#for... for ego purposes... 👀
kaistarus · 2 years
Screaming at Isagi's 'i didn't realize just what I was risking' and Bachira's 'if you want me, come and get me' and these boys are so dramatic help
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astrologylunadream · 26 days
Are They Attracted To You?💋🌺🌹 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hi it's Lunadream❤️ This is an honest reading for whether or not that person on your mind has romantic attraction towards you! hope you find your message💌✨️
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~❤️‍🔥
Pile 1🩷
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Pile 2💋
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Pile 3🌺
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Pile 4🌹
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> ❤️
Pile 1🩷
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Sign energy: Facial expression, Body, Art, Right, Demand, 5th house, Taurus, Aries, 2nd house, 9th house,📞🤪🏜🙅‍♂️
🎀Your person's energy: Okay hi so this person is quite smart, they might often be right about things or they always want to be right. They could have sort of a dominant way about them, like they want to be heard.🗣☝️ There is prominent aries or 1st house placements here, also Taurus. Sagittarius, Leo, actually all fire signs wow so this person has a straightforward or directness to them. One of the first things that came up is their body is a work of art lol😂😭 Seriously they might have the build of a greek statue for some, they could be phsyically fit or in shape I'm hearing "sculpted"🦵💪👀 That could mean someone who is creative or into making things too take what resonates.🪄 I feel like this person could make some really funny faces, like they could have very animated facial expressions.😜 Your person may trive on having attention on them, or they just get it without trying. Their voice is attractive, also they can be interested in many exotic genres of music.🎧🎼 For some of you this person is from a hot climate, or they are just hot themselves😉 They are sensual and headstrong, this could be someone from a long distance but I only see that for a few of you. They are exciting and want to enjoy many hobbies, there is a thirst for adventure in them.🪂🌋 They could love food especially from different cultures, they are expressive in their body langauge aswell😅🔥 This person might appear wild or reckless. Possibly a bit demanding sometimes or even selfish it depends on the person, but I think they are a youthful spirit.
🌺Are They Attracted To You: Dating, Warrior, Reconnect, Passion, Finger, Leo, Pisces, Moon, Neptune, Chiron,🔊🥺💁‍♂️🪃
Okay there is a lot of passion here, for some of you this person wants to date you!🫵❤️‍🔥 Like they are energetically pointing at you like "pile 1 date me now😤" lmao. They have a desire to reconnect with you emotionally and heal you with this passion and devotion I'm hearing, but I think your judgement is needed here because the situation is iffy.🤨🔍 Although there is a lot of attraction from this person, it could be more like infatuation for them. This person feels restless and easily bored, I do see that this person would get an ego boost from dating you.🔝🏆 They are very vocal about their attraction to you my pile 1's, but they're wearing rose colored lenses a bit when it comes to you. This person fantasizes about you, and they want to win your heart.🫢❤️‍🔥 It's like they are in a gauntlet of war competing with your potential suitors in the spiritual realm lol😂⚔️ Be careful though as this person's attraction may be unstable or flighty, the spark they feel may ignite but also burn out fast. They could lose interest easily in relationships I'm hearing, it's hard for them to keep focus. I think they have a soft spot for you though, they want to prove themselves to you.🎁✨️ This attraction to you feels more loyal and devoted than they usually are. They want to reach out to you, for some of you this person wants to apologize for something or heal any emotional wounds you have.🫂💞 This person's attraction to you is more on a spiritual and emotional level than phsyical but I'm seeing that too, they feel attached to you most energetically.🔗💭 They are attracted to you because of the psychic bond you two share, your soul is so precious to them and they don't want to see you suffer. Wow I think this person is very emotional over you, there is a mixture of passion and love for this pile.🌹🩷 For some of you this person is having dreams of you, their subconcious is very attracted towards you. I think this person is healing, maybe that is why their energy was so chaotic at first. You may be keeping them in tune with their more caring or nurturing self.
💌Messages from your person: I still love you, It's the start of something new, You're pretty, Nothing else matters, I can't believe you would choose me, You read my mind, I stay asleep dreaming of you, It feels so good. 🐇🛑🍪🕯(Wow yes they dream of you pile 1 and they fantastize of you, definitely a psychic connection here!❤️🥹)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌺💋
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the pink heart emoji~🩷 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🥰
Pile 2💋
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Sign energy: Back off, Lesson, Glow up, Top, Force, Air, Neptune, Jupiter, 6th house, Pisces,♂️💦🍒🍭
🎀Your person's energy: Wow this person does not like us channeling their energy right now lol😅 Their vibe seems confused and very resistant, they could be very busy or unavailable right now.✋️😠 I feel like this person has a defensive energy towards my pile 2's, they try to be realistic I'm hearing. For some of you this person is masculine or dominant, they could even be phsyically bigger for some of my pile 2's🫢 Air sign energy, Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo, those could be in their chart. Maybe Neptune in pisces or in the air signs for some, jupiter in 6th house is possible, also pisces mars or neptune-mars aspects. these are all mutable signs actually. This is someone you can learn a lot from, or you will learn valuable lessons from your connection with them.💡 This person is so resistant you guys like they are in this energy of pushing you away?? It feels like they are being way too hard on themselves as well as you.💔 This person is very cautious and intelligent, they may not believe in fairytales or misleading fantasies. Honestly for some in this pile it seems as if they think you are getting your hopes up with them, that could definitely be the case for many of you. They might feel like they are more mature or responsible in some way, they seem to be very strict or judgemental towards you.🤨 I mean, this person is very forceful in their intentions and I think they don't want you to get hurt or have your dreams crushed.💭🚫 There is an absence from this person, they could be distancing themselves from you or there is some lack of engagement physically. I mean this person is very attractive and their chest is very noticeable, some of my pile 2's may be unrealistic about this person.😓 Their energy is currently very tense, they have a lot of discipline I'm hearing. They are forceful and driven. Behind their functional facade they are quite emotionally challenged, but they try to hide their feelings or control them.❤️‍🩹
🌺Are They Attracted To You: Libra, Force, Society, Honey, Frozen, 11th house, Pluto, Moon, Leo, Pisces,📚🧲🎠🧐
Ah so this is interesting pile 2! Force came out twice in this reading and with pluto I think there is a magnetic pull towards you here actually.😳😍 I'm surprised by their initial energy but it seems like they are stuck fighting their emotions, their attraction towards you may go against their own societal expectations or they are worried about their image😱👤✨️ They have a lot of pressure on them, so I think their energy is quite intense towards you. You make them emotional and this confuses them, they feel unable to take any action I'm hearing. It's like this person is frozen with indecision about my pile 2's🧊❄️ They could be weighing their options right now, for some of you this person is also faking their confidence in front of you. They are hiding their feelings, but they feel a a psychic pull towards you pile 2!!💭✨️ They might be searching for information especially online in order to identify these emotions omg.😨 They may have an strange thirst for knowledge about you that they can't explain, they are deeply curious about you without even realizing it. For some this could even mean possible obsession, they can't seem to figure you out so I think that morphs into a type of attraction for them.🧠🖤 This is quite the plot twist. They may not be aware of their interest in you, but there is a strange attachment to you. For some of you they may even be silently learning more about you through social media or any way they can. It is possible this person is definitely not aware of their attraction to you and they may not even feel it at first, but it is subconcious.😳💭 Either they are putting on an act about how they feel or for others in this pile they haven't realized they feel an attraction to you, but this secret is yet to be revealed for them my pile 2's❤️‍🔥
💌Messages from your person: My future is with you, You have so much to say, I have no boundaries with you, You're so delicate, You are, It's all fake, Can I hold you? I'm trying to find myself.🎎🤩🚨🙃 (Okay pile 2 so this person admits to it they have been putting on an act, they have been hiding their true energy towards you relentlessly but they just can't hold back from you. They are lost and trying to figure things out, my pile 2's this person wants to hold you.😫❤️)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌺💋
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the kiss emoji~💋 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🥰
Pile 3🌺
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Sign energy: Vision, Star, Try, Control freak, Meaning, Gemini, Virgo, 3rd house, Vertex, Earth,😇🕷🍪🤙
🎀Your person's energy: Exciting! This person feels witty and analytical, they may be a fast thinker or use their head a lot.🧠💭 They can be focused and may be good at communicating, also a very angelic personality🥰✨️ They try to be helpful and have meaningful conversations with others, but they can also be very controlling for some. They are skilled with their hands, and they may be very good at many things including speaking.🗣👑 They could be Earth sign, Gemini, Virgo, or Mercury dominant. 3rd house placements, also virgo in 3rd house for some. This person may talk or think excessively.🤯 For some this person is very social and may have many friends or converse with lots of people often. They do well at may at school or work, they have a professional/well put together vibe about them. They want to be a fast and efficient person.🔨✨️ They are talented and there is a star quality about them in their expertise. May be very thorough and detailed. They could have a good reputation or people see them as bright example.⭐️ They may be a rolemodel of some sort or you look up to them. This person possibly struggles with overthinking or anxiety, they often have their mind on many different things.👀 They are mindful and think things through. Try to appear cool in most conversations😎 Very clever and sweet I'm hearing, they might freak out about some stuff sometimes. Like for some of you this person could be afraid of spiders or like not completing an assignment lol things like that😂
🌺Are They Attracted To You: At last, Responsibility, Ladder, Masculine, Accessory, Aries, 7th house, Sagittarius, South node, Eros,🐓♈️🌫🪂
Okay so there is a lot of passion in this pile, they see you as something hot and untamable! There is heavy aries influence here, some of you may be aries🤭 This person is normally level headed and responsible but you bring out this wild side to them😳🔥 There is a lot of attraction to you my pile 3's, honestly you really turn them on😭 This person may feel tempted by you, or you challenge them in some way. You make them want to act tougher or more dominant with you, you bring out a reckless version of this person, it's like a hidden monster that has been waiting to be unleashed.👿⛓️ Mhm this person is wild about you honestly, their feelings are loud and clear here. They are attracted to your free spirit, they want to take risks with you.🪂🔥🚀 Something about you is foreign to them, almost forbidden. If you're in the room with them, the air feels thicker. They have such a passionate fiery energy towards you, but this attraction is also an interest in a commitment with you. They may desire a long term relationship instead of a fleeting romance. This person feels like you complete them, and they may be very attracted to you as their romantic counterpart take what resonates of course.💍💖 They feel an obligation towards you, like they have to be strong or reliable for you. You excite this person, there is a spark they see in you.🔥😫 They might feel like you are dangerous for them though, and there could be lots of physical tension between you two. They try to keep composed, like they are fighting their demons.🥊 You make them feel empowered and full of passion and drive. They may especially view you as phsyically attractive or their ideal type. I'm hearing you cloud their judgement and you could even make them lose their inhibitions.❤️‍🔥 So much attraction!
💌Messages from your person: I know it's hard, I love the shape of your lips, The pain will go away, You're a genius, Don't just stand there, So what? You're too kind, Of course you won't. 🆚️✍️😡🤐 (Ohh pile 3 this person is hot and bothered, they think you're really sweet and smart and they know you won't just let it go to waste🥰 This is a mix of tension and appreciation from this person, wow I think they want to compete for you🥺)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💋
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the hibiscus emoji~🌺 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🥰
Pile 4🌹
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Sign energy: Beloved, Model, Leo, Blush, Make out, 12th house, Air, Pluto, 11th house, Mercury,⛓️🥀💆‍♀️⛪️
🎀Your person's energy: So.. some of you wanna make out with this person right now😂 lmao just kidding but yes there is a lot of attraction to this person haha. Some of my pile 4's really love this person, they make your day. They could be a model or they have that kind of allure to them, they just earn effortless attention and obsession lol.💫 You may dream of them, even fantasize of them. You feel spiritually connected to them, and of course it is very apparent in the energy that you are interested in them through tarot/astrology. Some of you met this person online or they don't know your identity, only some. This person could be famous or people's heads just turn to them.👤✨️ Could be actor or creator for some, they are talented in something. Some of you are not with this person right now, there could be phsyical distance and lack of communication for you two.📵 They could be an Air sign, Leo, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, Gemini, Mercury in 12th house, Pluto in Leo or Pluto in 11th house, Mercury in 11th house for some. I'm hearing this person is a religion lol what, they could have a lot of secret admirers like for some in this pile take what resonates lol. They could be religious, also for some they have a following on social media or an influencer.🤳 Hey they are pretty attractive I could see why, this person might make you blush.🤭💗 You may be too shy to talk to them or you just can't for some reason, they are quite captivating and glamorous.💋✨️ May attract lots of jealousy because of their radiant energy and confidence. You admire their unique qualities, they are super special. Their presence is intense and magnetic, maybe even serious for some in this pile. Strange things about them make you giggle and smile, I'm hearing they have a hold on you. You might feel like they're your soulmate, but there is an air of mystery to them. This person is so hot, some of you may fantastize being touched by them and you may not even know them that well, it feels like your heart is captured by them, maybe even a little addicted for some.🫢🩷
🌺Are They Attracted To You: Baby, Wedding, Performance, Spring, Ex lover, Taurus, 2nd house, Vertex, Aries, Leo,🕊❤️‍🔥🔑⛲️
Hm interesting, so this is giving a lot more info actually. Wedding came out my pile 4's😏💕 This person finds you naturally attractive and full of charm!😍💋 They have a playful interest in you, also very passionate and sweet. They think you're pretty, aesthetically pleasing to them in many different senses.✨️ For some in this pile this is an ex that wants you back, like the classic "come back to me baby" stereotype lmao I can hear that for some of you😅💌 they are still burning with passion for you. This could be a flame that just started for others in this pile, your connection with this person is meaningful and possibly a key aspect of your life. That is especially true because this person may want to marry you and that could actually work for them!💍💗 They have a lot of charm and attraction to you, also with the dove emoji they might definitely plan to confess or get the message across to you. They want your attention fast, they might even put on a show for it.😂 They are dramatic about you. Like for some of you this person is trying to be flashy to get your interest, they might be dressing nicer or flirting a lot. You make this person feel very flirty omg, with this mix of energy it feels like sweet talking.🗣🍬🩷 Like they feel so attracted to your warm kindness, they find you to be irresistible. They love your personal feminine qualities you whether it's like making things nicer or shopping, even your voice🥰 Some of you may be born in spring, also there are definitely some Taurus in this pile! This person is attracted to your earthly beauty, even if you don't feel pretty they see you as a goddess.🪞 This energy is very persuasive I think this person is so captivated by your aura and presence.💖 Their attraction to you is a grand, passionate and devoted kind, you are like wood they need to ignite their flames.🔥 They feel like they can trust and rely on you, they're attracted to how stable and beautiful you are pile 4! There is a lot of desire here, they want to be seen by you. Also they want to give you their attention, they're such a charmer😩❤️‍🔥
💌Messages from your person: I need you in this lifetime, Pretend you don't know me, I love the shape of your lips, Why not? Let's break up, They're jealous of me, I believe you, Focus on yourself.🧤🔮🤴🫰 (Wow of course they are quite dramatic lol. They are very attracted to you, this person may be unable to be with you right now. Some of you are dating this person or they want a relationship with you but others are jealous😳 People may want their hands on you/them, or for others it could be timing or situation that is coming between you both. This person believes in you though, I mean they believe in the divine connection you have but they want you to focus on yourself right now. There is so much love for you and they don't want you to get dragged into all the drama, they wanna be with you now but they want you to prioritize your self care and wellbeing most importantly.😩💗)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌺💋
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the red rose emoji~🌹 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🥰
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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aleiiii · 6 months
how would wukong and macaque feel if someone touches thier pecs on purpose? and are they squisjy as a pillow👀
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hrmmm I think it depends…… I know if you’re straight lean muscle they can be quite solid but otherwise can be squishy when not flexing
WITH THIS IN MIND, I would 100% believe that
Wukong would have a pretty solid chest while Macaques is a bit softer.
As to their reactions,,,,,
I take that swk takes pride in someone having an interest in his work. Probably invite you to touch his back muscles or somethin. That ego of his is never quenched.
Mac might be taken aback at first, but eventually throw in “enjoying yourself?”
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rough housing with earth-42 miles 👀
(this is like a month overdue but enjoy!)
Rough-Housing With Earth!42!Miles Morales
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He's actually one to not go down without a fight
Obviously he's letting you win in the end though
He just finds it funny to watch you struggle for a minute or two
Or sometimes he likes tackling you and straddling your waist secretly
He finds it so cute
You guys are fighting at the most random times of any day as well
Some stuff has been broken in stores causing poor Miles to have to pay
Even if he loses on purpose he says shit like
"I still won."
OR if he loses by actually losing he is shocked
He's offended
He's going over his own workout routine because he just got humbled real quick
He still refuses to admit he loses
He is a cheater as well
He's locking his arms around your waist, tickling you, blowing raspberries onto your neck and shit
Or he's gonna kiss you mid rough housing, act like he's starting a makeout before pinning you down
This asshole plays dirty and he is not afraid to admit it
He loves the shocked look on your face when he does that as well
He's so smug about it as well
But even if you did win by actually beating him even if his ego is hurt a bit he's actually proud and smug
Because his baby just pinned him down
His partner is strong and he knows it
Even if you were stronger than him he likes trying you and annoying you
Trying not to giggle when he sees those muscles in your arms
Feels like a schoolgirl for a moment in a hug 🤭
@mushystrawberries @sweetheartlizzie07 @itstooearly-its3am @Ihavetoexist @kaorussgf @samsketchezz @yas-v @lovelymiaablogss @sussybaka10 @shisuishoe @sairavity @moonlight-rosevine @spectr3inl0ve @najiiix @popeheywardssecretgf @edgyficuselastica @sylisan @onginlove
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jupiter-iz-cool · 8 months
soo.. Care to share those unhealthy & unholy thoughts about lucifer? 👀
The thoughts are rather sinful, every character I hyperfixate on is not safe from them…. I cannot express how I feel about this man without it getting very concerning.
MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DNI! (I can't stop you guys but still 😭)
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Lucifer Is just so silly I love him, but I can't take him seriously at any time… here are some headcanons I have of him for NSFW writing purposes.
- A ton of people say Lucifer is a bottom but I don't see that being entirely true, I view him as a soft dom more than anything else, always taking care of his partner's needs before his own, most of the time that is…
- He is rather vocal, he would love for you to be vocal as well to show how good he’s making you feel, it fuels his ego. The poor baby deserves it.
- Aftercare king… will treat you like a queen under the sheets and after. He prioritizes your comfort.
- Doesn't believe in quickies, he’s a hopeless romantic and wants every time to be the best it can be, so what if he has a meeting in five minutes? Who cares you’re his top priority.
- Did I mention he’s utterly obsessed with you? The taste of you, the scent of you, everything about you he just finds so utterly delectable.
- Speaking of which…. He is into a lot of things, it’s not unreasonable to assume he hasn’t done most things at least once in his lifetime. But he’s a little rusty so cut him some slack.
- Will refer to you as his little ‘Ducky’ or ‘Apple’ in bed, it’s honestly the cutest thing.
- If he’s had a bad day it would brighten his mood if you did something for him, he loves giving but receiving is great as well when he doesn’t have the energy.
- His favorite place to do it is either on his bad or his work desk, the ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door, and the loud creaking of the bed, or the slapping of skin against skin. A big indicator that whoever decides to walk in will not be leaving the room alive.
- Simp, biggest simp, your biggest advocate ever!
- He loves it when you wear his clothes, if it's too big on you even better, he can get turned on just by the sight of it.
- You don't meet Charlie until he’s ready for it to happen, he’s nervous…
- Overall this man radiates big puppy energy when im bed, he's such a doll! Please do not abandon him, Lucifer will be so heartbroken 💔
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extra-gray · 11 months
heey i would love to know what kinks do you think ateez members have and what they’ll be into👀
— Ateez Kinks
Thank you for this ask! I hope you enjoy~ Feel free to submit more prompts via my ask box <3
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Seonghwa loves pretty things. Lace, leather, rope. He loves seeing different materials and colors against your skin. He loves when you dress up for him. Whether that be pretty skirts, dresses, makeup, jewelry, or even fancy suits or sexy dress clothes. You’re his doll. He’d have a wonderful time slowly worshipping your body… but if you tease him enough like the pretty thing you are, he might just have to ruin your makeup. And don’t forget that he loves to feel pretty too.
Hongjoong likes to be in charge. He loves when he has someone to boss around, someone to listen to his every command. When the members give him a hard time, he knows he has his obedient little pet to take his stress out on. And he does just that. He mixes pleasure and pain, just to keep you on the edge. He can be a bit rough at times, but he lets you know how grateful he is to have such a good pet. Disobey him, however, and you’ll regret it. His punishments are unforgiving.
Yunho likes to breed like a dog. He’s obsessed with giving you his cum, his pups. He wants to fill you up and cover you, and he’ll do anything for you to let him. He loves to beg, and he loves being deprived of what he wants… even if he whines about it. He loves when you deny him until his dick takes over. Until he can’t take it anymore, and has to pin you down and breed you for hours. He seems submissive, but he’ll absolutely ruin you… even while begging and whimpering.
Yeosang uses his tongue for its intended, god-given purpose. It doesn’t turn 180° for nothing baby. His favorite activity, his favorite hobby is eating you out. And he eats it like a madman. He has a way of reducing you to nothing with just his tongue. And he can go for hours. You’ll never find anyone as good at giving head as him. He loves the taste, loves the feeling, and absolutely refuses to stop making you cum even if his jaw hurts. He gets off to it. Can cum untouched, even. He praises you the entire time, telling you how fucking good you taste, and how much he craves it when you don’t give it to him.
San… my boy. He’s so painfully obviously an ass man. He’ll eat your ass, finger it, fuck it. He’ll give you back shots and fuck you as hard as he can just to watch it jiggle. Spanking is a must. He loves to bruise it and bite it. He’ll fuck you into the mattress, make you ride him in reverse, have you sit on his face. He can’t keep his hands off. Ever. He makes you wear tight pants, or short skirts/shorts, so he can see it at all times. He loves when you wear short skirts with nothing underneath, especially in public, and bend over to tease him. Everyone around you has to accept the fact that he’s constantly grabbing your ass and spanking it, no matter where you are.
Mingi. Come on. He has a size kink. His cock is huge, and he loves shoving it in with no warning. He loves forcing you to take all of him, even if it hurts. He’ll act all sweet and innocent while he does it, too. Even when there’s tears in your eyes, he’ll fuck you harder. Deeper. He loves dirty talk. And he’s talking you through it. Telling you how pretty you are, how cute and small you look under him. He’ll hold you down, and he loves when you thrash. He just keeps talking in that innocent voice, praising you like you’re not struggling. Kissing your face and ramming into you with long, deep strokes. He likes to lay his entire body on you, and feel how small you are. He’ll talk you all the way to your orgasm, and all through it. Even coax you into more. Over and over again, until your wrists are bruised, and your body aches.
Wooyoung loves to tease. He dies for the attention. He teases you until you’re sucking up to him… showering him with compliments and fueling his ego. Worshipping him as if he was your god. Sometimes he’ll jerk off while you sit and praise him, watching, unable to touch. He’ll torture you like that until you’re about ready to sob. And then he’ll give you everything you want, and more. After he’s had his time being the center of attention, he gives it all to you. Allows you to play the pillow princess/prince/pet and devours and ruins you till you’re shaking and begging for him to stop. He learns all the moves that make you fall apart, and abuses them.
Jongho is absolutely obsessed with physical power. He’ll find every opportunity to manhandle you, no matter when or where you are. He loves to throw you around, loves to play fight/wrestle, and he can’t help but mark you in the places you tell him not to… just because he’s too strong for you to fight back. He fucks you good. Loves to pound you roughly, and then force you to ride him while you’re exhausted. He won’t help you cum, either. He watches you, desperate and dripping as you try to make yourself cum on his cock. His self control is amazing. He’ll stay hard as a rock as you struggle on top of him. But eventually, he’ll hold you up and fuck into you with all of his strength until you cum harder than you ever have before. He abuses your g spot, and twists you into positions that forces you to feel it even better. Nobody can do it like him.
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plutonianeris · 2 years
‧₊˚ pick a pile‧₊˚✩embracing your alter ego⛓𓌹*♰*𓌺⛓
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this is a general reading & for entertainment purposes only, take what resonates and leave what doesn't. scroll through the images & choose based on your inner guidance and gut feeling. 🖤
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🕯️energy you need to embody/ reflect on: aries, leadership, willpower, ANGER, turning points, epiphanies, destiny, fate, pallas, creativity, wisdom, venus, pleasure, love, art, money, 4th house, foundations, traditions, home, family, roots. 🔐 **note: i got a lot of libra/aries energy from this reading. if you know your birth chart maybe look at the houses that are in aries and libra. or if you have any aries/ libra placements do some more research on them 👀
your alter ego is someone that refuses to go down a dead end. if they get the slightest hint that someone isnt respecting their boundaries or treating them/ providing them with less than what they deserve they LEAVE. in order to embrace your alter ego you have to accept that you are in a state of metamorphosis 🦋 and push through to that next stage. rip that bandaid off and stop sitting there “crying over spilled milk” & your alter ego isnt having none of that. theyre the type to not let anyone seem them cry or sad (espeically the people that hurt them) and theyll if anything, dress up and fix their hair and strut like nothing happened. “I will always win in the end”
the person you are now isnt the same as who you were a couple months or even a year ago. you could have been a BIG people pleaser or scared of disappointing the people you love. the difference is now you are more sure of what you want and now your boundaries have become less shaky.
once you realize how fucking good it feels to love yourself your alter ego will bloom and you will take more risks and do all those things u were to afraid to do before. your alter ego reminds me of beyonces “sasha fierce” alter ego lol bc you will snap into it soon and it will help u get over that “stage fright”
i just heard“if you needed more time why didnt you make it?” your alter ego is someone who is bold, a risk taker, the first person to ask that question (and then break that rule), to wear the strange outfit. the first one to lean in for the kiss. your alter ego is an innovator, creative to no end (don’t worry if you aren’t inspired right now, you are the inspiration thats why you cant find it). its you. you are the muse, the canvas and the artist. your alter ego has harmonious relationships because they are very attractive, balanced, fair, fiery.
𓆩♱🤍₊˙ TIP JAR 🧸 ♡♱𓆪
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🕯️energy you need to embody/ reflect on: compassion, dreams, confrontotation, disharmony, pleasure, love, trauma, wounds, health, routine, pets. note: i got a lot of pisces, scorpio/ pluto/ 10th house, and virgo energy from this reading. if you know your birth chart maybe look at the houses that are in these signs. or if you have any planets in these signs do some more research on them 👀
in order to embrace your alter ego you need to stop victimizing yourself, similar to pile one there is need to use past trauams as an excuse for staying the same in unhelful behaviors and self sabotaging habbits. you’re letting life happen to you and shrugging your shoulders saying “it what it is” or “I cant change the past” get UP! when you walk, walk with your head held up high. I heard “don’t let people step on you not even once or they’ll keep their foot there pressing against your neck, suffocating..” don’t be afraid to show teeth, whether its a smile or a snarl.
people have wronged you deeply, maybe in irreperable ways. thats okay if youre not the same person. i promise they didnt take anything from you. you are whole and complete on your own. what people are DEEPLY scared of is you realizing your power. I heard “what? did you think I was going to stay small and insecure forever?” people in your close relationships want you to be down bad when they are (misery loves company). in order to embrace your alter ego you need to take the wheel and take control.
your alter ego embodies boss ass energy. your alter ego is mysterious, intuitive, passionate, magnetic energy. the ultimate femme fatale. your alter ego doesn’t let any sly or snarky comment slide, doesn’t allow fake ass people in their circle (theres a vetting process to getting close to them), is deeply loyal and ambitious. your alter ego enters peoples lives and leaves them in awe and jealous and in love and also turned on lol. This is POWERFUL (and slighlty dangerous) energy but if you know how to balance well your alter ego can easily climb the ranks in whatever endeavor its interested in. your alter ego loves to be in control. they’re the ones who dress in all black or sexy clothing. they love to work out as well. they secretly love the pain and soreness later. 🔥
𓆩♱🤍₊˙ TIP JAR 🧸 ♡♱𓆪
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🕯️energy you need to embody/ reflect on: conflict, tension, your calling, discomfort, challenge, destiny, appearance, physical body, character, first house, ninth house, long distance travel, morals, teachers, beliefs. note: i got a lot of pisces, sagittarius/ jupiter, gemini/ mercury energy from this reading. if you know your birth chart maybe look at the houses that are in these signs. or if you have any planets in these signs do some more research on them 👀
in order to embrace your alter ego you need to really work on your forms of communication (this pile gives off blocked throat chakra energy or some kind of harsh influence in your surrounding area that makes you feel like you to watch how you speak to the point where you dont speak up at all). you could have saturn in third house, squares/ oppositions to your mercury, or Capricorn or aquarius in your third house. the point is though, it has felt like when youre in groups theres so much conflict that youve spent so much time alone, that you believe you have to stay alone forever now.
youll find the people that will become like family to you but they will be of other backgrounds, religions, status, ethnicities or even in different states (possiblly entirely different countries). it makes sense considering your alter ego is philosophical, adventurous, flirty, fiesty, and very very very beautiful with a big smile and nice hips. a sight to behold to the eyes of the public. i heard “they talk shit about me to make themselves feel better” your alter ego is a heart breaker, people fall fast for there intoxicating personality and their big dreams. but in the blink of an eye theyre off to the next person or dream or adventure. i heard “ill mourn my losses on the way but im not gonna stop”
hey if you been thinking about booking that flight then maybe do it. or if you’re thinking about or make that vision board or buying those books on that occult topic you’ve bern interested in. your alter ego is determined, they wanna see the world and drink up all its beauty, delicacies, sights, rainbows, books, temples, slow and then fast kisses in the middle of sweaty and neon night clubs. they wanna feel it all. i just heard “im going to free my mind. just wanna remember all the good things” 💗
𓆩♱🤍₊˙ TIP JAR 🧸 ♡♱𓆪
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🕯️energy you need to embody/ reflect on: responsibilities, routines, self-worth, savings, sticking to your budget, investing, new moon energy (making wishes), shadow side, marriage, secret enemies, love, health, false notions of purity. note: i got a lot of pisces, libra/venus/ 7th house, virgo/ 6th house energy from this reading. if you know your birth chart maybe look at the houses that are in these signs. or if you have any planets in these signs do some more research on them 👀
pile four, I see you giving and giving and giving to others. whether it’s letting people borrow money or listening to them endlessly vent or being there for people that necessarily aren’t always there for you. I see you putting other people first and not necessarily the people please in the way pile one does. Because pile one does it but secretly doesn’t wanna do it. But you do it and think you have to do it and feel like it’s your responsibility to make sure that other people are okay. i just heard “im your hero, you see me as your angel” is there someone deeply depending on you right now? im sorry but they’re not your child. nurture yourself and your inner world. give yourself more credit now..
oopp, the song i was playing just said “i could use a vacation but i gotta take care of my family,… im so damn tired from working overtime” PLEASE😭 this pile is so sweet/ wholesoom🥺🥺🥺🥺 its really calling on you to be selfish. and unapologetically so. you don’t have to share everything. your feelings, your hobbies, your resources or time or money. your alter ego slams the door shut IN THE FACE OF ENERGY VAMPIRES.
your alter ego reminds me of a mermaid or something. just very MYSTICAL and elegant energy. your alter ego is well loved and seen as very wise but they stand tall like a queen/ king. people want to worship your alter ego. i heard “you have beautiful eyes” a lot of people cherish their advice and could do well in doing spiritual readings as well. your alter ego is kind but not nice. they see right through superficial bullshit. They dont care if they have to force you to behave, you will not take from them without asking. I just heard “I respect your opinion, but please don’t force it on me. accept we see things differently.”
𓆩♱🤍₊˙ TIP JAR 🧸 ♡♱𓆪
© plutonianeris 🕷
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celestialtarot11 · 8 months
Kings and How They Will Move Towards You 👀🔮
Hey friends! Welcome to another post 🥂💌 Today we’re looking at how the Kings as court cards make their moves towards you. This can help to read a persons intentions, motives, and tactics. Feel free to like, comment and reblog!
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King of Wands 🌹💗- Starting off with this bad boy, he is assertive. Determined. Driven. Driven by his need to succeed and experience life for the fullest. He is bold, extroverted, confident and will make it known to you that he has intentions to date you/be friends. He can have a big ego, so it’s important to understand it’s just as fragile. Likely will want to take you out the instance they come forward. After having his ideas mature about you, eventually the excitement of it all comes in, and he makes his move. Charismatic, he will use jokes to woo you. Hoping to see you smile and win you over with his generosity. Will pay for dates, and take the lead in the connection. Has a heart full of fire for you, and you capture his attention entirely. All or nothing energy, and wants a passionate beginning. He views physical intimacy as a way to get closer to someone. He has a lot of energy and exerts it, and his inner child can come out when comfortable in the connection.
King of Cups 🌟💗- An emotionally balanced person. He won’t make hasty moves, and he won’t have you waiting either. He understands the importance of timing, dedication and discipline. He is a gentleman, genuine and warm. He wants to make sure any moves he makes will ensure you’re comfortable, once he realizes he is pushing, he will be cautious. He is observant and will read your energy first before making moves. He is calculated, as in some tarot cards he holds the spy glass, seeing your every move. He is self assured and validated, and knows there’s a chance for something beautiful here. Will only take you out if the timing is right, and likely will be friends first before diving deeply. The King of Cups understands that a connection needs to develop on its own time, and the right way. He is ready to do whatever to make you comfortable and feel at home with him, and ready to meet your needs. He explores boundaries in the connection, and wants someone emotionally open and mature. Emotions are not foreign to this King, therefore he prefers stability and balance.
King of Swords 🧡🥂- Anxious, but has a hold on it. Tends to overthink and analyze every move before doing it. Will consider your position currently in life, and how that will play a role in his. Same for him as well. Advances the connection in a detached manner, some may say nonchalant. Emotion will take time to show, because he wants to be sure that this is something that’ll last. Especially through challenges and conflict. Communication is important, and staying open minded about where the connection goes. Setting boundaries and intentions is important within himself, and towards you. He is clear, decisive, and using that clarity he can make moves towards you. He is turning his knowledge into practical use, and has a sharp tongue. His jokes can be hilarious, and he knows the right things to say to make it alright. Wants to set a time to meet, ahead of both your schedules preferably, and wants to get to know you. He wants to understand your dreams, goals, ambitions, priorities, and how he can practically help you.
King of Pentacles 🌹💌- A man of action, not necessarily a talker. Will do what’s needed at the time for the connection, not more. It may take time for him to open up, but once he sets his mind to the connection, he thinks about the long term future and comfortableness of it. He provides, nurtures and cares. Will pay for dates, shop for you, and advance you with a sense of purpose, commitment, and confidence. Self assured, and not necessarily over the top. He may try to impress you with his material wealth, as a way to capture your attention. It’s possible he may reflect a lot in conversations, and will likely talk about deep philosophical topics, but this King wants someone mature to be able to handle those topics. He wants to share his knowledge, his wealth. Whether thats material wealth or mental wealth. Prefers to take it slow, stable. Not hasty, not the type to make rash decisions. He can be proud of his hard work and dedication to himself. And pursue you to do the same. He will only make moves if he’s absolutely sure of you, until then he will continue to take notes 📝
Thank ya’ll so much for reading 💗🤗 Let me know your feedback! Always appreciate it!
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highpriestess13 · 5 months
May forecast
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“Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone” is what I keep hearing for you guys! There’s HEAVY energy of someone coming back from the past to apologize/ reconcile. Someone finally noticed/ or realized or is currently realizing the mistake that was made on their part.. this may also be the both of you but I’m feeling more on someone else. Someone had to go through ego death, transformations after transformations, enlightenment and everything else in between in order for them to come back. I see someone sleeping or dreaming about something and all of a sudden they jump up and make a move. Someone may jump a lot in their sleep too. A message is going to come to someone which will trigger them to do research or go within themselves. In the month of May, I’m also seeing someone fully stepping into their purpose… this could be following a long awaited dream OR this is literally someone’s calling but it does dive into the supernatural/ the spirit world. Someone may commune with the dead… I’m hearing both the living and the dead. I’m also hearing “reach out”. This may be you reaching out to someone that crossed over or the other way around. I’m also seeing entrepreneur energy but I’m also getting undercover boss 👀. Truth and clarity will be coming in as well, “mistake” is what I’m hearing. Someone may confess their mistake or a mistake.. or someone had made mistake a mistake is wanting to correct it. Make sure you proof read, or read the details of some kind of paper work because I do see an error or errors being made. Someone may break a contract. Third party energy is here so be mindful, some of you may find out that someone has or had a sneaky link. “Mascarilla” is what I’m hearing.. covering it up. Please were a mask at this time especially if you’re around a lot of people… however I’m also getting someone trying or wanting to cover something up. So pay attention to what’s happening around you!
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sillycoffeebuggz · 28 days
@jackiesdragoncastle (I'm sorry but the marvelsepticeye angst could definitely happen with this 👀 👀)
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ashrooms · 1 year
More commentary on the headcanons:
Switch!spot so real. He subs easily but damn can he get intense if he wants to.
Not beating the puppy allegations with all the grinding 👀 (imagine just casually grinding w him while watching tv or something... like it's not even a big deal..)
Spot w strap vs reader w strap, who will win???
We see in the movie how he can easily be more dominant when pushed, that most certainly translates in bed 😏
I'm typing A LOT, so click to
Of course, we all love our subby Spot (who doesn't love a cute anomaly who whimpers?) and because that's how he often presents himself, it's a genuine surprise the first time he's more aggressive. He might lose control of himself a bit and he'd definitely apologize after, saying he doesn't know what got into him (yes he does, it's you 🤭). If you're the type that's into it though, not only is he happy, but he starts thinking of more ways to ruin you. If you're not though, he absolutely respects it and promises to control himself better.
As for casually grinding on him, it has him losing his mind. The two of you might be lying down together and watching something when you push your ass into him. At first he thinks you're just adjusting yourself, but you keep doing it and start moving slowly. He looks over to your face but sees you're just watching the TV unbothered, as if you didn't realize what you were doing. If you keep it up, he moves a hand to grab your thigh and might say like, "You're doing this on purpose aren't you?". It gets him all hot and bothered, especially because you're doing it so casually 🤭, he gets so impatient.
Ohnn brainrot is real so have some dominant!Ohnn headcanons:
• Thanks to his holes, Ohnn can easily grab your wrists together with one hand. He has you pinned down, barely able to move and it all goes right to his ego and his (metaphorical) dick. Seeing you all helpless and at his mercy, it get him hot.
• If you consent to it, he'll wrap a hand around your neck. He can be gentle for like, a second, before he's tightening his grip around your throat. He finds pleasure in controlling your breath/volume.
• When fucking you from behind with the strap, and he's feeling extra cheeky, Ohnn *will* slap your ass. Bonus points if it causes you to make some sort of noise, it's like a reward for him.
• Sometimes he'll be such a little shit that he won't fuck you until you're literally begging him. He won't let you come until he's satisfied with your words, it further feeds his ego and fills his need of being taken seriously. This man eats radiation and your words of praise.
• If he's got your consent to do so, THIS MAN *WILL* OVERSTIMULATE YOU UNTIL YOU ARE A MESS, a mere puddle in his hands. Whether it be with his hands, the strap, or the vibrator, he won't stop until he's had his fill... or, y'know, you say your safe word. Speaking of which...
• Since Ohnn isn't used to being so dominant, you guys established a safe word and each of you explained your individual limits. He's very respectful what you do and don't like and tries to be mindful in bed. During normal encounters, he's always making sure to check in with you. When he's more aggressive though, he relies on your body language to help and, of course, the safe word.
• King of consent and aftercare. After such intense fucking, his number one priority is taking care of you. Need water? Boom. Pulls a bottle from a portal. All dirty from sweat and other bodily fluids? He pulls some wipes from a portal, or he portals the two of you into the bathroom so you guys can take a bath together. Body sore? Tell him where it hurts and he starts rubbing gently. Cuddles and praise soon follow, he tells you how much he loves you and how happy he is to be with you.
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astrologylunadream · 4 months
Do They Have Romantic Feelings for You? 🫧🌸💋 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream!💕 Here is a lovely reading on the person on your mind and if they have romantic feelings towards you!🥰 hope you find your message🎀 It's been a while since I've posted a reading! I've been taking care of my personal life, and working on readings as I can. Thank you all for your patience and love~💗
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~💌🫧
Pile 1🩷
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Pile 2🍒
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Pile 3🌸
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Pile 4🍓
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 💕
Pile 1🩷
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Sign energy: Flame, Love at first sight, Late, First love, Teeth, 9th house, Earth, Sun, 12th house, Aquarius,💬🦀🤙💡
🫧Your person's energy: Okay so first this person could be in a no contact situation for some of you, no surprise this is someone that most of you have romantic feelings towards!🥰💗 They are very bright and it's like they can light up the entire world around them. Can we talk about this person's smile?🤭 It's just so attractive and beautiful. Twin flame/soulmate energy up in here!!!❤️‍🔥 There is a lot of curiousity about your person, you are fascinated in them and this could be because they are different than you in some way.👀 Your person could be from a different background/culture or have some unique strange quality that makes them stand out to you✨️ This is already so cute omg pile 1 you're so curious about this person~ So there is Sagittarius, Leo, Pisces and Aquarius energy for your person. Earth energy oh also there is some Cancer symbolism with the crab emoji so that may resonate for some of you.😘 For some of my pile 1's they could be born in a late phase of their sun sign, so like instead of being a leo in july they could be a late leo in august kind of thing so just apply that to their sun sign!☀️ Yeah so for A LOT of my pile 1's this is a twin flame or soulmate connection, it feels so fated omg😩🩷 This could be your first love for some of you, or a love at first sight kind of happened with this person. I just feel there is a lot of love for your person, it's really sweet you guys💗 Now some of your person's traits, they have special qualities about them. They're intelligent and have great ideas💭 They are also creative and communicate in a strange yet captivating way. It may be hard to understand them sometimes. Specific message for some in this pile you may have met them online, studying abroad or during travel and fell so hard😂😭 This person is so unique to you aha you see them as something special⭐️
💗Do they have romantic feelings for you: Roots, Winter, Chiron, Build, Head, Fire, Aries, 11th house, Leo, Neptune,🖤🤞🚷😮‍💨 Wow okay there is a surprisingly intense energy I'm getting. This is more of a deep physical attraction they have for you, also a lot of erotic desire. You could be in this persons mind, I mean deep in it😳 I feel like they may have a damaged ego or some sort of self doubt about their feelings for you guys, maybe they want to make wrong assumptions about you in their head for whatever reason? At the bottom of this is a lot of heavy passion for you, but I think they're trying to convince themselves otherwise.😕 Yeah they might be trying to turn themselves against you in their mind, or not letting themselves desire you because it brings out a more dark aggressive side to them.💢❤️‍🔥 Yeah you definitely set them on fire, their mind gets heated with you😭 I'm surprised by the physical tension on this one, I feel like your person is having a huge inner conflict about you. They may want you gone only because they can't handle themselves fantasizing about taking you over every night😭🔞 I won't go into detail but this person is fighting their demons about you LOL pile 1 your person is hooked🪝 Winter may be a significant time for their feelings. Yeah I think this person is loosing it about you, but they're just like telling themselves not to give in to their intense passion you bring out of them.🤯❤️‍🔥 Like they know you unleash a monster out of them and they're just like "god no please no" lol I'm hearing The Office.😂 They are unconsciously fantastizing a lot, some hot scenarios with you. They wanna believe you're bad for them, because you have such a magnetic pull on them my pile 1's!🤭 You are stuck in this person's mind, they're burning with passion yet trying to deny it. They get so fired up about you that it burns them out easily. They may feel you drain their energy, because you're so captivating to them. But they are like a moth to your flame I'm hearing🔥 Dangerous attraction vibes~✨️ Pile 1 you are deeply desired they can't even fight themselves!!😍
💌Messages from your person: This is consuming, Nothing is stopping you, I see us together, Don't tell me, You've been busy, You're the one that I want, Tell me, You're my addiction (Yess so much intense attraction for my pile 1's😭❤️‍🔥) Extra cards: Achievement, Together, Seen, Want, Art, 8th house, Gemini, Leo, Aries, Uranus (They want you, they want you guys to be seen together and not hide your connection you are like a work of art to them😭 hot energy)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🎀
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the pink heart emoji~🩷 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🤗💋💞
Pile 2🍒
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Sign energy: Past life, Nice, Question, Unhealthy, Anonymous, Libra, Eros, Aquarius, Juno, North node,🩱🐦‍🔥😁🕵️‍♀️
🫧Your person's energy: Wow okay so this is someone physically appealing to you guys, some of you find them really hot I'm getting😂 This person has a nice figure, there is a feminine touch to their appearance especially something about their lower body. They have a nice smile, actually it's really hot😳❤️‍🔥 Signs coming through are Libra and Aquarius so mostly air energy, I am getting a venus vibe from your person also venus-uranus aspects are possible.🩷 Oh okay so some of you may be viewing this person's social media often, many of my pile 2's are spending way too much time on the internet📱💔 Please take breaks from too much time online my lovely pile 2's you will feel much better I promise!✨️ Some of you could be frequenting your person's profile or photos online to an extent that may not be healthy, this could be you or them take what resonates. This may be someone you're interacting with inderectly or behind a screen, it's also possible that you aren't revealing your idenity to this person.👤🔍 Now that could be the other way around for some of you in this pile, they could be the one stalking you from online or looking at your photos it may even be both if that resonates!🫢 This person speaks very well and charms others easily with their uniqueness. They make you very curious and you want to know more about them, some of you may view this person as marriage material💍💕 You may want to commit to them in the future, oh and it is very likely that this is someone you knew from a past life! Your person is intelligent and charming, and that alone ignites sudden passion from within you🔥❤️‍🔥 It may feel like the tempature rises when you see them.🌡 Like all they would have to do is sit still and look pretty and just that makes you want to grab them and kiss them!!!😩💋 They can really turn you on tbh😳 And you wonder if they feel that way about you! Their figure is really special and attractive to you 🍑😉😉😉 They probably dress really well, they're so appealing and attractive!💗
💗Do they have romantic feelings: Eternity, Uniqueness, Guardian, Song, High, Uranus, 4th house, Chiron, North node, Taurus,💣🎤⚓️🕹 So they see you as someone special!🥰 This is really looking like yes honestly, I mean you are just so unique and unlike any other to this person.😩💖 You make them feel safe and healed, they feel a very comforting type of love from my pile 2's. They may love to listen to songs you like or share similar interests in music!🎶 There may be a song that will feel special to only you two in the future, could be a song that plays at your wedding😂🙈💓 Whatever the case there will be a song that is special to you and them, maybe they will listen to your favorite song and it will become their favorite.🥺 Aw another thing, your voice is really attractive to them. You are like a guardian to your person, they feel safe and protected by you. You are like the anchor that keeps your person from drifting far into the ocean, I also think they love your playful side🩷 I'm hearing "You're the bomb!" Lol maybe they find you very entertaining and fun.🥰 There is a lot of venus energy in this reading so there is many romantic feelings from your person. You feel like home to them, and it would be hard for this person to ever let you go.😭💔 You give them comfort and a sense of belonging, they see you as a knight in shining armor (regardless of gender) and feel saved by you. It's really sweet you guys this person has such pure love for you. They feel like you guys have a future together, and by future they mean possibly eternity.💗🥺 Haha they really care about you a lot and are so fascinated by you. Just know this person thinks you are so special and unique!⭐️ You are such an individual to your person, they admire the way you stand out and love this about you😭 I'm hearing "let you steer the boat" maybe they feel safe and would entrust you to take control of any situation involving you both. I'm also hearing "high hopes" so they feel very hopeful and confident in your abilities that is so sweet omg they think highly of you😢💕
💌Messages from your person: I have dark thoughts about you, What is love? Forget it, You're my angel, I would reject anyone for you, Is it too late now? Only god knows, I would write you a love song. (So cute🥰 Pile 2 you are their angel!) Extra cards: Conflict, Spring, Cafe, Myth, Words, Fire, Aquarius, Moon, 6th house, 3rd house (There may be a blockage in communication or being able to contact this person for some of you, or it was a hurtful conversation between you for some of my pile 2's but whatever the case your person wishes to communicate with you and be able to understand and connect with you better💗🫂)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🎀
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the cherry emoji~🍒 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🤗💋💞
Pile 3🌸
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Sign energy: Flower, Do or die, More, Note, Mine, Juno, Earth, Leo, South node, 5th house,🕳🙅‍♂️🤙🦀
🫧Your person's energy: Haha so the first thing I noticed is that Flower came out and this pile has flowers on it's imagery I think that's very interesting.☺️ There is Leo energy as well as earth energy for this pile's person! Picking up on 5th house placements from your person, also there is cancer symbolism aswell. Another thing is they could have earth over their 6th house for some of my pile 3's. they have a glowing presence about them🌟🤭 Their gaze just came to mind, maybe their eyes draw you in like a black hole lol🕳🖤 They are very attractive and noticable, people from their past keep coming back for more I'm hearing. To you guys, I'm getting you think of them as YOUR person like only yours.😳 Like they belong to you, because you wanna claim this person.💍😱 I am getting a vibe this is a look don't touch kind of person, like they know people staring at them and they're just like no touching.😎🖐🚫 They don't like people to get too close to them for some of you, but this is because they are actually very delicate🥺💞 That could be from something they've been through or going through. This could be someone you lost contact with for some of you and the connection may have ended but you persist!✊️ Your person is specifically very talented in their hobbies, and are usually open to the type of feedback that helps them grow😇 Okay for a few of you this person doesn't wanna talk to you take whatever resonates for my pile 3's! You may have tried to call them or contact them in some way, you could be someone from their past aswell. This person is very caring and protective over the people they love, also they're very cool😉✨️ Lol they have a nice vibe. This could be someone you had crush on for a while but you thought you were over it or things just blossomed very quickly between you two. Your person is creative and really good at whatever they do😂💗 They take care of their appearance, oh you know what I just realized the liking system on tumblr is notes so you could be noting certain posts revolving this person a lot whether it be actual posts of them or just many readings about them omg pile 3 that's so cute🥰!!!
💗Do they have romantic feelings: Dragon, Butterfly, June, My everything, Despair, Saturn, Fire, Libra, Virgo, Vertex,🍀🛗😌👊 Wow interesting so there is or was a big change in this persons feelings, like a transformation.🤯 June came out and the time I'm doing this reading it's going to be june soon so that is a significant sign of their feelings in the month of june!!!🙊💞 Maybe this person's feelings have changed or developed in some way that they're trying to resist or repress. They could be making a decision about you in june or the next month. Wow okay this is a huge message but A FEW of my pile 3's may end up in a relationship with this person in june, if not then romance will be in the air for the two of you!😩🙏 Your person thinks of you a lot and you are the world to them.🌏💗😭 Wait wait it's the year the dragon which is a sign of this year, guys something is going to happen this june for this person. They could be going through a change or transformation in their inner feelings and thinking🤯 This is a very lucky year and the energy proves it.🤭💞 Your person could be restricting their feelings towards you in some way, perhaps they're an overthinker when it comes to you💬🫣 They could have a lot of ups and downs about you, sometimes they feel hopeful and fateful and other times they feel hopeless and unmotivated.😞💔 But seriously guys, destiny is written all over this persons feelings for you!! Soon could be a time they rise up past their own doubts and insecurities about you, and there is definitely a sense of interest towards you.🩷 They need to fight their worries with confidence! This person can find you very cute, and you sit in the back of their mind a lot☺️🧠 If this person didn't feel anything towards you in the past it's becoming a shift in feelings for them. They could be making a descision about you, that could be opening up to you or accepting new feelings for you. Some of you this person may confess, or reveal their feelings and intentions.💭💕 Pile 3 this is so amazing there is so much hope from this person soon, I feel they will finally be able to rest their mind about you eventually and face whatever is effecting their connection with you.😇 They find you sweet and beautiful, also you could give them butterflies🤭💖
💌Messages from your person: For now, I wish I could stop thinking of you, I'm still the same person you loved, You don't need to take care of me, I think you're a great person, I would kill for you, You're so funny, Don't be sad (AH omg and them overthinking about you is right😫💓) Extra cards: Dominant, Surprise, Kabedon, Grey, Neptune, Scorpio, Uranus, Leo, Pisces, Virgo (Yeah they wanna take over your dreams and you're all up in their fantasies, especially dark ones😭😈)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🎀
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the pink blossom emoji~🌸 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🤗💋💞
Pile 4🍓
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Sign energy: Play, Lavender, Conflict, Liar, Found, Mars, 7th house, Earth, 11th house, 8th house,🚨🐙🚺🍄
🫧Your person's energy: Ohh okay this is someone that feels like you have a romantic drama with, I mean like you don't know if you should stay or go.👀🙊 Some of you are in contact with this person, others maybe not. Possible signs are Aries, Scorpio, Libra, and Aquarius, there is a masculine energy here. Your person is very captivating and attractive, but they have a darker side you may not have been aware of at first.👿😳 For a select few of my pile 4's I'm seeing this is someone who played you, or sabotaged your relationship somehow.💔 You might think they're a liar or they lied to you, maybe they got exposed for something too. Your person is intense and romantic but they may be in a bit of a red flag energy for some (be careful😬) Lavender may be significant, whether it's the color or scent. This person is slightly mischievous and may be susceptible to getting in trouble. You could be obsessed or in love with this person ever since you saw them, but there is a lot of tension around this person.😟🔥 I was picking up on a very masculine energy but your person has a feminine side also, which is a more grounded and attentive side of them. They can surprisingly be very detail-oriented and sweet when they aren't in a harsher energy.🥺💞 Some of my pile 4's had or having conflict with this person, could be through online or fights around friends. This person could have caused you to turn to escapism which could be spiritual practices that you escape through too like this reading.🕯 I think your person is all over the place a little, to be honest with the octopus emoji and female sign I'm going to say ONLY for some in this pile this person may be involved with multiple feminines at the same time and it's catching up with them.✋️⚠️ It is possible that certain people are just obsessed with your person and want to throw themselves onto them, but with Liar, Play, Found, Conflict, Mars, 7th house AND 8th house... I'm sorry it just sounds like a huge message😭 I JUST REALIZED the mushroom can symbolize illusions or deception😳 I'm sorry but some of my lovely pile 4's might be the ones deceived or disillusioned about this person. It feels like a really bad boy/girl energy, magnetic but very dangerous. But they're hot as hell🥵
💗Do they have romantic feelings: Rebellion, Broken, Role, Lose, My love, 11th house, Moon, Lilith, 9th house, Eros,🪤💣🖤😚 WTF😫 They feel guilty for something OML. So this person has a lot of intense emotions about you, their heart is broken or they feel like they broke yours.💔 They feel like they played the bad guy, the villain, and they lost you or are losing you because of this. They are in a really dark place about you, they feel exposed for their true nature.🔦 Like you're seeing a bad side of them. I can't believe Lose and My Love came out right next to eachother wtf... It feels like they might lose the love of their life, which is pile 4. This is so crazy. They feel trapped, perhaps behind a screen or they can't reach you.📵 If this is an ex, this person wants you back BAD. They feel like they messed up their image and destroyed the one thing they were supposed to love and care for. What is this😥😭😖 Maybe they feel like they have no part in your life or they played a bad part in it, and that really hurts them deeply. They may be running away from contact with you, or ghosted you on social media. They might not be talking to their friends either because of their feelings. This person is in love with you but they feel terrible, like everything is ruined.🌪🔥 They also feel like they lost their freedom? This person is a hell of emotions over you, I'm hearing "lost all hope". They feel desperate, they almost wish they could trap you and keep you because they're afraid you're going to wanna get away from them. They wish they could make you theirs, I'm not going to go into detail about it but they're freaking out because they're madly attracted to you on an intimate level and they wish they could tie you up and dominate you, keeping you theirs.😰🔞 They might fantasize about doing those things because they feel like they can't have you. Part of them doesn't want to look bad to you, but at the same time they feel like there's no going back and you've already discovered the worst parts of them.👿 You do turn this person on, and they want to kiss you and make everything right.☹️💋🖤 Whatever it was that put a wedge between you two, they want to heal your emotional wounds and play the saint rather than sinner. I'm hearing some of you may have dropped them or are going to, and they have intense romantic feelings towards you and want to keep holding on to you because they're so scared of losing you.😳🤝
💌Messages from your person: Look at me, I wish we could have met, I can't comprehend, You can't comprehend, You always look so sad, Don't let them bring you down, What do you think of me? Why would you want me? (Pile 4 they don't feel like you want them at all😫 They still care about you a lot.🫂 Your person is very confused about the connection right now, but they just hope you're alright🖤) Extra cards: Devotion, Inactivity, Boy, Self-sabotage, Family, Lilith, Jupiter, Eros, Aquarius, 12th house, (They feel like they weren't or aren't being devoted to you enough and it's destroying them😭 There is a lot of passion and intense emotions from them about my pile 4's)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🎀
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the strawberry emoji~🍓 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🤗💋💞
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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n0tangeliccc · 1 year
Jimmy valmer nsfw headcanons with a unintentional loud s/o? Like it isn't even on purpose she just gets super loud
Jimmy with an unintentional loud s/o! (NSFW)
(All characters are 18+)
Warning: smut
A/N: Wrote a little smutshot base on this right here!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧˖°.
- Oh you know he absolutely loves how loud you are
- Especially when you guys are somewhere were you can get caught (like backstage in his dressing room at one of his shows 👀)
- The thought of getting caught just turns him on so much especially he sees you trying to stay quiet
- His number one goal is to get you to be as loud as you can
- He doesn’t care who hears you two
- Constantly making jokes about it during sex
- Also just in general, he thinks it’s funny when you get flustered about it (definitely made a joke about it during one of his sets)
- It really inflates his ego lmao😭
- The confidence boost he gets from knowing how good he can make you feel is crazy
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧˖°.
Sorry for it being so short omg😭
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styxbugg · 3 months
Hi I hope you don't mind another ask but
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I am very interested in hearing what you have to say about Gobo's family 👀 (please talk for as long or short as you feel like it I'm. very normal about them.)
Ohohohoo crispy you're enabling me >:)
basically, a lot of Gobo's traits in the show can be traced back to Matt and how Matt treats him, because while Matt is overall a good caretaker he still does have a lot of not-great habits when it comes to gobo.
The main traits of Gobo's that is explained through this is his ego and his habit of bossing others around.
For the ego, I like to joke that Gobos a nepo baby but it is true. He's well known throughout the rock because he's the nephew of the most famous explorer. He's probably been told his whole life how great his uncle and therefore how great he is, so it makes sense that he'd have a pretty big ego.
While we don't see it too much, anytime that Gobo is with Matt, Matt spends most of that time putting Gobo down (not on purpose) or taking credit for stuff Gobo's done, and likely taking control of anything they do (we can see he's not that great at listening). So when Matt's not there, Gobo kind of pushes back on that by taking control of what he and his friends do. So since Matt is kind of putting him down, Gobo brings himself back up by acting as an indisputable leader with the rest of the five (something that annoys Red to no end, but that's another thing).
They both have tons of remediable qualities too, I want to make it clear that I'm not bashing either of them. I think it's really interesting that you can see how Gobo's worst traits might've originated from Matt's worst traits.
And I'm not done! But the next part does have spoilers for the episode "Born to Wander", so have caution.
And it's not just with Gobo that we can see how his traits originated, we can see that with Matt too, through his Uncle Gobo. Through the family tree, bad traits get passed down from uncle to nephew :)
Now Uncle Gobo is a terrible person (fraggle?) and I hate him so much -- like if I'd ever meet him it'd be on sight -- but he does give some really good insight to Matt's personality!
Matt used to be not meek, but extremely apologetic. Instead of taking credit for everything he'd take the blame for everything, and this was mostly because Uncle Gobo would blame him for literally everything and pretty much shove his failures in his face, regularly telling Matt that he'd never be an explorer.
We can actually see in the episode when Matt shifts away from being apologetic into how we usually see him; overconfident. He finally did something right and is getting praise for it. It's likely that after getting so much blame for so long he didn't want to stop the praise, which could develop into his habits of self aggrandizing and taking the credit for stuff he didn't do.
What's really nice though is that, even if Matt isn't perfect, you can still see that he's trying his best with Gobo and is a lot better than his uncle was. The best example is probably how Matt would take Gobo along for all his adventures through the rock, because that's something he wanted his uncle to do that never happened.
Anyway! If you read this far, thank you :) Cripsy, sorry if I spoiled a bit, I know you aren't quite there in the show yet. But yeah, I've thought about this family so sososo much, I just hope it all made sense lol
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maochira · 1 year
(omg u can ignore this if u want i just wanted to interact with another fellow Dad! Ego enthusiast)
Just thinking about Dad! Ego and how he distances himself away from his child constantly due to Blue Lock and is always ignoring them and then the child has enough. Once Dad Ego has time to start spending time with his child again, they start purposefully being aloof and ignoring him to give him a taste of his own medicine and maybe even considering someone else as their father figure (Noel Noa… 👀). A whole punch to the stomach—
Like imagine how confused and hurt he’d be like ‘why is my child avoiding me?’
I actually got a super similar request like this last week!! Just haven't gotten around to writing it,, so before I let this one get drowned in my inbox, I'm doing it immediately after seeing the notification LMAO (also to the other anon who requested something similar, I'll write that later or tomorrow <3)
Requests open! - dad!Ego masterlist - regular masterlist
Tags: gn!Ego's child!reader, reader is a teenager, for logic purposes Ego is a bit older and I guess Noa as well?, a bit (a lot) of angst you guys know what I like to write
-during the entirety of the first until the third selection, up until the beginning of the Neo Egoist League, Ego was busy all the time. He never took any time off to spend with you and would send you away if you asked to talk to him
-that led to him neglecting you and not being there for you when you needed him. He also stopped telling you he was proud of your achievements and in general, he just became very emotionally absent towards you
-Ego was so focused on Blue Lock, he didn't notice how much damage that did to you
-when the Neo Egoist League started, Ego finally less work to do because the other coaches would be the ones occupied with the players instead. Sure, Ego still had work to do. But it became significantly less than before
-and out of nowhere, he tried being the nice and caring father he was prior to Blue Lock again. But you were scared of him switching back to only focusing on Blue Lock again, so out of self-protection to not get hurt like that another time, you were cold and absent towards your father
-it confused Ego, and he really tried putting more effort into you. But you were too emotionally absent towards him to give him another chance
-to improve your own soccer skills, you often joined Bastard München's training, and that's how you got somewhat close to Noa
-occasionally you were alone with Noa, and that's when he would ask you questions about your father. It doesn't take long until you open up about the way you've been neglected by Ego for the past months
-Noa doesn't really know what to think about that, but he has some sort of parental instinct that wants to be there for you
-Noa becomes a father figure to you. He's careful to not act like an actual father, but he does treat you more gently than he treats the Bastard München team
-after a few weeks, Ego sits down with you to properly talk about what's been going on. He intended it to be a calm conversation to fix things, but it escalated into a huge argument
-you and Ego have never had an argument as big as this before. But all the bottled-up frustration and pain inside of you is just too much to keep in now
-it's something you definitely regret at some point later, but you yell at Ego about how Noa is a much better father than he's been in the past month. And sure, in some way that's true, but Noa never intended to take a proper father-role for you
-hearing that is like a punch to the gut to Ego. He yells back at you, but not for long. After that he actually can't handle looking at you anymore, so he sends you to your room
-Ego thinks more about the way the last months had been. And he realizes you're right. And he also realizes the part about Noa is probably right as well. He hates himself for failing as a father like this, but he has no idea how to fix this
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scoobydoodean · 6 months
Given the actual reality that Jake Tally, won, and killed Sam would Jake have had to had drink all that blood too? Like was the winner just going to end up with Ruby keeping them on goal or was that specific for Sam?
Like did Dean being his cheat code bringing him back to life make him a weaker vessel and the blood was there to build him back up?
Sam the intended vessel (because of the narrative symmetry of brothers at odds) but a physically inferior vessel because he didn’t actually complete the proper steps in season 2 interesting and sensible 👀👀👀 huehehehehe
In all seriousness though, they never tell us any hint of a reason for this difference between the “perfect vessels”. It feels like the only reason this was written into 5.22 was to create a broken parallel with 4.22 when Sam, alone and absent hope, drinks the nurse believing it’s too late to turn back. In 5.22, Dean, Cas, and Bobby help him, in a plan that isn’t about Sam’s ego and in a situation built upon mutual trust instead of dishonesty.
I’m not sure how to fully articulate my thoughts about the inclusion of the blood drinking yet other than that… it honestly feels a little forced from the lore end? Shoehorned in to serve the purpose of signaling moral convergence among Team Free Will. (By showing all of TFW lending a hand). I think Bobby making a deal with Crowley and Dean’s attraction to Crowley in 5.20 were perhaps better illustrated examples of that moral convergence. 5.20 is fun and kind of funny in that Sam has overcorrected after season 4 toward an initial unwillingness to consort with demons at all, while Dean probably feels (and has been feeling arguably since at least 4.10 and then continuing with the despair of 5.10-5.18) an opposite pressure.
There’s a longer post on this in my head somewhere… but by 5.21/5.22, Sam has converged as far as he’s able toward unity and humility, Cas toward faith in his friends despite their lack of power, and Dean toward… a necessary level of ruthlessness and of course, acceptance that Sam is choosing to sacrifice himself, and him dying doesn’t make Dean guilty of any kind of personal failing. The return of demon blood drinking (now no longer a means of feeling better than everyone else for Sam) helps illustrate some of these themes.
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