#football player steve rogers x reader
kaunis-sielu · 2 years
Sidelines: More Than a Headache
Thanks for the request @laurellaa
It’s time to get up. You know it’s time to get up but your head is pounding. You’re supposed to do this charity thing with Steve later but god you feel like shit. Steve is still asleep next to you, your alarm buzzing softly as he snores. He’d had a late flight home last night after a late game, you were happy to see him still asleep though. You sit up slowly and your vision swims. You don’t know how long you sit there, long enough for Steve to wake up.
“Mornin’ Sweetheart.” Steve says softly and you can’t help the groan that falls past your lips. Despite being together for almost three years now you don’t think he’s ever seen an actual migraine from you before.
“Morning.” You murmur back and he laughs gently before getting out of bed. Goose follows Steve as you sit on the side of the bed and focus on not throwing up.
“I’ll get the coffee going.”
“No.” You whimper and he laughs again heading out of your room. It takes every ounce of your self control not to lay back down,
“Go get her Goose.” You hear Steve say and your dog comes bounding back into the room but she halts before she collides with you. Instead she seems to know that something is off and stares at you while wagging her tail lowly.
“Hi Goose. Good girl.” You whisper and she wags her tail.
“Sweetheart? Coffee?” Steve calls and you wince, you attempt to stand up and make your way to the bathroom but you feel so dizzy that you immediately sink back down. Goose whines then heads back out of the room and you stand again gripping the nightstand. You move slowly toward the wall, vision swimming when Steve comes into the doorway. “Sweetheart?”
“Shh.” You breathe you focus on walking but sway with every step and when you’re halfway to the bathroom you stumble. Steve’s arms are around you faster than you can right yourself.
“Sweetheart?” He whispers and you hum softly. “What’s wrong?”
“Migraine.” You whisper and he scoops you up off of your feet then carries you back to bed. Steve does his best not to jostle you as he sets you down on the bed,
“What can I do?”
“Ice pack, water, pain killers.” You whisper and he kisses the palm of your hand before leaving the room. You close your eyes and wait for him to come back, he’s so quiet that you don’t hear him enter the room. He puts the ice pack in your hand and you put it on the base of your head, then the painkillers are set in your hand and a straw brought to your lips.
“I’m so sorry.” You whisper, tears pricking your eyes.
“What for?” He whispers back crouching down to be level with you.
“Charity event tonight.”
“Sweetheart, it doesn’t matter. If you’re sick you’re my priority okay? Don’t worry about it. Thor is going, I think he’s gonna try and convince Moxie to be his date, Bucky and Sarah will be there. It’s nothing. What can I do?”
“Just, stay with me?”
“Okay. Let me let Goose out and run her a bit then I’ll be back okay?”
“Okay.” You hear him leave the room, his feet are soft but the floor creaks under him and Goose’s toenails click. The alarm chimes with the open door then you close your eyes.
You can hear them playing in the backyard, Goose’s sharp barks make you wince but there’s not much you can do about it. She’s just so excited to be playing with Steve so early in the morning.
You’re glad he’s not upset about missing the charity event. You don’t know what excuse he gave everyone else but if they find out it’s because of you that he didn’t show up you’re going to catch so much shit from his fans. Especially ones that have paid to meet him at this charity event, oh god they’re going to be so mad if they find out you’re the reason why.
When Steve comes back into the house the door chimes again, he creeps into your room and you hear him removing clothing, then he slides into bed with you. Even though he’s careful not to jostle the bed too much you still wince from the movement.
“I’m sorry Sweetheart.” He whispers moving flush against your back, one of his arms curls around your waist and you intertwine your fingers with his before falling asleep. When you wake up again your headache is mostly gone. It’s more a lingering ache than a pounding throbbing, and you want him to go to the event. Even if he is a little late and goes alone.
“I want you to go to the event.”
“I want you to go. I’ll be fine here.”
“Cat you couldn’t even walk earlier.” He argues softly, still matching your volume.
“If I can show you I can get around will you go?”
“Why do you want me to leave you so badly? I thought I did a good job staying quiet.”
“I don’t want your fans to hate me. I get so much shit from them already, it’s just a headache. Honestly I could go.”
“I think that’s a bad idea.”
“I won’t be blamed for this.” You argue sitting up and swinging your feet over the side of the bed, “besides, if I take some more painkillers I can come.”
“Sweetheart you’re being ridiculous.”
“No, I’m not.” You’re a little unsteady on your legs and Steve is out of bed after you in an instant. “I’m fine. We need to hurry or we’re going to be late.” You tell him moving to the bathroom. You grab a shower cap and turn the shower on but before you can peel off your pajama shirt and get in Steve has you pinned between him and the sink.
“What’s goin’ on Sweetheart?”
“I don’t want your fans to hate me.”
“They don’t.”
“Peggy made sure that I know that plenty of them do.”
“She’s still giving you shit?”
“Are you really surprised?” You ask with a sigh and he frowns.
“You don’t even work together anymore.”
“She sends me stuff online, I’ve blocked her on social media but she sends me emails at work. I block one email account and she makes a new one.”
“How do you know it’s her?”
“She usually makes some sort of snide comment about how you were better with her or some shit like that.”
“Let’s get a restraining order.”
“I can’t. She hasn’t threatened me.”
“Sweetheart, you’re a public figure. The rules are a little different.”
“Yea, I think that’d be nice.” You admit and he kisses you softly, “but we’re still going to this charity event.”
“I will go alone.” You warn him and Steve sighs,
“Okay we can go on one condition.”
“When I say it’s time to go we go. No arguments.” You know that you’re not going to be changing his mind on this one so you sigh and nod.
You shower together quickly then head to the charity event. Steve isn’t pleased about it, but you’re going to be fine.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” Moxie asks when you sit down at the table next to her. She looks stunning in a cream colored ball gown with flowers embroidered all over the fitted bodice.
“You look beautiful.”
“Astrid picked,”
“Yea, like a princess.” You tell her and Moxie rolls her eyes at you.
“I repeat, what are you doing here?”
“It was just a headache, Steve got over protective I’m totally fine.”
“A migraine isn’t nothing.” She counters and when you go to reach for your wine she plucks it from your hand. “That is a bad idea.” She swaps your drink for water.
“Great, now people are going to think I’m pregnant.” You mumble and she raises her eyebrows at you.
“You’re not right?”
“No! We’re not planning on kids until he’s almost done playing football.”
“And there’s no way?”
“No Moxie.” She eyes you hesitantly but you’re positive you’re not pregnant, you just got done with your period. “But now, if anyone saw that, they’re going to assume I am.”
“Sorry, just one glass then? You need to stay hydrated or that migraine will be back with a vengeance tomorrow.”
“I told Steve about Peggy.”
“Good. How did he take it?”
“I think he’s unhappy that I took so long to tell him but he’s going to look into a restraining order.”
“Good!” Moxie has always been one of your best friends and it’s so nice to have her here with you. “You look great.” You glance down at the pale blue dress, with an off the shoulder top and several layers of tulle. You love how it fits and how you feel in it. You see Thor and Steve at the bar chatting and when they look over at you and Moxie you give Steve an amused look, he grins back at you.
“Thank you. I think our boys are up to something.” Moxie follows your gaze and sighs.
“Oh they’re absolutely up to something. Sif found out about me.”
“What! What happened?”
“It’s a long story, she’s not thrilled is the short story.”
“Of course not. I think she always thought that she’d have her claws in him. We should have a girls night soon.”
“Please, I have so much to tell you.” Steve and Thor join you then and Steve takes you to your table.
It’s a pleasant night. The people that have won the bids to sit at your table are nice. They’re friendly and you enjoy the night with them, you’re glad that you came because you would’ve felt horrible with them paying so much money to meet Steve.
You get home and your headache is starting to rear it’s ugly head again, Steve brings you back to the master bath and starts the bath.
“You are going to get in this bath, I’m going to feed and let out Goose then I’m going to come and join you.”
“I love you.” You tell him and Steve laughs,
“I love you too. Now, I want this place to smell like a lavender field when I get back. Deal?”
“Yes bossy.” You sass him and he laughs before pulling you gently toward him with a hand around the back of your neck.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice that your head is hurting you again. I’ll be back soon.” He kisses you softly then slips out of the bathroom.
God you love him.
This is a series of one shots, the series isn’t posted in order. If you have ideas for Steve and Cat please let me know.
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
Kissing booth
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: kissing, some pining, fluff
A/N: I was half asleep when I thought of this and started writing it last night so if it isn’t good oh well. It’s just a quick little something because I’ve been wanting to write more for Steve!!!
It was no secret that Steve Rogers was one of the school’s hottest guys. He was sweet, kind, artistic, and most interesting of all he could be very shy. He was also captain of the football team. In other words almost everyone had a crush on him. Yourself included. But it wasn’t time to focus on the man that was basically sex on legs, even if he was shirtless and throwing around a football with his equally attractive friends.
“Are you listening?” Sharon waved a hand in front of your face as she chuckled. “You might want to wipe the drool off.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Anyways back to the topic, the sorority needs to come up with a fundraiser.”
“Well I only have a few minutes before I have to get back to practice. What do you have so far?”
You show Sharon your notebook with the ideas that you already had.
“Why don’t you go over there and talk to her?” Bucky asks Steve.
“No way, especially not with Sharon there.”
Sam throws the football back to Bucky and looks over his shoulder.
“Bucky and I will distract Sharon and you can talk to… what’s her name?”
“Y/N.” Steve provides.
“Well we can distract Sharon and you go talk to Y/N.”
“Too late.” Bucky says. All three of them watch as you grab your things and walk away.
“I’m gonna hit the showers.”
“Yeah you go do that.”
“Hey, where is Rogers going?” Sharon asked once she stopped in front of Bucky and Sam.
“Showers. I have a question for you though.”
“Yes?” Sharon raises a brow and waits for Sam to ask.
“Your friend, is she single?”
They both nod.
“So single it hurts. Of course she has a crush on the golden boy. But she won’t talk to him.”
Sam and Bucky smirk at each other.
“How would you feel about helping to play matchmaker?”
“Please, I’ll do anything. I’m sick of watching them look at each other like lovesick puppies.” Sharon says.
“Have you guys come up with a fundraiser idea yet?”
“No. That’s why she was here, we were talking about ideas.”
“I think you might like mine. You can even take all the credit.” Bucky says with a grin.
“I’m all ears Barnes.”
A few days later after having met with Sharon on the field the sorority had decided on what the fundraiser should be. A fair would be set up for the end of the semester. It would be a great way to blow off some steam after finals. Some professors even volunteered for the dunk tank and the pie throwing booth. Natasha, the sorority president, even had a friend that could help her get some rides set up for at least two days and at a very cheap price.
You stood in the front yard of the sorority house as you tried to put together your booth. Each of your sisters would have a booth they had to put together and come up with what you would sell. Your brilliant idea was a kissing booth. If you could get some of the football players or frat guys and some of your sisters to sign up in shifts, you’re sure you’d make a good amount of money. The issue you currently have though is that your booth is more like a pile of nothing.
“Need some help?”
You hear behind you. Steve walks over to you until he’s standing beside you, hand on his hips. He gives you a lopsided grin and his undivided attention. Your brain stopped working for a moment as his grin slowly disappeared. You shake your head to try and forget all of the inappropriate thoughts from your mind.
“Yes, I need a lot of help. Please.”
“What are you supposed to be doing?”
“A booth. Everyone in the sorority is responsible for creating a booth and managing it. I’m just not good at…” you wave your hand toward the pile you have in front of you. “Building stuff.”
“I doubt that, you just need some instruction. If you had that then you could put anything together.”
“My Ikea furniture would beg to disagree.”
Steve chuckles as he starts to move the pieces around to try and get a feel for what needed to be done. He pulls out his phone and sends a text.
“I’ll have it put together for you, don’t worry.”
There he goes giving you that blinding smile again. You throw your arms around his shoulders.
“Thank you so much! I don’t think I would have been able to put this together at all.”
“Yeah,” Steve clears his throat as you notice the pink tint creeping up into his cheeks. “It’s no problem. I can call you when it’s ready, that way you don’t have to just sit here.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.” He smiles again and you head inside.
From the window of her room Sharon had been watching the interaction. She groaned when you went inside.
Sharon: he sent her inside 🤦🏼‍♀️
Sam: I told you this wouldn’t work!
Bucky: don’t worry about it. At the fair it will be time for plan b.
Sharon: What's plan b?
Bucky: making Steve jealous 😈😈
It had been a week since Steve put the booth together for you. Since then you had bumped into each other at a coffee shop and ended up sitting together. You told him about your classes and what you wanted to do when you were done. He told you about his. You were surprised to find out he was an art history major.
It wasn’t lost on you that some girls that saw you together gave you nasty looks just because you were sharing a table with Steve. You’d be jealous too if you saw him giving his undivided attention to someone else. The giddiness in his eyes and the soft smile on his lips was surely reflected back to him as you shared stories about the football team and the sorority.
After an hour of sitting together you had to part ways. But first you exchanged numbers and left the coffee shop with matching smiles. It would be a few days before you would see him again at the fair and you couldn’t wait.
Day one of the fair was off to a start. Everyone that was meant to help was already there wearing the staff t-shirts designed by one of the new pledges. The weather was perfect to be outside. It was warm enough that it was comfortable to be outside for hours. You were making the final touches to your booth and looking over your sign up sheet. Every few hours you had volunteers come in to replace you and whichever football team player was meant to be with you. A smile lit your face as you saw that every time you were signed up for the booth Steve had signed up with you. Your friends however had other plans.
Steve was there early with the hopes of talking to you before everyone started showing up. He had made up his mind that he’d ask you out on a date today. All he had to do was walk through his group of friends and yours to get to your booth. He could already see you moving around and setting up.
“Where do you think you’re going, golden boy?” Nat called out. Her playful tone let him know that something was going on. “You’re on the dunk tank first.”
“No, I’m at the kissing booth first.”
“No, I had to make some changes and I need you at the dunk tank. Sam is going to be at the kissing booth with Y/N first.” She informs Steve. He narrows his eyes at the group that consists of Nat, Sharon, Pepper, Bucky, Thor and Sam.
“Fine, let me just go say hi and I’ll be right back.”
“Sorry I need you and the guys to help with setting up.”
Steve huffed in frustration but helped anyway. He was sure he’d be able to escape at some point and talk to you.
“Good morning, ready to get your smooching on.” Sam said as he walked behind your booth. You chuckled and shook your head.
“Ready as I’ll ever be. Have you seen Steve? He’s supposed to be opening with me.”
“Oh, Nat needed him at the dunk tank,” Sam pointed in the direction Steve was at “so I came to substitute him for now. Hope that’s ok.”
“Of course.” You tried to not let your disappointment show, you had been looking forward to spending most of the day with Steve and if you were brave enough even ask him out on a date.
“Awesome, now where are the ladies?”
You couldn’t help but smile up at him. The rest of the morning was rather entertaining as Sam flirted with everyone that came up to his line. He even sent you a flirty wink here and there. You were completely oblivious to the glare Steve was sending Sam’s direction, it should have been him at the booth with you. Instead he has to watch Sam flirt with you and other people kissing you. He couldn’t wait until it was time to change positions.
“What is that face for? You’ve been in a bad mood all day.” Bucky asks Steve as they move to man the pie throwing booth.
“It’s nothing.”
“Punk I’ve known you all of my life and I know when you’re upset about something. Look at you pouting, you never pout.”
“Fine, I wanted to spend some time with Y/N. It’s the main reason I even volunteered and now I have to stand here and watch everyone else flirt with her.”
It was true, most of the football team was in on the plan. Currently it was Thor paired with you at the bake sale stall. From his body language alone Steve knew he was coming onto you. As discreetly as he could, Bucky texted the group chat, letting everyone know the plan was working and telling Thor to ease up a bit. Sam had chimed in and informed the group that you had been really disappointed to not be able to spend time with Steve.
As the day went on Steve found it more difficult to separate from what he was doing to go talk to you even for just a moment. He was really tired of watching guys trying to kiss your lips once they paid. He finally got up and decided to take matters into his own hands.
“Rogers, where are you going?” Nat asked.
“Taking a break.”
He didn’t even look back, if he had he would have seen everyone get together to watch the situation unfold. They were all giddy with anticipation as Steve got closer to the booth.
Your eyes lit up the moment you saw him standing behind your current customer. Unfortunately he was being a dick.
“Oh come on, sweetheart. It’s just a kiss on the lips. I’ll even give you $5 if you let me use my tongue.”
“I said no, the rules are simple, if you can’t follow them you can leave.”
“You don’t have to be such a bit-“
“I wouldn’t finish that sentence if I were you, John.” Steve had pulled him away from you and was glaring daggers at him. “I will kick your ass.”
John had no choice but to run away before anything serious could happen.
“Thank you .”
“No problem, I’ve never liked that guy.”
“You and half of the school.” You say before smiling. “Hi.”
“I think you were next in line.”
Steve looks around and smiles. “I think I was.” He pulls out a fifty dollar bill and places it on the counter separating you two.
“Oh, it’s going to be a minute, I don’t have enough to make change for a $50.”
“Don’t worry, I plan to use all of it.” He smiles and rests his arms on the counter, one hand comes up and he points at his cheek.
You giggle before you kiss the spot he pointed to and then do it again and again and again. Steve’s a blushing mess and you can’t stop grinning.
“How many was that?” Steve asks after a few minutes.
“I don’t know like ten?”
“Well unfortunately I have to get back to my station but how about you give me the other forty after dinner?”
You bit down on your bottom lip to try and stop the huge smile that wanted to make its way onto your face.
“I think I can manage that.”
“Great, I'll see you tonight at 8?”
“Yeah. That’s perfect.”
“I’ll pick you up.” Steve straightens himself up and walks backwards still grinning at you.
And just as he had said he was at your door at 8 that night. He was a proper gentleman the whole night so it came as no surprise that you gave him more than the kisses you owed him.
Part 2
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evansbby · 1 year
𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐲 (𝐏𝐎𝐘𝐓 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐧-𝐨𝐟𝐟)
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: alpha!Bucky Barnes x naive omega!Reader, also featuring: dark alpha!Steve Rogers
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Misogyny, a/b/o dynamics, dubcon, dark Steve, poyt!Steve (yes, he is a warning), mentions of smutt, 18+ minors dni.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: It’s your first day at college and Bucky, a popular alpha, asks for your number. (This is a spin-off of my fic Preying on You Tonight, exploring what would have happened if Bucky had gotten to omega before Steve. You do not need to read that fic to understand this one).
𝐀/𝐍: It’s finally here! As the writer, all I sincerely ask is for you to read it till the end. I put a lot of hard work into this and it’s been a long time coming. I really hope you give this fic a chance, and I hope you enjoy! This is 16.8k words.
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It’s gonna be okay, it’s gonna be okay, it’s gonna be okay. You quietly chant under your breath as you make your way into the intimidatingly large lecture hall. World Politics. It’s a senior class, mostly males, majority alphas. But you’ve managed to get in – the only freshman who was accepted – and it makes your heart flutter with excitement. Maybe they’ll all be impressed, you think to yourself, clutching your bookbag tightly as you make your way inside.
Everyone’s already sat down or milling about in groups. You shoot a few smiles here and there, hoping someone might smile back – but everyone seems busy catching up with their own friends. You sigh – of course, you don’t expect to make friends right away. But you probably will soon.
There’s a pack of intimidating looking guys in the back of the room, they draw your attention because of how loud they’re being as they laugh and joke around. Football players, you think to yourself – they’re all wearing blue jerseys with the university emblem. And they’re all so big and broad. There’s a blond one who seems bigger and scarier than all of them, and there’s also a brunet – also big and intimidating but he looks slightly more laid back than the others.
You snap your head away as soon as he looks in your direction, feeling your cheeks heat up. You’re confident you’ll make friends, but it probably won’t be anyone from the resident campus jock group. Not wasting any more time, you make your way to the front of the lecture hall and take a seat in the very first row. Hopefully, someone else would join you and you could strike up a conversation.
You’re arranging your pens in colour order when your phone vibrates.
Peter: Good luck, babe! I know first days can be hard, but you’re gonna smash it! See you tonight!
Smiling softly, you text your boyfriend a quick response before putting your phone away – the lecture is about to start and you don’t want to miss a single word.
A chorus of loud snickers makes you look back over your shoulder. It’s the group of jock alphas – they’re only a couple of rows behind you now, laughing over something while they look in your direction. You suddenly feel self-conscious, looking over your hoodie for any stains, eyes scanning around your vicinity for anything remotely funny.
You’ve just given up and gone back to opening your notebook when you feel a tap on your shoulder. It’s the brunet alpha, he’s standing next to your desk with a cocky smile on his face.
“Hey, newbie.”
You smile shyly, “Hi.”
“YOU’RE SUCH A DOG, BARNES!” One of the alpha jocks hoots from the back and all the rest of the pack guffaws too, some even making barking sounds. It causes the smile to freeze on your face.
The brunet laughs in his friends’ direction before turning back to you, “Ignore them. You a transfer student or something?”
“No. I’m a freshman. This is my first day.”
“Freshman, huh?” He licks his lips. He’s got nice lips; you think to yourself before inwardly shaking your head in alarm. You have a boyfriend, you remind yourself. But the brunet in front of you also has nice eyes, you can’t help but notice. Light blue and shining, along with scruffy brown hair and a smattering of facial hair. “What’s a little freshman like you doing here? You realise this is a senior class? Are you lost, newbie?”
“No, not lost, I’m meant to be here.” You tell him firmly, “I was interested in this class so I applied for it. I was the only freshman to be accepted.” You hope it doesn’t sound like you’re boasting, you can’t help but feel proud about it.
The brunet nods thoughtfully, “No kidding. You must be very smart.”
You shrug modestly.
“What’s your name, newbie?”
You tell him and he nods, repeating it to himself slowly as if he’s savouring the word.
“I’m James.” He says, “I mean, everyone calls me Bucky but you can call me James.”
You giggle nervously, “Wh-Why do I get to call you that?”
His smile is lop-sided and lazy, and you can’t help but stare. It brightens up his whole face, painting an image of mischief across his features. But he’s not intimidating, not like his friends who continue to hoot and yell behind him. You feel fire on your cheeks because he looks kind of… cute.
Wait. What?
“Pretty girls like you are allowed to call me James.”
The professor chooses that moment to clear his throat as he begins to start up the PowerPoint presentation.
“Well, anyways, newbie. I just came over to say hello. And while I’m here, I was wondering if I could borrow a pen. I forgot mine and you seem to have… a lot.” He gestures to your collection of pens – you have one in just about every colour of the rainbow.
You nod eagerly – you hadn’t expected an alpha jock to be the first one to speak to you at college, but you weren’t complaining.
“Sure! Take your pick,” You say enthusiastically “The blue one doesn’t work too well, but the rest are all good! If you prefer ink pens over ballpoint, I’ve got those too!”
“What about this pink one?”
“Oh,” Your response is less than enthusiastic, “I mean… I always use the pink one. But if you really want it–”
He laughs, reaching out and patting your hand softly. And the touch, despite being seemingly innocuous, sends thrills up and down your spine. You can’t help but think how much bigger his hand is than yours.
“That’s alright, sweetheart. You use the pink one. I’ll take this one instead.” He grabs a green pen, and that’s when you get a strong whiff of his scent. Smoky yet dewy – like a cosy fireplace on a winter morning. Fresh like snow mixing with the earth, like cold rain mingling with a special kind of musk.
Bucky seems to notice how you suddenly pause, your nose twitching as you repeatedly inhale his scent. He chuckles softly, waving a hand in front of your face, “Hey, you still there?”
You shake your head, giving yourself a moment to gather yourself before looking up at him, “Yeah, uh. Yeah, I’m here.”
“Good. Because the lecture’s about to start, and you look like someone who doesn’t want to miss a word.” He winks, and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t send shivers of excitement up and down your spine, “Well, thanks for the pen, newbie.”
And then he goes back to join his friends, leaving you with a lightness in your heart, a spark in your eyes and a smile on your lips. You’d always thought jocks were mean, but Bucky – James – had been nice. Maybe it was a sign, a sign that your first year of university perhaps wouldn’t be as daunting as you originally thought.
You risk a glance back at him. He’s sat a few rows behind you, next to his blond friend. The two couldn’t be more different – with Bucky sitting back, relaxed and laughing, the pen you gave him dangling out of his mouth like a cigarette. The blond sits up straight with rigid posture, and he looks sullen, a touch of a scowl on his face as he looks at Bucky. And then he turns, piercing blue eyes glaring right at you.
You turn back to look in front. That can’t be right. This blond jock doesn’t even know you. Sighing, you begin to take notes, the world of politics taking over as you excitably fill page after page.
You’re immensely satisfied when the class ends – it was everything you wanted it to be and more. With the risk of sounding like a nerd – and you are a nerd, you’ll happily admit it – you’d enjoyed every second of the lecture, soaking in every word like a sponge. If this is what all university classes were going to be like, you’d stay forever.
“You look happy, newbie.” It’s Bucky again; the rest of his group is milling around by the exit, and you can’t deny the thrill you feel at the fact that he hung back with you.
“I am happy, wasn’t that just the most fascinating lecture ever? I mean, I’d heard things about this professor, that he’s so mesmerising to listen to. And it’s true!” You sigh almost dreamily, hugging your fresh notes close to your chest, “I feel like I’ve learnt more in this past hour than I did in the entirety of my high school history class.”
Bucky just stares at you, a smile on his face that reaches all the way up, making the sides of his eyes crinkle.
“What?” You ask consciously when he continues to just… look at you.
“Nothing. You’re just very cute, all bright-eyed and enthusiastic. Not like us jaded seniors.”
“BUCKY, LET’S GO.” As if on cue, the blond alpha bellows across the lecture hall.
Bucky seems wholly unperturbed, even as you jump from the loudness of the blonde’s tone.
“Your friend’s calling you,” You shuffle from one foot to the other, unable to ignore how the blond alpha is glaring at the pair of you all the way from the doorway, “He seems really impatient.”
With a wave of his hand, Bucky dismisses this claim, “Oh, don’t mind Steve. He’s just pissy these days because his girlfriend’s being a bitch.”
Oh. You have no idea what to say to that, so you just continue to pack up your things.
“So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?”
“I’m gonna head over to the library,” You answer excitedly, “I’ve heard it’s really, really big. One of the biggest in the country. I got a glimpse of it during orientation, but I’ve got the rest of the day free so today I’m gonna sit in there and catch up on some reading, and may–”
“Why don’t I walk you there?” The brunet offers. And it’s his quiet confidence that gets to you, the way he’s got this small smile on his face, as if he knows you won’t refuse him, “I have a class in that direction anyways. Steve does too. We could both walk you there.”
You glance once more at Steve, who – believe it or not – is still glaring at you. Or are you imagining it? You’re about to respond when a tall blonde girl in a cheerleading uniform skips up to him. They kiss, and then leave the lecture hall hand-in-hand. You turn back to Bucky, who shrugs.
“Well. Scratch that. I guess it’s just you and me then, newbie. C’mon. I’ll give you a campus tour.”
Talking with Bucky is surprisingly simple. He’s easy-going and laidback, completely cool in the way he makes conversation. Talking about himself but at the same time asking you questions about your life. You’ve always been shy but you find yourself at ease with him, you find yourself laughing at his jokes… You even catch yourself staring at him more than a few times, completely captured by his pretty eyes and lazy smile.
“I’m mostly friends with everyone on the football team, but Steve’s my best friend,” He nods at the blond alpha who’s walking a few paces ahead of you two, hand-in-hand with the cheerleader who you assume is his girlfriend. “We’ve known each other since we were kids. And then there’s Sam, but he’s hungover so he didn’t come in today.” Bucky’s eyes crinkle as he laughs, “Classic Sam.
The walk to the library is over a little too soon.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you in the next lecture. Thanks for walking with me.” You say, backing away but not wanting to completely leave just yet.
“Princess, wait.” He grabs your hand, yanking you back till you’re only a few inches away from him. And maybe it’s the shock due to the fact that he called you princess, but you just… let him do it. He grins down at you.
“You’re not gonna leave without giving me your number first, are you?”
You giggle nervously, and you’re surprised that you have to swallow down the words ‘yes, I’ll give you my number’ which are on the tip of your tongue. Instead, you shake your head slowly, “I, uh, I have a boyfriend.”
The alpha blinks, hand freezing midway through running through his hair. But then he relaxes, and that familiar lazy smile returns to his face. “So? Can’t friends save each other’s numbers? We’re friends now, aren’t we?”
You feel heat rising up your neck and spreading to your cheeks, “Oh. Of course. I guess we are. Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed–”
“No worries, princess.” He takes your phone, quickly putting in his number and texting himself from yours before handing it back to you. “Your boyfriend’s a lucky guy, by the way. But I’m sure he won’t mind if I text you tonight, right?”
Bucky doesn’t wait for an answer, instead just winking at you before taking off. And you stand outside the steps of the library and watch him for a second. He catches up with Steve and gives him a hard thump on the back before falling into step next to him. Steve still has a scowl on his face but it slowly dissipates, and you watch for a moment as the two alphas talk animatedly. Even if Bucky hadn’t told you earlier, it was clear as day that the they were best friends.
It takes you a while to realise that you’re staring, and you quickly retreat into the library, the magical pull of books and knowledge sucking you in and making you forget about everything else.
“I’d say it was a good first day, as far as first days go.” You deduce, walking into the living room with a bowl of popcorn in your hands. You hand it over to Peter, who’s scrolling through Netflix in search of the perfect movie. Which is an impossible task since the two of you had seen practically everything Netflix had to offer – you guys had more movie nights then you did date nights. Actually, you can’t remember the last time you and Peter had gone out on a date. The thought seemed weird… you were much more comfortable sitting on the couch and gorging on popcorn and talking the night away with him – like you were right now.
“That’s good. Did you make any friends?”
You think back to Bucky’s twinkling blue eyes and feel a jolt of electricity run through you. Bucky was your friend, right? He’d said so. But for reasons you don’t quite understand, you only clear your throat and shake your head. “No. I talked to a few people but that’s all. I mean, it’s only day one, right? Nobody makes friends on day one.”
“True.” Peter agrees, his mouth full of popcorn. “Okay, so, I’m thinking it’s a teen dystopian movie kind of night. Hunger Games or Divergent?”
Your brow furrows while you think, “I don’t like Divergent and I’ve seen The Hunger Games way too many times.”
“Okay, how about Catching Fire?”
“The ending of that one makes me sad.”
You bicker back and forth before settling down with Alice in Wonderland, and the popcorn is half finished by the time the beginning credits start rolling. And that’s when your phone vibrates.
James: Hey, princess. You busy?
A smile touches your lips before you cast a quick glance at Peter. He’s half laid down on the other end of the couch with his eyes locked on the screen. You swallow down the guilt – you know Bucky is just your friend but it still feels kind of wrong to be texting him when you’re meant to be watching a movie with Peter. But there’s a large part of you that wants to answer, and it doesn’t take long for that part of you to win the inner conflict inside your head. You quickly text back:
You: Hey! I’m currently watching a movie with my boyfriend.
Your text is truthful, but you hope Bucky doesn’t think you’re dismissing him. His reply is almost instantaneous:
James: Aw, how cute. What movie is it?
You: Alice in Wonderland. Have you seen it?
You mentally kick yourself after you press send. What a dumb question – of course he’s seen it! Who hasn’t seen one of the most recognisable Disney movies of the last decade?
James: I have. I didn’t know you were such a big fan of cartoons, princess.
You feel the ends of your mouth tugging into a smile before you give Peter another glance. He’s polishing off the last of the popcorn, engrossed in Alice as she tumbles down the rabbit hole. You grab the empty bowl and stand up. “I’ll go make some more popcorn.”
Peter nods, “You want me to pause it?”
“No, that’s alright.”
You float into the kitchen and put another bag of popcorn in the microwave before taking a deep breath and looking down at your phone again.
James: Maybe we could watch a movie sometime? I’ve got a flatscreen in my room ;)
You feel a shiver go down your spine when you read his text, and you let yourself imagine it for a split second. Watching a movie with Bucky. In his bedroom. On his bed? You’d never been to a boy’s room before – except Peter, but he’d been your best friend all through high-school. Sure, he was your boyfriend now but you always do the same things you guys did when you were friends – just with added kissing and sometimes touching.
“Babe, you done?” Peter calls for you as if on cue.
Once more awash with guilt, you quickly type out a text:
You: I’m sorry, I should get back to the movie. Good night :)
You switch your phone off for the rest of the night, trying to focus on Alice’s adventures in wonderland, but the thought of Bucky dwindles at the back of your mind as if it’s there to stay.
You plan on avoiding Bucky the next day but that proves to be an extremely flimsy plan. You’re sitting in the front row when him and Steve and another guy – you assume it’s Sam – walk in. You get a pleasant whiff of Bucky’s scent before it’s overpowered by something stronger – the smell of firewood and a hot summer day. They walk by you, with Bucky giving you a small smile and a wink and Steve sucking in a breath, his nostrils twitching as he walks past you. Strange. What was his problem?
You still feel guilty about the previous night. Peter was your first ever relationship so you might not be the biggest expert on these types of things, but you’re sure that getting giddy over another guy texting you is not good girlfriend behaviour. You need to put a swift stop to it, starting now. You spend the rest of the lecture taking notes diligently, stuffing the thought of Bucky to the back of your mind.
When the class ends, you try to scurry away to the library. But you don’t get too far down the corridor before a hand encloses around your wrist and tugs you back.
“Princess, wait up. Where are you hurrying off to?”
“I – uh – I need to go to the library to print something.”
Bucky raises an eyebrow, “I’ll walk you.”
“Oh no, that’s okay.”
He looks at you for a handful of seconds before sighing and taking a step back, “This is about last night, isn’t it? My texts scared you off?”
You bite your lip, “James, I have a boyfriend.”
“I know, I know.” He runs a hand through his messy brown hair, shifting from one foot to the other before those icy blue eyes settle on you again. “I’ll be honest, princess. You’re so pretty, I thought I’d shoot my shot anyways.”
Your jaw drops, “B-But I have a boyfriend.”
He shrugs, looking virile and handsome with his facial hair and lazy smile, “That’s never stopped me before. I mean, it’s not really a big thing with me and my friends. If we want a girl, we go after her, boyfriend or not, it doesn’t matter to us.”
“Oh.” You don’t know whether to stay or just leave, and you’re debating over just that when Bucky pipes up again.
“Look, princess. I like you. And I have a hunch that you like me too. And as I said before, I usually don’t care if the girl I like has a boyfriend. But you’re different, I want to do right by you.” He strokes the palm of your hand with his thumb and it’s like you’re mesmerised by the feeling. “I’d really like to take you out sometime. But I can give you time to break up with your boyfriend first.”
You gasp, pulling your hand out of his grasp, “James Barnes! That’s so wrong. You know how awful of a person that would make me? And I barely know you!”
“Just think about it. I really like you.” He says earnestly, blue eyes sparkling and locking with yours as he grabs your hand again, “And breaking up with him will spare this guy the embarrassment of being with a girl who’s no longer into him.”
Your jaw drops open at his audacity, “That’s not true–!”
“Bucky, we have practice.”
Steve rounds the corner, stopping short when he sees the two of you so close, his eyes narrowing as they zero in on your intertwined hands.
“Gimme a sec.” Bucky answers, not even sparing Steve a glance, eyes unblinking as they stare at you meaningfully.
For the second time, you snatch your hand out of his grip. “I-I – uh – I have to go!” You do the easiest thing you can think of, backing away and getting the hell out of there. Bucky’s just dropped a huge bomb on you and Steve’s intimidating as hell, so you deem it best to put some distance between you and the two alphas as you speed-walk away from the situation.
“Why are you talking to that trashy omega?” You hear Steve mutter as you turn your back on them, and the hurtful words make your heart jolt.
“Hey, don’t call her that.” Bucky answers, and that’s the last thing you hear before you round the corner and escape into the comforting clutches of the campus library.
So, Bucky liked you. He liked you. As in, he wanted to take you out on a date. This information has you feeling giddier than it should. You’ve never known anyone to like you like that (except Peter) and never so brazenly. You can’t help but feel all light inside. A popular, handsome senior liked you!
But then, the flowy lightness inside you is overtaken by wracks of guilt, showering down on your heart like hard, jagged rocks. You’re with Peter. You like Peter. You can’t get happy over Bucky liking you when you’re with Peter. That’s just a fact.
You lay low for a couple of weeks, avoiding Bucky like he’s the plague. But you know his eyes are on you, glued to the back of your head during every lecture, when you keep your face pointedly facing forward and never look back at him. You can’t. You’re in a relationship. You have to respect it.
But then, things take a different turn than you ever expected them to.
Peter scores an internship at Stark Industries, which means he has to move to New York immediately. And you’re so happy for him, it’s what he’s been working towards and dreaming of for as long as you’ve known him. His goal of tackling the tech world is similar to your own goal of being the first person in your family to earn a university degree. You’re thrilled for him. But sitting on his bed and wistfully watching him pack, it’s like you both know what this means.
The break-up is mutual. Peter says that he’ll be busy with work, and you agree that you’ll be busy with college assignments too. And after one last movie night and a tearful goodbye, you both agree to try to remain best friends. He promises to come see you when he’s got a free moment, and you tell him you’ll travel up to New York once you’ve saved enough money to be able to afford it.
And then he’s gone. Off chasing his dreams and you couldn’t be happier for him.
But now you’re single. And what does that mean for you?
Bucky approaches you after spring break, sporting a healthy tan and messier hair. You’d overheard him and his friends talking earlier, so you knew they’d all flown to Cancun for the past week. Lucky them. You’d spent the break studying in your room, making notes for the next set of lectures to make sure you were well-prepared for them.
“Hello, princess. You’re looking extra beautiful today.”
You look down at your old hoodie and ratty leggings and wonder if he’s joking with you. “Uh, thanks?”
“I’m serious. You’re glowing, which can only mean one thing. You broke up with him, didn’t you?” Bucky leans down over your table, giving you a strong whiff of his wintery scent. It’s like freshly powdered snow and warm fire logs, enveloping around you like a welcome hug after your lonely spring break.
You purse your lips together, focusing on your notes except the lecture hasn’t started yet so you have nothing to write down except the date. But you’re determined not to look at him, “Actually, it was mutual.”
Bucky’s grin only gets wider, and to your surprise, he plops down on the empty seat next to you. Your eyes widen, “Wh-What are you doing?”
“What? I can’t sit next to you? Is this seat taken?”
Well, of course it wasn’t. You usually sat alone. Nobody really spoke to you apart from Bucky, but that was okay. It’s not like anyone was ever horrible to you either. Except Steve with that one comment that he’d made the other day. But you must have overheard him wrong.
“So, what did you do over spring break?” He asks.
You shrug, “I read up on the next few chapters on our syllabus.”
Bucky nods, “A quiet week, huh? Well, I wish I’d stayed back too.” He chuckles when he sees your raised eyebrow, “Hey, don’t get me wrong. Cancun’s beautiful, but it gets tiresome after a while. All Steve and Sam ever did was hook up with different girls. Constantly. Me? I just didn’t feel like doing that this time around.”
You frown, casting a short glance at Steve, except you quickly look away because he happens to be staring right back at you. But why was Steve hooking up with other girls? Didn’t he have a girlfriend? You mull over it for a second before you register the other thing Bucky had said. “Y-You didn’t feel like hooking up with anyone?”
The brunet clasps his hand over yours and shoots you a sparkling smile, “Why would I? When my girl wasn’t there with me?”
Bucky takes you out the following weekend. And you don’t know why you agree, when it’s so soon after your breakup with Peter. But when he asks you out, it just feels right, and the word “yes” is flying out of your mouth before you have the chance to think about it. Peter’s probably seeing other people too, you think to yourself. And the thought doesn’t bother you at all, because why shouldn’t Peter have his fun? He was single. And so were you.
Bucky presents you with a bouquet of pink tulips at the start of your date, and sits on your bed with an amused expression on his face while you quickly tend to them. Trimming the stems and finding a vase before setting them on your windowsill. “You look beautiful, princess.” He comments, making your cheeks feel like they’re on fire before he grabs your hand and takes you out.
The diner he takes you to is casual and pretty, only a few minutes outside of campus. The evening sunlight spills down through the window while Bucky brazenly holds your hands in his over the table – even when the waitress is taking your order! It makes you squirm, but in a pleasant kind of way. And he tells you about himself while you eat, how he knows he’s from a privileged family but always felt different growing up.
He tells you about all the mischief he and Steve got up to when they were kids, and then teens, and now young adults. And you can’t really imagine Steve, all stoic and mean and preppy-looking, getting up to any kind of mischief but you smile and nod anyways, loving how Bucky tells his stories in such an easy-going and charming way.
You’re a bit more guarded when he asks you about your childhood, though. You keep it brief and simple, outright evading certain details because you don’t want to get into it right now. But Bucky seems to understand, squeezing your hands before grabbing a napkin and wiping a spot of sauce on the side of your mouth.
He takes you to a nearby park after that. He buys a small loaf of bread so the two of you can feed the ducks. And he never lets go of your hand, and you can feel him watching you as you focus on the ducks gobbling up the pieces of bread. And then he grabs your chin and gently turns your face to him and he kisses you. And it’s sweet. Sweeter than it is with Peter. And you kiss him back, because you like how light and fluffy and exciting it feels to kiss Bucky.
It feels like you’re on cloud nine.
The dates get more frequent after that. Bucky walks you to class every day, holding your hand and talking to you about anything and everything. Like the latest report your class has been assigned, or his football team winning another game, or any new books you’ve read. You find yourself giggling and opening up a lot more, every shy bone in your body relaxing when you’re talking to him.
The kissing and touching becomes more frequent too. Often, he comes to your dorm room and things get hot and heavy. And oh, it’s so exciting feeling Bucky’s hands on you, and his expert kisses leave you breathless! He really was an incredible kisser, taking control and moving his tongue so lazily and perfectly against yours. But something within you always stops him before he can go any further.
“Bucky, please. I just got out of a relationship and I don’t know if I’m ready for sex.” You tell him truthfully one evening while he’s got you pinned down on your bed in the middle of a particularly passionate make-out session.
Bucky lies back down beside you while you fix the buttons of your cardigan which he’d almost had undone. He reaches down to adjust his boner through his jeans, “Princess, you’re killing me here. I want you so bad.”
You swallow, “I’m sorry, James. I just don’t think I’m ready.”
Light blue eyes smile down at you as the alpha sits up and grabs your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Don’t apologise, princess. I understand.”
“I just feel bad, I don’t want you to think I’m leading you on.” You duck your head, but he grabs your chin and lifts it up again, making you look at him.
“I’ll be honest, I don’t think I’ve gone out this long with a girl without sleeping with her.” Bucky confesses, scratching his head with a sheepish look on his face. “I haven’t been a great boyfriend in the past, and my motives have usually been selfish.”
Your eyes grow wide, but you don’t say anything.
“I’m telling you this because I care about you, princess. I think you’re different.” He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear and chucks you under your chin till you smile. “I like talking to you and spending time with you. You’re smart and beautiful and I know we haven’t been together long, but I really see a future for us.” He kisses you sweetly, and you’re too busy trying to tame the butterflies in your stomach to respond properly, but you try your best anyways.
“What I’m saying is, you can take all the time you need till you’re ready. I’m not going anywhere, and I’ll wait as long as I have to till you’re ready to have sex.” Bucky finishes earnestly, and you can’t help but wrap your arms around his neck and plant a million kisses on his face. He’s saying all the right things, everything a girl wants to hear from her boyfriend.
“You really mean all that?” You ask him softly.
“Yes, princess, I mean it. You’re my girlfriend, and I’ll wait for you for as long as you need.” Bucky looks earnest and sweet, and you hug him hard. You feel a mix of thrill and nervous energy flutter through you. It’s something you’ve never felt before. But it’s a good feeling, and you welcome it with open arms as Bucky continues to leave tiny kisses all over your face. Till you’re giggling against his lips and hugging him close, feeling lighter than a feather.
Being the girlfriend of a popular senior was not something you’d envisioned happening to you at the start of university. But Bucky made it feel so natural, introducing you to all his friends, holding your hand all the time and including you in all his plans. His friends are nice enough: Sam was a bit cold at first but he warmed up after a while. Thor was loud and funny, Ransom acted overly smart and confident but seemed to have a sensitive side too. Curtis was mysterious and Andy was kind of dopey, and they were all friendly with you.
But then there was Steve.
The blonde alpha glowered at you any chance he got. Whenever you were in his presence, you could feel his steely blue eyes boring holes straight through your skin. You always kept out of his way so you were unsure why he seemed to hate you. Bucky just said not to take it personally, that Steve was just going through a rough patch with his girlfriend and he didn’t hate you at all.
One day, you’d gone over to Bucky’s house where he – unfortunately – lived with Steve and Sam too.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Steve had demanded when he’d opened the door and seen you standing there.
“Uh… James to-told me to meet him here after my morning classes.” You explain, feeling oddly nervous around the big alpha. You’re naturally shy but you’d come out of your shell quite a bit ever since you’d started dating Bucky. But Steve was just so intimidating, standing there in just a pair of grey sweats that are slung low over his hips. You avert your gaze to the ground in a bid not to stare at his bare chest.
Steve regards you suspiciously before stepping aside and letting you in. And you feel his heated gaze still on you as you brush past him to get inside. And that’s when you hear him inhale sharply, a low rumble coming from his chest before he stumbles. You whip around just in time to see him recover, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Are you okay?”
Steve scoffs, “Why the hell wouldn’t I be okay?”
“Uh… You kinda just tripped?” You point out hesitantly, and the blonde alpha’s pale face goes crimson before he clears his throat.
“I did not trip.” He glowers through gritted teeth.
Okay then. You decide not to question his rude and erratic behaviour. “Where is James’ room?”
Steve glances upstairs before leaning against the kitchen counter, his intense gaze locking on you as his frown relaxes into a smirk. “He’s taking a shower right now. You should wait for him down here.”
“Okay.” You sit down at the kitchen table. The house is big, spacious and minimalistic in the way it’s decorated. The kitchen is modern and it’s clear that there’s only boys living here, because you can see a ton of takeout containers and microwave meals strewn across the countertops.  Once you’re done observing your surroundings, you notice Steve still staring at you.
“So, you’re Bucky’s girlfriend now, huh?” He breaks the silence.
“Strange. I never thought he’d go for someone like you.”
Your brows knit together into a frown as a pang of hurt echoes inside you, “Wh-What’s that supposed to mean?”
He shrugs, and you try not to focus on his broad, muscular shoulders. But it’s not easy to just look at his face either, because he’s so intimidating. He runs a hand through his light hair, “Nothing, omega. Don’t worry your little head over it.
Your jaw drops open, “Don’t call me that, please. I have a name.”
“As if I care.”
God! It was like talking to an eight-year-old. You had no idea that Steve was this immature and rude, and it makes your blood boil. You’re just about to get up and find Bucky’s bedroom yourself when you hear a pattering of light footsteps coming down the stairs.
“Steve, I have to go. But promise you’ll text me tonight?” It’s a girl. You recognise her from college – you’ve definitely seen her around campus somewhere. But she’s definitely not Sharon. She skips up to Steve and plants a kiss on his cheek, and the alpha only responds with a grunt. You get a weird feeling inside you as you watch this exchange, but try your best to shake it off.
The girl stops to shoot you a smile. “Hey, you’re Bucky’s girlfriend, aren’t you? Nice to meet you!”
She leaves before you have a chance to reply, and you’re left staring at the back of her head as she shuts the door behind her, getting an eyeful of her hair which you vaguely notice is the same shade as yours. And it’s only when she’s gone that you realise your mouth is open in shock, and you slowly turn to Steve who looks wholly unbothered.
“Aren’t you going out with Sharon?” You can’t help but blurt out.
Steve raises an eyebrow, but says nothing as he continues to just stare at you. You feel hot all over, and you don’t know whether it’s because of his eyes on you or because of the sudden anger you feel at the blatant display of cheating you’ve just witnessed.
“That’s not fair on your girlfriend, Steve.” You whisper.
And all Steve does is stare at you, to the point where you feel waves of heat on your face. And then suddenly you’re hit with this overwhelming scent of burning firewood. A freshly mown lawn with a strong sun beating down on it, and smoky wood on a hot summer’s day. Your eyes widen as the intimidating alpha walks over to you, leaning down at the table where you’re sitting.
“I don’t remember asking for some lowlife omega’s opinion on my private business.” He says softly, but there’s danger and threat embedded in his words and it makes your blood run cold. But your nose can’t stop twitching as it takes in his heady scent, and you feel your mind cloud over and your limbs grow weak like jelly and–
“I’d appreciate it if you’d put a shirt on in front of my girlfriend, Stevie.” Bucky chuckles, elbowing past Steve and making his way over to you. He helps you up and plants a firm kiss to your lips. You’re still rattled by the blonde alpha, though, and distractedly kiss your boyfriend back. You can still feel Steve’s eyes on you, and it’s unnerving to say the least.
“You ready to go, princess?” Bucky tugs at your hand and you nod, allowing him to pull you out of the house. It’s only when the fresh outside air whips against your face that you seem to snap out of whatever trance you’re in. You swallow and shake your head as Bucky leads you to his car, and you only speak once both of you are inside.
“Steve did something awful.” You breathe.
Bucky frowns before squeezing your arm, “What? Did he touch you?”
“N-No, he…” You shake your head, feeling a wave of anger overtake you momentarily, “He had a girl over, James. He was cheating on his girlfriend!”
The silence is louder than ever as Bucky starts up the car and backs out of the driveway. He puts his arm over the back of your seat as he looks over his shoulder, and it’s not until he’s on the main road that you huff:
“Is that all you have to say?”
Bucky grimaces, keeping his eyes glued to the road, “Look, Steve isn’t exactly in love with Sharon.”
“But she’s his girlfriend, Bucky. He shouldn’t be cheating on her either way!”
“I know, I know. What can I say?” He pauses, as if mulling over how to say his next words. “Look, princess. Steve’s young, he’s only in college. It’s what us guys do. Why have one piece of the pie when you can have the whole thing, you know? That sort of thing.”
It only takes Bucky about three seconds to realise the error in his words. You turn to stare at him in utter shock and horror. Was this really James? Your James? Who had said all the right things and been so sweet and gentlemanly all these weeks? Who had respected your boundaries and never questioned you or lashed out for wanting to wait?
“Is that why you’re so okay with us not having sex?” You say quietly. “Because you’re getting it from somewhere else?”
“What? No, sweetheart. No, that’s not it at all.”
Bucky turns into a random lane and stops the car before turning to you. You try to bat him off but he grabs both your hands in his, bringing them up to his lips and pressing kisses on your fingers and palms before yanking you into an embrace.
“I’m sorry. That was a terrible thing for me to say.” He mumbles into your hair, and you try to find solace in his scent but it’s not strong enough right now. He kisses the top of your head before drawing back to make eye contact. “Princess, I’m not seeing anyone else behind your back, that I can promise you.”
“But how can I believe you? When it was so easy for you to justify what Steve’s doing?” You sniffle.
Bucky sits back in his seat and sighs, but he doesn’t let go of your hands. “Look, it’s no secret that us alphas are all a bunch of assholes. We don’t really hide it, either. Steve’s cheating on his girl because, well, it’s almost normal for a lot of us to do that. And I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t slept with multiple girls without them knowing about each other in the past.”
You bow your head, not liking this at all. But Bucky grabs your chin gently, lifting it up so you look at him.
“But I’m past all of that now, okay? I really like being in a serious and committed relationship with you, princess. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a girl, and I would never even think of being with anyone else.” He cups your face and strokes your cheek, and his eyes are so pretty and blue, and you can feel your heart melting already as he gives you a peck. “I guess I just wasn’t surprised by what Steve did because I’m so used to it.”
You nuzzle your face into his palm, “Can’t you tell him that it’s wrong? That you’ve grown out of doing stuff like that, and that he should too?”
Bucky chuckles, pressing your cheeks and nose with more soft kisses, “I could. But Steve is extremely stubborn and bossy, in case you haven’t noticed.” He pauses, smiling fondly at you when you giggle softly in agreement, twining a piece of your hair around his finger. “The way I see it, we should just focus on our relationship, and let Steve do whatever it is he’s doing since it’s got nothing to do with us. It took meeting the right girl for me to recognise the error of my ways. Maybe soon, he’ll find someone that he’ll want to be better for too, right?”
You nod, despite that weird feeling surfacing inside you once more. But you shove it back down and give Bucky a smile as he pulls you in for another long kiss.
“Well, let’s get to that movie, shall we? We’ve probably missed the opening credits and I’m gonna have to cut the line to get us our snacks, but I think we can still make it.”
You spend the rest of the evening at the drive-in movie theatre with Bucky. He reclines his seat and makes you climb over the console to sit in his lap while the two of you watch Gone with the Wind on the big screen with a bag of sweet and salty popcorn and a bar of chocolate to share. Once the snacks finish, you sleepily rest your head on his chest and let him stroke your back through your hoodie. And you almost fall asleep like that, Scarlett O’Hara’s indignant dialogues lulling you into a peaceful slumber until your nostrils are unceremoniously invaded with the scent of burning firewood and a hot summer’s day.
Opening your eyes slowly, you peak out the window to see another car pull up beside Bucky’s. And your heart sinks down to the depths of your chest when you see who’s inside. Steve. And Sharon. She’s talking to him animatedly, but he seems sullen and unresponsive as always. That is, until they start making out, and you have to forcibly look away when Steve’s eyes meet yours and you feel this burning feeling in your chest.
You swallow harshly before cuddling up to Bucky even more.
“James, I’m sleepy,” you say softly.
“Yeah? You wanna go home, princess?”
“Yes, please. If that’s okay?”
“Sure, princess.” He lifts you up and places you back on the passenger seat before pressing a kiss on your forehead. “Close your eyes and rest. I’ll tuck you into bed once we get back to your dorm.”
And he does just that, carrying you all the way back into your dorm room and helping you change before putting you to bed. And you can’t describe whatever it is you’re feeling but all you can do is clutch at his shirt when he goes to leave, pulling him into bed with you. And he rains your face with a billion kisses before you both fall asleep in each other’s arms.
Life at college continues. You’re still in contact with Peter, despite the two of you being so busy. But he sends you updates about his internship and all the cool technology he’s being exposed to. You tell him about your classes and all the interesting things you’re learning. You also, very tentatively, tell him about Bucky. Surprisingly, Peter seems supportive, and the conversation between the two of you grows easy once more.
The romance between you and Bucky seems to blossom with every passing day. He carries your books to class and takes you out on cute dates that make your heart flutter. Picnics, scenic walks, movies, restaurants – he takes you everywhere you’ve ever dreamed of being taken. And how your heart had skipped a beat when you’d seen he’d had a bouquet of yellow roses delivered to your dorm room! There was no note or tag attached, but you knew they were from Bucky. Who else could they be from? And they were the prettiest flowers you’d ever received, and the butterflies in your tummy fluttered at his perfect choice.
It was also in the little things he did, like kiss you on the forehead reassuringly or squeeze your hand when you’re feeling nervous. And slowly, you feel yourself coming out of your shell more and more. You find yourself laughing out loud and voicing your opinions that usually you would’ve kept silent.
Being Bucky’s girlfriend meant hanging out with his group of friends, too. And it thrills you that you’re able to hold conversations with some of them, and have them be genuinely interested in what you have to say and not just write you off as a “dumb omega”.
One day, you find yourself sitting on Bucky’s lap in the campus courtyard between classes, a number of his friends surrounding you. You still feel nervous around this many people (especially intimidating seniors) but with Bucky squeezing your hand reassuringly, you find the task less daunting than you normally would, as you grow to feel more comfortable with them.
Well, most of them.
“…and then I told her to fuck off, because who knows what kind of diseases she was carrying. I mean, she’s fucked half the football team after all.” Steve says cockily, taking a drag from his cigarette while the alphas around him all laugh as if he’s cracked the funniest joke of the century. Even Bucky chuckles before you shoot him a look and he stops, a sheepish look on his face.
“I mean sure, she’s got a great ass, but there’s nothing attractive about a slut who spreads her legs for any man who looks her way.” The blond alpha continues, and it irritates you how all his friends seem to hang on to his every word, looking up to him like he’s some sort of God.
Having been with Bucky long enough, you had somewhat cracked the hierarchy of his friend group. And Steve was definitely the leader, the one they all flocked to and tried to impress. Well, not Bucky – he and Sam were the only ones who would keep Steve in check. But the blonde alpha’s ego was through the roof, as were his misogynistic ideals and derogatory views towards omegas and women in general.
And you hated how shy you were, especially around him. You felt sickened by Steve’s gross statements but you could never say anything against him. A part of you just wanted to be liked and accepted by Bucky’s best friend, but Steve only alternated between glaring at you or pretending you didn’t exist.
A high-pitched squeal knocks you out of your reverie, and you watch as Sharon jogs up to Steve in her pretty blue cheerleading outfit. Together, they look like the perfect couple. Head cheerleader and the captain of the football team. Perfect. You feel that weird feeling bubbling up inside you again but do your best to keep it at bay.
Steve rolls his eyes before Sharon launches herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting her lips on his. Steve, however, remains stoic.
“Gosh, baby, could you please put that cigarette out?” Sharon says, pushing a wayward lock of Steve’s blonde hair off his forehead.
She giggles, shaking her head before turning to you. “Men, huh? Stubborn as ever. I’ve asked him to stop smoking about a bajillion times, but he never listens.”
You smile and nod, feeling stupid and awkward as ever because Sharon is pretty and popular and you don’t know how to act.
“I like your pin.” Sharon points at the World Politics Society pin on your bookbag, “I couldn’t even dream of getting into that class. You must be really smart.”
Steve snorts but everyone ignores him.
“Thank you, I find the subject really interesting,” you reply.
You watch Sharon as she talks to everyone in the group. She’s kind, confident and beautiful – everything you wish you were. But that weird, indescribable feeling keeps surfacing inside you every time she locks hands with Steve, or brushes his hair back, or smooths the wrinkles on his sweater.
“And Mister Barnes, how come I’ve never met your girlfriend before now? When she’s practically my sister-in-law?” Sharon hits Bucky lightly on the arm before shooting you another bright smile. “We should organise a double-date. Me and Steve and you both. That sounds fun, doesn’t it?”
Steve scoffs but everyone ignores him.
“Epically fun, Miss Carter.” Bucky gives her a charming smile before tugging you close to his chest. “We could go bowling or something. If His Highness is up for it.”
Steve takes another drag of his cigarette, saying nothing. In fact, he’s barely said a word since his girlfriend joined the conversation, and you find that to be weirdly peculiar. Why was he even with her if all he did was cheat on her and ignore her every time she spoke?
“Looking forward to it!” Sharon smiles before checking her phone, “Okay, I gotta go now or else I’ll be late for practice. I’ll see you tonight, baby?” She gives Steve a peck on the lips, which he also doesn’t return.
“Sure.” Steve answers, finally seeming to snap out of it as his hand meanders down to squeeze her ass. You feel your own hand clench into a fist but you quickly relax it and hope no one saw. What the heck was that? Why had you reacted that way?
“What a fuckin’ bitch.” Steve resumes once Sharon is out of earshot. “As I was saying, I told this other whore who was all over me the other day that I just wasn’t interested in sluts like her, and she said–”
“Could you stop being such a misogynistic jerk?!”
You can’t believe the words have left your mouth, and your hands start shaking immediately once you realise they have. Never before have you raised your voice at someone like this, let alone a formidable alpha who’s about twice your size.
Steve’s cold blue eyes rest their steely gaze on you, when up until this point he’d been content on pretending you weren’t there. You dare peak up at him and see his jaw tick, and a vein protrude from the side of his forehead.
“What did you just say to me?” He asks softly.
“Hey, leave her alone.” Bucky says warningly, but you sit up straight.
“I’m… I’m sorry, but I just don’t like how you talk about women.” You say, hating how your voice shakes and how you can’t look Steve in the eye.
“And I don’t like the tone you’re taking with me right now.” Steve’s intense gaze bores holes straight through you before he looks at Bucky, “Haven’t you taught her not to speak to her superiors like that?”
Your jaw drops open in pure shock, “H-How dare you–”
“Okay, let’s go.” Bucky hoists you to your feet while your whole body seems to shake with shock, anger, and a tiny bit of fear. The brunet alpha holds you tightly by the arm before evenly glancing back at his best friend. “Steve, don’t speak to my girl like that. In fact, if you’re going to be rude, then don’t speak to her at all.”
You and Bucky don’t stick around to hear Steve’s retort, and it’s only when you round a corner and are hidden from the rest of the group by a brick wall, that you burst into tears.
“He’s – so – awful!” You cry, your heart pitter-pattering in a mix of fear and hurt. You hated being spoken to like that, like you were beneath him. Bucky holds you close and you sob into his chest, hugging him as hard as you can. His solidness and wintery scent is a source of comfort to you, and so is his hand which rubs your back soothingly.
“He shouldn’t have spoken to you like that, princess. I’ll make sure to speak to him about it later.” Bucky promises you, pressing soft kisses to your hairline while you cry, leaving splotchy tear-stains on his shirt.
“Why is he even with Sharon when he doesn’t seem happy with her at all?!” You burst out, desperately wiping at your teary eyes except it doesn’t stop you from crying even more. “He’s just…I just… Oh, I hate him, James! I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!”
“I know, sweetheart. I know. I’ll talk to him, don’t you worry.”
Looking into his earnest eyes, you can tell Bucky’s intentions are good. And you don’t know if he talks to Steve or not, but you do receive another delivery of yellow roses to your dorm room that very night. This time, there’s a note attached too. “I’m sorry” is all it says, and you can’t help but smile as you hold the roses up to your nose and take in their delicate scent. Bucky was obviously feeling bad about the whole situation – and it wasn’t even his fault!
But clearly, your boyfriend knows you well, because the flowers do lift your mood up a little bit. You place the second bouquet of yellow roses caringly next to the first one. They look expensive and beautiful, and have your entire room smelling heavenly and sweet. It makes you smile and clasp your hands together, and you’re just about to call Bucky when you hear a rustling from outside your window, followed by a series of heavy footsteps.
Strange. Who would be out at this time? And in the bushes outside your dorm room, no less? You decide you’ve probably imagined it, but you close your window and draw your curtains anyways before calling Bucky.
“You’re the best, you know that?” You tell him, a huge smile plastered on your face as you take one last whiff of the roses before flopping down on your bed on top of all your pillows and stuffies.
“I do know that, sweetheart, but it’s nice to hear you say it.” Bucky laughs from the other end of the phone. “It’s also nice to hear you sound so happy.”
You grab your stuffed rabbit and tug his ears mindlessly, “Yeah, I know I acted like a huge cry-baby earlier today.”
“Didn’t I tell you not to worry about it, princess? Anyways, I spoke to Steve.”
Your heart skips a beat, “You did?”
“Yes. Look, he’s set in his traditional ways and he’s stubborn as hell. But he did look like he regretted speaking to you that way, and I don’t think he’ll do it again.”
You breathe a sigh of relief, “Well, that’s all I want. Thank you for speaking to him, James.” There’s a pause, and then you pipe up hesitantly: “And what about Sharon? Is he still going to stay with her?”
“Uh, yeah. Why wouldn’t he?”
BECAUSE SHE’S NOT RIGHT FOR HIM! The omega inside you screeches, and the sheer vitriol you feel makes you sit up straight, eyes wide and hands shaking. What the heck? Where had that outburst even come from?
“Hello? Princess? You still with me?”
You clear your throat and physically shake your head to rid yourself of that weird feeling that seems to be bubbling inside you so often now. But never before had it manifested into your inner thoughts screaming at you like how they just had. You feel hot all over, and quickly place your palm on your forehead to check if you have a fever before remembering Bucky is still on the phone.
“I’m here. Sorry, I just…” What can you even say to him? Without sounding crazy? You take a deep breath. “Thank you for talking to him, James. I’m just glad he won’t be mean anymore. Everything else isn’t really any of my business.”
“That’s good to hear, sweetheart.”
True to Bucky’s word, slowly but surely, Steve becomes a lot more bearable to be around. He’s still awful in his misogyny but at least he no longer glares at you or makes you feel unwelcome and uncomfortable when you’re with Bucky and his friends. You still catch him staring at you sometimes, but you must be imagining it because you know he hates you. You try not to care though, and only focus on Bucky.
“I want you to meet my parents, princess.” Bucky says to you one day. The two of you are in your dorm room where you’d just completed an intense study session. Well, you’d been studying while Bucky grew distracted after about ten seconds of staring at his textbook, and proceeded to kiss and touch you while you laughed and batted him off. “And I would like to meet your parents too.”
The smile drops from your face almost instantaneously, and you nervously grab your stuffed rabbit and pull its ears. “Oh, I… Uh…”
“I mean, we’ve been seriously dating for a while now, haven’t we? It’s only right that I get to meet the parents of the girl who captured my heart.”
You smile uneasily, heart feeling like it’s about to beat out of your chest. “What are your parents like?” You blurt out, trying to deflect.
Bucky lies back on your bed, “They’re great. My dad’s a lawyer so he’s always working. My mom is usually at home, though. She makes a great apple pie and she’s also great for when I need advice.”
You smile softly, “She must really love you.”
He blinks. “Of course, she does. All parents love their children.”
He goes on to tell you about how his dad used to take him golfing at the country club when he was younger, and how much he hated it. But he’d always get treated to ice cream afterwards, which was why he agreed to go every time. He tells you about how his mother values family over everything, which was why he went home every other Friday to have dinner with his family, and how he’d love for you to join him on one of those dinners soon.
You nod and agree, but you feel like crying on the inside. There’s a sense of yearning inside you that you can’t seem to get rid of no matter how hard you cuddle into Bucky or how much he kisses you.
His hands slowly slip down to your hips, squeezing gently before meandering up under your hoodie. His touch is tentative yet confident, and usually it excites you. But you always stop him before he goes too far, hoping and praying he doesn’t get mad at you. Which he never does. Instead, the two of you lazily make out on your bed until you fall asleep in each other’s arms. And then the nightmares commence, but when you wake up, you can’t remember them at all.
“Ooh, look at the pink bowling balls! And the powder blue ones. Aren’t they cute, Steve?” Sharon clutches Steve’s muscular bicep, her perfectly manicured nails scraping lightly against his pale skin. Steve only grunts in response before shaking her off as him and Bucky go up to the counter to pay for one session of bowling for all of you.
Through Sharon’s pure will and determination, the four of you find yourselves on a double date at the bowling alley. She seemed blissfully unaware of the fact that Steve hated you, or that you didn’t particularly like Steve either, and had practically begged Bucky to organise the date. Bucky had said you didn’t have to do it, but what harm could one night of bowling actually do? Especially since Steve hadn’t really been mean to you for a while now.
“Do I seriously have to wear these ugly bowling shoes?” Sharon complains, gingerly holding up the dirty shoes and making a face.
“Don’t wear them. Let’s see what happens.” Steve pipes up.
Bucky laughs, “Unless you want a broken toe, you better put them on.”
It’s Steve and Sharon against you and Bucky. You’ve bowled a few times, so you’re not embarrassingly bad or anything. Bucky is fairly good too. Surprisingly, Sharon turns out to be extremely skilled at bowling, getting a strike on her first try.
And then there’s Steve.
“Another gutter ball, Rogers!” Bucky doubles over in glee, practically in tears. You try to hide your amused smile and even Sharon can’t help but laugh.
“Shut up!” Steve seethes, looking redder than a tomato as he jams his hands in his pockets and walks back to the bench you’re all sitting on. He casts a quick glance in your direction, his nose twitching. “There’s too many distractions here.”
“What distractions, bro? You’re just a bad player.” Bucky mocks, jabbing his elbow into his friend’s ribs and laughing even harder when the blond gives him an absolutely murderous look.
Bucky gets up and stretches, “I think I need a beer. You want one, Steve?”
Steve flips him off.
“I’ll take that as a yes. You girls want anything?”
“Maybe a strawberry milkshake? Or iced tea sounds good. And I think we should also get some food for Steve before he implodes. Maybe nachos? Or curly fries. I’ll go with you, since that’s a lot to remember.” Sharon gets up.
Bucky presses a kiss to your forehead, “Think you can hold down fort and keep us in the lead until I get back, princess?” He whispers.
You giggle, “I think so. I just need to get a minimum of one pin.”
They leave, and you get up to do your turn. Making your way over to the contraption where they keep all the bowling balls, you can feel Steve’s eyes on you. God, without Bucky and Sharon here, you felt all shy and nervous. Not to mention his scent, which was so overpowering as it settled into your nostrils. Just ignore him, you think to yourself before absentmindedly selecting a bowling ball.
You’ve taken one step towards the bowling lane when the ball slips from your sweaty palms. It’s a lot heavier than you anticipated, and you can’t take the weight as you watch it fall down almost in slow motion. There’s a flurry of movement, Steve moving quick as lightning and batting the ball sideways before it completely crushes your foot. It ends up bouncing on the tip of your toe with a loud thud before rolling away under the table.
“What the fuck inspired you to choose the heaviest ball available? You could have really hurt yourself!” Steve shakes you angrily by the shoulder as you remain frozen in place, still registering what just happened.
“I…I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” You stammer before suddenly becoming aware of your toe throbbing from where the bowling ball had fallen. Most of its weight had been absorbed by your shoe, but your toe still hurts. And you hate being such a baby, but your lower lip can’t help but quiver, and you feel your eyes well up with tears.
You don’t really register it as Steve’s fingers encircle around your wrist, and he tugs you back to the bench, forcing you down before crouching in front of you.
“Did you hurt yourself? See, this is why little omegas like you shouldn’t be carrying heavy things. I told Bucky bowling was a bad idea.” At the mention of his best friend’s name, Steve instinctively whips his head towards the snack counter, and you do too. Bucky and Sharon are still in line, and with their backs turned and so many people around, you doubt they can see you.
You sniffle, “I didn’t think it would be that heavy.”
“Of course, you didn’t. You’re just a baby omega, and sometimes you don’t think about things like that. Here, let me see.” Before you realise what’s happening, he grabs your ankle with one big, warm hand; and uses the other to unstrap your shoe. You gape at him, the scent of smoky firewood and a freshly mown lawn making you swallow harshly and freeze in place, letting him slip your shoe off.
But it only a takes handful of seconds for you to come back to your senses, and you shake your head and cringe backwards.
“Uh, th-that’s okay, Steve. It stopped hurting now, I think I’ll be fine.”
But his grip on your ankle doesn’t loosen, your shoe falling to the ground and his blue eyes zeroing in on your foot which is covered by just your lacy white ankle sock. The air feels thick around you both, and you feel your breathing start to get laboured as you watch his Adam’s apple bob in his throat as he swallows.
Slowly, tentatively almost, he strokes your foot with his other hand. And a part of you is so acutely aware of how weird this is. You boyfriend’s best friend tending to your injury in the middle of a crowded bowling alley – while Bucky and Sharon were in the same vicinity!
“You’ll be alright.” Steve says gently (the gentlest you’ve ever heard him speak), as he continues to stroke your throbbing toe, “You just need to be more careful, okay?”
You find yourself nodding, your entire body buzzing with some sort of strange energy that you’ve never felt before. “I guess I just got distracted.”
Steve’s hand remains rubbing your toe, but his eyes look up to meet yours. And you almost forget how to breathe, feeling like there’s a bubble encasing the two of you, and everyone else is far, far away. All you can feel is his burning gaze and his hand touching you.
He clears his throat, “Yeah, I’ve been distracted all night too.” And you can’t help but notice how long and dark his lashes are, how they contrast so deeply from his pale hair and skin, how they fan against his cheekbones as he blinks up at you almost earnestly. “Maybe I should drive you home.”
That knocks you out of whatever reverie he’s pulled you into. Drive you home? While his girlfriend and your boyfriend stayed here? Was he insane?
You forcibly tug your foot out of his grasp, quickly putting your shoe back on before he can grab it again. And Steve stays in his crouched position in front of you, almost as if frozen in place. He’s staring at his hand, the one that was holding your ankle, before he looks up at you. There’s a fiery look in his eyes, one you can’t fully explain. You also can’t fully explain why your heart is beating like mad, and there’s a warm feeling spreading through your chest.
“I’m fine, Steve. Really. Thank you for uh… Just… Thanks.” You mumble.
Steve blinks, opening his mouth to speak before he shuts it again when he looks beyond your shoulder. He coughs, standing up to his full height and moving away from you suddenly. And you watch him whip his phone out, pretend he’s texting someone, and all the while your heart just won’t calm down. And then you feel a tap on your shoulder.
“We’ve got snacks!” Sharon announces, skipping over to Steve and handing him a bunch of things, “Here you go, babe. These cheesy fries are literally to die for. Me and Bucky picked at them on the way back here. Oh, and here’s your beer.”
You watch as Sharon simpers at her boyfriend, grabbing his hand and leading him to a nearby bench. Feeding him fries while he bats her hand away, instead grabbing his beer and taking a long swig. His face is still red, and his eyes are still bright, and–
“You okay, princess?” Bucky sits down beside you and puts his arm around you, giving you a tight squeeze. “You look troubled.”
You force a smile, “I’m fine, James.”
“Did Steve say something to you? Do you need me to talk to him again?”
Rapidly, you shake your head. Subconsciously, you’ve already made the decision not to tell Bucky about the weirdness that has just transpired. And the guilt is already eating you up from the inside out, despite the fact you hadn’t done anything. Or hadn’t you? Why had you not pulled away sooner? And why was Steve acting this way? Why was he so gentle, so tender? When every other instance between the two of you has been either him ignoring you, or being rude towards you?
Suddenly, your head hurts.
Bucky seems to understand that something is off with you, because he tells Sharon and Steve that he’s tired and wants to cut the night short. You hug Sharon goodbye, feeling like you want the ground to eat you up whole, before your boyfriend leads you out of the bowling alley.
“Princess, please tell me what’s bothering you.” He says moments later when the two of you are in his car.
You force a smile, “Nothing!”
His light blue eyes, so piercing in the darkness of the car, stare at you as if they can see right through you. But all he does is draw you in for a hug, and you feel your body sag into his. Bucky feels so cosy and safe, so dependable and good. All your worries and concerns dissipate for a moment as you hug him back almost fiercely.
“Well, why don’t we go get some ice cream?” He asks kindly.
You bury your face in his chest, not quite done hugging him yet. Maybe you were just overthinking whatever had happened back there with Steve. Maybe the blond alpha was just trying to turn a new leaf and be kind for once. Maybe his actions had been innocuous after all. You sniffle before looking up at your boyfriend and pressing a long kiss to his lips.
“Okay. Let’s do that.”
Bucky gets a double mint chocolate chip cone and you get a vanilla strawberry swirl. He licks the ice cream that you accidentally smear on the side of your mouth as you dig in, and then you both kiss some more. Sweet kisses and sweet touches laced with giggles. And then he takes you on a drive, and you roll the windows down and let the breeze hit your face as if you’re the main character in an indie film, allowing the cool night air to wash away any remnants of guilt. Bucky’s got one hand on the steering wheel and the other one holding steadily onto yours, squeezing every few seconds and shooting you lovesick smiles that you return.
He parks outside of your dorm building and pulls you over the console and into his lap. And you let him kiss you and touch you and try to lose yourself in it. Try not to think of a hot summer’s day and freshly mown grass. You don’t even stop him when he pushes his hand down your leggings and past your panties, and you gasp into his mouth when you feel his fingers brush against your hot core.
“Are you sure about this, princess?” Bucky breathes against your lips, and you want to cry at how sweet he is. How patient and kind. You don’t deserve him at all. You nod your head to indicate that yes, you are sure. You kiss him doubly hard, trying to drown out the feel of wanting to cry. Because actually no, you’re not sure about this. You don’t know if you’re ready. But you feel so bad, so bad for what happened with Steve.
You didn’t even do anything! The rational part of your brain screams. So then why did it feel like you had?
Bucky moves his fingers expertly inside you, his thumb rubbing your bundle of nerves in a way that does make you momentarily forget about anything else except for his touch. You mewl his name, clutching the fabric of his shirt and rutting against him. His large hands rub up and down your back, his lips warm against your ear as he coaxes you, “That’s right, princess. Let go for me, I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.”
You come hard, body shaking and spasming on top of him as he holds you close to his chest. Praises you for being so good for him, for being so beautiful and perfect. And it’s crazy, because you feel anything but those things right now. But you sob out his name softly, and let him stroke your hair back as he continues to talk you through your orgasm, “That’s it, princess. You’re such a good girl for me, aren’t you? Such a good girl. Thank you for letting me in, sweetheart. Thank you for being so perfect.”
He lets you recover, all the while kissing you. And then he walks you to your room and bids you goodnight. He tells you he’d have stayed the night, but he has to drive home to pick up an important document for his father. You manage a weak smile, and return his kisses before waving goodbye.
And then you shut the door and burst into tears.
And you don’t even know why, because nothing had happened between you and Steve! Nothing at all. But you cry for all the confusion within you, the unresolved feelings of guilt that you can’t understand for the life of you, and how you can’t seem to shake this yearning sadness inside you. Oh, why did Steve have to be so different tonight? Why had his eyes reflected such tenderness? Why had he held your ankle like that? Why hadn’t he let go?
Why did you care so much?
You take a long shower and change into clean, comfortable clothes before trying to distract yourself with Netflix. And that’s when you hear a knock on your door.
It’s another bouquet of yellow roses. You smile at the delivery man – you recognise his face at this point, since he’s been to your dorm room three times now. You marvel at Bucky’s quickness, because he’d only dropped you home about an hour ago. He must have paid for express delivery or something. And this time, the bouquet is accompanied by not only a note, but also a small package.
I really enjoyed our date tonight, baby.
You smile softly at the short but sweet message, before your eyes shift to the package. It’s brown and unsuspecting, with a yellow ribbon holding it together. You gently rip it open.
Coal black eyes stare up at you. A furry little face. Tan coloured fur and a light blue bow-tie. It’s a teddy bear! You can’t help but crack a smile, heart feeling lighter than it has all day. Oh, it was so cute! Like a furry little baby. You hug it close to your chest, the butterflies fluttering happily around in your tummy. You don’t receive gifts too often, and this was a total surprise. And definitely one that was helping lift your lousy mood.
You fall asleep with the teddy in your arms, and no nightmares come. Instead, you dream of warm sunlight splashing down on your skin, and green grass so fresh you can almost smell it. And the silhouette of a shadowy figure who holds you close and promises to keep you safe. And the yearning feel goes away. And you feel content.
“Okay, do you want the good news first or the bad news?”
“Uh oh.” You bite your lip, immediately assuming the worst as your hand freezes in the middle of tossing a folded shirt into your overnight bag. Today was the day you and Bucky were driving down to Bucky’s family house, where you were finally going to meet his parents and stay for the weekend. “They don’t like me, do they?”
Bucky snickers over the phone, “Wrong, sweetheart. My parents love you. Well, they love the pictures of you that I showed them from my phone. That’s the good news, actually. They seem genuinely excited to meet you. My mom’s planning a whole five course dinner.”
You resume packing, putting in your pyjama bottoms, an extra hoodie, your plastic bag of toiletries, as well as your new favourite stuffed teddy bear. You force out a chuckle, hoping he can’t detect your anxiety and nervousness over the phone, “That’s good. I really hope I don’t let them down.”
“Let them down? How?”
You chew on your lip and whisper, “By not being good enough…”
“Princess, you’re the prettiest, kindest, sweetest and smartest girl I’ve ever dated. I don’t want you putting yourself down like that, okay?”
“O-Okay.” He was right – it wasn’t healthy to keep thinking of yourself in such a negative light. And it wasn’t like you enjoyed feeling sorry for yourself or drowning in self-pity, you just sometimes let the doubts you had about yourself creep in and take over your mind. Despite the fact that since day one, Bucky had been reassuring you about how perfect you were.
But would a perfect girlfriend be feeling as guilty as you were?
“What’s the bad news?” You ask, trying to push your thoughts to the back of your mind and focus on the conversation with your boyfriend.
Bucky sighs, “So, I had to actually stop by my dad’s office to sort out some paperwork. He only trusts me to do it, and since I’ll be working at his firm once I graduate, I figured it would be a good chance for me to show him that I’m actually competent with stuff like that.”
You nod, “That makes sense.”
“But that means I’ll be tied up all morning, so I won’t be able to drive you back to my house in Brooklyn.”
“Oh.” You let the words sink in. “That’s alright, James. I can just take the train.”
“Uh, I don’t think so, princess. But listen, Steve is going home for the weekend too, and his parents are practically neighbours with mine. He offered to give you a lift.”
You feel your whole body begin to shake as soon as his name is mentioned. It’s been a few days since the double date, and since what you’ve dubbed in your head as “the ankle incident.” Even now, your heart flutters at the memory, and you can still feel his warm fingers brushing over your foot as he’d held it in his hands and stroked you so softly. And when you close your eyes, you can see that earnest look on his face, and–
“Bucky, I really don’t mind taking the train.”
“Sweetheart, I know you don’t mind. But I mind, I don’t want my girl taking the train when you could easily just drive there.” There’s a pause as Bucky inhales deeply, “Look, I know you and Steve aren’t exactly the best of friends. But I really think he’s trying to turn a new leaf and be a nicer person. I mean, he actually volunteered to drive you, which is progress. And if I’m being honest, it would really give me peace of mind if I knew you were in the car with one of my friends instead of alone on a crowded, dingy train.”
“James, I really don’t think–”
“Please, sweetheart? For me?”
You exhale slowly, clasping your hands together to stop them from shaking. If Bucky had so much faith in Steve, then maybe it was you who was overthinking everything. Maybe Steve genuinely was turning a new leaf, and who were you to deny someone when they were doing you a favour? The drive down to Brooklyn would be long, but not too long. And Steve hadn’t been mean to you for many weeks now, so maybe it would all be okay?
“Okay, Bucky. If that’s what you want.” You agree softly.
“Great! Steve told me to tell you that he’ll pick you up at 3.”
Steve arrives outside your dorm at 2:55pm. Actually, you see his car pull up at around 2:45, and then you watch him park it and sit there drumming his fingers against the steering wheel. And then he gets out of the car and paces around for a while before finally making his way over to your door and knocking on it rather loudly. You give him a quiet hello and he gives you a grunt in return, the exchange giving you a sick feeling in your tummy – would it be this quiet and awkward for the whole journey? Before you can worry some more, Steve takes your overnight bag from your hands and leads you to his car.
“Put your seatbelt on.” He orders you the moment you sit down in the passenger seat.
“I was just about to.” You respond, a tad defensive because he hadn’t even given you a chance to breathe before he’d started ordering you around.
“Just do it.”
He doesn’t start the car until your seatbelt is firmly in place, and then you sit there twiddling your thumbs in silence because Steve doesn’t even have the radio on. You wonder if you should start a conversation, but you feel too shy. Which is crazy, since you’d really been starting to come out of your shell these past few months. But not with Steve. He was way too intimidating and scary and just… intense.
“How’s your toe?” He asks you gruffly out of the blue about ten minutes into the journey.
“It’s all good, thank you for asking.” Your response is cordial, and you wonder if you sound bitchy or clipped. It certainly isn’t your intention, but you’ve definitely got your guard up and you don’t really know how to speak to him.
Steve sighs, and there’s another fifteen minutes of silence before he pulls into a traffic jam, and that’s when he turns to face you.
“I broke up with Sharon.”
Your eyes widen and you feel your heart skip a beat, “Oh…uh…Oh.”
He nods, “Yeah. I took your advice.”
That makes you snap out of whatever momentary shock his sudden revelation had put you in. “My advice? Wh-What do you mean?”
The car starts moving again, and Steve takes his time to reply, and you wonder whether he can hear your heart pitter-pattering loudly in your chest as you anticipate his response.
“I’ve heard you, you know. All those times you complained to Bucky, asking him why I was with Sharon if I clearly didn’t care about her. And you were right, so I took your advice and I dumped her.”
You clear your throat, nervously tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear, “I didn’t mean… Well… She deserves better, Steve.” You inhale deeply and turn to look out the window – either out of awkwardness or because you can’t seem to meet his gaze. But he’s got a weird pull about him, practically reeling you back in and you can’t help but look back at him once he starts speaking again.
“I told her I wasn’t interested in her anymore. That I was in love with somebody else.” Steve takes a turn off the highway, and you sit there frozen in shock as he takes quick left and right turns, eventually driving into a small, deserted street, where he parks the car. You swallow, but there’s a huge lump in your throat that you can’t seem to get rid of.
“Wh-Why are we stopping here, Steve?”
“I like how my name sounds when you say it.” His hand creeps over the console in a bid to grab yours, and you quickly move back. Your back slams against the door as you cringe away from him, eyes wide and heart racing.
“Wh-What are you doing? Stop!”
Steve scoffs, “Please. Don’t play dumb, I know you like me too. And the sooner you stop denying it, the easier all of this will be for you.”
You can hardly believe what you’re hearing, it’s almost like your own ears are playing tricks on you. As if you’re Alice falling down some weird rabbit hole into a dimension where nothing makes sense. Was this a joke? Was he pulling some sort of prank? But he’s got that same earnest, honest look in his eyes, the look he’d had at the bowling alley. But you swallow and shake your head rapidly.
“Steve, no, I’m with James. He’s my boyfriend, I don’t like you like that –”
“DON’T LIE!” Steve bursts out, and the sudden explosion of anger makes you jump out of your seat, and the panic that ensues in your heart has you grabbing the door handle in a desperate bid to get out of the car and away from him. But of course, the door remains locked, and now you can really feel the cold terror and dread as it overtakes your body.
Steve exhales slowly, running a hand through his blonde hair, “Don’t. Lie.” He repeats, reaching over to forcibly grab your wrist. And his touch alone sense goosebumps up and down your arm. “I knew we had a connection from the moment I saw you. And then at the bowling alley on our date, I knew you felt it too.”
“Y-You mean our double date,” you say slowly, incredulity dripping from your tone, “where you were with your girlfriend and I was with my boyfriend.”
Steve shakes his head, his grip on your wrist tightening, “You were the only one I could focus on that night.” And then, as you watch in horror, he brings your hand up to his lips, kissing it as his eyes flutter shut, almost like he’s savouring kissing your skin for the first time. And you feel every cell in your body, from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes, flutter as he does it. He locks eyes with you, “And I saw how you reacted that night when you opened my gift, that’s how I knew you liked me too.”
His gift? The terror in your veins seems to triple in less than a second, and you feel like you might throw up. You think back to all those bouquets of yellow roses with no name on the notes that accompanied them. And your favourite stuffed teddy with the coal black eyes and blue bow tie. No. No, it couldn’t be. And he’d watched you open them? How?
“N-No, those were from James!” You bat at him, trying to get him to let go of your hand. You suddenly can’t breathe, can’t think. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. “Those flowers were from James!”
“Sure.” Steve snorts, “Is that why you never even mentioned them to him? You knew deep down they weren’t from him, omega. You knew.”
“No, no, no–”
“And how could they be from him? He doesn’t understand you. Not like I do.” He tries to cup your cheek with his warm hand but you dodge him, shaken down to your very core by all the revelations hurtling towards you at top speed. Steve narrows his eyes at you for a second, before grabbing your hand again. “You think he doesn’t tell me everything, omega? You think I don’t know that you haven’t even let him fuck you yet?”
You feel you’ve just been doused with a bucket of ice-cold water, and all you can do is gape helplessly at Steve, any words you may have had on the tip of your tongue now firmly lodged in the back of your throat.
Steve smirks, “That’s right. He told me you haven’t let him fuck you, and it’s been what, three months since you guys started going out?”
“I wanted to wait till I was ready.” You whisper.
“You keep telling yourself that.” Steve laughs bitterly, “But you and I both know the truth, which is that you’ll never be ready. Not for him. Because you don’t want him to fuck you, you don’t want that intimacy with him.” He yanks you closer with the hold he has on your wrist, till your foreheads are almost touching and you’re frozen in place by not only your fear but something else too. Something warm and inviting.
“If you were my girlfriend, you’d already be three months pregnant.”
Your jaw drops open, only a tiny squeak making its way out past your lips. It’s as if he’s stolen all the air from your lungs, and all the thoughts from your brain. You feel hot all over, but also numb. You feel nothing yet everything all at once, and you can’t believe what he’s saying.
“But that’s okay, we still have plenty of time for that.” Steve nods determinedly, his eyes clouding over with an almost wistful, faraway look. “Baby, I have a plan for us. I’m graduating soon, and I want you by my side as the mother of my children. You’re perfect for me, and I’ll give you the family you crave.”
It’s like he’s lit a candle inside you. A tiny, almost minuscule candle of hope fuelled by the picture his words paint, but it flames fiercely nevertheless. Until you forcibly snuff it out and shake your head once more, and deliver more futile pushes to get him to let you go.
“Y-You’re crazy! I don’t want that, Steve! I don’t want any of that!”
“You do.”
“No, I don’t!”
“Yes. You do.” Steve sneers, twisting your arm when you grow more desperate, your movements ceasing as you stare up at him helplessly. But his face remains stoic, and a wild piece of blonde hair flops down over his forehead. “I told you; Bucky tells me everything. How you never really fully open up to him, how you get closed off and distant and sad sometimes and he can’t figure out why because you never tell him.”
“Th-That’s between me and him–”
“Don’t you get it?” He grabs you by the shoulders, shaking you as if he’s had an epiphany and wants you to have it too. “I’m the one who knows you, omega. Not him.” His hand reaches up to cup the wide of your face again, and this time he succeeds because you’re frozen in place. His voice softens, “I know you feel like your mother doesn’t care about you. I know you feel lonely despite being in a relationship with Bucky. I know you felt like this even in your previous relationship before Bucky. And I know you don’t have a dad, and I know it hurts–”
“No, no, no, no!” The tears are welling up in your eyes now, and you feel like you can’t breathe. Like you’re hyperventilating and there’s no escape and you can’t run away because this stupid car is locked and you’re in the middle of nowhere and you’ve never told anyone about your dad! You never talk about that with anyone. You don’t even think about it! How did he know?!
“Hey, hey, calm down.” Steve rubs his wrists over your face, and the tranquil effect of a hot midsummer afternoon warms you from the inside out. You feel your heartbeat go back to normal, and you’re able to breathe again. You look up to see Steve’s face inches away from yours, and all you can feel are the pads of his thumbs slowly stroking your cheekbones, and for the life of you, you can’t explain why you just let him do it.
“Do you ever get that yearning feeling, baby?” He asks you softly, so softly that you almost don’t hear it. His blue eyes sparkle with determination and earnesty, and he holds your face so carefully in his hands. “Tell me, do you ever get that feeling? Of wanting something so bad but you can’t seem to figure out what it is?”
“Yes.” You whisper hushedly, dropping your head in shame. Your heart throbs with the same guilt that you’ve been feeling for days now. Horrific, unforgiving guilt that washes through your body in taunting waves.
Steve kisses you then. And it feels like everything around you seems to stand still. Every particle, every atom, every hair, every speck of dust freezes in place. You close your eyes, and it’s like the sun itself descends down to the earth, making everything bask in its addicting glow. Fireworks and explosions behind your eyes and all around you, his warmth enveloping you like a hug. An embrace of delicious heat that feels like you’re home. Really home, and it’s something you’ve never felt before.
And then you start crying.
“I can’t do this to him.” You pull away, and the panic you feel is almost immediate. “Steve, I… We can’t do this to Bucky. He’s so good to me, he doesn’t deserve this! We can’t, we can’t–”
“He’ll understand.” Steve says firmly, keeping a tight hold on you. “It’ll be hard for him, but once he sees that we’re in love, he’ll understand. And it’s good for him too, because this way he can find a mate who is better suited for him.”
Through the haze of Steve’s smoky firewood and hot summer day scent, you think back to Bucky and his crinkled smile. How he’d been the first one to speak to you on your first day, how he’d walked you to the library and how at ease you’d felt with him. How his lopsided smile, sparkling eyes and effortless charm had reeled you in. All the nights spent cuddling or watching TV or just talking and talking and talking. How respectful he’d been of your boundaries; how sweet and patient and intuitive he’d been any time you felt uncomfortable or upset.
How he’d complimented you every chance he got, building up your self-esteem through his love and adoration. How his easy-going nature made you feel so comfortable… But yet not comfortable enough to let him in. And that’s when the guilt seems to attack every cell of your body, killing you from the inside out. Why? Why couldn’t you just let Bucky in? Why couldn’t you just love him? Why, why, why?
Why did it have to turn out this way?
“No.” You shake your head, trying to shake away the thick haze of Steve’s scent which seems to be corrupting your every sense. And when you next speak, your voice is firmer, and you wipe the tears from your face, and you sit up straight, and you shrug his hands off of you. “No, Steve. We can’t do this. I need to get out, I need to–”
Steve’s eyes narrow once more, “Omega, listen to me–”
“Let me out of this car! Just let me out, okay! I’m not doing this to him! You’re wrong, Steve! You’re wrong, wrong, wrong! I don’t like you like that!” You rattle the door handle desperately, but of course it doesn’t budge. “Let me out, Steve! I can’t think in here, I need to get out! I need to speak to Bucky, I need to… I need to…”
You feel yourself going lax in his arms, your limbs turning to jelly as he places his hand on your mating gland, fingers pressing down. It sends thrills and shivers up and down your body as he draws you back to him, closer and closer till he’s embracing you.
“I’m your alpha.” Steve whispers in your ear, and the possessiveness in his tone rocks you to your very core. “You’re my omega, all mine. It’s like you were made for me. And that’s all that matters.”
You’re about to protest once more, and then you feel his teeth graze against your mating gland. It feels peculiar, thrilling, dangerous all at the same time. But the threat of his action doesn’t register immediately, and it takes you a second too long to realise, and then–
“No, Steve, don’t! Don’t!”
A blood-curdling scream leaves your mouth. Steve’s teeth are sharp and unforgiving as they clamp down on your mating gland. And his bite if so painful, like he’s chipping and tearing away at any traces of autonomy left in your body. The sensitive skin of your neck breaks and tears along with the last remnants of your independence.
Everything stills around you. Everything but Steve. He’s all you can feel now. His heartbeat, loud and wild. Or is that your heartbeat? Everything feels different, nothing is the same. It’s all Steve. All of your senses are Steve. All of your feelings are Steve.
“I’m never gonna let you go.” Steve whispers against the fresh wound on your neck, licking at his handiwork which will soon turn into a mark that brands you as his forever.
His presence around you is infinite. The intense heat of his aura mixed with his addictive scent, hitting you from all angles like a tidal wave.
And, like a bittersweet film coming to an end, it washes away the memory of Bucky before you even have the chance to say goodbye.
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So.... did I just present y’all with a Steve x omega fic disguised as Bucky fic?? Despite hyping the Bucky fic for MONTHS? Well... *dodges tomatoes* Yes. Yes I did. I’M SORRY BUCKY GIRLIES. STOMEGA FOREVER. This was the plan from the start, because it doesn’t matter if Bucky asked for omega’s number first - she would always end up with Steve. In any AU. In every AU. ANYWAYS. GUYS. I hope you liked it and I hope you’re not mad! I really really really would love to know what yall thought! Like genuinely, I jsut NEED to know what you guys thought of this bc honestly... I am not so sure AHHHHH. okay i’ll shut up now. Bye.
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jadedvibes · 2 years
A Little Superstitious
Summary: The school's football team needs a win and a certain blue-eyed player could use a kiss for good luck to help make that happen.
Pairing: college athlete!Bucky x reader
Warnings: lots of sweet fluff and a little shy bucky!
Word Count: 1.1k
Like, comment, and/or reblog to put a giant smile on my face ♡
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College was a stressful time, but a few things made it more bearable. The freedom, living down the hall from your best friends, social mixers, and sports. More specifically, football. 
Nothing riled up the campus and brought everyone together as well as football games on the weekend. 
And you were there for all of it. Not long after the semester started, your roommate turned best friend got into a hot and heavy relationship with the captain of the football team, Steve Rogers. 
All too quickly, they became official and this led to you attending all the socials, tailgates, and games because you couldn’t fathom letting her go alone. And of course, you were begrudgingly pulled to all the events – you definitely didn’t want to go because of the captain’s dark-haired best friend and right hand man. Your appearance at every event had nothing to do with Bucky Barnes, and you made sure to tell Sharon and Steve that every time. 
They simply smiled and nodded along, claiming that they believed you. Even when Bucky gave you his jersey so that you could match with Sharon as she wore Steve’s, the pair didn’t bat an eye. 
Steve made no mention of the way Bucky lit up when he saw you. Sharon never pointed out how much extra time you spent getting dolled up when you knew you’d be seeing Bucky. 
They didn’t say anything because they didn’t want to jinx it. The couple knew how good you two would be together, and they also knew how stubborn you both could be if they tried to push things. Steve and Sharon decided to let things happen organically, however, they certainly ran interference and made sure that their respective best friends had a clear path to see one another. 
It was the last game of the playoffs and the team needed to clinch the win to qualify for finals. Steve texted Sharon to meet him near the locker room for a quick pep talk, because nobody could motivate him like her. But you knew he really just wanted a quick makeout session to calm his nerves. 
“Let’s go, you have to come with me!” she exclaimed, jumping out of her seat. 
“No way, I don’t wanna see you getting tongued by Rogers,” you grimaced. 
“But Steve said Bucky wanted to see you,” she grinned. 
You bit your lip to suppress a smile, “He did?” 
“Yes, look,” she held up her phone to show you Steve’s text that read just that. 
“Well, okay. Maybe he needs some moral support,” you shrugged nonchalantly as you got up. 
Sharon narrowed her eyes before smirking. “I’m sure that’s it.” 
Steve greeted Sharon with a big bear hug as soon as you stepped into the hallway by the locker room. She squealed in surprise as he lifted her off the ground. 
You let out a laugh as he pulled her away to talk, muttering something about needing a good luck kiss from his best girl; leaving you alone with Bucky leaning against the wall. 
His dazzling blue gaze met yours, an amused grin playing on his lips. “Hi,” he mumbled shyly. 
“Hi, you um wanted to see me?” 
He ambled closer to you. “I did,” he cautiously reached down and grabbed your hand. The touch was gentle but the jolt that felt like a jumpstart to his heart was not; if only you knew that. 
Clear blue eyes were on yours as he brought your hand to his lips – a soft featherlight kiss that sent shivers down your spine. Bucky couldn’t stop himself from touching you, or perhaps he didn’t want to fight the pull that had enchanted him any longer. 
You tried to distract yourself from the hammering in your heart, but you couldn’t think of anything to say to fill the silence. 
“Wanted to see my lucky charm before kickoff,” he stated casually, intertwining your fingers with his.
“Bucky,” you whispered with a smile. “What’s gotten into you?” He wasn’t normally so affectionate, but you sure knew you could get used to it. 
“This game is important, and I just needed to see you,” he stated as your gaze held for one long beat.
Standing there, looking at each other like love struck fools, you started to wonder why you were dancing around something more with him. Maybe, it was time you let him know that you were ready. 
“Well I’m here. Did you want some kinda motivational speech or a kiss for good luck?” you teased, hoping you weren’t overstepping. 
Bucky’s eyebrows raised, his eyes briefly dropping to your lips. “Is the latter on the table? Because we really do need a win today,” he smirked sheepishly.
You smiled before subtly nodding your head. “I think I can take one for the team.” 
His large warm hands cupped the sides of your face before he leaned in and pressed the most tender kiss to your lips. His embrace was so delicate and careful, your heart melted in your chest. 
Tilting your head in his hold, he deepened the kiss; his tongue tracing along your lips, begging for entrance. You wrapped your hands around his forearms as you let him in, savoring the taste of him, knowing sincerely that you were already addicted. 
You didn’t part until you heard footsteps approaching, finally separating to look over at Steve and Sharon beaming brightly at the two of you. 
“Finally,” Steve blurted out, looking at Sharon with a relieved look on his face. “Hate to say it, but we’ve gotta get ready, Buck,” he smiled apologetically.
Heat rushed to your cheeks as Sharon gave you an enthusiastic thumbs up. After a playful eye roll aimed at his friend, Bucky’s gaze returned to yours – and just like that you were in your own little world. Unconsciously stepping close to him again, you leaned up to kiss his lips once more. 
Incapable of hiding his blush, he rubbed the back of his neck as you parted, suddenly shy for no reason. He couldn’t believe what had happened, and he was elated by the fact that he’d likely get to kiss you again real soon. 
“Go get ‘em,” you nudged him. 
Nodding with a bright grin, he pulled you into a bear hug of your own, pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead before leaving with Steve. 
Sharon gleefully hooked her arm with yours as you walked back to your seats in the bleachers. “So did you have a good talk with Barnes?” she teased.
“The worst actually,” you deadpanned, bumping her with your hip playfully.
She let out a laugh, “I’m happy for you guys.” Everyone knew it was only a matter of time. 
You scrunched up your nose, a dopey grin etched on your face. It happened, it finally happened, and you couldn't feel luckier. “Yeah yeah me too, now let’s go cheer for our boys,” you beamed, not even trying to downplay your joy. 
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wintersoldierslover · 2 years
my fic recs masterlist
Bucky Barnes:
all bucky barnes
headcanon  -  blurb  -  one-shot  -  series - two-parter
40s  -  The Winter Soldier  -  Avenger  -  TFATWS
dbf!bucky  -  brother’s bff  -  bff’s brother
neighbour  -  housewife reader
lumberjack  -  firefighter  -  bodyguard
priest bucky  -  college
football player  -  hockey player  -  boxer
professor  -  teacher  -  librarian/bookshop
coffee shop  -  soulmate  -  royal
other AUs  -  taboo
moodboard  -  deactivated:(
Stranger Things characters:
all eddie munson  -  all steve harrington
eddie and steve (x reader)
billy hargrove  -  jason carver  -  mike wheeler
dmitri enzo antonov  -  jim hopper
robin buckley  -  nancy wheeler
Outer Banks Characters:
all Rafe Cameron
all JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron and JJ Maybank (x reader)
Pope Heyward  -  Topper Thorton
John B.  -  Sarah Cameron
Kiara Carrera
Marvel characters:
Wanda Maximoff  -  Kate Bishop
Natasha Romanoff  -  Yelena Belova
Peter Parker  -  Pietro Maximoff
Steve Rogers  -  Stephen Strange
Frank Castle  -  Matt Murdock 
Moon knight  -  Steven Grant
Joaqín Torres - Clint Barton
Loki Laufeyson  -  Druig
Eddie Brock  -  Miles Morales
Miguel O’hara  -  Hobie Brown
Harry Potter characters:
Sirius Black  -  Remus Lupin 
James Potter  -  Poly!Marauders
Lily potter  -  Cedric Diggory
George Weasley  -  Fred Weasley
Severus Snape  -  Tom Riddle
Draco Malfoy
Avatar (James Cameron) charachters:
neteyam  -  aonung  -  lo’ak
rotxo  -  kiri  -  spider
jake sully  -  neytiri  -  tsu’tey
tonowari  -  ronal  -  colonel quaritch
Top Gun chracters:
Fanboy  -  Hangman  -  Rooster  -  Bob
Wednesday characters:
Xavier Thorpe  -  Ajax Petropolus
Wednesday Addams  -  Divina
Bridgerton characters:
Anthony Bridgerton  -  Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Criminal Minds characters:
Spencer Reid  -  Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
The Last of Us characters:
Joel Miller  -  Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
The Devil All The Time characters:
Tommy Matson  -  Lee Bodecker
Uncharted characters:
Nate Drake  -  Sam Drake
Euphoria characters:
Elliot (Euphoria)  -  Fezco
On My Block characters:
Mario Martinez  -  Oscar Diaz
Modern Family characters:
Luke Dunphy  -  Alex Dunphy
Ted Lasso:
Roy Kent  -  Jamie Tartt
NHL players:
Matthew Ktachuk  -  Trevor Zegras
Nolan Patrick  -  Tyler Seguin
Sebastian Stan  -  Joseph Quinn
Jamie Campbell Bower  -  Danny Ramirez
Drew Starkey  -  Rudy Pankow
Ben Hardy  -  Bella Ramsey
Jenna Ortega
Miscellaneous characters:
Eli ‘Hawk’ Moskowitz  -  Marcus Baker
Rodrick Heffley  -  Hunter Sylvester
Lloyd Hansen  -  Ari Levinson
Nick Fowler  -  Tangerine
Rhett Abbott  -  Hayden ‘Harvard Hottie’
Colin (Not Okay)  -  Min Ho (Xo, Kitty)
Ash (No Exit)  -  James Maguire (Derry Girls)
Jake Peralta  -  Nick Miller  -  Brian O’conner
Anakin Skywalker  -  Bruno Madrigal
Tadashi Hamada  -  Kakashi Hatake
Miscellaneous real people:
Billie Eilish  -  AEW Hook
*Updated whenever there’s a new character <3
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Wildest Dreams
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Summary: After being torn apart in childhood, you transfer from one university to another across the country where you reunite with the alphas who swore you would be mates when you grew up
Pairing: alpha!Steve Rogers x omega!Reader x alpha!Bucky Barnes
Tropes: football players/tutor, childhood friends/mates, a/b/o
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My Problematic Girl - Chapter 3
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Character: College!Steve Rogers x Rich!Female Reader
Prologue:  Steve has lived being nobody in this prestigious university. He just wants to graduate and get a job to get more money to pay the bills for his mother's surgery. 
But his life turned upside when a new student attended his class. His quiet and dull life became dangerous and full of surprises.
She exhaled the cigarette smoke from her lips. She still doesn’t care even though he told her he has asthma. 
She looked at Steve and said, “Bark for me.”
Steve felt humiliated, and his pride was crushed. But she held his life and secrets. He had to bury his dignity to the ground, and he murmured, 
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For a brief moment, he could understand what "happiness" means. His struggle to find a sponsor has been resolved. 
But when she mentioned that ID name, Steve felt naked.
His life is exposed to the whole world. His biggest fear has become a reality. Someone in the uni knew his secrets.
He grabbed Y/N's hand and dragged her until he found a quiet place. 
They weren't running, but Steve had to catch his breath. He felt suffocated. Like someone strangled his neck.
When he found a spot to talk, he released her hand. "Is this the reason why you ask me? What do you want?"
Y/N widened her eyes for a second; then, she chuckled again. "Turned out you can get angry too." 
Steve felt his head going to explode, "You…!!!"
She raises her arm to stop him. "If you think I want to blackmail you. You are partially correct."
Steve's trust in her crumbled, and he stepped away from her. He covered his face with both hands. "Are you going to tell the university?" 
Since she is close to Tony, there's a high chance she will tell him. 
Y/N was taken aback; she seemed offended. "Pfft, no. Why would I want to do that?"
Steve lifted his face; he became more confused. "So, what do you want from me?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "Right now, nothing." 
She took out her phone and started texting. While she was looking at the screen, she said, "I will inform you when I find a perfect location for your exhibition."
She doesn't bother with the way Steve look at her. "Word of advice, don't be afraid when someone knows your secret. Ignored them."
Steve clenched his fist. "Seems like you have experienced."
Y/N smirked at him and left. She left him with many questions and doubts.
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Back at his apartment, Steve threw his bag to the floor and threw himself to bed. He wished he could turn around time to the day, but Y/N came to the class and ignored her. 
But it's too late now. 
"Yoo punk."
Steve sighed heavily; at least today, he could hear a familiar voice.
"What is it, idiot? Did you get hit in the head today?"
"This kid. Don't you want your best friend to become a famous quarterback?"
Steve chuckled. He's talking with Bucky, who studies in other cities at Imperial University. It is also a prestigious university like Stark but is more competitive and has a strong alumnus of doctors, lawyers, and football players. 
Bucky got accepted because of his football scholarship. Both of them are only able to meet on holidays. 
"Hei Bucky."
"What? You sounded like you got hit by a bus."
"I prefer to get hit. Today I meet a b**h."
"Tell me!!!"
Steve sighed heavily; he couldn’t tell everything to Bucky. He only tells him there’s a new student, which gives him stress. 
“Hmm, she sounds like a person I know. Perhaps I’m wrong. Just be careful, Steve.” 
Yeah, he should be careful. He doesn’t know what Y/N has under her sleeves.
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A few days later.
Y/N didn't come to the university. It's better that way because he doesn't know how to feel when he sees her, angry or awkward. 
But once again when Steve felt relieved for a moment. Something will come again to disturb his peace. 
The engine's sounds were loud, taking every student's attention, including Steve, walking towards the gate to go home. 
It was a black sports car, and it stopped beside Steve. He finally knew who the owner was when the car window went down. 
It's Y/N. 
"Get in." 
Steve wants to ignore her but doesn't want to get into trouble and make her mad since she knows his secret. So he gets into the car. 
When he sat down, the smell of expensive leather made him feel rich. The dashboard design also has impressive craftsmanship. No wonder why people like to collect sports cars. It felt like collecting luxury toys. 
"Where are we going?" 
"To the location for your exhibition."
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(An example to show the space for Steve's art exhibition)
'She wasn't joking.'
Steve thought while he walked around the empty studio. This place is huge. It's bigger than his apartment.
"A famous photographer and other artists always rent this place." A property agent is talking with Y/N. He keeps talking about selling aspects to convince her. 
Y/N crossed her arms and nodded. "Send me the contract."
The agent was pleased. "I will send it tomorrow."
"Good. Leave."
After the property agent left, Y/N walked toward Steve while taking another cigarette. "Do you like it?"
"Yeah. Who wouldn't? Every artist would kill to get this place."
Steve still can't believe it.
Nobody from his class could afford this place. Then he remembered nothing in this world is free. "What exactly do you want from me?"
Y/N smiled at him. "In the world of the arts during the Medieval and Early Modern eras, many artists had a wealthy sponsor of their work, a system called patronage. Like Da Vinci and Mozart."
That part is true. Back then, the Catholic church and the pope hired many artists and sculptured to design the church building. They could afford food and a roof over their head. But some artist doesn’t have a good Patreon. Like Van Gogh, who only ate bread and drank wine. Everyone started to adore his art after he committed suicide. 
She inhaled and exhaled the smoke from her lips. "I felt offended you doubted my sincerity, Steve." 
He coughed and cleared his throat; the tobacco smell was too strong.  "But, why me? There's another talented student from the class."
Y/N shook her head. "I already like your 'special work.' Then when I met you and saw your other painting, I knew I had made a perfect choice."
Her compliment made him flattered, but he had to stay on guard. "It's not just an exhibition; you want to sell my painting."
Her face brightened, and she snapped her finger. "That's right Steve. And you will get 80% share."
He gasped; that was a fantastic offer. "You seem confident; do you already have a potential buyer?"
She nodded, "There's a lot of people who want to do money laundering."
Steve raised his eyebrows. Did his ears fool him? 
Did he just hear that? The way she said it is like, 'Tomorrow is Friday.'
Y/N confidently answered, "I’m going to use your painting for money laundering."
Steve knees became weak, that made him unable to stand anymore; he thought:
'Dear God, he always prayed for an answer to his financial trouble. But what kind of angel He sent to him? '
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Thank you for reading. I hope you like it.
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sam24 · 6 months
Darcy's Chronicles
Summary: Being the school's star football player, everyone knew Steve Rogers. He was kind, funny, handsome, and no doubt absolutely jacked. He basically looked like an angel that fell from heaven . . . that also happened to land directly on top of you, the sport medicine major who was just trying to do her job.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!reader
college au | athlete steve
You stood on the sideline of the noisy football field, foot tapping and fingers drumming against the water bottle carrier you were assigned to hold. The vibrant energy of the stadium was deafening, and the hollers and screams coming from the stands behind you were enough to make you cringe. 
Your feet ached underneath you, and you shifted your weight onto the other foot, mentally cursing yourself for not choosing a major where you could just sit in a damn seat. 
Instead, you were here, standing in the humid night air and handing water bottles to sweaty men wearing shoulder pads. You glanced over longingly behind you at your friends sitting in the bleachers, making a face when Natasha stuck her tongue out at you mockingly.
However, you felt Dr. Cho’s watchful eyes on the back of your head, so you decided to play nice and turn back around towards the game.
Luckily, you had Darcy to keep you company.
“Tell us what you’re thinking, Ms. Future Trainer,” she said as she shoved her microphone into her face. “Are we gonna have any grave injuries to any of our players tonight?”
“Are you suggesting that we’re hoping for grave injuries tonight, Darcy?”
“Stop being a smartass,” Darcy made a face at you. “Just tell us what you think.”
You swatted at the microphone that she was holding way too close to your mouth. “Well, what I think is that Professor Hill sent you to interview the players and the coaches, not me.”
Darcy just waved you off and turned to her cameraman. “She’s just playing hard to get. She loves it when I do this kinda stuff.”
“Love is definitely a stretch, Darcy,” you rolled your eyes. “Now go scram before Dr. Cho catches me slacking off.”
“Calm down, Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes, Cho’s not even looking.” Darcy flipped her hair over her shoulder and put on her best announcer voice. “Now tell us: I’m sure, being a sports medicine major and a suck up to Dr. Cho, head of the athletic training department, you’ve been taken along to many practices and games this season-”
“This is literally the season’s first game.”
“Whatever, don’t interrupt me.” She looked at her cameraman with a “Can you believe this chick?” look on her face. “Anyways, so, of course, you probably have spent a lot of time with these smoking hot football boys. So, tell the camera with pride, which one of these men would you make out in the locker room with?”
You shot Darcy a look of disbelief. “Are you serious right now?”
She grinned mischievously, undeterred. “Don’t be shy, Doctor. We all know you’ve been eyeing them like a hawk.”
“Eyeing them is literally in my job description,” you shot back.
“Touché,” she replied with a shrug, but leaned in conspiratorially. Of course, the cameraman leaned in with her. “But seriously, who’s your locker room fantasy?”
You stared at her wordlessly.
“Fine, let's make this easier. I’ll give you some options to choose from.” She didn’t seem to mind the exasperated groan that left your mouth. “Option A: Quarterback Bucky Barnes with the bedroom eyes. Option B: Tight end Thor with those huge fucking shoulders. Option C: Linebacker Captain Blondie-”
Then everything happened at the same time.
Darcy stopped talking, which was very much unlike her, as her eyes widened and she backed away. You noticed the crowd got even louder with chaos, and your ears caught the announcers’ voices before you could turn around to face the game.
“Rogers and Davis fightin’ over that ball-”
“Looks like they’re headed straight for the sideline-”
You started to turn, but before you could think, you were flat on your back, completely crushed underneath a brick wall.
Oh wait.
That was a person.
“Holy Mother of- fuck!” You quite literally saw stars as you grimaced in pain. It felt like a semi truck had run over your ribs. You slowly opened your eyes, finding a blurry sight of people standing around you like you were a patient in a hospital bed waking up after a surgery.
However, the most prominent sight was the concerned face of Steve Rogers inches away from yours, whose helmet was thrown off somewhere to the side.
“Am I dead?” You managed to croak out.
He looked a bit amused at your dramatic question- a little too amused for your liking, considering the fact he had just almost killed you. “Uh, no?”
The two of you just stared at each other until you snapped. “Get off of me, you human wrecking ball!”
You heard Darcy cackle somewhere next to you. “Are you getting all of this, Scott? Don’t you dare turn that camera off.”
You unsuccessfully attempted to push him off before he came to his senses and clambered off of you. 
“Shit, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” He extended his arm out to help you up.
“Am I okay? Really? Buddy, you just pancaked me into a fucking omelette!” You stubbornly ignored his hand, bringing yourself up to a sitting position with a wince.
Steve looked like he was trying not to laugh at the annoyance painted across your face, but you could see genuine guilt in his eyes. “I know, I know, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
Darcy, unlike Steve, couldn’t contain her laughter. “Oh, this is gold! Keep it coming, guys!”
“A ‘sorry’ isn’t gonna unflatten me.”
Steve’s lips twitched with suppressed amusement. “How about multiple sorries?” He pulled his hand back to rest on his hips, realizing you weren’t going to take his help any time soon.
“Real funny.” You rolled your eyes.
He flashed you an apologetic grin, re-extending his hand out to help you up. “You gonna sit around on the ground for the rest of the night or something?”
“Or something.” You nodded with a shrug.
“All right then,” he raised an eyebrow with a grin. “Let me know when you’re ready for me to help you off the ground.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to send up a flare,” you deadpanned.
Before he could say anything else, Coach Fury, along with other men in headsets, came up from behind Steve and clapped him on the shoulder, shoving his dropped helmet into his arms. “Enough flirting, Rogers. Get back on that field.”
“We weren’t-” Steve started with a flushed face.
Fury interrupted him as he turned towards you, and you suddenly wished you had taken Steve’s help earlier as Fury eyed you up and down while you sat in the grass, no doubt looking stupid.
“Make sure you're paying attention to the game, Missy. Can’t have Cho’s trainers getting taken out by my boys.”
You nodded quickly in embarrassment, giving Steve the stink eye as soon as Fury stopped eyeing you, though you could still feel Dr. Cho’s amused eyes on you.
The coach shoved him towards the field as Steve looked over his shoulder at you, laughing as you gave him the middle finger with a badly hidden smile. 
You looked up from the medical kit you were checking over, finding Steve Rogers smiling sheepishly at you, fully suited up and ready for the game, cradling his helmet in his arms.
“Oh, hi there. Are you here to pulverize me again?”
“Not quite,” he grinned, and you tried not to notice how gorgeous his smile was. “Just wanted to make sure you were alright. I was looking for you after that game. Couldn’t find you though.”
“Probably because I had to be airlifted to the hospital after that vicious attack.”
Steve held up his hand in a mock oath. “Won’t do it again. Scout’s honor.”
You raised an eyebrow skeptically.
“Seriously though, are you okay?”
You decided not to mess around with him, sensing the worry in his voice. “Other than a bruised ego? Nah, I’m okay.”
Steve let out a relieved sigh, and you pretended not to notice the melting of your heart. “Good to hear. And, uh, sorry again.”
You waved it off, looking back down at the medical kit you were working with. “Don’t you have other things to be doing? Like warming up or whatever.”
“Yeah, uh, I probably should get to that,” Steve rubbed the back of his neck as he made no attempt to leave.
You looked up and turned to face him, quirking an eyebrow expectantly at his flushed face. “Can I help you, Rogers?”
“Uh, kinda?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson laughing at their friend, throwing Steve some encouraging thumbs ups.
“What’s with the peanut gallery over there?” You nodded towards his teammates out on the field with a smirk.
“Nothing, uh, they’re just being annoying.” Steve glared at Bucky and Sam before turning back to you. “I just wanted to ask you if uh, you-”
“Could fill up your water bottle?” You finished his sentence with a smirk.
“Uh, that would be nice, but not exactly.”
You feigned innocence. “Oh? What else could it be?”
Steve took a breath. “If you wanted to grab some ice cream with me after the game tonight?”
“Wow! It’s happening folks!” Darcy loudly announced to the camera from a couple yards away. “Step aside, gossip column! We’ve got breaking news right here!”
You glared at Darcy before focusing back on Steve.
“Y’know, kinda like a truce?” he shrugged with a teasing smirk. “I nearly broke your ribs the other day with my superman strength, so buying you ice cream is the least I could do.”
“Calm down there, Hercules. You’re one protein shake away from bursting out of that jersey.”
Steve laughed, and your brain basically turned into mush at the sound. “So is that a yes?”
“Find me after the game.” You smiled at him before pushing him towards the field. “Now go stretch unless you feel like spraining something tonight.”
“If that means you’ll patch me up, I think I’m fine with that.” He grinned as he walked backwards, eyes trained on you.
“Not funny, Rogers,” you rolled your eyes. “Now skedaddle before I unleash the wrath of Dr. Cho on you.”
“Wow.” He was still walking backwards towards his team, not wanting to turn away from you. “You are a cruel woman.”
“Dr. Cho! This man is distracting me from-”
“Okay, okay, I’m going!” He laughed as he turned around and jogged away, giving you a final glance over his shoulder.
You pressed down on the pump of the cooler, water spraying you in the face as you tried to refill the players’ water bottles.
“Fucking cooler-”
You felt a familiar set of strong arms wrap around your waist, and you smiled at the touch, not bothering to turn around.
“Don’t you have some sorta half-time talk thing to be attending to?”
“The half-time talk thing is over, sweetheart,” Steve mocked, kissing your shoulder. “Besides, I had to come over here and save my girl from this rabid water cooler.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as you tried to wipe the water off your face with the back of your hand. “Why thank you, kind sir. What would I ever do without you and your heroic abilities?”
Steve chuckled against your skin. “Just doing my duty, ma’am. Can’t have my favorite trainer getting attacked by rogue appliances, can I?”
“Favorite, huh?” You leaned back into his embrace. “Don’t let Sharon hear that. I think she started a little crush on you while she was taping up your shoulder last week.”
Steve placed a kiss on your cheek, arms tightening around you. “Can’t blame her. Who wouldn’t fall for this charming smile?”
“Fury, for one,” you said as you elbowed him in the ribs. “If you don’t get on that field right now, even your charming smile won’t be able to save you, Rogers.”
Steve laughed, spinning you around by the waist to face him. “Fine. But first I need a kiss for good luck.”
“I’m pretty sure you already got one before the game, Rogers.” You quipped with raised eyebrows. 
“Ah, but the luck definitely would’ve worn off,” he said as he pulled you closer.
“Mhm, because that’s exactly how luck works.” You nodded your head sarcastically, a playful glint in your eyes.
He shrugged innocently. “Sorry hun, I don’t make the rules.” With a boyish grin, he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, pulling you into a familiar kiss that never failed to make your heart race.
“Can you feel the love tonight, folks?” You heard Darcy announce to her camera somewhere off to the side. “‘Cause I sure can!”
You pulled away from Steve, gently pushing him towards the field. “Alright Romeo, get lost before Fury bans me from the rest of your games. He’s threatened me twice already.”
He saluted with a chuckle and jogged over to the rest of his team, but not before leaning forward for one last kiss, of course.
“See ya later, sweetheart,” he called over his shoulder. “Watch out for those charming linebackers.”
“Rogers catches a clean pass from Barnes-”
“Would you look at that! He’s sprinting downfield with a clear path-”
“Looks like he’s going all the way!”
The announcers’ voices fueled the crowd’s fervor as you and Darcy gripped each other's hands tightly. You couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride as you watched Steve, your heart pounding in rhythm with the game. He was so close. Almost to the end zone-
All of a sudden, Steve was lying on the floor, motionless and unmoving, a stark contrast to the chaos going on around him. The giant defender loomed over him, casting a mocking shadow over Steve. 
“Rogers goes down hard! That’s gotta hurt!”
The crowd went silent. Your heart leaped into your throat as the cheers turned into worried murmurs, the crowd realizing that he wasn’t about to stand up and smack his chest with pride like he usually did. Before you could even fully comprehend what had happened, you were running out to the field, your heart pounding along with your footsteps as you weaved your way around players.
You dropped down to your knees next to Steve, carefully removing his helmet, and cupping your hands to his face. Every instinct screamed at you to spring into action, to follow the protocols drilled into you during countless lectures and training sessions.
However, all you could do was trace the familiar lines of his face with desperation. Despite the torment of thoughts that clamored for your attention -check for a concussion, open up the medical kit, clear the field, wait for Dr. Cho- your body could only let you stroke his cheek softly, urging him to open his eyes and tell you he was alright.
“Steve? Honey, can you hear me?” Your voice trembled, barely above a whisper as tears welled up in your eyes, willing him to respond.
The crowd watched with hushed anticipation as Steve’s eyes fluttered open, and a faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he looked at you. “Hey.”
As you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, you vaguely registered Dr. Cho’s presence as she dropped down next to you, gently removing your hands from his face. He frowned dazedly at the loss of contact, so you settled for gripping his hand instead, while you kept your other hand free to help Dr. Cho.
Her neck snapped up in the direction of Bucky Barnes and the meathead that knocked Steve over, who were now involved in a heated exchange as they shoved and cursed at each other. “Shut up,” she ordered with narrowed eyes. “Both of you.”
Dr. Cho turned her attention back to Steve, who was grinning slightly with amusement. “Damn, you tell ‘em, Doc.”
A faint chuckle, that sounded more like a sob, escaped your lips at Steve’s remark as you rolled your eyes.
Steve flashed you a lopsided grin, squeezing your hand slightly. “Hey, laughter’s the best medicine, right?”
Dr. Cho shook her head with a grin. “Save the jokes for later, Rogers. Let’s get you checked out first.”
While Cho opened up her kit, you squeezed Steve’s hand. “Steve, can you tell me what day it is?”
“It’s an awesome day ‘cause I’m looking at you.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his response, despite the worry gnawing at your insides as you resisted the urge to shove his shoulder at the bad joke. “Did hitting your head make you even more annoying?” 
Steve’s hazy grin softened into a tender expression. “Nah,” he said gently as he reached up to wipe away a tear that had escaped your eye earlier. “Just needed to see you smile.”
“That’s cute,” Dr. Cho deadpanned as your heart warmed up at his words. “But answer the question.”
“It’s Saturday.”
“And the month?”
“Can you tell me-”
“Are you just gonna sit there asking questions, or are you gonna call an ambulance for my player?” Fury barked, making his way to the front of the crowd of athletes and coaches.
“Take a breath, Coach Fury,” Dr. Cho instructed as she flashed a light into Steve’s eyes. “Looks like a moderate concussion to me.”
“Moderate concussion, my ass!” Bucky growled, jabbing his finger into Meathead’s chest. “This numbskull bashed Steve’s head into the fucking ground!”
“Enough,” Dr. Cho commanded with a stern look. “Let’s focus on getting Steve off the field first, then we’ll take him to the hospital if needed.”
“Wait, what about the game?” Steve mumbled.
“Don’t worry about the game. Your health comes first, stupid,” you said as you wiped your damp eyes.
Dr. Cho nodded. “She’s right. Your team can pull through by themselves, Rogers, don’t worry.” She motioned for the rest of the medical team to bring out the stretcher. “Let’s get you off the field and properly assessed.”
You practically jumped into Steve’s awaiting arms as you ran onto the field, squeezing him tight and laughing as he spun you around, despite the crowd of jumping people around you.
“THEY’VE DONE IT, FOLKS!” Darcy screamed maniacally into her microphone from somewhere behind you. “OUR TEAM MANAGED TO SCORE IN THE LAST 3 SECONDS OF THE GAME! WE’RE GOING TO PLAYOFFS BABY!”
He set you down and pulled you in by the waist, planting a searing kiss onto your lips. Amidst the chaos and cheers, time seemed to stand still for just a moment, the world narrowing down to the warmth of his embrace and the sweetness of his kiss. It was just you and him.
Well, it was until Darcy pulled you two apart and shoved her microphone into Steve’s face.
“That catch was abso-fucking-lutely brilliant, Rogers!” She slapped Steve’s shoulder pads roughly. “Tell the camera how you feel after that bad-ass win!”
“Isn’t this supposed to be a family-friendly broadcast, Darcy?” Steve quipped with a raised eyebrow.
“No one cares, Goldilocks. I’ll just tell Professor Hill that it showcases the raw emotions of-”
Bucky cut in, stepping in front of Steve and grabbing the mic out of her hands roughly.
“Hey!” She frowned, unsuccessfully attempting to snatch it back. “You’re interrupting my interview, you little-”
“VICTORY TASTES DAMN SWEET!” Bucky hollered into the microphone, putting his face way too close to the camera. Thor joined the party as well, jumping onto Bucky’s back and screaming incoherently into the mic as he shook the camera with his huge hands.
Darcy, somehow managing to pry the microphone out of Bucky’s sweaty hand, adjusted her glasses and plastered a smile on her face.
“You heard it first-hand, folks!” She said through clenched teeth, her voice strained as she swatted Thor’s hands off of the camera and forcibly shoved Bucky out of the frame. “Victory tastes sweet to our football heroes!”
Steve squeezed your waist, leaning down to whisper into your ear. “How ‘bout we get outta here?”
“And leave Darcy alone with these boys?” You raised an eyebrow at Steve with a smirk. “She’ll never forgive me.”
“Ehh, she’ll be alright,” Steve chuckled. “She’s got Scott with her. He can whack them with his camera if they get too rowdy.”
You glanced over at Darcy, who was trying her best to maintain her broadcast composure as she talked to the camera while Scott skillfully maneuvered Bucky and Thor out of the shot.
You leaned into Steve. “Fine, let’s make a break for it.”
Steve grinned, and without another word, the two of you slipped away from the crowd, hand in hand, heart in heart.
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
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For additonal information on each, if needed, check out the moodboards masterlist
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kaunis-sielu · 1 year
Sidelines: Yes!
You’ve had a busy day. It’s the weekend before the Super Bowl and this year the Avengers didn’t make it past the last round of playoffs. You were disappointed for Steve but also kind of glad to have him home for a while.
Your class had been wild today, just kind of all over the place for no real reason and you were happy to come home and enjoy the weekend with Steve and Goose. Goose greets you at the door, her tail wagging so hard that her butt is wiggling with the force.
“Hi pretty girl. How are we?” You ask giving her head a scratch. Goose follows you as you move further into the house kicking off your shoes on the mat by the door and putting your bag on the bench. You’ll take care of it later, right now you just want to enjoy a little calm and Steve.
“Steve?” You call as you make your way into the house, he comes from the hallway where your bedroom is and gives you a wide smile.
“Hi Sweetheart, I thought I heard you home. How was work?”
“Eh.” You tell him moving into his embrace. He presses a quick kiss to the top of your head and you sigh happily.
“Wanna go out for dinner tonight? We can go to Dot’s too? For some ice cream. Would that make it better?” You can’t help but laugh softly,
“You know ice cream always makes it better. But can we just stay like this for another minute? I just need this.” You tell him giving his waist a little squeeze.
“Of course.” He rests his head on top of yours and you close your eyes relaxing into him. After a couple of minutes you give him another little squeeze then let go. Steve catches your chin in his hand and kisses you softly, it’s crazy how much better he can make your day by just being here. “You sure you’re okay Sweetheart?”
“Yea, it was just a long day and the kids were wild.”
“Wanna talk about it or forget about it?”
“Forget. Where do you want to go to dinner?”
“Oh, yum. Yes. Let me go and change really quick okay?”
“Sounds good.” He says and you head to your bedroom with Goose on your heels. If it was nicer out you might have suggested Rockets so that you could’ve brought Goose with you to the patio. You change out of your school clothes and into a pair of jeans and brown heeled boots, you leave on the cream sweater you’re wearing and then run a brush through your hair. You meet Steve back by the door, give Goose a kiss on the nose then head out to dinner.
You’re grateful when the hostess puts you and Steve in a back corner. It’s not that you want to hide from the public but sometimes it’s hard to go out with him and not have a million people asking for autographs. Most of the time you’re fine with it, you knew what you were getting into, but sometimes it’s nice to just go out with him.
Steve gets you completely out of your head. You’re able to forget about your stressful day, at dinner and going for ice cream is just the cherry on top. You ride back to the house listening to the radio, his hand is on your thigh and you’re humming along to whatever song is playing. It’s nice. Peaceful. He pulls into the garage then stops you before you go inside.
“I want to show you something.” He says and you follow him out to the back of the house. When you get into the back you’re stunned by the lights in the trees, there’s got to be thousands of them. He brings you to the deck, “This is the best view.”
“You did this?”
“Most of it.” He admits, with a smile down at you. He brings you to the corner of the deck then sinks down onto one knee. Tears fill your eyes instantly, you didn’t stand a chance.
“You are the love of my life. The woman I will choose every minute of every day. You make me happier than I thought I could be and I love you more than I thought was possible. You make me laugh, you challenge me and you brighten every day by just being in it. Will you marry me?” He asks opening the black velvet box in his hand. You have to try a couple times because of the happy tears pour down your face but you manage to choke out a,
“Yes!” That Steve whoops at before he stands and loops an arm around your waist pulling you tightly to him. He kisses you deeply, bending you back as he kisses you. When he pulls away he slides the ring out of the box and onto your finger. It’s only then that you get a chance to look at the solitaire diamond sparkling up at you.
“It’s white gold.”
“Oh Steve. It’s perfect.” You whisper hardly daring to trust your own voice. “I love you so much.”
“Forever Sweetheart.” He says with a grin before kissing you again. “So our friends and family are inside. There’s probably going to be screaming.” He warns and you laugh.
“One more minute?” You ask and he nods wrapping you in his arms. Soft music starts playing from your outdoor speaker and when you glance over at the house a crying, grinning Wanda is in the window. She pulls the curtains closed and you and Steve sway silently to a song.
“Ready to go in?” He asks quietly and you nod before kissing him again. You cannot wait to spend forever with him.
This is a series of one shots, the series isn’t posted in order. If you have ideas for Steve and Cat please let me know.
Tag list:
@foxyjwls007 @andahugaroundtheneck @also-fangirlinsweden @pagina16ps @princesssterek @valsworldofcreativity @dumblani @inkedaztec @loving-life-my-way @animegirlgeeky @shinycupcakebaker @eralen @sophham @gh0stgurl @killcomet @wonderlandfandomkingdom @abschaffer2 @capsiclesdoll @patzammit @sass-masterkittenmama @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
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vxntagedior · 2 years
back to the basics
summary | the team needs so work on their feet, so why not ballet class
pairing | college!football player!steve rogers x fem!ballerina!reader
warning | nothing but fluff
word count | 2.3k
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Coach Fury was what your college needed, retired NFL lineman, coming back to his alma mater, keeping the team afloat and popular for the nation. And coming back with championships every year in the past, Fury patted himself on the back for his renowned football team, until this year.
“Parker!” He yelled at the freshmen. “I thought you were the best in your state, what is wrong with you?”
It was like everything he worked for in the past 7 years was nothing, gone down the drain with the new team that came for summer training. It was nothing but conditioning and running drill after drill. His starting lineup could barely know which foot to put forward after the last.
“My grandmama can run circles around you!” He screamed.
All the boys were tired, juniors and seniors frustrated with the underclassmen and just wanted a break from the torment.
“I can’t with y’all.” He muttered to himself before huddling them all up. “There is something off with you all and it’s not just today, get off my field and I want you all to meet me in the athletic center tomorrow, no practice.”
“Thank god.” Steve muttered to himself, him and Bucky leaving the field and heading back to their apartment. 
“I love Coach but right now I think I want to smack him in the face.” Bucky took a deep breath
“Me too pal.” Steve clapped his shoulder. The two were ready for their final season, hoping they could bring home another championship but after what the two had been encountering the past few weeks it was safe to say the trophy was far in the distance.
Fury kept the boys in the cold about the next day, watching the team slowly coming to the athletic building, meeting with their coach.
Walking through the building and up steps some didn’t even know about, taking a few more flights of stairs, Fury walked into the common area of the floor.
“Uh where are we?” Bucky asked, looking over at Steve who just shrugged.
They could all hear the sounds of the piano coming somewhere on the floor plan.
“Get those shoes off boys.” He smirked, before entering the rooms. The group all widened their eyes, trampling over each other, trying to pry their shoes off before running into the room.
The piano had been in the corner, the women who played it stopped, and the ballerina standing in the middle of the room stifling her laugh watching the uncoordinated group of college students.
“Coach Fury.” You smiled. Retiring from your dance, leaving the floor to make your way towards him. “You’re a little early.”
“We can wait if you like.” The team was shocked, they had never seen him so soft spoken to anyone, surprised to know how to talk normally and not scream at anyone.
“Nonsense, let me just grab a few more portable barres and we can start.” You quickly went out of the room through the other door into the storage space, bringing out three large barres setting them in the middle of the room.
“Coach, what are we doing?” Steve asked.
“Ballet.” He said seriously, a few boys snicked, some staring at their coach like he said something stupid. “Don’t stand there, go find a spot.” 
You watched as they pushed each other, claiming a spot as their own. You discarded your pancake tutu, carefully securing it before grabbing a warm up skirt coming to the center of the floor.
“I think you’ve all gathered why you’re here. And contrary to belief, ballet does help with football.” You paused hearing a few of the players stifle a laugh stopping when Fury glared at them. “It strengthens your legs, increases your speed and helps with your overall playing.”
“We’re to start with piles, which is to bend, we’ll start in first position, your heels touching and your toes in about a 45 degree angle and bend our knees. The key is to keep your spine straight, you don’t want any curves.”
You walked around the room, seeing how they were, noticing how some excelled more than others because of their posture.
Going through a series of warm ups on the floor, a quick adagio, finally coming to center to floor work.
“Across the floor, you’ll kick one,” Brushing your left leg up, turning your body to face the mirror to battement to the side and turning over your shoulder to face them all, kicking to the back. “And you’ll repeat once you get to the end.”
The piano started to play and you watched the team go in pairs across the floor, your eyes always going towards the tall blonde. His technique was better than rest and almost as good as some of your fellow male dancers.
“Your technique is very good.” You said to him, when the group went to the other side. 
“Oh uh thanks.” He said sheepishly, “I used to take ballet lessons with my sister growing up.”
“Well then, it comes in handy.” You laughed.
“I’m Steve by the way.” He introduced.
“Y/n.” You smiled, before turning back to watch everyone.
Ending the class with a reverence, you started to clean up the room, moving the barres back.
“Oh let me help you.” Steve quickly ran to you, grabbing the other end of the barre bringing it into the storage room, helping with the other two.
The two of you were quick to gain small conversation, the rest of the team long gone, walking out of the building together, still conversed.
You had barely known him, you heard of Steve Rogers, probably in a few of your lectures over the years but that was it.
“It was nice getting to know you.” You didn’t know why you were so awkward around him, giggling like a school girl knowing her crush liked her back.
“You too.” He smiled. “Do-I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You heard the hesitation before he quickly hit it, thinking nothing of it before heading back to your place.
Entering his apartment, Bucky and Sam had been in the kitchen fighting over the last piece of chicken.
“Bout time you came back Stevie.” Bucky smirked. “Getting on with the ballerina.”
“I just helped her and we started talking.” He defended himself, grabbing a bottle of water. “Nothing more.”
“Really?” Sam raised an eyebrow. “I have never heard of it.”
“I was gonna ask if she wanted to go get ice cream but I chickened out and left.”
“Wow.” Bucky clapped. “Steve is down bad for her.”
“Buck, I just met her today?” Steve tried defending himself.
“Don’t mean you think she’s hot.” Sam laughed.
The team had met again the same time the next day, complaining to you about muscles that were sore they didn’t even know existed. Merely brushing them off knowing it wasn’t that bad after one day knowing pain after rehearsal, ignoring their whines and going through warm ups.
Walking around the room, passing by Steve, he gave you a small smile, one you returned before continuing to walk.
Your ballet instructor and Coach Fury spoke quietly, looking up at the boys and back at you before continuing to converse.
“Miss L/n.” Coach Fury called for you during a water break. “I knew they agreed on two days but could you help them for the rest of the week.”
“Of course Coach.” You said.
Fury knew what he was doing, still a bit worried knowing the first game was in a few weeks and they were nowhere near nowhere, but there was slight improvement he could see that didn’t need to be on the field.
Steve yet again helped you clean up, and watched you dance, smiling widely, as you danced across the room, clapping for you once you finished.
“You’re amazing.” He said in awe.
“Please.” You swatted your hand at him, despite being a dancer your entire life, you weren’t used to the compliments.
“Don’t do that.” He frowned, “You have a gift.”
“Thank you.” You dipped your head in apprection, looking back up at the time, your eyes widened. “Steve, it's so late, you should go home.”
“It’s fine.” He dismissed it. “I like hanging out with you.” He thought about it the entire day wanting to ask you on a date wondering if it was too soon, doubting his thoughts.
“Steve!” You snapped him out of his head.
“Do you want to go get ice cream?” He asked suddenly.
“I think it’s closed right now, it’s almost 10.” You laughed.
“Right, right, tomorrow?” He sounded hopeful.
“Tomorrow.” You agreed.
Bidding a goodbye to Steve, walking away to know you had a fair distance between the two of you, squealing as you ran.
You weren’t expecting to see Steve outside your door, confused on how he knew where you lived.
“I got Bucky to ask Natasha.” He said simply, offering his hand.
The ice cream parlor had been on the other side of the campus, the two of you conversing along the way.
“So how long have you been dancing?” He asked, finally arriving at the creamery, sitting across from each other, your ice cream long forgotten.
“Since I was 2, I just turned 21, so about 19 years.” You thought for a moment. You watched as his eyes widened, laughing softly.
“Wow.” He said in awe. “Well it shows, what you do is beautiful.”
The two of you started to bond over your sports soon learning how much in common both of you had, from your family life to recent events.
“Me and Buck went back into class and acted like nothing happened.” The two of you laughed at the story Steve and Bucky pulled during their senior year.
“It sounds exciting, I started online school my junior and senior year.” You said. “I was barely at home anyways and it was just easier for me. It was ideal but I got bored a lot.”
As the conversation started to die down, you watched Steve rustle through his pocket trying to pull something out. “I have a ticket to the first game, it’s by the 20 yard lines to the home side.”
“What about your mom or sister?” You asked.
“‘They have season tickets, I want to give it to you.” He pushed the ticket into your hand. “And maybe, you can wear one of my jerseys.”
A football game was probably the last place you expected yourself to be, Natasha had bought the seat next to yours, both of you running through the stadium trying to get a snack and get to your seat before the game started.
The jersey that Steve gave you was under your zip up, not wanting to gain attention for yourself.
“We need to take this off.” Natasha smirked, just as the two of you were about to sit down, letting her unzip the jacket and hold it in your arms, Steve’s jersey, falling over your torso and down past your butt. “Real fan now.”
“Stop.” You shook your head. “I barely know anything in football.”
Turning your attention to the field, watching them clear the field for the star spangled banner, you saw Steve next to Bucky, the two laughing at each other before looking up towards your general area.
Finally spotting you in the crowd, he smiled, waving towards you before Fury called for him to line up.
“So how was your date last night?” Natasha shrugged your shoulders. “Didn’t get to talk to you before you went to bed.”
“Well I’m sitting in a football stadium with a ticket he gave me and a jersey he gave me so I think it went well.” You rolled your eyes. 
As the game continued on, you understood most points, you and Natasha both screaming at the players knowing they weren’t going to hear you at all.
Each time Steve came back for water or any break, he ran towards the side of the stadium, jumping high enough to lean against the railing to talk to you.
“How's it going ladies?” He smirked looking at you and Natasha.
“It’s good.” Your voice was strained, your voice barely there.
“Wish me luck for the last quarter?” He asked, looking at you.
Mustering the courage, you leaned out of your seat, kissing him on the cheek, letting your lips stay before pulling away. “Good luck.”
By now, he had been beet red, jumping down from the railing and putting his helmet back on before going back onto the field.
And if Steve hadn’t been doing good, he was amazing now. Throwing the ball perfectly to the receiver, watching him run towards the touchdown line, gaining another 6 points that put them in the lead again.
By now all they had to do was make the kick and it was a for sure win.
You and Natasha tightly held onto each other’s hands, both standing looking at the goal, seeing the kicker prep and kick.
Your breath stopped, the two of you frozen, watching it fly over the team through the goalposts.
Both of you screamed at the top of your lungs, along with the rest of the crowd not needing to worry about scoring another touchdown knowing they had just won. 
No one had been paying attention to the last minute, students and spectators cheering for their school, hearing the final buzzer that solidifies it all. 
The entire team flooded the field, jumping with one another, hugging each other, even seeing two of the freshmen try to drench Fury with the water cooler before they got caught.
Just before the two of you started to leave, you heard Steve calling you from the field, running towards you again.
“Congrats.” You smiled as he leaned over the railing. He said nothing, grabbing your wrist, pulling towards the rail, his lips capturing yours. His other hand held onto your cheek, trying to push you closer towards him, feeling you smile.
“What was that for?” Your lips were parted, and swollen, staring into his eyes.
“Gotta thank my lucky charm.” He winked. “Gotta make sure she knows I’m keeping her.”
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evansbby · 2 years
𝐥𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲! (𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞) (𝒑𝒐𝒚𝒕 𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒍𝒆)
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dark alpha!Steve Rogers x naive omega!reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: dark!Steve, possessive Steve, alcohol consumption, mentions of: inebriation. 18+ minors dni!
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Steve and omega find themselves at yet another frat party. 
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“You having fun, baby?” Steve whispers in your ear before he resumes pressing kisses down your neck. He’s got an almost finished beer in one hand, but his other hand is free to fondle you. He rubs up and down your bare arm before his fingers settle on your thigh and give it a squeeze.
You’re at another frat party with Steve, and they’ve become slightly more bearable now. But the loud, thumping music and the bazillion bodies crammed into one frat house still make you extremely nervous. As does the copious amounts of alcohol that everyone around you seems to be downing — especially Steve, who’s consumed about seven beers, plus plenty of shots (yes, you were keeping track).
“It’s alright.” You answer his question, hoping no one is watching while Steve practically devours your face and neck with sloppy kisses. He’s clearly a bit drunk. And of course, very horny, since he’d dragged you into this dim corner to make out about ten minutes ago. And you were thankful for the semi-privacy, because before that he’d been pawing at you and sticking his hands up your dress in front of everyone — which wasn’t ideal but Steve never cared what anyone else thought.
“Mm, doesn’t sound like you’re enjoying yourself.” He muses, bringing his beer up to your lips, “you sure you don’t want a taste, baby? To loosen you up a bit?” His pupils are dark and dilated, but there’s a glint in them all the same as he nudges the can against your lips. “C’mon, omega, one tiny sip?”
“No thank you, Steve,” you say politely, shooting him a pleading look. Alcohol of any kind still scares you and brings back bad memories, but you’re happy that at least Steve’s a happy drunk.
He shrugs and downs it himself. And then his eyes narrow and you follow his gaze towards a bunch of girls in the middle of the room. They’re clearly drunk, stumbling around and climbing on top of a table to dance.
“Stupid sluts.” Steve comments darkly, clutching you closer to him as if he thinks you’ll run and join them or something. “Those are the type of girls who’ll never find a mate. No alpha is interested in slutty attention-seekers like that, you understand?” He strokes your hair like you’re his pet, leaning down to give you another possessive kiss, “You’re lucky you’re nothing like them, baby. You’re sweet and innocent, and—”
“Steve! There you are! I’ve been looking for you all night! I was wondering if you could give me some feedback on my performance in the last football game?”
It’s Jake Jensen. He sidles up to the two of you with an eager grin on his face and a drink in his hand, and Steve mutters a string of curses against your lips.
“Go the fuck away, Jensen. What have I told you about approaching me outside of football?” Steve grunts, glaring meanly at the younger alpha. And then he pulls you closer against him with a firm, possessive arm around your waist.
Jensen’s face falls, “I just thought I played kind of well, you know? Thought I proved myself in your eyes, and I’d love if you could just tell me what you thought—”
“You’re the shittiest player on the team, Jensen.” Steve says nonchalantly and you wince. How mean! And it wasn’t even true, because you’d been to a few of Steve’s practices now and Jake seemed like he was a good player, in your opinion.
“Oh.” Jake looks crestfallen as he turns to leave. But someone bumps into him from behind, and in slow-motion, the drink in Jake’s hand spills all over you, seeping through your dress and soaking you down to the skin.
“JENSEN, YOU FUCKING MORON!” Steve explodes, pushing you behind him before he grabs a shell-shocked Jake by the collar, shaking the poor freshman boy till his glasses fall down his nose. “HOW FUCKING DARE YOU EMBARRASS MY GIRLFRIEND?!”
Jake looks white as a ghost, “I-I didn’t mean to—” he turns to you with a pleading look in his eyes, “I’m sorry! I’m really, really sorry!”
“It’s okay!” You squeak but you’re not sure anyone hears you. Steve growls angrily when he sees that Jake is talking directly to you. But what happens next is even worse. In his panicked state, Jake drunkenly fished out a handkerchief from his pocket and starts dabbing at your drenched dress with it.
Predictably, Steve loses it.
“ARE YOU FUCKING TOUCHING MY GIRLFRIEND, JENSEN? Are you really that fucking stupid?” Steve gives Jake an almighty push that has the younger alpha staggering back with a fearful look in his eyes. And you know that a sober Steve would’ve killed the poor guy, but a drunken Steve still has a lot of wrath despite his sluggish movements. “You think my girl’s gonna feel sorry for you? You think you have a chance with her? Fuckin’ pawing at her like she’s a free piece of ass?!”
You wince before grabbing Steve’s arm and telling him to stop. But it’s no use and everyone knows it. You’re just lucky that the alcohol in Steve’s system has slowed him down a bit, because sober Steve would’ve murdered the poor boy in ten seconds flat.
“I didn’t paw at her, I was just trying to help her!” Jake protests.
“Are you calling me a liar, Jensen?” Steve seethes. “You’ve had your creepy eyes on my girl since day one, don’t think I can’t tell! I’m not fucking blind, you dumbass moron! I’ll have you kicked off the football team for even looking at her! Hell, I’ll have you fucking expelled, even. How does that sound, dumbass?” He shakes the poor freshman by his collar, “huh? How does that fucking sound??”
Jake looks like he’s about to cry, or piss himself out of fear. Thankfully, that’s when a few other alphas from the football team intervene. It takes both Thor and Sam to pry Steve off of Jensen, and you see Sam whisper something in Steve’s ear as Thor leads Jake away.
“Can you take him away to cool off somewhere?” Sam’s voice snaps you out of your frozen state and you nod, happy to be of some use.
Steve is drunker than you originally thought, and helping his considerably larger, 6’6 frame down the hallway takes every ounce of your strength — which isn’t a lot to begin with.
“Can you believe Jensen thinks he has a chance with you?” Steve scoffs, slurring his words as he leans against you. You thank your lucky stars that he can still keep himself up somewhat, because if he put even an ounce more of weight against you, you’d probably both end up on the floor.
“Flirting with my omega right in front of my fucking eyes!” Steve fumes, more to himself now as you both navigate down this random hallway. You don’t even know where you’re meant to be taking him—you just want to get him as far away from Jake and more alcohol as possible.
“You’re the prettiest girl on campus, as if he ever stood a chance. I should shove his fucking glasses up his ass for touching you like that. Son of a bitch.”
The compliment makes you pause, your heart lifting. Steve thought you were the prettiest girl on campus? Well, he was drunk and not thinking clearly, because it obviously wasn’t true. Not when his ex looked like a supermodel.
You don’t have time to ponder over his words, however, because the big alpha stumbles just as soon as your fingers curl around a random doorknob, and both of you fall into a bathroom that’s thankfully unoccupied. 
“Aha! You dragged me in here so we could fuck, didn’t you?” Steve’s eyes twinkle with mischief as he reaches down to pinch your ass. You yelp softly, but remember not to bat his hand away because you’re not allowed to do that - whether he’s drunk or sober, it doesn’t matter. 
“Wh-What, no!” You protest but he’s not listening. He grabs you by the hips and yanks you forward, flipping the lid of the toilet seat down before taking a seat and pulling you into his lap. 
“Aww, my little baby omega got horny at the party, so you decided to take me somewhere private, hm?” He sponges kisses down your neck, hands slipping up to fondle your breasts through your dress. It suddenly makes you acutely aware of how wet the material still is from the drink that was dropped on you earlier, and the stench of alcohol seems to be sticking to your skin.
It’s when Steve starts fingering your panties and pulling them aside that you jump off his lap and make a beeline for the sink. 
“I’m sorry, Steve. It’s just... my dress is completely drenched.” You try not to let it affect you but you can feel your lower lip wobble and your eyes begin to water. It’s a weird reaction that’s come out of nowhere, but the strong smell of booze only brings back unsavoury memories of things you really don’t want to remember.
“Come back, omega.” Steve orders you, palming his dick through his jeans. “You got me all hard, baby. Well, I’m always hard when I’m with you, but that’s besides the point. Now get back here.”
You try splashing water on your dress and scrubbing away the smell but all that does is make you feel wetter and even more disgusting. Panic begins to set in, what if the smell never came off? What if you were doomed to spend the rest of the party in this booze-soaked dress? The smell was already taking you back… all you had to do was close your eyes and you were back at home, with all the yelling and screaming and hitting and–
“No, no, no!” You shake your head, sinking down to the floor. It’s only when you try (and fail) to breathe that you realise you’re having a panic attack.
“Hey. Come back to me.” Steve’s voice cuts through your racing thoughts, his warm hands cupping your cheeks and his potent scent helping you breathe. “Come back, omega. I’m right here.”
You feel tiny in his arms as he draws you close, but you can’t help but hug him so hard that he stumbles back a few steps.
“Don’t like the smell.” You whimper against his chest. “It won’t come off my dress, Steve. I’m sorry.” You don’t know why you’re apologising but you have feeling so helpless and panicked. All you want is to go home and take a warm shower where you scrub yourself raw to get this smell off of you.
“Well, that’s an easy fix.”
Steve rips your dress in half. One second, it’s on your body. The next second, you’re standing there in your underwear, the material of your dress torn in two sorry-looking rags in either of Steve’s hands. Your alpha smirks triumphantly, as if he’s just solved world peace and world hunger all in one night. “See? Problem solved.”
“B-But how will I get home? I have nothing else to wear!”
Your alpha shrugs off his own sweatshirt and pops it over your head. And it’s like every single worry dissipates from your mind once the soft, heavy material of his sweatshirt hits your skin. It’s thick and of good quality, and so much cosier than the tight dress you’d had on. Plus, it smells absolutely heavenly.
“Thank you.” You hug him again, pressing your face against his bare chest. On any normal occasion, you’d be way too shy to show this much affection to him. You have problems giving him simple eye contact and holding his hand, hugging him is something you can’t even imagine doing off your own accord. But you’re so thankful to have the alcohol-soaked dress away from you, that Steve may as well be your knight in shining armour right now.
A very drunk knight in shining armour.
“See, there isn’t a problem I can’t solve.” Steve boasts, hugging you back and kissing the top of your head. He’s always touchy with you but it’s usually a lot more lewd. This, standing here hugging in a stranger’s bathroom, slightly swaying together, it feels a lot more intimate. Romantic, even.
He half carries you to the bathtub, and you let out a squeak of protest when he casually just settles down inside it. Lying down and pulling you on top of him, your back to his chest. You giggle, “Steve! You have a huge, king-sized bed at home, you don’t need to sleep here!” (You’re hopeful that he might call an uber and take you home because you’ve had about enough of this party).
Steve booms with laughter, “Home? What am I, a pussy? Let’s just rest our eyes, and then we’ll go back downstairs and party some more.”
He doesn’t rest his eyes, however. For the next five minutes, you lie there while he just… stares at you. His blue eyes dilated till they’re practically black, blinking down at you where you lie on his chest. But you’re far too cosy to feel uncomfortable, with the combined heat of Steve’s bare skin and the sweatshirt you’re wearing keeping you cocooned in delicious warmth. You just wish the alcohol-stench memories would go away, because they keep flashing inside your head every time your eyes grow heavy.
“You’ve still got that look on your face.” Steve muses, heavy hand drunkenly tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
You look up at him imploringly, “What look?”
“Your nightmare face.” Steve says matter-of-factly, wrapping his arms around you even tighter as your head snaps upwards.
“My wh-what?”
“Your nightmare face. You do it all the time in your sleep. You start frowning and whimpering.” Steve shrugs, tracing the planes of your face with his pointer finger. Stroking your cheekbone before going down to rub over your bottom lip. “A lot of the time, you start doing it when I get up early to go to the gym. But then I just throw your toy at you and it seems to work because you calm down.”
You can’t quite wrap your head around what you’re hearing, “M-My toy?”
Steve rolls his eyes, “The little fluffy guy. Steve Junior or whatever.” He bats his hand dismissively and knocks over a bottle of shampoo and a bodywash, which he seems to find hilarious because he bursts out laughing, “Whoops.”
“I’m sorry!” You blurt out, feeling your palms begin to sweat. “I didn’t realise I had a nightmare face, and it’s not your job to have to take care of me when I… do all that.”
He kisses you, lips soft as a pillow as they work against yours. It amazes you how sweetly Steve kisses you sometimes, and how tender and careful he’s being right now despite the fact that he’s so drunk. Even the taste of alcohol on his tongue doesn’t seem to bother you because it’s him, and you can’t get enough of him.
“I wish I knew what gets you so scared every night.” He whispers against your lips, cupping your face and holding you close. He takes a deep breath, his long lashes fanning his cheekbones as he strokes your cheeks. “I hope it’s not me.”
“It’s not.” You breathe, but it’s swallowed by his kiss, which is more passionate and deeper now as he begins to pull you closer to him. His hands slip up the sweatshirt you have on, cupping your ass and giving it a squeeze. And that’s when you know that the tender moment is over, and Steve is horny once more.
“Just a quickie,” Steve murmurs excitedly, and it’s crazy how quickly his mind has jumped to sex, and you wonder if he’ll remember how sweet he was just a few seconds ago. It made your heart skip a beat, but now he’s trying to peel your clothes off. “C’mon, baby. Gotta be inside you right now. Gotta–”
The bathroom door crashes open at the exact moment, and Steve lets out a string of curse words under his breathe as your eyes register who it is…
“Gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee!” Jake Jensen mutters to himself, clearly unaware that he’s not alone in the bathroom. The sound of him unzipping his fly has you gasping and covering your eyes as Steve jumps to his feet and drags you up with him.
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sunriserose1023 · 5 years
Deep Blue, Painted Golden {1}
WORD COUNT: 1947 WARNINGS: Celebrity Steve, celebrity reader, light angst AUTHOR’S NOTE: Here’s the start of a new series, based off the prompt “Sports,” which I got from @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ for “Star’s Multi-Fandom Follower Celebration.” Steve is the quarterback of a football team, while the reader is loosely based on Taylor Swift’s meteoric star power.
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“All I’m saying, how long do you expect to be doing this for? Would it be the worst thing to get a little backup plan going?” “He’s not going to be selling cars like Terry Bradshaw. He could break into movies or—“ “Get real.”
Steve snorted a laugh, shaking his head when the men in the room turned to look at him. 
“Go ahead. Keep talking about me like I’m not here. In fact, let me go ahead and leave you to it.”
The team of lawyers and his agent all started protesting and Steve shook his head, sliding his phone out of his pocket as he left the office. He tapped the screen a few times as he waited for the elevator, stepping inside it and typing out a text. He moved to rest a hip against the railing at the back, staring at his phone when the elevator stopped on the next floor. He listened to the elevator door open and shut, heard a muffled whispering from the people who’d climbed onto the elevator with him. 
“Excuse me, mister?”
God, kids with lisps just melted his heart. He looked up from his phone, seeing the little boy in front of him widen his eyes.
“It is you! You’re Steve Rogers!”
Steve smiled, nodding his head as he crouched down, holding out a hand. 
“Hey, buddy. How are you?”
The little boy grinned, showcasing the space where his front teeth should be, the cause of the lisp. He enthusiastically shook Steve’s hand, then turned that brilliant smile towards the woman before them. 
“Mom! Mom, look! It’s Steve Rogers!” “I see, baby. Did you tell him how you love watching his games?”
The little boy nodded as he looked back to Steve. 
“Me and my dad watch all your games, Mister Rogers. You’re our favorite QB in the whole league.”
Steve smiled. 
“Well, thank you, buddy. I hope you watch this next season.” “Oh, we are. You’re going to take us to the Super Bowl this year, Dad swears.” “I’m going to do my best.” “Hey, Mom?”
Steve stood and watched the boy whisper to his mother, who turned to Steve with an apologetic look on her face. 
“Would you mind if we took a picture?”
Steve shook his head. 
“Not at all. I love getting pictures with future QBs.”
The little boy grinned up at him. 
“I’m not a great thrower, but I can run like hell.”
Steve laughed as the mother admonished the child, turning to Steve and shaking her head. 
“He knows better than to talk like that. His father …”
She rolled her eyes and Steve smiled. 
“We need fast receivers worse than we need QBs. Come here, bud.”
Steve knelt to the kid’s level, both of them giving the camera a thumb’s up. Steve signed the back of a receipt the mom found in her purse for the kid, then another one for his dad, thanking the both of them before they all exited the elevator. Steve could hear the kid chattering away as he went for the parking garage, keeping his head down to try and detract the fans. He found his truck and climbed inside, starting it up and leaning his head back. 
“Incoming call from Bucky Barnes.”
Steve nodded, tapping a button on his steering wheel. 
“Rogers.” “Rogers, this is Barnes. Where the fuck are you?”
Steve smiled, closing his eyes. 
“Leaving Fury’s office. You?” “Ooh, what did you get called to the principal’s office for? Were you fraternizing with a cheerleader again?” “That was one time, and come to think of it, wasn’t that you and not me?”
The line was quiet and Steve snorted. 
“Busted.” “Seriously though. Everything kosher?” “As kosher as it gets with Fury. They’re pushing the retirement angle.” “Again? Fuck that shit. You’ve still got a few good years left in you. That cannon’s not ready to be put down just yet.”
Steve smiled, rolling his shoulder, letting out a sigh. 
“I don’t know, Buck. Maybe they’ve got a point.” “Maybe you need to not go down that road again. I can’t stand you when you wallow.” “Well, I can barely stand you on a good day, so…” “Jackass.”
Steve laughed, shaking his head. 
“I don’t know. I just … maybe I just need to get away for awhile. We don’t start camp for—” “Shit, we’ve got plenty of time before camp. Hey, I’ve got a friend who’s been bugging me to visit the south of France with her. Want to tag along?” “As long as this one doesn’t believe we’re a two-for-one kind of deal.”
Bucky cackled through the speakers and Steve rolled his eyes. 
“Oh, hey. You remember Wanda Maximoff?” “Wasn’t she one of our cheerleaders?” “Yeah, from a few years ago. We kept in touch once she left and she’s in a new play in the West End, says she can get me a couple tickets if I want to come see it.” “The West End? Isn’t that London?” “Right-o, Geography Jack. Want to go visit jolly old England?”
Steve pursed his lips, raising his eyebrows. 
“I haven’t seen London in a while.” “So let’s go, just me and you. We can catch Wanda’s play, catch up with her and have pints in the middle of the afternoon.”
Steve rolled his eyes, but smiled. 
“Let’s do it. Want me to book the flights?” “If you mean do I want Maria to book the flights, then yes. Yes, I do. In the good hotel with the turndown service.” “There was a ‘please’ in there, wasn’t it?” “Not for you. I send Maria flowers for all the crap she does for you.” “For us.” “‘S what I said.”
Steve shook his head, straightening in the seat and pulling his seatbelt on. 
“I’ll call her and get it started. How soon do you want to go?” “You know me, baby. I’m up for anything, anytime. I’m just following you, Captain.” “I’ll text you the details.”
Steve ended the call, putting the truck in reverse and driving out of the parking lot. He couldn’t tell his best friend, but he was dying for a change of scenery. He needed to get away from everyone knowing who he is, having photographers track his every move, seeing his face on the cover of every magazine at the checkout stand. 
He loved his job, and he honestly liked the fame that came with it. He knew what he was getting into when he signed up for the draft. He liked having the models on his arm when he was younger, but now … the older he got, the more aches that set in, the more he was longing for something more. 
He wasn’t sure what that was just yet. Something outside a football field? He didn’t have any skills other than being a quarterback, and a damn good one at that. Five Super Bowl rings, seven Pro Bowl appearances, endorsement deals with Nike and Gatorade, and thousands of adoring fans across the country. It was nice being Steve Rogers; he had a good life and he was grateful for it. 
But he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. 
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You stirred the eggs in the pan, sprinkling in some cheese and smiling when it melted. You moved the tea kettle off the burner as soon as it began to whistle, grabbing the toast as it popped out of the toaster. You glanced over your shoulder and smiled as your cousin made her way down the hall, eyes widening and blinking. 
“You made breakfast?” “Cheesy eggs, toast, and tea. It’s not exactly a spread, but—“ “It’s more than the protein bar I was going to have. Thank you, darling.”
Peggy sat at the table and you brought her a plate, setting it in front of her and passing her the salt and pepper. You went back and fixed your own plate, then took the seat across from her. Peggy took a bite and sighed, the blissful look on her face bringing a smile to yours. 
“Absolutely delightful.” “Why, thank you.”
Peggy smiled, sipping her tea. 
“Any plans today?”
You shook your head, glancing out the window. 
“Maybe walk around and explore a bit. No one’s supposed to know that I’m here, so maybe I can have a minute to rest.”
Peggy nodded, and the conversation stilted, the silence that settled over the two of you growing suddenly uncomfortable. You sighed, pushing a hand through your hair. 
“I know you want to ask, and I promise I’ll tell you. I just … I need to just breathe for a while.” “I completely understand, darling. Take your time.”
You nodded, and Peggy lifted her teacup. 
“Just …”
You lifted your eyes towards her and she sighed. 
“You’re not in trouble, are you?” “If you mean ‘is the mob going to be coming after me,’ the answer is no. Trouble … is a finicky word.” “But you’re alright?”
You sighed, pushing the eggs around on your plate. 
“I don’t know anymore.” “Is there anything I can do to help?” “Besides give up half your living space to me? Honestly, Peg. You’ve done more than enough.” “I just want you to feel comfortable here. You’re always welcome with me, and I hope you know that.”
Tears filled your eyes and you nodded. Peggy reached across the table and you took her hand, giving a shaky sigh. 
“I’ll be okay. I just need a break.” “Take all the time you need, dear.”
She gave your hand a squeeze, then dabbed her napkin at her lips. 
“I’ve got to hurry or I’ll be late. Can’t afford to get sacked from this job.”
You smiled and she drank the rest of her tea, taking her empty plate to the sink and coming back to kiss your cheek. 
“Take the day and be lazy. I’m not sure you’ve done that since you were fourteen years old.” “I was so busy back then.” “I know, darling.”
Peggy turned and walked away, and you crossed your arms over your chest, looking out at the dreary morning. You took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, smiling back at Peggy when she walked into the room with her purse in her hand and heels on her feet. 
“Don’t turn on the telly if you can help it.” “Why?”
She didn’t answer and you hung your head, putting your elbows on the table and your head in your hands. Peggy walked over and kissed the top of your head, nails gently scritching your back before she made her way out the door. 
You lifted your head and stared out the window, shaking your head and giving a deep sigh. You’d wanted to see this side of London, the small village Peggy called home, but the more you thought about it, the more you let your anxiety get the better of you, and you decided to stay in today. You left the dishes in the kitchen sink and walked back down the hall to the spare bedroom Peggy had set up for you. There was a picture of you on the nightstand from your sixteenth birthday, the first time you played Madison Square Garden. You were standing on the stage in the pale pink dress you loved, a wide smile on your lips, glitter in your hair and around your eyes, tears shining on your cheeks. 
You picked up the picture and ran your fingers over the glass. You shook your head, giving a deep sigh as you set the frame back on the nightstand, dropping your robe and crawling back into bed, pulling the covers over your head.
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TAGS: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan, @bluemindblacksoul, @maraudingmarauder, @queenie4ce, @ivoryhazlewood, @capsiclesdoll, @aspiring-fangirls-world, @stonyiscanon, @shhhs3cret, @beardburnsupersoldiers, @thefanficfaerie, @patzammit, @free2bmee, @buckybarneshairpullingkink, @isaxhorror, @paige-sais-rawr, @theunofficialduke, @mizzzpink​, @sea040561​, @nerdy-bookworm-1998​, @unapologeticallymimi​, @queenoftrash97​, @xxashy999xx​, @ishirogersworld​, @whimsicalatbest​
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language-rxgers · 7 years
Watch Where You’re Going (Steve x Reader) High School!AU
Summary: You have an awkward first meeting when you have a (literal) run-in with the quiet but popular Steve Rogers in the halls of school one early morning. But things aren’t so bleak...
Characters: Steve Rogers, Reader
Warnings: Very awkward moments, fluff, half-nudity (nothing to worry about though, nothing important is revealed), muscly muscles, my awkward writing :)
Word Count: 2317 (holy jeez, this is a long one shot... I just can’t help it!)
A/N: This is hopefully some entertainment between installments of Best Boyfriend You’ve Never Had. I promise I’m working on ch. 4 and it’ll be up ASAP! So sorry for the wait! Please enjoy!
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*not my gif; credit to the rightful owner*
You stepped off the bus, calling out a quiet thank you to the bus driver over your shoulder. You adjusted the straps on your backpack, walking up the stairs to the front door of your school. You opened the door, holding it open for the student behind you. You didn't look over your shoulder to see who it was, but you did hear a voice mutter out a thanks as you let go of the door and continued on your way. You walked down the halls, weaving through throngs of students standing around in the hall by friends' lockers, chattering before the day began.
You headed to your English class, hoping to catch your teacher and ask a question about an assignment you'd recently been given. You knocked on the open doorway, letting your teacher know someone was at the door. He looked up from the papers he was grading, eyebrows raised. "Ms. (L/N)! What can I do for you?"
"Hey, Mr. Montgomery, I was just wondering if I could ask about the film analysis we were assigned on Monday." You pulled out a rough draft you'd finished the previous night. "I was working on it last night, but I'm having some trouble finding good examples to use. I feel like there are better ones than what I chose, like I could make it way better, but I don't know how." You handed him the paper, letting him skim over what you'd done. His brows furrowed, and he nodded as he read. He looked at you.
"Well, (Y/N), I have to say I'm not sure how to help you. These are exactly the examples I would use, and I appreciate your perspective on the effects they have on the protagonist later in the film. If you're looking to bring it to another level, I might just look at perhaps replacing some of the simpler adjectives with more powerful terms? I see a bit of repetition here-" he pointed at a few recurring words in your work, "-that you might want to look into, but I wouldn't make any drastic changes. The content's all here, quite impressively, but it's all about the delivery." You nodded your head as you took the paper back.
"Thank you, sir. That's what I was wanting to know. I'll see you in period 4," you gave a polite smile before turning to the door.
"You're welcome, happy to help." Mr. Montgomery turned back to his grading, and you headed to your locker. You rolled your eyes as you passed a group of boys in your grade, all clad in dress shirts under their football jerseys. You had never seen a species quite like the average teenage male, but they were quite the sight. All clad in either khaki or grey slacks, pastel dress shirts and pinstriped ties under their jerseys tucked into their waistbands under a brown or black belt. You could only imagine the group chat that existed solely for the purpose of their outfit coordination.
You turned down the hall and walked up to your locker, letting your bag and binder collapse on the floor beside you as you entered your combination. You were just reaching up to pull out your history book when you heard the slap of fast approaching footsteps hitting the tile floor. You could barely turn your head before a brick wall slammed into your side, sending you flying to the floor.
"OOMPH!" You groaned, rolling onto your back and squeezing your eyes shut. "What the hell?" You grip your shoulder as you try to sit up, still not having completely registered what happened.
"Oh, my God, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" An outstretched hand came into your sight, and you took it without a thought, surprised at the sudden strength pulling you up like it was nothing. You dusted off your pants.
You grunted as you stretched your shoulder. "Yeah, I'm fine, it's alright, but can I just ask why- SHIRTLESS!- I- What?" As you finally looked up, your eyes fell upon the last person you would have wanted to be in this situation with. Standing in front of you, entirely stripped save for a pair of blue and red checkered boxers, was Steve Rogers. Your brain froze as you tried to form a coherent phrase. "I-I mean, you don't- You're- I- Where's your shirt? Where are your pants? What?" You tried to pry your eyes from his bare chest, chiseled and heaving as his apparent previous running caught up to him, abdominal muscles contracting with every breath he took. You blinked, shaking your thoughts loose. "I'm sorry- you have no shirt- Why aren't you wearing anything?" You were sure your face was seven shades of red; you could practically feel the heat radiating from your cheeks. You resisted the urge to pinch yourself to wake yourself up from this dream. No dream you had had of Steve Rogers was this realistic- or painful.
The blonde running-back looked equally as mortified, mouth agape, blue eyes wide in panic and muscles
{don't reach out and touch them, (Y/N)}
clenched in tension. His cheeks burned like fire as he suddenly came out of his shell-shock and quickly shot his arms down in front of his torso, utterly failing at somewhat covering himself up.
You yourself were still completely confused
{what the fuck is happening?!}
but for some reason whatever part of your brain that was working seemed to be only concerned about
{where are his clothes}
the fact that poor Steve looked so embarrassed and uncomfortable, standing there in nothing but his boxers at 7:45 in the morning. He was so lucky your hall was usually empty at this time before school started. Without even realizing what you were doing, your arm shot out and unhooked your jacket from your locker and stretched it out in his direction. You avoided his eyesight, staring at the wall of lockers across the hall. It took a second before you felt him take the jacket from your hands and heard him clear his throat.
"Um, t-thanks. I-I'm so sorry again. The guys, they- they're real jerks. H-hid my clothes across the school while I was changing after p-practice this morning…" he scratched the back of his head, looking away pointedly as he held the jacket to his chest, somewhat covering him, ears practically glowing red, much like your own.
You bit the inside of your cheek, nodding awkwardly. "Um, well, I'm going to go now," you squeaked. "H-hopeyoufindyourclothes." You slammed your locker shut and grabbed your belongings before essentially sprinting down the hall and away from a still mortified Steve.
You rounded the corner and grasped your chest, fighting for your breath. Of all the people in the world that you could have been placed in that situation with, it just had to be the one boy who had invaded your thoughts since freshman year. This shit you'd expect to see in a movie or some book, but for it to actually happen? No fucking way. The big guy upstairs must have a crazy crooked sense of humor.
You saw Steve again at lunch, fully dressed this time. You felt slightly jilted at this however; even with his football jersey and underlying navy blue shirt covering his taut torso, his broad chest still stretched the fabric in such a distracting way, and his pushed up sleeves exposed thick forearms that rippled with his every movement- how the hell were forearms attractive? Come on, this guy has to know the effect he has on people.
But the thing that you knew was the reason he stuck out amongst the other guys in your grade to you, was that you didn't think he did know. He wasn’t dressed like the rest of the guys on the football team; compared to their overwhelmingly formal apparel which- along with the jersey over top- was quite frankly a little much, his dark-washed jeans, navy long-sleeve and lightly styled hair were refreshingly modest yet still sharp. He wasn't obnoxious or loud; he was quiet and thoughtful and polite and humble; qualities that were more endearing than any amount of muscle. That was just a bonus.
What were you getting to? Oh, right.
You spotted Steve's head of blonde locks in the crowd of students heading to buy lunch, but when his cerulean eyes met your inquisitive ones, he flushed a dark crimson and quickly turned down the first hall he came to. You felt your heart drop, but you had to remind yourself it wasn't your fault; he was just embarrassed, and to be honest, so were you. But you didn't want him to avoid you for the rest of high school. You'd never spoken to him before this morning save for one occasion in which you'd apologized hurriedly after you bumped into him while rushing to your class (go figure). You wished you could get to know him, but since you'd never had any classes with him and didn't hang out with his friend group, the chances were quite slim. And besides, he was way out of your league. But you'd held onto the hope that a moment would come in which your paths would finally cross, even if just briefly. You never thought it would be like this.
A few days later, you walked up to your locker only to have a startling realization hit you: Steve still had your jacket. You sighed, figuring you should check the front office to see if he'd brought it there at some point after your encounter. You were loading the books you wouldn't need until after lunch into your locker when you heard a throat being cleared beside you. You closed your locker door to meet stormy blue eyes, watching you hesitantly. You immediately felt your face flush and prayed it wasn't too noticeable.
"Um, hi…" he started softly. You tried to smile politely, squeaking out a greeting in response. He seemed to fold in on himself, and for a 6'2" wall of muscle, you'd never seen anyone look so small. Your eyes finally trailed down to the blue article of clothing clutched tightly in his hand. "I, um, I brought back your jacket."
Your breath hitched. "Thank you," you muttered softly, gently taking it from him and folding it in your hands carefully, like there was something delicate wrapped inside. "Uh, good to see you got your clothes back," you commented awkwardly, cringing as you said it. Steve chuckled, ducking his head and rubbing the back of his neck bashfully.
"Uh, yeah, I did. And thank you, for lending me your, uh…" he gestured to the jacket. "You didn't have to do that, but it was nice." You nodded.
"It was the least I could do. Figured you needed it more than me." You tried to give him a light smile, but it was painfully awkward even for you.
"That's kind of great. And sorry, too, I guess, for, you know, body slamming you into the ground and everything."
You chuckled, unconsciously rubbing your shoulder. "No, it's really fine, Steve. Shows you're on the football team for a reason, huh?" You frowned, realizing he probably didn't even know your name. "I'm (Y/N), by the way." Steve chuckled.
"Yeah, I know who you are." Your eyebrows raised in surprise at this. Steve Rogers knew you? He seemed to pick up on your shock. "You walk past me in the halls every day to third period. Uh- that sounds creepy that I've noticed that- I've seen you around the school. M-Mr. Montgomery also has one of your term projects from last year on display in his class. He used it as an example. It was really good…" he trailed off, cheeks now burning bright red.
Your eyes widened in embarrassment. "Oh, God… that To Kill a Mockingbird scrapbook?" He grinned.
"Yeah, it was really good. You're really creative." You could feel the heat radiating from your cheeks. “And I’m Steve, but you just said my name, so you already knew that…” he smiled awkwardly.
"I did, but that’s okay. And thank you."
Steve nodded, seeming like there was something more he wanted to say. "Hey, uh, I don't know if you're in Ms. Turner's biology class, by any chance?" You nodded your head.
"Second period." Steve's eyes seemed to brighten.
"Cool, I’m in period four. You, um, you seem really smart; I'm kind of struggling with the unit we're doing right now, do you think I might be able to ask you about it sometime?" He watched you with apprehension, and you could almost feel the nervousness coming off in tentative waves from him.
You couldn't help the smile that tugged at your lips. "Yeah, for sure. I'd love to help you out sometime." Steve grinned in relief.
"Great, thank you. Could I maybe have your number to plan to meet up?" He asked hesitantly. You nodded.
"Y-yeah, sure. Here-" you tore a page out of your binder along with a pen, scribbling your name and number onto it. "There you go…" you held out the paper, which he took and examined with retained excitement.
"Thanks! I'll text you soon," he promised. You grinned, nodding. The bell rang, and Steve looked up from the paper in his hands. "I have to go, I'll see you later?"
You nodded again, waving as you turned away. You had to cover your mouth to hide the giddy smile that was now splitting across your face. You couldn't believe it. This couldn't be real.
Your phone buzzed then in your pocket, and you pulled it out to check your message.
'Hey, it's Steve Rogers, from the hallway incident :) I was wondering if you're free on Saturday to meet up?'
You eagerly replied.
'Hi Steve. Saturday sounds great!'
'Great, I'll see you then :)'
Today was a good day.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed that, it was just a funny idea I had. This is somewhat of a peace offering in place of BBYNH ch.4, which I was supposed to upload around now, but it’s taking a little longer than I anticipated. I promise it’s on the way, hopefully by the end of the week. Thank you all so much for your support, love you all!
Tags- I feel like I should let everyone know how much I appreciate when you request to be tagged; it’s so nice to know you like my work and want to be up to date with my posts! I’m very sorry that I don’t reply to your requests, I want to let you know that I am receiving them but I’m scared of losing any so I just keep them in my inbox without answering. Thank you all so much, and let me know if you’d like to be added to all works or just one specific series! Unless you request not to be tagged in all works and prefer to be tagged in just one specific series (currently the only series in progress is Best Boyfriend You’ve Never Had), I will tag you in all future works! If I missed anyone, please let me know!
@crazy4thewinbros @palaiasaurus64 @the-instrumental-mortal @burningbiatch @satans-knitting-club @starkxpotts @bexboo616 @chaosinacoffeecup @learisa @socialheartbreak @la-meneur-louve @agentsinstorybrooke @colonel--sarge
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prettyinpink350 · 2 years
Kiss and cry
Summary: steve Roger's was known as the 'nice guy's but to you he was the son of satan. He made your life hell on earth. But that all changes when you one day when your parents invite him and his family over for dinner.
Warning: down talking, bullying, manipulation, masterbaition, slight stalking, forced relationship, smut. Abo.
Dark! Alpha steve Rogers x innocent sweet omega reader
This story take place in the late 80s early 90s
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April 16th freshman year...
Steve and his friends stood in the hallway before school waiting for the bell to ring signaling that school has started. Bucky and Sam where carried away in their conversation.
Steve was quite letting out the Occasional 'mhmmmm' or 'wow' Just watching people pass by then he saw you.
You were walking with your friend, your soft hair flowing as you walked, in that moment the world stopped to a screeching halt. When the breeze caught your as you passed him by, steve could smell the fruity scent off of you, mangos, apples and honey lemon.
He watched you walk away, his eyes never leaving you until your and your friend where out of sight He had never seen you before but it looked like bucky had.
"God look at that! Damn I'd to dick her down." Sam said while his eyes just got done watching your ass.
"Yo, you talkin' bout y/n y/l/n. Nahh man she won't let nobody touch her." Bucky responded
"who is she?" Steve asked playing it off as if he hadn't just seen the girl of his dreams walk by.
"Y/n she's in my history class, shes sweet an all. But rumlow tried askin' her out and she declined. Like ain't every girl crushing on that dick" bucky finished his rant.
"Wait! The senior football player asked and she said no! Yo something must be wack about her" sam mused.
"Huh? That's weird." Steve commented. The next day steve saw you walking into your Home room. During lunch steve went to the office and got his home room changed to yours. And that when all the trouble began.
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The doorbell rang, your mother opened the door with a wide smile. You stood sheepishly with your father in the living room. Worry and anxiety rolled in thick hot waves into you.
Your mother had recently befriended steve rogers mother Sarah. Mrs rogers was the most sweetest person ever, with her honey blonde hair and brown eyes. Her slender short figure was almost comically to her husbands and sons.
Steve had her loving face except for the brown eyes, his blue that swirl to green in the middle. His lighter blonde hair taken from his father and his huge muscular build made him hulk only at the age of 18. His father had blonde hair and blue eyes as pale of the sky in summer. His father slightly bigger but that would soon change once Steve grew into his full alpha body
Steve and his family walked in chatting and smiling with your mother.
“Hiya y/n, how have you been?” Joseph Steve’s father asked.
“I’m good” you answered weakly. You could feel Steve’s eye burning into you but you wouldn’t look at him.
How could Steve the devil have come from such nice people? As your parents led sarah and Joseph into the dinning room for “grown up talk” you and Steve stayed behind in the living room. You stood awkwardly my the arch door way.
“Umm..so how was day?” You asked trying to break the silence.
“It was fine.” He replied bluntly and annoyed
“So y/n’s a junior now?” You and Steve over heard the conversation from the dinning room.
“Yea she is!” You father responded
“Have you guys found an alpha for her? Is a very pretty omega” Sarah sad with joy.
“We have been looking for a suitable match, we’re nervous to talk to her about it. She’s shy, I’m sure you can tell” your mother chuckled after she spoke. “ we wanted to let her gong her own, but we’re worried she’ll get taken advantage of, or she won’t find anybody since she’s so shy” your mother finished.
You could feel Steve eyes on you again.
“Does Steve have an omega lined up?” Your father asked
“Well we thought Sharon, but suddenly sophomore year he just stopped talking to her. Now he’s a senior, I’ve been trying to make him start to get a nice girl. Or convince him that Sharon is a good match but he just waved me off and told me that he has his eyes on another. The boy refused to tell who she is” Joseph said in response.
“You don’t have a mate lined up” Steve asked his eyes looked into your mating gland.
“N-no I haven’t found a nice one yet, a-and no one ever shows interest.”
“That’s because you don’t talk, or because no one wants a slut mate” Steve spoke lowly and mean, low enough so your parents or his wouldn’t hear him.
The rest of the dinner you sat silently trying to not cry from Steve’s words and glare.
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You sat in front of Steve's and his friends trying to pay attention to your work.
"Look at the omega brat! All small and scared" bucky kept jabbing your shoulders with his fingers.
"Little slut, huh? Omega whore, I bet she'll suck any guy off." Steve said right before he shoved your back, your chest slamming into the desktop. You whimpered the pain in you chest hurt like hell.
"Awww is the omega hurt" steve mocked pretending to care in a baby voice. You started to pack up your things, tears rolling down your face. You stood up walking out of the classroom the sub to busy sleeping on the job to notice.
You ran down the hallways finding the farthest bathroom to hide in. Right before you were about the lock the stall door the girls bathroom opened loudly banging. Heavy footsteps followed. You quickly shut the stall door and locked it.
"OMEGA! get out here right now!"
Steve yelled punching his fist into the door. You cried harder, so confused of what you ever did to Steve to make him hate you this much. Ever since you met steve in your homeroom class in freshman year you had a crush on him.
He smelled like apples, smoky wood, and warm chocolate. All you ever wanted was to be his friend, but somewhere along the lines you must have messed up. Because now steve was slamming his body into the stall door trying to break it down.
"Y/n! Open this fucking door right now!" You whimpered scared that you'd upset the alpha you longed for.
"I'm scared" you sobbed out, that's what did it for steve. He broke down the door eyes landing on you small figure cramped into the corner of the stall.
"Please don't hurt m-me. I dont know what I did wrong."
Steve's breaths came out in pants. Steve felt shame he scared his omega, made her think he was going to beat her. He regretted the day that sam and bucky started to tease you because you told bucky no you wouldn't go on a date with him, and he played and followed along. He hated that he did because now he was watching the girl he knew was his mate cry and shake at the sight of him.
Steve slowing walking in, holding his arms out for you. You flinched away from him -that broke his heart.
"Let your alpha make it better" steve murmured while he pulled you into his arms you shook and sobbed into him.
"Why?" You asked "why are you so mean to me steve? All I ever wanted was to be your friend" steve hugged you tighter rubbing his nose to your neck senting you.
"I'm sorry omega. Alpha just wanted you." Steve spoke while he needed your ass. Letting out a high whine from your throat when steve continued to run his mouth over your gland.
"I know my sweet omega, alpha's sorry"
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A/N: I am making this into a short series, this first chapter is pretty short but I'm tired. Sorry, love ya hot stuff🤭😉
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Pairing: FratBoy!Steve x Female!Reader
Word Count: 1830
Summary: You’ve always watched Steve from afar,and at a party one night you decide to really get to know him. You may REALLY get to know him later on in the semester... 
 Warnings: oral (female receiving), implied smut, dirty talk, daddy kink, light choking and slapping, fingering, clit slapping, drugs and booze mentioned, pet names 
Note** this was sorta kinda inspired by the song “ Beautiful Player” by Lana Del Rey ( unreleased) check it out on youtube!! ( also can you tell i like lana lol anyways stream blue banisters) hope you enjoy:) -claire
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The water felt slightly chilly around your calves, tingling your toes and causing a deeper chill up your body from the breeze. Tonight was not the night to have worn a short skirt, let alone dip your feet in the pool at some random peoples frat house. Your mind isn’t all in the right spot, booze seeping through your veins. You swirl around the clear liquid, your cup half empty as you attempt to remember how many you’ve downed. Was this number three or four? And what even was it? Vodka?! 
A  gravely voice broke you out of your trance. “ If you don’t mind me asking love bug, why are you in the water? It’s freezing.” 
Steve Rogers sat down beside you, a grin on his face. Steve was beautiful. You couldn’t deny it, as much as you wanted to. Steve was smart, beautiful, funny and one hell of a package. He was strongly built, made of muscle, and towered over you at 6’4. He was the quarterback at your universities football team and could woo any woman he wanted. That’s why you tried to deny your very blatant crush on the man, because you didn’t want to be like every other girl- turning head over heels over some guy. You were extremely independent, and you’ve never felt as if you needed a partner. 
Yeah, going on a few dates was fun- and your ex-boyfriend Jermey wasn’t too bad- but you really liked being able to take care of yourself. Steve though- Steve was different. He grasped your attention like no one else ever had before. You were drawn to him like a magnet, although you were too scared to talk to him a lot of the time. You were a quiet person, very down to earth and constantly immersed in schoolwork. The odd time you did talk to him, or show up to parties like tonight- you loved talking to him. Steve was so easy to get along with, he was sweet and charming. You mainly watched him from afar, and prayed he wouldn’t notice. ( Which he did notice, very much in fact and he enjoyed it immensely. He may have also watched you too when you were busy with your head over a book or two).
 “ Well, you’re in here too now, so I’m not the ONLY crazy one here.” You giggled, meeting his grin. Steve shrugged and rolled his eyes. 
“ I guess I guess if you insist.”
 He held his hands up mockingly and you snorted with laughter. Steve looked down at your red solo cup ( and maybe was checking out your thighs that were slowly becoming more and more on display as your skirt rose slightly higher with each movement of your beautiful long legs in the pool)   “How many you at now y/n?”
 “ Whats it to ya?” You asked and he just shrugged. 
“ Wanna make sure you don’t fall into this pool because if ya do I’m not rescuing ya. Too damn cold.” You grumbled and Steve laughed. The music pumped through the speakers outside, lights changing colours and your head became fuzzy. You suddenly became quite tired and rested your head on Steve’s arm and he looked down at you.
 “ You good love bug?” he asked worriedly. You never really showed physical affection with him- so he knew the booze was probably hitting harder. “ Oh gosh I am so sorry I didn’t even ask if I could do that-” you mumbled, setting up suddenly. 
“ No no its ok its ok I don’t mind at all.” Steve laughed and you looked away, suddenly extremely embarrassed. “ You know I’ve been watching you tonight.” Steve trailed off. You looked up at him, a blush filling up your cheeks. “ God that sounded creepy I-” 
“ Hush.” You cut off his rambling. “ You just look really pretty tonight y/n.” You smiled, butterflies filling your tummy. 
“ Really?” you asked breathless. Steve thinking you looked pretty? That was a dream come true. You couldn't even believe he said that, you were seriously contemplating asking him to pinch you. 
“ Really.” 
Steve looked down at you and smiled shyly. You smiled at him and looked out at the party in front of you. People all around the pool, mingling and chatting, some people dancing, some refilling their cups. Music and voices swarmed through the air, and smoke left a haze above you from the blunts people were constantly lighting.
 “ So love bug, do I have your number yet?”
As the semester continued on, you and Steve became closer and closer. He would walk you to your classes every day, meeting you at your dorm in the mornings to bring you a coffee and your daily blueberry muffin. Every day when Steve would knock, your roommate and best friend Darcy would yell “ Y/N it’s your boyfriend!” and every day you would blush while Steve would just laugh it off. The two of you were always together, becoming closer and closer. You would stay and watch his football practices and he would sit with you in the library, listening intently as you gushed about Shakespeare. Your crush for him was growing and growing by the month and deep down, you prayed he felt something too.
It was quiet at your dorm, Darcy being at her parents till the next morning. You and Steve sat in your bed, curled up under a blanket the two of you shared. The rain pattered down lightly down the window as the clouds covered the moon slowly. Music trickled out of your speaker quietly as you read a book to Steve, enjoying the peace and quiet.
 “ Two lovers they were but time could only tell how much the love would remain.” You read the ending quietly and set the book down beside your bedside table. “Hmph” Steve snuggled in closer to you, wrapping his arm around your waist.
 Your breath hitched as he lifted up your hoodie slightly and started tracing circles on your stomach with his fingers gently. Wetness pooled in your thong. Oh god oh god you were not supposed to wet right now. Not at this time, when he was so close to you.  And Steve knew. Oh god did he ever. He noticed your breathing hitch, as you wiggled your hips slightly against him- trying to get some form of friction. He hummed softly and you whimpered quietly. 
“ Tell me something love bug.” “ Hmmm?” You murmured. 
“ Would you do anything I asked of you?” you turned around to face him quickly, and he smiled gently. “ Of course Stevie, anything!” You exclaimed. You always wanted to make him happy, and you would do anything to make him pleased. You craved his validation more than anyone else. 
“ So obedient for me..” Steve murmured, brushing his thumb across your lips.
 You gasped. This was really happening. Oh my god. Every fantasy, every time you pleased yourself to the thought of him, it was happening now. In real-time. 
“ Open.”
 he commanded and you complied. You hollowed out your cheeks and sucked his thumb, and he hummed in satisfaction. “ Good girl bunny. Such a good girl for me hmm?” He asked and you moaned around his thumb. He took out his thumb with a pop and a string of saliva connected from it to your lips. 
You looked up at him with puppy eyes and he wrapped his hands in your hair, kissing you hungrily. Teeth and tongues crashed and he swallowed your moans eagerly. Steve yanked your hair back, exposing your neck, and marked it with blues and purples. “ Ohhh god Stevie please.” A slap stung across your cheek and you moaned, getting even wetter.
 “ You call me daddy. That’s the only thing you get to call me. Got it slut?” His eyes were filled with hunger and you craved him more and more by the second. “Yes daddy.” You whimpered and he grinned. “Good girl.” he threw off your clothes, and they landed in a heap on the floor, with his shirt. God he was built. He traced his fingers across your body and you squirmed. 
Steve lifted your legs up, kissing and biting down them until he reached your dripping core. “Mgmh Daddy please!” You moaned, already incapable of forming a coherent sentence. He swiped his finger across your clit and closed your legs on instinct. “ Oh no bunny. No you don’t.” Steve pulled your legs apart and placed them around his broad shoulders. You felt a slap to your pussy and you shrieked, eyes rolling back. 
“ Oh she liked that didn’t she? She’s getting more wetter by the second. Don’t worry bunny I’ll give her what she wants. What she needs.” 
Steve slapped your pussy a few more times and wrapped his hand around your throat and he went down on you. You swore you were in heaven. He was eating you out like a man starved, licking and sucking on your clit. All you could do was moan and babble, your legs started to shake from the pleasure. You reached down to grab his hair as he sucked on your clit hungrily and tightened his hand around your throat. Steve looked up at you, your juices running down his chin. 
“ God I’ve wanted this for so long bunny. So long. You’re so sexy and such a perfect little girl for me.” You panted, feeling light-headed from pleasure. “ Tell me bunny, do you think about me when you touch yourself?” Steve asked, already knowing the answer.  
“Mmmgmh oh god yes daddy I do!” You moaned and he grinned. 
“ I know.”
 He winked and slid a finger in you. Your eyes widened and you clung to him. “ So tight and wet for me bunny. So perfect for me.” His fingers hit your g-spot with every thrust as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear. “ God I can’t wait till she’s milkin my cock dry baby.” He growled in your ear and you couldn’t take it anymore. “ Daddy please I’m going to cum!” You screamed, feeling the coil in your stomach start to snap. “ Go ahead bunny. You’ve been such a good girl for daddy. So needy hmm? Craving my validation like the slut you are?” You fell apart. White-hot pleasure washed over you and you swore you saw stars. Steve rutting his hips against the bed turned you on even more, and you squirted all over his hand that was rubbing your clit. “ Oh shit bunny, so fuckin sexy.” He moaned. Steve worked you through your high and you felt overwhelmed with pleasure. 
“ You with me bunny?” He whispered in your ear, stroking your cheek delicately. “ Mmm” You whispered and he chuckled.
  “Thank you, daddy. You’re so good to me.” You sighed and he smirked. Steve kissed you passionately and you had never been happier in your life. “ Well don’t worry bunny-” He said, 
“ Cause I’m going to make that pretty pussy of yours cum all night long. I love when you sing those little noises for me.” 
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