#five sentence ask game
theyarnmaidstale · 1 year
Buck/Eddie (however you want to write them!) + "I'm sorry, you brought what here?"
"I'm sorry, you brought what here?" Eddie blinks, looking between Buck and the...thing he has wrapped in his hoodie and cradled in his arms.
It's a dog...well, it's allegedly a dog. For all Eddie knows his husband has brought home an oversized rat.
"It's just for a night!" Buck insists, shouldering his way past Eddie as he heads toward the living room. "I tried the shelter — they were closed."
Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose as he shuts the door.
By the time he's turned around, Buck's already deposited the dog on the floor and gotten it a bowl of water. He looks down at it. The dog tilts its head to look at him just as he tilts his to look at it.
Well...it is kind of cute. In a scruffy stray kind of way.
Yeah, he has a sinking suspicion it's not going to be just for a night.
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nurse-buckley · 2 years
The doctor put the stethoscope in his ears.
“Just going to take a quick listen here, darlin’,” Bones asks softly, gesturing with the diaphragm.
You feel incredibly small sitting on the exam table, vulnerable and exposed. Bones senses your anxiety, setting the stethoscope aside for a moment.
He takes a seat on the bed next to you, “I know it’s scary sweetheart, but it’s really important with everything you’ve been through that I check you over.”
A tear runs down your cheek at the thought of being poked and prodded more, but you feel a little more at ease knowing Bones has got you.
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nyakuroji · 1 month
(for the ask game)
Suzumi was staking out behind a bush, watching a dirt path. "Ok, Saragimaru should be here." Suzumi said, reciting their plan, "I just need to convince them!"
Suzumi leapt out behind them, Saragimaru instantly turned around when they heard the noise, “Hey there lil’ snake~ I hear you’ve been having problems with a certain scoundrel?”
“How do you know about that? What do you want with me anyways?” Saragimaru looked at them with suspicion.
“Oh don’t worry your little head off I just wanted to help you. It’s a win win situation if you catch my drift.” Suzumi said, of course they didn’t actually care about Kuroji themself, rather they knew they could use this as a means to an end.
“No.” Saragimaru said bluntly, “I’m getting my revenge on them myself, I don’t need anyone else’s help.”
“Huh?” Suzumi said with exaggerated woe, they’d go on to try to convince Saragimaru into going with their plans only to realize they should just cut their loses.
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takeyourcyanide · 2 months
imaginary fic game: crossstitch and 'starving'
It had been brewing between them since the moment they truly connected, since the very moment they had seen the depths of one another’s souls, each path and circumstance, each blood-soaked secret, and decided to love what they’d seen of their dissections of one another; something, for once, managing to be foreign to the both of them- even despite Spirit’s frequent escapades. Spirit desperately and frantically tried to ignore the gravity which seemed to keep them orbiting one another, endlessly drawing them in to each other- though recently, it had seemed much more like he was the one orbiting Stein, living in his world, aching when he couldn’t appease his every wish and absolve him of the agony he was born into. He’d leave all night to drink with and fuck anything that didn’t look even somewhat masculine, smirking arrogantly and obnoxiously at his fellow men, his constant glances at them reeking of a fervent and destructive desire for approval of any kind, trying not to even consider whether or not Stein felt neglected. It’s not as though they were in some sort of relationship, and was it even possible to neglect such a person? It was. He saw it in the resentful way he’d look at him, he observed it in the way he’d react to any small touch of his as though he’d been struck by lightning. ‘But he reacts to anyone trying to touch him that way!’ He’d bargain with himself. His bargaining would always fail, however, when he’d remember that he likely reacted that way due to touch being a foreign concept to him. Did he want to be touched in some way? Need it? Did he have a need for attention just like everyone else? Did he feel neglected and ignored? Did he feel unimportant in comparison to whatever hooker hoping to make a quick buck Spirit could get his hands on? Maybe he was fine with it. After all, that, which shall not be named that was growing, bubbling between the two of them was something Stein clearly had never experienced before, and perhaps wasn’t even used to receiving. Maybe it made him feel fearful to advance within those newfound emotions- maybe Spirit was doing him a favor! No, he wasn’t. Stein, someone who was not exactly used to comforting others or being comforted either, was forced every single early morning, often somewhere between the hours of one and eight, to hold his hair back as he hurled into their toilet for the umpteenth time that week. He always came home smelling of alcohol, of perfume. He never assisted Stein, did he? He kept him from getting himself in trouble out of sheer obligation, but that would probably feel like he was completely unaccepting and judgmental of him and his behavior, wouldn’t it? Would it even feel like he didn’t truly love him? Didn’t truly care? He wasn’t used to being comforted. He wasn’t used to being accepted. Did he feel neglected?
And why did he care so much? He was starving, too.
But then again, wasn’t he the one too preoccupied with his own fears to even explore the possibility of him and Stein being even more than what they already were?
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nativestarwrites · 9 months
For the first sentence; “Roy had never cried this hard in his life, and he didn’t know how to stop.”
Thanks for the ask! This one comes with a warning. I indulged myself in the angst and turned the dial to 11.
I'm not entirely sure if this works, I am sure that I've butchered some grammar, but I hope you enjoy nevertheless!
Set post S3.
Roy had never cried this hard in his life, and he didn’t know how to stop. It had been a long time coming. Building from the moment he’d seen Jamie that morning. He’d held it together at first. It had been easy. At first. He’d had no time to think, to feel. There’d been too much to do. Stop the bleeding. Call an ambulance. Keep Jamie awake. Eyes on me, Tartt. In the ambulance, Jamie had needed the Roy Kent that was proudly displayed on his childhood wall, and by God had Roy made sure he got him. Held his hand and called him a fucking idiot if he thought he was going anywhere. It had been easy to ignore the blood drying on his hands and the sound of the siren blaring when he’d been focused on Jamie’s terrified face, full of pain. Jamie had passed out in A&E, his hand going lax in Roy’s as alarms rang out and monitors angrily warned that Jamie was-- They’d made him leave. In the Family Room he’d been met by the shaking arms of Keeley and the worried gaze of Beard. He’d cried then, allowed himself a few solitary tears as he’d hugged Keeley tight to him. No more than that. Any more would have been an admission, an acceptance that Jamie wasn’t going to be alright. Five minutes. That was all he’d got after hours upon hours of waiting. Five minutes to visit Jamie then… what? What did you do after? More waiting? Five minutes had been too long, and not long at all. Long enough to take in all the tubes and wires, the ventilator, the damage but not long enough to convince himself that Jamie was still there, still fighting. Jamie’s fingers had been ice cold. Beard had brought him home. Led him to his own bathroom like a child and turned on the water in the shower before leaving. Shower. Roy could do that. That was routine and muscle memory. The water had turned pink when he stepped under the spray. Only for a moment. But that was all it’d took. It was here. This moment. In the private sanctuary of his own shower, with his tears lost in the water, he fell to his knees and sobbed.
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littencloud9 · 7 months
“why did you leave?” + sskk? <3
“Why did you leave?” Ryuunosuke halts his attacks, Rashoumon dangling above Atsushi’s throat, mere centimetres from piercing through his skin. Atsushi remains pinned to the ground, but he doesn’t struggle nor fight his way out, instead looking up at Ryuunosuke with an expression he cannot decipher. “Fool. You’re about to die by my hands, and you choose this time to ask me that?” “Won’t you grant a dying man’s wish?” Atsushi jokes. His smile fades as quickly as it came. “I missed you, you know.” “There wasn’t anything to miss.” “There was,” Atsushi insists, and Ryuunosuke’s heart betrays itself. He retracts Rashoumon and pulls himself away, leaving Atsushi sprawled out on the ground.
send me a sentence and a pairing <3
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sailoreuterpe · 6 months
Ship: Makoami Prompt: Coffee 😳👉👈
"If you drink any more of that, you'll never get to sleep tonight," Makoto murmurs into Ami's hair.
Ami ignores her wife and takes another giant, noisy gulp of coffee.
Makoto sighs in affectionate defeat. "At least let me make you a new pot."
Ami smiles and lifts her face for her victor's kiss.
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kunichuuzai + "i'm not going if you're not going"?
YEAHH kunichuuzai <33
"I'm not going if you're not going." Chuuya grumbled, looking over his shoulder at Kunikida. Dazai had already gone out the door. "I'll accompany you later, I have work to do." Kunikida didn't look over in return, and Chuuya's eyes narrowed. He stormed over to Kunikida, scruffing him. "Come on, that can wait, the festival is now. Get your ass up." Kunikida blinked, "But-" "No! We're going, now."
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rainintheevening · 4 days
fandom: the hunger games
word: laugh
The best painting Peeta ever does is Prim's portrait, and we hang it in the kitchen, so I can feel her smiling at me as I cook, as we eat.
In the gentle brushstrokes, she turns from milking Lady, one hand on the goat's head, bucket in the other. The sky is blue, the trees are green, and she looks like she's about to laugh. Lady is nibbling on her skirt.
Through no prompting of mine, it becomes habit for the children, coming in to breakfast, to say, "Good morning, Auntie Prim!"
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nyakuroji · 2 months
As they lie there, awaiting, they ponder: "Was it worth...this?"
Hooaka tried getting up again, pain flared up again as they tried doing so, it was hard to tell exactly what was or wasn’t in pain at that moment.
“No, don’t be silly or whatever.” Hooaka looked over at Kuroji, who was still unconscious but still alive at all.
Still they couldn’t help but feel their body change dramatically, in temperature, in pain, and in some other ways they couldn’t quite describe.
They felt almost like half of them disappeared, they tried looking within themself, but the void of their very self stayed.
This was worth it right?
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Phantom of the Opera, call
Okay this one was FUN and maybe I'll write a longer fic with this concept 🤔
As Raoul stood hidden behind the curtain in Christine's dressing room, he felt himself becoming stunned and entranced as he heard the mysterious man summoning Christine—singing a call to his muse.
The voice was unlike any Raoul had ever heard, and he found himself becoming enraptured by it—almost lost in it, and he almost wanted to answer the summon himself as Christine's angel of music kept singing, and singing, and singing...
He had heard stories of Sirens, and how they'd pull men into the sea, and he soon realized that this man wasn't an angel at all, but very likely a man who somehow knew the secrets of the sirens.
No wonder Christine had fallen for this angel so deeply.
And as Raoul stood, mesmerized, behind the curtain in Christine's dressing room—his eyes glazed, his body lax, and expression blank and devoid of thought other than the other man's voice—it took him a few long moments to realise that he was no longer hidden, that the man had found him and was also guiding him into the mirror with Christine, using only his voice, and by the time Raoul noticed, it was already too late.
send me a word and a fandom, and I'll write you a five sentence fic.
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"Hey, hey, baby. Eyes on me."
For the 5 sentences game!
Prompt is from this ask game!! Also good god I need to expand on this bc I have IDEAS
"Hey, hey, baby. Eyes on me." Bastian held Mariano's hand tighter, feeling him trembling like a leaf even with the anxiety meds in his system and the wards around his wrists. "I'm here, you're safe. It's just going to be like blinking." Mariano sat, already halfway drugged and trembling in the dentist's chair for his wisdom teeth removal. "Just like blinking. Nothing else is going to happen and I can't hurt anyone." "Alright Mariano, keep breathing for me and count to ten. I've never, ever lied to you about what's gonna happen in that chair, and I won't start now." The dental assistant said, keeping the needle out of Mariano's field of view as she prepared the general anesthetic. Bastian hummed in agreement, watching the older woman press the needle into Mariano's arm. Fear flashed even stronger through their pact as the plunger descended, even with the soft drawl of the woman who'd cleaned his teeth for years at this point talking him through it. Bastian felt his own heart skip a beat from the sheer terror he felt, and held Mariano's hand even tighter as he remembered that this was just a fraction of what was ripping through his boyfriend. Not ten seconds later, wide, dark eyes started to flutter and Mariano's breathing started to even out again. "That's it, Mariano, just lean back and let me do all the watchin' out. Close your eyes and take a nap." The dental assistant said, carefully helping him get situated as he got heavier and heavier, yanked firmly towards a deep, complete sleep whether he liked it or not. "Your husband is right here. I won't let him run off, neither."
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lunar-years · 9 months
Jamie's not sure what he's doing in this place, or even where he is really, he just knows he was told to be here.
Jamie's not sure what he's doing in this place, or even where he is really, he just knows he was told to be here. It's dark, and sort of cold, and he shouldn't have agreed to meet here without checking it out first, but he'd panicked.
The text had come in that morning, from an unknown number. Meeting time, meeting place, and a photograph--taken in some grimy alley outside a club, the image blurry and dark but not too dark to tell that it were Jamie. Not too dark to tell who he was with, either, whose pants his eager hands were groping under, whose lips were covering his own.
Underneath the photo, they'd listed the amount of money he needed to bring with him to ensure it wouldn't go up on twitter.
Simple, direct, unmistakable. Jamie had no choice but to follow instructions. He'd always been good at following the rules when he needed to be, and this time, he definitely needed to be.
That photo would ruin everything, and it was only just starting to finally be figured out. This thing between him and Roy and Keeley, it was still new and tentative and fucking...good. He couldn't let it collapse just like that, because he'd had one too many drinks on a night out and lost his head and not even checked twice before he started feeling up his boyfriend in a public alleyway.
He couldn't tell Keeley about the text, because she'd be worried and she'd insist they investigate and she'd tell him, categorically, that he was not to go.
He couldn't tell Roy about the text, because he'd be worried and he'd start cursing his head off about killing people and that would only stress Jamie out more because he didn't want his boyfriend to end up in prison for murder, did he? And then he'd tell Jamie, categorically, that he was not to go.
When the first blow comes, knocking the wind out of him, he almost has to laugh. First he didn't see the fucking camera taking pictures of him in some unknown alley, and he didn't see this coming, either. Stupid, always so fucking stupid.
The second blow comes from his other side, and then someone's wrestling his arms behind his back and breathing hot, wet breaths against his ear as someone else--the first one to throw a punch maybe--is shoving him down to his knees. It's then that Jamie realizes he's outnumbered. It's then that he spots the knife. He could fight one of them off, but not three. Maybe it's better to just take it.
He keeps count of each hit in his head until he loses track. Somewhere around that time, just before things go dark. Right before things go dark. That's when he lets himself wish he'd told Roy.
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silvrash-797 · 10 months
Could you do the word “hug” for the ask game? =D
Time wrapped his arms around Malon in a tight hug, hands gently coming to rest on her ever-growing belly. Malon carefully adjusted his hands as he closed his eye and held her close, waiting, concentrating. A faint movement rippled under his left hand as their baby shifted, and he didn’t even try to stop the joyful tears rolling down his face as love and gratitude filled his heart.
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“Well,” said Shuichi, looking at the fork of the tree — at what used to be a functioning car, wedged between the trunks.
"This is why you shouldn't have made me the getaway driver," Conan said blandly, looking up at him with a wide-eyed innocence that was completely belayed by the smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"You had stilts, though," Shuichi disagreed mildly. "You had no trouble reaching the pedals."
"That doesn't really help when I can't see over the steering wheel. Also, I don't actually know how to drive."
Shuichi sighed. He supposed that was a fair point. "I thought your father had taught you in Hawaii?"
Conan shook his head. "He taught me basically everything except how to drive an SUV," he corrected. "I can fly a plane, though."
Send me an ask with the first sentence of a fanfic and I’ll write the next five.
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gwaedhannen · 8 months
For the 5 sentence prompt if you feel like it:
Fire cascaded down the mountains.
First the plains burned. Then the forests. The rivers. Hope itself.
Amid the flames: laughter and screams and hoofbeats.
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