#for someone special
dumblr · 10 months
Hey, Sorry to interrupt your scrolling.
I just wanted to tell you that you're special. You might not think so, but you are. There's something about you that makes you stand out from the rest.♡
Maybe it's your sense of humor, or your kind heart. Maybe it's the way you always see the best in people, even when they don't deserve it. Whatever it is, it's a part of who you are, and it makes you unique.♡
No one is perfect, but you're perfect for me. I love you for who you are, not who you think you should be. I'll never try to change you, because I think you're perfect just the way you are.♡
So, thank you. Thank you for being you. I hope you know that you're loved, and that you always will be.♡
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araneadillydally · 10 days
DillyDally 136
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ya-zz · 11 months
Junkerqueen Drabble
“This is for you.” For once, the queen sounded shy, almost embarrassed for feeling the way she did.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” She practically demanded, her hand still holding out a small box to you.
“Thank you, Odessa…” Your cheeks were flushed, hot to the touch.
She pushes forward, pressing the box against your chest. “Go on then, take it.”
Shaky hands reach out and take the box, a small written note hanging beside on the tag. Scribbled and incorrectly spelt words, ‘something, something, I love you’ scrawled out in black pen.
Odessa’s cheeks were also red as her eyes avoided yours. She looked rather cute, her demeanour completely changed before she recomposes herself, a hesitant cough before she stands straight.
She doesn’t say anything else, muttering something quietly before leaving you standing there.
You only just caught on what she had said…
“I love you…”
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crayzkrypto · 1 year
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I have a gift for him.
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shutterandpencil · 7 months
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“Tombae Lovely, After Hours”
I tend to take “after hours” pics for someone special (who I won’t name, of course 🤭) but very rarely do I post them, however, I was quite fond of this one, so this is one of those exceptions, just don’t get used to it. 
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risdoodls · 1 year
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It's like we all collectively forgot as a society that friendship and just connection in general takes effort. Even if you meet someone you immediately click with, it takes hanging out about 20 times (!) to become friends. And guess what, some of those 20 meetings might be awkward or unimpressive.
We all want to reap the benefits (having a friend circle, having a partner, getting married) without doing the work (going to events, interacting with people, learning to handle conflict maturely, dating). Myself included. If I could, I'd never leave the house or go on another mediocre date again... except, that's part of the process.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, the cure to the loneliness epidemic is touching some grass and building tolerance for tedious in-person interactions.
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gibbearish · 11 months
love when ppl defend the aggressive monetization of the internet with "what, do you just expect it to be free and them not make a profit???" like. yeah that would be really nice actually i would love that:)! thanks for asking
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shithowdy · 1 year
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when the whole house got the autism
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a-warriors-thoughts · 6 months
Idk what else to name this so suggestions would be nice. Wrote it for someone very much newr and dear to me who's been though way too much in her past and I care so much for.
***"Despite the Past"***
Where some see a lady, broken
Others see a warrior, triumphant
Most shall never hear the words unspoken
Whilst she bears her past as a raiment
Some days may cast over her a stygian hue
While others allow her radiance to shine
Though she may be vexed with her view
Truly, she is beautifully divine
Shadow tries to conceal joy
Availing not as riven are its bars
Its attempt tis but a ploy
To stifle their inner stars
Abandoned she shall never be
For no matter how trying is the time
One at least shall refuse to flee
To stand by her through fire and rime
Friends may come and go
Those true few will ever decree
Their defiance against wandering to and fro
Ever present for each fall or victory
Emotions mayhaps run wild
Anger and spite can make blood boil
True hope and love cannot be beguiled
She stands not alone versus life's turmoil
Where one might see a lady, broken
Another sees a warrior, glorious
Hidden words have been spoken
Done so in a manner most amatorious
Until the demise of days
Connections forged in light do scry
For desires of years bright under solar rays
May she nevermore be lead awry
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polutek · 6 months
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They get distracted easily :((
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batmanshole · 7 months
reblogs off + removing this post bc it was a personal post i didn't expect to get big and didn't have all the information. i guarantee you guys would not be meatriding a corporation this hard if it wasn't a cutesy one.
buy esims for gaza
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fifidrs · 9 months
El vínculo que tengo con ese hombre
es muy difícil de romper, ni la distancia,
ni los años, ni él, ni yo misma por más que quiera lo puedo deshacer.
Siempre hay un hombre que amarás
toda la vida, siempre pensarás en él, siempre le recordarás aunque cada
uno esté por su lado, siempre vendrá a tu mente al escuchar una canción y llorarás como niña, siempre lo buscarás o le esperarás porque hay una conexión que no logras hacer con nadie más, siempre lo vas a comparar y sentirás que como él no hay otro igual.
Te volverás a enamorar del él una y otras vez aunque no quieras porque es tu llama gemela; sentirás necesidad de gritar su nombre, de correr a sus brazos, de ser suya; te carcomerá su ausencia, sentirás que algo te falta y nada llenará ese vacío porque perteneces a él, y solo él te completa de todas las formas porque lo amas, y sabes que no volverás amar como le amas a él.
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we crossed paths,
At first I didn't know u were there, the moment I looked ur way, for a sec there I didn't believe myself, I thought maybe all those schizophrenic movies I've watched were taking its toll, lmao, I took a pause for few seconds there but it felt like eternity, feels like I left some unfinished business behind, or perhaps gave away something very important to me, the moment I got locked in yo eyes, ngl every single nerve in my body felt the static, my gut did somersaults. 😮‍💨🤞🏽 I don't know what sort of emotional array was that, but I really regret not startin a small talk, I keep tellin myself it was not the right place, but that's jus copium. only if I could see u everyday and have u cross my path every single time. I jus wanna live in that moment.
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bluejayscrying · 3 months
Due to the robins getting progressively younger, A lot of neighbourhood kids seem to think they can also be a superhero. Jason, who knows firsthand the dangers of being a kid vigilante (he died as one, after all) opens up a Martial arts Centre for the kids of Gotham.
there’s no payment required, and you can see kids who look like they wouldn’t be out of place in the Wayne manor suburb helping a younger crime alley attendee perfect a punch-and-grab combo.
He calls it ‘Jaybirds nest’, runs it as many nights he can afford, and tries to discourage the young children from a hero’s life while still teaching them how to defend themselves.
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shutterandpencil · 6 months
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"Peach Burlesque"
Once again, Ryuuko is thinking of someone.
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