#first day ALWAYS sucks so ill be around tomorrow when i feel a little better
steveharringtonat3am · 7 months
helloo! I was thinking about Steve being soft about reader. Reader is sick and can't take medicine, like reader has a fear of swallowing pills something like that and Steve is there to help the reader. Thank you very much!! I hope you're having a good day too! 💕
You’ve always hating being sick. You can’t really remember when it started, maybe when you were small and got a fever so high your mom had to run a cold cloth over your forehead so you wouldn’t overheat. Or maybe when you caught that cold and your throat was so scratchy you wanted to just pull it out.
But you weren’t a little kid anymore, so you had to tough it out.
The next day at work was horrible. Your whole body hurt, your throat was aching and dry no matter how much water you drank, and you couldn’t stop sneezing. You told Steve you were busy with work, to avoid the daily lunch break phone call. You knew he would hear your illness in your voice and you couldn’t bear to burden him like that.
Steve was the most caring boyfriend you’d ever had. He was always going out of his way to do things like picking up your favourite snacks, filling up your car with gas, even taking bugs from your apartment outside. He had never seen you sick before and you just know he’ll go overboard.
You barely manage the drive home but the need to curl on the couch and watch movies all night is enough to push you through.
‘Dinner is a problem for later.’ You think to yourself as you toss your coat onto a chair, stumbling to your bedroom to change into one of Steves’ sweaters and a pair of pyjama pants. A chill has suck it’s way into your bones and you quickly burrow onto your couch and wrap a blanket around yourself. You about to turn on a movie when your phone begins to buzz. A glance at the screen, glowing with Steves’ cheesy smile and you wince. He knows your home and he definitely knows something is up since you always call on your drive home since you like the company.
“Hi baby!” You pick up, trying to keep the sore throat out of your voice.
“Hey babe. Haven’t talked to you all day! You want me to come over? I can bring takeout.” You grip your blanket in uncertainty. Your apartment is definitely riddled with germs and getting Steve sick would be worse than him seeing you like this.
“N-no no it’s alright. I’m feeling a bit tired so I’m probably going to bed now.” A weak lie that you know he’ll see right through.
“…It’s six o’clock. Are you feeling alright baby?” He’s so concerned you could cry.
“Yep! Great. Timeforbedokaybyeiloveyou!” You hang up quickly, tossing your phone to the other side of the couch in embarrassment. Hopefully you’ll wake up better tomorrow and you can pretend this never happened.
The knock on the door startles you awake. You blink as your eyes come into focus, crawling out of the warm cocoon you had built to stumble to the door. The light of your oven reads 7:06. You swing the door open and your heart sinks immediately. Steve, still in his work uniform, holds bags of takeout, a soft grin on his face.
“Hi sweetheart.” He greets you with a soft kiss on the cheek before slipping into your apartment. You lock the door, guilt settling in your stomach.
When you join him in the kitchen, he’s unpacking the food. He sets a large container of soup in the microwave and your mouth waters just a bit.
“I could tell you were feeling a bit under the weather so I got you some wonton soup from that place you like. And I picked up some tylenol in case you were achy and some regular cold medicine if you want that. It’s cherry flavoured.” He smiles so sweet at you that you might cry.
“I-I can’t take tylenol.” You know you should thank him, but the bottle of pills is the first thing on your mind.
“Why not?”
“I just…I don’t like swallowing pills. They feel like they get stuck in my throat and they just don’t-don’t go down.” It sounds stupid saying it but you know you should. You had never been able to get down pills, unless they were so tiny you didn’t notice.
“That’s alright babe. How about I split it and you try that?” You inspect the pills as you decide. The groove in the middle means splitting it is safe, and you think you could manage each half.
“Okay…” You watch carefully as he severs the pill with a knife, grabbing you a glass of water to wash it down. He hands it to you and pretends to not watch.
It takes you a second to get over the mental hurdle, placing the piece in your mouth and immediately taking a gulp of water. The pill manages to get lost in the liquid and you swallow with ease. You take the other piece and swallow once more. When it goes down, you show Steve with a smile and he grins proudly.
“Good job babe!” He pours you some soup, grabbing a bowl of fried rice for himself as you both head to the couch to eat. You relax into him as the soup calms your throat.
“Thank you for taking care of me, Steve.” You smile up at him and he mirrors it.
“Of course, sweetheart. Anything for you.”
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diamondangelkitten · 6 months
Vierapril Day 3: Rest
It's a bit early, but I'll be away from my computer most of tomorrow, so here's day 3 for you! :)
Alira wakes up with a start, hearing Sibbie’s cries from the room next to hers. She tries to pull herself up from bed, but a hand on her shoulder forces her back to bed. She looks up at Annabeth, who already seems to know she’s in for a fight. “Are you really blocking me from seeing my daughter? Let me up!!” “Alira, I’m not stopping you from seeing her. Sid is bringing her to the room as we speak. I am, however, blocking you from getting up. Your body was far weaker than we thought after getting back to the Source and your delivery was far worse than expected.”
Alira struggles to recall what happened a couple of days ago. Their fight against Hades months ago had been tough, but they had been freed of the light, though Aurora had easily taken the worst of that and had been the closest of them to becoming a Lightwarden herself. But, something Annabeth said tugged at her mind. She remembered all of her pregnancy until she felt her water break, when was it, two days ago? No, she remembered her beautiful bundle of a daughter. Remembered feeding her, but… A sharp pain broke her train of thought. “Alira,” says a voice from the doorway. She turns to look at Sid, with their little baby girl gurgling in his arms. “This is the most alert I’ve seen you yet.” “What happened?” She turns to Annabeth, who shrugs. “We don’t fully know. Once you gave birth to Sibbie, you started to crash. We had to call in Y’shtola and Urianger, and they were eventually able to stabilize you, but it was touch and go. Even since then, you’ve kinda been a bit of a zombie. You wake for Sibbie and interact with us, but we can tell you haven’t actually been lucid.”
Alira bursts into tears, “Great, some mom I am. I’m already forgetting the first few days with my daughter.” At Alira’s tears, Sibbie starts crying. Sid rushes to Annabeth, passing her his daughter, while he scoops the love of his life and mother of his child to his side. “Hey now, you are not a failure. You went through so much in the First and your body is tired. I will happily let you have all the rest you need now, if it means you’ll be able to see our little girl grow up.” Alira looks at him and melts into his side. She still feels like shit, but she can feel it now. How her body is just generally tired and her aether feels out of whack. “Can I hold my daughter now?” she asks, smiling up through her tears. Annabeth nods and hands over baby Sibbie. “I promise, my little girl, that I will get better and that I will always be around for you.” She kisses Sibbie on the head and proceeds to start nursing her. Annabeth gets up and walks to the bedroom door. “Sid, let me know if you all need anything, but I think Alira’s made a turn for the better. Keep her on bed rest for the next week, but I’ll let Alinea and Aurora come and spend some time next.” Sid nods at her before turning to Alira.
“Will you be alright?” he asks with sincere honesty in his voice. Alira considers before responding. “I think I will have to rest for the next week, which sucks, but I do believe I will be. Thank you for going above and beyond with taking care of her the past few days.” “I love you Alira, and I love Sibbie. We will both have our good and bad days, but we’ve promised to be there, to stand and support the other should we falter. I bear no grudge or ill will, rather, I’ve quite become accustomed to our chats together.” He strokes his daughter’s head gently. “Oh? What have you two been speaking about?” “I’ve been telling her about her mother. How we met and the adventures you’ve regaled me of.” Sid starts listing his favorites and soon he can tell that Alira has fallen asleep. Once Sibbie finishes feeding, he takes Sibbie back to the nursery where Rielle has taken to sleeping. Rielle looks at him as he enters and lays Sibbie down to sleep. “I’ll keep an eye on her, while you keep an eye on Alira.” He nods before heading back and curling up under the blankets next to Alira, pressing a gentle kiss to her head. “Rest love. We’ll be here when you wake up.”
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livingwithlosingyou · 2 years
Living with Losing You - 11/28/2022
I have the Flu. Flu A. 
I know what you (the reader) are thinking, I really can’t catch a break. And the answer to your statement is yes, you’re correct. Since Jake died, I have been through it. As if that in itself wasn't already horrific enough. 
I barely slept last night, and spent most of it either shivering or sweating profusely. I took my temperature a few times, but unfortunately I realized that my thermometer was broken. It wasn’t until I picked up a new one (when I went to go get DayQuil and NyQuil) that I realized I had a 100.5 then a 102 eventually. I knew that Tylenol wasn’t working, and I knew I felt like complete shit. It was recommended that I go and get tested just in case. Well, it was a good thing I did since I do in fact have it. 
Today was also the day that OE was supposed to end for my company, but with everything going on, we decided to extend it luckily. I was working today while trying to get some answers at urgent care. It took me about 4 hours total. Lots of people. They said that this flu is going around right now. Also - you know you are a dedicated worker when you join a meeting from the urgent care room. The amount of times I have done that. And if you (the reader) are curious, yes, I opted for the highest FSA amount possible because I am such a health case. 
I am glad that the DayQuil somewhat worked. I am really hoping that this slowly starts to feel better. I have the NYC trip on Friday, and I can’t miss this trip. The doctor said she thinks I will be fine, but we will see what happens. I am canceling everything to try and rest / get better. Ugh, this sucks. 
James, I get a little frustrated. Amongst the promises that you made me, one of them was that you'd always be here to take care of me when I got sick. It’s really been fucked up how sick I have been since you’ve died. It also sucks that I do not just have you to help tell me what to take, etc. I miss that so much. We would always make jokes that you were my personal doctor and I was your “medical anomaly”. Which, is not incorrect. I get a little scared that I won’t find someone who has the patience that you did with all of my random illnesses and ailments. I’m sure I will, I guess I am just being Sadison. 
It was funny though cause they made me wait in the car instead of the lobby, so I went and got pho since I had a couple of hours. Yes, I sanitized and masked / ate it in my car. It kind of made the time go by faster. Working also helped make the time go by. Pros and cons to it. It was stressing me out though. 
I went home right after urgent care since I was gone for so long so I could take Sadie out / take my next dose of DayQuil. Then, I went to go grab my meds. I guess I was out of the window for the Tamiflu, so they gave me a cough suppressant instead. I think I may start with the NyQuil only, and then see how I feel. Once I got back to the house I ordered Chick-Fil-A DoorDash and ate like half of the fries and half of the sando. I really don’t have much of an apatite. I ordered some bland crackers on Amazon trough Whole Foods, it’s all supposed to be delivered tomorrow. That was my first time ever utilizing the grocery delivery service, so we will see how it goes. 
I spent the rest of the evening watching “Nailed it”, and now I am in bed typing this blog. 
I ordered your parents each a Christmas memorial lantern to honor you, and to remind them that you are with us this holiday season. I have been really struggling with that myself. I hate that you’re not here. I hate it. I miss you a lot James. 
I am going to drink my tea, take my NyQuil, and try to get some sleep. Fingers crossed I can, because I am WIPED from today. 
I could use a little strength. I love you. 
Rest in Peace, James Burton Nichols
10/1/1993 - 7/16/2022
PS - Here is your boy in his Chrimahhh collar, and then me hating my life lol
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keefwho · 2 years
October 12 - 2022
3:04 PM
OKAY how am I feeling right now? I’m still stressed, but about things that could still happen. I’m mostly completely spent. I even decided to postpone commissions for today. I should be fine if I finish the next comm over the next 2 days which seemed doable. As long as more shit doesn’t go wrong on those days. 
Now I’m trying to figure out how to relax. It actually felt good having to put up with shit for a little bit, it gets me in a no bullshit work attitude. Even sorts my tummy out in a kind of way. But now it’s mostly over and my life is in my own hands again. And I’m still unsure if my water is safe. Supposedly it is but its something I don’t KNOW. I guess the only thing bothering me about it right now is how brown my water filter is. I know it’s job is to get dirty over time and it’s getting kinda old but like, I USE the water that goes through that thing. That don’t seem right. My dad is going to help me replace it tonight but I’ve already been using the water. I never got a good look at the filter before this ordeal and it was probably just as dirty. But what if the broken pipe is what ruined it with stuff getting in the water. Also unlikely since it was constantly flowing OUTwards from the pipe but I’m no plumber. Or what about when the leak was fixed and the water out of my sink came out brown for a second. Why didn’t the filter catch whatever that was? I DONT KNOOOOW
All I can do to feel better is get some perspective. No one else is worried about it. I already try to follow the idea that nothing is as dangerous as I make it out to be. How dirty could it even be? Its not like it’s getting sewage in it. Just some dirt from deeeeep underground. And before I used any of the water after they fixed the leak, I let that shit run for a looooong time. 
In other news I sucked my own dick so fucking good for the first time in awhile. I’ve cut down on how much I do it a LOT, for my tummy’s sake. So now it’s like a treat when I do it. 
God I’m goofy aaaaaa
6:52 PM
I’m so STRESSED AAAAA Why can’t I just stop? I’m supposed to be taking the evening EASY but all I can think about are social obligations and the stuff I have to do tomorrow and how I do not have enough energy to push through much more right now. I have rules for this kind of thing. FOCUS on something, as hard as that is sometimes. Or do things in 30 minute or 1 hour segments. That helps me focus since I don’t feel bad dedicating small amounts of time to anything. 
8:32 PM
I feel bad but I scrubbed all my plans tonight because I just can’t take any more right now. I’m doing my best to commit to a cozy stream and a game that I don’t give too much thought. I really need to relax. Tomorrow I should be better, I hope so because I want to buckle down and get things done real early. 
9:22 PM
Now I’m just sad that I’m missing out on fun times with friends. 
Its been a stressful day and a depressing night. I give up for now. Ill recuperate later. 
11:15 PM
I feel like a BITCH. I know if I just buckle down and draw, it won’t be so bad and I’ll feel soooo good when I’m done. Tomorrow will be another attempt to live up to that idea. 
I’ve been making things too complicated in my own head all around. Its easier said than done, and easy to forget, but I can choose to sit back and take things as they come. I can choose to give something my full attention because ultimately anything I have to think or worry about is not that important. The world isn’t going to crumble because I’m not always 100% on top of everything. 
I’m clearly in some kind of cycle where my fear spawns in the afternoon/evening. I kinda know why, it’s mostly boredom. I don’t have enough distractions so I start overthinking, or at least thats how it started. Now it feels like it’s built into my body’s clock. Something has to change so I can stop this from happening. 
I still feel bad about tonight. I wish I could have kept my cool and spent time with people I like. Looking back it seems like it should have been easy. But I know how I felt at the time. I felt really bad. I just hope my friends actually understand and aren’t silently frustrated with me. I want to stop this behavior of mine. I’m trying very hard to do something about it. 
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orendc-blog1 · 7 years
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cybersvoid · 3 years
❥ Big Brother ii [First Cold]
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♡ Pairings: BigBrother!Dabi x Reader [Platonic]
✉ Request: Hello! How to you think young Platonic yandere older brother dabi would react to his baby sister getting her first cold? Knowing how concering it can be for babys to get them sometimes [Anon]
‼Warnings‼: Murder (over medicine, don’t ask me homeboy is ~dramatic~), Violence, Obssessive, Protective, Cursing, Endeavor (yea thats a warning), etc.
≺  Part One ≻ 
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“It’s just a cold.”
“It’s perfectly normal for babies to get them.”
“Y/N will be better before you know it.”
At least that’s what everyone kept saying. But he couldn’t help but be concerned when your usual lively and playful aura. had been turned into a crying mess that tore his heart apart to hear. You weren’t eating, your skin was abnormally warm to the touch, and you just seemed to be so miserable. And the worst part was that he seemed to be the only one that actually gave a damn. No one even bothered to tell him you were sick until he came home! All-day. All-day, you were suffering by yourself, and he wasn’t there to help you. The second the news left his mother’s mouth, he ran to your room without a second thought.
“Have they had medicine? They feel so hot.” The boy questioned, adjusting your blanket around your body and lifting you out of your crib. You were a bit fussy, but he rocked you gently, and that seemed to soothe you just a little.
“No, we ran out after Shoto got sick last week. When I went to buy more they were out, and I didn’t think anyone else would be getting ill so soon, so I put it off.” Touya clenched his jaw at the mention of his younger brother. It was probably his fault you were even sick in the first place.
“I can run and get it.” He offered. He didn’t like watching you suffer, so he was going to do whatever he could to make your illness just a bit more bearable.
“It’s late, Touya.” His mother countered, kissing the top of his head as she took you out of his arms and placed you back in your crib. “You have class tomorrow, and their symptoms are under control. If it was that bad, trust me, I would’ve gotten the medicine.”
“Medicine? It’s only a cold.” A deep voice interrupted, the atmosphere in the room quickly shifting into something more intense as Enji walked in. Making his presence known. “It won’t kill them, and little suffering never hurt. If anything it’ll toughen them up.”
Touya’s fists tightened at his father’s words. Feeling his anger grow. He wasn’t supposed to be home, and by his outfit, Touya doubted he would be here much longer, which made him feel a bit more relieved. He didn’t want you around him when you aren’t feeling well. He’d only make you worse. 
Subconsciously he moved in front of your crib, shielding you from his view, but all it seemed to do was focus the man’s attention onto him.
“Shouldn’t you be training?” That was all he said before turning to leave, the tense atmosphere following him, and a deep silence taking its place. He always seemed to suck the energy and joy out of the family whenever he was close, and the last thing Touya wanted was for him to take the life from your eyes as he did to yours, and his, mother. He wanted you to stay happy for as long as possible, which meant keeping you away from that man.
“Please, mom? I can go get some,” Touya repeated, breaking the silence that settled after Enji had left, “Medicine, I mean. There’s a store up the road. I’ve seen some there before. It’ll be quick.”
“Yeah… alright. Just don’t be too long,” she whispered, her voice sounding a bit duller than before. Still, he gave her a peck on the cheek, you on your forehead, before running to the store as fast as he could.
He seemed to have picked up too much speed, accidentally bumping into someone right outside the store. Touya mumbled a quick apology before going in and searching for the medicine. When he found it, there was only one bottle left. He was so overwhelmed with joy, finally feeling worthy of the title big brother, he reached out, only to have it swiped from in front of him.
“You’re really gonna bump into me and not even give a proper apology?” The guy from earlier scolded, holding the medicine in his hand. His eyes scanning the label “You almost knocked me over for some stupid fucking cold medicine?”
“I need that. My sibling is sick. Again, I’m sorry for crashing into you, but it was an accident. I was just in a rush.” Touya tried to explain in desperation, “Can you please just give me that?”
The guy glanced at Touya, then to the medicine, then back and forth a few more times, as if contemplating if he should. “Hmm, I don’t think so. I don’t think you’re sorry, so I’ll be taking this. Think twice before you get in my way again.” He walked out of the store, not even bothering to pay or respond as the cashier called out to him. Their salary most likely wasn’t enough to risk their well-being by getting involved so they just let him walk away as they groaned in annoyance.
Frustrated, Touya made his way to the front of the store. “Do you have any more medicine?” 
“Sorry kid, it’s cold and flu season, all we had out, was all we had. We’ll get another shipment next week.”
Next week? That was too long of a wait. You could be getting worse at this very moment. The boy just grumbled something, before darting out the door, chasing after the guy from earlier. When he finally caught up with him, he was in the park with a few other people around his age. Cigarettes and alcohol bottles littering the entire area.
“Hey! I need that medicine.” Touya called out, the group’s attention being grabbed by the young boy yelling at them.
“Huh? Ohh it’s you.” The leader sighed, throwing his cigarette off to the side, “I already told you it’s mine, so get lost.”
“You don’t even need it. You just wanted it because I bumped into you and I needed it.”
“So? What of it? Take a hike already.” Touya felt his anger growing by the second, as the man in front of him just kept finding more and more ways to piss him off. He stood there seething, trying his best to control himself before the man opened his mouth again. “Didn’t you hear me? Scram! I’m not giving it to you. So go home to your little brother, or sister, or whatever the hell it is, and tell them that they’re going to have to suffer. If anything you should be thanking me. It’ll toughen them up.”
His friends and him began laughing, finding the whole situation amusing, but Touya was far from entertained. His blood started to boil at the very same words his father used earlier. Suffer? Toughen up? You were a child for chrissake. One that he promised to take care of. One that he promised to keep safe and protect at all costs. Steadily, his quirk began taking over his body. Just like in the past, he felt his anger starting to consume him. A frightened expression replacing the once joyous ones of the men in front of him.
“H-Hey… we were just fucking around. Come on, kid. Chill out and take it.” The man panicked, throwing the bottle of medicine, causing it to hit the ground and roll over to Touya, but it was too late now. He was too heated, and the only thing that could satisfy his anger now is blood. He couldn’t take his rage out on his father, he wasn’t strong enough. Not yet. But he could take it out on these punks who sure as hell came close enough to his father in his eyes.
The last thing he heard was their screams. Their screams of agony eventually dying out in their throats as they were burned alive, and eerie silence following. The only sound remaining after was the crackling of his flames, burning what was left of their bodies, and leaving him feeling… satisfied.
“I’m back,” Touya grinned, a bit sweaty and out of breath, “I ran home as fast as I could, but I got the medicine.” He victoriously held the bottle up as if it were some first-place prize.
“I’m glad. Sorry, you had to go through all that trouble but I-” she stopped mid-sentence, smelling the air a bit before looking down at him. “You smell... smokey.”
Caught off guard, he hesitated a bit before regaining his composure. “There was a guy smoking outside the store. It was a bit strong, so I guess the smell must still be lingering.” He lied, turning his attention back onto the bottle of medicine as he began to remove the plastic.
“Ahh, you should try to avoid smokers, your lungs are too young, even if it’s only second-hand. Now hurry up and get some rest, and thank you for being such a caring big brother,” She praised, giving him a kiss on the top of his head before heading to her own room. He thought it was a bit ironic, her telling him to avoid smokers considering his quirk, but he supposes it was just her way of mothering him.
He poured the medicine into the tiny cup before bringing it to your lips. “Say, ahh, Y/N.” You turned your head, tiny hand swatting it away as tears started to build up in your eyes. “I know you’re not feeling well, but this will make you feel better, I promise,” he cooed. “Look! Big brother will even have some see?”
He brought the tiny bottle up to his lips and pretended to take a sip, humming in mock satisfaction. This seemed to pique your interest, head-turning to face him in curiosity. He brought to tiny cup over to you once again, but this time you drank it. Immediately bursting into tears as the liquid settled in your stomach. He lifted you up to soothe you and that seemed to help a bit.
“It’s going to make you a little tired, but I’ll be here for you if you need me. Just cry, and I’ll be there.” The rocking motion mixed with the medicine lulled you into a comforting sleep. 
Touya placed you back in your crib and threw a pillow and a blanket on the floor next to it, so he could be here if you needed him. You only ended up crying out once, immediately settling down once your brother held you. He loved that you calmed down around him so easily. It made him feel like you trusted him and he was doing something right. He didn’t want to let you go. Enjoying the feeling of you grasping onto him as if he was your protector. So instead, he carried you into his room. 
He slept on the edge while you slept sandwiched between him and the wall, just so he could make sure you wouldn’t fall off. He always loved when you slept in here. It saved him some time, since every night he would periodically walk over to your room every hour or so, just to make sure you were okay, and nothing had happened to you.
As you slept so soundly next to him, your breathing already starting to sound clearer and your fever already diminishing, he couldn’t help but feel relieved. Everything he had done was worth it. The screams of those men echoing in his mind, not in a frightening way, but as a reminder that he kept his promise. He did what he deemed necessary for you, and he would do it again if he needed. No questions asked. as long as you were safe, happy, and healthy. It was his job as your big brother after all.
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shirecorn · 3 years
how about 17 and 24? what inspires you and how do you deal with art block?
Long post warning.
Art block...
I don't actually get art block, which is probably a combination of neurodivergence and drawing every day for the last 3 years
I wrote an entire tutorial about how to do that, but didn't feel like illustrating it. Would people want to read it even without visuals?
Maybe... I'll just start rambling.
There's a couple different types of art block, and it's really just a philosophy puzzle to get past them. I'm going to assume that the things I think of slow days, or art mud, is a milder form of art block and work through that.
Art block is a symptom, not a disease. You probably have something deep inside that you don't want to face, or don't know how. Sometimes you need to discover the cause, sometimes just power through.
Method 1: Rest
Let yourself just Exist. The act of consuming art is part of the process. Watching shows and playing games, taking a break and going gardening or focus on school. This is what you need for burnout-induced art block.
Method 2: Action
I always choose action, sometimes it means a tiny 2 min sketch per day. Ugly or super simplified. As long as I don't stop moving.
Toss everything. Start every piece thinking you will throw it away.
The act of drawing moves you forward; pinning it to the fridge does not. Don't work things until they are perfect. Work them until they are there.
Art block causes and solutions:
- No Inspiration
Not sure what to draw, nothing seems appealing. Art won't come out like it used to.
Do studies from life or photos. Sketch, paint, digital, traditional, doesn't matter. Rocks, fruit, figure drawing, landscapes, buildings, anything.
Study and copy professional's work. Old masters are best, like rubens, michalangelo (only his men tho) etc because they will teach you anatomy while you work. If you copy someone with a lot of flaws, you will repeat those flaws.
Trace to learn, not to earn. Trace photography and art from anyone you want. Don't post it unless you have the artist's permission or they are dead, whichever comes first. This is strictly work for yourself, on yourself. It's not about the finished drawing.
Find an artist with a fun style and try converting stuff into their style. Don't make that your new style though and especially don't start selling it. Your style is a chimera of everyone you love, not a clone of one person.
Take blurry photos. You don't need a fancy camera or good skills or beautiful subjects. Doing studies from your own photos can spark life into your workflow.
Make challenges for yourself. Randomly generate things to combine. Try fusing characters! Don't try to make it look good, just be fun.
Doodle patterns, swirls, lines, random stuff. Try looking up art warmups and doing some of those.
- Everything Sucks
You finally see how bad you are. Or somehow you got worse. Every piece is a fight and you spend hours trying to get something right only for it to be stiff and disgusting and STILL wrong.
Why are you trying to draw good? It's enough just to draw.
Accept that your art is bad. Every artist can see flaws in their work. Your problem is that those flaws outweigh anything remotely worthwhile and hurt to look at.
So what? You're in a period of growth, not a period of production. Keep that wonky second eye. Let them have hot dog fingers.
Show everyone! Show no one! No piece of art can ever be a reflection of the artist. Not their worth, not their skill. The only thing your art says about you is "Held and moved a pen for a bit."
Make bad art. It's ok. Most of the time, the pressure to perform and get things Right is what made them wrong in the first place. Relax.
- No Motivation
The #1 killer of artists everywhere. On some level you think you should draw, on every other level you think you should stay in bed.
You are not lazy. You wouldn't have read this far in a post about art block if you were lazy. You wouldn't CALL it art block if you were lazy. Laziness is wishing you didn't have to do anything. A block is wishing you were doing something. If you think you can namecall Yourself into productivity again, you're wrong and You need to unionize so that you don't treat You like that anymore.
Consider Mental Illness. Losing interest in something that brought you joy can be a symptom of depression. I know it seems obvious, but if you're waiting for a sign that it's "bad enough," it's bad enough. Seek care if you have the means. Forgive yourself if you already know this.
Selfcare. Examine yourself for neglect. Nutrition, exercise, enrichment, social need, and sleep are all part of the art process. Eat three meals and sleep 8 hours. That's your gaymer fuel. You deserve it, I promise. Depriving yourself of your needs will make your blocks worse, not kick you into making them better.
Identify potholes. Sketchbook falling apart? Tablet cord frayed? Half your pencils missing? Chair uncomfortable? Desk hard to reach? There's a lot of things that you tell yourself to work around and get over. Just because you CAN workaround something, doesn't mean you SHOULD. A difficult work environment can cause secret dread deep inside that you don't recognize and just think you're lazy. What you think of as "no motivation" might actually be "I don't want to deal with my tablet disconnecting every time I move it wrong and I have to wiggle it for a few seconds to make it work again." These little things are like potholes in the road. Sure you CAN still drive through them, but eventually you're going to look up and realize you haven't voluntarily left the house in weeks.
Repair potholes and roadblocks. You might feel bad about buying a new pencil, headphones, tablet, car, etc because technically the old one works if you hustle. But if you're running into so many potholes you've ground to a halt, it doesn't Actually work anymore, does it? Invest, save up, request, and require working equipment and suitable conditions. This stuff isn't just cushy privilege, it's an investment in yourself and your art. You are worth the effort it takes to clear the way. If you can't afford reliable (reliable! not perfect or luxurious) equipment, then say it. If cardboard is all you can afford, draw on cardboard. But know that you deserve canvas, and one day you might be able to make the jump. Acknowledge that sometimes, if you don't have it in you to smear burned twigs on wet cardboard, the problem isn't motivation, but opportunity.
- Haven't Drawn in So Long
A unique type of art block that self perpetuates. The thought of starting again is so stressful you can't do it. Or maybe you'll do it tomorrow. Yeah. Tomorrow for sure.
Face your fears. Are you ashamed of your lack of drawing? Are you anthropomorphizing your paper and thinking it's going to judge you, like "oh NOW you come back >:/" I internalize voices I hear and project them onto other people, concepts, locations, and inanimate objects. Your paper, computer, WIPs folder.... none of that is judging you.
Reframe your WIPs. Do you feel shame when you see "unfinished" projects? Why? Who says you MUST bring everything you start to Finish? You don't have to. A sketch is a finished art piece; it's called a sketch! If a sketch is a fully realized creation, pages that are half colored, 75% lined, or partially rendered are all fully realized creations too. Unless paid otherwise, art is done when you're done working on it.
Lower the stakes. Draw a chibi or grab some crayons. Get messy and slowly ease yourself back into the flow over the course of a couple days. It's fine.
Get a buddy! Find an art meme, do an art trade, get a study subject, or just wing it. Drawing art alongside someone can help you get past that block.
Pretend you never stopped. Don't think about the gap, how long it's been, or rustiness. As far as anyone knows, you drew the mona lisa yesterday and didn't break a sweat. Today, you drew a starfish on your hand with a gel pen. Keep up that streak, good job!
Just keep drawing. Make a goal to do one sucky drawing per day on the back of a napkin. Don't make up for missed days, just pretend they didn't happen. Who's going to judge you? The calendar? That's pieces of paper; it doesn't have an opinion. Draw a cat on it. Done. Keeping up the momentum is a great way to prevent art blocks in the future.
TLDR: Draw imperfectly and toss it. Selfcare is king. Draw often and don't judge yourself.
Art is a process, not a product.
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
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Alpha!Osamu x reader x Alpha!Atsumu
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Author’s note : Fantasy AU based on two pieces of fan art of the twins as fox yōkai, but I hope it’s to your liking! ; their names are never directly said to reader-chan, so their names are what they call each other.
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Warnings: bullying (brief, not from the twins), naive and innocent reader, knotting, double penetration, backshot, face fucking/blowjob, dubcon/noncon, blood, biting and licking, cunnilingus, creampie
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There’s a legend that runs deep in the roots of your village, one that’s told to many and encourages children to stay away from the forest. It was proven effective — no child dared to enter the forest, holding onto that fear into their adult years. The legend revolves around two mischievous fox spirits that would always be in competition. They always had someone who would win, but then a terribly evil spirit came upon the clearing they played in, forcing the two spirits to push differences aside and fight off the evil spirit that entered the territory. It was a combined effort, the two spirits realizing they worked better when they worked together. It taught children that sometimes it was better to ask for help; however, it also taught children that they couldn’t go into the forest. The spirits resides in the forest, protecting the village from evil spirits as a combined task and if anyone dared trespass in their forest, then destruction would come to the village.
It was a legend some teenagers dared to challenge, entering the forest and coming out, saying “nothing bad happened to them!” but then their luck would turn sour sometimes. It always put things in perspective, seeing them suddenly fall into a mud puddle after entering the forest, or having their pants suddenly fall. It made people laugh, but it really made you feel like the forest was alive and watching. You never dared to go near the forest. At least, not until your pride was at stake.
“Go get a stupid stick, [Y/N]!” Jocelyn sneered, her eyes narrowed. Her arms were crossed and she was tired to repeating herself. You were dared to go into the forest, get a stick to bring back for proof, and you would no longer be a coward. It was simple in words, but not so simple in action. You feared the bad things that happened after people entered the forest, but you were considered a coward for those beliefs. “You’re just a big, dumb baby!”
“No I’m not!” You shouted back, puffing your cheeks. You let out a heavy breath and turned to the brown and green image of the forest. They wouldn’t be able to see you enter the forest, but they just needed a stick as proof. Sucking up the courage to go, your legs moved towards the foliage. You could hear the other girls’ jeers as your pace slowed, the forest closer than you had ever dared to let it. The forest itself looked peaceful, but the legend of the spirits scared you, halting your footsteps. Instead of going in, you were going to pick up a stick on the outskirts, but there was no stick. Nothing but grass lay before you, the shadows of the trees outlining what was the forest and what was not. There was a stick you could see, the light seeping through the leaves illuminating it as if you were on a quest to get — well, you kind of were.
Sucking up any inhibitions you had, you entered the forest. Picking up the stick, you noticed a lack of any other stick lying in the fallen leaves. Clutching the stick to your chest, you turn to go when you find a small piece of cloth, hidden in the leaves. You pick it up, looking at the designs and feeling how soft and silky it was. It was a robe that your ancestors adorned, but the fabric told you it was either brand new or kept in pristine condition. With it in your hands, you found yourself turning to flee once again. The howling of the wind sent your legs running out of the forest and up the hill, as fast as you could. If you had listened closer, you would have heard the howl of a beast as you fled.
Deeper into the forest, a pair of eyes watched as you obtained the stick and plucked the ceremonial robe from the earth he presented to you. When you chose it and fled, he smiled. His eyes turned from your retreating figure and moved to leap from the tree he perched himself on. As his body was that of a grey fox, he was much better at hiding than if he was in his more human form. Transitioning between into his human form, he smiles once more, a finger on his chin.
“What to offer her next, I wonder?” He ponders aloud, with only the wind around to hear him and carry his voice.
Your lungs are burning as you arrive back at the little picnic you were attending, the girls giggling as you finally come back. “Did ya see a ghost or somethin’?” Akira asks. You’re heaving as you present the stick, perfectly in tact and big enough to feed a fire. Everyone’s cheers are perceived as mocking to you, as you move on. The picnic is no longer something you want to attend, instead preferring to take a bath and sleep. With your worries placed on the forest and the spirits within, you find yourself wondering if you’ll be able to sleep or shall an entity come and judge you for trespassing.
The next day, you find your gaze drawn to the forest, as if it calls you down. Ignoring the calls are hard, you legs involuntarily moving as you think. On the edge of the forest, you see inside to find a small temari ball. It looks as if a young child once played with it, as you get closer to the object. Looking around the forest, you expect to see a child lost or crying, but you find nothing. With the lack of an owner, you decide to leave the ball. Turning to leave, you reprimand yourself for entering the forest again.
The sound of leaves rustling has you swiveling around, almost falling over when you realize the temari is following you. Moving back, it continues to follow you. A quick glance around proves that no one else is around, so you pick up the temari. As you did yesterday, you flew out of the forest and hope you didn’t take a malevolent being’s toy.
Another pair of eyes watch as you flee, his temari offering close to your chest. A wickedly mischievous grin spreads upon his lips, his form emerging from the shadows where he was hidden. With sharp canines peeking from his smile, warm brown eyes look to the path you had just taken. “I’m glad she likes her present. I can’t wait for what tomorrow will bring,” he chuckles, moving further into the forest. With each step he takes, a thick fog permeates the forest floor, providing a barrier past the stream.
You don’t know what it is. The growing urge to enter the forest gets stronger as the day continues on, the urge barely quenched upon nightfall. Even in your bed chambers, you find yourself looking through your open window, into the forest. Mist seeps from the greenery, an ominous feeling settling in the pit of your stomach. A howl from the forest startles you, eyes finding the gaze reflecting back at you. As you hold the gaze, feeling yourself rooted in place, another set of eyes joins. You shut the window, deciding to never go back to the forest.
When morning comes, the feeling of needing to go to the forest is even stronger. Feeling ill from the image of last night, you decide to stay home for the day. When a knock comes to your door, you assume it to be the milk delivery. Upon opening the door, your eyes widen at the two boys on your doorstep.
“Can you go get my ball?” The first one says, a bright smile on his face. The one currently sniffling nods in agreement. They look like twins, not that you’d recognize them.
“I didn’t mean to kick it so hard, please don’t tell my dad!” He cries out, holding onto his brother. You smile warmly at him, getting to eye level. Running your hand through his hair, his sniffles lessen.
“I won’t tell anyone, you’re fine. I’ll be right back,” you smile at him, wiping his tears. You shut the door, telling them to stay put as you go searching for the ball. As you look around, you become confused. Where is the ball? Moving further along your backyard, you hear a hushed whisper from the forest, wide eyes turning to sound. With an apology already on your lips, you turn to enter your house when you find yourself unable to move. As if an invisible barrier prevents you from progressing towards your house — which seems proven true as you inch towards the forest and suddenly cannot go back to where you were. With the unsettling pit in your stomach, you enter the forest once more.
Entering, you find the mist from before still evident, yet it parts for you. Curiosity sets in as you are further urged into the forest, stopping as you hear water trickling. A stream lays in front of you, waters more calm than your heart beat. You inhale, deciding to risk it as you wade through the stream. The water seeps into your shoes, the bottom of your dress becoming saturated. Progressing further into the mist, now a heavy fog, you find a large temple inside. It’s stable and perfectly standing, as if it isn’t centuries old. The two erected statues tell you the temple belongs to the spirits of the legend, finding a chill run through your blood as you realize your situation. Before you step foot onto the stairs, you turn to leave but are halted.
“Where do you think yer goin’?” A rough voice speaks. You whip around to see a tall, but handsome man. The hair is a dark grey color, eyes to match. What stuns you is the pair of grey fox ears, a tail that matches in color swishing behind him. His clothes remind you of the robe you found amongst the leaves.
“I-I’m terribly sorry, really!” You begin to plea, pulling on your wrist. “I-I didn’t mean to- to trespass!”
“What’d’ya mean? This is your home, y’know?” He seems genuinely confused, another stun to your body as his words settle. Home? This temple? Before you can refute him, another voice joins in.
“Ah, ‘Samu, I told ya humans are different. They don’t know the offering ritual, but I made sure to get our offerings. Our silly little human forgot about them,” he chuckles, looking at you. With the robe you found on one arm, the temari in his hand. “This was my offering, you know,” he gestures to the ball. “A precious item to me, it is. I’m glad you took care of it and cleaned it up. What a perfect little wife you’ll make,” his grin makes his words more sinister than they originally were. Fear spikes through your veins, your limbs suddenly shaking as you feel your legs give out. The one dubbed ‘Samu catches you, holding you bridal style as you find yourself hesitant to hold onto his robes.
“‘Tsumu, y’know I’m not watching humans like you do. That’s weird,” he cringes, nose scrunching up in disgust. ‘Tsumu seemed to get ticked off at that, growling. Only then did you notice how animal-like the both of them were, sporting fox ears and a tail to match. While ‘Samu had dark grey, ‘Tsumu spotted a saturated yellow hair color and slightly lighter ears and tail. So caught up in the view, you didn’t notice that the brothers has started walking, heading towards the temple.
“W-Wait, I can’t go with you! I’m— I’m not who you’re looking for!” Sputtering out the first things to pop into your mind, the two don’t stop.
“Of course yer who we’re looking for! You’re meant for us, meant to know your place with us. After all, why else would enter our domain, smelling so delicious as you do?”
“Smell— what?”
“‘Tsumu, stop bein’ cryptic. He’s saying you entered the forest during your heat cycle,”
“Well, ovulation in humans. Apparently, they’re not like us special spirits,”
“You’re ready for us, we can smell it. You’ll be the perfect mate for us to breed,” although ‘Samu seemed uninterested, you could feel how his chest seemed to heave as he inhaled deeply. The growling accompanying his final word sent slick between your folds as you held onto him close, afraid of falling.
Arriving at the top of the temple, you saw a cot that has been lain out, the soft cushioning big enough for the three of you. The sight of it had your brain going into overdrive, panicking as you attempted to leave ‘Samu’s arms. He complied, but his hands stayed firmly on your hips. “Time to get dressed,”
Before you could ask for an explanation, your clothes were practically torn off of you. Blood spilled onto your ripped dress, your side burning from where the claws caught you. The shreds fell to the temple floor, your hands flying to cover the exposed skin. While one hand covered the area between your legs, your arm held your breasts close to your chest. ‘Samu clicked his tongue, easily removing your hands from your body while ‘Tsumu slid on the robe, his claws lightly grazing your skin. He didn’t hide the fact he was admiring the view, either, his dark eyes gazing over each inch of skin you presented to him. Once the robe was on, you were released from ‘Samu’s hold, left to cover yourself up with the fabric. You’d deny it aloud, but the robe fit you perfectly.
“You’re gorgeous,” ‘Tsumu growled, shedding his own robe. Your hands came in front of you, hoping to somehow deter him when ‘Samu brought you backwards, to the cot presented. ‘Tsumu wasn’t far behind, dropping to his knees while you lay against the cot. It was softer than expected, more plush than it looks. ‘Samu had stripped of his own clothes, his robe hanging loosely on him by the ribbon around his waist. ‘Tsumu was different, his robe open and letting you see every inch of skin, but his arms still through the sleeves as if he was cold.
“I don’t—“ you began, your words interrupted by ‘Samu’s lips on yours, his tongue brushing against your closed lips as he deepened the kiss. ‘Tsumu’s touches had begun to litter your thighs, spreading your legs as he inhaled deeply. A finger touching your entrance had you jumping, only to be held firmly down by ‘Samu’s hands.
“You’re so wet, it’s hard to hold back,” ‘Tsumu growls out, his tongue lapping at your folds. You squirm and make a noise of displeasure, but ‘Samu is there to keep your focus on his lips and kisses. The more he kisses you, the hotter your body gets and the more you feel your resistance melt away. ‘Tsumu has his face between your thighs, licking and sucking on your clit, claws digging into the skin. It has you clenching around nothing, the hot pleasure from his tongue and burning sensation on your thighs. It isn’t until he removes himself from between your legs do you feel relaxed and at ease, as if your body is jelly. Your resistance is no more, a small whine coming from you when ‘Samu and ‘Tsumu remove themselves to admire their handiwork.
It’s a sudden change, the relaxing touches and breathless kisses are gone, replaced by the feverish touches of both men as they paw and scratch at your skin, ‘Samu’s teeth sinking into hot skin and lapping at the blood while ‘Tsumu presses less destructive kisses to your neck. With the air much too hot for your liking, a breathless moan leaves your lips when ‘Tsumu pulls your head back by your hair, spitting into your mouth and then kissing you. With his tongue tracing your teeth and his growls being swallowed up by your mouth, you’re oblivious to ‘Samu. With his cock in one hand, he kneads your thigh with his other hand as he rubs along your folds.
“‘Tsumu, move off,” ‘Samu growls, pushing the fox spirit off of you, his large frame colliding with the wooden planks of the temple. You find yourself on your hands and knees, ass in the air while the robe is promptly stripped off of you, lain underneath you. ‘Samu licks his lips, lining himself up with you entrance while ‘Tsumu gets his balance back. The first press in has you screaming, but it isn’t just because he’s big. His thickness is something you never expected, but with his calloused hands on your hips, bringing you back into his hips with no regards to adjusting you. A guttural groan comes from ‘Samu, head thrown back as he basks in the pleasure of being buried in your cunt. ‘Tsumu is now back to you, his hard cock in front of your face.
With another rough thrust, one that has you practically bouncing off ‘Samu’s cock, ‘Tsumu has you wrapping your lips around his. You can’t take it all in, that’d be impossible. With a pair of hands on your hips, you’re brought to ‘Samu while the pair of hands tangled in your hair pulls you towards ‘Tsumu. Lips pressed firmly against ‘Tsumu’s cock as your tongue runs under the length, running over the bulging veins and ridges you find. Your eyes are screwed shut, unable to stay open while ‘Samu splits you on his cock, somehow forcing himself deeper and deeper inside of you. It isn’t until you’re finally bouncing flush against him do you feel something strange on his cock. It’s only then do you open your eyes, looking at ‘Tsumu’s cock that has a large bulb at the base of it, growing in size the more you suck on him. Hollowing out you cheeks has ‘Tsumu groaning, claws digging into your scalp as he forces himself down your throat. He doesn’t force the bulb in your throat, thankfully, but he does coat your throat in his cum.
“Your mouth is fucking hot, little human. It’s like you were made to take us,” he breathes out, panting. You’re coughing, feeling Samu’s thrusts speed up as he brings you close to him, but he pulls out at the last moment to spill all over your back.
“With our scent on you, you’ll be stuck by our side until you pass,” ‘Samu is in a similar situation, chest heaving as you’re flipped over. You’re then placed on ‘Tsumu’s lap, his cock rubbing between your folds as he grinds into you. “But we’ll take you together first,”
“So no hard feelings, right ‘Samu?”
“Right, ‘Tsumu,” the agree, Tsumu’s cock rubbing into you and then prodding at your drooling cunt. He slips the tip in, the feeling similar to ‘Samu’s thick cock. Speaking of ‘Samu, he’s quick to stick his own tip back in, stretching you out farther then you expected. A silent scream comes from you as tears spill down your cheeks, both of them thrusting into you as your cunt burns.
Split open on their cocks, you’re helpless. Nails digging into ‘Samu’s shoulders as his hands once more find themselves on your hips. ‘Tsumu’s hands are keeping your legs spread, the view of you sucking in both their cocks on display as they thrusts in tandem. When one pulls out, the other thrusts in and vice versa. The rhythm they set is one that works, their lips finding opposite sides on your neck to kiss and lick, teeth grazing the skin. You feel a buildup of your own orgasm as they plow into you, your walls squeezing them as they pick up the pace. Their rhythm gets sloppy, short growls from each as their bulbs start to grow again.
When ‘Tsumu sinks his teeth into you, your scream is one of pleasure as you reach your high, coating both of their cocks a milky white cream, the liquid falling to their base and dripping down. ‘Samu sinks his teeth into your skin on the opposite side as they both push into your tight cunt, a scream and shiver running through you as the do, their bulbs inflating inside to stretch you even more.
You’re completely stuck, their cocks inside you as they lap at your wounds. It’s only when you squirm do they start talking. “You’ll get used to it,”
“After all we have a week,”
“You’ll be able to take our knots with no problem,”
“All your holes will be used to taking us,”
Their words don’t ease you concern, but the fact that once they leave your warm cunt, they’re still hard and readying you for round two. The heat encompassing your body refuses to leave, their skin as sweaty and hot as yours. With their relentless stamina and obsession with pumping all their seed into you, you’re positive you’ll get pregnant.
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4dtk · 3 years
have this absolute shameless drabble of sugar daddy gojo that i wrote in between requests. my fingers have never typed so fast im sorry this is literally self-indulgent at this point ARJGJFFJ.
disclaimer i honestly can't see anyone calling gojo daddy but just for this fic..... ill allow it..... and also bc sugar daddy gojo is just always residing in my mind. did you see how he transferred 10 mil to mei mei!!!!! i will never shut the fuck up about that scene. pls spoil me <3
warnings: praise, public sex, sugar daddy/sugar baby relations, breeding kink, pet names
sugar daddy!gojo pushes you up against the window of the store, visible for everyone to see you getting fucked senseless. in the gucci store four floors up, it could work both ways. fortunate to be so high up, although people would be getting a treat if they happened to look up.
“you know what you’re doing, baby?” he grunts, hips rocking into your soaked pussy as the staff outside try to ignore the lewd noises coming from behind the curtains.
it was supposed to be a simple trip: get a dress for gojo’s event in a few weeks and get out. with a tight arm wrapped around his, you followed him around like a starstruck puppy, the edges of your lips curled up knowing he’d treat you a million times over if you just asked for it.
gojo wasn’t any different, either. sure, he’s had sugar babies in the past, but not quite like you who’s so easy to please and spoil, knowing you could never say no even if your life depended on it. with your desperate listing for the requirement of monetary assistance, gojo couldn’t resist taking up the offer.
he just hadn’t expected you to be so… pliant. you had taken it like a good little bitch, too, moaning out for everyone to hear because you liked it like that.
“you’re taking my cock so well, princess,” gojo muttered out, lips nibbling on your ear as he continued to pound you. his grin that you feel against your skin plagues your mind, wanting nothing more than to see how he enjoys ruining you.
the catchy, upbeat pop song playing above you seemed to provide some rhythm, the sultry lyrics fuelling you further.
"so needy that i had to buy out the whole store for an hour, huh?" the male slows his pace, delivering deep thrusts into your cunt with the precision of an expert.
all you can reply are in little pants, sentences incoherent from how deep his cock is in you.
"i don't even think an hour is enough to satisfy my pretty little girl, isn't that right?" gojo picks up the speed again, and you're brought back to the many times he's fucked over his counter, washing machine. to the times where he's eaten you out on his office table and in his sheets of his king-sized.
and now, you've got another memory locked away for nights full of loneliness and soaked underwear when gojo's just too busy for you.
a tongue to your nipples and a hand to your clit makes you choke out a moan, writhing against the glass just to feel more of gojo, more of his cock and more of his lips on your neck.
you're struggling to keep yourself up, finding the right time in between muffled moans and whimpers to ask for one more wish.
"daddy... p-please, i wanna see your-"
"what, baby? repeat it for me." goddamn, the man had no problem articulating his words, how much had he fucked you already?
clearly not enough if you're still able to speak.
"w-wanna see your face when you fuck me deep, daddy!"
your wish is taken away when you're already creaming all over gojo as your hot breath creates fog on the glass in a silent scream.
"aw, you're cumming so hard baby~ you didn't even get to see me yet," he coos, enjoying the gush of your juices that coat his dick and your thighs. everything feels sticky and dirty, but you don't hesitate to beg for one more fuck with your eyes.
gojo catches your drift immediately, hips twitching from the idea of pumping you full of his cum. after all, he hasn't come yet.
he grunts at the time with a quick glance to the clock above your head. without wasting any more time, he flips you over, the restraint to cum slowly reaching its limit with your lolling tongue and fucked-out face.
the male doesn't bother to hide the deep groan that rips from his throat when he drags his dick along your folds, strings of both your juices stretching out in a way that hypnotises gojo.
"n-need your cock, daddy! please!" you whine, grinding your hips against the tip to make sure gojo knows of your desperation. that he's the only one to fuck you so good that no one else can satisfy you.
he smiles knowingly before he sinks into you.
gojo knows that he's the only one that can make you feel this way as he picks up the tempo, hitting spots in you that you didn't know was physically possible.
gojo knows that he's the only one you call daddy shamelessly as he writes off his card to help you in your student debts and the sparkly dress you've been eyeing.
he could throw you away the second you're done with university, the second the media's off his ass about his love life but, the sweet, sweet moans spilling from your lips pull him back in every single time, eager to hear it for as long as your bank's empty and his is piled up with money.
"more! satoru, more, fuuuck..." you groan, shying away from the striking blues of his eyes the more he drinks in your current state.
he's barely holding on, not even minding the first name you called him. the short skirt he'd given you flipped up makes him go crazy, your panties moved to the side to receive the dressing room quickie you always wanted.
"you're so de..eep daddy! i need all your c-cum please...!" it's a mix between a whimper and a whine.
"yeah? 'course i am, baby. your pussy is sucking me in all the w-way," gojo's hips stutters at how you squirm in his tight grasp, locking eyes with him as yours fill with want. your pussy is throbbing, stretched out so much that you don't register the thumb playing with your clit.
"s' too much...! s' too much, d-daddy!"
"you're a good girl, aren't you?" the way you nod is pathetic, eyebrows knitted from being stuffed so full.
"pretty little thing- fuuck..." gojo's losing control himself, the way his balls slaps against your cunt resonates around the small space and nothing feels better than being inches deep in you.
you're a babbling mess by then, unable to even scream out as you cream his cock. with head thrown back, you're left frozen for a second as the orgasm washes over you and a violent shudders goes through your thighs.
"daddy has so much, s-shit- cum for you, doll," it isn't long before the other comes undone, a groan escaping his lips before he shoots his load deep into you.
your pussy is stained white from all the cum he's giving you, gasping from how much gojo is leaking into you.
"thank y-you, satoru..." you trembling has affected your voice, too, burying your head into gojo's neck while your body shivers from sensitivity.
"take all of it, baby," gojo whispers, the hand near your middle moves instantly to finger his cum back into you, fixing back your underwear over your pussy.
a cheeky giggle leaves your mouth as you untangle yourself from the embrace, welcoming a kiss from the man as he slowly begins to clean up himself.
"have you chosen a dress yet, sir?"
gojo's smile is mischievous, not missing the way your face flushes at having to face the embarrassed staff outside.
"we'll take everything, thanks," his eyes never leave you as he helps you off the changing room chair, tugging your body flush to his before leaving you with one more hungry kiss.
"you did so well for daddy, doll. i may just have to treat you tonight since you have a day off university tomorrow..."
even if it wasn't in the contract, gojo loved to spoil you, admiring your mettle when it comes to material items. although...
"you know what i mean," it's enchanting, the way his voice travels like silk, "i'll call in sick for work tomorrow, yeah?"
your mind goes to mush at what tonight might entail, losing all train of coherence when his hushed whisper of my baby's so cute reaches your ear.
in a second you're out of there, hand twined with his while you remain giddy with the thought of getting used by gojo until you reach your limit.
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
Could I have a prompt? 🥺🥺 So WWX is taking bath in the Cold Pond to heal from the wounds by the discipline paddle (which I assume he was punished being clothed in his Black robe or in his Gusu Lan disciple robes or Head disciple Jiangs robes whichever fits). Before going to CR, wwx is whipped by mdm yu and LWJ notices wwx’s raw red scars and many scars across his back kinda overlapping and not yet being healed because maybe MDM yu sealed his core or something. LWJ, or with LXC saw WWX’s many crisscrossing scars and realize they’re still raw and kinda risking for infection because when mdm yu unseals his spiritual energy before going to CR, WWX never thought of healing it. Cue LWJ and LXC gets horrified and ask WWX why he had many scars on his back (or other parts of his body can also be included!) no pressure 💕 I love your writing! ❤️❤️
Anyway, it is set during the period in which WWX studies at CR. Lån Qiren, who is obviously not eyeing Wei Wuxian just in case the boy creates some trouble ends up realizing that he is too non chalant about  not eating (because the food there is for rabbits) and WWX is like "Oh, yeah. Nah its fine, I've been worse".
This one has trigger warnings for child abuse, negligence, and issues related to eating habits. Keep that in mind before proceeding. Nothing graphic, but I wanted to warn nonetheless.
I've merged two prompts here.
Please remember that prompts are closed. Also, remember I do not write self-deprication. All prompts that require WWX to have low self-esteem are not going to be written, apologies but the subject is very uncomfortable for me and I don't believe it is canon accurate anyways.
On to the prompt fill.
"That Wei child is entirely too careless." 
Lan Qiren closes his eyes and prays for patience. That boy has been a menace ever since he stepped into Cloud Recesses. Brilliant but wily and mischievous with absolutely no regard for rules. 
"What has he done?" He asks gruffly, reading over the reports from the kitchen staff. Cloud Recesses always monitors the food intake of their guests to make sure everyone is well-fed and no one is consuming more than their due. It wouldn't do for young cultivators to fall ill in their care, after all. 
The primary healer, a matron of some age, had brought the reports instead of the kitchen manager, which was quite unusual, "He forgets meals. Goes without food for days. Survives on small bits of fruit."
Xichen, who has been working on his own reports, raises his head and looks concerned. 
Lan Qiren crosses his arms, feeling a growing sense of ire, "He dislikes our meals." He's not the first one to skip meals because he considers them 'bland' and 'boring'. It's likely the child has been sneaking down to Caiyi town to have more extravagant meals. 
"I checked with our ward team. When he goes days without eating, he doesn't make any trips to Caiyi town either."
Lan Qiren pauses and studies her. Lan Mingyun nods curtly, "When I first noticed this behavior, I immediately put him on my list." Her list of children with food-related issues, he assumes, "His eating habits are very erratic, erratic enough that I wish to assign one of our senior disciples to keep an eye on him."
"You're that worried?" Lan Xichen asks in surprise while Lan Qiren frowns. It isn't unusual to do so but he wonders if it is really necessary.
"As far as I know, the child lived on the streets for quite a few years," She says and Lan Qiren narrows his eyes, inwardly reprimanding himself. He had forgotten about that aspect of Wei Wuxian's history, "The link between early childhood trauma and behavioural problems are well known to us."
Lan Xichen frowns, "I'll ask Wangji to keep an eye on him."
He glances at his nephew sharply, "Why Wangji?" He demands because surely someone else would be better.
"From what I understand, Wei-gongzi will not welcome an assigned senior. He seems to be someone who brushes injuries or illnesses off. He likes Wangji and will be more willing to accept his company."
While the argument is reasonable, Lan Qiren is loath to involve his precious nephew in this. He's already so bothered by the boy. 
He thinks of Wei Wuxian with his sharp eyes and lingering smile and nods. 
Wangji listens to Xichen patiently even as his fingers curl into fists under his sleeves. 
He doesn't like Wei Wuxian. The boy is too disruptive, too bold, too distracting-
Too beautiful.
He doesn't like him, but that doesn't mean he's content to ignore his well-being. When Xichen asks him to keep an eye on Wei Ying's eating habits and general behavior, Wangji agrees. 
It will be taxing for him, but he agrees.  
What he doesn't anticipate is… everything that follows. When he starts consciously looking for them, the signs are alarming. Wei Ying doesn't just skip meals whenever he gets too distracted, he picks at the food even when he is eating. While Wangji is comforted to know the boy frequently seeks something richly flavored at Caiyi Town, he doesn't do it often enough to compensate.
There are also some concerning behaviors in the Jiang contingent. Upon closer inspection, it is clear that while Wei Ying does break the rules, the other Jiang Sect disciples are often complicit. Including Jiang Wanyin. 
They not only let their da-shixiong take the blame for all of their actions, but also encourage it. Wei Ying seems disconcertingly accustomed to it. He makes a scene while being punished but seems alright within an hour. 
Jiang Wanyin encourages mischief and reprimands him in turns. 
Wangji doesn't understand this.
"Xiongzhang, I am concerned," Xichen looks up from his tea, his attention immediately on Wangji, unwavering and comforting, "Wei Ying," He takes a moment to form his thoughts, "I am uncertain. I believe he is in an unsafe environment."
Xichen sets his tea aside, "How so?"
"I happened upon a conversation," He grimaces because it is eavesdropping even if his intentions are noble, "Jiang Wanyin and Nie Huaisang requested and encouraged him to get alcohol into Cloud Recesses. When he complained about the punishment, Jiang Wanyin said 'at least, it wasn't Zidian'."
His brother sucks in a sharp breath, "Zidian? Madam Yu? Spiritual weapon? A high-grade weapon typically used against enemies?"
Wangji dips his head. 
"I'll ask uncle to stop assigning corporal punishments." Lan Xichen says, "They won't have the desired effect in any case and we don't want to damage him permanently. Tomorrow, ask him to practice Cultivation in the Cold Pond as punishment."
Wangji nods, "I'll assign Jiang Wanyin and Nie Huaisang proper punishment as well."
"Wait until we have a better grasp on the situation." Xichen says solemnly, "If we act too quickly, things will escalate and may cause more harm to Wei-gongzi."
Wangji is reluctant because his sense of justice is not satisfied. He remembers how the Jiang disciples encouraged Wei Ying to accept punishment on their behalf. And then to know Jiang Wanyin was also complicit…
"We must approach this cautiously, Wangji."
He nods.
Red, irritated, scarred.
Wangji swallows as he sees the state of Wei Ying's back as the Jiang disciple steps into the Cold Pond. There are so many whip scars on his back, so many that have barely begun to heal, that he feels nauseous. 
"Wei Ying," He struggles to keep his tone neutral, "Your back." He cannot imagine the agony that Wei Ying would've suffered when he took more punishment on it the other day. 
Wei Ying glances at him and grins, "Aiya, Lan Zhan, is that concern I see on your pretty face?" He asks, spinning around eagerly, "Concern for little old me?"
His back is out of sight and the way Wei Wuxian is leaning towards him is meant to distract and fluster.
Wangji… suddenly understands. Wei Ying is naturally playful and mischievous, but he uses his personality for disguise and manipulation as well. Not maliciously, but in a way that harms him.
"Wei Ying," Wangji refuses to be moved. There is a significant shift in his mind. He no longer feels annoyed by the person before him. If anything, he feels furious. 
He feels protective.
"Wei Ying, your back."
The Jiang disciple shrugs, "Punishment, you know how it is." 
"For what?" He demands, catching Wei Ying's elbow and turning him around. The willingness to touch him stuns Wei Ying momentarily, enough for Wangji to get a good look at the brutal devastation written on Wei Ying's back. 
Wei Ying clears his throat and shrugs, "It's more of a preemptive punishment? Madam Yu knew I would cause trouble here, of course." He chuckles.
"Preemptive punishment?" He asks softly, the very notion troubling him. 
Wei Ying shrugs again but doesn't attempt to explain when it is clear Wangji isn't willing to indulge him.
"Wei Ying,"
"Lan Zhan," Wei Ying starts to move towards the shore, "Don't worry about things that don't concern you. Your head will forever be burdened if you do."
Wangji feels something in him recoil at such a blunt dismissal. 
"Doesn't concern me? How can it not concern me?" He wants to ask but is unable to. 
Wei Ying has made him very uncomfortable with his forward personality and near constant teasing, but Wangji has seen the genuine offer of friendship underneath it all. 
He has always spurned it. 
As Wei Ying climbs onto the shore, his wounds red against his naturally pale skin, Wangji makes a decision, "Would you not feel concerned if it were me?" He asks but he already knows the answer.
He already knows this man enough.
"Of course," Wei Ying says and shrugs on his robes, hiding a wince but unable to help his body's reaction to pain, "But you and I are different." He glances over his shoulder at Wangji, "I consider you my friend," He says, "But you don't consider me yours."
His breath stills at the acceptance in Wei Ying's tone.
"And that's alright." The Jiang disciple waves and walks away, "Don't worry too much, Lan Zhan. This one isn't weak. The wounds will heal within a few days."
"The facts are these - Wei-gongzi is punished preemptively with Zidian, often enough that there are deep scars on his back," Lan Xichen explains, "I assume it is his Golden Core keeping him from sustaining permanent damage."
Lan Qiren is still bristling at the very thought of preemptive punishment. What a ridiculous notion! Of course, the child doesn't care about rules and upsetting people! He has already been punished enough to excuse everything but outright treason.  
How is such a method effective? How does it correct a child's misbehavior? 
"The Jiang Sect disciples are accustomed to their da-shixiong being punished in their stead. They actively encourage it. Jiang Wanyin has asked Wei-gongzi to sneak in alcohol. And he refused to come forward when Wei-gongzi was punished." Xichen takes a deep breath, "I believe any lingering issues he may have because of his early days as a street orphan-"
"Are ignored," Lan Qiren concludes grimly, "It is no wonder the child has such strong cultivation. He is facing strife constantly."
"Is there a way to rescue him?" Wangji asks after being grimly silent for the entire meeting, "Get him away from the Jiang Sect?"
Lan Qiren eyes him, "Wangji, the situation is complicated. He's still the Jiang Head Disciple and sects don't just part with their high ranking disciples."
Xichen smiles sympathetically, "We'll find a way to pressure Jiang-zongzhu into taking action. He'll lose face if the other Sects know how his lady is treating their Head Disciple." He shakes his head at Wangji's expression, "Let us think about it. Meanwhile, you just need to be there for your friend, Wangji."
Lan Qiren arches a brow, "Friend? Wangji, I thought you disliked the boy."
Wangji purses his lips, a stubborn light entering his eyes, "Wei Ying is my friend." He insists, resolve lining his every word. 
He looks at Xichen, who just looked amused, "According to Wei-gongzi, he considers Wangji a friend and will be very concerned if Wangji was in a similar situation," He huffs, "But Wangji doesn't consider Wei-gongzi his friend, so there's no need for Wangji to worry."
Lan Qiren closes his eyes and rubs his forehead in an uncharacteristic display of frustration, "That boy is a singular menace."
Wangji pursues friendship with all the dedication in his being. He learns to cook savory dishes and gives them to Wei Ying every day. Wei Ying, unable and utterly unwilling to deny, eats it all. 
He glares the Jiang disciples into submission whenever they attempt to draw Wei Ying into mischief. The Jiang Head Disciple is fully exempt from corporal punishment. Instead, he spends hours in the library either copying rules, rewriting classics, or transcribing Buddhist texts. 
All of these activities prove to be much more effective punishments.
Meanwhile, Lan Qiren attends a Discussion Conference and has word with Jiang Fengmian. 
The response is a gentle order from the Jiang-zongzhu for Wei Ying. He asks his disciple to remain in Cloud Recesses for Musical Cultivation training. He also mentions it is time for Jiang Wanyin to take up Head Disciple responsibilities and learn true leadership. 
Wei Ying eyes the smiling Lan Xichen and impassive Lan Qiren sharply but doesn't say anything.
In two years time, the distance between Wei Ying and the Jiang Sect grows. The distance between Wei Ying and Lan Zhan ceases to exist. 
Just like that, Wei Wuxian's destiny changes.
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arvinsescape · 3 years
Hey could you write something with the reader getting really bad ovulation cramps, but they usually happen when she's alone, so when it happens in front of tom he's freaking out thinking you might be really sick and he takes you to the hospital even tho you said it's normal for you?
A/N: Hi lovely! Thank you for sending this in and thank you for your patience with me getting back to you! I changed it up a little bit and taken the hospital out of it, I hope you don't mind.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of periods.
Every month, the first two days of your period had you incapable of doing nothing. You'd always gotten bad cramps, ever since you started your periods, you'd had them checked out and nothing was wrong with you, it was just your normal.
Usually you managed to avoid Tom when you were on your period, you managed to stay home and make up an excuse for those two days as to why you couldn't see him. This month however, Tom seemingly had other plans.
"Tom, I can't today, I've got some stuff to do here." You answered from your curled up spot on the couch.
"Babe, I literally haven't seen you for like a week, that's way too long." He said and your heart melted, he hated being away from you, in the seven months you'd been dating he always made an effort to make sure you saw each other. Even with his busy schedule.
"I know, I'm sorry. I'm just busy with some house stuff."
"I can come and keep you company or help you? We don't even have to go out, I can come chill with you." Tom said, it sounded like he was smiling and you felt torn.
Tom was overprotective and a complete worrier when it came to you. You'd had the flu once and he'd spent five days looking after you, he quite literally did everything for you. While you found it endearing and you loved it about him, you didn't want him worrying over this and you knew he would.
"Maybe tomorrow Tommy?" You said and you widened your eyes, shit.
"Are you ill?" Tom asked immediately.
"You only ever call me Tommy when you're ill." He stated matter of factly and you sighed, he'd caught you out. "What's up?"
"Nothing, Tom, I'm just a bit out of sorts. Nothing to worry about, I promise." You said in the best voice you could. As it would seem today was not on your side a cramp ripped through your lower abdomen causing you to hiss out in pain.
"Doesn't sound like it." He said and you knew he's have his shoes on and keys in his hand by now.
"Honestly, I'm fine." You said and you heard his keys in his hands down the line. He was gonna come over and there was nothing you could do. "You really don't have to come." You said, the pain in your abdomen having set in.
"I'll be there in twenty minutes, I love you." He said and hung up before you could protest.
Twenty minutes later and Tom was letting himself into your home, you heard the door shut and his shoes clatter as he took them off. You heard his sock clad feet make their way into your living room where you were sat curled up on the couch.
"Hi baby." Tom said in a soft voice before sitting next to you and observing your state. "What's up?" He asked and you grumbled.
"It'll sound ridiculous." You huffed out, you'd been told by previous boyfriends to suck it up, that all women had a period. It can't be that bad. Maybe it was part of the reason you hadn't let Tom see you like this.
"Tell me, I promise I won't think it's ridiculous." He said as he placed a hand on our knee.
"I'm on my period." You grumbled out as a pain shot through you and you winced and curled further into yourself. Tom's eyes softened as he took you in, rubbing his hand comfortingly on your knee.
"Oh baby," he whispered out as he moved closer to you. "So this happens every month?" He asked and you nodded. "I'll be back." He said, placing a kiss to your forehead before he disappeared.
He went back out, you were too tired to question where or what he was doing and half an hour later he returned. You heard the door shut again, shoes clatter and bags rustling. You looked over the back of the couch as he made his way back into the living room.
"Here." He said as he handed you one of the bags before disappearing into the kitchen. You opened it and found enough chocolate and sweet stuff to host a party with, you smiled as you took it in.
"And here." He said as he returned with a mug in hand, your heart melting. Never had someone been so attentive. "I went for hot chocolate, mum says it's the only time she ever drinks it. Thought it'd help." He said as he placed it on the coffee table before opening his arms for you to crawl into.
You complied, letting him wrap you up in his warmth as you snuggled into him. His warm hands rubbing your back, soothing the ache that had set in slightly.
"Thanks Tommy." You mumbled into his chest and he kissed your head.
It wasn't long before you needed the bathroom and this was the part you were dreading, it was okay when you could curl up into yourself, but the second you had to move, stand up, the pain became unbearable and you knew Tom would panic.
"I'm just gonna..." You trailed off as you removed yourself from his grasp and stood. The second your body stretched out, the pain hit you like a bus, you doubled over clutching your stomach as you winced harshly at the pain. Tears springing to your eyes.
"Fucking hell." You whimpered out in pain. Tom was quick to stand, placing his hands on your waist as you waited for the pain to pass enough to move.
"Are you okay?" He asked panicked and you shook your head.
"Yeah, it just hurts because I moved."
"You look like you're in a lot of pain."
"Yeah, it'll pass."
"Darling, do you not think you should maybe get these pains checked out, go to the hospital?" He was in full blown panic mode now.
"Tommy, calm down. I'm fine, it's normal for me, I promise." You tried to reassure. The pain wasn't passing quick this time and you had to sit back on the couch, clutching your stomach. You rocked back and forth, hoping to ease the pain.
"What of it's your appendix or something?" Tom was panicking as he knelt in front of you.
"It's not." You stated simply. "Trust me, I'm fine."
"You really don't look fine, I think we need to get you to the hospital." He said as he placed a hand on your back and rubbed it in comfort.
"I really really don't need that Tom. I promise you, it's normal. It's not my appendix or anything like that, I am just cursed with bad periods." You smiled at him, the pain starting to subside.
"Darling, I really think-"
"Tom. I'm fine." You said with a smile as you took his face into your hands, he relaxed slightly at the gesture.
"You'll tell me if it gets worse? Like more than usual?" He said and you nodded your head. "Okay," he breathed out. "Come on." He said and you furrowed your brows as you looked at him. "I'll carry you." He clarified and you laughed.
"I'm fine." You said but he'd already picked you up, carrying you upstairs and outside the bathroom. "You worry too much." You said as he placed you down and you kissed his cheek. Hands not leaving your hips until he was sure you were okay.
"I don't I just love you a lot and I don't want anything to happen to you." He said as he kissed your cheek. "I'll wait here." He said as he leant against the opposite wall.
You went into the bathroom, doing what you had to do, opening the bathroom door to be met with Tom's smiling face. You laughed as he picked you up again before taking you downstairs and back onto the couch.
"Wanna watch a film?" He asked and you nodded.
"You don't have to stay you know Tom. If you have better plans, it's okay. I understand why you wouldn't wanna mope around here with me." You laughed through your nose.
"This is my best plan for today. What could be better than spending time with you? Plus, if you don't feel well then it's my job to look after you and make sure you have everything you need."
"I'm not technically ill Tommy." You laughed.
"You're in pain. Listen, I'm gonna stay here and cuddle you, look after you. Whatever you need, it's yours but I'm staying. You're not getting rid of me." He said as he found a film and your heart soared, most boyfriends would get out of the way, but Tom? No.
"I really love you Tom." You said before you could really think and he looked at you, eyes full of nothing but love and adoration.
"I really love you too. Now come on, come here." He said as he placed the remote down and encouraged you to sit between his legs, hands finding your stomach as he soothed some of the pain. As bad as your periods were, Tom was gonna make sure he made them as bearable as possible.
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justmeandmysickies · 3 years
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@angstyaches this is probably not exactly what you had in mind but I hope you still like it!
characters: Nick and Joe
warnings: emeto
„Please come over, I’m sick.“ That was all Nick had said, before the line clicked, indicating that the call had ended.
Now usually Joe would have called him right back to give him a piece of his mind – he wasn’t Nick’s mother after all – but it was different this time.
Nick was always whiny when sick. His usually so stoic and smug self would be replaced by the attitude of a needy 7-year-old as soon as he had the sniffles. And that was never a reason to worry. He’d be back to behaving like himself after a few days of resting, so Joe usually wouldn’t bother going over there to take care of him. Since Nick would be either sleeping or harassing him 24/7 it was simply not worth it.
But something about Nick’s call had Joe in his car and on the road in a matter of seconds. Something was wrong. Nick hadn’t sounded whiny. He had sounded like he was in pain. Genuine pain. And Joe didn’t like the idea of that one bit.
He arrived at Nick’s building several minutes later, grocery bag filled with sick-day-supplies in hand.
Joe briefly wondered if his boyfriend had been smart enough to leave the apartment unlocked for him but fortunately the door swung open with ease.
Upon entering the small but cozy living room, he was immediately greeted by Fork, the red cat Nick had adopted just a few months prior to the beginning of their relationship. Joe had never understood that decision – he wasn’t particularly fond of the general concept of having pets, especially not the ones that could kill you in your sleep if they wanted to.
Nick however seemed to love his miniature tiger, so Joe had to live with that. Still, he couldn’t help the face of disgust as Fork rubbed up against his leg, leaving behind a trail of red hair on his black jeans.
Despite his obvious dislike for the cat, Joe stepped into the kitchen to check if his ill-stricken boyfriend had remembered to feed his pet. The food-bowl seemed reasonably full, so he started putting away the few groceries he had bought, ignoring Fork who was looking up at him expectantly as he opened up the cabinet that contained the cat treats.
Satisfied with himself, he closed the cabinets and grabbed some Gatorade for Nick to drink. Now came the hard stuff.
Joe had no idea how to care for other people. His entire life he had been taking care of himself but when it came to others he was at a loss. Maybe it was his lack of empathy. Or maybe it was his fear of things that aren’t in his control. Or he was simply scared that people would see that he actually cared. Whatever the reason, he usually avoided having to take care of someone at all costs. But this was his boyfriend, and he needed his help, so Joe had to suck it up.
And that’s why he braced himself with a deep breath and took off down the hallway to Nick’s bedroom, Fork right on his heels.
Joe opened the door in one swift motion, letting the two of them into the room. It was dark; Nick had pulled all the curtains closed. The sick man himself was only a lump buried in pillows and blankets.
Joe stood still for a few seconds, trying to figure out if his boyfriend was asleep, momentarily forgetting about the cat that had followed him into the room. And before he could stop him, Fork had already jumped up the bed, immediately cuddling close to his owner’s face.
Nick groaned and Joe could have slapped himself. He had probably been asleep before Fork decided to get in his face. “Fork, how the hell did you open the door?” The blonde asked, voice heavy with sleep as he gave his cat a little shove.
“He didn’t.” Joe answered as he stepped closer to the bed.
Nick looked up in confusion. He obviously hadn’t noticed Joe standing there. “Josh? What are you doing here?”
Joe frowned. That was alarming to say the least. “You called me.” He put a careful hand on his boyfriend’s forehead, fearing the worst. Nick just hummed, leaning into Joe’s cool palm, who clicked his tongue in concern. “You’re burning up. Have you taken your temperature?” He drew his hand back and Nick whined at the loss of contact.
“I didn’t feel like it.” He mumbled quietly, burying himself deeper in his pillow.
“What do you mean you didn’t feel like taking your temperature? Have you at least taken some medicine?” Joe couldn’t decide if he was very irritated or very concerned.
“No, didn’t feel like doing that either.”
Irritated. He was definitely very irritated. And it took him every ounce of willpower to not yell at the sick man in front of him.
Joe took a deep breath. He could do this. “I’ll get you some medication in a second. First, tell me what’s wrong.”
“Everything.” Came the reply from deep within the covers. It was clear Nick didn’t feel like talking but in order to help him, Joe had to know what was going on.
“Babe.” Joe sighed impatiently, waiting for a useful answer.
Nick groaned but stuck his head out from under the covers anyway. He was quiet for a moment, before he answered. “Everything. I’m not kidding. But mainly my ear. It hurts so bad, when I first woke up this morning I actually cried for a while.”
He laughed nervously after the last part, trying to play it off as a joke but Joe knew it was true. Nick was honest when he wasn’t feeling well.
His concern only grew when Nick winced visibly, closed his eyes, and started taking deep breaths.
Joe thought for a moment and then it hit him.
“Are you dizzy?” Nick hummed affirmatively. “Feel sick?” Another hum. “Does it feel like there is pressure in your ear or your head in general?” Nick stilled for a second, seemingly thinking about his answer before nodding.
“You have an ear infection.” Joe stated matter-of-factly. Unfortunately, he was all too familiar with the concept. He used to get ear infections all the time as a kid and even as an adult he still dealt with them every other year. The pain could be excruciating, at times having you unable to move. No wonder Nick was feeling so awful.
The latter only groaned, too exhausted to form words or even sentences.
“Alright, here is the deal.” In a way Joe was glad it was an ear infection – that was at least something he would be able to deal with. “I’ll get you some fever reducers and something to drink. You’ll take a bath and then you’ll go back to resting. If this isn’t better by tomorrow, I’ll take you to a doctor.”
“Why do I need to take a bath?” Nick whined, once again burying his face under his blanket.
Rolling his eyes at his boyfriend’s childish behavior, Joe pulled the blanket lower to expose Nick’s face. “Because you stink. And it might make you feel better.”
Nick wanted to argue but Joe had already left the room to grab some medicine so there really was no point. He returned seconds later with some pills.
The next step was the bath. Nick reached his arms out and Joe pulled him upwards with seemingly no effort. In hindsight, that was a horrible idea. A wave of dizziness hit Nick like a truck as soon as he was upright. If it hadn’t been for Joe, he would have crumpled to the floor right then and there.
Joe held his partner close, encouraging him to take some deep breaths when suddenly Nick’s entire body convulsed with a dangerously wet sounding retch. He was trying to decide whether to get a bucket or get his boyfriend to the bathroom, but Nick made that decision for him as he bolted towards the door, a hand clamped tightly over his mouth.
He was so dizzy he could barely see where he was going – it was like his body was moving on autopilot. It’s a miracle he didn’t run face first into a wall.
He crashed to the floor in front of the toilet, just seconds before last nights meager dinner made a reappearance, along with the medicine he’d just taken.
Joe went after him hesitantly, wanting to help but not knowing how. He ultimately settled on keeping Nick’s hair out of his face. It wasn’t much but it was appreciated.
The entire ordeal seemed to be a one-and-done thing. The blonde was left panting and spitting excess saliva into the toilet for a while, but his stomach seemed to have calmed down for the time being.
“Why the fuck do you puke, when your ear is infected?” Nick asked breathlessly while wiping some sweat from his brow.
“I’m not a doctor but I’m pretty sure it’s cause of the pain.” Joe answered, getting up to turn on the water for the bathtub.
At that moment Fork casually strolled into the bathroom and right onto Nick’s lap where he immediately settled down, purring lovingly. The blonde couldn’t help but smile a bit as he scratched his cat behind his ear.
The three of them sat there in silence for a while, Nick being too exhausted to talk and Joe not knowing what to say anyway.
Joe once again helped his boyfriend to his feet, when the bath was ready, although a lot slower this time. He even helped the sick man undress before he turned to leave the bathroom. “Wash up, I’m gonna change your bedsheets.”
“But I’m too tired to bathe by myself.” Nick whined as he struggled to step into the tub.
Joe turned around slowly, not quite believing what his boyfriend had just said. “Are you telling me that you need my help bathing?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Please?” Nick pouted, which was a rather bizarre image, considering that he was muscular, over 6 feet tall and covered in tattoos.
The younger man sighed in defeat. “Fine. But I’m not getting in with you. I literally just showered two hours ago.”
Turns out, it was a good decision not to leave Nick alone. He was sleepy and if it hadn’t been for Joe, he would’ve probably drowned in his own bathtub. Right now Joe was carefully massaging shampoo into his boyfriend’s scalp who was about to drift off to sleep. He had been fighting to keep his eyes open for the last ten minutes, but it was a losing battle. It was impossible to stay awake with the heavenly feeling of Joe’s fingers in his hair.
And the latter didn’t mind. Any other day he’d yell at Nick for sleeping in the bathtub but not today. He could use the rest and Joe was there to watch him, make sure he was alright. A few minutes wouldn’t hurt him. So Joe started rinsing out the shampoo as Nick fell asleep.
Fork, who had been forced to get up from his owners lap several minutes ago, now decided to settle into the brunette’s side. He still wasn’t a fan of pets but maybe he could get used to this one, Joe thought, unable to hide the fond smile that had snuck up on him.
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heavenunderthemoon · 4 years
Summary: After the death of her two brother, reader feels as though she must become the perfect child. She reaches her breaking point at a night at Rossi’s. 
Warnings: mentions of suicide, depression, angst Your fingers grabbed at another stray hair, a desperate attempt to make an escape as you smoothed the rest into a nice, sleek ponytail. Grabbing it, you tucked it under the hair tie, breathing deeply through your nose as you stared back at the reflection.
You didn't like staring into the mirror. Staring into the mirror meant seeing your eyes, a rather odd statement when you really thought about it, but the reason you hated it all the same. You had to stare into those brown orbs, brown orbs you had inherited from your mother, and ones she had passed down not only to you, but to Ethan as well.
The name sent a shiver through your body.
He had passed just when you both had turned nine. He had been struggling for a while, ever since you could remember actually. For years, you had accompanied him on doctor appointments, consults after consults. Alex Blake was no quitter, and she had fought tooth and nail to find someone- anyone- to save her boy. In the end she hadn't succeeded. He had passed in his bed, only a couple feet away from you. Sometimes you could still hear her sobs, her wails of agony after she had found him, a mother losing her son, her baby. Sometimes it felt as though you had lost her that day too.
You forced the tips of your mouth to lean upward, the motion looking so foreign on your face that you couldn't help but stare. A smile. A true smile. When was the last time you had one of those? You recalled the time before Ethan started presenting symptoms, a time before his illness, before the unrelenting sadness that ran rampant throughout your house. Before your mother was driven insane, a linguist unable to name the one thing she hated so much, the one thing that took away one of her children. Before your father ran off, escaping to different countries under the guise of Doctors Without Borders. You knew why he really took that position, that he was so driven by his grief of losing Ethan that he ran off to find children he actually could save. And your mother? She didn't get much better. When she had lost Ethan she had lost a part of herself you weren't quite sure she would ever get back. A carefree, laid-back part of her, one that wouldn't run to the emergency room every time you had a cough. One that wouldn't demand an MRI every time you needed a physical checkup. One that didn't watch you so closely, close enough that you could feel her stare on you, whenever you played on the playground with the other children. Before the stares were less loving, more analytical, and every goodbye felt like your last.
Your lips dropped down, eyes remaining on yourself.
Nothing was wrong with you of course, but your mother could never be sure. Losing one child was enough, the fear of losing her second drove her over the edge.
And so, you played along.
You pretended you didn't want to play baseball with the kids in the neighborhood, taking a liking to books instead. You pretended you didn't want to go out, or play in the rain, or step in puddles, or touch frogs. Childhood was non-existent, and for you, that was just how it had to be, because you didn't want to drive her mother any madder than she already was.
Your hands dropped to your sides, smoothing the sides of your pants with your hands, a nervous tick, but comforting nonetheless.
An evening at Rossi's. The invitation alone was enough to make you want to scream.
As awful as it sounded, you hated when your mother was home. Since you had turned seventeen, you were trusted enough to stay home alone when your mother was out on cases, so long as you FaceTimed every night and the neighbors could check on you in the morning. And, with your father away you were left to your own devices. You relished in the feeling of being alone. You liked being able to emerge from your room without that heaviness dragging you down, the weight of your mother's morbid stare, the one that made you think that perhaps you were dying and you just didn't know it, enough to make you feel an onslaught of loneliness. When your mother was gone, you were able to watch tv with the volume all the way up, or order pizzas with extra cheese. You could let the dishes pile up and leave the laundry to fester.
And then when your mother came home it felt like everything in the air was sucked up all over again. Like all the walls were caving in, the world was ending, and once more you were dying.
"Y/N! Time to go!"
You glanced at yourself one more time. Clothes ironed perfectly, a crisp button down tucked into a pleated skirt, hair pinned and proper. A doll. A perfect little doll ready to be played with.
You turned off the bathroom light, grabbing your purse.
"Coming, Mother."
"My mom speaks very highly of you all, it's nice to finally meet you." You spoke with a sense of tranquility that the team wasn't quite expecting. Though, to be honest, they weren't precisely sure what to expect when they had caught wind that Alex was finally bringing her daughter to an event. Typically, you were too busy.
Studying for school, babysitting for children around the neighborhood, getting ahead in your classes, attending chess club, book club, anything and everything that had made their lips part, eyebrows furrowing because you were just a child but the way she spoke about you made you seem so...refined. Independent. Not a child.
Your peers had said the same things- behind your back, of course. You didn't have many friends. Being the perfect child didn't give you much time to make those, and you weren't good at it anyways. The teachers had always praised you, admiring you for your perfectionism. Your straight A's, good temperament, and ability to surpass the school's curriculum had you earning your teachers' result rather quickly but it had soon turned to sympathy. They had begun to notice how your posture was always straight, how your pens were always in alignment, how you never spoke unless answering an academic question.
Sometimes, they would watch you, just to see if you would suddenly sneeze and ruin that perfect mirage that you displayed to the world. But you never did, not really. You were a doll. You were picture perfect and they had previously found that quality a little endearing but now they just felt pity, because how many times had that doll felt like she wasn't enough in order to make it appear as so?
Met with enthusiasm, you smiled along as the night progressed, making light conversation with your mother's team. They were nice enough, and you tried not to let along how painful your smiles began to be. It wasn't long before you had excused yourself to a smaller room, bringing out the school work you had brought along to get out of the way.
it was an art project, your least favorite subject. Art, your teacher had stated, is an expression of emotion. There were no rules, no tips, no studying to help you along. Either you had it, or you didn't. You definitely did not.
The noise of the party chattered against your brain as your teeth began their assault against your lip, biting down hard as your eraser grated against the paper once more. With a frustrated grunt, you tried again, the circle coming out just as uneven as the last time.
Spencer must've noticed you out on the patio by yourself. He excused himself from the party, approaching you slowly.
You knew he was being nice. He was mingling and from what you mother had told you about him he didn't do it often so you were trying your very best to not snap at him, your agitation at an all time high due to the failure of your art project.
Your eyes were still on your paper, trying to salvage something- anything- from this artwork but it was futile. Every time you added something it made it worse and every time you removed something it looked empty and you were beginning to get frustrated. You hated art, you wanted to drop it, but it was a requirement. A stupid, useless class, in your opinion (though maybe it was biased due to your inability to do it). Your heart rate quickened at the thought of getting anything lower than an A on this piece. Your grade was already at a 92, that in itself was enough to make your head spin but what if you got a B on this work and it brought your overall grade down? What if you received your first ever B? What would your mother say then?
Spencer was watching you with curious eyes. He saw a bit of himself in you ever since you had arrived, though that isn't all a good thing. He saw an intelligent, capable girl who put far too much pressure on himself. A girl who carried the weight of the world on her shoulders. A girl who refused to ask for help.
And now, your breaths becoming ragged and eyes unfocused, he saw you, really saw you. Your eraser was grinding against there paper and in your anger it ripped it, your lips parting at the action. As bad as it had been this was even worse because now you sound have to start over.
Starting over meant setting you back at least three days in work and you were supposed to have this assignment done by tonight to get ahead for other classes tomorrow.
"Y/N? Y/N you need to breathe, take a break from you're homework, it's okay-"
You had forgotten that Spencer was there in all honesty, but now that he was speaking you whipped toward him.
The words seemed to cut through you like a knife and you shot an incredulous look at the man. "Okay? It's not okay! I can't take a break because I needed to get it done by tonight! I need to write a paper and get ahead in physics so that I can make time for babysitting, and attend lectures, and sit in on mom's classes and-"
Your hands were balled now, clenching into fists and Spencer was reaching for them.
"Look at me, take a breath-"
"This stupid art project, it didn't look good-"
"It looked fine-" Spencer tried, and he could tell that the two of you were attracting attention now because he could feel eyes flitting to the back door windows and he knew for certain that Alex would be here soon but none of it seemed to register for you because your eyes were far too panicked and cheeks too flushed.
"It can't be just fine, it needs to be perfect!" You broke. Your voice was louder than you had ever used with an adult and if you weren't  so far gone in your breakdown you surely would've apologized. The eraser in your hand dropped, fists unclenching to cover your ears because your thoughts were too loud. They were always too loud. Constant planning, scheduling ahead. Worries about your parents, your reputation, your next step. It came crashing over you.
Later, you would realize you were sobbing but for now, you were left to wonder why your throat was so sore.
"Y/N, you need to breathe, okay? Breathe. It doesn't need to be perfect, you're okay-"
Alex was relieving Spencer, and he retreated back into the house with a reassuring nod from Alex. The team sent worried looks, but looked away to give the two of you privacy. You hardly even noticed the change.
"Hey." Alex was taking your hands from your ears, eyes wide. She had never seen you like this, never seen you so distraught and it scared her. It terrified her to see you in such a state because, clearly, you weren't okay and you hadn't been for a while and how did she miss this? It scared her because ever since she could remember you had been such an easy child. A child who didn't ask for help, a child who didn't cry, who didn’t yell, who didn't ask for things. And was that a result of her?
"Hey, look at me. Look at me." Her finger was going under your chin, forcing it upward, forcing your eyes on hers and she was accentuating her breaths, making you take them with her. "What's going on, hm? Whats' going on, talk to me."
Maybe it was the softness in her tone, or the woe in your eyes, or maybe it was just exhaustion from constantly trying to be...everything and anything your mother could ask for, but you chose to tell the truth.
"I have to be perfect." And it was quiet. You could hear the water fountain somewhere far to your left, something Rossi apparently had put in two years ago, but you couldn't see it over the hedges. Alex rose a brow, not understanding and so you continued.  "I have to be perfect...for you."
And the Blake woman was gasping because how could her daughter even think that? How could she not see that her daughter was thinking that? "Honey, no-"
But you weren't letting her finish. "Yes, I do. I have to be the perfect child because you lost the other one. And I," You swallowed, sighing softly. "I can't be him for you."
"Ever since he died I- he-...you were different. You and Dad both were, and I just wanted to make you happy so I tried to be good, I tried to be the best kid so that you wouldn't feel any sadder than you did."
"Oh, baby, you didn't have to do that-"
"Yes I did. When he died it was like every time you looked at me I was already dead I just didn't know it.  I've been dead for years. I think I might've died with him."
And you were breathing steadily now. You chest wasn't as tight, your mind wasn't as foggy but now your eyes were filled with tears. You cried because you had wanted to say these words for so long, you had wanted your mother back for an eternity snd now she was listening, now you were going to surrender yourself to imperfection.
"I never meant to make you feel like that, please-"
The tears fell across your cheeks, splayed out like a beautiful painting, a masterpiece created by you, a girl who thought that she was a horrible artist. Perhaps you weren't as horrible as you thought.
"I wish it was me instead of him. Because I can't take it. I can't keep doing this-"
Alex was shaking her head, gripping your cheeks in her hands now, because the words you were saying made it sound like she might lose you, made it sound like you might just dissolve under her touch. And all she felt right now was dread. "Don't say that."
"The classes, the perfectionism, I'm...I'm just so tired."
"Baby, please. I'm, I'm so sorry." And that thought entered your mind once more, that perhaps you were a wonderful little artists because kneeling before you now was a tragically beautiful piece of art. A grieving mother, wet cheeks piling up by the minute, eyes filled with some kind of morose morbidity and that was something you had created.
"I'm a perfect little girl in a perfect little house. We all play pretend that Ethan didn't exist-"
"Y/N Y/M/N." Alex was trying, begging you to stop because it hurt. It pained her because Ethan died of something no one knew about but you? You were dying because of her.
"It's alright. I'm just so tired of all the pretending. I wish Ethan and I could swap places, because then he could be playing pretend and I can just...relax."
Where to go from here? The two of you sat on that patio under the watch of the stars, under the protection of the moonlight. What might happen when the sun touched your faces once more?
You doll wasn't so perfect anymore. Perhaps she would never be again.
TAGLIST: @bubblyabs @spencer-blake-supremacy 
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hawksugarbaby · 3 years
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Todoroki x male reader- Caramel and Honey
Fluff + Au where todoroki rebelled and never became a hero 
Todoroki hummed to himself laying out the ingredients in front of him with his mixing bowl in the centre of the counter top, the mix of ingredients in organised lines from first to last except he was missing one ingredient.
It was soon to be your birthday, and todoroki being the gentleman as always was desperate to make you a cake as his local supplier. You deserved it for the kind smile you wore dropping of his orders at the back of the shop and hovering around for a few minutes to talk before disappearing into the wind again driving away in your van with (y/ln) Produce, stamped on the side of the van in big, black cursive.
He took over the shop from his mothers side of the family before she fell ill and had to go to hospital. not wanting anything to do with his disgusting father he chose to stay and manage the store of light pinks and pure whites. He heard your tires pulling up outside on the gravelly path and he opened the door for you to drop off your produce inside on the counters by the door.
"Hey Roki! How's it hanging, making anything special today?" you asked hauling a crate of freshly picked fruit for the season in and dropping it onto the steel top, wiggling under the weight and scooting forward a millimeter. "What do you consider special?" he asked bluntly helping you carry the boxes into the kitchen and put the items in their respective places.
Finally you brought in the cardboard box layered in bubble wrap filled with decorative jars of golden honey pockets of air suspended in the viscous liquid and Todoroki nodded happily in receiving everything he asked for. Sometimes you'd forget the blueberries, or the tea leaves or the bananas grown specially by your quirk. You grabbed a glass of honey flicking the lid open and dipped your finger into the glossy amber tasting it yourself.
"Something special? I would love a rustic honey cake. Just the way mum used to make it with our honey. Not the dumb store bought stuff, the stuff we make ourselves. With the bee's we lovingly care for, for a reason!" you shout but it was muffled by you sucking the honey off of your finger.
Todoroki wiped his chin and cleared his throat "you've got some... there's uh... like a little" you looked up at him and touched your chin the sticky threads of honey clinging to your hand. "Shit" you tutted and wiped it away with the heel of your hand getting that just as sticky as the rest of you. "Well this is embarrassing" you sighed and todoroki exhaled quickly, which was close enough to a laugh to make you smile. "Here" he ran a tea towel under the warm tap and wiped it over your chin and pressed it into your hand for you to clean your hands yourself.
He felt his own face light up red and grabbed a cup of blueberries in preparation for the blueberry muffins he would bake today and you blinked a few time's rebooting your brain after the short interaction making you flustered.
You wiped your hands down and neatly folded the towel over the side of the sink and shook your head clearing the busy, buzzing thoughts from your head and drew your eye's away from him focusing on the calendar hanging next to the wall. Delivery, nothing, delivery, nothing, delivery + (y/n) Birthday. You grinned and pointed to the red circle around the familiar number on the calendar and twisted your neck to watch him stir ingredients together into a pale yellow batter.
"You remember my birthday?" you quizzed and he nodded furiously beating the whisked eggs into the mixture and poured in the cup of indigo berries fresh from the bush. "Hey are you busy right now?" Todoroki asked moving on from the topic of your birthday and lifted his eyes from your strong arms he'd seen carry so many boxes of fruit, to your joy filled (e/c) orbs sparkling happily at the prospect of him. HIM. remembering your birthday.
"I can be not busy?" you raise your palms to the popcorn roof and flick out your phone calling a coworker. "Hey Bro, could you perchance come get the van from the Todoroki Bakery and deliver the rest of the products?" you ask and pushed the phone to your ear with your shoulder and mouthed 'frozen fruit' to todoroki and you quirked an eyebrow. He nodded to the bottom drawer.
"No I dropped a crate on my foot carrying the peaches into the shop and It hurts to walk on it I dunno how driving would go" you chuckle nervously and wink to todoroki who just looked back down at his muffins filling the white, paper cases not quite understanding. "No, I know it's so unlike me! But it's okay, Todoroki said he'd give me a lift home but can you just do the rest of the rounds?"
Your brother agreed and you said your bye's on the phone. "I now have the entire day off" you said proudly and leaned your elbows on the counter admiring todoroki's fluffy hair straying further from the style it was originally in while he pushed the baking tray into the oven. "Wait but I should check your foot if you hurt it" he said crouching down and pressing his cold hands against your ankle making you flinch "no I didn't really hurt my foot I just needed to get out of work" you chuckle.
"Oh okay. Will your dad believe that, aren't you supposed to be the big strong son?" Todoroki craned his neck up to look at you still resting with one knee on the floor and the other pulled up like he was going to propose. You lost yourself in your thoughts again imagining that instead of his hand on your foot he was holding out a small grey box with a gleaming band tucked into the cushion.
"Hey what the fuck is this?" your brother laughed at the scene in the kitchen and you whipped your head up to see him leaning against the door frame uncaringly. "Uhh todoroki was checking if my foot was swollen or anything. No evidence of broken bones yet! So you should just get going with the van here are my keys!!" you said hopping over like a professional actor and shoved the keys into his hand. "Mhm i'm sure that's what it was. OUTSIDE!" he shouted at you pulling you round the corner clipping your arm on the wooden pallets leaning against the wall out back scraping up inside your elbow.
"Hey what the hell, that hurt!" you shouted lightly tapping the bleeding scratched that didn't seem to want to stop bleeding. "Look I know you like that todoroki kid but you can't just skip work to spend the day with him!" your brother turned around and looked at your face, mouth agape and eye's furrowed into annoyance and he shrugged "what i'm just being hon-" "ARE YOU BLIND OR STUPID!?" you shouted back thrusting your profusely bleeding forearm in his face.
"Oh shit what! are you feeling okay?" he panicked suddenly drawing Todoroki's attention and he poked his head out the back door. Being the observant boy he was, his eyes went wide and he jogged over to where you were standing and wiped the blood away with the already honey covered tea towel but the crimson immediately started pouring out again. "He needs an ambulance" the dual haired baker tightly wrapped the tea towel around your arm which was quickly soaked in red.
You moaned in pain and annoyance feeling your head spin. "What could he have cut his arm on?" your brother asked and you held your hand out in front of his face snapping your fingers closed against your thumb shutting him up. "There's a huge fucking rusty nail... on the pallet you dragged me past you dickhead" you huffed. The ground span and swayed around you and the brightness in your vision was turned down so you could barely see the outlines of the boys surrounding you.
And then you were on the floor.
And then you were in the hospital. Staring at the white plaster ceiling at midnight with no one by your side. "Huh" you hummed and checked your phone hissing at the brightness lashing the dark hospital room.
todoroki was in the shop with a bowl and cake pan next to him. The jar of honey you scooped from open and his phone laying open waiting for your answer to his text.
You replied to the questions he asked and Todoroki's phone buzzed on the steel countertop and he perked up immediately reaching for the electronic, slowly running out of battery.
Roki 💖🍰
Hey are you okay?
Fri 12:18
Do you like pistachios?
Oh also raisins, do you like raisins?
Probably not, no one likes raisins
I like raisins...
Anyway. Text me when you see this
Fri 18:35
Roki 💖🍰
I hope you wake up.
I wasn't supposed to get a delivery from you today
But I wish I was cause I like seeing you
You make my heart feel... weird.
Good weird
Sat 8:44
Still don't know if you like raisins and pistachios
Sat 12:27
Roki 💖🍰
It's your birthday tomorrow you know.
Sorry I didn't text yesterday but you were sleeping anyway
How can you catch tetanus so quickly
It's supposed to take 4 days dumbass.
You got it in like 1. You fainted because of the blood btw
Mon 13:21
Please just wake up for your birthday.
I have something special for you
But I need to know if you like pistachios and raisins
Mon 14:56
Roki 💖🍰
Happy Birthday (y/n)
Tue 00:00
You chuckled to yourself at the sweet messages todoroki sent you over the course of the days and glanced at the clock. "I wonder if he's still awake" you croaked and wiped your eyes from sleep then yawned filling your waterline with unnecessary tears.
Bumblebee 🍯
Hey Roki. I'm up
I like/don't like pistachios
And I like/don't like raisins
Sorry for worrying you. Promise I won't get anymore tetanus
I'm going back to sleep
Come visit tomorrow
Tue 4:13
"You better not be awake dumbass" you mumbled and turned over on your pillow burying your face into the uncomfortable pancake for your head.
Tue 4:15
The baker smiled and finally started working on his surprise for you chopping his toppings and thinly slicing/ throwing away his toasted pistachios and crunching on a few raisins while working.
At 2pm he walked in and went to visit you with his surprise balancing carefully in your hand. He carefully tiptoed to your bedside and pushed your side slightly. You snorted and rolled over, opening your eye's to an amused todoroki settling himself into the chair next to your bed. "Something smells great" you muttered pushing your face back into the pillow and smiling. "Thank you for visiting" you muffled and todoroki chuckled nodding.
"Happy birthday" he smiled pulling the foil off of the top of your surprise. You peaked your eyes open and sat up smiling brightly. "I didn't know how your mum made it but I made my own recipe" he scratched the back of his head and moved to sit next to you on the mattress. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and kissed your cheek lightly before you could take off the handheld slice you were slowly lifting to your mouth.
"My heart feels weird around you" he sighed and thumped his forehead against your shoulder and you snickered, taking a soft bite of the sticky, nostalgic cake in your grasp. "I know. Thank you for the little updates by the way, very sweet of you" you emphasised the sweet as a pun on the honey cake but of course, it flew over todoroki's head. "But yeah. Thank you for the cake it's delicious" you complimented and leaned your head on his. "Can I go back to sleep now?" you joked and he smiled and pressed you down by your hard chest and lay on top of you. "Just don't sleep for 4 days again" he mumbled nestling into your t'shirt.
You stared down at the parting in his hair with huge, round eye's and put your hands on his back, grasping them together in a hug-ish type thing. "Okay"
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aprxl-showers · 3 years
i was feeling a bit sad yesterday and this is the result...
Keith huddles on his bed, hugging three soft pillows at a time to his chest. He takes a deep breath, willing the tears away. He hates this.
Fighting with Shiro always sucked. He and Keith always seemed to be in angsty moods around the same time—more often than not being the cause of each other’s ill tempers—and they’d yell and slam doors until Keith inevitably stormed off. He always ended up in the same place: he and Lance’s bedroom, pressing himself against the wall in order to be as far away as possible from everyone.
His jaw is achy, signalling another impending onslaught of tears and Keith knows it’s probably a losing battle. However, Lance always said letting emotions out was good and healthy and not to worry, he would always be there to give Keith hugs.
Lance isn’t here, though. He’s been away at his parents’ house all weekend for a birthday of some sorts. He had whispered promises through kisses that he’d be back before Keith knew it. But it’s already nine thirty and Keith is reaching a breaking point.It isn’t like he relies on Lance to stop him feeling certain ways. He had made sure of that when they’d moved in together two months ago after ten months of dating. He never wants Lance to be burdened with all his issues and be unloaded onto all of the time. Nevertheless, they still talk. They’re boyfriends, of course they’re there for each other, and sometimes nothing beats being held tightly in Lance’s arms with soothing words pressed to his hairline.
It’s a Friday night which should be a relief but Keith is working all of Saturday and Sunday, meaning he has to get up far too early tomorrow, and he feels like he hasn't been able to take a break this entire week. His teachers have suddenly amped up the intensity of classes and assignments with the upcoming exams. His anniversary with Lance is also on the horizon and he’s trying to save to take him somewhere fancy.
Whenever he does catch an extra moment Keith tries to watch something on Netflix but then the hours fly by like minutes and he’s left feeling shitty again. He initially tried that method when he’d slammed the door shut earlier, angrily tossing his bag off and letting his head fall into his hands. He’d tried to put on a brave face, blinking through tears at the laptop screen as some young, star crossed lovers made eyes at each other across a classroom. It did nothing but remind him of Lance’s absence which didn’t improve his emotional state in the slightest.
He ducks his head into the crease in the pillow closest to his chest as if it will soak in the ball of negativity swirling in his chest, the lump in his throat, his heavy heart. Take it away.
There’s the sound of faint footsteps and jangling keys and Keith hears the door click open as Lance makes his way into their apartment. Keith listens to him as he moves through their home, dumping his suitcase on the sofa, fetching a glass of water and approaching the bedroom door. Keith realises too late that the light isn’t even on.
There’s the sound of a flick and suddenly he sees Lance’s eyes clearly. He watches in horror as Lance’s happy, beautiful expression slips from his face and he places the glass on the chest of drawers.
He doesn’t want to be a downer on Lance’s day, especially when he’s only just arrived looking like sunshine itself, so he attempts a smile. He also attempts to reply but all that leaves his mouth is a choked, pathetic sob. Lance is diving forward before he’s even registered. Warm hands cup his face and Keith collapses forward into his boyfriend’s chest.
“Hi, sweetheart.”
“I’m sorry. I just—” His breath shudders.
“It’s okay. Just breathe, I’ve got you.” Lance reaches up to stroke Keith’s hair, shushing him quietly. Keith softly nudges his head into the crook of his neck, breathing deeply and calming for the first time in hours. Lance’s fingers wipe away his tears gently as he presses fleeting kisses to his eyelids. They stay like that for twenty minutes, in silence. Until:
“Fuck.” Keith’s voice is no longer garbled and he rubs his eyes, exhaustion hitting him like a wave.
Lance tucks his bangs behind his ears over and over and over and over. “Seems appropriate. Do you want to talk about it?”
Keith leans back, offering Lance a more genuine smile. Lance returns it. “No. It’s just Shiro. I’ll call him tomorrow and work it out. How was your family? Did you enjoy seeing everyone?”
“Yeah, it was great.” Lance isn’t fully at ease yet, Keith can tell. He cradles Keith’s neck, running his thumb up and down it. “I’m sorry I didn’t get here earlier.”
“No. You don’t have to apologise, you didn’t do anything wrong. By the time you came in I was feeling the last of it. I would have been fine in another hour.” Keith shuffles over, pulling Lance into a proper sitting position on the bed beside him. He gathers his boyfriend’s long, slender finger in his own. “Please, tell me about your weekend. You looked so happy when you came in.”
Lance hesitates but Keith squeezes his hands once more and his angelic grin slowly returns. Keith feels a weight lift from his shoulders.
“If I’m being completely honest, I missed Mama so much,” Lance says, dropping his head onto Keith’s shoulder. Keith doesn’t blame him. It’s almost impossible not to miss Mama McClain. “There’s nothing quite like hugging your mama, you know? I mean—”
“Yeah, I know.” Keith kisses Lance's forehead, banishing the returns of the worry lines. Although Keith misses his parents every day, he loves hearing about Lance’s huge family—who he had met several times for some bigger, plus one events—and encourages him to speak about them whenever he can. Lance’s passion and love for them always shines through, sending swoops through Keith's stomach every time without fail.
“They asked about you a lot, by the way. Nadia, Sylvio are keen to see you again. I’m certain that even baby Elena perked up when I said your name.”
Keith’s smile arrives unbidden and he chuckles. “I miss them.”
“I bet you do,” Lance agrees, laughing lightly. “I’ve been apart from them for ten hours and I already miss them. The last time you saw them was when we moved in and they gave us all those weirdly specific gifts.”
Keith smirks at the memory. Funnily enough, though, he’s used all the McClain gifts on countless occasions. They obviously knew what they were doing.
“I’m happy you’re back, Lance,” he says. Silence settles for a little while.
Lance shifts, lifting his head from Keith’s shoulder and taking a seat in his lap, facing him. He places a tentative kiss on the corner of his lips.
“There’s no place I’d rather be, babe. I love living with you—it’s the highlight of my life so far, hands down.” Lance runs his hands over Keith’s sides. “I love being able to hug you when you’re sad and beat Shiro’s ass when one of you takes it too far.”
Keith lets out a startled laugh.
“I love it when you do that,” he mutters, leaning forward and brushing Lance’s lips with his own. “And I love you, too, so that’s a plus.”
“A big plus,” Lance reiterates.
“I love you.”
“You, too,” Keith replies before he slips an inch forward and they’re kissing softly.
Lance always knows exactly how to calm him down and make him feel that much better. Keith knows he would do—that he does do—the same for him if something was ever remotely wrong. Because they’re a team. And Keith loves him.
He’ll talk to Shiro tomorrow, smooth things over, lick some wounds. Ask him if one year is too soon into a relationship to consider marriage. Maybe it is but Keith can’t find it in himself to care.
It may take them months more of emotional breakdowns on both sides, years more of comfort and cuddles, but Keith has no doubt he and Lance will get there. He already knows this is it. Keith pulls him close, a little emotionally drained but happy, smiling wide against Lance’s lips.
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butteraway · 3 years
when time runs out | ii
⋆ summary:  A young girl has fallen deeply ill with an unknown disease in her, so with all her free time spent in an empty hospital room, she spends it online playing video games. That's until she meets her cousins friends, one spiking her interest with his extremely vulgare language.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
word count: 2.1k
warnings: small mentions of suicide (I’ll put a star ‘⋆’ on top and below the paragraph so you can skip over it if your uncomfortable, you won’t miss anything too important so dont worry!)
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"Bro, honestly I still can't believe that you of all people made it into the elite, number one hero school in the country."
"Waahh, I'm telling you! I'm the real deal Y/N!"
"So, how's your summer been? School's gonna be starting soon, are you excited?" Denki could only smile and sigh as his character was finally killed off.
Said girl chuckled as she heard Denki's voice rise through her headphones as they continued killing zombies in front of them. She grimaced as a zombie attacked her from behind her character. Geez, I never get a break in this game.
"Well, to be honest, nothing big really happened besides me getting my acceptance letter from U.A. Just me training and hanging with the fam." He laid back in the comfort of his bed, headphones still on in order to hear his cousin.
"Aah, already training, hero boy? That's why you haven't been visiting me lately." Y/N pouted and crossed her arms as her TV screen turned black, returning her to the main page of the game.
"Man, we suck at this game!" Denki laughed out loud as he saw how long they lasted in the last round. Y/N smiled and let out a small giggle of her own as she placed down her controller.
"Yeah, how long have we had this game for? It still feels like it's our first time playing this." Denki cracked a smile, even though Y/N couldn't see him.
"Hey, sorry for not being able to come to the hospital. Getting ready for U.A. is no joke, haha." Denki rubbed the nape of his neck, eyebrows scrunching up with regret. 
"Nah nah, it's fine! I understand that you have things to do. You have big plans for the future." Y/N brushed a strand of her hair away from her face, looking down at the needles that were plunged into her arms. Her eyes were clouded with an emotion she often felt when talking with Denki. She always felt guilty whenever the feeling came around.
"Must be nice to be able to achieve your dreams." Jealousy. She hated the feeling she got every now and then, but you couldn't really blame her. She lost everything in only a couple of months. Silence passed between the two teenagers, Y/N finally realizing what she said.
"Uh s-sorry about that! I didn't mean to say that alou-" Y/N was cut off by Denki's soft voice.
"Y/N, it's... okay to feel like that. I don't understand what you have been going through, but I know that you shouldn't bring yourself down for something you can't control. You're such an amazing person and to be honest. . ." Denki paused as Y/N's eyes began to glaze over.
"I'm doing this for me and you. You always encouraged me to take any opportunity by, as you like to say, the neck. I-I wanna make you proud, y'know? I wanna make it feel like you're a part of this crazy world, even if you're not really here, walking with me through it all."
Y/N’s lips wobbled as she let out a watery laugh. She hunched over, small tears falling down her face. To someone else, this would've boosted their ego, but to Y/N, those words meant the world to her. No one had ever said that to her before. She felt like she had a purpose in this wretched life of hers. She sniffles were heard by Denki
"H-hey! It's okay, p-please don't cry!" Y/N heard shuffling coming from Denki as he reassured her to not cry.
"I mean it. I only wish you could be there though, it would be so much cooler!" Denki smiled, trying to lighten up the mood. Y/N's sniffles slowly quieted down as she let out a soft laugh that made his heart swell with joy. At least he can make her laugh.
"I'm s-sorry, but no one has ever told me t-that." Small hiccups came from the girl as she calmed down, taking deep breaths to slow her heart rate. Won't want doctors to come rushing in just to see her crying over something so small.
"I-I'm just really happy you said that." Denki's heart clenched at those words, his chin trembling every now and then. He knew that Y/N wasn't happy with where she was. She had even admitted that she had urges to rip out the needles and slowly lose her life from there. Denki spent the rest of that night talking to her after. To say he was concerned was an understatement. He was terrified when she told him.
"I think us being able to play games together is already enough!" They both laughed and talked for a couple of minutes before deciding to to hang up. 
"Y/N, I mean it when I say I want you to be happy, okay? I hope you feel better tomorrow. Buh-bye!" Y/N said her goodbye to Denki, hanging up and closing the laptop that sat on a movable table. 
Her smile slowly left her face, leaving her staring blankly at the pure white wall and mirror in front of her. When visitors were gone, her window would turn to a mirror so no one would disturb her. Y/N took a good look at herself and only sighed. Despite being as healthy as she could get, she looked a bit on the thin side, this complimenting her skin. Running a hand through her hair, she untangled the little knots that had formed there.
"Geez, what happened to you girl? You look like a zombie." Y/N looked at the zombie game and cringed.
"Literally."  Just then the door to her room opened and shut quickly, the air filter turning on when a female doctor entered. Y/N watched her carefully as she checked the IV that connected to her arm. The protective suit never made Y/N feel better about her condition.
"Are you alright, Ms. L/N?" The light, stern voice rang through her ears as she looked at the woman in front of her. Y/N gave the doctor a grin.
"Never been better."
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It had been an hour since the doctors had turned the lights off, but Y/N didn't feel the slightest bit of exhaustion. She had been sitting in the pitch black room for the time being and was really debating on turning on the TV.
"Ahh, fudge it." Instinctively reaching out for the remote, she turned on the TV and winced as the bright light hit her.
Looking back to the screen, she chose the option of going online and waited for other players to join. While waiting, a new character popped up next to her and she could only smirk at their username. Tapping on her mic, she decided to make conversation with them to see if they also had a mic.
"Now, what to play. What to play..." Y/N had settled for playing OverWatch since she didn't feel like playing any story type games. No cliffhangers tonight, Y/N thought. As the game loaded, she laid back and began thinking about cheesecake. When was the last I ate strawberry cheesecake? Great, now I want some. Thinking about eating cheesecake made her excited about the next day.
"Well hello, dear ol' '​​​​​King Explosion Murder_1.' Nice name you got there." Y/N chuckled as she said the name out loud, seeing another player enter.
"Hello 'Tape Dispenser?' What's with the wack name?" The girl’s eyes crinkled as she smiled at their name, hearing the user chuckle through her headphones. '​​​​​​King Explosion Murder' still had yet to reply, but that didn't bother her. They're either using the bathroom or don't have a mic. 
"The name was inspired by my quirk. But what's up with '_DeathGirl_', huh? You good?"  Y/N could only laugh at what he said. She should really send him a friend request.
"I’m honestly great, a little tired, but great! I just gotta make up a name, y'know? But your quirk has to do with tape? I don't know if that's wicked or useless." The boy laughed while Y/N laughed as well, losing her grip on her controller. That was until a gruff voice interrupted their laughing session.
"Shut the fuck up, your annoying ass voices are giving me a damn headache." Finally, after being silent, 'King Explosion Murder_1' spoke up.
"Aah, so you do talk. I don't know why you didn't say anything sooner Mr. Explosion Murder." The other player could only sneer at what she said, hitting his desk with his fist. Another player had joined, Y/N only noticing.
"Ah, hello 'Sleep Deprived Controller!'" Said player made their character wave, making Y/N chuckle. While they had their interaction, 'King Explosion Murder' was shouting at her, now realizing that she wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.
"Hey! Listen to me when I'm fucking talking to you, emo bitch!" Y/N’s eyes widened, soon rolling her eyes, watching the game load as they were placed into a match. What's his damn problem?
"Hey man, no need to go calling people names now." 'Tape Dispenser' nervously chuckled as he heard the other player growl. Y/N sported a shocked face as she heard this. What is he, a dog??? 
"Outta this conversation, extra!" Tape dude could only deadpan at what he was just called. Who calls people extras?? I’m not an extra, in fact I think I’m- 'Sleep Deprived Controller' listened with an annoyed expression on their face, wishing they could shut their shouting teammate up. Damn, wish I actually had a mic.
The game began as all the players separated, going their own way to kill their enemies. Everyone was in the zone, getting items and yelping every now and then if they were attacked. The first to go down was 'Tape Dispenser', then 'Sleep Deprived Controller', leaving both Y/N and 'King Explosion Murder' left on their team. Y/N smirked at their winning team, only one player was left on the other team. Just as the game was going to end, the opposing player shot down 'Explosion Murder', killing him.
"FUUUUUUUUUUUUU-" His mic cut off, causing the two players with mics in a cackling mess. Y/N calmed down, remembering she was still playing, trying to hunt down the last player. Finally, after many curses by a certain player and cheering from another, she located her enemy. 
"You better fucking win this or I'll kill you." Knowing he didn't mean that last part, she only focused on the first part. You better win this. Those words echoed through her head as she stopped aiming for the player. She hated being told what to do.
"Ah, so you're one of those people." Not knowing what she meant, they only watched with wide eyes at what she did. Y/N jumped down next to the enemy, shooting them twice with her weakest gun, signaling them that she was there. Quickly, the other player shot her character down, killing her. They lost the game.
"THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?! WE COULD'VE FUCKING WON!" Explosion Murder wasn't taking defeat easily like the other two were. Y/N could only give a grunt of disapproval towards the loud player.
"Ha, why did you just give up right there? You could've easily killed him." Tape Dispenser was just as confused as the other two players, slightly disappointed at the loss. Y/N sighed as she rubbed her forehead.
"Sorry not sorry, but this dude really thought he could get away with telling me what to do. I'll make my move when I'm ready, sorry to disappoint you guys." She sighed as she rubbed her neck, ready to hear the disapprovals of her teammate. But what she heard and saw made her smile.
"Nah, it's fine. It can get a tiny bit annoying with Murder yelling in your ear." Tape Dispenser reassured her, with Sleep Deprived's character giving her a thumbs up. Though, the annoyed sigh caught her attention back to him. Her eyebrow twitched. What is it now?
"I'm done with this fucking sappy shit scene. I'm out." Those were Murder's last words before he disconnected, leaving them in an awkward silence before Y/N stifled a giggle.
"I have a feeling that won't be the last time I'm seeing him." Tape Dispenser chuckled while Sleep Deprived's character shook their head, making Y/N softly laugh. After sending friend requests to both people, she bid them both fair well and left.
Y/N turned off her console and tv, putting the controllers on the table near her. She laid down in the comfort of her bed, thinking about her interactions with the people she met. She smiled, closing her eyes and drifting into a dreamless slumber with only one thought in mind. 
King Explosion Murder is such a weird name.
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