#financial planning
theambitiouswoman · 10 months
Basic Financial Rules To Live By 💰✨
Create a plan that shows how much money you get and how much you spend. This helps you see where your money goes.
Set aside a part of your money as savings. Try to save at least 10-20% of what you earn.
Be careful with borrowing money, especially if you have to pay back a lot of extra money (interest).
Save some money for unexpected things like medical bills or losing your job. Aim to have enough to cover your living costs for a few months.
Put your saved money into different things that can make it grow, like stocks or real estate. Be patient, as it takes time.
Don't spend more money than you make. Stick to buying what you really need, not just what you want.
Decide what you want to do with your money, both in the short term (like a vacation) and long term (like retirement).
Set up automatic transfers to your savings and bills so you don't forget to save or pay your bills on time.
Make saving money a top priority before spending on other things.
Regularly look at your money situation, adjust your plan as needed, and see how your investments are doing.
Pay your bills on time and use credit wisely (like credit cards) to keep a good credit score, which can help you get better deals on loans.
Save money for when you're older and don't work anymore. Use retirement accounts to help with this.
Think before you buy things. Don't buy something just because you want it; think if it's necessary.
Keep learning about how money works and how to make smart money choices.
Only use your emergency fund for real unexpected problems, not for things you just want to buy.
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alwaysbewoke · 11 months
this is why prenups are important because you have to leave her. she's not an adult. she's a child in an adult body who wants this guy to just be a walking, talking atm machine with a dick. she's clearly contributing nothing but wants him to work himself to death so that she can have a social media worthy life. this is why men need to continue asking "what does she bring to the table?" or they will find themselves in this situation.
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fuzzyghost · 9 months
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bitchesgetriches · 4 months
Hello bitches. I have a question about credit card usage. Right now, I only use my credit card for a singular subscription, and my credit is pretty decent. But do I need to be using more credit to boost my score? I'm concerned about keeping it in good standing, but to be honest I'm scared of using the card more because I don't want to fuck it up and ruin my credit.
No need to use the card more! As long as you're using it regularly (once a month for a subscription counts) and paying it off every billing cycle in full and on time, you're doing great.
There are other ways to boost your score, however, that don't involve changing your habits at all:
How to Instantly Increase Your Credit Score... for FREE 
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Credit and Credit Cards 
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riyagupta0472 · 5 months
Finding Your Investment Path: A Simple Guide
In the vast ocean of financial opportunities, finding the right investment scheme can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Every individual's financial goal, risk tolerance, and investment horizon are unique, making it crucial to navigate through the diffrent of options available in the market. From fixed income to equity and everything in between, understanding the various investment schemes is key to building a robust and diversified portfolio tailored to your needs.
Fixed Income: Let's begin with the fundamentals. Your investment portfolio's fixed income investments are similar to the consistent beat of a drum. The traditional examples are bonds and certificates of deposit (CDs). They are the best option for people looking for stability because they provide predictable returns at a lower risk. And you can earn average 8-10% return. Managed Portfolios: Do you like someone else to do the grunt work? You may want to consider managed portfolios. These expertly managed funds provide a hands-off approach to investing, catered to your financial objectives and risk tolerance.
Insurance: Although the main goal of insurance is to provide protection, several plans also include investment options. For example, life insurance policies give you coverage and the opportunity to gradually build up cash value; for the astute investor, this is a two-for-one offer. Derivatives: At this point, things become a little more intricate. The value of derivatives is derived from underlying securities or indexes. This group includes swaps, futures, and options. They can be employed speculatively or for hedging, but they're not for the timid. but do not invest in derivatives until and unless you are expert in this field.
Credit Instruments: Now let's talk about credit instruments, which include peer-to-peer lending websites and corporate bonds. With the range of risk and return potential offered by these products, you can tailor your portfolio to your degree of risk tolerance. Equities: Ah, the stock market, the global investor community's playground. Purchasing stock entails obtaining ownership of shares in publicly traded corporations. It's all about dividends and growth potential, but be prepared for market turbulence. Keep it straightforward: align your investments with your time horizon, risk appetite, and goals. To distribute the risk, diversify between several programs. And keep up with market developments at all times. Recall that there isn't a single, universal strategy for investing. Discover what works for you and get to work accumulating wealth!
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saber-monet · 4 months
waiting till marriage financial stability
I feel like abstinence gets a bad rap as a form of birth control.
But in actuality, it's the most effective form for keeping you guarded from losers, and setting yourself up for success. Not just for avoiding babies.
I've never really heard anybody tell or talk about my perspective. But I feel like family planning and financial planning should go hand-in-hand.
You should be able to say "I'm not sleeping with anyone until I'm able to make $10,000 in passive income per month"
Not just for avoiding babies. But toxic/draining emotional attachment.
If you're the type of person who's sensitive to peoples emotions and energy. It just takes one wrong relationship/ a person to change their intentions/switch up on you/decide that they want different
to send you a depressive spiral/have trust issues/abandonment issues etc .
and this just might be me speaking from personal experience, but it's hard to be depressed or drained when you have access to money. Because money gets you self-care, it gets you a *decent* therapist, it gets you distance (vacation, road trips etc), if you need it, and you don't have to worry about being homeless for taking time off
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the-level-up-diaries · 10 months
The goals I set this year vs what I actually accomplished.
Enroll in WGU and complete a degree in 6 months
-I enrolled and switched my degree a few times. I am now enrolled in the master's program with WGU and I want to land a system admin job in the year year after I graduate that pay $90k-$120k. I am also getting Cisco and RedHat certified, so *fingers crossed* .
Pay off my student loan debt
-On December 22nd of 2023 I will officially be DEBT FREE!!! I struggled, worked 2 jobs, burned out a couple of times and made many sacrifices. I can honestly say I am very, very proud of myself. I questioned many days could I get debt free and even thought about waiting on relief, but I finally did thank God!
Get a job paying over $65k
-I took a course and landed an SDR role within a company and my job with OTE pays $72k. It's a hard job, but I am learning everyday and I hope that I can continue with the company as long as possible.
Get my credit above the 700s
-This is a yes and a no! I won't officially get my new score until the new year, but since all my debt will be gone, it should be past THE 700S.
Lose 50 lbs.
-I really struggled with my weight this year as well as my eating. What I learned is I needed to simplify my routine. I start turning on anime and watching that while I walk at a speed of 3.0-3.5 on the treadmill. I walk an hour everyday, but Sunday. I will lay out the plan on how and when I'll lose this weight in a later post.
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alarminglybad · 3 months
For legal reasons, this is a joke.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
I want to FIRE! Do you have any tips for that ;)
Hi love! While I'm not committed to their FIRE movement per se, here are some of my best tips to set yourself up for financial success:
Diligently keep track of your income and expenses. Audit every week or month to give yourself an honest look at your financial activity
Create financial goals and a realistic budget to help you achieve them
Prioritize saving up a 6-month emergency fund, maxing out your Roth IRA (or backdoor Roth IRA) and HSA account (if in the U.S.)
Purchase high-quality, timeless items that are built to last; It's cheaper in the long run to maintain items vs. constantly repurchasing items if you have the option
Create multiple sources of income: A 9-5 job, investments, side hustle, digital products, etc. Find ways to monetize activities you would enjoy doing without earning a dime
Focus on building a strong network and high-value, transferable skills: Even if you plan on working as an employee forever (no shame in that – it's a great way to get a steady paycheck), always strategize your career in a way that would leave you equipped to make it on your own. You need to be in the driver's seat of your career and financial life at all times
Make food at home, take care of your health, and take advantage of preventative medical testing, screenings, and procedures. Losing your health (physical and mental) is the easiest way to ruin your life satisfaction and your finances
Hope this helps xx
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
Wealth Building: Money Topics You Should Learn About If You Want To Make More Money
Budgeting: This means keeping track of how much money you have and how you spend it. It helps you save money and plan for your needs.
Investing: This is like putting your money to work so it can grow over time. It's like planting seeds to grow a money tree.
Saving: Saving is when you put some money aside for later. It's like keeping some of your treats for another day.
Debt Management: This is about handling money you owe to others, like loans or credit cards. You want to pay it back without owing too much.
Credit Scores: Think of this like a report card for your money habits. It helps others decide if they can trust you with money.
Taxation: Taxes are like a fee you pay to the government. You need to understand how they work and how to pay them correctly.
Retirement Planning: This is making sure you have enough money to live comfortably when you're older and no longer working.
Estate Planning: This is like making a plan for your stuff and money after you're no longer here.
Insurance: It's like paying for protection. You give some money to an insurance company, and they help you if something bad happens.
Investment Options: These are different ways to make your money grow, like buying parts of companies or putting money in a savings account.
Financial Markets: These are places where people buy and sell things like stocks and bonds. It can affect your investments.
Risk Management: This is about being careful with your money and making smart choices to avoid losing it.
Passive Income: This is money you get without having to work for it, like rent from a property you own.
Entrepreneurship: It's like starting your own business. You create something and try to make money from it.
Behavioral Finance: This is about understanding how your feelings and thoughts can affect how you use money. You want to make good choices even when you feel worried or excited.
Financial Goals: These are like wishes for your money. You need a plan to make them come true.
Financial Tools and Apps: These are like helpers on your phone or computer that can make it easier to manage your money.
Real Estate: This is about buying and owning property, like a house or land, to make money.
Asset Protection: It's about keeping your money safe from problems or people who want to take it.
Philanthropy: This means giving money to help others, like donating to charities or causes you care about.
Compounding Interest: This is like a money snowball. When you save or invest your money, it can grow over time. As it grows, you earn even more money on the money you already earned.
Credit Cards: When you borrow money or use a credit card to buy things, you need to show you can pay it back on time. This helps you build a good reputation with money. The better your reputation, the easier it is to borrow more money when you need it.
Alternate Currencies: These are like different kinds of money that aren't like the coins and bills you're used to like Crypto. It's digital money that's not controlled by a government. Some people use it for online shopping, and others think of it as a way to invest, like buying special tokens for a game.
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lilithism1848 · 4 months
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fuzzyghost · 1 year
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hazelnatcoffee · 11 months
**READ ME!!**
Hi guys!! I have just had my top surgery consultation after years of waiting! Unfortunately my insurance is only going to cover a fraction of it, so I need your help; this is the first and (hopefully) only gofundme I've ever set up, and I'd appreciate any and all donations to help cover my medical costs and transportation/lodging fees. Even a $5 donation is appreciated. Thank you all so much <333
****PLEASE REBLOG!!!****
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bitchesgetriches · 6 months
Bullshit Reasons Not to Buy a House: Refuted
Keep reading.
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Opportunities and Risks for Stock Market Investors
Investing in the stock exchange is a very emotional business, some people find it thrilling yet scary at once. However one must consider the associated dangers to succeed at this risky venture. This article will show you all that can be derived from investing in stocks and what losses may follow. In light of these, we can improve our investment choices.
Worries over Investment in the Stock Market
The Potential for Exceptional Gains
One thing that draws investors to the share market is that they have a chance to earn huge amounts of money. Normally, statistically speaking, shares tend to surpass all other forms of investment such as bonds or saving accounts over time. If one picks good stocks, she/he stands to earn high returns if their prices rise in line with the development of companies being represented by those shares
Risk Reduction Through Variety
There’s a huge variety available when investing on shares; hence, diversification is possible. This means putting your money into different types of assets as well as sectors and industries in order to avoid being affected by risks related to only one asset class. Hence, diversification protects one against massive losses that follow underperformance by one sector alone which may cause havoc during market downturns such as when comparing technology sector performance with that of healthcare or consumer goods sectors respectively.
Some stocks provide dividends, which are bascially payments from a company’s earnings made at regular intervals to the shareholders. Even if there is no significant growth in stock prices, dividends can still be dependable sources of income. This may be more advantageous if you are looking for an additional reliable income stream aside from possible capital gain.
Ownership and Influence
Whenever one buys stocks, he/she acquires partial ownership of that particular corporation. This type of ownership gives certain advantages such as having the right to vote on specific company decisions as well as accessing various reports on its finances and earnings. While your influence may be minimal when owning only a few shares; but it brings about some uniqueness in investing through stocks.
Typically, stocks rank high on the liquidity scale meaning they can be bought or sold with relative ease compared to other investments like real estate. Therefore, this liquidity allows for quick access of cash when needed or adjustments made on portfolios according to changing market circumstances.
Risks in Stock Market Investing
The Fluctuations In The Market
The most important risk that comes with stock market investing is fluctuating prices.
There are unpredictable changes in prices as well as rapid ones in stock markets which can cause stress because of potential losses. Economic events, political developments or investor sentiment shifts may also drive market-wide swings. It is important to be prepared for these ups and downs and avoid hasty decisions based on short term fluctuations.
Risks That Are Specific To The Company
Investing in individual stocks exposes you to how specific companies perform. For instance, if a company hits financial problems or faces regulatory issues its price may drop. In this case this company-specific risk could lead to huge losses when its performance worsens. Diversification can help to some extent in dealing with this risk though care must be taken while researching and picking firms.
Economic And Political Risks
The stock market can be adversely influenced by economic downturns and political instability for instance; during periods of recession, inflation or shifts in government policies there occurs depreciation in stock prices. However, these greater economic/political issues often lie outside of your control but keeping an eye on key indicators related to the economy as well as polities enables one to expect possible effects on their investments.
Risk of Bad Investment Choices
In order to invest in the share market one has to engage themselves in research and make wise selections. If you do not understand, you can invest poorly and lose money. Thus, it is vital that you learn about market trends, stock fundamentals and investment techniques. Moreover, you may want to seek financial advisors or reliable sources to help guide your investment decisions.
Making Decisions Based on Emotion
One of the largest dangers of stock market investing is making decisions based on emotions. For example, when a stock price drops, fear and greed can make an individual sell stocks that they shouldn’t otherwise sell, or instead pursue rapidly appreciating stocks regardless of their fundamentals. Emotional investing results in buying high while selling low thus eroding your returns. A practical way to avoid emotional investing is by creating a sound investment plan and adhere to it.
Balancing Risks with Opportunities
Making money in the stock market requires a balance between the opportunities that are available and the dangers which are involved. Below are tips on how this balance can be achieved:
Educate Yourself: Knowledge is key when it comes to investing. Investing in other vehicles, such as stocks and other related areas, is worth your time. The more information you have on these areas the more informed decisions you will be making.
Set Clear Goals: Know your objectives and risk acceptance level. Is it for long-term gains, income, or for both. Knowing what you want going forward will make choosing instruments easier hence developing suitable plans which are in line with such objectives.
Diversify Your Portfolio: Never depend on one source. Conduct portfolio analysis. By varying the types of investments among many sectors, industries and asset classes, you minimize risk and maximize chances for favorable results. Invest in dividing paying stocks, bonus providing stocks and also blue chip companies in order to reduce the risk
Stay Informed: Track news on the market, economic progress, and performance by companies. A well -informed investor can then make informed decisions about investing and adjust accordingly.
Emotional Investing Must Be Avoided: Unless it is a part of your investment strategy, do not allow feelings to influence your choices. Regardless of price changes in shares, be disciplined and stick to the approach you have set.
While there are many opportunities in the stock market, there are also risks involved. Understanding these variables, along with having a measure of balance in your approach increases your chances of success as well as avoiding losses. Remember that patience, research and discipline are crucial to a successful investing journey. Stay informed, make wise choices while keeping in mind your long term objectives as you navigate the exciting world of stock market investing.
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talabib · 1 year
Mastering the Art of Investing: Practical Strategies for Insightful Decision-Making
Key Point:
Making smart and insightful investment decisions is an attainable goal with the right strategies in place. By recognizing your limitations, managing emotions, seeking professional guidance, and aligning your investments with personal objectives, you can cultivate a robust and successful investment portfolio that stands the test of time.
Sound investment decisions are the bedrock of financial success. However, navigating the complex world of investing can be challenging, even for the most seasoned investors. This post explores practical strategies for making smart and insightful investment decisions, empowering you to grow your wealth with confidence and finesse.
Recognize the Limits of your Abilities
In both life and investing, it is crucial to acknowledge the boundaries of our expertise. Overestimating our abilities can lead to ill-advised decisions and, ultimately, financial losses. By cultivating humility and seeking external guidance when necessary, we can minimize risks and make more informed investment choices.
Manage Emotional Influence on Decision-Making
Emotions can significantly impact our ability to make rational decisions. To circumvent the sway of emotions, adopt a disciplined approach to investing, relying on data-driven analysis and long-term strategies rather than succumbing to impulsive reactions.
Leverage the Expertise of an Advisor
Engaging a professional financial advisor is a prudent investment decision. Their wealth of knowledge and experience can help you navigate market complexities and identify opportunities tailored to your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.
Maintain Composure Amidst Market Volatility
Periods of market turbulence can incite panic among investors. However, it is essential to remain level-headed and maintain a long-term perspective during such times. Avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term fluctuations and focus on your overarching financial objectives.
Assess Company Management Actions Over Rhetoric
When evaluating potential investments, examine the actions of a company's management rather than relying solely on their statements. This approach ensures a more accurate understanding of the organization's performance, financial health, and growth prospects.
Prioritize Value Over Glamour in Investment Selection
The most expensive investment options are not always the wisest choices. Focus on identifying value rather than being swayed by glamorous or high-priced options. This strategy promotes long-term financial growth and mitigates the risk of overpaying for underperforming assets.
Exercise Caution with Novel and Exotic Investments
While unique and exotic investment opportunities may appear enticing, approach them with caution. Ensure thorough research and due diligence before committing to such investments, as they may carry higher risks and potential pitfalls.
Align Investments with Personal Goals
Invest according to your individual objectives rather than adhering to generic rules or mimicking the choices of others. Personalized investment strategies are more likely to yield favorable results, as they account for your unique financial circumstances, risk appetite, and long-term aspirations.
Making smart and insightful investment decisions is an attainable goal with the right strategies in place. By recognizing your limitations, managing emotions, seeking professional guidance, and aligning your investments with personal objectives, you can cultivate a robust and successful investment portfolio that stands the test of time.
Action plan: Learn a few simple rules and ignore the rest of the advice you receive. 
It’s easy to become completely overwhelmed by the volume of advice available about investing. However, you don’t need to become an expert on the stock market in order to become a good investor. 
Just like an amateur poker player can go far if he simply learns to fold his worst hands and bet on his best ones, a novice investor can become very competent just by following a few simple rules. For example, he should learn not to overreact to dips in the market and make sure to purchase value stocks instead of glamour stocks. 
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