#first aid certification
evelynnfox · 9 days
Looking for Advanced First Aid Training in Toronto?
Fast Rescue offers comprehensive on-site first aid training in Toronto, specializing in Advanced First Aid Training. Our courses are designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to handle medical emergencies effectively. From CPR to wound care and beyond, our expert instructors ensure that you're prepared to respond confidently in any situation. With Fast Rescue, you'll gain the expertise you need to save lives. Join us and become a certified first aid responder today.
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ehsconsultants · 7 months
What is in emergency first aid?
Emergency first aid refers to the initial care provided to someone who has been injured or is experiencing a sudden illness. The primary goals of basic first aid are to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery. While not a substitute for professional medical care, CRP first aid can make a significant difference in the outcome of an emergency situation. Here are some common elements of emergency first aid:
1. Assessment:
Ensure your safety and the safety of others.
Assess the situation and identify any potential hazards.
Check the person's responsiveness and breathing.
2. Activation of Emergency Medical Services (EMS):
Call for professional medical help by dialing the emergency number.
3. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation):
If the person is not breathing or has no pulse, CPR may be necessary. This involves chest compressions and rescue breaths.
4. AED (Automated External Defibrillator):
Use an AED if available. AEDs can deliver an electric shock to the heart to restore a normal rhythm in cases of sudden cardiac arrest.
5. Control of Bleeding:
Apply direct pressure to wounds to control bleeding.
Elevate the injured limb if possible.
Use a tourniquet as a last resort if bleeding cannot be controlled by other means.
6. Treatment of Shock:
Keep the person warm.
Have them lie down with their legs elevated (unless it causes further injury).
7. Treatment of Burns:
Cool the burn with running water for at least 10 minutes.
Cover the burn with a clean, non-stick bandage.
8. Treatment of Fractures and Sprains:
Immobilize the injured area.
Use a splint if available.
9. Choking Maneuver:
Perform the Heimlich maneuver for a conscious choking victim.
10. Seizure Management:
Protect the person from injury by moving nearby objects.
Place the person on their side after the seizure to maintain an open airway.
11. Assisting with Medications:
Assist the person in taking any prescribed medications if necessary.
12. Providing Comfort and Reassurance:
Keep the person calm and reassured.
Offer comfort and support.
It's important to note that first aid techniques may vary based on the specific situation and the resources available. Additionally, receiving formal first aid training from certified organizations can enhance your ability to respond effectively in emergency situations.
HABC Level 3 Award in Emergency first Aid at Work is a one-day course that offers the basics of first aid treatment in an emergency, such as incident or accident in the workplace, or the sudden illness of a colleague or customer. Emergency first aid at workplace courses offer a convenient, complete, and ongoing solution to meeting regional workplace compliance standards in CPR, AED and encompass adult, child, and infant CPR and first aid skills, and incorporate Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training.
HABC Level 3 Award in Emergency first Aid at Work is approved by Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services, Dubai municipality, Trakhees, Dubai Aviation City Corporation.
Call For Registration & Get Certified!
+971 52 416 9197 | [email protected] | www.ehsconsultants.com
EHS Consultants
Office no. 209, second floor, Brashy Building
Near Onpassive Metro Station, Sheik Zayed Road
Dubai, UAE
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lifefirstsolutions · 8 months
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Obtaining first aid training is accessible and crucial for personal and community safety. Here are some steps to get started: https://lifefirstsolutions.in/
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wippoinsomtrom · 1 year
Basic Life Support (BLS) refers to a set of techniques and skills used by healthcare
Basic Life Support (BLS) refers to a set of techniques and skills used by healthcare providers to sustain or restore the vital functions of a person who is experiencing cardiac arrest or other medical emergencies. BLS includes a series of procedures that can be performed by trained individuals to support and maintain the airway, breathing, and circulation of a person until advanced medical assistance can be obtained.
BLS techniques may include cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), which involves chest compressions and rescue breathing, as well as the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs), which can help restore normal heart rhythms in individuals experiencing cardiac arrest. Other techniques may include controlling severe bleeding, managing choking, and providing basic first aid.BLS training is often provided to healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, and emergency medical technicians, as well as to individuals who work in certain professions or settings where emergency response may be required, such as lifeguards, firefighters, and teachers.
Basic Life Support (BLS) is required because it can make the difference between life and death in emergency situations. When a person experiences cardiac arrest or other medical emergencies, every second counts, and the provision of effective BLS can increase the chances of survival and minimize the risk of long-term damage.BLS techniques are designed to support and maintain the vital functions of the body, such as airway, breathing, and circulation, until advanced medical care can be provided.
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Without prompt and effective BLS, a person may experience irreversible brain damage or even death within a matter of minutes.BLS training is therefore essential for healthcare providers, emergency responders, and individuals who work in high-risk environments, as it can provide them with the skills and knowledge necessary to respond quickly and effectively in emergency situations. By ensuring that BLS techniques are performed correctly, individuals can help save lives and prevent further harm to the person in need of assistance.
CPR Certification
CPR Classes
First Aid Certification 
The benefits of Basic Life Support (BLS) are numerous, as it can help to save lives and prevent long-term damage in emergency situations. Here are some of the key benefits of BLS:
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PALM DESERT – Main Office 73700 Dinah Shore Drive, Suite 107, Palm Desert, CA 92211 1-760-832-iCPR (4277) [email protected] Website:- https://www.yourcprmd.com/palm-desert-cpr-classes/ YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDlcF1HQgz0
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fatsalpakistan · 2 years
First Aid for Sprains: Do I Use Ice or Heat?
First Aid for Sprains: Do I Use Ice or Heat?
Sprains are injuries to ligaments that hold your joints together and often result in severe pain, swelling, and bruising. The stretching and tearing within the ligaments can be uncomfortable and limit your range of motion. The most common type of sprain include ankles sprains, knee sprains and wrist sprains. If you roll your ankle or experience a sprain in another area, you might be wondering,…
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teleported-bread · 3 months
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He's taking his eleven children to dunkin donuts after school
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"Hi can I get a lahge iced regulah, three big things uh assorted munchkins, an'... eleven small strahberry coolattas. With whipped cream."
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*The team is learning CPR on test dummies*
Derek: So, assessing the situation. Are they breathing?
Penelope: No, Derek. They are not breathing. And they have no arms or legs.
Derek: Babygirl, that’s not part of it—
Penelope: Where are they? You know what? If you come across somebody with no arms or legs do you bother resuscitating them? I mean, what kind of quality of life do you have there?
Emily *from across the room*: I would be fine living with no legs.
Penelope: How about no arms? No arms or legs is basically how you exist right now, Emily. You don’t do anything.
Derek: All right, focus, let’s get back to it. You’re losing him. *Penelope pumps frantically* Okay, too fast. You need to pump at a pace of a 100 beats per minute.
Penelope: Okay, how am I supposed to keep track of that. How many is that per hour?
JJ *from her spot next to Emily*: Pen, how’s that gonna help you?
Penelope: I can divide and then count to it.
JJ: Right.
Derek: Okay. Well, a good trick is to pump to the tune of ‘Staying Alive’ by the Bee Gees. Do you know that song?
Penelope: Oh, yes, I love that song! *clears throat, begins to sing* First I was afraid, I was petrified.
Derek: That’s not- no, you know what? Forget it. I’m just going to mark down that you did it.
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the-golden-comet · 1 month
Full disclosure: as some of you may already know by following my posts, I’m diagnosed with ASD1 (DSM-5). Please keep kindness and love in your minds and hearts that Autism Spectrum Disorder is, indeed, a spectrum. How ASD1 is expressed in my brain may be different than another person with ASD on any of the three levels.
With that being said, I have the HYPER-empathetic ASD, where it’s difficult for me to even see people getting hurt because I can physically FEEL that pain. My senses are usually dialed up to their max, which has caused lots of sensory processing difficulties.
‼️ ⚠️ Trigger warning for blood and injury ⚠️‼️
So imagine me right now, doing required leadership trainings where I am completing the full First Aid/CPR/AED courses, watching videos of people getting impaled through their eyes, hands, bodies, and leaking blood everywhere. Writing about it and seeing fictional cartoons is a LOT different; I can actually separate that pretty well. When it’s movies with real actors, that’s when I start to get queasy.
Yes, I know they’re fake. These people are actors. But damn….I’m still pale. These trainings are important to saving lives, but I sure as hell wanna vomit my guts out right about now. 🤢
…anyone got any cute duck photos? 🦆
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telekitnetic-art · 4 months
My dad was in the area yesterday so I got to eat dinner and talk to him about my plans post-uni. I told him about how I’m planning on probably not applying to any creative industries at all and instead get a full time job unrelated to art and animation and do freelance art and other art on the side. He seemed surprised but also understood that the industry as it is now is very different from where it was 3 years ago when my high school digital arts teacher told them that me getting into the industry was guaranteed.
I’m glad he took it well, I’ve been going back and forth in terms of confidence in my decision.
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gryphonlover · 1 month
Internally screeching with rage because the seizure first aid course I'm doing online is broken. I did not just spend the past 1-2 hours working on this to be stopped halfway through because I can't find the button to continue.
I need to go eat a snack and cool off so I can fix this.
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campwillowpeak · 1 year
Whats a CDA?
Child Development Associate certifs
Its for like working in daycares and child centers
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sunflowerpie · 9 days
Went 'I'm gonna deal with my own wound now' because i didn't want to make phone calls or go to daily appointments but alas it took 2 days to start looking infected so now ive gotta do something even more embarrassing and admit to the doctor that i got a bit silly and started being reckless about my open wound
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lifefirstsolutions · 9 months
Emergencies don't come with a warning, and when they strike, every second counts. Let's explore why everyone, regardless of their background or profession, should consider acquiring basic first aid training. Know more: https://lifefirstsolutions.in/
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pulsecpr · 17 days
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divecentrebondi · 7 months
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deadpooly · 10 months
college orientation was neat today my department profs r soooo fuckin chillll love kinesiology
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