#flies in on his umbrella and fixes everything
yellowhollyhock · 1 month
it's in my head now, ain't going away so here it is
Woody and Angel are passing a quiet morning sorting donations, cleaning and re-boxing clothes and toys. This is the time Mikey and Donnie would usually come around, early morning. Do you think they will come around anymore? Haven't seen them since Leo got back. Yeah, heard from Casey. Mm, yeah it was on the news, there haven't been any Monster Sightings since reports of strange lights at Winter Corp a few weeks ago. Well yeah of course I think that had something to do with them, April worked with Max Winters.
Donnie wanders in. Unusual for him to be alone. Even more unusual for him to be puffy-eyed and listless. Hey buddy, what's going on? You wanna take a look at the pantry? You guys haven't been by to get food in a while (Woody's been so worried)
"Mikey's gone."
Angel's calling Casey while Woody tries to coax the whole story out of Don. He's really frazzled, they've never seen him like this.
"Didn't know where else to come--they've been yelling all night--"
Woody finds out that Mikey's been missing for about a week; why didn't they tell someone sooner? Nevermind, not important--do you know where he might have gone?
We saw him last night. He's with--it's hard to explain.
Angel's yelling. Casey and April are with Splinter and the other turtles. Donnie had said he was stepping out to pick up some food, they hadn't been worried about him before Angel's call. Leo is not thrilled that he went to a bunch of humans (Leo hasn't met them, deep trust issues from his time alone) without consulting the team first.
It's been like this all night, Donnie admits in a small voice. Blaming each other, bringing up stuff from the past..
April's disapproval of Raph's behavior while Leo was gone. Casey's frustration over April's absence while she was working with Winters. Raph lashing out almost at random, confused and devastated. Who was supposed to be watching him? Shut up shut up it doesn't matter how old he is, don't you get it, we're mutants, people want us dead. We're all each other has and we should've been with him.
But nothing like Leo yelling at Splinter. Yeah, it's done the team so much good that I'm so much stronger. Nothing to make a better team leader like being separated from the team. What were you thinking, why didn't you take better care of them while I was gone, why did you send me away? they needed me here. What's gonna happen to Mikey now, huh? you chose to tear this family apart, and I just don't understand why
We know where he is, Donnie tells Woody. He's with Karai--I think he felt bad for her, after she helped us with Winters.
Karai--who's that? Is he safe with her?
I don't know I don't know I don't know. Organization called the Foot, gang once led by the Shredder, tried to kill us, she's talking about bringing him back, I'm afraid she's grooming him to be a ritualistic sacrifice--
Angel's called in the crew, but they can't meet here. The rest of Donnie's family is headed to April's place. Me and Woody gotta stay here, we'll meet up with you guys tonight to help look for him
And then the Professor arrives. Clocks immediately that Donnie is distressed and Mikey, who would normally be with him, absent.
"It's good to see you my friend! Where is Michelangelo?"
"He's a little lost at the moment, sir."
"I see. Easy to get lost in a city like this. I have a friend who knows the layout very well, perhaps he can help us find him."
Oh I don't know if that's a good idea, we don't want to get too many people involved--
People? Who said anything about people?
He pulls out some freaking. bird seed and does a pigeon call. Pigeon lands in from of him.
"Hello, Pete. How are you?"
"Great, just stole a fantastic hot dog. Any theories today, Professor?"
"A problem, instead, that I was hoping for your help with. Have you seen this turtle?"
Cocks his little pigeon head at Donnie. Ruffles his wings thoughtfully. "He got brothers? I think I've seen turtles around, but not this one and not too often. They mostly stick to the shadows."
"A brother is missing, the one in orange. Can you help us find him?"
"Course I will, I owe you more than a few favors. I'll tell the whole crew; mutants gotta stick together, you know."
Winks at Donnie, flies away, yes that's right Pigeon Pete is bringing in the Mutanimals to help save Mikey from--
Did you say Mikey left on purpose to join the Foot?
(btw Angel has firsthand experience being a kid frustrated with a system that isn't built for her wellbeing, feeling out of place at home, looking for a group to belong to, falling in with the wrong crowd)
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mexicangela · 1 year
it really does suck that ted’s ending was apparently always supposed to be “mary poppins” because, well, viewers related to him. people don’t watch mary poppins to relate to mary poppins. they relate to the kids or to the father, but not the magical nanny character that flies in on an umbrella to make everything nice. we also know that mary is a character that is not meant to stay. we never learn anything of substance about her and safely assume that her one purpose really is to fix other people and leave. that’s fine, that’s what the whole story is set up to be.
but people related to ted on a deep level. we saw his mental health struggles and his panic attacks and his conflicting emotions and said “man, ted’s just like me.” and then we saw him make a family in richmond because of the job that rebecca gave him. it changed his life. he said so himself. ted was a much more complex character than mary poppins. it isn't fair to turn him into her because he's just not. and to have left us with the impression that you can go right back to the place that gave you all your issues and expect your child to fulfill you is kinda bonkers, i won't lie. i just don't understand why, in this television show, in this made up universe, with all these made up characters, ted couldn't have taken rebecca up on her offers. i mean, if we're aiming for realism here, what real life person in their right mind is gonna automatically veto an eight-figure-per-year salary? also, we didn't see michelle and henry in kansas with friends or family or anything like that. we only saw them there in the end with michelle's dickhead boyfriend who we can assume she broke up with. but we did see ted in richmond with the family he made for himself there. we did see ted finally belonging there; and, more than that, even, we saw him being accepted there as one of their own before his mom dropped in on him unannounced. we did see ted forge this incredibly important relationship with someone who had baggage that matched right up to his and it could have been something so beautiful but it feels like the ball was dropped on all aspects of their relationship. i dunno, i don't think that i'll ever be over it because this show and its characters were something really special to me (still are) and it makes me sad to think about the ending we were given. i've said it before and i'll say it again: ted deserved so much more than mary poppins.
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sunsetcorvid · 1 year
It was cold today in Alterna. Which was a strange thing to say when there was snow covering almost every inch of the ground, so you would assume that it was always cold. But, surprisingly, that wasn’t the case. Alterna’s temperature rarely matched its climate. Maybe due to the fact that the snow was artificial and was created to replicate the real deal, but no one likes to be cold all the time. So, the coldest it ever was down there was just a little bit chilly. Today, however, something must have been wrong with the thermostat because everyone was freezing. Even Four, whose hero suit was so thick you’d be surprised they wore it during the summer, was freezing. Even the Captain, who seemed to be able to withstand the most extreme of temperatures, was freezing. Even Neo, who had grown some fur since having prolonged contact with fooze and was in a similar state to the Captain, was freezing. It was cold and no one liked it.
“Geez, is ORCA sick or somethin’?” Four spoke while walking over to the Squid Sisters’ camp. He pulled his jacket closer to himself in a weak attempt to keep his body heat in. It worked somewhat. “It’s fu- fricken freezing down here!” He quickly censored himself upon seeing that the youngest of the agents was there with the Captain and Sisters. It was kind of funny to think he used to be the youngest. Time flies, I suppose. The Captain looked up sympathetically and shook their head.
“How are you freezing in that?! ” Callie asked from her signature spot to the left of the Captain. She gestured at Four’s comedically thick jacket, wishing she had brought like that herself down there. The younger agent pointed down to their legs to show that they were wearing shorts instead of something that could actually help keep their legs warm. Callie took back what she had said and laughed a little, which was met with a scowl from Four. Neo shivered before replying to her coworker's original question.
“Little Buddy accidentally chewed through some stuff, so ORCA’s a bit out of it. Eight's over attempting to fix it.” She spoke, pointing to her ink tank which held said Salmonid. Four reflexively took a few steps back upon realizing just how near the Smallfry was.
“Ah, that makes sense. Little thing eats through everything, huh?” Four now stood next to Marie, casually sticking close to her umbrella. They muttered something to the Squid Sister, who just shook her head slightly in response. Neo nodded in agreement to their statement, remembering a time she had witnessed Buddy eat a whole chair. Needless to say, the duo wasn't allowed in that establishment after that. She shivered again, this time making a “Brrrrr…” sound with it. The Captain took notice of this and sighed. Had she done something wrong? The younger inkling looked confused at this until she watched the older take off their… cloak? Neo couldn't really describe what it was, it mostly looked like a bunch of fabric poorly sewn together that sat on the Captain’s shoulders. She was surprised when they carefully placed it on her shoulders, something that was quite unexpected, and was even more surprised to find out that it was weighted. Huh, that felt nice…
“You're welcome.” The Captain signed, interrupting whatever the younger was about to say. They then turned their head and stared forward, not bothering with the questioning sounds that Neo was making.
Eventually, she sighed and sat down next to the crate that the Captain sat upon, leaning her head against the side of it. May as well get comfy with it.
“Thank you…” she said sleepily. Hey, was she this tired two minutes ago? Why was she suddenly so sleepy? The cloak that now sat upon her shoulders felt heavier and heavier as if lulling her to slumber. It felt so warm, so safe and secure. No wonder the Captain wore it so much, this was great. She grumbled and let her weight rest on the crate completely. Maybe a small nap couldn’t hurt…
Callie, who stood next to her, noticed the sudden drowsiness coming from Neo and crouched in front of her.
“Hey, are you okay?” she questioned anxiously. “It's not like you to get so sleepy suddenly.”
The only thing she got in response was a light grumble and then soft snores. New Agent 3 was asleep. Little Buddy suddenly popped his head out from underneath the cloak and looked at his companion with what could be described as concern. He chirped and tapped her face once, twice, thrice. Neo hardly stirred, only shifting to pull the cloak closer to herself. Each breath she took became slower and softer that soon it sounded as if she had stopped breathing. But she still was, if ever so faintly. The Captain, having only watched this happen since giving her the cloak, shot up and grabbed Neo by the shoulders in a panic. They shook their fellow agent in an attempt to wake her, fearing that she would stop breathing altogether when a soft, hardly audible rumbling sound came from her, similar to a Splatana charging up. Similar to when you scratch underneath Judd’s chin in just the right spot. The Captain heard it. Was that? No. Could it? They stopped shaking and pressed their ear closer to the other’s chest and… Yep, that was definitely purring. Holy shit.
“Yo is Junior okay?!” Having forgotten her fear of Salmonids in favor of concern for the younger agent, Four rushed over to her captain.
Captain carefully laid Neo back into her original position against the crate and stared at Four with a finger to their lips. The yellow inkling was about question further until she heard the light rumbling, too.
“Oh my Cod,” she whispered in awe. “Is- Is she purring?? ”
“Oh yeah, she’s definitely purring.” Callie chuckled, a phone now occupying her hands. She turned to look at her captain. “You’ve been chosen, Three. You’re a parent now, good job.”
Three recoiled. They were a what now?! They removed their hands from Neo’s shoulders to shake them at the Squid Sister. “What?!” The purring from the fooze-affected agent grew quieter.
“I mean, Judd always does that when he chooses someone new to stay with. Did it with us, did it with Off the Hook, and apparently did it with Deep Cut.” she counted off her fingers as she listed her fellow idols. “And with the way she basically stopped when you moved away from her, I’m gonna assume it’s like Judd and she’s chosen you to take care of her.” What.
“What?!” They shook their hands once more.
“No, yeah, I’m agreeing with Callie on this.” Marie butted in from her position on the other side of the Captain. “She has called you her parent before, so I’m not too surprised at this display.” She snickered lightly.
Oh, Cod. It was scary whenever Callie and Marie agreed on something. Because that usually meant they were right about something, and Captain wasn’t sure they wanted them to be right. They thought fondly of the kid, sure, but to think they could take on the role of a parent to her. They could hardly take care of themselves half the time, how the hell could they take care of a whole ass kid?! Maybe Callie and Marie were joking, maybe they were just messing with them. After all, they did that often, much to the Splatoon Leader’s displeasure. The purring could mean anything, maybe she was just super comfortable. Maybe she was just having a nice dream. But that thought was thrown away when they placed their hand on the youngest agent’s shoulder and the rumbling grew louder once more. Shit. Fuck. Dammit.
Callie covered her mouth in an attempt to muffle her laughter, but it didn’t work very well. Her laughs escaped the confines of her hand and filled the area with cackles. Four gripped pink-tipped inkling’s shoulder and pointed to Neo, and the laughing stopped at once.
“Right, kid sleeping. Sorry.”
“But what about the sleeping thing?” they signed, still confused about that. Neo was normally super energetic, often causing chaos due to this. She would run around, play tag with Buddy, redo challenges from the kettles, and mess with the Captain. But since arriving at the camp that morning, her energy had noticeably diminished. While she hadn’t been particularly sleepy, it was still very much apparent. The way she stood slumped, the way she yawned every few minutes, the way she swayed on her feet. Captain hoped that the response they got of them giving her their cloak for extra warmth wasn’t also a sign of Neo deciding they were her parent. They still couldn’t wrap their head around that. What if she already had parents that she loved? They didn’t wanna get in trouble with them on that. But looking at the kid…
“Oh, I think she might be hibernating?” Four spoke suddenly, interrupting the Captain’s thoughts abruptly.
Four grinned and clenched and unclenched her hands in excitement. A sign that she was about to infodump about something that made her feel smart. Which, she was, but that didn’t mean she didn’t feel like it sometimes.
“It’s a thing that some mammals did in cold weather. It was mostly during the winter, to sleep it out until the chill had passed.” She waved around her hands excitedly. “Their bodies would automatically slow down so they wouldn’t starve during that time. It’s believed that they did it because food was scarce in the winter for them, so sleeping it out meant more chances of survival. Maybe Junior’s body is reacting similarly to the cold temperature down here. She did get a few mammalian instincts from the fooze.”
Everyone stopped to gawk at Four. While they knew the agent was quite smart, they still had a moment of awe when they said something like that. Said agent huffed in annoyance.
“Oh come on, did you guys forget that I finished high school? They teach you this in Human History!” All the other agents stood awkwardly. Callie rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, Marie shifted her weight from each foot, and the Captain coughed into their hand.
After a few moments of standing around, Marie patted Four’s shoulder proudly and nodded her head wisely. “That’s my kid. Smartest agent in the Splatoon.” Four flushed and covered his face with the collar of his jacket, suddenly not too keen on sharing his smart thoughts anymore. Callie laughed at the display, then turned to her captain.
“He might be right, though. It is super cold, I mean, I’m barely keeping it together right now! And the sudden comfort from your cloak could have been the final splat bomb for the instincts to kick in. The Fooze really got to her, huh?”
Marie sighed. “Cod knows how many times she was splatted with that ink. I’m not too surprised it mixed with her a little.”
“Does this mean we have another Judd? Do you think she could be a judge in the tricolor Turf Wars during Splatfests? Lil’ Lil’ Judd?” Callie asked jokingly. But everyone took a moment to think about this. It wouldn’t be too crazy to think she got those skills, but they were unsure if that was even a mammal thing. It may just be a Judd thing. But, it could be possible that she also got extreme Turf Judging skills… But Four piped up again, no longer hiding in embarrassment within his Hero Suit’s collar.
“I don’t think so. Judd and Lil’ Judd are cats, hibernation is more of a bear thing.”
“Four, she’s literally purring. That’s a cat thing.” Callie replied bluntly.
Four went back into his clothed shell, this time pulling the hood over his head.
“Maybe she has a mix of a bunch of different mammals? The Fooze did have a lot of different DNA in it, she couldn’t possibly have only ended up with one mammal.” Marie offered and everyone nodded their heads in agreement after a few moments of thinking. Four even came out of his shell again to nod. It made sense.
Three clapped to get everyone’s attention. “Well, anyways. We need to move her to a more comfortable spot. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think the crate is the greatest thing to sleep on.” They signed.
“I don’t know, you seem quite comfortable sitting on it all the time. Maybe Junior really is your junior and loves the crate like you.” Four smiled cheekily. The Captain promptly flipped their fellow Cuttlefish off and reached out their arms to pick up the sleeping inkling… And then didn’t move because Neo had immediately latched onto the captain, her arms wrapping around the older inkling’s shoulders in a tight hug. For someone so deep in sleep, she had quite a tight grip. The click of a certain someone’s phone camera was heard and Captain turned their head, although rather difficult, to stare daggers into Callie. The phone was promptly put away after that. Returning their attention to Neo, they sighed. They might as well get comfy, there was no way she was going to let go anytime soon now.
There was a little struggle as they shifted to lean their back against the front of the crate, but eventually, they made it work. Now, they sat on the ground, legs laying straight out in front of them. Neo, in her sleep, had decided that the captain’s lap was the comfiest place on Earth and pretty much laid across it like Judd when he was feeling particularly affectionate. The Captain adjusted the cloak on the younger agent to work more as a blanket and gently laid their arm across her back. Their hand grazed one of her arms and they noticed how rough her fur felt there. It was stiff and maybe even a little matted. When was the last time this kid cleaned her fur? Or brushed it, at least. However the hell she could brush it. Hmm, thoughts for later. Right now, the Captain of the New Squidbeak Splatoon had a job of making sure this inkling was not disturbed during her comfortable slumber. They would make sure of that.
The group fell into a comfortable silence as they listened to the soft rumbles that the fuzzy inkling made. Little Buddy, who stood to the side as the captain moved Neo, ran up to said Captain’s unoccupied arm and shoved his face into it. A little bit of wiggling and he was comfortably tucked underneath the limb. Alright, so the Captain had two kids now. No big deal. 21 years old and they're already a parent.
A final sigh left the older inkling’s lips as they leaned back into the crate. They’d be stuck like this for a good bit.
“Hey everyone, I fixed the wires! The temperature should be back under control soon-” A collection of desperate shushes interrupted the magenta-inked octoling who had just returned from her “mission.” She looked around in confusion, wondering what the need for quiet was. She found her answer when her eyes landed on the soft scene Callie and Marie were pointing at.
On the ground, in front of the crate that Three usually sat on, was the captain themself and the newest additions to the Splatoon. All were asleep. Three had their head tucked into their shoulder while their arms held Neo and Little Buddy. Buddy slept soundly in the crook of the captain’s left arm, while Neo was curled into the older inkling’s lap and purring… wait, purring?!
“Yeah, we just found out she can do that, too,” Callie whispered to her upon noticing the shock on the octoling’s face. “Also, you’re a mom now. Congrats.”
Oh, Cod.
You leave for a few hours and suddenly you have kids, huh? Eight didn’t think she minded that, actually
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looks at you
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twosroos · 2 years
All Grown Up [Chapter Six]
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roos says ! I promise u, we are getting closer to the fun parts. I also am not sorry for the person I become when there's mutual pining. also this gif is so fricken perfect I had to use it-- thank u op.
desc: It's getting harder and harder to keep yourself in check. And maybe alcohol makes it worse, or maybe it's the fact that Bob is just so sweet.
fluff, with a bit of angst in the middle
notable characters: robert "bob" floyd
TWs: alcohol/drinking, mentions of injury, allusions to fantasized death.
ao3 link ! last chapter ! next chapter
"You're not supposed to be home until noon," You spit out through a shaking breath and a shaky laugh. Bob gives you a half smile.
"Uh, I was gonna surprise you at work." He admits, still keeping his arms wrapped around you. You find that it takes everything in you not to gawk at him.
"It was gonna be a tremendous surprise?" He tries, and you snort, bringing a hand to your face to wipe it as you sink further into his touch. If you could, you would burrow into him to hide away from your embarrassment.
"Are we going to keep ending up like this, hugging and crying?" Bob asks after a moment, and you physically cannot stop the smile that breaks your stoic face.
"Seems so, my knight in shining..." You look at his outfit, "Blue jeans?"
Now it's Bob's turn to laugh, leaning forward to tuck his head by your shoulder, and you sniffle as a grin graces your features. Beside you, Shannon stands back up and puts her hands on her hips.
'Well," she starts, "I've gotta head back so I'll be on time for work today. You both stay safe, alright? Y/n, your boss said it's okay if you go home today."
"Oh, okay," You turn so you can see Shannon as she grabs her car keys, "Thanks for coming out, Shan."
"Of course. I'll see you in July, Y/n." Shannon grins as she starts towards the door, "see you later, Bob!"
"It was nice to meet you, Shannon!" He calls as she ducks out the door with a wave of her hand, leaving you and Bob sitting on the floor in your office. You both sit still for a while before you get a random idea.
"Wanna swim?"
Both of you end up in your pool, Bob lazing in the cool water as the sun beats down in South Carolina. Sunscreen creates a visibly oily sheen across the surface of the water that ripples in the sunlight. While Bob has already sunken into the pool, a sunscreen half washed off his skin while you're only just making it outside. You adjust your sunglasses as you waltz out with one of the newest bikinis you own on your body. It's modest, high-waisted with a thick bandeau top, but it hugs you in all the perfect spots. Though you mostly wear it because it's comfortable, and if you end up tanning, you hope it will fix the slight farmer tan you're noticing on your arms. A case of unopened beer cans that Bob had grabbed on the way to your home sits in the shadow of the pool umbrella, and you bend down to pick it up while Bob turns to look at you. You feel his gaze heavy on you, so you glance over your sunglasses to see his lips slightly gaped as his eyes stare at something below yours. With a snort, you crack open a beer and hand it to him while you grab another from the pack as you step onto the steps leading into your pool.
"You'll catch flies with your lips parted like that, Robby." You tease, sitting in the sun on the step next to him. He brings his beer to his lips, watching as you crack open yours and take a sip.
"I..." The words die in his throat, making you laugh as you give him a tilted head grin.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing!" He exclaims, eyes widening more, if it was possible, "I just... never really see you in much other than blue jeans and a shirt."
You laugh, "Did you forget I have a feminine figure, Rob?"
"I..." He contemplated what he was planning to say for a few seconds before speaking a bit softer, "I guess it's just been a long time since I've seen it."
"Am I getting you bothered?" You say before realizing you should probably censor yourself, considering your mom is in the kitchen making dinner. He scoffs instead, taking another long sip of his drink. You do the same. Once finished, you set your can down and slide until you're off the steps and into the water. The sun's warmed your pool to the perfect temperature, so you dip under the water when your face feels hot, hoping to cool it off. You assume it's from the sun, or maybe you're more of a lightweight than you remember.
When you come up for air, you drag your hands through your hair and float to the wall beside Bob in the shade. Coming to relax with your arms on the wall, you smile at him and lift one hand to absentmindedly run your hand along his scar.
"Are you trying to?" He questions and you blink up at him, watching as he adjusts his glasses so they don't slide off his nose from the inelegant position he cranes his neck down into.
"Not really." You concede, dropping your hand to rest on the concrete by your head again, "I'm just still so astonished little quiet Robby turned into a Naval Aviator who shoots guns and drops bombs and... I don't know. I guess I always knew you had a fire in you, but I never really saw it."
"It's a lot." Bob states, sinking into the water so he can rest his head back on the wall, "I almost dropped out of training five or six times from start to graduation. I'm glad I stuck it through though, I've gotten to meet and work with so many amazing, awe-inspiring people from it."
Your eyes drag to the scar on his shoulder again, then up to the one by his jaw, "Is it worth it? The scars and the terror?"
"Kind of, it always feels good to pull off a mission." He says and you hum, finishing off one can of beer easier than you intend to. The two of you sit in silence for a long time, the soft chirp of the chicks in the far-off coop and the muted sound of your mother's 80s music through one of the upstairs windows being your only company. The alcohol hits you slowly, enough to buzz your thoughts, and you think to yourself: what if there was a day, like in movies, where the officers in their stark uniforms showed up at your door? What if you had to host a funeral for your childhood best friend? Your eyes burn into his scar as you imagine him never coming home from that mission. And you realize it genuinely scares you; it strikes something in your heart that cries, so you find yourself sitting up with drunk discretions.
"Can you make me a stupid promise?"
"Depends on how stupid it is." He chides, and you roll your eyes as he sits up so you both can be face to face without having to be at any more awkward angles.
"Can you promise me you'll always come home? Robby, I just got you back, for real, and I don't know if I'm willing to lose you again." You whisper, "We've clicked back together like puzzle pieces, and I don't know what I'd do with myself if you... well, y'know."
Bob's quiet for a while, his eyes scanning you before his hands are lifted from the water to pull you close. You gratefully accept the hug, burying your face in his skin, soaking in the warmth that tells you he's living. 
"I'll always come home to you." He says after giving you a silent moment to soak in the hug, "I always will."
"Please try not to break this one. Tell Phoenix too." You grumble and he laughs, letting one arm drop to grab his beer as your turn, curling against his side. You slot there so naturally just like you always had as a teen.
"I'm sure she'd agree with you." He tilts his head to the side and your noses bump, you blink and feel the heat from before returning to your cheeks as your face flushes bright red. You can see it on his skin too, and you swallow. His eyes flick from your lips to your eyes, then back down, and you find yourself leaning in a bit closer. You can feel his breath on your skin and you let a sly grin slip its way onto your face, watching his cheeks grow redder. You slide a hand up his arm to his shoulder, resting it there as his eyelids flutter at you and his teeth scrape his lip. There's some sort of unspoken conversation in your eyes, permission being asked, and you dip forward to connect. But it never happens.
"Y/n! Rob! Dinner!" Your mom calls from the window, and you both sharply pull apart. There's a beat where you maintain eye contact before he turns, and you stand to follow him out of the pool. Once you start to dry yourself off, you make your way over to the patio, where your mom has set up a nice spread of food to eat. When you look back at Bob, you see him wave as his Mom and Step-Dad walk over from where they'd parked their car, and you sigh, turning back towards your mother as she gives you an all-knowing smile. You pout at her and take your place on the couch, ready to stuff your face full.
You don't see Bob the next morning, considering Molly forced him to have a 'tea party sleepover' or something with her. After dinner. It's fine with you because you desperately need sleep and you know if you spend any more time around Bob without a chance to clear your mind you'll be doing other things than sleeping.
You end up spending less time teaching on Thursday than you mean to and when you get home, no one is around, so you take the free time you have before dinner to practice. Fuego is practically bursting out of her pen by the time you get there to let her out and bring her into the small section where you usually bathe and tack her. Immediately, find it hard to tack her up without her getting impatient or trying to run off to go run somewhere on her own, and even if you do find it funny, it's also super fricken annoying. You lead her to the section you'd made for practicing and mount. The second you get on her saddle, one you'd customized after realizing you wanted to barrel race for real, she's bucking around and flinging her head. It takes a bit of fighting to get her to relax, but if Fuego is anything, she's loyal.
"Alright, girl." You say to her, "You ready to run?"
She starts thrashing out of excitement, but she holds back, waiting for the crack of your reins and the whistle you'll let out. You go to start but hesitate when you hear random voices approaching, but it's not enough to make you stop.
"Fuego!" You shout and then whistle, and she takes off. You round the first barrel with ease, and she runs a little slow to the second, her turn around the third knocks the barrel but doesn't make it fall, and her straightaway run is as perfect as it usually is. Once you get her to calm, knowing her first run is always a bit messy, you bring her through again, this time making sure to feel the path as she runs it. You feel better about the run, and fish a treat out of your pocket as a reward for doing well, when you hear someone wolf whistle. Fuego snorts.
"Bob wasn't lying when he said you were a glass of water." The voice says and you turn your head, hand coming to the brim of your cowboy hat as you adjust it so it actually blocks all the sun from your eyes.
"Who the hell are you?" You ask, looking at the man who leans on the fence, he laughs waving a hand.
"No real flirts here, don't worry." He grins up at you, aviators reflecting the sun a bit as he tilts his head up, "Bradley. Rooster, he's probably called me."
"He has." You say, "You wanna keep bothering my practice, or will you shut up and watch quietly?"
"I'll shut up, Ma'am." He salutes you and you roll your eyes, bringing Fuego back around to where you start Fuego for her runs. You huff, bringing your head down to brush her mane as you take a breath and think of how to adjust your grips or calls for the next run. Fuego stomps and paces a bit, making you grin as you sit back up, pulling her reins to get her to walk to the side so you can restart.
"Fuck it up, Y/n!" You hear Jake call and you shake your head.
"Fuck off, Seresin." You say, but nevertheless, now with an audience, you start the path. And, to be fair, it's probably the best you've run it in a while. It's not perfect by a long shot, but you do pretty well. The team cheers you on, and you bow with extra drama, quickly dismounting from Fuego and bringing her back into the barn. You'll practice more later, but for now, you have quite a few pilots to meet after you untack her. 
You don't know if you're nervous, or really weirdly excited to finally meet them all.
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noodles-n-soba · 2 years
Going to the beach with them (part 1
Scenario: It's a nice summer day which made you decide to head off to the beach to chill there with your s/o :) // Just the normal genshin au
Characters p.1: Bennett, Tartaglia, Heizou, Itto, Kazuha
As you arrive, the entire beach is actually already full.. The two of you are kind of lucky enough to find a spot after searching for half an hour. Well, in fact.. You were the one who discovered the spot, Benny wasn't that lucky at all..
So, you set down and you casually throw your shirt and pants next to the bag you brought along while Bennett tries to fix the umbrella and lay down the towels..  Which takes a lot of time, again.
When you tell him it's okay and that you'll fix it later, he sighs deeply and places his hands in his hips.. Staring at the cooling sea which looked very attracting right now.
"Ah.. I'm sorry (Y/n).. Ah! Uh.  What about sunscreen..?" He grabs a bottle out of the bag, as he opens it.. Literally everything splashes out of it, leaving a complete mess on the towels and sand.
Quite amazed by what just happened the two of you look at each other, well.. Well, you will probably end up looking like lobsters today..
When you throw all these worries aside, the two of you jump into the water!
He will be fighting for his life in the sea while you're just calmly floating on tamed waves..
As you are floating and just vibing, you feel a hand touch your shoulder.. Startled you turn your head around and see Bennett swimming next to you with a tomato red face.. and you guess it isn't because of a sun burn.
He lost his swimming trunks..
A bit stunned you gaze at him, till realization hits you and you run back to your spot to grab a towel for him..
How the hell does this even happen to him? Is he that unlucky..?
You will need to swat away all the girls and boys that seem romantically interested in him away like fucking flies.
It was supposed to be a relaxing day for the two of you, but having all these hindrances hang around your boyfriend was not really meant to happen..
So, to get his attention, you hold a bottle of sunscreen in front of his face and give him an angry gaze. Surprised his eyes travel to your hand, away from the girls that were giggling because he apparently said something oh so hilarious..
"Oh? You want some of my attention my dearest (Y/n)? There's no problem to that..~" Grabs the bottle from your hands, leaves the girls without a word and waits till you're all settled on your towel..
The girls see in all their mighty jealousy how Tartaglia smears sunscreen all over your back, giving you a sensual massage with his strong and firm hands and whispers sweet words in your ear..
Quite pleased you grin, turning around for him to work on the front side too. He seems a bit surprised, but won't hesitate for a second, though he did not expect for you to do such a thing.
"All done.. Now! What would you like to do? Sunbathe.. Or take a swim..?" He already wraps his arms around your waist before you can answer his question, lifting you up with ease and looks you directly in the eyes.
"Its not that I have a choice.." And with that he walked to the ocean, leaving all his observers pissed off because he has YOU in his arms instead of them.. But than again, he was your boyfriend! Hah! An absolute win that was..
Till he drops you in the water, leaving you screeching loudly and trying to drag him down under water with you.
"Woah there-..!"
With that the two of you went under once, back on the surface and your arms around him making the two of you laugh..
Whenever the two of you are done with swimming, you'll both just lay on your towels in the sun and relax.. Tartaglia will be ignoring everyone who tries to hit on him, and whoop asses of the ones that try to make a move on you..
Even though he took a day off, he'll probably still read books about cases.. You're the one who has to grab that book out of his hands.
"Hm, (Y/n).. I was extremely invested in that book..?" Says it with a slight sad tone to his voice, you purse your lips and shake your head
Knowing you probably won't give back his book, he places his sunglasses on his head and sighs deeply. Will steal a quick kiss before he stands up and places a hand on his hip.
Confused you look up at him, till he nudges over to the sea.. Acting as if he took the initiative to stop with lazing around and do something fun.
"I enjoy pretty sights, but none could be more beautiful than you.. Now, get over there and we'll have 'm combined." This guy is always so flirty for what.. But that line gets you blushing already.
Will kiss you underwater, expect a soft make out session to be honest.
He'll also make sure you will be looking good at any time.. Shoves strands of hair out of your face as he hugs you from behind. Oh of course he'll peck you on the cheek
When the two of you return to your spot on the beach, he catches someone staring at you.. His eyes widen menacingly.
"A second (Y/n), I'll make a quick detour.."
Of course, this man really needs to offend someone and be like "I got a case filed. Your first and last name are n the front, now if I catch you staring once more.."
And the person will be startled to death.. Knowing the young detective and how good he was. He could easily put them behind bars.
After this commotion, the two of you go and eat roasted Lavender Melons. With the sun almost completely set, you sit by a campfire you made with all your stuff packed up.. Close to each other and enjoying this delicious meal.
"Say.. How did you learn you could.. Roast these?" He asks you, with a smile you answer you learned it from Kuki.
Will tell you about a few cases as the two of you just vibe~
You couldn't blame everyone who stared at your man.. How could you just not take a glance..
And if people weren't looking at his gigantic badonkers, they'd probably turned their heads towards him because he'd be extremely loud..
"HEY! C'mon (Y/n)..! We gotta.." Points at the sea.. You sigh dryly while you continue settling down everything.
Managed to bump his head into the parasol about eight times, yes.. You counted. And to realize that it's been three minutes.. He's such an idiot.
"Aren't you afraid of sunburns Itto.." You pull out a tube of sunscreen.
"Nah! Not necessary (Y/n), we Oni's don't get sunburns!" You shake your head in disappointment, till you see Kuki and the rest of his squad arrive.
"You're already done setting down everything? Did the Boss help you..?" Kuki asks, you give her a troublesome stare.. Well, she already has her answer.
"Guys! Guys.. Look, the sea.. It's so welcoming isn't it? Let's go in!"
So, while you and Kuki continue preparations, all the guys dive into the water.
The two of you just decide you'll calmly chill on your towels in the shade, conversing about a thing of two as you let all the men have their fun in the water.
"Aren't they like little children sometimes?" "Yes. They are."
You almost drift asleep, till you feel a strong pair of arms being wrapped around your waist. Your sunglasses fall on the sand as your eyes are wide open now.
"What the-!?"
"Time to go for a swim! Ya know, you can't just laze around on your towel!" Carries you to the sea, dropping you in the water and stands there proudly with his hands on his hips.
"ITTO-!?" You shout once you're up, he chuckles as he looks at you.
"Now the fun's getting started!" Everyone leaves the two of you alone, but you really didn't notice.. Eyes only on your boyfriend who's looking really REALLY hot..
That’s how you ended up swimming around for two hours, not noticing how the sun had already set and the rest of your gang were already dining.
Takes you back to the rest, pleaded you to hop on his back because he loves carrying you around like that for some reason..  And finally, you are met by pairs of tired eyes. Tired because they had been calling the two of you the entire time..
"A beach day? Sounds good to me.."
He'll lay your towel down first, followed by the beach umbrella so you can sit in the shade while he continues preparing everything.
Will talk with you while he does his thing.. But the moment he removes his shirt, leaving him in swimming trunks only, you lose all words.. This man looks so good? For what-
With curious eyes he looks back at you.. Asking you if there's something wrong.
You nervously giggle as you say there's nothing.. Though your cheeks are flaming at this point.
There's a split second the thought of other people looking at your man crosses your mind which makes you groan, but you throw it aside for now..
Will make sure you're smeared in sunscreen before you even set foot out of the shade. You didn't even needed to ask, he just sits behind you and asks if you're okay with him doing that.. Man this guy gives you a five star massage and you're enjoying every single bit of it..
"All done and wrapped up.." He says, placing a soft kiss on your neck. You shortly tremble and are about to grab his hand, but remember y'all are on a beach.. So you ask if he wants to take a swim with you..
"All fine by me." Hops on his legs, helps you up and holds your hand till you reach the water.
He's so careful with everything he makes you do, will gently tug you towards him once he's in.. But makes sure to like, not force you at the same time. (I'm sobbing this man..)
Will make sure you're safe while you're swimming.. Whenever you accidentally screeched because you accidentally stepped on some slicky seaweed he immediately pulled you close and tried finding whatever made you feel uncomfortable.
Loses his hairtie in the water.. He's so pretty with his hair loose like this.. Well, he's actually always pretty but.. Heh.
All eyes are on this beautiful boy, but his scarlet eyes are locked on you
When you decide to change clothes he'll make sure you'll be completely covered up by a towel.. And himself of course.
For some reason you come across Beidou and a few of her crewmates.. Most of them just checking out the sea if it's a good idea to continue their journey. Though, they said they'd stay on the ship and wait for the two of you to return..
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loveazumane · 3 years
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— 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚.
summary: here’s a small head canon of how i think the karasuno team act when they’re in love
warnings: none. pure cavity giving fluff. gn!reader.
note: help, this was a pain in the butt to tag. anyway, this is based on how i view the guys. i hope u enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it! <3
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𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐈. daichi’s very vocal and physical when he shows his love. in the morning, the first thought he has is to get ready so he can pick you up on your way to walk to school. he does the little things such as opening the doors for you, holding your bags, tying your shoes, and taking off a leaf that has fallen on your head. before you part, he kisses your cheek and tells you to have a nice day and he expresses how much he loves you. when you both meet again, he asks how your day was and if anything eventful has happened. most of all, he listens. he lets you speak no matter how long it is, and he can’t get enough of your voice. all the while, a soft smile is on his face and he finds tranquility with the way your eyes crease when you smile and go on about how wonderful your day was.
𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐀. suga does everything he can to show you that he loves you because he wants you to know. he doesn’t outright say it, but he does so much that makes it obvious. when you say you have back pain, he buys you massaging oils and pain killers and comes over to ease your muscles. when you say you’re thirsty and forgot your water bottle, from then on, he always brings an extra just in case you forget again. if you’re feeling cold because you didn’t get a sweater, suga gets you one and packs it in his bag in case you’re ever cold again. sugawara helps you with everything and anything, no matter how difficult it would be for him to achieve. the only time he really voices out he loves you is when you need to hear it from him, and he doesn’t mind at all because he has no shame in expressing how much he loves you.
𝐀𝐒𝐀𝐇𝐈. asahi treats you like you’re fragile, even though he knows you’re strong. when it’s raining out, he takes out an umbrella and holds it more over you than himself. when the sun is too hot, he takes out something to fan you so you don’t break a sweat. when you both walk out on the street, he’d nervously take your hand in his so he can have you close with him at all times. asahi, no matter how long you’ve been together, will always stutter or have a hushed voice when he tells you he loves you. at certain occasions, he’d get anxious about you falling out of love to which he begins to do things much more excessively. asahi services you more so than he does himself, and to express how much he cares about you, he loves to pamper you.
𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐊𝐀. tanaka would yell on top of a roof about how much he loves you. when he sees you, his heart races and it feels like it would jump out of his chest. he would sweep the floors you walk on, kiss you everywhere on the face, and protect you from anyone. he’d always have you close by your side, and when he gets very protective, he expresses that it’s because he wouldn’t know what to do if something bad happens. tanaka would never want to see you cry or frowning, and when he does, he does everything he can to cheer you up even if it makes himself look stupid in the process.
𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐀. just like tanaka, nishinoya would be very similar. however, he’d be much more boisterous and loud and express to everyone that you’re his beautiful lover. noya would express how much he loves you vocally without a limit. if you feel insecure about how you look, he’d immediately come to defense about how it was the most perfect and flawless part of you. he would kiss you in the places you hated, making sure that you’re reminded that every part of you is perfect the way it is. in his eyes, you’re the most beautiful being in the world, and nothing can change that.
𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐀. ennoshita is much more gentle with you once he’s in love. similar to daichi, before he parts with you, he bids you a good day and quickly kisses you on the lips, and once you meet again, he asks if your day has been well. ennoshita loves spending time more than anything else. he invites you to his place very often, or asks if you can go to his volleyball games/practices, just so he can be comforted by your presence. he enjoys the time he has with you and cherishes it as the most precious thing in the world. it could be as simple as sitting down in silence, watching a movie, and his heart is filled with glee. his love for you isn’t too obvious and he knows this. to cure your wondering mind if he was still infatuated with you, he’d write a little note and tuck it in your hand so when you walk away and read, you would smile at the words “i will always love you” written in neat handwriting.
𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐀. when kinoshita’s in love, he expresses it without outright saying it. he enjoys to cheer you on when you feel unmotivated. he enjoys to kiss you on your cheek and tell you that you’re doing great when you feel discouraged. he enjoys to help you with things such as homework, cleaning, and even paying for your meals. kinoshita always reassures you with anything, especially when it’s heavy on your mind. he could never let you be so negative, and when you can’t believe in yourself, you at least know that he would be there to believe in you.
𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐀. narita, before loving you, was calm and collected and could never waver. however, when he’s in love, the simplest things he used to do became one of the most hardest things. greeting you hello felt simple, but now he’d flush and shyly say it. holding your hand always made his palms sweaty. kissing you always made his ears glow a bright red. he’s unsure why you have such an uncanny effect over him, but the only way it calms is when he says he loves you. saying it, no matter how many times, always felt so new to him. he adores you so much that it makes him anxious if he does something subtly wrong. he wants to impress you and he does so by stepping out of his comfort zone, and he often does it when you’re around.
𝐊𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐘𝐀𝐌𝐀. kageyama doesn’t really realize he’s in love with you until someone points it out, but gosh it’s so obvious that you can’t really help but wonder how he didn’t realize it himself in the first place. kageyama blushes when he hears your name called. his heart skips a beat when he sees you and he tenses up and stares in awe. tanaka has once or twice told him to close his mouth or he’ll catch flies whenever he’s gawking. once kageyama comes to the realization that he loves you, he tries to do things normally, but he can’t. he always gets so shaken up and nervous when he sees you cheering him on in the stands that he occasionally misses a serve. he always sweats profusely when you hold his arms as you walk down the street. most of the time, he isn’t conscious of the way he stares at you when you’re doing something as normal as eating. his expression is so dreamy whenever he looks at you that his eyes speak volumes when it comes to saying he loves you.
𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐀. hinata, almost like kageyama, doesn’t realize he loves you. he just knows that you give him the same feeling volleyball does; excitement, determination, eagerness, passion, etc. he talks so much about you to everyone, even if it doesn’t correlate with you at all. someone could mention that they had carrots as snacks and hinata would blurt, “y/n had carrots as snacks this morning too!” even when he’s around you, he wants to let you know that he wants to see you support him when he plays volleyball. he goes on and on about how much he loves seeing you in the stands and how pretty you would look in his jersey. he can’t stop. amongst normal conversation, the words “i love you” would unintentionally slip up, but he doesn’t even realize it.
𝐘𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈. yamaguchi would be hopelessly in love. he’d do anything for you and treat you better than you could ever imagine. there’s not a chance that he’d leave your side, even if someone tried to pry him away. he enjoys listening to you talk, and whenever you both speak up at the same time, he encourages you to talk first. yamaguchi, when he’s in love with you, would constantly ask if you needed anything and come to your rescue when you did. he’d fix you a bento box without you asking, he’d buy you your favorite drink even when you didn’t want it, and he’d shower you with gifts at any chance he got. most of all, his expression brightens up whenever he sees you; his eyes twinkle and his smile grows—he just can’t contain the amount of serotonin that boils up in his body.
𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀. tsukishima has a hard time expressing his love when it comes to talking, so it’s hard to tell whether or not he’s actually in love with you. however, though he won’t admit it, tsukishima would think about you constantly. sometimes, he’d daze off during practice and mess up because his mind is clogged with you. when he sees you, he loves to make snarky remarks, but doesn’t do too much that’ll hurt your feelings. to express his love, tsukishima creates a mix tape of songs that reminds him of you and he gifts it to you when it’s your birthday. he doesn’t say anything, only hands it over and says that’s all he can ever afford, but even thought it’s small, it means so much to him. rarely does he say he loves you, but when he does, he gets a bit flustered and red faced and says, “don’t let it get into your head too much, idiot,” and it’s enough to warm your heart.
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𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙖 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙘𝙚: unknown
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nikz-artea · 3 years
Okay, so I have these observations and theories about Ephemeral. Since, it's a "What if?" episode, anything can happen still, I like to guess.
1. Adrien and Gabriel is talking about something in here. I'm thinking, Gabriel wants him to go to the press conference alone while Adrien, being the obedient child that he is despite his fear and questions, goes, "Yes, Father."
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2. The script said Ladybug and the other 9 superheroes (Ryuko, Vesperia, Viperion, Carapace, Purple Tigress, Polymouse, Pegasus, King Monkey and Pigella) are fighting Moolak whom I assumed is Bob Roth. They are having a hard time defeating him because he's inside the Vault, which might be a Senti-monster, and none of their current abilities can break it. They need Chat and his Cataclysm.
Meanwhile, Adrien is in the press conference while the fight is raging on outside. The script said Nathalie senses he's troubled about something but since she couldn't see the fight from the glass roof like he could, she might've brushed it off or something.
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3. When Su-Han hears about what happened, he comes to Ladybug to tell her she needs to learn Chat Noir's Identity if she wants to continue being a Guardian. She sees his point but I don't think she likes the idea of asking her partner his real identity.
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4. Ladybug tells Chat Noir about the predicament without any intention of forcing him to reveal his identity because he's her partner and they solve problems like that together. However, Chat detransforms in front of her, to her utter shock, because why will her Guardianship be questioned because of him? He'll literally do everything for the lady of his dreams.
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5. Adrien comes home upset and finds Gabriel deliberately leading him to the basement where his mother's body lays hidden then proceeds to Akumatize him.
Dude, what in the Miraculous World is up with this guy? He's like, "I'm gonna use your mother's body to traumatize you enough so I can Akumatize you."
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6. During the fight, Ladybug who already used her Lucky Charm is typing desperately in her Bug phone, contacting either Adrien or Alya, before detransforming. It seems her 5 minute limit after using their power is up.
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7. Ladybug and Chat Noir resurface from the sewers looking shock and terrified about the state of Paris. They're Akumas everywhere and everything is in absolute chaos. They transformed into Cosmo Bug and Astro Chat then flies into space to, I don't know, fix something? Beat Gabriel into a pulp? I do hope it's the latter.
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8. An umbrella scene in what seems to be the end of the fight.
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9. Ladybug and Chat Noir fighting the Lollipop person whom we saw briefly on episodes Truth and Lies.
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That's it for my observation, folks! I'm gonna make another post about my theories and possible expectations (?) on the episode.
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honeye · 4 years
Okay @darylstorey I'll give ya everything I got for the Gar-grunk!
Ford was the first one to learn how to fly when they were young, making pops proud as always. Stan was once kinda overtook with jealousy and refused Ford's help on learning how to do it and tried on his own. He had no idea how, how high he could go and that, for instance, rock is way too much eavyer and fragile than what Ford is. He tried to jump off the lighthouse over the beach, he fell right into the ocean with a big splash. It's a miracle he survived and that's where he got his first scars.
He never flies, he's scared of heights and always will be until he actually has to do it to save his skin after he's been kicked out. Need a quick shortcut? Better than dying I guess. Over the years he made his fair amount of falls and cracks, he knew he could fix those with gold but it was getting harder and harder to find, at first he got his slice my making shady jobs but over the time he just kinda got tired of doing that, what's the point of keeping himself from crumbling to pieces right?
One day he receives Ford's card. A new reason to keep going! He uses all his remaining gold to pay for gas and runs straight to Oregon, weak and almost falling apart, but this is nothing if it means seeing his brother again.
Then the fight. His brother didn't even care about his scars, he was litterally losing pieces all over the floor and ford didn't even ask him how he was doing? The fight was pretty intense, to the point where Ford shoves him into the wall, the Magic burning simbol only amplifies the damage and his wing crumbles unter all the pressure and the strength Ford put into the kick.
It hurt, it hurt like nothing Stan has ever felt. He was weak, he had nothing to stitch himself up with, his wing shattered on the floor, he could see the golden bones under it. He was hurt both phisically and emotionally, he almost didn't realized he had pushed his twin into the portal.
Now he's there, in front of him a cold soulless portal who took away all that was left for him.
Ford didn't deserve to end like this, he was the better twin, he was everything he could never be... He needed to bring him back.
But first, he needed to stitch himself up. Thank goodness the other citizens had never seen his brother into town, all they knew was he had wings, well, kinda.
He started running the mystery shack to earn gold and keep his pieces togheter, he had a new reason to not let himself shatter into pieces, not because he cared about his well being, but because he couldn't let himself die without making sure his brother was alive and safe in the house he was currently living in.
The twins came around after so many Years, they are so small and fragile, he needs to protect them like he used to do with his own brother when he was young. He would give his life for them.
Stan usually covers his wing with some kind of sheet and rope, like one would cover an old umbrella or something, Noone can see how badly demaged his wing his. It's a sign of weakness, he can't show anyone how weak he actually is. He needs to be strong, just for a little linger.
The first time the twins see the shattered wing is durning ScaryOke, in the rush of the moment Stan had forgotten to cover it up so save the twins from the zombies.
Dipper tries not to ask any questions and Stan tries to hide it when the waters had calmed and they shut themselves up into their room to read the invisible ink from the journal.
Mabel, on the other hand. Can't stop looking at them with a worried expression.
After the whole zombie thing.... Things get kinda awkward, Dipper now understands why his grunkle was hiding his wing this whole time, Mabel.... She doesn't ask questions, but tries to stay much closer to her grunkle as much as possible, lots of comforting and hugging from both twins. At first Stan is against it, he doesn't need hugs! But then.... He actually let's himself go and enjoyies as Mabel tries to find new ways to make his wings look Badass and fix them with Paper, lots of glue and stickers.
Then the portal reopens, Ford comes out of it and first thing he does is, as Canon, punch Stan in the Face. The jerk. Only after the damage he's done he notices the little rocks falling on the ground from his brother face.
Ford looks at Stan, his Body is covered on thin lines of gold, way too many since last time he has seen him, right? He didn't actually get much time to fully look at him last time.... Especially after the -
Ford eyes fall into his brother wing, now way too obvious not to notice.
The golden skeleton shining against the portal light, he wants to apologies, but the Rage he felt just moment before still lies into his lungs, so instead of a quiet sorry what cames out of it is a frustrated roar that turns into a scolding to his twin.
Apologies can wait, what his twin has done has put everyone in danger. EVEN HIMSELF! How can Stan be so selfish and careless?! (Shut the **** up Ford)
Things are awkward, Stan decides not to hide his wing anymore cuz it hurt Mabel to see him do that, he needed to make the twins feel like they were trusted.Ford, on the other hand, he tried to cover his broken wing with his good one everytime they crossed path, feeling ashamed of his own weakness. This only increases Ford sense of guilt toward his twin.
After Weirdmagetton Ford makes him a substitute wing, something like what Hiccup makes for Toothless in how to train your dragon, u kno?
He might not be able to fly with it, but at least he won't feel ashamed by it anymore.
Stan will showoff his new wing anytime he could, opening them up as he stretches and as he fights, feeling proud and secure for the first time in a long long time.
Ford still feels so guilty about it, he apologies everytime it crosses his mind, wich is a lot of times.
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isis-astarte-diana · 4 years
The Grave’s A Fine And Private Place (Part 1)
Part 1 ‖ Part 2
Summary: "You realise too late how careless you’ve become. It’s easy to forget, striding out of the miraculous console room and into a new day’s folly, just how thin the skin is that separates you from the grave." Missy’s atonement test doesn’t quite go to plan.
Warnings:  SFW. Swearing, mild peril, guns and violence. As always, MIHOW.
Word Count: 1105
Notes: Oh, my god! A multi-part fic?! Yes, because I wanted to prove that I actually am writing it, instead of making you wait until it’s finished. I’m terrible at writing action scenes, so this first half is probably not very exciting, but I promise there’s more to come! You can consider this a reader-insert World Enough And Time fix-it because Bill does not die!
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“Which of you is human?”
You can feel Bill’s heartbeat through her hand. The skin of her palm is clammy against your own, her fingers locked around yours so tightly that you can’t tell whether she's shaking or just reflecting your own tremors back at you. You risk a glance at her.
Her wide eyes are mapping the space between the Doctor’s chest and the barrel of the stranger’s gun. You can see the tightening of her jaw when she makes her choice. Her gaze flicks over your face, just for a moment, and you nod jerkily, hoping that you look less than half as frightened as you feel.
“Us!” She calls out quickly, as if she’s racing against her own changing mind. “Us, we- we are. We’re human. It’s just us, we’re the only ones.”
You inch closer, your side flush with hers, seeking comfort in the warmth of your best friend. Between your bodies, your fingers lace together as the alien whips around and aims his weapon squarely at you.
“Please, stop this.” There’s desperation in the Doctor’s voice like you’ve never heard before, but it’s muffled by the deafening rhythm of your pulse in your ears. It’s not as if this is the first time you’ve found yourself staring into the business end of a futuristic firearm - that much has become a fixture of your weekend trips in the TARDIS - but something feels different today. In the back of your mind, Bill’s words echo in a mocking, punishing loop, an earworm that makes your stomach coil with dread.
“Just promise you won’t get us killed, yeah?”
The memory of how you'd scoffed and wrapped your arm around her shoulders makes you wince. You realise too late how careless you’ve become. It’s easy to forget, striding out of the miraculous console room and into a new day’s folly, just how thin the skin is that separates you from the grave.
Now you can feel it acutely. There’s a phantom pain in your chest, squeezing at your heart just where the laser-barrel points. Selfishly, you hope that he shoots you first.
“I’m sorry.” Judging by the weak tremor in his shooting arm, you believe him. His face is a mask of wild panic. “I’m so sorry, but you’re the reason that they’re coming.”
“Put it down.” The Doctor moves towards him, hands raised in surrender. The practised sharpness in his voice falls flat. There’s no comfort to be found in the desperation and defeat that comes off him in waves.
An electrical whine as the weapon primes. “They won’t come if these two are dead.” A whimper; you, or Bill, or both. As she squares her shoulders beside you, you can almost hear it, the universe’s most hollow victory.
I fucking told you so.
You’re dimly aware that the Doctor is speaking, reaching out, doing all that he knows how to even though it’s clearly not enough. Staring into the barrel, you think of home. You wonder what century you’re in. You wonder how much it will hurt. This was always how it would end, you think. You just hadn't expected it to be now.
The stranger takes a deep breath. You want to close your eyes, not to have to watch the shot coming, but none of your muscles are listening to you now. Your fingers are crushing Bill's.
Another breath. He winces. Behind you, the three occupied lifts are whirring, inching closer to the bridge where you stand. Your mouth is dry.
His face twists in pain and his free hand flies up to his throat, clutching, clawing.
Something's wrong.
The Doctor's voice rings out like the anticipated gunshot, making you jump. The stranger isn't looking at you anymore - he's jerking his arm around, aiming the gun in Missy's face as he wretches and gasps for breath.
"You're on thin ice as it is, my dear, but if you shoot me that'll really piss me off."
She's still draped across the navigator's chair, umbrella in hand and pointed at the alien's chest.  Her face is a careful mask of indifference but she's white-knuckled on the crook of the handle. Her other hand braces on the leather cushion so that she can shift her weight, leaning in towards the weapon, unflinching.
"What are you doing? Let him go!"
She ignores the Doctor. "You've got a bionic lung, haven't you?" She raises an eyebrow. He can't respond, still choking, legs quivering and eyes bulging as his strength begins to fail. "I'm draining the battery."
"You'll kill him, Missy."
"Yes, that was rather the point.” He's starting to wobble where he stands, the gun shaking furiously, his head swooping around in blind panic. You can see the blood vessels burst in his eyes, flooding the whites with an unearthly shade of purple.
"Stop this, both of you! There's no need for this!" The Doctor pleads, his hands clasped as if in prayer. He comes as close as he dares, not wanting to light the tinder between them. "I can shield their life signs, we can help you!"
You yelp when there's a sharp tug on your hand. Bill pulls you towards the TARDIS, a deer finally free of the headlights, survival instinct kicking in and demanding that she hide in the only safe place she knows. You stumble with her, letting her drag you through the doors, but when she tries to close them you wedge your body in the space to keep them open.
"Come on," she hisses, but you shake your head. You're transfixed by the horror playing out in front of you. She cries out, enraged and adrenaline-filled, and leaves you be. From the corner of your eye you can see that Nardole has also made it back into the console room in the midst of the excitement.
The stranger's legs have buckled beneath him now. He grasps at the chair Missy still sits in, struggling to reach her with weak limbs, barely clinging onto the gun.
"That's enough, Missy!" The Doctor reaches for her umbrella but she jerks it away, losing her aim as she does so.
Everything else seems to happen in the same half-second.
The stranger climbs to his knees, both hands back on his weapon, and lifts it just above his shoulders. There's a deafening shriek of electricity and a burst of white-hot light and Missy's umbrella clatters to the floor, her body listing to one side, the momentum of the shot sending the chair rolling back a few feet. The Doctor shouts something indecipherable, lurching forwards, arms closing around the kneeling alien.
Behind them all, three sets of lift doors open.
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rose-edith · 4 years
A Series of Unfortunate Events with Father Brown would include:
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- the day just seems to start badly for you both straight after morning mass, you’re talking to him at the end of the service outside the church when suddenly a pigeon flies over the top of you both and unleashes a literal shit storm, covering the both of you. Father Brown does his best to laugh it off and says that it’s supposed to be good luck, but as you point out that’s only something you say to make the person who’s been pooped on feel better, it’s not actually true.
-but it’s easy to fix, you just go home and get changed.
-almost straight away after changing you bump back in to Father Brown, you’re both on the way to the bakery as the kindly Baker, Mr Joesphs had put aside some cream horns for the both of you. So you decided you’d walk together to the bakery, passing the time by discussing the upcoming Church Bizarre. Just then there was an almighty flash of lightning followed almost immediately by a crash of thunder and the Heavens opened. The kind Father opened his umbrella, about to hold it above you both when the spines snapped, rendering his precious umbrella broken.
-all that was left to do was run to the bakers, but in the time it took you to get there you both became soaked to the bones. With every step your shoes squelched and slipped on the pavement, but you made it to the bakery in one piece.
-but once you were inside the bakery you slipped, the shiny floor and your wet shoes weren’t a good mix and you found yourself crashing to the ground, taking Father Brown with you! You landed with a thud and felt a sharp pain shoot up your back, you were winded and sore.
-after a few moments Father Brown got to his feet and brushed himself down before helping you up and asking if you’re alright. He pulled you up to your feet and your back gave a twinge, which made you grimace and rub your lower back, but you said you were fine, it was nothing a hot bath wouldn’t fix.
-you thought your luck was changing however, when Mr Joesphs passed you and the Father one box each, he’d saved you both two cream horns each! You paid for your treat and left the bakery, Father Brown hot on your heels with his own treats. As the Presbytery was on the way back to your house he decided he’d walk with you, and you were grateful for the company.
-Father Brown made it back to the Presbytery without incident and he gave you a cheery wave goodbye as you continued the few hundred meters to your home. But you weren’t as lucky as the good Father. Just as you were walking up your garden path your neighbours cat darted across in front of you and made you trip, you managed to catch yourself before you fell, but your fresh delicacies fell to the floor and splatted cream everywhere, much to the delight of Disraeli (the cat).
-miserable, soaking wet, with no cream horns and a real bad back ache you went into your house and started to strip down and go for a hot bath. But guess what? There was no hot water. So with a heavy heart you just dried yourself off with a towel, put on your pyjamas and dressing gown, made a hot water bottle up and had a bit of a weep on your sofa.
-Father Brown called on the phone a short while later, to check how you were doing. When you confessed everything that had happened he felt his heart break a little bit, you were one of his best friends and he didn’t like how sad you sounded. So he did all he could to help.
-Mrs M went to the chemist and got a soothing rub for your back, Father Brown joined you in your living room and very kindly shared his cream horns with you and he had Sid fix your boiler so you could have a hot bath. Maybe you did have bad luck that day, but you could always count on your friends to help you cheer you up and be there for you.
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We’re All Mad Here | Jurdan College AU
Summary: Tenacious student, Jude Duarte, discovers a dark underworld in the very heart of RGU. It’s all just a game of Russian Roulette. Harmless, as long as you’re the one holding the gun.
Content Warning: Cursing, mild mention of panic attack (to skip, stop reading between the ~~~~~)
Part II   |   Masterlist   |   AO3
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Part I- Slow Burn
I, Jude Duarte, third year at Royal Greenbriar University and soon-to-be reigning Top Scholar, am in a hurry.
It’s rush hour. The pavement is slick with sleet and packed with important people in fancy suits. They brave sheets of freezing rain that lash down from the angry October skies with an unending canopy of black umbrellas.
I don’t carry my own. Umbrellas aggravate the chaos of mornings in Insmire, and I don’t need to add another to the mix.
Luckily, I am short. Manoeuvring through gaps in elbows and shoulders does not take much effort on my part. It’s the briefcases and patches of ice which make running a bit of a challenge this morning—but then, I have always enjoyed a challenge.
As I tear through the crowded streets of Insmire, I only know one thing: No amount of wind or hail or people can stop me. And if anyone gets bludgeoned with my thirty-pound backpack as I weave through the throng, well, that’s on them.
Cold air slices through me with every heave of my lungs, every pounding thud of my boots on the sidewalk. My legs are sore from yesterday’s fencing practice, but I savour the sweet ache and forge on.
I am used to this rushing, for I am always in a hurry. It sometimes feels like I’ve been in a hurry from my very first breath. As if I’m constantly trying to catch up to something just out of my grasp.
My twin sister, Taryn, and I were born in a hurry.
So excited were we to join the ranks of men, we surprised our mother half to death by wandering into the world nearly four weeks early.
As a result, we spent the next several weeks of our lives as tiny things in incubators—a little sickly and terribly jaundiced. This was how our mother always used to describe it, at least.
Ever since then, I have been invariably late to everything. Mostly, I blame it on the incubators. And the jaundice.
If I’m being honest with myself, though, being always late is a trait I can only attribute to who I am as a person. It is as much a part of me as the tip of my left ring finger is not.
I sometimes wonder if that’s exactly the crux of it; that just like my fingertip, my punctuality has somehow been taken from me, too.
I have heard of twins absorbing their siblings in the womb. I can’t see why personality traits should be any different. Especially since Taryn and I had to spread them so thinly between two of us.
And Taryn is always perfectly on time.
I risk a glance at my watch. A tiny crack runs up the glass. It’s been there for ages, but I am still nettled by the sight of it and the unbidden memory it stirs.
It’s because of this tiny crack that the watch’s face is now fogged up from the inside. I can barely make out the three little golden hands racing each other toward my tardiness.
Seven minutes past eight.
I am really very late. Or, I know I will be, at least.
Technically, if I go straight to the Silhouette Gazette now, I will be right on time for my interview.
But I can’t go straight there. Not when I haven’t had coffee.
Without my fix, I won’t be able to string together even one sentence. Much less make it through an entire interview with enough charisma to snag the internship position I so desperately need. Since I am not very charismatic to begin with, I’ll need all the help I can get.
Everything depends on my getting this internship. If I don’t, there’s no way I’ll maintain my near-perfect GPA, no way I’ll graduate summa cum laude or Valedictorian of my class.
And then I’ll have to go into something boring. Like publishing. A shudder runs through me that has nothing to do with the cold.
I shove between two men wearing long coats and flat caps. They grunt in shock and disapproval. I hardly feel the zing of pain as my shin collides with something hard.
A briefcase flies out of its owner’s grip, crashing onto the pavement a few yards away. I don’t stop to apologise.
“Bitch!” One of the flat caps shouts after me.
Yes, I agree silently, hopping over the felled bag. I am very much that.
If I had the time and breath to tell the men just the same, I would. Instead, I flip them a rude gesture over my shoulder and don’t turn around.
I’m already ten paces away when a dull throbbing starts on my leg. It radiates from where I know there’ll be an unsightly bruise tomorrow. But bruises are a thing for future Jude to handle.
There is no way I will let what happened last year happen again. Second-year was a fluke. A one-time thing.
I will get this internship, take back my rightful title of Top Scholar, and keep it until I graduate—just like my mother did. I absolutely refuse to be beaten out by some preppy moneybags prick.
Or a bit of hail.
Before flying out the door of my flat this morning, I did a quick search on Google Maps, the results of which yielded the quirky little coffee shop I now see in my line of vision.
The White Rabbit sits mercifully in all its three-story glory right across the street from the newspaper’s office building. If luck is on my side, if I hurry, I should have just enough time to grab a cup to-go and make it with a minute or two to spare.
My thoughts are all jumbled as I barrel through the glass doors.
A white-haired barista stands behind the counter at the back of the shop, taking a customer’s order with an unbearable amount of cheer for a Monday morning.
The queue isn’t too bad, maybe three people long. I send up a quick thanks to whatever power of the universe might be in charge of coffee queues.
It smells miraculous in here—freshly ground coffee and something buttered and flakey. Suddenly, I am too warm.
I make a beeline for the back of the queue, shucking off my hat and gloves as I go. I’m unzipping my coat, a difficult task with hands full of knitted things, when a wall of black blurs into my periphery.
I don’t have a second to react before that wall smacks me right in the forehead. And collides everywhere else.
A scalding liquid sloshes down the front of my shirt. I stumble backwards, gasping at the pain.
There is a very loud “Fuck” followed by an equally as loud “Shit!”
I am not sure which curse fell from my lips, but I know it was one of them. All I can feel is this dreadful sting. It spreads like a wildfire across my chest.
Perhaps, I’d cursed both words. The pain certainly warrants it.
“Are you alright, dear?” a dark, silken voice asks. A pair of beringed hands steady me, grasping my shoulders with the barest of touches. As quickly as they appeared, like that they are gone. And then they are handing me a wad of brown paper napkins.
“Here,” the voice says.
I snatch the proffered napkins and look up at my assailant.
Perfect. Just perfect, I think with a scowl. Of course the person who spills their drink down my blouse has to be stupidly attractive.
The man before me is so beautiful it’s almost cruel.
A crown of crow dark curls circles his head, framing his oil slick eyes and sharp cheekbones. His is an unnecessary sort of perfection that sets my teeth grinding.
He’s clad in all black, save for his coat—a beaded brocade of black and crimson silk with quilted red lapels. From the breast pocket, a beaded scarlet brooch in the shape of a dahlia dangles in ostentatious splendour.
There is something familiar about him I can’t quite grasp.
For some inexplicable reason I amount to probable insanity, I cannot stop my gaze from flitting to his mouth.
Bad idea. Very bad idea.
His lips look like two full flower petals. I’m plagued by the inane thought that they might feel just as soft. If I can only reach out and—
I shake my head.
Concern creases the man’s brow now. To my horror, I realise I haven’t responded to his question. I’ve just stood here, dripping and sticky, for who knows how long. Staring. Like an idiot.
“I’m fine,” I grit out through barred teeth and my own mortification. I pat at the stain hastily with the wad of napkins. “I’m just great.”
It’s useless, of course.
The stain isn’t coming out, I’m late to my life-altering interview, and to make matters worse, I still haven’t had coffee. Not to mention, my chest burns in a way that makes me tempted to scrap everything in favour of a doctor’s office.
That’s when panic seizes hold.
A strand of pearls tightening around my throat. I am sure it means to strangle me because I cannot breathe.
My heart takes flight, battering my ribcage as if it intends to escape entirely. A trail of sweat trickles down my forehead.
I am going to be late. I am going to have this horrid stain on my shirt. I am going to fail this interview. I am going to fail this year and myself and my family.
There’s something heavy sitting on my lungs. I am both hot and cold, here and not.
Tears prick my eyes. I will them not to spill over, but of course, my body betrays me. I swipe furiously at my cheeks.
Everyone in the coffee shop plus one unfortunately attractive dude must be staring, watching as I teeter on the edge of full-blown hysterics.
“Hey,” Unfortunately Attractive Dude croons, but I don’t see him.
I try to draw even breaths. And fail. And fail again.
I’m barely aware of the hand that guides me to a corner of the coffee shop. It’s darker here. A bit quieter, too. I notice a large bookshelf obscuring the alcove from the main seating area. Away from prying eyes.
“Just relax,” the man says. “It’s going to be okay. Are you hurt?” He looks inclined to place his hand on my shoulder again but thinks better of it when he sees my expression.
I want to punch him in his stupid face. Maybe I should. It’s only fair, given the circumstances.
“Relax?” I scoff, hating the way my voice cracks. “Don’t tell me to relax. I’ve got an interview in ten minutes and I’m fairly certain my would-be boss won’t appreciate my being late. Or this sort of oversharing.”
I make a wild gesture at the stain on my chest, ignoring the slight tremor in my hands. I am acutely aware of the fabric’s transparency there. Today was not the day to wear a bright purple bra.
A moment passes before a smirk slips into place on Unfortunately Attractive Dude’s hateful mouth. He folds his arms across his chest, giving me a once over.
“You sure about that?” he drawls, and now I am positive I’m going to punch him. My hands curl into fists at my sides.
“You’re disgusting.”
“And you, sunshine, are no longer having a panic attack.”
Indeed, the tightening in my throat has waned. But as keen an observation as it might be, I would first run my hand through with my fencing sabre than admit he is right.
“I wasn’t having a panic attack,” I say too quickly. He produces a smug expression that is just as bewitching as it is infuriating.
He knows what I’ve said is a lie. I know it’s a lie, too. Very deep down. In some dark forgotten place inside me where things that don’t want to be admitted go.
The man grins as if I should be grateful. I am decidedly not.
“I don’t know who you think you are,” I say, taking a step toward him. “But don’t pretend to know me. Because you don’t.”
He lifts a brow—the worst kind of dare. “Don’t I?”
“No,” I say. I hope I come off more menacing than I feel with my tearstained cheeks and conspicuous underthings on display for all the world to see.
“Pity,” he says, still wearing that stupid smile. “You seem delightful.”
My face grows hot. Blood pounds heavy in my ears, and I feel like I’m running anew. I’m so angry I cannot think.
And apparently, I don’t think—because I take another step closer.
The rest of the world slides away. It’s just me and this loathsome beautiful heinous man in a secluded corner of a strange coffee shop.
He towers over me, lithe and angled, face limned in shadow. He’s unflinching and returns my gaze with equal distaste.
My heart skitters wildly, stumbling one beat over the next like it knows it's been spotted by something with sharp claws and jagged teeth.
In the unclosed space between us, a glittery treacherous thing ripples.
I am suddenly very glad for bookshelves.
I should leave. I should go to my interview before I do something I will regret. Before I ruin everything. I should walk away.
Then, I do the opposite of that.
“I’m the farthest thing from delightful,” I tell him, shooting a dagger-filled glare from beneath the hood of my brow. “Which is why I’d strongly advise against getting in my way again. And don’t call me sunshine.”
Something smells familiar; like a forest in winter. Like cedarwood and myrrh. With a jolt, I realise it’s him and dig my nails into the meat of my palm.
He chuckles, raising his hands in defence. “Fine,” he says. “Won’t happen again. But at least come with me. I think I can help.” He juts his chin toward the back of the coffee shop, presumably towards the toilets.
I wrinkle my nose.
This can’t seriously be some kind of come-on. I don’t have time for unsolicited advances right now. I don’t even have time for solicited advances.
“I’m not going anywhere with you,” I spit, and he flinches. “First, you give me third-degree burns. What’s next? Chop me up in the alley out back?”
The corner of his mouth twitches slightly. “As appealing as that sounds,” he says. “I’m shit with knives.”
“Oh, that’s a comfort.”
“Better with fabric, though.” He gives an unbothered shrug. “I was going to offer to get that out for you.” The man nods, seemingly unfazed, at my chest. Heat rises in my cheeks again.
“You’ve done enough already,” I snap.
Maybe I’ll just wear my winter coat through the whole cursed interview. Even that would be a better solution than this conversation.
I turn on my heel to leave, but the man catches my wrist.
Bad move, I think.
I’m contemplating dragging him out of this alcove by the ear so I can punch him in front of every customer in this coffee shop when, to my surprise, he lets go.
The man rakes a hand through his dark curls, heaving a great sigh.
“Wait. Just...” he starts. “Look, I feel bad enough as is. Let me make it up to you. It’ll take five minutes. You’ll only be a little late to your interview, and you won’t have to deal with a dry cleaner’s bill.”
I snort. I haven’t been able to afford dry cleaning since I stopped living in Madoc’s house two years ago. I will likely have to throw this shirt away if I can’t get the stain out with a good old-fashioned scrubbing.
“I’ll buy you a coffee for your troubles while we wait.”
I consider him for a moment. He seems sincere enough, though attractive people always seem sincere, even when they are truly not.
Now, though, I don’t really have much left in me to care.
I want the stain out of my blouse, a vat of coffee in my system, and a teleportation device that can transport me to the sixth floor of the Silhouette immediately.
If this man is a willing rung in the ladder to get me even two-thirds of those things, I will consider it a blessing.
“Fine,” I say, pinching the bridge of my nose. “I’ll take a large cappuccino. Extra shot of espresso. And a shot of caramel. To go.”
“Wonderful.” The dazzling man smiles his dazzling smile. “Follow me.” And with that, he leads the way out of the alcove, a gleeful bound in his step.
I already regret my decision.
Part II 
Tag List: @the-mithridatism-of-jude-duarte @velarhysismine @knifewifejude
AN: this was originally sent to me as a request for the prompt “I’m running late to an important interview/meeting and you accidentally spill your hot cocoa all over my outfit” from a winter prompt list. but it spiralled into several chapter outlines and an almost fully-fledged plot so i’m rolling with it.
anyway, thanks so much for reading! hope you enjoyed :) if you’d like to be tagged in future updates for this AU, feel free shoot me an ask/message.
a few disclaimers:
1. i don’t think publishing is boring! i’m technically trying to go into publishing for my career so really just poking fun at myself. but i do think jude would find publishing (or any other office job) incredibly boring.
2. the depiction of jude’s panic attack is provided by yours truly, though i do not claim to speak for everyone who gets them, and am aware that they differ in both manifestation and severity from person to person. this just pertains to my own experience.
3. i was definitely listening to slow burn by kacey musgraves while writing part of this lmao (hence the chapter name).
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Aurora Tummelt (my oc), Ardyn lucis caelum, Loqi Tummelt
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
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The darkness of the night surrounded the land of Eos, and there was no light except the light of the stars and the full moon! The search teams were sent to unprotected areas so that in addition to cleaning up, they could find the princess, as laura had not been heard from for almost a day, and Noctis, as her brother, did not know where she was. The last person who was ready to be sent was none other than the marshal! He could no longer sit up and be told that his ear was not willing to listen. He stood next to his motorcycle and checked the tank of it. He heard Monica's voice before he got on. Slowly he turned his head towards Monica. The woman's face was so disheveled that Cor could understand that there was no good news:
The ever-tangled frown of Cor this time thickened his eyebrows. He raised his hands from his motorcycle to turn all the way to Monica!
"Say, Monica!"
Concerned, Monica slowly turned to the two objects in her hands. Monica's short look gave to him a complete answer. He stared at Monica's hands, he knew the mobile phone well, and the broken syringe next to it ... he didn't lose himself! He restrained his senses and slowly took the rest of the syringe, he didn't know about the medicine of the nymphs and all his information of Nifs and this medicine ... nothing is right and a hundred percent disaster has befallen Laura! He just hoped she didn't get to the lab! He put the syringe in Monica's hand but grabbed Laura's phone.
" I'm going to follow her! Tell to glaives to control each base of the Nifs so far.
He put Laura's phone in his pocket and got on his motorbike, hoping he could get to Laura sooner than Verstael! That's why he used the last power of his motor and broke the asphalt of the road, he wanted to do the right thing once and for all and keep the one he loves. He had never been so worried about that girl from the beginning. He had doubts. Laura didn't know how she was fooled by that genius! That was her personality, and he probably put herself in the place of that girl and Noctis in Loqi's place! This made Cor angry! From childhood until now, when they were older, he was always and everywhere angry for Laura's work, and now she makes cor angry. So much so that he finally had to swear at Laura to calm him down:
"The staring girl is restless! Get somewhere to sit !!! What's wrong with you? It's so Better than loqi die. To hell that he dying"
Contrary to Cor's decision to go all out, it was early in the night where he didn't know exactly where he was. Just when the monsters are slowly crawling out of the ground to look for their prey! For destroyed every fountain of light and drank the drops of blood of the creatures that saw their food. Certainly, these monsters did not make an exception for a fighter who is in a hurry at night because of his goal! And or was not worried about facing them! The only Cor's concern was when he lost the time. He tried as hard as he could to leave the giants that were getting green in the middle of the road, but it wasn't possible, and if he wanted to get past them, he would definitely damage his motorcycle. It took a long time! The sudden blow of the long blade of an Iron Giant that right in front of Cor finally blocked his way! It was hit so hard on the ground that it left a bit of asphalt! Cor could hardly keep his balance, but not completely! The motor hit the ground from the side and also hit Cor on the ground! He was stabbed several times until a rock finally stopped him from moving. He got up hard and tried to keep his balance. He had a blow to the head, so he couldn't see properly, and he was dizzy! But now was not the time to fall in front of Iron Giant, who was coming towards him! He shook his head once to get rid of his dizziness and ran towards Iron Giant with a frown of anger! This was not the first time he had fought with one of them! He showed a dagger in his hand and threw it at Iron Giant, and Varp Strike hit him on the head! The monster saw that the fighting man flies around and flutters his nerves! It wanted to crush him between his strong paws, Cor's acting was much faster. Fighting between two Iron Giants was not an easy one for everyone! But Cor knew what to do! With a series of twists and turns, he tried to confront both of them with blows that they wanted to enter to him. But Cor passed through them quickly, forcing his Katana's blade to force them to attack each other. And so it happened. At the request of Iron Giant, another of that buried its second cousin. Cor roar of his clenched teeth made it clear that he wanted to finish the monster's job! To reach Laura, he had to cross this dam, and this dam was nothing compared to the next dams! The monster's heavy object fell to the ground and at the same time, Cor landed on the ground. He looked a little at the monster's corpse, which was sinking into the earth like ice cream. The dizziness had returned to him, and the coldness behind his head, after each gentle wind, showed him that his head had been damaged! He pulled his motorbike to the side of the road and sat quietly on the ground, next to the stone mockery that had struck him. Only a short time can he get rid of his dizziness. He knocked his Katana to the ground between his legs and wrapped his arms around it. Katana, something would be buried in the corner of the warehouse if it Laura wasn't  !! Laura .. Laura .. Laura ..! All of Cor's life was full of Laura. Even when he asked her to let him go, the day he rejected Laura and told her with a ridiculous lie that he didn't want her... It's true that girl didn't do anything but a very formal behavior... but it was always her eyes whose light illuminated Cor's life. Her eyes are always full of words that said her emotions. He tucked his hand into his pocket and pulled laura's phone out gently, turned it on to see that it was work yet or not. Its screen was broken, and it was like a rope for Laura, who was very sensitive to her phone. He made it clear in the hope of getting some information. When the lock screen comes up, Cor's look stared at the image. He knew thet photo well.
He remembered exactly what had happened. That day ... was perhaps one of the few days that Cor remembers so clearly! It was the day he revealed his feelings to Laura as a gift! A single laugh made him sad. From that story .. 20 years had passed and these twenty years had apparently not suffocated the enthusiasm inside the photo! A photo that was also a copy of it on Cor's phone. He picked up his mobile phone and stared at its background. Both of them were behaving unintentionally. He got up from the ground and put both cell phones in his pocket, took off his katana the ground, and looked at the necklace that shone with a soft, blue light. After Laura's return, she gave her back the necklace!
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The necklace that had been tied to Katana all this time was an important part of the past of the marshal of Lucis!
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A mile away from Cor, the princess sat in the shade of a tree to be somewhat safe from the sting of the heavy rain! The willow tree acted just like an umbrella. The sound of thunder echoed throughout the forest after its beautiful light, making it difficult for Aurora to bear that heavy atmosphere. Her gaze was fixed on the ground and she was standing under the rain. She did not dare to take even a deep breath in the face of that heavy frown. Her face was partially wrinkled with tears. She desperately wanted to shout her helplessness with each of her cells. Eventually, the frown filled Laura's eyes to some extent.
"Sit down, Nif!"
Laura's calm voice and cool tone gave Aurora a little confidence. She stood next to Laura and then sat down in front of her with Silent and trembling. Laura's hands were on fire to compensate for the slight heat of the fire from Aurora's frostbite, there was no good wood to burn, and almost all the wood was wet. He glanced around to find something to burn, but it wasn't something that wasn't wet. She was stunned and stared at Aurora.
" Who told you to steal me so that you will regret it now!"
The touch of thunder's light again shook the existence of Aurora! She locked her hands together and continued in a trembling tone:
"My brother has been captured! I ... I had the right to choose between you and my brother!"
Slowly she sent her wet hair behind his cold red ears and put her hand on her other:
" But my conscience did not allow anyone to save my life to cause trouble!"
Laura's serious gaze was fixed on Aurora. She didn't show any tenderness anymore because of her trust had broken. However, she tried to calm the girl down, although her trust was shattered, if Aurora wanted to harm her, she would take her with her as she stole from the camp without giving her the right to choose! She took a deep breath and stared at Aurora again:
"Where is Loqi?
Laura's question surprised Aurora's eyes, she didn't expect Laura to ask Loqi for his place.
"What's up .. you ask!"
Laura's serious tone did not change. As she stood, she looked at Aurora:
"I'll help you get him back. But then it's up to you. I suggest you don't come to us! Altisia is a better place for you!
She walked to her car, without looking back and realizing that she was all under error. She quickly got up and ran after Laura. She was both happy and worried! When she reached her side, took a step:
"What if we can't escape? Your life is in danger!
"do not worry! Nothing bad happened! Focus on saving your brother, not me !!"
She opened the car door and sat inside. She started and waited for Aurora to sit down. Aurora sits in the car a little late after Laura. She closed the car door and opened his hands. Again slowly turned to Laura, she wanted to thank her, but Laura cut her off!
"Can you give my notebook on the dashboard?"
With a very short pause, Aurora turned to the dashboard, opened it and took the black notebook that was inside and again, with a little pause, she gave it to Laura! It was a wonder to her what she was doing! In front of Aurora's curious eyes, Laura was writing a short note. That was characteristic of her and a reliable leaf. She removed the paper from the notebook and turned to Aurora:
"If something happens to me, send it to a Lucian! Not everyone! Must be a glaive or a hunter! Got it? Don't let Cor see you! Make sure you will be killed by him!
Aurora's fingers slowly grab the sheet. She just nodded because he didn't know what was going to happen! But Laura was measuring the sides. That was her job! She was going to be trapped. She had to think about what she should do if she got stuck!
It was two days ago. And there was no investigation into Loqi! There was blood on his wounds and he didn't have any color on his face! He hoped to be saved, but he had no hope except his sister! His sister did not know how to fight well. There was no one in the outside world for her. It was not clear at all whether she was dead or alive. He breathed a sigh of relief. he was crying. He promised their mother to take care of his sister! His sister always took care of her ... but Loqi could not handle this responsibility! He was burning in the torment of conscience and longing for the past when he heard a familiar voice:
He raised his head quickly. He was sure he wasn't wrong! She was his sister! He was so shocked that he didn't know exactly what to say at that moment. Aurora was there, blindfolded! In the face of Loqi's shock, Aurora was opening the chains by worried. She was sure that Loqi had become so weak that he could not take a single step. But when she released Loqi's hands, she fell into his brother's arms. Loqi hugged his sister with one hand and squeezed her. His face was frowning. But not out of anger! Out of incompetence to take care of his sister. But when his eyes caught the princess of Lucis, he separated Aurora from her and led her to the back of himself, whispering softly:
"What the hell is she doing here!"
Loqi's reaction makes a gentle grin on Laura's red lips. Slowly she took a step, at the same time moving her right hand away from the tension to the right and stretched out, and showed his sword in his hand:
" That damn thing here to save you, useless!!
Aurora grabbed Loqi's hand and threw it around her neck to support her brother. A look of redness was sewn from Loqi's anger and he laughed:
" I got help from her, Loqi! If she wasn't, I wouldn't be able to come to you!
Loqi's anger multiplied when he heard his sister's words! He was insulted! A savage had come far from civilization, save him ?? He couldn't control his anger and scolded his sister:
"It's so better if I die, but I don't see that a Lucian come to save me!"
Aurora's frowns were so intertwined that she had to pull Loqi back:
"Now is not the time for these games.we We need to go out soon!"
He opened his mouth to answer his sister when the princess took his other hand. He screamed and cursed at her:
"My hand is Broken, fool !!
Laura's cold face stared at him. Suddenly, she grabbed Loqi by the legs and lifted him on her hands. She stared calmly into his surprised eyes and answered in a low voice:
"you talk too much!"
She went to the door with long steps. Loqi was heavy, but Laura could take him to the car! With a pause from the boundless surprise, Aurora followed them. Did Laura lift Loqi with that anatomy? She didn't think laura's genetics were so advanced that she didn't weigh herself! Loqi's gaze was still dazed, and his mouth was a little open. Was that girl stronger than him? He hit her and shouted at once:
"Who let you lift me up !! leave me!!"
Laura's gaze remained a little gloomy on Loqi's eyes. She tilted her lips to show that she was upset! She stood up and suddenly released Loqi, and the wounded general fell to the ground. He moaned in pain and shouted:
"You're Wild!!"
In response to Loqi's behavior, Laur
a's composure made him worse. She lifted her outstretched legs and crossed Loqi:
" You told me to leave!"
Aurora was still behind. She felt tired of these mischievous behaviors. Her pride and drums were empty, Loqi was annoying him! She took her hand and lifted him up and began to growl:
"Please behave properly, baby! Do you want me to beat you?"
Laura's short but obvious laugh broke Loqi's pride out of those stupid, backward Lucian. He got up and gritted his teeth:
"Can't you respect me against others, hamster?
"Shut up my dear, shut up! You will never listen to me, I am your older sister and I say treat the princess correctly!"
Away from the sibling fights, Laura's senses were all the way to the gray and glittering alleys. Everything was suspicious. There are few soldiers in here...and this is the absolute silence of the base! She stood quietly in her place. Right where a few corridors meet at one point! She squeezed the handle of her royal sword in her hand and walked over slowly. She didn't know why she felt behind two indefinite corridors that stood on the left and right, there are soldiers. Suddenly she turned first to her right, she was right! And because her guess was correct, she was able to deflect the bullets that were fired at her! No doubt she dropped her sword right in the middle of the gray-clad soldier's head! She went to him and pulled his sword out of his body. She turned her head to see how siblings were doing. A soldier was about to shoot! She frowned and extended her hand to Aurora and Loqi! The semicircular wall of blue hexagonal glass was bright and shiny, protecting Loqi and his sister. And Laura killed the soldier right above them with a Warp Strike! Loqi look at that girl! Laura's speed was very high .. just like the descriptions he heard about her! She reacted very quickly! The wall was destroyed by the order of the princess. But before even a conversation could take place between them, the volume of gray-clad soldiers shocked them! Loqi was a trait that protected aurora for as long as he lived. He showed his sword in his hand and wanted to fight, but Laura didn't give him a chance to react. She attacked the soldiers. Attacked with force! She wanted to see their blood flow on the ground! She wanted revenge! She hated all the Nifs, even those who had helped save them!
"Take your brother and take him out of here, Aurora!"
Unlike Aurora, who wanted to carry out the order, Loqi tried to attack the soldiers by slandering his health by slamming his weapon between his hands! In these cases, whatever Aurora did, Loqi refused to answer and did his job! She closed her eyes slowly and tried to conjure her weapon! It was only when a soldier attacked Loqi from behind! She threw her sword at the soldier and punched him in the back! She put her foot on the soldier's body and pulled out his sword by pressing it! Two and a half people, among the soldiers who were attacked by tsunami! The fight was breathtaking! And it was just as breathtaking as Loqi saw more damage! With the bullet hitting his back, time stood still for Aurora! She gave up the fight and ran to her brother! Loqi's body was in a lot of pain and he couldn't stand this one! Aurora's worried face was fixed on her brother. She threw his healthy hand around her neck and lifted him! Loqi's narrow breaths did not allow Aurora to fight! And this is what Laura touched when Aurora asked Loqi to stand up! Again, Laura became the savior of those two people! By sending a wave of electricity, he destroyed several soldiers who had gathered around the brother and sister. In front, however, she stood behind them and looked at the soldiers! She turned her head slightly back, but her gaze was on Aurora:
"I'll open the way! Take out your brother from here! Take the car and go! Find my brother and tell Gladio to help you! Don't let to Ignis sees you! Prompto is also a mouthful! Find Gladio! Tell him to help you and I sent you! Got it?
"I can't leave you alone!"
" nothing happened! Three! Two! One!!"
With Laura's attack on the soldier, Aurora did not waste time against her will. She did her best to get Loqi out! The soldiers had nothing to do with those two thoughts! Their goal was Princess of Lucis! Their goal was what the chancellor had ordered! Ardyn stood and stared at Laura's struggle from inside the monitors, a gentle but evil smirk that parted her well-shaped lips. Ardyn's goal was in the trap. But he was sure that if he didn't enter the scene himself, Laura would kill everyone! Slowly, he moved away from the monitors. As Ardyn had predicted, Laura had killed all the soldiers. He was breathing angrily and her face was covered in blood! She felt weak and tired and also hurt. She turned her head towards her hand, she was shot! She put her other hand on her arm and walked to the exit of the base, though weak but strong. But before she could reach the door, the sound of someone clapping caught her attention, turned to her place softly to see who she was facing!
"A unique race! Suitable for the grandchildren of my dear brother!"
Unlike Noctis and his friends and peers .. Laura knew the man well! Ardyn Lucis caelum! Someone who made the crystal that crushed his father! She placed her hand gently and conjured her sword:
"See who is here! Dear uncle of Caelums House!"
Ardyn's laughter scratched Laura's ears, his voice was not loud but it was annoying for Laura! Slowly he stood in front of Laura. He gently pulled laura's wet hair from her forehead and then pulled it away:
"It makes me proud that an alive Caelum knows me well !!
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Laura couldn't let anyone like Ardyn stay behind her. So she quickly turned to him, but Ardyn's dark force was faster. While he was holding his hands in black and purple smoke, and then he hit it in Laura's chest! The darkness hit Laura so hard that she jumped a few feet back and hit the wall hard. She fell to the ground unconscious. What Ardyn wanted was to give her star-scroog.. he wanted Noctis to experience killing his sister!
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heyits-kk · 4 years
One Door Closes, The Devil Opens Another
Chapter 1
Summary: How does one enter an elevator in New York and end up in LA, specifically Lucifer Morningstar's elevator? I have no idea, but I need to find out and enlist the help of the devil himself.
Life in New York isn't as grand and magical as it is in shows and movies. Yes, there are moments, like the holidays, and specific areas that have a feeling of wonder, but honestly it's mainly for tourists. At the same time, growing up here makes you appreciate the little nuances of the city finding hidden gems along the way. New York is still the place I’d rather be than anywhere else. That's how I feel about it, Kate, a twenty-eight year old woman currently pushing her way through the onslaught of people trying to make an appointment. I’m only about two minutes away, but sadly ten minutes late.
"Why did they have to choose such a busy area?" I mumble to myself while trying to fix my dark brown, almost black, straightened hair. Giving up and I decide to pull it up into a high ponytail. "And why during rush hour of all times!?" I exclaim.
I reach the building at Union Square and luckily catch the elevator. While going up to the tenth floor, I check that my equipment is okay from all the jostling earlier. Sighing in relief, I smile to myself and rejoice, "Great, now to work some magic!"
Three hours later and I’m all alone packing up my things ready to leave after having a smooth session with the client. Usually it wouldn't take long to put everything away, but for someone who's five feet juggling a lot of cumbersome items and exhausted, it's a bit more time consuming, not that I mind. I’m not someone who likes to be social all the time, I’m definitely an introvert. After having to be professional and chatty for so long, I can now recharge my batteries in the quiet.
The only sound in the empty studio is the slight hum and ticking of the pipes from the central heating. Complimenting the sound are lights dancing on the ceiling as cars pass the side of the building. Plus, in this alone time, I can freely sing to myself without worry of any judging ears. So, I start a playlist from Spotify on the phone and get lost in the music as I finish up.
Another ten minutes goes by and I pack the last few things neatly in the bags. At the same moment of me taking a sip of water, a slow song starts to play, a love song. Usually I loves slow songs, but after the session today with the couple, seeing them so in love with each other, it just makes me sigh. "One day..." I quietly say to myself. When it comes to the romance department, I’m a romantic, but fail horribly at it and I just don't try anymore. I tell my friends that I don't care and it’s fine, but as I see them with their partners of many years now getting engaged, I can't lie anymore. No matter how enjoyable it is to have that alone time, it doesn't mean I want it to be all the time. Shaking my head to get rid of those thoughts I tell myself sternly, "No need to think about that now. My time will come...there's no rush."
I stop the song before it finishes and assume that I'll be met with silence again, but that's not the case. Surprised, I turn to the window noticing that it's now raining heavily. Moving closer to the huge windows, I jump seeing a flash in the dark sky followed by a loud booming rumble.
"Are you kidding me?" I moan throwing my head back. I turn to the three large bags that were hauled here earlier today. "There's no way I can take these in the rain. I mean, they say the bags are waterproof...but I'm not risking it." I contemplate for a moment and fiddle with the two rings on my right hand, before deciding the only thing I can do at the moment. Putting on my jacket, getting my phone and grabbing my backpack, I head to the elevator. I step in and press the button for the lobby.
"I'll just ask for them to hold it and pick it up tomorrow, that should be fine." I remark while playing with the rings again and looking at the numbers slowly descending. Checking the time, it's 11pm. Sighing I mumble, "Maybe I can still rewatch at least one episode of Lucifer with some ice cream before bed." I smile thinking about the show. It's been one of my favorite shows recently. I’ve already binged the whole series and even saw a tiny clip of Lucifer guest starring in a CW show that aired recently. I’m definitely excited to see what happens in series five, but until then I'll rewatch the previous seasons.
The elevator dings and I step out into the lobby. I shuffle over to the doorman and ask, "I have equipment that I can’t take with me in the rain. Is it possible for me to leave it here and pick it up in the morning?"
"What floor is it on?" He asks me with a tired expression.
"It's on floor ten, the studio." I quickly respond.
The doorman sighs before saying, "That's fine by me, but come early or your stuff may not be there when you come back."
"Thank you so much! I'll make sure to be here as soon as the building opens. Have a good night." I respond happily. The doorman does a quick nod and goes back to his computer.
I then escort myself out of the building and into the rain. There wasn't supposed to be any rain today, but now it's a full-on heavy downpour. Sadly, I get soaked in a matter of seconds because an umbrella was not needed earlier today. Hurrying down the block, I stop halfway digging into my pocket for a Metro card only to find out the keys to my apartment aren’t there. With a loud groan, I turn around and rush back into the building.
Expecting to still see the doorman at his station since it’s only been a minute, I surprisingly see there’s no one in the lobby, not even the janitor. Thinking to myself, 'Okay...weird. I like the quiet, but not this eerie vibe going on. Let me just quickly get my keys before I'm locked in this building.' I scramble quickly to the elevator and tap my foot impatiently waiting for it. Glancing out the glass doors, the storm somehow gets worse. From the corner of my eye I see something flicker near the elevator, but as I turn my head back nothing seems out of the ordinary.
Finally, the elevator opens and I jump inside. Everything goes smoothly until the second floor, where the elevator light blinks. Again I fidget with my rings getting nervous, thinking, ‘Please don't let me get stuck in here.' Once the elevator passes the fifth floor, it jerks to a halt.
"No no no no!" I exclaim with my back against the wall. There's a moment of silence in the air and just as I start to relax a little, the light starts to flicker rapidly. "No! What the hell is going on!? Help! Help!" I shout in a panic. The elevator starts to shake and I fall to the floor. There’s nothing to do but hug my knees thinking, 'It's going to fall! I'm going to die! I was just going to get my keys and go home! Why me!?’ I sob as the shaking continues, 'Help me please! Help...'
Opening my eyes, I squint through the flashing lights and notice the elevator walls seem different, like they're glowing. I hesitantly reach out my hand to touch the wall and in that moment, the lights slow their erratic behavior. 'They're....gold? But, it was gray before. How?' I ponder. The shaking also stops and I slowly get to my feet glancing around now. 'It wasn't this big before.' stating to myself. From the corner of my eye, I spot the elevator buttons have changed as well. There are way more floors and at the bottom there’s a keypad.
Completely confused I question, "Where the hell am I?" As if someone is listening to me, the door opens. However, it just leads to more confusion and now panic. As soon as I stumble out, something large flies right in front of my eyes and crashes into, what looks to be in the millisecond I saw in the dark lit room, shelves of glass bottles. On reflex, I close my eyes and throw my arms up to shield myself from the flying shards. Suddenly, I hear the crunching of the glass and a groan that's not my own. Upon hearing footsteps slowly approaching and a voice that I somehow recognize, I immediately lift my head directing my eyes towards the sounds.
"You justify it all, don't you?" remarks the man with a posh sounding English accent in a tailored suit. He grabs a tall muscular man that got up from where the glass shelves were before by the neck. I can only stare in utter shock thinking, 'That's...not...possible.'
The well-dressed man goes on clearly agitated, "Claim it's all done in the name of our father, but... it's for your sake, brother. And they call me the prideful one."
"Enough!" someone yells from the left side of me. The two men and I turn our heads towards the female voice. Before I’m even able to begin processing what is happening, the female continues, "I'm the pawn. You both used me." She approaches the men and pulls out two curved daggers from her back as she hisses out, "You know what? Here. Kill each other." The woman slams both the daggers down onto a table in front of her and marches back to the stairs leading downward. The woman pauses a moment and adds dryly, "By the way..." She points her finger directly at me lazily. This snaps me out of the daze I was in and reminds me just how nervous I am at the moment. The woman’s eyes linger on me with a straight face stating, "...you have an audience."
She then disappears down the stairs while I feel two sets of eyes now directly on me. Slowly, I peek over at the men and they are in fact staring at me with confusion and wide eyes. The tailored man releases his grip from the muscular one and starts advancing my way slowly.
"Well, hello. Who are you supposed to be and what business do you have with me?" He says with a tight smile clearly not in the mood. I try to stutter out anything, but with my mind blank and throat dry, no words come out. The man insists more annoyed, "Well?"
As he moves closer, I lift my arms instinctively, but when I do, all it results in is pain. I was already lightheaded with feeling overwhelmed with what has been going on, but presently I have a feeling it was actually for a different reason. Peering down at the source of the pain, I stare at the torn and blood-soaked sleeves of my jacket. Slowly turning my arms, there's glass shards on the back of them.
From the horrifying experience of the elevator to the scene I just witnessed with the men and woman. Of course to top it all off with the shock of my injuries, it's too much. I start to take rapid short breaths with my eyes flashing up to the man in front of me who now wears a slight bit of concern on his face. He starts to fade from my vision and then my knees give out. Instead of feeling the impact of the glass covered floor, I feel a set of arms catch me.
"Bloody hell." I hear the English man curse under his breath. I muster up what I could to lift my head and try to utter something to the man gazing down with some anticipation.
All I can mutter before blacking out is, "Tom?"
The first thing that grabs my attention when slowly waking up is that it’s dark which suggests that it’s still nighttime. I try to lift my body, but quickly fails because of a stinging sensation. However, from that little bit of movement, I gathered some information of my whereabouts. My hands feel again what I’m laying on and it’s the texture of silk. I think to myself, ‘I don’t have anything silky in my apartment.’
With an attempt number two, now anticipating the ache, I successfully bring myself up into a sitting position. I take a moment to glance down at my arms to reveal they’re bandaged and the source of the pain. Shaking my head slightly and blinking a few times allows me to get my eyes adjusted to the dark just enough to figure out my location. The room is definitely big along with the bed I’m in. ‘Okay, am I in a luxury suite at a hospital, if they have something like that? Or maybe some rich philanthropist saved me from the falling elevator and I’m now at their penthouse. If neither of the two, then I have no idea and I should probably get out fast.’ Before fully leaving the bed, I’m stopped with the realization that something or things are missing on my person. ‘Where are my clothes!?’ I shout internally. With a new sense of alertness and energy, I jump out of the bed onto the cold wooden floors. Gathering the large sheet that was used to cover me, I try to wrap it around myself the best that I can. Continuing my thoughts, ‘There is no way this situation is good. My arms are bandaged and I’m naked! I have to get out of here.’
Perpendicular and off to the left of me there was a large open alcove. Bunching the bottom of the sheets so I don’t trip, I tiptoe silently. As I get closer, there’s a muffled voice, maybe two. They’re almost clear when I arrive at the edge of the alcove.
“What about her?” says a man with a deep voice. It triggers something in me, like I somehow have heard the voice before, but I brush it off to focus back on the task at hand. It’s not until I hear the other person that I freeze and I stop breathing for a moment.
“Ah right, the girl. Well, I’ll deal with that, brother.” comes a reply from a man with an English accent. I involuntarily let out a small gasp and hurriedly cover my mouth. It’s too quiet and they most likely heard me. I press my back against the wall and squeeze my eyes shut in hopes I wasn’t caught. I relax a little when the other guy adds mumbling, “And just when I thought I could have quiet evening after the night I had.”
The deep voice responds, “Just don’t scare her.” Suddenly there's a noise that sounds like a gust of wind.
Resting my head against the wall I remove my hand from my mouth and finally take the time to process the information. It’s coming back, what happened to me and why I blacked out. I think to myself, ‘I went back to get my keys, the elevator shook and I thought I was going to die…maybe I did? Or maybe I’m in a coma? Or it could be an elaborate prank? Those are the only ways this can make sense, how I’m here now…in this place…with them…with him.’ My thoughts are interrupted by a loud voice.
“Are you going to stand there all night pretending you’re invisible?” he asks.
Before hesitantly creeping out from behind the alcove I take a deep breath to try to control my nerves that have rapidly bubbled to the surface. I grip the sheets tightly as if they’re my lifeline to not fainting again as I finally take in the location. I’m definitely in a large penthouse, but this one is surprisingly all too familiar. The elevator door, the library, the balcony, the piano, and the bedroom I was previously in. The only difference is the smashed up bar area. To top it all off is the man who it belongs to, standing up from the leather chair with a glass of expensive whiskey in his hands. This is the Lux penthouse and the man right in front of me is Lucifer Morningstar.
I attempt to gather my thoughts, ‘I…but how…he’s…no cameras…this can’t be real.’ I must have looked dumbfounded staring at everything because Lucifer speaks again.
“Yes, I know this place is impressive, well excluding the bar. Sorry about the mess…and your arms. Good thing you humans have good reflexes or that would have been your face.” Lucifer says nonchalantly while taking a sip of his whiskey. I peel my eyes away from gazing at everything to look down at my arms with my hands gripping hard on the bed sheet, which then reminds me I’m still naked.
“My clothes.” I squeak out since my throat is in dire need of something to drink.
Lucifer casually states, “They’re hanging up in my bedroom. I couldn’t let you on my bed when you were soaking wet in them.”
My expression turns to shock and I ask, “Did you—”
“No, I had Maze take your clothes off.” He interrupts rolling his eyes. Lucifer then scoffs, “I have enough decency to not strip someone when they’re unconscious.” I let out a small sigh of relief, but at the same time think, ‘Maze isn’t that innocent…’ Lucifer then continues, “Anyway, enough with the small talk. I need some answers.”
I nod trying to clear my scratchy throat with no luck, so I ask him, “Do you have anything to drink?” He ponders for a moment then gestures me to sit on his leather couch.
As I shuffle over and sit, he moves towards the pile of broken glass at the bar. As Lucifer rummages through the mess, I suddenly have a thought, ‘So…there are no cameras, I can feel pain so it’s not a dream and it doesn’t make sense that this is what happens to me if I died. A coma is the most logical reasoning, but…what if this is actually real? It’s hard to believe it is because how? How did I get here? Why me? And…should I tell Lucifer or any of them they’re a show? That they’re fictional to me?’ I get pulled out of my thoughts with a glass being waved in my face. Taking a hand away from the vice grip I have on the bed sheet I grab it. My fingers ever so slightly touch his during the transfer and I jump a little at the contact. ‘Okay, so this can’t be a coma. I don’t think it can…feel this real if it was. I don’t know. I’ve never been in one before, but…it’s a gut feeling.’ I conclude to myself. I take a sip of the contents in the glass without even looking and immediately regret it coughing.
“Sorry, I know it’s not right to give alcohol to minors, but it’s all I had that wasn’t completely shattered. Besides, it looks like you need it.” Lucifer says as he takes a seat on the chair across from me crossing his legs. I take another swig now expecting the taste of whiskey and it’s much better. Then I let his words sink in thinking, ‘Every...time.’
I sigh responding, “I’m not a minor…I’m twenty-eight.”
“Oh well now you could’ve fooled me with your height alone. Anyway, now we’re getting somewhere! Finally some information!” Lucifer says light-heartedly with a grin and continues, “So how about a name?”
“Kate Perkins.” I tell him.
He nods gently and says, “So, Kate Perkins, why did you come to my penthouse dripping wet from head to toe when there wasn’t a drop of rain earlier that day? I mean, unless you fell into a pool?” I knew the question was coming, but what I didn’t expect was him referring to the events as “that day.”
“Isn’t it the same night?” I ask him confused.
He chuckles replying, “Oh no darling, you were out for quite a while and a lot happened when you were out.”
I hesitantly ask, “How long was I out?”
“All that…” Lucifer points to the bar continuing, “…was last night.” He takes a sip of whiskey while adding, “You actually weren’t in my bed until about an hour ago.”
“What do you mean?” I ask even more confused.
Now Lucifer scoffs leaning forward to pour more whiskey for himself saying, “If you must know, after you fainted I got framed for murder, and had to run from the police with the help of my brother. He for some reason brought you with us and after visiting my therapist to hideout, we left you with her to tend to your injuries.” If I wasn’t familiar with the show, I would be figuring out a way to run from him. However, this gave me helpful information in terms of my situation. ‘If I’m remembering correctly, that’s part of what happened in an episode…excluding me. I’m not sure which one, but…is this really going to play out like the show?’ Lucifer then adds, "I brought you back after I settled everything because I have questions. So, let’s continue shall we? Why did you come looking for me?”
Without even thinking about my answer I blurt out, “I wasn’t.”
“Then what was your purpose for coming here?” he asks. This time I take a moment and think, ‘I guess I’ll just tell him…but not everything.’
I respond truthfully, “I don’t know.”
Lucifer downs his drink then sighs clearly getting agitated and orders, “Elaborate.”
I take a deep breath staring at my hand while fidgeting with my rings and explain, “I’m from New York. Last night, I was there, in a building cleaning up from a photoshoot. When I finished it was raining.” I pause and correct myself, “No…it was a huge storm. I left my equipment and went down the elevator then left the building. I got soaked because I didn't bring an umbrella, but there was no storm scheduled for that day.” I glance over at Lucifer to see him listening, but gesturing me to get to the point. I sigh and speak again, “I left my apartment keys and went back to get them. It was odd going back because the lobby, that had at least three people, including the doorman, were suddenly gone.”
“Probably clocked out early.” Lucifer chimes in.
“No! I was gone for not even a minute and it was deserted!” I exclaim getting a little too emotional and it grabs Lucifer’s attention. I calm down and continue explaining, “Anyway, um…I had to go back to the studio, it was on the tenth floor. The light on the elevator started flickering when I reached the second floor, but I just thought it was because of the storm.” I chuckle thinking how stupid I was for that thought. Getting to the main part I grip the sheet tightly and then say, “It’s not until I got to the fifth floor that suddenly the lights went crazy and the elevator shook violently which made me fall to the ground.” I take a deep breath and mutter, ”I…I thought I was going to...”
I must have paused for too long because Lucifer asks, “What happened?”
I grasp my drink taking a sip and say, “I don’t know how to make it seem like I’m not crazy, but the elevator changed. The one I was in had small gray walls with the floors going up to fourteen. Then right before my eyes, the walls were gold, it was bigger and had more thirty floors with a keypad. The door opens and I see you choke-holding someone.” I take a breath and finish, “That’s what happened to me and I don’t understand.” Finally I lift my head to see Lucifer was no longer sitting in the chair, but by the balcony with his back to me.
There’s a period of silence before he speaks, “So, essentially you’re telling me that you transported from New York to here through elevators and you don’t know how or why?”
I give him a simple yes getting up and mumble, “Do you believe me?”
Somehow he hears and responds, “Yes, but it might not be as simple as you transporting across the country.” He huffs and steps out onto his balcony. ‘Yea, I know that’s true because I wouldn’t be talking to you if that was the case.’ I remark to myself. I proceed to follow him outside hanging back a little and watch as he lights a cigarette. After taking a long drag, he informs me, “There are such things as other worlds, specifically Earth and you my dear…” He turns to me and states, “…somehow jumped from yours to this one.” I remember the small CW clip of him that hinted about other Earths, but never thought it applied to real life.
The only logical response is asking, “How do I get back?”
Apparently this makes Lucifer laugh and say, “Oh darling, for me it’s simple, but for you humans, I have no clue.” He notices my silence and clears his throat adding, “But if you got here, you can probably get back.” I ponder for a good second before I make a decision I will most likely regret. I ask myself, ‘Should I really do this?’ With no other options, I walk up next to Lucifer a few feet away, lean on the railing and stare out at the view.
“Can you help me?” I mutter quickly.
He turns his gaze towards me, responding, “What was that?”
I take a deep breath and repeat, “Can you help me find a way to get back?”
“Are you asking for a favor?” he asks smirking.
“Yes.” I tell him. Expecting Lucifer to give me his hand to make it official, I lift my own up, but surprisingly that’s not the case.
Instead he says, “Before we make a deal, I have a few more questions.”
I’m curious about what else he wants to know and ask, “What else is there?”
“Well you my dear have been acting odd.” He accuses turning fully towards me. Before I can ask him what he means, Lucifer continues, “Ever since you’ve woken up, you have not asked me about your current whereabouts, question as to why I call people “humans,” and you just fully accepted that there’s more than one Earth. Furthermore, you have not even asked me for my name. The only thing you did ask me was how long you slept and for a drink.” I try to keep my composure when he moved closer until he towered over me while he spoke. ‘Okay…I’m in trouble. Telling him that his life is a television show and he’s fictional on my Earth would not be a good idea. I need to think of something fast, but he’ll know when I’m lying.’ I internally panic.
My thoughts are put on hold when Lucifer looks directly into my eyes and asks, “Tell me Ms. Perkins, what is it that you—” I interrupt him by tearing my eyes away and turning back towards the view of Los Angeles. ‘Oh no no! He is not going to do that to me! I have no idea what I’ll say. I might spill the truth to him, so I can’t risk it.’ I mull over while glancing over to Lucifer from the corner of my eye. He’s clearly annoyed that I pulled away before he finished.
“Well that’s because…” I start lingering a little before I continue, “…I just experienced this weird phenomenon in an elevator that I can’t explain and you seem to have the answer. I decided I’m just going to accept anything else that’s odd because why fight something I can’t control in this moment?” I then add, “Also, it looks like I'm in Los Angeles and after you asked for my name, I assumed you would introduce yourself.” Hoping that relieves his suspicion of me, I peer back over to Lucifer. He adjusts his suit and stands a little straighter.
He holds out his hand and once I hesitantly grasp it, he smirks introducing himself, “Lucifer Morningstar.” I’m unsure if he fully trusts me, but I’ll take it as a good sign. ‘I have to be more careful with how I act around him from now on.’ I make a mental note.
“Lucifer? Meaning—” I say acting the way he’s expecting me to.
He let’s go of my hand and finishes, “The Devil.” Even though I’ve watched him have this interaction on the show a number of times, it feels different. When it was on the show, I liked seeing the reaction of the person and I smiled. However, with Lucifer addressing it to me, with the smirk he always has on his face, it’s a bit unsettling. It’s not a show anymore. This is the actual devil standing in front of me. However, I do have an idea, ‘I've always wanted to mess with him and shake him up a bit when it came to this.’
“So…what would you like me to call you?” I ask him casually and before he responds I finish with, “Beelzebub? Satan? Lord of Darkness?” The only sign I see of Lucifer being caught off-guard by response is the slightest eye twitch.
He chuckles and says with a tight smile, “Firstly, it’s usually prince, not lord. And secondly, again you don’t seem to be…surprised with the fact that I just told you I’m the devil. Do you think I'm lying? Because the devil never lies.”
“Well, like I said before…I’ve already had strange things happen to me. It actually makes sense with the explanation you gave me about multiple Earths. I would think the devil is the one to know about things like that.” I reply to him. There’s an unexpected silence which causes me to look over at Lucifer only to find him staring at me with a puzzled expression. “What?” I ask him.
“So, you believe me, yet you’re not afraid?” he questions.
I confirm, “Yea,” and explain, “you haven’t given me a reason to be afraid. I mean, the situation, especially waking up without clothes, scares me, but you’ve actually been kind of helpful.” My outside response is different from what I’m thinking, ‘Plus, it helps that I knew who you were beforehand.’
Lucifer clears his throat and speaks, “Right well,” he puts out the cigarette and holds his hand out announcing, “I’ll help you get back to your Earth, but I’ll require a favor from you whenever I choose to use it.” This is what the night has been leading up to, making a deal with the devil.
I lock on to his hand, take a deep breath, and shakily take his in mine saying, “Okay, it’s a deal.”
“Great!” Lucifer chimes while turning to go back inside, “We’ll meet and start first thing tomorrow, it’s been a long day.” I follow behind, but stop with the realization I have nowhere to go.
Feeling stupid, I stammer out, “I need another favor.”
Lucifer spins on his heels and scoffs, “Honestly, we haven’t even fulfilled our first agreement.”
“I need a place to stay.” I mumble embarrassed.
He pretends to not hear me and jokes, “Sorry what was that? You need a face to sit on?”
“What!? No!” I shout taken aback. Recovering from his comment, I repeat louder, “I need a place to stay.”
He laughs, “Yep, heard you the first time.”
I include, “Just until I can get my own place temporarily.”
Grabbing his whiskey glass to finish the last bit he says, “Fine! You can stay here until you get yourself sorted out.” Lucifer puts his glass down on the piano making his way to his bedroom.
I exclaim, “Thank you!”
“Yes, yes. I’m mainly doing it to keep an eye on you. Anyway, it’s been a long day.” He says turning to me on the steps and points to another alcove on the same side of his room. “Guest room is down the hall and to the left, further down to the right is the washroom.” He informs me. Before I can comment, he says quickly, “Good? Okay, night.” He retreated into the room afterwards leaving me alone in the main room.
Not knowing what else to do and feeling awkward alone in Lucifer's penthouse, I head down the hall he mentioned. ‘This area was never shown in the show, I’m kind of curious with how it looks.’ I wonder with a hint of excitement. Reaching the door, I open it and surprisingly it’s like Lucifer’s room. The only difference is it’s smaller, the bed sheets are white, no stone carved walls, and it doesn’t have Lucifer’s things. I immediately make haste towards the bed and flop down on my back.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fully let this sink in.” I whisper, “I just made a deal with Lucifer Morningstar in…no…clothes.” Hopping out of the bed hoping I can get my clothes before he falls asleep, I hurry to the door and open it, but crash into something. I move back to discover it’s a torso, specifically Lucifer’s.
“You left your clothes in my room.” He smirks amused and adds, “Second time I’m saying that to someone who I haven’t slept with first.”
I snatch the clothes from his hand embarrassed and stutter out, “Thanks.”
Right before I shut the door, he stops me and says, “One more thing.”
“What?” I ask tiredly.
“Why did you call me Tom?” he inquires with curiosity.
“What?” I ask again, but more awake now.
Lucifer explains, “Right before you fainted, you looked at me and said “Tom?””
I reply fast, “I don’t know.” I attempt to close the door again and he stops me a second time.
With a stern expression he says, “You do know. Why?” I think, ‘Oh no…I can’t tell him. Unless…’
I respond, “I thought you were someone else that I know.”
Lucifer examines my face for a second then smirks, “Well, he must be quite handsome.” I sigh finally closing the door in his face and through the door hear him chuckle, “Have a good night, Ms. Perkins!”
Dragging my feet to the bed, I fall face first this time. That wasn’t the best decision because my arms scream out in pain and I immediately turn over. Lifting my arms to fully examine them, I sigh clearly exhausted physically and emotionally. ‘I’ll figure more things out tomorrow like where I’m at in terms of the show and if it does play out like the show, what I should or shouldn’t do. I dealt with enough right now.’ I decide for myself and also think, ‘At least I know how to get around revealing too much to Lucifer. Don’t lie, but be vague with my answers. Hopefully I can keep up the act and nothing bad happened. I just don't know if I can handle him.’ After that, I drift off to sleep with one more thought, ‘But seriously...Lucifer Morningstar is actually real.’
Thanks for reading! I don't know how long this story will be, but look forward to more of it! I hope you're enjoying it so far!
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teddystrap · 5 years
Drama CD: [今、隣のキミに恋をする] CASE4 日向 傑
A sorta new (2018-2019) six-disc series from TEAM Entertainment Inc. Guy #4 is my first listen, and from the looks of it the first three characters are students and the latter three are working/adults. Some stats on #4 from the official site:
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Age: 30 Height: 175 cm Occupation: Foreign investment company employee Relation: Your superior who sits at the next desk
Our story starts with a meeting, where the boss compliments Hyuuga Suguru (cv. Hirakawa Daisuke) for having the highest # of clients this month. To which Hyuuga thanks his team and says he couldn't have done it without them.
Co-workers of both sexes question in awe if he is even human, because he has everything: looks, brains, AND a great personality it seems. Even the ladies from the other departments all have their eye on him, and it's hard for us mere mortals to even get near to him *le sighzzz*.
...Enter YOU, staying behind to work overtime because the bossman had dumped a mountain of folders on your desk. Hyuuga sees you just as he's about to leave after a time-consuming client. He praises your dedication, but says that you should learn to say 'no' to people occasionally or else you will die of karoushi. (Ok he didn't exactly say it like *that*; I took some liberties.)
So, as your senpai, he’s staying to help you with your work. In return, he only asks that you lend him a hand in the future if he's ever in a pinch ;)
Both of you finalllly finish your work, and he brings you a coffee. You ask him why he stayed to help you, and he replies that, as a man, he couldn't bear to see a girl struggle with everything by herself. Also, you are the hardest worker in the entire department, and he wants you to succeed~ (ง •̀_•́)ง Shucks ain’t that sweet?? :3
Afterwards. he offers to take you home, since there's no more public transport at this time of night and it's unsafe for a girl to go home alone. On the way he asks about the office drinking party on Sunday, which you are both planning to attend.
…At the drinking party, Hyuuga is surrounded by #drunkpeopleactingdumb. He notices that you are being rather quiet, and you explain that you are not much of a party-person. To which he replies that he's the same way!! You are surprised because he seems so popular, but he jokes that he must seem like an ojisan to someone your age. A cheesy exchange ensues:
You: Ojisan? That's not true, Hyuuga-san is cool af. Him: Cool? Whythankyouverymuch, that's an honour. Looks like I'll have to work harder from now on, in order to maintain my cool af image in your eyes! You: But... the way you are right now is enough... Him: 'The way I am right now is enough'... for what?
Just then you are interrupted by a drunken co-worker, who forces more drinks onto Hyuuga. Hyuuga remarks lovingly that everyone at the office is like his family, making the drunk dude cry tears of joy into his sake. Ay-yai-yai.
NEWSFLASH: your department is going to have a reorganisation soon. You and Hyuuga will be on the same team, and you will become his new assistant! So then he casually asks about your document-prep time, and mutters 'SLOWPOKE' under his breath after hearing your reply. You thought you heard him say something and question him, but he denies it *whistles innocently*. Hmm...
After work, you show up at your regular bar following a long absence. The staff tell you they've missed you, and gossip to you about a new regular customer who goes by 'Suu-san'. According to them, this person has the face of an idol, but a completely *twisted* personality, always complaining about work. At that very instant, who else but Hyuuga enters the bar, and it is confirmed that he is the Suu-san they are talking about.
Hyuuga didn't see you, and before the staff can make the introductions, he cuts them off and places his order, launching into his usual work complaints. He bitches about his new female assistant who is sooo slowwwwww that he is forced to take work home and sacrifice his weekends. And all the other co-workers are either unhelpful retards or pathetic gold-diggers. THAT PLACE IS DOOMED, YO.
After his spiel (of which you heard every word), the bar owner turns back to you... and that is when Hyuuga finally notices you. He is so shocked that he spits out his drink LOL, and hurriedly pays and drags you outside to *talk*. He tells you that what you heard are his true feelings, while his 'work persona' is but a carefully crafted act for survival. Also, he only helps you with your work because your slowness affects his work.
Unsurprisingly, you are shocked and hurt by his confessions, but he doesn't even seem to care. In his view, you and the other co-workers only like his fake personality and not the real him anyway. His only concern is that you keep this a secret from them, and luckily for him, you agree to it without much fuss.
Next day at the office, you keep your promise and didn't tell anyone. But unfortunately, you look all #doom&gloom and are clearly avoiding him. Since you are his assistant, it would look too suspicious, so he orders you to act normal - i.e. like his loving kouhai... OR ELSE.
After work, it's pouring and you've forgotten your umbrella. What's worse, it's not going to stop any time soon. Hyuuga sees your sorry state and makes you *beg* him to share his umbrella with you. At first you refuse, but, not wanting to be stuck at the office all night, you reluctantly beg him in the end and walk to the station together.
Along the way, he tells you to scoot closer under the umbrella (-ella, -ella,...) so that you don't catch a cold and miss work. #TSUNDEREALERT!!! Then he sees the #1 most cliched item ever to appear on a rainy day: An abandoned baby kitten in a cardboard box. He instructs you to take his umbrella home, while he takes the kitten with him and hails a taxi to safety.
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It's the weekend! You are at his place!! And it's not what you think!!!!!!! (Wait, ...what ARE you thinking? ;P) There's an error in your document, and he's called you over to fix it before handing it over to the client. As your superior and a bona-fide #goodguy, he will have to take responsibility for your misses :'). He threatens that he gon' make you pay for wasting his weekend, and you cower in fear imagining unsavoury scenarios XD.
He teases you about your gutter-mind, and you become on the verge of tears. Your defenselessness makes him want to bully you more, so he announces that you will become his sex-slave, because... he is interested in you (!!), and this is how he treats people he likes. #ufeelingluckypunk??!
Except for past girlfriends, he hasn't invited anyone else to his place. Hearing this makes you slightly happy :3. What's more, he promises to treat you to some delicious food after you finish the work. (Awww I am melting~~~) You call him sweet, and he overreacts and denies it, making you laugh XDD. He tells you that, in the past, *some people* have said he has a bad personality, and it's stuck.
Later the stray kitten that he brought home came running out. He's named it 「アメ」 ('rain', after that fateful day of their meeting) and nursed it back to health. You observe that the way he talks to Ame is super cute, which embarrasses him, and he's all like 'SHUT UP AND DO UR WORK' to cover up his shyness wwwww~~~
Afterwards, he compliments you on a job well-done and calls you a responsible and almost-perfect worker - your only weakness is your speed (or lack thereof). You are surprised by his praise and start to reevaluate him. This is when he tells you his #assholebackstory:
Once upon a time, he was in love with a girl and tried his best to make her happy... only for her to tell him that he is a hurtful bastard who is abusive to everyone around him. This misunderstanding was a huge blow to his self-esteem, and ever since then, he started putting on the inoffensive persona that he uses at work, in order to navigate the treacherous terrain of social relations.
On hearing this, you become sympathetic, despite his protests to the contrary. You bring up the rain etc. as examples that he is actually a big softie, and he tries to come up with excuses how they are just normal behaviour. He also admits that he's secretly glad it was you who overheard him at the bar that day, instead of anyone else. His embarrassed confession is so adorable that you call him 'cute' again, and he gets all #angrytsundere trying to deny it lulz.
At the next meeting, the boss assigns a big client to your team. Afterwards, Hyuuga invites you to lunch together, Your closeness starts to arouse the jealousy of some women in your dept, and they gossip behind your back (which Hyuuga overhears). During lunch, Hyuuga tells you that you are not only important to the team, but to him personally as well. You are all like #confusedpuppyeyes, which makes him doki-doki, but just then the waiter arrives with your food, and he swallows back his confession. #badtiming ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Days later, some v. important data for this case has gone missing, and Hyuuga asks the boss for some time to fix this. You apologise and admit that you might have lost it by accident, but he doesn't believe that you would make a silly mistake like that. Two female co-workers come over and badmouth you for your carelessness, and Hyuuga starts to yell at them but you stop him.
At this point, Hyuuga can't hold back anymore, and says outright that he saw the two of them at your desk yesterday after everyone had left. He threatens to check the building's security cam footage. As the culprits struggle to come up with an excuse, he flies into a fit of rage and goes ballistic on them at some length before storming out.
You chase after him and express your worry now that he has revealed his 'true self' in the office. But he doesn't seem concerned - more than keeping up his persona, he has now found something *more important* to protect. You don't get his meaning, and he's all like (┛◉Д◉)┛︵ ┻━┻ 'cos he can't believe how dumb you are. #rofl
So then FINALLY, dude confesses that he likes you! Your acceptance and nonchalance after seeing his true self, plus your knack for bringing out his gentle side, have (#reluctantly) won him over. He asks you to date him, and you laugh good-naturedly at his whole #ore-sama attitude before saying a resounding YES. (ノ*>ω<)ノ~☆
[Epilogue / half a year later]
You come out of the shower with your hair all wet, and he nags at you while drying it for you. He complains that you are more low-maintenance than a dude, and he feels more like your mum than your boyfriend XD.
Ever since revealing his true personality at the office that day, everyone has ironically grown even closer to him, and he wonders if you are all secretly a bunch of do-M's lol. Then he snuggles up with you for the night and thanks you for accepting every side of him, and promises to stay by your side 4everrrr.
[Thoughts] I loved this story!! Sure it has a bunch of cliches and predictable elements in it, but I love the way he gradually changed his attitude and slowly warmed up to our lovely heroine. You also get to hear Hirarin as an オラオラ/ヤンキーtype, which is so out-of-character for him. He’s just too cute/hilarious when he gets angry to hide his shyness. And the way he raged at those two jealous co-workers... Is this even real?? OMG.
The audio is from the bonus track/free talk, where he does his special baby voice that he uses to talk to cats, and... I JUST CAN’T. EVEN. I mean just listen to it. wwwwwwwww~~~ XDDD. Hirarin also reveals that, on his 30th birthday, he got a msg from his dad explaining why they named him ‘Daisuke’. The reason is kept secret here, but apparently 「大輔」 means was a kind of high-ranking official title in olden times (pre-Heian). #don’tquoteme
One other thing I really liked, is that some of the side characters are voiced as well, like the boss and co-workers. It’s so refreshing and cuts the monotony of usual situation CDs where you have to guess what the other people are saying, because everyone else is unvoiced. Especially in fight scenes, where your guy starts taunting and/or getting injured by *nobody*. But anyway.
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likehandlingroses · 5 years
What You Love
Summary: As Harry already knows, a tremendous amount can happen in seventeen years. But the seventeen years after the war bring him something he once never thought possible: contentment. (Inspired by “Daylight”--Taylor Swift)
Read below or on Ao3
“I want to be defined by the things that I love. Not the things I hate, not the things I’m afraid of, not the things that haunt me in the middle of the night...I just think you are what you love.” 
Harry’s hand hovers over the pastries in the breakroom. He shouldn’t...but then, it is Clara’s birthday--
He snatches up a pumpkin pasty, repulsed the utter banality of his own thoughts.
Ron pops in beside Harry, scooping up a muffin without hesitation.
“Lucky thing we’re on desk duty this week.”
“Is it?”
Harry still fights with himself other whether or not he’s simply become another Ministry shill. Too complacent and far too forgiving.
“Hermione’s starting tomorrow,” Ron says, grinning. “Remember?”
And with Hermione joining them for lunch every day, things don’t feel as out of place as they did before.
The Monument to the Fallen at the Battle of Hogwarts is up within six months of the war ending.
Harry’s fight to memorialize the Order of the Phoenix is trickier, and in many ways more painful. The old guard is hesitant to legitimize the organization--and even more hesitant to admit their past mistakes.
But Harry--who still averts his eyes in certain halls of the Ministry, who does anything to avoid being the last to leave for the evening--refuses to relent.
He almost smiles when he first sees the incredulous looks of the crowds as they notice Sirius’s warm, lively grin.
Harry collects the letters he finds in Grimmauld Place--under beds, in dresser drawers, even under mattresses--in a box up in his attic. Every so often, he’s tempted to read them: after all, what does it matter to Sirius now?
But each time he opens the box and procures a faded letter off the top, his desire to read the words wanes.
That they exist at all is the main thing. That Harry or anyone else might someday decide to sit on the attic floor and pore through each and every line justifies their existence.
He won’t today. But someday, perhaps.
Ginny flies in a dramatic loop on her broomstick, playing to the crowd as the Harpies conclude another shut-out.
She could play for England, if she had a mind to.
“I know that,” she tells Harry. “But international play is a nightmare.”
In any case, she’s a star right where she is. In the sanctuary of the Harpies stadium, Harry has more than once been summarily ignored while Ginny is shouted down for her autograph.
“Besides,” Ginny says with a coy smile. “It wouldn’t be quite fair for me to run off and become more famous than you, would it?”
Harry still can’t quite believe Dudley said yes to the invitation. Tea or lunch is one thing...an entire wedding--wizarding style-- is quite another.
But it’s now well into the second hour of the reception, and he’s still here, making passable conversation with Oliver.
“Alright?” Harry asks, joining their table.
Dudley nods, but Oliver leans forward in his seat, looking manic.
“He suggested swimming for conditioning,” he says, as if he’s just handed Harry vital trade secrets. “No one’s doing that! I’m telling Reynolds on Monday...”
Harry shoots Dudley a knowing grin, and Dudley ducks his head with a laugh. 
“--we’re here with Harry Potter, who has brought along a very special guest to the program. Harry, would you please introduce us to this lovely fellow who is currently eating his own fist?”
“Thanks, Lee. I have James Sirius Potter with me today, making his airwaves debut.”
“I was talking to James before the show...he was just babbling away.”
“Well, he gets very excited sometimes.”
“Is that the best part of being a dad?”
“No, the best part is he’s got this tiny little nose, and you can just...boop it whenever you want.”
“You heard it here first!”
Percy tosses the agenda on Harry’s desk. “They’ve put it on after all.”
Harry scans the list in disbelief. The proposed legislation to officially close the Ministry’s Werewolf Registry and reopen its services under the umbrella of St. Mungo’s would be heard by the Wizengamot a week from Tuesday.
“But how--? We’ve been trying for months to get it in front of them....”
Percy smiles, rolling his shoulders back. “Well, I’ve been putting in words with some of the more established members...I don’t know if that helped at all…”
Harry laughs, shaking his head.
“We both know it did.”
“He has the prettiest eyes,” Mrs. Weasley coos over Al, bouncing him on her knee as he gazes up at her intently. “Arthur, just look at his eyes! Aren’t they stunning?”
Ever the doting grandfather, Mr. Weasley drops down beside his wife, eagerly agreeing that he’s “glorious,” before reaching out a finger for Al to grasp in his fist.
“They’re just like his daddy’s,” Mrs. Weasley says, smiling at Harry. She’s not the first to mention how much Al looks like him.
It makes Harry all the more grateful that Al won’t ever need to wish for love or family.
“Can you help me, Harry?” Teddy doesn’t normally bring Andromeda’s schoolwork over to Harry’s, but today he’s already kneeling at the coffee table, quill and parchment in hand.
“Well, I can try,” Harry says, sitting down beside him. “But if it’s division again…”
“No, none of that!” Teddy says with a grimace. “I’m learning about persuasive essays now, and Gran says if I write a very good one, we might be able to get a cat!”
“A cat? Well, that’s serious business, isn’t it? We’ll have to go about it carefully…”
And with Harry’s help, Teddy wins his new cat.
“Skeeter will be poking her head in where it doesn’t belong once I’m gone,” Elphias Doge says, pressing a bundle of letters at Ginny, his wizened face beaming. “And what do I care what anyone says, really? Only I detest the woman, and if you got the story out first...oh, the look on her face!”
The ink on some of the letters has almost faded, but the most important piece remains.  The valedictions: effusive, undeniably romantic...with “Albus” signing his name to all of them.
“It’ll be out before she’s decided which stone to turn over first,” Harry promises.
“Daddy!” Alice Dursley pulls on Dudley’s hand as the Potters gather at the door. “The present!”
“Yes, right! Before you go…” Dudley hastens back through the house, emerging with a carefully wrapped package.
“Alice helped me with everything…” Dudley presses it into Harry’s hands. “Even the paper--”
“--and the bow!”
“And the bow.” Dudley smiles in the face of Harry’s bemusement. “For Lily’s birthday next week. I’ve meant to get the dates straight for years...but I’ve got this calendar on my phone now, and...well, anyway. I’ll remember now.”
Lily hugs her teddy from “Duh-dee” the whole way home.
“D’you suppose they might only let me on the team because they feel sorry for me?” Teddy asks as he and Harry settle on the grass.
“Of course not.” Harry shades his eyes from the sun before looking off into the distance. Ginny is still trying to teach Albus how to mount his training broom…
“What about because you’re my godfather?”
Harry claps Teddy on the shoulder. “Listen: if you make it, it’ll be you’ve got a great arm and a sharp eye.”
“You really think so?”
“I really do.”
Teddy beams at Harry before lying back on the grass.
“Oh, she’s beautiful--hi, Harry!”
Despite Parvati and Hermione’s smiles, Harry feels as if he’s intruded. He’s used to finding Hermione poring over something or other when he enters her office: she even spends her lunch hour wrestling through her Beedle translations.
“Padma’s baby came Saturday!” Hermione explains.
“I have pictures!”
Harry hasn’t considered before that Hermione’s move from Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures might have been motivated by something other than her career progression.
Now that he thinks of it, he understands why Hermione’s joined half of the DA in Magical Law Enforcement.
They make the work more worthwhile.
“No! No kids behind the bar,” Hannah good-naturedly prods James out from behind the counter at the Leaky Cauldron.
“Even me?” James says, fixing Hannah with a doe-eyed stare.
“ Especially you,” Harry quips, patting the stool next to him as Hannah fixes James a consolation soft drink. “Sorry about that, Hannah…”
“Oh, I don’t mind!” Hannah pauses to tie back her hair with a colorful ribbon. “Only if the wrong person comes in and I’ve got an eight year old with his paws on the firewhisky…”
“What’s firewhisky taste like?” James asks.
“You’d hate it,” Hannah and Harry both say.
“--so that’s where we put all our files for uhm...anything that needs filing.” Harry taps the filing cabinet next to his desk, looking into his nieces' rapt faces. Molly and Lucy are with Percy for the day, and “Uncle Harry’s work” is a key portion of their tour.
Harry privately thinks nothing could be duller for two little girls than exploring different people’s desks.
“Does it ever get full?” Molly asks.
“So you get a new one?” Lucy’s eyes are wide as she scans the wall, perhaps picturing mountains of cabinets.
“Sometimes. Mostly we just toss things.”
“He’s going to do it!” Fleur grips Harry’s shoulder from her seat behind him as the crowd roars and Viktor closes in on the Snitch. “He has to, after all this time, he--YES!”
Harry hugs her first as their box cheers the Bulgarian victory. Fleur apologizes for the tears she’s burst into, but Harry’s own eyes are stinging.  
Viktor throws his arms around both of them upon landing in the VIP box, tears still running down his cheeks.
“He would be so proud,” Fleur says, calling Cedric to mind so powerfully that they might have been children fighting dragons again.
“And this one doesn’t like parties because she’s shy…” Lily sets her stuffed rabbit in front of Luna. Harry’s warned Luna about Lily’s “tea parties”--how they involve more profiling of stuffed animals than tea.
“Well, some people are like that, aren’t they?” Luna says agreeably.
“Yes,” Lily agrees. “And this one--she’s so funny, but she doesn’t eat anything green.”
“Not even green sweets?”
“No!” Lily says conspiratorially, whereupon Luna puts on a shocked expression.
“But how does she get her vitamins?”
“Uhm...carrots and the sun, I think!”
“Oh, well, that’s alright, then,” Luna says before smiling at Harry.
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the world in all its grace,
.A Human Kwami AU based on this post by @leecheedoodles
Sorry for the double pings love, but Chapter One is done!
Wayzz watches as Master Fu makes his way around his little masseuse shop, fixing any knick knacks that may be in disarray. The green haired man sips his equally green tea contentedly, eyes flickering up to Master Fu’s.
His holder gives him a long stare, one that Wayzz has become accustomed to after many, many years of working with the turtle themed heroes. His dark eyebrows furrowed together as he lowers the tea cup from his lips.
“Master, are you alright,” he asks, concern lacing itself in his usually calm voice. Fu smiles taking a knee on the floor and gesturing for Wayzz to do the same.
His master’s face is happy and passive, so the kwami allows himself to relax in his presence. “I want you to complete a very important favour for me,” Fu begins, launching into a well thought out plan.
Wayzz finds himself standing outside Mayor Bourgeois’ hotel, Le Grand Paris, all while the small box sits secured in his pocket. He closes his umbrella upon entering the building, sighing at the warmth that encases his body.
The receptionist looks at him strangely, so he takes the opportunity to walk over to her, smiling kindly. “I have a meeting with Chloe Bourgeois,” he says plainly, and the brown haired woman behind the desk pulls her frames down her nose.
“And what might your name be?” She asks, typing into her computer. Wayzz smiles, remembering what his master told him. “Wang Hao, but I’m here as a replacement for Wang Fu,” he explains, leaning over just a tad as if to see her monitor.
The lady nods, tapping the keys quickly. After a pause she smiles with him. “Here we are,” she exclaims, looking up at Wayzz. “Her room is the only one on the top floor. Her butler will meet you there,” the brunette explains, and Wayzz bows, expressing his gratitude.
“Thank you,” he calls, walking towards the elevator. She waves him off, and Wayzz can’t help but return her gesture.
“You must be Wang Hao, correct,” the black haired man asks, looking up at Wayzz when he exits the lift. He nods, extending a hand in his direction. “Nice to meet you sir,” he replies, and the black cald man takes his hand, shaking it gently.
Wayzz follows after him dutifully, looking around the hall as they approach a door at the end of the passageway. He doesn't realize when his guide stops, nearly crashing into his shorter frame. Mumbling a quick apology, he takes a step back.
The man looks at him warily, gesturing to the door in front of him. “Now, Chloe is… not very receptive to people she doesn't know, but iswilling to listen.” He taps his chin and Wayzz watches the movement with curious eyes.
“As long as you don’t make her feel cornered, the conversation will go fine,” he ensures, knocking on the door. The green haired man nods, opening his mouth to ask a question, when a loud voice on the other side of the threshold stops him in his tracks.
“Jean Claude! Is that you?”
Jean smiles, opening the door just a bit. “Hello, Chloe,” he greets, and a short blonde opens the door the rest of the way. She frowns at Wayzz immediately, and the kwami can’t help but feel a little intimidated.
“And who are you ?” She asks, pushing Jean away to cross her arms in front of him. Relaxing himself, he smiles down at the shorter girl, tilting his head just a bit. “My name is Wang Hao,” he says. “I’ve come to speak to you-” his green eyes flicker over to her butler’s. “-alone.”
The other man nods understandingly, making room for Wayzz to pass. “I’ll be right here,” he says calmly, but Wayzz can sense the threat in his voice. “Of course,” is his response, stepping into the room after Chloe.
He closes the door, taking a stand by her entrance. Wayzz watches as she throws herself on her bed,, glaring at him from where she sits. Chloe scoffs. “What do you want green tea?” She asks, and Wayzz chuckles.
“I wanted to give you this,” he says quietly, placing his umbrella down as he pulls the small box out of his pants pocket. Her blue eyes widen and her lips curve into a smile.
“For me?” She exclaims, jumping down from the bed. Chloe grabs the box from him, and he laughs as she wastes no time opening it. She gives him a plain look at the sight of the intricate, bee-styled, hair comb. “That’s it,” she mumbles, observing the accessory.
Shrugging, she puts in her hair anyway, and Wayzz’s smile only widens at the sight of his dear friend. Chloe doesn't react the same way, screaming at the sight. The door flies open, revealing a worried Jean Claude.
Wayzz waves at him. “Hello, Jean.” The butler turns to look at him, sighing when he sees that Chloe isn’t in any immediate danger. He steps out of the room, leaving Wayzz with Chloe and Pollen.
“Wang whatever your name is,” Chloe screeches. “Who is she!?”
But Wayzz has no time to answer as Pollen captures him in a hug. “My friend,” she exclaims, brown and blue eyes smiling at him. He returns her embrace, patting her back. “It’s been too long Pollen, but we are not here for a reunion.”
She nods, pulling away from him to smile at the girl who stares at the two in shock.
“Did you just… fly out of the hair comb,” Chloe asks, disbelief evident in her voice. Pollen nods, walking up to her in slow, careful steps. “I’m a kwami, just like our friend, Wayzz.”
Chloe snorts. “Wayzz? I thought his name was Wang Bo,” she says, looking at him skeptically. He smiles. “It’s Wang Hao, and I only said that because Wayzz is too strange of a name to be called that in public.” The blonde nods, understanding his reasoning.
Her attention goes back to Pollen immediately.
“So what do you do,” Chloe asks curiously, looking over Pollen’s outfit. “I help you transform into a superhero, My Queen, much like Ladybug and Chat Noir!” Chloe’s eyes widen. “So they have kwamis too?”
Wayzz and Pollen both nod automatically.
Chloe seems excited at this, clapping her hands together. “Then what,” she says, big blue eyes watching the two kwamis expectantly. Pollen places a gloved hand on her hip. “You should be able to activate your costume with my help by saying ‘buzz on,’” she states, flashing a look at Wayzz who just nods.
Smiling, Chloe mimics Pollen’s pose. “Alright then- Pollen, buzz on!”
Suddenly the room is filled with a blinding yellow late as Chloe changes from her civilian attire into a modernized Queen Bee suit.
She laughs excitedly as Pollen steps back to admire her work. “I love it!” She exclaims, running to a mirror to take in her appearance. Wayzz frowns slightly.
“Remember, Chloe, you have a certain amount of time before Pollen becomes drained of the energy she puts into your costume.” His frown deepens and Pollen laughs as Chloe waves a hand in his direction. “Yeah, yeah, I got it mister.”
Content, Chloe whispers “buzz off,” relieving Pollen of her duties, much to Wayzz’s own relief.
Nodding, he taps the tip of his umbrella on the wooden floor. “If everything’s settled here, I’ll be taking my leave,” Wayzz says, and Pollen smiles, beginning to walk over to Chloe when he grabs her wrist.
“You remember where Master Fu lives, correct,” he whispers, and she nods. “All the active kwamis meet there on Thursday evenings. Come alone unless told otherwise.”
Pollen hums her agreement, and Wayzz pulls away. “Goodbye, Chloe,” he calls. Then softly, “goodbye, my friend.”Pollen smiles up at him. “Goodbye, Wayzz.”
He leaves the two yellow clad girls in the care of Jean Claude, making his to the elevator with a small smile on his face.
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