#finish things off with him :( the fucking dice failed when i tried to warn him about the person
tiddie · 2 years
just finished disco elysium
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Twenty-five things I noted about CR2E140 “Long May He Reign” :
oh buckle up kids it's going to be a long bumpy ride, but this episode deserves it
Marisha is wearing an ExU t-shirt and that makes me so happy
Yeah, ain't that the mood :
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I love the transformation of Lucien the Neo-Somnovem abilities, instead of guilt, now Yasha is mind-transported into her worst nightmare : Zuala shouting "why did you leave me ??"
"Minus eyes" "Minus eyes", I love that it's becoming the phrase to shout.
CALEB IMAGINED THE GLAIVE THAT KILLED LUCIEN AND IT CAME TO LIFE. Ooooooh boy Liam is such a good player, he understood the possibility of what Matt was saying about the aether potential !
Veth screming with joy and lust when Fjord cast Marine Layer, what an episode, guys (he did warn her to "keep [her] clothes on")
Jester, using the power of imagination : "The giant pillar in front of [Lucien] turning into a giant dick covered in eggs, scrambled eggs. And I'm going to use it as a giant bludgeoning device to fall forward and smack him in the face !" Bonus Travis reaction : "That's my child's mother." Bonus Liam reaction : "I mean, in character to the end." Bonus Taliesin reaction : "This is how my parents said I'd die."
OOOOoooh interesting, the attacks on each of the eyes are useful to get rid of the eyes and : a) get rid of nasty effects (that 40+ points of necrotic damage every time Fastidan strikes is no joke !!) b) hurt Lucien in the process
you can also heal with the power of the mind !
Laura tried and tried, but alas, the dice gods were not with her. That's too bad, I would have wanted to see a Divine Intervention of the Traveler SO BAD
Travis utterly failing to sound persuasive towards Lucien with his story of the fruit basket in Zadash makes me laugh so much. Matt : "I'm on the cusp of giving you disadvantage for that one." Travis : "I'm on the cusp of agreeing !"
Ashley blowing her nose in the Socks Machina because she's crying after Jester got killed and she doesn't have any tissues around is the saddest thing I've seen on 3 campaigns of Critical Role (yet).
They were all so stressed !!! I'm appreciating Travis saying "Calm down, let's slow a few seconds" and prompting Sam to fill up the silence even more. CEO BRAIN !!
After Caduceus tried to Revivify Jester, but Matt left it in suspense, before revealing it worked... the instant relief and simultaneous freak-out of the cast, tag yourself, I'm Liam :
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"can we animate that ?" Travis got hit by the Appollo ball, and also no ! because he's got to know by now that everything the cast ever says will come true, right ?
Caleb got the same treatment Jester did by Lucien : unconscious, and then with one attack left he finished him on the spot.
Jester, basically : "I'm a cleric, but..." and she didn't wait for an answer before getting the HDYWTDT on Lucien !
You know it's a good D&D game when there's only silence, hysterics bouts of laughter, and then more silence, mouths open because everything that just happened was incredible.
my thoughts from this point on were... not very coherent : "Oh my god, they're doing it. They're trying to resurrect Molly (When I began this campaign, I knew that Taliesin's first character died and somehow… came back ?? The details were not was I was searching for, since I hate getting spoiled on a good story.) oH MY GOD A NATURAL ONE NOOOOOOOW ???? WHAT IS HAPPENING ? IS IT ALL A DREAM ?? ARE THEY ALL DEAD SINCE THE BEGINNING ??"
"It's just not fair" broke me
Beau : "We may be heroes that no one knows about. But we know."
the end... like, what the fuck. CADUCEUS ROLLED ANOTHER DIVINE INTERVENTION and THEY HAVE DONE IT THEY BROUGHT HIM BACK my heart was beating a hundred times a minute
"Someone call Burch, she's off the hook" I'M SCREAMING
And the Mighty were Nein
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Chasing His Heat
Characters: Loki x Reader
Chapter: 1 of 2
Rating: Explicit
Summary: After a failed mission strands you in the Siberian wilderness, you and Loki are forced to take extreme measures to fend off hypothermia.
Warnings: Language, making out, partial nudity, implied smut, Loki is an ass but not completely
Taglist: @just-the-hiddles
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“I’m going to kill Thor the next time I see him,” you grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest against the biting wind that cut through your clothing as if it didn’t even exist.
“Only after I am finished with him,” Loki snapped, trudging a path through the snow ahead of you. His long strides were a bit too wide for you to keep your steps within, but you did your best, although the effort was pointless after spending several minutes out in the dreadful weather. Your shoes, socks, and pants were completely soaked, adding to the chill seeping into your bones.
You put on a mediocre impression of Thor’s booming accented voice, shaking your head back and forth and rolling your eyes, “Loki can assist you with that mission! He is the God of Mischief, and you will require stealth to successfully enter the base undetected.”
You let out a shriek of frustration and kicked at the snow. It was a dumb gesture, and you knew it before you did it, but it didn’t stop you; it only ended up with you sprawled on your ass, snow surrounding you on all sides. It immediately wetted down the rest of your clothing that had somehow remained relatively dry despite the light snowfall. Not anymore.
You had the sudden and intense urge to just give up and throw a temper tantrum.
“Didn’t account for their anti-aircraft missiles shooting us out of the sky, did you, Lightning Man?” you snarled and shook a numb, trembling fist at the cloud-covered sky.
Loki turned around and lifted his brow in a smirk at your defeated prone figure. “I am not coming back to retrieve you. There is what appears to be an abandoned building up ahead. We can use that for shelter until Stark can send another jet for our retrieval.”
The promise of shelter from the elements spurs you on, and you scramble to your feet and book it towards the small wooden cottage standing against the washed-out gray horizon. Behind it a dense forest of evergreens, blocking out the mountains that dotted the Siberian wilderness. You could only hope there’s a bit of firewood somewhere around it, or you could very well get hypothermia before help arrived.
Loose floorboards creaked underneath your combined footsteps as you both rushed into the cabin and slammed the door behind you against the howling wind. Your eyes darted around the room hopefully in search of firewood, a blanket, anything to keep warm. You’re left wanting when the only thing to be found is a worn rug that had seen better days at least a decade ago.
“Got any space heaters up your magical sleeve that I don’t know about?” you asked bitterly as you rushed over to pull the thick shutters over the two front windows to stop the worst of the wind blowing into the tiny space. Even with the shutters drawn and windows closed, a draft still blew in through near-invisible cracks between the logs. There wasn’t anything you could do about that. You peered around, using the faint light filtering in through the gaps in the logs, in one last-ditch hope that a change of clothes, plush couch, firewood, and a hot bath would have suddenly appeared in the few seconds you back was turned.
No dice. Damnit.
“Unfortunately I do not, no. It is not an issue I worry too terribly about,” he replied with a dry chuckle, walking over to the nearest wall and sliding down until he was seated against it.
You mimicked his position on the opposite wall, pulling your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around them as tightly as you could manage. You tucked your chin between your knees and chest and your blue-tinted mouth found a home against the sodden fabric of your thin light gray pants. You had dressed to blend in if you had the misfortune of getting spotted, either inside the Hydra base or outside, and the thin layers you wore did nothing to protect you from the elements even before you had been forced to abandon the downed Quinjet. Now that they were soaked through with snow, you shivered uncontrollably in as tight of a ball as you could manage.
“Lucky you, Asgardian. Just scrape me off of the floor when they get here,” you bit back, dropping your forehead onto your knees. Your breath barely warmed the small pocket you’d created between your thighs and chest, but it felt better than the frigid air of the cabin, so you closed your eyes and tried to focus on that small bit of comfort instead of the ache of your extremities from the lack of blood flow.
If only you’d gone on this mission with Nat, or Sam, or even Cap, they would know what to do. But you had no choice but to stick it out with Loki. He was unbothered by the cold, and most likely too far up his own ass to notice that you were freezing to the wall you huddled against.
A gasp of surprise left your chapped lips when a heavy arm settled over your hunched shoulders. You had been so fixated on the tremors wracking your body that you hadn’t noticed Loki’s heavy footfalls as he crossed the space to sit down beside you.
“Wh-what are you d-doing?” you asked, brow furrowed in concentration and indignation as you tried to get the words out around your chattering teeth. He radiated delicious heat that you long to curl into like a kitten but you held onto the last bit of dignity with your fingernails. You’d freeze to death before you accepted help from the asshole Asgardian who seemed to revel in nothing more than when he caused you endless amounts of frustration.
“I won’t be viewed favorably by our colleagues if I allow you to freeze to death. Hush and come here stubborn mortal,” he grumbled, velvet voice full to the brim with exasperation.
Your muscles seemed to have solidified in the short time you’d sat there, so you didn’t even try to uncurl when he lifted you like you weighed nothing and deposited you in the circle of his lap. Your jaw dropped to sputter against the forward action, but you instantly shut up at the blissful heat accompanying the actions of his arms wrapping the both of you in his green and black cape and pulling you into his chest.
A soft moan of pleasure rushed unbidden from your lips at his intoxicating warmth enveloping you, and you were powerless to resist the urge to bury your face into the hollow of his neck. The heady, masculine scent of spice and leather that perfumed to his skin and clothing washed over you, and you breathed it in greedily. His fingers tensed on your back briefly, but soon he relaxed and allowed his gloriously toasty touch to permeate your icy clothes.
“We tell no one about this,” you commanded quietly, words muffled against his racing pulse point.
A breathless laugh blew against your damp hair plastered to the crown of your head. “As if I would speak of it. No one would believe it if you deigned to inform anyone of your rescue by the dashing Asgardian Prince, so settle your nerves and be still.”
You bit back your retort to wrap your hands out from around your shins and up to cup his jawline, unfeeling fingers seeking the heat that you so desperately craved. In any other situation it would mortify you to act so boldly with the god, but it was just between the two of you, and he had started it. You were simply staving off hypothermia.
Well, you were trying. Despite the impressive heat his body gave off beneath his cape, it wasn’t enough to combat your water-logged clothes, and the tremor rattling your bones.
“You will not approve of this suggestion, but you will never warm properly while you remain in those clothes.” He patted his hand against your back to punctuate his statement, the wet slap of his palm loud in the almost unnatural quiet of the dimly lit cabin.
You closed your eyes and sighed drowsily. “Not happening.”
The answering shake of his head pulled your hands back and forth as they clung to his jaw. You stilled the abrupt movement by running your thumbs over the hollows of his cheeks. Subconsciously you continued the soothing movement. You couldn’t feel your fingers anyway, so what did it matter?
Loki’s hands shook your shoulders roughly, pulling you from the light doze that you had fallen into. It was so hard to open your eyes, but you forced yourself to when he called your name and cupped the sides of your neck so his thumbs propped your head up by your jaw.
He looked worried. His shining emerald eyes narrowed with concern and he cursed quietly under his breath. Your forehead fell onto his shoulder when he adjusted you on top of him so that your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms were wedged between you so your hands splayed across his broad, bare chest.
He was so warm. You could really feel it with your chests pressed together as they were. Your heels dug into his lower back and you tightened your fingers into his pectoral muscles to leech as much of his body heat as he had to give.
“Such a fragile little thing,” he murmured. The quiet words brushed his lips against the frosty shell of your ear and sent another wave of heat through you, but this time it went straight to the faint stirrings at the pit of your stomach.
Slowly, you came back to your senses as painful pins and needles pricked at your hands and feet. You groaned - more unhappily than pained - at the unpleasant sensation and lifted your head so you could visually inspect the offending body parts.
In the shadows of Loki’s cape, though, all you got was an eyeful of the half-naked god beneath you. Your wide eyes shot down to take in your own lack of clothing, and you were at least slightly relieved to see that you’re both still wearing underwear.
But that doesn’t explain where your clothing and your bra went. How had you not felt that happening?
Damn wizard.
“Loki, where the fuck are my clothes?” you exclaimed, crossing your arms over your bare chest and leaning away from him.
His hands remained firmly rooted to your back, not allowing you to gain more than a few inches of distance between your underdressed bodies. “You were succumbing to hypothermia. I made the decision to save your life at the risk of upsetting your delicate sensibilities about partial nudity,” he stated matter-of-factly with a shrug of his shoulders, having the gall to look bored with the entire conversation.
Your head shook side to side erratically. “Well, that’s not. I mean, you-”
He cut off your sputtering with a sharp shake of his head, raising one brow while he looked at you expectantly. “-I saved your life. You’re welcome.”
You shifted on his lap, and the innocent motion rubbed across the beginnings of his arousal, restrained by almost indecently thin underwear. The warmth that flooded out from between your legs had nothing to do with the toasty bubble created from your bodies beneath Loki’s cape, and everything to do with the lust shining in his eyes mere inches from your own.
This close, you took a moment to actually look at the god pinned beneath you, at the regal line of his nose, the jawline so sharp it could cut glass, brows furrowed together and tilted slightly downward, and green eyes with pupils blown, darkening them and adding a hint of danger to his expression that sent a jolt of electricity to your core and made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.
Your hand tentatively flattened itself onto his chest just beneath his collar bones. A muscle in his jaw fluttered at the chill of your firm touch. Curiosity drove you, and you leaned forward, eyes focused on his lips that parted when you stopped your advance so close that you heard his breath hitch in his throat when your thumb caressed the pulse fluttering beneath the closure of his cape.
Sating your sudden intense need to know what the god tasted like, you tilted your head and brushed your lips across his experimentally.
His lips were softer than you expected. His large hands found the dips of your waist and anchored there, not pulling you in or pushing you away, just holding you. You pulled back just enough so that the tip of your nose nudged the length of his, searching his eyes for his reaction. His face was guarded, revealing nothing, but the growing hardness trapped between your bodies said everything his face did not. It cast a spell over you, ridding you of logical thought, removing your intense dislike of him, and you dipped your head to kiss him more thoroughly.
He tasted of the coffee he had on the jet, bitter and sweet, when your tongue darted out to trace his bottom lip. His answering groan rumbled out of him and settled low in your stomach, tightening the muscles there pleasantly. He finally returned the kiss with equal fervor, melding his lips expertly against yours in a languid, teasing dance that did a much more complete job of easing the chill from your bones than a fire would have, and at a faster rate to boot.
Fire blazed in the wake of his caressing fingers as they skimmed from your waist to smooth over your underwear, taking as much of your backside into his hands as he could and grinding you down onto him eagerly. Your tongues tangled together, fighting for dominance in a frenzied battle that you both simultaneously won and lost. Each generous squeeze of his hands into your pliant flesh and stroke of his tongue stole more of your breath.
You were both panting when you finally broke the kiss to press your foreheads together. His eyes were glazed over, heavy-lidded, and his hips bucked into you when you let your fingernails barely scratch along the flexed muscles of his torso to come to a halt just above the hem of his underwear.
“This is a terrible idea,” he whispered hoarsely even as his lips pulled back into a mischievous smile.
“Wouldn’t want me to get hypothermia, would we?” you breathed with a matching grin.
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Title: Love, Maybe? {44}
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Chris Evans X Reader OFC Vixen Giovanni
Warning: Cursing, Heavy Angst
Word Count: 3.7K
Summary: After a night of drunkenness you wake up next to warm, hot as hell body, a migraine and no memory of the night before. When you come to realize that the hot body belongs to none other than Hollywood’s golden boy Chris Evans you freak out. As events unfold you become even more panicked to find out you got married in your drunken haze. What else is there to do but get it annulled, right? Before walking away, you share one more night of molten kisses and passion. Three years later you are still living with the repercussions of your brash decisions, but the surprises don’t stop there. The past has a way of coming back and have you questioning is this fate that you’ve been running from, hell could it have been love, maybe?
NOTE: **Italic texts is an inner Vixen thought. Bold Italic texts is an inner Chris thought. 
**Loosley Edited/Proofread**
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊❤❤️
Chapter 44:   Surrender 
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 “A divorce Vix, really?”
 You sighed and did your best to ignore her. You knew it wasn’t going to be easy especially now that she found out.
 “You can’t ignore me Vixen. I’m like your conscience, your voice of reason. I speak to that part of you that isn’t so withdrawn, the part that wants love, and connection. How do you think you’re going to get any of that by divorcing the man who wants to love you, the man who is trying to connect with you?”
 “Nex, let’s not,” you began opening your laptop.
 “No, we’re going to.” She came around and slammed it shut again. You gave her an exasperated look.
 “No, I’m not afraid of you. One why didn’t you tell me about this? Two, a divorce, is that really what you want? Have you thought about this?”
 You really didn’t want to do this. You were already barely hanging on.
 “Yes. I’m sure and I have thought about it. What else was I supposed to do Nex? We’re complete strangers. We live in two different worlds, there is no way anything can—this was the right call.”
“You’re full of shit. I know how you feel about him. I know how you’ve always felt about him. You can deny it all you want and ignore it and pretend that you have no feelings for him, but I know the truth. Why can’t you just let him in?”
 “I did that twice Nex! I let him in three years ago and he fucked me literally and broke my heart. Then three years later I did it again against my better judgment, against every single alarm inside my head. I did it and surprise, fucking surprise he fucked me again. I am done Nex, I am so fucking done!”
 “Both times you made the same fucking mistake. Both times you bit your tongue, you cut yourself off, you distanced yourself, you pulled a Heisman. Both times you were never all in,” Nexus accused.
 “For good fucking reason. Why would I be all in with a man who has shown me time and time again why he’s not trustworthy, who shows me how different we are, who shows me why I have these defenses why my freedom is the most paramount thing in the world?!”
 “Just say you’re scared and get it over with. You’re scared you’re so in love with him that he can do no wrong and have you fall out of love with him. Hell, you’ve been in love with him for three fucking years and still, you love him. he fucked you over again and you still love him.”
 “And I hate him for it!”
 Silence filled the room. There is was.
 “Vix, there is a thin line between love and hate. What you are forcing as hate could really be such a love that scares you.”
 “Nex, I am so drained. I have never been more drained in my life and that includes being pregnant, going to culinary school, and going through labor while I finish exams. I am tired.”
 “Then stop running. Yes he fucked up, twice, he should have told you, he should have never taken your choice away from you. I am not condoning it at all, but I understand.”
 “Of course you do. Why am I not surprised. You always understand everything he does.”
 “Because I choose to. You choose to shut it down, lock it away and never address it. You choose to hope it goes away, but Vix it won’t go away. It’s like a scab, it will keep itching and crusting unless you treat it. Face your fears baby sister, face them and grab them by the horns and take your happiness, take your life back. This isn’t living.”
 With your back to her, you stared out the window. You hated when she got this involved. The way you handled things it worked; it had been working. you couldn’t afford to go back to that woman from three years ago. Thankfully your phone rang distracting you from the conversation.
 “Hello? Hi Charmaine. No, you’re not interrupting anything. How can I help you?”
 You listened to her give you up to date information from Chris’ lawyers and every word she spoke made your heart beat faster and your mind race.
 “No, I’m here. Sorry. Um—so that means what exactly?” She spoke again and when she stopped you knew you should have said something but words failed you.
 “Thank you. I have to go.” You hung up and took several breaths.
 “Who is that?”
 “My divorce lawyer,” you informed.
 “Wow, you’re serious about this shit. Unbelievable. What did she say?”
 “Chris’ lawyers informed her that per Chris, he doesn’t want anything from me. Whatever I had three years ago and since he doesn’t want any of it.”
 “No shit!” You looked at her, she looked impatient as if she was sick and tired of you.
 “He also said that he won’t fight me for custody, he doesn’t want joint custody, he just wants access to her when he can in San Fran.”
 “Again, no shit. I’ve told you that he is not like that and you know he’s not like that. You know exactly who he is and always have. You saw the real him that night in Vegas, the him that you fell for and decided to be carefree with. He’s not an asshole Vix.”
 “She said that if I want half of what he has he will not contest it.”
 There was silence now, both of you letting that nugget sink in. He was giving you access to everything he owned, no fight. It showed a disregard for it like none of it mattered.  
 “Yep.” Nexus shook her head then sighed.
 “Look, Vix, you’re on the right path to being alone forever, the right path to just let the one man who actually is your equal, your potential match slip right through your hands. You are on the right path to not making sure that Ella’s relationship with him is not the best it can be, the right path of stealing such a happy family and future from her. So, if that is what you want then continue because the outcome is inevitable.”
 Once she said the words she walked out leaving you standing there shaking from the impact of what she said. You were going to fall apart; it was only a matter of time.  You already didn’t know if you’d made the right decision. You knew you sided with your fear instead of your heart and what made it worse was you felt completely incapable of taking a chance.
 Pushing the conversation with Nex away you focused on the tasks for the evening. You walked out of your office and looked out and down to the space below. The restaurant was coming together nicely. It was T minus four days before the grand opening and you were so close to the finish line you could see it.
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“Amazing isn’t it?” Beside you, Kassius looked down at the view you were looking.
 “It is. I can’t believe that we’re getting so close.”
 “You worked hard for this Vixen. I can’t wait for it to pay off. This place looks incredible. You are going to blow minds on Saturday.”
 You smiled and felt the excitement bubbling within you. You sure hoped so. It would suck to put this much work, tears, and sweat into something and it be a horrible failure.
 “Don’t worry. This is what I do for a living. I take chances but only on things I’m sure about. I’m sure about you Vixen. You’ll see.” He patted your back then walked away. You took a deep breath and tried to knock it into your head that you were going to crush the opening.
 The rest of the evening you did your best to stay present and work with the crew that was left there. No job was too small for you, you chipped in and got your hands dirty. Nothing was beneath you. When you left that night you were pleasantly surprised to see that none of the paps were outside. For the first time in weeks, you took a deep breath and walked to your car. You thanked your security and drove down the near abandoned street.
 While finishing your errands at the pharmacy you saw the tabloid rack and scanned the covers. At least six of them were about you and Chris. This was still a big adjustment seeing your face plastered on tabloid magazines and having people so interested in everything about you. Over the last week, you’d scanned some of the gossip sights and had read some hurtful things that people were saying but also read some kind ones. It was a toss of the dice type of situation.
One of the covers had Chris’ face on it in the center, but there were several women circling him. The white headlines were all about his history with each of them. When you read the words, your interest piqued. “Chris Evans Married but quite the impressive list of mistresses over the years.” You couldn’t believe the nerve of these gossip magazines.
 “What if we were happily married and I saw this?”
 You bought the magazine and made it home to find Ella asleep and dinner in the microwave. After a shower, you sat down with a bottle of wine and ate in the dim light of the kitchen. You flipped through the article and saw pictures of him with the women. They were all beautiful, all sexy and all completely different. One of the two things they looked to have in common was the color of their hair. They were all brunette or brunettes with highlights. They all were also white. You knew that you were probably the only woman of color he’d associated with but to see his entire dating history laid out for you cemented it.
 For the next near hour, you sat there comparing yourself to these tall, slim, blue-eyed, actresses and models and tried not to feel any jealousy. He’d gotten around these last three years. While you were steering clear of the opposite sex, he was fucking his way through Hollywood. It made you think back to what he’d said the night at your house that he’d thought of you all these years and been in love with you. Looking at his little black book before you made you want to shout bullshit. You also tried not to be too critical on yourself for being so different from them or let your insecurities flare-up. You wondered why you and if you were some phase he had to work through.
 It took you almost two hours to realize the postal envelope across the kitchen. When you took it up you saw your name on it but no sender information. When you looked inside the envelope you froze for a few moments before you emptied out its contents onto the counter. Before you were items you hadn’t seen in years, items you’d almost forgotten about. Items you’d ran out of his house without.
 You slowly examined the items beginning with your golden anklet. You’d searched for it for weeks until you accepted you’d lost it somewhere in Vegas or LA. It was one of your favorite pieces of jewelry and you missed it. You then moved on to the lace bra and panties you were wearing the night you were at Chris’. You hesitated touching them, afraid somehow you’d be bombarded with memories. Finally, you took up the bra and smelled it, it still smelled like your perfume, a perfume you still wore every once in a while.
 “My god.”
 Your eyes landed on the golden ring on the counter. The last time you’d touched it was to slide it onto his finger. Suddenly you felt as if you’d run a marathon from your racing heart to your sweaty palms. You took up his wedding band and slowly examined it.
 “He’d held on to all of this, this whole time.”
 Your shock was evident. You couldn’t believe it and didn’t know why he still had any of this especially your underwear. You must have stood there staring at his ring for an hour or so. Everything from the last few months raced through your head, every conversation, every smile, touch, every quiet night together and every genuine moment. You began to wonder if he’d been truthful the whole time. Wondered if you had it in you to take that leap that was required.
 Walking over to your bag, you pulled your phone free and found his contact.
 MSG: 9-1-1. Cathy’s corner where we had tacos.
You shoved the items into a Ziploc bag, grabbed your bag and hurried out the door in your car without a thought to your attire. The drive was relatively quick because of the hour. The streets were mostly abandoned and the further you drove into Mulholland Drive the darker they got. When you pulled up to the spot where you sat with him a few weeks ago you stared out over the city lights. It was still a beautiful view. 
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After a minute you worried that it was too little too late, worried that this was too far to come back from. You’d pushed too far.
 After a few more minutes, you saw bright headlights pull up the drive, then the car screeched to a halt beside yours at an angle that blocked your bumper. You watched as Chris jumped out his car wearing a men’s tank and dark sweatpants.
 “What’s the matter? Is it Ella? Is she okay? Are you hurt?” His words rushed out one after the other as he approached you. Once he was before you his eyes scanned your body. You then held up the items in front of his face.
 “Why did you hold on to these?”
 Chris’ expression changed from worry to confusion, then annoyance. “Vixen, are you kidding me? You text me 911. I'm running red lights, switching lanes, honking like a mad man thinking something was seriously wrong with you or Ella. You can't text 911 if it's not 911!”
 He sounded exasperated as he rubbed his forehead. Ignoring his rant you asked again.
“Why did you hold on to these? You could have thrown them out.”
 “I should have,” Chris dryly responded with little emotion on his face.
 “Yeah. So?” Chris didn’t speak for a few seconds. He then rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head.
 “I couldn't. I--I--,” he stuttered before he let out a loud groan while he ruffled his unkempt hair. With a grunt, he walked away from you before turning back to you once there was space between you.
 “What are we doing here? What do you want?”
 “Tell me why you couldn't,” you countered.
 “No. You tell me why I'm here. I've said everything I need to say. What do you want?”
 “Everything. It's my one fatal flaw. I want it all. I want the incredibly successful, fulfilling career that everyone envies, and I want the perfect, loving, sexy, guy who is head over heels in love with me and will give me everything I want. I want him to love me completely. I want him to never leave and have me be his only dream. I want my amazing little girl who is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I want to keep her happy and help her grow to be the best version of herself. I want happiness, peace, and joy. I want everything!”
 Chris scoffed and shook his head looking at you as if this was no surprise. “No surprise there. What does that have to do with me?”
 “My career is getting there. I am so close to getting what I want, so close to fulfilling my dreams there. My little girl is amazing, she was born amazing and she is happy and growing; or she was happy until she didn't get to see her daddy as much as she had been lately. Ironically, a daddy she'd lived without for years and now can't seem to forget him after only a few short months. She loves you so much and it makes my heart so full and warm. I want her to be happy again and the only way that can happen is if I find a way to be strong enough, a way to be brave to stand here and tell you that I've never felt nothing for you.”
 Your heart was racing a mile a minute and the fear you felt was real, but you also knew you couldn’t just stop there. Chris didn’t move, and his face gave nothing away. He was unreadable, you hated it. Guess it was your turn to suffer with it now.
 “Since we met even though I heavily drank and got drunker and drunker I felt things for you I'd never felt before. I was able to talk to you and open up to you in a way I only do with Nex. It was insane what we did getting married like that, but I know without a doubt I wanted it. That night at your house you hurt me but only because I thought we were on the same page I thought you felt what I did, and it turned out you didn't. Boston--of course it meant something,” you confessed. That was when Chris’ face glitched with emotion.
 It was do or die time, you thought.
 “I haven't been with anyone since you. No dates, no kissing, well except Zack but that meant nothing. There has been no one. I haven't let there be anyone and I tricked myself into believing it was because I didn't have the time or the energy but I didn't want to invest again or get my hopes up only to get hurt and the truth was I never got over you. I never fell out of love with you.”
 The way he stared at you was only making your heart pound harder and the butterflies flit through your stomach more. He still stood there not moving, not encouraging or discouraging your newfound candidness. Turning away you walked to your car and dug into your purse for the desired item then walked back to him. You held up the papers so he could see.
 “Thought you were going to file those. I signed them over a week ago.”
 “You did,” you answered before you ripped them once, then twice. You attempted a third, but it was tough. A small smile spread across his face before he walked closer to you. Still, he didn’t touch you.
 “Your mother said something to me in Boston, she said, "fate only brings us what is meant and letting something go and it coming back should not be let go again especially if it's what you want."
 He nodded his head as if he agreed. “Sounds like my mom.”
 “Smart woman. Fate brought you to me in Vegas, you let me go, fate said no and gave me Ella, then fate brought me to you, and I've tried to let go. I can't. I have to stop running.” Saying those words felt surreal. All the self-help books said acceptance was the first step then admittance, you just did both in the same breath.
 “Are you saying we're meant to be?” The curiosity and amusement on his face weren’t missed. You were relieved, you thought he’d be angry to see you after what you’d said.
 “Do you think we are?”
 Chris gazed deeply into your eyes and closed the remaining space between you, but still, he didn’t touch you. You wanted him to, but you’d wait.
“You're the only one meant for me. I love you Vixen, I always have, I always will.” Chris softly trailed the back of his hand across your cheek caressing it. A smile spread over your face as joy filled you. Chris looked scared, worried even.
 “I love you too, Chris. I always have and apparently no matter what idiotic plan you concoct, I always will.” 
 The two of you smiled the goofiest smiles ever then pressed your lips together in a sweet kiss. A kiss that increased in passion as the seconds ticked by. Before either of you got carried away, Chris pulled back and stared at you with a serious look on his face.
 “So no divorce?”
 “Nope. I’m so sorry. I ruined everything and hurt you. I hate that I hurt you, I hate that I said those things to you. My god Chris, I’m so sorry.”
 Chris didn’t speak, instead, he took the ripped papers that you still held and ripped them three more times before he flung them in the air. At that moment, the breeze picked up and blew them away scattering them around. The two of you stood there watching them drift in the night sky with sentimental smiles on your faces. 
 “Matter of fact,” Chris began. When you looked to him you were in time to see him drop down onto one knee. That was all it took for the tears to well in your eyes. Chris held onto your hands as he stared at you. You could see everything in his eyes and for the first time, you didn’t doubt any of what you saw.
 “Vixen Star Giovanni-Evans, the last time I did this I was drunk off my ass but even drunk me knew without a doubt that you were something to hold on to. The last three years have not been easy, and they have been quite unconventional. We've both grown so much and accomplished so much. I can say that I am a better man because of meeting you three years ago. I am a better man today. A man that is not only ready but begging for a second chance; a chance to love you properly; a chance to build a life with you, grow even more with you; a chance to be the man that loves you unconditionally; a chance to be the husband I've always envisioned myself, the father I've wanted to be. Will you spend the rest of your life with me, will you allow me to stand by your side and take care of you and show you every single day just what you mean to me? Will you be the mother of my six kids? Will you marry me—again--but for the last time.”
 You laugh throwing your head back and rejoicing in the feel of happiness, a happiness that you hadn’t felt in so long. You pulled him up to stand before you then pressed your forehead on his chest. You allowed your tears to fall freely unabashedly.
 “Are you sure?”
 Chris swiped the pad of his thumbs across your cheeks drying the tears as they fell. “I’ve never been surer about anything in my life as I am sure that I want to be married to you until the day I die.”
 “Yes, but we may have to revisit six kids.”
 Chris smiled widely and shook his head dismissing the notion.
 “Nope. Six. One down, five to go.”
 Your laugh was loud, and you didn’t care. You kissed him again and again and again hoping that this was the beginning of making up for the time you’d been apart and the beginning of building a beautiful life together.
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motherstone · 3 years
When you have the time could you share the bad au?
Anon, I am deeply grateful that you asked, but I must warn you that this is LONG (16+ arcs long and that’s because I havent conceptualized the others yet) and i am only sending you pt.1 Be warned.
More under the cut:
Deviation from canon:
·        Anything involving the aliens is dropped
·        Algos island won’t be a gas station, but an actual fucking island
·        The Voice is spiritual in nature.
·        The Old is New scene occurs around Book 5
·        Trellis eventually gets some fractions of his memories, but I dunno how yet
·        The Resistance at Frontera won’t be THE Resistance but the Elven resistance – they refused contact with the human resistance because they’re very discriminatory and hostile. The ER is composed of the researchers/engineers/etc and their kids that the Elf King failed to purge when they revolted once they fully realized that they are actually creating weapons of mass destruction
·        Emily gets trapped in the Void
·        There’s a whole lot more, but I can’t recall all of them
Note: Do take that these are not yet properly developed. Many of these are ideas I just enjoy playing around with. It WOULD not put much attention to most characters because a.) I haven’t nuanced their roles nor what part they should play in the story and b.) the narrative focuses on Trellis because I’m biased and ngl the potential of the story he could create is a LOT. He has sooo many potential conflicts, be it in self, society, and nature I couldn’t help myself. Also, do take note that this story is meant to be a tragedy – it’s going to explore Trellis and his reign, and the burden and subsequent consequences from it. The narrative doesn’t seek to “punish him” because 90% of the problems he encountered are out of his control and there is barely a perfect solution to anything, so he is bound to create ruthless and even questionable decisions as a result of his inexperience and young age despite his intelligence; all of these I am intrigued to explore about because all of it I just made up lmao.
In addition, my head blurred between what is canon, what I want canon to be, and what you know about the “canon” in my head (which is likely, not a lot because I never post abt it), so I may suddenly spout things that may seem out of context because you guys lack the background behind it. So if you have questions, pls feel free to send them my way. These arcs are INCREDIBLY condensed because if I spout too many details, I’d forget the details in other arcs. So. Yeah.
-      Guardian Council arrives at Algos Island which contains the knowledge to purify the Voice from the Elf King (which should weaken him and thus easier to kill him)
-      Stonekeepers of past made sure to put security measure to prove the worthiness of the person seeking said knowledge and using it responsibly for the right reasons by subjecting them to a Trial (they will experience their deepest greatest desires and greatest fears as well)
-      Technically, the knowledge isn’t a concrete thing – it only works once per keeper, but it modifies itself to fill in the gaps of the knowledge they lack but seek (so like if youre seeking how to heal, the Temple will give you that knowledge and THAT knowledge only)
-      Lacking time, all three decided to take the Trials separately but at the same time.
-      This is supposed to be the fic on ao3 is about, even had an outline n all but its too long so I’ll post it later
-      tl;dr: Tellis finished first and is the one who gained the knowledge, and Vigo finished second, but Emily isn’t waking up at all. Eventually they all got attacked by the shadows
-      Trellis sends Vigo up to get the airship to them as he stays behind to protect Emily from the shadows
-      He’s getting super desperate as the enemies increase but Emily isn’t waking up until she suddenly transforms and tries to kill him
-      He barely survives but the Firebird gets away. The rest of the crew retrieved him, but when he retells them what happened…
-      They didn’t believe him. They think he sabotaged Emily.
-      It more or less goes the same in Supernova, except the memory thing doesn’t happen and none of the Amulet trusts him except Riva and Vigo. Leon Miskit and Karen are still on Cielis while Navin n Aly are on Frontera but they don’t know that yet.
-      So the firebird attacks as usual, but instead of taken out early in the game, he is pushed to the limit protecting the city and its citizens as he’s the only one who can create a barrier while Vigo distracts FB and Riva evacuates the people
-      Trellis also bothers to release the elf soldiers in prison when it burns so they would be able to evacuate (will be important)
-      He nearly dies from exhausting himself, but manages to repel the FB to leave Ippo alone after much of it is burned. He is devastated by the aftermath because most of the people burned right in front of his eyes (will be important)
-      Worried at FB’s destructive power, they argue between pursuing it or ending the war. Riva argues trellis can’t go around protecting every city as its too fast for them, so it leaves only one viable option; end the war as quickly as possible to focus on Emily before she  burns everything and kill everyone
-      They eventually reunite with the Cielis army, but eventually gets abandoned again alongside the human resistance because they refuse to serve under Trellis, who was going to command the assault
-      Lacking an army, the elven, Luciean, and Ippoei soldiers then offers to help
-      They reconvene with the ER on Frontera, finally reuniting with Navin, Aly and Pil, who were all horrified by the news. Navin has mixed feelings but ultimately agrees it was his fault and is optimistic Em will be ok. Aly on the other hand is apprehensive but continues to trust him.
-      Meanwhile, Vigo departs to convince the CA to change their minds and get more allies, while Trellis, Luger, and the rest forms a plan…
-      Trellis pretends to be captured by Elf Army to get close enough to the Elf King to kill him – avoiding as much bloodshed as possible. Unfortunately, he was decided to be executed before he could confront him so all hell breaks lose as the disguised soldiers ditches their disguises and fights the remaining EA on the king’s side
-      Note: Trellis is waaay more powerful and skilled here although his destructive powers are nowhere near Emily’s
-      He tries to make his fights as curt and decisive as possible to avoid wasting precious energy for the confrontation (I swear to god the fight sequence is more elaborate in my head but hnng I’m busy rn). Eventually he does make it at the temple of kings – where his father was waiting
-      Trellis was nowhere weak, but he barely holds ANY dice against his father’s power and was very close to nearly dying
-      He was saved by the timely intervention of Vigo and Riva – who has finally arrived with the CA (who got threatened into cooperating)
-      They barely get the upperhand, but they manage to get Trellis close enough to enact the Scission but, got uphold by the fact that the man they were trying to kill wasn’t dead in the first place but ALIVE
-      The Elf King begs Trellis to end it all, the mercy of release, for death, and it horrified him into freezing into place – MISTAKE
-      He gets a fatal wound being stabbed because the EK was tricking him (he is alive, but he was not really manipulated by the Voice – He was always evil all along), sneering at his softness that was never quite wrung out by the abuse
-      But that also gave Trellis the perfect opportunity to cast the Scission, which he then does at nearly the cost of his own life
-      The Voice gets cut off from the EK and retreated to the Void, and the EK dies from his wounds, and Trellis was about to meet the same fate
-      All three of them are barely held together by threads, but Vigo uses the last of his power so trellis could survive. At this, Trellis just has a mental breakdown and he doesn’t want to go any further, being so close to his breaking point because of all the horror he has to endure (ohh boii and it doesn get better from here)
-      But Riva was pleading for him to get up, get the mask and get to the other side, to show the mask, the soldiers that he WON and Gulfen surrenders and end the war. These two stumble slowly, but steadfastly, Riva practically the only thing supporting Trellis as they try to get to the fighting
-       They eventually manage to reach it, but trellis has to stand alone, composed, undefeated, because if it were anything less, people would challenge him. He declares a surrender.
-      The battlefield silences. One by one, the weapons drop.
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bl--ankhaeji · 5 years
The Get Together (Jeno)
Pairing - Non-idol*Lee Jeno x FemaleBlack*Reader, College au
Genre - smut, fluff
Warning - sexual content, enemies to lovers, slight praisekink, pretty explicit language
W.count - 5.4k
Sneak peek-“H-hold up,” I slightly push him off, “Let’s get this straight, just because we’re about to fuck does not mean that I like you now. It just means that I need some dick and you’re the only one around at this very second, ok.” I say in between breaths.
 “Ok, whatever you say.” He states smugly
 “Fuck you.”
“Oh please believe baby, you’re about to do just that.”
Lee Jeno, the most infuriating, egotistic, frown-inducing asshole was here, and it had me questioning why the fuck I was also in attendance. Let me start from the beginning. I was just a girl suckered into coming to a get together between my group of friends, the starting girls volleyball team, and his group of friends, the starting boys basketball team. This had already been planned for a while now, and because we were busy with preparing for the semi-finals it had been postponed for a month and ever since the beginning I knew I didn’t want to go just because of him. 
“Come onn y/n, pleasseee just for me this one time pleassee. I know you and Jeno have this unadulterated hatred against each other but I want to hang out with them because they seem like cool people.” My best friend and blocker, Joy, stated whilst violently shaking me. 
“No Joy, I’ve already made up my mind, I will not go and that’s final,” I rolled my eyes. “Also don’t act like you want to go to hang out with everyone, we all know you just want to get closer to Chenle, you’re not fooling anyone.” 
“Yea Joy, we all know you have a crush on him, so I agree with y/n on this one.” At that Joy became flustered whilst fixing a pout on her face. 
“Buttt y/n I also agree with Joy, I really want to go, and while you do hate Jeno you don’t hate us so do this for us please.” Chungha, the decoy, stated while tightening her ponytail. 
“Yea Cap. we’ve been working our asses off this entire season and I’m almost failing AP Chem. I need a break.” Our libero Hwasa commented.
The other wing spiker Mei strolled into the room “You guys it’s almost time coach is about to call us so can we decide this now?”
“Why don’t we make a bet.” The setter, Luci, calmly stated. Making sure everyone was paying attention she stated, “If y/n can score fifteen points this game then she doesn’t have to go, but if she doesn’t make the points then she has to attend. How does that sound?”
Everyone looked towards me to get the answer. “Fine. I’ll do it, but when I score a whole round don’t say anything. Come on ladies it’s showtime.”
“I shouldn’t have promised shit.” I grumbled when I found out I missed the mark by one point. All the other girls were screaming from enjoyment while I was beginning to sulk once I truly realized what I had gotten myself into. 
“Come on it’ll be fun I promise. You don’t even have to pay attention to Jeno, I'll be right there, we all will.” Joy expressed.
“Ok but when is the trip to hell?” I questioned already mentally putting together my outfit
“It’s next Friday. Ahhh I can’t wait, I'm so excited.” Chungha practically bounced on her feet. While I figured that it might not be that bad.
“I swear on my life that I will murder Jeno.” I exclaim while I forcefully throw my bag on the couch next to a startled Joy.
 “What did he do now?”  
“Ok so this morning had gone particularly well, I woke up early enough to do a bantu crown and fix my curls and not just wear a messy bun to class. I felt so good that I even decided to dress up for class.”, I say as I gesture to my outfit which consisted of a cropped hoodie with a tommy hilfiger sports bra and semi baggy pants with my tommy underwear band showing.
 “I was even able to stop for coffee and a cream cheese and ham bagel, I also sat down and talked to Jaemin and tried to express my concern for the coffee of the dead he was drinking at the time. That good mood went to shit when I got to my political science elective with Jeno.” I explained to Joy as what happened came rushing back to me. 
It was my second to last class and I was still thriving until he came in with his latest fangirl at his feet trailing behind him. The girl was desperately trying to get him to go out with him, he looked like he would do just about anything to get her to go away, and my dumbass made the mistake of snickering. He turned to me with a hard glare that would make anyone piss their pants and all of a sudden his eyes lit up like he had just figured out the key to life and not gonna lie that freaked me out. Before I could turn away he rushed over and dragged me out of my seat.
“I don’t want to go out with you because I’m already dating her.”
I whipped my head so fast that I’m surprised I didn’t break my neck. “What the hell you talkin’ bout willis?”
“There’s no way you’re going out with her for one and for two she doesn’t even know your name babe like who the fuck is willis.”
“Woah lady excuse me-”
“What the fuck you mean by I wouldn’t go out with her?” Jeno fumed, “I’d rather go out with her than your basic ass. Get the fuck away from me, now.” 
I stood there dumbfounded because I had never seen Jeno look so mad in my life, and I should know since I make him angry a lot, but before I could finish my thoughts Jeno did something that I would never imagine he’d do in my life. 
All I felt were his soft lips against mine. His lips felt slightly cool yet so smooth. I found myself kissing him back slowly, losing myself(but I didn’t tell them that)-
“Woah he did WHAT!”
 “He kissed you, are you serious?” Joy and now Chungha, who had just made it back from work, exclaimed at the same time. 
“Yes he kissed me, but that’s not all.” I said while trying to get back to the story. 
He broke away and fixed his eyes on the girl in front of us, and he said something I couldn't comprehend and the next thing I know I feel something cold being poured on me and something plop on my hair.
“The bitch had poured her fucking drink and squeezed out her cupcake on my head.” I told them.   
I turn to Jeno with the fiercest look I could possibly mutter. “Do you realize how much I want to kill you right now?”, I all but yelled in his face, I wanted to say more but the teacher walked into class.  
“UGHHHH I promise if I didn’t love you guys I would so bail on this stupid get together.”
Chungha suggests having a movie night with all of the girls as a way to apologize. “Fine but since I have to wash my hair now you guys have to buy my products for me when I run out next time.” I point at both of them while staring into both of their eyes. 
“Deal.” They both agree.
Tonight is the night of the get together and even though I don’t want to go I’m gonna look good while regretting my life choices. I pin my hair to the side since I feel like that would go best with the vibe I have going on, then putting on my leather jacket that completes my outfit of a rose embroidered slightly cropped shirt and high waisted red elastic overalls with the belts hanging down, I start to head out of my room to meet up with Chungha and Joy in the living room.
“Ok are y’all ready so we can head out, I’m trying to get in and get out so that I can get this night over with.” I tell them as I pass both of their rooms, getting ready to walk out of the apartment. They both walk out looking fine as hell, and we all take a second to survey each other. Then Joy’s phone pings, “The girls said they’ll meet us at the boy’s place.”
“Ok someone get me directions. AUTOBOTS ROLL OUT.” 
Since we’re caught up now let's continue shall we?
 “Great so now that everyone is here, let's begin.” Donghyuck or as he’s better known on campus as, Haechan said seemingly being in charge of everything. To anyone else it would’ve seemed boring garnering that there were no drugs and alcohol because we were all athletes and were currently in season and there was no loud music to make your ears bleed, but it was enough for us. Not to lie it was actually quite fun as long as I pretended Jeno wasn’t there. I even saw Joy and Chenle cuddling in the corner of the couch.  
But after all of the karaoke and twister and card games had calmed down we were left in a calm silence, and I saw this as the perfect chance to try and leave. 
“So tonight was fun but I think I’m just gonn-”
“No, don’t leave yet, we haven’t even gotten to the best part.” Donghyuck smirked and started to walk to his room only to come back with a small box. “Anyone up for truth or dare?”
“Come on Hyuck really, how old do you think we are?” Renjun stated while looking up from his phone at Donghyuck.
He smirked evilly, “Oh no my son this isn’t regular truth or dare. See this has a catch and you’ll see once everyone agrees to play.” He states while daring everyone to say yes. A chorus of various forms of agreement are heard throughout the room. Donghyuck takes a seat while telling us all to get in a circle and he places a bottle in the middle. 
“You see these.”, he proceeds to shake the box in his hands, “These are dirty dice and if you refuse to answer a truth or do a dare then you have to roll them, and whoever gave you the question has to do what the dice say to you.” 
“Haechan what the fuck-”
“Oh come on Luci, if you want I could give you a dare right now and we could demonstrate how this is supposed to go?” He offers cunningly with a smirk. Everyone knows they used to hook up for a while back but for some reason they never got together, but the tension between them was almost palpable. 
“Ok I’m down.”
“Let’s do it.” Jaemin and Mei both agreed and glanced at each other. 
Hwasa offered to spin the bottle first and it landed on Chenle. 
“Truth or Dare?”
Everyone has had a go at the bottle, and currently Jeno, Jaemin, and Mark are shirtless all for different reasons. Chenle and Luci have hickey’s up and down their necks(not from each other), everyone knows that Mei likes rough yet passionate sex, and Hwasa has had her boobs caressed by Mark. Also that if I was a boy and had to fuck one of the girls I’d fuck Chungha and Joy, and they both have had to kiss each other while Chungha was sitting on Renjun’s lap, so it’s safe to say that everybody is under immense amounts of sexual frustration. Donghyuck was currently in the process of completing his punishment.
“Ok Hyuck since you didn’t want to answer your truth then you have to let Luci lick whip cream off of your nipples because I’m sure as hell not about to.” Jeno says with a smirk and a nod in Luci’s direction. You could see the immense blush on both of their faces. 
“Uh-h-uhh” Luci stuttered.
“Just do it, I'm fine with it.” Donghyuck states with care and understanding in his voice while he sat beside Luci.
She hesitantly leaned toward him and slowly laid him down. She leaned over him and slightly let her tongue venture outside of her mouth and to the sweet white cream on his chest. The first couple of licks were sort of kitten licks due to the tension and the anxiousness in the room. Soon she made it past the whipped cream down to his nipple and she began to lick the access off and Donghyuck’s moans started to gradually increase in volume, until that was all that you could hear. His sweet whiny moans gave Luci confidence and let her know that she was doing a good job. And by the time she started to kiss her way over to the other nipple Donghyuck was whimpering and withering on the ground and you could see his boner start to form. The temperature in the room had increased exponentially by the time she had gotten done.
Mark cleared his throat, “Uhh Haechan do you uhm wanna go handle, that.” He said while gesturing to his boner currently poking through his pants, but he was too busy staring at Luci to listen to a word Mark was saying. Hyuck then stood up and grabbed Luci’s hand, “Come with me.” Him and Luci marched all the way back to his room where he slammed the door and all you could hear was our breathing. 
“Well that just happened so I think it's time- Woah what the fuck?” Chungha stopped talking and that made everyone pay attention to where she was looking only to see Joy and Chenle making out on the couch. Vigorously. Then soft grunts and moans were heard from Jaemin and Mei. ‘When the fuck did that happen?’ I think to myself. 
“Ok since all of you are some horny children I’m about to take my ass to Mark’s room goodnight.” Hwasa stated while she stood up and walked to Mark’s room, but what she didn’t know was that I saw her wink at Mark to which he claimed to have to ‘use the bathroom.’ 
So here I was stuck in the middle of sex crazed lunatics sexually frustrated as fuck with no one to do anything with, oh and did I mention I was stuck with Jeno.
“Fuck this I’m just about to head out, they can text me in the morning when they need to be picked up.”, I stated while getting my keys about to walk out the door, “I hope they use protection.” 
“Hey.” Jeno calls, “Let me go to your apartment.”
“What the fuck, no why can’t you stay here?”
“Because I won’t be able to get any sleep with all of this,” he gestures around the house, “going on.”
“Not my problem, bye.”
“Come on please.” He begs in aegyo.
“Ahhh stop stop now don’t do that bullshit again. Fine you can come just don’t ever do that I almost threw up.” I yell while grimacing.
“Thanks y/n you’re so kind.” He smiles with his eye smile.
Getting in the car and buckling my seatbelt I turn toward him and say, “Ok when we get to the house you can sleep in either Chungha or Joy’s room idc but just don’t say anything to me ok.” He nods his head and clicks his seatbelt. The entire drive back I was trying to be discreet while I rub my legs together. No matter how much I play it off, what went down at their house greatly affected me and now it was affecting my underwear, and Jeno’s cologne was not helping at all because it smelt so damn good and manly. I just hope he didn’t notice, all I have to do when I get to the house is just hop in the shower and then I can handle myself. 
“Hey y/n.” Jeno said out of nowhere scaring me. 
“What I thought we agreed not to talk to each other.” I said keeping my eyes on the road, but I could feel his eyes boring into the side of my head.
“When we get to the house do you want to continue the game?”
I almost swerve the car out of pure shock. ‘What the hell did he just ask me?’ And I don’t know if it’s because of the thrill of what he just offered or if it’s because I’m just that sexually frustrated and it’s making me delusional, but I pull up to the apartment building and once I park I look at him. 
“Why do you want to continue the game?” I questioned 
“I just want to, do you?” He looks at me with his eyes and what seems to be his heart on full display. 
“Fine.” I then get out of the car and walk toward the building and then proceed to walk up to the elevator. I notice Jeno is right beside me and we get in the elevator without a word and press the floor. We make it up to the apartment and I tell Jeno to turn around so that I can type in the password. Walking into the house feels as if I’m walking to my death and I get this feeling deep inside and it brings so much anxiety. 
“Ok lets continue.” I say to Jeno while I look at him.
“Truth or dare?” He questions while pulling the dice out of his pocket.
“I dare you to masterbate right here right now.”
I think about it but then I just say ‘Fuck it.’ Pulling my pants down I nervously worm my hands down to my underwear and I immediately feel just how wet I am and that causes a moan to fly out of my mouth and I start to work myself up. 
Rubbing my finger around my clit I feel that little tingle that comes from it and it is enlivening. I feel myself get wetter over time and then the moans start to bubble up until they are uncontrollable.
 I feel like something is burning into and I realize that I got so into it that I forgot that Jeno was watching me do this to myself. I didn’t know I was this horny but I was too far gone. I had already started and I wasn’t gonna stop anytime soon. 
“Ahh f-fuck, Jeno mm truth or dare?”
I take my hand deeper into my underwear and stick a finger inside. The penetration although not much made my moans come out even louder and I wanted more, so I asked the unthinkable, “J-jeno do you want to f-fuckk me.” It was like I had set off a bomb that released him from his cage because the next thing I know he was all over me. 
“Fuck kitten it’s about time you asked.”
“H-hold up,” I slightly push him off, “Let’s get this straight, just because we’re about to fuck does not mean that I like you now. It just means that I need some dick and you’re the only one around at this very second, ok.” I say in between breaths. 
“Ok, whatever you say.” He states smugly 
“Fuck you.”
“Oh please believe baby, you’re about to do just that.”
He started to take off the rest of my clothes while kissing my neck until he found my sweet spot. “Ah yes r-right there please.”
He grabs the hand that was in my underwear and holds it up. 
“Damn kitten you’re soaked. Is this for me?” He states while staring me in my eyes.
“Aw that’s too bad because maybe if it was you would’ve gotten a prize.” He says working his way down my neck to my breasts. He starts to slowly rotate them while putting gentle kisses around the nipple. 
“Hmmg stop teasing you asshole.”
“Baby, I don’t really think you’re in a position to tell me what to do.” He says while holding up his hand after running it up my slit. 
“Mmm like you have any room to talk.” I say while motioning to his clear erection. Deciding I’ve had enough of his shit I flip us around so that I’m on top. I look at his shocked face and say “You were taking too long for me.” 
I start to palm his dick over his pants while my other hand works on unbuttoning them.
“Shit that feels so good.” He says while slowly rotating his hips. 
I take my hands and push his pants and his underwear down at the same time, and when his penis pops up to slap his stomach which I then notice is bare my mouth slightly waters. I haven’t had sex in a long time because I’ve been too invested in college and volleyball, so to say that I would kill for some dick right now wouldn’t be too far off. 
I slip his dick in my mouth and start to give him possibly the best head of his life. If his high pitched yelps of my name say anything. 
“Ah-uh-h s-s-shit right there FUCK yes, suck that dick baby.”
I take my tongue and slowly caress his dick in my mouth from as far as I can reach to the very tip and I tease his slit. What my mouth can’t reach, I massage with my hands. Then I destroy his life by taking him all the way into my mouth bottoming out on his dick. 
I feel Jeno clutch my hair and tense up trying not to thrust into my mouth. 
“Y-you must be so hungry for my cock kit-kitten, you’re doing so well baby.” He says while rubbing my head 
I feel my spit building up in my mouth so I back off a little and swallow while still around his cock and he almost has an aneurysm. He immediately takes me from around his mouth. 
“Stop, if you had kept going I would’ve cum and I never cum that quick baby.” he says gingerly patting my head while looking into my eyes and running his thumb over my bottom lip. “Look at you kitten, you look so innocent, but with a mouth like that you’re anything but.”
I don’t know what it was whether it be his praises that sent shivers down my back or was it the way he was looking at me, but at that second I felt as if I was seeing him in a new light and it slightly scared me because I’ve never seen him in any other way than with hatred. 
He looked so beautiful with his freshly flushed face and his moans that still rung in my ears and the taste of his pre-cum still on my tongue. It was then that my mind decided to remind me of our kiss shared earlier this week and for the first time since it happened I didn’t get heated in anger but in somethin-.
 NO what the fuck am I thinking, I hate him and I’m pretty sure he isn’t feeling like this now just from some head. 
Y/n calm the fuck down. I look away from him as quickly as I possibly can and clear my throat, “Uh yea so can we just like move along please?”
I think he senses my change in moods but he doesn’t say anything. “Ok cool we can totally do that kit-”
 “Oh and can you also stop with the pet names.” He looked slightly hurt but agreed nonetheless. 
“Let's move this to the bedroom ba-y/n.” 
I can tell that what I’ve said has slightly ruined the mood but that won’t stop me, so as soon as we enter my room I push him onto the bed after I grab a condom from a shoe box under my bed.
 “I want to be on top.” I say while straddling him and rolling the condom onto him, and he agrees while stating that it’s whatever I want. I take his dick and rub my wet folds against his dick slowly grinding on it past my soaked hole but not yet putting it in and you can tell it’s pure torture for him. 
“Come on y/n stop teasing.”, and he slightly thrusts up as a warning.
“Mmh nope I don’t think I want to do that, this feels pretty ahh nice.” You could see the anger and irritation in his eyes. The next time you rub near your hole Jeno sits up and grabs your hips forcefully and slams you down on him basically impaling you. 
The whimper/scream that was forced out sounded downright inhumane in the most wanton way. You looked utterly fucked out right then and there and he hadn’t even moved yet. 
He slowly moved your hips to gyrate on him in an act of trying to get you used to the stretch before he lifted you up and slammed you back down again. 
“OH fuck baby, mmh shit you feel heavenly.”, he groaned in your ear smaking your ass, “You had me so fuckin’ twisted thinking I was just about to sit here and let you tease me like that and not strike back. Now you ride this cock like a good little kitten or I’ll make you do it myself.” 
You whimpered and proceeded to grind yourself against his pelvis. His dick reached spots that had never even been tapped before. You felt him everywhere. The encouraging kisses that he laid on your breasts followed by some of the darkest hickies you’ve ever had. Suddenly Jeno delivered a thrust that made you hop up and he kept giving them back to back nonstop.
“Yea my kitten likes that huh, I own this hole baby. Tell me who it belongs to.” 
When I didn’t answer he decided to take matters into his own hands. Next thing I knew he had me face down ass up giving me just about all the power he could muster in his hips.
“I don’t know if you heard me but let me repeat myself and this is the only time but I said who does this belong to.” He stated.
I didn’t reply. When he didn’t hear an answer he stopped. “No, no no no ugh fuckk don’t stop please don’t stop.” I plead while working my hips trying to get some sort of friction. 
“No, you don’t get shit.” He said while starting to get off of the bed. 
“Why do you want me to say that so badly? Why can’t we just fuck this one time with no strings and then go back to hating each other tomorrow?”
“Because y/n I like you ok, hell I would even say love. Look I don’t know when hate started to turn into like, but once it did it was too late to do anything about it so I just kept playing along with you because that’s the only way you would talk to me.”         
“What y/n I can’t understand you, look if you don’t like me back I understand but don’t do this and just let me go sleep in another room tonig-”
“I SAID, it’s yours- I’m yours..” I said looking away flustered. He walked toward me and held my head up and with his beautiful eye smile said, “And I’m yours.” 
He kissed me and it was as if nothing had ever felt as right as this, his lips moulded to mine. He proceeded to lay me down whilst still kissing me softly yet passionately. 
“Damn kitten you don’t know what you do to me. Now where were we?”
He inserted his dick into me and I swear it felt even better than last time. We kept eye contact while he moved in me, albeit slower, but each thrust left me wanting more and more. Something about this felt different then when we first started. I don’t know what it was but as my hands wandered all over his body feeling his protruding muscles and I looked into his gentle eyes that leaked nothing but love and I felt as if we were one. 
Grunting, Jeno asked, “ Is this enough for you baby, do you like the way I make love to you.”
 “Yes oh my god yes. It feels so good, I-I feel you in every part of me.”
“Fuck don’t say that...because I won’t be able to hold back kitten.”
“Who..was asking you to?”
At that Jeno started to roughly pound into me. His thrusts were so strong that I felt the bed moving with us. 
“Ffuck see this is what you do to me, you make me want to destroy you.” He grabs my ass so roughly that I’m sure there will be marks tomorrow.
“J-jen ahh I’m a-abou to uhghh cum.” I say barely being able to get my words out. 
“I’m almost there too baby just wait a sec.” He mumbles into my neck. I start to feel his pants and I feel his hips stutter. Clenching onto his arms, trying not to dig my nails so deep that it draws blood I lock my legs around his waist and squeeze my walls to help him get there faster. 
“Cum with me Jeno I can’t hold it any longer.” 
Jeno looks into my eyes and rubs his hand against my cheek and says,“Ok my sweet kitten you can let it go.”
It was as if my body was on cloud 11 and I didn’t want to come down. A broken scream was released from my mouth and I tried reaching for the closest thing I could find, anything, everything. 
Jeno thrusts one last time while cumming into the condom. He stands up off of the bed and walks over to the trash in my bathroom and ties the condom before throwing it away. Walking back to the bed he sees me get up and almost fall so he rushes over to help me. 
“What are you doing standing up right now? What is it I’ll get it for you?” he urges. 
“Uhh I’m pretty sure you can’t help me pee Jeno.” I chuckle in amusement. 
“Oh ok well just make sure to be careful.” 
I finish doing my business and make my way back to the room to see Jeno flicking through Netflix and it’s then that I realize that I’m naked so I try and hide myself so he can’t see. 
“I’m pretty sure that it doesn’t matter that I see you naked now since we did just have sex, and I’ll be seeing a lot more of you now that you’re my girlfriend.” He smirks while still scrolling, “But if you’re uncomfortable with that then I understand.” 
I clear my throat and make my way out of the room. I come back in with his shirt on and see his getting ready to say something until he sees me and then he blushes. 
“W-why are you w-wearing my shirt?” He stutters, not looking at my way. 
“Because I can, can’t I? Also I don’t ever remember you asking me to be your girlfriend, I’m waiting.” I smugly look in his eyes, “Look who’s shy now.” I say climbing into bed next to him.
“I- uhh.” He scratches the back of his neck out of anxiety. “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” He smiles nervously 
“I don’t know Jeno, why should I?” I say in an attempt to scare him, He simpers and turns to hover over me, “Because I just gave you the best dick of your life that’s why.” 
I look at him incredulously, “Some one’s cocky. Are you sure about that statement?” 
“Do I need to recall you begging me not to stop. ‘oHhH jEnO PlEaSe DoNt sToP aHH AhH-’”, I start to smack his arm and push him off of me trying to hide my smile. 
“Shut UP I swear, see that’s why I’m not gonna be your girlfriend.”
“Noo baby I’m sorry ok, please do me the honor of dating me I promise not to mock you again.” He says trying to stop laughing and giving me puppy dog eyes. 
“Hmph, you act like you didn’t want this, do I need to recall you huh?” He hurriedly shakes his head. 
Jeno looks down sadly and asks,“Are you really not gonna date me now?” 
I have no choice but to swoon at how cute he was and I can’t help but to question his duality. “Oh my god you’re so cute, and of course I’ll date you.” I say holding his face up to look at me, and I peck his lips for added assurance.
 “Ok let’s watch a movie. I wanna cuddle, I'm tired.” I say as I snuggle into his chest.   
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Boyfriends and Breakfast
Characters: Deceit (Damien), Logan, Roman, Virgil
Ships: Roman / Virgil /Deceit / Logan
Trigger Warnings: Food mention, Cursing, Crying, Minor Violence/Death threats (I think that’s it, let me know if I need to add any!)
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 1078
Ao3 link
This was for a Dice Roll Event I tried out that you can find here. Hope you enjoy whatever this ended up being!
To put it lightly, Roman was having a bad day.
It started when Roman woke up later than usual, making him feel like his not so glittery self. He also was breaking out and didn’t have enough time to cover it up because of waking up late. Great. He tried to get ready while making his breakfast to save time and, to help make his day better, he made his favorite breakfast of  sausage and pancakes. But trying to get ready made him forget about the breakfast, ending in it being completely charred. Greeaaat. Not to mention, he had to chase down the bus to get it to stop. At least when he gets to school he can see his boyfriends and the day can get better from there.
Roman was wrong. Logan had a student council meeting, Virgil was doing theatre tech stuff that didn’t involve the actors, and Damien was staying home for some reason that he won’t reveal. He closed his locker after gathering what he needed and started walking to his class, when the bell rang signaling he was late. Not to mention the teacher of the class he was going to hands out detentions to anyone who’s late no matter what. So fucking great.
“Mr. Prince, decided to join us I see.”
“Sorry abou-”
The teacher cut him off before he could finish. “Detention. Now, take your seat and we’ll continue.”
He complied, not wanting to start stockpiling detentions. Apparently, that didn’t even matter. The teacher kept calling on him the entire class period even if he didn’t know, then giving him some sort of punishment if he got it wrong, ‘Is that even allowed?’, who knew at this point.
The rest of school went very slowly, though his other class periods were not as bad as first hour. He wasn’t able to see his boyfriends at all that day, the meetings went on into second period, which was the only class Roman had with them all, so he was left in a bad mood. He failed a pretty big test in two different classes, left part of his homework at home for another, and missed half of the notes because of the teacher going too fast in his last two classes. Not to mention, he dropped his lunch tray and got milk all over him, leaving him wet and uncomfortable for the rest of the day. At least school was almost over and he could go to rehearsal.
Well, turns out that rehearsal was cancelled because during the tech thing that was going on, a light fell where someone would’ve been and caused the auditorium to be deemed ‘temporarily unsafe’. Rehearsal was one of the few escapes he has when he’s having a bad day, today was one of the days he really needed it. Instead, he just went home, set his stuff down on the floor, went over to the couch, and started crying.
He didn’t know how much time went by when he got a call from Logan. He wiped away the tears on his face and accepted it, relieved to be able to hear one of his boyfriend’s voices.
Logan started the conversation first. “Hello, dear.”
“Heya.” Roman responded, his voice still somewhat thick from crying. He hoped Logan wouldn’t pick up on it.
He did, he always notices little details. With emotions, he’s not the best with the comforting portion, but he can correlate signs to an emotion.
“Are you alright? Do you require assistance?”
“Lo, I’m fine. I just had a bad day, is all.”
“Ah.” His side of the line went silent for a brief moment. “I’m coming over, expect me in 20.”
“Lo-” He hung up before Roman could object.
Now he was bothering one of his boyfriends who probably had a lot of work. Why was he so pathetic? He just sat on the couch, his mom still at work, and went over everything that happened during the course of the day. He didn’t even realize he started crying again until he felt someone's hand wiping them away. He looked up to see Logan’s familiar and comforting face. Roman took note that he brought a bag that looked pretty full.
“Hello, Roman. You mentioned you were having a bad day, so I brought you some of your favorite movies that I own, since you only Disney and you enjoy some of my Pixar collection, and some hot cocoa mix that we can make. Also, I called the others so we can have ‘squishy recovery’ time, as you guys like to call it, to help your bad day.”
Roman was a bit shocked at how much thought Logan put into this. Then again, this was Logan, the person who was head of the student council because he thinks of every detail, but for some reason, Roman was surprised at how much Logan cared for him to think of all of this. But Roman was just being a bother to them, why would they- wait.
His thoughts were cut off by the door opening, slamming into the wall to be more precise, to reveal Virgil.
“Logan, I got your message and I brought the weighted blankets.” He walked over to the couch to drop said blankets and to check on Roman. “Tell me what happened and whose ass I need to kick?”
That got a small chuckle out of Roman. “You don’t have to kick anyone’s ass, V.” Before he could elaborate further, the door opened once again by Damien.
“I brought food and a notebook to put down the names of people we need to kill.” He declared, as he walked towards the kitchen to set down the bag of food.
Roman just rolled his eyes and replied, “What kind of food did ya get?”, not really knowing what else to say.
Damian didn’t answer, so Roman got up and walked over to see him setting out his favorite breakfast food, pancakes and sausage. Damien saw him stop and offered him a small smile and a sausage link. He gladly accepted the link, grabbed a plate to pile food on, and sat down to start eating. His boyfriends soon came over to join him and Damien at the table, later heading back over to the couch to watch a mix of Pixar and Disney and some ‘squish recovery’.
Yeah, Roman was having a bad day, but he has his boyfriends to make it all better.
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lancermylove · 4 years
Kitchen Chaos
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: None 
Warning: None 
A/N:  This is a Team B bonding fic.  
Word Count: 1,058
They were supposed to be bonding and getting to know each other, but the scene in the kitchen suggested otherwise. Ran and Mizuki were having a kicking competition as they chased each other through the kitchen. Rico was busy browsing the web for the latest trends while awaiting texts from his fangirls.
“Ran, Mizuki, please refrain from running in the kitchen. We do not wish for either of you to get injured. Rico, if you could finish cutting those vegetables.” Kongou warned them in a calm yet stern tone, but unfortunately for the older male, his request fell on deaf ears. “Mizuki, was this not your idea? If I recall correctly, you suggested that we spend time together as a team. Rico and Ran, both of you also agreed to his idea.”
Earlier that day, Mizuki was wandering through the streets in search of entertainment when he caught sight of something unusual. “What are you guys doing here?” Team B’s leader ran up to his cast members with a smirk, “Are you guys on a date or something?”
“Date? Is that the best you could come up with, Mizuki?” Zakuro raised his eyebrow and let out a sarcastic smile.
Before Mizuki could react, Qu stepped forward with a smile on his pink, glistening lips, “Since Team C members haven’t had the chance to get to know each other, Mokuren wanted us to spend quality time….dancing together. A team-building ‘exercise’ in short.”
“Team-building exercise? The fuck.” Mizuki flashed a sardonic smile, “That sounds lame. Hey Mokuren, since when have you started caring about your team? Remember Team W?” The feral youngster tried to take a jab at Mokuren’s past, hoping to add more fuel to the fire he had started.
Mokuren glared at the boisterous individual, carefully watching his shoulders shaking from laughing rambunctiously. “I remember Team W, just as I’m sure you remember Team P.” Those razor-sharp words caused Mizuki to freeze temporarily. “Now if you’re done, we have better things to do.”
Though he had rejected the idea initially, the thought of team bonding slowly grew on Mizuki. In the end, the young leader had suggested spending quality time with his group members.
“Old man, let them be kids. After all none of us are interested in cooking.” Rico brushed off the wild actions of the kids and suggested Kongou do the same. With a heavy sigh, Kongou continued gathering the remaining ingredients, “I am aware that you do not share the same interest as me, but I informed you that the owner demands new recipes; moreover, he demands the recipes by tomorrow.” Kongou continued his monologue, complaining about the lack of time to test out all the recipes when suddenly a loud thud rang through the kitchen. The wrestler turned his head to see Ran picking up a pan from the white tiled floor, “Ran. Be careful!”
The green head was known for his patient personality, but now, his patience was wearing thin. He didn’t know which was worse, the constant beeping of the notifications from Rico’s phone or the screams of the childish boys. Even then he tried his best to ignore everything and kept his mind calm. They’re kids. Beep. This is expected. Scream. Focus on the recipes. Beep. Scream. Bang. Beep. Scream. Beep. Beep. Beep. Scream.
“Mizuki...Ran....PLEASE STOP!” Kongou rushed up to his teammates, and in one swoon, he threw Ran over his shoulder and grabbed the back of Mizuki’s jacket, lifting him off the ground.
“Hey old man, put us down!” Ran protested, hitting the muscular man’s back with his fists.
“What the hell, uncle!?” The team’s immature leader flailed in an effort to free himself from the tight grip.
“Calm down, old man, otherwise you’ll get more wrinkles.” Rico put his phone aside and made his way to the angered bodybuilder. The red-headed fashionista tried to pacify Kongou, while the boys struggled to free themselves of the stronghold on them. Sniff. Sniff. The chaotic scene suddenly came to a halt when the members heard soft sniffing sounds behind them.
This entire time one member had been fully submerged in the work he had been assigned without a single complaint. The four men attentively watched the singer of their group chopping onions with tears in his eyes. Despite the sharp stinging, Heath skillfully diced the onion into perfect cubes while wiping the tears with the back of his right hand. Unbeknownst that he had 4 pairs of eyes watching his every move, the sickly green head, made his way to the pots and firmly gripped the handles of the biggest pot.
“Uh.” Heath grunted as he attempted to lift the heavy pot in vain. Even though he failed to raise the kitchen vessel off the counter, the stubborn singer refused to give up. After five attempts, he finally managed to heave and lug the vessel to the stove, but his actions caused Heath to start wheezing. The remaining members exchanged a few glances before Kongou placed Mizuki and Ran on the ground.
Wordlessly, the leader donned an apron before strolling to the chopping board to dice the remainder of the onions. Ran grabbed his apron and skipped to the other chopping board while Rico made his way to the stove.
“So, Mr. Chef, what are your orders?” The redhead tilted his head, glancing sideways at Kongou with a playful smirk on his pale lips. Kongou relaxed his shoulders as his eyes scanned the unexpected scene in front of him.
After a few hours in the kitchen, the members of Team B gazed at the fruits of their labor. Laid out neatly in front of them were three traditional recipes—Maccheroni Alla Napoletana, Loukoumades, and Valdostana Pizza—modified by Kongou, each dish appearing tastier than the prior. Ran and Mizuki immediately went for the hearty macaroni dish, while Heath decided to taste test the pizza first.
“Looks like the team bonding venture was a success.” Rico stood beside Kongou with his left hand on his hip and watched the three hungry men eating with content.
“You think so?” Kongou gave a sincere smile, “I don’t think we need any sort of team bonding because we’re already a team.”
Unknown to the men in the kitchen, a pair of purple eyes spied on them through the gap in the kitchen door. “Team bonding is lame, huh?”
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 187
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Is this the best episode?    It might be.   Unfortunately, Larry’s camera doesn’t work, so most of Dragon World can’t witness it.  
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Nice shot of the squad to start us off.   
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So last time, Cell tried to fight Super Saiyan 2 Gohan and it didn’t go well.   He only landed one punch, and only after he used his maximum power, and it didn’t do anything.   Then Gohan hit him twice and left him reeling.    By now, it’s clear which one of them is stronger and faster, but what can Cell do?    Surrender?  This whole stupid tournament was his idea.   Apologize?   We’re way past that.  Run away?  Where can he go?  
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Besides, Cell’s too pissed to consider his situation.   All along, he’s put his faith in Dr. Gero’s design.   He’s supposed to be the ultimate life form, despite looking nothing like Shadow the Hedgehog.   All he had to do was follow Gero’s posthumous instructions and he’d become invincible, but now he’s done all of that and he’s still found himself backed into a corner.   He can either deny it and keep fighting, or he can accept that his entire existence is based on an empty promise.  
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What’s amazing to me here is how Cell keeps  throwing the same kick, even after Gohan blocks it, and then he screams “stop mocking me!” I mean, yeah, I guess what Gohan is doing counts as mockery, but he’s also just clearly superior to Cell.   
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As if in response to Cell, Gohan grabs Cell’s leg, charges up, and kicks him in the face.   If you’re watching the original Funimation dub, this is where “Gohan Fights Frieza” plays again, and it’s awesome.
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Cell gets up, but all he can do is wonder how it came to this.   The first time I saw this episode, I started to think about what he did the last time he was in this sort of pinch, and he absorbed an android to leapfrog his opponents’ power level.   Only there are no more androids to absorb.   Cell is complete.   There’s no miracle power-ups waiting for him.    He’s completely on his own now.  
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So Cell tries.... Destructo Discs.   Really?  Pretty sure this is filler again, but it’s kind of silly for Cell to whip out his genetically inherited techniques now.    Those gimcracks didn’t work on Goku, and they didn’t work on Gohan when the Cell Juniors tried them.
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This time, Gohan just stops the discs in mid-flight and disperses them with his power.   In a way, we’ve come full circle.    When Cell first became Perfect, Krillin hit him with a Destructo Disc and it was completely ineffective.    Now Cell’s the one using the same move, and with the same result.  
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Next, Cell fires a Special Beam Cannon, and asks what Gohan’s going to do this time.   
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Well, Gohan just deflects it, same way Piccolo did back when Imperfect Cell used it on him way back when.   I mean, there’s a reason Piccolo doesn’t use this much after the Saiyans Saga.   
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Then Cell uses.... I guess that rapid-fire attack Frieza used on Piccolo in his Third Form?    It doesn’t look quite the same, but I don’t know anyone else who does it like this.   None of it works.   In the dub, Cell observes that the blasts passed right through Gohan, but I’m pretty sure they sort of slipped around him instead.   Either way, no dice.
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Over where Mr. Satan is, he announces that he’s so impressed with Gohan’s performance that he plans to make him his apprentice.    Piroshki and Caroni aren’t keen about this, since they’re Satan’s star pupils, but Satan tells them they’re expelled.   Geez.   Anyway, Jimmy Firecracker finally breaks kayfabe and tells Mr. Satan that Gohan clearly has far more impressive powers than any of them, but Satan insists that he could teach the boy to become even greater.  
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This part here’s super awesome.    Cell was so busy being pissed that he forgot that Gohan’s still trying to kill him.    When all his attacks fail, Gohan starts walking towards him, and his frustation gives way to fear.
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The narration of Cell’s emotional state is truly terrific, but I’m also fond of the dub version of this scene, where Gohan speaks to him, and essentially describes Cell’s thoughts aloud.   
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“What are you so afraid of, Cell?   Isn’t this what you wanted?   I warned you!  I told you what would happen if you pushed me too far!   But you didn’t listen!   You forced me to awaken my hidden power.    And now that you’ve seen it, you’re afraid, because you know that I’m going to destroy you!”
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And then Cell makes this priceless face.    This is what I love so much about the character.   Throughout his run as the main villain, Cell’s been a lot of things.  He’s mostly known for being this brick wall that the other characters can’t overcome.   But he’s also been a hideous horror-movie creature, and a smarmy wise-ass.   He’s also been known to play mindgames with the heroes, like when he tempted Vegeta to let him become perfect, and when he invited Goku to eat a senzu bean during their fight.     There’s layers to Cell.    He can do more than just eat people and kick ass.    And now, we come to the final phase of Cell’s character, when he’s completely outmatched, and he becomes a panicky coward.   
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Desperate, Cell jumps into the air and fires a Kamehameha wave down below.   Essentially, this is the same thing Vegeta did back in the Saiyans Saga.   If Gohan dodges the blast, it’ll destroy the planet, so he has to take this head on.  
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But Gohan just fires back an even bigger Kamehameha to put an end to that dilemma.   Cell ends up getting overwhelmed and engulfed in the blast.
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Everyone thinks that’s the end of Cell, because those big energy blasts usually do the trick in the movies, but Cell’s still alive!    He’s lost part of his legs, most o his left arm, his wings, and those things on his head, but he’s still alive.
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And that doesn’t bother Gohan at all.  
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As Goku watches this, he flashes back to the day he learned Gohan had this kind of potential.    They were in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and Goku wanted to call it a day after a 20-hour training session, when....
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... Gohan stood up and asked to keep going a while longer.
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Then he made that same face he’s making at Cell right now...
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... and then he turned SSJ2, but only for a moment.    This flashback is filler, but it makes some sense.   Goku must have seen some hint of Gohan’s true ability in the Chamber, or why else would have come out of the Chamber early?  
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The only thing missing here is the part where Cell actually dies.    Piccolo reminds them that Cell will just regenerate if they leave him alone long enough, and Goku calls out to Gohan to put a bow on this thing already.
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But Gohan refuses.    He wants Cell to suffer a while longer first.   And this is where things take a turn for the worse.    As badly as Gohan is beating Cell here, it’s all for nothing if Gohan won’t actually kill the guy.    I think the most popular interpretation of this is that Gohan is so angry at Cell that he’s just not thinking clearly.   He wants to punish Cell for everything he’s done, to the point where he’s lost sight of his original objective.  There’s also some youthful inexperience at play here.   
That’s probably all true, but I think there’s another side to this.   Despite his rage, I think Gohan still can’t quite bring himself to kill Cell.     Maybe I’m way off, since he killed the Cell Juniors, and he killed some of Frieza’s men back on Namek, but those were sudden, impulsive kills.    Cell may not be strong enough to beat Gohan, but he’s still powerful enough that Gohan will have to work a little to kill him, which means he’s got to make a conscious decision to end Cell’s life.   That may be a road he just can’t bring himself to cross, even after everything that’s happened.  
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In the manga, Goku pleads for Gohan to take Cell out now, pointing out that there’s no telling what Cell might do if he gets desperate.    The dub and the Japanese script of the anime don’t put it that way, which is kind of a shame, because I liked that wording.    There’s really no telling what Cell might do if he’s completely cornered.     By torturing him this way, Gohan is only giving Cell time to think of what he can stoop to.
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First, Cell just starts swearing, which is pretty understandable.
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Then he gets huuuuuuuge!    That’s right, it’s time for Perfect Cell (Dummy Thicc).  
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I love this visual, because Cell keeps getting bigger and meaner and louder, and it looks like Gohan’s this plucky little kid being terrorized by a horrible monster, but Cell’s the one’s who’s scared right now.    All he knows to do now is to try to frighten Gohan back, and it just ain’t working.
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As Trunks points out, Cell’s making the same mistake that Trunks did back when Trunks and Cell fought.   I’m not even sure Cell realizes it.   He’s just so upset that he started powering up, until his body got super bulky and slow.    So now he’s still no match for Gohan and he’s a bigger target.  And this is probably why Gohan didn’t listen when Goku warned him to finish Cell off quickly.    Yeah, we don’t know what Cell might do, but what can he do?  If this is all he has left to try, what difference does it make?
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Gohan just kicks the shit out of his face, and that calms him down a bit.  
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My favorite line from the dub version of this episode happens here, when Cell exclaims: “You’re not a boy!   You’re a monster!”
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Then Gohan follows up with a kick to the gut before Cell can even finish reacting to the last hit.    For those of you keeping score, SSJ2 Gohan has only hit Cell six times so far.   Two punches in the previous episode, then that kick to the face, the big Kamehameha, another kick to the face, and now this kick to the gut. 
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Then this happens.    GPOY.  
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See?   Cell was coughing up green fluid in the last episode, but this time it’s purple.   What’s up with this guy?  
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That kick to the stomach fucked Cell uuuuup.    He can’t stand, and he keeps drooling.
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Oh, and he’s still trapped in an endless war against a Super Saiyan 2.    Not a great place to take a sick day.
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Then this.    Holy shit, what is he doing now?
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Piccolo calls it.   By now, he figures Cell has become so weak that he can’t remain in his perfect form.   Not quite sure how Piccolo picked up on this, unless he noticed Cell’s ki dropping below the level he was at in his Semiperfect form.   
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Okay, but why is he doing this, exactly? He looks like he’s about to throw up--
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Gohan’s just watching this and smiling like a sick li’l bastard.    There’s no way he knew this would happen, but he looks pretty pleased about it.  
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Okay, so the implication is that Cell sucked 18 up into his torso and just left her in tact?   Like she was balled up in his abdomen somewhere?   And maybe 17 too?   Only that doesn’t make any sense.    It looks plausible here, but that’s because Cell expanded himself to three times his normal size.    In his usual self, he wouldn’t be big enough to contain 17 or 18 whole.   
Also, we’ve seen big chunks of Cell get blown away since he became perfect.   Between Vegeta’s Final Flash, Goku’s Warp Kamehameha, and Gohan’s Kamehameha in this episode, most of the Cell we’re looking at is not the original.  I think his knees, thighs, pelvis, and the left half of his chest are about the only parts of him where 17 or 18 could have been stowed away.   
Past a point, you just have to say “It’s a cartoon” and move on, but my guess is Cell’s body dismantled 17 and 18 and assimilated their bodies into his own.    But the process was reversible, so if Cell ever got hurt badly enough, his body would reject one or both androids and he’d regurgitate them.   Shouldn’t 18 have come out of his tail, though?    That’s how she went in.     It’s just a cartoon.  An awesome, awesome cartoon.
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I’m just going to leave this here without comment.
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So yeah, Cell’s totally screwed, but the thing is, he was totally screwed in the last episode.   How much worse can it get for him?   How much more is Gohan going to do to this guy before he finally pulls the plug?   
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The Endless Abyss
Going to be a whiny post so... Fair warning.
Well. No one's ever going to read this whole fucking thing anyway, so I suppose it doesn't really matter...
So last night, since it's a long weekend, I stayed up late, as I do every weekend, because late at night is the only time I get to myself. However, this time, my dad kept calling for me every 30 to 90 minutes. The whole fucking night. From the time we put him to bed at 11 something, until I went to bed at 6 am-ish.
The whole fucking night.
Then today, I help my mom get him out of the house and into the car so they can go for a drive, because my dad has spent the last several months (until the last couple) being trapped in the house. Finally, some time to myself. I was glad for it... Until my mom and dad got home, we got him put of the car and back into the chairlift... And the fucking thing BROKE. BROKE.
He was ON IT when it broke. My mom and I "caught" him (for lack of a better term) and "threw him" (also for lack of a better term) into his wheelchair.
He's a 350 lb man. That's a LOT of stairs. He can't walk, and we can't carry him. I hurt my back preventing him from getting hurt.
Now we have no way of getting him in and out of the house.
Luckily, we were able to get 911 to send paramedics and they helped us get him into the house...
Except 10 minutes after that, he started having severe chest pains and starts bellowing that he's having a heart attack so we had to call 911 right back, and they took him to the hospital.
He's fine now, wasn't a heart attack.
Then my sister comes home. Last night, she spent the night at a dude's house she's been seeing. Then she came home, showered, and went to a DIFFERENT dude's house right after.
I don't have a problem with that, what I have a problem with is...
Why THE FUCK can't I find even one, JUST ONE, fucking person to do... Fucking anything with.
It doesn't have to be a relationship, let's face it, I don't fucking want one right now, nor would I be able to handle one with everything that's happening, but I can't keep fucking anyone's interest. Not a single person's.
Her telling me that was such a fucking punch in the gut. I'm sacrificing my body, my time, my mental health, my LIFE, and my patience to help my dad... And she's able to date 2 people at once. She's having fun and enjoying life while I'm trapped and miserable. She's home less than my brother was when he still lived her while flipping his own house in a different town.
I'm so angry and upset by this. Like, I get that she has chronic pain, and can't help us because of it and the physical weakness that goes with it... So she's paying for this life on her own way... BUT AT LEAST SHE HAS GOOD THINGS TO HOLD ON TO.
I have fucking nothing. Fucking. Nothing.
I'm living the same life now that I was in middle school... High school... University... The second university... Through 3 shitty jobs...
My dad's going to die soon.
My friends don't talk to me, or if they do, they don't spend time with me at all, and believe me, I've fucking asked.
I failed to do well in school. I tried. I tried SO FUCKING HARD. But there was always something in the way. Depression. PTSD. Anxiety. Seizures. Back injury that laid me up for a month. Nearly losing friends who suffered from their own mental health issues (between the not eating and not sleeping for the several months this went on, I'm kind of surprised I didn't die).
There was always something. I tried changing study habits. I tried learning everything I could about learning so I could learn and study more effectively. I got meds for my ADHD. I worked through many nights, using so many energy drinks, and that may have ended up causing my seizures.
But then either a health or mental or some other issue would happen and it would all shatter. I'd fall terribly behind and never be able to catch up. And trust me, some months I didn't do anything fun or enjoyable or for myself. Work. Study. Attend class. Study more. Sleep a little. Eat a little.
Fail a lot.
I did eventually get a degree... But I got into post secondary at 19, and finished officially at 29. For a BA. Not even in the program I changed schools for, but in the program that's a "step down" from it.
So I don't have academics to boost my self esteem with.
How bout work? Nope. Retail for several years (5+), factory work, courier job that literally nearly killed me. Back to factory work to escape courier job...
No idea what to do that'll make me happy. No thoughts of finding anything that will make me happy anymore.
Friendships/relationships? My friends from high school are still one big group... They still hang out and do shit together. They still talk. You know who they don't talk to or even really include at all? Fucking me. And I've even talked to them about it. I even told them about my mental health issues and how hard it is for me to reach out to people, how hard it is for me to be social because of it, and practically begged them to include me anyways.
No dice.
I've had and lost so many good friends, too. Some used me up, and tossed me aside. Some used me into I tossed THEM aside. Some just ghosted me, despite my efforts to stay in touch. Some I had major falling outs with. I do have some long term friendships... And yet... Even these people don't spend time with me. Don't even ask. All of my friendships right now... ALL of them... Are conducted entirely online.
As for relationships... I don't fucking know. I don't feel monogamous relationships are for me... BUT THE PEOPLE WHO ARE POLY ARE A SMALL POPULATION. And then the people who like me and are poly are a basically non-existent population...
But I can't be the way I'd rather be. Now that I know, I can't go back.
My sister doesn't identify as polyamorous... Yet in practice, she's participating in it more than I ever have.
I've never really dated. I've been on 1 real date in my entire life, and that went nowhere.
I've only had sex with 3 people in my entire life. And with 2 of them, it was once each. 3 times with the other.
They all cast me aside after. Or things ended terribly.
Now that I want to try and date, try to have sex, and utilize the knowledge I learned on the topic, to try and enjoy my life, I feel like I'm not allowed. Because nobody wants me. Because I'm working a shit job and don't have my own place. Because I have to be home to help care for my dying father. Because my siblings have fucked off in their own ways.
Because I was sexually assaulted as a child and suffer for it.
Because I'm not normal.
Because I'm perceived by society as a loser.
Because I'm too hairy.
Because I'm broken.
Because I'm not good enough.
Because I'm not successful enough.
I know life isn't fair... But this feels excessive. This is too much. It's all not so terrible that anyone would feel like it's tragic if I tell them and explain it all, but it's bad enough that I feel like I've been massacred inside.
My dad's going to die, probably within the next year. I work a shitty job with no prospects or ideas or energy or motivation for a better one. My mental and physical health is garbage, despite all the time in therapy, exercise, learning so I can rehab, meds or specialists I've seen. I'm not good at anything. I'm not well liked. Girls don't want or like me, especially not for the things I'm looking for. I'm stuck at home caring for my dad. My siblings are both out enjoying their lives as much as they can while I'm stuck in the abyss.
I don't enjoy anything anymore.
You know what the worst part is? I have no one else to blame but myself. I’m the common denominator. For all of it. I mean, I can’t explain how bad my luck is for all of the things out of my control, but even that feels like it must be my fault.
I give up.
I've got nothing left.
It's too much disappointment. And not enough reward for all the pain.
That's all, folks. That's the whole show.
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The Gift Box
Angel’s 2017 Christmas Drabble #1 (Christmas Drabbles List)
Request: @littlegreenplasticsoldier: ... Could I please request something with Dean, anything but angst, with the prompt of a box that won't open. I hope that sparks something for you. Cheers lovely! Pairing: Dean x Reader Word Count: 1,720 (oops, that got longer than I meant it to be!) Warnings: Grumpy injured Dean, fluff, hints of future NSFW, but totally okay imo. Author’s Note: My Dear Ali, if I had the time I would write you a ton of Christmas gifts. Thanks for all you do for this spnfamily, and for the inspiration you give to the rest of us so often. Merry Christmas, friend. :)
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Dean hated being injured. Stupid ghost had thrown over an old table during the last hunt, landing solidly on his right foot, and cracking three small bones in the process.
He could barely hobble around Bobby’s crash house, the nearest haven that he could recover in, and the damn cast was itchy all the time.
No rest for the wicked, though. Dean’s girlfriend, Y/N, and Sam would be leaving this morning to take on the next case, and Dean had reluctantly agreed to sit this one out and heal.
He wasn’t exactly looking forward to spending the last few days before Christmas holed up in this cabin on his own, watching Dr. Sexy reruns, but what else could he do? 
He tried his best to hide his irritation. He’d gotten up early this morning to limp around the kitchen enough to make coffee and some omelettes for the two of them. 
“Good morning!”
Dean grunted. Y/N’s cheery voice pre-coffee was never something he understood. He loved her for it, but he did not understand it in the least. He turned around to hand her a mug, only to find her hand already extended with a small, brightly wrapped box offered out to him.
“Y/N, really? I thought we agreed: no presents for Christmas this year. And it’s not even Christmas yet--” Dean protested.
She smiled placing the box on the table and turning the tag outwards which clearly said “Don’t Open Until Christmas” on it, before taking her mug from him.
She took a long sip, then sighed. “Thanks, babe. And I know, we agreed, but you’re going to love this gift. Promise not to open it until I get back?”
Dean eyed the present, already itching to unwrap it, but then he smiled back at her. He was trying to be Mr. Positive about this whole situation after all.
“Sure thing, Y/N.”
Day 1
Dean hadn’t lasted long. Every time a commercial came on, he’d glance at the box on the table. When he’d made himself a sandwich and settled back on the couch, the gift had come back with him.
He picked it up, measuring the weight, shaking it a bit like a ten year old trying to guess what might me inside. He couldn’t feel any type of shift when he did so, so she must have packed it to avoid those guessing techniques.
He put it down and fought temptation until the sun was down, his resolve weakening in the boredom of sitting on his ass all day.
“Fuck it. She knows I’m going to open it while she’s gone anyway.”
He ripped off the wrapper, deliberately balling up the tag that was giving him a guilt trip before tossing the festive paper in the trash can. 
He went to pick up the wooden cube but his phone rang first.
It was Y/N.
“Hey, sweetheart. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine. Sam and I already know what we’re after--looks like a cursed object, some kind of pendant. We should be able to hunt it down tomorrow and melt the thing or something. I just wanted to call, check in with you. I miss you.”
Dean looked at her thoughtful present and felt his gut twist in guilt. He tucked the thing under the small table in between the couch and the television and focused on his caring girlfriend.
“Miss you back. I’m doing fine--just watching television dramas and wishing I was with you guys. It’s pretty dull without you here.” He deepened his voice, wondering if she’d be up for a little fun over the phone lines since it was kinda late.
Then he heard her stifle a yawn, and he smiled.
“You sound exhausted. You should get some sleep. You’ll need to be clear-headed tomorrow.”
“Good night, Dean. I’ll call you tomorrow, let you know how it goes.”
“Love you, babe. See you soon.”
Day 2
Today had been worse. 
Dean had been climbing the walls most of the day, alternating between worrying about Y/N and his brother, and trying to find a way to occupy himself. 
He’d called up Bobby and bothered him for a while until the old man had hung up on him, claiming he had work to do. He tried to follow Bobby’s advice and start a hunting journal of his own, but Dean had never really enjoyed writing much, and he gave it up after about an hour’s effort, deciding to leave that job to Sam.  He’d looked up and enjoyed some anime porn, but that just made him miss Y/N more. Thinking of Y/N put the idea of her gift back in his head.
The box was small, and surprisingly solid. It was plain, and though he still couldn’t feel any shift when he tossed and shook the thing, Dean knew it must be a box. There was a thin seam that ran all the way around four sides, about a quarter of the way from what he assumed was the top. There was no hinge on the outside, but there was a minuscule keyhole on one side.
A tiny keyhole that was surprisingly resistant to Dean’s attempts to pick it.
And yes, he’d tried. Multiple times.
He’d started with a paperclip, thinking if he could undo police handcuffs, surely this little box....
But no dice. Hell, his pick kit had met it’s match too.
He’d tried pulling it open, feeling around the edges for a lever or some kind of catch, even blew in the little keyhole, thinking something might have been crammed in there and jammed the thing so that his picks hadn’t worked.
Dean was squinting at the thing, stubbornly unwilling to throw in the towel, when his phone rang, distracting him.
He switched gears, focusing on Y/N’s voice. “I’m here, sweetheart. You two good? How’d the hunt go?��
“Textbook. We’ve got a newly filled curse-box for the collection. We’re on the way back now, should get there late tonight, or really early tomorrow morning. I told you we’d be back for Christmas.”
Dean smiled at her smug tone and wound down the call. After having failed to pick the lock the first time, he’d spent some time hobbling around outside and in the room, trying to make it seem more Christmas-y. He knew Y/N loved the season, and since she’d gotten him this infuriating gift, he’d wanted to do something to celebrate her favorite holiday.
There was a smallish tree--not quite Charlie Brown’s size, but nothing that hurt him too much to pull up and prop in the corner. Dean had picked most of the dead leaves off, then decorated it with balls and strips of tin foil from the kitchen cabinet, and a rough star made of the same.
He’d destroyed the entire roll, but with the firelight reflecting off the homemade ornaments and a rug arranged around the torn up roots, it didn’t look half bad if he did say so himself.
He put some finishing touches up then stretched out on the couch to watch another one of the sappy Hallmark Christmas chick flicks; Sam and Y/N would never have to know--and Dean had to do something to pass the time till they got there.
3:00 AM, Day 3: Christmas Morning
He felt the weight added to the couch next to him, but before he could reach for the gun under the pillow, Dean breathed in the smell of Y/N and felt her lips on his.
He kept his eyes closed, his hand coming up to gently cup the back of her head, his other finding her waist through her thick sweater as he returned her kiss, his tongue meeting hers in a reunion that suddenly felt long overdue.
She pulled back and Dean let her, his eyes opening slowly and a smile curling his lips. He shifted further up on the couch, tugging her until she sat in his lap sideways.
“Merry Christmas, babe.”
He hummed, still not fully awake, his hands stroking over her form, an inner coil of tension relaxing now that she was back in his arms and apparently uninjured. “Where’s Sam?”
“He didn’t get to nap on the way here like I did, so he claimed the bed tonight. He’s probably already unconscious.” She shifted and brought her legs up, curling into his body. “I like the tree.” 
Dean couldn’t see her smile, with the way she was lying on him, and with the fire burned down to embers now, but he could hear it in her voice.
“I’m glad. It’s your Christmas gift.”
“Speaking of which....” She reached out and snagged the box from the table, and leaned so she could make eye contact with him in the dim room. “I see you didn’t have any luck getting into yours.”
Her grin was impish, but Dean couldn’t find any frustration in him over the box. Right now, with her warm body pressed against so much of his own, he had a different frustration starting to build up to distract him.
Dean started to pull up her sweater, his hands stroking at the soft skin of her side and lower back. “Yeah, it’s a stubborn thing. Were you trying to tell me something with that?”
She chuckled, reaching up to pull something from around her neck. “Why don’t you open it and find out?”
Dean took the tiny key from her hand, figuring that if he took a few moments t ooh and ahh over her present to him, he could get back to convincing her that she would make the best Christmas present for him.
When he twisted the key in the lock, the lid popped open immediately, and Dean tilted the box to get a better view of what was inside.
He laughed, realizing what he was looking at.
It seemed Y/N was on the same page as he was on what his favorite Christmas present would be.
He bent forward to press a kiss to her lips, this time deliberately putting more heat into it as she moved against him. He dropped the box and the holiday decorated condoms spilled out on the floor, but Dean didn’t much care at that moment.
He was getting ready to have the best Christmas of his life.
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@2wonderinsighlents, @adaliamalfoy, @alcpegasus22, @andrastesflamingtitties, @angelofwinchester17, @alexastacio, @anokhi07, @ariethegreat98, @atc74, @arryn-nyxx, @autopistaaningunaparte, @avasmommy224, @babypieandwhiskey, @bennyyh, @benjerry707, @boxywrites, @bringmesomepie56, @bucky-thorin-winchester, @but-deans-back-tho, @captainemwinchester, @carry-on-ms-believer, @casownsmyass, @cfordwrites, @chaos-and-the-calm67, @dancingalone21, @d-s-winchester, @deafgirlsarecooler, @deandoesthingstome, @deanfuckingwinchesterrr, @deansarms, @deanscherrypie, @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog, @deanwinchesterforpromqueen, @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester, @deliciouslyshadowymilkshake, @demonangelimpala, @demondeansdomme, @end-lessnights, @faith-in-dean, @fandommaniacx, @feelmyroarrrr, @fiveleaf, @gallxntdean, @graceforme86, @i-is-for-inspiring, @ilostmyshoe-79, @impala-dreamer, @jalove-wecallhimdean, @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes, @jencharlan, @jensen-gal, @jotink78, @just-another-busy-fangirl, @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms, @katnharper, @kittenofdoomage, @kristaparadowski, @lipstickandwhiskey, @littlegreenplasticsoldier, @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid, @love-kittykat21, @loreleilara, @lunarsaturn88, @luv4jensen, @lynnebla, @marilynnlew, @millaraysuyai, @mogaruke, @moonstonemystyk, @mrsbatesmotel53, @mrsjohnsmith, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mzpearlz, @nightmaredean, @notnatural-supernatural, @paintrider13-blog, @pinknerdpanda, @plaidstiel-wormstache, @rizlowwritessortof, @roxy-davenport, @salvachester, @seenashwrite, @septicxsoulxdarkxmind, @scorpiongirl1, @skathan-omaha, @spnrvt, @supernatural-jackles, @supernaturalyobsessed, @theafinnerup, @thedevilinthedetails, @thegreatficmaster, @vote-for-pedro, @waywardjoy, @wi-deangirl77, @wonderange, @wheresthekillswitch, @withoutaplease, @wonderless-screwup, @xtina2191, @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou, and @yume-deaimashou
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