#folic acid supplement
er-cryptid · 9 months
Folic Acid Side Effects
Dermatologic -- rash
Nervous System -- irritability -- difficulty sleeping -- malaise -- confusion
Other -- fever
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nutrition-expert · 4 months
Folic Acid Tablets for Pregnancy
Folic acid is a cornerstone of prenatal care, playing a critical role in preventing birth defects and promoting overall maternal and fetal health. https://blogtheday.com/folic-acid-tablets-for-pregnancy/
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wylansworkshop · 6 months
y'all, when I realized I was nonbinary I did not expect getting gender dysphoria from buying vitamins
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senseslick · 2 years
The Top 10 Health Benefits of Vitamin B Complex Pro!
The Top 10 Health Benefits of Vitamin B Complex Pro!
Vitamin B Complex PRO is a supplement that contains a combination of B Vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. It can help support energy production, metabolism, and cognitive function. It also helps promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. Vitamin B Complex PRO is suitable for those who are looking to increase their intake of B vitamins or those who are deficient in one or more of…
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abhabio-technology · 20 days
Trusted Nutraceutical Supplements Manufacturer Near You
Abha Biotechnology is a leading name in nutraceuticals near you, specializing in high-quality health supplements. As an organic vitamin manufacturer, we offer a range of products, including syrup iron and folic acid, vitamin C syrup, and protein spirulina supplements. Our nutraceutical supplements are crafted with premium ingredients to support overall wellness and vitality. Trust Abha Biotechnology for innovative and effective health solutions that cater to your nutritional needs and promote a healthier lifestyle.
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halefem · 1 month
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atarahderek · 2 months
A Call to Action for MTHFR
My fellow Americans, the recent SCOTUS repeal of the Chevron doctrine has given us power to bring a class action lawsuit against the FDA to remove requirements to enrich non-organic wheat flour produced domestically. As someone with ADHD and a survivor of thyroid cancer, and who has racked up numerous chiropractic bills on "safe" B supplements, I can state categorically that I was indeed injured by enriched wheat products. The addition of these harmful synthetic supplements to wheat flour has forced me to seek more expensive alternatives, which has injured my budget in the current economy. I would like to start the process to bring a class action suit against the FDA, forcing them to remove what are, for at least 40% of Americans (and almost certainly more), toxins in our flour. But this is not something I can do alone. Especially with my ADHD. I need your help. Can we band together to start this process and save future generations from suffering as we have?
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vanishasview · 1 year
Folic acid and heart health
Folic acid is a B vitamin that is important for many bodily functions, including cell growth and repair. It is also important for heart health. How folic acid benefits heart health Folic acid helps to lower levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that can damage blood vessels. High levels of homocysteine are a risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems. Folic acid…
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nutrisentials · 1 year
Folic Acid – Helps To Make Up Your DNA And More
If you are a pregnant woman, you know the importance of FOLIC ACID. Not just for pregnant women, but folic acid is important for every human being, as scientifically proven. Folic Acid forms a part of the vitamin B complex under B9. Much like any other vitamin, Folic Acid helps your body to construct healthy cells and turn your food into energy.
Some scientific reports have proven that Folic Acid helps in preventing some birth defects, also known as neural tube defects. So, it is highly recommended to take this form of supplement, before and during pregnancy.
Different jobs to cover:
It is true that FOLIC ACID houses multiple jobs within your body. There is a reason why people are moving towards vitamin B9 supplements these days. So, let’s check out some of the basic reasons behind the growing popularity of Folic Acid nowadays.
* Vitamin B9 helps in making up your DNA
* It helps in making important red blood cells
* Folic Acid helps in breaking down food into nutrients and will further build up proteins
* Folic Acid also helps in growing new tissues and cells for your body to function properly
Apart from preventing neural tube defects, Folic Acid can also be used for preventing and treating anemic patients.
From where can you get Folic Acid?
Unfortunately enough, FOLIC ACID does not appear naturally in food items. But, there are some ways in which you can get your body the right amount of vitamin B9 it requires. Some of the major options are mentioned below for reference.
* You can take Folic Acid supplements from reputed online stores. There are different brands making top-notch quality supplements for daily consumption.
* It is also recommended to eat packaged food items that have folic acid added to them. Some major examples are bread, rice, enriched cereals, and more.
Always remember that there are various types of folate found in food items and in available supplements. However, these are not the same as folic acid. Folic acid is the only form of folate that prevents neural tube defects. So, while looking at the supplements, take your time to read through the ingredient list well before making a purchase.
The right dosage:
Following the right dosage of FOLIC ACID is crucial if you want the supplement to work well for your body. You can ask your doctor for the right dosage plan. So, you can visit Healthy Hey or call the team at 730 30 30 101 for some details on the proper dose to follow.
Meta description:
There are different reasons behind the growing popularity of FOLIC ACID these days. Understanding the points clearly is important before the right call.
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nutrition-expert · 4 months
Pregnancy Supplements a Comprehensive Guide to Maternal Health
pregnancy supplements play a crucial role in supporting maternal health and fetal development throughout pregnancy. From prenatal vitamins to specialized formulations, these supplements help bridge nutritional gaps and promote positive pregnancy outcomes. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pregnancy-supplements-comprehensive-guide-maternal-health-riya-mehra-vecxe
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OH okay so apparently folic acid is helpful for depression and I started taking it cause I got pregnant and also I think it might be helping me respond better to my antidepressant. Folic acid supplement do recommend has worked for me.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
So, I found a b2 supplement I can take and not react to the fillers (Thorne brand, not sponsored), and after taking it for a month, I've noticed it does seem to have an effect on my migraines.
I'm still getting 1-3 migraines a month when my hormones fluctuate, but I have noticed a significant reduction in pain since I started taking the b2. Brain fog is still a nightmare (see Migraine Daddy post 😂), but the pain is more of a normal headache and not dropping me to the floor.
Supposedly you don't see significant results until you've been on a high dose of b2 for about 3-4 months (my neurologist suggested 400mg), but given that I am actually deficient in b2 thanks to my MCAS, fixing the deficiency seems to be helping by itself.
So who knows, maybe in a few months, I'll see better results.
I know I really need to be taking a methylated B complex at this point, but they all have biotin in them, and any increase in my biotin intake just makes me sick as a dog. I thought at first it was because it was a histamine liberator, but so is methyl folate/folic acid and I've been able to tolerate that okay. Idk. Bodies are weird.
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nightbunnysong · 21 days
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What I did today
took the oral exam in botany and received the highest grade with honors
went to visit my grandmother and spent some time with her, listening to her stories
went for a hike to a peak in the Alps near where I live with a friend. we then ran back down in the rain due to a sudden thunderstorm
played my western concert flute for 30 minutes
collagen and vitamin b+folic acid supplement
cold shower + applied retinol to my face to boost collagen synthesis
♡ today's soundtrack
drifting by Night Tapes
[photos from Pinterest]
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luveline · 12 days
Hi im sorry I’ve missed a lot of asks lately, I know it’s not nice of me to not get to them but they overwhelm me sometimes, but I remebered while I was shopping earlier that somebody asked me about what supplements I take a while back and I never answered and I really want to cos I know that they’ve made me feel much better and helped me so
I take magnesium and zinc in a combined little tablet, you can get them from home bargains or something like that for cheap, I think I paid £2. I read that it’s good for metabolism function and overall health. I used to get cramps all the time and now I don’t so that’s awesome. And I take myo inositol which also has chromium, folic acid and b12, I think you can get them all separate or together depending on your own preference, they’re good for metabolism too, as well as helping your body process glucose (I think). I had to get those online but you could get them in holland and Barrett possibly! they’re more pricy than the magnesium of course but I think they’re amazing and I’ve genuinely felt a difference in my life. And last is a general multivitamin, I can’t stomach anything really good for you like cod liver oil but I just have adult chewables which you can obvi get anywhere. I take them cos my endocrine system is rubbish so if you struggle with your hormones they could help! pls do your own reading of course but I can’t believe it took me so long to try the inositol especially
also if you’re reading this and you have any supplements that have actually made a change to your life pls let me know im always curious (esp if they’ve made you less achy or helped with headaches cos im always looking for something to help with mine)
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da-rulah · 1 year
My heartstrings were officially tugged with the Papas holding their firstborn HC. Could you, perhaps, do one for the Ghouls?
Your wish is my command! I'm gonna include the Ghoulettes, but they're not the ones giving birth... Their partner is pregnant, but gender is a construct and use the info however you wish in your mind. Surrogacy & IVF also exist. 💖
Why do my followers keep trying to hurt me with these adorable head canons?
He seems indifferent during the pregnancy, but there's subtle things he does that shows you just how excited he is
Gentle hands on your bump, snarling at anyone who gets too close to you for whatever reason, never leaving your side unless he absolutely has to.
During labour he stands in the room unmoving and silent, protective stance beside your bed.
It's not until you grab his waistcoat at his chest and drag him as you scream that he moves - and he's a little scared of you like this
When he hears that cry though, it's like instinct. He's THERE.
Except, poor bastard has no idea how to hold a baby - that part is not instinctual to him.
He holds him in his arms, outstretched in it's little blanket cocoon, like he's holding a football he's about to drop kick.
The midwife shows him the proper way, and nobody can prise that baby out of his hands for a second - except you
Swiss is very attentive during the pregnancy, a kind soul.
He sings for the bump. All the time. He thinks it will help them bond.
Labour, he's frantic. He doesn't know how to help, keeps knocking stuff over in the delivery room - they've had to replace the tools laid out several times as they'd hit the floor.
When you call to him though, he's there, and he doesn't move...
When the doctor hands him his baby, he can't remove that straight-toothed, wide-ass grin from his face.
He is adamant that his baby girl is trying to sing back to him, like he always did when you were carrying her.
He's just as attentive as Swiss
Except he doesn't sing to the bump. He gently taps your stomach in little drum beats from the songs he plays with the Ghost Project.
When the baby kicks back... he LEAPS out of his chair.
"He's gonna be a little drummer..."
During labour, he's helping you breath, his percussive counting and timing skills coming in handy to keep your breaths steady.
He's curled around you as you're pushing, arms holding you tight to ground you and remind you he's right there with you.
When the doctor hands him his son, he is terrified.
He doesn't want to drop him. He's so far off the ground... What if I drop him?
Refuses to hold him stood up. He must be sat down and stable at all times.
Bless him, he's terrified of doing anything wrong during the pregnancy.
The day you told him you were expecting, he rushed out in a panic, coming home later with bags of multi-vitamins, folic acid, supplements... He just wants to help.
Cried when you told him. Cried when he felt it kick the first time. Cried when he saw the scans. Cried when he heard the heartbeat.
He's so soothing in labour, keeping your forehead soothed with a cold rag, whispering things in your ear about how much he adores you, he's so happy, you're doing so great...
Heard his daughter's first cry. Cried with her.
He's so proud of you, keeps showing her off to you like "see? you did that. she's beautiful and it's all you."
Much like Sodo, he appears indifferent for most of the pregnancy.
Until one night, when he thinks you're asleep...
You hear him whispering, and he's talking to the baby. Telling your bump all about his day.
You find out later after badgering him about it, he does that every night when you're asleep.
Very protective of you in labour. He needs to know EVERYTHING that the doctors and midwives are doing to you before they do it.
When he hears her crying, he won't let her out of his sight.
Holding her, he is muttering something he thinks you can't hear - but you can...
"I'll burn the world to the ground to keep you safe, little bird..."
When you told her you were pregnant, she BEAMED with happiness.
She sorted everything for you - cribs, push chairs, vitamins, nursery paint...
She read all the books. All of them.
During labour, she's so sweet, talking you through it, helping you breath, keeping you hydrated.
Hearing her baby cry for the first time? She can't stop smiling, dancing like a giddy little thing in place.
She's a natural mother, needs no guidance at all. It's just instinctual.
She's so full of love from day one.
So attentive, so nurturing... She is always by your side, making sure you're okay.
She cried at the first scan, you could not tear her eyes from that little photo printout. She keeps a copy on her at all times.
As attentive as she is during pregnancy, she is exactly the same during labour.
She sits with you on the bed, holding you up and letting you squeeze her hand through every contraction and push.
She sees her baby boy for the first time, and bursts into tears.
They do not stop flowing.
She loves this little baby boy so much already. She wants to squeeze it, but... she won't.
This doesn't come naturally to her, but she's trying so hard.
She bought every book, she wants to make sure she knows what every stage of pregnancy is like, what's happening, what's normal and what isn't.
Like the other ghoulettes, she's incredibly attentive during labour. She tells you everything the nurses are doing for you, because of course she knows - she's read all about them.
Hearing her new daughter cry? Oh wow. It's like a punch to the chest - in the best way.
Her heart SWELLS at the noise, and immediately she's making grabby hands, desperately wanting her in her arms.
She's a bit awkward with her at first, stiff and unable to relax in fear of doing something wrong.
But she soon relaxes... And she learns very quickly to relax when you're by her side, telling her what a good job you're doing.
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liquidstar · 11 months
Speaking of my family and blood stuff... We all have thalassemia beta, and if you're unfamiliar with thalassemia it's essentially similar to sickle cell. The main difference is that the deficiency is in the hemoglobin rather than the betaglobin. And, like sickle cell, it's not severe when you have only one phenotype (that's what the beta means, none of us ended up with both despite our parents each carrying one, and if you remember punnett squares the probability is 50% one, 25% both, 25% none).
Anyway with thalassemia beta you basically just have an advanced form of iron deficiency anemia, due to your body's inability to process it. For me this means a lot of headaches, a lack of stamina+overall weaker constitution than most, somewhat stunted growth (this was compounded with me being underweight), and worst of all chronic fatigue leaving me oh so tired all the time. Overall nothing all too major, but it still left me unable to do certain things in life, like play a sport or really give my "all" at any draining task. But hey, at least I can't die from malaria, so it's not all bad lol
But like what's actually important to understand here is that you CANNOT FIX THIS by just taking iron supplements. It would be awesome if that worked but unfortunately, like I said, the deficiency is in your body's ability to process the iron to begin with, not your iron intake. You just don't have enough hemoglobin to carry those nutrients regularly. So, like, not only will taking iron supplements not help, IT WILL HURT! Your body is already struggling to process iron, so adding more and more can actually lead to iron poisoning! It's dangerous! It could, in theory, be lethal, though in most cases you'll probably just get sick over time. My fear is that people may assume this means they actually need more iron so it could get worse...
The reason I'm sharing all this though is that, like, thalassemia is fairly common where I'm from so there's more awareness of this risk factor. But it's considered rare here in the states, so it can be overlooked as a possibility. I've had doctors tell me to take iron supplements for anemia, kinda just assuming it's the "regular" kind, and I'd take it at face value because I was like 15. To be clear, they didn't do that bloodwork in that office, they do CBC tests whose results could point to thalassemia beta, but can also be taken as typical iron deficiency (from what I understand). You have to be referred to a blood lab for an official diagnosis with a hemoglobin electrophoresis test. Also, for some reason, the general practitioner here never shares these blood work results with you??? At most they just kinda go "ah you need more iron, so take iron supplements."
So... I wonder how many people with thalassemia (and other types of anemia but I can't really speak on those) around the world are taking the wrong supplements, and might be hurting themselves because of assumptions that they don't have the "rare" blood dysfunctions, or just an oversight on the doctor's end or something?
I can't say what will work for everyone, I don't have the jurisdiction to prescribe anything, but I can say folic acid is what I eventually started taking once I could get some more bloodwork done 👍 still tired and get headaches sometimes tho, but at least I'm not poisoning myself 😭
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