pizzasushiburger · 2 years
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secicrexe · 2 years
three butterflies make butterflies make ... 
 trois papillons font trois papillons font ...
This sentence pushes my bones to become powerful, very powerful, LIGHT. So that they become white, very white, lLIGHT. To become hard, very hard, LIGHT. A factory, a big factory, LIGHT. A profile, a great profile, LIGHT. To make them complex, very complex, LIGHT. Close, very close, LIGHT. The material, the first material, LIGHT. To make them right, very right, LIGHT. The gift of metamorphosis, the power to move the big cursor, bite the LIGHT.
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ereborne · 9 months
Song of the Day: January 3
"King of the Road" by Roger Miller
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 7 months
Mild rant because I need to talk it out into the void.
The thesis not thesising, i just finished the literature, starting tomorrow the questionnaire analysis and I plan to be done with it by the next weekend because my thesis supervisor just announced she will want our writings by march 15, not the end of the month because she will be abroad, so my plan of "one more month" is over, i need to rush meanwhile im trying to balance field practice in the hospital every weekday while also preapring for my state exam with them delicious 92themes FOR JUNE 3.
Like I need to do cell division and have the brain capacity of Megamind to deal with all of this. And im just a silly little girl. I know this should not be the end of the world, heck TÖBB IS VESZETT MOHÁCSNÁL but still this is my biggest challenge and fear for my short ylung life so far and I already developed panic attacks because of academics, what will i do when im working???? Someone poof me out of exiatance please, i want to be a moss rug on the forest floor.
My high anxiety really goes hand in hand with my procrastination to destroy my mental state in my early 20s, aren't they?
Anyway whowever reada this, and also has shit ton of work to do and you are panicing and want to run off to the woods, leviing all responsibility for the strrrong capable ones -- you are not alone as you can see, and I'm sure we'll manage. But first lets disappear into the swamps together, okay?
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🖊 for manatsu :]
i love that the prompt for this specifies headcanon. yeah heres smth about my oc that the author hasnt confirmed but i personally believe
Manatsu has this passive aggressive streak which manifests as indirectly confronting things she takes issue with through song, often targetedly singing them to someone! this tends to make people very angry.
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here she is shortly after dalamud fell, annoying the fuck outta her aunt tacita !
she's usually right to take issue with whatever it may be, but i do think that this is the least efficient and most easily misinterpreted way of telling someone you're mad at them.
EDIT: OH ALSO I FORGOT TO MENTION. emet thinks theyre hilarious. he loves arts and performances so this lady singing mean songs at him is peak entertainment.
manatsu: i do not like a single thing about you.
emet: tell me more!
manatsu: this isn't sexting.
emet: it's better than sexting actually.
manatsu isnt the wol also, so her relevance for certain storybeats can fluctuate like the rest of the scions. which means sometimes theyre a bit out of the loop, like why thancred is picking fights with a guy brandishing a massive axe in the dravanian wilderness, who then all disappear ominously
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in a modern au they like the metal gear series and if you gave them 20 minutes they could convince estinien the shadow moses incident really happened
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Why is amazon.de automatically translating my searches. 😭
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quiet-hypnotist · 1 year
Not Hypnotized
“I’m not hypnotized.” The words fizzled out in the dimly lit bedroom without any form of reaction, half forgotten the moment that they were said. Not because they would have been drowned out. This late at night even a faint whisper would have been easy to hear over the calm, steady sound of deep breaths and the barely unnoticable rustling of clothes on skin.
“I’m not spellbound.”
The only irregularity in the otherwise dark room was the pulsing swirl of coloured lights on the screen, yet that actually made it harder to really see any contours in the rest of the darkness surrounding it. So even attempting to look away would have been pointless.
“I’m not hypnotized.”
Just like it was pointless to wonder where the words were coming from or why they sounded so monotonous at each repetition. Looping facts did that after a while. Trying to analyze or interpret anything into it would have been a waste of brain cells when just thinking anything was already draining enough and sleep waited right around the corner.
“I’m not conditioned.”
The sounds hovered in the empty space as if said by someone far, far away. Detached, dazed, like the almost faded memory of a dream. They felt so unrelated to the creaking of the bed as weight shifted and muscles settled into a lazy yet eager rhythm, always tracing the same repetitive path in small circles. The pattern had a familiar quality to it as if having gone through it all so many times already to the point of not quite knowing when one time ended and the next began. There was something so soothing and natural about laying back, sinking down and rubbing without a single thought to spare about the how or why. After all, no matter what the reason was, it seemed pretty clear that it had nothing to do with the glowing words that appeared and disappeared on screen in midst the colourful lights.
“I’m not... hypnotized.”
It would be silly to see a connection between that feeling and the choir of voices that echoed from the speakers at just the right volume to draw attention yet subdued enough to never really feel that relevant. That would be like believing that there was a connection between the pace of the spiral and the speed at which that hand moved ceaselessly in circles. Or like claiming that somehow the fingersnaps echoing within the sound of the video were to blame for the way that thoughts just seemed to fall apart before they even finished forming. Coincidences, all of it. Amusing that they happened so often, certainly, but nothing that warranted a second thought. Maybe not even a first one.
“I’m not… mindless.”
The hand sped up just a little bit. Which had nothing to do with the subtle but growing change in the pattern on screen, of course. For what reason would a hand match its pace to the urgent pulsing of rippling bands of colour or the soft, husky moaning that accompanied the words whenever they flashed and became visible for just a moment or two?
“Not… hypnotized.”
The sound of slightly ragged breath mixed itself into the silence of the night and the shaking and rustling of a bed on which someone moved a lot. But none of those sounds felt important in any way or form. They concerned someone else, in another place at another time. Someone who was trying to think maybe. Someone who might be trying to read along as words and colours took turns. Since in order to form a thought perhaps one would need a chance to focus without distractions.
“Not… uhhhh...”
The voice trailed off. Trying to continue staring at the screen was surprisingly difficult and for a moment the sensation of a single tear rolling down and dropping onto the sheets was enough to lose focus. Yet once lost, it was even harder to remember what those eyes had been so focused on first and so they blinked and rolled, trying to shake the befuddled sense that they should just close like the echoes from the speakers seemed to insinuate. The longer they mumbled in the back of the video, the more they seemed to make sense. Which was the oddest thing really because the longer they moaned and giggled, the less they sounded like something that needed conscious attention.
The voice had changed. Or maybe it was a different one from among the echoes that spelled out the words in front of the swirling spiral. Higher. Spaced out. Sounding so docile that it was hard to imagine it as a person’s voice as word after word bubbled into the room.
Every attempt at refocusing on the spiral led to blurry, teary eyes. Which led to blinking as the blinks got longer and longer, empty gaps in between brief moments of staring at the text that floated by. Lips moving as if they had a mind of their own, even if only the vapid breathy moan could be heard over the video.
Pleasure ebbed and flowed through every fiber, matching the needy throbbing lights of the spiral so perfectly that even with blurry, glazed eyes watching the rhythm felt like the easiest thing in the world. The glowing text floated in and out of a head that felt far too sleepy to remember reciting it again and again.
The pulses slowed. And so did all movement almost as if following the video’s guidance. Yet the warm pleasure remained, drawing attention back towards the dark square as if waiting. Yet there was no recognition as a spinning symbol popped up to indicate that the computer loaded the same file again from the start. The only thing that broke the silence of the moment was a small chain of words that fizzled out in the dimly lit room, forgotten the moment they were said.
“I’m not hypnotized.”
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nights-at-crystarium · 6 months
ShB!Emet hcs but make them horny
˗ˏˋ ✦ ∙ Old man lewding hours! ∙ ✦ ˎˊ˗
⋆ Mostly a bottom, could top if that strikes his fancy. (He will. Be patient, level up your trust and let him climb on when he's ready.)
⋆ Doesn't like being teased overmuch, as it promptly exposes his desperation. He's. NOT. Needy.
⋆ Direct and open, shameless, knows what he wants, doesn't hesitate to take that from you. Not above begging, but even that'll sound like an order or demand.
⋆ Always in control, even when he's a sweaty, trembling mess leaking your cum, he got what he wanted.
⋆ Loud. Preposterously loud and creative with the variety of sounds he makes. You begin to wonder if it's on purpose. It probably is.
⋆ Lazy. Pillow prince. You'll do all the work. You'll love him.
⋆ Has a bad habit of fingersnapping the mess and hickeys away, does so on autopilot. It's just less bothersome than "proper" aftercare.
⋆ Spends an agonizing amount of time lounging in the bath. A regular mortal would get all wrinkly from that, he doesn't.
⋆ Can reshape his body to his liking, but only if that's your thing. Generally he feels detached from his vessel, but tries to pass as a "normal human" to match his current company, and to anchor himself in the immediate reality.
⋆ Hades true form/transformation? Tentacles.
⋆ Loves slow pace, meditative grinding, skin to skin as much as possible. Frankly, just needs to be held, but won't admit it.
⋆ Misses being sandwiched between Azem and Hyth, therefore enjoys having your cock in his ass, and fingers in his mouth (or vice versa)
⋆ Needs to be fucked so thoroughly as to forget himself and everything that weighs on him, even if for a brief moment.
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tennfan2 · 3 months
So I shared this “this or that” hypnosis ask, and @soundshypnotic replied, saying they wanted to know all of them. All I will say is that I feel like that’s a very compelling ask, so… here you go, friend:
Slow or quick induction?
Slow, but not droning on - I do love an induction that takes its time, but has a little surprise happening too.
Text or voice hypnosis?
Voice. Not even close. But to be clear: In person > Video > Voice > getting hit by a bus > Text.
Relaxation or confusion?
Confusion, no brainer here. (Hehe)
Dumbification or mindlessness?
A bratty sub or an eager sub?
Eager sub. I don’t do bratty. I know some people think that’s fun, but if I’m hypnotizing you, I want you engaged and interested and ready to collaborate.
Fractionation or fingersnaps?
Why not both? But if I have to choose… fingersnaps.
Hypnotic bondage or memory play?
This is evil. Bondage is *so fucking fun* but gotta go memory play. I want so much to get better at doing it on purpose and craaaaaaave that.
Magical enchantment or brain hacking technology?
Enchantment! I’m not into tech stuff.
Hypnotic eyes or hypnotic voice?
Previously answered, but eyes.
Vampire or succubus/incubus?
Succubus, I guess? Vampires freak me out.
Touching instructions or hands free pleasure?
I’m assuming this question is about television remote controls vs changing channels by talking to a Siri-like thing. Touching, by far. 😇😇😇
Staircase or elevator induction?
Elevator because of the possibility the elevator either drops suddenly or goes full Wonkavator.
Conversational or overload induction?
Why not both? But probably overload if it really is overloading. Add some kinesthetic for fun.
Gentle or demanding tone of voice?
So context dependent! All demanding all the time isn’t my fave, but I find lately that I respond pretty well to that sort of shift in tone.
Drooling or eyes fluttering?
Eyes fluttering, all the way. Drool is okay, I guess, but it gets so into all the weird “trance face” stuff that’s icky.
Spirals or pendulums?
Pendulums! My recent video/file not withstanding, I love a good pendulum.
Frozen in place or loose and limp?
While I love flopping, a lot, being frozen in place is really fun to me - it’s created a really fascinating mindset in the past that I’ve enjoyed. Also, being frozen in place and then talked about? Yeah.
Moans or mantras?
Mantras. Love a mantra.
Giggly and silly or blank and empty?
This is entirely context dependent. (But starting giggly and silly and then ending up blank and empty? Love that journey.)
Being controlled or being in control?
Being controlled. Period.
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laurentidal · 2 months
Shouldn't the numbers count down if there's going to be a drop? 😉
6. Fractionation or Fingersnaps
Fingersnaps one hundred thousand percent. The crispness of a good snap is unparalleled.
8. Magical enchantment or brain hacking technology
As a fervent anti-capitalist who hates El*n M*sk, I cannot abide by brain hacking technology. Give me an irresistible spell or a mind bending potion. You wouldn't even have to trick me into it.
14. Gentle or demanding tone of voice
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Sometimes I just like to be taken care. Softly lulling me down and telling me I've done a good job and it's okay to rest. And sometimes!! I like someone to tell me what a whore I am so strongly and confidently that I can't help but believe it.
Even more fun is that even I don't know what mood I'm in sometimes!!
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orviposition · 1 year
thoughts on sp and 999!gang raising od? preferably wholesome shenanigans 💜
this made me realize that ive only made one (1) post about 999th gang im ashamed
anw lemme expand some more
od does not want to get along with knw. it makes the poor guy cry. one day he sends od to school and is all like "bully him and you die" to the other guys. luv to see it
uriel dresses him up almost every day!!
ljh has taken it a personal mission to spend her gym time with him much to knw's chagrin bcs he thinks he still has a chance (maybe maybe not). ljh also begs sp to teach her to cook at half his level
lhs's big wide strong shoulders are od's favorite seat tyvm
od is plagued by nightmares (this is very important to me) sp notices and is like "do you want me to hold your hand as you sleep/sleep on my lap" (yada yada yada you get the point) and od cant stop his mouth in time from telling him that sp-ahjussi (yes od canonically calls sp ahjussi btw) is at the same age (physically) as his dad or smth and sp is like *fingersnap* *kidifies himself* (<- this is also very important to me) needless to say it does wonders to od's nightmares
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rayar32 · 1 year
Well last post sure was adorable I wonder what I have in store today—
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Oh. Right.
Listen I love my unhinged rays of sunshine with way too much power that mean the best, but are absolutely psychotic about it! And a Destructor GodBikki is like, ultimate power so yeah!
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Case in point GodBikki kidnaps random strangers to take photos of her and her girlfriend and sends them to a timeless pocket dimension whenever they fuck up. Sometimes she forgets to take them out of there though...
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Also yes she does very much realize she loves Miku the moment she ascends to godhood so she's quite protective of her. She never kills anyone, but will fingersnap any threat away to the other side of the world, or to the Vacation Realm (Tsubasa may be stuck there after trying to rudely attack GodBikki after she oh so kindly revived Kanade for her, so that's a little bit of a problem for the rest of the Gears)
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sierpentas · 11 months
So... Another Lazari?
Didn't that guy from the soho street association... die? What happened to him? And how did Crowley get him back? I'm kindof lost, don't know if he just got a bit injured or that they're implying that Crowley can just . get people back from the dead by a casual fingersnap
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edit: neil gaiman has previously said that he didn't die :p
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sleepytrancysub · 4 months
6. fractionation or fingersnaps? or a secret third option, fractionation with fingersnaps as a quick trigger?
I mean, exactly what you said. It's funny to me that the post presents these as a dichotomy as if a sharp, sudden trigger like a snap isn't perfect for fractionation :3
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marlynnofmany · 1 year
Did anyone notice that Crowley and Aziraphale aren't visibly pulling power from heaven and hell anymore?
They used to do the fingersnap up or down, respectively, but this season they just -- gesture. Like Crowley summons rain by making a rainy-finger motion, and Aziraphale whooshes shelves and the chandelier about.
I haven't searched the whole season out for other moments, but I noticed that.
I look forward to seeing more of it in the happy ending we're getting with Season Three. (Right?? Right.)
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soppsop · 1 year
i love the ace attorney anime but man they really ruined all the breakdown animations by making the lawyers airbenders. It's so unsatisfying that instead of pressing the culprits until they break they just get sent flying across the courtroom 💀 I remember being irrationally upset because Dee Vasquez's pipe broke bc it fell down with the wind and I was like THAT'S NOT HOW IT HAPPENEEED
don't even get me started on von karma that was LAME. they just cut from him failing to do a fingersnap to calmly explaining all his evil plan on the stand. not even banging his head?? not even an EDGEWOOOOOORTH???? lame.
on the other hand they made Nick, Edgey and Larry feel like they were actually friends, AND they made this shot in the opening which i love
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