his when they weren'tt. In his "defensee", he only gave her credit for them on the day the doc dropped to save facee aand he was using retracted statements from my bestie in said "defense" to make himself look betterr
After thatt, I apologized for the draws and the joke fic by taking them down aand privating the ficc, to which Cult reblogged it and twisted the narrativee. Every single time Blurry "apologizedd", he only said that his behavior was wrongg, never that he was truly sorryy, mmm
Finallyy, the callout post droppedd, exposing him for ableismm, guilt-trippingg, lyingg, aand hypocrisyy. After 2 parts of it droppedd, Blurry started deleting his accountss. Quickly after the full post droppedd, Blurry tried "apologizingg", buut he lied in his "apologyy", not really meaning anything he had said aand admitted he was doing it to save facee
Sooo, tl;dr: Blurry got exposed for ableismm, hypocrisyy, lyingg, design theftt, gatekeepingg, guilt-tripping otherss, aand romanticizing abusee
The doc is heree, aand the callout post is heree
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umbramatic · 1 year
No Good Demon Goes Unpunished
Jesus christ this was first written in 2009 ANYWAY this is an original fiction oneshot I have tried to salvage from when I was a wee 17 year old! It's still a little. Rough. And is written in a style I would absolutely not do the same way now but there's been quite a bit of polishing up done still, and it stars some old favorite OCs I want to do more with again. So here's this thing!
No Good Demon Goes Unpunished
The name’s Pandinus. I’m an Umbratic, which the mortals in my world call demons. As for what that actually means for ME, I can copy nearly any magic spell  that hits me; I can change from a humanlike form to a killer demonic scorpion form; and I can’t truly die. But life isn't exactly super cushy. 
To prove my point, one day, I was chilling in a cave we stopped off in in the mortal dimension, when Afriton barged in.  Good old Afriton. Everybody has a best buddy, right? Well Afriton is mine. We Umbratics start out life as little larvae. Ever since that stage, me and Afriton have stuck together, because we knew we wanted to fight the evil instead of being the evil. In his beast form, Afriton looks like this snake-headed horse with eagle claws and bat wings and a rat tail that stands on two legs.  He looks freaky, yes, but overall he’s a really nice guy. 
Anyway, he barged in and said, “Dude! There are monsters attacking a mortal village! We’ve got to hurry!” 
“...What kind of monsters?” I said.
“Big ones!” he said back. 
“The bigger they are the harder they fall. Let's take em’ out.”
So I go and alert Seventra, this female Umbratic who is best friends with me and Afriton. She turns into this crazy serpent when she’s fighting, but she's shy and timid  in her humanoid form.
"Monsters? here?" she shuddered. There's not normally that kind of thing around here... I'm nervous."
"It'll be fine dude," said Afriton. "Now let's go!" 
Our merry band went down to this village, and there were all these people running and screaming because of the giant monsters running around smashing houses.  These guys really were big monsters-about the size of an elephant. They looked like bulls crossed with some kinda giant carnivorous ape. And they smelled nasty, like someone rubbed onions all over them. They weren't natural monsters of  world, and we had no clue where they came from, but man, did we have to deal with them. 
So we each picked a monster or two and started fighting them without holding back..  I transformed and ran up to one as fast as I could on my scorpion feet. It roared at me and charged. I stood there waiting for it, and then dodged at the last second. It barreled past me and then I sucker punched it with one of my claws.  It roared in pain, and turned around to face me. That’s when the orb on my tail started glowing. 
You see, my tail has an orb instead of a stinger on it. This orb is the secret to my copying powers. It absorbs magic,whenever I’m hit by magic, the orb takes it in and from then on I’m able to use the magic spell whenever I want. 
This monster, he just starts staring at it and drooling.  Distracted  by the shiny, apparently.  That’s when I hit it with this huge jolt of electricity.  It shuddered, then fell to the ground, stunned. For a second  I was really pleased with myself.
Then all of a sudden, I got hit by something that felt like an avalanche slamming into me. It’s this other monster, and he was pressing down on me hard. 
“Afriton! Seventra!” I yelled. “Can you get this guy off of me?”
“Right here dude!” he yelled back. 
"Eep! On it!"
Afriton flew over and started blasting the monster with these fireballs from his hand-claws. The monster rolled off and started beating the flames out. Then Seventra blasted it with sound waves, forcing it to cover its ears. FinallyI clubbed its face with my tail, and it was out cold. 
“Nice work!” I said to Afriton. 
“Same to you bro!” he said back. 
"We... actually did it?" said Seventra.
All of the sudden this other monster flew in out of nowhere. It kind of looked like the big monsters, but with a more humanlike body, and red skin and wings. It called itself something I can't bother remembering and starts blabbing on about how it's from another dimension and it has this gem and how it’s gonna take over this world and all that crap. Meanwhile, I’m sneak charging this beam attack while it was monologuing. Eventually I fired…
 And  this gem he’s holding, it glowed and reflected the beam attack back at me. Startled, I barely managed to dodge. The monster laughed and said, “Fool! This gem protects me from any of your pathetic attempts to harm me!”. You know. That kind of thing. 
So we all tried to hit him with physical blows. Seventra was attacking with her tail, Afriton was slashing with his talons, and I tried to grab him with my pincers. But the monster had this huge whip, and he kept flinging it and flinging it at us, and whenever we get close he knocked us back with it. 
Then I decided to do something risky. I got just within range of his whip, and when he flung it toward me, I tried to grab it. 
Not my smartest move. 
I really underestimated this guy’s strength. As soon as I grabbed his whip, he yanked back and I went flying like a fish on a reel. He intended to fling me behind him, onto the ground, but I let go, and started plummeting towards him. That’s when he hit me with a punch. 
But I managed to grab on to his arm with one of my claws, and we started wrestling in midair.
 I was trying to bite his face and slam him with my tail, and he kept clawing at my eyes furiously while trying to stay aloft and hold his gem at the same time. 
He failed on the gem part. 
The gem started falling towards the ground. We simultaneously shouted “No!” and dove down after it. We kept wrestling in midair as we went, only this time with a greater air of desperation. 
Then the gem hit the earth. 
It exploded with a pretty damn big blast of energy, and we both got caught in the middle. I felt my body hold up to the blast for a mere seconds before it shattered, like the gem itself, into thousands of tiny pieces. 
But I wasn’t dead. Not quite, anyway. 
You know what it’s like for my physical body to be shattered? Well, I can’t see anything, and I can barely hear. I can only feel what’s going on around me, and right then I felt only the cold, hard ground. The cold, hard ground with all its little lumps and bumps pressed against me like I had been pushed in - probably by the impact. 
Suddenly I felt this wonderful, cleansing, rejuvenating energy flowing into me.  I felt my body start to regenerate, and I was soon able to stand on all eight legs again. I opened my eyes to see Seventra, in her dragon-esqe form, coiled up from the exertion of reviving me. 
You see, When Umbratics “die”, we shatter into thousands of pieces, as I demonstrated earlier. But, we leave this little pebble-like object, this soulstone, behind. It’s indestructible, and it can be used to revive us if it’s given enough energy. Seventra had sacrificed some of her life energy to revive me. 
“Thanks for the boost.” I said. 
“No… problem.” she replied. Man, was she exhausted. 
Afriton flew down, landing gracefully between us. “You alright, dude?” he asked.
 He smiled, then quickly turned around and frowned. “Wish we could say the same for the village…”
I turned to look. Half the place was reduced to burning rubble by the blast. 
“Ah,shit.” I said. 
And that’s pretty much a typical day for me. 
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kavaeroexe · 2 years
Can we get another yand!Anakin and yand!Padmé(sith/Emperor and Empress) Trying to find ex-lover/jedi reader who’s hiding from them. But from their pov, like talking about the reader and like talking about their plan that they have to bring the reader back home.
Please if your not busy😊
Okaayyy!! FINALLYY <333
Home where you belong
summary : your hiding place has been found out by them, where to go now..?
warning : typos, bad grammar  
attention! please do not try to repost my works, i only post my works on tumblr, if anyone see someone stole my works please inform me through the comments, tag me in the works, or message me!    
Its so weird.
What’s with the noises from your house..? i thought you don’t have any guest..?
You sneak through the tree first, waiting until someone get out from there, although you could have just finished a thief that probably come to your house for credits or food, but you scared that there is possibility that the one that try to ruin you house is...
“Anakin, i don’t see them anywhere at all, perhaps they go out somewhere?”
“Well then, i think we should split, you wait here for their arrival, while i walk around to search for their appearance, no way they would be far, i could feel their presence is not far..”
“I understand, well i suppose you need to hurry up before its too late, what if someone might kidnap them?”
“No way, i could feel them not so far from here, Padme, relax.”
Its them. 
You grab your lightsaber tightly, try to run and get into you ship on the back of your house
“Quick! you must not be late on these situation, you must be quiet! calm down.. calm down! karking hell! i can’t think properly now!!”
Slowly but surely, you try to reach your ship, but you stop when you hear a cracking sound in the back, to find Anakin standing right behind you and grab your arms and smiles out of relieve. 
“Where are you going, my lovely Jedi? hm?”
“Listen, i have nothing to do with you and Padme, you don’t give me another choice, Sith lord.”
You push him using the force, and while he’s away enough, you pull and turning your lightsaber on, you took a preparing position, ready to put a defense whenever he try to let an attack towards you. 
“Why being so rude, little one? we just want to take you home, your home.”
“My home is here. nowhere else.”
You look at Anakin, not much happened to his appearance, seems master Obi-wan does failed to take him down. you could see his hands slowly reach his lightsaber, red lightsaber that has changed his own perspective of the force, his life, and his love towards you. 
It took quite a long time until you able to take his lightsaber from his hand, you have to move from another space to another space, the anger and possessive behaviour fills his every move and swing, but your training all this years will never fails you, once you got the lightsaber, with no hesitation, you end the fight, just to see him laughing pretty laugh, you could remember his funny laugh, same sound, but different feelings that you got this time.
For the second time, you push him with the force, and you tried to ride your ship, but find the the whole machinery is broken..
“Suprisee~ do you miss me (Y/N)?”
Padme appears behind the ship, showing a sweet smile just like how she used to do, but it never feels the same again for you, you saw Padme, holding a blasters, and then walk towards you, instantly makes you walks away from her, and then Anakin catch you body that hit his chest
“If you want to go home with us, no need to use that ship, you could go with us in one ship together instead, right Anakin?”
“That’s right”
You grab Anakin clothes harshly and gives a deep glare towards him.
“I have no intention on going ‘home’ with you, not in a single bit.”
“But see? right now you’re in my arms, and you didn’t even resisting~”
“You overused your force, Skywalker.” you replied.
Padme brushing your hair, and then lets out a chuckle, she push a button and your ship blow up. you let out a gasp and glare through Padme now. “Now come on, there is a far better ship in the empire, maybe we could take a look there to spend our time? you like to look at ship right?”
“Don’t you promised me that we are going to have a sleepover? looking at ship must be tiring for them, we could do that tomorrow”
“Great idea! we should do that tomorrow instead, for now lets rest your fragile body for tomorrow, we got a lot to do”
Anakin and Padme holding your both hands tightly, not wanting to let you go, they crave for your warmth on the cold ship, through the way to their place, you didn’t say anything, even though you cry, everything could go worse, so its no use.
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khuzena · 2 years
You'll never be a bother to me
Chamber x reader
Fluff and angst
"Hi, could you make a chamber x reader fluff + angst please? It can be abt anything! <ty!3" - @aernyx (why cant i tag AAAA)
Yooo! Im having brain fog rn and im rlly sick but i finished this request, finallyy
After a few months of joining the VALORANT protocol, chamber has proven himself as a very valuable asset to the protocol even though a lot of the members don't trust him. His skills and talents were great so brimstone would bring him to missions often yet the stress started to build up more. It's been 4 days since you've had any interaction wih him that atleast lasted for 5 minutes and it's starting to make you both feel lonely.
You decide to bring him some tea to his workshop so you can ease off the burden and stress on his shoulders.
On your way to his room, you noticed both jett and phoenix coming from the kitchen, "Hey what's up!" jett said while drinking from her juice box.
"Oh uh nothing, just here to visit chamber that's all." You shrugged and continued walking.
A sigh leaves phoenix then he chimed in,"I don't think it's the best idea to bother him now bruv. He's been very cranky these days and it's really terrifying."
"Yeah but you know what's more terrifying, phoenix? Your weird-ass hairline HAHA." jett laughed while nudging on his left arm.
"Whaddya mean by that?-" he replied but then jett started running away, "Come back over here you idiot!"
You huffed and just waved them goodbye while clutching the warm tea in your hand. Knocking on his door and waiting for a reply, but there was only silence. "Chamber, vincent can I come in?" No response again but as you leaned your ear onto the door you hear some metal clanking, almost like tinkering of his weapons again and silent cursing from inside. "Vincent, im coming in!"
Walking into the room you waved at him and put a cup of tea on his table.
He glanced at your physique for a while then continued to silently tinker with his weapons.
"Are you alright?" You asked him with concern and walked up to him. Trying to pat his hair but then he swatted your hand away.
"Mon amour I'm greatful for the tea but can you please go? You're being such a bother." He said and strongly emphasizing his words then turned his back on you.
"Fine then, I'll go."- you scoffed and walked your way to the door -"You probably don't even need me here anyways."
He was too stressed to even ask for your comfort or even speak to you and he knew he messed up. The door behind him closed slowly which was worse than full on slamming the door on him. Chamber knew damn well he fucked up but as always, the stress got the best of him and continued to work on his project.
The next day, you couldn't sleep properly because the words he said to you last night kept ringing in your ears. As you sat up on the bed, you lazily rub your eyes and turned off the alarm and made your way to the bathroom.
Noticable eyebags and dried tear stains on your cheeks, you tried to wash it off and cover it with concealer but they'll find it out anyways.
Meanwhile in chambers room, he felt more tired than usual and couldn't stop thinking about how much he fucked up last night. He wants to apologize to you but he knows how mad you get when arguments like these arise.
He's thought about it for a while and came to a decision that he'll apologize you the moment he sees you again.
Walking out of his room, he quickly made his way to your room and softly knocked on the door and called out your name but no response. He tried to open the door knob and it actually worked, you didn't lock the door and he was confused. Checking your room, there were tossed tissues on the floor and a messy bed but no sign of you inside.
'fuck, fuck. Where the hell is y/n?' he thought to himself while exiting your room and deciding to go to the kitchen again.
While on his way to the kitchen he saw skye munching on some candy bar while sitting on a couch and asked her, "Have you seen y/n anywhere?"
To which she replied, "Hmm.. come to think about it I did see them but they quickly left with some snack in their hands. I think they were in a hurry."
"Oh. Well then, thank you. I'll go now then." He said and continued walking to the protocol's living room. It was quiet for a while until he saw the other agents doing their thing in the morning and some chattering here and there. But he paid no mind and kept scanning every corner of the rooms for maybe he can find you now.
He spent 5 minutes looking for you but there was still no sign of you, he was about to give up until omen and cypher bumped into him and they took the hint, but they thought for a while before saying, "Are you looking for y/n?" Omen said with a small knitted cat plush in his hands. "Ah yes I am, do you know where they are?" Chamber asked.
"I saw them run to the garden with snacks in their hands..." Omen replied and fiddled with his knitted cat. "Was it because of something that happened yesterday?" Cypher butted in and played with his tripwires. He shrugged and scoffed, "None of your business cypher. Anyways, thank you for that omen."
Chamber arrived at the garden and looked at every corner but he won't give up just yet. He checked every corner until he heard whimpering and silent eating behind a tree.
While you quietly ate your sadness away, you saw chamber walked up to you with a sympathetic look in his eyes and sat besides you. You looked away and continued eating but he broke the silence and uttered, "I'm sorry."
"You don't sound sorry." you knew you were being petty but you can't jsut ignore how you feel right now.
"Look im genuinely sorry, I didn't mean what I said last night. I promise to make it up to you." He apologetically murmured and took your hand.
Turning to look at him, you can see how guilty he is for his actions and just decided to accept his heartfelt apology.
"Fine, but if you do that again im ignoring you again for a whole week." You mumbled and hugged him as he softly smiles at you.
"Don't worry, mon cherie. You'll never be a bother to me and I'm deeply sorry. Je taime(I love you) y/n"
He pressed a kiss against your temple and laughed with you again. But from a distance that particular group watched both of you from a window,
"See I told them to not come to chamber's room when he's busy" phoenix joked while leaning on the wall.
"Don't worry, at least problem solved." Omen replied and left the room, leaving the knitted cat on your desk.
"Cypher how'd you find out they had a fight?" Jett asked with her lit up eyes and waited for his reply.
"Hmm.. I have my ways."
This was a long fic but i really enjoyed writing it even if I was teary eyed because i got a stupid abscess on my right leg, thanks for reading and requesting though!yours truly,
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athenamgh · 3 years
Knight on a white charger
a/n: I should stop writing such long fics cuz it takes me agesss to finish them.. but yeesss finallyy
paring/s: Alicia Sierra x fem!Reader
summary/request: Can you do where Alicia gets shot and fem reader saves her and later patches up? Even tho they hated each other, but while cleaning Alicia's wound y/n confesses her feelings and Alicia is shocked at first, however kisses her.
{I tried my best to follow the idea, hopefully you gonna enjoy it}
warning/s: against, fluff, teasing
word count: 7.1k
Tumblr media
Alicia Sierra – the Queen of Bitches, the “man-eater” or just classically the one and only The Crazy One.
The list could go on and on. But I would be lying if I said that I enjoyed saying or even hearing those nicknames. It felt wrong, even if she may or may not have earned them “fair and square”, even if it gave her power and image of an untouchable, heartless creature. After all, she was just a human, a human who needed love, care, somebody to come back to.
So, I do not think I hated Alicia Sierra. She was just doing her job, despite if it meant her sitting in that tent outside The Bank of Spain or her interrogating Rio in the Algerian Desert. She was doing what she has been doing for 15 years, something that she was extraordinarily good at, the best at out of everyone. Just like there was no one better for the Heist role than me. Even if it from time to time required camping outside the Bank of Spain, observing and waiting for the next strike.
And some part of me, maybe bigger than I ever wanted adored Sierra. Felt such respect for her that probably nobody except of course maybe Professor would have ever understood. She was insanely attractive. No doubt she was a gorgeous woman, her deep brown eyes noticing the smallest cracks in her surroundings, people’s profiles, their pallid faces. Also, that sharp incredible mind of hers. She simply could outsmart that bastard Tamayo, journalists, police forces, everyone in that damn tent. Hell, she probably was more intelligent than the whole Interpol and even more. And if you were completely honest, deep down you had a feeling that behind those thick walls that surrounded Alicia’s Sierra’s stone-cold heart, she was the softest, the most caring person that would not only kill but sacrifice herself for people that she loves.
I guess this meant that I was totally spellbound by her. Ha, this situation felt like a peculiar Stockholm syndrome.
So no, I do not think that I hated Alicia Sierra, even if how badly I wanted to. Even when Tokyo radio reported that Nairobi was shot and now was fighting for her life. Even at that moment I just couldn’t. I remember how my whole body consumed anger, but hatred, no, it didn’t shadow my heart, the fake astonishing “hate” was just a mask to keep me aware of my surroundings and not let in the thoughts that tried to inject into my mind that “Sierra might just become my personal weakness”
You stood in the back of that conference room full of journalists as Inspector Alicia Sierra dropped that spectacular bombshell speech. A little smile shadowed your lips as you saw her standing there with such power in her eyes bringing the whole government down into a big pile of chaos. You couldn’t help but feel just a little bit proud of Sierra. Of course, she wouldn’t give herself into police, she was not the one to go down without a fight, without exhausting all the possible alternatives.
You were sure if you were Alicia at this right moment, first you would search for a place to hide and recollect your thoughts, to plan, to mind map and then of course dive into the search of The Professor. Deep down you knew, if anyone could ever find him, it was Sierra. And that thought, it worried you.
As this spectacular performance ended, you were the first one to leave the building. You got into a car with one mission only: get back to Madrid’s safe house and contact the Professor in order to start the next part of this grand Heist.
As you slowly started to roll down the street in your 1967 Ford Mustang, you observed the mass of people around you. Most people were wearing red hoodies, some had their faces covered with Dali masks. Suddenly, your eye caught an unusual sight, of course, it wasn’t anything bizarre to an ordinary person, but for somebody who knew what to look for, the scene was suspicious. Your eyes followed a too familiar woman with a hood. She was trying to avoid the crowd of journalists that were leaving the main building and patrolling police forces as she hid in the shadows of crowds and tall buildings.
You knew you should just leave the area, do not take any chances, but the second the silhouette turned the corner entering the blind spot, fear washed over your body. Without even thinking you speeded towards that narrow alley.
The moment you turned the corner entering the blind spot, hiding the car in the shadows you heard a gunshot. You jumped out of the car, thanking God that the main streets were crowded with hundreds of people and their shouts covered the bullet noise. You ran up the ladder street only to be met with what at first seemed to be an empty long stretching dead-end.
„Ahhh!“ you heard, turning your head to the sound, you found policemen lying against the wall, holding his leg close to his chest, even from here you could see that the bullet went through his feet, which was clearly meant to only slow down the man and not deeply harm him. You planned to stop next to him but suddenly you heard another gunshot in the distance, you instantly rushed towards the sound not looking back.
Narrowing your eyes, at the end of the alley you saw the same woman down on her knees, her palm tightly pressed against her shoulder and not far away other policemen with outstretched just fired gun.
“You moron!” you heard her shout at him, her voice shadowed pain.
“Inspector Alicia Sierra, you have to surrender and come with me,” the policemen said his hands were shaking a little, probably was still a rookie.
“Hands off!” she threatened as a man tried to grab her injured arm to make her stand up.
The sight angered you. “Hey gentleman!” you shouted alerting the policeman to turn around. As he was about to face you, you knocked him out before he could even realize what hit him. “Don’t grab women, sweetheart…” you added looking down at the unconscious man.
You swear you heard Alicia chuckle at your line in between her groans and breathlessly whisper to you “Thank you”.
Sadly, courtesy didn’t last long as she looked up to get a better look at her saviour.
Suddenly, you heard a gun in her hand load with a click and point at you. “Stay back!” she firmly said.
“Whoa!” You brought your hands into the air, as you took a few steps back from the Inspector.
“You?!” she narrowed her eyes at you, like trying to puzzle something.
You stood there not moving. Observing as her free hand tightly clenched her injured shoulder, while the right one slightly shaking from pain held a gun towards your chest.
“I- where have I seen you?” she asked, tightening her hold on the gun, not taking her eyes off you.
You gulped. The first thought that crossed your mind was horrible, putting your whole life in a huge risk but at the same time, you knew it was the only way you had a chance to let Alicia help you save her life. You slowly took off your sunglasses and a cap. Revealing your identity.
“Ahh, fuck me...” Sierra breathlessly whispered as a realization washed over her. “You that disguise asshole!”
You shrugged your shoulders leaning your head to the side. “Have been called worse...”
She ignored you “How you call yourself... hmm… how was it... Ahh yes, my favourite gangster, Athens!”
A triumphant smile spread your lips as you nodded, taking a step closer to her. “Let me help you”
“Stay the fuck away. I do not need your help- ahh” She loudly groaned from pain, the blood from her shoulder was starting to sink into her coat and slowly drop to the ground mixing with the dirt and street’s dust.
“Let me help you.” You calmly repeated, but your guts started to overwhelm worry, the police are going to be here very soon. And you were not planning to leave her bleeding on the street.
“No…” she closed her eyes for a moment wincing from pain, “you just... stand there still”
“You need help, you are going to bleed to death before the police forces can even find you.” Your heart was starting to race now, as more and more blood left her body. You could help stop the intense bleeding in seconds only if she would let you.
“Shut up! I said no! The only thing I will need from you is information about your four-eyed leader!” she commanded, you were amused at how in such a state she still could radiate such power and look even more attractive to you. You quickly shook off the last thought away.
“Please let me patch you up and hide you for a time being,” you said ignoring her statement.
“Ha! If you think I will trust any of you bastards, you are total idiots” her lips spread anger and may that was some hatred too.
“Damn it, Sierra, you don’t need to trust me, just let me save your life!” you shouted at her with pleading eyes.
Suddenly you heard police sirens closing in. And at that right moment, you saw something break in the depth of her eyes as she looked at you, then down at her wounded shoulder with blood leaking through the clothes material and then back at your eyes again nodding her head for you to help her.
You sprinted towards her shaking off your own coat and tearing off off your belt. You kneeled next to the Inspector replacing her hand that kept the pleasure on the wound with your own as you wrapped the belt around her right shoulder. You heard her sharply gasp as you tightly secured the belt. “Sorry” you whispered giving her a small smile only to be met with tired brown eyes.
You wrapped your own coat around her, to hide the soaking blood from the public eye helping her stand up. You hugged her around her torso, leaning her weight into you so it wouldn’t hurt so much for her to walk. To your surprise she didn’t object, Alicia threw her left arm around your shoulder to keep herself steadier.
All this time it was quiet between the two of you, just Sierra gasping from pain from time to time. You two worked in incredible sync. The mutual understanding between you two seemed natural like you had already known each other for years.
You wanted to turn around and go from where you came from, but she stopped you, pressing her palm to your chest, “No, no that way” you looked quizzically at her. “There,” she said weakly pointing at the wall.
You smiled to yourself. You knew she didn’t go to the dead-end ally knowing she won’t be able to escape. From the distance wall seemed indestructible, but the closer you got to it, a narrow-hidden hallway revealed itself leading you to the opposite street from where you could easily get back to your hidden car without drawing unnecessary attention. It was a hidden pathway. ‘Ha! And here I thought I already knew all Madrid’s secrets’ you thought to yourself. You made a mental note to use it next time you were in trouble.
The Madrid’s safe house was no other than your personal apartment. It was one of your favourite real estate that you owned. Only a couple of people, besides your family, knew about this place. The view from the windows was stunning, rooms always filled with cosy light. The bookshelves were overcrowded with masses of books, various paintings covering the walls, musical instruments, damn you even managed to place a whole piano inside it. It had pretty much everything you were passionate about. It was the only place where you had photographs of your family, friends, and everyone you ever loved securely hidden. It was a cosy and secure apartment. It just felt like home.
“You know I usually do not bring girl’s home after the first date.” You said opening the doors to the apartment for her.
“Oh, shut up…” She winced from pain again, as you helped her walk in and shut the door behind you quickly locking it up.
You carried her further into a room and helped her sit down on the barstool in the kitchen. As the room could provide you with the best light that you will need to inspect her gunshot wound.
As she sat down and finally got a moment to look around, she questioned. “This is your apartment?”
“Yes, why you ask?” you looked at her surprised as you kicked off your shoes trying to remember where the medicine kit was.
She shrugged her shoulders at your question and instantly regrated as pain spread through the wound.
You sprinted to the bathroom to get the kit as you shouted through the hallway “What? Did you expect it to be a dungeon?” you joked.
You heard her chuckle. That weirdly felt like a victory.
You dramatically gasped now walking back towards the kitchen caring a medicine package in your hand, whispering “Or maybe you think I invade it? Or worse… stole it? Hmm, Inspector, do you think so low of me?”
She rolled her eyes at you. “I didn’t expect anything, it’s just oddly nice- ahh” she gasped from pain as you slowly dropped the first layer of coats off her on the ground.
“Is Inspector getting soft?” you asked as you concentrated on slowly and gently unbuckling the shoulder securing belt and lifting the blood-soaked Sierra’s coat just to drop it on the ground together with yours.
“Shut up before I shoot you…” she groaned through her teeth, turning the laying gun on top of the table in your direction.
“Well, let me help patch you up before you start losing bullets.” you looked up meeting her eyes with a gentle smile, if you weren’t so attentive you could have missed that breath second of softness that twinkled in her eyes.
The pain should have been bad only by looking at the amount of blood that she had already lost. Her last shirt was completely coloured in the dark liquid.
You clenched the scissors in your hand bringing them closer to her neck, she caught your wrist stopping your arm, narrowing her eyebrows at you. “I need a better look at the wound” you explained, but she still tightly clenched your hand “I am not here to hurt you, Sierra, remember? I said that I am going to save you, do not let me turn it into a lie” you added seriously, after a few moments of her searching for a warning, a twist, a danger in your eyes, she just nodded letting go of your hand.
You tore her shirt open. From here you could perfectly see the accumulating reddish blood in the wound, but the bullet seemed to have passed through the body, no important arteries or bones were damaged, it seemed a super lucky hit.
“Alright, it’s an exit wound,” you informed with it you noticed Alicia’s shoulders relax just a little bit.
You carefully started to clean the injury, the metallic scent was strongly hitting your nose, everything seemed to stick to your slim fingers. But the only things you could think of was the light hot air shadowing your temple every time Alicia breathed out, how soft her skin felt against your fingertips, how close two of you were at this moment.
It was quiet as you worked, few groans from Alicia, as the disinfector burned like a bitch in her wound. Even if it was the calm atmosphere, you felt nervous being around her, so close to her. You could feel her eyes pierced at your every movement, how her body reacted to your every touch. Even if you have studied her for months in the black and white pages, it wasn’t the same having her alive and breathing before you. Even after all the studies, she was still unpredictable to you, and it was amusing.
You were almost done. Now searching for some painkiller to ease Sierra’s pain and of courses bandages.
“Why did you help me?” the sudden question hit you making you freeze in your seat. You gulped taking a deep breath avoiding her question as you started carefully wrapping the bandage tightly around her shoulder.
“Am I talking to a wall here?” she impatiently asked, nudging your shoulder with her hand.
You looked at her with a dull expression.
She just shrugged her eyebrows at you, clearly demanding an answer.
“Because you are important Alicia,” you said and instantly wanted to hit yourself with a chair. ‘Why couldn’t I just say, because you were bleeding and damn, I am trying to be a good person here and save your life!’ you thought to yourself.
You tried to avoid the eye contact but from the corner of your eyes, you saw how her eyebrows narrowed in confusion “What the fuck is that suppose to mean?!” she burst out catching your wrist interrupting your patching process.
You finally worked up the courage and looked up meeting her green eyes “Why do you care?”
She tightened her grip on your hand making you wince a little “Answer my question!” She demanded.
“We are not in your usual negotiation setting Inspector!” you shook your hand free from her grip, gesturing to her halfway ripped shirt and the blood on your hands.
She pointed her deadly gun at you.
“I’d say give or take that we pretty much are” she sarcastically observed.
You rolled your eyes. This action cost you, as you felt the cold gunmetal touch your stomach. And maybe that was already five sleepless nights and stress not only about the Heist but also seeing Inspector bleeding on that cold ground, but you couldn’t fight your heart and exhausted mind anymore.
“Because I am afraid that I have fallen for you, Sierra. Because from the moment I saw you I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Because everything about you, warts and all just draws me. Because I do not know what I would do to myself if something terrible happen to you. And I hate myself that I have fallen for a damn enemy. And I do not know how to stop. Is that a good enough answer Inspector?!” you practically screamed the last sentence, the fire in your eyes was intoxicating.
As you breathed heavily, now you were the one searching Alicia’s eyes. But she just sat there shocked. You thought to yourself that this probably was the first time Alicia Sierra had nothing to say.
But as the total panic of silence was about to consume you from inside, she moved the gun away placing it back on the table surface.
“How long?” she asked, or more likely whispered.
“How long do you...” she repeated.
“I don’t know, somewhere between analyzing your profile in as many details as possible, to keeping a close look of the tent, till the moment I saw you bleeding on that street,” you answered and not knowing what to do with your hands you just continued your work at her shoulder.
“Well, that’s unexpected.” She chuckled and the intense atmosphere in the room unexpectedly popped.
“I see, I am sweeping you off your feet today, Inspector.” You smirked at her, completely easing the atmosphere. Of course, making it as comfortable as it could between technical enemies.
She didn’t say anything else. It felt like she was stuck in her own world for a few minutes as you finished patching her up. Interrupting her thoughts you advised, “Here, take some painkillers and you should get some rest”. She nodded taking the medicine.
“Here let me help you to the bedroom “, you stood up stretching out your arm for her to take.
“No” she suddenly said. You narrowed your eyes at her. “The couch be fine”
You just nodded. You were too tired to argue with her right now.
As you helped her carefully settle into a surprisingly comfortable couch (or maybe just your tired muscles and bones made you think like that) and were about to head back to the kitchen to clean up, she caught your wrist with her left arm, making your heart jolt in your chest and look back meeting her chocolate brown eyes.
She stared at you for a moment too long before shaking her head slightly and asking. “Could you maybe lend me something less torn to wear?” she gestured at her shirt.
You chuckled to yourself as you totally forgot about her clothes. “Of course, let me check the closet” she nodded releasing the grip on your hand.
After a couple of minutes, you returned carrying a black hoodie “Here, I hope this will work”.
She gave you a light thanking smile, nodding “This is perfect” she said pulling it over her head.
This time you started at her for a moment too long as your observed how great she looked in your oversized hoodie.
You shook yourself from a trance setting your mind back to the work ahead of you.
As you once again were about to turn to the kitchen you heard her voice.
“What is your real name, Athens?”
You took a deep breath in, turning your head to the side “Have some rest, we talk later” you said and walked to the kitchen.
As you finished cleaning the kitchen table and getting rid of all the traces of blood and reddish bandages, you took an untraceable phone to make a call.
“Athens...” you heard an exhausted man’s voice at the other side of the line.
“Professor...” you answered with just as exhausted tone.
“The gang is going to lay low, keeping the gold melting, you should get some rest, nothing more should occur, at least not until the morning,” he assured.
“I understand Professor,” you said in a monotonous voice.
There was a breath pause of silence, you could feel Sergio debating if he should or should not ask you something that was clearly bothering him. “You are never late for a check-up call, did something happen?”
As his last words sank through your body, you looked up at Alicia peacefully sleeping on your couch with a tightly wrapped blanket around her. You swear you could hear as her lungs filled up with fresh cold air and released the hot. ‘Of course, it wasn’t okay. I am stuck in a bad, risky and confusing situation, but most importantly I have no idea what to do about it you thought, or more likely screamed inside your head. “Everything is okay, Professor. You should get some rest too” you just answered.
You walked into a living room caring a mug in your hand, you knelled down next to a couch turning on the TV. The soft noise of the live channel distributed Sierra’s sleep as she quickly sat up still sleepily confused about what is happening.
“Sorry,” you whispered to her apologizing for waking her up “I made you some tea,” you said giving her a soft smile.
She looked at you for a moment but finally took the cup from your outstretched hand.
“How is your shoulder holding up?” she instantly turned to look at her wounded arm with the opposite hand reaching to touch the bandage as if she had forgotten she got shot hours ago.
“It's surprisingly well,” she said looking up at you only to be met with a satisfied smile spreading your lips.
“The more you rest the better it will get,” you said standing up, to give her some space as you went back to take your own cup but this one was filled with coffee.
As you returned you found her eyes pierced at the TV screen that broadcasted the live footage of the outside of the Bank of Spain. Her eyebrows narrowed a little bit like she was trying to calculate or puzzle something out. “It’s calm, nothing happened.” You said but her eyes still intensively gazed at the screen. “Not even information about your expected arrest have had made public yet” as the last words spread your lips, Alicia Sierra daggered her eyes at you. You felt like cold water washed over you, but you didn’t give in the fear, because in those brown eyes you not only saw the rage but also pain and exhaustion and may that was a disappointment, but she quickly hid it away as her lips spread a question.
“What time is it?” she asked casually.
“Just passed midnight” you answered. She nodded taking a sip from the cup and as the warmth of the liquid stroked down her throat she hummed in satisfaction.
You stood next to your own coach awkwardly looking down at her. Suddenly to your surprise, Sierra patted the space next to her inviting you to sit down. “Please, don’t stand there like a guard or something” she sighed.
“Sorry,” your right arm instantly went up to rub the back of your neck. “A habit,” you said comfortably settling yourself down on the couch. You were exhausted, you couldn’t bring yourself to sleep, even if how much you wanted, your body forced you to stay alert. You believed that Alicia sensed it, as she so intensely observed you like making a profile case of you in her head.
Her eyes suddenly stopped at your neck, and the question she was so eagerly searching for finally became clear to her. “You were in the army or some special forces, weren’t you?” she once again asked so casually, taking a sip from her cup.
It amazed you how direct, calm, and comfortable she could make the atmosphere for a person to force him, without him even noticing, to reveal all his secrets. Of course, you knew all about her ways, or at least all the known ones you could possibly dig up, you studied her technics the cruel and the soft ones, the ones that broke a person’s physical strength and the ones that broke their spirit.
“What makes you think that?” you looked at her curiously, also taking a sip of your coffee, not letting her dominate the situation.
Her eyes slightly narrowed at you, lips spreading a light challenging smile. “Your posture, disguise, medicine skills, an eye for observation, the way you chose to stand at the perfect position so you could clearly see the window” she nodded her head towards the transparent glass, “the door” she pointed at them, “and me” she turned her whole attention back to you “and of course, the most obvious military tags hanging on your neck” she licked her lips satisfied with her work.
You looked down at your hands clenching the cup, feeling the cool metal of the dog tags gracing your skin. “Of course, there is probably much more, but since I was time-sensitive, I think these observations be enough” she added.
There were a few minutes of silence between you two before you heard Sierra’s lips leave another question, but this time it wasn’t blunt like she didn’t even care what kind of answer you are going to provide her, because she already knew the correct one, it was serious, filled with some kind of old, longing and painful emotion. “What happened?”
“It’s not going to work like that” you finally looked up at her, your lips forming a sly smile. You caught how for a split-second Alicia’s face spread a surprise, but she quickly covered it. “Answer for an answer” you firmly stated.
Alicia Sierra chuckled “Kids games...” she said rolling her eyes.
“Oh, please Inspector” you leaned a little towards her with a challenging smile. “You are all about the little games”
You noticed how her jaw tightened for a moment, but then with a sigh, she agreed “Fine… how is this going to go?”
You leaned back in your seat smiling “It’s simple, I am going to ask about your favourite movies, colour, favourite position and pizza toppi-“
“Wait-what?!” suddenly Alicia cut you off.
“Yeah, you are right... I don’t really care about your pizza topping.” You said with a mischievous smile.
The moment you heard her light genuine laugh, your body filled with warmth, you were starting to enjoy making her laugh.
“So, I asked you first” she raised her eyebrows for a moment encouraging you to start.
You gave her a half-smile as you started to drown into old, painful memories. You wished you didn’t have to scratch that wound you tried so hard to heal. Your eyes dropped down to your hands again, you noticed how your finger unconsciously started spinning the rings that rested on your left hand’s slim fingers.
“I lost somebody...” you clenched your jaw at the memory, “I kept losing people to the mighty seas, endless deserts, to the shattered buildings’ ruins, to the deadly bullets.” You finally looked back at her with cold lifeless eyes. “And at some point, during those missions, I even lost myself too and till this day I am trying to find my way back” for the first time you saw how Alicia Sierra’s eyes softened and she didn’t hide it. At this right moment, you felt like Sierra, knew exactly what you had to survive. You didn’t think anyone ever made you feel so understood without even saying or doing something.
You cleared your throat trying to escape the overwhelming grief. “Why are you doing this Alicia?” you asked her.
She chuckled looking around “I haven’t been doing what I enjoy for quite some time now.” she rested her head on the back of the couch, “You think I was so eager to be regarded as Queen of Bitches” Your face flashed disgust at the word, even if it was just for a split moment, Alicia seemed to catch it as her brown eyes rested upon you again. “A lot of shit happened, and I saw it as the only escape, so I sacrificed my life to them. Becoming a weapon that could get shit done, regardless of people’s dislike or hate.” She pointed at the TV “But this! I won’t let all of you ruin everything. Not your gang, not those assholes in that tent who owns me my life!”
“We could help you…” you whispered to her. “We could give you a new start, a family, something that would never betray or disappoint you.” With your words you only made Sierra laugh.
“The only thing I need from all of you and your pathetic leader is my life back” she stated.
You could already sense what kind of question was going to follow next “You know I won’t tell you where he is…” you said calmly. Alicia’s eyes once again filled the cold fog as she stared at you dead in the eyes. You took a deep breath continuing “I will never sell out the Professor. I will never betray the gang.”
“You think this is a game?” her voice shadowed sarcasm. “You think you still have a choice? She chuckled. “Adorable”
“Please… I have been in this game since I was five.” The pain flashed against your face for a split second betraying you. You looked down, and then up to meet her eyes “There is always a choice”
// And now, when I think back to this right moment, Alicia and me, in this right apartment. I think in that second it clicked for Alicia Sierra. The female standing in front of the Inspector was no ordinary woman. She was not some random gang member. She was an important piece not only to the plan but to the gang, to the Professor. She wasn’t in the house of another bastard. In her hands, she had another mastermind. //
“So, you will be wasting your breath”
“Oh, trust me I can be very convincing.” her lips spread a mischievous smile.
You turned your body toward her “What are you going to do, torture me?” you leaned into her space.
She chuckled, “Oh, my favourite gangster, no.” a smirk spread her lips as one of her hands rested on your thigh, making you gulp “I am just going to be very good for only you.” She completely closed the distance between you two as her left hand took the grip of your neck and connected your lips together.
You were shocked at first at the sudden action, but a second later your lips started moving against Inspector's without you even realizing it. Alicia’s grip on your thigh tightened as your hand tangled into her hair gripping and pulling her even closer to you. Her lips were incredibly soft and tasted like strong apple and cinnamon tea.
You two finally pulled away from the need for such a mundane thing as oxygen, your foreheads lightly touching. Your hand now slipped down cupping the side of her face. “You do know that I still won’t say anything…” you breathlessly whispered to her.
She looked deep into your eyes, still heavily breathing “Hmm, I know…”
Your eyes dropped to her lips for a moment as the tip of your thumb graced her bottom lip “Then why?”
Her hand moved up your leg “Hmm, maybe because I am starting to like you just a little bit” she suddenly gripped your wrist, tugging it down from her face so she could crash your lips again.
The sudden load of thunder blasted outside fallowing with a light rain hitting the windows and with it your heart started to beat rapidly, the world around you seemed to sink into a blur.
The kiss was more eager this time, Sierra did not waste time as you felt her tongue lightly licking your bottom lip, asking for permission. You gave in her teasing, she tasted like heavens, you felt the room starting to spin slightly, the temperature of the room becoming higher and higher with every passing second. You gripped the sides of Alicia’s face as you felt her fingertips dip under your shirt.
Unwillingly detaching your lips from hers, but your arms keeping both of your faces so close that you could feel her hard breath on your lips, you said “As much as I would like to continue” the loss of warm lips against yours ached more than you wished. “You are still wounded, and I do not want to hurt you,” you said against her lips.
You could feel a slight frustration from her as she pulled away, but not enough that your hand would lose connection with her skin. She looked you in the eyes and they seemed brighter than ever “Okay” she whispered to you.
Another thunder stroked the sky just a moment later to be met with lightning.
Your thumb softly brushed her cheek as your lips spread such an admirable smile. All you wanted to do was to kiss her, to keep kissing her, to show her how much you were burning inside. But you knew it was the right thing to stop not only because of her wound, but because neither of you had expected this to happen, neither of you had thought this through.
You stood up, bringing your hands back, the second of exposed confusion in Alicia’s eyes ached your heart, even if she covered it just as quick.
“It’s late, you need to rest” Alicia tiredly glanced away from you, nodding her head at your words.
She even jumped in her seat as she suddenly felt you gripping her right hand, opening her fingers, and placing the warmth from your body temperature chain on her palm. She narrowed her eyebrows from confusion as you now closed her fingers with your hand around the necklace “I can’t tell you my name” you leaned back, looking down at her. “But you can read it, can’t you?” you gave her a charming smile.
She chuckled realizing what she now held in her hand “Yes, I suppose”
You nodded, slowly walking backwards to your room, not taking your eyes off her.
You knew that the second you are going to enter through your bedroom doors, you not going to find Alicia Sierra in the morning. You knew it, she knew it. You understood that she had to continue her mission of finding Sergio. And you weren’t the person who was going to stop her, even if you were one of the couple people that probably could, you didn’t want to stop her. No matter how risky, dangerous, and stupid your decision was. You just didn’t let yourself. You decided to set Alicia free.
But you believed that one day. In one way or another. In enemy lines or in partners in crime, you are going to see each other again.
“Goodnight, Alicia Sierra,” you said one last time and entered your room, closing the doors behind you.
Alicia’s fingertip brushed the first line on your military tag, smiling and whispering to herself, “Goodnight, Y/n Y/l/n.”
The loud and annoying doorbell woke you up, “The hell?” you muttered, barely stumbling out of the bed, with one hand still rubbing your sleepy eyes you opened the door.
The doors revealed courier “Good morning,” you glanced at the side looking at the clock that showed 7:30 AM “I apologize for this early morning, but urgent delivery was made for you” he added.
You confused looked down at the package in his hands but to your surprise, you were met with no other than a white pet cage. You took the cage from the man, thanking him and closing the door.
You placed the cage on your bed, “Hey, buddy” you said as you slowly opened the door, letting the beautiful orange cat out. The cat slowly sneaked out and walked closer to you sniffing, the cat seemed to instantly like you as he started to purr as he rubbed his head against your hand “Aren’t you a beautiful thing, hmm?” you said rubbing the cat’s chin making it purr even louder. “But how did you get here?” you asked as your eyes went back to the cage searching for possible note.
Suddenly your eyes caught what seemed like a letter inside it:
“Meet your new best friend, Commissar. Take care of him while I am gone. And you Commissar be good to my favourite gangster.
P.S I am better at showing my favourite position and not telling”
you chuckled to yourself reading the last line.
You looked down at the cat that now was lying in the exact spot you were just sleeping a couple of minutes ago, “Ahh Commissar, your lady is an extraordinary woman, isn’t’ she” Commissar purred loudly in response as if agreeing.
“They are the best” Professor said with such confidence in his eyes, you wouldn’t think this man is around 20 min will enter The Bank of Spain not being completely sure if the gold will be found. But there was no one better for the job than Alicia Sierra and he believed in her completely and unconditionally.
“Yeah,” Alicia said with a smile.
“I have one more surprise for you,” Professor said, his face spreading a mysterious smile.
Alicia quizzically looked at him, but suddenly her eye caught a black Jeep in the distance.
After a couple of minutes, a woman dressed in black leather stepped out of the car with the most triumph smile on her face.
“Athens, Professor's little Sister…” Alicia chuckled saying, the smile that spread her face was so bright.
“You found out,” you said walking towards.
The second you got close in enough to Inspector you brought Alicia into a tight hug.
“Of course, I did” she whispered to you. You felt how her perfume surrounds you, how warm and cosy her wrapped hands around your torso made you.
Finally, as you two pulled back, looking at each other, you said, “And you found Sergio too” you glanced to your brother standing beside you, with an amused expression on his face.
“What did you doubt my abilities?” Alicia teased.
“No, never” you assured her with a smile. You turned to the Professor “Good luck, brother” he nodded, giving you a tight hug.
You turned to look at Sierra “I will wait for you next to the car” she nodded with her eyes following you.
From a distance, you watched as Professor gave Alicia a note whispering something to her. Then making his last goodbyes he turned around and started to wait for the red car in the distance to approach.
Alicia turned around and started walking towards the car, where you stood. “So, what’s your city name?’ you asked jokingly.
“Pff, I don’t do that shit,” she said as she approached you.
The hurt expression crossed your face, “Oh honey...” Alicia cupped the side of your face. “Deal with it” her eyes for a second dropped to your lips and if your eyes weren’t glued to hers, you would have missed it.
Your lips spread a smile as she realized that you caught this little act of hers. So, wanting to cover it up she asked, “How is my cat?”
You brought your fingertips to her neck, slowly sliding them down the warm skin and as your eye caught the necklace resting on her chest your heart filled warmth and your face betrayed happiness. On her neck hung your military tags that you have given her that night.
You glanced back to her, her eyes already pierced at you, a little knowing smile shadowing her lips “He is in a perfect condition” you finally answer her question.
“He better be,” she said lightly pushing your shoulder to enter the car.
As you sat down in the driver’s seat, you suddenly felt seriousness radiating from Sierra. You turned to look at her, but she was already looking at you with those glowing eyes, like searching for the right words to tell you something. “Why didn’t you betray me to the Professor that night?”
A soft expression spread your face as you answered “The same reason you haven’t tried to make me a call him” she nodded returning the soft smile back.
You turned the key, engaging the car’s engine. You turned your head towards her with a smirk “So how about that favourite position of yours?”
As the last word spread your lips, Alicia’s hand appeared on your thigh, squeezing it with just the right amount of pressure. Her beautiful face so close to yours, take you could lightly sense her breathing on your skin. “I’ll show you after we find the gold baby”.
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axemetaphor · 2 years
i actually managed to finally go to a pride event since covid fucked me over the past 2 years and i thot this year id be too busy moving but :] i got tto go when we realized it was Right Next To the museum we wanted to visit and i FINALLYY got tto buy one of those huge trans flags ..... the place i bought them has also had agender ones but they were All sold out kijhgr
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yelenasdog · 4 years
something like “i know” (ben hardy x fem reader)
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summary: sometimes making tiktoks with ben doesn’t always turn out the way you plan, but by no means is that a negative.
words: 1.4k
warnings: age gap (not dramatic, reader is like, idk, 23 maybe?), kissing, i think that’s it but lmk!
a/n: hi! so i’ve had this idea for ages and wanted to write it so here it is! the end of it is far sappier than i planned but meh whatevs. also ty to cici and eva for helping me pick the moodbard hehe. k enjoy!
Having an age gap was never something that put a large damper on their relationship. The conflicting personalities of the two balanced out quite nicely, and the similarities that drew the two of them together in the first place (apart from the aforementioned) made sure they never had a lack of interesting things to talk about that weren’t generational.
Until TikTok, that was.
Now of course, there were some other millennials on the application, but Ben just for some reason couldn’t get it.
“Yes, I know that, babe, but why do they do dances?”
“They lip sync too!”
“But what is the point?”
And that’s how the conversation would end. Every single time. So Ben would sit on the sofa, watching as she danced about in front of the small screen, occasionally playing some cruel (ok, that’s a large exaggeration, they’re somewhat mean, at best) joke on him, claiming it was a trend on TikTok? That just did not sit right with him.
He didn’t remember hearing “mean pranks” in the initial description of the app when she had described it to him all of those times.
Ben tried to tune it out, he really did. He would wear his headphones, blasting Zeppelin as loud as he could while reading scripts or a book. But somehow, those catchy little tunes always managed to worm their way into his ear, being stuck in there for days and days on end.
He would waltz around the house humming Megan Thee Stallion, the occasional Flo Milli or underground indie artist also making an appearance often.
He was pouring a cup of coffee for himself one Tuesday morning in the kitchen before going on a run, Y/n watching fondly from afar. Rain was softly rolling down the windows, barely coming to a cease. The air was chilly, and fog floated through the early morning sky, a sense of calm washing over their shared South London home.
The room was kept somewhat warm, though, from the fireplace that she had insisted the house had to have, which Ben ended up being grateful for on more than one occasion. He looked over his shoulder briefly, smiling at the sight of his beloved wrapped up in his seafoam jumper, watching him move about contently.
As he turned back to where he was working on filling the two mugs in front of him, he began to oh so quietly sing the lyrics to what sounded like a familiar tune off of the app. Watermelon Sugar, maybe?
“Ben? Baby?”
He turned, his eyes growing wide and his hands flying to his hips as he leaned against the countertop behind him.
“Mhhm, yeah, w-what’s up, babe?”
She couldn’t hold in her giggle at the sight of her boyfriend’s red face and disgruntled appearance, one of his hands now scratching casually at his gold locks.
“What’re you singin’, pretty boy?”
His blush only increased at the nickname, eliciting another laugh from his girl.
“Y’know, just somethin’ I heard on the radio the other day.”
She immediately recognized his lie, he refused to listen to the radio, only using either Bluetooth or the aux cord, his music taste too pretentious for mainstream stations. She didn’t mind, though, always finding it quite funny how much of a music snob he was.  
But rather than call him out, she only nodded and smirked, standing up and bringing her phone with her over to the windowsill where she usually filmed her TikToks, pulling Ben along with her.
He sipped from his mug, eyes slanted as she scrolled through something on her phone, various sounds emitting from the speaker.
A little smile showed up on her face when she (apparently) found what she was looking for, leaving her to set the phone down, allowing a video under the sound to play on repeat.
“Sweetheart, what’s going on?” He asked, ever so cautiously, taking a step towards her. She walked towards him, engulfing him in a hug which he (yet again) cautiously reciprocated.
“I am going to teach you a TikTok dance.”
He had to do a double take.
“Come again?”
She pulled on the elastic waistband of her sweats, grabbing Ben by the arm.
“Come on, I know you wanna. And if nothing else you’ll do it to make me happy.”
He rolled his eyes, slightly irritated at her confidence and that she was so incredibly correct, he would do mostly anything to put a smile on her face.
“Yeah, you’re right.” He grumbled, moving to stand next to her.
She clapped once in excitement, joy flooding her entire body. The music started up again, but this time, she began to dance along to it.
“Ok, so just try to do what I’m doing, alright?”
“No! Not alright, can I just stand here, I think I should just stand here-“
“Ben, it's literally not that hard, 8 year olds can do it!”
“Well, I’m an extremely confused 29 year old man, thank you very much!”
And that’s basically how the next 15 minutes went until she finally gave in, allowing Ben to stand behind her, occasionally doing a little move of sorts. The two were in a fit of giggles now, struggling to keep enough composure for long enough to get even one successful video.
“Benjamin Jones! This is the last one, okay?”
He put a hand on his stomach, both of the pair attempting to catch their breath.
“Yes, yes, right okay, got it, last one.”
The little timer button counted down, the sound echoing throughout the property. 
The music then started, and she could barely keep a straight face for the 15 seconds. Bored of the routine, but never of her, Ben decided he would grab her and throw her onto the sofa, as payback for all the “TikTok pranks” she would pull on him. He waited for the perfect time to strike (one where she wouldn’t hopefully be too infuriated), restlessly shifting from foot to foot.
Nearing the last few seconds, he made his move. He swooped forward, a high pitched shriek falling from her lips as he wrapped his strong arms around her waist, running and jumping onto the couch, crushing her. He rolled off quickly, and she moved to be on top of him, her hair wildly astray. She sat up, straddling his thighs with a bright smile plastered on her face.
“You little jerk.”
He only smiled boyishly in response, a lovesick gaze set in his eyes.
The song was still playing on repeat as she leaned down, positioning her hands on either side of his head in order to place her lips gently upon his.
“That’s your reward for putting up with me today, Jones.”
He scoffed, taking her by the shoulders and bringing her to his chest. She looked up from where she was now comfortably lying, meeting his homey emerald gaze, his eyes like sea glass that had washed up on white sands, waiting to be rediscovered.
“I feel as if I deserve something more for all of that.”
“Oh, do you?”
He hummed and nodded, closing his eyes. She reached up, placing another peck on his plump lips, before scurrying away to retrieve the phone. He sat up rather quickly at the sudden loss of her body weight, smiling at the sound of her laughter coming towards him.
“Ben, look, it turned out so well.” She managed to slip out before basically throwing him the phone. A grin erupted on his own face soon after, along with the hearty chuckles to match. 
He made some commentary on how wonderful it was, before handing her back the device. She moved so she was once more essentially laying on top of Ben, the screen in both of their views. 
After sharing a few more laughs over the video, she captioned it and posted it, throwing her phone to get lost in the couch cushions as the likes and comments began to roll in.
She looked up at him once more, and he met her gaze, as he always would, bringing a hand up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. 
It didn’t leave her cheek, resting there and lightly caressing her skin. The two were most serene then, almost appearing as two felines that had decided to nap during the morning showers, most comforted by each other and the steady sound of the droplets as they pattered.
He was whispering now, the rambunctious energy of the room fading into a much more tranquil and stolid vibe, wrapping the two up like a warm embrace.
“Y’know I really would do anything to make you happy, my love.”
She closed her eyes, taking hold of one of his hands.
He then heard her mutter something like “I know”, and all was well.
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it was fitting for the theme. but anyway i hope u enjoyed, pls reblog and like if u did :) go drink some water, eat some protein, and take an electronics break!
love you bunches! xx hj
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ditttiii · 4 years
Enchanted To Meet You || 03.
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This chapter:- no warnings except teeth rotting fluff~
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Summary: No one ever told you that you had a soulmate or—soulmates, for that matter. Humans don't have soulmates, but shapeshifters do. What are you supposed to do when the seven members of the worlds biggest boy band turn out to be your soulmates—only for you to realise that they aren't even human.
BTS is on a hiatus and ARMY thinks they are completing their mandatory military service. You believe that too, at least you did, until you realised that you had adopted them and that one way or another they were gonna live with you—as Hybrids because apparently you all are soulmates.
banner by: @thebannershop​
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You slam shut the door to your apartment behind you with the heel of your shoe, your hands preoccupied with holding a basket and supplies that you had bought on your way home. The basket was currently housing your new pet. The top of it perforated to let the air in, but still closed enough to make sure that your bunny couldn't just hop out and run away. While you were surprised by how calm and friendly he seemed after barely knowing you for an hour, you still weren't about to risk yourself a runaway bunny.
You put the basket down on your center table before you move to the kitchen to store away your supplies. You need to sort your head and home before you open them both to another being. And so for the next 30 minutes, you think back to all your experiences as a previous rabbit owner and turn your house into a rabbit friendly abode. You hide all the sharp things away in cupboards and tape the old jagged edges of your bed to make sure that your new roommate doesn't accidentally cut himself while jumping over. Sooner or later, you know it was going to happen. 
You stop once you are done "bunny-proofing" the house and take a look around. You try to find any more potential injury-inducing spots and breathe out a relieved sigh once you can't find any. 
Right! Time to get the little baby out now, you think, but you don't make any move to go to the basket. Your hands, for some reason, are clammy and uncomfortably wet. Your pulse is higher than usual. All of these textbook signs of nervousness, you know. 
'This is ridiculous. Why do I feel nervous about having a bunny? I should be excited, dammit!' You think to yourself as you huff out a breath and plop your body on the sofa. You know you should open the basket and let the bunny out. He probably feels stuffed sitting in there. But for some reason, you have this feeling deep in the pit of your stomach that's making you feel like you are missing something. 
'But what?' you question yourself. You furrow your brows and bury your hands in your hair. Pulling at the strands in frustration, you groan out loud. You feel confused, anxious—scared, and you don't understand why. And that was driving you up the wall. 
'And what was that little episode earlier?' A voice inside your head questions and you sink further into your couch. You still don't understand why you almost fainted like that. 
'And what was that pain?' You shift your hands and wrap them around yourself. You had to go to the doctors to get checked too. There was no way in hell that you were going to ignore something like that. As a med-student, you knew better by now. You look up to the box as you hear your bunny scratching at the inside of it. 'I hope he doesn't scratch me like my last one did,' you muse to yourself as you stand and move closer to the basket. 
Once you reach it, you quickly pick up the basket and transfer it to your couch. Just in case your bunny has lost its unexplainable affection for you. Then you settle down beside it and carefully open the lid of the basket, gently, as to not startle the little bunny. No sooner had you opened the lid than he poked his head out, staring at you.
You stop and look at him as he looks at you, the look in his eyes something that you could only describe as overtly curious. You keep your eyes locked onto him as he pushes his head even further out the basket, his front paws making an appearance as he stands and puts them on the edge of it. You slowly inch back a little, knowing from your experience, that it was a sign that he was going to jump out. However, to your growing surprise, he does no such thing. He continues to stand there, with his two front paws on the edge of the basket, his head hovering between them as he keeps looking back at you, making no move to jump out. His ears, soft and white with the tips covered with faint soft brown fur, stand straight, twitching now and then. 
You move closer, fascinated by how different he was than what you had been expecting. And as if reading your actions as a sign to come closer, he pushes his head out further—closer to you. The edge of the basket straining, bending under his weight as he pushes all his body weight on it to push himself closer. 
You gasp as he reaches further than you had expected him to, still not jumping out, and you go cross-eyed as you try to keep your eyes on him. Before you can push yourself back, he closes the last few inches between your faces and nuzzles his nose below your lower lip. You stay frozen as you feel tiny huffs of warm breath hit your sensitive skin. His soft, long white whiskers tickle your lips and you try to scoot back a little, in case you end up sneezing on the poor bunny but before you can scoot back more than an inch, he hops out. 
You squeal like a teenage girl and almost topple off of the couch, as you try to save your face from the very sharp claws of your bunny. 'Need to get them cut or at least filed,' you think and watch as your bunny uses the distraction to make himself comfortable on your lap. Curling his paws under him until you could no longer see them and putting his head on your thigh, he nuzzles the covered skin of your jean-clad thigh. 
You sigh as you watch him get comfortable before a smile breaks out on your face. He was weirdly affectionate towards you, and you don't understand why that is but you would be lying if you said that you didn't like it. A laugh breaks out of you as you hear your bunny huff and scratch at your jeans, probably not very fond of the material. But you also weren't going bare around him until you could get his nails filed, past experiences had taught you that it would be a very bad idea.
And so you spend the next hour lounging on your couch, petting your new bunny. His fur feels like silk as you run your hands through it. Every now and then he would also raise his head and nudge your fingers, stroking and pressing his face into them almost as if he was kissing them. You coo and bring him up to your chest, settling him there, before sprawling on the couch comfortably and turning on your TV. You continue caressing him as you mindlessly watch and surf through channels, losing track of time.
It's only a couple of hours later when the sun has gone down and your apartment is dark—the living room illuminated only by the light from the television, that you realise how long you have been acting like a couch potato. Your bunny is asleep, still very much on top of you, soft purrs that almost sound like snores reaching your ears. You resist the urge to hug him close and instead softly pick him up, careful to not wake him before you place him back on the couch, and silently make your way to the kitchen to get your dinner started. 
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You dice a carrot and a cucumber before mixing them both with some herbs you had got on your way, making a salad of sorts. You need to go shopping soon to get veggies that would suit his diet more on a daily basis, but for tonight it would do. 
Done with his meal, you opt for instant ramen for yourself, too tired after the long day to bother with anything more nutritious. Once you have your ramen served, you pick up both bowls and make your way back to the living room, switching on the lights with a hit of your elbow.
"Upsie daisy bugzayy~" you call out as you place the bowls on the center-table, and plant yourself right back onto the couch. 
"Come on you lazy butt, time to eat!" You call out again and run your hands softly over his ears, playing with them. "I should give you a name, eh?" 
At that, he finally looks up, his eyes glitter with interest, or so you assume, before he bobs his head, almost as if he's nodding?
‘You really should go to the doctors to get checked, something is probably wrong with you if you think your rabbit is nodding and understanding your language,’ some part of your brain whispers and you can’t help but agree. You have been acting a bit spazzy all day and it would probably be a good idea to get checked, maybe you should schedule a psychologist visit too.
"Alright big guy, how about Bugz?" you suggest but the way his bunny ears immediately drop at hearing that, makes you retract your suggestion. 
"Alright, that's fine. No Bugz, uhh" you pause before continuing "okay how about Kookie?" you throw out, it wasn't exactly a secret how much you loved K-pop. You are sure if your classmates knew you had a new pet, they would assume that you'd name it after some K-pop singer and they wouldn't be wrong, and if the sudden rise of your bunnies ears is any indication, he loves the name too. You giggle as he does a happy hop before you push his food bowl closer to him. With one last glance his way, seeing him happily munch away at his dinner, you at last tuck into yours.  
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A/N: Finallyy! This is roughly 2k words of nothing but bunny kookiexOC interaction and *phew* I am so glad it’s done. Scene building is my forte, interactions? not so much. But I’m pretty happy with how it turned out :) 
Hope you all have been enjoying the frequent uploads! I know how much quarantine sucks and so I’ve been trying really hard to push out updates and requests as fast as I can. 
If you like my work please drop a like. Feedback is also VERY much appreciated- whether as a comment or ask. The poll is still open. And for anyone who hasn’t voted–Go Vote for whoever you want me to introduce next!
Thank-you so much for taking the time to read my work. I also really reallyyy appreciate all the people who have left comments or asks or re-blogs with their feedback :’) I would not be writing this story rn if it wasn’t for the support that it receives. So Thank you and I love you!
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volperion-moved · 4 years
okay i had a nap heeeere's what i didn't like about the NY special, some of it is stuff covered by other people but whatevs ykno
so like I said before, I feel like the ways marinette and adrien were interacting physically, mostly at the start of the special, were weirdly sexual, not appropriate for their ages. if they're supposed to be a little older here, it doesn't look like it from their character models. watching them fall into each other in different ways would be fine in a romcom with adult actors but these guys are still young teenagers so I just found it really uncomfortable.
I actually really hated alya in this special. i hate that she wasn't given a subplot of her own, neither was nino, she just obsessed over adrien and marinette the whole time. she brings the teen ny heroes into it, because why should and nonwhite characters get to stand on their own instead of being obsessed with these two?
the villain, and the entire plot around them, I barely even remember it because the show introduced this guy in the laziest way - literally having alya say "hey, look, it's ny's tech-themed villain!' - and his character and story gets drowned out by the lovesquare drama.
basically, this special has a ton of stuff happen that I can't even keep up with because it isn't given room to breathe or be explored properly, because the lovesquare drama takes up the majority of the show. it's a little frustrating in the normal episodes, BUT I have had a bit of understanding since it is the main plot, even though I find most of the side plots a lot more interesting. here this special takes that idea and cranks it up to the max, it's like all of the main series comes with a bit of frustration while this special takes all three seasons of frustration and injects it directly into you, kicks you in the face and gives you lesbians at the very end so you should be grateful, dammit. I'm not done yet but yeah that's what's really annoying about the whole thing
chloe gets a kind of subplot where she doesn't want to go to new york, she's forced to go anyway, and she's just upset the whole time with no resolution? that's really annoying lol?? sabrina at one point ditches her to hang out with the others at a party, blushing at this random guy who shows up to take her to it, and it's like? good for her but this is out of character, there wasn't any buildup for her undying loyalty to chloe to be undone like this?? what was the point of bringing chloe to new york? if they wanted to have sabrina get development like this, it would have made a lot more sense if she was the one forced to go and was obsessively checking her phone to help chloe, and then this guy helps her set it aside so she can have fun at the party idk.
kagami and adrien kiss on the lips at the start of the episode, like that's just a thing they're doing now, which makes all of this lovesquare stuff cheating, doesn't it?? that leaves a bad taste in my mouth
new york has a "superhero for everything" which is a really interesting concept that they really don't use. the idea that this is a city overpopulated by heroes could have been really cool if they actually involved the fact that marinette is the guardian of the miraculous now and needs to decide who to make into superheroes, she could be looking at all these heroes and consider why they're fit for the job etc.? she could get bummed out over how she needs to retire a bunch of the heroes because their identities got revealed to hawkmoth in the finale?? but no it's just this weird thing that new york has been like sky high this entire time. i HATE that the fact that these heroes don't even need secret identities is just casually stated as well, because it invalidates all of the annoying drama we've had to sit through about how chloe is terrible and irresponsible for not having a secret identity as queen bee, and how adrien and marinette can't know each others secret identities.
chat noir literally kills someone and the narrative focuses on his man pain and has ladybug have to be the one to apologise to him. people have covered this in other posts but yeah, it fucking sucks
there's so much new lore thrown at this special that i dont even remember all of it and some of it contradicts prev. canon but yknow. it's not the priority lol it's marinette and adrien's romance!! i thought teen titans trouble in tokyo was bad for having it's romance overshadow things but at least the other characters had their own subplots and it didn't try to introduce a billion new lore elements to the story
and finallyy, at the end of the episode we get a superhero team with two moms. that's really nice and all, but i can't help feeling like it's a slap in the face. these characters dont properly get their stories explored, it's all so hamfisted. personally i really hate this kind of representation where it feels like it's just thrown in at the last second and it's really ambiguous. all the power to you if you feel empowered by it but i just feel like ive been thrown table scraps and told it's a meal considering how heteronormative this show is.
also-- the lovesquare stuff, that took up so much of the episode, barely even feels resolved by the end of it?? i dont know if i was so confused by this point i missed it but they're just back to where they started i think..?????
it genuinely exceeded by expectations on how bad it was going to be and i already knew i was in for adrien man pain and some racism because i read other posts about it. it was the most frustrating experience, i didnt know i could get this mad over a cartoon i already KNEW was going to be bad vkehvkbekcuejbckhem
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welcometoherdomain · 3 years
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Chapter 4
"Ow." YN moaned in pain as she held her head, feeling the tinge of pain. She slowly got up from laying down and wandered around, and it hit her. She holds her chest to feel the beating, it's still beating she sighed in relief, her rhythm of breathing is okay. Then she recognizes where she is, in her room. Looking at her outfit, it is not the same as yesterday. And again, she remembered what she did, her eyes widened. Before she hurriedly got out of the room, she yelled her 'Thank you to God' for having her another day to live. Without fixing her hair, she got out and went to Kenma's room.
Before she open and hold the knob, she hears loud laughter on the first floor, she hurriedly went downstairs and saw them in the dining room laughing while eating breakfast. She saw Shoyo laying his head on the table, whining how his head-turning because of too much alcohol and so as Bokuto while Akaashi gives him water and pushing him to eat. Also, seeing Yachi eating with Akane, she then holds her head and remembered what happens, the only thing she remembered is that the part when she kissed Kuroo and the cops come making them run, and her with someone she doesn't remember. Running in the pouring rain.
She still looking at them until she feels some warm air on the crooked of her ear. She jumped and almost screamed, making the people at the table looked at her. "Hi," Kuroo said looking at her smiling, she blinked, then she remembered last night what she did, her eyes widened and her cheeks got redder. "Uhm... Ku-Kuroo san last night." before she continues her words she was pulled by someone, making her face out of Kuroo. It was Kenma. Looking at her intently.
"Hey, she talking to me, such a rude boy Kyanma!" Kuroo teased while he went near behind her. She was going to face Kuroo again but he didn't let her, Kenma pushed her to a chair, making her seat, on his lap. Her eyes widened. She quickly stands up but he pulled her again making her seat.
"Woohh! Finallyy Kenma-san!" Shoyo teased while eating the bowl of rice with veggies. Still groggy and hangover hitting him so bad.
YN stand up again but now Kenma tightened his grip on her not making her stand up anymore.
"I didn't know that Kenma-san can be territorial. "Bokuto yelled as he claps happily. Akaashi smiled. YN feels more embarrassed about what's happening to Kenma, she doesn't know what's happening to him? But she knows she likes it yet is not used to being Kenma like this to her.
Kenma get a spoon of rice with a pinch of fish and veggies in it, he then points it to YN's mouth, she looked at him. "'Eat," he said. She doesn't know but she just opens her mouth and eats the spoonful of food.
"I thought you don't like her,"Kuroo asked now seating in the opposite of Kenma and YN, Kenma looked at him and lift his chin up. He put down the spoon and put his hand on YN's waist, making YN straightened her seat, giving an electric sensation coming from his hand, her breath fastened. Kenma leaned on her shoulder and kissed it. "yes, I hate her." he said. YN gulped and all of them laughed, seeing YN dominated by Kennma was fun to see for them,  knowing how it affects her, Kenma smiled and make his heartbeat skipped a beat.
"Thank you, officer, we're really sorry. thank you again," YN said bowing for the 3rd time so like the others, the police is in front of their house and they ask how and what happened last night, YN and the other say they're sorry so as Kenma, telling it won't happen again.
They stayed outside as the cops went to their cars and drove away from the house. Shoyo bid his goodbye because he needs to attend practice so as Bokuto and Atsumu, they take the same path while Akaashi bid also his goodbye because he needs to finish his tory due on next week. "Byebye~ sorry for the trouble~" YN giggled as she waved her hand, Yachi and Akane hugged YN first and said their goodbyes. "Byebye~ Kuroo-san I'm sorry for what I did." YN bowed, Kuroo just laughed and flicked YN on her forehead. "I'm still serious for you, it Kenma make you cry." he then looked behind her where Kenma standing playing with his Nintendo. "going to steal you for sure." he softly said making her flustered all of the sudden. Then Kenma saw what's Kuroo's doing and went in front of them still his eyes playing on his Nintendo. "Shut up Kuroo. You can go now." he simply said, Kuroo laughed again and waved his hand to YN, she just smiled and waved back. As Kuroo went to his car and slowly disappear on the road, Kenma now leave in front of YN and went back to the house, YN snort and raised her eyebrow, "Back with his attitude again tch!" she said and throw some tantrums outside and follows him behind, while Kenma intends to do that and he smiled again while still looking at his Nintendo.
Once YN got back inside and Kenma sitting on the sofa, she pouted and sit next to him but Kenma decided to tease her again and moved away from her, YN's forehead squinted also her eyes. She went near him again and again he went away. "Tsk I hate you! Playing me like that! I'm not a game.' She seriously yelled but he just laughed making her angry even more. " I'm serious!"She yelled, but he ignored her, she sighed heavily and stomped her feet away from him, leaving him on the couch. But before she can go, hands were wrapped around her waist, hugging from the back, she feels his breath on her shoulder, she blinked nervously but she maintained her angry impression.
"Sorry." he softly said. He then went in front of her, making YN even more embarrassed and her cheeks redder. "Cute.' he said making YN covered her face and internally screaming. "Do you remember last night?" he asked. YN uncovered her face and looked at him questioned. She shook her head and bliss of moment her lips were claimed by him. It was a long kiss, 'he kissed me.' YN thought knowing that this is the first time kissing him, forgot that this was her 2nd kiss from him. The kiss lasted for a minute, Kenma stopped and he can see Y/N covered in red, she can't look directly at him and her breath changed, Y/N slowly put her hand on her chest, her heartbeat starts to fastened. Scared and excited at the same time.
"Wh-what happened to hating me?" she asked nervously still not looking at him.
"I still hate you." he said quietly. "Hated you," he added softly, holding her chin and making her look at him, YN gulped. He's looking at her very intently and deeply like he's memorizing every detail of her face, his heart fluttered, butterflies starting to fly in his stomach. "Who would think that one day everything will change," he said now smiling. "You power me up," he said cheesily, YN giggled. "You're cheesy.' she said giggling now Kenma is embarrassed and red.
"i-I like you okay?" he said shyly, YN giggled again. "This is my first kiss," she said but Kenma smirked. "You don't really remember last night? " he asked, YN closed her eyes and try to remember everything. "No," YN said still closing her eyes. And again a kiss happened, making YN's heartbeat go crazy, silence filled the living room only their heartbeats exchange beats as the butterflies in their stomach go crazy. Then slowly, her memories from last night come, kenma was the one who pulled her, as they run through the pouring rain, she crying and very vivid Kenma lift her face and her eyes almost heavy and can't cry anymore, Kenma looked at her.
"Let me." she broke the kiss. "Yes, and I hate you for doing that. It supposed to be -" YN remember now, she smiled like she was reborn again, "you remember?' Kenma smiled, and she slowly nods. "Looks like your persistence got me." Kenma teased and now pulling her waist closer to him. A dream, she thought, "I thought that you will never like me.' she softly said. "I thought too," he said now holding his cheeks caressing it like a gem," but every trouble you caused was my wake-up call kitten," he said. "The thought of you hating me keeps me wake up at night," he added, caressing now her lips. "but I need to go you know that," she said. "I know. And I can't stop you if that's what you're planning," he said sadly, he now put his forehead on her forehead. YN feel her chest tightening, she slowly gulped and endure the pain. "But you will come back right?" he said. Making her lost her rhythm of breath, 88 days before her death.
She chose to face her death,  accept it. Knowing that Kenma will never like her. Ever since she became part of the family, hatred, annoyance, irritation is what he hears and feels from Kenma, she's okay with that as long as she showered him with her own sincerity of love, allowing herself to love before she leaves everything.
She gulped, the pain from her chest became heavier, tears formed beside her eyes. "Please," he said. And that's it, she wants to live again, for him, for the future with him. She nods and hugged him so tightly. " I love you," YN said. "I love you too," he answered making her even more eager to live.
Stopping the hug, Kenma kissed her deeply and now letting himself fall into the rabbit hole not wanting to get out and finally encounter the feeling of love with her.
Next chapter will be a detailed bed scene.
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lunartearrose · 5 years
Because i can't decide on what else to do: headcanons
Some assassination classroom headcanons about Gakushu, Karma, and Nagisa within the seven year gap. Or it all can be taken as just in general stuff because heck, it probably counts for other parts of their lives. Here we go!
For Gakushu:
-got addicted to coffee and now constantly has a mug of the stuff with him. He's got different mugs to keep variety.
-his highest amount of coffee cups per day is 15. But thats just on record its no quota
-rarely ever sleeps unless someone knocks him out or he has a sort of crash
-everyone refers to him as Asano, even himself. One could say he's kind of having issues with a problem of being unable to separate his own identity from his fam, but if you throw this in his face he'll deny it and be extremely conscious about it for a while.
-morning involve him getting out of bed, having a bagel or something and lying to his dad's face about getting enough sleep. Lets all face it: they both lie to eachother about sleep and just kind of keep it that way, neither wanting to bother to fix their issues enough to validly bring up the other's
-gakushu, if ever involved in a scheme where nagisa would usually be put in the dress, openly volunteer to both spare the boy and reason it as upstaging, specifically because either karma or rio said "nobody does it better than nagisa". He does it better because he's actually confident with the look, and nagisa was pretty grateful.
-he still group texts his big 5 pals
-can imitate voices crazily easily
-nagisa is helpful for asano. He helps him figure out his feelings and maybe reveals what emotions he tries to cover up.
-he at some point wonders how he would look with long hair and one summer, against his father's wishes, Gakushu grew it out. And due to his superhuman devil fam genes, it grew out pretty quick and shocked his class
-actually pretty impulsive when it comes down to things. Things got a little ugly when he tried to quit his addiction, and so karma had to be summoned to stop gakushu from, well, drinking pure caffiene he extracted from basically sciencing a bunch of coffee.
-expert at other people, fool when it comes to himself
-has heard stories and hates nagisa's mom. Zero trust
-supports nagisa and karma in things, tho usually subtly
Alright! On to Karma:
-prankster that can't resist doing what he thinks is funny, especially if it involves Asano
-tries to remember to call Asano by his first name as much as humanly possible. Though Gakushu is longer saying wise, its the guy's name.
-texting nagisa at any opportunity
-adores guys, adores guys in dresses, and just. Yeah he's gay keep scrolling
-visits good old E class to pick the lock and hang out in the empty rooms. Keeping desks clean, doodling on the chalkboard, all sorts of that stuff. He doesn't admit it, but he sometimes cries soley because he misses people
-karma is really emotional but does a good job at surpressing this when he needs to and generally acting chill all the time
-would throw hands with any enemy if they return, especially takaoka the friggin bastard
-and yes, be will put his pals in dresses. Anything that looks nice, yes
-catch him off guard and he still gets that full face blush
-throw hands with him he dares you
-if its a fun impulse he will let gakushu do it, and in fact, encourage it
-visits the guy through his lil balcony. Wants to visit nagisa but nagisa is far away and it makes him kinda sad
-apprehensive and embarassed at first, but yes, he shall dawn the dress one time. Gakushu and nagisa have bunches of pictures. The tables have been turned
-finds it fun when people get passionate over things - this is why he likes to fight gakushu in academics and the occasional spar if the guy wants.
-will call u cute in that certain tone he uses for people
-supports nagisa's haircut. Like hell yes!!! Nagisa is being himself!!!!
Now, finallyy, Nagisa:
-really just polishing his already perfect assassin skills
-paints his nails so they look shiny like snake scales, like that metallic green that shines to blue to purple in certain lights. Who said nail paint had to be a girly thing? Especially when it looks so cool
-still working on getting his mom to leave him alone and undo some of the damage she's left him with. Also uses his knowledge on how to cope to help Gakushu get past his sleeping habits and air out the bits of toxicity that remain between him and his father. Remember, if you get more sleep than your jerky father, you're better than him and winning
-will decline crossdress requests until further notice. He wants to be comfy with his own body and until he can get himself away from the thoughts of his past with his crappy mom that still bother him, no skirts.
-goes to therapy because he wants to get better and get past feelings he has trouble with letting go
-the afformentioned boys love his spooky faces and smiles
-will give a cheek smooch to close pals if they ask him. Cheek smooch is platonic in his eyes usually!
-he and kayano are gossip buds and often talk over feelings. She supports him and he does his best to do the same
-he wants to visit karma but... there is so much schoolwork.... hfkjgh
-also! Deathly afraid of growing apart from his friends, esp. Karma
- "asano please for the love of god take the dresses mom keeps sending me i dont want them burn them"
-if takaoka ever became a problem again things would probably escalate to bloodshed this time
-he is still the best assassin and can definitely sneak into wherever his classmates or even where asano starts work to visit them
-will give other pals nails the snake gradient paint job. Karma's will have a firey scale look and asano gets a cool purple to lightish red
-suggested the new hairdo karma has
-rlly honestly just cool and love his friends and supports them
Thats all i can think of for the moment! Hope y'all enjoy these. Ive been writing a fic featuring some of these so i hope you enjoy these until im finished w that💖
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