#finarfin hc
Being married to Finarfin hc
Pairing: Finarfin x reader
♡ Every morning he cuddles up to you and presses gentle kisses on your shoulders and cheeks to wake you up
♡ if you are awake earlier than him and have already gotten up, he looks for you, wraps his arms around you and buries his face in the crook of your neck
♡ He insists on having breakfast with you every morning, no matter what
♡ Sometimes Finarfin has to work late in the evening, which is why he wants to spend at least the morning with you every day of your shared life
♡ sometimes brings you flowers during the day or has others bring them to you, if he can't bring them to you personally then he writes sweet letters for you
♡ Couldn't bear the thought of you feeling unloved
♡ If you wait for him to come home in the evening and fall asleep, he will carry you to bed to cuddle you
♡ If you are still awake when he comes back, he still wants to spend some quality time with you
♡ Sometimes you dance in the soft light of the stars
♡ other times your head is on his lap and Finarfin strokes your hair while he reads you a book
♡ When he is very stressed, Finarfin may want to go to sleep straight away in the evening, but he would never tell you for fear of making you feel unloved
♡ You then have to gently get Finarfin to come to bed and reassure him that everything is okay
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inthehouseoffinwe · 7 days
Finarfin Fades.
No one expects it, no one’s faded in Valinor since Miriel. The War of Wrath is won and he comes back, waving off the courtiers, well wishers, and congratulators with his usual grace, and walks into the palace of Tirion. To rooms abandoned since their owners left so long ago. Winding deeper and deeper his feet take him to what was once Finwë’s favourite garden.
He’s so tired.
He’s fulfilled his promise to Fëanaro and Nolofinwë, to avenge them. To make the agony of their final moments - agony Finarfin felt, falling to the floor screaming as fire and darkness consumed his spirit - count for something. Now Morgoth is finally gone, but he’s not the only one.
His brothers, larger than life, larger than death, are gone. With them his sons. Niece. Nephews. Grandchildren. His daughter is never to return. He Saw little Nelyo’s death in his dreams and is sure hopes for the child’s own sake that Makalaurë will be close behind.
Little remains. Even less on these golden shores.
So Finarfin sits on a bench long overgrown with vines and weeds, and watches the sun filter through the thicket, wishing the ghosts he sees in his father’s garden would flesh out.
He sits. He waits.
And by the time anyone finds him, it’s too late.
…at least he’s smiling again.
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eri-pl · 1 month
So, Vanyar are the good guys, right?
The boring, faultless Elves?
...except that part where Ingwë (that's the Vanyar king, right? I tend to mistake him with the Teleri one) plays matchmaker so that his sister could marry Finwë despite the fact that Finwë has a wife (who is dead but anyway) and we all know how it ended.
Seriously. In one of the alternate tellings of the story, he knows Indis loves Fnwë, he invites Finwë for a visit and tells Indis to go sing on (the mountain? a balcony? anyway somewhere) and Finwë falls in love and this looks very much planned.
Which is just
it was even before the Valar said that Finwë can divorce, that this is even a possibility.
Since I learned about that I have a strong hc that many Vanyar are very "letter of the law", "if it's not forbidden, it is ok" kind of persons, while simultanously blaming the Teleri for not going to Aman fast enough and the Noldor for leaving (I'm not even talking murder, just leaving would be enough) and if they got whatever terrible order signed by the Valar, they would do it without question.
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eilinelsghost · 7 months
Would you do 17. What their voice sounds like? for Finrod for the sensory headcanon ask game, please?
For this sensory hc ask game. (Still happily taking these if anyone else has some they want to send!)
This one is surprisingly difficult! There is so much about him that is clear as day to me, but for some reason his voice has always been a bit elusive. I think...mid-tenor for speaking, a fairly wide range for singing, though I don't think he goes lower than baritone. Often you can tell there's a laugh just under the surface.
He imitates others' voices quite well, which I think comes from being very attuned to ósanwë. He can step into the familiarity of the other person's mind, in a sense, and the voice comes easily from that. It's a great party trick.
He once did this as a youth in Valinor when he and Turgon were nearly caught stealing a pie from the palace kitchen in Tirion. His imitation of Finarfin's voice from behind the closed door was so convincing that the attendant returned with compliments to the cook and consequently brought about a rather awkward conversation between said cook and the real Finarfin later that evening. FInarfin didn't have the heart to correct the situation and "un-compliment" the chef or to deny that he had missed the pies from his childhood so much that he snagged one immediately upon his arrival from Alqualondë, so he resigned himself to receiving a pie delivered to his chambers as a gift whenever he visited Tirion. On the first time a gift-pie was delivered, Finrod found a large slice waiting in his own chambers with a note in his father's handwriting: "for the young lord Arafinwë whose appetite is as keen as his scheming."
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eccentricmya · 7 months
Findis vs. Finarfin
Y'know, if I was smarter and able to write politics with a modicum of competency, I would totally delve into an Aman Noldorin court intrigue au where Findis plots to overthrow Finarfin. Because before Finwe died, the High King was discussing implementing an absolute primogeniture law to quell the tension between Feanor and Fingolfin. But the King's council could not come to an agreement before Feanor was exiled, so the matter was left abandoned.
But Findis was aware and slowly amassing political favour for the law. When Finarfin is appointed High King by the Valar, Findis is not pleased. She had been given hope of power—no matter how distant it might be—and the desire for the throne could only grow from there. And though most of the Noldor that stayed are largely Valar neutral, there is some grumbling about their handling of the matters of those who left. The Noldor in Beleriand are still kin after all, and to have their return forbidden is a bitter pill to swallow. Findis would exploit exactly this dissent. While Finarfin is happy to be under the Valar's rule, Findis would urge the people to not forget their brothers and sisters in Arda, waging war against one of the Valar's own. Thus, two factions would develop at the Noldorin court: the Valar abiding and the Valar critical, locked in a subtle battle for the crown.
The story would explore this struggle... if I could write it.
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southfarthing · 1 year
hc that gildor inglorion is the son of gelmir?? we know he's of the house of finrod, and "gildor son of gwindor" sounds cooler, but poor gwindor never got that far fhdbfjf 😩
so gildor son of gelmir, who is imprisoned and then brutally killed at the start of the nirnaeth arnoediad, which spurs his brother gwindor into charging ahead of schedule. and then miserable gwindor making it back to nargothrond to find little gildor now fatherless and unable to recognise his uncle 😔
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actual-bill-potts · 1 year
Let's try Orodreth with "weary and content" so maybe your poor lil guy can have a nice time for a change 😭
lsdjkfskldf a nearly impossible prompt. but i have done my best
There was a timid tap-tap-tap outside his door.
Arafinwë groaned inwardly, and wished it would go away. He had been awake for days on end in Tirion, helping Nolofinwë to soothe Fëanáro's latest political mess. This was his first night at home, and he had hoped to sleep.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Perhaps if he stayed still and silent, his son would give up. Eärwen beside him had not yet stirred.
He heard light footsteps enter his room hesitantly, and then a tugging on his sleeve.
Silently offering a prayer to Varda for patience, Arafinwë sighed and opened his eyes into Artaresto's enormous brown ones.
"Atya," whispered Artaresto, loudly. "Atya!"
Arafinwë sighed again. "Yes, Artaresto?"
"I had a bad dream," said Artaresto. "I cannot sleep."
Eärwen pushed herself up on one elbow beside him. "Artaresto," she said, "you must go to bed. Come, I will tuck you in."
Artaresto's lip trembled threateningly. "No!" he said. "Want Atya!"
"Atya is tired," said Eärwen reasonably.
"But he has been gone," said Artaresto. "I missed him! And I cannot sleep," he added petulantly. "I do not want to be tucked in!"
Arafinwë sighed for a third time, but rolled out of bed and tucked his feet into slippers. "It is all right," he said, smiling a little at Eärwen. "Artaresto and I will go to the kitchen and have something to drink, and then he will go back to bed. Won't you, hinya?" he added, turning to Artaresto.
"Yes," said Artaresto, nodding vigorously, eyes lighting up. "May I have yullas, Atya?"
"You may," said Arafinwë, taking Artaresto's small hand in his own and leading him out of the room. Artaresto padded beside him, seeming quite content, and Arafinwë's tired exasperation quickly abated at the little fingers clutching his own tightly.
"I missed you, Atya," said Artaresto again, as they entered the kitchen.
Arafinwë felt a little pang. He begrudged even the short days spent away from his children; they were growing up so quickly! Artafindë was already grown, and often wandered far from home. Soon Artaresto would follow him, no doubt; he idolized his older brother.
"I missed you too, hinya," he said, smiling down at his son. "Now, what sort of yullas would you like best?"
Artaresto's eyes lit up. "Oh! I would like ornemalin!"
"Very well," Arafinwë said, putting water on to boil.
Artaresto sat down at the table, snuggling further into his night-shirt. "I am cold, Atya," he said.
You could go back to bed, Arafinwë almost muttered; but he refrained, shrugging out of his outer robe. He draped it around Artaresto's small shoulders.
"There," he said, "are you warm enough?"
"Yes!" said Artaresto. He sniffed at the robe. "It smells nice," he said. "It smells of the Sea!"
"Yes," said Arafinwë. "Ammë Sung such into the weaving."
"Could she do that for me?" asked Artaresto eagerly.
"Perhaps," said Arafinwë. "Or perhaps she could teach you how to do it yourself."
"I would like that," said Artaresto, swinging his small legs.
Arafinwë sat down beside him and put an arm about his son. "Would you like to talk about the bad dream?" he asked. Where Artafindë would confide his troubles without prompting, Arafinwë had found already that Artaresto was shy about his innermost heart. If he was not asked, he would keep his troubles buried deep until they burst forth in upset that had festered.
Artaresto shuddered, a movement that seemed almost too big for his small body. "There was a lizard," he said. "Like the ones that like to sun themselves on the rocks by the palace, but much bigger. So big it blotted out the whole sky. And I could not see the light of the Trees! Then it looked at me and laughed, and I felt as if - as if I had done something terribly naughty. Then I woke up."
Arafinwë wanted to laugh - a huge lizard? - but refrained, for Artaresto's eyes had filled with tears. He tightened his arm about his son's shoulders. "That sounds frightening," he said.
"It was," admitted Artaresto, trembling again.
"Well," said Arafinwë, "there is no chance of a giant lizard coming to attack us here. Tulkas and Oromë would hunt it down before it gave us any trouble; and in any case I doubt Yavanna would create such a thing. It was just a dream."
"But -" said Artaresto. Then he hesitated.
"Yes?" said Arafinwë.
"What if -" said Artaresto, in a very small voice, "what if it was a true seeing? It felt so - so real. I have not had a dream like that before."
Arafinwë felt a chill. Foresight did run in their family. And Artafindë too sometimes had terrible dreams.
What was Vairë weaving for them, his gentle and shining children? Why could he not see it?
He shook it off. There was no reason to alarm Artaresto without need. "It may," he admitted aloud, "or it may not. There is no way to know unless it comes true - and I cannot think of a way that would come true! So let us put away worries for tonight."
"But what if," said Artaresto again, "what if the huge lizard fights its way past Tulkas and Oromë, and rips our house down? With us inside?"
"It will not," said Arafinwë.
"But if it does?" persisted Artaresto. "What will we do?"
Arafinwë exhaled a sigh. "It will not," he repeated. "But supposing that it did, it would doubtless already be friends with Artafindë. And upon seeing your brother, it would pause and apologize, and they would soon be dining together in great friendship. Though I do not know if your lizard would fit at the table."
Artaresto giggled. "You are silly, Atya!" he said. Then he sobered. "But what if Artafindë was not here?"
"Then I would simply have to tell the lizard very sternly to leave, and of course it would listen. I would use my fiercest, angriest voice!"
"Do you have one of those?" asked Artaresto, smiling.
"I do! But I reserve it for particularly annoying nobles," said Arafinwë, "and lizards who threaten my sons."
"But what if you are not there?" said Artaresto.
"Of course I would be there," said Arafinwë. "You are my son! If you were in danger, I would be there, even if I had to gallop across all Aman to do it."
Artaresto leaned his small head against Arafinwë. "Thank you, Atya," he said; and Arafinwë briefly had to close his eyes against the swell of feeling. The silver hair, so similar to Eärwen's - the little hands clutching at his sleeves - the warm press of his son's body against his own! How he loved his children!
The kettle began to whistle, and Artaresto sprang away from Arafinwë's side. "Yullas!" he exclaimed.
"Yes," said Arafinwë, rising to prepare two mugs. He poured the water over the ornemalin, briefly mesmerized by the swirl of silver light and shadow over the pale-yellow dye of the leaves. Then he turned back to Artaresto, and could not decide whether to laugh or groan.
Artaresto was slumped over the table, fast asleep, chubby hands clutched in his borrowed robe, hair falling over his face.
Love once again swelled in Arafinwë's breast; and fear for a moment clutched at his heart. So small - so defenseless! If the visions were true - !
They could not be. Perhaps in Endórë, where his father had grown up; but here in Valinórë evil could not touch them.
Arafinwë smoothed Artaresto's hair away from his face; then, when his son did not stir, gathered him up in his arms and carried him to bed.
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that-angry-noldo · 7 months
Any scraps of hair headcanons for Finarfin? 👀
sure here you go 😌
he crops his hair in the beginning of WoW so it only barely reaches his shoulders, mostly for practical purposes. wearing a helmet is awkward with long hair and there's not much time or hygiene products to keep it in check
before the war it shone faintly in the dark - the afterglow of the trees. it stops to during the war
his hair colour is something between medium ash and strawberry blonde
doesn't really like complicated braids, only wears them on special occassions
(darker headcanon) in angband au sauron cuts off his hair and coats it in blood before sending to eönwë :)
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nin-varisse · 2 years
Amazon seems to have made a decision towards Gil-Gadaddy's Daddy in ROP!
I was hoping for Gil Galad son of Russingon but I guess you can't always win.
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valacirya · 9 months
Currently not smart enough to write an actual meta about elf-Vala parallels/similarities/connections so I don't know if this makes any sense but:
Miriel = Vaire = Feanor = Melkor
Finwe = Nienna = Fingolfin = Ulmo
Indis = Mandos = Finarfin = Manwe
I mean, the grouping makes perfect sense to me narrative and characterization-wise but I don't know how to explain it.
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sulsulzukohere · 3 months
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Finweans and their excessive jewelry.
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Finarfin with an insecure Reader hc
Pairing: Finarfin x insecure!reader
♡ Finarfin notices after only a short time into your relationship that you are not particularly self-confident
♡ He is a good observer and likes to look at you in particular
♡ It's also extremely important to him that you're doing well
♡ So when he noticed how you would always lower your eyes when you spoke to others or how you always tugged at your dress at parties, as if you were trying to disappear into it and hide, he knew straight away that something was wrong
♡ At first he didn't try to show you that he had found out because he knew you probably wouldn't feel any better afterwards
♡ So he started complimenting you
♡ Not too extravagant, but rather subtle so that you wouldn't find out that you were very obvious with your insecurities - because he was afraid that it would make you sad
♡ He compares you to the beautiful flowers and butterflies you see when you go for a walk
♡ He also casually compares you to various things/people that he knows you find beautiful and admirable
♡ If you somehow mention to him that he's "too good for you", Finarfin will do nothing but spend the whole evening telling you about everything he loves about you (which is a lot) and kissing every inch of your skin
♡ Finarfin also has a portrait painted of you, which he hangs up in his home and tells you now and then how nice it is to see you, even when you're not there, because you're the most beautiful person ever for him
♡ But he also says that even if the portrait is good, it doesn't capture your true beauty and character, so it was always better to see you in real life as it wasn't possible to replace you
♡ He also constantly encourages you to do things you're afraid of
♡ For example, if you want to learn something new but don't think you can do it anyway, Finarfin is your biggest supporter
♡ He likes to listen to you for hours while you tell him about this new thing you want to learn
♡ He also wants to show you how important it is to him that you know you can tell him anything, no matter how insecure it might make you feel
♡ therefore he opens up to you first and tells you what his worries are and how he feels
♡ This leads to you opening up to him more too
♡ If someone says something mean about your appearance or you, he will immediately defend you - he would, however, not attack the person, as Fëanor and Fingolfin might do - but would destroy them with words
♡ He would then spend hours holding you softly in his arms and praising every part of your personality and body
♡ He would also glare at other people if they even look at you the wrong way - Finarfin might not be as impulsive as his brothers, but he could just as easily glare intimidating at someone, especially if it is for you
♡ However, he would want to prevent you from noticing, one moment he would glare at someone, the next moment you would look at him and he would smile as brightly as ever
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swanmaids · 1 year
5, 6 and 8 for finarfin/eärwen if you want :)
Of course!
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
I imagine not. I think Finarfin is in general pretty conflict-avoidant (in terms of like interpersonal conflict rather than kicking balrog ass lol) and has quite a flighty response to conflict in general, so they try to avoid it. On the negative side, this can sometimes lead to anger going unexpressed, especially after Alqualonde, but I think they eventually come to work it out.
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
I kind of picture one of them coming up to the other and just like silently putting their arms around them and they just sort of quietly hold each other for a bit.
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
I think Earwen has a really sharp and intelligent sense of humour which always has Finarfin dying... this is especially useful during very boring beaurocratic aspects of kinging. Earwen likes how Finarfin is kind of an intense person - it means he's very fiercely loving towards her and their family.
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dalliansss · 7 months
Arafinwë 🐅🦄?
Unusual Headcanons Ask Game!
🐅 - Characterization: character habits, personality, etc.
At the foremost, Arafinwe IS everything the history books tell him to be: noble and generous. He loves his peace, and did prefer to avoid the terrible conflict between Feanaro and Nolofinwe. However, he and Lalwende got along exceedingly well with Feanaro, and it is said that Arafinwe is Feanaro's most beloved sibling, if not his favorite out of all of his half-family. He and Feanaro bonded exceedingly well over chess and their love of languages. Arafinwe's secret at winning Feanaro's affection is that he always cheerfully ignored Feanaro's attempts at hostility, so much so that Feanaro simply gave up being nasty to him. He is the only half-brother who can crash unannounced at Feanaro's house.
Arafinwe's kindness, while genuine, is calculated. He is generous and kind by default to the common rabble of elves, and his kindness gets more calculated as he deals with aristocrats and people who can further his cause. He is after all born and raised a prince. He taught this calculating kindness to all of his children, but Finrod and Galadriel in particular took these lessons to heart.
Arafinwe is the kind of elf who knew painfully that his house had prestige only by blood. Deeds of greatness and valor can not be had in Aman, but his children he pushed in fields they can excel in: academics, athletics, politics. This is a deeper reason why he preferred to observe his brother's conflicts: ever was he waiting for a chance to turn his house's fortunes around.
As a father, he was warm and affectionate. He bestowed affection freely, and raised his children being easy and comfortable receiving hugs, kisses, being told I Love You at least ten times a day. But like everybody, he was not a perfect parent. When Angrod was born, he and Earwen wanted very much a daughter, and when Aegnor was born, both were disappointed. This was why Galadriel had such a close age to Aegnor. And when Galadriel was born, he and Earwen turned all their attentions to her, neglecting their other infant son, and prompting Finrod to separate Aegnor from the family at Alqualonde and raise him by himself in Tirion.
Arafinwe is very good in managing and growing wealth, a crucial skill he taught Finrod. If his family can't be the chief ruling line, then at least through careful trade alliances and political connections, he can at least ensure that they will be among the wealthiest in Valinor.
His ego and pride were beyond the roof when Manwe pronounced greatness for Finrod during his First Begetting Day. Ever since he has not ceased to push Finrod to always aim for greatness.
He is decidedly an opportunist. While it is true Arafinwe turned back from the Exile of the Noldor because for fear of the Vala Mandos' pronouncement of the Doom, he saw his chance to finally be King of the Noldor and seized it.
Arafinwe's hobby is trimming topiaries, examining little species of animals and preserving them, concocting poisons and antidotes. He has an endless fascination with snakes.
🦄 - Characters’ physical appearance.
He is the second shortest of his brothers. He is fair, golden-haired and blue-eyed, of lithe build. He is an excellent swordsman, but rather stupid with archery. Arafinwe likes to clothe himself in greens and golds, sometimes in pinks and reds if he's feeling very festive. He is also fond of wearing pearls in his hair, something absorbed from Earwen and Telerin culture. He has a love of jewelry and shiny things and is often wearing many earrings and rings and bracelets. He always has an easy and warm smile, though those smiles rarely reach his eyes.
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eri-pl · 3 months
Explanation of why "be the older brother" is a sad doom
It's always the older of two brothers (unless you count Turin who had a sister, but she got it quite bad too), and either there are only two, or the two are often mentioned as a pair in separation of their other siblings.
Clear cases:
Melkor is older, Manwe is younger. Melkor is evil, and ultimately loses. Manwe is only overworked and burned-out, but is good and has a Cool Wife.
Feanor is older, Fingolfin is younger (Finarfin is not present in many of their scenes, they often interact as a duo). Feanor is despaired, arguably evil, gets his Silmarils stolen, dies quickly. Fingolfin has problems too, but lives longer and dies in a cool way.
But: if you take Fingolfin and Finarfin (considering them as a pair, because Feanor isn't their full brother): Fingolfin disobeys the Valar, goes through Ice, dies. Finarfin repents and lives happile ever after in Aman.
Maedhros and Maglor: Maglor gets the right idea which would end their tragedies, but Maedhros convinces him to not do it. Also, Maglor lives, which is kinda better? Also, he wasn't chained to a mountain.
Hurin is older, gets a terrible, terrible fate. Huor gets a clear heroic death, also, his son becomes an elf. And Hurin's son... we all know what happens to him.
Boromir and Faramir. Boromir is tempted by the Ring, dies. Faramir is not tempted, lives, gets married.
Unclear cases:
Celegorm and Curufin: They both are equally bad (unless you HC out the B&L story, then not as bad, but still kinslayers). At least Curufin gets a son, who is a good guy?
Namo and Irmo. Namo is the serious one, Irmo the happier one, but they are both good and fine.
Elrond and Elros, kind of. We don't even know which one is older. Also, both end up well, just different. However, if Elros was older, I could argue it sort of fits, because Men are the fallen race and live shorter. Also, his legacy became a dumpster fire (Ar-Pharazon...).
OK, generally twins don't really have this pattern.
Oin and Gloin are both ok, but the younger one is the father of a LotR character, so I would say he gets it better.
Also, Balin ends up as a traumatizing corpse in Moria, his younger brother Dwalin lives into the Fourth Age. Still, none of them has it actually bad.
Gimilkhâd and Tar-Palantir. The older one is the good one; the younger one is the evil one. Also, they have children who are foils too, and Gimilkhâd's son is probably the worst Man to ever live. So, double subversion.
Ambarussa? I think it was the younger one who got (quantum) toasted. But they're twins.
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welcomingdisaster · 5 months
House of Finwë + Gender Presentation In Valinor HCs
Disclaimer: I have not been able to find any actual canon on what is considered masculine or feminine dress for the Noldor. It might exist, and I might be blatantly contradicting it. I think I have some grounding in seeing associations between gold/yellow/Laurelin colors and femininity and silver/grey/Telperion colors and masculinity, but it seems elves of any gender will wear/be associated with/named after/etc either color, so I assume this association is somewhat loose, a little as red and blue to us.
Finwë and Míriel, during their reign: They had set the fashion for all of the Noldor courts, and, unlike the Vanyar, there had been to be a contrast between the sorts of fashions they wear; Finwë in well-fitted, sometimes almost figure-hugging dress in bold, bright colors, decorated with gems and embroidery along the collar, sleeves, and hem, while Míriel leaned towards loose, many-layered outfits with quite a lot of visual noise, often covered in embroidery head-to-toe but eschewing quite as many jewels (in part because she found the weight exhausting). She would also wear one or two rings only, to keep her hands freer, while Finwë's hands were heavily ornamented. Finwë's hair was usually done in a half-up half-down style and ornamented, while Míriel's was bound in many twisting plaits, often with colorful strings (or sometimes light dye!) worked into it. These differences were so influential that the associations between masculinity and tight-fitting clothes + freer hair, and feminine styles and looser-cut dress + ornamented braids remained long after Míriel's death, following the Noldor into middle earth.
Finwë and Indis, during their reign: Gender differences in court dress notably decreased during Indis' reign, though some remained present. Indis, fond of sport and horseback riding, preferred tighter-fitting, simpler clothes than her predecessor, and notably wanted to avoid associations with embroidery. Indis was also similar in height to her husband; when, once or twice, she was seen wearing his robes (pinned and styled to better suit her figure) it caused quite a stir in the courts -- whether it was seen as improper conduct or a touching display of devotion varied heavily on who you asked. Indis was, however, very precise with her hair, which was never seen loose; she braided it closely to her head, bound with jewels and pearls. She introduced hair-wrapping to Noldor courts, binding her hair with thick bright silks. This was always considered a highly feminine style, with men at most using a ribbon or two in their braids.
Findis and Lalwen: Findis styled herself often after her mother, but subconsciously favored styles which would garner the least attention; she tended towards looser, more flowering dress, with sleeves so long she could comfortably fidget without drawing too much attention to herself, and tended to keep her hair bound. Lalwen, on the other hand, was at times scandalously masculine in her forms of dress. She was one of the first noble women to wear parts of her hair unbound, and wore bright, simple styles, tailored close to her with a few statement-piece ornaments, a little as early-reign Finwë. She preferred heavily silver jewelry and sought out an association with Telperion. Upon meeting her for the first time, especially in riding-garb that hid her figure and before hearing her speak, strangers sometimes mistook her for her brother Fingolfin, which secretly pleased her.
Feanor, Fingolfin, Finarfin: Feanor often found himself caught between his desire to harken back to his mother in his modes of dress and the fact that his mother had, more or less, set the standards for what was considered feminine in his society (and his desire to appear masculine as the crown prince). He embraced the same visual noise that Míriel did, wearing tightly-tailored vests and corsets covered in embroidery, but in cuts of cloth tended to imitate Finwë's style. He too kept his hands relatively unadorned, for practicality's sake. Fingolfin was one of the first elves to embrace simplicity in dress, wearing darker or subtler robes broken up by a single splash of color; usually in the form of brooches. His long dark hair was sometimes left entirely loose except for one thin braid holding his hair from his eyes, bound with a few silver beads or sapphires, very distinct and masculine styles. Finarfin leaned rather neutral in his dress in his youth, mostly imitating Finwë by default, though he favored bright sunset oranges and pinks, yellows. However, after spending much of his time with the Teleri, he found he enjoyed their modes of dress, often wearing simpler, looser garments, often off-one-shoulder, rarely worn in Noldor courts. This preference was seen by some as feminine, and by some as simply somewhat foreign.
House of Feanor: From his youth Maedhros tended to heavily imitate his father in dress, often wearing ornate and heavily-embroidered robes. He was also often the first model for some of his father's jewelry pieces, and gained something of a reputation for being garish and loud in his dress. The cuts of his robes, however, tended to be firmly masculine, as appropriate to the first-born son of a crown prince. His hair he often wore down, in the single-braid-in-the-back style popularized by Fingolfin (though he would not admit to that inspiration).
Maglor tended to wear tight-fitting riding-clothes, often in greys, blacks, and dark-blues, ornamented only by silver jewelry. His dark hair he cut unusually short (just below his shoulders) and wore in a top-knot, half-up half-down, a working man's style popular among Telerin sailors. All in all his style read as very masculine to the Noldor, with just a touch of androgyny provided by the the loose-fitting silver-and-black cloak he wore often to formal events.
Celegorm dressed most often in imitation of courtly trends for young men, favoring hunting-styles. His most infamous moment was coming to court with his hair entirely unbraided, scandalous for elves of any gender-- a little as coming to court shirtless. Caranthir dressed in looser robes, though largely out of comfort rather than style. His jewelry tended towards large and chunky, without much visual noise. Curufin heavily imitated Feanor in his manner of dress, albeit often wearing even more jewels; he popularized five ear-piercings rather than the previously fashionable three.
Amrod and Amras, not particularly invested in the fashions of the court, tended to dress similarly to Celegorm, usually falling a few seasons behind the trends currently in court.
House of Fingolfin: Anaire was fond of a matching her husband, sharp and purposeful in her dress. She had particularly beautiful dark hair, which she wore in many braids as a crown upon her head, and of long, simply-decorated cloaks. Very distinctly feminine, but in a sharp, unapproachable sort of way.
Fingon's tendency towards feminine modes of dress was noticeable enough to get him pulled aside and talked to several times during his youth; he preferred layered and loose, dress-like robes, wore bright gold-lip stain usually associated with young women (men favored red and orange lip stain) and did entirely too much with his hair, always wearing it in great plaits. After a specific incident in court during his adolescence he was forbidden from binding his hair with headscarves for court-wear, but wove gold into it. His one touch of masculine saving grace were his many rings. The androgyny suited him well; his appeal to women was offset only by his utter lack of interest in them.
Turgon tended to imitate Fingolfin's manner of dress, albeit with brighter base-colors, favoring deep browns, golds, and reds. Gondolin would eventually grow to have very different gender-norms for its residents, and then Turgon would begin to favor almost toga-like dress during his reign. That, however, is a matter for another post. He was known for many ornate rings, and collar-like necklaces.
Aredhel leaned sporty/practical feminine, often imitating Indis, whom she was particularly close to. She wore her dark hair plaits bound with white, often decorated with diamonds, and favored white riding-clothes and golden jewelry, matching sometimes with Turgon.
House of Finarfin: [the ones I have headcanons for] Earwen embraced hyper-feminine modes of dress, both to the Teleri and the Noldor. She wore intricate gowns and cloaks with many layers as feathers, most often in silver, white, or blue. Her hair was incredibly long, and always woven into several long braids.
Finrod favored greens and blues, usually in adventuring, hunting, riding sorts of styles -- distinctly sporty. His long hair matched his mother's, and he wore parts of is down, threaded with lily flowers and jewels. His hands were covered in many rings, and generally he made the appearance of being a well-ornamented young man. In Middle Earth he would experiment with androgyny, but that is a story for another post.
Orodreth: Dressed in soft, simple colors, notably pale greens and grays. Not wanting to draw attention, he would usually imitate whatever masculine style was popular in court, but he did not seem particularly confident in them.
Angrod: Embraced his Telerin side often, and dressed similarly to his father. His hair he kept strangely short, just around his shoulders, and wore a top-knot as often as a braid.
Aegnor: Simple in his dress, usually modeling himself after Fingolfin but with rather less splash. He did not much like the weight of jewelry, and wore the minimum he could get away with. Most people considered him quite unfashionable.
Galadriel: Mingled feminine styles of dress freely with masculine ones. Wore her long hair completely unbound on several occasions despite many talking-tos. Decorated her hands with many rings, pairing this with riding styles, but was just as likely to wear a long flowing cloak or gown; often styled her hair with rubies and sapphires. Quite controversial in her style of dress.
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