#for this I was just too lazy to come up with a new outfit haha
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Listen, I love MM but sometimes I wish Level 5 hadn’t been such cowards and had made Angela the villain instead :((
She already has the classic PL villain backstory anyway (+ I just think it would have been fun 🔥)
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snowstained · 2 years
wrong question
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yandere!chuuya / gn!reader
yandere, toxic relationship, reader has panic attack, chuuya in a goofy ahh mood, mentions of abuse, i’m too lazy to proof read
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tik tok… tik tok… tik tok… tik- the clock broke again. you always thought it was ironic whenever the stupid thing broke. it was your only way to truly tell how long you were there, when he’d come back, how long you have to mentally prepare yourself. but whenever the clock broke you had to recalculate everything.
according to the clock, well, before it broke, you had about 25 minutes left before chuuya came home. 25 minutes left to mentally prepare yourself. 25 minutes left in chains. 25 minutes before a human bomb came in through the door. time bomb, haha, you thought to yourself. time, time, time, time is all you had left. just… time. time until you escaped, time until you died or he died. no, if he dies that would be bad. you’d be left to rot. time is against you. truly.
there you sat in the dim, windowless room. he tried to make it nice at least. well… kind of. you kept yourself occupied with board games and books and music and cards, but it was lackluster. you weren’t allowed to watch tv or go on the internet without chuuya’s supervision. you were at one point, but when he saw that you got through the child-lock and tried seeing if anyone was looking for you on the news that got taken away. kinda funny, huh? you were in your 20s being treated like you weren’t even double digits yet.
there it was, the sound of your prison door unlocking. you weren’t out yet though. daily routine was in order. every day when chuuya came home you were dressed to his liking, whether it be a fancy expensive outfit, jeans and a sweater, or just barely any clothing. whatever he was in the mood for. the second part of the routine was him doing your hair and asking about your day. this moment was very critical, especially if he was in a bad mood. acceptable responses are any variation of “good”, and unacceptable responses are any variation of “bad”, unless it was only bad because you missed him. in that case, “bad” because you missed him must be followed up by “good” now that you see him.
after dressing you up in a nice outfit (which likely meant he was in a good mood today) you were brought out to the living room and made to sit on the couch. chuuya sat behind you, beginning to do your hair. “how was your day? i know i missed you dearly, im so happy to see you now” he said. his voice was unsettling sometimes. so calm, too calm.
“i was a bit bored today, but i’m so happy now that you’re here, chuuya! i missed you,” a forced smile creeped onto your lips “what did you do today? i want to hear about it.” you felt chuuya stiffen up a bit. bad question, he didn’t have a good day after all.
“i saw an old partner today, im not very happy about it” he was clearly mad now. silence fell over the room like a thick blanket of snow. anxiety started to fill you, starting in the pit of your stomach and spreading through your entire body. would you be punished? is he mad at you? how can you fix the situation and make him happy again? your breaths became stuttered and your hands shakey.
“what’s got you so worked up, yn? i can feel you shaking.” was he concerned or faking it? is he gonna hurt you? oh god.
you inhaled sharply before speaking, “i didn’t mean to upset you, chuuya. i’m sorry, i-i’m really really sorry! please forgive me, it was a mistake, i’m so sorry! i shouldn’t have asked!” full blown panic attack. you hyperventilated as the room turned into shapes and colors, your vision became static, touch felt so intense, and nothing you heard made sense.
you saw something move in front of you and grab you, but you didn’t know who or what. you couldn’t make sense of it. he’s gonna hurt me, he’s gonna hurt me, he’s gonna hurt me. that’s all you could think. when you began to calm down you finally made sense of what was happening. it was chuuya holding your hands, staring at you with a concerned look on his face. “yn? are you okay? i’m not gonna hurt you, baby. why would you ever think that? i love you, i’m here to protect you, not hurt you.”
his voice was so soft. calm. worried. it made you mad, but you could express that. why would i ever think you’d hurt me? look at the fucking bruises on my body. every time you’re mad at me i get hurt. you sat still. you said nothing, but your gaze told him what he needed to know. the bruises on your legs, your arms. your now deformed left pinky from when he was angry and accidentally broke three of your fingers. he didn’t take you to a hospital because he didn’t want to get caught, not even a medic for the port mafia. your ring and middle healed fine, but not the pinky.
chuuya’s face was still for a moment. you couldn’t read it, you couldn’t tell what he was feeling, but then he cried. no, he didn’t cry. he sobbed. “it’s my fault, it’s all my fault. you’re scared of me and it’s my fault! i’m supposed to protect you… and i failed. i’m sorry, yn. let me make it up to you, let me try to fix this! i don’t want you to be scared of me.” all you could do was stare. “we can go shopping or somewhere nice to eat or a vacation, whatever you want. name it. i’ll make it happen, it’ll be my apology, and i promise i’ll try to control my violence a little more.”
there were two ways your reply could go. either he would give in and you’d be free, or he’d be taking his promise back quickly. “chuuya… i want you to let me go. that’s how you can make it up to me…” you said it. it was ballsy, and an absolute gamble. but, you said it.
chuuya’s gaze turned back to unreadable. it was silence. how dare you ask to leave him? could you see that he loves you more than the air he breathes? more than life itself? “you’re funny. after all i do, that’s what you really want, huh?” you fucked up, badly. “the money i spent, the tears i shed, the blood i have bled for you! it means nothing, huh? my love means nothing. you’re staying here, with me. you will stay by my side until the day life leaves you. and that day won’t be up to god, that day is up to me. you’re gonna see things my way, i’ll make sure of it. i own you. you’re mine.”
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deadbydangit · 8 months
I've been loving your "reader brings an animal home" posts. When you get a chance, can you please write the same for Nurse, Pig, and Plague? Very interested to see what animals you'll pick! Thank you!
Absolutely! These are all loosely based on animals I would bring home. Please enjoy. Sorry if this one wasn't as good. I had it written out and then it was all deleted.
With a reader who brings an animal home
Nurse, Pig, Plauge
A pig?
"Cute. Real cute."
Yeah because she's a pig and you brought home a pig.
Haha, very funny.
She's more annoyed than anything.
This is the kind of joke someone like Ghostface would make.
She doesn't expect that kind of childish behavior from you.
It's yours to take care of, she wants nothing to do with it.
Until you hear a training one day.
"What? Pigs are like, really smart. He needs mental stimulation."
"Well, it's not like you're training him or anything."
And now Amanda is training your pig to find materials for making traps.
She's completely taking over the role of caretaker now.
On her rare lazy days, you'll see Amanda sleeping with her piggy.
You can bring it up to her, telling her about a time when she really didn't want the pet.
"Yeah, Yeah. You can rub that in my face all you want."
She's willing to admit she was wrong about that.
Believe it or not, Sally would absolutely be the one to bring an animal home.
She has an affinity for cute fluffy little critters.
So coming home and finding her cradling a ferret shouldn't come as that much of a surprise.
"But I found him all alone in the cold."
"You would make me put him back would you?"
"All by himself where a big mean animal could eat him?"
She's not trying to gaslight you.
Okay, she's absolutely trying to gaslight you.
But Sally looks so happy.
How could you take that away from her?
You just can't.
Soon she'll be knitting little outfits for her new pet.
Oh, and there will be a stroller for it.
"Aw, he's just a baby, see?"
Even if it's a full-grown ferret.
She's a bleeding heart for cute little things.
Don't be shocked when you walk in and see four more ferrets.
"What? He needs a family. Just like us."
And then more of the: "You won't make me put them back, right?"
But, in all honesty, she does take very good care of them.
They're her children.
They are your family.
You brought a goat home.
A goat.
You don't even have to ask her.
Because the moment she saw the goat, she was groveling at its feet.
Remember, her god?
The sea goat?
She's already dashing around the house finding expensive foods and fine clothes to give to this goat.
"It's a descendant of the sea god!"
"We are being blessed s/o!"
Yes, the goat is sleeping in the bed.
No, you can not get mad if the goat eats the sheets.
First person to eat during breakfast?
The goat, obviously.
She might be getting a little too hyped up about it.
This animal is like a spoiled rotten puppy.
And it knows it.
Adris let's get away with way too much.
So much so that she might scold you for scolding it.
But you can't deny that she's not happy.
Seeing her snuggle up with a little goat makes her seem so much more alive.
She had it rough enough in her life, let her have this little sliver of happiness.
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batcastlesociety · 3 months
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lazy arts of idol leon!! i've been milling over what his design would even be lmao,,, i think the comically large and frilly sleeves suit him. kind of. honestly i just think they're cute! i'll add a bit more to his design later!
rant over his design, along with the idol au in general, under the cut! :)
this idol au honestly started off as a joke, like if i made simon, richter, and now leon as magical boys or something. (i also really want to do that) but now i'm invested in these goobers!!
i know that an idol group consisting of leon, simon, and richter of all people would not be chronologically accurate whatsoever (😭) but they're my favourite belmonts so started with them. i miiiiight come up with new designs for other belmonts, but definitely not now lmao.
i figured it would be best for leon to be the leader of the idol group (troupe?) because well he's the first belmont! i want to make his outfit the most extravagant, and him as a character the most tired looking expression i could, haha! like a wet cat.
i gave him really messy hair, like how it looks in lament of innocence (specifically the ayami kojima art, NOT his 3d model 💀) and i think he'd have dark black smudged eyeliner too, either that or genuine eyebags... i'm definitely keeping the black nail polish too
his coat was based off of the kinds of corset-coat mixes (i have no idea what they're actually called 💀) in ouji fashion, sort of like this one here. i think i'll replace his gauntlet with a type of big, armor-like bracelets, and i think giving him armor shoes would be good too! i still want him to look "knightly", as well.
the bows were just a stylistic choice lmao. i want him to look an odd mix of dainty and doll-like and the type of built-like-a-twig boy who'd have an asthmatic attack from a dorito, as well as a strong knight man!!!! with sad backstory. now that i think about it, i think he'd also look good with miniature sword earrings.
that's kind of it, sadly 😭... i wish i could rant more about this but honestly it's not like there's any lore for this (yet...?) but i still lobve them. my blorbies
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airenyah · 2 years
soooo after failing miserably to predict the timeline of events of the beach outfit scenes last week i've decided to try my chances again this week. originally i wasn't going to but i was rewatching the special earlier and came across this interesting behind the scenes clip:
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(i think this was pt. 3 of the special? i'm too lazy to go back and check)
this confirms that the "can i kiss you?" scene definitely happens in akk's bedroom rather than still on the boat:
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(see ep. 7 pt. 3)
so here's my new theory.....
i think it's safe to say that in the beginning we'll get a continuation of where last week's cliffhanger kept us hanging
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will they already kiss here on the boat or not? well, i do have some thoughts on this thanks to a post i saw a few days ago where someone here posted a still where [redacted] (spoilers under the cut*)
anyway, what i think will happen after that is that akk will try to run away as soon as they get back from the secret island because he can't deal or is overwhelmed or has some other worries, idek (or maybe this moment isn't even as angsty as it seems haha)
point is, i think they go from the boat to the beach:
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and then after that, coming from the beach they end up in akk's room somehow with their hands on each other's faces and then we'll HOPEFULLY get a real, consensual kiss this time
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so yeah. i just had to get that out of my system before tomorrow's ep drops
watch me be terribly wrong again lmao 🤡🤡🤡
*here's a spoiler pic for everyone who doesn't know what still i'm referring to and who'd like to find out before the ep airs tomorrow:
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damn i can't believe i actually found it when i went looking just now
you can also kinda see just a tiny bit of akk's hand over ayan's mouth here lol:
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anyway yeah my money is on no kiss happening in this scene yet
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cinewhore · 9 months
a few things from today and just general musings because this is a blog and I shouldn’t be afraid to post these things on a blogging website:
- i made a parfait for the first time. It was really good. I was skeptical because for whatever reason it’s hard to find a yogurt that’s non-diary in the bigger sizes but I stumbled across one that’s made from goats milk so why not? It’s nasty on it’s own but very tasty when you add stuff to it. I used blueberries, strawberries, honey and honey nut granola.
- speaking of food, i realize that while i enjoy grocery shopping, Im not really good at it. I decided to meal prep and found it sooo helpful. Now I know what im eating so I knew what to buy. I also made chicken gravy from scratch which seems mundane but very cool. I used too much flour but it just means that it’s super thick and that’s ok. I think doing this will help cut my grocery budget down but groceries are just fucking expensive.
- I started a new screenplay and it’s exciting. I really want to do more with my writing this year and a great writing fellowship opened up but it’s for features only. I hate long forms of writing but was willing to write a feature in a month because I wanted to do the fellowship. I realize this was wrong and will now take my time with the script.
- it’s tentatively called financial aid and it’s about three students coming together to pull off a heist to pay their tuition. It’s heavily based on me (minus some of the crime, haha) so that makes it scary but worthwhile. I tend to stick to hard comedy but I want to try my hand at drama. The tone is similar to the bear. Characters are great, it’s funny but also wildly fucked up and everyone should see a therapist.
- i bought kimchi for the first time. I had a great pork kimchi rice bowl in LA and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. I couldn’t find pork belly in my store so I’ll have to do without. I hope it turns out ok.
- i could be really good with social media to the point of becoming an influencer but I don’t care enough and I’m lazy. My mom thinks I’m wasting potential. I like posting little tiktoks of my outfits and doing mini vlogs of my life. Why must i monetize that?
- I’m sure we’re just in a lull period but I find my job kind of boring. I spent an hour answering emails and then just sat there for the rest of the day. Only two other people came in. I could’ve stayed home. I like it because I make more than a lot of people and it’s easy and i only work in office three days a week so i can do whatever on the weekend.
- i really want friends and I’m tired of trying to use endless apps or whatever. I can’t help but to think about how much fun this city could be if i had people to hang out with.
- i think i need to buy a nightlight and I’m trying to be brave about it because sleeping with the tv on isn’t helping but for gods sake I’m 26 and developing a fear of the dark!
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somewhereinthepines · 2 years
Random thought, what kind of clothes does Chris wear outside of camp? The other week when I was playing the game I got to the bit where Dylan is poking around Chris's private rooms. It was hard to see the clothes on the hangers properly because the lighting was kind of dingy. So I wondered what you thought Chris would wear on a regular day. I was thinking he's maybe not fashionable, which makes sense, because of Dylan's "fashion icon" comment while snooping. I did catch a glimpse of what looked like black trousers maybe and some kind of beige or yellow top? Which were mix match looking garments to see there. I did see he had a brown jacket in his office hanging off one of the hooks too. Then theres the picture of him with his kids, blue hoodie. It got me thinking about Ryan seeing him wearing something other than his uniform. What kind of pjs does he have, and are they just boxers or maybe those "dad" kind of pjs yk? Either way, I think Ryan would low-key eat up that vision of him (based on your fics).
Ahh imagine, early mornings, grumpy Chris out of bed with a bed head trying to take some of his pills in the bathroom. Ryan sleepily stumbling in behind him, watching him through the cabinet mirror, clinging to him from around his middle. Chris feeling agitated that morning (needs his coffee fix), but a little less so with Ryan's smell there. Knowing what he's waiting for but too shy to ask for. Morning kiss(es), which he would indulge him with, since Ryan doesn't give two shits about morning breath apparently (he wants his kisses, owed them, pay up old man, haha). Omg imagine if Chris managed to convince him to try wearing pj shorts to bed? I remember in ASB chapter 4, he liked that Ryan was wearing sports shorts. Imagine the kinds of excuses Chris could come up with "It's hot out, you don't want to over heat, do ya?" Sorry for the rambling of imagines there, they're fun to think about, haha.
i agree, he’s prob not very imaginative in that regard. i think, that his most ‘badass’ outfit will be some flannel shirt, jeans and cowboy boots lol. chris doesn’t strike me as a guy, who cares too deeply about his appearance. fully agree on that one. and like, he came from a ‘hillbilly’ (as laura put it) working family. they were implied to be wealthy at some point, but seemingly less so now. and chris most likely worked, since he was young (odd jobs and such), so he would be more practical in that sense, vs fashionable. tho he totally has some corny t-shirt or a baseball cap with some ‘dad joke’ on it. smth straight from the gift shop. a thing, that his kids always make fun of, but ryan is oddly gentle about. and oh, part of me wants to say it would totally be a ‘dad’ kind pjs, but i picture that chris got sort of ‘lazy’ about it, and just sleeps in boxers and shirt. we don’t have a lot of background on his private habits, but with time, i imagine, that chris’s mental health got worse and worse, so even putting on a proper pjs feels like a chore. an unnecessary thing to put up with. his routine rituals got more ‘simple’, and the faster he can get from one clothes into another, the better. but if ryan or his children had brought him a new set of pjs, he would have made sure to wear it to sleep everytime lol. and sure enough, ryan would have been very invested in seeing mister h wearing smth different for once. it would make a bit of a striking difference between what chris picks to wear at work and outside of it. another bit of personal info, that ryan is so hungry about. and it doesn’t even matter, if chris’s choices would have been ‘plain’ lol. like most southern dudes are indeed far from being fashion icons, haha. ryan will have to dress ‘cool’ for both of them. 
daww, ryan persistently wanting attention from chris in the morning is hella cute, esp bc he can distract chris from doing anything else. just ryan lol. and yeah, he wouldn’t really care if the morning kiss would taste like mint or not. he’s prob digs chris’s natural taste, more than mint even. and chris must have some extra taste buds, so him being hang up on kissing ryan without any other ‘fake’ flavor is very much on the table too. also funny enough, i think, that ryan would attempt to make chris coffee a few times (if he wakes up first), but it would be a hella awful one. chris would naturally endure, and drink it anyways. being like yeah, good stuff, all while slightly cringing and masking it into a smile. but ryan making awful coffee is one of those weird lil hcs, that i have lol. the kid doesn’t drink coffee himself, so he doesn’t really know how to make it properly. 
oh, the shorts. dang. if only ryan knew how much power those things hold over chris hackett, haha. if only he knew, that wearing shorts would be enough to break the camel’s back. and man, yeah, haha. it’s beyond hilarious imagining chris attempting to justify his request. all while ryan be uhhhhh wut. chris would go far and beyond just to not ask him about it openly. instead, he would hope, that ryan will either do it and don’t think about it too much. or will actually catch on and do it just to tease him. i picture, that ryan’s own pjs might be actually a pair of shorts and a long, oversized t-shirt. prob long enough to cover most of the shorts, and it’s only more oblivious that he wears them, when he stretches and t-shirt rides up. chris will be a sweaty mess from just glimpsing it once tho, haha.
and no worries! i love when you share ideas/visions! or ask questions. it's always engaging. and it’s indeed fun to think about them!
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otakween · 1 year
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I'm Standing on a Million Lives - Volume 14
Woohoo! New character and a new arc. I like new girl's shaggy hair and her black and white outfit is cute too.
Ch. 65
A nice, strong start to this volume. Very surprised to see COVID incorporated, but I guess it's set in present day after all. Interesting that the mangaka decided to use the 2020 situation for commentary/character development.
The idea of sorcerers being unable to produce viable offspring is super interesting. It's always good to give big debuffs to OP characters (unless they're child free and don't care lol).
Malita moment with Yuusuke was nice, but I feel uncomfy seeing him so wholesome all of the sudden. He's definitely developed as a character, but he still spews stupid, self-righteous BS so it's like...has he changed though??
Hakozaki confronting Yuusuke about his weirdo misanthropy was satisfying, especially the "you're no better than those who commit genocide" bit. You tell him! His "I'm just doing what seems right from my perspective" seems like a weak excuse...
Kinda yikes for a manga character to be "on the side of COVID," but at least he says "but the innocent lives being taken thing isn't cool" lol. Edgy, but not "get the mangaka cancelled levels of edgy."
Glenda based as always with her "teenagers say dumb shit because their brains aren't fully developed" observations (paraphrased haha).
Kinda hilarious how Glenda was like "Oh, by the way feminism is a thing" to Jangani and he was like "that will never catch on." Cue it immediately catching on a panel later LOL. I was surprised to see Yuusuke say "Japan is pretty behind" when talking about gender equality in the US vs. Japan. Love that a Japanese writer acknowledged that. (Not to be all rah-rah USA though).
The goblins IRL being labelled "Chupacabra" is genius.
Ch. 66
Yuusuke helps Keita rehabilitate his dad who just got out of prison. Good to see some more 1 on 1 character time.
Yuusuke's such a smartass. It's a good thing he was taken down a peg last chapter because in this one you'd think he was smarter than everyone (although I guess the bar is low with Keita's dad and his goons)
The revelation about how dragon bishops are created was interesting. I'm a little confused about the dead fetus thing. Does that mean the younger dragon bishops were that way from birth and then just grew normally?? That would be an interesting story to follow. Are they evil as little kids or does that come about during puberty? lol
Keita's dad just conveniently doesn't notice Keita and Yuusuke using magic right in front of him. Also isn't surprised by two teenagers easily beating up 3 grown men.
I was relieved that Yuusuke acknowledged that Keita's dad isn't "healed" and that he'll most likely relapse again. We don't need anymore talk-no-jutsu insta redemption
Ch. 67
Hmmm that chapter was kinda weird. All over the place in tone. Excited to have a new character and a new arc though!
New girl is Taiwanese, I like her design and air-headedness, but like a lot of the other characters, I was kinda annoyed by how quickly she got used to the idea of being in another world. Also, I rolled my eyes when she brought up feng shui (like: "geddit?? She's from Taiwan!")
Not sure if it's clever or lazy to have the fantasy world mirror the politics of ours. I guess for me it makes things more interesting because it's more relatable and cool to hear the differing perspectives the characters have on things like dictatorships and imperialism. (We get another nod to America in this chapter). Interesting to think about Japanese people keeping up with American politics (although I guess that's only natural considering America's place in the world).
Yuusuke has an existential crisis because they've time-skipped another 85 years. I feel like a big jump like that makes things less interesting because they won't be able to do as many callbacks to older characters. Will we get a resolution to Malita's story?
I liked that Hakozaki called out the fact that the Master only reaches out to Yuusuke and no one else. I really hope they continue to develop her skeptical side. It'd be cool to see her take on Yuusuke in a fight one day.
That Chinese dragon design was so cool! I hope we get to see more of that monster.
Ch. 68
The corruption of the local government and strategies for solving this arc's goal are discussed. In other words, mainly a world building/team work heavy chapter, which I always enjoy the most.
I feel like this writer is actually pretty good at explaining politics/government in easy-to-digest ways. Could they help me understand IRL stuff too, please? lol
Interesting use of the revival mechanic here where they use Hakozaki as live bait. I like that their "immortality" has a lot of clear cut rules so they can't really abuse it too often, but it's still a nice advantage to have.
Yuka getting abruptly eaten by a sea serpent was pretty funny. Hope she's not just absent for the rest of the chapter now.
I found it weird that the refugees were like "oh that money? Worthless." but then they say "it will keep the 8 of you fed for a month." So...not worthless? That still sounds like a good chunk of change to me!
Ch. 69 (nice)
Holy shit! This chapter was so, so good. First of all, Iu finally gets some long-awaited focus and second, there was just so much intrigue jam packed into this between the revelations of how the new city's religion/culture works, the different characters reactions to that, and that cliffhanger ending with Iu being suddenly acknowledged as a messiah! Only problem is...the next volume isn't out yet so I gotta sit here in suspense ;-;
The oppressive theocracy being portrayed here is clearly supposed to mirrored after the Taliban. Pretty heavy stuff for an isekai manga, but a fair target I would say. I thought it was interesting how Iu and Keita went back and forth between "well, it's a different culture we need to respect that" and "fuck that! This is inexcusable." Obviously, when it comes to the Taliban, the "fuck this" attitude is probably the "correct" one, but sometimes other cultures/religions skirt that line and you need to judge on a person-by-person basis...if that makes sense. Like how there's a difference between women who wear head coverings because of an oppressive regime (fuck that!) and those who wear them as a personal choice (different culture, let's respect it). I feel like philosophy fans would like this manga...a lot to discuss.
Iu stepping into the leader role but being insecure about it ("what would Hakozaki do?") was interesting. I kind of thought she was more confident than that, but she has so little screen time I guess I didn't really know her after all lol
Iu being like "lol kay, ready to die now" when she gets sentenced to death but knows she'll just revive was great. Imagine facing a firing squad with that kinda swagger. Kinda badass.
I've never seen Dr. Stone, but the kind of old timey engineering Yuusuke and Kusue did in this chapter (fashioning rope out of sea serpent scales to build a rope/pulley system) reminded me of that series (based on what I've heard). Fun seeing Survivor stuff like that.
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books-and-catears · 3 years
I was wondering if anyone else thought the Angel event kinda unsettling. At first I was like "There outfits are so cool!" "Haha Mammon has to behave", but as it when on I just wanted my boys back because these good boi versions are creeping me out. How would the brothers react to an MC with the same reaction. Like they avoid them while in angel forms and when they finally revert back to normal they hug them and wont let go. "Don't ever change! I love you the way you are!"
Awww this is so cute. Personally I didn't mind them being all nice and stuff because I knew that the bracelets were causing it and it gave me some insight into what they might have been like as angels.
But yes after a while, you start to miss them and all their antics haha. Sorry this took so long. I had so many asks piled up and I am the biggest procastinator I know. Hope I could do it justice?
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Lucifer: MC where are you going again? You barely finished your tea.
MC: I just need to get some fresh air that's all.
Lucifer: Is something wrong MC? Have I done something to upset you? I'm sorry..
MC: No this... This just isn't...you.
Lucifer: But aren't you always asking to be kinder? Nicer? I am now, believe me.
MC: Yes but....it's not you. *leaves*
After the bracelet snaps.
Lucifer: MC, may I come in now?
MC: Lucifer? Are you back to being-
Lucifer: Yes I am. Apologies about the ridiculous thing making me act differently, simply baffling how chaos is a continuos thing in this household- MC?
MC: *runs and hugs him* You're back. Stay this way. Never change.
Lucifer: *laughs* Of course not MC. Wouldn't want you running off from me again now, would we?
Mammon: Look MC I have another gift for you!
MC: Mammon I said I don't want it!
Mammon: Really is there nothing I can give you?
MC: Mammon you've given away half your stuff to me, including Goldie.
Mammon: Yes because I don't need it! If rather you have it and- MC don't go away!
MC: I'll come back when you're you again.
After the bracelet snaps,
MC: *returning his things* Here! You gave it all away to me and your brothers.
Mammon: I DID WHAT?! I really lost my mind! If only my brothers were as cooperating as you ugh!
MC: Haha yeah but now you're back! Always stay this way Mammon. *Hugs him tight*
Mammon: *blushes* O-oi! What are ya doing? *softens down and hugs you back anyway* Also you can keep some of my stuff, if ya want...
Levi: Ah MC, sorry for calling you so suddenly. I just wanted to give you this.
MC: *gasps* Your Ruri figurines?! Levi no!
Levi: Oh yes! I don't need them anymore. Oh here are some more of new games.
MC: But Levi all this is precious to you-
Levi: Nah not anymore. No more staying in my room and gaming either. I'm planning to go out a lot! Will come with me MC?
MC: No. Not like this. *Runs away*
After bracelet snaps,
MC: Yes yes right here. *Hands him a box of his stuff*
Levi: Oh thank Diavolo! Also my room is so clean I can't seem to find anything!?! Ah I will be in my room for the next few hours trying to find stuff,okay?!
MC: *giggles* Oh jeez you did clean it pretty good! *hugs him* Welcome back Levi.
Levi: *blushes furiously* H-huh? MC what's gotten into you!!? W-would you like..like...to come along??
Satan: MC did something happen? You seem upset.
MC: Satan, someone stole your books! I tried to stop them they were too fast!
Satan: Ah it's books MC. They probably wanted to learn.
MC: No! It was those book-burning hooligans remember? The ones that almost burnt down the RAD library!
Satan: Ah that's sad. But anger wont do us any good, we must learn to forgive and forget. MC..wait ... you're leaving?
MC: Yes. I can't be with you when you're like this.
After the bracelet snaps,
Satan: I can't believe I let my damn books be stolen like this! Dont tell me they took yours too!?
MC: ...A few of them.
Satan: How many MC? How many did they take from you?
MC: Around 12...
Satan: Well they are about to have 12 of their joints broken each and... MC? *Blushes* I can't go anywhere if you hold me like this.
MC: Sorry. I'm just too happy you're back. Let me hold you some more first!
Asmo: Look MC, you really don't have to worry so much about it!
MC: You're all changing, Asmo!
Asmo: Isn't that wonderful? Now we're all beautiful inside and out! Especially inside!
MC: I know that but- Asmo what are you doing?! Why are you throwing all your serums and creams away?
Asmo: Ah MC, all this isn't needed for internal beauty!
MC: Ugh I can't take this anymore!
After the bracelet snaps,
Asmo: MC you're a true angel! I can't believe you saved all my stuff! Thank you! *Hugs them tight*
MC: I knew you would need all of this when you came around!
Asmo: Ah! Look at that! I completely missed my morning routine! Come we'll have an extensive relaxing spa day today!
MC: Yes we are definitely in need of relaxing.
Asmo: *continues to list of a bunch of various skin treatments*
MC: *kisses his cheek* Never change, Asmo.
Asmo: *blushes* Never ever MC.
Beel: It's okay MC, I really want you to have it.
MC: Beel you've emptied out the fridge and not even for yourself. Are you really not hungry?
Beel: Well my stomach aches occasionally but one must not eat so much!
MC: Oh Beel this isn't good...
Beel: It's really okay MC! My hunger is the least of all worries. Come help me feed the hunger demons.
MC: *leaving* This isn't going to end well. I can't stand by and watch.
After bracelet breaks,
Beel: *rolling in the his bed, almost breaking it in pain* MC...my stomach is killing me... do you have anything to-
MC: ITS OKAY I SAVED UP ALL THE FOOD I COULD! Come here I'll feed you!
Beel: *resting his head on your shoulder with soft eyes* Thank you MC...thank you...food is more delicious when you feed me!
MC: And that's my Beel. *Kisses the top of his head*
Beel: *blushes* Are you really never annoyed by my constant hunger?
MC: Nah uh. It's who you are and you're lovely the way you are.
MC: Belphie? I was supposed to wash the dishes. Why are you doing it?
Belphie: I'm doing everyone's chores today, MC. Please take rest.
MC: But that's a lot of chores... Are you sure you're not tired?!
Belphie: I barely ever did my chores that was so wrong of me. I'm just trying to make up for it. Why do you look upset?
MC: Ugh you've been working all day. You'll wear yourself out like this.
After the bracelet breaks,
Belphie: WHY. AM. I. SO. TIRED.
MC: I knew it.
Belphie: How much work did I do MC?? I'm so tired I can't even fall asleep...
MC: Come here. You need a lot of rest. You were almost working like Barbatos today.
Belphie: *putting his head in MC's lap* And you weren't happy about that?
MC: Nah I like my lazy little Belphie better. Atleast when he wants to do stuff I know he means it.
Belphie: *blushes* I don't mind doing chores if it's you...
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sirenascales · 3 years
Hello again! I’m hoping I can send a request for legs/lingerie fetishes with Atsushi, Chuuya, and Oda? Maybe the reader is teasing them by showing their sexy stockings underneath their skirt and having them grind on their thighs to orgasm? Maybe they even touch their legs all over?
Feel free to do this one if it’s acceptable for you. Thank you! 😁🙏💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖
the fact that this has my first Oda request..... he is my King. But I do hope this came out okay! This is rather new for me so I went with something I'd be comfortable with haha.
Warning: stocking fetish (or my attempt 😭), dry humping, thigh fucking, also unedited cause i am lazy
-> Atsushi, Chuuya and Oda with a leg/stocking fetish. 18+
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Atsushi adored your legs. They were probably his most favorite part of your body since no matter what you wore, they always looked so good. Don't even get him started about how they squeeze around him when you two are in bed- oh no.
Though today, he swore you were trying to kill him. You walked into the office in a cute new outfit, in a new pair of classic but very cute and maddening black and white striped stockings. His mouth went dry, his heart thudding in his chest and his pants feeling too tight. God, it was embarrassing.
So embarrassing that after a long day of staring and longing and fantasizing, he had desperately pulled you onto his lap once the office was finally empty, hands moving up and down your legs while he kissed you hotly.
"You are a fucking menace," Atsushi complained while you giggled, already starting to grind down on his hardon. Looking between your legs, Atsushi could already see a wet spot on thr crotch of your stockings and he threw his head back and groaned. You were seriously trying to kill him. Make sure to make him cum first, though, that shouldn't be so hard.
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Chuuya hated you. With every fiber of his being, he hated you. Watching you prance around in that cute skirt... with those cute, patterned thigh highs on... he hated you. His mouth twitched as you went about your business, his fists clenching as he watched you closely, his jaw twitching as he noticed the slight pudge of your thigh caused by the thigh highs.
"You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?"
You couldn't help but smile. You knew of Chuuya's little... fascination with anything legs and more importantly, stockings. Which is why you always made sure to buy new pairs, of all colors and sizes and designs. This wasn't the first time you've put him through this torture, and it wouldn't be your last.
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
Chuuya scoffed, his blue eyes narrowing. He growled. "Get your ass over here."
It didn't take long for Chuuya to have you on the coffee table, your legs closed, panties and thigh highs still on as Chuuya fucked his cock between your thighs. He held your legs to his chest, hands squeezing your covered thighs desperately as he tossed his head back, moaning in pleasure. Even if you didn't necessarily get any pleasure for yourself, there honestly wasn't nothing better than seeing this man completely lose himself because of two flimsy pieces of clothing.
It brought you a sense of control over him, one that you'll never give up for as long as he allowed you to keep it.
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"Come here." Oda's soft voice rang in your ears and you grinned to yourself, turning a bit too enthusiastically to the man sitting behind his desk, his computer screen shining on his face. He took one look at you and let out a small, dry laugh, his lips curling up in a small smile. "I know what you're doing, little tease."
He welcomed you on his lap, your arms wrapping around his neck while his hands rested on your thighs, his fingers digging into the holes of the fishnet stockings you wore. You could feel his erection through his pants, not able to react as he kissed you deeply.
"Well-" you started, a bit flustered. "You were busy with your book... and I got lonely..."
"So you brought these out, knowing how easily you'd defeat me?" he questioned and you grinned, slowly grinding your hips.
"You know me so well."
Oda rolles his eyes and laughed, kissing you again as he squeezed your thighs, overcome with arousal. There was just something about you in a pair of fishnets that made the writer a lil' crazy, unable to control himself as he reached under your skirt, groaning when he felt your bare pussy underneath.
Still, he easily ripped the stockings enough to be able to push his hard cock into you after pulling it free, his arms wrapping around you tightly as he gave you attention to clearly wanted.
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Requests are closed!
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strawbearisamu · 3 years
♥︎ ship your moots! (only if you have time tho no pressure ofc)
yes my time has come.
@woahsamu + atsumu. hshjsjsj yall are so freaking annoying. you spoil him to bits bc that’s what u do and he treats you like damn royalty. still flirts and acts like he’s trying to woo you. prob does dumb shit intentionally when u have a bad day to make you laugh. unrelated but you guys do really good impressions of each other. kisses you and runs away, tries to get you to chase him, u guys fall & land on top of each other like a rom com get a room ew.
@arrogantsonofabiscuit + mattsun. BBY I KNOW U AND MATTSUN would be amazing tgt. he would tease u endlessly but also yall kinda have that sweetheart and hot guy dynamic. yeah idk what that is either HHSHS. also u guys watch horror movies tgt.
@sumine + suna. JASMINE the both of you have such chill vibes. i’m thinking cafe hopping, picnics, soft dates. but i’m also thinking waterparks, splashing water at each other and tryna see who can hold their breath the longest, you catch him cheating coming up for air halfway and you start play fighting shjsjsj. u guys are always lost in your own world. you hang out w your friends and sometimes he’ll tag along just because.
@charlie-jay + akaashi. u guys are intellectuals. the both of you just connect. you guys would talk for hours at a coffee shop, under the stars, in the sun, you name it. you share a deep and intimate connection bc you guys are so intentional about everything. akaashi probably write you love letters, and you guys have these inside jokes that no one else understands HAHA.
@etherrreal luna + osamu. LUNA imagine cooking tgt w him, youre locked between his arms and the counter and as he guides your hand, molding the rice. PLAYFUL KITCHEN FIGHTS shut up i know it’s cliche HHAHSHS but i KNOW this is u guys. osamu gives u a piggy back everywhere. dawn + oikawa!! i feel like you have similar vibes. oikawa is so whipped for u lol and sometimes you can’t help being dramatic along with him (omg i’m sorry we don’t know each other that well yet dawn please forgive me TT)
@kuroowo + osamu. i feel like the both of you are such self-starters and always pushing each other to do better? late night drives talking endlessly about everything and nothing. always hugging, or holding hands or giggling at each other. like yeah we get it you’re in love HAHASHHSHS. starts setting his alarms an hour early bc u aggressively cuddle him and tell him 5 more mins every morning.
@etherealtobio + mattsun. MAB u and mattsun👌 that super cool couple everyone is envious of. first of all visuals? also you do everything tgt. bookstore- tgt, grocery shopping- tgt. and i feel like mattsun is really good at driving so you guys regularly go on these crazy road trips, fast food, sunsets, making out in the car, u get the vibe :”.
@stationery-store + kuroo. i feel like you guys have the same vibes yk what i mean. like slight crackhead (in the most affectionate way possible), but witty and smart as well. yall would be able to like prank someone and also have deep discussions on existentialism or smth LMAO.
@sunkeiji + akaashi. WHATS NEW HAHA. we all know you guys are disgustingly sweet and unintentionally make everyone else feel really single bahshs. the small little things he does for you? he loves staring at you when you’re so intently focused on something and will spontaneously get the will to hug u HSHD.
@bokutoism + timeskip kenma. hello u guys are the hot badass power couple?? spoils you w stupidly expensive stuff. but also lazy days in bed tgt. if u play games yall r always competing but if you don’t he’ll make you sit on his lap as he plays. prob teaches you how to play a new game the same way. will plan extravagant self-care sessions for u.
@sunatooru + hirugami. b b b. u would look sooo good w hirugami (sachiro). i feel like the both of you are so sweet and caring and empathetic (and cmon he’s so hot), you’re that “love for humanity and the world” couple who’s always iniviting people over, reaching out to friends, and showing them your amazing hospitality in general. but yall do it tgt <3 cus love LOL
@thighridingsamu + iwaizumi. ok morgan i know u love football and i feel like you guys would rave about sports tgt? but more importantly he would be ur hype man 24/7 like you show him an outfit and he’ll be like “hot 💯,” “ass looks good in this.” shskkdjd he probably cooks for u too and makes sure you’re eating right.
@ioveangel + sakusa. you’re a ray a sunshine in his life. you guys balance each other. he’s clingy bc poor babie is touch and attention starved. prob puts socks on your feet on a chilly night but will vehemently deny it. a babie.
@xybi + tendou. HEAR ME OUT. yall prob sneak around tgt. giggling to each other as another one of your victims fall prey to your shenanigans. u guys hang out w each other way too much LOL but really though you guys are just two really sweet people tryna brighten someone’s day tgt. cuddles. lots of em. but also u guys are just devilish for no reason sometimes nd u love it.
@keijee + sakusa. u have a sunny infectious energy and honestly sakusa could benefit from that LMAO. lets you play w his hair but will pretend he hates it. you’re the only person he can recharge with it’s ridiculous, like he’ll randomly cuddle u in the middle of a party just to recharge.
@m3gumiis + komori. athena what can i say. two little puppies.
@oi-oikawa-chan + ushijima. addy this little olive tree will do anything for you. talk to him about anything, he listens so intentionally. and also idk why but imagine u guys w a lot of little adopted pets and plants cus u guys are absolute sweethearts.
@elitparadox + akaashi. like u guys would go on dates to the museum, slow dance in the quiet of the woods, kiss under the night sky. yall are so dramatic for no reason.
don’t boohoo to me if you don’t get your fav HAHA jk kith 😚 i’m drowning in work rn so i’m sry i couldn’t tag everyone but KNOW that ILY :”) mwaa alsoo i jumped around w this and u can 100% i got so tired w some LMAO sry shdjskajs
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sweetiejunie · 4 years
It’s Because I Love you
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Summary: Soobin dug himself into a hole and needed his bestfriend to help him out
Genre: Fluff, Friends-to-lovers, Slow-burn(ish)
Word count: ~10k (oops sry)
💕 Requested 
A/n: to the anon that requested this. I’m so sorry this took me forever... haha~ I hope you liked it! And writing this actually reminded how much i like writing these. Do you guys prefer these kind of longer fics or the shorter reaction type fics?
Warnings: Some swearing
      “Y/n i fucked up.”
      Was first line that came out of soobin’s mouth when you opened the door. It wasn’t unusual for soobin to randomly show up at your place. But you really weren’t expecting his presence today, since you knew he would be busy packing to head home for the week break. You were about to greet him but before you could say anything, he beat you to it, his sentence laced with regret and panic.        “What did you do this time?” You answered, “aren’t you supposed to be packing?”        “I- excuse you what do you mean ‘this time’?” He mocked. “Okay, whatever, we’ll get back to that and yeah, i am, but I fucked up real bad,” he repeated.        “Huh?” You took a step back so soobin could enter. “Are you alright? What happened?”       “So you know how all my cousins and sibling are in a relationship right?” Soobin continued, making his way to your couch to sit down. Resting his head back against the cushions as he groaned.       “Yeah, what about it?” Tilting your head as the conversation got more confusing by the second. You closed the door behind you before joining him.        “Well... my brother just called me and may have been bothering me about being the only one that isn’t in a relationship...” he trailed off, “and erm, i may have said i... had a girlfriend. And now my family wants met her.”        You couldn’t help but burst out laughing at his confession, “you did what? You really dug yourself into a hole this time.”        Soobin was the youngest of his family. He was always the one that chose to focus more on his grades than actually making friends. Sure, he went to parties and drank every now and then, but other than that, he rarely did anything short of the ‘perfect son’. But despite all his efforts, there was always one thing his sibling could tease him about, and that was the fact that he was 21 and has never been in a relationship. Soobin always tried to not let this bother him, but i guess today, he just snapped.        “I really did,” he sighed. “That’s why i need your help.”        “How can i possibly help you out of this, soobin?” you ridiculed, glaring at him. “You do know that you’re one of my only friends, right? Meaning, I won’t be able to find anyone to play girlfriend with you.”         “Um, actually about that... i kind of told my family that my girlfriend goes to the same school as me and studies the same major as me. I also kind of told them that she has y/e/c eyes and y/h/c hair.” He sat up, looking for a reaction from you. Instead, all he saw was your blank expression, staring back at him. “Yeah so, if you hadn’t caught on yet, i might have, sort of, just described you to my family.”         Your eyes widened at his statement, you weren’t sure what to reply. You met soobin all the way back in high school, and you’ve stayed friends ever since — 5 years, 11 months, 23 days, to be exact. Not that you were keeping count or anything. You remember the first day you approached the shy boy, the new transfer student sitting at the back alone. He was the first friend you made there. And to makes things worse, you’ve had a crush on him, but you knew better than to confess and possibly ruin the friendship.         You’ve suppressed all your feeling since then. Maybe. Probably. Okay, no. But you’ve tried. And all this talk of ‘pretend girlfriend’ did nothing but make your heart start racing again.        “Why on earth would you do that!”        “I dont know! You were the first person that came to mind! So are you okay with doing me the favour of playing the role of my girlfriend?” Soobin said with a slight pout and puppy dog eyes. A move he knew you could never refuse, “You’re free this break, right?”        His sudden confession was like a blow to your heart. The first person that came to his mind... but it’s probably just because he didnt have many female friends, right?        “Erm...” you paused. The more you thought about his proposition, the more you found yourself weighing the consequences.        “Come on y/n. Please? We already get engaged every other week at clubs for free drinks. This won’t be that much different.”        “Would your family believe it? I mean, it’s me.”        “Sure they will. And it’ll be easy to fake it since you already know me.”        You paused for another second before replying. “Hm, right. Fine. But you owe me. Do i have to bring anything?” You were helping out a friend.         A friend. Nothing more, nothing less.        “Nope, just bring enough clothes. You don’t need anything too fancy,” he stood up, leaning down to give you a quick hug. As he walked towards the door, he looked over his shoulder before leaving your apartment. “Thanks for doing this, i really owe you. I’ll pick you up at 7 tomorrow after our classes, alright? See you then.”
        After an hour, three outfit changes and completely unpacking and repacking your luggage twice, you were finally satisfied and ready to go. It was only a weeks worth of clothes in a small luggage, yet, you still found a way to overthink it. In the end, you had settled for a simple tee with jeans and a coat to keep you warm for the ride.         Already, you were beginning to regret your decision of going along with this whole ‘fake girlfriend’ act. It had nothing to do with soobin or his family. They were absolutely wonderful, his parents were kind, his siblings were fun and sweet and his baby nephew was, well, a baby. The only problem was what if your heart liked the idea of being his ‘girlfriend’ just a little bit too much?         You had met his siblings and parents a handful of times when they visited him at his apartment. They’ve always been nothing but nice to you, and now, you were going to have to lie to them. The more you thought about it, the more your mind was playing angel and devil with you. On one hand, you didn’t want to spend the weekend being dishonest and possibly screwing up the image soobin’s family had of you. But on the other, you wanted to be selfish and be able to call soobin yours, even if it were just for a few days.         You sighed quietly, sitting in your living room waiting for soobin to pick you up like he said he would. The entire day you had been unable to focus in your classes, whatever your lectures said just going right through your head. At this time on fridays, you would normally have found soobin dressed in any lounge wear he had, crashing at your place to watch whatever movie he found that week. But now, you were going to find him dressed up, ready to bring you to meet his parents. The relationship sure escalated quickly. Just as your mind started drifting further, your doorbell rang.        “U ready?” Soobin’s signature eye smile greeted you, his front bunny teeth exposed. You’ve always noticed how soobin’s appearance resembled that of a bunny, but no matter how many times you tried to tell him, he didn’t want to believe it.        “As ready as ill ever be,” you returned the smile, grabbing your luggage and locking your front door.        Well, this was it, no turning back now. Helping you with your things, soobin lead you to his car and started the journey. It was only about a 3 hour drive and a car ride proved to be a great distraction. You hadn’t been to soobins hometown before, so being able to look out the window and see the scenery was no doubt better than sneaking glances at soobin in the drivers seat. You just knew that if you saw soobin, with one hand on the steering wheel, and the other propped on the arm rest, you might have gone into cardiac arrest.        The ride was quiet for the most part, that was until soobin pulled up at a red light. “I made a playlist,” soobin flipped his phone around to show you and connect it to his car. “It’s like, if you were my real girlfriend, this would be the playlist i would share with you.”        You couldn’t help but smile when you realised how sweet soobin would be in an actual relationship. His future girlfriend is really lucky. But you had to control yourself, reminding yourself that it’s all just pretend for the week.        “I’m sure its great. You have great taste in music,” you faked a laugh. “Um... so... soobin? How exactly are we supposed to fake this? I mean, what we supposed to do? What will your family do?”        “Oh...” he started, his eyes focusing back on the road, the lights turning green again. “To be honest, i haven’t actually thought about that part yet.” Drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as he thought. “Mmm, when my brother first brought his girlfriend home, my family teased him a lot, just to make fun of him and get her reaction. But they already did that with you whenever they visited me so... I’m not sure what they’ll do, honestly.”        “Oh...” That was completely unhelpful. Pulling your knees to your chest, you continued staring blankly out the window.        “Hey, don’t worry too much okay? We’ll just wing it like we do everything else. And that’s worked out for us so far, right?” Soobin chuckled, trying to comfort you. “As for what we need to do. I guess it’ll just be all that couple stuff like holding hands and hugging. And you’re already such a cuddly person, that shouldn’t be a problem for you. We got this, alright? And I’ll be with you the entire time.”        You nod a response, “yeah, we got this.”        On the outside, you tried to seem cool and composed. On the inside however, you were a mess. Sure, you and soobin already had your fair share of cuddles when he showed up for a movie night at your place. And on the days he was too lazy to go back to his dorm, you would find him whining and groaning for you to make him breakfast the next day. But now you were expected to act that way in front of his family? That was a whole new level of stress you didn’t think about when you agreed to this.         After a while more of driving, it was a little over 10pm when soobin finally pulled up alongside the curd in front of his house. The remainder of the car ride had been relatively silent, except for the playlist that soobin had made for you, and the occasional mindless singing you would start that turned into a carpool karaoke. Getting off, soobin unloaded his and your luggage and lead you to the front door.        Probably noticing your nervous state, soobin grabbed your shaking hands. “I’m right here alright?” He smiled, “it’s show time.”        With that, he rang the doorbell. And not 15 seconds later, soobin’s sister answered the door.        “Soobin!” She greeted, pulling him into a hug, “we’ve been waiting for you and- oh! Y/n! I knew it. Same major, y/e/c eyes, y/h/c hair. If it wasn’t you, i was about to kick his ass.”        “Hah, yeah, surprise?” You said, the last part sounding more like a question than a sentence.        “Aish, this boy. The previous night on the call, he just told us he’ll be bringing his girlfriend home, gave us a description but never told us who. Left us all to wonder who she was and well,” she chuckled, putting an arm around soobin’s shoulders, “if she even existed. I’m glad it’s you, the first time we met you, i already knew you two would end up together.”        “Wait, so you all took guesses on who it was?” Soobin chimed in, shooting a glare at his sister.        “Well, yea! All of us pretty much guessed y/n. Except for mom though, she’s kept quiet about it. But i guess it was just because she didn’t want to get her hopes up.”        Looking at soobins annoyed expression, you laughed. Shrugging of his sisters arm, soobin grabbed both your luggage, pushing past his sister and pulled them into the house. “Alright, alright, just let us in already, its freezing out here.”        “It’s nice to see you again y/n,” his sister said as she held the door open for you.        “Likewise.” You smiled before stepping in.        You’d never been to soobin’s house before. Sure, you’ve seen bits and pieces of it when the two of your FaceTimed over the holidays, but never in person. In the hallway where you stood, were the stairs that you presumed lead to the bedrooms. Sporadically placed were a few house plants that looked as if they had been watered quite recently.  The walls were littered with family photos, and most noticeably, soobin’s baby pictures. You smiled looking at them, taking a mental image of the cute, little baby this giant once was.        Closing the door behind you, soobins sister spoke, “you guys wait here. I think mom and dad are in the living room. I’ll go get them.”        As you saw her silhouette disappear towards one of the entries, you felt the nerves building up again, “soobin...” you tilted you head up to look at him, your face portraying nothing but worry.        “Don’t worry okay?” Taking your hand in his, gently squeezing for reassurance.“ Just follow my lead and pretend you’re in love with me. Which should be easy since I’m your favourite person,” he joked, in attempts to lighten your mood.        ‘Pretend to be in love with him’. Okay, shouldn’t be too hard, considering the fact that you actually were in love with him and spent years pretending not to be. “Yea, alright.”        Letting go of your hand, soobin walked forward to hug his parents when he saw them approaching.        “Soobin, we were starting to wonder how long more you would take,” his mom said. “How are you? How’s everything at school?”         “Everything’s fine,” he replied. Turning to you, he held out his hand for you to take. “Mom, dad, you know y/n.”        Accepting his hand, you stepped forward to greet his parents. Just hoping that your nervous trembling wasn’t too obvious to the naked eye.        “Ah of course! How could we ever forget,” his mom smiled.        “We always knew the two of you would end up together eventually. He’s always been so obvious about you,” his dad added, causing blood to rush to your cheeks, and soobin to immediately retaliate.        “Dad! Stop it. No i have not!” You looked around at him just in time to see him cross his arms and roll his eyes, cheeks pink and eyes shining. He met your eyes and looked away, but the grin on his face never faltered.        Hitting her husbands arm, soobins mom scolded, “aish, stop teasing them, they just got here. Speaking of which, have you two eaten?”        “No we havent, actually. We came right after school,” soobin answered.        “In that case, you can take yours and y/n stuff up to your room and get settled in. I’ll order some food for you. Pizza sound okay?” his mom spun soobin around, pushing him back to where your luggage laid.        “His room?” You thought out loud. Of course they were expecting you to share a room with soobin. What else could you have possibly thought.        “Of course his room,” his mom answered, “you have known each other for such a long time. And i have no doubts there are days that soobin stayed over at your apartment instead of his dorm anyway. There’s no way I’m letting you sleep on the couch.”        With that, you and soobin grabbed your things and headed up to his room. Sure, the nights soobin stayed over you have shared a bed before. But this time, it just felt different. Even though everything was still purely platonic, the element of you being in his home, pretending to be his girlfriend, was still no doubt intimidating.        “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Soobin asked rhetorically, snapping you out of your thoughts. He laughed, clearly taking the whole situation a lot lighter than you were.        Opening the door to his room, it was exactly how you pictured it when he called you. You stood at the doorway, it seemed so familiar, yet unknown at the same time. His bed in the corner of the room with a few pillows and plushies, at the other end, his desk and wardrobe filled with clothes he left behind. His walls were mainly bare, except for one that had a few old polaroids hanging loosing from the ceiling. It felt weird being there.        “Well, don’t just stand there,” soobin grabbed your luggage from you, pulling you in to the room so he could close the door behind you and crashing down on his bed. “First, let me give you the official welcome to mi casa. My family is a lot, but you already knew that. Make yourself at home.”        “Honestly, i cant believe they bought it so easily,” you let out, taking a seat next to him.        “Told you they would. My family probably loves you more than they love me.”        You laughed halfheartedly, still feeling a bit awkward about the whole thing.        “We should clean up before we head back to the wolves den for dinner. The bathroom is right down the hall to the right. You can go first, ill clear a drawer for you,” he offered.          You nod, gathering your things for the night.        This is all just pretend.
       The shower definitely helped calm you down a bit. You loved the warmth of the water against your skin.        “It’s just for a week. Dont get used to it,” you muttered to yourself.        Getting out, you quickly dressed yourself in a tshirt and some shorts. The normal attire you wore to sleep, anything else was always just uncomfortable for you.          “You’re turn,” you announced when you entered soobins room again.        “That was quick. Here, take one of my sweaters.”        “What for?” You shot him a look, raising brow. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t stole his hoodies before, it was just the fact that he was offering it this time.       “You’re supposed to be my girlfriend, aren’t you? Girlfriends always take their boyfriend’s clothes.”        Fishing a plain, red sweater out from his wardrobe, he threw it in your direction, hitting you directly in the face and causing you to yelp a little. “Besides, you already take all my hoodies. This is no different,” he continued, eyeing you as you pulled it over your head.        As usual, soobin’s clothes were huge on you. And this sweater was no doubt oversized, even for him. “How do i look?”        You looked to him when you didn’t get a reply. But this only caused him to turn away from you quickly, mumbling something to himself before answering, “it’s my clothes, it’ll look great on everyone.”        Scrambling to gather his things, he left for his shower. You could have swore you saw him blushing when he was looking at you. But you brushed it off as your overactive imagination. You decided to swiftly blow dry your hair before laying on his bed, scrolling through your phone while waiting for him. You were hungry, practically starving, but there was no way in hell you were going to face his family again on your own. With your new status, god knows what they would do or say.        A mere 15 minutes go by before you hear the door open again. Revealing a damp haired soobin, dressed in a white tee and sweatpants. A simple look you have seen many times over the years, but one that still made your head and thoughts hazy.        “Ready to go down?” He spoke, smirking at you, almost knowingly, “I’m starving.”        “Ye- yeah,” gathering your thoughts, bringing yourself back to reality.
       Dinner with the family wasnt all that bad. Sure, there was the occasional teasing and questions. But that was to be expected. Any parent would have been curious, right?        You let soobin take the lead on most of those. You didn’t want your cover to get blown by having any clashing answers. Once in a while you would feel soobin grab your hand under the table when he needed your help, but for the most part, they were the basic questions like “since when?” Or “who confessed first?”. The usual relationship stuff, nothing too hard. And it was a lot easier with the fact that it was you and soobin, the two friends that have mastered the art of bullshitting your way out of situations.         At the end of the day, the awkwardness ended soon after it started. With it being past midnight, Soobin’s family had long gone to bed, leaving you two alone in the dimly lit kitchen to finish up your dinner, which had quickly became supper.        “So, how was day one of being my girlfriend?” He looked over to you, munching on another piece of pizza. Even in that horrible lighting, he still managed to take your breath away. No one could possibly look good with dull, ugly, yellow kitchen lighting, but somehow, he did. The way the soft light bounced off his skin, partnered with the reflection in his eye that gave that perfect shine to them. You were sure you looked horrid next to him.        “Mmm, it’s alright i guess,” you teased, earning a pout from soobin. “You big baby. I’m just kidding,” nudging him on the shoulder, causing you both the laugh.        You didn’t know why this question surprised you as much as it did. Maybe you wanted to flip the tables, or maybe you just weren’t expecting the answer he gave. “So how was day one of having me as your pretend girlfriend?”        He thought about it for a second before facing you and speaking. “Honestly, it’s been fun. Even though we haven’t done much. But then again, i always knew you would be great girlfriend to someone one day.”        ‘Someone’. If only you could tell him how much you wanted that someone to be him. If only you had the guts to say what’s was on your mind.        “Want to play some music?” Breaking the silence, soobin picked up his phone, quickly scrolling through his playlists before stopping on one he named ‘midnight’. “It’s just some chill songs i found that i thought would be nice to listen to at night.”        The playlist started and the first song to play was ‘what falling in love feels like’.        “Oh, i love this song,” you mindlessly stated between bites.        “Really?” Soobin replied. “I never heard you listen to classical music.”        Your eyes widened slightly when you realised what you said. You didn’t just listen to classical music. You’ve also imagined what it would be like to slow dance to it.        “I never really told anyone... but i always wanted to dance with someone to this song. It’s kind of embarrassing to admit,” you trailed off, the surface of the counter suddenly becoming more interesting. The dead of night had you confessing unspoken words.        There was another second of silence. You could feel soobin’s stare on your face. He was judging you. You were sure of it. Now you were just mentally preparing yourself for a laugh-        “Let’s dance.”        “What?” You weren’t expecting that. You shot your head up, seeing his outstretched hand.        “Let’s dance,” he repeated.        You reached for his hand, but didn’t grab it. You were hesitant. Never would you have thought you’d be slow dancing with your crush — of over 3 years, in the kitchen of his childhood home — at midnight.         He held you hand, helping you to stand before twirling you into his arms. He lead your hands around his neck and his around your waist. You fell in step, letting the rhythm control your movements. Your eyes gazing into his brown, glistening ones, a soft smile on his face. It felt like a dream. Your surroundings and any other disturbances dissolved. It was just you and him. Right here, right now. You stayed like that, dancing. Everything felt just... perfect.        “You know i’d never judge you right?” He said, his eyes watching your expressions closely. “I know that’s what you were thinking earlier.”        You looked away, unable to find the right words. Soobin always had a way to read you so easily. Every once in a while he would remind you how expressive your face was. And you were certain a blush had crept to your cheeks when you heard soobin chuckle.        “You silly girl. You can tell me anything. You know that. After all, you are my best friend.”        “Right... best friend,” you offered a small smile to mask the resignation in your words.         And just like that, the song ended. Soobin let go your waist. Leaving nothing the ghostly feeling of where his hands once were and the sensation of having his body so close to yours.        “It’s nearly 1am. We should go to bed soon,” he nodded towards the clock on the stove. “You can head up first. I’ll clean up here and join you in a bit.”        You nodded. Once you were back in his room, you crashed on his bed. Regret and agony the only things left for you to feel.        Why did you agree to this. You knew it would be hard. But not this hard.        You rolled over to your side of the bed. And true to his word, soobin entered shortly after. Climbing under the covers with you, poking your side when you paid no attention to him.        You jumped, immediately facing him. “What was that for!?”        “Nothing,” he laughed. “It’s just fun to do that to you. I have a fun day planned tomorrow, so get up early. Good night y/n.”        “Good night, asshole.” You scoffed.
       The next morning you woke up to a post-it on your head. You tore it off and looked around the room but soobin was nowhere to be seen. You groaned, sitting up to stretch and read the note.        ‘Wake up sleepyhead. Come to the kitchen for breakfast.’        Oh, how you wished the entire night before had been a dream. But alas, it wasn’t. Pulling yourself out of bed, you cleaned yourself up and descend the stairs. The smell of fresh pancakes engulfing the entire house.        “Good morning y/n,” soobin’s dad greeted you when you entered the kitchen. “Grab a seat. Breakfast is almost done.”        “Your dad cooks?” You whispered as you pulled out the stool next to soobin.        “Mainly breakfast. But yes,” he whispered back.        Soobin’s dad placed a plate in front of each of you. 3 pancakes a piece, and more to come. “Butter or maple syrup?”        “Both,” soobin smugly answered.        “And you y/n?”        “Ill have both as well, thanks,” you smiled before facing soobin. “Where’s your mom and sister?”        “My mom went to the store. And my sister doesn’t get up till later.” Soobin grabbed the syrup his father had just put on the table and poured a generous amount. His attention was fully on his food.        You couldn’t help but grin at his childlike manner. He always loved breakfast. Or any dish that can be both sweet and savoury actually. You both enjoyed your breakfast, watching soobin’s father flip pancakes, cheering when it landed, and messing around while cooking as your morning source of entertainment.        “The pancakes are really good, mr choi,” you complimented.        “Why, thank you y/n. You always have been such well mannered,” he said. “Hopefully some of that will rub off on my son soon.”        “Hey! I am well mannered,” soobin retorted.        “Oh, really now,” you taunted, giving him a look of disbelief.        Soobin tsked, lightly pushing you over. “Okay, whatever. Anyways, hurry up. I’m going to show you around town today.”        “You two don’t come back too late now,” his father added. “And bring a coat, it’s supposed to get colder today.”        Stuffing down the remainder of his food, soobin linked your arms and dragged you out of the kitchen the moment he saw your plate empty.        “Hey! I’m not done yet, i wanted one mo-!”        “Bye dad!” Soobin interrupted, ignoring your plea.
       “So much being well mannered.” You mocked.        “Not my fault you wanted to eat so much,” he shrugged.        Both of you strolled along the road. You weren’t sure where soobin was bringing you, other than his aforementioned ‘town’. Despite it just being the two of you, soobin still dressed nicely, in a turtleneck and scarf with a black coat to go over it.        “Wait...” you started, noticing a passing sign. “Why does that say the town is the other way?”        “Cause i changed my mind. I’m bringing you somewhere else,” he replied, shooting you one of his, oh so charming, eye smiles. “I’ll bring you to town another day.”        “This way’s to the forest,” you raised an eyebrow. “Are you planning to kill me or something? After 6 years of friendship. This is how you want to end it?” You dramatically gripped your chest and joked. “I’m sorry for whatever i did. I can change, I swear.”        Soobin rolled his eyes and guffawed. “Of course. This has been my plan all along. To befriend you then brutally murder you among the trees where no one can find your body,” he played along. “Relax, I’m no murderer. An avid liar? Maybe. But not a murderer. I just want to show you something.”         You hummed a response and continued on your way. Not long after, soobin was leading you down a path in the deserted forest. As the path reached deeper into the woods, the trees got denser.        “Erm, soobin, where are we going?” You called from behind him. “I’m really starting to question the whole murder thing.”        You’re not going to lie when you say the woods kind of crept you out. You could have sworn you felt someone behind you. But when you turned around, there wasn’t a soul. The twigs and dead leaves making a deafening crunch under your feet as the — seemingly never-ending — journey continued.        “Just trust me,” he provided a simple answer that proved to be of no help in ensuring you.       As you continued, the sound of snapping twigs got louder. You turned the corner and the sudden sound of birds fleeing their nest startled you, causing you to jump and grab soobin’s coat from the back.         “Are you really that scared?” He laughed. “Don’t worry,” he continued, turning around and reaching for your hand. Gently running his thumb over yours the rest of the way. “We’re almost there. It’s worth it, i promise.”        Having his hand in yours definitely provided some comfort. But it was also making you feel things that you shouldn’t be feeling. After another minute of walking, you finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. The horrid crunching sound had been washed out by the sound of, well, rushing water.        A waterfall.        You gasped in astonishment at the clarity of the Caribbean-blue waterfall. It was spurting over the basalt rock, spilling eel-like over the ledges. Its clamorous passage at the foot of the mountain threw up bubbles of spray. They sparkled uneasily in the beams of light that shined through the leaves of surrounding trees.        When it toppled into the ecstasy-pool, it foamed it at the bottom. The rest of the pool was as clear as cellophane, allowing you to see down into the rocky bottom. Fronds of forest-green plants waved gently in the depths. The waterfall looked like a sheet of blue velour as it swished down. Its edges were hemmed with whipped-white lines.        “Wow,” was all you managed to utter out.        “I told you it was worth it,” soobin grinned. “Come on.” He lead you closer, collapsing on the bank and letting the nougat sweet smell of flowers wash over him.        You followed suit. “How did you find this place?”        “A friend of mine showed it to me when we were kids.” He said, leaning back against his palms. “We used to hang out all the time here. The five of us. That is, until i moved away for high school.        “I wonder what they’re up to now.” He added after a slight pause.        “You don’t see them when you come back for the holidays?” You asked.        Soobin shook his head. “I don’t get to see them much anymore. I barely leave my house, y/n, you know that. Besides, they’re all busy with their own lives.”        You listened to soobin reminisce about his childhood. You would listen to soobin talk for hours if you could. His words are were like gold to you, or perhaps some elixir you’ve been waiting all your days to hear. He had nothing but good things to say. It sounded like he had a lot of fun here, in the small town he grew up in. You both sat there for a while, gawking at the waterfall when the suddenly rustling of the bushes behind you caught your attention.        “Y/n,” soobin stood up, holding you behind him as the rustling got louder. And then a figure walked through, a boy. He was wearing a brown furry jacket. His hair was a strange shade a pink, but it complimented his skin tone nicely.        “Soobin?” The boy said, folding his arms. “No way. Is that actually you? Mr choi soobin. After all these years.”          “Yeonjun?” Soobin replied, letting go of you and walking up to yeonjun. “What are you doing here?”        “I was on my way out and thought i saw you earlier entering the forest so i decided to follow you. Who else knows this place anyway?” Yeonjun laughed, swinging an arm around soobin’s shoulder.        “So you practically followed, what could have been, a complete stranger into the forest?” Soobin shot him a look. To that, yeonjun just smiled and nodded. “You never change, do you?”        “Nope,” yeonjun answered confidently. “Anyways, are you going to introduce me to the pretty lady or do i have to do that myself?” He gestured a smile towards you.        Beside him, soobin stiffened, his jaw slightly tensing before he answered. “Right... Yeonjun, y/n. We met in high school, she’s my best friend.  Y/n, yeonjun. He was one of my friends i was telling you about-”        “Yeah, until this bastard moved, changed his number and practically became a hermit that never left his house much.” Yeonjun jibed.        “Hmm, that sounds about right. The only place I’ve seen him, other than class or the library, is at my apartment binge watching shows,” you added, causing yeonjun to burst out a laugh.        “You guys are mean.” Soobin grumbled, pushing yeonjun’s arm off him.        “I have a feeling she and i are going to be great friends.” Yeonjun said matter-of-factly.        The three of you sat there, talking for what seemed like hours. Soobin and yeonjun continued to tell you about the different adventures they had together as kids with their friends, beomgyu, kai and taehyun. They recounted all the accidents that happened, all the fun moments they had together. Yeonjun eventually proceeded to tell you about all the embarrassing soobin stories he could think of, sharing jokes and making you laugh. The entire time though, soobin barely directed any conversation at you. Let alone laugh at Yeonjun’s ‘jokes’.        As your laughter died down, yeonjun spoke again. “I have to ask though, what’s she doing doing here? Not that there’s anything wrong with it. I’m just curious. Does she live around here too?”        You looked to soobin, unsure of how or what to answer.        “It’s okay, yeonjun won’t snitch,” he said. “Y/n’s pretending to be my girlfriend for the holiday.”         It hurt you every time he said it. In your head you wished so badly for it to be real. To think, by now you would have learnt that wishing only wounds the heart. And each time soobin said it out loud, it was like a punch to the gut.        “Pretending to be your-“ yeonjun cut himself off by scoffing. “What for?”        “Well....” soobin started explaining the whole situation to yeonjun. To which the only response he got out of the other boy was mockery and disbelief.        “Are you serious?!” Yeonjun exclaimed. “So you two aren’t together?”        You shook your head.        “Oh... good....” he mumbled, grinning in the process. “You have got to be kidding me. But you guys do you, i guess. My lips are sealed.        “I hate to ruin the moment but i have to go. It was nice meeting you y/n.” He tipped an imaginary hat. “It was nice to see you again too, soobin. But let know, the next time you’re back.”        “Right, ill keep that in mind.” Soobin replied.        Just as yeonjun started to walk away, he stopped and turned around once more. “Oh! Right. How long are you guys staying? I’m meeting beomgyu, tae and kai on monday at the diner. You should come,” his eyes travelled to you, “both of you.”        “We cant-“        “We would love to!” You cut soobin off, “come on soobin, you haven’t seen your friends in ages. I would be nice to say ‘hi’ again.”         Soobin stared at you for a second. Maybe it was the excitement in your face or maybe he truly did want to see his friends again. But in the end he agreed.          “Great! Ill see you two monday at 5.” Yeonjun ended, giving a small salute before leaving, for real this time.        Soobin went back to the bay, laying down on the grass, letting out a long held sigh. He stared up at the sky that was quickly becoming darker. The stars and moon announcing their arrival.        “You alright?” You asked, sitting down next to him.        “Yeah, why wouldn’t i be?” He answered, his eyes still closed.        “I don’t know. You just seemed... off just now. Like my or yeonjun’s presence bothered you.”        “It’s nothing. Im just tired.” He sighed again, sitting up. “While on the subject, we should head back. It’s getting dark.”        He stood up and started walking without another word.        Was he mad at you? No... he had no reason to be, right? Was he mad about the joke you made with yeonjun?        You quickly caught up to him and followed him out of the forest. Other than your footsteps against the concrete road and the cicadas that came out to say their daily greetings, the awkward silence followed the rest of the way.        “I’m not annoyed at you, if that’s what you’re thinking,” soobin broke the silence. The entire walk you had your focus on the ground, not noticing the stolen glances soobin took. “Stop sulking. People are going to think i kicked your puppy or something.” He chuckled, bending his waist slight to look at your face.        His face was mere inches away from yours. Memories from the previous night came flooding back. You didn’t offer a response, not trusting the words that would escape your lips in that moment. Instead just turning your face to the other side to avoid his stare. Soobin let out a light hearted laugh and continued walking.          You recalled how soobin always said you had an expressive face. He must have seen something you didn’t realise.        The sky got darker as you continued down the road. The cool winter breeze greeting the concrete and skin just the same, causing you to shiver and wrap your arms around yourself. Mentally cursing the fact that, other than your khaki coat, you didn’t think to wear more layers that morning.        Of course, this didn’t go unnoticed. “Are you cold?” Soobin asked, already shedding off his cherry red, wool scarf.        “No, it’s alright, you’ll get cold,” grabbing his hands to stop his actions.        “I’ll be fine. And we’re only about 5 minutes away,” he argued, wrapping his scarf around your neck. He took your hand, pulling you behind him the rest of the way quickly before you ‘caught a cold’.        The scarf sat snug to your skin, soft and gentle, the ends becoming a colourful flag in the wintry winds. It was still warm from where it sat before. You could smell of his cologne on it. Faint, from the day’s activities. But still prominent enough to know it’s existence.        Your hands trembled in his and you thanked the cold for that excuse. Burying your face deeper into his scarf before he could make out the slight blush that painted your cheeks.        When you reached soobin’s home again, there was a faint chattering echoing through house.        “Oh, i think my older sister’s came for a visit.”        Soobin’s older sister. The one that’s the account, married, with the baby — soobin’s nephew — and the lovely husband. You’ve only ever met them once, well that, and the occasional pictures soobin would send you of him and his nephew. Seeing soobin with babies did things to your heart thats you didn’t like. You’ve already imagined the unlikely scenario of what it would be like to have soobin as your boyfriend. You can’t go fantasising an entire family as well. But you had to admit, he would make a great dad one day.        “Soobin!” His older sister ran and hugged him. He’s always had such a close bond with his siblings. “Mom and dad told me you brought your girlfriend home this time.” She wiggled her eyebrows.        “Hey sis. And yeah, y/n. You know her,” soobin turned to you.        “Of course. The last time i saw you two I knew you’d end up together.” She cheered as if she had just won the lottery.        So, from what you’ve gathered, soobin’s entire family had always had some hopes on the two of two. You wanted to smile at that fact. But at same time, you were lying to them right now. It was a bittersweet feeling.        The remainder of the night went on rather unproductive. You had dinner with his family, chatted with them, played with the baby and that was about it. The worst part came when the family decided to watch a movie together. The movie was great, dont get me wrong. You all sat together and watched kingsman again. Even though it was the tenth time you’ve seen it, it was still yours and Soobin’s favourite.        The bad part came when you had to find a seat. The family couch say four, soobin’s mom, dad and sisters. The older’s husband took one of the arm chairs, leaving you and soobin to share the other. In other words, you ended up having to sit on his lap.        “I can just sit on the floor, its no problem,” you suggested.        “Nonsense. I won’t let you sit on the floor,” soobin rebutted, holding your waist, pulling you back onto his lap.        You swear, if it wasn’t for the dimness of the room, the redness of your face would have matched that of the fire place. Throughout the movie you found it extremely hard to pay attention. Soobin had left one of his hands to rest on your knee and the other around your back. Sure, he was probably just putting on a show for his family. But he didn’t have to do the thumb thing as well. Or gently whisper in your ear, so close that you could feel his breath against your neck.          The rest of the time you couldn’t help but fidget in your seat — which just so happened to be soobin’s lap. As interesting as the fight scene on screen was or the dramatic music playing, the only thing you could focus on was the fact that soobin’s hand had now traveled to your thigh.        And underneath you, soobin’s breathing was becoming short and uneven. He was starting to stir as well before getting up, forcing you to stand and murmuring, “I’m going to head to bed early. You guys enjoy the rest of the movie.”        Within the next beat of the soundtrack, he was dashing out of the living room and running up the stairs.        What...?        You weren’t the only one wondering that. Soobin’s family were now staring at you, his mothers brows furrowed, his sister’s head tilted quizzically. “He said he’s tired,” you blurted, face-palming in your head.        Great. You already felt out of place and this certainly wasn’t helping. You sat down on the, now vacant, chair and continued the rest of the movie with his family.        I’m sure he’s fine. You can always ask him tomorrow.
       You woke up to an empty bed again. But this time there was no post it note or anything from soobin. So you assumed he’d be in the kitchen like before.        “Morning y/n,” it was his older sister this time.        “Morning.” You looked around. No sight of soobin. “Where’s soobin?”        “Oh he didn’t tell you? He went out for a walk around 20 minutes ago.”        Why didn’t he wait for you?        “Yeah, he didn’t. Did he say where he was going or when he’ll be back?” You asked.        To that, she just shook her head.        Oh...
       “I almost forgot,” she continued. “There was a note for you. I left it on the counter for you.”
       You picked it up, hoping to see Soobin’s name as the regards, telling you his whereabouts. Instead, the note was fairly short.
Hey y/n!
Once again i just wanted to welcome you to town. It was really nice meeting you yesterday! Maybe we could hang out some time?
(Hopefully) Your friend,
       Did Soobin see it? Either way, why does it matter.        After breakfast, you decided to wait for soobin to come home. If he didn’t tell where he was going, it means he cant be gone long, right? You sat in his room, figuring it would be the only place you didnt have to face his family members.        It was only about an hour and a half of waiting and a lunch break, that you got bored. You could only scroll your phone so much before it started to get more redundant than it already was. So, checking the weather report, you got dressed and left for a walk around. You hadn’t seen much of the area yet, it wouldn’t be harmful to do some exploring. Learning your lesson from yesterday, you put on a wool sweater underneath your coat. A pair of dr marten to match.         It was a rather fine day out. You walked under the sun that warmed your skin, but the cool winds keeping the temperature cool enough. The only thing that would make this better would be if soobin were with you...        “Y/n!” You heard a familiar voice call from behind you.        You turned around and saw a familiar lock of pink hair running towards you, frantically waving his arms. He was wearing a leather jacket today. Behind him was someone else that chased after him. He had nicely styled, bleached blonde hair and was slightly short than yeonjun was.        “Oh, hi.” You greeted the two of them. “Fancy running into you again.”        “I know, right!” He agreed, a bit more enthusiastically than what you would imagine. “Why are you alone? Where’s soobin?”        “No clue. He just took off this morning. Didn’t tell me anything and i got bored of sitting around alone.”        “Maybe the pressure of a relationship getting to him,” yeonjun suggested.        “It’s fake though,” you mocked.        He just shrugged. “Doesn’t make it any less of a commitment.”        You hummed a reply. “Fair enough.”        “Anyway. If you have nothing better to do... taehyun and i,” he said, gesturing towards to boy beside him, “were just headed to the arcade in town. Care to join us?”        “Sure, I don’t see why not.”        You followed as yeonjun and taehyun lead you through the town soobin said he would bring you to. Every corner they turned, they greeted someone new. From little kids to elderly ladies and gentlemen. Small town, i guess everyone knew everyone.        Eventually, they stopped in front of a building, the arcade. The pings from the pinball machines, the bullets from the shooting games, and the ‘jackpot’ announcements, all a dead give away. From the outside, the building looked old and rundown. The paint was old and cracking as if it hadn’t been repainted in years. Even the neon signs provided to the retro aesthetic, casting a purple-red hue over everything.        You stood there, taking in the atmosphere for a second. It sure was different from any arcade you had back in the city. You glanced around, when a figure at one of the pinball machines caught your eye.        “Soobin?” You spoke out loud.        Confused, yeonjun and taehyun followed your gaze to said figure.        “What in the?” You walked up to him. the further into the arcade you went, the louder everything got. Tapping him on the shoulder, you just about had to yell to have any sort of conversation.        “Y/n?” He asked, looking at you with the same expression as culprit that had just been caught red-handed.        You scoffed playfully, crossing your arms. “So you ditched me to come play games alone?”        “Um, kind of? Not really though,” he said. His eyes darting towards the two boys that to came up behind you. “You came with taehyun and... Yeonjun?”        “Hey soob, long time no see,” taehyun added.        “I went out for a walk and ran into them,” a quick and easy reason. “You could have just told me if you wanted to come to town alone, you know? You don’t have to sneak off at the crack of dawn.”        “Nice to see you too tae. And I do want to show you around the town. It’s just,” his eyes travelled between you and yeonjun, back to you in a blink. “I just needed a break from things for a while.”        “Hm, alright,” you accepted his explanation, but something still felt weird.        “Since we’re already here, there’s no use standing around.” Yeonjun spoke. “Y/n, come play the shooting game with me!”        Before you could reply, yeonjun was already dragging you towards one of the machines. Leaving taehyun and soobin to do whatever it was they did. He handed you one of the guns available and scanned his arcade card. The entire time you could feel eyes watching you, but shook it off.        Yeonjun was pretty good at the game, you had to admit. He spent a lot of time here, you assumed. Time seemed to disappear the longer you were in the arcade. The atmosphere around you never changed. It was still as lively and colourful as when you first walked in. The bright lights and loud music blasting, disrupting your senses. But outside, the sun was quickly setting.        “Good game, y/n,” taehyun offered a handshake after you beat him at yet another game of air hockey.        You took it. “Not too shabby yourself.”        Beside you, yeonjun and soobin clapped for your victory.        “We should probably go back soon,” Soobin said, showing the clock on his phone. It was nearly 8pm. Time sure flies when you’re having fun.        You all travelled back together. Turns out yeonjun and taehyun only lived a street away from soobin.        “See you tomorrow,” taehyun and yeonjun waved goodbye as you parted ways, leaving you and soobin to go your way.        Neither of you said a thing to each other. And for reason you were having trouble thinking of a conversation starter, this hasn’t happened before. Usually you and soobin had endless things to talk about. It didn’t matter how stupid or unimaginable it was, the two of you never ran out of things to say.        “When you were a kid, did you ever pretend you were smoking in winter?” You said the first thing that came to mind, the cold air making your breath visible, helping to elaborate your question. You laughed at yourself, holding your fingers up in a peace sign, imagining a cigarette between them.        “Yeah, when i was like 7.”        Okay, ouch.        Soobin’s answer was short, providing no further conversation. You pressed your lips together, stuffing your hands in your pockets as embarrassment crept up on you. So much for never feeling judged.        The rest of the night you didn’t speak much. Every attempt you made just being shot down with one liners. Every time you showed soobin a funny video or meme, he gave little to no response. And eventually you gave up.        This continued to the following day. Sure, soobin was an introvert. You knew that. But he’s never ignored you to this extent. Was he getting sick of having you around everyday? If that was the case, he should just tell you, you’d give him all the space he needs.        You can’t lie and say you weren’t hurt by that thought. Your crush was ignoring you. That would have hurt anyone. And right now, you felt nothing more than a parasite in his home.        “Come on, we have to go meet the others,” the first words he’s said to you in hours.
      You followed quietly as soobin brought you to the diner. When you arrived, the others were already there. Yeonjun and taehyun, along with two new faces. Beomgyu and Huening Kai, you figured from previous conversations.        They sat at a semi-circle booth meant for four with two extra chairs at the end. One of which occupied by taehyun as the other three shared the banquette bench.         “Soobin! Y/n!” They waved.         Yeonjun sat at one of the ends and shifted when he spotted you enter. “Y/n, i saved you a seat next to me,” he said smugly, smirking and cocking his head to the space beside him.        You rolled your eyes at his antics, lips curling upwards. Soobin’s expression remained hard, unbothered and unimpressed even. But you didn’t question it, he’s been like that since yesterday. And frankly, you’ve gotten sick of it. Might as well spend time with someone that actually wants your attention.        You got along well with the boys. You learnt that Kai and taehyun went to the same school and beomgyu had just graduated recently. Most of the time though, was spent whispering jokes between yeonjun and yourself. And at some point of the night, he had managed to sneak an around the back of the booth. On the other side, Beomgyu and Kai snickered to each other and eventually shook hands, some bet or deal you presumed.        All of a sudden you heard one of the chairs beside you shift. The feet scratching against the tiled floor. And the next thing you knew, soobin was walking out the door, the bell ringing behind him.        “Where’s he going?” Kai asked.        “No clue,” Beomgyu answered. Taehyun just shrugged. All your attentions still on the door that had already been shut.        “Um, ill go check on him,” you announced, running out of the diner after him. Sure, you and him weren’t on good terms at the moment, but nontheless he was still your best friend, and a huge part of you still cared for him.         “Soobin, wait!” You called, but he kept walking.        “Soobin!” You tried again, chasing after him.        “Stop right there choi soobin!” You yelled, your voice echoing through the empty street. The boys silhouette stood still. But never did he turn to look at you. “Dont you dare take another step!”        Never once in five years have you ever felt intimidated by him. But with his large figure being illuminated by nothing but the dull, yellow street lights, you couldn’t say that anymore. There was silence as you gathered your thoughts, making your way towards him. You had him right in front of you. Now what? You wanted soobin back. Your soobin.        “What’s going on with you?” Your feet stopped on their own accord, right behind the tall boy. “You’ve been acting strange.”        No answer.        “Soobin, don’t ignore me!” You said again, desperation and annoyance laced in your tone.        “I don’t know what you want me to say y/n,” he sighed, trying to keep his temper from exploding.        “I want a damn explanation, soobin,” anger from the previous day slowly consuming you. “Do you know how much of an asshole you’re being? God! I try to talk to you, but it’s just like i’m talking to a god damn wall! So, you can either tell me what’s going on or I’m on the next bus home tomorrow.”        No answer. But you could tell the last part hit him hard. He couldn’t look at you. If he did, he was sure you would see the remorse and anger in his eyes. He hated that you were mad. He hated that you were yelling. But most of all he hated that he was the cause of it.       “You asked me to come play girlfriend with you and i did,” you sighed, continuing when he started walking again. “I only did because,” swallowed the lump in your throat, “you’re... you’re my best friend.”        Best friend.        “I’m your best friend... you can me anything, you know that.” You quoted his words.        “There’s some things better left unsaid,” he offered before walking away again. “I’m sorry y/n.”        “No!” You cried, stopping his tracks. “Apology not accepted.”        You could see frustration building in soobin. His hand pinching his temple, his shoulders tensed as you spoke. “You said you’d be by my side the whole time! But since the waterfall you’ve barely talked to me! You leave me in situations on my own, you’re ignoring me and you randomly take off without a word. You’re doing it right now! So, again, you can either tell me what’s going on or-“        “It’s because i love you, okay!?”        Now it was your turn to stay silent.        Soobin let out a sigh, turning to face you. “Is that what you want to hear?! I love you, y/n!” His tone got softer, “I love you so much. For as long as i can remember knowing you. It hurts when I see you with other people. Especially people that so blatantly flirt with you in front of me. You’re stunning, beautiful. Even a fool could see it. But you’re also so much more than that.        “You were the only person that bothered to come talk to me the first day of school. Others probably viewed me as the weird, loser kid that sat alone during lunch. But you didn’t. You were my first and only friend for years. Before i knew it, i had a crush on you. At first, i thought it was just a phase. But it wasn’t, y/n. And now, im so hopelessly head over heels for you.        “I know, I haven’t earned your heart. I never will. I could spend a million years worshiping you and still not earn it. You’re my best friend, i know I shouldn’t be feeling this way. I know you’re mad at me. And i know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. But please... please, don’t leave me.”        He sounded raw, real in a way you’ve never heard before. When he was done, he was closely inspecting the road, afraid to look up. Chewing on his bottom lip nervously, waiting for your rejection.        “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” You asked, keeping emotion from your voice.        He shrugged and laughed. “You’re my best friend, I didn’t want to lose you.”        You let one hand slide against his cheek, resting your palm there. “You wouldn’t have.”        “Wha-“        “I love you too, you doofus.”        You felt the pull of a muscle as his lips twitched. “Really?”        “Yes. Really. For as long as i can remember.”        Soobin, your best friend — now, boyfriend — pulled you into his arms. “I love you, y/f/n. And I’m so sorry for the way I’ve been. What can i say to make you forgive me?”        “Words only mean so much. Actions speak louder, don’t you agree?”        “I do.”        He lowered his head and brushed his lips against yours.        “Am i forgiven?” He asked rhetorically.        You laugh. “Only because i love you.”        “Yes! I told you so!” You turned and saw Kai yelling and celebrating, pointing fingers at beomgyu. Taehyun and yeonjun shaking their heads in disappointment.        What a crazy group of friends they were.
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masterhandss · 3 years
I'm curious about what you think a Hamefura-GBF crossover would look like ^^
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As a fan of both I've always created different ideas in my mind of what a GBF-Hamefura collab would be like!! I'm not really creative enough to be able to drop some fan-made collab name ideas or a full premise for the collab's plot, just some random tidbits of fun ideas I thought of.
// warning: very minor spoilers for the novels/fortune lover 2
For how Katarina and the gang gets into the world of Granblue Fantasy, I think it would be really cool if it combines something like the Shadowverse collab where they are just thrown into the world without much explanation (maybe playing it out like another Book of Desires-type thing where Katarina stumbles upon a magic tool that sends them all there) and the Love Live Muse collab where it's kinda just a dream. Not that I want Katarina to dream the entire thing, I just find it really funny how in the Manga Bonus SS, Katarina immediately figures out that she's in a dream and just plays along, which would make her nonchalance about being thrown into another world funny and make sense (for her at least). Maybe in the end it could be revealed to be a dream all along, like the Love Live and most recent Deresute collab.
For the plot itself, I'm not really good at coming up up anything new, all I can think of is making something similar to existing collabs and events qwq. It would really funny if the primal beast behind everything is one who is gluttonous, and Katarina beats them in a competition of iron stomachs (like the Priconne collab and Eating Bonanza Summer event). Or have the event story end with Katarina confronting and talking down a humanoid primal beast and charming him into surrender post-battle, something similar to how she won over Raphael (imagine how funny it would be for Keith to smack his head and sigh, as Katarina continues to charm more people, and a primal beast at that XDD).
Maybe even something like the Code Geass collab where at the same time Katarina and the gang end up in the Sky Realm, the crew is on a quest to find a criminal who is stirring trouble in an island, and that criminal had a striking resemblance to Katarina (or an FL2!Katarina). Like that other Katarina is just an illusion created by a primal beast in order to hide his identity, not really basing the image on anyone specific but just creating someone based on the perfect image of a scheming villainess lmao (and being surprised after finding out that the very girl does exist). Cue confusion from the crew and the harem, while Katarina feels both pride and fear over being called the spitting image of a villainess hgfjhsdgf.
You can even make the plot something like the GBF SideM collab + Hamefura Pirates, where the situation they are in is actually from a Fortune Lover x GBF collab (that Katarina dreams Acchan playing/was mentioned to her once in passing) that somehow (???) has ties to Katarina's fate in FL2.
And please, I would love a quick scene of everyone dining with the crew, and everyone comments on Katarina and Lyria's black hole of a stomach XDD
It would kinda be cool if Katarina had a moment where she uses Phalanx, since VOD showed us that there are shield-type spells in hamefura (canonicity is debatable though) but I guess since Nico already did that in the Love Live collab that'd be copying/too similar haha).
For the event rewards, Katarina would join your party after Chapter2 of course :DD By then she would have met the crew. The other playable characters depends on who you ask to be honest. I don't want to sound mean or anything to the fans of the girls, but when I first encountered the question, my mind immediately went the NinSwitch otome game and how all the boys are the capturable characters. Since HameFura clearly favors the Katarina + the boys in the marketing, I thought realistically that if there was a collab, the playable characters would be them. That would be 5 playable characters though, which might be a lot so I guess a good alternative is a Playable Katarina, Geordo, Keith and maybe Maria too. Combining the three girls into a single unit wouldn't be likely, I think it's more realistic to assume they would be the event summon instead (or at least have a cameo in Katarina's victory animation)
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Katarina would be a Dark SSR (sorry if that's considered as a spoilers to anyone qwq) whose attacks also inflict a partial earth damage. She would be an attack-type character with a sabre and axe specialty (axe because hoe haha). I just can't imagine her being an Earth Character unless Keith isn't playable, because then I guess she could just inflict partial dark damage via casted debuffs in order to reference FL2. She's probably mostly has attack skills that either gives buffs or increases her charge bar. Katarina would get a 5 star uncap in the next event rerun :P
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Geordo would be a Fire SSR with a sabre specialty. He's be an attack-type character who specializes in Attack/Support. Spoilers to the light novels kinda, but I imagine Geordo to have a special third skill that gives him lots of buffs but either debuffs him & kills him eventually (like Dark Jeanne) or sacrifices his HP (like Fire Yuisis) as a reference to Volume 8, where he's a bit unhinged when he's angry and will use his fire magic lethally to anyone who harms his friends.
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Keith would be an Earth SSR with a sabre and staff specialty. He would be Special character, acting as a Support/Debuffer. I imagine that he could have his own personal buff called "Earth Dolls" that get consumed each turn, and having a lot would increase the damage of his charge attack. I know the picture says katana instead of staff, I'm just too lazy to edit it again :'))
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Alan would be a Water SSR with a sabre and gun specialty (why gun? he uses a gun in the hamefura fantasy au so :DD). He'd be a balanced-type character who is an Attacker/Defender. I imagine he'd be like SSR Romeo, who is good for defense but is preferably used to deal some damage (or at least that's how I use him lmao).
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Nicol would be a Wind SSR with a sabre and bow specialty (bow because wind element :DD). He would be a defense-type character who specializes in Defense/Support. Either lands some good debuffs (Def Down, Debuff Success Boosted, Blind, Gravity and CHARM OF COURSE) or has Substitute Ally. Most likely the prior. I know that sounds like he should be a special-type character instead so I'm suggesting he should have a skill with Shield and Immune in a single package.
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I imagine the girls to be an event summon together (in my hypothetical scenario where the boys are the playable characters) where they give random buffs (like 3-6 buffs depending on the lvl and uncap). I imagine that they would have a special Call Effect with Katarina, giving her more buffs or a special buff meant just for her :DD
In the event that Maria is a playable character, she would be a Light SSR who has a staff specialty. She would be a Heal-type character who specializes in Support. Her skills could have stuff like a heal that activates for a few turns, light def-down and a def-up to name a few.
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The event SSR weapon would be a "Doom Flag" of course! It blends perfectly with the dozen other flag-looking spear weapons in the game XDD
My ideas for the SR weapon would either the "Doom Avoidance Strategy Book" which would be a Dark Melee weapon, or a smaller "Bad End Doom Flag" which would be a Fire Dagger (haha get it, because Geordo Bad End :)).
Hahaha that's all I can really think of when it comes to a collab. If you want me to talk about a Hamefura RPG AU, but with GBF classes/races then I can make a whole other post for that sjkfhdsk i've always wanted to draw/imagine the hamefura characters wearing job classes & magic from GBF!
Imagine Mary wearing the Dancer/Masquerade class outfit, Maria in the Doctor class, Alan in the Elysian class, Nicol in the Cavalier/Robin Hood class, Geordo in the Glorybringer class, Keith in the Relic Buster class (as a reference for him being a black knight in the manga bonus ss), Sophia in the Warlock/Asparas class, and Katarina in the Chrysaor/Lumberjack class!!
If anyone would like to add with more collab ideas, I would love to hear it!!!!
Anyways, thank you for the ask :DD
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lokigodofaces · 3 years
Michelle, Marvel, & Pride 16
Link to questions.
What do you think the characters that are confirmed queer or you interpret as queer would do for pride?
Joey Gutierrez: (I haven't seen the Joey episodes in a while, so I have to actually think since I haven't seen him in forever). I think he'd go to pride with a date and go somewhere more quiet afterwards with his date. But all month, there would be lots of fun with friends and family, lots of drinks going around, overall a good time.
Peggy Carter: I don't know what was done in the '50's to celebrate not being queer, but I can see Peggy doing whatever that is. Mostly, I see her celebrating in a more private matter at home or something.
Valkyrie: Lots of alcohol, pre- or post- destruction of the valkyries. Hopefully even have a drink with a special guy or gal.
Ayo: I don't know how Wakandans celebrate pride, but I feel like Ayo would be involved. I also think the Dora Milaje would do stuff together.
Loki Laufeyson: Would go to pride but be more quiet. I imagine MCU Loki isn't very open about it yet, but he'd go to support others as a "cishet" (haha we all know that ain't true) ally. With the few people that know, he'd maybe do something with them at home or something.
Bucky Barnes: Bucky would be EXCITED to be able to celebrate being queer openly, since that wasn't really a thing in the '40's. He'd go to pride all decked out in rainbows, with a bisexual flag and a grey asexual (or just asexual flag; I've never seen grey ace flags but they got to make them, right? But maybe they're harder to come by) tied around his neck like a cape.
Wanda Maximoff: whatever traditions Sokovia had, she would do those! Lots of lazy days with Vision, who is also queer. She would have a crap ton of flag related clothing since she's abrosexual. One day, she could be wearing her denim jacket with the abrosexual, aromantic, and asexual flags sewn on. Another day, she could be doing pansexual make up and wearing black boots with pan colored laces. And some days, she only wears her abro flag necklace, because those are her heterosexual days.
Lance Hunter: goes into work with a bisexual flag wrapped around him like a shawl. He gets compliments from all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. One person even told him she thought she was bi, but wasn't sure, because the flag let her know he wasn't queerphobic. Coulson does nothing to stop him. As long as he gets his job done, Coulson couldn't care. Hydra doesn't know what hit them when a tiny, snarky British guy in all black except a bright bisexual flag defeats several of their men.
Daisy Johnson: Daisy does her make up as pride colors every day. She switches off between bi colors and demi colors. She's not normally one for make up, but this is a fun way of celebrating pride. She gets several compliments, and even does Jemma's make up every once in a while. She takes time off to go to pride. She notices a new trend of Inhuman queers banding together, and she absolutely loves it.
Jemma Simmons: tries to sprinkle the bisexual flag everywhere. Sticky notes in the lab, what pens she uses, her outfits, even the food she eats. She gets Daisy to do her make up occasionally too. Lots of fun stuff, just her and Fitz. She also gets Fitz, Hunter, Daisy, and any other queer agents that want to join to go do something fun together. They normally end up going to a bar or a bakery that sells cute pastries and will decorate them to look like your pride flag(s).
Leopold Fitz: Honestly, Fitz isdn't that enthusiastic about pride. He's queer always, why should everyone make a big deal out of it only 30 days of the year? But he does stuff with Jemma and the others because he likes to have fun with them and have queer talk with others.
Steve Rogers: This man will go to pride and stand in front of the hecklers. How can they say that Captain America is going to hell? He usually scares most of them away just by existing, with bisexual flag face paint on and Bucky standing next to him decked out in more color than Steve has ever seen him wear.
Hela Odinsdottir: Hmm this is hard. I don't think she'd do much to be honest.
Carol Danvers: Carol would use that thing to change her suit colors to either the rainbow flag or the lesbian flag. She'd fly over parades like a lesbian angel.
Peter Parker: He'd go to pride in order to support MJ. He either would be uncertain about himself or only out to Ned and MJ. MJ would tell him it's alright to be in the closet, and he could still go to pride and celebrate. So he did, supposedly to support MJ. He buys a shirt somewhere at some point with the bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, and polysexual flags with a saying about mspec solidarity.
MJ: She'd go to pride with Peter. She'd wear lots of pride pins. She'd be very supportive of Peter, and would buy bi pins to give him later.
Tess: There's probably not much they can do to celebrate on the Lighthouse, thanks to the Kree. Since records were erased by the Kree, I don't think she would know she is aroace or what aroaces are, so she wouldn't be celebrating.
Sam Wilson: He'd attach aromantic flags everywhere. His wings, on his boat, everywhere. When he becomes Captain America, he'll take over Steve's job of scaring off hecklers. Him and Bucky would do cute QPR stuff.
Mantis: She would be super cute at an intergalactic pride event. Someone (probably Drax) would come with her, but she would be adorable the entire time.
Nebula: She would kill homophobes.
Vision: Would have fun with Wanda. He'd become a walking queer dictionary. And would calmly explain about non-binaries when the "two genders" thing is ever said.
Well, there you have it!
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fanficparker · 4 years
Hey! Can I request for a Haz x shy!reader where they go to his house to meet his family and she is all nervous or probably makes a mistake and is like, “your family must hate me now” and Haz comforts her? asasjajskkssjsk
Boyfriend!Harrison Osterfield x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1.7k words
Warnings: A little bit of blood, minor injury, anxious reader, loads of FLUFF, hurt/comfort
A/N: I made it a complete one-shot, haha. Hope, you like it :)
Summary: It starts on a crisp winter morning with a rose. It continues on a lazy summer afternoon with a bouquet. It doesn’t end on a pouring monsoon evening even with those three magic words.
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Sometimes the thing you are searching the most in your life, never comes to you, no matter how hard you try to find it. But when you finally give up and stop searching for it, it may just right there, find you itself.
That thing was love in the case of Harrison.
IT HAPPENED ON ONE COLD CRISP MORNING. He was brisk walking on the pavement, enjoying the cool wind hitting his face when he was stopped by a little "Excuse me!"
He stopped and plugged the earphones out of his ears, turning to find a woman around his age, holding a piece of paper in her hand.
"Yeah?" He asked, shifting her eyes from the paper to his face.
"Er..." She walked closer. He could sense a brief hesitation in her movement, nevertheless, she stood in front of him, speaking - "Do you have any idea where this (she read out from the paper) Mi-Michi and Mavey's Bookstore is?"
The name seemed familiar to his ears. Before he could think any further, she interrupted him: "It's near some Burger shop... I forgot its name."
The bells rang this time.
"Yeah... It on the opposite side of the post office to the left!"
Oh, of course, she didn't know where that was either. He could tell by her expressions. She must be new here.
"Thank you." She smiled, though. He could again read the hesitation in her voice and movements. She was moving away from him, walking towards the wrong direction, away from the bookstore, from the post office. And that's when he offered to walk her there.
He wasn't looking out for anything that day. He wasn't looking out to talk to her. To notice the slight smile on her lips, or the great complimenting colour outfit she was wearing. Or the way she hid her embarrassment over small things. Or the rose she gave him either.
The rose.
Yes, it was the rose that did it all.
He wasn't expecting anything more than a thank you. And definitely nothing like a flower, a rose specifically.
When they stopped outside the bookstore, she did say thank you, but she also fiddled inside the handbag she was carrying. She plucked out a pink rose and handed it to him. He couldn't deny it because he never had learned to expect it in the first place.
Someone just gave him a rose. Someone he didn't even know the name of.
"Wait... What's your name?"
But she had got inside the bookstore and he had some urgent errands to run.
There was a shop tag attached to that rose. He could read it. He knew where to find her again. He did find her again.
And then again and again...
IT HAPPENED ON ONE HOT LAZY AFTERNOON. He had brought a red rose bouquet for her. How stupid it can be? After all, she worked here in a flower shop.
"You know this a flower shop, right?" She leaned across the counter, biting her lip.
"Yup, but this is not for you." He smirked while her face grew panicky.
"Tis' for my girlfriend..." He whispered, pecking at the base of the bouquet.
Not for her... She tried to push away the feeling of her heart ripping apart inside her rib cage.
It was okay; she told herself. She wasn't expecting him to fall in love for her like the way she did for him.
It was okay. She tried to smile.
"Oh... Th-that's great!" She showed some fake enthusiasm.
It was okay.
"I-I will like to meet her someday."
He noticed the hesitation again. But this time he wanted that. He watched her as she pretended, pretended to not care, to be happy for him.
It was too much.
"You can take that spot though and get these for yourself..." He sucked in a deep breath, "Be my girlfriend."
They kissed that day at the back of the shop in that narrow alleyway, slowly and passionately. Softly and hesitantly. Shyly and confidently.
They kissed again.
And then again and again...
IT HAPPENED ON ONE POURING MONSOON EVENING. He invited her to meet his family. She hesitated again. He had held her hand, not wanting to let go.
"Please... They will love you."
She still hesitated, not wanting to meet just yet. She was ready before they actually stepped on the front porch. She literally spent two hours getting ready. But now...
"Please... For me?"
His eyes, the way they glimmered and pleaded, was again too much. He was always too much for her. She closed her eyes and pressed the door-bell. Her smile was strained when his mom welcomed her. Her heart was pounding when she hugged her. She was anxious upon removing her wet sandals, afraid if the wooden floor got dirty.
Harrison noticed again. He dumped the umbrella in the stand and stood close to her, his palm stroking her bicep, shooting her a smile which did all the magic.
She heard the unspoken message in his actions.
It's going to be okay.
Should she wait at the dinner table or help his family in the kitchen? It became the question that bothered her after a few minutes of positive interaction, draining all the optimism she had gathered. It became awkward when both his mum and sister left for the kitchen. It became weirder when he followed them, leaving her alone near the dining area.
Playing with the hem of her long sleeves was no more a suitable pass time. She didn't want to chip off the nail paint she applied so intricately. When the noise of a metal spoon or spatula falling to the kitchen floor reached her ears, that was it for her. She walked to the kitchen, desperate to get involved in whatever Harrison and his family were doing.
"Sorry, love. We should have arranged everything on time, but it got a bit delayed." His mum addressed her apologetically.
"Harrison, why don't you spend time with her?" She asked him next.
"No problem. I was just... bored... thought I could be of any help?" She smiled, joining them inside the kitchen, standing beside her lover, finding something to do.
"I can chop the salad?" She offered when her eyes landed on the uncut vegetables lying over the chopping board.
They were talking and laughing. So far, so good. His sister was stirring the soup on the stove. He and his mum were arranging the plates and crockery while she was cutting the tomatoes and the green vegetables.
"You can use the serrated knife for the tomatoes. It would be easier." His sister suggested.
"It's fine." She placed a tomato on the board after removing its core and started running the blade vertically. She needed to impress them, flex her chopping abilities. She went on faster, slicing the large tomatoes one after another. Until the knife slipped off and ran across her finger instead. No, the tomatoes were too soft and juicy for that kind of cutting.
The knife dropped on the floor with a sharp noise, diverting all their attention to hers.
"You oka-"
"Yeah. I will just use the bathroom," She excused herself, moving at a pace that was something between running and walking.
Opening the tap of the basin, she let the blood wash off her finger. It was a minor cut but deep. Upon hearing Harrison's voice calling her outside, she turned off the tap instantly and searched the cabinet to find some cotton and rubbing alcohol.
She walked outside, pressing the cotton over her wound, hiding it from Harrison's vision.
"Are you hurt?"
"No. Of course, not." She let out a burst of staggering laughter, trying to surface the lie.
He hummed, pausing for a second, looking into her eyes. She refused to meet his icy-blue ones, clenching her fist tighter to ease the stinging pain.
"There was some blood on the board."
And now Harrison found her outright lying, hiding things. She had read on various online articles how for many people this was the end of the trust. All she wanted was to look good in his family's eyes and they must have come to know about her carelessness too. She even rejected his sister's advice.
Instead, she received a hug. Harrison had softly pushed her back into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around her body, keeping his head on her shoulder.
"I told you it was going to be okay..." He whispered below her ear, softly blowing some stray hair off that area.
"It didn't go okay though," She could feel her voice breaking.
"What didn't go okay, love? All I see is my family being absolutely fond of you." He kissed at the spot below her ear, his favourite place to kiss her.
"I just... made a fool of myself. I am such a noob."
He giggled at the choice of her words.
"No, you are not," He stepped in front of her, lifting her chin with his fingers.
"First, cutting yourself while chopping isn't a big deal. And second, even if you were a noob (he made a dorky face at the word, pouting dramatically), I don't see how it will make you a fool. Come on Y/n, we are here to meet my family not to give an exam." He wiped the little wetness on her eye-lashes and leaned in to peck her over her eyelids.
"I love you, you know that, right?"
Her heart again thudded inside her chest. He just said those three magic words for the first time or was she hearing wrong... She nodded instead, unable to say anything back.
"So, no need to feel embarrassed. And now get me your hand. Let me fix it real fast."
He made her sit over the counter and wrapped a band-aid over the cut. Meanwhile, she still thought of the words, dreading to reply.
"We good to go?"
"Huh?" She realised she was blankly staring at his face. "Er... Yeah."
She jumped off the counter as he walked towards the door.
"Hey, Harrison?"
He stopped at her voice and turned to see her walking towards him.
"I love you too." She said, pressing a kiss over his lips.
He was smiling into the kiss.
She bet she could make him smile again and again. And she did.
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 ONE-SHOT TAGLIST:  @god-knows-what-am-i-doing // @multifandomlover121// @its-a-leap-of-faith-kid // @emmaloo21 // @swiftmind // @trustfundparker // @hollands-weasley //  @hazmyheart // @lost-aesthetic-of-past // @tommysparker // @redlips-c // @just-a-littlebit-of-everything // @miraclesoflove // @serendipitous-amor // @hazardosterfield // @lizzyosterfield // @thenoddingbunny-blog // @halfblood-princess-505 // @spidergirl007 // @viagracex // @parkerpeter24 // @fanficscuziranout // @httplayer // @veronicas-littleworld // @slytherin-chaser // @perspectiveparker // 
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angelicmichael · 4 years
Pretty Please
Jim Mason x reader
Summary: Jim and Reader decide to throw a christmas party but get distracted while trying to do so. Christmas fic!!
Words: 2.5k+
Warnings: Hella sexual tension, no smut but almost smut?? Very sexually suggestive hehe, fluff with no plot basically, SO much fluff its gross
A/N: based off this prompt I found in a christmas prompt list 'Making out under the christmas tree because the lights reflecting in their eyes just looked too ethereal for them not to kiss them until they lost their breath' sorry I cant find the specific prompt list this came from. Jim and Reader are both 18+, and this is kinda canon rewrite?? Basically as if the ending in ttopv didnt happen and Jim actually lived.. and got a gf haha. ALSO loosely based on the song 'pretty please' by Dua Lipa. Enjoy 💖 read the tags for more thots
You felt as if the wind had been knocked out of you once you entered the apartment.
The minimalistic decorations that once adorned the small apartment you and Jim owned were now paired and even doubled with new, shiny, Christmas decor. The last thing you were expecting to come home too was christmas decorations, to be completely honest. You knew the decorations were new because prior moving in together- you two had nothing.. christmas decoration wise anyway.
Saying that Jims childhood and even high school years were rough was definetly a understatement; you were thankful you didnt have to see him in that state and that you met him after that time.
You only met his parents once; well his mom anyway and almost immeadietly you knew why it took him so long for him to introduce you to her.
She was a fucking nightmare.
She told you immeadietly about Jim's dark past, probably in a lazy attempt to scare you off. She told you about Jim's father, the drugs, and even the drug overdose that nearly killed him. That didn't scare you off - but what it did do was break the final fucking straw for Jim who happened to overhear everything she said.
He hadn't talked to his mom since.
Medina frequently came over, she was practically your best friend and stayed incredibly close with Jim. In fact, you were supposed to see her in roughly a hour... along with a handful of other Jim and yours close friends.
With Christmas being so soon you and Jim decided to have a spontaneous christmas party. The idea was to decorate together but.. apparently Jim had other plans.
There was a wreath on the front door for one, and multi colored lights and Garland that were kept nearly on every surface of the house. Smaller christmas related knickknacks were placed too on the dining and coffee tables. It looked beautiful. You couldnt believe Jim would do this all for you, you meant to help but work unfortunately ran short so you had to cover a coworkers shift.
The entire living room was kept pretty dark and dim, only candles and the soft lighting from the christmas tree lights allowed you to see at all- but it was still enough. It was romantic if anything.
Jim didnt say anything as he came out to the living room to greet you. He stayed silent, watching you and your reaction as you spun around - trying to admire the apartment from every angle possible.
As you continued to keep walking in the apartment and admiring Jim's work, you couldn't help but dumbly giggle.
"Jim; dont get me wrong, I love the apartment but why didnt you just wait for me"? You marveled.
He smiled shyly, a light blush coating his cheeks.
"I wanted to spend as much time with you that I could when you got back before people started to show up for the party". He admitted, sounding slightly bashful and shy as he spoke.
He approached you, and you couldnt help but to feel butterflies at the closer he got. You dont know why you were suddenly starting to feel nervous at doing a act so simple; like kissing your boyfriend. Perhaps it was because normally when you two kissed or showed affection it was done so quickly and without second thought; it wasnt 'special'. You weren't blaming Jim for that either, you knew that was typical in long term relationships. However - tonight he was actually taking the time to be with you. It was beyond romantic.
He looked delicious. His hair wasnt messy but it wasnt kept up enough to look like he brushed it recently, yet it still managed to look so soft. You were yearning to run your fingers through it.
Once you were within arms reach, he quickly enveloped you in a hug. Forcing you to inhale his scent while you quickly buried your nose in his jacket, trying to take him all in.
He smelt like a hint of weed, but mostly like the ocean. You suspected he must've went surfing a while ago.
Even though the apartment was decorated for christmas and it was currently Winter; the air was still warm, maybe even a little muggy. The sun had finally decided to set, just sinking below the far off treeline - making the sky in a state of in between. Not dark but not quite light out either.
In the part of California you and Jim lived in, it only dropped about 10 degrees in the winter. You wore a warm cardigan since you came just home from outside; along with a pair of jeans and cozy boots that seemed to be your go to outfit in the winter.
Jim on the other hand wore a tight fitted dark navy shirt under his typical Jean jacket which you gently clutched onto.
"I missed you. I hate when you have to work during the holidays". You heard him softly grumble, which made you giggle.
You slowly moved, you backed your head up just enough so that your faces were now right next to each other. You bumped noses - you considered kissing him for a split second but you chose not too. Instead ghosting your lips over his; and gently resting your forehead together.
"Why? It's not like today is a holiday or anything". You asked, a playful tone apparent in your voice.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt Jim's lips inch closer, you could nearly taste his breath. Minty mostly, and warm on your lips.
You suddenly were itching to kiss him, unconsciously moving forward to ease the growing tension between the two of you. You jumped a bit when you felt a hand start to rub your back, quickly relaxing when you realized it was just Jim being handsy. You heard Jim's voice, even though you were incredibly close to him, it was so soft you could still barely hear it. A quiet, sultry whisper.
"It doesnt matter if it's a holiday or not". Jim started, he backed up a bit.
Just enough to make eye contact with you, now gently cradeling your face in his hands.
"This is the first Christmas season I've had where I'm not in between my parents trying to break up a fight. I'm so thankful I get to spend it with you, I just wish I had met you sooner". Jim said, with a shy blush starting to dust his tan cheeks again.
By the time he finished talking you were beaming. Pure happiness and joy was coursing through your veins as you stepped forward and fully enveloped yourself in him, your hands grasped his shoulders to steady yourself while your lips feverishly and slowly met his.
Jim's hands quickly adjusted, moving from your face down to your waist. His fingers gripped your skin tightly; the slight pain made you moan. It didnt really hurt persay but you knew your skin would be purple and sore tommorow. However, in this moment you didnt really care about how your skin would look - you just wanted him.
Jim kissed you menacingly slow; his lips working against yours so slowly in a deliberate attempt to make you frustrated and it was working. Your fingers flexed into his shoulders as you let out a throaty moan. You broke the kiss and let out a hiss,
"Stop fucking teasing". You spoke, titling your head slightly and arching your neck out - trying to hint to Jim that you wanted him to start kissing down your neck.
However; that's not what he fucking did.
Instead of feeling Jim's soft warm lips on your neck, you felt his wet tongue lick a fast stripe down your neck - most likely tracing a vein. You yelped and jumped, only realizing after how stupid you probably looked for getting startled. Jim was laughing too, fucker.
"What the fuck, Jim"?! You asked, laughter mixing in with your voice.
Jim giggled before quickly leaning in and stealing another slow kiss from you before mumbling against your lips;
"As much as I would love to sit here and make out with you all day.. we have business to attend too".
He pulled back suddenly, his lips up turning in a smile as if he knew what exactly he was doing.
"Business"? You mused.
"Yes. We have company coming over in 30 minutes, love" Jim reminded you.
You rolled your eyes, completely unamused.
"Do they have to come"? You whined.
"Yes. They do. Now c'mon make yourself useful". Jim said.
He turned around, grabbing a box that sat idly in the living room which you didnt notice previously. Opening it, he pulled out a ornament. You dumbly smiled, knowing exactly what this meant. He approached you, ornament in hand with a corny smile on his face.
"I decorated everything but the tree. I wanted to save something for us to decorate together". Jim stated.
"Your such a sap". You said fully laughing.
You grabbed one of the ornaments out of the box and walking up to the tree. You felt dumb for not noticing how bare the tree was before. No ornaments, no lights, no tinsel.. nothing. Well, nothing execpt for the one shiny ornament that you had just hung on one of the branches right center in the tree.
The one ornament on the tree quickly doubled, and then tripled until the tree was fully adorned with ornaments. You and Jim (mostly Jim) hung a string of lights around the tree. Making the already ambience scene in your living room even more cozy and romantic.
"This was a good idea, babe". You said, quickly kissing him.
You quickly checked the time, there was still 20 minutes before anyone was supposed to show up.. An idea popped up in your mind.
A wonderful, awful idea.
You were already standing comfortably close to Jim; you turned casually around and place your hand square on his chest.
"Its too bad we finished decorating so early, hmm"? You purred.
You didnt dare take a step forward; you knew Jim would make the next move and sure enough he did. He took steps closer to you.
You cheeks were slightly rosy, with the slight embarrassment you felt from suddenly taking the reigns and being in control. Needless to say this wasnt something you were really used too.
"We still have the tinsel to put up, you know". Jim chuckled lightly.
You looked down for a split second and looked back up into his circealean blue eyes, batting your eyes at him.
"Or.. you know, theres something else I can think of we can do that's less boring". You said.
You let your hand slip and travel from his chest up to his shoulder, feeling the muscle that lie underneath your hands as you took your other free hand up to his other shoulder. Your heart skipped a beat when you heard Jim groan.
It's not like you two have never been intimate before; that was far from the issue. Even though you knew Jim for fucking ever and you two have had sex countless of times - he still managed to give you butterflies.
That's how you knew he was the one for you. Even after all this time he still seemed to make you nervous and blush.
"Is that what you think"? You heard Jim say. His voice lowered in a husky manner.
You felt his arms quickly grab you as he gently pushed you onto the ground. He pinned you on your back; his hands on your shoulders as he softly panted above you. His face hovered right above yours - and his legs on your thighs. Not that you were complaining but you certainly couldnt leave or escape even if you desired too.
You merely giggled beneath him at this realization, not really wanting to switch from this position at all.
It sounded incredibly corny but you honestly wouldnt be surprised if you had took a brief visit to heaven. You felt pure, unfiltered ecstasy as you looked into Jims eyes.
The aroma from the pine tree that was directly above you and Jim filled your senses; the smell along with the candles set the atmosphere perfectly. Ornaments hung directly above you two, the rainbow lights from the tree reflecting in Jim's light blue eyes.
Because of the nature of how light Jim's eyes were, typically seeing reflections of other objects or anything really in them was close to impossible... but, maybe it was the already dark lighting in the room or a bit of christmas magic that made seeing the lights in Jim's eyes possible.
It made the already beautiful man look nothing but ethereal. You were left speechless as you could do nothing but stare, and get lost in his eyes.
You couldnt help but feel how lucky you were to even be in this situation, how lucky you were to be loved by him.
You could do nothing execpt for smile cheesily and blush at your new realization. Instead of craning your neck awkwardly to reach his lips, you chose to be smart and innovative instead, by taking one of your hands and pushing his head into yours - gently of course.
His lips met yours and you nearly moaned from the anticipation. You kissed him slowly, relishing in the feeling of being on the floor with non other than Jim Mason. You knew for a fact you would never do this with anyone else, nor did you even want to spend the time thinking about doing so.
His lips were warm and soft - not chapped in the slightest. They danced perfectly with yours; making separating for air almost a painful and undesired act.
When you separated, Jim still didnt let up off of you. He remained on top, breathless. His lips were swollen and pink, and were his cheeks. His eyes still looked beautiful, but even more so now that his pupils were dilated.
You heard him let out a soft, shallow growl. Bending down swiftly, almost animalistically, to the side of your mouth to give you a quick kiss. His lips ghosted and drifted down over your jaw; until you felt them meet your neck in gentle soft kisses.
Your mouth fell open, your fingers gripping the soft tree skirt below you that was riddled with tree nettles.
"Jim, wait". You spoke, barely even able to get the words out of your mouth without moaning.
You saw his head immeadietly snap up, those gorgeous blue eyes meeting yours again.
"Arent we having company over in like.. 10 minuets"? You asked, laughing.
You noticed Jim let out a brief chuckle as well before replying.
"Ugh, your right but if only I could bring myself to get off of you, baby". He spoke, gently attacking your neck in slightly more aggressive kisses than what you were typically used too. Although, you certainly weren't complaining.
You felt Jim slightly push his hips into yours, you automatically opened your legs - wrapping them around his waist and lower half. He gently started to grind into you; and there was no point in even trying to bite down or mask your moans at this point. All you felt was pure, unfiltered love for the man who was on top of you.
"I love you, Jim".
Taglist: @mina672 @michaellangdonstanaccount @langdonsexual @jimmason @blakewaterxx @dark-mei-rose @9layerdevilfoodcake @prophecy-is-inevitable @matildaofoz @beautyiswithinchaos @frenchlangdon
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