#1st aid courses
ehsconsultants · 10 months
What is in emergency first aid?
Emergency first aid refers to the initial care provided to someone who has been injured or is experiencing a sudden illness. The primary goals of basic first aid are to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery. While not a substitute for professional medical care, CRP first aid can make a significant difference in the outcome of an emergency situation. Here are some common elements of emergency first aid:
1. Assessment:
Ensure your safety and the safety of others.
Assess the situation and identify any potential hazards.
Check the person's responsiveness and breathing.
2. Activation of Emergency Medical Services (EMS):
Call for professional medical help by dialing the emergency number.
3. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation):
If the person is not breathing or has no pulse, CPR may be necessary. This involves chest compressions and rescue breaths.
4. AED (Automated External Defibrillator):
Use an AED if available. AEDs can deliver an electric shock to the heart to restore a normal rhythm in cases of sudden cardiac arrest.
5. Control of Bleeding:
Apply direct pressure to wounds to control bleeding.
Elevate the injured limb if possible.
Use a tourniquet as a last resort if bleeding cannot be controlled by other means.
6. Treatment of Shock:
Keep the person warm.
Have them lie down with their legs elevated (unless it causes further injury).
7. Treatment of Burns:
Cool the burn with running water for at least 10 minutes.
Cover the burn with a clean, non-stick bandage.
8. Treatment of Fractures and Sprains:
Immobilize the injured area.
Use a splint if available.
9. Choking Maneuver:
Perform the Heimlich maneuver for a conscious choking victim.
10. Seizure Management:
Protect the person from injury by moving nearby objects.
Place the person on their side after the seizure to maintain an open airway.
11. Assisting with Medications:
Assist the person in taking any prescribed medications if necessary.
12. Providing Comfort and Reassurance:
Keep the person calm and reassured.
Offer comfort and support.
It's important to note that first aid techniques may vary based on the specific situation and the resources available. Additionally, receiving formal first aid training from certified organizations can enhance your ability to respond effectively in emergency situations.
HABC Level 3 Award in Emergency first Aid at Work is a one-day course that offers the basics of first aid treatment in an emergency, such as incident or accident in the workplace, or the sudden illness of a colleague or customer. Emergency first aid at workplace courses offer a convenient, complete, and ongoing solution to meeting regional workplace compliance standards in CPR, AED and encompass adult, child, and infant CPR and first aid skills, and incorporate Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training.
HABC Level 3 Award in Emergency first Aid at Work is approved by Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services, Dubai municipality, Trakhees, Dubai Aviation City Corporation.
Call For Registration & Get Certified!
+971 52 416 9197 | [email protected] | www.ehsconsultants.com
EHS Consultants
Office no. 209, second floor, Brashy Building
Near Onpassive Metro Station, Sheik Zayed Road
Dubai, UAE
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hylialeia · 2 years
the more I read and re-read other fantasy, the more impressive asoiaf becomes to me in its unabashed embrace of the darkness in its characters' POVs. and I don't mean in the "edgelord grimdark" way that so many people (wrongly) ascribe to it, or even in the "historical accuracy" way that so many people use to defend it. I mean more in the way it actually aids in the immersion of the world and story.
other fantasy series will relay the events and the world through their characters, sure, but I never realized just how censored they feel in comparison to asoiaf. things happen, characters feel a certain kind of way about them and relay that to me-the-reader. then they do things, plot happens, etc. sometimes it's quite compelling, even! but in asoiaf, I-the-reader am a brain parasite. the characters think thoughts they would never tell me. I see their worst impulses, their immediate instincts, their intrusive thoughts. a lot of it is unsavory, but it's done in such a way that it all feels deeply real and true to life.
in asoiaf, the characters are not telling me the story; I've invaded their internal dialogue am drinking it in through their biased yet genuine perspectives. I feel less like a reader and more like a ghost that's possessed them through the page. and I think that's the thing that the sets the series apart from others for me
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hecatesbroom · 6 months
Young Dorothy has been taking up an excessive amount of my thoughts for the past week or so, when something clicked the other day, and this happened.
Chronic fatigue syndrome. It makes sense to Dorothy the moment she hears it, and everything clicks into place. It feels like an inevitable consequence of the weariness that has been hollowing out her bones all her life; a life spent constantly drained, always fighting on the brink of collapse. It's as if now that her mind has finally settled, her body is making up for lost time. (Dorothy has been tired all her life. CFS is a different beast entirely, but it brings back memories)
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confetti-critter · 8 months
Something First Aid happened at work and I feel like I didn't handle it the best :(
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trainingonthego01 · 5 months
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Equip yourself with the essential skills to provide timely and effective support to individuals , experiencing mental health challenges through our Mental Health First Aid course. Enroll in our Mental Health First Aid Course today and make a positive impact on your lives.
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mongeese · 6 months
You know your work-life balance is fucked when a 2-day intensive first aid course with 10 hour days feels like a break
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klausysworld · 11 months
hiii, hope you’re doing well :D
Would you be down to write a piece where Klaus is married to a human doctor or nurse and every time he comes back after a fight and is wounded, reader patches him up. And Klaus is like u know I heal. And she’s like shut up and sit. Klaus smirks and obeys as he secretly loves getting tended to by wifey.
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Healing Hands
I worried for Klaus daily and nightly. Whether he was immortal or not, pain is pain.
Watching him stumble through the front door bloodied and bruised always made my heart drop. He was careless with himself, if they didn't have the white-oak stake then he didn't worry. He often reminded me that he wouldn't die even if they tore his heart out or burnt him alive.
To be honest that didn't help my fears at all.
I would always look after him after he was injured. Whether it was a couple scrapes here and there or if it was something much, much worse.
For instance, today was simply awful.
Klaus had been missing for nearly three full days when Elijah and Rebekah came in through the door, holding him up. I rushed down the stairs and helped him back up them. Once we got him onto his bed I got my bag out which was essentially a very big first aid kit with a couple extra items, like my surgical string and curved suture needles.
I looked up to find Klaus looked back at me with a small smile on his blood stained lips.
"I'm okay" he whispered raspily.
"No...you're not" I told him and he sighed softly as I opened his blood soaked shirt to expose the very slowly healing stab wounds that carved deep into his abdomen and chest.
"I just need some blood, I'll heal in seconds" he mumbled
"Then I'll put you on a blood drip" I remarked while gently running antiseptic wipes over his wounds, trying not to let his wincing bother me.
"Just be quiet Nik" I whispered "Just let me help"
"okay" he murmured softly, giving in rather quickly which was more and more common recently. I gave a small smile back to him before continuing to carefully stitch him up where he should need it.
(switch to 3rd person)
He kept still, his eyes closing as he felt her healing hands caress him better.
Klaus would never admit how much he secretly enjoyed her tending to him. It always reminded him of how much she loved him. No matter what was wrong, she was right there with bandages and wipes to help sooth his hurt.
Usually it was accompanied by a warm bath afterwards, her bare body against his while she traced the places where wounds once were. She would proceed to kiss each spot and then, at last, his lips. Then he would thank her quietly to which she would simply dismiss and once more tell him to be quiet so she could 'treat' him in another way.
By the time they're out of the water, they're probably dirtier than when they got in but neither one of them could care once they were curled up together again.
(Back to 1st)
I had my head on his chest, tilted back to gaze up at him. My fingertips danced patterns across his broad chest while his brushes against my scalp.
The room was dark, the curtains closed and door locked. A comfortable silence had been around us for a good while now, our love for one-another always lingered in the air and both our eyes seemed to grow tired as we looked deep into each other.
His rough yet quiet voice broke the quiet but I didn't mind.
"I'm sorry I was gone for so long" he whispered and I smiled softly.
"It wasn't you fault...I'm sorry I wasn't much use in finding you" I always felt a little helpless when it came to saving people. Being a human my skills weren't ever helpful. I tried of course but I would never be as strong or intelligent as those who have lived for centuries.
"I never want you to spend restless nights looking for me. You must know by now that I will always come back to you alive, and you will always be here waiting I hope." His hand stroked the skin of my face making my lashes flutter as I nodded
"I'll always be here, I'll always look after you" I promised. I feel his forehead press to mine, the soft curls of top his head which have grown a little long tickle my face gently.
"And I you sweetheart" he smiled and so did I
"I love you Niklaus" I whispered quietly, kissing his cheek gently
"I love you more, my little nurse"
(Sorry this is so short)
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themodernwitchsguide · 3 months
orphic hymns to apollo and diana
i should mention that i did NOT write these!! they are from like the 1st century AD lol
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Blest Pæan, come, propitious to my prayer, illustrious power, whom Memphian tribes revere,
Slayer of Tityus, and the God of health, Lycorian Phœbus, fruitful source of wealth.
Spermatic, golden-lyred, the field from thee receives it's constant, rich fertility.
Titanic, Grunian, Smynthian, thee I sing, Python-destroying, hallowed, Delphian king:
Rural, light-bearer, and the Muse's head, noble and lovely, armed with arrows dread:
Far-darting, Bacchian, two-fold, and divine, power far diffused, and course oblique is thine.
O, Delian king, whose light-producing eye views all within, and all beneath the sky:
Whose locks are gold, whose oracles are sure, who, omens good reveals, and precepts pure:
Hear me entreating for the human kind, hear, and be present with benignant mind;
For thou surveys this boundless æther all, and every part of this terrestrial ball
Abundant, blessed; and thy piercing sight, extends beneath the gloomy, silent night;
Beyond the darkness, starry-eyed, profound, the stable roots, deep fixed by thee are found.
The world's wide bounds, all-flourishing are thine, thyself all the source and end divine:
'Tis thine all Nature's music to inspire, with various-sounding, harmonizing lyre;
Now the last string thou tuned to sweet accord, divinely warbling now the highest chord;
The immortal golden lyre, now touched by thee, responsive yields a Dorian melody.
All Nature's tribes to thee their difference owe, and changing seasons from thy music flow
Hence, mixed by thee in equal parts, advance Summer and Winter in alternate dance;
This claims the highest, that the lowest string, the Dorian measure tunes the lovely spring.
Hence by mankind, Pan-royal, two-horned named, emitting whistling winds through Syrinx famed;
Since to thy care, the figured seal is consigned, which stamps the world with forms of every kind.
Hear me, blessed power, and in these rites rejoice, and save thy mystics with a suppliant voice.
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Hear me, Jove's daughter, celebrated queen, Bacchian and Titan, of a noble mien:
In darts rejoicing and on all to shine, torch-bearing Goddess, Dictynna divine;
Over births presiding, and thyself a maid, to labor-pangs imparting ready aid:
Dissolver of the zone and wrinkled care, fierce huntress, glorying in the Sylvan war:
Swift in the course, in dreadful arrows skilled, wandering by night, rejoicing in the field:
Of manly form, erect, of bounteous mind, illustrious dæmon, nurse of human kind:
Immortal, earthly, bane of monsters fell, 'tis thine; blest maid, on woody hills to dwell:
Foe of the stag, whom woods and dogs delight, in endless youth who flourish fair and bright.
O, universal queen, august, divine, a various form, Cydonian power, is thine:
Dread guardian Goddess, with benignant mind auspicious, come to mystic rites inclined
Give earth a store of beauteous fruits to bear, send gentle Peace, and Health with lovely hair,
And to the mountains drive Disease and Care.
Dividers by @vibeswithrenai
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justacynicalromantic · 6 months
In another news, Polish farmers are now blocking all roads in the country. Ukraine's main infrastructure for delivering arms and aid - roads and railways through Poland - are blocked constantly, while Russians have finished their rail road from Russia to Donbas and have free run of all the roads on that side, of course🙃
Meanwhile, research shows that Ukrainian grain almost doesn't influence Polish grain prises (1st screenshot)
Also, when talking about someone taking advantages of their benefactors, Poland maybe wants to look in the mirror? (2nd screenshot - I bet Ukraine would be closer to the blue sector, if we were a EU member😉 )
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wellsbering · 1 month
i've been going through prismatic-bell's blog to try to piece together exactly what happened to make xir think that reporting someone to the FBI for terrorism with zero evidence was a logical course of action, and i came across something i felt like i just had to pick apart here. i thought about responding to the post directly, but i don't want my notifications to get overrun by zionists (i mean, that'll probably happen anyways, but...fingers crossed)
if you don't wanna read this whole long thing where i explain why this specific gofundme is indeed trustworthy, at least share & donate to muhammad's campaign here
first, what kind of fucking racist brain worms do you have to have to see an arab man asking for help and think that it's "threatening"?
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what, exactly, is threatening about this screenshot? saying the honest truth, that being unable to afford medical care for a serious injury could make an amputation necessary??? asking someone to share a link on other social media to increase reach??? using ALL CAPS, LIKE A LOT OF PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET DO FOR EMPHASIS?? please explain it to me.
and then, of course, we have Zionist of the Year prismatic-bell's response.
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most of these grammatical inconsistencies that prismatic-bell seems to think of as damning proof (mixing up 1st & 3rd-person pronouns, mixing up "hand" and "arm") are probably not things that someone who doesn't speak english would catch. tell me, tumblr: which of these do you think are "he" and "his", and which do you think are "i" and "me"?
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if you're unfamiliar with the arabic writing system, you have zero clues to go on, right?
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some of the people sending these asks are copying & pasting english text they see other people using to ask for donations (this is what led to that other scam controversy with bassel). learning a new language is fucking hard. trying to proofread their own messages in not just a foreign language, but a foreign ALPHABET, is not a good use of their time when they're in a warzone and desperately trying to ask anyone they can for help. also to elaborate on the hand/arm thing, it's not that fucking hard to find his gofundme, which contains photos of his actual x-rays.
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you can see the shrapnel in his arm. reverse image search only brings up 5 results, 4 of which are tumblr posts linking to this gofundme, and one of which is the gofundme itself.
the bullet is in his arm. as you may imagine, having a bullet strike and break your arm is going to impact your ability to use your fucking hand. muhammad has nerve damage as a result of this injury. so yes, surgery is necessary. you can't really fix nerve damage with a simple round of antibiotics.
"ALSO also also: has nobody in Gaza heard of antibiotics? Why are we going straight for surgery?" is so fucking patronizing. yes, everyone in gaza has heard of antibiotics. unfortunately, antibiotics don't randomly spawn in hospitals like a fucking video game, they need to be TRANSPORTED there, which impossible to do when israel is blocking nearly all humanitarian aid from entering the gaza strip. this is why there are so many amputations being performed in gaza right now. they are running out - or in some locations, have already completely run out - of basic medical supplies.
also, by reading the gofundme description, the "rebuild" vs "evacuate" bit becomes clear: his family needs to rebuild their home, and he has to leave gaza to get adequate medical care. in other words, he has to leave a dangerous place that is being bombed to get to somewhere safe where he can receive medical treatment. if only there was a word for that. perhaps one that starts in evac- and ends in -uate. if only!
regarding the emojis: personally, i don't use a ton of emojis in my writing. but again, considering the aforementioned language barrier, is it surprising to see a lot of emojis? those are at least something that make sense in every language. they also serve to break up a big wall of text that people might otherwise scroll by. i have adhd, so sometimes if a long post is broken up with an occasional ❗ then my eyes will be drawn to that, and i will actually read that sentence and get put back on track.
i don't think i need to get into the "outed as a scammer" bit, since that's been thoroughly debunked. even blogs dedicated to identifying scams on tumblr, like kyra45, consider el-shab-hussein and 90-ghost's vetting process to be reliable and share their lists of vetted fundraisers.
and finally: "People can be bought. Accounts can be hacked. Maybe they used to be honest. They’re not now." this wording seems to imply that all blogs dedicated to palestinian gofundmes are dishonest? it's just as ridiculous to say "every single ask you get is a scam" as it is to say "every single ask you receive is legitimate". a blanket statement like this only serves to continue to undermine the legitimacy of the many REAL GAZANS who are asking for help to rebuild their lives.
i hope this clears some things up if anyone was confused about the legitimacy of some of these asks. the long and short of it is, it's not that hard to just look up a person's blog and see if a trusted person, who actually knows what they're doing (unlike prismatic-bell), has verified the legitimacy of their campagin or not. to be honest, i think that automatically assuming every ask related to gaza is a scam says something about the way you view palestinians. and it's not pretty.
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justice4gyeongsu · 1 month
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SYNOPSIS ➢ theres always a price to pay for survival.
PAIRING ➢ lee suhyeok x male!reader
AU ➢ enemies-to-lovers au!
CONTENT WARNING ➢ this chapter contains; angst, homophobia, an adult calling a minor an inappropriate word, authority figure abuse, mentions of gore, blood, cannibalism [let me know if i missed any!]
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chaos erupted in the wooden classroom as everyone scrambled to find a cell phone - a lifeline to the police and, more urgently, their parents. meanwhile, you sat on the floor at the back of the class, exhausted and in agony. but then you remembered the small first aid kit tucked away in your bag, a habit that might just pay off. you shed your green school vest and began to unbutton your dirty, ripped white shirt, revealing the aftermath of your tumble down the stairs. with shaking hands, you opened the ointment bottle from your medkit and gently slid your shirt off your shoulder, wincing in anticipation of the treatment to come. across the echoey classroom, gyeongsu's voice rang out, "hey, joonyeong! i think you're right. they can't open doors!" he yelled to his classmate, who was grimly holding the doors shut against the infected horde. joonyeong's reply was laced with caution, "yeah well... let's keep 'em closed just in case."
meanwhile, the desperate search for a cell phone continued. daesu stood a few feet away from you, his eyes fixed on your pained expression as you applied medicine to the jagged gash on your shoulder and neck. his brow furrowed in concern, "a-are you okay?" he asked softly, his voice tinged with worry. you let out a weary sigh before responding, "yeah..."
daesu's nod was hesitant, his eyes darting back to yours with a mix of concern and skepticism. "do you, uh, need help? i could put it on for you," he offered, his voice tinged with uncertainty. you looked up at him, confusion etched on your face - was he genuinely willing to assist? "um, yeah- no... think i got it," you stammered, awkwardly thanking him.
daesu nodded again, his gaze dropping to his shoes, clearly eager to escape the uncomfortable exchange. you seized the opportunity to divert your attention, catching onjo's eye across the room. she flashed a gentle smile before returning to her search through scattered desks and backpacks. in that moment, you realized the depth of her kindness - a quality you'd overlooked until now. a pang of regret hit you; if only you'd mustered the courage to connect with her before all this chaos erupted. isak's triumphant shout cut through the disorder: "here! i found one!" the room's attention converged on her, where she stood beaming, a cell phone held aloft like a treasure. the device, pilfered from a forgotten backpack, sparked a flurry of hope. as isak attempted to unlock the phone, you seized the moment to rise from the floor, joining the crowd gathered around her.
"is it charged?" daesu asked, peering over cheongsan's shoulder. gyeongsu's retort came swiftly from his post at the door, "of course it's charged, you idiot, who the hell comes to school with a dead phone?" daesu's face fell, but he countered with a pout, "it could happen..." isak's sudden curse cut through the exchange: "shit. it's locked." the room's collective excitement deflated, replaced by a crushing wave of disappointment. while you walked to gaze out the classroom window, your injured arm hung limp against your torso. your mind began to wander, wondering if other students were trapped, just like you. the sight outside was eerie - zombies swarmed the school grounds, their convulsions visible even from a distance. in the soccer field below, you spotted familiar faces among the horde. one in particular caught your attention: a 1st year boy, his high school journey brutally cut short. his ripped jacket and bite-ridden skin were a grim reminder of the fate that had befallen him. you couldn't help but wonder... what were his parents doing at this moment, oblivious to the tragedy that had unfolded?
with a nervous gulp, you turned to see cheongsan holding up the treasure, tantalizingly close to the girl outside - now a snarling zombie, her jaws snapping wildly against the glass window. "what are you doing?" you asked, alarm creeping into your voice. isak and onjo turned to you, and isak explained, "he's trying face recognition." you shook your head, hesitation etched on your face, "that's... it's not gonna work. she's moving too much, and she looks completely different from just an hour ago." with a dismissive gesture, you tossed your vest onto the desk and leaned back, retreating into your own thoughts. cheongsan exchanged a skeptical glance with his friends, who shrugged in response, unsure of their next move.
onjo stepped forward, her impatience palpable. "y/n-ah is right. just call 112, you don't need to unlock it for emergency calls." cheongsan's fingers flew across the keypad as he dialed the number, the room falling silent in anticipation. you nervously ruffled your hair, which had fallen into your eyes, as a mix of unease and worry swirled inside you. your mind began to wander to your dad - was he okay? it was ironic, really, that you were worried about him now, when he'd probably never even noticed if you skipped school.
the seconds ticked by at a glacial pace as we waited for someone, anyone, to pick up. cheongsan's eyes were fixed on the phone, his grip on it tightening with each passing moment. onjo shifted her weight, her eyes darting between the phone and the window, where the zombie girl still snapped and clawed at the glass. you couldn't help but think of all the worst-case scenarios, your mind racing with the possibilities. and then, just as suddenly as it had begun, everything was silent. the phone's ringing had stopped, replaced by an eerie stillness. "hello?" a voice crackled through the speaker.
cheongsan's voice was shaking slightly as he spoke, "h-hello? yes, we need help. our school... it's been overrun by zombies." the voice on the other end was calm and detached, "what's your location?" onjo leaned in, her eyes locked on the phone, "we're at hyosan high school. please, you have to hurry." the voice replied, "yeah sure sure.. help is on the way. just don't get bit.." you felt a surge of hope at the words, but it was short-lived. the sudden sound of the call ending had erupted in the silence.
wujin's voice rose in frustration as he exclaimed, "they hung up? what the fuck..?" daesu tried to calm him down, offering a reassuring presence. you couldn't help but groan at cheongsan's blunder, "why would you tell them there were zombies? you should've said something more urgent." your annoyance was palpable, and cheongsan shot back, feeling defensive, "then what would you have said, huh?" the room fell silent, all eyes turning to you, waiting for a response.
you ventured a suggestion, "i don't know, like, there's a serial killer or something.." your words trailed off as you nodded, but the silence that followed was deafening. you glanced away, feeling a twinge of awkwardness at the lack of response. "..or not," you added, your voice barely above a whisper.
jimin's calm and collected voice cut through the tension, "it doesn't matter. the teachers and principal are probably having people come get us." her words were like a balm, soothing the frazzled nerves of the group. the reminder of the adults' presence was a welcome one - they would come, they would rescue us, and we would be reunited with our families. the thought brought a sense of comfort, a reassurance that we weren't alone in this desperate situation.
nayeon's frustration boiled over, her voice rising to a shout. "ugh, just call them again!" but joonyeong’s response was laced with urgency, "hey, keep it down, you're gonna attract more of them." his arms ached from holding the door shut, his muscles cramping from the strain. just then, a blood-curdling scream pierced the air, echoing down the hallway. everyone's heads snapped towards the sound, their curiosity and fear piqued. the zombies outside, once shuffling aimlessly, now lurched towards the commotion, their footsteps shuffling rapidly down the corridor. as the hallway cleared, gyeongsu cautiously opened the door, peeking outside before suhyeok yanked him back to safety. amidst the chaos, onjo seized the phone, her fingers flying across the keypad as she dialed a mysterious number. the room fell silent, all eyes fixed on her, wondering what she was planning.
onjo sidled up beside you, her shoulder grazing yours as she leaned against the desk. you sensed a piercing gaze and glanced back to find cheongsan's eyes flashing with hostility. swiftly, you averted your gaze, focusing on the window's distant view.
meanwhile, onjo's voice was calm and composed as she spoke into the phone. "hello, sir. do you know captain nam soju from rescue team one?" her words trailed off, leaving you wondering who she was talking to. your eyebrows knitted together in surprise - how did onjo know someone of such high rank? the question lingered, unanswered, as you waited for her next words.
onjo's gaze shifted towards you, her expression a mask of neutrality as she listened intently to the voice on the other end. the silence stretched, and the eye contact became too much to bear. you cleared your throat, breaking the spell, and redirected your attention to your shoes - suddenly, they seemed fascinating. however, onjo's next words shattered the calm, her tone grave and urgent. "there's a fire." the room's atmosphere shifted, everyone's ears perking up at the alarm. "it's in classroom 2-5 of hyson high school. hurry, it's massive." with that, she ended the call, the sudden silence punctuated only by the weight of her words. the
“theyre coming?” you ask softly, eyes filled with hope. onjo nodded her head with a sigh of relief. “thats great! we’ll be back home in no time.” hyoryeong said with a small nervous chuckle. “right?” she asked with insecurity. not being confident in her exclamation.
onjo's nod was reassuring, but her expression remained cautious. "yes, they're on their way. but we need to be careful, we don't know what's happening outside." she glanced around the room, her eyes lingering on the barricaded doors. hyoryeong’s eyes darted to you, then back to onjo, her voice barely above a whisper. "what if...what if they don't make it in time?"
the room fell silent, the weight of hyoryeong's words settling over the group like a shroud. you exchanged a nervous glance with onjo, the hope in your chest beginning to flicker with doubt. onjo's expression turned grim, her jaw clenched in determination. "they'll make it," she said, her voice firm. "we just need to hold out a little longer." but her words were cut short by a loud scream once again from outside the room. the group's heads snapped towards the sound, hearts racing. the wooden walls creaked, groaning under the pressure. "what was that?" gyeongsu whispered, his eyes wide with fear.
you spoke up, your voice firm, "that's the second time we've heard that scream." but no one responded, and you felt exasperated. you stood up and moved away from the desk, "hey, someone could be out there." but your words were met with disbelieving stares. daesu asked incredulously, "what, you wanna go out there?"
you hesitated, feeling a flush rise to your cheeks, "i'm just saying...i would want someone to come looking for me if i was missing." your words tumbled out, laced with a shy vulnerability.
nayeon flopped down in a chair, her back to you, and huffed, "if you wanna go out there, be my guest, but i'm staying here." her dismissive tone made you scoff. you rolled your eyes, muttering under your breath, "god forbid you actually contribute." but nayeon seemed oblivious, already pleading with jimin to call the police again, her voice laced with desperation. meanwhile, you focused on the mundane task of tying your shoes, careful not to strain your shoulder. once finished, you stood up, buttoning your torn white shirt with a sense of determination. your eyes locked onto gyeongsu, and you began to head towards him, ready to take action.
every gaze in the room locked onto you, confusion etched on every face. gyeongsu's voice rose above the rest, "wait, are you really gonna go out there?" he asked, incredulous. wujin chimed in, his tone laced with doubt, "you're injured, how do you even expect to help?" his words hung in the air, a challenge.
you turned to him, your voice low and sharp, "now you're concerned about me?" the quiet snap was a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing inside. you shook your head, disbelief written across your face. the same childhood friend who had ignored you yesterday now pretended to care? it was almost laughable.
your words sparked a reaction, daesu taking a step forward, his face tense with a mix of confusion and annoyance. "what the hell is that supposed to mean?" he demanded, his hand on wujin's shoulder, as if holding him back from lashing out. you let out a sigh, the sound barely audible, and turned away from the confrontation, your eyes drifting towards gyeongsu and the door. "forget it," you muttered, your voice laced with a hint of frustration, as you began to head towards the exit.
but your progress was halted by a hand on your shoulder, suhyeok's grip gentle yet firm. he looked down at you with an expression of genuine worry, his brow furrowed in concern. "i'll go with you," he said, his voice resolute, his determination clear in his tone.
suhyeok's declaration sparked a wave of panic within the group, like a stone tossed into a tranquil pond. you couldn't help but think: of course, everyone's worried now that the golden boy is going with me - the outcast. "suhyeok, you can't!" onjo exclaimed, her voice laced with urgency, "we don't know if that person is even still alive or not." she added, her words dripping with concern.
you shrugged suhyeok's hand off your shoulder, the touch feeling suffocating, and took a step back, creating some distance. he noticed your uncomfortable withdrawal, his eyes narrowing slightly. "i don't need you to come with me..." you said, your voice barely above a whisper, as you looked away, avoiding eye contact.
isak's words hung in the air, laced with a quiet intensity. "yeah, if y/n-ah wants to go, then let him. that's his choice, not yours." her eyes betrayed a deep-seated fear, not of the present moment, but of the unknown consequences that might unfold.
suhyeok turned towards you, but you avoided his gaze, your eyes fixed on some invisible point on the floor. his attention shifted to the table, where your green vest lay discarded. he swiftly walked over and picked it up, and with a swift motion, ripped it halfway down the middle. "hey, what are you-" you started to ask, confusion etched on your face, but suhyeok's finger pressed against his lips, signaling silence. you watched, perplexed, as he tied the two pieces together in a knot, his hands moving with a quiet purpose.
with a few quick movements, suhyeok transformed the torn vest into a makeshift sling, his hands moving with a quiet confidence. "here, put your head through here and you can let your arm hang here," he instructed, his voice low and gentle. before you knew it, he had crafted a perfect solution to ease the tension on your upper shoulder and neck.
meanwhile, daesu and wujin exchanged a weighted glance, their faces a picture of suspicion and uncertainty. you shot suhyeok a sideways glare, your eyes narrowing slightly. "i'm not thanking you," you whispered, your voice barely audible, as you looked up at him with a mix of annoyance and gratitude. suhyeok's expression remained neutral, his eyes locked onto yours. "i know," he said simply, as he fell into step beside you, following you out towards gyeongsu.
as you walked, the silence between you and suhyeok was palpable, punctuated only by the soft rustling of your clothes and the distant sounds of the group getting up behind you. you couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort at his presence, his actions both helpful and infuriating at the same time.
gyeongsu waited by the door, his eyes scanning your face before shifting to suhyeok. "ready?" he asked, his voice low and even. you nodded curtly, avoiding eye contact with suhyeok. "we’ll just go check and come back." with a quiet nod, gyeongsu pushed open the door, revealing a brightly lit corridor beyond. the air was thick with an eerie silence, and you could feel the weight of the unknown pressing down upon you.
as you stepped into the corridor, the door creaked shut behind you, enveloping you in an unsettling quiet. the air was heavy with the scent of dust and decay, and the flickering fluorescent lights above cast your eerie shadows on the walls.
you led the way, your footsteps echoing off the walls, with suhyeok following closely behind. your eyes scanning the deserted hallway, your senses on high alert. the corridor twisted and turned, leading you deeper into the heart of the building. you couldn't shake the feeling that you were being watched, that unblinking eyes were trained on you from the shadows. suddenly, you halted, your head cocked to one side to find suhyeoks hand on your back. "do you hear that?" suhyeok suddenly whispered, his voice barely audible.
your eyes narrowed, your gaze scanning the hallways. "hear what? and stop touching me." you hiss at him. suhyeoks eyes locked onto yours, his expression grim. "that." then, you heard it too - a low, mournful whimper, seeming to come from the direction in front of you. you cautiously peeked around the corner, your gaze drifting down the dimly lit hallway towards the staircase, the flickering fluorescent lights above grabbed your attention. but what you saw made your heart skip a beat - a girl's limp form hung suspended from the stairway's bars, her body eerily still, her eyes frozen in a permanent scream. you gasped, your instincts screaming at you to act, your mind racing with worst-case scenarios.
but before you could take a step forward, suhyeok's arm snaked around your waist, pulling you back into the shadows with a swift, firm motion. "what the fuck did i tell you-" you hissedat him. his voice low and urgent, his breath warm against your ear, before clamping a hand over your mouth, his fingers pressing against your lips. "at least look around before you get yourself killed."
his eyes narrowed, annoyance etched on his face, his brow furrowed in concern. you shot him a defiant glance, your eyes flashing with anger, your heart still racing from the shock. shoving him off of you, "you touch me again and i'll push you into those things," you threatened, your finger jabbing into his face, your voice barely above a whisper.
suhyeok's expression twisted into a disbelieving scoff, his eyes rolling heavenward. "yeah, i'd like to see that," he taunted, his voice dripping with skepticism, his gaze lingering on yours with a hint of challenge.
you swiftly silenced suhyeok with a hushed command, your eyes darting back to the staircase. that's when you saw it - a zombie looming mere inches from the girl's desperate grasp, its presence a constant threat. she struggled to pull herself up, her face reddened with exertion, sweat dripping down her forehead. but every time the zombie turned, she'd retreat, hiding in a futile bid for safety.
time was running out - she was mere seconds from slipping, her fingers trembling with fatigue. if she fell, it would be a four-story drop to certain death. you watched, transfixed, as she teetered on the brink of disaster.
as you scanned your surroundings, a forgotten pencil case caught your eye, lying just a few feet away. with a deep breath, you dropped to the ground, army crawling towards the pencil case with deliberate slowness. your gaze remained fixed on the zombie, while suhyeok's eyes locked onto your legs, poised to pull you to safety at a moment's notice.
with suhyeok watching your every move, you inched closer to the pencil case, your hand reaching out to claim it. finally, your fingers closed around it, and you crawled backward, creating a safe distance between yourself and the zombie. then, with a swift motion, you hurled the pencil case down a nearby hallway, the sound echoing off the walls as it flew through the air. the zombie's attention was caught, its body lurching away from the girl as it shambled down the hallway in pursuit of the noise. seizing the opportunity, you began to stand, but suhyeok was already ahead, swiftly closing the distance to the girl. helping her down and he grasped her hand, pulling her to safety as she thanked him over and over, her voice trembling with tears.
"you're my hero, truly. thank you so much," the girl gushed, her arms wrapping tightly around suhyeok's neck as she hugged him with gratitude. but you were already moving, your patience worn thin. "lets go," you whispered urgently, your voice low and insistent.
suhyeok pulled the girl along, her hand still clutched in his, as you all turned the corner and sped through the hallways with a crouched, hurried gait. the girl's sobs grew louder, her words tumbling out in a frantic, tear-choked explanation of what had happened to her friends. suhyeok tried to calm her down, his voice a soothing murmur, but she was beyond consolation, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she hyperventilated.
"you need to stop crying, or we are all gonna die," you warned, turning back to the girl with a stern expression, your finger pressed to your lips in a silencing gesture. but before you could continue, the sound of footsteps echoed through the hallway behind you - loud, quick, and getting closer.
"run!" suhyeok yelled, darting to the front of the group as you all sprinted down the hall. your hearts racing, you turned a corner and finally saw the classroom door ahead. suhyeok pounded on it urgently with both fists, releasing the girl's hand as he did so. you caught up, breathless, and saw nayeon blocking gyeongsu's attempt to open the door, the two of them arguing in hushed tones. but before you could intervene, you turned to see a horde of zombies rounding the corner behind you - three to seven of them, their eyes fixed on you with a mindless hunger as they ran at full speed.
in a flash of quick thinking, you slid open the classroom window and urged suhyeok to climb through. he cast a desperate glance at the zombies closing in, their ragged breathing and shambling footsteps mere feet away, before hoisting himself up and through the opening. he reached back for your hand, but you gestured for him to take the girl's instead.
with a surge of adrenaline, you grabbed her knee and pushed her upwards, trying to boost her to safety. but she clung to your arm, her eyes fixed on the horrors behind, her cries growing more frantic. "go! go!" you shouted, pushing her upward with increasing urgency, as suhyeok tried to pull her arm up from the other side.
suhyeok's grip on her hand faltered, sending her tumbling over you as you desperately tried to break her fall. you groaned, the impact knocking the wind from your lungs, as the zombies closed in - now mere feet away. with a surge of adrenaline, you tried to haul her to her feet, but she was paralyzed with fear, her screams echoing through the hallway.
"come on! damnit!" you shouted, tugging at her arm with increasing urgency, but she was frozen in terror. and then, in a flash of horror, the closest zombie latched onto her leg, its jaws closing around her ankle like a vice. she shrieked in agony as the zombie's teeth sank deep, the others quickly following suit, their bites tearing into her flesh with savage ferocity.
you stood frozen, helpless, as the zombies feasted on her flesh, their gruesome banquet mere feet away. the girl's eyes locked onto yours, her face contorted in a silent plea, her tears streaming down her cheeks like rain. her hand reached out, a desperate bid for salvation, but it was too late. just as all hope seemed lost, a chorus of screams erupted from the windows, the voices of your friends shouting your name, their cries piercing the air like a siren's wail.
“y/n-ah, leave her!”
“shes gone, come on!”
“y/n-ah, move your ass!”
“get inside! now!”
a crushing wave of guilt and fear washed over you, paralyzing your nerves and muscles. your eyes widened in horror, frozen in place as the zombies devoured the girl below. but then, a pair of arms wrapped around you, lifting you up with a gentle yet urgent strength. you felt yourself being pulled up into the window, your limp body causing you and your rescuer to tumble backward onto the classroom floor.
as you sat up, dazed and disoriented, you found yourself cradled in someone's lap, their arms wrapped tightly around you. the warmth of their embrace was a stark contrast to the terror you'd just faced, and for a moment, you simply sat there, frozen in shock. the others shut the windows quickly and held onto the doors to keep them shut.
your head hung limp, your gaze fixed on your lap as you felt the strong, muscled arms wrapped around your body, holding you in a tight embrace. the pressure caused your shoulder to ache, but you didn't have the strength to move. slowly, you lifted your head, your eyes scanning the room as reality began to seep back in. that's when you saw them - your classmates gathered around you, their faces etched with concern. and then, you realized who was holding you - suhyeok. with a surge of adrenaline, you swiftly elbowed him in the ribs, breaking free from his grasp. you stood up, your legs trembling slightly as you found your balance.
he coughed, his eyes widening in surprise at your sudden movement. "what the..?" daesu muttered, confusion etched on his face as he looked from you to suhyeok, unsure of what had just happened.
"i told you. stop touching me," you said, your voice firm, as you clutched your shoulder, still feeling the ache from suhyeok's grip. your hair was disheveled, a testament to the intensity of the moment that had just passed. you glared down at suhyeok, who looked away, defeated, his eyes cast downward in submission.
but cheongsan wasn't having it. "yah, suhyeok-ah saved you," he spoke up, his voice tinged with annoyance. "you should be thanking him." his words hung in the air while others just stared.
slowly, you turned to face the group, your eyes meeting the gaze of your friends, who were all staring at you, their faces etched with concern. your chest still heaved rapidly, a reminder of the chaos that had just unfolded.
the room was thick with tension, the only sound the heavy breathing that still racked your body. you felt like you were under a microscope, every eye on you, waiting for your reaction. suhyeok's gaze remained downcast, his shoulders slumped in defeat. cheongsan's eyes flashed with irritation, the others looked on, their expressions a mix of confusion and concern. the silence stretched out, becoming almost unbearable. you knew you needed to say something, to break the tension, but your mind was a blank. all you could think about was the feeling of suhyeok's arms around you, holding you captive, and the horror that had just unfolded below the window.
jimin's voice had a subtle rebuke. "he wouldn't have had to save him if you had let gyeongsu open the door," she said, her gaze fixed on nayeon as she strode away, her eyes scanning the other windows with a mix of fear and determination. nayeon spun back, her face twisted in a scowl. "you wanted to leave them out there!" jimin accused, her voice low and venomous.
nayeon's defenses were clearly breached, her words tumbling out in a rush. "so what? they decided to go out there, we never told them to! they could've been bit, fuck, they could still be!" her finger jabbed toward you and suhyeok, the pressure of the moment clearly getting to her.
suhyeok slowly rose to his feet behind you, still wincing in pain as he released his grip on his ribs. "you can check us, we didn't get bit," he said, his voice steady, his eyes locked on nayeon. onjo quickly came to his defense, her voice firm. "suhyeok-ah said they aren't bitten, he wouldn't lie," she said, her gaze fixed on nayeon, trying to reassure her.
but before the tension could ease, cheongsan strode forward, his eyes scanning you from head to toe before narrowing in suspicion. "oh sure, check me but not him, right?" you shot back, your voice laced with sarcasm, as you stood face to face with him. cheongsan took a step closer, his jaw clenched. "and? you have a problem with it?" he asked, his tone confrontational.
just as the confrontation was reaching a boiling point, suhyeok stepped in, his hand extending from behind you to gently but firmly push cheongsan back. "guys, not now," he said, his voice a calm anchor in the storm, trying to steer the group away from further conflict. gyeongsu, leaning against the door frame, chimed in with a soothing tone, "yeah, come on guys, we gotta be careful. now's not the time to argue." but his words were quickly met with a sharp tone from nayeon. "oh, now you wanna add on?" she snapped, her voice dripping with disdain. "you're such a liability, and you don't even know it." the air seemed to vibrate with tension as her words hung in the air, a challenge to gyeongsu's very presence.
gyeongsu's face reddened with anger as he took a step forward, his voice rising. "what? what did you just say?" but before he could get any closer to nayeon, his friends grabbed his arms, holding him back. "everyone needs to just shut up and sit down-" someone started to say, but the words were cut off by a sudden commotion.
"watch out!" you yelled, as the classroom door burst open and a frantic figure scrambled inside. everyone recoiled in fear, unsure of who this new arrival might be, but as the person turned to face the group, a collective sigh of relief rippled through the room. it was coach kang, his face flushed and sweaty, his chest heaving with exertion.
the room fell silent, all eyes fixed on the coach as he struggled to catch his breath. finally, he spoke, his voice gruff with concern. "are you guys okay?"
the question hung in the air, open to interpretation. but before anyone else could respond, gyeongsu nodded curtly, speaking for the group.
gyeongsu's eyes narrowed slightly as he approached coach kang, his voice laced with skepticism. "what about you, you weren't bitten?" coach kang's head shook slowly, his chest still heaving with exhaustion. "no, of course not. i-im alright. yeah, i'm alright," he stammered, his nod a bit too emphatic. something about his demeanor didn't quite add up, and your eyebrows furrowed in concern. you turned to your right, searching for a shared spark of suspicion, and found it in namra's watchful gaze. as your eyes met, a silent understanding passed between you, a sense that something was off.
namra rose slowly from her seat, her movements fluid and deliberate, her eyes never leaving yours. unspoken questions, the group's attention drawn to the subtle exchange between you and namra.
"okay, well let's block the doors first," coach kang instructed, his voice snapping the group back into action. the room's dynamic shifted in an instant, as if a switch had been flipped, and everyone reverted to their student roles, mannerisms and all. with newfound urgency, the group sprang into motion, rushing to construct a makeshift barricade. desks scraped against the floor, chairs clattered on top, and the sound of heavy breathing filled the air. you strained to move a desk with one hand, your legs pushing against the floor to drag it into place.
"hurry up, what's taking you so-" coach kang's voice trailed off, his words freezing in his throat as his gaze landed on you. his eyes widened, his face a picture of shock, as if he'd seen something that made his blood run cold. "what happened to you?" coach kang asked, his voice laced with a wariness that bordered on suspicion.
you let out a frustrated huff before explaining, "i fell down the stairs and hurt my shoulder. i wasn't bit if that's what you're thinking..." but your words trailed off as your gaze drifted down to the coach's arm. a jagged red gash caught your eye, surrounded by teeth marks and bloody flesh. the sight made your heart skip a beat. coach kang seemed to sense your stunned silence, and cleared his throat awkwardly, busying himself with moving chairs and avoiding eye contact. it was clear he was no longer interested in listening to your explanation.
you turned to onjo and jimin, their eyes already locked on the coach's arm, a silent understanding passing between them. "do you guys see that...?" you whispered, your voice a mere breath, as if speaking the truth might shatter the fragile calm.
onjo and jimin nodded in slow, synchronized motion, their faces reflecting a dawning realization. onjo's voice rang out, a loud whisper that cut through the tension. "coach kang, you have a bite on your arm!" the coach's face drained of color, his skin turning a ghostly pale. "w-what? no, no," he stuttered, his hand jerking up to yank his sleeve down, hiding the offending arm. "no, i wasn't bitten, it's alright," he protested, his words tumbling out in a frantic bid to reassure, but his eyes betrayed a growing panic.
the coach's denial was met with incredulity. "you have a bite mark, how is that not a bite-" but before you could finish, he cut you off with a sharp rebuke.
"shut up, i said it isn't. don't talk back to me, you're a student," he spat, his words dripping with venom. his tone was a slap in the face, and you felt a surge of indignation at the dismissive language. isak stepped into the fray, her voice calm but firm. "it looks like you were really bitten," she observed, her eyes fixed on the coach's arm. the coach's face turned red with rage. "i wasn't! how many times must i tell you?" he thundered, his eyebrows shooting up in disbelief and anger, as if the very suggestion was an affront to his authority.
"show it then!" you demanded, your voice firm and resolute. isak stepped forward while her tone was uncompromising. "then why the hell are you hiding it? show us." the coach's gaze faltered under the weight of their combined scrutiny. isak’s eyes flashed with a fierce intensity, her voice dripping with authority. "i think you should leave right now," she commanded, her words a clear dismissal.
as the standoff continued, you discreetly glanced to your side, your eyes landing on a desk with a sharp pen lying on it. with a slow, deliberate movement, you reached out and grasped the pen, hiding it behind your leg, your grip tightening around it. "come on! get out already!" isak yelled, her frustration boiling over, her words echoing through the tense silence.
the coach's face twisted in a sudden, vitriolic outburst. "you cocksucker!" he bellowed. you spun around, bewildered, and shot back, "are you insane? watch your mouth!" your gaze swept the room, locking eyes with your male peers. "you're gonna let him speak to her like that?" you asked, your tone laced with disgust and outrage.the coach's face reddened, his finger jabbing accusingly at you. "you stop talking! i could call you the same thing!" his lips curled into a sneer, a cold, calculated glint in his eye. "yeah...you think i don't know?" he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "you think they don't know?" he sneered, his gaze raking the room. but you stood your ground, your voice firm and resolute. "i don't give a fuck what they think, and you need to leave now, you fucking pervert." your words struck a nerve, and for a moment, the coach's mask slipped, revealing a flicker of unease beneath.
"how dare you speak to me like that? do you think i won't remember this when this is all finished? huh?" his thunderous voice sent shockwaves through the room, loud enough to draw a few zombies to the hallway outside. as he took a menacing step closer to isak, onjo swiftly intervened, positioning herself protectively in front of her friend. you instinctively moved to stand guard, the pen at the ready. "y/n-ah, stay back!" wujin warned, his voice firm and urgent. "he's infected," joonyeong added, her eyes fixed warily on the coach.
and then, a telltale sign of the infection's grip: a nosebleed. the coach's eyes widened as he felt the warm trickle down his face, his gaze dropping to the crimson droplets staining his clothes and splattering the floor.
the coach's gaze snapped back up, his eyes locking onto yours with a mix of anger and desperation. his face twisted in a snarl, the nosebleed worsening as he took another step forward. you stood your ground, the pen poised like a tiny sword, ready to strike.
"stay back!" wujin and joonyeong chorused, their voices a united front against the coach's erratic behavior. onjo's eyes darted between the coach and you, her expression a mask of concern. the coach's body language screamed warning signs - the jerky movements, the wild eyes, the increasing aggression. you knew the infection was taking hold, and time was running out. with a deep breath, you steeled yourself for what might come next.
the coach's eyes seemed to glaze over, his pupils dilating as he took another step closer. his mouth opened, revealing bloody teeth, and a low, menacing growl rumbled from his throat. you gripped the pen tightly, bracing for impact.
"he's gone," joonyeong whispered, his voice barely audible over the coach's eerie growl. "we need to get out of here, now."
onjo nodded, her eyes fixed on the coach's deteriorating form. "y/n, come on," she urged, tugging on your arm. for a moment, you saw a glimmer of the person he once was, trapped beneath the surface of the infection. in a split second, the coach's face twisted into a grotesque snarl, and he sprang into action - but his target was mijin, trapped between the narrow lockers. panic erupted as he pounced, his body pinning hers to the ground.
chaos ensued as the group scrambled to escape the horror, but daesu stood tall, his adrenaline-fueled strength surging as he rushed to mijin's aid. with a fierce cry, he heaved the coach's zombie form off her, slamming him into the nearby wall with a bone-jarring crash. as the dust settled, all eyes turned to mijin, her face etched with pain and fear. and then, the unthinkable - a crimson bite mark marred her lips, a grim harbinger of the fate that awaited her.
mijin's eyes widened in terror as she stumbled backward, her hand instinctively rising to cover the wound. "no, no, no..." she whispered, her voice trembling with fear.
daesu's face fell, his eyes filled with a mix of horror and helplessness. "mijin, oh god..." he trailed off, his voice cracking with emotion. the group stood frozen, paralyzed by the grim reality unfolding before them. the coach's zombie form, still reeling from daesu's tackle, began to stir once more, its eyes fixed on mijin with a mindless hunger.
"we have to get out of here, now," wujin urged, his voice firm but laced with desperation. "we can't let her...we can't let her become one of them." but it was too late. mijin's eyes began to glaze over, her body starting to succumb to the infection's deadly grip. a faint moan escaped her lips, and she took a stumbling step forward, her gaze fixed on the group with a growing hunger.
in a heart-stopping instant, coach kang's body contorted in a grotesque convulsion, his limbs twitching with an otherworldly energy. he sprang to his feet, his movements jerky and unnatural, and launched himself at suhyeok and wujin. the latter held up a chair as a makeshift shield, but suhyeok swiftly shoved him out of harm's way, dodging to the side as the zombie coach crashed into the podium behind them.
the zombie's head twitched, its eyes locking onto suhyeok with a mindless hunger. it lunged, arms outstretched, but suhyeok dodged the grasp by a hair's breadth. with a swift punch, he struck the zombie coach in the face, but it seemed to have no effect. the zombie latched onto suhyeok, its grip unyielding. your heart sank as you watched in horror, but instinct took over. you sprinted forward, grabbing a chair with one arm and slamming it into the zombie coach's back with a loud crash. the force of the blow sent shockwaves through the air, but the zombie's grip on suhyeok remained unbroken.
in a flash of adrenaline, suhyeok seized the opportunity to turn the tables, using the zombie momentum against him. with a swift motion, he hurled the man into the wall, the sound of crunching bone and scraping flesh echoing through the room.
cheongsan sprang into action, grabbing a nearby desk and slamming it into place, pinning the man to the wall with a fierce determination. gyeongsu rushed to his side, adding his strength to the effort, and together they strained to keep the desk in place, holding the snarling zombie at bay.
the air was electric with tension as the two boys wrestled with the desk, their muscles straining to keep the zombie trapped. the sound of scraping furniture and labored breathing filled the room, a testament to their desperate bid to contain the monstrous creature that had once been their coach. as you stood there, chest heaving, the chaos seemed to slow down, and your gaze drifted to the side. that's when you saw mijin, her eyes brimming with tears, her face a picture of despair. nayeon burst into the space between you, her movements frantic as she began to dismantle the barricade at the door.
"y/n-ah...please," she begged, her voice barely audible over her sobs. her eyes pleaded with you, and yours stung in response, welling up with tears. "i-its...it's gonna be okay," you whispered softly, trying to reassure her as she stumbled towards you, her hands shaking like leaves. you knew you had to calm her down, to make her believe everything would be alright. "mijin-ah, you have to stay where you are, okay?" you continued, trying to sound calm, but the words felt like a betrayal. "it's okay...it's just a scratch," you lied, the words tasting bitter on your lips. but you knew the power of the mind was a potent thing – maybe, just maybe, if mijin believed it, it could become true.
mijin's gaze fell to the floor, her eyes clouding with disbelief at your words. she took a step forward, her feet carrying her towards nayeon, who was still frantically trying to clear the barricade. but as mijin approached, nayeon's fear spiked, and she scrambled onto the desk, her eyes wide with terror. "get away from me!" nayeon shrieked, her legs kicking out wildly as she tried to push mijin away. one kick landed squarely on mijin's chest, sending her crashing to the floor.
"nayeon, stop!" you bellowed, your rage lifting at the scene unfolding before you. but it was too late. mijin's body began to contort, her neck cracking ominously as her limbs twitched with an unnatural, robotic jerkiness. then, a blood-curdling screech tore from her throat, and she sprang to her feet, her hands dangling limply at her sides.
daesu sprang into action, his arms encircling mijin's waist as she launched herself at him with a savage ferocity. but even his formidable strength was pushed to the limit as mijin's body contorted and twisted, her limbs flailing with a wild, unbridled energy. with a swift, urgent glance, daesu roared, "everyone, out, now!" and made a frantic dash for the door, mijin's crazed form clutched tightly in his grasp. her body arched and bucked, threatening to break free from his hold, but daesu's grip remained unyielding as he battled to contain the fury that had consumed her.
as the two zombies continued to writhe and snarl, suhyeok's voice cut through the chaos, "we gotta go." he sprinted to nayeon's side, and together they frantically cleared the doorway of debris, their movements fueled by desperation. "get out, get out!" suhyeok's guttural shout echoed through the room, his words punctuated by the sound of scraping furniture and shuffling footsteps.
you scanned the room, ensuring everyone had escaped before making a final dash for the door. "lets go guys!" you yelled, shoving the last straggler forward as you followed close behind. but as you emerged into the hallway, a sense of unease settled in - suhyeok was nowhere to be seen. you spun back to face the door, just as he stumbled out, his face etched with exhaustion, and slammed it shut behind him. with a shared sense of urgency, you followed the group down the familiar hallways, the same corridors where, just moments before, you had tried to save a young girl from the clutches of the undead. as you pounded the hallway floor in a frantic sprint, your momentum was abruptly halted by a collision with joonyeong's back. the sudden impact sent a ripple through the group, and before you could process what was happening, everyone began swiftly reversing direction, their feet shuffling in unison.
curiosity getting the better of you, you darted a glance to the side, and your heart sank. a horde of zombies was closing in, their vacant eyes fixed on the group with a chilling hunger. nayeon's terrified screams pierced the air, echoing off the walls as she crumpled to the floor, her legs seemingly unable to support her. the group's frantic energy was visible, and you knew you had to act fast to avoid being overwhelmed by the encroaching undead.
in a flash, suhyeok burst from the rear of the group, his movements a blur as he launched himself upward, landing a lightning-fast kick on the bloodied student's face. the sudden display of agility left you breathless - stunned didn't begin to describe it. with a fierce determination, suhyeok continued his assault, pinning zombies to the walls and sending them crashing to the ground. but despite his valiant efforts, one managed to slip past his defenses, charging towards the group with a menacing intent.
without hesitation, you darted forward, weaving through the crowd with a swift precision. as the zombie closed in, you struck, your kick finding its mark on the undead attacker's leg. the zombie's balance faltered, and it crashed to the floor, its momentum extinguished.
just as you thought you'd dodged the worst of it, a zombie lunged from the shadows, its grasp closing around your injured arm like a clutch. a searing pain shot through your limb as the zombie's grip tightened, and you couldn't help but yell out in anguish as it yanked your arm with a sudden, violent force. in a heart-stopping instant, the zombie's mouth was mere centimeters from your arm, its rancid breath washing over your skin as it prepared to deliver the final, gruesome bite. time seemed to slow as you faced the very real possibility of becoming the zombie's next victim.
“y/n-ah! no!”
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piscesvenus12h · 2 years
1st house sun: definitely has a big ego but will deny it until death. Will do any dare. This is the friend you want to go to if you need help taking a leap of faith. To the natal owner: Your mission in this lifetime is to find yourself. Your true self. Not the self you’ve molded into a mask based on all your people in your life. Find out who you are and everything else will follow suit.
2nd house sun: the go to standard for morals and values. These individuals have ethics that stand the test of time and are the person whom others trust with their life. If you need to make a choice and truly don’t know which way to go, your second house friend will help you here best. To the natal owner: learn boundaries and that it’s not your responsibility to help everyone. You cannot pour from an empty cup. You need to focus on yourself first before others and then you will feel the fulfillment you’re searching for.
3rd house sun: opinionated but doesn’t give a shitttt. Will tell you exactly how they feel whether it’s nice or not. Travel is important. Freedom is needed or they will feel trapped and explode. This is the friend you move to another country with. They will know all the ins and outs before you even arrive. To the natal owner: it’s ok to quit that job you thought you loved to pursue a new passion project. You are a genius at whatever you set your mind to. Choose your path and aim high.
4th house sun: emotional and empathetic to almost a fault. Feels everyone around them. Always the best shoulder to cry on. Can’t hold a grudge to save their life. Every stray cat or dog is their new animal. Carries cat food in their car for the strays. This is the friend you seek out when your relationship just ended and you need someone who can comfort you right. They’ll whip out your fave snacks, grab a comfy blanket and put on a good cry movie. To the natal owner: your emotions come first. It’s easy to confuse how you feel with everyone else’s feelings. It’s ok to hermit away until you’re healed or know what’s the next step.
5th house sun: jovial. Energy that is boundless. Love’s affirmations and wants to be praised. Libido is probably off the charts(either for the better or the worse). Connects with children with ease. Artistic and has the ability to see fame with this skill set. This is the friend you want to seek if you have a new passion project and need the “uumph” to keep plowing through it. They will help you set up course and be motivating the whole way through. To the natal owner: whatever you want to do, it’s already been done(and won). You can do ANYTHING if you don’t give up. Keep chugging along and watch your life glow.
6th house sun: chronically diagnosing themselves. Childhood illnesses. A closeted genius. Knows something about everything. Thrives in STEM subjects. Low key about their skills but will show up and bust out a world class project/paper/passion project. The underdog that always wins. Would rather be over prepared than under prepared. This is the friend you seek when you need someone to hype you up and get ready to take on a massive task or life’s next step. They will aid you in preparing yourself so that you will not fail. To the natal owner: not everyone is out to get you. You can let your tail down a little. Choose who you invest into and protect your warrior/powerful energy that comes with all your intentions. Your intense but it’s absolutely beautiful.
(7-12 just posted!!)
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laismoura-art · 5 months
Hey everyone! Remember when I told y'all I was gonna make a huge post about Harumi Shirai being playable? Well, it's heeeeere!! :D ✨️
Before we start! A thanks to @meme099 for requesting this post and a thanks to all my Harumi girlies (in special @mikka-minns @thedragonholder @madamealtruist @orbitinytheworld and @running-with-the-feels ) who have always been so supportive of my Harumi content! Hope you guys enjoy this!🩷
Canon info used as inspo:
Harumi and Kuai are childhood friends and are in a relationship;
Harumi is head of her clan (that is not the Shirai Ryu);
Harumi uses her knowledge as Grandmistress to help Kuai and Tomas assemble the Shirai Ryu;
Harumi has connections with the Umgadi.
Everything else I used is based on Headcanons of mine, Harumi's clan being the most blatant case, I'll be linking previous posts in case you want more details!
I wanted to make Harumi a brand new character, with her own unique backstory and skill set! (It's what she deserves)
With all that in mind, LET'S BEGIN!
TW: This will be much more explicitly violent than my regular Tumblr content, as there will be Fatalities and Brutalities. I know in this Fandom this is expected, but as it's not usual for MY content, I feel like a warning is welcome!
New Playable Fighter: Harumi Shirai🌸
🌸 Bio:
Fierce leader, talented herbalist and honorary Umgadi, Harumi Shirai is the head of her clan, the Order of Cetrion.
Founded by her ancestors and composed by women only, her clan uses their skills to aid the Elder Goddess of Life and Virtue, Cetrion, in her never-ending mission to protect all life in Earthrealm.
Nowadays, Harumi is not only the Grandmistress of her clan, but also mentor of her childhood friend and lover, Kuai Liang, as he struggles and persists in his quest to assemble a clan that will rival the Lin Kuei's might and serve as Earthrealm's new line of defence.
For more of my thoughts and HCs on Harumi and her clan, you can read these:
🌸 Gear:
As stablished in the previously mentioned posts The Daughters of Cetrion are herbalists with access to Outworldly magic and spices, so most her arsenal will reflect that!
Bottles of healing potions and deadly poisons.
Pouches of grated herbs that can heal, cause allergic reactions and, of course, kill. (Pocket sand!)
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A scythe (small one, used to harvest plants but can and will slit a throat)
It is canon that Harumi has connections with the Umgadi and it's safe to assume she was trained by them (my HC is that Li Mei was her teacher), so I gave her an Umgadi skill:
Umgadi energy constructs. Only the Grandmistresses are allowed to learn this skill from the Umgadi. Harumi's constructs are pink and she shapes them like flowers and red foxes (a nod to her Animality).
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🌸 Skins:
Now being quite fair, MK1 can be hardly known for its variety in skins. It is however, pretty creative when if comes to colour palettes, so I decided to rely on that!
Bellow you have Harumi's main outfit, the long sleeve nods to her canon fit while the rest was made with her clan in mind (the main reference were Cetrion's outfits)
The Grandmistress: The main colour. This is her Grandmistress outfit, all in pinkish tones, which I HC to be her family's colours)
The Scorpion: 1st colour variant has my Scorpion!Harumi colours, with a brighter shade of pink and yellow (the flower on her hair nods to her Scorpion hairpin)
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Daughter of Cetrion: 3rd variation brings her clan's colours, a mix of her family's colours and Cetrion's. The colours are to represent their commitment as protectors of life and nature.
Li Mei's Apprentice: 4th variation is for her Umgadi outfit! She wears the traditional shades of yellow and silver!
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The Shirai Ryu's Bride: 5th variation has Kuai's colours (and yes, the name is a nod to their relationship)
Honorary Lin Kuei: 6th variation might look controversial, but I find it hard to believe Harumi was only Kuai's friend. I HC Harumi was named honorary Lin Kuei warrior many years ago. (She wears Bi-Han’s colours to imply they were once friends too)
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Bonus info:
Kuai has two of her colour palettes, "The Grandmistress" as nod to their relationship and "Daughter of Cetrion" as I HC him to be a honorary Cetrion warrior;
I drew Harumi slightly different here to make her resemble her new face model, Jiwon Ra, but I kept some of my HCs, meaning her freckles and slight heterochromia;
The tattoo on Harumi's arm is the Umgadi insignia and the pendant on her belt is her clan's.
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🌸 Special moves:
Fireworks: Harumi shoots fireworks through her finger (Umgadi magic) they work as projectiles and can be shot to any height and also as she jumps or ducks; (it looks like Charlie's fireworks)
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Witchy makes you dizzy: She throws a concoction that makes the opponent dizzy (it inverts your remote);
Pocket sand: She throws a pouch that makes the opponent cough (makes them stand in place)
They don't bite... much: Harumi creates two foxes with her constructs and sends them to bite the opponent;
Cetrion's healer: She uses one of her potions to heal herself.
Bonus: For stronger hits and during kombos, she will strike with her scythe;
She throws bottles and pouches of potions during her kombos.
The first and fourth move can become Brutalities. With "Fireworks" she blows up the opponent and with "They don't bite... much" her foxes eat the opponent alive.
🌸 Fatal Blow:
Beware the Forest Witch:
Harumi blows one of her powder mixes on the opponents face, the powder makes their skin itchy and they scratch their face aggressively (drawing a lot of blood).
She steps back and sends her foxes, the creatures start to bite, one of them givas a particularly strong bite, breaking the opponets leg, the other breaks their arm right after.
Harumi finishes the move with a firework attack, breaking the opponents ribs and sending them away!
The Fatal Blow can also be used as a brutality, her foxes will tear the opponents limbs off as they bite them!
🌸 Fatality:
Sacrifice for the Goddess:
Harumi uses her constructs to open holes into the opponent's chest and stomach.
She calmly walks closer, holding a pouch and a bottle as she's still deciding which one to use.
She places the pouch in the opponent's stomach hole and the bottle on their chest hole, only to change her mind at the last minute and replace the bottle with another one from her belt.
She places a smaller bottle at the opponent's mouth and slowly walks away.
The bottles and pouch explode into plants and vines with beautiful flowers that start to grow inside the opponent's holes and mouth as they fall backwards. The opponent starts to look like a gory flower pot.
From the opponent's mouth grows a singular pink flower, which Harumi gently plucks and sniffs as her victory is announced.
🌸 Intro animations:
When she's pushed away by her opponent, she carves her scythe on the ground to stop her momentum. Her foxes constructs are already by her side. She pets them to assure she's ok and raises up saying "my foxes will be eating well today"
When she's the one pushing, she distances herself with a one-handed cartwheel and a back flip. Her hands glows as she moves, summoning flowery shapes around them. She mocks the opponent calling them "fertilizer for Cetrion's gardens"
🌸 In-between rounds animation:
When she wins: She recreates her foxes constructs and pets them, sweetly calling them "good boys"
When she loses: She uses one of her potions to "heal" herself (she'll grunt in pain and anger as she does)
🌸 Victory animation:
She will use her constructs to slightly recriate this one victory animation of Cetrion from MK11. Her foxes will be lying by each of her sides.
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"The arrival of Titan Shang Tsung inspired many other foes to rise and act on their darkest desires.
In their path they left behind only death and destruction. Among their victims, were the Living forests and the Capital of Seido.
As Daughters of Cetrion, it is my clan's duty to protect life and preserve the nature. Such disasters would never pass unnoticed by us.
Lady Cetrion healed the forest and put a stop to the flood that had already killed so many. In a way only her magic could!
My sisters and I helped as we could, searching for survivors, protecting and healing them.
Once they were out of harm, it was time to get them justice. Reunited with my old friends and mentor in the Umgadi, we went after the responsible for this atrocity.
Havik, the agent of chaos."
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🌸 A few intro dialogues:
🔥 With Kuai:
Harumi: Don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're my fiancé.
Kuai: I know you'll go harder on me because I'm your fiancé.
Kuai: I'll join you against Havik in a heartbeat.
Harumi: I appreciate it, but you already have much in your plate, Grandmaster.
Kuai: When you're around Hanzo, do you ever feel...
Harumi: Like I've met him before? All the time.
Kuai: So, about those comic books you borrowed?
Harumi, chuckling: We're married now, Sunbeam. What's yours is mine!
Kuai: So when you said "Summer camping" you actually meant training with the Umgadi?
Harumi: Uh... Surprise?
Kuai: So you and Tanya...?
Harumi: So you and Cyrax?
Kuai: You think things will ever get better with Bi-Han?
Harumi: Of course! As long as we don't give up on him!
❄️ With Bi-Han:
Bi-Han: I only wish to speak to my brothers.
Harumi: And your men lurking on my territory, are they here only to speak too?
Bi-Han: Step aside, Harumi, this is family matter.
Harumi: Have you forgotten, dear? I am family.
Harumi: Come alone to the Shirai Ryu. Let's put our differences aside.
Bi-Han: So you can stab me in the back?
Harumi: We used to be friends, Bi-Han.
Bi-Han: Regrettably, Harumi, things have changed.
Harumi: So how is Cyrax doing?
Bi-Han: Your concoctions have been quite helpful...
💨 With Tomas:
Tomas: Are you sure Hanzo is over 18?
Harumi: *Sigh* For the last time, Tom. Yes!
Tomas: Wait, you know Kuai has a crush on you?
Harumi, chuckling: Who doesn't know?
Harumi: You drank my truth serum??
Tomas: it's not my fault you stash your potions with the kitchen spices!
Harumi: The Shirai Ryu is turning out great!
Tomas: And you thought we were total lost causes!
Harumi: Where did you say you found your apprentice again?
Tomas: He fell from a tree!
Tomas: So your Umgadi friend Jade...
Harumi: Want me to introduce you to her?
So for now I only have these dialogues with the Sub-Zero siblings, but I'll tell you that:
If you want so see Harumi interacting with other characters, you can send me an ask with the character(s) you want and will make some intro dialogues with them! (Maximum 3 characters per ask, please)🩷
Yoo folks! We made it!! Playable Fighter Harumi Shirai at your services!!!
Thank you very much for reading, I hope you have enjoyed!
If you have thoughts, questions and/or suggestions, please DO TELL! I'd love to chat to you about my girl!💕
🌸 🦊 ✨️
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I love Percy and Annabeth but they should not have been in Heroes of Olympus.
Because they overshadow everyone else.
People even say they skipped other characters povs just to read there's.
I love them but I think they shouldn't have been as prominently apart of the story.
Because yeah I love them but I've had 5 books of these guys, I'd really like to know the rest of the seven.
Hell Jason's birthday is the day they fall into Tartarus soo...tell me they aren't overshadowed..
Jason's our main character and he constantly gets pushed aside and is not written well and constantly compared to as being Percy's lesser version.
Which isn't fair.
And he's not given a chance to change that.
He's not allowed to exist outside of Percy because of course he isn't.
Percy's right there.
Also give them a break.
They just fought a war.
Personally would love if the lost hero started with a snap shot of the battle of Manhatten and zoomed out to the Roman part of the fight.
Jason leading the charge and just "Yeah.. That's me, your probably wondering how I got here."
And takes us all the way back to a mysterious woman giving Jason up and the wolves coming for him.
With us learning from kid Thalia demanding to know where Jason is that this Jason is her Jason.
Jason Grace.
We see the wolf house we watch Jason try to survive and absolutely break our hearts hearing someone so young think he's so alone and no one loves him.
Lupa becoming more motherly to him but that fear Jason has always remains that she will turn on him one day.
Jason wandering the streets to Camp Jupiter.
Jason's situation bring the reverse of Percy's.
Being out casted immediately and than put on a pedestal once he's claimed.
Jason immediately hating it.
Jason being pushed into this good soilder narrative but he doesn't fit it at all.
His upbringing has left him wild, less bothered with proper fighting techniques and more on survival.
He fights to kill.
He fights to live.
And no one else gets that.
Except one camper, Octavian, who's older than Jason abd the Augur.
Everyone after reading the Pjo series seeing Octavian...I got my eye on you Mr.
Who insults the elders and is the first to get Jason to laugh.
And encourages Jason to stand up for what he believes in.
Giving Jason the courage to deny his place in the 1st cohort and join the 5th.
Pisses everyone off.
Mostly the 1st.
Who are downright offended because you don't turn down the first cohort.
And Jason's like, but I just did.
The 5th have no idea what to make of Jason but in time they become friendly.
Dakota becoming a friend to him.
Jason knows this because he shares his kool aid with him sometimes.
He does get in trouble for squaring off with and scaring off some bullies of the upper cohorts.
Because Jason hates bullies and he recognises the kid, Frank being picked on.
Apparently they stole his stick and while Jason has no idea it's importance, it made Frank sad soo he goes after them.
Ends up on probatio and friends with Frank.
Who admires Jason's bravery and wishes he could be too.
So the rest of the leigion kinda miffed some 5th upstart is embarrassing them.
And so when the next quest is given its to him.
Quests are different here to Camp Half-blood.
Since they don't have a true oracle, specifics are never mentioned.
Leaving the leigion to give the prophecy to whoever they want.
And they want to knock Jason down a few pegs and so they send him.
Jason picking Frank and Dakota.
Neither of the two are hopeful because the day a 5th is sent on a quest is the day their funeral is held.
Not the case though and they do in fact succeed and do it well.
Frank even opening up about his stick and showing that he is as brave and courageous as he wants to be.
It's through that act of bravery Frank is claimed as a son of Mars.
And though he's not exactly sure he should be one, Jason and Dakota both tell him it suites him well.
They both even do the "all hail Frank Zhang, Son of Mars" speech.
Which makes him smile.
On the way back though they do find Reyna.
Jason gets the short straw and has to do the oh the Roman God's are real but she knows and that she's a daughter of Bellona.
And they all head back to camp together.
And while Reyna has her guard up she does genuinely seem to enjoy her company with the others.
She's also the only other person to truly understand how Jason fights and his instinct to survive.
Though she doesn't share why.
Octavian greets them, proud and Reyna is on probatio until they can see what cohort she fits into.
Though she remarks after seeing the egos of the 1st that the 5th might be better afterall.
Celebrations are held and Jason wonders if the quest is really over.
Also all or us wondering if Octavian was genuine about what he said to Jason to follow his dreams.
Or if he did it to take Jason's place in the 1st.
Can't tell me after Luke anyone of you guys wouldn't be mad suss of an older blonde boy befriending Jason.
Fool me once.
Shame on you.
Fool me twice...
Also reading the series prior and than this means everyone agrees with Jason.
Like we saw Percy fight for his life over and over and are just like... Oh you bitches gonna have a rude awakening when you face real monsters 💅🏽.
I have no idea what the quest would be but I'd want them to all line up to the next big prophecy.
Instead of it coming out of nowhere.
Hazel does come around but later on because of the doors and with her so does Nico.
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cripple-punk-dad · 6 months
Being a physically, visibly disabled, full-time wheelchair user in technical theater is absolutely hellish, btw. I have yet to see a backstage, tech booth, fly rail, seating area, bathroom, or catwalk that would actually meet ADA standards 100%.
I have been told by MULTIPLE professors, all of which have had a long career in the professional industry that I am the first wheelchair user they know who is interested in theater tech. Some of these people are in their 50's-60's. These are the same professors that come to me, A FRESHMAN (1st year!) to ask about casting choices/potentially offensive dialogue/sensitivity reading. I'm not offended by that, just exceptionally concerned about the apparent lack of resources.
All of the literature I have found about disabled people in theater focuses heavily on physically disabled actors (it is excellent that those books exist, obviously. Don't misconstrue that).
Best/standard practice for intimacy and fight choreography completely ignores mobility aid users. In fact, most of the people I regularly interact with have absolutely no idea how to talk about physical disability in any capacity. I had an upperclassman ask me if "invalid" was more offensive than "cripple", for Christ's sake.
Don't even get me STARTED on the disabled exceptionalism that is rampant in this industry. I feel this pressure to be the best at literally everything because if I don't, then no one will hire me because if I'm not overqualified, they aren't going to want to accommodate me (even if they're required to by law). If they think you're a defective cog before they put you in the machine, they're going to buy another fucking cog.
And of course, because it's fucking theater and it's all usually just one big network of circle-jerking, I have to be as polite and understanding and accommodating as I can be. Because these people could potentially be my ticket to a job one day. So I have to keep up the charming, wacky goofy funny guy routine all the fucking time because someone not liking my vibes could literally mean homelessness at some point.
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kryptznnn · 1 year
♛- PLAY-HARD V (17+ Warning! Sexual Themes)
1st part/ 2nd part/ 3rd part/ 4th part/ 5th (Final) part 🔞
Series Masterlist ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
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➸ INTERESTS; - olo'eyktan!jake x fem!omatikayan reader
➸ BACKGROUND; - working alongside Mo’at has helped you and your family in various ways, as a way to repay her for your free working she pairs you along side Toruk Makto to aid him in small departments he needs assistance in, but more importantly to find a Tsahik suitable for the Olo'eyktan, but he isn't always cooperative. Thankfully things have turned out for the better, Jake and you being close, but what does that mean for the future of the omatikayan people, or better yet; the future of your relationship?
➸ WARNINGS; - wc. 2.9k slight age gap (25 & 21), takes place after the great war, slow burn, just pure smut, fingering, nipple play, cl!t play, p in v, overstimulation, missionary, power imbalance, soft!dom, fem!receiving, male!receiving, orgasm, orgasm denial, mentions of masturbation, biting, marking, bond. lmk if i missed anything. 🔞🔞 NOT PROOF READ BTW??
➸a.i; - last chapter of the series!! i hope you all enjoy, thank u for all the love and support:( they’ll be more to come!! just stay tuned, also sorry ts took so long a lot is happening rn.🕷️ -kree
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*navi translation will be provided*
You slowly exhaled, removing your kuru from the branches of the tree, watching the tendrils of it dance down. Turning your face to see Jake already having his eyes on you, startled you looked back to the branches of the tree almost immediately, your cheeks heating up slightly.
“It helped didn’t it?” He asked softly, you could practically feel his breath on the back of you neck, the subtle soft sounds coming from the mossy floor and he stepped behind you didn’t further help your case. You only hummed in response and nodded, continuing to play with the beautiful branches that danced along your skin, liking the glow it gave you. “I brought you here to calm your nerves, but you seem more tense than ever, what’s the matter pretty?” Jake asked, now slowly collecting the hair that had splayed all across your back and placing it all over your right shoulder. Your left shoulder vacant as he began to place soft kisses against it, trailing up to your jawline, wrapping his hands around your waist. You stopped for a moment, your breath faltering as you quickly took a deep breath and exhaled to stabilize it, obviously not working for your breath or heart, becoming even more flustered as you heard Jake chuckle into your skin taking in your expression.
“Jake please, I.. I’m-“
“C’mon you can tell me, talk t’me” He muttered, his breath fanning against the back of you neck, making you shudder in his arms slightly, now resting your back against his broad chest. “Making me feel hot” You mumbled, you could feel him smile against your skin as he now placed his head to the side of yours, brining it down slowly to your ear. “Feelin’ hot? Yeah? Can you show me where?” He whispered, placing his larger hand in yours, in a sense of him asking you to guide him. You slowly dragged his hand from your chest down past your stomach, then even lower, quickly hovering over your loincloth, crossing your legs and clenching, of course around nothing, but the pleasure enough to make you moan.
Still, he continued to chuckle at you, understanding exactly what you were saying and feeling, but just did it to tease. He eventually sat you down onto the mossy floor for your comfort, but not without kissing you over a dozen times until your saliva was exchanged, the stream sliding down and sticking to his chin, which he quickly wiped away.
“Wanna make you feel good, gonna let me do that kid?” He asked, his hands still roaming your body slowly, voice drowsed in lust, you nodded softly. You weren’t sure if you should’ve been more embarrassed or more aroused by his actions, but the way he treated you in this very moment made you melt, literally. “Want you to say it.” He demanded, pausing all movements and looking you dead in your eyes. “I want you to make me feel good, please.” You say with a shy voice, earning a coy smirk from Jake, as he began peppering kissed onto your face, then jawline and lower to your collarbone, groaning as he felt your hands roaming around him.
Slowly, but eagerly untied both sides of your loincloth, whispering sweet delights into your ear waiting to see your reaction. Your tight grasp onto his forearm and slight moans gave him the motive to move even faster, kissing you passionately. All kisses he gave you, you immediately returned, mumbling lewd phrases to him in which he returned the energy, telling you how he has you to himself, no more distractions for either of you and how happy that made him, how happy you made him, watching you blush at his words and play with his hair, one hand cupping his face as the other goes behind your back, un-tying your top and letting it drag down slowly. Jake just followed the motion of your top with his eyes, quickly flicking his eyes back up when you mentioned that your eyes were up here.
He gave you a full smile, quickly flashing his fangs and licking them softly. His hands trailing from your hips up to your breasts, kneading them softly as he kissed you again. Then trailing his kisses yet again back down past your collarbone and to your breasts, licking them softly before placing your nipple in his mouth. His ears perking quickly as if they were almost flapping when hearing your moans, and your hands grasping the back of his head, grasping at his hair.
Jake keeps a hand pressed behind your back as the other one went between your legs, toying with you and teasing you about how wet you were, to which you gripped his hair harder, cursing him slightly to which he just chucked at you. The vibrations and hot breath fanning your nipples making you jump slightly, moaning aloud to his amusement.
He soon glided his tongue down, hovering just over your pelvis, his fingers toying with your clit then slipping them inside you. You just watched him, not wanting to move a muscle and let him fufill his promise, he looked up at you, kissing your pelvis then moving lower, his breath fanning your clit to which you moaned, placing a hand on your breast as you back arched slightly, telling him to stop teasing you as he just laughed, kissing your clit.
He ushered for you to relax multiple times as you quickly began asking what it was that he was doing, reassuring you it was something he’s done before and it was an “earth custom”. You took his word for it, as he said he would be able to make you feel so good by doing it, but the way he described it was amusing
almost. “eating out” was the term, definitely something you haven’t heard of, not being a na’vi term for any of the clans on Pandora. Well maybe for some, but most definitely not the omatikayan clan, and surprisingly Jake was going to teach it to you today.
He made you lay on your back in an instant, a small curve of the grass elevating your head slightly as you watched him. He seemed to enjoy what he was doing, and you could feel it. The way he would moan into your cunt and practically claim every inch of it as his was killing you, he toyed with you for a bit, giving your clit kitten licks as he pushed his large alien fingers deeper inside you just to see how far they could go, and when he could feel the tips of his fingers brushing against your sweet spot he’d curl them upwards, earning a shocking moan from you as you jolted up, now making direct eye contact with him. Jake just watched you in awe, the tension and pressure being too much for him as his erection practically ripped out of his loincloth, your moans and coos weren’t helping him either, to take the workload off by helping himself of course being able to multitask so easily.
Honestly if anyone else was here at the tree of souls you couldn’t feel bad for them, you wish you could but at the same time you could care less, you’ve been dying to get to this moment and absolutely nothing was going to stop that.
Jake continued his assault, now sucking on your clit and taking his time to move his tongue downwards towards where is fingers were, then back up again, his groans and curses causing your toes to curl slightly as you mumbled his name repeatedly, feeling dizzy as you let him continue, urging him to go faster as you pushed his head slightly. “Feels tha- fuck, feels that good pretty?” He asked, his face hot and his hair a mess as he looked up at you, his fingers still bruising your cervix. Honestly the sight alone could kill you, what he was doing, what he was saying, the way he was looking at you and giving you constant reassurance was making you weak, either that or the fact that you felt a familiar tightening feeling coming from your lower belly, biting your lip frantically you nodded. “Mhmmm so, so, good” You muttered quickly, moaning afterwards, feeling the wave become even tighter in your abdomen and closing your legs with Jake between them, he quickly spread your thighs apart, one hand pushing one apart while the other one moved even faster inside you. “You close? Yeah I can tell your close, but you gotta let me finish, wanna make you cum” He hummed sweetly, placing a kiss on your pelvis and inner thighs as he rested his head on them softly, taking in your facial expressions deeply. He watched the way your eyes shut tight as you continued to mutter his name, practically hearing his fingers slide in and out of you at a perfect pace and dug your fingers deeper in the mossy floor beneath you as you felt your elbows giving out.
“Please, please jake” You begged him, watching him grin ear to ear as he watched you, finally opening your eyes to look at him, practically filled with tears as he kissed your thighs again, assuring you you’d be okay and that you needed to steady your breathing, which you did, but when the coil inside you began to unravel quickly to snap you became frantic. Your legs shook slightly as you curled your toes completely, legs shooting around in the moss and arching your back, your head nearly touching the mossy floor harshly as you took both hands to your mouth to cover your screams as the tears that were clouding your vision now rolled down the sides of your face, adding onto the sweat that was already there.
“There you go baby, that’s it” He cooed, now sitting up on his knees as he took both hands to massage your hips slightly, helping you sit up properly and praising you and telling you how proud he is, moving his hands to your back to massage it slightly and kissing you passionately with a smile.
“I want to try” You mumbled, still in a small trance from your previous intense orgasm, placing your hands on his chest and kissing his collarbone, you could hear him chuckle softly. “Wanna try what?” He asked, examining your face to see what exactly you were looking at, surprisingly it was his tented loincloth, which you quickly made your hands to, untying it quickly and pushing against his chest, wanting him to sit back against the tree behind him.
“You don’t have to, relax pretty I wanna focus on you.” He insured, softly grasping the wrists of your hands, which didn’t stop your movements, only quickening them at a pace where his loincloth was on the floor and you had ducked your head lower to be met with his cock, mouth slightly agape at the sight, definitely larger than expected. You took the time to look back up at Jake who just smirked at you, not wanting to laugh at your surprise as he didn’t already warn you to let it be, regardless you still decided to test the waters, sticking your tongue out softly to lick a long stripe of him, from the base to the tip, sucking the tip slightly listening to his moans. He placed a hand on your head softly, as you practically cleaned him up, the previous remains of his first release, praising you yet again of how well you were doing and even teased you on having previous practice with others, your hums and moans vibrated from your throat out onto your tongue, which continued to swirl around Jake’s tip as you pumped your hand around his length, his girth making it difficult for your fingertips to even wrap around him fully to touch one another.
The more Jake attempted to snap out of the trance he was currently in to pull your head up the deeper you went, slightly gagging at the small feeling of your throat burning. In all honestly you didn’t care, it felt too good, you could practically feel the pool making its way between your legs again, making you hum in satisfaction, plunging even deeper as Jake’s moan’s became heavier, now groaning as he bit his tongue, watching you.
“Baby, let me- shit. Please baby let me please you” He whimpered slightly, his tone not at all intimidating, and honestly he didn’t want you to stop. You just mumbled “mm-mmh” against him to which he groaned again, brushing his tongue against his soft wrapped knuckles, NEEDING to bite down into something, anything, anything at all to help him de-tense. You looked up at him again, bringing your head back up and teasing his tip slightly, liking the way it perked up and throbbed when you did, your movements with your hands becoming even quicker, looking down at the sight before you was pleasant, especially watching Jake’s abs clench, which was an obvious sign he was close, although he already mumbled it countless times.
You placed both hands on each of his thighs as you took a deep breath, plunging your head all the way down as a way to take his length completely, which you nearly did in attempts to not gag, focusing in breathing through your nose. That was until Jake moaned and repeated streams of curse words while praising you before tightening his grasp on your hair and pushing your head down slightly, making your nose barely ghost his pelvis as he came, his remains going straight down your throat as you quickly picked your head up, the rest making its way to fill your mouth as you swallowed harshly, breathing feverishly as Jake took a deep breath, sighing with relief and then breaking into a laugh, along with you who began snickering as well, before showering you with affection and kisses all over yet again, thanking you. Beginning to pamper you again and touch you, placing you on his thigh softly and feeling you underneath him, teasing you about how wet you were again and how he would take care of that.
Soon after you were layed against the grass again, flat on your back as you were making out with Jake again as he towered over you, kissing your cheek softly before getting up on his knees and pressing up between your thighs, placing his hands to spread your legs softly as he maintained eye-contact with you, asking you repeatedly if you were sure about this, which you answered the same every time, nodding and replying with a yes, as he held your hand, all of your fingers interlocking with his, you took your other hand and placed it on the back of your head, grabbing at your kuru softly before placing it in front of Jake as he did the same, watching the tendrils of both of your queues make the bond as you gasped softly, watching Jake’s pupils blow full on wide as yours did the same, he inhaled deeply and exhaled, the tension and satisfaction being intense.
He made you keep his eyes on him, and you did, kissing his hand softly as he guided his cock inside you while you were distracted, sinking into you slowly, biting his bottom lip as you moaned, being caught completely off guard. “You feel so good” He groaned, positioning himself properly over you as he began to thrust himself inside of you slowly, placing a hand over your shoulder onto the blue mossy floor, moaning slightly as he quickened the pace, placing his other hand on your hip, gripping it tightly.
“Jake!! Jake! Oe ke tsun!” [I can’t] You whimpered softly, clawing at his shoulders softly, your moans getting louder and louder each time. He chuckled at your phrase, “M’ not finished with ya, ‘ve been wanting to do this for so long baby, not stoppin’ till your beggin n’ cryin” He mumbled, quickly groaning afterwards and hovering over you even closer, now practically postponing himself inside you after increasing his speeds and depth of his thrusts making you cry out.
You quickly began to claw at Jake’s back, burying your face in the crook of his neck and biting your bottom lip tightly, pressing your mouth against his collarbone, hums now heard from you, making him slow down his pace.
“Don’t do that, don’t hide from me, I wanna hear you, wanna see how good I make you feel.” He teased, taking a hand up to the back of your head, caressing it softly as you placed your head back and mewled. “Feels so good, faster” You groaned, throwing your head back slightly as Jake began to kiss and lick your collarbone softly. “Gotta say please baby” He whispered, you nodded slowly pleading with him as he quickly obliged, increasing the speed of his strokes yet again, causing you to claw deeper at his back, repeating the same curses that he had before from the pleasure you felt.
Your bodies were entangled with one another, pleasure and pride filling both of your body’s, as you let Jake continue his assault on your collarbone and neck as you tightened around him, feeling the familiar knot tightening in your stomach, doing the same you did before, attempting to close your legs, but was quickly stopped yet again by Jake, taking the hint that you were close, taking your left leg and hoisting it upwards, part of it dangling over his shoulder as he began fixing his form, not moving quicker, but moving deeper, causing you to begin blabbering again.
Rambling about how good he made you feel and how you were going to cum, he just chuckled at you kissing you, assuring you he would help you reach your peak and come down from it. He placed his hand slowly over your lower stomach, pressing down softly as he watched you come undone underneath him, squirming around and crying out, tears clouding your vision again as your legs shot around slightly, small screams covered by his shoulder, which you quickly buried your face in as you removed it, exhaling softly. You twitched slightly as he continued, now searching for his high, which was close, too close from the way you hadn’t let go of him, how your walls enveloped him tightly not wanting to release, practically begging to milk him dry, which he soon did.
Just a couple of strokes afterwards Jake finished, but not without mumbling his series of curses against your collarbone, then biting you softly, his fangs just barely piercing your flesh entirely before he growled slightly, you flinched and groaned. The pain quickly settling in and mixing with pleasure as you watched him lick the area his bit you, placing a soft kiss before slowly pulling out of you, then kissing your forehead with a smile.
⋆⋆♕⋆⋆ ⋆⋆♕⋆⋆ ⋆⋆♕⋆⋆
“I love you so much” He said softly, nuzzling his nose into your skin to which you giggled, “I love you” You said back, kissing him as you slowly de-attached your kuru from his queue, sighing softly with a smile.
“We’ve mated.” You stated with a cheeky smile, to which he nodded. “You’re stuck with me for life, how do you feel?” He asked, to which you nodded, tracing his nose with your fingers.
“As if I’m the luckiest na’vi woman alive” You laughed, kissing him passionately.
Ewya you could die happy.
@igotmajordaddyissues @bunniparadise @call-me-doll-face @dani111 @anangelwhodidntfall @innercreationflower @shadowmoonlight0604 @ellabellabus07 @bigbootahjudy @taleiak
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