#cpr first aid
ehsconsultants · 10 months
What is in emergency first aid?
Emergency first aid refers to the initial care provided to someone who has been injured or is experiencing a sudden illness. The primary goals of basic first aid are to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery. While not a substitute for professional medical care, CRP first aid can make a significant difference in the outcome of an emergency situation. Here are some common elements of emergency first aid:
1. Assessment:
Ensure your safety and the safety of others.
Assess the situation and identify any potential hazards.
Check the person's responsiveness and breathing.
2. Activation of Emergency Medical Services (EMS):
Call for professional medical help by dialing the emergency number.
3. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation):
If the person is not breathing or has no pulse, CPR may be necessary. This involves chest compressions and rescue breaths.
4. AED (Automated External Defibrillator):
Use an AED if available. AEDs can deliver an electric shock to the heart to restore a normal rhythm in cases of sudden cardiac arrest.
5. Control of Bleeding:
Apply direct pressure to wounds to control bleeding.
Elevate the injured limb if possible.
Use a tourniquet as a last resort if bleeding cannot be controlled by other means.
6. Treatment of Shock:
Keep the person warm.
Have them lie down with their legs elevated (unless it causes further injury).
7. Treatment of Burns:
Cool the burn with running water for at least 10 minutes.
Cover the burn with a clean, non-stick bandage.
8. Treatment of Fractures and Sprains:
Immobilize the injured area.
Use a splint if available.
9. Choking Maneuver:
Perform the Heimlich maneuver for a conscious choking victim.
10. Seizure Management:
Protect the person from injury by moving nearby objects.
Place the person on their side after the seizure to maintain an open airway.
11. Assisting with Medications:
Assist the person in taking any prescribed medications if necessary.
12. Providing Comfort and Reassurance:
Keep the person calm and reassured.
Offer comfort and support.
It's important to note that first aid techniques may vary based on the specific situation and the resources available. Additionally, receiving formal first aid training from certified organizations can enhance your ability to respond effectively in emergency situations.
HABC Level 3 Award in Emergency first Aid at Work is a one-day course that offers the basics of first aid treatment in an emergency, such as incident or accident in the workplace, or the sudden illness of a colleague or customer. Emergency first aid at workplace courses offer a convenient, complete, and ongoing solution to meeting regional workplace compliance standards in CPR, AED and encompass adult, child, and infant CPR and first aid skills, and incorporate Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training.
HABC Level 3 Award in Emergency first Aid at Work is approved by Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services, Dubai municipality, Trakhees, Dubai Aviation City Corporation.
Call For Registration & Get Certified!
+971 52 416 9197 | [email protected] | www.ehsconsultants.com
EHS Consultants
Office no. 209, second floor, Brashy Building
Near Onpassive Metro Station, Sheik Zayed Road
Dubai, UAE
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micarxena · 5 months
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Thank god I am on break until Monday I'm... Out there making out silly style with my pen tablet.
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walks-the-ages · 1 year
"telling people not to sexualize life saving CPR is just being a bully to gay people, you should be fighting against homophobia not oppressing gay people"
okay , sure, be deliberately obtuse, pretend that men are the only ones impacted by the american culture of sexualizing mouth to mouth resuscitation 🙄 (sarcasm)
Newsflash, asshole.
1) do not sexualize mouth to mouth cpr is a really basic statement that should be really easy to understand.
2) telling dumbasses to stop sexualizing an image of someone literally saving another human being's life while reducing it to a "love wins!" Joke is not me "oppressing gay people"
3) men being unwilling to give men mouth to mouth resuscitation for fear of kissing another man are not the only groups impacted by the american culture of sexualizing CPR.
Men are literally afraid to give women CPR because they don't want to touch a strange woman's chest and feel like they're being predatory while trying to save that woman's life.
Woman are afraid to give men CPR because movies, books, and media have pushed the message over and over again its the same thing as making out and being romantically interested in someone.
Sexualizing CPR is literally harmful to the point that many places that tell you how to do emergency CPR (aka instructing a random bystander how to do it in an emergency, not an institute where you're specifically teaching people how to do it to be certified) don't even include the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation because they've had too many people hesitate to ""kiss"" someone and would prefer the unconscious person is at least getting chest compressions until medical personal arrive instead of wasting precious time having to try to convince a random, panicking bystander over the phone that CPR is not the same thing as kissing someone.
Do not sexualize CPR.
CPR is a life-saving procedure, and sexualizing it is not only directly endangering people's lives when someone hesitates or refuses to perform the procedure because of their perceived hangups, but is also incredibly disrespectful to the real, living human beings who just saved a life and had their life saved.
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vroombeams · 3 months
keese, if u wanna:
❤️ first kiss / realization
hiya e here is your ❤️first kiss ❤️ from the kiss prompt game, naturally for your flagship <3
Oscar didn’t wake up today intending to be a hero. Really, he’d gotten out of bed with the full intention of lounging about in his lifeguard tower all day. It’s too late in the season for the pool to be all that busy anymore. All that's left to do is work on his tan.
Figuratively speaking, of course. He's been terrifically sunburnt since June.
So he wasn't really planning on saving lives, is the point, and there'd been all of six people at the pool all day, and the weather'd been kind of shit anyway, so it's particularly unexpected when he's dragging some guy out of the deep end of the pool and starting chest compressions.
Some guy. As if he and Lando haven't been flirting back and forth all summer.
That's neither here nor there, though; Oscar's hyper-focused now, pumping Lando's chest, Stayin' Alive blaring at top volume in the back of skull. He's not a hundred percent on the lyrics. Something like dunnanana dunnanana stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Surely that's right.
Oscar stops the compressions at a count of thirty and then tips Lando's head back. He's blanketed by the steely calm he's known for, which is reassuring for future near-drowning incidents. Which, like, hopefully there won't be many or any more of.
So he's calm and he's only thinking about his First Aid courses as he pinches Lando's nose shut and seals their mouths together. He's calm and he's watching Lando's chest rise as Oscar exhales and that's a good sign, very good, actually, so Oscar gives him another long, gentle breath.
Lando starts to sputter. Which is kind of gross, because he's definitely just spit in Oscar's mouth a bit but that's all part of the job.
When Lando tips onto his side and starts hacking Oscar allows himself a little mental pat on the back. Like, nice job, mate, saved a life today. Pretty cool.
Eventually Lando settles, face red with exertion. He's still dripping wet from the pool but the sun's come out from behind a cloud, unexpectedly bright and hot and lighting Lando's face up as he blinks up at Oscar. And then smiles. Smirks, actually.
"Well. That was nice," he says.
Oscar just looks at him. "What, the brush with death?"
Lando pats at Oscar's thigh and then leaves his hand there, which Oscar will allow but only because Lando's nearly just died. No other reason. Obviously.
"No. The kiss," Lando says.
"That wasn't a kiss," Oscar says. Because it wasn't. That was mouth-to-mouth, which is like, maybe a business kiss at best.
"Sure felt kissy to me," Lando says. Oscar shrugs. He's not going to argue with a person who's just been brought back from the brink of death. That seems sort of rude.
"Sure," he says, and Lando beams all smug like he thinks he's just won something. The way he's squeezing at Oscar's quad is starting to edge into a distinctly more gropey territory. That paired with the clumsy little eyebrow waggle he's doing is, well. It's something.
"Hey," Lando says, with the tips of his fingers tapping at the hem of Oscar's swim shorts. "Hey, I think my lungs are like, er, empty again."
And, well. The thing is that Oscar wasn't expecting to save lives today, but he was sort-of-kind-of planning on maybe asking Lando out. So.
"Damn," Oscar says, glancing around at the thankfully empty pool deck. "Better do something about that, I guess."
And he bends and kisses Lando, for real this time, with significantly less imminent death and significantly more tongue.
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wandafantasy · 6 months
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Fore more: Online shop: https://payhip.com/WandaFantasy PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/wandafantasy WEB: https://www.wanda-fantasy.sk/
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bobwess · 3 months
I don't see enough people talking about this, and certainly not enough men. Women are significantly more likely to die in a medical emergency. Simply because people are too afraid or uncomfortable to expose a woman to begin CPR, or touch a woman to render aid. And medical training tools only enforce this bias. Your CPR mannequins are male. Your Simulaids sucking chest wound prosthetics are male. Most victims in any first aid practical exercise that requires exposing the chest are going to be male. We need to do more to combat gender bias in first aid.
*This does not just extend to binary women and men. This obviously can extend to trans and nonbinary individuals. Anyone a layperson perceives as feminine is more likely to be denied the immediate help they require.
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*The team is learning CPR on test dummies*
Derek: So, assessing the situation. Are they breathing?
Penelope: No, Derek. They are not breathing. And they have no arms or legs.
Derek: Babygirl, that’s not part of it—
Penelope: Where are they? You know what? If you come across somebody with no arms or legs do you bother resuscitating them? I mean, what kind of quality of life do you have there?
Emily *from across the room*: I would be fine living with no legs.
Penelope: How about no arms? No arms or legs is basically how you exist right now, Emily. You don’t do anything.
Derek: All right, focus, let’s get back to it. You’re losing him. *Penelope pumps frantically* Okay, too fast. You need to pump at a pace of a 100 beats per minute.
Penelope: Okay, how am I supposed to keep track of that. How many is that per hour?
JJ *from her spot next to Emily*: Pen, how’s that gonna help you?
Penelope: I can divide and then count to it.
JJ: Right.
Derek: Okay. Well, a good trick is to pump to the tune of ‘Staying Alive’ by the Bee Gees. Do you know that song?
Penelope: Oh, yes, I love that song! *clears throat, begins to sing* First I was afraid, I was petrified.
Derek: That’s not- no, you know what? Forget it. I’m just going to mark down that you did it.
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screamsinsilver · 5 months
he really did just flop down and "die" on that riser
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the-golden-comet · 4 months
Full disclosure: as some of you may already know by following my posts, I’m diagnosed with ASD1 (DSM-5). Please keep kindness and love in your minds and hearts that Autism Spectrum Disorder is, indeed, a spectrum. How ASD1 is expressed in my brain may be different than another person with ASD on any of the three levels.
With that being said, I have the HYPER-empathetic ASD, where it’s difficult for me to even see people getting hurt because I can physically FEEL that pain. My senses are usually dialed up to their max, which has caused lots of sensory processing difficulties.
‼️ ⚠️ Trigger warning for blood and injury ⚠️‼️
So imagine me right now, doing required leadership trainings where I am completing the full First Aid/CPR/AED courses, watching videos of people getting impaled through their eyes, hands, bodies, and leaking blood everywhere. Writing about it and seeing fictional cartoons is a LOT different; I can actually separate that pretty well. When it’s movies with real actors, that’s when I start to get queasy.
Yes, I know they’re fake. These people are actors. But damn….I’m still pale. These trainings are important to saving lives, but I sure as hell wanna vomit my guts out right about now. 🤢
…anyone got any cute duck photos? 🦆
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aceofwhump · 2 years
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9-1-1 6x10 "In A Flash"
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calaathmaza · 6 months
I just passed my irl lifeguard certification and the 16 hours of intensive learning got me thinking about the nohecharei in terms of fuckinf rescue scenarios
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macgyvermedical · 10 months
Home Nursing Advice Column: CPR
I've stopped numbering these because I've been getting the numbers wrong but hey, I got a suggestion for an overview of hands-only CPR:
CPR is a maneuver done when the heart isn't beating correctly enough to move blood around the body. In CPR, one pushes hard and fast in the center of the chest, which compresses the heart and artificially pushes some blood between the heart, lungs, and brain. This helps keep the brain in good condition while other things are done to make the heart beat normally again on it's own.
There are 2 main types of CPR. The first is traditional CPR, where the compressions are paired with 2 breaths every 30 compressions. This helps oxygenate the small amount of blood the compressions are moving, which helps lengthen the time the person's brain will survive until normal circulation is restored.
The second is "hands-only" CPR. This is a version of CPR that is easier and faster to teach (say, in an emergency), but which omits the rescue breaths. Hands-only CPR only works for adults and older teens, and it's a more temporary fix than traditional CPR. But it's better than nothing, and usually people are more comfortable jumping in to help if the know they won't need to give rescue breaths without a face shield.
How to do Hands-Only CPR:
First, check to make sure there are no threats to you and that the scene is safe for you and your potential patient.
Second, check the person to see if they are breathing. If they are not breathing and unresponsive (they don't respond when you tap them hard on the shoulder or shout at them), you don't have to check for a pulse, just get started.
Third, call 911 or local emergency number and put your phone on speaker. Tell them where you are and that you are starting CPR.
Fourth, lace your fingers together like this:
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Fifth, place your hands in the center of the person's chest and your arms straight. Push hard and fast, about 100x per minute or about the same beat as "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees. You want to let the chest recoil back to it's original position in between each compression.
Continue until help arrives, the scene becomes unsafe for you, or you become too exhausted to continue.
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falldogbombsthemoon · 3 months
I hate group projects with a passion :3
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vfib785 · 2 months
LUCAS 3, v3.1 chest compression system
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frenchtoastcomix · 4 months
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biglittlesplashes · 2 months
CPR in movies is like
I am going to French kiss another man back to life. NEVERMIND the fact that he lost consciousness bc blood loss. and the fact that I didn't even do chest compressions (the right way). I can just massage his chest gently and put my mouth on his mouth and he will be fine.
this is how CPR works
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