#footwear for the Apocalypse
hobohobgoblim · 1 year
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It's not just girls though.
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weirdfangirly · 1 year
Fatherless ─⊹⊱ ☆ ⊰⊹─
Dark-Fiction Central ©️
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Dark!Joel x Reader
Summery: You offer yourself to a complete stranger in order to survive.
⚠️ : dark content. Dub-con. Age-gap (reader is not a minor). Dark Joel. Mean Joel. Loss of virginity. PiV. Slapping. Reader sees Joel as her dad. Painful sex. Joel enjoys seeing Reader hurt. Reader has daddy issues. Blood. Name calling. Degrading sex. Mention of suicide. Joel is NOT a hero in this one.
A/n: Well damn. If you want more, let me know.💓
─⊹⊱ ☆ ⊰⊹─
What a beautiful day to die, you thought when you opened your eyes this morning. You had spent the night in the woods—just like the night before, and the night before, and the night before...
You didn't dare set foot into the city. It was full with infected and raiders.
Sweat was dripping down from your forehead, even though you wore a light summer dress. Your legs were shaking from exhaustion, you were afraid they'd give in at any moment. You didn't know how long you had been wandering through the woods. Alone and lost. Your stomach was empty, as were your supplies. The only thing that kept you alive was the water from the river flowing through the woods.
Every day was a torment of uncertainty. You wandered between the many trees. You wandered with no destination in mind, with nothing in mind other than to put one foot in front of the other. Basic bodily functions like keeping your eyes open became harder with every passing day. The forest was rough and unpredictable, and you were not dressed appropriately. You were lucky that you hadn't broken an ankle with the footwear you were wearing. Yesterday you had stepped into a ditch and fell, you couldn’t find the strength to pull yourself out of it, so you just lay there and cried yourself to sleep.
Hoping to never wake up again.
Hunger made you grip your stomach in pain. You wished you could just cut it out, so that you didn’t have to put up with the cramps any longer. You had tried to catch squirrels and rabbits when your supplies became thin, but it was hopeless. You felt mocked by them. They led you deeper and deeper into the forest before seemingly vanishing into thin air, leaving you behind exhausted and still hungry. Your starving mind was trying desperately to come up with solutions. At one point you’d even eaten tree barks. Feeling full felt good, but it was short lived.
Suddenly your eyes caught something very promising. You stopped in your tracks, thinking that maybe this was yet another sick joke of your mind…
A berry bush.
Your eyes widened at the mere sight of the thick juicy berries. A miracle.
You ran to the berries. You couldn't remember the last time you had enough strength to actually run, but the mere thought of eating real food gave you the energy you needed to do that. You eagerly started to pick up as many berries as possible. Your hands were shaking in anticipation, your mouth watering, your mind running wild.
You were about to stuff the handful of berries inside your mouth when you suddenly heard the clicking sound of a gun.
*click click*
Your body froze.
„I wouldn't eat those if I were you.“, said a deep masculine voice.
The man was standing a few feet behind you, barrel of his gun aimed at you. The sight of you deeply confused him. When was the last time he’d seen a girl wearing a summer dress?
25 fucking years ago?
„Turn around.“, he said. „Slowly.“
You did what you were told, carefully turning around.
The first thing you saw was death lingering at the barrel of his gun. You slowly raised your shaking hands and looked up at your possible executor. A tall man, older than your father had been when he had passed. His old age didn’t match with his body. He had board shoulders and strong arms. His legs were long and steady. Fit. Invincible.
He looked like someone who would survive the apocalypse. Ruthless.
What a beautiful day to die, you remembered your thoughts from this morning—you weren’t so sure about that anymore…
He on the other hand, didn’t know what to think of you.
“Pokeweed berries..”, he pointed his gun at the berry bush behind you. “..are poisonous.”
“T-thank y-you.”, you stutter, unsure what else to say. You opened your palms and let the berries fall to the ground like little pearls.
It was comical that you were thanking the man who had a gun pointed at your face, but he appreciated your good manners.
“Now, tell me what are you doing on my land, girl.”, he demanded to know.
“I-I didn’t know...”, the last time you’d spoken to someone was your father. Your voice sounded brittle. You cleared your throat. “I-I didn’t know I was trespassing, s-sir.”
Joel had a way of dealing with trespassers; putting a bullet in their heads. No exceptions. He had never encountered a trespasser looking quite like you though. You were clearly malnourished—the gun in his hands weighted more than you. Your legs were covered in little scratches and nasty bruises. Your long hair were covering half of your face like a curtain—he could still make out enough to confidently say that you were too young and too pretty to be anywhere out here on your own. He saw no weapon on you neither. He raised his eyebrow when he spotted your painted toenails…You were wearing fucking sandals. You made no sense to him. Hadn’t you realised in what times you were living?
He could feel his pants getting tighter—which annoyed him greatly. It clearly had been a long time since he’d fucked a cunt when the mere sight of painted toenails and a pretty face excited him this much.
You were oblivious of what was happening inside the man’s pants. Your only worry was the gun pointed at your face. You wanted to run away, but your head was dizzy, your vision foggy, your stomach hurting and your mind running crazy.
It was a miracle that you were still standing at this point.
“Where are your people?”, he doubted you were traveling alone. You were probably just lost and people were already searching for you.
You shook your head.
“Bullshit.”, he spat. “Don’t lie to me, girl.”
He quickly scanned his surroundings, expecting someone hiding behind the trees and waiting to attack him. He took a step closer to you, which made you take a step back. “You gon’tell me that a girl like you is up here all by herself? I ain’t buyin it.”
“I-I swear, sir.”, you sobbed. “I’m…I have no one.”
Hearing the truth hurt. It took a lot of you not to break down crying. This was the first time someone had ever pointed a gun at you and it reminded you of the death of your mother. This is how she must’ve felt during her last seconds on earth? Scared and helpless.
Joel wasn’t sure if he believed you or not. By the looks of your physical state, it seemed to him that there was some truth behind your words.
“What’s in your backpack? Any weapon’s?”, he wanted to know. He thought about making you hand it over to him, but he doubted that you were carrying anything of use in it.
You shook your head. “Just my-my pocket knife.”
“Of course.”, he murmured, getting more and more frustrated with you. What a stupid girl. Walking around like this not even armed. He lowered his gun and turned around.
“Get lost.”, he said, before walking away. “Before I kill you.”
You were standing there perplexed, hands still up. You watched him walk away. He was the first human interaction you had in weeks. Your first human interaction besides your family. You shook your head in disbelief.
He was leaving you.
Leaving you alone.
Leaving you to Die.
Alone with your hunger and pain.
Your only chance of survival was literally walking away from you.
“Wait!”, you called out after him, but he kept walking.
No, no, no.
You started to run after him, almost tripping over your own feet. You couldn’t let him just walk away like that.
You had to do something.
“Please.”, you begged, not even sure for what.
But the man kept walking. His face was stone cold, looking right ahead.
“Please, sir.”, you tried again. “Please don’t leave me alone. I’m…I’m hungry.”
You sounded pathetic to him—something Joel barely tolerated.
“Not my problem, girl.”
You grabbed his arm, trying to stop him from walking any further—big mistake. He turned around in a heartbeat and grabbed your wrist. Your wrist felt like a toothpick in his iron-like grip. His first instinct was to break your fucking arm, but he stopped himself from doing just that, reminding himself that you were just a stupid kid.
Tears started to swell up from your eyes and your plump lip started to wobble. Fear was written all over your face and you immediately submitted to his strength. Knowing it was pointless to fight against it.
“Ouch.”, a sob escaped your throat and you begun to cry. Fat ugly tears started to run down your doll-like face.
He frowned, disgusted by your weakness and himself for finding it arousing…He let go of your wrist and you collapsed to the ground. Your shoulders started to shake uncontrollably. “I-I miss my d-daddy.”, you suddenly hiccuped.
A wave of feelings washed over him. He was annoyed of your showcase of weakness in front of him—a total stranger. He wanted to pull you up and slap you across the face, to get you back to reality. He was angry at himself for feeling sorry for you, just because you reminded him of his daughter in one way or another. Equally as innocent. Sarah never got to get used to the brutality of the world, she died an angel. Sweet and pure. He hadn’t felt this type of emotion for a long time. Sadness. Sarah—No. He shook the thoughts of his past life away. You weren’t Sarah. You were a nobody. Just a stupid girl that clearly didn’t know what was good for her—because Joel clearly wasn’t, especially since his pants got even tighter after hearing you cry out the word daddy.
Sick son of a bitch.
He decided that every feeling was easier to deal with than sadnesses. He wanted to forget, so he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you up. He slapped you across the face. Hard. Pain shot through your body and made you shut up immediately. His slap had put you in some kind of shock like state. The only other person who had ever done this to you was you father.
His hit felt so familiar, you almost wanted to beg for more.
“Consider this a warning, girl.”, he whispered close to your ear. “Have you any idea, what a stranger with a gun could do to a girl like you during times like this?”
You didn’t say a word. Your brain was still trying to regulate the pain that was radiating from where his hand had collided with your face.
“Last chance, girl,”, he said, voice dangerously low. “Get lost, before I blow your pretty face away.”
After a pregnant pause, you opened your mouth to speak. “You find me pretty?”
He has called you pretty.
He frowned at your words. Bewildered at your question in a situation like this
“Do you?”, you urged to know.
“I slapped you a little too hard, sweetheart? Seems like you’ve lost you goddamn mind.”
“Keep me.”
“Keep me.”, you repeated, now silent tears running down your face. “Take me with you, I’ll be good to you. I-I promise.”
Your words angered him deeply because they sounded so goddamn good to him.
“I don’t want to die.”, it came out as a whisper.
He grabbed you by your throat. If you were scared, you didn’t show it. Your eyes seemed dull, disconnected. You truly looked like a lifeless doll to him. He brought you closer to his face. Observing you intensely.
You were so easy, so submissive. He didn’t know what to feel.
“You don’t know what you are getting yourself into, kiddo.”, he whispered. You could feel his hot breath on you skin. “You will not like what you recive..”
And he was right. You didn’t know what you were getting yourself into. You didn’t know anything. Your father had kept you sheltered away from reality. You never left the parameters of your fathers farm. You’d never spoken to anyone but him since the death of your mother. You didn’t know anything about the real world—but you’d read books. Many of them. Romances. You once read that “the female body is the most powerful weapon against a man.” At first you didn’t understand, but now you do. You knew what men wanted…it was the only thing you had to offer to him in order to survive.
He waited for you to say something. To apologise and beg him to let you go, that it was all an misunderstanding and that you were just a stupid girl who didn’t know any better— but you stayed quiet.
He saw desperation in your eyes, behind all the dullness.
He tossed you to the ground like a rag doll.
He was circling you like a lion, while throwing his weapon aside.
The man crouched down and spread your legs. He pulled your dress up, revealing your clothed cunt. He could see the outline of your plump lips through the thin fabric of your underwear. He nearly fucking came just by the sight of it. He tore your underwear apart with a grunt.
This wasn’t at all how you’d imagined your first time to be. You’d hoped it would be more like how it was in your books; with a guy you trusted and loved. Sweet and innocent. Exciting and nerve-wracking. Silly and dumb. Kind and loving.
Sadly, your really looked different; The forest floor was rough and uneven. Sticks and stones poked you in the back. It was uncomfortable. The man in front of you, who was currently slowly unbuckling his belt, was twice your age and far away from being your boyfriend. In fact, he was a total stranger. You were hungry and utterly exhausted. You felt disconnected from the situation—which was a good thing considering what would happen next.
„Fucking perfect.“, he whispered. You watched him stare at your most private parts. You felt ashamed and closed your legs again, blocking his view. His eyes snapped up at you, frowning.
„Open them.“, he said calmly. Chest falling up and down.
The sight of him in a state like this scared you. You nodded, scared of the sudden shift of his energy, and opened your legs for him again.
„Try this again and I’ll fucking cut your legs off.“, he warned.
He was slowly losing himself, losing control. The rational part of him knew that what he was doing was wrong for so many reasons. He was taking advantage of an starving girl. You were young, he didn’t even know how old. Definitely way younger than Sarah would’ve been now had he not failed her...
A sudden wave of rage overcame him. This had nothing to do with Sarah. You had nothing to do with Sarah. It pissed him off that you made him think about her while being in a state like this.
You shook your head in dread. „I-I just…I…can I know your name?“
You hoped that maybe if you knew his name that this would feel less dirty, more intimate…
“Shut up.”, he just hissed. He grabbed inside his pants and freed his member. Your eyes widened and you let out a little whine of protest.
It was your first time seeing a man’s cock. It looked unnatural to you. It looked wrong. Thick and veiny. Too big. It was painfully red, throbbing.
He rubbed his hand over your little cunt, sending a shockwave through your body. He then put his thick finger inside you to feel you up.
„Are you scared?“, he asked.
You nodded. Scared and hungry. So hungry.
„I can tell, you’re fucking dry.“, he murmured, annoyed. He spit inside his palm and stroked his throbbing cock—this was all the preparation you would get from him.
Without wasting any more time, he slammed his thick cock inside you—or at least he tried. The size of his cock was too much to handle for your body, your cunt was rejecting him, working against him—but Joel kept pushing, forcing his length inside you. All of it.
Meanwhile, you were chocking on your own screams.
“Good job, cunt.”, Joel praised after making you take all of his cock.
He watched you cry for a second. Your face was painfully distorted and you were holding tightly onto his forearms for support.
“Fuck!”, he hissed. You were so tight, it was almost painful for him too. Almost.
He started to fuck you hard but slow. He was on top of you, holding himself up on his hands. After a few of his thrusts your body’s natural instincts kicked in and your cunt started to become wet for him, making this feel even better for him.
“Do you like it, baby?”, he chuckled darkly.
You didn’t. You had started to remove yourself from the situation by focusing on the branches of the leaves above you. So pretty.
Joel didn’t like that. He wanted you here. He wanted you to learn—too see what happens to dumb girls like you if not careful enough. He slapped you across the face again. This time hard enough to cause your nose to bleed—he didn’t mean to do that, he was pumped full of testosterone and adrenaline.
“I said, do. You. Like. It?”, with every word his hips snapped into yours, hard. Seeing you bleed for him like that only made him want to hurt you even more. Your were so goddamn sweet.
You looked up. Your vision was blurry, but he still looked so handsome to you. “Yes, dad.”, you whispered, confusing him with your father.
You had missed being close with someone. You had missed being loved. You had missed the warmth of human interaction. You were alone and scared for so long now. You never wanted to go back to that—even if it meant to suffer.
Hearing you call him dad, angered him. He stilled abruptly and grabbed you by your throat, making you chocke. “M’not your goddamn father, you fucking whore.”
He spit in your face. How dare you call him dad?
„Say it.“, he demanded.
You tried to but he was choking you too hard. He removed his hand from your throat.
„Your-your not my dad!“, you choked out.
He continued to fuck you, but this time his thrusts were even more unforgiving. His hips snapped into yours, bruising you up.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry!”, you cried out. “Please, ah!”
Joel didn’t care about your cries. It only turned him on more. Your father had clearly never explained to you how dangerous this world was for girls like you. You were lucky that it was him fucking you. It could’ve been much worse for you. You should thank him really.
Joel was fucking you like a beast, grunting and hissing in your ear. His sweat was dripping down your neck. He was hot, yet you felt cold. He kept his unforgiving rhythm; hard but slow.
You didn’t know how long it took him to find his high and finish, but he eventually came all over your stomach and dress. Growling like a wolf. You didn't even realize it was over. You could still feel him all over you.
“Fuck!”, he needed a few seconds to calm down. Kneeling over you and trying to catch his breath. His half-hard cock was hanging out of his pants. He wiped the sweat from his forehead while watching you lay beneath him covered in his hot cum.
He raised an eyebrow when he saw that blood was dripping down from your abused entrance. He looked down at his cock just to see it painted with your blood…
“Virgin?”, he whispered. You were a fucking virgin?
“What kinda fucking virgin whores herself out like this?”, he hissed at you. He was still panting heavily.
You didn’t respond, too stunned with the mixture of emotions you were feeling.
He got up and put his cock away, mumbling words to himself. He picked his firearm up from the ground.
He looked down at you. You still hadn’t made any efforts to get up. Your dress was still rolled up, cunt on display, cum all over you. He felt disgust by his handiwork.
“Get up, girl.”, he said. “C’mon.”
“It hurts.”, you just whispered, looking up at the dancing leaves.
He crouched down and rolled you dress down, covering you up before helping you in your feet. You looked down at yourself, your virginity was dripping down your slander legs. Your cheeks turned red out of shame as if it was your fault.
He cleared his throat. “M’name is Joel.”
You looked up at him and cracked a small broken smile. “I’m very hungry, Joel.”
He nodded a few times. “I know. Can you walk?”
He felt bad for even asking.
You tried to make a baby-step forward and pain shot through your body. “Ouch.”, you hissed and cupped your private part.
“C’mon. Hold onto me. S’not far.”, he offered you his arm and you looked up at him for any indication that he was just messing with you and that he would push you away the second you would touch him.
“Thank you, Joel.”, you said and grabbed his arm for support, looking forward to your meal.
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seuonji · 11 months
彡 uncomfortable shoes.
notes ๑ headcanons! you wore uncomfortable shoes on your date with your bf, how did they react?
genre ๑ fluff
warnings ๑ non
word count ๑ 0.4k
from aya: please reblog if you enjoyed! feedback is always appreciated<3
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seungcheol/jun/minghao scolded you as he was taking off the shoes he was wearing so that you could wear them.
“i told you were were going to walk a lot today yet you still wore them!” he calmly scolded as he pushed his shoes towards your feet before helping you take off the shoes you were currently wearing.
“babe, what are you going to wear?”
“i’m sure well find a store nearby. i’ll buy sandals there but gosh, buy comfortable shoes next time.”
“but these looked cute!”
jun would definitely exaggerate, “you need to take care of your feet, what if the apocalypse comes? youre going to be wishing you wore comfortable shoes.”
“that’s an abnormal thought…”
he ends up buying you new shoes instead of himself just cause he knows you’d never buy it yourself.
jeonghan/mingyu/minghao/chan would probably just nod as he sees you wince in pain. i feel like they’ve pushed the ‘style over comfort’ agenda before so as much as they do feel bad, it’s a ‘it is what it is’ situation— anyways, you can rest at home!
jeonghan/jihoon/seungkwan doesn’t do anything for the first two hours just so that you learn your lesson but after a while, he’ll eventually lend you his shoes until you find a store that sells footwear.
joshua carried a pair of sandals in his bag in the case something like this occurred. he tends to analyse your habits and so when he happened to notice your grimace every time you wore those specific shoes, he started to make a mental note to bring backups so that you don’t suffer the whole date.
soonyoung/mingyu/chan def threatens to carry you the whole date. he claims ‘it might be romantic’ but you both know damn well it would become uncomfortable after a few blocks. eventually he offered to go back home to get you better shoes or he just buys you new ones.
soonyoung/wonwoo/jihoon/seokmin puts so much effort into finding a bench for you to sit on. if there really isn’t any he’d stop walking for awhile so you can rest. he would offer that you sit on his feet if you’re really that affected.
while you two rest, he’d give a lecture about why you should wear comfortable shoes like how seungcheol/jun/minghao did. however, they’re a lot more nicer and gentle with it.
minghao/seungkwan/vernon helps you not put much too weight on your feet so he’d either hold you by your arm which gives some support or he’d place your arm around his shoulders allowing most of your weight to be on him. he’d hope it’s actually helping but anyways it’ll only last until he buys you some ugly slippers at a random store you guys find along the way as a way to make you learn from your mistakes.
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forestshadow-wolf · 4 months
Apocalypse au
Mcd (ghost)
imagine the sweet pungent horrid smell of rot taking over the world. The decay works slowly but the infection is quick. Zombie are fast, too fast, no longer hindered by the brain. They're disfigured by snapped tendons and ligaments. The sounds they make are near intelligible but now quite. Hoards are easy to avoid if you know where to look for them, but it's even easier to chased into one while escaping a straggler
Imagine ghost getting cornered. Having to stave them off for as long as he can with a quickly dulling knife as he stabs it through skull bone over and over again "killing" them one once they've gone useless, but they never die. Not truely.
Imagine the kind of sick he feels in his stomach when he grips one by the side of the head to stab into it's face, and the flesh gives with only the ease of rotting flesh. He remembers what that's like. Too well. He drops the head and the body falls but it's not dead, he knows it isn't. There's festering rot sticking to his fingers. But they're swarming him now and it's all he can do but give it a passing panicked thought while he tries to survive. The subtle crunch of bones weakened and brittle from rot in a way that rings in his ears and it'll haunt him even in death.
Soap only notified of the incident hours later. Hours too late. But he rushes to the scene anyway. There still a chance that he made it. He's strong. He could make it. But soap wasn't there. He doesn't know how bad it was.
The scene from the heli above is almost poetic. One lone wandering zombie. Trapped in a cell created by the bodies of its now brethren. It wails and cries. Soap swears if he could just listen better he could tell what it was saying. But that's what everyone says. It looks... Almost alive, but it isn't. They always look like that when They're fresh. With time Ghost will rot. He's become the very thing that gave him nightmares. And soap couldn't stop it. Can't stop it.
Imagine years later when the panic has dissipated, zombie are not new anymore, only a mere fact of life. Soap finds himself at an empty beach. Water, sticky with salt and sand, laps at the toe of his boots. The military is back up and running last he heard, but that's a past better left to the younger him. He toes off his footwear and rolled up the cuff of his jeans. He still talks to Price and Gaz.. or- more probably talked. His feet sink into the water-soft sand where he stands. Last he heard they were sent on an OP for some special top secret mission that he wasn't allowed to know about now that he's out, they were supposed to be back weeks ago, Gaz should have contacted him by now. He takes a ddep breath of fresh salt air and starts down the beach at a leisure pace. It's sad but he almost can't make himself feel anything for it. He remembers he'd promised to take Ghost to the beach some day. He wishes he could have. He still could technically. But he doesn't think he can get him all the way here before turning. Not without a bird. Which he's long since lost access to.
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whyeverr · 1 year
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With the successful completion of Lydia's birthday party I’ve officially unlocked townies, which means, in addition to all the possessed townies already running around, I can now add some survivor NPCs to my save. (Maaaaaaybe I should’ve considered how confusing this would be to explain before calling my zombie sims “townies”?)
When encountered out and about in the world, survivors will be met with caution (safety first!) and might go on to befriend, barter, hook up with, hire or be hired by New Promise residents to help out with odd jobs, etc. Full disclosure: They might also, I don't know, get cornered and turned into a townie. It's a dangerous world out there!
I've already begun collecting a few survivors from friends (thanks, friends!) but want to put out a call for submissions as well! If making some post-apocalyptic sims sounds like your idea of a good time...
GUIDELINES (please and thank you!)
Ages teen and up
No occults
CC-free to make my life easier
You can submit more than one sim if you feel so inclined!
Include (at minimum) everyday, cold, and hot weather wear
Need to look like they've been surviving the apocalypse one way or another for the past 5+ years (weird outfit combos, dirty / disheveled swatches, utilitarian footwear, etc. is what I've found works best for me!)
Must be okay with me making small tweaks where needed to fit the style / setting / story of my bacc, avoid duplicating swatches of the same item or hairstyle, etc.
I own all packs excluding the Batuu one. The only CAS kits I own are Grunge Revival and Simtimates (but if there’s an item you really wanna use from a kit I don’t have, chances are good I have a bgc version I can swap in on my end…)
To submit a sim please tag @whyeverr in your post and use the hashtag #rbaccsurvivor so I don't miss anyone!
There is no deadline to submit sims as I can just continue to populate the world as needed — however I will update this post if somehow I end up drowning in sims and can't make use of any more submissions.
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keybladeciel · 2 months
Day Three of @khoc-week and it is about connections.
Day 3: Connections
This is going to be a special case. It is going to be a blip from Ciel's own view from the aftermath of a canon event he broke. It involves Strelitzia.
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I present you an excerpt from short story called Date Night at Twilight Town.
Content Warning: Contains mild language
The Twilight Town Bistro had been a hot spot for couples ever since it opened. While the only food was French cuisine from Remy's home world from Paris, France, he worked his tail off to gather the ingredients to create some of the tastiest dishes you can think of. Everyone in Twilight Town calls him 'Little Chef," but thanks to a spell by the Fairy Godmother, Strelitzia and I can understand him clearly, since he's a Norway Rat who tends to cook. You'd be surprised that a rat can make a damn good meal from what he does. Regardless on what I can say, I had to resist the urge to gush about this in my report so I can find a table for two. I haven't gone on a date with Strelitzia ever since the Datascape Apocalypse and I owed her a date night once we both got our crap together.
I waited for Strelitzia to show up at the table, reflecting on what I did to save her from that untimely end she would have faced if it wasn't for a chance encounter that the Book of Prophecies nor the Chronicler saw coming when I saved her from a fall in Daybreak Town centuries ago, despite it being two years for us. The memories were fond, ranging from the time she found me by chance during my trip to Wonderland (and subsequent speedrun to save Alice from an execution by the pettiest queen and tyrant I have ever seen, let alone had the pleasure of chewing out for some bullcrap despite risking the death penalty for pissing off the Queen of Hearts, not like I cared if it meant doing the right thing) to the ball in Castle of Dreams when we ensured Cinderella had the time of her life and even the Balamb Garden High School Homecoming Dance. Despite having dated before, we haven't gone on one in a while and she was the one who suggested it to me, hoping that it will cheer me up and give me a well needed break in my search for a means to save Celeste, who is probably off fighting for her life in Quadratum unless I use a portal to get there. For now, the rescue can wait as the Guardians of Light give Kairi some practice on the field and my achievements as the Rebel of Fate reap some good rewards.
Strelitzia arrived after me wearing a white dress that is familiar to me. I then realized it was similar to the dress she's worn during the Daybreak Town years, just more appropriate for someone entering her junior year in high school. She has her hair down rather in her usual twin tails style and she doesn't have the detached sleeves on. Her boots were replaced with heels similar to her footwear during the ball in the Castle. Fittingly, she seems to have known I would shave and straighten my messy hair up for the date night this time around, despite being a Miqo'te. We both sat down and ordered our food before discussing what we have done to get here.
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General Clothing: Precise Control & Total Lockdown
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Brand: Unknown
These two outfits have some connection to Linkon City's film industry. They're both the gear worn by "the hero in the sequel to the most popular action movie right now".
Precise Control is the darker colored version. With it, they say "it seems like you could easily scale walls and leap across rooftops".
Total Lockdown is the lighter colored version, marketed with the claim that "you feel like a pro the moment you put it on".
(Speculation: The only action movies I've even heard of in-game are "Apocalypse's Dawn" and its recently announced sequel "Apocalypse's Dawn II". But since that connection has yet to be confirmed or debunked, it remains just a theory)
Outfit Details:
The top consists of a button-down shirt (white for Total Lockdown, dark grey for Precise Control) with artistic lacing on the left arm, a black tie, and a black leather torso harness.
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I'm tempted to say both versions include black pants. But the pants for Precise Control appear ever so slightly darker than Total Lockdown's. Both feature a single-strap thigh harness on the left thigh, made of the same black leather. The waist straps of torso harness seem to function as a belt.
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The shoes for both versions appear to be a pair of black oxfords.
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Both versions of the outfit include the same accessories:
Black leather gloves (top)
A translucent strip of fabric along the upper left arm of the shirt, tucked beneath the decorative lacing and dangling past the elbow (center left, center right). It's pale blue for Total Lockdown and dark grey for Precise Control. They're accented with two decorative buckles.
A silver accessory beneath the knot of the necktie (bottom left)
A decorative silver pocket chain (bottom right)
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Demon 79
This mini movie / episode was quite nice actually. 
Apparently, Demon 79 was originally supposed to be released on a sister series called Red Mirror which would deal with more supernatural things rather than having it all technology based. According to Brooker they might end up doing more Red Mirror episodes depending on the success of this.
Now there’s several nods to horror classics in this entry with the score of the shining being used as the title comes up. We also have the poster for the entry itself which looks like it’s playing on the one for that film along with it’s latter sequel Doctor Sleep. Made to evoke 70′s horrors this entry also tackles themes like race, politics and the incoming apocalypse. Centred around a woman named Nida Huq I couldn’t help think that this might be a reference to Brookers real life wife Connie Huq who has co-wrote several episode of the show in the past. 
After the title reveal we come across Nida and can hear bright eyes in the background by Art Garfunkel. This was written for the 1978 movie Watership down and the song itself is about a dreamlike state where someone goes on a journey. This is similar to Nida in the entry and they give a lot of focus to her eyes being wide open at several points. 
Now this episode is packed with a number of different easter eggs and ties back to other black mirror episodes from the off and throughout. There’s a shoe brand called Wolfies Footwear which might be building off the back of the last episode Mazey Day. We see the newspaper clipping talking about how a tipley publican named Robert Daly has died. Robert Daly is a name that has appeared in the series before and this was the character that Jesse Plemons played in USS Callister. This is probably director Tobey Haynes giving a bit of a shoutout to himself as he directed not only this but also that episode as well.  The talisman used to summon the demon also seems like a thinner version of the white bear symbol which actually appears later on in the flashes of Michael Smarts future.
The fictional UKN broadcaster from the universe announces his Britannia party and we learn that Smart actually took power from Michael Callow from National Anthem. However the flash here shows that he was kicked out for Racist remarks and a clipping in Loch Henry showed that he’d rebuke this. It then announced he’d start a new party which leads to the Britannia one which has the union jack in the white bear symbol. There’s also a shot of facial recognition at an eye level being taken out. This could indicated that the ADIs from hated in the Nation came from Smart and we see that they’re used on a black man showing that they have a racial angle to them. We also end up seeing one of dogs from Metal Head. A news ticker in Loch Henry confirmed that they were introduced by Smart and they of course caused a lot of issues in the country. 
It’s funny how Dog is thought to be the titular demon of the episode, when I definitively see it as Smart and hell doesn’t even want him dead because of all the evil he could do. Smart represents the control of the weak minded people who are easily swayed by politicians and he almost somewhat hypnotises Nida’s co-worker into voting for him.
Gaap is also a real life demon from the infernal dictionary who has shape shifting abilities and can show people a past. He states that he’s a misophape which is a lower class demon. 
At one point Nida reads the book Creative Visualisation which is about using the power of imagination to create what you want in life. 
Turns out that murderers can’t count as people who are killed due to them already being damned and thus she has to go after smart. 
Nevertheless the book is a major clue and we have the history with her mother adding to it as well. We know from the other entries that Michael Smart survived and benefits from this attack. 
The episode have the similarities to the son of Sam killings which too took place in the 70s. David Berkowitz said that a demon in the form of a dog told him to do it which though he’s admitted was a hoax could be the basis for this episode itself. 
The morality behind it is : Is it ok to kill someone when he’s a bad person or when he will do despicable things in the future. 
Can someone good and innocent do something terrible and bad for the greater good?
The actors playing the principal roles were perfect, especially the one playing the dancer in Bobby M. 
Why 79? 
Also the prime minister Michael Smart is finally in this entire episode from present to future.
Some good quotes: “- So don’t just hope for a better future. Vote for one!”
“- Cast out into a boundless, cosmic void. And doomed to spend eternity in a vaccum of infinite nothingness. Absence of matter, of time, of space, light, and sound. I would endure a profound, palpable, and ever-present lack of existence, alone in perpetuity, forever more.  - Sound like my life.”
“- My whole life, I never wished harm on anyone. I didn’t. - Uh... You couldn’t have summoned me for my trial if you hadn’t. Well, you had to be corruptible, not beyond corruption. You know what? You must have had some dark force inside you when you touched the talisman. There’s no shame in it.”
“- Then I choose Michael Smart. He’s the one. That’s that.  - Honestly, they are not gonna like it.  - But it’s within the rules, so they can lump it.”
“- So, I mean, you could come with. - Into eternal oblivion?  - Oh no, it’s much worse than that. It’s with me.”
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prose-for-hire · 1 year
Spike and fear
Spike often said that he didn’t fear anything except losing you. And, whilst sweet and not wholly untrue, it was of course his biggest fear, there were a few other things that scared him.
If you brought it up, even to tease him, he wouldn’t be happy. Like, at all. He would get this crinkle on his forehead that, while sweet, would mean he wouldn’t be in any mood to talk or be reasonable at all.
He was scared of spiders, the big ones that often liked to live in the same places he did. He had once used you as a human shield whilst trying to get past it.
Another fear of his was his recurring nightmare of being drowned in footwear. Despite him being very talkative in his sleep, you weren’t allowed to bring it up. He was genuinely disturbed by it.
He could face demons and apocalypses. He could fight people ten times his size and make mere mortals tremble with just a look. He loved fear, when he was the cause.
But when he was scared, you could always tell. He kept you closer, claiming he was “protecting” you. You went along with it, of course you did. He was always so good comforting you when you were scared. You wanted to comfort him in the way he needed.
You let him make you a human shield and you often tried your best to remove the spiders. You held him tight in bed when he was thrashing about in imaginary footwear. Because when it came down to it, he was a doting boyfriend and he would protect you with his life. Or… we’ll, un-life.
He knew that you knew, but he just couldn’t admit it. What he did admit was how much he loved you. Because you never laughed and you never made him feel less than.
Fear was something he could take on, with you by his side.
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popatochisssp · 1 year
Aesthetics Ref - T Bros
Nickname: Spectr (T!Sans)
Height: 4” taller than you (OR 5’3”)
Eye-lights: Ghost white (#F8F8FF), magic otherwise manifest as white with rainbow flecks
Magic Specialty: All
Scars/distinguishing marks: Opalescent white plating over a chrome endoskeleton
Preferred Style: Cyberpunk, the more covered up the better. Prefers to be as shrouded and hidden as possible, with comfort and utility as high priorities but not opposed to a bit of flair as long as its subtle. Reflective strips and light-up accessories help camouflage him in plain sight and make it less likely people will ask about glowing eyes or glints of metal if they think he’s a cosplayer or just really into the aesthetic. …which he kind of is, but that’s beside the point. Favors black and dark grays and blues, with silver and gunmetal accents when possible.
Outerwear: Hooded jackets or hoodies with cowls and high collars that come up to obscure some of the face. He wants to strike the best balance possible between shrouding him completely and not flaring or hanging too far from his body, to be obscured but not draw attention to himself, whether by catching on something or swishing too dramatically, so quiet and hardy materials are also preferred.
Top: Long-sleeved shirts, cotton and waffle fabric, goes for light and loose and breathable. Little to no design or prints among his shirts except for a rare company logo, or a really cool cyberpunk design that he just couldn’t pass up. Favors crew, cowl, or turtlenecks to v or square necks.
Bottom: Favoring utility, tactical cargo pants and joggers, comfortable and easy to move in with lots of storage space. Preferred fit is baggy down to the knee and more narrow around the shin and ankle, to be fit into boots.
Footwear: Chunky combat boots, durability over style and ankle height or just slightly higher. Laces tend to get loose but never fully untied
Trademark accessory/accessories: Toss up between his soft, sleek wool gloves and the dark face mask he wears over his mouth and nasal ridge. Either rarely comes off.
Nickname: PapAIrus (T!Papyrus)
Height: 1’4” taller than you (OR 6’3”), but variable if not fully manifested
Eye-lights: None but overall appearance when manifesting as hard-light is Alice blue (#F0F8FF)
Magic Specialty: None
Scars/distinguishing marks: Usually manifests only as skull and hands, capable of filling in the blanks with limbs and torso but tends not to
Preferred Style: Cyber dystopian, like a digital High Elf living in a desert oasis after an apocalypse destroyed the rest of the world. He loves things swishy and long and impractical, and especially delights in making coattails and sleeves and scarves defy gravity and act independently, simply for the fact that he can. Prefers stark, impossibly pristine white and silver/chrome, but can change his hues on a dime to suit an occasion or a mood.
Outerwear: Long coats, for maximum sweep and flair, sleeveless mostly because it’s less to materialize and dematerialize if he decides not to have arms. Occasionally hooded (if he feels like teasing his brother) but more often with high collars or no collar at all
Top: Crop-tops and halter tops, also almost exclusively sleeveless but sometimes long-sleeved with cut-out shoulders or separated sleeves if he feels like having humeri and forearms to show off and showcase. Also enjoys the occasional bodysuit a la Cortana or other similar futuristic characters of her ilk, to tongue-in-cheek play up to the legacy
Bottom: Bodysuits fill in most of this niche, but otherwise he mostly materializes simple, sleek and cleanly fitting pants because he doesn’t think about it much. Who needs legs when you have a handsome skull and big dexterous hands like his?
Footwear: Boots, generally heeled, favors a bit of a go-go style but certainly not shy of going knee-high, with an impractical amount of buckles, combat style, or even just a simple fancy dress shoe.
Trademark accessory/accessories: A digital approximation of his favorite scarf and gloves from when he was alive but a silvery blue instead of scarlet red—an trade-off, but in the grand scheme of things, this scarf blows majestically whenever he wants it to, wind or no, and these gloves fit his fingers like…well. Does he even have to say it?
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storiesfromvenus · 11 days
First Light - day 12: Post-Apocalypse
this was inspired by Hozier, he almost made me cry today. day 12 for scifi september by the @thepromptfoundry !!! i'm not sure if i should be proud of this one but i hope everyone enjoys <3
Dear diary, 
 Today’s date is November 27th, 2043, and it has been snowing for almost fifteen years since The Great Storm. Dad tells me it’s important to keep a logbook, he says it’s to help me organize my thoughts and keep up with dates, anyways, my name is Juniper Cahill and I live in Vancouver, Washington. I am turning thirteen soon. Dad says he’ll be able to get me something nice this year when we leave. 
 He says it’s gotten too cold to live here, that we need to leave some place warmer. I like it here in Washington, you get to see all the magpies. When I was real little, my mom used to sing the magpie rhyme. She said her mom used to sing it to her too.
 Anyways, when I grow up, I want to become a biologist. My dad has given me a lot of biology books this year. I hope I can attend college soon. 
 I’m gonna miss Washington, but my dad says it’s no longer safe to live here anymore. I guess he’s right… I always have to wear extra layers because he’s worried I’ll freeze up. He's also worried about the older kids here too, they always seem to mess with me, especially the boys. I’m not sure why.
 Anyways, I gotta go now, me and dad are gonna go to the store to get some dinner and firewood, Alofie is coming with us.
 Alofie is my dog by the way. He’s an Irish Wolfhound, lots of townsfolk don’t like him.
It somehow always gets colder in the fall.
 An omen of what winter would bring, something even more detrimental, freezing temperatures dropping lower and lower. You’d be surprised just how many manage to survive the winter the more it gets heavier and heavier.
 Down here, there isn’t a concept of warmth, the sun is practically nonexistent, the skies are always a dull, drab gray color, no longer the limitless blue the world was once used to. Spring and summer are nothing but myths here, water that isn’t solid is a luxury, and heaters, of course, cost way too much.
 People have no choice but to try to buy as much wood as they can for winter. 
  Resources are sacred, never waste them.
 Boots are common footwear here for this climate, good for trekking down the snow-covered sidewalks, sometimes they hurt to wear but… one gets used to it.
 Casey sometimes wondered what it was like, to feel the sun on his skin, to experience summer again way, way back. When he didn’t have to constantly cover himself in layers upon layers just to keep hyperthermia away.
 He remembered the sight of the sky, the clouds forming after that bomb hit. The look of it, it felt like a dream. A horrible, horrible dream. He shivered, not sure due to fear or the frigid air.
 And he remembered the storm hitting just days after, thinking it’d just go away soon and everyone would start to recover.
 What a lie that turned out to be. 
 Casey looked behind him, seeing Juniper struggle to trek through the snow-caked sidewalk. He held out his arm, letting Juniper cling onto him as if her life depended on it. Things would only get worse, Casey realized as he held the shopping bags close to his chest as if they were a newborn. If they didn’t leave soon before December came over, chances are they probably won’t survive.
 And there was no way Casey would ever let that happen.
 “You alright, sprout?”
 “I’m fine, dad…”
  Casey helped her keep steady, and together they trekked through the frigid air.
 “Dad,” Juniper’s soft voice said in the clearing, “what will it be like when we leave south for the winter?”
 Casey looked down for a moment, seeing nothing but snow he stepped on, hearing the soft crunch of ice underneath his boots. “Well… for starters, there’ll be no snow… second off, the sky will be clear, sunny, bright, warm. You’ll be able to play in the grass without having to wear a coat, or a scarf, or a beanie. You’ll be okay…”
 “Will there be flowers?”
 “Oh, of course… all sorts of flowers, just for you. Okay?”
 “Like the wildflowers I've seen in books?”
 “Dad, is there a reason why you named me Juniper?”
 Casey stayed quiet for a moment, he wrapped a shoulder around Juniper, holding her close for warmth. He felt her shaking, they needed to get home, he realized, and soon enough.
 “Well, before you were born, I had visited Ireland for my twenty-fourth birthday, I saw these juniper trees,” he began, in the distance, he saw the faint glow of a porch light in the wintry fog. Hope. the light. The first light. “And… I thought that, if I ever had a daughter, you know what I'd name her?”
 “What?” Juniper asked, as though she hadn’t known. A curious glint in her tired, weary eyes.
 A soft smile, and a whisper soft as the snow, comforting as warmth, “I’d name her Juniper, and one year later… you were born.” 
 His first light.
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survivintothrivin · 27 days
FACE & FEATURES - glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature? stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest? canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all? CUT & CLOTHES - night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type? outerwear: What's your OC's outerwear situation? Jacket, sweater, cloak? What sort of weather do they deal with most and how do they protect themselves? footwear: What does your OC wear on their feet? arms: Does your OC have any weapons? What weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when they're not fighting? ACCESSORIES & ACCENTS - bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning? hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning? favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
FACE & FEATURES - glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance?
Her red hair and tall height.
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
She definitely gets fridgety after a while. If waiting sitting on a chair, she’ll constantly shift her position or bounce her legs.
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
She has none of that. But had the outbreak not happened she probably would have gotten some tattoos. She’s the type for that.
CUT & CLOTHES - night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
Pre-outbreak she'd wear PJ shorts and a camisole in the summers or a warm overall in the winters. Now she sleeps in her clothes so in case something happens, she can leave in practical clothes.
outerwear: What's your OC's outerwear situation? Jacket, sweater, cloak? What sort of weather do they deal with most and how do they protect themselves?
She prefers leather jackets and denim jackets because they’re harder to bite through. Gwendolyn avoids clothes that can easily get caught in a fight with the dead, so anything too loose is off the table. Most of the time the weather isn’t too crazy, but she will always seek shelter ASAP if a storm is coming.
footwear: What does your OC wear on their feet?
Combat boots, hiking boots, running shoes. Anything that is suitable when you have to walk a lot. Before the apocalypse she sometimes wore heels, but she isn’t gonna wear those anymore.
arms: Does your OC have any weapons? What weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when they're not fighting?
She always has weapons on her. They’re crucial. She has two knives, a pistol and shotgun on her. The shotgun she wears slung over her shoulder with a tactical sling and her knife and pistol are holstered. A back-up knife in a boot sheath in case she ever gets her stuff stolen and needs to defend herself.
ACCESSORIES & ACCENTS - bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
She wears a paracord bracelet someone from her old group gifted her. If she ever needs some cord she can unravel it.
hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
Most of the time she wears her hair tied back so it doesn’t get in the way.
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
Her favorite article of clothing is a leather jacket she found. It’s durable and looks good.
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"You need a pair of cowboy boots!"
He'd look down at the shoes he currently had on, and they were a true symbol of wear and tear, they had dirt and grime and looked as if they might come apart any day now. Ordinarily, it'd be a pretty unsanitary sight, but in a world that had suffered an apocalypse, this would be hardly uncommon.
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"...Perhaps I do, they'd probably be sturdier than the stuff I'm wearing right now, guess now's about as good as time as ever to get some new footwear. The only real question would be where to find something like that."
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greybackpack · 1 year
So, I was pondering about scars. Thinking? I don’t know. Anyways, scars in relation to the trio.
For Elisabet, right? She lived on a ranch, and if there’s anything I know about living with farm animals, it’s that there’s gonna be some bloodshed. Both yours and theirs. What kind of scars did she get in her lifetime? What lessons did she learn from them? I have a faint scar from one of my mothers chickens, and like, I know now not to bother a hen when she’s stressed unless I can help. (Also my mom has a penchant for picking asshole roosters, but that’s irrelevant.) does she have a burn scar from that pine tree she set on fire? What marks are on her hands from working with robotics? Did Elisabet learn how to weld? What scars did she get during the apocalypse? Did she come face to face with the Plague? What scrapes and bumps and bruises does she have and what did she learn? I know damn well there’s calluses on her feet, because you can’t operate a ranch without breaking in some solid footwear. Did she listen to the lessons about breaking in hiking boots or did she hike in them and bleed? Does she have calluses on her hand, even though I’m sure the digitalization of everything must have made that less pronounced?
Aloy, for sure, has tough feet. The shoes she didn’t wear as a kid is like the practice of acclimatizing children to be able to walk bare feet in order to get thicker soles and stronger skin. (Speaking of which, how in the hell did she not get tetanus or something?) She’s got scars from machines, for sure, like most everyone else does. Which ones taught her to dodge better, to balance quicker, to parry a strike at the right moment? She’s got calluses on her fingertips from bows. Little slices on her hands that indicate blade work? Do her shoulders have scars on them from those slamming attacks watchers do? Torn up skin fro where scrappers caught her with their serrated blades? Broken and healed bones from stampeding striders?Pockmarks and holes from where bullets and lasers hit her? Her palms are rough, because she climbs rocks and trees and probably buildings. Has she ever twisted her ankles? That scar from Helis, on her neck, that taught her the reality of death and loss. What other scars would Aloy carry? What lessons did they teach her?
And Beta, who was forced to live both socially and physically isolated from people. We know she didn’t meet the Zeniths until Earth, basically. Did Eric torment her when they did (this is based on the whole psycho “watch the fear in other people’s eyes as he killed them” thing the dude’s got going on). She who also ripped out that focus/tracker out of the side of her head unhesitatingly the moment she could after realizing what the Zeniths were there to do. There’s a giant scar left on her skull now Did that teach her a little bit about how brave she could be? Did that show her that the spark of bravery and defiance and good that lives in Aloy also lives in her? Is it a reminder that she no longer lives under anyone’s will? That shes brave and lovely and even if there’s a hundred zeniths, Beta’s worth as much if not more than all of them combined? Does it remind her that she’s got people who cherish her for who she is and that she doesn’t have to beg for a scrap of attention and love? Did she get splinters after setting foot on a world not made out of metal and lights and water?
I just think scars are incredibly profound to who someone is as a person and the experiences they’ve gone through. Physically, anyways. Emotional scars can be linked to them, but they’re usually harder to spot right away.
They’re so brave?? They survived so much and yeah they’re not talking about it but they’re learning to live with it and learning to both grieve the experience and then learning the lesson and moving on instead of just avoiding it like Aloy did for the year and a half ish from Rost’s death? That’s incredibly inspiring.
I think that’s why I love this game so much, despite the questionable usage of tribes and savages and a bunch of other things (don’t even get me started on that). The story and narrative is so rich and compelling in how they show Aloy’s physical and emotional journey and the differences in how people process their trauma and experiences and how that’s all okay, because that’s just how things are. It’s just. I love it. I love them.
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echosigma · 22 days
Survive the Apocalypse! Craft the Ultimate Bug Out Bag with Echo-Sigma
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Being prepared is more crucial than ever in a world where the unpredictable seems increasingly possible. Whether facing a natural disaster, a sudden societal collapse, or an apocalyptic scenario, having the right survival kit can make all the difference. The Echo-Sigma Bug Out Bag is a top-tier choice for those serious about preparedness, offering a comprehensive solution to keep you and your loved ones safe in emergencies. Let’s explore what makes this survival backpack stand out and why it should be an essential part of your emergency strategy.
What is a Bug Out Bag?
A bug-out bag is a portable survival kit designed to sustain you for at least 72 hours during an emergency. Unlike hunkering down at home, bugging out involves leaving your current location for a safer one, typically on foot. Therefore, the bag needs to be lightweight yet packed with essential gear for any emergency. The Echo-Sigma Bug Out Bag is engineered for this very purpose, combining tactical survival gear with convenience and efficiency.
Why Choose the Echo-Sigma Bug Out Bag?
When it comes to survival kits, quality matters. The Echo-Sigma Bug Out Bag is one of the top survival kits available, known for its durability, comprehensive content, and tactical design. Here’s what makes it stand out:
1. High-Quality Tactical Survival Gear: Echo Sigma’s survival backpack is crafted with military-grade materials, ensuring it can withstand harsh conditions. From reinforced stitching to water-resistant fabrics, this bag is built to last. It includes a wide array of tactical survival gear, such as a first aid kit, multi-tool, flashlight, fire starter, and a tactical knife, all essential for navigating and surviving unpredictable situations.
2. Comprehensive and Customizable: One of the key features of the Echo-Sigma Bug Out Bag is its comprehensive nature. It comes pre-packed with all the essential gear for any emergency, but it also offers room for customization. Whether you want to add personal items like medication, additional clothing, or specialized equipment, this bag provides the flexibility to do so without compromising on space or organization.
3. Designed for Immediate Deployment: Unlike other survival kits that may require assembly or additional purchases, the Echo-Sigma Bug Out Bag is ready to go from the moment it arrives. This immediacy is crucial in a situation where time is of the essence. The bag is designed to be quickly grabbed and carried, ensuring that you can hunker down in a safer location with minimal delay.
4. Comfort and Accessibility: Comfort is often overlooked in survival planning, but it’s a critical factor when you may need to travel long distances on foot. The Echo-Sigma Bug Out Bag is ergonomically designed with padded shoulder straps, a breathable back panel, and multiple compartments for easy access. This ensures that you can carry your gear comfortably while keeping everything within reach when needed.
Building the Ultimate Bug Out Bag
While the Echo-Sigma Bug Out Bag is an excellent foundation, building the ultimate bug-out bag requires thoughtful customization based on your personal needs and environment. Consider the following additions:
- Water Filtration System: While the Echo-Sigma Bug Out Bag includes water purification tablets, adding a portable water filter or purifier can provide a more sustainable water source.
- Extra Food Supplies: The bag comes with emergency rations, but you might want to add more based on your dietary needs or preferences.
- Additional Clothing: Pack weather-appropriate clothing, including thermal layers, waterproof gear, and sturdy footwear.
- Communication Devices: A hand-crank radio or satellite phone can be invaluable in maintaining communication during widespread outages.
- Personal Documents: Include copies of essential documents like IDs, insurance papers, and emergency contact information.
In an uncertain world, the Echo-Sigma Bug Out Bag is a robust, reliable option for anyone serious about survival. Combining top survival kits with customizable, tactical gear, this survival backpack is designed to give you the best chance of staying safe and secure, whether you're hunkering down or bugging out. By investing in this ultimate survival kit, you’re not just buying peace of mind—you’re taking a proactive step toward ensuring your safety in the most extreme scenarios.
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the-blackorchid1 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: C - ROCKPORT 7 Womens BLACK COMPOSITE TOE SHOES work safety outdoors goth gothic.
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