#food atrocities
adrawrable · 4 months
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food-atrocities · 5 months
I am going to open my Askbox, messaging, and submissions box, and encourage people to share posts they think fit the theme !
My only restrictions are that I will not do cultural dishes that are just unfamiliar and "seem gross" bc that is insensitive and closed-minded , and am going to try to mostly avoid rbing Amaury Guichon or Dylan Hollis videos bc those are too easy.
Otherwise, have at it !
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gothsuguru · 7 months
i love senshi so much he’s my bestie he’s a goober he’s an ICON. i’m almost done w the anime and these pictures alone are the reason of why i’m gonna read the manga <3
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machiavellli · 6 months
You just have to try to do a vegan carbonara or putting parsley or doing God’s know what-
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leggerefiore · 1 month
If we’re including stuff from the anime then I might trust Nanu to cook only bc Acerola made food in one ep and I’m guessing he taught her how bc she doesn’t live in the Aether House in the show? Otherwise please do not let any of those men in the kitchen it’s like seeing a hamster in a tiny plastic cage. They just don’t belong there it’s a hazard to them and everyone else involved 💔
Put them all in a kitchen at the same time and see whoever leaves alive and with the most edible dish. There will be sacrifices, but it is for the best. Somehow, one of them may even manage to burn water in their amazing show of cooking prowess. You must believe in them.
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The four stages of "Amy Dallon did nothing wrong":
Stage 1: Completely unaware.
At first, you have never heard of Worm, and don't know who anyone is. As such, you can't possibly judge someone since you have no idea what she may or may not have done. You give everyone the benefit of the doubt and say that Amy Dallon did nothing wrong.
Stage 2: Vague awareness.
You know what Worm is now, and have heard some names enough times to get a very general sense of who the characters are, even if you still have no idea what really happens beyond "everything is really fucked up". However, that's enough to recognize that Amy seems to be a reasonably major character based on how often people talk about her, and she seems to be allied with the protagonist Taylor. Given that Worm is a story where nobody is 100% morally pure, you figure Amy probably did a few bad things but they were justifiable, so it's not much of a stretch to say Amy Dallon did nothing wrong.
Stage 3: Fandom knowledge.
At this point, you follow at least a few people who do regular wormposting, and you've heard of a decent number of plot points and can understand most memes that don't involve very minor characters. You know exactly what Amy is famous for, because the fandom has some strong opinions about it. Most reasonable people hate her. Wildbow hates her. And so, you solemnly dust off the ancient memes and you say: much like Vriska before her, Amy Dallon Did Nothing Wrong.
Stage 4: Canon knowledge.
Maybe you've actually, finally, read Worm by now. Or maybe, like me, you were missing two players from your D&D game and decided to make a Worm-themed oneshot for the people who were left, and you were going to play Amy as a DM-PC but when you ran the character by a friend she said "that sounds more like Bonesaw" so instead you decided to play a plural system of both of them for extra psychic damage, and then said friend told you the actual details of Amy's arc as it really happens, without all the usual fandom judgement attached, and so you're now an expert in this one girl in particular but not the rest.
What the hell, you think upon seeing the full story. That's not what the fandom made it sound like. What do you mean she's not actually related to Victoria? What do you mean the mind control was an accident, and for everything that followed, nobody involved was even remotely sane and able to reason about the situation? You know now that the world has failed Amy, not the other way around, and that most of the fault you would have ascribed to her rightfully lies with almost everyone else in her life instead.
Oh my god, you realize. Amy Dallon really did do almost nothing purposefully wrong.
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heich0e · 1 year
have u ever seen something so unnecessarily hateful on the internet that u just picture a little translator's note pop up in ur mind like
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agentfascinateur · 2 months
Bravo UK 👏👏
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And the EU package too.
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ariel-s-awesome · 2 years
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Hater and Peepers both commit food crimes on a regular basis. And they're appalled at what the other eats.
Wander and Sylvia are normal.
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Got a question
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shibaraki · 9 months
it is my turn to host christmas breakfast and dinner so I’m going to be busy today but I’ll be back later to post the event masterlist before I go out (if I am not too drunk lol) and to share some extra appreciation. happy holidays to all those who celebrate, I hope you have a good day however that looks for you!!!
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duple-man · 1 year
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Context: So I may not have just tried and successfully made a protine shake out of beans and peanuts.
The texture is chunky and flaky, but not in a way that is more powerful than my father's belt so down the forbidden slip and slide it goes.
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martritzvonmercie · 1 year
i do realize that hamuko is canonically good at cooking but to me she is a disaster who cannot and will not cook anything. she thinks a bag of skittles and a can of soda is dinner. she has absolutely zero skill to make anything else and if she did she just wouldn't anyway
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deansmom · 11 months
I keep circling back to the people saying that Gaza is complicated, doesn’t isr*el have a right to defend itself, etc etc - and just… yes, the history between these two groups of people, is Complicated. But THIS? Literal war crimes, every member of the UN except for us wanting to stop it, entire bloodlines being wiped from the face of the earth???? THAT isn’t complicated. That isn’t nuanced and y’all sound goofy as hell.
When it’s yt guys with g*ns, it’s a mental health crisis.
When it’s innocent Palestinian people being m*rdered, the guys aiming the b*mbs have a right to defend themselves against their own hostages? When they don’t seem to have made any sort of effort to get the people they’re supposedly fighting for back, and instead are just indiscriminately b*mbing the place that they think they’re being held???? When it’s them, it’s “well don’t you think they have a right to defend themselves?” “What were they supposed to do?” “Oh so you’re antisemetic?”
1000+ children have been killed in less than two weeks. They’ve (allegedly) b*mbed hospitals. Again, they told them to evacuate and then b*mbed the evacuation routes. If you still think this is complicated or nuanced, you’ve fallen for the propaganda. Congratulations.
The other side of this coin back here on the home front: non yt people I’m not gonna tell you how to conduct yourselves during the next presidential election. It’s not my place.
Fellow 👋🏼 colored people: we’ve got a hell of a lot of power because of the color of our skin. Those of you who claim to support Palestine, I expect to see all of you calling, emailing, tweeting, protesting, sending letters and post cards and whatever other forms of communication, etc etc to your representatives and the president. Because there’s a reason that they’re doing what they’re doing, but if we’re loud enough they might listen to us. They’re not going to listen to our BIPOC friends as easily, so get off your ass and use our yt privilege for some good in the world instead of just ranting about not voting for our current president and equally ranting about how BIPOC are going to destroy our democracy if they don’t vote for him. That’s not productive. That’s not helpful. You have a voice yt people in power might listen to, so fucking use it for once.
A US b*mb was dropped on the West Bank yesterday/last night. Our tax dollars are funding a g*nocide. You should be furious that people in this country can’t afford to buy groceries, and they’re spending our tax dollars k*lling children and assisting in war crimes. What the hell is wrong with you people.
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starjunkyard · 5 months
Everyone else on the 118 responder team: OH MY GOD OUR PATIENT IS BLEEDING OUT!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD THERES A METEOR HEADING STRAIGHT TOWARDS US!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD SOMEONE JUST BLEW UP THE STATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD ITS THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!!!!!!!!!!!
Eddie Diaz:
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awesomecooperlove · 1 year
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