#fitbit pedometer
cardio-and-coffee · 1 year
easy ways to be more active
🌸 stretch after you wake up and before bed
🌸 get up and walk for a few minutes every hour
🌸 walk to work/school/the store when you’re able to
🌸 park towards the end of the parking lot to get more steps in
🌸 drink more water! you’ll be getting up more to refill your bottle
🌸 take the stairs instead of the elevator
🌸 take a short walk after meals - it helps digestion too!
🌸 walk or play with your pet!
🌸 if you’re watching tv, exercise in place on commercial breaks! this can be walking, stretching, push-ups - whatever fits you best!
🌸 take a walk on your lunch break
🌸 get a pedometer, fitbit, apple watch, etc - something that can track your movement. seeing your activity levels can motivate you to do more!
🌸 if you’re walking somewhere, try and take the longer way
🌸 clean up around your home more! sweeping, vacuuming, and putting things away gets you more active while cleaning your space - double win!
🌸 walk in a park or neighborhood with some friends!
🌸 pace around the room when you’re on the phone or watching tiktoks
🌸 turn on some music and dance!
🌸 listen to a podcast to audiobook only when you’re being active - you’ll want to move more to listen to it more!
feel free to comment any more easy ways to be more active!
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vidavalor · 6 months
Pedometer ideas? I brought chocolates.
Oh, yeah *grins*... Chocolates! I thank you.💕 *snags the coconut-centered one*...
I think a pedometer anywhere in S3, no matter how minor, is a thematically positive thing... especially when you consider that the only thing they measure is distance traveled, not speed or anything else. They're not like a FitBit, giving you an anxiety disorder by tracking nine things at once. They just tell you how far you've walked or ran; the speed being not as important as the fact that you've kept moving.
"Did you teach the ostrich to run?"
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"Have you found the missing antichrist's name, address and shoe size yet?"
wiggling Shax's shoe while she's unconscious on the couch
and, of course...
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terresdebrume · 3 months
Oh also I looked up smart watches for fitness purposes and it only comforted my decision Not to acquire a smartwatch
Half the functions listed make my skin crawl at the idea—texts and calls on my wrist? No thank you
I'm still considering a Fitbit or pedometer (sidebar: apparently research says Fitbits are often inaccurate?) leaning towards pedometer, but smartwatch is a big nope
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spookypaleandfat · 28 days
need to start walking more often (bc i never walk like ever bc im a lazy bitch) and im starting today like rn but i have no idea how many steps itll be and i see everyone aiming for like 10K steps but that seems so daunting to me
but when i was overseas last year we had to walk HEAPS and my legs were so slim and strong they looked so good so i know that A). i can do it, and B). its totally worth it
have to redownload the health app so itll track my steps lmao. idk how accurate itll be but i dont have a smart watch or a fitbit or an oldfashioned pedometer so itll have to do
still doing omad today and hopefully whatever my mum makes for dinner isnt going to be too high bc i already have to overestimate the cals
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God damn I have maybe gotten a little TOO into Pikmin Bloom. But also it's a more accurate pedometer than my fitbit.
Anyway, if anyone wants to come hunt mushrooms together, feel free to add me.
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lgndrymuffin · 4 months
"fuck you, my child is completely fine"
my brother in Christ this is their home screen
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Goodlife Fitness (gym)
Tumblr (3 d community)
Pancake Café (3 d community)
Renpho (digital scale)
Fitbit (weight tracker, sleep tracker, pedometer)
Noom (c4lørie calculator like MFP)
LIFE fasting (fasting tracker)
MapMyRun (walk/running tracker)
Malwarebytes (VPN)
Days Since (sobriety/relapse tracker)
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oddishfeeling · 6 months
i honestly hate the look of apple watches and fitbits but i want to start tracking steps smh so i was looking at pedometers n those seem to suck too smh
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rosie-b · 2 years
Shelltering Others
Chapter 4: Slow and Steady (Ch. 1, 2, 3)
After his date with Alya, Nino puzzles over Chat Noir's riddle. Can he figure it out? (This is a short one!)
Full chapter under the cut!
Fashion fans wear me.  
It had been just over half an hour since Nino’s dinner date with Alya. Already changed into a loose nightshirt, he was brushing his teeth as he thought about Chat Noir’s riddle. Though he’d told Alya about the mission Ladybug had assigned him during their date, he wasn’t able to give any specific details other than that, if he were to be successful, Nino would soon know Chat Noir’s identity. It was a pity, since Alya was so good at this type of thing, but Nino prided himself on solving mysteries and finding clues by himself. He could solve this riddle, no problem! 
But the first part of Chat’s Noir’s clue could represent anything, from kitten heels to berets to that ugly tie-thing Adrien’s father insisted on wearing. ‘Fashion’ was such a broad term that it didn’t do Nino much good to focus on that part of the hint, even if it was limited to Nino’s own wardrobe, as Chat said in his hint. And so Nino moved on to the next section of the riddle. 
Fitness fans use me.  
A barbell? But you can’t wear that. Maybe Chat Noir was talking about one of those weird-looking fanny packs, but those were never really in fashion (at least not that Nino knew of). A pedometer? Those could be worn, though Nino wasn’t sure someone knowledgeable, like Chloe, would ever consider them to be part of a fashionable wardrobe. Besides, even though Nino did have access to a fitbit, he hadn’t used it in years. 
As Nino finished his bedtime routine, he considered the rest of the riddle.  
Technology fans love me.  
Fitbits were innovative, but tech geeks like Max tended to go for things like the latest laptop, robot, or phone model. 
A mobile phone... Come to think of it, phones could be used to count steps too, like a pedometer would. That was fitness mixed with technology, right there! But phones couldn’t be worn, not really, so Nino gave up on that idea.  
Heading back into his bedroom, Nino took off his glasses, set them down, and crawled into bed. But he refused to give in to sleep just yet. He was so close to the answer, he could feel it! Maybe he already knew the answer in the back of his mind. It could be right there, waiting for Nino to wake up and put everything together. 
Nino didn’t want to wait until morning, though. He just needed to take a step back, stop getting distracted by thoughts of Alya in that cute dress she wore to the date, with the dim restaurant lights reflected in her eyes. No, stop getting distracted, not start! 
...But she had looked so beautiful, and it was rare that Alya and Nino had the opportunity to enjoy such a formal setting for their dates! They usually did something more casual, like going to the movies or the zoo, where they’d shared their first kiss, found out that they had so much in common, taken a chance on this relationship. Alya was Nino’s first real girlfriend, and if he was honest with himself, Nino hoped she would be his last, too. Maybe someday he’d take Alya to an even fancier restaurant or back to the zoo, and Alya could wear that adorable orange dress again, and Nino would get down on one knee and pull out a ring and— oh! 
You can’t wear a phone... but you can wear a ring! 
Suddenly shaken out of his daydreaming, Nino stared up at the dark ceiling above his bed in shock. An Alliance ring! That was the answer to Chat Noir’s riddle.  
Fashion fans wore them because they were advertised by Gabriel’s successful brand and came with Adrien’s digital likeness for extra appeal. Fitness fans used the rings to replace fitbits or phones for a more accurate tool to help with their exercise, and technology fans loved Alliance because it was such an innovative idea, from the reputable Tsurugi company, no less! Nino held his hand out in front of his face, touching the silver band he still wore. Just like Chat Noir hinted, Nino had one of the rings, too, so Nino had solved the riddle! 
But... why did Chat Noir not like the rings? Weren’t they helpful enough for him? With their help, the Resistance had been able to film Gabriel’s akumatization. What could possibly keep Chat Noir in the group of Alliance ring doubters? 
Nino frowned, twisting the ring around his finger. Nope, no ideas... unless, like Nino, Chat Noir didn’t like Gabriel! The man had attached his image to the rings, and regardless of how much Alliance helped in the fight against Monarch, being sponsored by such an awful dude would be enough to ruin the rings for almost anyone. If it weren’t for Adrien’s friendly face appearing, not someone else’s, when Nino turned on his ring, he might have hated Alliance, too. 
Feeling proud of himself for solving the mystery, Nino turned on his side and smiled into his pillow. Today had started off a little rocky, but two solid clues and another good date with Alya were helping Nino get back in his groove. Everything was working out perfectly! 
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conscious-naivete · 7 days
do u guys rmbr pedometers. the ones that weren’t in your phone or a fitbit or a smartwatch, but clipped to your belt or pocket? i was just reading the wikipedia page they made some that clipped to your shoelaces
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creativeera · 11 days
Wearable Medical Devices: The Future of Healthcare is Here
Wearable medical devices are gadgets that can be worn on or implanted in the human body to track vital health metrics like heart rate, activity levels, sleep patterns and more. Powered by sensors, these devices collect biometric data that can provide health insights and help monitor chronic conditions. Some key examples of wearable medical devices include smartwatches, fitness trackers, patches and implants. As technologies advances, wearables are becoming smaller, more discreet and capable of monitoring more health indicators. Fitness and Activity Tracking One of the most popular applications of wearable technology is fitness and activity tracking. Devices like Fitbit, Apple Watch and Garmin fitness trackers feature accelerometers and heart rate sensors to track steps, calories burned, workouts and sleep patterns. This data helps users monitor their activity levels and motivate them to exercise more. Advanced models can also measure running dynamics, swimming metrics and provide guided workouts. The collected information is displayed through easy-to-read dashboards on companion mobile apps, giving insight into one's activity levels and progress over time. Vital Sign Monitoring Several wearables go beyond simple fitness tracking to monitor key vital signs like heart rate, ECG, blood oxygen levels and blood pressure. Devices like the Apple Watch, Fitbit Sense and Whoop strap feature optical heart rate sensors to continuously track heart rate during workouts and rest. More advanced models have FDA-cleared ECG apps that can detect atrial fibrillation. Newer entrants like the Qi collect 12-lead ECG data for diagnosis of heart conditions. Wearable Medical Devices are also being developed to non-invasively measure blood pressure and glucose levels through the skin. This vital data helps flag potential health issues for timely medical attention. Chronic Condition Management Wearables are playing a major role in managing chronic health conditions like diabetes, asthma, hypertension, etc. For example, continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) like Dexcom G6 warn of high and low blood sugar levels in real-time for Type 1 diabetics. Smart insulin pens and insulin pumps that integrate with CGMs help automate insulin delivery. Asthma monitors track symptoms, lung function and environmental triggers to help control the condition. Pedometers, activity trackers and digital medication reminders aid in managing other lifestyle-related illnesses. The collected health information is also shared with doctors and care coordinators for closer monitoring. Remote Patient Monitoring The connectivity features of wearables enable remote patient monitoring (RPM) which is transforming chronic care. Devices transmit biometric data like blood pressure, glucose levels, weight, symptoms and medication adherence wirelessly to doctors and care teams. This allows remote management of high-risk patients and early intervention when metrics go awry, reducing unnecessary hospital visits. During the Covid-19 pandemic, wearables played a pivotal role in remotely monitoring infected patients recuperating at home. Going forward, RPM solutions promise to lower healthcare costs while improving patient outcomes through proactive, personalized care.
Get more insights on Wearable Medical Devices
Also read related article on Blood Glucose Test Strip Market
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About Author:
Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163)
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Wearable Health Technology: A New Era in Monitoring Wellness
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Did you know that more than 22.5% of internet users worldwide now own a smartwatch?
In a world where technology constantly evolves, wearable health technology has become a pivotal part of daily life, enhancing how individuals monitor and manage their health. Imagine a scenario where a person’s life is saved because their smartwatch detected an irregular heartbeat and prompted them to seek medical attention. Such real-life examples highlight the transformative potential of wearable health devices.
What is Wearable Health Technology?
Wearable health technology refers to electronic devices designed to be worn on the body to collect and analyze health data. From simple pedometers to modern smartwatches and other sophisticated devices, this field has experienced significant growth. The journey began with the history of pedometers, which were basic devices that tracked steps. Over time, advancements led to the development of modern smartwatches, which offer a wide range of health monitoring features. Today, wearable digital health technology includes various devices that seamlessly integrate into our lives, providing comprehensive health insights.
These wearable health devices come in many forms, each with unique capabilities and benefits. Prominent wearable technology brands like Fitbit, Garmin, and Apple have become well-known names in this space. The types of wearable technology include fitness trackers such as the Fitbit, which monitors activity levels, sleep patterns, and heart rate; smartwatches for health, like the Apple Watch, known for features including heart rate monitoring, ECG, and blood oxygen level measurement.
The Apple Watch includes several capabilities, such as notifying users if their heart rate is above 120 bpm or below 40 bpm while inactive for 10 minutes, with all notifications viewable in the Health app on iPhone. Additional features of the Apple Watch include ECG, blood oxygen level measurement, sleep tracking, activity rings, mindfulness tools, fall detection, emergency SOS, medication management, temperature sensing, and crash detection.
Impact of Wearable Health Technology on Healthcare
This technology has brought about substantial changes in healthcare, introducing several key benefits and innovations. These devices have now become integral in promoting preventive health by monitoring physical activity, sleep patterns, and diet. They offer valuable feedback that encourages users to adopt healthier habits. Moreover, by enabling early detection of potential health issues, wearables play a significant role in preventing serious conditions from developing.
The real-time data collected by wearables facilitates personalized healthcare for users. This continuous data stream allows healthcare providers to develop customized health plans and implement precision medicine, leading to more effective treatment strategies and improved health outcomes.
Additionally, wearables are increasingly being integrated into clinical settings, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery. Hospitals use these devices to monitor patients’ vital signs remotely, reducing the need for frequent in-person visits. Corporate wellness programs also leverage wearables to encourage employees to stay active and healthy, often offering incentives for meeting health goals. Athletes benefit from wearables, as these devices track metrics such as heart rate, oxygen levels, and physical activity, providing insights that help optimize training and performance.
Addressing Challenges in Wearable Health Technology
Despite the many benefits, there are challenges associated with wearable health technology that must be addressed to ensure its continued effectiveness and user satisfaction.
Concern Regarding Data Reliability: Inaccurate data may lead to incorrect conclusions and inappropriate actions. To mitigate this issue, continuous improvement in sensor technology and data analytics is essential.
Maintaining User Engagement: Over time, many users lose interest in their devices after the initial novelty wears off. Hence, to ensure long-term success, it is crucial to develop features that continuously engage users and provide ongoing value.
Technical Challenges: Battery life and device durability can hinder the effectiveness of wearables. By improving battery technology and building more durable devices, these obstacles can be addressed, ensuring that wearables remain useful and effective tools for health monitoring.
Future Trends in Wearable Health Technology
Sensor technology is evolving, with new sensors being developed to monitor hydration levels, stress, and other critical health metrics. These innovations aim to provide users with more comprehensive health insights and enhance the functionality of wearables. Devices specifically designed for stress monitoring and hydration tracking are among the latest market additions.
Another significant trend is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into wearable health devices. AI can analyze large volumes of data collected by wearables, enabling the provision of personalized recommendations and early warnings about potential health issues. This integration seeks to make wearable devices more effective tools for health management by utilizing data analytics.
The market for wearable health technology continues to grow, with new startups and products frequently entering the scene. The development of smart health devices and advanced medical wearables is expected to expand the capabilities of wearable technology, offering new opportunities for health monitoring and management.
According to the New England Journal of Medicine, as of 2020, approximately 84 million people in the United States used apps with health-related content. It is estimated that there are more than 200 million smartwatches globally providing health information, with 45% of Americans wearing some form of smartwatch as of April 2022. Additionally, 92% of smartwatch users reported using these devices to maintain and manage their health. Sales of other wearables, including smart rings and continuous glucose monitors, are also increasing, with projections indicating significant market growth for wearable medical devices, potentially reaching $76 billion by 2028.
Concluding Perspectives on Wearable Health Technology Advancements
Wearable health technology has come a long way, evolving from simple step counters to advanced devices capable of monitoring a wide range of health metrics. These innovations have the potential to transform healthcare by promoting preventive health, enabling personalized treatment plans, and integrating with healthcare systems. However, challenges such as data reliability, user engagement, and technical issues need to be addressed.
Looking ahead, advancements in sensor technology and AI integration will drive the future of wearable health technology, making it an even more integral part of daily life and healthcare. As new devices and innovations continue to emerge, the impact of wearable health technology on health and wellness is set to grow, offering exciting possibilities for the future.
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l3ttert0m3 · 1 month
i wish i still had my apple watch. i lost it earlier this year and couldn’t find it, moved and it wasn’t in any of my boxes. rip apple watch. it was so motivating i’m considering buying a fitbit but idk which one. or just a pedometer im not sure
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semaglutidejourney · 5 months
easy ways to be more active
🌸 stretch after you wake up and before bed
🌸 get up and walk for a few minutes every hour
🌸 walk to work/school/the store when you’re able to
🌸 park towards the end of the parking lot to get more steps in
🌸 drink more water! you’ll be getting up more to refill your bottle
🌸 take the stairs instead of the elevator
🌸 take a short walk after meals - it helps digestion too!
🌸 walk or play with your pet!
🌸 if you’re watching tv, exercise in place on commercial breaks! this can be walking, stretching, push-ups - whatever fits you best!
🌸 take a walk on your lunch break
🌸 get a pedometer, fitbit, apple watch, etc - something that can track your movement. seeing your activity levels can motivate you to do more!
🌸 if you’re walking somewhere, try and take the longer way
🌸 clean up around your home more! sweeping, vacuuming, and putting things away gets you more active while cleaning your space - double win!
🌸 walk in a park or neighborhood with some friends!
🌸 pace around the room when you’re on the phone or watching tiktoks
🌸 turn on some music and dance!
🌸 listen to a podcast to audiobook only when you’re being active - you’ll want to move more to listen to it more!
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hejalina · 10 months
Fitbit: Bill Payment Online The Best Guide…
Fitbit, stylized as “Fitbit,” stands as an American company focused on consumer electronics and fitness technology. Their product lineup includes wireless-enabled wearable devices designed to monitor physical fitness and track various activities, including smartwatches, pedometers, heart rate, sleep quality, and stair climbing monitors, complemented by related software solutions. Notably, Fitbit became a part of Google in January 2021.
read more post:
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blogynews · 1 year
Unveiling the Covert Journey: How 'The Spy Who Came in From the Cold' Went the Extra Mile with 50,000 Steps
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has made a significant decision in their annual Pedometer Challenge, where employees participate to promote wellness and healthy habits. In order to safeguard against potential security breaches, the CIA has opted to exclude the usage of Fitbits and other similar gadgets in this year’s challenge. Instead, they have adopted a more cautious approach by forming…
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blogynewz · 1 year
Unveiling the Covert Journey: How 'The Spy Who Came in From the Cold' Went the Extra Mile with 50,000 Steps
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has made a significant decision in their annual Pedometer Challenge, where employees participate to promote wellness and healthy habits. In order to safeguard against potential security breaches, the CIA has opted to exclude the usage of Fitbits and other similar gadgets in this year’s challenge. Instead, they have adopted a more cautious approach by forming…
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