#flaming fist atlas for you <3.
squint is atla shame the zuko self hating gay one or is that the soulbond au . either way explain atla shame pleeease
shame is the right one >:3 <- me knowing you have obviously been paying enough attention to know about my zuko struggle fic (cause he is struggling so much. guy who is in a consistant struggle).
it's basically a same age zuko/aang au set in ba sing se with the premise that aang kissed zuko at pohaui stronghold and he's really fucked up about it cause the fire nation is homophobic, but the avatar has now forced him to confront that a) he is very very gay and b) he is gay for the avatar.
some snippets cause this fic is my baby:
The Avatar laughs awkwardly under his gaze. “So, uh, there’s this thing, um—and I think you should see it. I mean, I want to show you it, so…uh, are you free? Right now?” “No,” Zuko rasps. His eyes burn and dirty water flakes his hands. He is tired. As if he’s heard something completely different, the Avatar grabs Zuko by the hand. “Great! Me too! Let’s go!” He doesn’t care for Zuko’s angry outbursts. He ignores his attempts to pull back. Once they’re halfway down the alleyway, the Avatar turns and grabs Zuko around the waist, hoisting him up and over his shoulders as if he weighs nothing. He acts as if Zuko isn’t scrabbling at his back like he might pry it open with his dry, cracked fingernails. “You can’t capture me!” Zuko shouts, knocking a fist over the Avatar’s tensed shoulder blade. “I’m the one who’s meant to be capturing you!”
“The people here have never had to want for anything,” Zuko says bitterly over the rising sound of a gong from the street. “They’ve never had to fight. No one’s ever taken anything from them.” The Avatar sits down beside him. “What was taken from you?” “My honour,” Zuko says. Longing fills his tone. His head aches like the recollection of his father’s voice is anything but lost. He turns, angry, to the Avatar. “You took it from me.” “I didn’t take anything,” the Avatar says. It’s true. Zuko’s honour was already long gone—but before, there was a chance. There was an ultimatum. Before, there was an offered redemption and metal walls to hold him; his Uncle’s hand soothing over a feverish forehead and falsely telling him, “You are not at fault.” Now, he knows better.
Years ago, Zuko’s mother had taken him and Azula to the theatre. The play could hardly be called a play by Earth Kingdom standards. No words were spoken by the actors (who’s faces were all covered by masks.), and there were no props on stage except for the swords and ribbons the actors took with themselves. They danced and sung without words, and fire moved with them as if it was a part of them. Azula had tried to replicate it later on, pulling clumsy moves she’d obviously seen from Ty Lee and blushing bright red when they didn’t work for her the same way traditional firebending form did. Seeing his talented sister fail like that had made Zuko laugh. He hadn’t been laughing when she’d set fire to his bed. Or when he could slink into the moves, but couldn’t wrap his flame around himself the way she could without getting burned. The memory lulls him. He finds his eyes slipping half closed; feels the warmth of his sister’s fire back when she liked him and he liked her. “I think people can be like that too,” the Avatar says. He sounds like he’s testing the waters for something. “Fluid. Together. I think, there are people who work well together.”
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cascigarette · 2 years
bex or becca. 24. she/they.
mostly an spn blog but also posts about atla, the last of us, doctor who, sense8, hotd/got, lotr, and whatever else im currently into
sam-coded casgirl slight dean apologist
i sometimes post with nsft tag
terfs/swerfs are NOT WELCOME
header by @rainsongdean <3
my ao3
flames & ashes / destiel / ~600 words / rated t
his & mine are the same / destiel / 1.5k words / rated t
marlboro reds / hbo!sam, samjessbrady / in progress / rated e
spn kink bingo 2023 masterlist
the edge of the devil's backbone / destiel / 3k words / rated e
you'll be a doormat for every vicious narcissist in the world / sam & lucifer / 1.5k words / rated m
take your fast car and keep on driving / destiel / 3k words / rated e
kiss with a fist is better than none / destiel / in progress / rated m
grace and gasoline / annaruby / ~800 words / rated e
riding through all these western nights / edizzy (ofmd) / 1.1k words / rated e
haunted of you / the doctor x oc / in progress / rated m
20 songs in 20 days drabble series
spn kink bingo 2024 masterlist
gonna love you til we're food for the worms to eat / destiel, sastiel / 2k words / rated t
god lifts up the lowly / destiel / ~700 words / rated t
when I'm home I'm never there / sastiel / ~600 words / rated t
mourning doves / destiel / 2.6k words / rated m
lilith / sam winchester
kettering / destiel
second child, restless child / happy birthday sam winchester 2022
virgins go to hell / samruby
i love you. / destiel
ways to say I love you for v-day
your father who is god who is your father
sam & lucifer & god
sam&mary, my mother and i
jess moore, the fridged woman
sam&lucifer, religious trauma and autonomy
hbd dean + broken crown
sam&mary freedom hangs like heaven
dean + this year
castiel falls from grace
messiah!sam and saint!mary
baby next time lower the volume
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iddybyddybee · 7 months
The ATLA Live Action was... ffffffiiiiiiiinnnnneeeee
It had a very high bar set from the original show and a very low bar set from the movie, so for it to be okay but flawed is the accepted middle ground. There were some things that I liked, a lot of things that made me say "...suuuuree?", but one thing that made me absolutely frustrated was how they handled Aang's backstory.
Not only did they put it at the front of the show, effectively taking the mystery out of who he is for the audience(for newcomers), but the reason why Aang left was completely botched. In the original, he was told he was the Avatar by the council, everything changed around him, and then he found out he was going to be separated from his mentor. He left in an act of selfishness, panic, and immaturity. In the live action, only Gyatso told him and in that SAME NIGHT he left to "clear his head". This makes his view over leaving the world seem less impactful.
If you'll allow me, here's how I would have structured this:
(Screw the Great Comet Festival, that was just a contrived way to get all of the Airbenders together so that the killing could be quicker.)
Aang is a very talented airbender, having already gotten his tattoos and being leagues ahead of his peers. He's called in by the council to be told that he's the Avatar. They tell him this at age 12 instead of 16 because of the impending aggression from the fire nation.
Aang takes this roughly as once the rest of the temple find out, everyone treats him differently. For the next few days, his friends stop playing and training with him, and the other adults treat him like a god/omnipotent figure.
Aang confides in Gyatso over this, but Gyatso assures him that he won't treat Aang any differently, that he's a person first, Avatar second. Aang feels comforted, but another council member overhears this and confronts Gyatso about this in front of the council leader. The council leader tells Gyatso his shpeal about how his attachment to Aang is too strong and that they must separate, planning to send Aang to the Eastern Temple. Aang overhears this and panics, running away after writing a letter to Gyatso about how sorry he is for putting him in that position.
Aang takes off with Appa, not some place in particular, just anywhere but the Southern Air Temple, blinded by frustration and sadness. They end up in a storm, where the wetness on his face is either rain or tears. He snaps out of it when he hears thunder and realizes that he has to get back home. They never do as the storm waves crash into them, causing them to nearly drown, causing his Avatar state to kick in and freeze himself and Appa.
Meanwhile, at the Southern Air Temple, Fire Nation soldiers attack due to the strength of the comet (I'm assuming the FN have scattered to all four Temples for simplicity's sake. If the comet took longer, then they would be attacking the South first before going to the other temples). Gyatso goes to find Aang to warn him, but he's not there, leaving only a letter left. Though he is worried, Gyatso knows what he must do.
Gyatso is cornered by multiple soldiers, Fire Lord Sozin leading the charge.
"Where is he? Where is the Avatar?" Sozin exclaims.
"He is not here," Gyatso replies, acting calm in the face of adversity. Sozin flames out a fire dagger from his fist.
"You tell me where he is or suffer for your death!" Gyatso smiles sadly.
"I will never betray my friend." Sozin grunts angrily, turning his back on Gyatso.
"Kill him! The Avatar is not here! We must find him!" Sozin walks away as the soldiers take their stances. Gyatso breathes in deeply, the soldiers start their fire, and Gyatso makes the ultimate sacrifice to protect Aang.
Now put this in episode 3, 4, or 5, and you're left with a compelling backstory that combines elements(hah) from both shows. Make Aang feel like a child, but don't dumb it down or explain everything right out the gate. Show how Aang's decision to run effects him in the present. The whole strategy of the Air Nomads is to evade, and that ends up costing Aang his entire people. The line "Because I never wanted to be" in response to Katara's question has so much depth if we SEE Aang struggle with accepting his identity.
Anyways, I wouldn't mind a season 2 or even 3 if, and only IF, they fixed a lot of their writing problems. Rant over.
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brightjimini · 4 years
Messing with the reporter (1/2)
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Request: Hi, I wanted to request an Iroh II x reader one shot or imagine or whatever you feel like writing where they pretend to be dating just to mess with a gossip writer who seems to know everything that's going on in Fire Nation high society. Basically the plot of Shonda Rhimes' Bridgerton series.
General Iroh II x Fem!pro-bending!Firebender reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: pro-bending?, fake relationship 
A/N:  I know not many people will read this fic, but I just love Iroh and think he deserves more attention from the ATLA and LOK fandom.. just look at him. (side note can yall see I have a type? firebenders, dark hair, most of the time mommy and daddy issues.) anyway, my little fireflies tell me what you thought of this.
Being the daughter of one of the Fire nation’s best advisors was kind of boring. I loved my people but after years of living in the same house and not being allowed to have a job. Because my father thought it was “too dangerous” I was done. I had said goodbye to my best friend Iroh who had just been promoted to the position of a general. Meaning that I would see even less of him. And left to look for something more exciting in Republic city. 
I immediately loved the city. There were so many different cultures and people. You could get any type of food and it was one of the cities with the most advanced technology. 
Right now I was dodging a disk of stone and sent a blast of fire towards one of the two opponents that were still left. See I had joined a pro-bending team. We were great, one of the best. My teammates were: Ila, who was a water bender, and Hisa, who was the earth bender of the team. We were the flying dragons. We have been playing for almost one and a half years. 
Anyway, I quickly sent another blast of fire to the water bender of the opposite team that was balancing on the edge of the platform. She tried to block my attack with a swipe of water but it was not strong enough. She fell off the platform. I did not have much time to focus on the win as another disk of stone was hurled at me. I did not have much time to dive out of the way and it painfully hit my arm. I groaned and focused on the man standing in the second ring. This game would be even. One against one and we both stood in the second ring. 
I raised my fist and he adjusted his footing. I glanced behind him into the audience. There in the seat assigned for people who knew the players sat Iroh. I had a crush on him for years but I was too afraid to say anything about it so I tried to suppress my feelings. Firebending was a way for me to release those emotions. I took a deep breath and sent blasts of fire to the earth bender. 
He immediately tried to dodge them and send a few disks flying my way, but because he was trying to get away he wasn't really aiming them in the right direction. I kept firing and finally, a horn sounded, signaling that he had put his foot over or on the line behind him. If I won now my team would go to the finals and I couldn't help but want to impress Iroh. I had not seen him in a few months, we called sometimes but actually seeing him was different. He supported my pro-bending career but always told me to be careful and not overwork myself. 
I lowered my arms and took a few deep breaths waiting for the next signal for the round to start. I could hear the commentator yell from his seat at my right. I kept my gaze on my opponent, drops of sweat were rolling down my neck. I could feel a few of my muscles aching but I ignored it. I could relax after I won this. Finally, another blare sounded through the stadium and I moved. Blocking the disk with a gust of orange flames. The next one hit me against the side of my thigh. I groaned. I could hear the crowd take a gulp of air. Meaning that I was probably close to section 3 of the platform. Annoyed, I clenched my fists and blasted flames after flames at him. He took a step backward, now he was just a few centimeters away from falling off the platform. Jumping up I swung my leg in the air and sent a giant blast of fire towards him. He tumbled down into the water below.
The crowd went crazy. My chest heaved up and down but I could not stop smiling. My teammates were lifted up on the platform where their clothes were still soaked. We embraced each other jumping up and down from happiness. We were going to the finals.
After packing our things we were still not allowed to see our family and friends. Friends in my case. We were led to a room full of reporters. The flashes of their cameras hurt my eyes. Each of us sat behind a long table with three microphones on it. Most of the time we were just asked questions outside when we walked to the car to go home. 
The questions were about how we felt about going to the finales and other stuff. They were beginning to sound the same after twenty minutes. I kinda dozed off thinking about what I would do later this night. I would meet up with Iroh, Korra, Mako, Asami, and Bolin. I knew that the kids of Tenzin wanted to be here but his father had refused. 
My head snapped up at the sound of my name. I looked into the crowd of reporters, but could not guess where the voice came from. 
“We have seen that General Iroh II from the fire nation attended the game tonight. Can you share with us why he’s here tonight?” The same voice asked. I tried not to roll my eyes. They did not know much about me only that my family had a bond with the Royal family and was from the fire nation. I tried not to roll my eyes. Iroh had told me recently that a few reporters were trying to gain information from his family. So I needed to be careful with my words, which was kind of difficult for me sometimes.
“He is a friend of mine.” Without replying any further I looked at the side of the little stage we were on. I locked eyes with our coach and she nodded. Recognizing the look in my eyes that said. “I wanna go home.” My eyes were probably pleading because she walked on the stage and ended our interview. With a sigh of relief, I stood up and followed Ila and Hisa off stage. I could hear some journalists still screaming questions, but I ignored them. 
I said goodbye to Ila and Hisa because we all had plans to celebrate with different groups. And we would see each other in a few days to practice for the finals. Finally, I met my friends in one of the hallways to the main entrance. I heard Bolins shouts before I saw one of them. They all congratulated me. I gave each one of them a hug, Iroh was the last one. I wrapped my arms around him. “You were great out there.” He said in my ear. 
My heart swelled, but I just let out a “thank you.” I let go of him and he smiled at me. Korra was already pulling me towards the end of the hall to the exit. “You have to teach me that move you did at the end of the first half. Like damn.. Oh God, I'm starving by the way. Can't imagine how hungry you must be-” Her words went to the back of my head when Iroh started walking next to me. We now stood in the main meeting room, finally, we could go home. But I could already hear the loud voices of reporters behind the door of the entrance. I sighed.
I was sitting between Iroh and Asami. We all sat at a table that was packed with different dishes. Tenzin’s family, Mako, Bolin, Korra, Bumi, and Kya. Everyone was chatting happily but I could tell that something was bothering Iroh. He had his famous thinking face on. He tried to hide it by replying with short sentences but that did not fool me. 
After everyone had eaten their tummies full the children (with complaints) Bumi, Pema and Tenzin went to bed. The rest of us helped clean the table and went outside to sit around a campfire. Mako told us stories about chasing criminals around the city, Bolin was telling things about his new Naktak episodes that were coming up. 
One by one people went inside to sleep. Leaving just Iroh and me around the campfire. His eyes looked golden in the light of the fire. He had discarded his uniform and had a white shirt with his usual pants on.
“What is wrong?” I asked. His eyes flickered to mine that had been observing him. He sighed and let his head hang between his shoulders. “It- It’s just this reporter. He won’t get off my back.”  I could hear the annoyance in his voice. And that surprised me because most of the time I was the one who got annoyed. 
“He keeps trying to guess and speculate how I live and if I have a wife or something.” My eyes widened. He looked back up at me and I immediately tried to not show my thoughts on my face. I could tell that he was out of options. But I still needed to ask. “Why not shut him up?” He chuckled. 
“No, Y/N I cant hire an assasin.” 
I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop smiling. “No of course not general” I said. Knowing how much he hated that. “Mess with him. Like I don't know get a fake girlfriend or boyfriend-”
Out of nowhere, he sprung up. I almost fell back on the sand. “That is genius! Spirits.” His expression was excited he looked like a little boy again. “But..” his voice trailed off and he sat back down. I did not know what to say. I actually had been joking. Of course, I did not want to see him dating someone.. But if it really made him happy.. 
It was silent again. I stared up at the stars and listened to the ocean waves lapping against the shore. I had not expected what was coming next.
“Would you be my girlfriend?”
Let me know what you thought about it
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good-rwbyaus · 4 years
Salem gave up on her plans of conquest because she got addicted to playing Fortnight. Being immortal, she can play it without stopping. Her greatest online rival is unknowingly Ironwood, aka MetalDong69.
// Cause even an obsessive omnicidal immortal needs hobbies.- lilac 
Title: MetalDong69
1. Emergency Meeting
“The Grimm have been oddly quiet,” Ozpin frowned into the camera, staring at the faces of those he trusted the most. 
Glynda. Qrow. Leonardo. James. Theodore. 
“Vale’s extension into Mountain Glenn had been met with zero resistance,” he continued, “given this anomaly, I’m concerned that the Queen must be planning something. Something big.” 
“Have any of you noticed anything strange?”
Numerous shakes of the head and comments came from the participants of the call.
All except one.
James seemed oddly distracted, his face schooled in perfect attention, but his eyes would occasionally dart on the screen. He could faintly hear the repetitive clicking of his keyboard and sliding of his mouse. 
Was he working on something? 
“James, are you okay? You’ve been awfully quiet.”
Loud keyboard clicking can be heard in the background.
With a small amount of guilt, James Ironwood pressed his microphone to speak into the trans-continental Zoom call. 
“Um, yes. Everything’s…fine.”
[MetalDong69 has eliminated you!]
[You have placed #2!]
[KillAllHumans]: Who the hell camps in a barn with a shotgun?!
MetalDong69′s avatar starts crouching up and down on her corpse. 
[KillAllHumans]: You dare corpsehump me?! Just you wait you pre-centurian piece of shit.
[KillAllHumans]: I’ll put all my energy into destroying you and everything you love!
Bang bang bang bang. 
[KillAllHumans]: Stop shooting my dead body you asshole! 
2. One Month Earlier
FortKnight had been released onto the CCT for a week now, the first MMO that joined all the continents together. The gaming company that developed it had close ties with Atlas due to the involvement of the CCT, so when they noticed something really strange, they reported it to Atlas - and in turn eventually reached the top. 
The top that also happened to be their top beta player, Ironwood.
“So wait, you’re telling me there’s an account accessing from an untrackable location AND has been playing 24/7 non-stop without any breaks whatsoever?” Ironwood said, his eyes bugging out.
No way.
“Can you bring up their profile?”
Several lines of profile information immediately popped up on Ironwood’s scroll.
“So she put her name in as Salem,” the company representative said, “She isn’t too great at the game, and we’re actually planning on banning her because of her extreme flaming and death threats to other pla-” said the company IT person. 
“No no no. Just keep her in. In fact, keep her account access unrestricted,” Ironwood continued, “If this is who I think it is, you might’ve done Atlas, no the whole of Remnant, a great service.” 
[MetalDong69 has eliminated you!]
[You have placed #22]
[KillAllHumans]: You fucking hacker! You can’t get the sniper scythe that early! 
[KillAllHumans]: You must’ve cheated! I’m reportin-
[KillAllHumans]: Stop shooting me! Those are sniper bullets! You barely get fifteen of them in a round, and you’re emptying the magazine on my corpse!
[KillAllHumans]: Fuck you! Fuck your mother! Fuck your dog! Fu-
A couple days later….
“There’s no need to ban this person, “ Ironwood said, “In fact, I’ll fund your company so long as you develop more games dedicated to capturing the attention of this one player. ”
“Uhh, why is this player so important, sir?”
“That’s a military secret. Just know you will be rewarded for doing so.”
3. Teamwork
Somewhere in the Land of Darkness:
“Cinder, Tyrian , join me. Together we will crush MetalDong69,” Salem ran out of the grand hall as she clenched her fist angrily. 
“Yes ma’am,” Cinder said obediently, “Who dares to oppose your might?” 
“We’re going to destroy him,” Tyrian said excitedly before following Salem going back inside the hall, “Wait why you’re heading back inside?”
[KillAllHumans]: oh my god why are all of you feeding?!
[ImOnFire]: I’m trying! 
[KillAllHumans]: NO THAT’S A GRENA-
[ImOnFire has eliminated you.] [ You have placed #13 ] 
[ImOnFire has eliminated herself ] [You have placed #12 ]
[KillAllHumans]: I’m surrounded by feeders!
Ironwood slowly walked into the elevator, his hair with bits of white now. Penny, his daughter, and Ruby, her wife, followed behind him curiously.
“So what’s this secret you’re going to show us?” Penny asked.
“Yeah, what sort of secret needs a pair of pro-gamers?” Ruby grinned, an ex-Huntress-now-Gamer now that the Grimm threat had regressed. “And requires us to keep it from Mr. Ozpin?” 
“It’s nothing bad,” Ironwood comforted her as he placed his keycard into the elevator, the motion triggering, ”It’s just that I think Ozpin’s finally enjoying life now and shouldn’t be bothered by something like this.”
“But it’s still important. Because behind these doors is the reason why humanity’s had over a decade of peace.”
A bunch of men and women are at a bunch of computer stations, clearly working and designing video games. A large screen showing match-ups for a large game design timeline.
Current: FortKnight 3
In Development:  FortKnight 10, GrimmCraft, World of Remnant
“It’s here where all the magic happens. These are the men and women who have kept Salem at bay for more than a decade,” Ironwood proudly said.
The pair could only look at the man in confusion.
“You’ll see soon,” Ironwood said as he sat down onto a computer station clearly designated at his. He turned his head to one of his trusted men, “Clover, is she on?”
“Isn’t she always?” Clover laughed, “She’s about to get out of a game. Won it actually. I’ll put you in her matchmaking group right now.”
“Good,” Ironwood said with satisfaction.
[KillAllHumans]: You’ll die someday, you fucker, and then I’ll be the number 1 in FortKnight!
Ironwood turned down his speakers a bit. 
“That is Salem, the Queen of all Grimm and the number one negatively-reported player in all of Remnant. She is why I’ve brought you two in,” he said solemnly,  “One day, I’ll pass on, and Salem will become the number one in this game and lose interest based on our analysis. When she does, the world might end up going back to the way it was. It’s up to you two to stop that from happening.”
“You will be Remnant’s silent protectors. Two pro-gamers joining forces to stop this threat. Just an hour or two of your time every day. And you’ll allow Remnant to continue having peace. ”
“Now if you’ll excuse me, the game’s starting.”
[MetalDong69 has killed you.]
[You have placed 100 / 100. ]
[KillAllHumans]: METALDONG69!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
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heirceleste-a · 4 years
greek god aesthetic (atlas)
laughter-loving. sweet smiles. dressed in silk and satin. flower in their hair. sees the world as a runway. unapologetically sexual. the sea washing their ankles. in love with love. stirrer of passion. cunning concealed by painted lips. secret daggers. doves. revolution in their kiss. delighting in the waves. flirtatious winks. strolling along the beach. staring wistfully from a balcony. this is how to be a heartbreaker. wants to be adored. gets turned on by danger.
glitz and glamour. art galleries. turning the volume up. being made of gold. neatly organized music sheets. notebooks filled with poetry. bathing in the sunlight. the powerful urge to create. collecting vinyl records. beautiful cover of wonderwall. playing multiple instruments. tasting like sunshine. healing touch. speaking in prophecies. smile mingled with wrath. shunning lies. sporting shades. hanging out at music festivals with their friends. sleeps naked. arrow to the heart. paintbrushes. probably has a tinder account.
armed for battle. wants to raise a dog with their significant other. soft spot for children. gives piggyback rides. scarred body. blood on their hands and face. willing to fight the world for the ones they love. fights against injustice. warm hugs. well worn combat boots. boxing gloves. bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles. fist raised in protest. ignites revolutions. fear is a prison. more sensitive than what their tough shell would have you think. exhausted. damaged goods. force to be reckoned with. red roses. curses under their breath.
discerning gaze. unreadable face. quiet museums. owl perched on their finger. armor that intimidates. eye for architecture. plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses. studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid. big fan of logic. loves brain teasers. ancient buildings. sweaters in neutrals and cool colours. hair done up. can kill you with their brain. heads to the library often to research. sharpened pencils. abs that can cut steel. stoic statues. pottery classes.
soil-covered hands. smile that can bloom flowers. skin loved by the sun. being the mom friend. can lift you and your friends. flowers kept in the pockets of overalls. takes pride in their beautiful garden. speaks to their plants. leaves rustling in the wind. stalks of wheat. picking fruit. greenhouses. heart as strong as a mountain. values simplicity. daisies dotted across a collarbone. curls crowned with flowers. folded pile of sweaters in warm hues. pulling out fresh-baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air.
keen sense of a hunter. freckles like constellations on their skin. piercing eyes. disheveled braid. moonlight peeking through the shadows. the calm of the forest at night. lying on the grass and staring at the stars. mother doe and her fawn. protecting their kin. the moon shimmering on a still lake. quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree. running with wolves. bonding while circled around a campfire. not being much of a people person. arrow hitting a target. popping egos. patience on 3%. touches heaven and returns howling.
the calloused hands of someone who knows labor. sweaty brow. flame burning in their eyes. inventive mind. broad shoulders. steampunk goggles. nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes. ashes. striking a match. blueprints for future projects. fixing up a busted-up car and giving it cool upgrades. wrestles with bitterness. work boots have seen better years. wrinkled plaid shirts. iron melted in blazing fire. huge jackets. crafting masterpieces. greased stained overalls. fascination with robotics. pain is fuel. stack of weaponry. even their muscles have muscles.
resting bitch face. dressed to the nines. cows grazing on a pasture. cool rain. loving and hating fiercely. hand clutching a string of pearls. large chandelier with glittering crystals. plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims. romance to realism. pictures of the sky while flying on a plane. files that under fuck it. downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix. like their selfie or you’re grounded. knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man. dark eyes that penetrate your soul. marble and gold.
drunk shitposter. on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second. seductive smirks. untamed curls. rich fabrics on dark skin. sleek furred panthers. theatre masks. stage productions. receiving a standing ovation. rose caught between their teeth. being the baby of the bunch. wild parties that last from sundown to sunup. creeping vines. inspiring loyalty. grand opera houses. masquerade balls. rolls of film. shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine spilled floor. pouring champagne into flutes. lives for the applause.
devil-may-care smile. always up-to-date on the latest technology. will steal your french fries. does it for the vine. shitposter. puts googly eyes on everything. meme hoarder. long drives on the highway. ma and pop diners. spontaneous road trips. folded maps. fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop. shooting hoops on the basketball court. chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations. goes jogging in the morning. mixes redbull with coffee. menace on april fool’s. hoodies and sneakers.
walking home alone in the early morning. back alleys. drinking alone in a graveyard. crippling loneliness hidden by sarcasm and cynicism. crows picking a carcass. untended dead flowers. the black sheep of the family. black coffee. money can’t buy you happiness. murder mystery dinner parties. blood on your shirt collar. dust illuminated by sunlight. classical music. dogs are better than people. a quiet wrath. shady business deals. taking what you are owed. paint it black. seasonal affective disorder. popping the suit collar. grey rain on a cityscape.
storm with skin. colorful coral reefs. waves crashing against the shore. stroking the soft fur of a cat. their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop. tousled locks. clothes smeared with paint. owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more. leather jackets. fondness for diy projects. handwriting that flows across the page. nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin. velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams. mood as ever-changing as the sea. the roar of a motorcycle. compass with a spinning arrow.
thunder in their heart. running on coffee. flash of lightning. unnatural charisma. eloquence. badass in a nice suit. aficionado of history. force of nature. lenny face. nightmare-filled nights. proud arm around their lover’s waist. high - rise buildings. planes soaring through a cloudless sky. technician on the piano. maintains order. strong handshake. juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease. expensive watch.
Tagged by: stole it from myself
Tagging: @pepperpxtts @etresroyaux for katherine and margaret @escapedartgeek @musescomefrompain for fen and beasty @chisupa for cheryl and stiles and allison
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some more atla au but under the cut this time cuz im writing it on desktop instead of phone >:3 (continues from this)
“So... do you have a plan?” 
“I’m your favorite older brother. Of course I have a plan.”
Mike huffed, giving a half-hearted glare to Scott from his side of their shared bedroom. “You’re my only older brother. And that’s by- like- a few minutes at most.”
“That still counts, and by being your only older brother, that makes me favorite by default.” Scott gave a small smile in his snark, trying to lighten the mood to ease their tensions. “But I have a plan, it should be pretty easy if we don’t raise suspicion.”
“Easier said than done.” Mike said, trying to straighten out some of the curls in his hair with a comb, physically stimming out some of his anxiety.
“Mikey, look at me.” The other prince commanded his attention, lowering his voice in case of eavesdroppers “We’re going to go to our Father and request a small vacation sometime before our 16th birthday. We’ll ask to go to one of the Earth Kingdom Colonies- bonus points if we can convince him it’s also an excuse to learn of his conquest tactics so he thinks we’re not simply goofing off.” 
Scott sighed, finally breaking eye contact and letting his own anxieties start to appear on his expression “One night while we’re there, we’ll steal some commoner outfits for Earth Kingdom fashion and sneak out in the middle of the night. If we’re lucky, we’ll find a small village or town, get a job and place to stay, and we’ll be low enough on the radar that no one will recognize us.”
“If we’re to do that, we’ll have to get far from any of the Colonies, just to be safe.” Mike nodded, eyebrows furrowed as he fully absorbed the situation. This was it, wasn’t it? They were actually going to run away to protect Mike from being discovered as the Avatar... It still felt like he was in a bad dream. But if he really was the Avatar, then... “Then what?”
“... What do you mean, ‘then what’?” Scott raised an eyebrow “Then nothing, Mike. The whole point of going into hiding is not being caught. The less attention we bring to ourselves, the better.”
“I... I know, but... If I’m supposed to be the Avatar, doesn’t that mean I have to learn the elements and keep the balance of the world and stuff?”
“What balance, Michael?!” Scott snapped, finally letting his frustration seep into his demeanor “Our great-grandfather wiped out the entirety of the Air Nomads, and our Father plans to take control of the Earth Nation and Water Tribes! How are you supposed to balance that out, huh?!” He stood, stomping over to his brother and roughly poking him in the chest “I don’t care if you’re the Avatar, you’re still human and can easily be killed if we’re caught!”
“But isn’t it the Avatar’s job to- I don’t know- protect people?!” 
“You can’t protect others if you don’t know how to protect yourself!!!” Scott huffed, finally sitting next to his twin and letting the anger pass “... I love you, Mike, and if you want to go protecting others, I need to protect you.” He paused, eyes falling to the floor as they clouded over in deep thought “... The cycle goes Air, Water, Earth, then Fire, right? So your past life was from the Earth Kingdom?”
Mike nodded.
“So... maybe while we’re hiding in the Earth Kingdom, we can find out some more information about your past life, and... I guess we’d go from there. It’d be a start, at least.”
He hummed, casting a look down to his hands. He concentrated for a moment before a small flame rose from his palms, flickering quietly and almost delicately “... Maybe while we’re at it, I can find a Master to teach me Earthbending!”
Scott snorted “Uh, well, we wouldn’t exactly be ‘laying low’ if we started your training, but... we’ll look into it.”
Mike smiled at his twin... then that smile fell as he came to his next thought “What do we do about Elizabeth and Anthony?”
“... We need to keep this a secret from them.” Scott admitted reluctantly.
“What?! But-”
“The less people that know who you really are, the better. I love them, but... Father knows how to make people talk. I can’t trust they wouldn’t eventually snitch, even if they didn’t want to.” His hands balled to fists, cringing at the thought of ditching their own little siblings. “Besides... it’s better for them if they don’t know. That way they don’t have to worry about us or keeping our secret... and they’ll be safe here. They’re literally being treated like royalty, because they are royalty. It’s best if we keep Lizzie and Tony out of this, alright?”
... Mike nodded reluctantly “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I... haha, I don’t know how I’m to get to sleep tonight.”
Scott laughed “You don’t know the half of it!”
Outside their door, Elizabeth sat quietly, making sure to silently suck in air as her throat seemed to tighten. Her eyes blurred with tears as she tried to listen in on her brothers scheming behind her back.
If this was supposed to be some kind of prank, it wasn’t funny.
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
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The Good Captain.
Author’s Note: This is my version of what book 2 of Distant Shores should be like. Y’know the book 2 that we readers of Distant Shores rightfully deserved! One more thing: in this fanfic, the MC’s last name has been changed to Bennett but; in the game it’s Carter. I decided to change it from Carter to Bennett; because Bennett sounds better to me. Also; her original occupation has been changed as well.
***Rated: Mature 18+. Contains sexual content, nudity, some violence and strong language.
***Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters.
***Characters: Captain Edward Mortemer (LI), Kyra Bennett (MC), Robert Finnegan (Main Antagonist), Charlie, Ginny, Jonas, Maggie, Samuel, Octavia, Henry, Axton, Adelia, Kendrick and Oliver Cochrane (Side Characters)
***Disclaimer: All character names (except MC) and some dialogues belong to Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 2,130 words.
Chapter 3: The Reunion.
Robert has returned, and he is hellbent on finding the lost island of Atlantis and Poseidon’s Trident. Meanwhile; Edward and the crew are trapped inside the tavern as it burns down.
After adjusting his eyesight to the smoke and shooting flames as best he could; Edward grabs the amulet, he puts Ginny who was closest to him when the roof collapsed on his back, calls out to the rest of his crew and leads them to safety via Tilly’s secret passageway.
“Is everyone alright? Are there any injuries?”, he asks as he looks everyone once over. Thankfully no one was hurt; just severely shaken by what had just transpired. “That cruel blackguard will pay for this!”, he says as he slams his fist into the stone wall.
“Aye he will! He will pay with his life! We will see to it!”, Charlie sneered. Rage written clear across her face. After safely making it back to The Jewel; the crew sets off into the night after Robert. The only thing is; they had no idea where he was headed next. Robert wasn’t going the traditional trade routes.
“Ye don’t know where he’s headed cap’n! We be sailing blind!”, Henry exclaimed.
“I don’t care! We WILL find him! And he will die! This time for good!”, he snapped at Henry.
“He’s right Edward. You don’t know where he’s headed. But I know who does!”, Charlie says as she points to the amulet around his neck. “Go to her Edward. We need her help. And you; need to make sure that she’s okay.”
“Charlie, I can’t just leave—“, he begins to say before she cuts him off, “I’m not asking you to leave; I’m telling you to! She’s having your child Edward, you need to go see her!”
In his heart; he knew she was right. He wanted to see her. He needed to see her. But he didn’t want to leave the crew behind.
“Charlie—“, he starts to protest before she cuts him off again,”We will be fine until you get back. I know where the second of The Seven Lords is. We’ll be fine as long as, we can beat him to the key fragment. Now go Edward! Go to Kyra. Send her our love!”
It was decided. He would go to the future to see her. Even though he had his apprehensions; he was secretly excited to see the future and to tell the crew what he saw. Remembering what Robert told her about using the amulet; Edward closed his eyes and envisioned her. And before he knew it; he was thrust into the future.
He was in a parlor of some sort he figured; but he wasn’t sure who’s parlor it was. It never dawned on him that; he was in her townhouse. Nor did he realize that his amulet was glowing.
While she was in her spare bedroom; she was going over scattered reports of the most recent accounts of Atlantis. With papers, books and the like laying all over the place. She was determined to find out everything she could about the legends of Atlantis and the trident. In the midsts of her research is; when the amulet that Robert “gave” to her started to glow ominously.
“That isn’t good!”, she said to herself.
Thinking that the glow meant Robert was coming to see her again; and knowing that he and his ilk would more than likely show up in her living room; she decided to arm herself.
So, she grabbed the metal baseball bat that she got after the last time she saw him and his crew, and went downstairs to see if her hunch was right. When Edward heard a door close; he looked for a place to hide. He was crouched down in her kitchen; ready to strike. When she descended down the stairs towards the living room; the amulet began to glow brighter.
“Alright ya stupid bastard! If I gotta go down; I’m at least gonna get a few Ken Griffey Jr. hits in!”, she says to herself as her couch came into view.
But when she turned a corner ready to fight for her and her child’s life; she didn’t see anything at first. But someone familiar saw her.
“Kyra…is it really you?”, asked a voice that was all too familiar. It startled her enough for her to drop that bat in her hand.
“No! It can’t be. He couldn’t be here. He’s not here! I’m hearing things because I’m paranoid. There is no way that he’s here…”, she said out loud; convinced she was hearing things.
“Kyra…”, he said to her. It caused her to start shaking.
“No! No! No! It’s not possible! He’s not here!”, she says out loud trying her hardest to convince herself, it’s not real. None of it is real. That was until, she felt his strong arms wrap tightly around her waist; and felt his warm breath in her ear.
“I’m here my love. I’m right here.”, he said to her.
It was indeed very real.
She couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t possible. It’s not possible. Even with his arms around her; she still struggled to believe it. That was until she turned around. It’s him. It’s Edward. He’s here. She was staring straight up at him. Those eyes, those beautiful brown eyes looked directly into hers. There he was. Her captain. The love of her life.
“Edward…”, she said as her voice cracked. She reached up and touched his face. He leaned into her touch. Oh how he missed it. That’s when she realized that it was real. He was real. That moment was real.
Overcome with emotion; she wrapped her arms around his neck. She just couldn’t believe what was happening. It wasn’t until her growing belly brushed against him; that she started to truly believe that it was real.
“I thought…I thought…that I’d never—“, she started to say something but; she was cut off by him kissing her. It was powerful. It was passionate. It was true love. It was Edward.
“I’ve missed my love. So much. I never stopped looking for you after you disappeared. And now, I’ve found you. I’ve finally found you!”, he told her.
He was just as emotional as she was.
“I missed you too! I didn’t want to leave you! I never meant to leave you. I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Can you forgive me?”, she replied; as tears stung her eyes and stained her face.
“Shhhh! Hush! None of it was your fault. You did what you had to do. I could never find fault in that or you.”, he answered her.
She stepped back to truly take a look at him. He hadn’t changed at all. He was still as drop dead gorgeous as she remembered him to be. He placed his left hand on her belly, rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. She was really going to bare his child.
“Kyra…there is something I have been dying to tell you.”, he said to her.
“What is it Edward? Tell me.”, she replied, as her voice continued to break.
“I love you! I have loved you since the day we shared our first kiss. I have struggled without you by my side and in my arms.”, he admitted to her.
“I love you too! Now more than ever! You are the only man I will ever love!”, she replied before kissing him again.
They couldn’t get enough of each other. The only reason that they stopped; was because of Edward sinking to his knees and resting his forehead against her belly.
“I’m going to be a father. Your father. I promise you my child; that I will be a better father than the one I had.”, he whispered against her growing stomach. She draped her arms around his broad shoulders; and held him close.
“And what a father; you will be Edward. I’m so excited to have your baby. To have our baby.”, she quietly said to him as she rubbed his back. Tears of joy streamed down his face. He had her in his arms once again. He could touch her. He could taste her. He could feel her. When he looked into her beautiful brown eyes; he saw the love and the joy they shared.
“As happy as I am to see you Edward; I know that you have the amulet of Atlas. You’re because of jackass and his crew, aren’t you?”, she asks him.
“Aye, my love. He’s going after the key to Poseidon’s tomb. I must stop him Kyra. God only knows what havoc he will reek on my time and yours for that matter.”, he told her.
“You will stop him. I will make sure of it. Now come with me; so we can put a plan together.”, she tells him. He stands up then follows her upstairs to where she’d been doing her research. She explained everything she had learned so far. Especially what she had learned about Robert’s crew.
“This jackass here is his first mate; Gerald Pearson. But; I was able to find out their names. The names of the other members are Harold Perry, Donald Hunter, Quinten Jones, Frank Turner, Xavier Reynolds, Calvin Pierce, Shawn Winston and James Kenner. They along with The Sirens were all students in Robert’s Greek Mythology Class. “Now the women’s names are Tabitha Mills, Mari Rodriguez, Callie Wheeler and Beatrice Richards. They call themselves The Sirens. I’m still researching him and the crew.” she explained.
“This is a great start my love! Now, let’s work on the map.”, he told her.
Working together; they even found a way to make sure that the amulet of Orion, can never be used by Robert ever again. As they worked on a map of the seven kings; he noticed that she was starting to get tired.
“You should rest my love.”, he told her before placing a small kiss on the inside of her right wrist.
“I can’t rest yet Edward. We have to finish this map of where to look for the remaining keys. Besides; I’m scared to go to sleep.”, she admitted.
“Why?”, he asks her; as he held her close.
“Because; I’m scared that you won’t be here when I wake up.”, she admitted to him.
“I will always be with you my love. No matter you and I go, no matter what century we are in. I will ALWAYS be with you.””, he told her.
“That’s not the only thing I’m scared of. I have an appointment with Dr. Everett tomorrow, to find whether or not this baby is a boy or a girl. That’s why I’m scared to leave. I’m not saying that I don’t want to be with you. Because I do; God knows that I do. But; in terms of this baby, I have to stay here. But Edward I don’t want to! I want to be with you and the crew but I don’t know if I can risk it.”, she says to him.
“I know that you have your life and doctor here, my love. And I would never demand of you to leave if you aren’t comfortable. So if you must stay my love; then you should stay, Kyra.”, he replies.
“But Edward I don’t want to be alone! And I don’t want you to be alone either!”, she exclaimed as tears filled her eyes. He simply rocked her in his arms.
“Shhh…Hush my love…we will never be alone. I will never be without you and you without me, ever again. And when you are ready; I will bring you and our child home with me. Especially since we now have these amulets in our possession. We will make this work. I promise you that. But right now; you need your rest.”, he told her. His voice was soothing and calm.
She nodded in agreement. He smiled at her.
“Stay with me, until I leave for my appointment?”, she asked him.
“Of course my love. I am yours until the end of time, remember?”, he told her before placing a small kiss on the inside of her right wrist.
“And I’m yours Edward…I will always be yours…Until the end of time…”, she told him. He then kissed her with every ounce of fire and passion that he had in him.
She led him to her bedroom and as she fell asleep in his arms; he whispered to her, “I will protect you my love. Both of you…”
Edward was in for the fight of his life. But for the woman and the child that he loved more than life itself; it was a fight he was more than ready for.
***This was my most emotional chapter yet; so you’re being forewarned now. I’m gonna take a small break. But I will be back with Chapter 4!
@txemrn @choicesficwriterscreations
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slendys-space · 5 years
Jaune and Cinder are wrestling over control of the Relic of Destruction. Every one else is either incapacitated or on the brink of unconsciousness.
Cinder maneuvers herself behind Jaune putting him into a sleeper hold to knock him out. "Give up Arc, just hand over the relic and I'll make it quick" Cinder said in his ear. "Never" Jaune replied. Jaune continues to struggle in her grip as he tries to think of a plan. Suddenly an idea comes to mind, its dangerous, definitely dumb, and just might not work but it might be the only way out of this. "Well this might not work but I just gotta have trust in her to realize what i mean" Jaune thought to himself.
As the two of them continue to struggle against each other Ruby begins to wake up. She tries to rise to her feet but falls back to all fours, looking up her eyes widen seeing the two still struggling against each other. "Jaune!" Ruby yells getting Jaunes attention and waking everyone that was unconscious.
"Hey Crater Face," he says smirking at her. "Chumbawamba!" As he says this he turns the sword blade towards himself and shoves the relic through his chest to the hilt and into Cinders. As Jaune gives her one final wink, him and Cinder explode into a ball of flame and heat.
"Jaune!" everyone yells in a panic. As the sword falls upon the ground creating a clanging sound, a sense of finality hit the group. "Fearless Leader?" Nora whispers as tears fall down her face. Ren pulls Nora against him into the tightest hug he can make as she wails into his chest. Their family just got smaller once again.
Team RWBY is in a state of shock. "He's really gone" Blake mumbled out. "That self sacrificing idiot!" Yang snarled slamming her fist into the ground. "He saved us but at what cost?" Weiss asks. No one wants to admit to him being truly gone. "What do you think he meant by Chumbawamba?" Blake asks.
Ruby snaps out of shock at Blake's question. "Chumbawamba, chumbawamba, chumbawamba," she mutters to herself as she looks around in a frenzy. She finally spots the Staff of Creation out the corner of her eye and scrambles over to it. "Ruby? What are you doing? What's chumbawamba?" Yang questions her sister.
"Chumbawamba is mine and Jaune's backup plans incase someone dies. When we got that freebie question from Jinn in Atlas we asked her to explain how Creation works." Ruby replies holding the Relic in her hands. "She said it was possible to bring someone back from the dead and that we have a five minute window before a soul moves to the afterlife. We create an empty vessel that acts as a magnet that pulls the soul back into it."
Everyone is shocked into silence thanks to the revelation but no one is more shocked than Oscar/Ozpin. "Ozpin I need that name now. I dont care that's it dangerous that I'll know. We have a short window." Ruby says looking at Oscar. "His name is Prometheus." Ozpin says taking control. Ruby holds the staff close and whispers "Prometheus."
As she says the name time freezes until it's just her. "Well, well, well" a voice says as he claps. "Clever girl, thinking of a plan like that." Behind Ruby is a tall Red man with a black beard in a golden toga.
"If you were any later it would have been too late." Prometheus says as he snaps his fingers and Jaune's bady begins to form. "So you heard me?" Ruby asks. Prometheus nods in acknowledgement. "Its a clever plan but I must warn you I cannot make another human body for another hundred years. I can make smaller less complicated things instead." Ruby thanks him for this as a gasp is heard and she turns around to see Jaune's eyes open as he sits up.
"Until next time mortals." Prometheus says as time unfreeze. "Jaune!" Ruby yells as she runs over to him. "I get knocked down" Jaune says as Ruby helps pull him up. "But I get up again" Ruby replies. "You are never gonna keep me down" they both say at the same time.
Ruby looks up to him, smiling, and slaps him across the face. "That's for pulling Chumbawamba," Ruby grabs his face and pulls him into a deep kiss, "And that's for coming back to me." Jaune then pulls her into a tight hug. "Never do that to me again" Ruby mutters into his chest. Jaune softly smiles.
"Arcs Promise"
Just for some context. Where all this was going down at was in the vault of the Relic of Destruction in Vacuo after Atlas so they have 3 out of 4 Relics now. And this was created due to a shitpost/hopeful theory about the Relic I did earlier today. There also might be a little continuation of this where it's about Jaunes five minutes in limbo.
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queenmina37 · 5 years
#103: Parade
It was the Grand Reopening of Link VRAINS (again) and the streets of the virtual world were filled with avatars. People looked around, ran around the place, laughed and chatted, making new friends.
 Playmaker was standing away from everyone else, hidden by the shadows. He watched as people chatted with Soulburner and the rest of his comrades, and their Ignis. Even Ai was there, having run there after complaining about him being a wallflower. The Ignis was currently chatting with Ghost Girl, who was smiling down at it.
 “So?” Ghost Girl asked. “Where’s Playmaker?”
 “Right there…” Ai pointed to where he had left him, but as he turned to look… he wasn’t there.
 While Ai was internally screaming, Ghost Girl smirked. “Oh? Did he abandon you?”
 While Ai started screaming at her while being completely ignored, Soulburner hummed, worried. “Where is he? The parade is about to start.”
 “Are you guys a part of it?” Ghost Girl asked, smiling.
 “No.” Soulburner laughed. “They tried to have us there, but we refused. But Blue Angel and Go Onizuka are there, right?”
 They chatted for a while longer, before the sky suddenly turned dark, like the lights had been turned off. Everyone turned to the end of the long street they were standing by as two commentators let their voices reach out throughout Link VRAINS. “Ladies and Gentlemen!”
 “We have the privilege to welcome you all to the new and improved Link VRAINS!”
 “To celebrate this unforgettable night, a parade of the greatest duelists shall walk right before your eyes! Let us all welcome them!”
 “First, we have the undeniable Queen of Link VRAINS, who fought alongside the toughest and bravest heroes against the evil! Blue Angel!!”
 Blue Angel was standing on top of a moving platform, smiling and waving to her fans who cheered loudly for her. Some of her monsters were also on the platform, dancing and giggling.
 As the platform moved to make room for the next one, the same voice called out. “And here we have the King of Link VRAINS, Go Onizuka!”
 The cheers continued as more and more famous duelists made appearances. Charisma Duelists put on a show, as did the others, though not as much as the Charisma Duelists. The crowd watched, cheering and waving back to them, taking photos, videotaping it. Music filled the air as people danced, laughed and chatted excitedly with others.
 When the parade was nearing its end, Blue Girl ran to them, looking around. “Did I miss the end?”
 “No.” Ghost Girl looked at her. “Why? Is something interesting happening?”
 “Yeah.” Blue Girl shrugged her shoulders. “Or, well, I don’t know. The commentator from Neo Domino City was really excited about the last group. I talked with others before the parade, and one of them, Harald from Team Ragnarok, said that they weren’t there yet and someone else said that they’d make a dramatic entrance or something.”
 “Team Ragnarok?” Unnamed turned to look at the, currently, last platform. “Those three?”
 “Yeah.” Blue Girl nodded. “They’re supposed to be the last ones, before Team 5D’s, I think was the name.”
 “Ladies and Gentlemen! It is time for the last duelists to take the stage! And though they’re the last, they’re most definitely not the least!”
 The group watched, surprised, as all the 3-man teams vacated to the sides of their platforms, turning their eyes to the last platform that appeared behind the long line. There was no one on the platform. It was completely empty of people, of monsters, of everything.
 “What?” Soulburner blinked. “Isn’t there supposed to be…?”
 Suddenly, the platform lighted up in an eerie red glow. On the top of the platform, red lines appeared, making up some kind of mark. And, then, just as the mark was done, something dark, something akin a tornado, burst up in the middle of it. Black feathers floated down from the sky, making people let out noises of awe. Then, two red slits appeared in the tornado, before it disappeared with a loud flap of wings, almost as if they were the reason it disappeared. Now, standing on the platform was a black dragon with red eyes, a young man with orange hair in front of it. The man was grinning, waving to the crowd where fans were suddenly squealing and cheering.
 “Let us welcome, Crow ‘The Bullet’ Hogan, the Tail of the Crimson Dragon!”
 “The Crimson Dragon?” Ghost Girl glanced upwards, to where the two commentators were. “What’s that?”
 They had no time to ponder, though. Crow and his dragon quickly jumped to the side of the platform, balancing on the edge. The platform lighted up in that eerie red glow once more, but this time, the mark was different, looking almost like a claw. When the lines had become a mark, it was like lightning shot from the heavens. Red rose petals flew in the air as a strong gust of wind blew, whirling around. It disappeared as soon as it appeared, though, and the rose petals hovered to the ground, like the black feathers earlier. On the platform, there was a black dragon with wings made of red rose petals. In front of it stood a young woman with dark burgundy hair, a smile on her face as she looked around.
 “The Foot of the Crimson Dragon, the Black Rose Witch, Izayoi Aki!!”
 Aki winked to the crowds, making the people gasp. She then jumped to the other side of the platform, nearly facing Crow as she turned her back to the crowds. The platform lighted up, again, lines appearing to make a mark. The moment it was done, flames shot up from out of nowhere, burning brightly and hotly. A loud roar was heard long before the silhouette of a dragon was seen through the flames that condensed around the dragon’s fists, revealing a black-and-red dragon with an almost demonic look. In front of it stood a blond man, dressed in a white coat.
 “The Wings of the Crimson Dragon, Former King of Riding Duels, Jack Atlas!!!”
 Obviously, there was something fun with what the commentator said, because a lot of the famous duelists started laughing, some trying to hide it, some not. Crow was one of the ones who didn’t try to, and Aki tried to. Jack himself shot the man a glare.
 “Oh?” Unnamed chuckled. “I wonder what that’s about?”
 “Who knows?” Soulburner laughed.
 Before they could say anything else, though, there was another light. Jack jumped to the side, to stand a little further away from Crow. The lines made up a mark, almost like a claw that held something. Then, there was a large cracking sound and a burst of light. The sound of jingling bells was heard, as well as the sound of large machinery parts falling to the ground. When the light disappeared, there were two dragons there, one blue and almost like a fairy, one brown with a spear or something attached to its other arm. In front of the dragons were two youngsters, maybe 14 years old at most, with green hair and otherwise identical looks.
 “The Hand and Heart of the Crimson Dragon, the Wonder Twins, Ruka and Rua!”
 The duo laughed, waving to the crowd. Then, they jumped to the opposite sides of the platform, Rua to stand on the same side with Crow and Jack, Ruka to stand with Aki. They smiled and stood there, laughing, and then they waited.
 They didn’t have to wait for long. The platform lighted up once more, the eerie red glow becoming stronger than before. The lines quickly moved, making a mark. But unlike before, the mark wasn’t obscured as a dragon made an appearance. No, the spectators were instead left to gasp as something glittery rained down on them. As they turned to look up to the sky, they saw a white and blue dragon that was softly roaring as it flew over the street, over the people, its wings softly flapping. Whatever the glittery substance was, it was like it fell from the dragon’s wings.
 When the dragon flew over the platform, though, something dropped from on top of it. Or, rather, someone.
 People gasped, horrified and worried, as they saw someone freefall from that height, head first, straight towards the ground. They flipped over in the air, though, just before they hit the platform, landing on their feet in a crouch. The dragon landed behind them, letting out a soft roar.
 “The Head of the Crimson Dragon, Satellite’s Shooting Star, The King of Riding Duels, Fudo Yusei!!!”
 “Oh my, and who is that in his arms?!”
 It was then that people realized that it was indeed two people, rather than one, that had dropped from the dragon. Yusei was holding the other in a tight grip, holding them bridal style. And that other person…
 Ai gasped, shouting. “PLAYMAKER???!!!”
 “I’m going to kill you, one of these days.” Playmaker ignored the loud shout of his name, no doubt coming from the Ignis. Instead, he gave Yusei a glare as he was let down.
 “You would have already killed me if you had any plans to do so.” Yusei chuckled softly, ignoring the crimson red tendrils that began appearing in the air around their platform. “Now, come over here.���
 “Why?” Playmaker gave him a suspicious look but stepped closer. “If this is another one of your…”
 Yusei pressed his lips against Playmaker’s.
 At first, it was deadly silent. Then, people were screaming, because did some bigshot from Neo Domino City just kiss Playmaker???!!!
 The red tendrils began fusing. People noticed them, making confused noises as the tendrils began to take another shape, curling around the platform that was, once again, glowing an eerie red color. The tendrils began to make a snake-like body, like the lines on the platform… making a tail… feet… wings… hands… a head…
 Yusei pulled away, smiling as Playmaker glanced upwards at the replica of the Crimson Dragon that had curled around the platform. “… Isn’t it bad to make fun of a god like this?”
 “We’re showing our gratitude in our own way.” Yusei chuckled. “The Crimson Dragon would understand.”
 “… Yeah, you guys are unique like that.” Playmaker laughed, which made the crowds pause. “The Crimson Dragon would totally understand.”
 Yusei smiled and gave him another kiss before turning to the crowd and waving. His teammates and Playmaker did the same. The dragons roared in tune with the replica of the Crimson Dragon. It was truly a spectacle to see.
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Lasting Embers pt14: Training Day pt2
[Atlas SDC headquarter CEO office]
*A man in his early thirties wearing a business suit in the Schnee family colors sits at his desk writing. His hair swooped back and cleanly shaven. Pretty in shape, like a bulkier Neptune*
Secretary:*creaking open door* Whitley, your special guest has arrived.
Whitley:Thank you Julia; please send her in.
*a women with black leather pants and dark combat boots walks in. Zipped up black jacket jacket and wearing aviators; gold trim on the seams of her clothes. Not to mention a ridiculously long auburn ponytail*
Whitley:Hey Illia, how’s the weather treating you?
Illia:Cold as usual *removes glasses* I see you’re on a first name basis with your secretary now; about time.
Whitley:*smirks and stops writing* You haven’t changed since your last visit. You’re a bit late; stop by lunch areas to flirt with my cook again? She’s been talking about you.
Illia:*sits on his desk* Can you blame her? Anyways, I’m here on the usual business mostly. *lifts his chin and examines his face* you eating well? Any death threats or loss of sleep? Death by stress or malnutrition isn’t something I can protect you from.
Whitley:*chuckles* I’m fine, I’m fine *moving her hand* What about you?
Illia:Eh, the usual. Killing the bad guys and taking life a day at a time; all before anyone knows they’re in trouble. *puts a file on his desk* oh, there’s an assassination attempt on your life being planned by the way.
Whitley:Of course, another person mad I banned Faunus labor or is it more sister related? *opens folder to see faces of men in grey hoods and red veins near their eyes and hands* You think cult members would look more inconspicuous....
Illia:They’re currently in a warehouse a little ways up north of here. A splinter group that has their own way of trying to please “Salem the great and powerful” They obviously know about Weiss so....
Whitley:They’re going after her loved ones yada yada yada. She’s getting such an ear full when she comes back.
Illia:You think she’s okay?
Whitley:If you can survive our house then you can survive anything. So, how are you going to deal with these lot.
Illia:Don’t have to myself; I’ve been put in charge of training a newbie. This is no real threat so she went on ahead to despose of the problem. Shouldn’t take her too long.
*knock knock knock*
Whitley:That was fa-
Illia:*draws her weapon* too fast.... stay back.
*pretty vacant except for crates and blueprints everywhere. A table in the middle with four cloaked figures around it*
Thug 1: Are you sure this is gonna work? Like I get he’s not a huntsmen or anything but I heard this guy has taken down other people before us.
Thug 2:Idiot *flicking him* unlike the others we have an actual plan. We’ll strike right in the middle of traffic go rain bullets down from the building above.
Thug 3:Yee the boss left us in charge of this operation while he and two more go off and secure something else. Uhhh I forgot what kind of a play he was making.
Thug 4:*young women’s voice* Honestly why did I get stuck with you three? He said he was making a power play; rumor has it the branch of the cult is essentially history. That’s why he’s gone to hunt down the winter maiden. With access to the relic and the SDC fortune then he’s top dog. Rumor has it that the maiden might be somewhere hiding in Menagerie.
“Well isn’t that interesting news? Thanks for the info.”
*everyone reading their rifles*
Thug 1:Who said that!?
“Guns? Aren’t you for members of the Children of Salem; shouldn’t you be having grimm serve you with those gross veins of yours? Or did your boss not trust you enough to lend you some”
Thug 4:Show yourself!!! If you think hiding in the shadows can-
*a chain flies out and wraps the gun. Pulling it to the side and shooting the first thug right through the chest*
Thug 2:Shit!!!! *freaking out* what the hell is going on!?
“The shadows are sort of my thing. I could show you my face sense I’m not allowed to leave survivors but.....I need practice.
Thug 3: Stop toying with us you crazy bitc-ugh! *blood dripping down the mouth*
*a chain out of the shadows with a metal tip finds its way into Thug 3*
“Cat got your tongue; or heart?” *reels his body into the darkness*
Thug 2: *dropping his gun* Okay we give up! We’ll tell you everything we know; I swear!
“When did your boss leave for Menagerie?”
Thug 4:Yesterday, by airship! I think a cargo one?
“Hmm I think I can catch up to that. Thanks for information.”
Thug 2:Are...are we good?
*chain wraps around both of them tying them up. A figure of a woman in her early twenties and wearing a similar outfit to Illia. However the seams are white to match her white tiger ears and dawns a black mask reminiscent of the white fang.*
“No, you’re far from good.”
*picks up the rifle*
Illia:*opens up the door quickly and jumps back to defend Whitley* State your name and- Weiss?
Weiss:*slightly taller and dressed more like her sister. Hair style like her mother yet somehow looking just like her normal self* Well that was one way to be welcomed home. I guess I should expect nothing less from-
Whitley:*runs up and hugs her* Hey dork, you look like mom.
Weiss:Ugh, you’re one to talk *hugs him tightly* I half expected you to be rocking a bushy mustache.
Whitley:When hell freezes over.
Weiss:Ooo do I have a story for you later. *chuckles*
Illia:If you’re here then does that mean... *scroll rings* Uhhh hello?
Blake:Hey stranger, you miss me?
Illia:.......*tearing up* Blake?
Blake:Who else? I know it’s been awhile but I’d at least thought you’d have my number saved. Just letting you know that I’m home; I’m finally home.
Illia:You’re already back in Menagerie!?
Blake:*sitting on top a palm tree looking into her house window* Yep, no one knows yet besides Adam’s family. *watching a certain monkey Faunus hard at work running her organization* that’s about to change though.
Illia:I didn’t realize he knew you were back. I came out to Atlas for nothing!?
Blake:No, he wasn’t home. His daughter said he was already going on another trip; he’s probably going through the same shock you are. Anyways just also calling to tell you that there’s probably gonna be a celebration when everyone realizes I’m back. As of now your job is to come home and relax with your old friend my sinister shadow.
Illia:*chuckles* As you wish High Leader Belladonna; save me some food. *hanging up* well better go get my recruit and- *scroll rings* speak of the devil. *answering* so how was your first solo op Sienna?
Sienna:*taking off her mask as she watches a warehouse burn. Her maple tan skin feeling the cold air as her short black hair catches the wind* I wish it was someone place warmer; had to heat myself up. Everything here is done but we sort of have to head to Menagerie right now.
Illia:Why do I have a feeling it’s for a different reason I want to go back?
Sienna:I’ll tell you on the ride there but uhh let’s keep this one extra off the books please? It involves my mom.... *wiping blood of her mask and chain* not that I’m too worried; her and Jael are tough. Just wish dad was there for sure.
[Jaune’s Yard]
Yujin:You’re mine! *swings her blade, barely missing Adam’s head* crap!
*abandons her sword to keep up the pressure with high speed jabs and kicks. Not giving him any room to breath*
Adam:*bobbing all her attacks as he tries to back up* interesting choice when fighting a superior opponent. Keeping the flow of a fight yours to maintain at the cost of your weapon. *catches a punch and knees in the gut*
Yujin:*cough* You know me, always coming up with ideas! *goes for rib shot but he dodges back*
Adam:Well points for- *aura discharges from her punch and knocks him back*
Yujin:Ha! *runs up and kicks off of him to send him either further back* (that should be enough distance....)
*picks up her sword and makes it glow an intense white. Flames emerge from hit*
Yujin:Here goes nothing..... *unleashes 3 slashes our pure white flames* sunslice....
Adam:*Smiling* Not bad...*moon slices through all three*
Yujin:Tsk *slices the oncoming attack* still not enough to out do yours huh? Okay...*switches to gauntlets*
Ruby:She’s pretty good with that sword; it’s almost her size yet she can swing it one handed. Almost reminds me of Qrow....
Jaune:Probably because everyone chimed in and told her about his moves. He might be gone but a bit of his flare isn’t.
Ruby:......*smiles* Good, that’s really good to know.
Yang:*soaking in the fight that’s in front of her. Seeing her daughter counter blade strikes with punches; displaying moves all too noticeable to her as her dad’s handy work*
Jaune:Enjoying the show?
*Yujin’s fist catching fire. Another aura filled punch scattering the flames as the embers dance around her. Not messing a step when avoiding Adam’s relentless bullets and cross slashes*
Yang:I wish....I wish I could’ve helped create this. *somber smile* look at our kid go; she’s in her element right now.
*Adam jumping over a sweep kicking and blocking an assault of jabs. Sparks flying off his sword*
Yang:And I didn’t help with any of it.... I feel a little bad.
Jaune:Are you kidding? Yang, you might not have been here but plenty recordings of your training days are. She won’t admit it but I know she’s watched every single one to be even remotely as good as you.
Yang:*shocked* Really?
Jaune:*Nodding* Yujin did everything she could to deny hand to hand combat; to be separated from you. No matter how hard she tried though she knew if she was gonna be huntress that eventually she’d have to come to terms with you have a legacy with rich insight. To be a little more like herself she’d swallowed her pride, and started acting a little more like you.
Ruby:Makes sense; she looked very angry fighting you hand to hand but also a little thrill. If I had to guess I’d say it was probably because she finally got to see where she stood.
Yujin: *Jumping back for distance, trying to catch her breath* Come on Adam, *huff* my mom tire you out. (shouldn’t be long now) no holding back *raises her gaurd*
Adam:*sword glowing* Says the one breathing deep. You’ve grown a lot Yujin; I’m proud. However, I think this might be your limit.
Yujin:Well let’s find out!! *bumps her first together and charges at him.*
Adam:This won’t kill you but it’s not gonna tickle *dashes towards him swinging his sword down at her*
*a giant thumb erupts from the clash. Dirt and dust flying into the air as everything fall quiet*
Ruby:Huh....well would you look at that? Guess she has learned from you.
Yang:*jaw dropped in awe* You...you told her the story didn’t you?
Jaune:Maybe once or twice....*smiling*
Adam:*completely caught off gaurd, a familiar chill runs through him* .......heh this takes me back.
Yujin:*gripping his blade tightly before the impact. Her eyes shining bright lilac* Gotcha...
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kienokoru · 5 years
bold what always applies to your muse. italicize what applies to your muse conditionally.
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the mind was made to illuminate the heart.  /  we carve our names on the surface of history.  /  all our strength came out of the woodwork.  /  we only know this light as darkness crashes against it.  /  it’s a cruel trick how we find ourselves when we lose everything else.  /  our mistakes they were bound to be made.  /  the smell of the falling and burning leaves.  /  the bitterness of winter.  /  the sweetness of spring.  /  there was bad blood in us.  /  the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  /  firewood burning bright in the dead of winter.  /  were we broken right from the start?  /  forgiveness is a lesson he cursed you to learn.  /  just live what little life your broken heart can.  /  just live what little life your mended heart can.  /  darkness exists to make life truly count.
space and time takes violent things, angry things, and makes them kind.  /  we are infinite as the universe we hold inside.  /  we may fall in love every time we open up our eyes.  /  i am desperate, if nothing else.  /  no one can unring this bell, unsound this alarm, unbreak my heart new.  /  i am dissonance waiting to be swiftly pulled into tune.  /  somehow i’ve fallen in love with this middle ground at the cost of my soul.  /  all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life.  /  the night sky once ruled my imagination.  /  let my change of heart occur.  /  fault lines tremble underneath my glass house.  /  there was an avalanche of change.  /  we laid our names to rest along the dotted line.  /  we were amateurs at war, strangers to suffering.  /  another lie from the front lines.  /  our backs against the wall, we’re surrounded and afraid.  /  though time is ruthless, it showed us kindness in the end.  /  a second chance to make amends.  /  losing track of what we’re fighting for.
a secret under lock and key.  /  while collecting the stars, i connected the dots.  /  i don’t know who i am, but now i know who i’m not.  /  make my messes matter, make this chaos count.  /  you taught me the courage of stars before you left.  /  how rare and beautiful it is to even exist.  /  a stained glass variation of the truth.  /  stitch by stitch i tore apart.  /  if brokenness is a form of art i muse be a poster child prodigy.  /  an open book with a torn out page.  /  a model citizen of doubt.  /  i’m pinned under the weight of what i believed would keep me safe.  /  show me where my armor ends, show me where my skin begins.  /  the heaviness that i hold in my heart is crushing me.
a little broken, a little new.  /  the impact and the glue.  /  some truths are sharper than knives.  /  truth’s got its sight set on you.  /  if truth is north, then i am true south.  /  i set out to rule the world with only a paper shield and a wooden sword.  /  i bear little resemblance to the king i once was.  /  i bear little resemblance to the king i could become.  /  half your heart has yet to come home.
all we held dear was on the line.  /  my heart reconciled all the darkness and light inside my chest.  /  i saw the future unfold in silver and gold.  /  you are grace, you are light.  /  i can’t keep my head from spinning out of control.  /  is this what being vulnerable feels like?  /  i’m only steady on my knees.  /  i’ll run the risk of being intimate with brokenness.  /  a thousand fingerprints on the surface of who i am.  /  let the scaffolding inside of me be strong enough to hold this tired body up.  /  i was given a gift of hope.  /  
fall in love in a single touch, and fall apart when it hurts too much.  /  all i want is to flip a switch before something breaks that cannot be fixed.  /  pain is a well-intentioned weatherman.  /  god, i want to feel again.  /  i am aware of what light tastes like.  /  like fists unravelling, like glass unshattering.  /  i’m well aware of the shadows within my heart.  /  i want to be astonished.  /  nothing less than a work in progress.  /  sacred text on post it notes.  /  the light goes out, my heart goes still.
the calm water in the middle of an anxious sea.  /  the starting line of an adventure.  /  the faint outline of the divine.  /  losing my balance again and again.  /  each brave step forward, i take three steps behind.  /  its mind over matter.  /  a single lose thread and it all comes undone.  /  in our great sorrow, we learn what joy means.  /  with a broken heart, transformation begins.  /  i feel the pressure building until i can’t breathe.  /  reckless but honest words leave my mouth.  /  it’s fight or flight.  /  a last minute man of faith.  /  kerosene on a flame of doubt.  /  it’s too late for holy water now.
TAGGED BY : @arcbright​ <3 TAGGING : just snag it & say i tagged u
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me: i don’t have anything to post ughhh also me: has 10 95% finished drafts i could literally take an hour to finish and upload but won’t me: lemme start a new analysis
aaaaaa the mural of mayhem looks so good (source)
tl;dr: bunches of new environment shots. also i wanna time travel So Bad, just so Bad,,, gearbox, please, time travel??? i wanna meet The Man Typhon Deleon just *clenches fist* so bad and slap him for leading to the opening of the first vault. also for some reason tina is the only one of the good guys with the fabric stuff the twins are wearing. be warned. oh, also, there might be some ursa mechs? i saw like 3 robos that look like iron bear but aren’t colored like it so who even knows. oh and we see the scientist (?) dude in color next to Tannis from the MoM. he seems cool evil.
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i don’t even know where to begin here so let’s start with the middle and work our way towards literally whatever catches my eye next. i have no method, im a disaster
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nothing too special about our VHs here, they seem to be using the gold gun skins that are offering in either the early adopter pack or the other pack u get i think for signing up to be a VIP. so that’s neat. also shows off the good guys = blue/yellow theme we see throughout the mural.
there is this weird square shape in the sky/clouds above them? idk what it’s supposed to be, though. a logo? a ship? a building? i can’t tell!
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i could be wrong/seeing things though lol
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zoomer isn’t colored in! probably didn’t want to detract from the main 4 VHs. additionally, Amara’s arms don’t have their patterns across them. 
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Moze is also the only VH here with a hint as to what her Action Skill is. IB is elsewhere on the mural, though. We’ll get to him.
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the Vault behind them!
moving down below the VHs, we see this ship
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I’ve spoken about it before, so i won’t go into it here
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bandits? i think! looks like at least one of them is wearing power armor... or just a suit of armor in general. it looks like power armor to me tho lol
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another set of silhouettes in the foreground on the right there. can’t tell who/what they’re supposed to be unfortunately, but im going to assume more bandits
interestingly, we see the ruins of helios SUPER close and, even more interestingly, what appears to be a Vault in front of it! Which could very well be the Vault of the Traveler? since the Traveler itself can’t teleport it anymore (cause y’know... it ded.) It has a weird shape at the bottom, idk what that is supposed to be. it looks like a curvy outline of an arrow tbh lol. i wonder if the Vault actually did teleport Rhys and Fiona somewhere. I also wonder if the thing on the bottom is meant to help ‘visitors’ or something idk use/see/extract whatever was in the Vault. there was like some stairs and then a chest..? thing? idek. 
but yeah, looks like the Vault by Helios is doing well. Also, Vaughn apparently knows Rhys is on Promethea (soon) after the end of tales so I wonder if that actually is a portal... either way, i hope this means we’ll get to go visit 👀 We’ve visited the ruins of helios already in commander lilith, so hopefully this isn’t too much of a stretch.
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to the right of that we see Lorelei knockin the shit out of a goliath that seems... kinda small compared to her? idk maybe it’s cause he’s lying down (and out).
We also see another instance of Mystery Girl up at the top there, though she’s in the exact same pose as the mask of mayhem which makes me kinda sad. i was hoping to see another angle of her or something. I do hope she’s actually in the game and isn’t just a statue. be wild if tyreen gave her the suck or something to turn her into a statue to preserve her in the hopes that doing the reverse succ/getting the ultimate power would let ty bring her back to life at a later point lmao
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below lorelei we can see a crimson raider in the ash cloud! i have no idea why he’s there but he’s lookin baller.
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next to to lorelei is a titan (unsure if that’s the official name for these big guys or if the one in the showcase was unique) a skag and clappy! I can’t tell if clappy is holding something in his left arm or not
also the background looks like a city. i think that is promethea? i can’t really tell tbh
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next to clappy we see part of a ferris wheel which im pretty sure is part of the circus area we’ve seen in the trailers. the one with the circle emblem thing above the door/entrance.
below clappy/marcus we see what i think is part of Eden-6
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the bridge/road has me going like 🤔 but the foliage pretty much confirms it. might be related to that research base looking area. might be related to jakobs manor (maybe they have a bridge to keep bandits out) idk
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above that we see marcus looking some cash to a bunch of psychos. I think he has an ECHO skin? i can’t really tell. not really much to say here tbh, is marcs.
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behind him we see this landscape which i don’t think we’ve seen before. the tree is screaming Athenas at me but tbh i think we’ve only seen red trees there, haven’t we? also is that the handle of a sword near the bottom there? wtf is that?
maybe a new planet? or a new biome on one of the planets we haven’t seen yet. it looks like a savanna tree to me. you know the ones?
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yeah. possible new planet/new biome we haven’t seen yet?? i would ADORE a savanna type area. 
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next to that we see a tink and a skag in front of the HBC. I thiiink the tink is holding a flamethrower? not sure, though. maybe a miniboss like midgemong? that’d be neat asf
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i can’t tell if this is a suit of power armor/a robot or just part of the environment lol, i can see the helmet up top and a big bulky body. i would love to fight power armored enemies like that, be so cool! maybe these are modified suits of the ursa corps project? or something. idk about the helmet.
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above the tink/skag combo we can see more silhouettes in the foreground. i seriously can’t make out who they’re supposed to be :( maybe some maliwan troops? i feel like they’d be more recognizable, though. hmhmhmhm
in the background we see another robo/power armor suit (???? i think????), this one seems to have a flamethrower, which is kinda reinforcing my theory they might be repurposed armor sets. this one doesn’t appear to have a helmet. kinda get the feeling they’re either repurposed or completely different cuz the helmet on the other one is throwing me off a touch. IB doesn’t have a helmet. 
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for reference.
above that weirdly confusing collection of entities, we have hammerlock!
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my boiii
and finally to the left of hammerlock we get to the big boy of this side of the mural
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the god queen herself.
first thing i noticed? her jacket seems to be warping into that weird fabric we see clinging to other baddies throughout the mural and covering her right leg. 
She seems to be holding up a grenade/molotov cocktail/smoke bomb?
pretty sure it’s a molotov cocktail though
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i love how the smoke merges into the roses above her. really cool detail. you can also see the recruitment center to the right there! and a crane which makes me double down on the idea that the ‘vault’ we see in the booth thing had been excavated by dahl (considering the main building of the RC is a dahl building)
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we also see a fire rakk? ?? i think? be cool if we got badass elemental rakks. i’ve only ever seen normal badass rakks. i wonder if this is a play on the fact there’s a psycho in the MoM with rakk wings and the twins stole lily’s firehawk powers... probably not, right? probably not...
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ty’s tattoos are lookin kinda green for me here, might be the close proximity to all those browns and reds, though. it’d be really cool if she could pull an amara and swap her succ elements LMAO
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a bunch of psychos! all with wings! which is weird cause the sirens don’t have wings here. weird chunk of symbolism i guess. we can see a tubby on the top there which makes me happy to know they’re coming back. there’s one with 
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a glowing nose
and there’s this figure on the very left
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who doesn’t appear to be a psycho at all
also, note that all these psychos have a ‘normal’ brown/gray buzzaxe
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the one at the bottom here, on ty’s left has a more golden-colored buzzaxe. im p sure that corresponds to rank in cult. i also feel obligated to point out that, while im 90% sure that flame is coming from the flamethrower on the right there, it does kinda look like the bottom psycho is shooting a blast of flames out of his palm. 
moving right along
the whole entourage seems to be laying across a statue of roses, which match the ones at the top of the mural AND the ones on the cover art.
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we see a shot of Pandora and Elpis here (I’m pretty sure. the purple light at the top right makes me believe that’s the eridian scar, but.... may not be)
looks very volcanic...
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we see one of those lil video game dudes from the demo, forgot their names but they’re Maliwan
below them we see this scene
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which is an area i don’t recognize. eden-6 maybe? the buildings seem a bit close together, though.
tbh i thought this was another city at first, maybe it’s Promethea from ye olde days? you know, before Atlas took over and modernized it. Maybe we’ll get to go back in time to stop the first Vault from ever being opened. that’d be pretty cool. man time travel would be wild. i wonder if we’d be able to combine the Vault of the Traveler and the Vault of the Sentinel to do that. now that’d be cool.
but it’s probably eden-6 lmao
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quadruple threat here. from top to bottom: Rhys, Zer0, Vaughn, Aurelia? i think. 
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her hair seems spikier in the mask bit... maybe that’s not her? she also doesn’t have the earrings. idk who else it could be, though. 🤔
anyway. Vaughn seems to be climbing a cliff or something lol. at least he’s got a cape and his relic of strength on him.
rhys and zer0 are in the same poses as their poses on the Mask of Mayhem, just colored in.
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biggg statue of ty. noticeably missing her facial scars. not much else to say, pretty sure this is just a different(ish) angle of her MoM statue during the pan around.
back to the bottom center of the mural, let’s move left
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someone with a jetpack! i can’t make out who, though. i thought it was Moze at first but... she needs her digistruct pack for iron bear.
Also a bunch of psychos all fighting each other. over the buzzaxes maybe? if they really are a symbol of rank in the cult. that or they’re just being psychos. 
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this area with a waterfall and also a drainage pipe. i think this is also eden-6, but i am not 100% sure. probably an area we haven’t seen yet.
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lily!! her right (our left) wing looks really weird to me, idk what it is. it’s a lot redder/yellower than her left one. Also, the tattoos near her wrist look like they’re coming off her arm. 
to the left of lily we see ellie!
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holding a whole-ass street sign. insane.
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next/behind her is promethea! which we’ve seen before. it looks like one of the buildings in the middle there is getting blasted by something, but idk what. maybe something Maliwan? 
also, on the left there we can see what i thought was iron bear
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but now i am second guessing myself due to the other robos/armor suits we saw on the right of the mural. 
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maybe they did not color in IB fully like Zoomer? it looks like there is someone/something where the turret mount would be. maybe that is moze standing up there? it would be really interesting to see other Ursa Corps soldiers coming in. I know they mentioned in the Commander Lily ECHO log that Vladof was at war with Tediore, and we know through their advertisements for bl2 that Vladof is also at war with Dahl. It’s possible we’ll see some of their troops in the game! especially since Moze’s echo actually talks about the troop as a whole and not specifically her, unlike the others.
next to the mystery mech or iron bear (you decide) we see Mystery Girl/Little Blue/Nope Girl
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and, yeah, starting to think she may not actually fit into the timeline of Steele’s death. she looks older than 12 to me (for reference, in bl2 tina was 13). but we haven’t quite seen enough of her so who knows. im getting ‘way too tall’ vibes. maybe 14-15? maybe mystery MoM girl is her little sister. i would not be surprised if we saw another sibling relationship to juxtapose the twins (considering mystery girl looks like a CoV bandit, they’d be distant at the start and close at the end of the game while the twins are close at the start and distant at the end of the game- we know Danny Homan said their relationship would start to warp). 
below her we see this area
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i think that’s a water tank at the bottom there? this looks kinda like a garden/courtyard area to me. Maybe another place on Athenas? i want to say Athenas bc Little Blue is directly above it. may be another new planet/biome/region we haven’t seen yet.
Above L.B we see this car
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which is interesting to me bc it appears to have a closed top? I could be wrong though. would be fun to see Vasquez’s car make a return, tho lol (and then everyone gets mad the fuckin car is making an appearance but Gaige isn’t)
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above that we see Tina and Mordy (and Talon) making an appearance. Tina appears to be in the same pose as her Mappearancence, including the huge launcher behind her which has me like :O Talon is a girl now in bl3, right? unless their gender changed again after the commander lilith stuff.
Also, I’m hesitant to note that Tina is the only ‘good guy’ character to have the fabric on. Everyone other character with it is either a psycho or one of the twins. I hope that’s just artistic choice and nothing more because :(
also she has bows on her shoes. fucking ace
to their right we see 3 very interesting things so we’ll go in order from the bottom counter clockwise
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another mystery dude who seems to match the one we saw by tyreen, and those silhouettes again. It looks like they’re reaching down to save their falling teammates. i hope they’re alright. (unless they’re evil. then, oof, crash and burn)
at the top i can see a bunch of men with guns pointed at what i think is a jabber? but the lower bit i can’t make out. someone’s falling at the very bottom, it looks like a second falling figure has been caught with rope? idk.
above that scene we see
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tannis! and the mystery guy to the bottom right. the one we’ve seen standing next to her in the MoM. does he have red eyes for anyone else or is that just me? might just be the lighting. Do I think he’s evil? you know the fuck i do. I trust nobody lol. Since I’m a fan of the “the twins are the product of a weird experiment” theory, it’s possible he is the experimenter. Tannis could’ve been feeding him information. maybe she didn’t even know what was going on- though, knowing her disregard for ethics, maybe she did. 
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this guy btw
it looks like tannis is holding an eridian artifact?
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maybe?? it looks like she’s holding it horizontally, if it is an artifact.
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to her right and our left we see a familiar shot of Promethea. I’ve seen this exact frame before, iirc that building is smoking bc it’s Rhys’s office. actually, that could explain Rhys joining us on Sanc-III! maybe Lorelei, too.
above Tina and Mordy we see Brick
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and to the right of him, Moxxi and her bar sign
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she has a new megaphone, i wonder if that is hinting we’ll be getting more circles of slaughters/underdomes. It would be nice to have her commentary return, i actually really enjoyed that in the bl1 dlc and I did actually enjoy her dlc. The wave combat was fun. I’d love to have an endless wave version to see how long i could survive.
it also looks like there are a bunch of psychos (?) hanging out around the bar. and this character at the bottom right who i don’t recognize
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to the far right of moxxi we see Maya
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i think this is a new pose, but tbh i don’t see anything noteworthy here. I do think it’s interesting she’s using pistols instead of smgs, but oh well. might just be for the poses lol
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Troy’s statue. one interesting bit i gotta mention is that it looks like the cut on the right side of his face (our left) is visible here! iirc it was not visible on his portraits in the MoM. so that’s new!
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the big boy of this side of the mural!
none of the psychos on this side seem to have golden buzzaxes, plus their drapes? wtf are these? they don’t look like robes to me. anyway, they’re darker in color than the ones on Ty’s side. might be artistic direction, might be showing they’re not as high rank as the ones with the god queen (vs the right hand man lol)
i also only see 2 psychos with wings here, the one on the very left and you can see part of a wing on the bottom right. They also don’t appear to be resting/climbing on a statue like Tyreen’s are. There is ALSO a lot less of them. 
some interesting stuff about Troy: his stomach tattoos don’t seem to be around, but that could be because of the detail level required- would probably look like a big ol smudge. it is cool seeing Troy with a gun, is this the first time? i can’t remember, but i know we always saw him with his sword. i find it kinda funny they decided on the gun considering this is supposed to be renaissance, the sword would (kinda) be more fitting in that regard. it is also a giant glowy tech sword, so maybe not.
Also, Ty’s side of the mural is the only one with the roses. idk if that’s to signify something or just to balance out colors, though you’d think the red clouds on troy’s side couldve been easily converted to roses as well. hmmm 🤔
anyway, this is all i’ve got. if i missed something/if you think of something new please tell me! i wanna know 👀
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sparkadreama · 5 years
bold what always applies to your muse. italicize what applies to your muse conditionally.
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the mind was made to illuminate the heart.  /  we carve our names on the surface of history.  / all our strength came out of the woodwork.  /  we only know this light as darkness crashes against it.  /  it’s a cruel trick how we find ourselves when we lose everything else.  /  our mistakes they were bound to be made. / the smell of the falling and burning leaves. /  the bitterness of winter.  /  the sweetness of spring.  /  there was bad blood in us.  /  the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  /  firewood burning bright in the dead of winter.  /  were we broken right from the start?  /  forgiveness is a lesson he cursed you to learn.  /  just live what little life your broken heart can.  /  just live what little life your mended heart can.  /  darkness exists to make life truly count.
space and time takes violent things, angry things, and makes them kind.  /  we are infinite as the universe we hold inside.  /  we may fall in love every time we open up our eyes.  /  i am desperate, if nothing else.  /  no one can unring this bell, unsound this alarm, unbreak my heart new.  / i am dissonance waiting to be swiftly pulled into tune.  /  somehow i’ve fallen in love with this middle ground at the cost of my soul.  /  all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life.  / the night sky once ruled my imagination.  /  let my change of heart occur.  /  fault lines tremble underneath my glass house.  / there was an avalanche of change.  /  we laid our names to rest along the dotted line.  /  we were amateurs at war, strangers to suffering.  /  another lie from the front lines.  /  our backs against the wall, we’re surrounded and afraid.  / though time is ruthless, it showed us kindness in the end. /  a second chance to make amends.  /  losing track of what we’re fighting for.
a secret under lock and key.  /  while collecting the stars, i connected the dots. / i don’t know who i am, but now i know who i’m not. /  make my messes matter, make this chaos count.  /  you taught me the courage of stars before you left.  /  how rare and beautiful it is to even exist.  / a stained glass variation of the truth.  /  stitch by stitch i tore apart.  /  if brokenness is a form of art i muse be a poster child prodigy.  /  an open book with a torn out page.  /  a model citizen of doubt.  /  i’m pinned under the weight of what i believed would keep me safe.  /  show me where my armor ends, show me where my skin begins.  /  the heaviness that i hold in my heart is crushing me.
a little broken, a little new.  /  the impact and the glue.  /  some truths are sharper than knives. /  truth’s got its sight set on you.  /  if truth is north, then i am true south.  /  i set out to rule the world with only a paper shield and a wooden sword.  /  i bear little resemblance to the king i once was.  /  i bear little resemblance to the king i could become.  / half your heart has yet to come home.
all we held dear was on the line.  /  my heart reconciled all the darkness and light inside my chest.  /  i saw the future unfold in silver and gold.  /  you are grace, you are light.  /  i can’t keep my head from spinning out of control.  /  is this what being vulnerable feels like?  /  i’m only steady on my knees.  /  i’ll run the risk of being intimate with brokenness.  /  a thousand fingerprints on the surface of who i am.  /  let the scaffolding inside of me be strong enough to hold this tired body up.  / i was given a gift of hope.
fall in love in a single touch, and fall apart when it hurts too much.  /  all i want is to flip a switch before something breaks that cannot be fixed.  / pain is a well-intentioned weatherman.  /  god, i want to feel again.  /  i am aware of what light tastes like.  /  like fists unraveling, like glass unshattering.  / i’m well aware of the shadows within my heart.  /  i want to be astonished.  / nothing less than a work in progress.  /  sacred text on post it notes.  /  the light goes out, my heart goes still.
the calm water in the middle of an anxious sea. / the starting line of an adventure.  /  the faint outline of the divine.  /  losing my balance again and again.  /  each brave step forward, i take three steps behind.  /  its mind over matter.  /  a single lose thread and it all comes undone.  / in our great sorrow, we learn what joy means.  /  with a broken heart, transformation begins.  /  i feel the pressure building until i can’t breathe.  /  reckless but honest words leave my mouth.  /  it’s fight or flight.  /  a last minute man of faith.  /  kerosene on a flame of doubt.  /  it’s too late for holy water now.
TAGGED  BY . @amourfeint TAGGING . @1stclasszackfair, @crcwnedjewels​ (Eclipsa), @lifespentinadream, @strcngered (Hector), @fairestfall, @lunarprophecies, aaaaannnnddddd whoever else wants to, just say I tagged ya! :3
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1283
Monday, October 14, 2019
 Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to one and all. Thank-you for reading this. The Jee Gang gathered for a turkey dinner yesterday with the littlest 2-month-old Ashton being passed around like a hot potato because he was tired and cranky. His mom got him settled but you couldn't hear his tiny cries for the raucous noise from his cousins. The kids took over the larger formal dining room now that they outnumber us old folks. It was a nice big family affair.
 Gwenpool Strikes Back #3 - Leah Williams (writer) David Baldeon (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Gwenpool tries to save herself from cancellation by holding a "Contest of Champions" in this issue. Guest stars galore. This thing is so much fun.
 Catwoman #16 - Joelle Jones (story & art) Laura Allred (colours) Saida Temofonte (letters). I'm glad I checked the credits on this issue since I said that I was going to let this cat out after reading last issue. I will always read a book by Joelle Jones even though this one had me befuddled with some jumping back and forth in time and the added "Year of the Villain" thing. I am curious to find out Catwoman's decision.
 Loki #4 - Daniel Kibblesmith (writer) Oscar Bazaldua (pencils) Oscar Bazaldua & Victor Olazaba (inks) David Curiel & Carlos Lopez (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I love a good trickster. Loki uses a good one to defeat Nightmare. I like this Loki.
 Detective Comics #1013 - Peter J. Tomasi (writer) Doug Mahnke (pencils) Keith Champagne & Christian Alamy (inks) David Baron (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). It's Batman versus Mister Freeze as the super villain tries to resurrect his dead wife. Batman's flame thrower costume is a cosplayer's wet dream
 Doctor Doom #1 - Christopher Cantwell (writer) Salvador Larroca (art) Guru-eFX (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This was a pleasant surprise. The art caught my eye but the story is really good too. There's no sign of the good guy Sorcerer Supreme from a while ago. Just good old fashioned arrogant Victor. He scoffed at a new technology to reverse global warming and is accused of being jealous of it because it was invented by Reed Richards and Tony Stark. When disaster strikes, Latveria is blamed and Doctor Doom sacrifices himself for his country. The mystery is who framed him and I will keep reading to find out.
 Web of the Black Widow #2 - Jody Houser (writer) Stephen Mooney (art) Triona Farrell (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). What the!? Two Black Widows? Doctor Doom isn't the only one being framed for murder. I liked the clever cut-out on Nat's bathing suit.
 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #11 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Ze Carlos (art pages 1-8) Ig Guara (art pages 9-20) Dono Sanchez-Almara with Protobunker (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Miles must solve the super hero's dilemma of saving a family member or a stranger's life. His decision leads to a confrontation with the Prowler. Is it Uncle Aaron? I can't wait to find out.
 White Fox #1 - Alyssa Wong (writer) Kevin Libranda & Geoffo (art) Israel Silva (colours)
VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Another Agent of Atlas super hero gets her origin story told. She's based on Korean folklore. It was very well done and almost makes me want to read the new team book. There's also a peek at the Future Avengers by Alyssa Wong (writer), Ale Garza (art), Dono Sanchez-Almara with Protobunker (colours) and VC's Joe Sabino (letters). They're an Asian version of the Young Avengers but these guys used to be Hydra agents in training. Read on if you're wondering what turned them into good guys.
 Age of Conan Valeria #3 - Meredith Finch (writer) Aneke (art) Andy Troy (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). I wish the art inside was a nice as the Jay Anacleto cover.
 Marvel Action Spider-Man #9 - Delilah S. Dawson (writer) Fico Ossio (art) Ronda Pattison (colours) Shawn Lee (letters). The Black Cat gets caged as the kids finally work together and start to treat each other with respect. Next, things get even darker as Venom attacks.
 Batman 100 Page Giant #1 - There are five superb stories in this $4.99 US one-shot and you'll feel like you just read five $3.99 comic books when you hit the last page. The only story that was disappointing was the Batwoman story mainly because she was fighting a lame villain named Lord Death Man. It was written by Steve Orlando, who has never impressed me. The other four stories more than make up for it though, especially Scott Snyder's lengthy contribution. This book is a steal at twice the price.
 The Amazing Spider-Man #31 - Nick Spencer (writer) Ryan Ottley (pencils) Cliff Rathburn (inks) Nathan Fairbairn (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). More hints are given to the secret identity of the super villain Kindred. Definitely related to Norman Osborn. That mystery is the only thing keeping me reading this book. As if the waters weren't muddy enough, the guy in the straight jacket isn't even Norman. I hope we don't get strung along too much longer because there will come a point where I say screw it, I don't care anymore.
 Batman Universe #4 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Nick Derington (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Josh Reed & Tom Napolitano (letters). I don't mind this time traveling if it means that we see Batman and Green Lantern team up with Jonah Hex. The chase is on as Vandal Savage gets his hands on his prize. I know I've said that I don't like time travel and Vandal Savage, but this is a Bendis book and I'm a sucker.
 Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #2 - Jody Houser (writer) Adriana Melo (pencils) Mark Morales (inks) Hi-Fi (colours) Gabriela Downie (letters). I think the Floronic Man chowed down on Swampthing and Ivy is next on his menu. Well, it's Harley to the rescue and the girls seek help from a fellow super villain to see what's wrong with Ivy. I'm reading this because it looks so pretty.
 Powers of X #6 - Jonathan Hickman (writer) R.B. Silva & Pepe Larraz (art) Marte Gracia & David Curiel (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). The house is built and the power has been connected for a new X-verse. Jonathan Hickman has managed to make mutants relevant again for me. There are a half a dozen new mutant books coming out in the next six weeks starting with X-Men #1 hitting the racks October 16. I'll be reading them all to see how I feel about them but I can't imagine that they'll be all worthwhile.
 Event Leviathan #5 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Alex Maleev (art) Josh Reed (letters). I'm curious to find out who Leviathan is but it's not going to have a big impact on me since I'm not a huge DC fan. I'm sure DC fans might be able to suss out the secret given the Manhunter clue in this issue but I'm going to have to wait until next issue when all is revealed.
 Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #1 - Kami Garcia (writer) Mico Suayan & Mike Mayhew (art) Richard Starkings of Comicraft (letters). I love new and different takes on iconic characters and this one is a killer. Harleen Quinzel is Doctor Harley Quinn, GCPD profiler, who is working a 5-year-old cold case of the murder of a hospital employee. Meanwhile there are other new murders landing on her desk. The writing is tight and the characterisations are vivid, helped by the beautiful art. Mico's black and white art chronicles the present while Mike's gorgeous colour art handles the flashbacks. DC's Black Label imprint is well worth checking out if you're a mature reader. This mystery not only looked good but made me feel good after I finished reading. I can't wait to find out what happens next.
 Contagion #2 - Ed Brisson (writer) Stephen Segovia (art) Veronica Gandini (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I know I said that I wasn't going to read any more of this 5-issue mini but this was on the racks with the awesome Power Man and Iron Fist cover so I snagged one after I finished reading all the others for the week. This issue was better thought out and the story flowed smoothly. Ben takes Sue, Reed and Johnny to Doctor Strange for help and the two of them go back to Yancy Street to contain the infectious bad guy. Danny and Luke are there helping the first responders and a couple of surprise super heroes show up too. The villain is briefly subdued but Doc Strange and Power Man succumb to the disease at the end. Uh-oh. The next issue teaser has Jessica Jones so that's reason enough for me to want to read it.
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ghosteyesfoxwrites · 6 years
Chapter 3 (thank you to all who have read this and liked it, and started following my writing blog)
She had found secret paths in the jungles of Menagerie, made up paths in the ceiling beams of her manor back on the island, even mapped out the most fun roofs to hop and ran across. However, secret pathways in actual old mansions were something Blake thought she'd only experience in a mystery-murder novel. Here she was, hand in hand with Yang, the Huntress that had been hired to protect her, and her family, and Weiss. A ball of energy, not unlike her little sister, but it was different. While Ruby was raw, speed and high activity, Yang was the sun, a flame, a constant output of warmth. Half the passages Blake missed because all she heard was a low hum of nervousness in her system. They went upstairs at a certain point, and Yang turned around with an excited look on her face.
"I almost forgot about this path. I know Weiss has a good view of Neo Atlas, but have you even seen the Aurora Borealis that hangs over Atlas?" Yang  stopped, one foot up on the first step, her body turned, her left hand holding onto Blake's right. Blake looked up, blinking slowly, her left ear flicked. She titled her head.
Amusement in her voice, "Yang, we won't be able to see it with the lights on at the city."
"Pssh," Yang  waved her other hand and started up the stairs, gently tugging Blake, "Says you."
"Says light pollution," Blake assured.
They reached the top in only a few seconds, just about ten steps or so. Ruby counted once when they were younger, but the exact number didn't stick with Yang. She opened the door and Jack Frost hit them solidly, his chill went right through their clothes. Blake hugged herself, her ears going so flat against her skull, they almost disappeared in her hair. Yang instantly turned and wrapped Blake up in a hug, her semblance flickered, the heat rolled off her in waves.  The wind died down after a few howls, and Yang moved back a half step, holding Blake at arms length.
"You ok?" Yang' eyes a pleasant deep violet, her hair glowed then dimmed as the heat slowed. Blake could still feel the warmth enough that the biting wind wasn't a bother.
She nodded, her ear lifting just a bit. "Why are we up here again and not in the heated manor?"
Yang smiled big and wide, tugging Blake to the edge of the roof, the small lip that came up to their knees before it dropped. The manor was at least three stories high, and overlooked the entirety of Neo Atlas. With the early nights, the neon lights from the empire glowed and pulsed with life. "Ah, just in time." Yang held Blake close, to keep the poor girl warm. She nodded up and Blake, entranced by the city view, slowly looked up. A small gasp and Yang knew she surprised her.
Above, blues, greens, pinks, purples, and oranges danced against the clouds. Falling snowflakes, cold and tickled noses and ears, caught specks of color, making them look like falling Dust. Blake stepped forward, out of the warmth, stood against the lip of the roof and was caught up in the wonder. Yang was right. She'd be damned.
Yang stepped up next to Blake and caught her eyes, just a bit. Blake's pupils were wide, taking up almost all her golden irises, giving her a child-like look of wonder and awe. Yang slowly wrapped her arm around Blake's shoulders, holding her close. "See, kitten. Told ya, the Aurora Borealis."
Blake closed her mouth and slowly turned to Yang, her eyes still wide, but Yang could see the mischief in them. She went to speak when her ear twitched toward the front of the house. Yang pulled Blake into her and turned, her aura activating. She turned just in time for her right shoulder to catch a bullet. The bullet itself dropped, crushed, her aura still active, but she felt a slight pain her her shoulder. Another hit, then a third missed as it hit the roof. Yang could hear Blake yelling her name, but she was already in motion. Blake was scooped up in her arms and they were through the doors to the passage way. Yang jumped and cleared all the steps landing at the bottom of the stairs. She put down Blake and went to slam the door shut.  She took a quick breath and hurried down the steps. Yang went to pick Blake up again and bolt down the hallway but Blake stopped her.
Cold hands on her burning face stopped her. Blake searched her face, if she was surprised to see blood red irises instead of lilac, she didn't show it. "Are you ok?" came and collected, deliberate.  
Yang took a few breaths and closed her eyes. Angry heat calmed and she opened her eyes, purple again, "Yes. Are you?" Yang went to look over Blake but she nodded.
"I'm fine. You took the shots. I should be thanking you." Blake didn't move her hands.
Yang shrugged and took a few more calming breaths, "Part of the job." Yang could feel the blush underneath Blake's gentle caress. "Anyway," Yang coughed,  slowly grabbing Blake's hands and pulling them off her face, but not letting go of them right away. "Let's go check on your parents. See if we can get surveillance outside."
As they jumped out of the secret pathways, and headed toward the room Blake's parents were in, Yang got a message on her scroll.
Rubes: Yang! Weiss's car blew up! Keep a look out back at the house. Me:Just now? Rubes: Yeah, Weiss is safe, I'm in one peace. Rubes: Piece** Me:Someone took a shot at Blake. Gonna recon Rubes: We'll be a few hours, between getting back and dealing with other stuff Me:Be safe
"So, whoever tried to take a shot at you, tried to blow up Weiss," Yang said, too calm for Blake. She put away her scroll and continued toward one of the safe rooms.
"What? How can you be so calm?" Blake kept in step, even if her steps were a bit more hurried, short legs versus long legs.
Yang shrugged, "Ruby was there. She kept her safe. Plus, this is what we do. Hunt, keep pretty girls safe." Yang turned to Blake and gave a half smile, shoulder bumping the faunus.
Blake's ears dropped, and she looked down at the ground, slowing a half step, "You shouldn't have too. It's me he wants." She stopped completely.
Yang took two more steps before realizing Blake wasn't at her side. She turned and closed in on Blake's personal space. Her right hand tilted Blake's head up by her chin, gentle. "I'm doing this more than just getting paid, Blake. I'm doing this because I want too. Plus, I get to be around you. Definite perk to 'Protect the Princess' gig."
Blake gave a small chuckle, "I'm not really a princess."
"Sure, Your Highness," Yang's hand moved from Blake's chin to brush her cheek with her knuckles. "Plus, Blake, if its you thye want, they will have to go through me. And I'm not an easy wall to get through."
Blake held Yang by her wrist and nuzzled into the hand. Metal or not, Yang felt shocks. She nearly shorted out when Blake turned and place one, small, feather light kiss against the palm. "I'll hold you to that, Miss Bodyguard."
Yang swallow her tongue and nodded, her face a perfect match to Ruby's cloak. She let out a small cough, "Shall we?"
Blake held Yang's hand as they continued toward the room, "We shall."
After a few more hours, well into the late evening, Weiss, Ruby, and Ice returned. The Belladonnas and the rest of Weiss's staff were briefed on the situation. They were targeted. Ruby brought up her scroll, connected to the hologram display in Weiss's meeting table. She logged into a network of hired swords and their ilk, and she saw that Weiss and the Belladonnas were on contracts. A few hushed murmurs and Ruby explained, they were hits.
"Assassins are coming after us?" Ghira growled. "Of course. No way the peace treaty was going to pass without a hitch."
"Plus, we know who is behind these hits. Jacques Schnee made it crystal clear he wants the company back," Kali worried.
Yang made a fist and pounded the metal table, the image of the hologram contracts warbled. "To think he'd go so far to take out his own daughter."
Weiss  stood at the head of the table. Her hands, flat against the steel, curled into fists, "Jacques Schnee will stop at nothing. I thought kicking him out of the family would be enough. I was wrong. I... I loathe to do this, but he has been nothing but a thorn in this company's side and, honestly, a threat to my life. As of this moment, "Yang, Ruby, would you take on the contract of ending Jacques Schnee. In name of peace and safety. Name your price, and it will be done." The chill that crawled through the room from Weiss was terrifying. Her ice blue eyes were devoid of compassion. Hope of leaving her father in past gone, this man was a danger and, now, was coming for her.  
Yang nodded along with Ruby. "Anything for you, Ice Queen," Yang answered.
Blake spoke up, "Can you see who took the contracts?"
Ruby stuck her tongue out in thought, then started typing on her scroll, "Usually not. But me and Yang have a few favors to cash in with Junior. He runs the site. But you didn't hear me say that. Just a quick message an-nd... Bingo!" Over the hologram, a symbol appeared and turned. The current White Fang logo.  "Apparently, the White Fang took the contract, and Jacques is paying them double of his asking price." 
A growl rumbled, shaking everyone to their core. Ghira shook as he snarled, "Taurus. That uppity brat. So him appearing and delivering the message wasn't just a one time thing."
Next to Yang, Blake started to tremble. Under the table, Yang reached over and held Blake's hand. The trembling slowed down to occasional shakes. "Ruby and myself were trained by  most of Team STRQ. No one is getting past us."
Weiss nodded as Ghira and Kali's eyes widen, "I thought your names sounded familiar," Ghira said, his anger tapering off.
Ruby tapped her chin, "If we knew where they were, we could take them out before they staged another hit."
Blake tensed, her ears dropping, "I... I might have an idea." The table turned to her. "In the shady part of the city, there's a few White Fang hideouts. Nothing spectacular, bases, safe houses, the sort."
Yang gave a dangerous grin, Ruby nodded muttering, "This could work," as Weiss stood and crossed her arms, holding her chin.
"Why are you all looking like that? What are you... oh no. Even you Weiss?" Blake looked a little shocked.
"Well," Weiss moved her one hand from her chin, gesturing as she went, "I have no doubt that Ruby and Yang could take down Adam by himself and maybe cause considerable about of collateral damage. There's a chance we run into White Fang members, people on my father's lien, and any one else there. If the four of us go, we'll have better odds."
Ghira stood, "Miss Schnee," his tone low, a predator waiting to pounce, "Are you suggesting I send my daughter into the lion's den?"
Weiss stood with her back straight, "Ghira, I'm merely suggesting that Yang and Ruby do their jobs by keeping myself and Blake safe. They are accomplished Huntresses. I am no slouch when the chips are down, and Blake doesn't have callouses on her hands from reading."
The room was quiet, broken only by the hum of the different electronics. Ghira and Weiss had a small stare down. Before Ghira could continue his objection, Blake spoke up, "I want to do it." All eyes were on Blake. "I am a good fighter, plus Adam is my problem. I wouldn't be able to sit here, safe knowing these three are fighting. I want to go. I need to do this." Blake stood and held her ground, her ear upright, her eyes bright.
Kali reached out and held her husband's paw of a hand, "Dear. Even if we say no, she'll sneak out." Blake had the decency to blush, but held her gaze.
After long, tense moments, Ghira let out a sigh of defeat. "Fine. I'm glad I had the foresight to pack your Gambol Shroud." Ghira pinched the bridge of his nose. Then looked to his daughter. "Adam Taurus isn't your problem, Blake. He should be mine. I left him when I left the White fang. I threw him to the cold world. I didn't help him through the racism."
"Dad, no," Blake stopped him. "He's.. No, no more. He is a problem to this society. He will blame anyone and everyone. I will deal with him, and help show that humans and faunus can live together. With Weiss's and your treaty, we can show that there doesn't need to be anymore hate between us." Blake smiled at her father. The man beamed at Blake.
"When did you get so wise?" he whispered.
"I had great examples."
From there, a plan to attack one of the three bases Adam frequented started to emerge. One of the three was the biggest, so Weiss suggested they hit that.  No small time for her father. Jacques had a few months to plan the hit, so there could be anything under the roof, from Dust explosives, armored soldiers, to even crude remakes of the mechs, such as the Atlesian Knights and maybe even a paladin or two. Weiss made sure everyone was loaded up on bullets and Dust if they needed it. Together there, Weiss and Ruby would come in from the sky while Blake and Yang rode in on Yang's motorcycle. Other from that, they would try to sneak in, but are prepared if they are found out. It was close to midnight, when they get to the point of when to strike.
"Why not go now?" Yang suggested. "Yeah, the faunus might have the night vision advantage, but, with a few, tactfully used flash bombs we can blind them. Or even get some night vision googles, you got those, Weiss?"
Weiss hesitated, "Although, I do like the sound of the idea, Are we sure dawn wouldn't be better?"
"The White Fang might be moving at this point. Two attempts failed, so either Adam is turning his ire on them or scrambling to move so he doesn't get caught. I'm gonna agree with Yang. Now might be best."
Ruby was out of her seat, latching Crescent Rose to her belt, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's move out, team RWBY!"
"Ruby?" Weiss questioned.
"Yeah, R for me, W for you, Weiss, B for Blake, and Y for Yang. RWBY, it's like dad's team STRQ. Oh man! I can't wait to tell Uncle Qrow," Ruby bounced from foot to foot.
Yang stood and ruffled her hair. Let me jut go get ready, and I'd say we'll be ready to head out in fifteen?" The rest of them nodded and they parted to prepare.
Blake followed Yang to her room, "Yang, wait." Yang turned around. Blake stumbled over her words. "I, uh." Blake looked up and all the words she wanted to say  crumbled and blew away. "Um, good luck. I won't be a burden for you," Blake hurried out, nowhere near the words she actually wanted to say. Don't die on me. I like you. I want to keep you around. Is it inappropriate to date your bodyguard?
Yang gave a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of her head, "Right. I don't think that of you, Blake. I'm confident you can hold yourself in a fight. Plus, I'm curious to see what your semblance is." Yang finished with a wink.
Blake swallowed a lump in her throat, trying to wet her tongue, suddenly dry mouth, "Right, right. Yeah. Well, then, I'll see you in fifteen," She smiled awkwardly before darting into her room. She slammed the door and wished for the floor to open up and swallow her whole. She shook her head and started to  get ready. Her father brought a sleek, black box. In it, Blake's weapon, Gambol Shroud. She clipped it to her back, held by a small magnetic bolt.
"Blake, if you backed out now, I wouldn't hold it against you. You don't have to do this," Ghira held his daughter's shoulders.
Blake smiled as she looked up at her father, "I do. I do have to do this. I will end this by my own hand and, hopefully, the rest of the faunus will see that not all humans are bad and Weiss means to do right by her name."
Ghira nodded and pulled Blake into a tight hug, "No matter what happens, Blake. I'm proud of you. You've grown into a wonderful young woman."
Blake held her father, gripping his jacket, "Thank you, Dad."
Ghira gave one more squeeze before stepping back, "One more thing, here." He held out a square of cloth, something folded.
Blake undid the folded cloth. It opened up to a purple long coat, with gold inseam. The bottom of the coat tails was the previous White Fang symbol, a less aggressive beast head. "Dad, this is beautiful."
"It was your mother's when I first started the White Fang. We want you to have it. Show the world our old ideals," Ghira stood, a stern face, but his gold eyes shown with pride.
Blake nodded, switching out a white and purple jacket for the purple and gold one. With a black crop top, tight black pants, thigh high midnight violet boots, Blake was ready.
Blake had ridden on high speed vehicles before, but riding on the back of Bumblebee, gripping tightly to Yang's mid section as she bobbed and weaved through traffic was a whole new feeling. Her stomach was left at the Schnee estate, lights nothing but blurs and streaks as Yang raced toward the old warehouses below the unused air docks. Yang was wearing a short sleeved black jacket that bellowed behind her, an orange tank top, and beige pants, tucked into knee high boots, a purple bandanna wrapped around her left knee.
In Blake's and Yang's ear, Ruby's voice came through, "We're closing in up here. It looks like they're still there, I see lights on and flashing."
Blake reached up, clicking the button, "Hover until we get there, from what I can tell, we're about a minute out."
"Uh oh. We might not have a minute." Then radio silence.
"Shit," Yang huffed before revving the throttle, pushing Bumblebee to her limits. 
 They heard gunshots and a small explosion.
They made it to the warehouse in less than the predicted minute. They rounded the corner to see Ruby jumping from Weiss's summoned Grimm hornet, the Queen Lancer, turning into a blur and slashed at the misshapen Atlesian Paladin. Weiss dodged the shots as Ruby went after the arm with the mounted gun.
"Get us close, Yang!" Blake shouted. Yang sped toward the Paladin before making a sharp turn, Blake launching herself at the mech. It swung it's arm and it seem to connect with Blake, but her image faded away as she appeared on the top of it. She drew her weapon and drove it into the power unit at it's back. The lights dimmed as the machine powered down and stopped moving. Ruby blurred to right below it and lobbed off the mech’s head. Weiss landed and Yang went to hide her bike.
"So much for stealth," Weiss sighed. Blake jumped down and Ruby gave a small chuckle. As Yang returned, the four of them headed into the building, the garage door open. No one else seemed to be around. Quickly, the four of them systematically disabled the other crude Paladins. They made their way deeper into the warehouse, the floor blasted out to create lower floors. "This is not up to code," Weiss grumbled.
They soon made it to a small computer room, LEDs and neon light flashing. 
They carefully stepped in, and once they were fully in, the doors shut and locked. The main screen blinked to life and Jacques Schnee stared at them. 
"Weiss." His voice was dripping with venom.
"Surprised to see me?" She answered back.
"You stupid girl. You really did it now. If you only kept your mouth shut and let me do my job, we would be rich! We would have owned all the kingdoms, not just Atlas!" He exploded, slamming his fists on the desk in front of him.
"You were treating people like they were machines! Disposable, nothing more than objects!"
"Please," he barked back, "Faunus are not people, they are animals with opposable thumbs. Perfect to serve!"  
"You're despicable! They are people! They have souls, hearts, hopes, dreams, ambitions! You are just a bitter, old man clinging to a name that will never be yours!" Weiss screamed, stomping her foot and pointed her rapier at the screen. Her glyph glowed under her. The rest of the team were silent, almost forgetting how Weiss got when she was angry; it was rare she lost her cool. 
Jacques went quiet, steepled his finger and clicked his tongue. "Fine, have it your way. Throw your tantrum. You'll see what happens when I have to punish those who don't listen to me." The screen went black. 
"Bastard," Weiss cursed. Her glyph stopped glowing. She felt Yang's hand on her shoulder and Blake's on her other shoulder.
"That was well put, Weiss," Blake smiled.
"Indeed, Miss Schnee. It was humbling to hear a woman of your position speak so highly of us faunus." The team turned to see two men, in flowing robes and drawn up hoods. On had a grey fox tail, the other had fennec fox ear poking out of holes cut into his hood. From under the mask, black masks hummed to life, blinking on white with red stripes. The buttons and trim of their outfit glowed in a  soft red. The one with the tail continued, "However, Jacques Schnee, though disgusting with his view of us faunus, has spoken of opportunity far greater than the peace you prattle on about."
"As well," the other spoke, "our dutiful leader will make sure faunus will be lead into ruling over pitiful humans."
Blake stepped forward, standing next to Ruby with Yang and Weiss at their right and behind them. "You're all brainwashed. Adam wants nothing more than violence and carnage."
"And if that's what get us our freedom and rightful place at the top of this food chain, so be it!" The one with the tail pulled out a dagger and thrust it into the ground. An earthen wall erupted and separated the girls, Ruby and Blake on one side, Yang and Weiss on the other. Each faced one of the faunus. "You have the pleasure of dying at the hands of the Albain Brothers. Corsac."
"And Fennec," The eared faunus drew his dagger. Weiss noticed something off about their daggers.
"Their weapons," she called, "They're like Myrtenaster! They have Dust cartridges in the hilt!" Yang readied her gauntlet and the small gun in her right arm. Weiss took her stance. Ruby deployed Crescent Rose and Blake grabbed the handle of Gambol Shroud.
"Observant. Jacques was considerate enough to upgrade our daggers. Let's see how well they do against the original," Fennec sneered.
In a beat, the fight started.
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