#first documentary
sleepynegress · 4 months
BUTTERFLY IN THE SKY trailer A documentary about LeVar Burton's Reading Rainbow
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Women in labour have been mocked, ignored, fobbed off with paracetamol and left with permanent damage by midwives and doctors, and hospitals have covered up their staff’s failures, a damning report by MPs has found. Mothers have been left with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), unable to bond with their baby and too incapacitated to go back to work because of horrendous experiences while having a child, the UK’s first inquiry into birth trauma found. Poor childbirth care is so common, and its consequences so damaging, that ministers and NHS bosses need to push through significant changes to how maternity staff look after the 600,000 women a year who give birth in England, the all-party parliamentary group (APPG) for birth trauma said. The report outlines how 1,311 women who had a traumatic birth told the inquiry “harrowing” stories about stillbirth, premature birth or having a baby with cerebral palsy because they were deprived of oxygen during labour, or ending up with life-changing injuries caused by severe tearing. “In many of these cases the trauma was caused by mistakes and failures made before and during labour. Frequently these errors were covered up by hospitals who frustrated parents’ efforts to find answers,” the APPG’s 80-page report says.
on the same day that the american new yorker article dropped on the deep issues amounting to a mistrial of nurse lucy letby, accused of murdering newborns, so too did an 80-page parliamentary inquiry highlighting the crisis of neonatal and childbirth care in the UK. letby must be convicted before it be admitted that the NHS has been systematically underfunded for decades, that multiple hospitals, including letby's, have been poorly managed and understaffed, leading to nationwide failures, that the tabloid press was allowed to run rampant, that the judicial system carried out severe miscarriage of justice, gagging barristers and anyone else qualified from commenting critically on how the case was handled—in short, a scapegoat has been chosen that would leave innocent all of britain's prized institutions
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blorbocedes · 5 months
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okay iconic pinterest loverboy kissing your wife in beachside italy while carrying a louis vuitton neverfull instantly recognizable tuft of golden hair
at first I thought that he was carrying vivian's purse. then I realised she already has a bag that's matching her shoes
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that's nico's own neverfull 😭😭😭
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here you can see him with a fan. ok work!
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polandspringz · 2 years
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marvel-lous-guy · 9 months
*Avengers Watching a true crime documentary*
Peter: Why do we give serial killers cool names?
Tony: What do you mean?
Peter: We give them cool names like "the Zodiac killer". Imagine everyone knowing you as "the zodiac killer"! That'd be awesome!
Steve: What?
Peter: Like, why don't we call them stupid names or like "killer 16" or "serial killer 23". Thats boring, they'd hate that
Bucky: but thats boring for us
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marisatomay · 9 months
Been listening to books about the Salem witch trials and it’s so weird to me that there’s this prevailing narrative where people think of Salem as “oh they were deluded primitive folk who believed in witchcraft lol” when there are contemporary documents where prominent people said the accusers and the court (which hadn’t followed standard legal procedures even for that time) were committing crimes so grievous it would forever be a stain on New England
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Phagenda predictions
- Joint memoir
- Merch
- Feature length video project (could be fiction, could be non-fiction)
- Podcast
- Tour (not enough planning time)
- Re-brand (this much hype for something like that is not like them)
- A Dan and Phil Sims pack (lowkey could realistically be this but feels wild to actually put it in that category)
- Video series about what it's been like behind the scenes all this time/the reality of what it's like to be some of the first youtubers to go mainstream (while closeted).
- Wedding anouncement/video
- V-day vid reaction
- The Vegas video
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thisisuru · 10 months
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this is a bit of a quick blob because @artofmaquenda recommended me a lovely documentary called 'Man's First Friend' and it made me need to pour out my feelings somewhere
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dronescapesvideos · 6 months
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The Red Baron, WWI. Soldiers examine what remains of Manfred von Richthofen's aircraft after he was shot down, and killed over Vaux-sur-Somme, France, just days before his 26th birthday, but by then already an aviation legend.
➤➤ HIGHER RESOLUTION IMAGE: https://dronescapes.video/RedBaron
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inkedberries · 1 year
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the passion and love for this series..... imma cry
read more here: https://www.japanaradio.com/node/98
text under read more
How much involvement did Nightow-sensei have in the production of the show? You mentioned in your panel earlier that he just gave a green light and said to just have fun. Can you elaborate further?
K: It started with Nightow-sensei, myself, the director Muto, and also producer Takei. So four people altogether, just talking to each other for quite a long time. We heard from Nightow-sensei about what kind of a person he is, what he was thinking about when he was creating Trigun, and what he wanted to cover in that story. And that's where we started. Building on that, we moved on to the concept stage. We had two main staff members working on that.
We had Kouji Tajima, who worked on the concept art, and Takehiko Oshiki, who worked on the setup, writing the text that would describe the overall concepts of the world. Oshiki-san is a huge Trigun fan, a fan of the original anime and the manga. And so, he gathered together for us a bunch of design documents, set up documents, describing the themes that were covered in the original manga, and also the themes that were hinted at, but not really ever explored. Then, based on the text that he had pulled together and written for us, Tajima-san started creating concept art. His goal was to create concept art that would show the overall feel of this world and help us with world building, to envision what kind of a world the planet is, and he took over a year working on all the concept art.
During all of these conceptual design parts, we were continually checking in with Nightow-sensei. So, even before the usual pre-production process, we're showing him the setup text and the concept art, and he gave the okay to all of that. After being deeply involved in the concept design, he told us, "Everything, from here on out, the scripts, the character designs and so forth, the regular stuff of pre-production, you can do as you wish. That's because I'm confident now that you fully understand where you're going with this, and I've signed off on all the pre-pre-production concept designs that you've done."
It's not like he gave us completely free rein to do whatever we wanted. However, because we had actually that much deep, intense collaboration at the very start, he thought that we knew where we were going with this, and he's also good with where we chose to take this.
M: Usually, when you're adapting a book, a manga, to anime, you'd just be facing the book itself. But, in my case, I really wanted to face the person who created it first.
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pintoras · 1 year
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Bridget Riley: Painting the Line (Sophie Deveson, 2021)
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frogprinsen · 3 months
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sweetpaintedladie · 2 months
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Keith Richards in a new clip from Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg (2024)
my gifs! credit if reused please :)
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satans-knitwear · 5 months
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Keep it simple 💕
Treat me ~ Tip Me ~ More of me
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moonshynecybin · 3 months
marc still collecting the toy valentino bikes when he was an adult and racing against vale is still so insane to me… that is not simply a child’s idolatry that is the current and active worship of a person that he both knew and was friends with at the time. marc hanging out with vale AT THE BAR. AT THE BEACH. AT HIS HOUSE. and still going down to the store every two weeks to pick a new one up. displaying it proudly on his shelf even after most of the posters of childhood sporting heroes his room have been taken down.
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lipid · 2 months
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the GazettE 2013 World Tour documentary - Reita and Ruki before the concert
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