#fishmen on the brain again
king-magppi · 11 months
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perpetual-blue · 4 months
it’s so interesting to me that vegapunk called joyboy the first pirate if we think about what that actually means.
it would make sense that in this case piracy is defined by what seems to be the “true meaning” in one piece — being free, and being on the sea. luffy becomes a pirate to be free, he defines the king of the pirates as the freest person in the world, joyboy is of course linked to complete freedom and liberation.
so joyboy took to the sea, which seems to have been something no one before him did (at least not as a lifestyle, maybe for trade and stuff), and did it in order to be free. we also know he was affiliated with (and potentially came from) the ancient kingdom, but probably decided to stop living there to become a pirate. so, to him, living on land/in the ancient kingdom was also restrictive.
we know the ancient kingdom had highly advanced technology (with a sustainable fire/solar source), and was essentially already living in the future (something maybe similar to egghead, but even more advanced because of the lack of resource constraints). but clearly, it had rules and maybe roles that someone like joyboy and luffy would have still found stifling.
the other thing that’s itching my brain is the relationship to the sea. we know that the sun/sea dynamic is important and symbolic in one piece in many different ways. the sun represents freedom, but so does the sea in some ways (at least living on it in the way pirates do). pirates (in the true/joyboy sense) live at the confluence of that freedom of sun and sea — you have to have both. not be trapped under the sea like fishmen, where certain resources are scarce, and not be bound to land where there are rules, structures, responsibilities and duties. even when those structures aren’t oppressive (like they currently are under the tenryuubito) they’re not what some people would consider freedom either.
so!! we know the sea is important. we know it’s likely only this planet has a sea/oceans (for example the moon doesn’t). the sea represents mother nature to some extent. we also know the sea is deadly to/hates devil fruit users, because they are unnatural (as material representations of people’s dreams). the sea, mother nature, is to some extent the material reality of the world — dreams can the impossible possible, can make almost anything real, are so so powerful, but they still have their limits in nature and the tangible world. there has to be balance.
this is also where we see the difference between luffy and blackbeard — blackbeard says there is no end to people’s dreams, luffy talks clearly about the end of his dream and what that looks like. freedom doesn’t mean constant accumulation and infinity and hunger to luffy, it is actually something material, collective and shared with everyone in the world. freedom is something everyone chooses for themselves in their own way, but freedom requires material conditions to be met (food, safety, companionship etc). and it is for everyone, not just the strong or the few lucky ones.
this is where i have been thinking about imu and the gorosei, and the theories around them. i know the main theory is that imu is linked to the sea somehow, and probably a/the sea devil. i don’t fully disagree, but i don’t think a) imu is the sea itself, more likely has managed to harness its power somehow. because to me the sea in one piece has to be a neutral, natural balancing force. and b) i think that if imu is closely linked to the sea, they can’t have made the devil fruits (ive seen that theory too). that wouldn’t make sense, since those two things are naturally enemies/opposed. and if vegapunk’s theory is right, devil fruits are unnaturally evolved from people’s dreams, which again contradicts the laws of nature/the sea. also, just in naming, the enemies of the gorosei are always called “devils” (of ohara, potentially the will of D), so it wouldn’t make sense for imu to have made the devil fruits (unless they did make them/their initial aspects but they were stolen or turned against them somehow). it still makes more sense to me that devil fruits came out of the ancient kingdom.
i do think imu is linked to the sea in that they want to use it for their purposes, i.e. flooding the world, and it’s strongly hinted they’ve done so before during the void century. they have some level of connection to it and maybe power over it (via the island-destroying weapon which is probably uranus). their preferred way of “cleansing the world” is through using the sea. but it’s also interesting that they want to be as far from it as possible, with marie geoise being high up and well-protected from the sea. to me imu is a “sea devil” (even in the imagery it’s clearly similar to an umiboshi) in the sense that it can use the sea to its purposes of control and destruction of freedom and dreams. i’m dubious that imu has a particular magical/power connection to the sea, but i could be very wrong on that.
to me pirates’ and joyboy’s connection to the sea, including their affiliations with the people of the sea (fishpeople, merpeople, etc) is actually much better stronger and deeper, even if it isn’t always a harmonious one. pirates and devil fruit users fear the sea to some extent because they respect it, and still they choose to be in relationship to it, just as they choose to be in relationship to risk, danger and death. they know it’s something that can check them, something that can take everything away. and that’s a much healthier, balanced relationship to something that is a pure, immense force of nature. nature humbles us, nature isn’t always nice, nature takes as much as it gives. that’s important, i think.
i would really love to see that last part play out somehow, in showing that people like joyboy, luffy etc can work with the sea and adapt to it. we’ve had hints of that with noah, and wano. the answer isn’t to isolate/save yourself and kill everyone else by keeping them down, it’s to work together to adapt. and i would love to see imu and the gorosei’s use of the sea for control and oppression fail in their world-flooding/cleansing plan because they haven’t accounted for people’s ability to do that.
the sea isn’t something you can escape or fight or fully control, it’s something you can only try and shape your own relationship to. you can’t fuck with the rules and cycles of the elemental force that is the sea, as we see with devil fruits. it is unimpressed with pure imagination/desire/dreaming. it says “ok, sure, cool dream. now what are you willing to risk and suffer because you are a part of this dirt-bound, salt-soaked world.” the sea requires body, flesh, blood, bone. the sea is the sacrifice made for the dream, the price you will pay if you reach the hubris of thinking you are beyond human and humanity. if the sun is the flame of hope and desire living in the heart, the sea is the muscle and sinew that has to carry the dream, and pay for it too.
(incidentally, this is also why i feel very sure the gorosei and imu actually are shit scared of the sea. we know the gorosei af least would be vulnerable to it too so i hope it gets them somehow lol).
there’s something perverse and twisted in imu’s use of the mother flame (something derived from the sun) for destruction, and i think their use of the sea parallels that to some extent. the sea, just as much as the sun, should not be controlled/used for those purposes. the sea represents a form of freedom too — what is, and changes, and supports the world like a shifting foundation. the sun is the freedom of what could be, what’s unreachable and intangible but consistently shining.
anyways it might be that the flooding just doesn’t come to fruition because luffy kills imu and the gorosei, which would make part of my theory moot (i wouldn’t be mad about it). but i also wouldn’t be surprised if we at least get some more sea level rise before that, to the point where it seriously starts to harm and endanger people.
just my insane rambling braindump after chapter 1114!! idk if it makes any sense but if you’ve actually read this far i am sending you flowers ✨
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imperical-shop · 8 months
A Bit of Extra Luck
For the Luck Potion design, I made another Zonami drabble ☺️ Hope it brings a little 🍀 to your day!
Summary: Zoro loves drinks so he decides to try on the “special” liquid he’s offered on a new island. Nami is pissed at his recklessness in taking offers from strangers. Little do they know, sometimes those mysterious things turn things around.
Words: 2040
Tags: Angry Nami at first but will come around, protective Zoro, both like the other but won’t act on it, slightly fluffy, open ending
“Don’t drink that you buffoon!” Nami yelled at the top of her lungs as she jumped in front of the swordsman and smacked the vial out of his hand. The object broke, glass shattering everywhere on the pavement. But that was it—it was just glass.
“What the fuck?” Zoro lifted an eyebrow and crossed his arms, his tone even, eyes dulled down to piercing black dots digging daggers into her.
“You idiot! Do you know what was in it at all?”
“No,” he stated calmly, turned around, and started walking back to the ship.
“What do you mean no?!” The navigator ran up to him and slowly eased into his pace, trying (and slightly failing) to match his long strides. “Do you just go off randomly drinking from bottles that gypsies sell to you on the street?”
The Strawhat Crew had arrived on a new island that day, planning on restocking and taking a break for a while from crazy pirates and Marines out to get them. Nami had made a full list of all the things they’d need for their following trips and had taken off with Sanji—the cook wanted to choose the ingredients for himself, so what was she to do?
Halfway through it, Nami had spotted a rugged woman, dressed in torn clothes and a small jute sack in her hands. She probably wouldn’t have paid the lady any attention if it hadn’t been for the mossy pop of color skidding in the crowd and the fact the woman seemed to follow him. So, purely out of curiosity, Nami had carefully walked behind her until she had witnessed Zoro purchasing a vial filled with a green liquid and something that looked like tiny clovers inside.
Nami had seen a lot of things in her life. Murderous pirates, fishmen trying to kill all mankind, swordsmen who could cut a mountain in half without even flinching. But she had never believed and would never believe in magic or potions.
“Sometimes.” Zoro shrugged, making her huff in anger. They had no medic on the ship and paying for one would cost her a lot of berries. Plus, they all (especially the captain and his reckless first mate) had a hefty bounty on their head, making getting around that much harder.
“Seriously, do you know what was in it? How can you-”
“Something about luck.” The hunter shrugged again. “Honestly, I was looking for booze. The woman said it was better than any alcohol I’ve ever tried. So…”
“You can’t be serious.” Her mouth dropped open and her eyes went wide, looking at his relaxed features from the side. It just didn’t make any sense. Nami had believed that out of the whole crew, maybe he had been the one with a brain cell more than the rest. But this now…
The navigator faltered in her steps, the tip of her shoe getting stuck between the cobblestones. She saw the whole world shift upside down, the ground suddenly coming too close. Before she landed face-first, a hand wrapped around her torso and pulled her up. Her back hit something hard, but Nami was still wide-eyed and stumped at how for just a millisecond more she would’ve dove right into the pavement.
The smell of sea salt mixed with a musky note and the undeniable hint of booze on his breath sent chills down her back. The sun was blazing above her head but she was sure that wasn’t the reason why her cheeks suddenly felt like they were on fire or why her whole body got an inexplicable urge to morph into a puddle on the ground.
Turning her head slowly, she was met with dark eyes enshrouded in mystery. Zoro tightened his hold around her waist, bringing her even closer to him, still not breaking their eye contact. He looked calm but then again, that’s what he always looked like. Yet, the tiny sparkles in his eyes reflecting from the sun’s rays urged her to believe there was something more. His thumb brushed over the exposed skin of her stomach, making her shiver in response—an action Nami desperately wanted to believe he had missed. But the small curve of his lips proved her wrong.
“Nami-san!” A loud and saccharine drawl of her name echoed from behind them, making Zoro quickly loosen his grip and distance himself from her. Nami cleared her throat and turned around to look at Sanji who was dangling several grocery bags in his hands and desperately trying to wave with one. She cleared her throat again, as if that would help the light awkwardness lift from around them, and turned to walk toward the cook.
“Let’s go back to the ship. Luffy and Usopp are surely waiting,” the ginger said slowing down her steps. For a brief second, she wondered if Zoro had heard her or if he had and decided to ignore her. But once his familiar scent and the clinks of his swords surrounded her senses, Nami smiled and kept walking.
Zoro had his hands tucked behind his head, legs propped on the ship’s railing, eyes closed, and enjoying the sounds of the sea hitting the ship as they sailed toward their new adventure. Well, he tried to. Ten minutes into his nap, the navigator had begun screaming for the rest of the crew to come clean the deck and had proceeded to order them around. Interestingly enough, she hadn’t asked for his help at all.
He tried to ignore them; ignore the constant cries of Usopp and Luffy as they scrubbed the deck; ignore Sanji’s constant gushing over Nami’s words. To be honest, the cook’s antics irked him in a different way and way more than anything else.
The swordsman opened one eye and immediately found the ginger, walking around the deck and trying to find new spots the guys could mop up. She had a map in her hand, glancing at it from time to time and turning toward the sea, squinting her eyes, looking for something, before going back to the paper in her hands. Zoro tucked his chin and crossed his arms, smiling—it was amusing watching her nag the rest and work on getting the whole crew ashore at the same time.
He lifted his head once more, this time in an attempt to rest it on the barrel behind his back. A glint in the sky caught his eye, making him forget everything else and focus on it. At the top of the main mast, the shroud seemed as if it was dangling by its last thread. But the sun’s blazing light obscured the vision so Zoro wondered if that might have just been a few seagulls circling around.
The next few seconds played in slow motion for him. The shroud ripped apart, its whole weight falling down on the deck, right on top of Nami. If it had been just the shroud there might not have been any damage, but the distinct sound of metal coming down with it, urged the swordsman to act fast.
Zoro grabbed his sword and in a split millisecond, made a sharp cut from where he had been lying. The sheer force of it slashed the air, spreading the power in long, wavy ripples that reached the shroud and cut it in half. The lower part fell in front of Nami’s legs, while the upper went over her head and landed behind her, the gear of the pulley system hitting the deck and making a small hole right on top of the kitchen below.
Nami stood rooted to the ground, her eyes popping out, mouth dropped open. The map in her hands was scrunched and slightly torn in the middle from the force she was applying by fisting her hands. Cold sweat washed over her at the thought of the gear aiming directly for her head. She kept looking at the top of the main mast where the shroud used to be attached. Only now, there was just a long rope swinging in the air, pushed and tugged by the breeze.
Luffy immediately jumped to her, asking her questions to which she had no answer. Well, her mind couldn’t come up with one no matter how hard she tried. Instead, her eyes started darting left and right, searching for the source of that forceful gush of wind she’d felt right before she’d lifted her head and seen the net split in two. Yet, there was no one around except the three crewmates pestering her about her state.
The night had settled in quietly, a dark canvas spreading on each side over the ship, sprinkled with tiny stars here and there. The summer breeze was quite nice, softly caressing her skin and spreading around the sweet aroma of tangerines.
Nami marched toward his room, settled on finally thanking him for everything that had happened during the day. She wasn’t an idiot—it was obvious who had saved her. Twice that day. So, the only logical and nice thing to do was to at least say a simple, ‘Thank you’.
“Zoro?” The navigator tapped on the door, her voice barely over a whisper. She didn’t know why, but the idea of Usopp, Luffy, or (god forbid) Sanji seeing her walking into Zoro’s room made her rethink her initial thought of barging in as she’d usually do.
Since there was no answer, she called his name once again and waited for a few seconds before pushing the door open and stepping inside. The room was dark, illuminated by the grayishly white rays from the round window on one side of the room. Nami squinted so her eyes would adjust to the darkness faster and only then noticed the big hammock in the middle, with Zoro lying on it, lightly swinging left to right. His swords were, of course, right next to him, propped on the wall. She wanted to taunt him and ask why they weren’t lying on top of him, but seeing that only one move of his hand and he could grab them, she opted to skip that question.
One light step forward and Nami noticed the even breaths coming out from the pirate hunter. His features were relaxed; gone were the usual sharp edges around his jaw and the scowl that seemed to grace his forehead most of the time. At that moment, he looked at peace—he wasn’t chased by Marines, wasn’t gunned down by other pirates or hunters.
So call her nuts for not wanting to disturb his sleep. Yeah, he could take a nap at literally any place, but this somehow felt different. Like he was more comfortable, less alert. A weird feeling of trust built up in her, making her bite her lower lip.
Nami stood for a moment longer and turned to walk back. Maybe she could thank him some other day. But would she ever get a chance like this to really show him her gratitude? Probably not. And a simple ‘Thank you’ kind of lost its meaning in the few minutes she’d been watching the always vigilant swordsman, the one who always had her back, finally relax.
That’s when a simple, albeit stupid, idea popped into her head. Nami pivoted on her heels and walked back to the hammock, stopping right above him. She lowered her head and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek, lingering a moment too long.
“Thank you for always being there,” she whispered and slowly pulled away, her eyes still glued to his tranquil state. Before anyone could see her or (even worse) Zoro wake up, Nami turned around and dashed for the door.
Zoro opened one eye just as the door was closing. He had wanted to start talking the second she’d entered but something told him that this way would be better. And somehow it had. It seemed the older lady on that island hadn’t lied to him—that thing had really been a luck potion. Because the swordsman could bet that Nami would never do something like she had a few moments ago.
The pirate hunter smiled, tucked both hands behind his head, and closed his eyes. Yeah, Zoro had a feeling his luck would change from now on.
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mmkin · 11 months
Get you MOAR Arlong!
Next part of my Arlong x Reader fic is now up. @aleracrovn @patchiefrog @angeli-fucking-cat @aescela and all other readers and newcomers to my Arlong smexiness, hope this was worth the wait. The whole chapter is too long to post to Tumblr but I did post a (NSFW) snippet under the link.
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Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts, he slides them down and steps out of them, offering a sight that startles you. Because of the limited light, you are not entirely sure of what you saw until he steps out of the rest of his clothing, standing before you.
For one moment, you wonder if your brain has become so addled from the passionate mating that you're now seeing double. The next moment, you wonder if he ate a Devil Fruit that gave him this unique attribute. The next instant, it finally settles on you that this is very much real, and part of him. You can not help but wonder how this happened because, for all the differences fishmen have from humans, men from various races typically have just one of that.
“How…” you manage to squeak out. He lets out a low, rumbling chuckle. There are two organs. The second one is positioned just below the first, having been obscured by his shorts before.
Fuck me, you think as your brain races with the possibilities. Startling as it had been, you’re quickly becoming aroused again as you stare at him. A flat stomach and well-muscled thighs come to the junction where the two organs now stand proudly, identical in size to one another as they come to fullness. Unlike a human male, Arlong’s testicles do not hang loose from the body but ride high in his pelvis, a slight bulge below the penii.
He's absolutely gorgeous, and the total fucking package. That sawnose, that build, and now this... If not for the thrum of pleasure in your loins – a mix of what you have just experienced, and the anticipation of more – you would think you were dreaming. Your face must be an open book, for Arlong looks down at you, clearly pleased with your reaction.
“Yes. Sharks have two,” he states with no small amount of pride in his voice. “You are not the only one who has something unique to bring to the table.” It takes a moment to realize he’s referring to your tentacles, and a smirk creeps on your face. Two penii on one man is more notable than multiple tentacles, but at least you know you are appreciated.
“Would you like to introduce the other one to me?" you ask, trying to not sound too desperate or horny. Right now, all you want is cock, and when you think about it later, you're mildly surprised at how impassioned you became at the sight and thought of Arlong's glorious organs. For the first time in your life, you understand how people can lose their minds over sex.
“It wouldn’t be right to leave it out, would it?’ he asks in a mock chiding tone.
“Hardly, Arlong. Come here.”
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snippychicke · 1 year
Eliza's Library of Fics
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Because I am a writer of various fandoms and dozens of stories now, I'm going to put them under a cut to save space.
Many of my stories, and just my blog in general, are meant for mature audiences. I am a full grown adult writing some mature themes at times. Viewer discretion advised. I do my best to tag common triggers, but I'm also bad at it. So, yeah. Read at your own risk. If it seems sketchy, please back out. I don't want you traumatized because my brain felt spicy when writing.
Tag list for my various fics here
»Moon Knight «
Moon Stone: Before Marc and Steven, before Arthur Harrow, Khonshu had another avatar. Well, hundreds of thousand of others, but this is the story of one in particular that Khonshu was fond of. (Khonshu/Reader; Mature Readers only; Complete)
»Mairimashita Iruma-kun/Welcome to Demon School, Iruma«
For the Sake of a Smile: Hell on earth was your motto for your job. Granted, you were pretty sure earth really was hell, considering the shit you had seen. And the fact your coworker was a child. Suzuki Iruma. A kid who’s life was decidedly worse than yours, but smiled despite everything. And you’d do a lot for his smile. Including summoning a demon and signing your life away. 
But as it turns out, hell (The Netherworld, actually) was a lot better than living on earth. Demons were more humane than a lot of humans you knew. And Iruma’s smile wasn’t the only one that would change your life. (Balam/Reader; Found Family Fic; Revision in progress)
Original Un-revised masterpost
● Balam-Centric
Jealous Balam
● Kalego-Centric
Jealous Kalego (Back in his school-days)
Jealous Kalego again. (Mature, NSFW 18+)
5 sentence NSFW (Mature, 18+)
Collab with Pun
Happy-fun-times with multiple kinks (Mature, NSFW 18+)
Pillow-princess Reader(nsfw)
And more Kalego smut!
● Robin-Centric
Reader confesses to Robin (pt. 2)
● Dali-Centric
Dali Finds out Reader is human (Pt.2)
● Lord Sullivan-Centric
Deal with the Devil (pt. 2) (pt. 3)
» One Piece «
Kinktober 2023
A bunch of oneshots featuring Buggy, Sanji, Kuro, and Garp. All very NSFW
Cats & Ships
It started out as a means to get information as Khaladore. Who would be better to provide information regarding the high seas than Syrup Village’s Harbormaster? Except, for the first time in a very long time, Kuro found himself trusting, and even liking, the young woman he shared tea with every week. 
And then the Straw Hat Pirates arrived and ruined his plans. Except fate decided his story wasn’t done there. 
Nor was yours. (Captain Kuro (Klahadore)/Reader; hints of Kaya/Usopp. Explores the fall out after Syrup Village Arc kinda?)
A quick NSFW Moment
A small Klahadore/Reader smut. Stand alone (for now)
Reader/Kuro and the crescent moon
Soft!Dom!Reader/Kuro with bondage
The Legend of the Selkie and the Pirate
Even in a world of monsters, devil fruits, pirates, and fishmen, selkies were considered a myth. Especially in the East Blue where the waters were too warm for seals to live anyways. Even in a world of monsters, devil fruits, pirates, and fishmen, selkies were considered a myth. Especially in the East Blue where the waters were too warm for seals to live anyways.
Except that myths were always seeded with truths, and stories always had a habit of coming to life.
Alternate Summary: You thought it would be easy to follow the stars home to the Arctic when you ended up far too south. Unfortunately, you were wrong.
Fortunately, another kind of star kept pulling you in-- the Flashy Fool: Buggy the Clown.
Unfortunately, this also leads you to question where 'home' really is.
(Meanwhile, Buggy is likewise conflicted. He handles it poorly.)
Random 3 am drabble
Set in the Legend of the Selkie and the Pirate realm some time in the future-ish
It's Just Business
Rating: Teen so far
Pairing: Sanji/Reader
Warnings: No real warnings, but god, I hope you like pining
Summary: You felt like you had known Sanji forever, considering your family had been the main merchants Zeff used to supply the Baratie. You had a small crush on him, but knew it was hopeless considering you were the one woman he didn't seem to pine over. 
It was fine. Or so you thought until you ended up on the Going Merry as a bookkeeper and supply manager. Being around him 24/7 was a lot more difficult than just a few days a week.  
》Invader Zim《
Catching Flies
Over on my sideblog we have a delightful found!family fic between a nonbinary reader and Zim... as well as a slow romance between the Reader and Professor Membrane
》Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach《
Feeling so Bright
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Freddy/Reader (?)
Summary: After the infamous night of a ten year old child being stuck in the Pizzaplex overnight and causing untold chaos to the place in less than six hours; Vanessa understandably needed a few days off, and you were happy to fill in (not that you were given a choice really.) Except the main technician for the Glam Rocks had been fired (or disappeared, depending on who you asked) and so you were also assigned to their restoration as well as maintenance and upkeep of the staff bots.
As if that assignment isn’t large enough, Freddy tells you his version of the Incident, which makes things even more complicated as you start piecing puzzle pieces together. The bear animatronic, after seeing all his friends be warped by a virus and taken down by a child he cares for, becomes rather protective of you. Especially as things… develop.
These feelings are just because you’re both lonely, right? Once things go back to normal, surely they’ll fade away.
To be posted: US!Papyrus/Reader
»The Umbrella Academy«
Rating: Teen to Mature
Pairing: Otto of the Swedes/Oc
Summary: Raymond Chestnut gets a harsh surprise when he realizes the body in his living room isn't actually dead. Now he has a severely injured white man, who tried to kill him, to deal with. Thankfully he knows a friend who might be able to help.
Lorelei was used to people coming to her for medical attention. But when Raymond brings Otto to her home, nothing could prepare for how her life was about to change.
Poppy Playtime
Poppy Seeds
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
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Hello friend from the country of maples. I have come asking for headcanons for the pants man because it is almost 4am and he is living in my brain rent free.
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I would like to blame Hamilton the musical because I googled the difference between “My dearest Angelica,” and “My dearest, Angelica” and at first i thought “huh Morax would do this to wifey” and then a little throwaway like from a ZhongChi fanfic made me realize Pantalone would ALSO do this to his beloved and as the musical goes “consumed my waking days”
Oh my god Al Haitham would do this too.
Guess I’m not sleeping
Headcanons for pants? Headcanons for pants?
I love you, also go to bed pls.
Because you didn't specify what kind of headcanons I'm just gonna throw down whatever I got off the top of my head rn that I didn't include in the health headcanons. Also just fyi I flip flop between certain headcanons mostly because there isn't enough info about him at this very moment, so it's kinda like "what flavour of pants do I crave today?"
ANYWAYS pants time
For a while I headcanoned him as like 27-28 at the absolute youngest because the limited information we have about him gave me young hotshot entrepreneur "thirty under 30" vibes.
Like I can so clearly in a modern AU see his face plastered all over magazines about this young man who worked his ass off to go from rags to riches. (I'm thinking about Bruce Wayne in the opening from Arkham City. "It's billionaire, Vicki. Millionaires are so last year.")
He is unrecognizable from his youth counterpart today. He was this scrawny child, hair matted and tangled and perpetually dirty. Always had some bruises and cuts and scrapes, crooked teeth, the works. With all the money in his pocket, he's been able to afford top of the line medical care, dental treatments, expensive luxury soaps and shampoos, and only the finest of clothing. It's astounding but also horrifying to see how different the two are.
It's not necessarily his favourite food but his comfort foods are whatever super cheap fresh hot meals he could get his hands on. He still thinks back to the very first actually expensive meal he bought with his own money every now and again.
He would never admit this, of course. They'd all laugh at him if they found out he enjoyed peasant meals.
On occasion, though, he will remake one of these really cheap meals for a midnight snack.
He's not a bad cook, it's just all the meals he knows how to make are less about flavour and more about practicality/edibility. That said, though, he knows how to make a meal made from like five ingredients not only last for quite a while, but also taste really good.
Sugar daddy material, he would love nothing more than to spoil his darling rotten, HOWEVER he is not interested in someone only dating him for his money. He wants someone who will let him pamper them, but will also be there in the event everything falls apart and he once again has nothing.
Constantly has to remind everyone that the Northland Bank is SEPERATE from the Fatui. He needs everyone to know that the success of the bank is not because of the Fatui, it's because of him. Vice versa, while the bank's success may have gotten the attention of the Fatui, him becoming a harbinger is because he worked his ass off to get that position.
There is no information on his family or if he even has one, but you know how Lucio from The Arcana has that portrait of his mother all dressed up in regal attire, despite the fact he was raised in a tribe? I think Pantalone would have a bunch of portraits of his family all over his manor(s) sort of like that.
If he ever has kids, he would be so torn between spoiling them because he certainly has the money to do that, but he also cannot stand the snobby little brats of his business partners and does not want his children acting like that.
This is just really random but for some reason All Hail the Fishmen from Lisa The Painful gives me pants vibes and I cannot explain why
And... Yeah! That's it rn, unless you wanna hear about my oc/pants' knife wife Xue, or you have specific headcanons in mind.
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Episode 7 (OPLA)
-Buggy’s head, lovely as usual (and lovely song too)
-Sanji having meet Luffy 5 minutes ago and already knowing him very well (as observant as always)
-Zoro picking his first fight with Sanji 
-Zoro “You don’t know Nami” sounds pretty mad about leaving them behind to me
-Love the idea that the pinwheels are something typical from Nami’s island because of the tangerine grove, it’s genius
-Nami playing cards like a boss, such a power move
-Loving that Arlong Park is really a park with the little booths to play an all (a true call out to Arlong’s past and his dream of being able to go the one in Saoboy, but fishmen racism)
-I have mix feelings about Garp and Zeff, I’m afraid of the tickling
-Garp stopping he's chase for food is so on point (poor Bogard trying to be a good marine)
-”Ooh, new guy carries the clown head”
-Genzo is a fucking exact copy from the one in the manga and the anime
-Zoro stopping  Luffy by touching him (yes I am still not over all the ZoLu from the last episode - how could I?)
-Nojiko is beautiful even more gorgeous that the manga and anime 
-Nojiko spitting at Nami because she is such a boss and not afraid of anything like their mother. Queen slay!!! (Poor Nami though)
-Am I going insane or Luffy and Nami are also a thing? Because I have felt it right here and right now (i have seen glimpse through the episodes, but this is a whole other level)
-Zoro picking a fight with Sanji, yet again (I am in love with their dynamic) 
-”I’m Monkey D. Luffy, I’m a pirate-” “Hunter. Pirate Hunter” Zoro my precious boy, being a observant genius and a big brain
-Usopp stealing a tangerine 10/10
-Nojiko is introduction the Straw Hats also 10/10 (Usopp going behind Zoro, like the sneaky boy that he is)
-Zoro recognizing the phrase Nami doesn’t have friends tickles something in me 
-Sanji flirting meanwhile Nojiko still have a loaded gun in her hands 
-Zoro already getting annoyed to Sanji’s flirting
-Sanji offering to cook and all the reactions that ensues
-”Fine, but there’d better be dessert” NOJIKO IS SUCH A MOOD
-Koby and Helmeppo scaring seeing Garp eat and Bogard only adding to it, yes thank you
-So now you are telling me that I need to ship Garp and Zeff? Because I have 0 complains
-Usopp smiling face “Yeah I was right” <3
-Nojiko smiling face <3<3<3 
-Luffy leaving and Zoro following behind, because now Luffy is his captain and he is fully committed to that (they are so cute)
-Luffy’s speech 10/10
-Nezumi getting his pride crush because he is a racist asshole (Arlong is no better but you know)
-Jimbei mention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Oh no, here we go again… Helmeppo is buying a drink for Koby… and being nice to him… and making sassy comments that sound flirtatious…
-”Aren’t you full of surprises?” + “Thought it’d take a lot more liquor to bring out your mutinous side”
-Btw Koby drinking 3 shoots in less than five minutes, our boy is growing <3
-Poor Garp, in reality he just wants Luffy to be safe, even if it’s terrible at doing it
-I am okay with the change but it makes me feel even sadder for Nami and Nojiko, at least in the manga and anime they have each other, but here poor Nami has been all alone for 8 years and Nojiko has lost her sister for the same amount of time
-That they recreate the exact poses of the iconic moment when they are all going to kick some asses makes me extremely happy and grateful for the amount of detail that the live action has 
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quinloki · 7 months
Okay, I don't know what either of us is in for at this point. But I woke up today with an idea for Part 2 of Swimming with Arlong and as the idea formed it got considerably less SFW and more NSFW. I was a blushing mess by the end of it. This from a person who doesn't write smut so this could be absolutely terrible and I don't know why I'm dumping it on you, but here I am and here I go.
I might be going to hell for this. Watery hanky panky with THE saw shark to beat all saw sharks. I made myself blush repeatedly writing this. And I'm sorry, this runs so damn long and I can't do a keep reading in an ask.
Swimming with Arlong (Part 2)
After insinuating that Arlong was an amphibian and not technically a fish, we swam around the lake in silence. I was resting my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat and genuinely avoiding eye contact because I clearly got under his skin with that one. I mean, I'm not technically wrong.
Fish that breathe air do have an extra organ just for that function. The ones who have both lungs and gills are in fact, amphibians. This is also ignoring all of the other facts that point to fishmen being a stupid ass name for a species that clearly aren't fish, but of course I can't point that out to Arlong because he'll just get insulted. I'll have to make a mental note to share it with Chew, he's always been down to listen to my unhinged theories.
I think he secretly agrees with me but he passes it off as I'm "fascinating" in front of the others. Arlong is best buddies with Kuroobi (whom I affectionately call Pigtails, much to his chagrin) and I get along best with Chew. Anyway, Arlong got pissed and now I can't look at him. Chances are he's mildly annoyed to stop talking but not angry enough to actually be angry, but my own anxiety is telling me I pissed him off royally and therefore, I can't look at him.
Arlong knows me well enough to not push me and just let me relax as much as I can. He knows I'm in my head telling myself lies. He's just waiting for the right time to pull me out of it. Go in too early and I'll break, wait too long and distance will grow between us. Arlong is learned this routine the hard way, so now he's just swimming quietly and waiting.
At some point, I get tired of myself and begin tracing the lines of Arlong's Sun tattoo. I'm not even thinking about it, just tracing along absentmindedly. Arlong adjusts slightly, carefully, to maintain my tracing but also to allow himself the ability to watch me.
"It's lucky for you I'm not ticklish."
Stopping mid-trace of the actual circle of the sun, I sheepishly turn my head to finally look him in the eye, "ticklish or no, you promised you wouldn't let go of me in the water."
There's a pause. "Did you think I'd let go of you because you said I was an amphibian?"
"Not exactly." My voice feels small, I wonder if it sounds small. I know he would never let go. Arlong keeps his promises. Sometimes he tries to find loopholes to them, but the big promises—the ones that are serious, he never backs out of those. Not drowning me is a big promise, he wouldn't go back on it. And yet, the fear that he would is ever present for no reason. I hate my brain sometimes.
"Then what did you think exactly?"
"That you were mad and I was enjoying this so much I didn't want to see you mad."
A gentle chuckle, "so that's why you kept your head down. Not mad and I didn't even mean the part where I said I hate you. I love you and you know it." He looks off to the side for a second before continuing, "but I am not an amphibian. I'm a shark, a saw shark...with a dorsal fin and everything."
Damn right. I love that dorsal fin of his. He thinks I'm odd and weird about his dorsal fin, but damn. I just grin at him, "do all shark fishmen have dorsal fins?"
Arlong rolls his eyes, "They do not, I don't recall Jinbe having one and he's a shark."
"He's just a whale shark, they're built different."
"Darling, I really don't feel like discussing Jinbe or shark fishmen anatomy...again."
"Fine. What do you want to talk about?"
Flashing his teeth as he slyly grins at me, "well, I was hoping for something else entirely."
I continue tracing while eyeing him suspiciously, that sly grin generally means doing something rather than saying something.
"Since I've got your clothes off, and you technically have nowhere to go, I thought we could explore that fear of water you have i more detail."
If I narrowed my eyes any more they'd be closed. That is not where I thought he was going with this. I thought I was going to get some shark lovin' but instead he wants to torture me?! Screw that. "You want to psychoanalyze me or try to drown me under the guise of swimming lessons?"
He stops swimming abruptly and honestly looks so confused, "how the hell did you get to drowning when I was trying to convince you to have sex with me in the water?"
Oh, so he did mean that. I bury my face against his sternum as my blush starts to form and spread. Of course his mind went to the gutter, he got my clothes off. His mind always goes there if he can get me to strip to my birthday suit. Why did I think otherwise?!
"Wow Keiko, you're really bad at flirting. And we've been together for awhile now and you're still remarkably bad at it." Arlong is laughing which just makes my blushing worse, because he's so not wrong.
As I continue to wallow in my miserable ineptitude, Arlong takes the initiative and begins tracing his hands up and down my back and sides. He leans in to my ear and lowly rumbles, "so Keiko, wanna get freaky the fishman way?"
Well, that did it. The squeal that came out of me, the webbed hand that slid down to grab my ass. Yeah, he planned this whole thing from start to finish. I wondered why no one else left the ship to explore the island with us. Oh, I am so going to get teased about this later.
Arlong moved so he was no longer floating lazily on his back, now he was treading water (still lazily because come on, he's a fishman) and still holding me tightly to his chest. The sudden change in incline though freaked me out enough that I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"You know how you like my dorsal fin so much? You're going to want to hold on."
Lord have mercy. I do as I'm told and latch both of my hands onto his dorsal fin, which is a bit of a reach for me honestly. Grabbing onto it lifts me up slightly to the point I can comfortably rest my arms across Arlong's shoulders and my hips are at just the right level for him.
We've now locked eyes with each other and Arlong still has that shit eating grin, "there's my woman. We're going to change the rules up a bit for this, now I'm technically not going to let go and nothing will happen to you, but I need you to promise me that you won't let go either. I need to be able to move my hands without worrying about you slipping under the water, okay?" His eyes and mouth are smiling but his voice is deadly serious.
I nod vigorously and tighten my grip on his fin and he takes that as confirmation and as my promise to him. I won't let go and he still won't let me drown. So far, so good.
"Good girl." Damn that phrase, he knows I hate it and love it at the same time. Any other time it's downright insulting, I'm a grown ass woman but right now it does nothing but make me hot. I'm sure I'm wet down south but I'm literally in a lake so I can't even tell at this point. But he can.
One of Arlong's hands slips down my back and begins rubbing my folds, "already getting wet down there and I've barely even done anything. Are you sure you're afraid of water or was it simply a ruse to get me in my natural environment?"
I bite my lip, I don't want to answer that. Of course I'm afraid of water, it's my greatest fear, but if this is how he's going to treat me in water from now on, then hot damn, I'm going to have to learn to take longer baths and to hell with the shower.
His other hand gives my ass another squeeze. "Ease up on our lip Keiko, you're going to bite through and bleed." For a brief moment concern flashes across his icy blue eyes as I shake my head, still unable to find my voice and say anything. Arlong doesn't take to my refusal, he pulls his hands away from me and wraps my legs around his body, to keep me afloat in case my arms give out. Then the hand that held my ass comes up to my face and he gently pulls my lip from my teeth, "hey now, biting is my thing."
He runs his thumb across my lip as if checking for wounds; I break eye contact out of shame. He doesn't let me slip back into my head for long though, his fingers gently wrap around the back of my head and he pulls me in for a deeply passionate kiss. Instinctively I open my mouth for him and his tongue wastes no time entering. I don't have a chance to reciprocate, he rarely lets me because of his teeth. I only cut my tongue on them once but the taste of my blood in his mouth freaked him out and he wouldn't get intimate for three weeks after that.
As Arlong almost literally steals my breath away in that kiss, his other hand returns to my folds and continues rubbing eliciting a moan from me into the kiss. He pulls away so I (we) can breathe, "found your voice now?"
"Yeah." I say breathily, "Arlong, please...stop teasing me."
"As you wish, beloved." There it is, the pet name no one else knows about. The one he never utters unless we are truly alone with each other, the one that he utters when he makes love. The crew knows I'm his woman but they don't know how deep that love runs. I am his beloved. There is no other.
He pulls his hand away and lines himself up at my entrance. The first time was excruciatingly painful, he certainly puts the long in his name but he has a girth to him that I hadn't been prepared for. Each time it got easier and now he's no trouble to take, I've adjusted to him, grown to accept him into me with ease.
But damn alive, water makes it even better. He slipped right in as if there were never a two-and-a-half-foot difference between us. I still throw my head back every time, it doesn't matter how easy he is to take, he still stretches me and fills me up. I'm still a cramped space that he swears feels like heaven every time.
"Damn Keiko, that took no time at all." Even he noticed how easy it was this time as he begins his watery thrusts. Slow at first, slow but deliberate. Snapping his hips against mine as he nearly pulls out entirely and then slams himself back in. Arlong's slow thrusts are some of his roughest. He drags out each moan, each squeal, each chorus of begging him to pick up his pace.
As it is, I've only just barely found my voice and my squeals and moans are front and center. I can't even think of words with which to beg. Instead, I dig my nails into his dorsal fin as my back starts to arch. The trouble with fishmen is their stamina and sex usually means multiple orgasms for me before Arlong ever gets his.
The bastard likes to drag a back-arching orgasm out of me with his slow pace first. It's harder to arch when I'm vertical and I swear I'm going to take chunks out of his fin if I'm not careful. I barely get his name out, "Ar...l...ng, fas...faster, please!"
That damn chuckle that radiates through him and into me as his hands and arms wrap around my torso holding me closer to him. Him burying his face in the crook of my neck, taking care with his nose, and gently biting my shoulder and neck. Leaving little pin prick bite marks, not enough to draw blood or leave scars but enough for me to feel.
All of that happening at the same time as his thrusts picking up speed. Were we not in water a passerby would hear nothing but skin on skin as Arlong rams himself into me at a speed as if he were trying to outrun a marine. I'm seeing stars, my fingers leaving his fin to tangle in his hair as I scream his name over and over again with each crashing orgasm.
Arlong's breath finally hitches and his thrusts become erratic as he reaches his own climax. A final grunt from him as he stills entirely and we both pant for air. Arlong gives another chuckle, "well, at least this time we don't have to drag ourselves to the shower to bathe."
It's all I can do to give a breathy chuckle in reply. All strength drained from me and exhaustion seeping in from the edges of my mind. Arlong slides out of me leaving an emptiness in his wake as he carefully swims us both back to shore.
He never puts me down and I still haven't let go of him myself. Arlong puts on his pants but wraps his shirt around me, then picks up my things in one hand as the other wraps around me to keep his shirt covering me. Quietly and contentedly, he walks us back to the ship while I fall asleep on his shoulder.
I'm still afraid of water but I'm open to swimming with Arlong more often now.
Oh this was very good - there aren't many Arlong fics out there, but I love the relationship your OC has with him.
The shift from "fighting" to making up afterward was done very well, it didn't feel rushed or anything like that. The awkwardness of it - of not knowing what to say or not being sure how to mend it, and getting a front row seat to that was done well enough I wasn't uncomfortable with the amount of awkwardness.
Also I love Keiko /nod nod/
Also for someone who doesn't write smut you did a perfectly fine job. Smut writing can take a lot of forms - it can be an emotional description, a detailed physical description, a mix in pretty much any manner. You can use euphemisms or clinical terms or just downright salaciously dirty ones.
The real importance of "how to do a smut scene" is based on the kind of story it's embedded in. A jarring tone-shift would throw anyone off, and it can leave the end result feeling disconnected and plastic no matter how it's written.
The more you write them, just like practice with anything else, the more you can find places to include little details - be they physical or emotional - and it'll add a depth to things.
And how sex feels or what physical reactions it causes are different from person to person. Some people climax quietly, some loudly, some people curl, some go taut from head to toe, some whimper, some growl, some drool.
Most people will even have a different reaction based on a whole slew of variables.
So it's really hard to write smut wrong.
Great job with this ^_^ I enjoyed reading it this morning ❤️
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Transgender micolash
Valid, tho tbh I am not sure whether you sent it to ask my thoughts about it, or just informed me about what idea you like? Sorry it is just hard to say with ask lacking extra words to make it a statement or a question, hahah
I've shared my thoughts about Micolash's attitude to themes of birth and pregnancy occasionally, especially in this post ( x ), but yeah, it comes down to: no matter what Micolash is born with, he would LOVE to have an uterus. So imo, if he was born female, he'd come to lack genital dysphoria and even feel elevated during periods, however would absolutely dread being associated with femininity or motherhood as a role OTHERwise. Like... He'd love what his body allows him to experience, but in terms of gender identity absolutely be a man. And alternatively, as a trans woman, Micolash would definitely take advantage of weird eldrich powers gathered to be reborn in a new body - remember what kind of setting Bloodborne IS! Alternatively, his gender identity could stay male forever and he'd JUST want a type of body that can birth life. He admires this shit to a bizarre extent no matter what!
Again, you didn't specify whether you mean trans man or trans woman Micolash, but in Japanese original Micolash is referred to with the status more akin to king/lord (pretty masculine), not 'host'. So if you mean trans woman, that piece should be factored in. In my mind, Micolash is a man (or, as I like to say, 'my precious boy'), but yes if he is a trans man I can't help but feel like he would yearn to change many things about his body... but not That One. Deeper voice and no b00b tho? For sure. But besides personal dysphoria, there'd be added layer of wanting to become a 'perfect human being' - both male and female. However, that would turn out... well, not so perfect. I think we all can agree the only character in Bloodborne setting who changes the body with eldrich magic and gets the perfect result is Paleblood Hunter when they turn into a squid! (no, Val, you don't get to make the 'is that Patches erasure?!' joke fhghfutjh)
On the OOOOOTHER hand, notice how most of Great Ones are feminine figures? Oedon and Mergo aren't even gendered in Japanese original, and I for one only call OoK 'he' because he appears weirdly humanoid and resembles fishmen, while his mom (who also has human face) is more similar to snail/slug women (sex dymorphism strikes again)! You might want to say "but Oedon-" but holdup! Ebrietas is adult version of what Arianna's child is and is known in internal files as 'bastard of the Moon' so Flora, a feminine Great One, could impregnate mortal women too, you know? So it is possible that a man could get gender dysphoria induced by close proximity with Great Ones, rather than it occurring initially. Like what if Rom for example is only a she after being blessed by Kos, because apparently Godhood in Bloodborne is feminine.
That being said, trans woman Micolash is not necessarily excluded! Just not an interpretation I'd personally choose, because Micolash and Rom in my thing ARE 'brother and sister' mentioned in Brain Fluid description! My Mico is a man no matter with what body he was born! Also, now that I considered it, for trans man Micolash it could work that he used to have full on dysphoria, but it was after communing with Great Ones that he got appreciation for organs of birth that was stronger. Basically Great Ones can shift one's whole self-perception by being TOO much of moms?
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(Fun fact, @saintmicolash did come up with an idea like whole three years ago - that Micolash, born male, is reborn with female reproductive system after weird eldrich s3x with Kos, but he can't birth a human and instead can only convert human sperm into her phantasms. I think this fits the character well too, but this idea is just change of the body, without any gender identity change, so I can't say how much it counts...?)
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franeridan · 1 year
just reached punk hazard which for one means I'm about to proceed to not be normal again ever but for two it means I just finished rereading fishmen island and you know what. I don't know why my brain had completely erased this arc from start to end, it's a wonderful arc
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opla thots through eppie 5 so my brain don't explode:
i'm actually very pleasantly surprised. largely the stuff that is bad is stuff i expected and a lot of things are much better than i expected so like helleth yes we win
kobyyyyyyy perfect 100% i get why they're tying the marines in more for story purposes and idc honestly bc i get to see koby
helmeppo also good tho i could have done without seeing his full cheeks
as a fan there are a lot of small moments that really don't impact the overall story much but i did miss. like toppling the morgan statue. or sanji being present for the mihawk fight to see that devotion to a dream that motivates him to get on the sea. or the catboy being changed to a catgirl that one made me mad. but again does not affect the overall thing so w/e.
casting is so stupid spot on perfect and i've been saying that the whole time but good lord every new character is so insanely good
that said. they really desexied benn beckman. rip king.
why are luffy and usopp the only characters allowed to be fun. where is weird fun hardass grandpa garp. where is any major zoro dumbass moment. he's had a few but we can do better. oh my god i just realized jango wasn't here WHERE IS HE FUCK YOU. THE MENTION OF MIRRORBALL ISLAND IS NOT ENOUGH.
they did largely forget one piece is a comedy which i literally voiced as a worry out loud with my human mouth like an hour before i started watching. pain.
the design is largely extremely good. the costumes fuck every single time. cgi looks better than expected so i'm pretty pleased.
that said. the fishmen look like fucking dogshit i cannot take them seriously. i appreciate that they're using practical effects but my god they're so so so bad just for the fishmen.
on the other hand. enamored with the dendenmushi. they're real and they're vile and i want one soooooo bad
impressed that luffy's fx don't look way worse the only one i think looks bad is balloon and that's. tough.
kuro was very good what a little freak
buggy was. fine. i didn't love him like everyone else seems too i just think they took him in the wrong direction a touch
mihawk looks so good but i hate his accent he sounds bizarre to me
lotta brits in here i was not expecting. not the worst but like. huh.
i keep seeing folks in the tag praising the colors and how it's not dark and muddy and i don't think we were watching the same show. the clothes pop and sometimes they'll light a scene but any scene in the dark even a little bit is so washed out and bad looking it's got that netflix stank all over it like most of the circus tent and garp's ship and the final syrup village fight are dark jumbles
also why did we need two goddamn episodes for syrup village. that seems excessive. i feel like they could have cut things differently and ended up with more time for like. actual adaptation stuff.
zoro crying on the dock was so perfect no notes iconic moment
i did tear up when sanji first appeared so. there is that.
also when zoro one handed lifts that big safe. okay king!
zoro is too smart also in ways that he shouldn't be it's bothering me so much. like when he translates usopp's big wordy bullshit he does not know what those words meannnnn
that said. which way is port. it's to the left. ah okay. stands there and does nothing because he doesn't know which way left is either. also gets lost on his way to a house that's ten feet away and visible. more of this we need more of this so bad.
easter eggs so good so fun. cavendish wanted poster. island of weird animals in the end credits. certainly more i didn't catch. mwah we love it.
dialogue sucks shit also the worst element of the show is by far the writing where like the plot is fine the way they rearranged things doesn't bother me if i wanted the exact story in order i'd read it again but the actual lines they write are mostly so stupid bad and generic. every so often they hit on a good one but it's generally lifted straight from the manga.
they didn't even get gold roger's speech right. he didn't say he left it all in one piece. that's the fucking. it's the whole thing of it innit.
oh i need to mention cabaji specifically weird they gave him so much focus and backstory but he looked PERFECT i was hollering
i miss reggie tho
usopp asking a gay man and an aroace man if they think a girl likes him. they do not know bro.
also i love every shipper being like WE WON listen man i'm a shipper too and the only folks who won were the usokaya hets out there everything else is just as canon as it's always been (read: not even a little bit lmao)
now that said. opla usolu is Something which is wild bc i have never once been on this train but it hits different. not enough to make me abandon aroace luffy but still.
okay one more thing. zoro being in the stocks for 0.5 seconds to keep his job that he abandons immediately anyway instead of being there for weeks in exchange for the safety of a little girl sucks. it takes away so much of his character and feels like such a critical misstep to me but i'm also the zoro guy so idk.
anyway. overall very excited to finish the season and hoping we get more. it's surpassed my (admittedly low) expectations despite my issues with it and it's worth sticking with for sure.
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p-isforpoetry · 2 years
"The Waste Land" - The Fire Sermon by T. S. Eliot (read by Fiona Shaw)
The river’s tent is broken: the last fingers of leaf Clutch and sink into the wet bank. The wind Crosses the brown land, unheard. The nymphs are departed. Sweet Thames, run softly, till I end my song. The river bears no empty bottles, sandwich papers, Silk handkerchiefs, cardboard boxes, cigarette ends Or other testimony of summer nights. The nymphs are departed. And their friends, the loitering heirs of city directors; Departed, have left no addresses. By the waters of Leman I sat down and wept . . . Sweet Thames, run softly till I end my song, Sweet Thames, run softly, for I speak not loud or long. But at my back in a cold blast I hear The rattle of the bones, and chuckle spread from ear to ear.
A rat crept softly through the vegetation Dragging its slimy belly on the bank While I was fishing in the dull canal On a winter evening round behind the gashouse Musing upon the king my brother’s wreck And on the king my father’s death before him. White bodies naked on the low damp ground And bones cast in a little low dry garret, Rattled by the rat’s foot only, year to year. But at my back from time to time I hear The sound of horns and motors, which shall bring Sweeney to Mrs. Porter in the spring. O the moon shone bright on Mrs. Porter And on her daughter They wash their feet in soda water Et O ces voix d’enfants, chantant dans la coupole!
Twit twit twit Jug jug jug jug jug jug So rudely forc’d. Tereu
Unreal City Under the brown fog of a winter noon Mr. Eugenides, the Smyrna merchant Unshaven, with a pocket full of currants C.i.f. London: documents at sight, Asked me in demotic French To luncheon at the Cannon Street Hotel Followed by a weekend at the Metropole.
At the violet hour, when the eyes and back Turn upward from the desk, when the human engine waits Like a taxi throbbing waiting, I Tiresias, though blind, throbbing between two lives, Old man with wrinkled female breasts, can see At the violet hour, the evening hour that strives Homeward, and brings the sailor home from sea, The typist home at teatime, clears her breakfast, lights Her stove, and lays out food in tins. Out of the window perilously spread Her drying combinations touched by the sun’s last rays, On the divan are piled (at night her bed) Stockings, slippers, camisoles, and stays. I Tiresias, old man with wrinkled dugs Perceived the scene, and foretold the rest— I too awaited the expected guest. He, the young man carbuncular, arrives, A small house agent’s clerk, with one bold stare, One of the low on whom assurance sits As a silk hat on a Bradford millionaire. The time is now propitious, as he guesses, The meal is ended, she is bored and tired, Endeavours to engage her in caresses Which still are unreproved, if undesired. Flushed and decided, he assaults at once; Exploring hands encounter no defence; His vanity requires no response, And makes a welcome of indifference. (And I Tiresias have foresuffered all Enacted on this same divan or bed; I who have sat by Thebes below the wall And walked among the lowest of the dead.) Bestows one final patronising kiss, And gropes his way, finding the stairs unlit . . .
She turns and looks a moment in the glass, Hardly aware of her departed lover; Her brain allows one half-formed thought to pass: “Well now that’s done: and I’m glad it’s over.” When lovely woman stoops to folly and Paces about her room again, alone, She smoothes her hair with automatic hand, And puts a record on the gramophone.
“This music crept by me upon the waters” And along the Strand, up Queen Victoria Street. O City city, I can sometimes hear Beside a public bar in Lower Thames Street, The pleasant whining of a mandoline And a clatter and a chatter from within Where fishmen lounge at noon: where the walls Of Magnus Martyr hold Inexplicable splendour of Ionian white and gold. The river sweats Oil and tar The barges drift With the turning tide Red sails Wide To leeward, swing on the heavy spar. The barges wash Drifting logs Down Greenwich reach Past the Isle of Dogs. Weialala leia Wallala leialala ..........................
Source: The Waste Land
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1067 - Initial Thoughts
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So we have an early one today thanks to translations showing up earlier
Fresh off of some Ancient Kingdom and Ohara reveals we jump into the next chapter with further intrigue on what lore we'll get next. We've met every Vegapunk but soon conflict is bound to take place.
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
So it seems that Judge and Caesar aren't on good terms, since their first encounter since MADS is to throw hands
Like I predicted, Vegapunk did basically cut down his brain to reduce his head size
Turns out beforehand his head was so big he was the size of a giant
And the reason is a Devil Fruit, he makes it clear that he was still a genius at birth, but it seems the fruit (Nomi Nomi no Mi, I think the first time he tried he bit his tongue) allows him to have an eidetic memory too
Chopper of course is interested as a fellow Doctor, asking if Vegapunk is strong as well
Luffy meanwhile does ask an intriguing point though; if he cut his brain, doesn't that make him dumb now?
Vegapunk however seems to take offense to that, calling the son of his friend 'damn brat' now
Turns out the apple head isn't just a fashion choice, it's an antenna
I knew they kept showing 'PUNK RECORDS' for a reason, turns out that gigantic egg is actually Vegapunk's brain!
The antenna psychically connects, uploads and downloads data to his head, and his other satellites too
'Is that a ninja move!?' well...no, but also yes, depends if you have the Rinnegan and six dead bodies...
Each Satellite is also an expert in a certain field (I did get that feeling too given how Lilith was working on mechs but Atlas on amenities)
Once a day it appears that they synchronize their experiences and knowledge into Punk Records
Naturally the mechanics are flying over Luffy's head, at least this time he's not entirely alone in that regard
It would appear as well that Vegapunk has ambitions to share this brain network with others, creating a 'sea of knowledge'
Chopper likes the idea but Jinbe does wonder the repercussions of Punk Records being able to access your brain directly
It's time though for Bonney to pop off, though I kinda expected her to go guns (well, laser sword) blazing though I guess she does also want to see if Kuma's mind can be restored
Jinbe tries to talk her down but Vegapunk is worried about the laser sword's after-effect
It attracts bugs, which apparently Bonney is scared of which makes her freak out
Oh Luffy and his beetles, Bonney's a bit catatonic right now to appreciate his find, at least the beetle itself is happy
Vegapunk does seem regretful towards the Bonney situation, but also relieved that she used a 'failed product'
He also asks about the rumor that there was another Dragon in Wano, confirming that it was his artificial Devil Fruit made from Kaido's lineage factor from 20 years of funding
Joyboytheories strikes again, Vegapunk deems Momo's fruit a failure because it's Pink, meaning the laser sword is likely a failure because it attracts bugs too
Very lucky the WG never asked why he deemed anything a failure or else they'd be sitting on an army of Power Rangers-themed Dragon fruit users
Luffy then decides to ask Vegapunk to activate the mecha, but Vegapunk states that he never built it, it attacked Marejois 200 years ago, but was made over 900 years ago
'Attacked' may not be accurate though, since Vegapunk goes on to note that it didn't damage anything due to a lack of energy, and they don't know what it was made for or made to do, let alone where it came from
Nevertheless, the WG wanted it destroyed, but curious scientists instead hid it, the WG still don't know it's here either
Jinbe's got a pensive look though
It appears that the mech is also what Shaka was showing the other members of the crew
Turns out that 200 years is also the time since discrimination against Fishmen started, it's possible that they believed Fishman Island connected to the mech and felt it climbed the Red Line much like Tiger would later do
Shaka tells the group that they built the Vega Force based off of this mech, but they couldn't make everything because they don't know its power source
The crew also get filled in about Bonney, think it's Usopp who recognizes her but it could be someone behind the group
Love that Luffy's go-to for Vegapunk reminding him that Bonney has a reason to be pissed at him is 'say you're sorry'
But Vegapunk is back to being vague again, lamenting about not giving her something
He also asks Luffy a request: to get him out of the island!
I mean, I can see the reasons but if he leaves doesn't he go braindead? How big is the range on Punk Records?
CP0 are here at the island, and they've already taken out one of the Vega Force beasts
Seems CP0 also know that Bonney's there, but Lucci wants to kill her since she no longer has use
The Satellites are alerted by CP0's presence, including Lucci - which does render the mask redundant
Lilith, being evil and by the sounds of things an agent of drama, wants to let Lucci in, though the group have objections given the Enies Lobby flashbacks
Shaka though pulls his Punk 01 duties though, they ain't letting CP0 in willingly
Things are going down at the Kambakka kingdom too though; Kuma has activated
Lindbergh was repairing him thus the metal appendages but he seems to be on the move, dragging the machines with him
Kuma won't respond where he's going though (doesn't seem to be using his DF either) which causes Dragon and Iva to be on edge about his motivations
Another break now too -_-
Another lore based chapter now with us tying in Fishmen to whatever this mech is. Given that it appeared 200 years ago it rules out it being armour for Oars, since he died 500 years ago.
I'm kinda mixed on Vegapunk being DF-powered to an extent, it's true it's not the reason for his intelligence but it does undermine it a little, he's also shown to be pedantic on what counts as a success or failure, which may end up turning in the Straw Hats' favour if they end up picking up some 'failed' products. The reveal that his brain is the giant egg is a clever one though, even if 'psychic waves' is a bit dodgy.
CP0's presence looks to activate the conflict portion of the arc, given how Shaka won't let them in it's going to end up being a fight between Punks and CP0, I would be a little concerned about Lilith though given how she wants them to come. All the while there's also the concern that the stella body may go out of range for Punk Records too, hard to know if getting him off the island means his brain as well, also we need to know why.
In addition to this I do kinda have the slight fear now that SWORD and Tashigi were just one-off appearances, I still hope not obviously but if CP0 are already here there'd need to be a reason to compel them to come to Egghead as well, maybe they get a distress call or info from Drake, heck we don't even know if Smoker's at that base, Egghead or back at G-5 yet either maybe he could alert them.
Which finally continues on with Kuma, his wordless reaction does leave a big question mark over his destination; marejois, Bonney, wherever he left his trusty bible? His mouth is smoking as well maybe there's something to that too?
Nevertheless, Oda's gonna make us wait extra to find out, maybe next chapter we'll get Zoro and Brook doing something too, given how much we've put them out of the loop.
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mmkin · 5 months
The Siren's Shark ch 2
For people enjoying the story, i have the next chapter up sooner than I expected, which I am sure makes us all happy, haha.
Link to AO3 here, chapter also included under the cut.
Content Warning - yes, things absolutely get spicy, so adults only!
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“She’s my siren,” Arlong hissed as Hatchan stepped between his captain and his friend.
“Are you sure?” his longtime friend asked with puzzlement.
Arlong looked past Hatchan's shoulder, where the woman was staring back at him. He wanted nothing more than to throw her over his shoulder, bring her back to his bed, and claim her as his.
What the hell. It couldn’t be, could it? She might have helped his crew, but she was human. He shouldn’t be attracted to a human, especially to this degree.
“I don’t know what the fuck else it could be,” the sharkman said with a low snarl. Hatchan gave out a surprised ‘nyu’.
“Then perhaps in that case it’s best to not scare her off?” the octopus man whispered. “Take a bit of time and…”
Yes. If she was out of sight, he could collect his wits about him. It would do him no good to lose his mind. “You are correct, Hachi,” he said begrudgingly, grateful for the octopus man’s intervention. “We’ll have a nice dinner tonight, now that you got all these provisions. Pick a few helpers, we haven’t had a feast in a while. We can celebrate the health of our crew.”
Hatchan grinned and nodded before he turned to Yolande, relaying the offer. Arlong watched her, gauging her reaction. She stared at him, and he could not help but puff his chest a bit as she accepted the invitation. She retreated down the pier, but she looked over her shoulder a couple of times, and Arlong found himself wanting to drag her back.
Arlong, Arlong, Arlong. Curious name, but it wasn't familiar to her. Yolande walked home in what felt like a haze, her brain foggy as she tried to divert it from Arlong. She could almost feel the power rippling from his form and wondered what it would feel like to have that pressed against her.
Her detractors liked to say she was not a pious widow and well… damnit, she had needs. It’d been a while, but even that didn’t explain the heat between her and Arlong. She remembered how her name had rumbled out of his mouth, and the way his grin was filled with hunger.
By the time she got home, she was feeling somewhat more clear-headed. What was she to do if she got the same reaction tonight after seeing him again? Damn. She needed to distract herself. And she knew just how to do that.
The smell of warm pastries filled the small kitchen as they sat to cool, and Lena greeted her as she walked through the door with her baby strapped to her back. Yolande smiled and turned toward her stepdaughter, having already set aside a batch for her to enjoy. The pastries were filled with various fruit preserves, and she was certain the fishmen would like them. It’d be a nice treat to send them off with, and cooking and baking had always been a welcome distraction when something was weighing heavily upon her mind.
The woven basket was slung across her back, filled with pastries carefully layered between paper. Hachi was there at the bottom of the gangplank to greet her, but she was already aware of Arlong’s presence, barely affording the octopus man a glance before she looked up at the ship. Illuminated with several lamps and the light of the late afternoon sun, she recognized Arlong’s silhouetted form. A thrill passed through her.
"And what are those?" Hachi asked. She almost didn't hear him and forced her attention to the octopus man.
“I did some baking this afternoon and thought that if you were going to feed me dinner, perhaps I’d bring dessert?” she offered. “Or was that presumptuous of me?”
"No, no! They smell fantastic and I can't wait to try one! Hey, guys! She brought pastries! Freshly baked!" This was met with a cheer from several fishmen. Hachi laughed and led her up the ramp, helping her to ease the basket off her back and carrying it into the mess hall, where an assortment of food sat out in the relative warmth of the space.
“Oh, that’s good!” Hachi exclaimed as he popped one of the flaky confections in his mouth. Shioyaki reached for one and nodded in approval as he bit into it. “We appreciate the medical treatment you gave our fellows. We didn’t expect a treat, too,” the salmon fishman said with a small laugh. Many fishmen still kept their distance from her, but there were a few to keep her company as she sampled Hachi’s cooking, complimenting him.
She'd dressed warmly and professionally, clad in light boots with jeans and a jacket. But even out in the cold, she felt the heat of Arlong's presence. He watched her as she moved around, talking with Hachi or Kaneshiro, enjoying some more of the octopus man's cooking, and smiling in relief as she saw Chew. The big-lipped fishman blinked in surprise as he saw her, and she waved at him. "It's good to see you out of bed. I'm glad I could help you."
He lifted his hand in a tentative wave, seeming to be mildly confused before comprehension dawned upon him, and he looked down almost shyly. Hatchan talked with her a bit more as they stood outside, enjoying some drinks while staring at the colors of the afternoon sky while some other fishmen played a game on the deck. Spirits seemed to be pretty good, and she was sincerely happy about that.
No one was perfect, and there were many gods in the world, but the one thing she believed in – or at least hoped was real – was karma. People made mistakes, but she tried her best to learn from them and when she had the chance, she did good for other people. Sometimes that good karma found its way back to her. Even if it didn't, it was still nice to do good because as she knew from painful experience, the world was a pretty shitty place already.
“What was that limerick you told Hachi earlier?” one of the other fishmen asked.
Yolande grinned at that.
“There was once a lady who begat
Three brats named Nat, Pat, and Tat
Plenty of fun to be had in the breeding
But there was hell in the feeding
When there was no tit for Tat.”
Several fishmen shared a good guffaw at that and Hachi slapped his knee.
“It’s just as funny hearing it again! Do you have more?” the octopus man asked.
“A young psychic midget named Marge
Went to jail on a serious charge.
But despite lock and key
The lady broke free
And the News said Small Medium at Large.”
After that, she provided a couple of jokes and it turned out Shioyaki had a few zingers of his own, and then Ishidai stepped in with a rauunchy joke. This was much livelier than any social gathering she’d ever been to in town.
“It’s been a while since I laughed this hard,” Hatchan said, wheezing as he wiped his face.
“Me too, my stomach hurts from laughing,” Yolande chuckled as she leaned against the railing, sipping her drink. She giggled sharply and took several breaths before she scanned the deck, seeing Arlong on the other side, looking at her, his collar pulled up against the cold breeze.
The captain mostly kept his distance, but it seemed like no matter where she went, she was kept firmly in his sights. Part of her wanted to approach him, but the maelstrom of sensations and feelings she felt seemed to intensify every time that passed her mind. She might have thought she was drugged, but there certainly were no drugs involved earlier when she met Arlong for the first time, or before she ate any of Hatchan’s cooking.
“Hachi… is there something going on with your captain?” she asked delicately as she sipped from the bottle of sake she’d been offered.
"What do you mean?" he asked. She was certain he knew what was going on but was afraid to approach the subject. She tilted her head as she looked at him, and he stared back at her, his lips set in a perfect O before he gulped down his drink.
"I- "How did she explain this when she'd never experienced this around anyone else before in her life? Was this some fishman thing? "I don't-" She sighed in frustration, feeling the heat rise in her neck. For a moment she wondered if she'd caught something from Chew or one of the others and was now experiencing the onset of symptoms? There had been a certain fog nagging at her subconscious since her earlier encounter with Arlong. But she'd been able to distract herself and focus on other things. Now it was coming back in full force.
Or full heat seemed to be the more accurate description of it. Her mind flitted to the possibility of a hot flash, but instinct told her otherwise.
“Yolande.” Arlong’s voice came from behind her, and she gasped quietly before turning around to see him. Less than half a meter sat between them, and she looked up at him, the planes of his face illuminated by the low-hanging sun and giving his cool skin a warm tint.
It felt like the heat was pulling her forward. She stared up into these gorgeous blue eyes. The heat became electric, and she heard a low rumble come from somewhere. It took her a couple of moments to realize that it was coming from deep within Arlong’s throat.
The instinctual part of her brain told her that this was not a sound of threat or aggression, but it was still startling to hear. As she heard it, it tickled that part of her brain even as she took a step back, seeing Hatchan and several other fishmen stare at them with curiosity, confusion, and anticipation. What was going on here? What exactly had she stepped into? The rational and wary part of her mind told her that she was a lone woman on a ship full of lonely men and that she had made a gross miscalculation in coming here.
Would she be able to fight past a sharkman that was a couple of heads taller than her – and from the looks of his muscle mass, he weighed at least twice what she did? She looked back up at Arlong, and he let out a grin that was full of hunger. He intended to devour her, and another growl burst from his throat.
Her growl was softer and more high-pitched, but it purred out of her throat. She wasn’t sure exactly what the fuck she was doing, but he was growling at her, so she did it right back to him, because who the hell did he think he was?
Her ruminations were interrupted as he scooped her up in one arm, and a surprised gasp broke from her throat as she found herself pressed between his chest and forearm. She should have fought, but she felt almost paralyzed as she registered the solidness of his form and the bulge of his bicep. She reached to hook one hand around his shoulder for balance, and she noticed that no one made a move to stop the captain, not even Hatchan, as he entered his cabin, slamming the door behind him.
Her heat-addled brain understood what was going to happen next, and she wanted it. She barely registered the surroundings of the room as she was dumped onto the messy bed. “Arlong!” she growled as she righted herself, sitting with her legs dangling over the side of the bed.
"My siren." His eyes glinted fiercely as he looked down at her, leaning in and grabbing her chin. She'd heard of the mythical creatures before, mermaids or sea nymphs who lured sailors and fishermen to their beds, or their deaths. Depending on the version, often both, much like a black widow. But it was so pleasing when he said it.
"Mmm. Yes. Your siren," she purred agreeably.
He chuckled softly as he looked down at her, feeling the warmth of her skin under his hand. How readily she agreed to his proclamation. Her cheeks were flushed, and there was no mistaking the desire in her eyes – or the heat that he smelled.
Oh, fuck yes. It’d what he was wanting to do since he first saw her. He’d been barely able to control himself all afternoon, watching her enjoy some of Hatchan’s cooking, sharing randy jokes with Shioyaki and a handful of other fishmen, laughing and chatting as if she were one of them. She would look at him, and he would curse the fact that he had fallen so hard for a human. A fucking human. A human he wanted to fuck. Fuck it.
“Arlong…” he heard her name, and mercifully, his mind was refocused on much more pressing matters. Her scent called to him, a mix of baking, deodorant, and warm feminine musk. The first two were mildly pleasant, but the scent of her sex demanded his attention.
He’d heard of women going in heat, and he’d had lovers in the past, but now he understood just what it was. As well as what it meant to go into rut, because although he’d been watching – and desiring – her since she came onto the ship, her growl unlocked something in him that he hadn’t imagined a man might be capable of.
This put the word ‘horny’ to shame. He was so lost in her gaze that he barely registered her tugging her boots, and he grinned in delight before he grabbed hold of her pants, barely giving her time to undo her belt before he tugged it down her legs, revealing a pair of long, well-muscled legs. Almost as soon as the denim broke contact with her legs, she was on him, furiously tugging at his pants. He gave her an approving growl, hastily tugging his feet out of his boots and hearing a soft, surprised exclamation as his lower half was bared before her, his passion at full mast.
“How…” she breathed as she stared at him. “Is that from a Devil Fruit?”
He gave out a short laugh at that. "No, my siren. It's all mine… and all for you." Two cocks rose from his groin, starting the same shade as the rest of him before taking on a fierce purple-red hue up the shafts to the tapering tips. She stared for another moment before looking up into his eyes.
“They’re beautiful. You’re beautiful.”
He’d been called plenty of things in his life. Ugly. Monster. Freak. And here this woman was, telling him she thought he was beautiful.
“My siren. How sweetly you sing for me,” he growled with pride and satisfaction. Outside, the waves lapped against the hull, but all Arlong was aware of was himself and his siren, and the heat between them that demanded satisfaction. He pushed her back onto the bed, tugging – nearly ripping – off her panties and spreading her knees open, noticing the slickness that glistened along her inner lips.
“Please…” she said with a shuddering sigh that sent a fresh ache surging through Arlong. He slid his hand along her thigh. Fuck, she was so warm. She lifted the hem of her shirt, revealing the expanse of her hips and lower belly. His hand slid further, finding her clit with his thumb before sliding a finger and then another inside of her. She was so fucking tight and hot. He would lose his mind if he stuck his cocks in there. A sharp keen warbled from her throat as she pushed her pelvis against his hand, the webbing between his fingers stretching against her. If it was possible, she became even hotter, writhing around on the blanket as he fingerfucked her.
"So eager for me, are you?" he growled and received a response by way of her clenching around him, her inner walls shuddering against him.
“Yes, Arlong…” she growled as she lifted her hips, wiggling wildly as he thrust his fingers into her a few more times before sliding them out. Her flavor was more intoxicating than he’d expected, and he licked his fingers clean in several swipes.
“Your cunt is so sweet. You can be sure I will be making good use of it.”
“Oh gods,” Yolande replied with a snarl. “Please do!”
"Does my siren want to be fucked by the mighty Arlong the Saw?" he demanded. She nodded, and he plunged into her with one cock, the other one sliding against her stomach. He did not resist when she tugged the collar of his shirt but kept his head high enough to keep her out of the reach of his nose
“Fuck. So fucking hot and tight. Your cunt is mine. My siren. I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk,” he growled. This only seemed to excite her further, because she wiggled against him fiercely, pressing her stomach to his other cock to ensure that it received stimulation as well, and a pleased growl rumbled from his throat as he felt how she welcomed both of his cocks. The rhythm could only increase in crescendo, along with the noises they made. When he came within her, he pulled out, thrusting his second cock into her, while his first cock slid wetly between the cheeks of her ass.
The first cock was already hardening before he had his second orgasm, but his rut still burned in his loins as he looked down at her, growling as he entered her for the third time. “Fuck. Who would have thought it would be you, of all people?” he growled softly, more to himself before he increased the pace, pounding into her with a ferocity he couldn’t recall having ever had for any other lover.
It was surreal, feeling one cock inside of her as another slid along the outside of her body against her stomach or ass. She only had a couple of moments to register curiosity at his statement before he let out a growl, cumming inside of her again. Her hands slid along his thick neck and broad shoulders, thrilling at the feel of his flexing biceps as he drilled into her.
Her heat was still strong, but some of the fog seemed to have abated, leaving her a bit more clear-headed as his swaying slowed. She tugged at his collar again, bringing his head lower as he tilted it to the side, and she ran her fingers along the sides of his face as she caught her breath, inhaling his scent. Saltwater, sweat, the scent of sex mixed with his musk on him and around him, a bit of rum on his breath.
“Arlong…” she breathed as her lips trailed along his jaw. He pulled away, and she bit back a needy whine, already aching as he climbed off the bed. He opened a chest and came back with a bottle and a couple of tumblers. Top-shelf rum. She sipped and felt the soothing burn as it made its way down her throat after she pulled herself to a sitting position.
What was going to happen next? That was the best sex she’d ever had with anyone. It was mind-blowing – the first time she thought that that was an accurate description of something. She might have dismissed it as some sort of intense dream if not for the heat in her core and between her legs. What was she supposed to do once the captain and his crew left this island?
She looked up at him, and his eyes glinted with a lust that she welcomed. She smiled at him and set the glass aside, lifting a knee and wiggling at him.
“So, my siren calls to me, hm?” he asked. She nodded eagerly, and for a moment there was a certain softness in his expression, an appreciation for her warmth toward him. He reached to touch her face. “You welcomed Hachi when he came to this island. From what I hear and have seen, you have shown nothing but kindness and respect to my men, hmm?” he asked musingly as his fingers slid along her jaw and chin. She shivered pleasurably at the touch.
“I judge others by their actions, not their race,” she replied with a small chuckle.
“And I suppose you have no complaints of my treatment of you,” he asked dryly. She raised an eyebrow and wiggled at him again.
“If my siren is hungry, I can only feed her.” His hand trailed down the side of her face before pausing at the collar of her long-sleeved plaid shirt.
“I believe we can dispense with the rest of your clothing, hmm?” he asked. Instinctively, she scooted back, starting to shake her head.
“I’ve seen what’s down there. Now I want to see the rest of you.”
“I don’t- I have scars,” she whispered.
“I want to see all of you,” he growled, his grip tightening around the collar as if he might rip it off. “You are my siren.”
There was a tank top under her shirt, but the scope of her scar was visible by the way it extended along her left shoulder and almost halfway down to her elbow. And below the thin garment was what Arlong had caught a brief glimpse of before, the same scar sliding down her right hip and a few inches past her ass.
However, it wasn’t the scar that held his attention. Three red lines sat at either side of her neck, undeniable evidence of a heritage that was other than human.
“…Gills?” he asked with an inquisitive growl before an unmistakable gleam of delight came to his eyes and his lips twisted up into a fanged grin. “Fucking hell, my siren has gills!” His hands grabbed at her hungrily, and she let him divest her of her last piece of clothing, stunned but grateful that he didn’t appear repulsed by what made other men wince or recoil when they saw it. Despite having been fucked by him a handful of times, she still felt self-conscious as Arlong ran his fingers along her shoulders and neck.
He could feel her tremble as he examined her. The scar looked like a long burn, but he was far more interested in the gills that had remained firmly hidden under her clothing – and hidden by her silence.
Tossing his shirt to the floor, he slid onto the bed, leaning over her as he wrapped an arm around her, his breath hot on her neck.
“Yolande,” he hissed, and he heard her gasp when he placed a couple of nips along her neck. He was tempted to do more – and would – but right now, he sensed that she was feeling quite -vulnerable. Shy. Yet hopeful-
… Where did that come from?
He placed kisses along the bites, hearing her give a quiet sigh of satisfaction as she wrapped an arm around his neck. Her other hand traveled between their bodies, finding his passion already renewed and ready.
“My siren. My mate,” he growled softly. She whimpered and nodded shakily as she wrapped her fingers around the first member she found. “You belong to me. You are the siren of the mighty Arlong the Saw.” His voice was almost hypnotic as he stroked her hair and back.
"Arlong the Saw." There was no recognition in her voice of that name. No fear, or terror, or disgust. Just desire for him.
He couldn’t remember a time he’d orgasmed so many times in a session, but the results spoke for themselves as he looked down at her, a well-fucked mess in the tangle of blankets, her eyes half-lidded and glazed over with exhaustion and satiety. That glimmer of the vulnerability and he’d sensed earlier was gone. Had he merely imagined that? He pushed these thoughts aside as he stared down at her.
Human boys – and men – fantasized about having their princess. Their stories were full of lads going on journeys and becoming heroes and gaining the hands of beautiful princesses or queens in marriage, or even taking a fairy or goddess as a wife. For a fishman, it was a siren. Like a beautiful and sweet ethereal maiden, such creatures were rare. The humans had their version of the siren story, about mermaids luring in sailors. Such trite garbage, humans twisting around something precious to fishmen.
A siren was meant to be a fishman's greatest treasure. It was said that a siren could bring out the best in her mate, giving him strength not only in bed but out of it. Fishman lore had a few tales of such mythical creatures, lovers and advisers, protected and guarded by their fishmen.
He had never had the expectation of finding one. It was the stuff of myth, and prideful and arrogant as he might be, he was not so pompous as to think that fate would hand him a siren, not when he wasn't even sure such a thing existed. Yet, here he was. He might have dismissed the afternoon with her as a way to release his pent-up lust, a desperate biological need to release his long-repressed load in the nearest willing partner. But the way she responded to him left him no doubt that she felt the connection, as well.
But of course, Fate was a capricious bitch. His Siren was half-human. He stared at the form sprawled out on his sheets. The only sure giveaway was her gills. Her skin was a few shades off – not quite pale, but cooler than most human skin colors, yet not so out of the norm as to draw more than a passing glance. Some might write it off as her being ill. Freckles dappled her shoulders and upper arms along with the intact skin on her back. Her thick, dark wavy hair was free of its ponytail, framing her face in a rumpled mess.
Fuck. The last year had been a long, bitter lesson. Hadn't he been through enough? He looked down at her and felt the warmth rise in his belly as he thought of the passion they'd just shared. The way she screamed out for more, or said his name in varying tones – a heated whisper, a fierce moan, an impassioned shriek – or the way she clung to him, opening up to him every time he wanted to penetrate her.
Well. Sirens were rare enough, and there was no denying the pleasure to be derived from this one. He started getting dressed, further sliding out of the haze of rut that had sparked when they were growling at one another outside. She could rest, and he would figure out what to do with this change in circumstances.
He had a mate, a siren now. Many fishmen wished for one. Arlong had never expected one, and Yolande had practically fallen into her lap. He laughed quietly to himself as he closed the door behind him and made his way out onto the deck, well aware of the curious glances several of his men directed at him. They had heard her screams and his growls and undoubtedly had questions burning at the tips of their tongues.
“Shahahahahaha!” he let out a triumphant bellow. That was ample commentary on the matter.
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bi-hop · 3 months
It’s kinda funny bc usually I don’t write anything after ten but my brain is screaming at me to write a little more Kabru after watching him again soooo gonna do that. Uni AU him is so different from canon though…
Canon Kabru: I die to fishmen so you can fumble guys in college ^^
Uni AU Kabru: who are you. Why are you dressed like that-
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dxrknessembr8ced · 1 year
11:40 P.M.
All across the outskirts monster sightings have sparked all through out the darkness of midnight. Families being torn apart, children gone missing, livestock found dead ripped to pieces and worst of all the villagers are all afflicted by an unknown pathogen that have been mistaken by demonic possession that turned them into bloodthirsty cannibalistic monsters. All this is including the outbreak blamed upon the darkstalkers, monsters of mythology and unknown origin that have plagued humanity be it any monster such as vampires, werewolves, demons, fishmen, fairies and all sorts of monsters from the darkness of humanity's nightmates however even the monsters humanity feared have all fallen victim by these new and nightmarish monsters. Human or darkstalker in the end they're all prey.
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All of this death and destruction and all the fear that has been inflicted revealed itself to be Hsien-Ko now controlling a pack full of B.O.W.s. of the T-Virus, once destroyed and are a figment of the past now somehow had resurfaced through out the night to hunt as well as kill everything and what is horrifying about the new plague that ravaged villages is the T-Virus within the once good natured Jiangshi now evolved into a new strain of the T-virus and more horrifyingly it has now gone airborne. The B.O.W.s alongside her have also evolved and adapted into their new environment giving them the similar appearances of the folkloric monsters the villagers have feared from the lickers to the hunters, and now the undead. Hsien ko still trying to fight the horrific urge of the now fully evolved T-virus strain and showing a piece of humanity left within her she softly rub the expose brains of one of the new and far more aggressive evolved lickers gently.
" ....Kill....Kill them all... But leave some food...for me. "
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The lickers obeyed their master as well as the highly evolved hunters as the creatures continued on their hunt into the night all while she hunches over on all fours and bolts away into the darkness letting out a nightmarish screech into the full moon as this is the new age of both the rebirth of the nightstalkers and the rebirth of the T-virus outbreak. Like raccoon city all over again.
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