#forever in awe with joseph's acting
corrodedbisexual · 1 year
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My poor baby Eddie didn't deserve any of this bullshit. (Bonus background Steve going through a crisis of his own)
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pennedbylisse · 3 months
Individual Analysis of A Quiet Place: Day One
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so so grateful for the reblogs and interactions <3
Few films (or media, for that matter) manage to captivate me or make me feel as deeply as this one did. I say this as someone who sat through the ending credits with tears streaming down my cheeks and a stinging lump in my throat threatening to undo itself into a sob.
What makes this film so special is the way it managed to achieve this even with such scarce dialogue, such little background information of the characters during the exposition.
I believe this is due to a highly skilled cast and compelling narrative. The way LUPITA NYONG'O and JOSEPH QUINN projected emotions through the screen with nothing but a quivering hand, a watering gaze, hesitance to speak when given the opportunity to, had me in awe (I literally lost all interest in my concession snacks, becoming so enthralled in their performance). But the performance skills were not limited to the starring actors, and, rather, extended into the acts of ALEX WOLFF and DJIMON HOUNSOU.
It really made me sit there in the theatre and recite in my head "This is it! This is why I love writing! It's so powerful. So beautiful. It's the only thing that makes sense to me."
I’ll make this quick! I’ve got school assignments due at midnight.
If I don’t take this brief moment to vomit my thoughts out, they’ll be gone forever.
Analysis of character:
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A character crippled by a terminal illness, on Hospice services with no hope of surviving. She's come to acceptance with her fate: death. The irony, the interesting twist, though, arises when she is forced to consider the possibility that death will be quicker than she'd been counting down towards, and be delivered via a different medium than she'd steeled herself for from hearing countless of specialists.
She's only got months to live, we, the audience are reared into believing. It is alluded through her Hospice membership, heavy reliance on chronic pain management as opposed to treatment, the flashing alarms at the Hospice facility indicating the death of a fellow member likely in her condition, and her writing tone. This fact makes it the more interesting to watch this character escape from death by the hands of the "aliens" time after time after time. Perhaps she is not ready to face a death that differs from that which she's prepared herself to accept. Perhaps she's not ready to die before she gets that one last glimpse of home (the jazz bar, the pizza parlor and memories of her deceased father). Or, perhaps, most probable, Sam didn't die early on in the film because she had a purpose to fulfill - in my interpretation, she was pivotal to the survival of Eric, and catalyzed his evolution from a scared, lonesome, helpless character into one that is strong enough to venture into the unknown world with the hope of surviving.
A trait that weaved in and out, entirely through the narrative was Sam's kindness towards strangers. It is shown when she first visits the city, during the marionette show; she speaks softly at the curious child seating in front of her, tells him the cat's name, reassures his parents that the child is no nuisance. Then again, when she finds two stranded kids by the fountain, offers them food she'd bought for herself, and attempts to guide them towards evacuation. Then again, when she takes Eric under her wing, steers him away from the edge of dissolution into panic. Oh! and how could I forget the numerous times she risked her own life to save the cat!
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Found him comical, endearing, sweet and lovable.
My first impression of him was that of someone who doesn't know how to exist alone. Doesn't like to be alone. Doesn't know how to follow his own volition, because he's rather used to having orders barked to him by his superiors - it is implied his parents forced him into law school.
He's likely never had an opportunity to secede from all the orders and just exist for himself so when he's catapulted into a world where literally it's everyone for themselves, he freezes, stammers, and clings to the nearest form of refuge (the company of Sam and cat).
My impression of him being a constant people-pleaser, and dependent on extrinsic validation/orders became solidified when Sam instructs him to knock the door to her apartment down during the storm. The stakes are obvious: agonizing shredding and death. Yet, he proceeds to do as he is told. Under the rain, he speaks when instructed to, despite being at risk of...you got it, death. For someone who verbally states he "doesn't want to die," he sure places himself in situations that almost negate that believe. Perhaps it is because he doesn't have an internal sense of self (yet). Perhaps because he is selfless.
Throughout the film we see him face challenges, see him evolve into someone who faces his fears - from the scene in the drowned subway, to the lone mission for meds, to retrieving the cat from the "alien" nest. In the end he takes this big leap into the sea, which in itself could be a metaphor; willingly jumping into the unknown instead of stalling at the dock and waiting for death.
He's a leader, a strong patriarch with authority. Don't believe me? The first scene we see him in, he's ordering his son to stop bothering the lady (Sam). The next scene, he's got his hand over Sam's mouth, ushering her to silence before allowing her to join the rest of the refugees.
He's a man with responsibility. Keep his family safe. At first his family was just his wife and son, but then, perhaps it extended to encompass all who relied on him to maintain order in the refugee site. No one truly nominated him, he just assumed the position out of his own strength of will and duty.
So, it is in this sense of duty and responsibility that he commits his first murder. It is quick, rushed, blinded by fear, when he slams one of the refugee's heads against a concrete wall to keep them from killing and dooming everyone to the same fate. He kills one to save all, and perhaps that should be heroic? But it's tainted with guilt and disbelief, this fall into immorality and the conflict can be seen play across his face (super talented actor!!).
Analysis of symbols:
salvation. cleansing. catharsis. heaven/haven. sanctuary.
Sam first encounters water at the fountain where the kids are hiding. Then, while walking towards her apartment, being followed by Eric, she dares to talk, associates it with protection, safety from the perception of the beasts. In her apartment, while it is storming, she screams, venting all of her frustrations, unfulfilled hopes, fear; the white noise of the rain and the rumble of thunder serves to dampen her commotion from being perceived by the beasts. She feels light, relieved. Eric joins in at the next rumble of thunder.
Then it is flooding the subways, and muffles their steps from the sleeping beasts. It guides their way out of the depths where the beasts sleep (could this be perceived as hell? being underground and full of monsters?). The stream ends up leading them to a church (salvation, heaven?). I think this was purposeful symbolism.
drive of survival. strength and advantage. comfort, grounding energy.
The cat is the reason Sam escapes many killing sprees throughout the film. It somehow always manages to dash away just before the creatures arrive, luring Sam out of there.
The cat is said to be an emotional support animal. It is shown being cuddled and nuzzled by Sam on many occasions of distress, and eventually by Eric, who assumes ownership of it.
Sam visibly grows emotional at the sight of the marionette boy levitating with the balloon, only for it to pop and him to collapse. Perhaps she sees it as a reflection of her life; how it turned on her so quickly, how she might have been in the peak of her success (as a poet) just before being diagnosed with a terminal illness. Perhaps it represents lost innocence, when she was just a little girl at her father's side, listening to the piano, and now it's gone, she can't retrieve it.
Have you ever heard of that quote that goes something like "You are mosaic of the people you've loved"? People change people. People leave traces, imprints on others. The jacket originally belonged to Sam's father, as shown in the picture at the Jazz club. Sam wears it religiously, perhaps to feel close to him now that he's gone. Before she sacrifices herself, she lends the jacket over to Eric - it could symbolize the way he'll carry her with him on his journey.
Favorite scenes: - probably the one where they are screaming through the thunder. felt very cathartic and I do believe it was the first scene in which they weren't fearful of speaking and just being human. - the leap Eric takes with the cat into the sea. to be told he is safe by the members on the ferry, the tears of relief welling in his eyes, and maybe of grief at losing Sam, too. - when Sam miraculously makes it back to the marionette theatre refuge and Reuben gives her a hug of relief, tears streaming down his face, then hands over the cat. - the opening scenes of Sam navigating the city, and the way it was implied that the city was in danger of something strange without really spanning the cameras to the threat yet. i liked that we, as the audience, first saw the treat face-to-face as the same time as our leading character, Sam. It really aids in the sympathizing. It was interesting to hear the sirens and see the flashing lights, and hear the rumble of choppers over the city whilst the camera focused on an oblivious Sam.
I said I would be quick...lol
Can you imagine what I mean when I say I'll be slow???
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agentmmayy · 9 months
2023 monthly music rotation
it's been a hot minute since i've made one of these, but here are all my favorite songs from each month of 2023!
one i wanna be with - trella: oh bop!!!!!!!!!!! this ENTIRE SONG just makes me so happy!!!!!!! it’s so full of love!!! every lyric hits but especially i can’t help but wish we met before we did.
antiques - holden laurence: god the desperation in this makes me want to claw my chest open and rip my heart out. the beat fucks in this jaunty rhythm that’s such a juxtaposition to the haunting lyrics and vocals. then the bridge?????? i promise to be strong i promise to believe in love that lingers on i’ll see you in my dreams. I’M CALLING THE POLICE. this is a tess/joel song. not only because of how apocalyptic this feels (which is a whole other discussion) but also meet me in the space between all the words unsaid when we could not speak meet me i’ll be waiting for you there. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
borderline - tove lo: HOT. listen. everything tove lo writes and sings is inherently sexy i don't make the rules. this one especially wtf!!!!!!
unrequited night - lily kershaw: i- please respect my privacy at this time. this is a masterpiece. immediately a song i listened to laying in bed staring up at the ceiling. VERY tlou coded. (but then again every song i listened to in feb/march and lbr this past year was) AND THE GASP AT THE END GETS ME EVERY TIME.
flowers in my hair - calista garcia: sweet, slow, and syrupy. i love this song and how it feels like a breath of fresh air. it’s achingly romantic and has got me singing along and twirling my hair and kicking my feet. though, at the same time it’s so intimate i feel like i’m intruding. 
labor - paris paloma: the intensity of it still continues to blow my mind. it’s unapologetic and awful. it’s incredible. i felt every lyric in my gut. i don’t want to over explain it since i can’t do the song justice but it’s so brutally honest in describing and dismantling traditional roles placed upon women and girls. the entirety of it is like poking at a wound that never closes, a wound that’s been gaping and bleeding for centuries and it makes me so angry. the visceral reaction i had to the lyric ‘if we had a daughter’ girl i- ouuuuugh. i got sick to my stomach. i was screaming crying throwing up etc etc. anyway this song is a masterpiece. still haven’t recovered from it. also it’s a fucking bop. 
‘i’m just learning how to make peace with feeling small’ ‘but i might drive off if it gets too hard’ ‘there’s always a sunset that i wanna run into’ ‘i’m searching but i’m not lost’ and my all time favorite lyric that put me on the floor when i heard it the first time- ‘i’m a growing tree a few missing leaves i can’t shelter you don’t sit under me’ HELLO????? 
vagabond - overcoats: THIS song. this song has been the one i played the most in may because one it’s an absolute banger and second of all it read me for filth and the lyrics are so beautifully crafted and honest and pure and delivered impeccably. it’s a sweet, slow melody and coupled with the lyrics it reached into the depths of my soul and pulled out everything i can’t say and put it into this song like.
fireworks - JOSEPH: now for ANOTHER song that read me for filth. lately i’ve been feeling this exact way since all my friends and people around me have reached certain milestones in life- such as getting married, settling down, etc- that i haven’t and i’m left even more alone and bereft. but THIS SONG said that’s okay!!!!!!!! this song understood!!!!!! it said i’m not alone feeling this way!!!!
every lyric absolutely sent me through the roof but these especially:  ‘all these long songs might be no good for me’ ‘how long will i wait to be happy all my friends ask me’ ‘what if i’m wrong wrong to think there’s more to this story’ ‘an act of faith even though it hurts to shut that door am i holding out forever?’ ‘am i headstrong or foolish every night waiting for lighting to strike whole you’ve got blue skies?’ and my favorite- ‘i wish i could just flip a switch and accept your kind of muted bliss’ WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! once again HOW did they put it into words!!!!!! this song has such a special place in my heart. i can’t tell you how many times i’ve not only listened to it but also screamed along and cried to it 
also, JOSEPH always creates the most compelling and just fun to listen to songs and this is no exception!!!!!!!!! the harmonies are delicious and the music dropping at certain points is incredible and the beat has me dancing around the room. filed right under beach music! 
moonlight - madison rose: i wore this song into the ground!!!!! AMAZING beat and vibe. liberating rejuvenating sexy etc etc.
cowboy take me away - the chicks: me personally!!!!! my favorite version of cowboy take me away. i DO wanna touch the earth and break it in my hands but i ESPECIALLY wanna look at the horizon and not see a building standing tall!!!!!!!!! every summer is cowgirl summer but this song just turned the dial to the max. never have i ever wanted a cowgirl summer more.
satellites - emi larraud: this one was interesting! VERY 80s themed. it's funky. it's powerful. it's just groovy.
wicked game - ursine vulpine, annica: alright i'm a sucker for these intense ballads especially when they remind me of the 100 but seriously. it's sensuous. it's an experience. the vocals are out of this world.
pretty boy - LEON: of course i had to put a LEON song on here. while this isn't my favorite of hers it was just so nice to get a new song from her again. i felt like a wilting flower getting watered. to no one's surprise it's a bop and delivers lines that absolutely wreck me such as you can't outrun getting old, that hidden place where hope lives, well that's the last it goes. ma'am!!!
moonburn - dani sylvia: feeling very seen rn thank you!!!!!!!! literally spongebob leaning against rock.jpg every time i listen. it's- ough. this song has layers and i am peeling them back like an onion. when does the healing start if you leave before daylight. saying SO much in one line!!!!!!! it's the inversion of the typical light vs dark trope for me! and the chorus is immaculate.
super graphic ultra modern girl - chappell roan: chappell hit it out of the park with her first album and THIS SONG SPECIFICALLY. the absolute journey @152glasslippers and i went on listening to this... especially at 22 seconds in. WHEW. super graphic ultra modern girl IS THAT GIRL!!!!!!! SHE IS THE MOMENT!!!!!
honest mistake - bears den: screaming shaking crying throwing up etc etc. bears den always writes songs that lift me by my ankles and shake me until every humiliatingly private thought comes tumbling out in the lyrics of their songs. also i love how consistent they are with the aesthetics and formality of their songs. it's very soothing while ripping me up inside.
mars - noelle: listened to this 60 times in a day. you don't understand i found this song 10/17 and spotify stopped tracking 10/31 and it was my most listened to song of the year. it's dreamy. it's sweet. the vocals are stunning and the music is fantastic.
heart to heart - now more than ever: banger. when that beat dropped i was shook!!!!!!!!!! it's a very early 2000s emo vibe but also delightfully contemporary? the vibes are there. oh and the lyrics and the way they're sung is amazingly bittersweet.
swimming pool - jack kane: one of my favorites of the whole year. if spotify didn't stop tracking before november this would have been my top song. it is 100000% a slow sad groove bop. every time i listen maybe not physically but spiritually i am girl at table.jpg. formally this song is delicious and lyrically it is devastating.
scorpions - distance sprinter : okay this one might be a contender for top song. impeccable. there's crack in this. the beat is OUTSTANDING. i literally can't play this in the car if i'm driving because i will start dancing. the vibes are off the charts. at no point in this song do you expect what's next. the lyrics are heartbreaking and beautiful. there's so much i can say about this song but i am gnawing on the words it's just so good.
TOP SONGS OF THE YEAR: these have 5 stars. to me. 6 stars even.
antiques - holden laurence
unrequited night - lily kershaw
vagabond - overcoats
fireworks - JOSEPH
moonburn - dani sylvia
swimming pool - jack kane
scorpions - distance sprinter
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fandomfluffandfuck · 7 months
S I’m sad so I’m making my skrunklies sad too.
I got this idea from the Jack Benjamin wife anon and because I actually finally watched kings
Can you imagine how Jack reacted to Joseph’s death behind closed doors? Of course, there was no way he’d be allowed to grieve when in public. But alone in his room?
He screams into pillows, sobs himself to sleep, begs a God he doesn’t believe in anymore to just give him one more minute. Just give him the chance to tell Joseph he was right. That Jack does love him. He loves him with everything he has, with every atom in his body and soul. But he doesn’t get to say it.
He drinks himself stupid when he remembers how he left Joseph. Alone and hurt, stuck in a situation that he didn’t deserve. Joseph deserved the life that Lucinda has. He deserves to be kissed in public, not just when the lights are off or when Jack is high. He deserves a nice wedding, where Jack tells him finally how much he adores Joseph. But instead he gets erased from existence, with the world acting like he never lived in the first place.
He wants a lot of things. But the one thing he craves most in the world is to be able to hold Joseph, press soft kisses to his skin, whisper like a prayer how loved he is. Give him all the praise and worship he deserves, make him blush in the way that always drove Jack wild. He wants to run his fingers through his hair, feel the soft strands as Joseph leans into the touch. He always did love having his hair played with. He wants to whisper insanely inappropriate things into his ear at royal functions to see him flush and his eyes widen.
“Jack, behave!” He’ll whisper, and Jack will snicker and press an apology kiss to his cheek.
He wants to hold Joseph close to him on long car rides to beautiful castles, tell him the history while Joseph smiles and stares out the window in awe. He wants to pin Joseph to nice plush pillows and do terrible things to him that make him cry and moan his name like it’s worth something. He wants his beautiful boy. He wants the love of his life back.
But instead, he’s left alone with a wife he can’t stand, grief that feels like it’s squeezing the life out of him, and parents who want him dead. He’s lost everything. His sister hates him, his father put him here, and his mother won’t even look at him. Thomasina, once she’s forgiven him, is the only one left. She listens as he sobs, gives him a solid hug and tells him “He’d want you to be strong.”
She looks him in the eyes, the way nobody will anymore.
“You were broken. You were taken advantage of. You are not the villain, Johnathan. Cross was the one who forced you. Joseph knows how much you love him. He does, and he knows that you miss him. Look for him in the little places, and it will get easier.” He nods weakly, and she wipes away a tear.
Years later, when his son waddles over to him, and asks him about when he was younger, Jack will take him in his lap and tell him. He doesn’t hate his son. He’s done nothing wrong. Sure, he’s got Lucinda’s eyes where Jack longs to see Joseph’s even if that wouldn’t have been possible, but he’s innocent.
“Daddy, do you love Momma?” He asks.
“No. I wish I did, a little bit. But I love you. I love you, little Joe, more than the stars and the moon.”
Nobody needs to know who his son is named for. That’s something he keeps to himself. And when he catches Joe making out with who Jack thought was his best friend, he just sits his son down and hugs him.
“You are not broken. You are not a disgrace. You are loved, you are cherished, and I will always love you. No matter if everyone is against you, I will always stand by your side.”
Joe cries when he’s finally told about who he’s named after. It’s been 17 years, and King Jack Benjamin and Crown Prince Joseph Benjamin stand at the grave marked with the name Lasile, placing a rose and a note.
I love you, sweetheart. I always have.
Yours forever, Jack.
in addition to my latest ask, I feel like this song captures them pretty well:
related to this
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I can't say that I've seen Kings, BUT Jesus Christ. You weren't lying when you said this was sad.
Oh my god. I love this angst. This is deep angst. My HEART. And I am a fucking SUCKER for any peice of fan content that pairs with music. God, I love music. I love this. Did I already tell you that? Anyway. I do. I love this.
Thank you thank you thank you for sharing!
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This whole joe thing is hella getting to me, like obviously I don’t know him but idk something about him feels different. Like I have no idea what changed him, the media ig. I have a lot of mental health l problems and the biggest coping mechanism for me is pretending to be someone else. And when I joined the Joseph rpf fandom I started imagining scenarios in my head of me and him being together (ik it’s weird) and I kinda fell into and but overtime it got rlly toxic. I was rlly dependent on my idea of him and it got obsessive which is super embarrassing. but now with all this Doja drama and ppl noticing that he’s changed it kinda helps me realize that he’s a real person and not someone in my head that I can just warp into acting as I want.
This whole Doja cat drama has rlly fucked with the fandom and now it’s not as fun as it used to be
This whole thing is rlly effecting my mental health, it’s honestly crazy to see him now compared to who he was after st4 and how, in my opinion, he’s completely changed, but that’s what fame does to you.
Sorry for like totally venting lol I just wanted to say where I stand
But because I’m leaving the fandom, I wanted to say thank you bby, you’re writing rlly helped me get through some stuff and I will forever be greatful, you are so talented and your work has rlly changed me for the better, thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Aw, thank you for writing, Nonny. It was brave of you to share that. I appreciate so much that you did.
People who have never created imaginary friends for companionship won't understand, but I do.
I'm flattered and glad my fics made a difference to you. They helped me too by channeling feelings in what I hope was a productive way.
Take care of yourself and I'll be here, the last stan standing.
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mister13eyond · 2 years
ok i've been going a little apeshit on twitter for the past Several Hours, because my partner and I have developed an alternate timeline for JJBA that we call the Benevolent Guardian Vampire DIO timeline, and it is what i am CONVINCED is the truth for the Irene universe. JJBA spoilers for every part 1-6 to follow, of course, but here's the entire unhinged timeline under the read more if you'd like to follow along!!!
Rough timeline for the benevolent guardian DIO timeline (as brainstormed by me and mal, broken down by which "part" it would be set during): 1800s- everything up to dio being taken in by george joestar I is the same. dio is still a huge shithead through his early days with the joestars, but jonathan slowly wins him over and dio grows to love him. however, when he and dio are university students (and jonathan is researching the stone mask) an accident causes the mask to turn Dio into a vampire.
Jonathan goes to Ogre street in hopes that he can find a way to save his brother among the medicine there, where he's attacked by Speedwagon. That fight happens the same way, Speedwagon is still awed by Jonathan, etc, etc. But at ogre street, the mask (which jonathan brought to look for a cure to it) is STOLEN BY JACK THE RIPPER.
jack the ripper is essentially the villain of part 1; jonathan and dio must work with baron zepelli to learn hamon and stop jack the ripper from terrorizing all of london and the world; jonathan also learns hamon hoping it will give him a way to save his 'brother' from a doomed life of darkness and immortality. He masters Hamon, but when it is revealed he would have to kill Dio to save him from this fate, Jonathan refuses. But they defeat Jack the Ripper, something that is very personal to Speedwagon as Jack the Ripper was explicitly targeting working girls, who he- as someone from the underbelly of society- considered his friends and comrades; so he's so moved by Jonathan's act of kindness protecting even the poor and the downtrodden that he vows then and there to devote his life to Jonathan's lineage forever, whatever way he can.) (Dio, being PETTY, also immediately vows to ALSO do that because he has to one-up Speedwagon. this vow will haunt him for the rest of eternity but he will unfortunately hold to it with every ounce of his hardheaded pettiness.) END OF PART 1!
Well, a few things before the FULL end of part 1. Because fate still has a way of drawing people together, Erina and Jonathan still wind up adopting an orphaned Lisa Lisa as well as having their own son, George II. George and Lisa Lisa go on to get married. Jonathan passes down his Hamon training to Lisa Lisa, since George II does not show interest in it, and she becomes the one to carry the family's Hamon legacy. She DOESN'T have to go into hiding, so she raises her son Joseph in the art of Hamon from birth. DIO stays by Jonathan and Erina their entire lifetimes, and is still accompanying a very elderly Erina and Jonathan at the time that part 2 happens.
(Somewhere in this gap, Jonathan agrees to relinquish his Hamon practice to age alongside his wife; Dio begs him several times to let him turn Jonathan into a vampire, Jonathan refuses gently, and Dio continues standing by him and his family because of that petty vow earlier (and because unfortunately they're also his family and he loves them.))
(Speedwagon also still gets rich and founds the speedwagon foundation.)
PART 2! The nazis still awake the pillar men because they're still fucking stupid. The Speedwagon foundation hears about this and contacts Lisa Lisa and Joseph Joestar because their family knowledge of Hamon can help stop the Pillar men as an existential threat to the world.
They also contact rival Hamon dojo family, the Zeppelis, (Baron Zeppeli went on to live, but to view Jonathan as his rival as Jonathan allowed a vampire to exist) who send their current rising star Caesar. Joseph and Caesar develop the same friendly himbo rivalry bc they're both trying to one-up each other as the representatives of their respective Hamon schools. DIO winds up joining them, they have to train to defeat the Pillar Men, Caesar doesn't die because DIO saves him (begrudgingly), they beat the pillar men pretty much exactly the same, Joseph marries Suzi Q. Caesar becomes his lifelong friend and rival.) SOMETIME AFTER PART 2, Jonathan Joestar finally dies of old age. Grief-stricken, immortal vampire DIO begins a long bender across the earth where he mostly drinks a lot and fucks a lot, because he's still a dramatic whore; around the end of this big grief bender is when he winds up conceiving Donatello, Ungalo and Rykiel.)
SOMETIME IN THE 80S, some other archaeologist on a dig discovers the Stand arrows. These still end up becoming the possessions of Enya.)
PART 3! Enya is still out creating stand users left and right, and these are still causing chaos across Egypt and the Middle East. The Speedwagon foundation, now devoted to research of the paranatural after the Pillar Men, is told of the crimes of Enya by the fortune teller Avdol. Joseph Joestar is still called to investigate; his grandson Jotaro ends up coming along because of it being part of his Joestar family duties, though he has not taken up Hamon. His classmate Kakyoin winds up coming along because Jotaro will be damned if he goes on this boring road trip with his grandpa without someone he can tolerate there to keep him company. Jean-pierre Polnareff ends up joining their crusade because he is looking for the man with two right hands who killed his sister. Iggy is still sent by the SWF at some point.) They call in Dio, as their family guardian and he finally crawls up out of his 40-year grief bender to help them, because "ugh ok i guess for jonathan's grandson." The party treks across the world looking for Enya and her bow and arrow that are causing all these new Stands to pop up and cause trouble.
At some point, *Joseph* is shot with the arrow, which causes Stands to manifest across his entire family line, including awakening one in Jotaro and Dio. Holly gets a fever, but since the line isn't like "tainted with a curse" or whatever, she's just sick for a while and recovers.
The rest of part 3 (the episodic battles against new stand users) is largely the same, but Dio is there and their ally and it's hilarious because he's just as shitty as the rest of them. In the end, they fight Enya, and Kakyoin, Avdol, and Iggy all survive the arc because their foes are not led by an immortal vampire, and in fact they *have* an immortal vampire on their side. Part 3 ends when they defeat Enya, they all go home, everything is nice. Dio goes back to roaming the world and doing his vampire thing.
Part 4: At some point, Enya gave a stand arrow to Mr. Nijimura, Senior. THIS IS WHAT LEADS IN TO PART 4!!! Instead of it being Keichou who was shooting the arrows and awakening stands all over town, it was Mr. Nijimura, Senior. Okuyasu and Keichou come to town to try to STOP him, and the climactic battle against him takes the place of the one against Keichou.
So part 4 ends up being nearly exactly the same. Jotaro (and this time Kakyoin!) come to investigate the stand arrows and the happenings in Morioh. Josuke (still the exact same origin story, he's Joseph's estranged son) gets dragged into the investigation. All the familiar and wacky faces are met and befriended; the exceptions are that Shigechi and Aya are both saved in time, thanks to the party also having Kakyoin, otherwise it's Literally Exactly The Same. they stop Kira, everyone lives, party time!
Dio doesn't get involved this arc because he's not interested in what the Speedwagon foundation needs, and he's just roaming around vibing.)
PART 5! HERE'S WHERE THERE ARE TWO VERY FUN BIG CHANGES. See, there are two carry-overs from the old, canon timeline at the end of part 6. Emporio... and Giorno. And not just Giorno, but Diavolo as well, who were all unaffected by the snap back to this timeline from Made in Heaven. Meaning Diavolo and Giorno both never effectively existed. This is actually what I HC for the alternate universe that happened in their absence in April 6th, so this is what i believe for the Benevolent Guardian Dio timeline. With no Diavolo, no one ever brought the arrows to italy and created the unstoppable crime family that is Passione. While crime still exists, there is not the same supernatural vice grip on the underworld and there are not as many Stand Users among the Vento Aureo characters; most don't have stands at all and the few that do awaken them naturally.)
SO. The Bucci gang all largely have the same backstories- Abbachio still joins the force and becomes disillusioned after the loss of his partner; Bruno's father is still killed by criminals. But instead of each of them joining Passione, they both decide they're better off becoming private detectives to try to help people outside the law; they solve private cases and are generally thought of as the two to turn to when the police have you on false convictions or other illegitimate charges.)
That's how they meet Fugo- who needs their help proving that he beat his teacher with a dictionary after months of abuse, because he's being tried as an adult; it's where they meet Narancia, who is being held for crimes he didn't commit and was framed for by another member of his street gang; it's where they meet Mista, who is under arrest for shooting three men when he was really just trying to save the woman they were assaulting.
Somehow or another they Ace Attorney these 3 out of trouble with evidence and investigation, and all 3 of them become lifelong friends and also junior detectives who help Bruno and Abbachio as a side gig occasionally between their other jobs.
(Fugo becomes an academic, so he's able to grant them information about niche topics; Mista becomes a chef but has a massive gossip network that runs through his kitchens and ALWAYS has rumors and intel, and Narancia becomes a dancer & later dance teacher but has a talent for going undercover and getting info out of people)
The events of VA are actually a mystery they're trying to solve for alternate universe Trish, who is trying to find her father after her mother passed away and she was left with no living relatives; they are trying to help her find the identity of one Solido Naso, who had disappeared the same year Trish was born. They have to escort Trish across italy chasing down clues and rumors on where this man could have gone to, as he truly seems to be a mystery and many people believe he died, not just disappeared- but there is JUST enough information to keep searching.
Eventually they find out that her father, now called Vinegar Doppio, erased his existence after a mental break at the hands of his adopted father's religious mistrratment- and then the trauma promptly developed into a state of dissociative amnesia, leaving himself a complete amnesiac- with no idea who he was or where he came from.
He was hard to track because he himself didn't have his identity, had no way of finding out who he was or where he came from, and eventually settled down into a quiet life as a sailor. He's surprised to find out he has a daughter, but if Trish is interested in reconnecting, he would be very happy about the idea of having a family, since he's got no idea if he ever had one and it would be nice to have some connection to who he was at all. He takes in Trish, the Bucci gang leave happy, they all live and go on to various careers and to solve mysteries and help people).
from there the story actually gets VERY simple and domestic, as part 6 doesn't really HAPPEN the same way. Jotaro Kujo does get married and have a daughter he names Irene; he's not as absent for his daughter's life because he is no longer afraid for the Joestar line or any misfortune he's brought to her, as the Speedwagon Foundation and Dio have served to protect them from ill and misfortune.
He DOES eventually divorce her mother (and in my mind it's because he realizes he's gay and goes to marry Kakyoin, but that's just headcanon, the point is it's amicable.)
Everyone's backstories are altered in slightly subtle ways- Domenico is the child who was raised by the Pucci family, so he was raised alongside Perla. I like to think he becomes a painter and takes off to roam in search of inspiration, wandering around the whole country hitchiking and painting.)
Eldis never loses her sister Gloria; she goes off to college on a track and field scholarship but comes back after an aimless college education with no real plans for anything and just winds up helping Gloria run the family business. (She's on her way back from her final semester when she meets Irene and Anakiss.)
Anakiss never ends up taking his ex apart and Irene never ends up framed for a hit'n'run; they meet outside of prison like any other normal couple. (I like to think they met at a convention, because they're queer milennials in Florida with pink & green hair and I know my people.)
The couple and the others meet for the very first time on the side of that road where Emporio meets them, and they wind up on an impromptu road trip together that ends with the 4 of them realizing they just fit well together in a way that feels easy and natural.
They become a little squad and move in together and take care of Emporio; they never seem to have enough money and they're always winding up with chaos and weird situations together and they're a dysfunctional fucked up little family, but they love each other and they take care of each other.
THERE'S A FEW MORE MINOR ADDITIONS TO MY POST-CANON HEADCANONS! these all happen outside the edges of actual canon things in jojo, but they're things I hc about the whole setup:
After he gets a bit older, Joseph and Suzi go to live in Japan to be closer to Holly and Josuke. Tomoko and Josuke end up moving in with Joseph and Suzi; it feels a little like a multi-generational household of grandparents, single mother and grandson except Joseph and Tomoko are definitely a little embarassed about the whole ordeal and while Tomoko holds a flame for Joseph, he's quite an old man now and she's happy to exist in a less romantic friendship-partnership with him and help look after him and also let him be more involved in Josuke's life.
As a result, I think Tomoko does the majority of raising Shizuka; she's not exactly Joseph's WIFE, but she thinks of herself as Shizuka's mother just as Joseph is shizuka's adopted father and so Josuke and Shizuka very much grow up as adopted siblings
Dio DOES end up finding out about Rykiel, Ungalo and Donatello after their births. While he's not exactly an extra PRESENT father, being an immortal vampire who knows he can't really be that good of a father and who has a duty to protect the Joestars and therefore must disappear at the drop of a hat in order to assist them; he DOES make sure to keep them out of trouble and see to it they're taken care of, too- he's able to have Rykiel seen by doctors who actually take him seriously and help his health and his anxiety, he gets Donatello off the hook after Donatello is arrested on false charges for those shoes he didn't steal, and he helps give Ungalo more resources and care and support earlier on so he never winds up falling into drugs.
(Also maybe he killed sports maxx idk florida was a bit of a party for Dio and he doesn't remember everything he did there, he found out he had kids and kinda got so startled he was various levels of Dramatic about it, maybe he killed a criminal or two, who are you to judge)
WHAT ELSE.... i secretly hc that enrico actually DID get carried back to the old world but he was switched at birth and raised by Wes's mother instead. He never developed a crush on Perla because he's gay, but he also never fell in as closely with religion and instead focused on his education and his interest in science and astronomy as an attempt to help earn money and get himself and his mother out of poverty. he wound up working at NASA !!!!
AAAAAND THAT'S ALL FOR NOW that's my entire. entire ass timeline thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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bitchwork · 2 years
lucky me, lucky mud
It came on suddenly on Wednesday afternoon, and by the evening my fever was 103°. Feeling just truly awful, I called my mom to complain and was told by both her and our longtime family friend Alison that I should go to urgent care, and then once we realized urgent care was closed, the emergency room. Alison – tall, uncompromising, fiercely loving, stubborn as hell -- had spent the last two years being treated for metastatic lung cancer, but was calling the fight. My mom was spending a few nights with her in the lead up to her “final exit” on Saturday when she would end her life via a fatal dose of prescribed medication thanks to Washington's Death with Dignity Act.
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My mom, Alison, and her beloved daughter Alyssia making frittata in our old house (2010)
Despite being a nurse and therefore a person who had spent her life ministering to the needs of strangers, Alison had refused to hire a caregiver. She hated the idea of a stranger in her house messing things up, and much preferred the idea of her friends and family doing the messing. And her loved ones had stepped up, caring for her in shifts all the way to the end, despite the fact that all along there had been the means to hire help. Many people wouldn’t have the guts to test their friends like this, especially at the end, but Alison was brave like that.
Sometimes my dad and I challenge each other to imagine what it might be like to be dead forever, and there’s this vertiginous drop and then a feeling of waking up and I know I have failed. We move on to other topics. My dad has told me that even though he has terminal cancer he can’t really fathom the fact that he will die much more than I can. It’s basically impossible to understand the concept of being dead forever. As Joseph Campbell said, “Eternity isn’t some later time. Eternity isn’t even a long time. Eternity has nothing to do with time.” It would be like a fetus trying to understand what it is to be born. 
Something else that’s non-linear is fever. 103° is uncomfortably hot. It’s the point that you start putting towels dipped in ice water on your body even though this too feels awful because you’re achy and somehow also freezing. It’s only three degrees hotter than 100° but that’s a lot if you consider there’s only like seven degrees between fine and dead. 
I didn’t know which hospitals in the city took my extremely “boutique” kinda-Cigna-kinda-not PPO plan and attempts to log in to my “provider finder” kept coming back with a wrong username or password message. I was feeling bad enough that I knew if I didn’t do this right now, I would just lie down and hope for the best, so I picked the nearest ER and called an Uber. 
It was an unseasonably warm night, and the waiting room was crowded but hushed. The ED experience itself was truly not bad, and I spent most of the four hours I was there in my own watching Nightmare on Elm Street. Everyone was extremely friendly. The doctor even made me feel like I wasn’t an idiot for coming in, saying she’d had several strong women, ER nurses even, felled similarly by what turned out to be the virus that causes the common cold. Our immune systems over-reacting after several years of coddling. By midnight my temperature was down to 99°, and I was ready to go. Hours later, it had climbed back to 103°. It cycled like that for the next 36 hours.
On Friday, my mom told me that Alison had looked at her and said in awe and not quite belief, “This is my last day on Earth,” which rocked me more than learning the news of her death the next day would. Probably I could comprehend the concept of her last day on Earth, but not her actually dying. You think when it happens you will understand it to be true, but then it’s just like everything else: not what you hoped for or despaired over and in fact something else entirely. 
Speaking of courage in the face of extreme adversity, I mustered the strength to call my insurance and find out if the hospital I went to was in network. The call is answered by Christopher, who refers to himself as a concierge. He assures me that no, the hospital I went to is not covered. When I sputter that other hospitals in the same hospital chain are covered, he explains that just because two hospitals are part of the same organization does not mean they take the same insurance since each individual site apparently contracts with insurance based on its own personal preferences. You can be sure this is the case because if it’s asinine, opaque, and cruel it’s the American healthcare system. 
I started to cry imagining how many thousands of dollars my little sojourn had cost me and for what? Nothing had really been done (there was also not really anything to be done). I hadn’t needed medical care so much as medical assurance that I wasn’t going to die. But at 9 o’clock at night, the ER must serve both functions (and many more). It hadn’t turned out to be an emergency but that’s the thing about emergencies: if you wait too long to find out if it is one, it will end one way or another, and you might not like “another” and you might like “one way” even less. 
As soon as I started crying something changed in Christopher and he went from being a haughty mansplainer to just a man, ie terrified of women’s tears. “No no no no no no you don’t need to cry. Oh please don’t cry…” he said. I blubbered that it was “just so complicated,” by which I meant the American Healthcare System, but he thought I meant Life. 
And again Christopher cycled, becoming not just a man but the saddest man on Earth. “Ramona it’s going to be ok. I understand that life is really hard. Believe me. I cry every day. My friends are like, ‘Christopher, are you ok?’ And I tell them, ‘Every morning I wake up is a win.’ The thing is, it could be over likethat, and I’d rather have a hard life than a short one.” 
He went on like this for 10 minutes, and although he clearly knew he was on a recorded line, at one point saying, “We’re your health insurance company. We want you to get the most out of your benefits,” I actually did feel better when the call was over. This might have had something to do with learning I “only” had to pay 30% on out of network ER visits (after the $1000 deductible), but it was also his earnest reminder that these days, no matter how dumb and twisted, are in no way guaranteed. It could and one day will be otherwise. 
He ended the call by giving me his extension and telling me to call when I got the bill and also if I needed anything in general, “If you just need to cry that’s fine. I’ve helped members order pizza, find a lawyer. As long as it isn’t illegal, unethical or immoral I will do what I can to help you.” At this point, it was clear that Christopher was not a man terrified by women’s tears, but a man who loved tears of all kinds, and in fact required them as payment for his services. 
On Saturday morning I was feeling well enough to get out, and took a long walk north into Fishtown. At some point Cathy called and we chatted while I stood on the sunny sidewalk eating a free cupcake. We talked about Alison, who at that point had an hour and 15 minutes left until she was dead forever, and the Phillies, and whether we would get brunch next weekend. It’s psychotic that anyone could speak of such things – could speak period – when someone they know is about to die, but then you do it and you see how it can happen. Does happen. Everyday. How we keep living even while people die forever. 
Cathy had just come back from a trip to Seattle where she had stayed with my dad while my mom came to visit me in Philadelphia. She said it was a highlight of her year. Spending time with my dad has always been good for that, but more generally being in the company of people who are seriously ill is often a surprisingly life-giving experience. You trip back over the threshold, relieved. The sun is out. A store that sells $40 candles is opening down the block. 
Eternity unreels, but not yet for me. 
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docgold13 · 4 years
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365 DC Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
March 2nd - Nightwing

Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson grew up in the circus as a part of the world-renown family of trapeze artists, The Flying Graysons. Even as a child, Dick possessed acrobatic skills that bordered on the uncanny.  He and his parents awed crowds as the main attraction of Halley’s Traveling Circus. When this circus came to Gotham, the crime boss Tony Zuko attempted to extort the show into paying a protection racket. The threat was ignored and an enraged Boss Zuko sabotaged the trapeze wires resulting in the deaths of Dick’s mother and father. Batman, in his civilian identity of Bruce Wayne, was in the audience that night. Having experienced a similar trauma, Wayne empathized with the now orphaned Dick and offered to take him in as his ward; later formally adopting him. Recognizing the need for vengeance brewing in Dick, Bruce decided to train him to act as his partner in crimefighting - hoping that this drive could be sublimated in a fashion that would not destroy the boy’s life. Dick became Batman’s sidekick Robin. Together Batman and Robin were able to bring Boss Zuko to justice and the criminal was sentenced for the murder of Dick’s parents. Robin continued on as Batman’s partner as the dynamic duo embarked on countless adventures. Along with his acrobatics, Dick excelled as a hand to hand combatant and developed a keen, investigatory intellect.  He helped to found the squad of young heroes called The Teen Titans and had many adventures on his own and alongside other heroes.  He has also had a pair of significant romantic relationships with his fellow heroes Batgirl and Starfire (along with some shorter but still torrid affairs with Huntress and Flamebird).  As Dick grew into a man, his connection with his adoptive father became strained. Needing to branch out on his own and become his own man, Dick cast aside his role as Robin and took on the new identity of Nightwing; ultimately carving out a place of his own, protecting the Gotham neighborhood of Blüdhaven. As Nightwing, Dick continued to lead the Teen Titans and later formed a new iteration of The Outsiders. During a time in which Bruce Wayne was believed to have died, Dick stepped in and donned the cowl as Batman, taking on Bruce’s biological son, Damian, as Robin. During his time as Batman, Dick served as the leader of a new version of The Justice League. Although he performed admirably in his time as The Dark Knight, Dick was happy to return to the role of Nightwing once Bruce Wayne was revealed as alive. Actor Douglas Croft portrayed Dick Grayson in the 1943 movie serial The Batman; while Johnny Duncan portrayed the role in its sequel serial; Burt Ward played the Boy Wonder in the 1960’s Batman television series; Chris O’Donnell portrayed the character in the movies Batman Forever and Batman and Robin; Joseph Gordon-Levitt played the character in the movie The Dark Knight Rises; and Brenton Thwaites has played him in the televisions series Titans. Dick Grayson first appeared in Detective Comics #38 (1940).
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Hello! How are you? I hope well! I really loved Joseph's scenario with a very sweet granddaughter, so could you do another similar scenario, with his granddaughter and kakyoin falling in love during the journey? If it is too specific, I apologize! And I'm also sorry if something seems a little strange, English is not my native language :') Anyway, thanks in advance!
Thank you for requesting this, might I say, big brain content. I love me a good Jiji and cherry boyo.
※ Jojo Scenario • Joseph & Kakyoin - Young love
Your grandfather Joseph Joestar was a very clever and perceptive man. Behind his goofy nature sometimes, he could prove himself to be quite the smart cookie whenever he wanted, figuring out enemies' weaknesses, guessing their next lines and getting you and the group out of seemingly unescapable situations.
But if there was a thing Joseph Joestar had not seen coming nor expected, it was your ongrowing crush on the young Noriaki Kakyoin accompanying you on the journey.
To the eyes of Polnareff and Abdul, it was obvious. From the way you always stared at the red-head longingly, fidgeted under his amethyst gaze and blushed everytime he spoke kind words to you. The way you always tried to iniate 'accidental' touches with him or wanted to sit next to him in public transports or restaurants among other things.
As strong as you were against enemy Stand users and as serious as you could be during your adventure, you were still a teenager, seeking for experiences, and that beautiful feeling called love. Thus was what the Frenchman and Egyptian man thought seeing you.
They would chuckle and tease you about it, saying how cute and oddly entertaining it was that Kakyoin had managed to befriend and attract both Kujo siblings. While you and Jotaro were distinctly different, it seemed that you two couldn't stay blind to the redhead's charm, his gentle nature, smooth voice, vast intellect and cryptic humor.
Jotaro had noticed how close you had gotten to his now best friend, and, if it were anyone else, you could be sure the behemoth would have beaten the shit out of that boy. But Jojo was serene, knowing well that Kakyoin was respectful and trustworthy, and if Jotaro had to choose, he'd rather have Kakyoin, his best friend, be your man.
Joseph Joestar, however, was a whole different story, and not quite as comprehensive as your brother.
To be fair, the other men of the group wondered how the hell did Joseph not manage to figure out Kakyoin and you were almost as good as official by now.
You both were so painfully obvious. If the boys thought you were dropping way too many hints, Kakyoin did not make it subtle either.
How the boy leaned down as close to you as appropriately possible at any occasion he had. How he always seemed to be there, like a knight in shining armor, to tend to your every need, clearly showing you some type of favoritism compared to the other men who he'd politely tell 'They can do it themselves' whenever they asked for a favor.
Or even how he'd take any advantage he has to act grossly adorable towards you, feeding you cherries and dates and local sweets among other things, brushing your hair out of your face to get a better look at you, fixing your uniform tie, and so on.
Upon asking the old man his opinion on it all, Joseph never thought too much of it. In fact, he never even noticed anything out of the ordinary.
But the day came when he actually saw with his own two eyes, Kakyoin kissing your knuckles, acting all princely and complimenting your traits, hoping to stir a flustered and shy reaction out of you, which absolutely worked. You were blushing and laughing with him, slapping his arm playfully at his ceaseless teasing, and he couldn't help but join you, enamored by your sweet laughter.
"Hey. What the fuck is this brat doing to my granddaughter?" Joseph stopped packing the car as he sensed his protective dad sensors tingling. Or more like ringing like an emergency alarm.
Abdul followed the old man's gaze and chuckled, endeared by the scene. "Hm? Oh this. Aw come on, Mr. Joestar. They are young, let them act romantic for a bit. They won't be teens forever, and the journey has been so draining."
The Egyptian chastised with a friendly pat on his back, but Joseph was not buying it. Not one bit.
"Since when has he started doing this?! Why is he being so close to her face?! Abdul, are you seeing this??"Joseph's tone heightened with rising frustration as he slammed down the crate he was holding. "Is Kakyoin really courting my sweet little baby angel face cutie princess in front of my two very eyes?! That horny bastard!"
Abdul's eyes widened at the pet name alone, first time hearing so many English affection terms stringed together, but mostly because he was shocked to witness Mr. Joestar finally being hit by realization of you and Kakyoin's 'relationship'.
Truly, this was going to be one hell of a journey.
Abdul sighed heavily, defeated and shaking his coily head.
Hopefully Kakyoin wouldn't die by the hands of a very old man during this trip...
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whoknowsbud · 4 years
Stand Mutation AU
Warning, this is FILLED with body horror! And somewhat loose but present connections to the recent epidemic! Mainly in part 4...
These are mostly just lists of the designs, and this post will only contain parts 3 & 5. There’s a lot more bulk to what was written to part 4, and there’s a lot more angst written, so that’s going to be a separate post.
(Which is now here!)
The idea here is essentially taking the ‘stand sickness’ Holy and Josuke had and twisting it into overdrive. Rather than gaining stands, the infected mutate (often horrifically, but there are some who look almost unaffected) based on their in-canon stands. The uninfected don’t see the full image; the shapes and colors come through, but not completely. The common headlight-style eyes are a big giveaway (until they’re not).
The mutations here will also commonly hinder most functions, especially rational thought. It’s most often temporary as the infected adjusts to the changes of their body. This can take a number of forms, but what happened to the Nijimura brothers is the worst it gets. The term for this for now is going to be ‘fried’.
The infection is only transferred by the arrow, and genetic relation.
Part 3
Holy has flowers growing on her body. Has a way better handle on it than Jotaro; fully present and coherent, the flowers just need to sap a little of her energy to grow big and bright. So, yeah, she's completely fine.
Jotaro ends up this ethereal star man with so much luscious hair, but also partly fried at the start; ends up being essentially like a big dog for a while (acts on base instinct and can’t articulate).
Joseph’s arms become vines. That’s it, that’s all. Vines for arms.
Avdol is pretty much just fused with Magician’s Red. I say ‘just’, but he’s pretty damn rad.
Kakyoin is basically a bunch of wires, wrapped to make a more human shape. Rather than shooting solid energy bursts, he can send energy through the wires.
Polnareff, like Avdol, is also just fused with his Silver Chariot. The armor and sword are still removable.
Iggy is made of sand. Can shapeshift, often takes the form of a wolf, because he can and he wants to.
Hol Horse has a gun for a hand. Yes, that's all.
Gray Fly... tiny man. Beetle sized old man with beetle wings and dagger tongue. Nasty nasty.
Imposter Captain Tenille is a fish-man, simple as that. Basically take Dark Blue Moon and put it in the mans clothes. This makes it obvious that he’s the enemy the moment he comes out, but Anne is still under some suspicion at first.
Forever is just Strength. Green ship with orangutang face.
Devo basically is Ebony Devil. Imagine making a (somewhat crappy) almost life size doll of Devo, and there you go. Rather than needing a grudge to act, he forms his grudge as he fights, making him stronger.
Rubber Soul is just Yellow Temperance; when he went through stand puberty he just pretty much melted.
J. Geil is just Hanged Man; only seen through reflections. Tied a knife to his hand.
Nena is almost the same as canon; she assimilates a beautiful woman to host her real body (which has no skin covering, so here she needs a host, the looks are just preference), and still leaves parasites on victims through her blood.
ZZ's stand mutation is actually his arm. His arm is the car.
Enya… ghost? Still uses fog for the illusions, still does puppet stuff? But then Jotaro would still have to suck her down so NO, THANKS
Steely Dan, the crab man. Can duplicate himself but at NOWHERE near the same rate. Not as effective either. He's about the size of your average 14 year old.
Arabia Fats is just. On fire. Fire man. Human torch. But more fire. Just fire.
Mannish boy appears with a flat, jester-like face, so the group knows to refuse.
Cameo... genie?
Midler is basically herself with High Priestess's power to become any mineral. Still can shapeshift, but its limited.
N’Doul… could be a water man. Sends his hand out so he can stay safely out of most people’s range.
Anubis... is just the same Anubis as canon. It's a sword, what were you expecting?
Mariah is the magnetizer. It happens through contact, and feels like a small static shock. It does not work on normal people, although they do feel the shock.
Alessi has just become a shadow, his own silhouette, that de-ages those it touches like in canon, with the same eyes and manifesting ability, too. Cannot talk.
The D’arby brothers are a terrible amalgamation of the souls they’ve taken.
Pet Shop is... just its stand I think.
Vanilla Ice is another stand/user mix. As uncomfortable as the v o r e is, it seems like the only sensible thing...
Dio is similar to Jotaro. But green & yellow, with more disturbing growths (those... bullet chain suspenders looking things, and the apparent oxygen tanks on the back). He's a bit distorted, rippling in time with the seconds.
Part 5
Haruno becomes a plant creature (Oh you want limbs? Limbs to hold things? Too bad, you get tendrils!), changes his name to Giorno. The human body is still inside, controlling everything. When he’s truly happy, he blooms.
Bruno's body is just zippers. They can all be opened or closed (although if they're all opened he's kind of a mess, and its an awful noise), and what's under them is just a void. He seems to have glowing orbs as eyes, revealed by a single open zipper over where his eyes would be. To resemble a more human form, he has zippers on his head to look like hair. There are a few zippers that hang off his arms and legs almost like fins, and he will whip you with them.
Abbachio is a glitchy creature that looks like someone constantly flipping channels, with a sort of goo coating his body in almost the exact way it does Moody Blues.
Narancia is a ‘cyborg’, fighting logic output to stay ‘human’
Mista basically goes through mitosis, becoming 7 of himself; but it takes time for them to truly separate.
Fugo appears to be normal, but he has this ‘oxygen’ tank & connected mask. The Purple Haze virus is more of a gas here, produced in his lungs, so he has to have a way to contain it when he's around others. Once he starts getting emotional, he sort of melts into a zombie-like form; starts looking like a typical victim of Purple Haze.
(Giorno's able to take in an absurd amount of toxins and pollution and spit out a shit ton of oxygen, so there's much less concern.)
Mr President is a cube, still with the room. He's like a box. A box turtle, you might say.
Polpo is still in prison. His shadow does pretty much everything Black Sabbath does. Permanent poggers face.
Zucchero is a slug. Has spikes on his body that perform Soft Machine’s ability, and they’re barbed to grab the deflated forms.
Sale... maybe he's already dead. Infection stopped his own heart or something. Or hes like.. a landmark. Like Angelo in canon; fully immobile, but sort of immortal. /till you destroy the body I guess...
Formaggio’s size is constantly fluctuating, not always proportionately consistent.
Illuso... doesn't exist outside of mirrors. He can still communicate to those on the other side, and pull them in, but can't leave, himself. He works similarly to Yoshihiro Kira; ig seal the mirror, you seal him.
Prosciutto has so many eyes. Just all over, so so many. Somewhat shriveled up from the waist down.
Pesci has a fishing pole arm I guess...
Melone is some sort of... digital-ish cyborg thing. The Babyface kids are the same though
Ghiaccio is essentially fused with his suit, with the weak spot in the back of his neck frozen over. It’s actually like the mane of a lion, but ice; he can’t turn his head at all, speaking is near impossible, and eating is a struggle as well. The white album fight reveals a lot:
Due to literally being plants, Giorno has to revert back to Haruno or risk serious danger. This is the first time he’s come out; they knew he existed (he was mentioned in passing) but they weren't sure if he was alive or dead. When he can take his plants form again, it’s... kind of horrifying. Roots and vines coming out of his body, wrapping around him...
Risotto is basically a living Metallica colony. Take risotto, make every 5x5 pixels a metallica bean, there you go that’s him.
Squalo... Sharkboy
Tiziano looks fine, but his mouth is all wrong. Tongues like a starfish.
Secco... mud? Mudman?
Cioccolata looks like a zombie, moldy and decomposed an shit.
Diavolo and Doppio are... basically, literally, just King Crimson and Epitaph. They can apparently switch places? Maybe
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gayenerd · 4 years
I have literally no source for this interview, but it’s one of my favorites because Billie seems to be really honest about his songwriting here - this is when Nimrod came out
The day I met Billie Joe Armstrong he flashed me his new tattoo, a Chuck-Jones-perfect cartoon character on his right bicep. Above it was some skull or Celtic armband or something, but below was the name "Joseph," exquisitely lettered, for his firstborn child. It's that image of him that I always keep in my head, and what I think of when I hear his band, Green Day: loopy humor and face-punch riffs and sincere sentiment I tight formation, worn as close to the skin as possible, covered in sweat. From the band's first records on the local Berkeley label Lookout, 39/Smooth and Kerplunk!, through the multi-million selling Warner Brothers releases Dookie, Insomniac, and now Nimrod, Armstrong has written dozens of perfect little punk-rock ditties that are probably the most sincere and playful acts of musical aggression since that first punk wave twenty years ago. 
But the songs are more than throwbacks. Armstrong writes from a very personal perspective, the perspective of someone born in the Me Decade, raised in the Me-vs.-You Decade, and trying to cope in the Yet-to-be-Stereotyped Decade. His songs are about the current crises of being alive right now, in a society that's used up and marketed all of its counter-cultures, and has little use for its youth except as consumers. The songs are also about how one reconciles anger and rebellion with love and desire to not be so down all the time. It's less political and more personal than its punk rock predecessors, an angry/crying/shouting/fucking definition of self.
 It made me wonder how you can take bile directed at you and turn it into a song that gets sold at the local Sam Goody. I figured I'd ask, so I called him up at his home in Berkeley. 
Q: Where do you start when writing a song? 
A: Most of the time I'll come up with a melody, and I'll do lyrics, but I'll tackle them at different times and not connect the two, you know? So I'll come up with the riffs, and the melody of the song, like a short ditty. I'll put some lyrics to it and bring it to band practice and then we'll just start to pound it out. And then, as things need to be restructured, sometimes Mike [Dirnt, bassist] will have an idea for something, or Tré [Cool, drummer] will have an idea for something, or sometimes we'll just leave it alone and it's sort of already done. 
Q: Have there been any particular songs that have stayed the same from the original inspiration to recording, or have they all gone through changes in the process? 
A: There's a lot of them that stay the same. "Redundant" really never changed, except we made it a little longer by adding another chorus at the end. And there's this song called "All The Time" that's pretty much exactly the way I had it.
 Q: So how much does a song change then, in producing the record? On Nimrod there are a lot of different arrangements: strings on "Good Riddance," horns on "King For A Day." Did you have the ragtime horns in mind when you were writing? 
A: No, not at all. I actually demo'd that song and played all the instruments myself and showed it to the band and they're like, "oh, that's pretty cool." We fucked around with it and practiced it a couple of times, but we never expected it to go onto the record. Then when we got to the studio, we said whatever, we'll just put it on there. It ended up being pretty good, but the song was just screaming for horns. We got Gabe [McNair] and Steve [Bradley] and it was so funny. They said, "what do you want us to play?" And I said, 'I'm sure you'll think of something.' And they looked at me like, "aw man!" So they basically wrote all the horn parts to that song. 
Q: What's more important, lyrics or the music? 
A: I think lyrics are really important, because there are songs that, musically, I don't think are the greatest in the world but lyrically are amazing. I mean, Johnny Rotten never had the greatest voice in the world but he wrote really good lyrics for the first Sex Pistols record, and that goes for a lot of people. But the thing is, a lot of people tend to -- especially in pop songs -- they tend to take the music and put something sappy to it, and it's just a one-dimensional emotion that the rest of the songs has to carry. I was actually thinking about that yesterday. I went to a friend's house, and they were joking around, putting on the Spice Girls records. And it was blatantly catchy, super catchy, but at the same time it really didn't say anything. You could only hold it at face value, there was no depth behind it, you really couldn't tell anything about the people singing it. But I guess there's a need for that. People want to hear songs that don't say anything, they want to go out to a dance club and shake their booty.
 Q: That's a good question, then: what makes a good song? Depth, a point of view...? 
A: I guess so. I don't know. I know what I like, personally. Like, yesterday I did my top ten favorite songs or something like that. 
Q: What's on there? 
A: Let's see. "Surrender" by Cheap Trick. "In My Life" by the Beatles. A song called "They'll Never Call It Quits" by a band called One Man Army. Generation X, "Kiss Me Deadly." "Outsider" by the Ramones. Hüsker Dü, "Makes No Sense At All." 
Q: How do you deal with writer's block?
 A: I write something else, just for fun. I'm just habitual about it. If I can't come up with the song...the great song that you want to write that will leave your mark forever or something cheesy like that, I'll write a polka number if I can't come up with something. 
Q: Do you put that kind of pressure on yourself? Do you say "this one's gonna be a statement?" 
A: Sometimes I do. Sometimes I'll think way. I just have a really strong work ethic. I have that sort of way about all my songs that, lyrically, every single one of them has to have some subliminal thing going for it. But most people don't really get what you're talking about until 10 years after the fact anyway. That seems to be how people respect songwriters through time. 
Q: Do you have a time of day or a place where you write? You say you have a work ethic, how does that manifest itself? 
A: Anytime, every time. The other night I was dead tired. All I wanted to do was fall asleep, and me and [my wife] Adrienne get in bed, and we're laying there. I was just dozing off a little bit, and all of the sudden this music was popping in my head, going over and over. And I was like, aw man, I have to go downstairs to put this on my guitar and just write it down. But I don't want to. I was so tired. So finally I got up and I go, 'goddammit! I have to get this done.' Otherwise I would forget it.
 Q: When you're writing, do you write with an album in mind or song by song? 
A: Song by song. I can't really conceptualize that far in advance. We knew we wanted to change and bring in new elements on the new record. But we really didn't know how to do it. So I wrote, constantly, all kinds of songs. Fifty or something. And you try to find some sort of natural progression within those songs, and try to capture that on the record. 
Q: So are the songs you write linked by your state of mind, or thematically? 
A: Sometimes if I'll get into a depression, writer's block, where I can't write, I get really bummed out and then I'm not working at all, I'm not doing anything. And then I'll deliberately get myself down to the lowest of the low that I could possibly get down to. And then a song will pop up. And I'll be happy, I'll get ecstatic for like the next month and then all of the sudden another one will pop up. 
Q: So you revel in the dark zone and it's useful. 
A: Yeah...sort of...I kind of...well...definitely. 
Q: But you don't necessarily choose to be there... 
A: Sometimes I'll cause problems just so I can get in touch with that emotional side or whatever, you know. Just to see if something will spark up, start a fight or something (laughs). 
Q: Can you name a song that has come out of something like that? 
A: Umm...a song called "Worry Rock." 
Q: Seems like a really personal song. 
A: Yeah. I think I got drunk and put my fist through a window. Adrienne called me an asshole or something like that and, I don't know. We just got into some meaningless fight like most couples get into, those fights that don't make any sense. A fight for the sake of fighting, which can be destructive to your relationship. That's how that song came about. 
Q: Are you okay with that kind of exposure that comes from investing your personal life and emotions in a song like that? Is your family okay with that? 
A: Yeah, I think so. I guess the only problem would be if, say, Adrienne doesn't have an outlet for herself. That's the kind of thing that I worry about. The things that she could say about me could be pretty horrifying. 
Q: In what way are you a different songwriter now than you were on 39/Smooth and Kerplunk? 
A: It goes in a way of, you know, what kind of person were you at sixteen, and what kind of person are you at twenty? It's almost like two different people in some aspects. I think that most of my stuff is based on infatuations with women. Some are just straight obsession. I mean, nowadays you could call me a stalker (laughs). The quest for that ultimate happiness with another person, which I think started to change, and it changed pretty dramatically with Kerplunk, because I started to talk about other things, like loss of innocence, going out on your own, moving out at the age of seventeen, being a high school dropout, living in west Oakland in a warehouse with fifteen people. Where the first record was more...mushy...the next one you could tell I was going through some pretty dramatic changes. 
Q: So Dookie comes out, and where are you there? 
A: I think I turned more bitter. I started to realize where my true friendships were, the politics of Berkeley were setting in, drug abuse was starting to fuck with me a little bit. I was trying to figure out what was wrong with me, but I couldn't really do it and that had a lot to do with drugs. I started to get a lot more bitter. Life wasn't how it was supposed to be when you're on your own. There's a couple of different songs on there...I mean, the psychoses that went into that record! Songs like "Basket Case" and "Coming Clean" were blatantly neurotic songs. 
Q: That's messed up: amazing success, and it's your bitterness you're being celebrated for. 
A: I don't know. It's funny because I feel that once you write a song, and then record it, and then release it, it doesn't necessarily belong to you anymore. I mean, you can hold that piece of work closer to you than anybody else can, and that was one of the big problems for a while. I felt so misunderstood all the time. Which goes with the territory, anyway, of writing songs. Because nobody really understands what the hell you're talking about. Other people have interpretations of whatever, figure out their own plot, make it fit to the soundtrack of their own lives. It messed with me a little bit, 'cause people didn't know where I came from, people didn't know where I came from, people didn't really know what I stood for. People calling us a throwback to 1977, I guess I got affected by that. Because punk rock is a lifestyle for me, and has nothing to do with 1977 or any particular band, but the relationship that you had with and the amount of work that you put into your local scene. And it gets completely misinterpreted as trying to make a buck. 
Q: It wasn't a fashion statement, it was a lifestyle. 
A: Yeah, a lot of people took it as a fashion statement, even to the point where I think a lot of people thought we were the '90s equivalent of Sha Na Na or something. Some of that's kind of funny, whatever. But now I sort of don't care. No one's gonna understand it anyway. The whole success or fame thing was so new to me at the time, it came so abruptly, and I was like, wow, this is too much. I didn't know all this baggage was connected to all this shit. I thought I'd just have the opportunity to play my songs for people. 
Q: Is that why the new album is as different as it is, because you're just doing what you want to do, you don't have to be what people thought you were, or even what you thought you were? 
A: I think so. That might have something to do with it. I think when you stop caring and worrying about what people think, even stop caring what you think of yourself to a certain extent, and just sort of do it, it's a release to push your past behind you. I think that's when the best stuff comes out. And, of course, when you're forging ahead really hard. I think this time our songs are much more than just things that you can listen to, but actually visualize at the same time. It's like this guy told me the other day, this friend of mine, he goes, you know I was listening to that song "Platypus," and I can totally imagine this big western stampede of horses and cows. And that, for me, is exactly what I was thinking. Not that I was thinking of a stampede, you know, but that kind of quality. 
Q: So you communicated an image and a feeling. 
A: Exactly. 
Q: Of any of your songs, do you have a favorite? 
A: Lately, I like "Walking Alone" and "Uptight" I've been into. My mind changes all the time.
 Q: Let's talk about one of those. What are the circumstances around a song like "Walking Alone?" 
A: I play in this side project band called Pinhead Gunpowder. This guy Aaron Elliot writes all the lyrics and a lot of the music. And he wrote this song called "I Walk Alone," which is about walking at night, the streets, being a street punk. And so I wrote...I don't know what you'd call it -- an alter ego song? -- called "Walking Alone." 
Q: An answer song? 
A: Yeah, cause we always work in that sort of way. I wrote a song called "She," so he wrote an article in his fanzine called "She." It's kind of funny, it's really good to bounce things off of each other. So "Walking Alone" and "I Walk Alone" were sort of the same thing. I think Tom Petty could play that song. It's got that harmonica and the big smashing snare sound on it. But it was the first time I ever played harmonica. I can't play harmonica at all. I had to teach myself how to play that. 
Q: Hey, you did great. 
A: Oh, thanks. We actually tried to get a studio musician to play it, but I think he was a little too hobo for us. 
Q: Smelled bad? 
A: Actually, he had almost too much soul for it. He was too good at what he did. And I wanted it to come across more loosely. Not as good, I guess. So I played it. 
Q: It's not a confident song, or a song about confidence. "Sometimes I need to apologize/sometimes I need to admit that I ain't right." 
A: It's sort of like sticking your foot in your mouth sometimes, and thinking out loud, but the lyric changes. It turns into talking about friends and how they change and your friends either become lawyers or the local town drunks. 
Q: Any advice for people writing who want to be hit songwriters? 
A: Oh God, I don't know. Don't take advice from anybody.
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praphit · 4 years
“Project Power”- Add it to the list, Jamie :)
In these tense times of protests, economic woes, demon sperm,
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and mad scientists giving us advice on how to stay safe
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(Psssh, plus he’s a Nationals fan? Smh... that monster), 
it's natural for us to call out for a hero. 
I know that I'm first on your list (If you don’t know, get it together, I'm practically "Black Dynamite", especially since I haven't seen a barber in forever)
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, and I'm flattered, but I'm a busy man. Much like common sense, I may not always be around to lend a hand.
You might want to turn to The Avengers, but 
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- yeah. They're kinda done without a leader.
But is it the old, sad Ben Batman?
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- or... 
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... whatever the hell this is? Batman has got issues right now.
Politici... Ha! Sorry, I can't even... Ha! Just no.
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Sure, but unless your place is on fire or you're having a bachelorette party, they won't be of much use.
Somehow, next up is Jamie Foxx.
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Yeah, I couldn't believe it either, but there he is - "Project Power".
Let's look at the official description of the movie shall we - 
"A former soldier teams up with a cop to find the source behind a dangerous pill that provides temporary superpowers."
Seems like it should be a fun, yet awful movie right??
I'm not even gonna bullshit you. This movie is awful, but not in the fun way. It's a Grade F, and that's that.
For starters, the trope-filled story never gets off the ground. I still don't know why or how it doesn't, but I was never invested in this flick. There's no depth to it. It's just those two, and a teenager, bypassing law enforcement to tackle the war on drugs.
This war starts with a character named "Newt", played by music artist (previously a rapper) / actor, Machine Gun Kelly. 
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There are certain actors that consistently make poor choices for movies that they're in. It's to the point where if you see them in a trailer, you know that the movie is going to be bad. Now, he's not one of those actors, because you can't call what he does "acting". But, he is always one of the reasons why the movie he's in will be bad.
If you're unfamiliar with his bad choices, here's a brief recap:
*Making music *Beefing with Eminem
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(this is not a pic of him from the movie, it's what happened to him once Em launched his diss track at MGK
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 - goodbye "rap career")
*Dating Megan Fox
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Even his character made poor decisions.
*Here's him drinking a big gulp, obnoxiously loud during a drug dealing meeting (I imagine Trump doing that in meetings).
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*Then, his character has his own name written on his own door, WHEN THE COPS ARE LOOKING FOR HIM!
That's just amateur back-in-the-day cartoon villain stuff, right?? Back when they had giant evil lairs.
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Plus, he can't be a very good dealer, being that we don't see all that many people using this drug. If this were real, I imagine that everyone would at least try it; especially the way our world is going right now. Granny would replace the hard candy in her jar with power pills.
I could go on and on, but I digress.
Joseph Gordon what's-his-face was good,
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 but like most of the characters in this movie, he was one dimensional.
He's a renegade cop who will doing anything to get this ridiculous drug of the streets. Anything includes taking the drug himself to even the odds. The other cops know that he's doing it too! How do they see him doing something blatantly against the law that they serve and... oh wait.
Then, they've got the black teenage girl, who's facing real systemic racism, who focuses way too much on her rap skills rather than school work.
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Whom adults also feel to need to take out of school and put her in life-threatening situations.
And Jamie Foxx... 
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let's just review a few of the times in which he played an action role.
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That’s him a lil behind Josh Lucas. Who’s that, you ask? - exactly.
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Here he played a sick violinist... I think. It’s been a while. But, I remember him physically fighting with Robert Downey Jr (him in the back), so we’re adding to the action list:)
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Here he is behind another white dude. And a another movie that we forgot about.
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Here he is behind the white dude again... at least we know that white dude. 
Lemme look at the poster for “Project Power” again - 
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aaaaah, see, now it makes sense to me why Gordon Joseph whatever-his-name-is looks so confused in the poster.
He’s like “Jamie, aren’t you supposed to be behind me?”
There are a few more, but we’ll end with this one...
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Yeaaaaah... *sigh* Yeaaaaah. Let’s put that back in the vault.
Somehow Tom Cruise, who's almost 60 and 5 foot 2 is so much more believable as an action star than Jamie Foxx.
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Don't ask me how. It's one of the great mysteries of our time.
Oh right! - There WAS “Django Unchained”,
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 but that had the absurdities of Quentin Tarantino and some comedy in it.
Maybe if they didn't take "Project Power" so seriously it would have worked.
I mean it's about drugs that give people temporary superpowers.  Drugs already give people powers (kinda):
1) Super Balance - idk about where y’all live, but here in Baltimore, there are leaners in every alley way exhibiting this power.
2) The ability to make your problems dis... well, not really disappear, but... you get the idea.
3) And loss of teeth! How about that one??! Pick them up, and use them as projectiles? YEAH!
But, these SUPER powers in the movie are more like speed, strength, fire, ice, all of the regulars.
The effects at times were good, 
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but at other times it looked like a bad video game; with the dumbass boss fight as well.
Don't waste your time, people. I was hoping for Funny-Bad, but I got Sad-Bad. You know?? I kept thinking "*sigh* Oh, Jamie."
Have any of you seen "The Boys"? 
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(a dark, but funny take on superheroes)
They could have done something like that. Jamie Foxx is hilarious, and that Gordon Joseph guy is pretty funny as well. Be creative. Be raw.
But, nope. They had to tell us a serious tale of a world where drug addicts have super powers, and comedians are our only hope for protection.
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grimcorvis · 4 years
Sins Locked Away- The Wedding
Part 1 of 3
(Aw ye we did it! Angst time! Phoenix and I finished it and now it’s time to share it!)
Characters: Grim Corvis Abaddon Payne Reaper the Hellhound Abigail Payne Joseph Payne Alistair the Angel Raphael the Archangel Ezzel the Succubus Daemonera the Harpy Orcus, Demon of Greed Koban the Oni Satan (duh) Cicely the Plague Doctor
(HUGE thank you to @phoenixvitae for cowriting it with me and thank you to @sassinapaperbag for letting us use their Satan design and plague doctor!)
The Wedding
The day had arrived. It was the biggest moment of both of their lives, and it would change them forever. This would be a historic moment for a demon and Death……for it was their wedding. Grim could hardly contain himself as he dressed in his tuxedo, hair wrapped in its braid. His palms were shaky and sweaty as he tried to put on his bowtie, and he fumbled with the silky fabric. He couldn’t see his soon-to-be-husband until he walked down the aisle to meet him at the podium, and he was extremely antsy. A knock sounded and a blue-skinned demon walked in, silver hair tied in a bun and long horns adorned with gold cuffs.
“Grim, you’re trembling.” Koban the Oni shook his head at the Reaper, walking over to assist his friend. “You need to relax, this is a big day for you. You should be proud! And yet you behave as if this is more terrifying than the pits of Tartarus.”
“It’s more anxiety and excitement rather than fear.” Grim sighed, letting Koban tie his bow for him. “It’s my first wedding in all my 6019 years of existence. I’m finally going to spend eternity with the one I truly love. What if I freeze up and screw up my vows? What if I drop the ring and lose it?! What if-” He started to panic, but Koban placed a hand on his shoulder.
“My friend, you will be fine. Besides- Raphael, Alistair, myself, and Orcus will be nearby to help you out if you need it.” He assured Grim and Death sighed, nodding. He hoped everything would be fine. Hopefully, Abaddon was having a better time on his end, this was nerve-wracking already!
As it turns out, Abaddon was hyperventilating as he was putting on his dress. “I’m not ready for this! What was I thinking?! We’ve known each other, what, a few months and we’re already getting married?!”
"Abaddon Jeffery Payne, would you hold still for a minute?" Abigail sighed heavily and tried to help him put his dress on, his veil resting on a chair. "Relax, dear. You've been planning this and waiting for this for a while. If you wanted to wait, then that would just make the anxiety worse." She came to his front and cupped his cheek. "Besides, what better day than today- your birthday."
Abaddon took a few deep breaths, finally calming down after hours of severe anxiety. “You’re right. Then again you’re always right, aren’t you?” 
Abigail smiled and winked at her son. "That's why I'm your mother. Now, let's get your tail under the skirt- and hold still for me this time." She started to fix up his skirt as Ezzel peeked in the room. 
"OooOooOooo, so elegant~! And the groom is looking the same way!" Ezzel giggled and took a picture with her phone. "People are starting to file into the Garden, and your angel and demon friends will show up any minute. Koban's already helping Grim."
“Seems like everything is going perfectly. Thanks for helping out, Mom. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Abaddon embraced his mother, something that wasn’t even possible before he met Grim. So much had changed in his life, and all of it for the better. 
His mother hugged back, careful not to wrinkle the dress or smudge any makeup. "You're ever so welcome honey." She smiled and looked at the time. "Now, you wait in here for a bit and don't sneak off. I need to see if everything is set up. Ezzel dear, come help me a moment." 
Ezzel nodded, following Abigail out of the doorway. The door closed, but not before a certain Hellpuppy snuck his way through. "Papa!! Papa, there's so many people and so much excitement! I'm so happy for you and Daddy!!" A pillow was strapped to Reaper's back, small enough to not be cumbersome, and with an indent for two rings to be placed.
“Oh my celestial being, you are SO CUTE!!!” Abaddon picked up Reaper into his arms, squishing his face and petting him furiously. “Who gave you the right to be this adorable?!”
“Noooooo stahp it! Heeheehee!” Reaper giggled as he was loved on and smooshed by his pseudo-dad. “I gave myself the right, Papa!” He licked his nose and squirmed to get down. “You look so pretty! You look pretty and Daddy looks handsome! I can’t wait for you to see him! When are you gonna go and kiss him, Papa? Is it soon?” There was so much excitement and Reaper was literally vibrating with it.
Abaddon laughed at Reaper’s enthusiasm, happy to have him in his life. “I’ve completely lost track of time. I don’t know how much time we have before we’re supposed to start.”
"From what Grandma and her ex Grandpa said, pretty soon. I need to go and get the rings, and then Grandma said she'll come and get you to walk you down the aisle. I just wanted to say hi." Reaper smiled and wagged his tail. "Oh- and Daddy said he has the perfect song for your walk."
Abaddon made a curious expression. “He’s not going with the classic?” His curiosity slowly turned into excitement. “Can’t wait to hear it!”
The little pup giggled and nodded. "I gotta go, Papa. But I'll see you out there!" He nudged the door open and trotted out of the room, leaving Abaddon alone. It wouldn't be much longer now, the voices of people could be heard and seen from outside the window. This was gonna be big.
Grim paced in his secluded room, waiting until they were called out to the graveyard. He wanted to see Abaddon so bad, he was so anxious and excited all at once. He bit his lip and took a breath, creeping out into the hall. He gently knocked on Abaddon's door, smiling. "Hey, babe. Are you doing okay in there?" He asked softly, staying outside the room. He wasn't looking in the room at Abaddon, this was avoiding the bad luck, right?
The sudden knock startled Abaddon for a second, but the sound of Grim’s voice immediately soothed him. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just… nervous as all purgatory.”
"You and me both, sweetheart." Grim laughed softly, leaning against the door frame. "I can see that everyone is almost here, even our acting troupe is here." He placed his hand on the door and smiled. "I bet you look so beautiful. I wish I could see you right now…"
“I do too, but it’s bad luck to see the bride, or in this case the one in the dress, before the wedding.” Abaddon placed his hand on the door as well, not knowing that Grim was doing the same. 
"Do you think that...I could at least hold your hand? I won't look at your hand, but- holding it might help my nerves." He suggested, his hand matching Abaddon's on the other side. "It might make you feel better too. Considering I can tell that we're both nervous as all Heaven."
Abaddon cracked a smile. “Seems like I’m starting to rub off on you. You’re speaking in hell slang.” He chuckled to himself, opening the door a crack and offering his hand. 
True to his word, Grim didn't look at his hand. He grabbed it and entwined his fingers together, feeling a little more relieved. "How's this? Do you feel a little better?" His hand felt so warm, yet it trembled slightly with excitement. He could feel his heartbeat and Abaddon's through their touch.
Abaddon took a deep breath, feeling the slight chill of Grim’s skin course through him. “Yeah, much better. Thanks.” He closed his eyes, standing there for what felt like an eternity. 
“You’re welcome, mi amor. I love you so much, and I can’t wait to call you my husband.” Grim sighed, squeezing his hand. He was snapped out of the quiet moment when Alistair called up the steps. “GRIM! Everything’s almost ready, go get your butt out there! You need to get into position!” “Ah- coming!” He turned his head back to the door. “I have to go. I’ll see you out there, darling.” 
Abaddon had returned to the mirror, not noticing that the door had swung open wider behind him. Nonchalantly he replied, “Til Death do us part, my love~” He continued touching up his makeup, the mirror just out of the way of reflecting the wide-open door and Grim’s shocked face in it. 
Grim froze for a moment, unable to tear his gaze away from the demon in the room. He- he had seen him. In the dress. He wasn’t able to finish his thoughts as Alistair grabbed his hand, pulling him from the doorway. “What are you staring at? Come on! You’re gonna be late!” The angel tugged him out of the house and across the street to the graveyard.
It wasn’t even a few minutes later that Abigail knocked on the doorframe of Abaddon’s room. “Dear? It’s time. Are you ready?” She asked and picked up his veil and bouquet, holding them out to him. The flowers were fire lilies, beautiful orange flowers like the one Grim placed in his hair the day they became a couple.
Abaddon took a deep breath, turning to his mother in the open doorway. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” He placed the veil on his head, taking one last look at himself in the mirror. “You know, I honestly never thought this day would come. Especially not 450 years ago.”
“And now that day is here. And I’m so glad I can be here for it.” Abigail started getting teary-eyed already. She dabbed her eyes a bit with a tissue and took her son’s hand. “Come, everyone is waiting for the bride. Can’t keep your new husband waiting.” She guided Abaddon out of the house and across the street. Cars were lined on the sidewalk for almost a mile, it seemed like everyone was here and then some. She paused outside of the gate, where Ezzel and Daemonera stood waiting. “This is it. Deep breath honey, and happy birthday my sweet boy.”
“Thanks, Mom.” Abaddon pulled her in for a quick embrace, not realizing until now how much he used to wish that she could be at his wedding when he was young. Tears started to form in his eyes as he quickly pulled away, not wanting to get too emotional yet. 
Ezzel smiled at her demon brother and entered the Garden, Daemonera following behind. The music started up when it was Abaddon’s turn, and Reaper was right about it not being the traditional wedding theme. It was soft piano music, ‘Everything Stays’ floating through the air. The crowd of people faced the gate smiling and teary-eyed. At the very end, standing in front of Abaddon’s father at the altar, was Grim. Standing in a tux, just like in his dream, and his silver eyes were watery with joy.
Abaddon burst into tears as well, his literal dreams coming true before him. He walked down the aisle, trying his best to keep his composure as best he could. Reaper was right in front of him, both carrying the rings and spreading flower petals on the ground from a basket tied to his neck. The hellhound occasionally looking back was the only thing keeping Abaddon from breaking down in the middle of the aisle. 
 Reaper shook the last of the flower petals from the basket as he reached the end of the aisle, trotting over to stand by the girls. Ezzel and Daemonera on one side, Raphael and Alistair on the other side by Grim. It was perfect. Grim held out his hand as Abaddon joined him and Abigail sat in the front row as she gave her son to the Grimm Reaper. 
Grim gently lifted Abaddon's veil from his face, a happy tear escaping those captivating silver eyes. "You look beautiful…" He whispered and held his hand, using his other to wipe away the stray tear. Even though he saw him in the dress beforehand, he couldn't get over how amazing he looked.
 Abaddon leaned into Grim’s hand, a smile forming on his face. “Thanks. You look amazing too.” The tears had finally stopped running down his face as he stared at the man that would soon be his husband. He whispered to Grim, “Ready for the best day of our lives?”
"Ready as ever." Grim nodded and stared back. He wanted to keep staring, but they had to break away and face Joseph, Abaddon's father, and the man uniting them. He cleared his throat and began. "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here on this wonderful day..to celebrate the union of Abaddon Jeffery Payne-" Joseph gestured to his son. "-and Grim Azrael Corvis." He then did the same to the Reaper. "This wedding doesn't just symbolize their love- it symbolizes a special bond. A bond that runs deep in their hearts, one that all of us wish to someday achieve."
All the humans in the crowd seemed confused by those names but quickly returned to watching the ceremony. Hopefully, they all assumed they were just using stage names until now. 
Abaddon leaned closer to Grim, listening to his father’s words. Centuries ago something like this would have never happened between them. Now they were both demons and have changed for the better. Funny how things work out like that.
Joseph went on for a few minutes about love and marriage and yada yada all that boring stuff, and then it was time for them to say their vows. "Abaddon. Grim. You may now speak your vows to each other. Say them openly-" He smiled and spoke quieter to them. "-and do your best." Joseph stood up straight and nodded for them to go ahead.
Grim mustered up the courage to go first, taking a deep breath and holding Abaddon’s hands. “Abby. The time that we’ve been together has...it’s honestly been the happiest time of my life. When I’m down or upset or worried, you know how to make me feel so much better. You never cease to make me smile and laugh. You’re so perfect- none of the others I’ve dated before can even compare. I love you, and I always will no matter what happens.”
Abaddon had to fight back tears as his turn came up. “Grim, I can honestly say that I never expected any of this to happen. All my life I thought I’d be alone and miserable, corrupting souls for all eternity. But, you showed me that life doesn’t have to be about pleasing other people. You showed me how to be… free.” He started to choke on his words, emotion getting the best of him. “I-I promise to always love you and to be there for you. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
Their words brought the crowd to tears and sniffles. It was so moving, even Reaper was whimpering with how precious his dads were being. Joseph wiped a tear away as he cleared his throat. “If anyone has cause to object to the forming of their union, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
“I, in fact, object.” Rang out a rather smug, yet somehow still pissed off voice, in the far back of the clearing.
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
TVD 9x15 - Dream a little dream... (Part 1) Enjoy! =)
Cut to – the secret facility, around 3am. All the guests from the Thanksgiving dinner party have left. Augustus and Darius are having a little one on one before heading to bed.
 AUGUSTUS: So, how does it feel to be back from La-la land? You really had us worried for a while. Thought you were a goner.
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DARIUS: How long was I out for?
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AUGUSTUS: Almost a month… You’re lucky Veritas was able to use his psychic juju to break the illusion. I was about to give up.
DARIUS: Given our history, I’m surprised you even tried.
AUGUSTUS: Well, bygones. And, Pietro can be very persuasive, he insisted we get you back.
DARIUS: I’ll have to thank him for that. Listen, I know we don’t always see eye to eye, and I know I made some mistakes, but we need to find a way to get over our differences, and see this through to the end.
AUGUSTUS: I agree. That’s the only reason I accepted to do this. Also, I have to admit, you do have some irreplaceable talents.
DARIUS: As do you, from what I’ve been seeing… I could have sworn I saw Tamara at the dinner party. What are you, making clones now?
AUGUSTUS: (Smirks) Oh no, clones are of no real use. And, unlike you, I don’t like to tamper with nature. What you saw was technology at its best.
DARIUS: So, like robots, basically?
AUGUSTUS: Not exactly; more like artificial intelligence. Specifically, it’s called ASI, an artificial intelligence superior to human intelligence or ability. The superhuman, as we like to call it in the geek community.
DARIUS: And they call me the crazy one.
AUGUSTUS: Don’t confuse using technology in our advantage with a god complex, and a bad case of fatal attraction. You really lost it, Darius; almost sabotaged the order’s plan to cater to your fantasies. We can’t have that happen again, so, I hope you understand, some adjustments had to be made.
DARIUS: What are you talking about?
AUGUSTUS: Let’s just say, you didn’t get that scar on your head by accident…
DARIUS: What did you do to me?
AUGUSTUS: Don’t worry, nothing drastic. All I did was install a type of control button, to put it in a way. Just to make sure you don’t go rogue on us again. Can’t blame us for including an insurance policy after the mess you made. (Yawns) Well, I think it’s time I call it a night.
DARIUS: Question, did that “tweak” of yours involve some sort of weird programming with the movie Sunset Boulevard?
AUGUSTUS: The fifties noir film?  
AUGUSTUS: Well, I am a big fan, but no; that’s all you, pal. Anyway, I need my rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.
DARIUS: Sweet dreams…
AUGUSTUS: (Somewhat confused) Uhm… okay. Make sure you get some sleep (he leaves).
DARIUS: I will, eventually…  (Darius dozes off in a daydream sort of state; the song Wicked Game by Hula-Hifi, lingering in his mind).
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Cut to – The Salvatore mansion. Damon and Bonnie’s room, around 3 am. Damon wakes up suddenly, sweating and breathing heavily. He turns to Bonnie, she’s not in the bed. He gets up, knocks on the bathroom door, no answer. He opens the door, she’s not inside. Vamps downstairs, finds her watching T.V in the family room.
 DAMON: Hey, Bon-Bon; what are you doing?
BONNIE: Couldn’t sleep, and I didn’t want to wake you, so…
DAMON: (Peeks to see what she is watching) Sunset Boulevard, love this movie.
BONNIE: Come, join me.
DAMON: (Vamps speeds to cuddle with her) You okay?
BONNIE: Fine, just a bad case of insomnia.
DAMON: Want some popcorn?
BONNIE: Is the answer ever no when it comes to that question?
DAMON: (Smirks, gets up) One order of large popcorn coming right up (gives her a peck on the lips, and vamps to the kitchen. Bonnie continues to watch the movie; at some point she begins to feel sleepy and dazed, almost immediately, she falls into a deep sleep).
 Cut to – 1950, Hollywood, California. The cast and crew, of what promises to be the next Oscar winning film, are getting ready for another day of shooting on set. The lead actress, a true Hollywood diva, is in her dressing room rehearsing some lines. The lead actor walks in the room, hands her a cup of coffee.
 KAT: Every day I tell you I hate that…
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IAN: And every day I do it anyway.
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KAT: Can you just get out, before I have security take you out.
IAN: Is that any way to treat your co-star?
KAT: The only reason you got this job is because your daddy is the head of the studio, you are a horrible actor.  
IAN: Kitty Kat, that hurts my feelings. Not everyone can sleep their way to the top, if you know what I mean… Shall we do the count? Joseph, Chris, Michael… Oh, and let’s not forget your recent one, my lovely brother, Paul… I told you, everyone knows about you two, or almost everyone… Aw, poor Candice! Anyway, you can drop the act now.
KAT: And, I told you, who I choose or don’t choose to sleep with, is none of your business, or hers. So, butt out.
IAN: You know, you are quite cute when you get mad (smirks).
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KAT: I actually look cuter when I’m kicking someone’s ass; want to see?
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IAN: (Wiggles is eyebrows) Ooh, you are on fire today!
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Keep it up, maybe you will finally nail at least one scene. (The film director walks in). 
MATT: You two are up. And please, stop with the bickering, it’s getting very annoying. Be professional for Christ’s sake!  Come on, chop, chop! You are on in five (leaves).
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KAT: How dare he speak to me that way! Does he know who I am?!
IAN: Apparently, he doesn’t care; ouch! (Hands her the coffee cup) Here, have some, looks like you are going to need it.  
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KAT: Shut up… (grabs the cup reluctantly, and takes a sip. Another actress comes barging in, venting).
CANDICE: I swear if I have to do another scene with that incompetent fool, I’m quitting!
KAT: What did Chris do this time?
CANDICE: He can’t tell his left foot from his right one. How on earth did he get the part!
IAN: (Looking at Kat, teasing) Gees, I wonder how…
KAT: (Rolls her eyes, turns to Candice) Come on, he’s not that bad.
CANDICE: Please, you only say that because you slept with him. Not that I’m judging, he’s very hot, but he definitely can’t dance!
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KAT: Well, he makes up for it in other areas (smirks)…
CANDICE: (Grins) Naughty, naughty… Anyway, where is Paul?!
IAN: Missing someone? Don’t worry, Blondie, he should be here soon, he’s just running late. Think you can handle a few minutes without him?
CANDICE: God, I hate you…
KAT: That makes two of us.
IAN: (Looking at Kat) You know there’s a fine line between love and hate (smirks).
KAT: In your dreams.
IAN: Every night, at least twice.
KAT: You are disgusting.
IAN: I know (winks. The Assistant Director walks in).  
STEVEN: Miss. Graham, Mr. Somerhalder, we are ready for you.
KAT: Let’s go.
Cut to – LAPD Headquarters. The Chief of Police is in his office, smoking a cigarette, looking at a photo of a victim who was found brutally murdered the night before. The victim, an aspiring actress who had just landed her first role, a minor part in a high-profile production.
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This town… A concrete monument of decay. From the outside it might seem glamourous, with its movie stars and divas, but it’s nothing more than a sewer filled with rats. Nights reek of booze, gun powder, and flesh blood, masked with a cheap imitation of expensive perfume.
Days are no better. The only difference between the two is that during the day, it’s harder for the predators to hide, or so they think. In reality, the true gangsters hide at plain sight. They mock us, thinking they are always one step ahead, always above the law.
But not this time… not this time… (Caresses the victim’s photo, a tear scrolling down his cheek) My sweet Nina… who could have possibly done this to you? And why?
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(The song “The Two Of Us” by Mark Isham, plays in the background, as the Detective has flashbacks of the woman and the horrendous murder scene; tears keep rolling down his cheeks).
Cut to – the film set. Kat and Ian are shooting one of their scenes.
 IAN: Don’t go with him… you belong here, with me.
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KAT: Please, don’t say those words. You know I want nothing more, but I can’t stay… He is my husband.
IAN: And I am the man you love.
KAT: Always and forever; no matter how far.
IAN: (Kisses her passionately. As she begins to walk away and the rain begins to pour, he runs after her, turns her around) I’m sorry, but I won’t let you go (kisses her again, the song Godot - The Fragrance of Dark Coffee + Rainymood, starts to play. 
The raindrops continue to fall as they hold each other, probably for the last time…)
MATT: And, cut! Beautiful! Now that’s what I call cinema! We are making history people!
KAT: (Ian is still holding on to her). Didn’t you hear cut?!
IAN: No, must have bad hearing… (he smiles; she tries to resist, yet can’t help but smile herself).
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MATT: Okay, everyone, let’s take 30 while we prep for the next scene.
KAT: (To Ian) Did you hear that? (Pushes him away) Now, shoo, skedaddle! (She walks away, he follows behind, teasing her).
STEVEN: Mr. Davis, there is a Detective here to see you.
MATT: What? Why?
STEVEN: I think it has something to do with that actress that didn’t show up on set today.
MATT: Which actress, Steven, there are plenty of them around here.
MEET: Nina, who? Doesn’t ring a bell.
STEVE: She’s the actress that is playing Miss. Graham’s handmaiden.
MATT: Oh, yes, I think I remember. What about her?
STEVEN: I don’t know. Why don’t you talk to the Detective.
MATT: Fine. Send him my way.
ZACH: (Shows him his badge) Detective Zach Roerig, LAPD, can I ask you some questions?
MATT: Sure, just don’t take too long, we need to keep shooting while we still have the proper lighting.
ZACH: (Takes a picture of Nina out of his pocket and shows it to him) Do you know this woman?
MATT: Barely, she is just an extra with a very small part, we don’t interact. I only work with the stars, so my assistant might be able to give you more insight on her.
ZACH: I’ll talk to him, that’s for sure. But you are the one in charge of this production, correct?
MATT: I am the Director, so yes.
ZACH: Maybe you should pay more attention to your “not so important” cast members as well. Miss. Dobrev was found brutally murdered last night; just one block from here.
MATT: Oh, lord, that is terrible. What happened?
ZACH: Was I not clear? She was murdered, decapitated to be exact. And, we suspect the one responsible for this heinous crime, is part of this little film of yours.
MATT: That’s absurd! No one here would ever do such a thing!
ZACH: You’d be surprised what people are capable of, especially in a town like this. It ain’t all lights and glamour. This is an official investigation, so we are shutting this production down until we get some answers.
MATT: You can’t do that! We are on a schedule.
ZACH: Well, it looks like you’re going to have to make some changes. I need you to call in everyone in the cast and crew, and I mean everyone. No one leaves, until we clear them.
MATT: Do you have any idea who you’re talking to? I don’t take orders from anyone.
ZACH: You Hollywood types and your sense of entitlement. You are in for a reality check, no one is above the law. Here is a warrant to search the premises and question every single one of you. So, make yourself comfortable, we might be here for a while. I’ll need your office for questioning, while my squad processes the area. I take it you don’t mind. And, to prove I’m not all that bad, I’ll start with you. Lead the way.
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Cut to – the Director’s office.
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ZACH: For the record, state your full name.
MATT: Matthew W. Davis.
ZACH: How did you know the victim?
MATT: I told you, I didn’t. Apart from directing the few scenes she has been in, I have never talked to or interacted with her at all.
ZACH: What were your whereabouts last night, from 11pm to 2am?
MATT: I was here, filming. Went home around 3am.
ZACH: (Shows him a note that reads: You were great last night. Keep it up, and you might become a real movie star someday…). Do you know what this is?
MATT: (Looking nervous) Where did you find that?
ZACH: I’m the one that will be asking the questions. Is this your handwriting?
MATT: It is.
ZACH: Can you explain how, and why, this was found in the victim’s purse the night she was murdered?
MATT: I have no idea. That note wasn’t for her.
ZACH: Oh, really? Who was it for, then? And why do you reckon Miss. Dobrev had it with her?
MATT: I can’t tell you who it was for. And, I have absolutely no idea why that woman would have that note.
ZACH: Oh, come on, try harder.
MATT: This is ridiculous, I want my lawyer.
ZACH: You are in your right to request one, but that would only make you more suspicious. So, I would advise otherwise.
MATT: What do you want from me? I already told you everything I know.
ZACH: Who was the note for?
MATT: Okay, okay… it was for Candice.
ZACH: Doesn’t make much sense though, she’s already a movie star…
MATT: She is, but not a diva, like Miss. Graham. That’s what every woman in Hollywood wants. And I am the only one that can give that to them.
ZACH: That’s a lot of power to be in one man’s hands.
MATT: I worked hard for it, trust me.
ZACH: Sure you did… Okay, I’m gonna let you go for now, while we verify your alibi; but trust me, we will talk again.
MATT: Whatever. Can I leave?
ZACH: Yes, and send your assistant in.
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ZACH: For the record, state your full name.
STEVEN: Steven R. McQueen.
ZACH: How do you know Miss. Dobrev?
STEVEN: She is one of the actresses in the film.
ZACH: More like, was…
ZACH: She was murdered last night, about a block from here. Know anything about that?
STEVEN: No, no, of course not. Oh, god, she’s dead?! This can’t be true… How, why?
ZACH: Well, that’s what I want to find out, pal. Think you can help me figure it out?
STEVEN: Whatever I can do to help, you can count on it. Miss. Dobrev was a lovely gal.
ZACH: Were you two close?
STEVEN: Not really. I met her when we started filming. We talked from time to time, but that was about it.
ZACH: Just talk, ha?
STEVEN: Yes, Detective, I swear.
ZACH: I believe you. Look, you seem like a decent guy. I’m sure, if anyone, you are the one that knows what really happens around this set. Help me out? Miss. Dobrev deserves some justice, don’t you think?
STEVEN: Of course. I will tell you everything I know.
ZACH: Good. Why don’t we start with Mr. Davis’s real relationship with the victim…
Cut to – Kat’s dressing room. Kat, Ian, Candice, Paul, and Chris are talking about the situation.
 CANDICE: With all due respect, but who is this Nina person?
KAT: She’s the actress playing my handmaiden.
CANDICE: Oh, her? Well, you can’t really refer to her as an actress, I mean...
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CHRIS: She’s a nobody, so who cares.
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PAUL: Judging from the Police take-over, something big is going on.  
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CANDICE: Why do you care?
PAUL: I’m just saying, it doesn’t look good.
IAN: Well, I agree with Mr. slippery shoes and Cinderella, who cares! We should be shooting, don’t want to lose the good lighting.
KAT: Of course you wouldn’t dare to care about anyone but yourself….
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IAN: Really, Kitty Kat? This coming from little Miss me, myself, and I. We all know who you are.
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KAT: No you don’t, so stop pretending you do.
PAUL: (Sarcastically) Ouch, bro.
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CHRIS: (To Kat and Ian, sounding quite bitter) Can you two stop bickering, for like a second! Gees, just get married already! So freaking obvious…
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KAT: Please, he wishes!
IAN: I might like a little pain here and there, but I’m no masochist… unless you ask nicely, of course (winks; the Director walks in). Matt, can you please tell us what the hell is going on!
MATT: We’ve been shut down, until further notice. Oh, and no one can leave either, so make yourselves comfortable.
IAN: What! Why?!
MATT: Well, that wannabe actress playing Kat’s handmaiden was murdered last night. Ruined our entire schedule! The Police think one of us did it… ridiculous!
KAT: Wait, what!? She was murdered? No, no… that can’t be… Oh my god!
CHRIS: And I’ll say it again, why do we care? She is a nobody! Or was, whatever!
KAT: Don’t say that! You have no idea who she was…
CHRIS: Neither do you, Kitty Kat.
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IAN: (Pushes Chris away from her)  First, no one calls her that, but me. Second, back off…
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CHRIS: (Sarcastic smirk) Oh, please. Don’t you get it? She will never love you. Once she gets what she wants from you, she’ll throw you out like a piece of trash. So stop trying so hard.
IAN: (Grabs him by the neck) Listen, psycho boy…
PAUL: Stop, both of you. Is it too much to ask for you to act like adults, for once? We really don’t need your little pissing contest drama right now.
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KAT: Nor any of this… Everyone get out, I need some space.
IAN: (Looking concerned) Kat...
KAT: I said, get out! All of you! (They leave).
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Cut to – the Director’s office.
 ZACH: Thank you for your cooperation, this information is critical to our investigation.
STEVEN: (Looking scared) Please, Detective, promise me you won’t tell them you heard those things from me, I would be completely ruined.
ZACH: Don’t worry, your secrets are safe with me, trust me. Now, be a sport and send Miss. Accola my way, will you?
STEVEN: Will do, Detective.
ZACH: Thank you, we will talk again soon.
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ZACH: For the record, state your full name.
CANDICE: (Flirtatious) Detective, you don’t believe I had anything to do with this, do you? I mean, look at me… do you really think I would be capable of such a thing?  
ZACH: Perhaps you didn’t hear me. I said, state your full name.
CANDICE: Fine… Candice Rene Accola. But I swear, Detective, I never even crossed a word with that woman.
ZACH: Funny, that’s not what I’ve heard…
CANDICE: From who? Whoever said that is obviously lying! I have a reputation to protect, I don’t mingle with the extras.
ZACH: Oh, I’m sure you don’t, but I wonder if you get jealous of them?
CANDICE: (Laughs) That’s absurd! Why on earth would I be jealous of her!? She’s a nobody.
ZACH: Maybe she had something you wanted…
CANDICE: What could she possibly have had that I don’t? If anything, she was the one jealous of me.
ZACH: I hear you are quite smitten with an ex of hers.
CANDICE: An ex? What are you talking about?
ZACH: Just cut the bullshit Miss. Accola. I know for a fact that Mr. Wesley and Miss. Dobrev where previously engaged, that is until you came into the picture…
CANDICE: (Nervously) Please, Detective, let me explain…
ZACH: Please, do.
CANDICE: It’s not what you think. I mean, yes, I knew they had a thing in the past, but that was a long time ago. They went to the same Highschool, in this godforsaken town in the middle of nowhere, or something along those lines. But, I swear, I never even spoke to her, nor did he, after that. No disrespect for the deceased, but she was weird, she didn’t belong in the same circle as us. There are levels, and she is, well, was, way below ours. If you are looking for a real suspect, I suggest you talk to Mr. Wood, I know there was something going on between those two.
ZACH: Really, why would you say that?
CANDICE: They are both whack jobs. They would get together after shooting; hang out at this weirdo trash bar down the block called “The Grill”, where all the other city looneys hang out. Trust me, they were into some really creepy stuff.
ZACH: What kind of creepy stuff?
CANDICE: Some obscure vampire nonsense. I’m telling you, totally cuckoo.
ZACH: Vampires?
CANDICE: Yes, I swear! If you ask me, I wouldn’t be surprised if Chris turned out to be one… I mean, if they were real, of course. Only a crazy person would believe those things.
ZACH: I agree. So, you are saying Miss. Dobrev had a dark side?
CANDICE: Oh, for sure! No one ever bought her little “Mary Sue” act.
ZACH: Well, that’s quite specific information for someone who claims not to know anything about her.
CANDICE: I’m just telling you what I’ve heard from others, specifically, from Mr. Wood.
ZACH: Okay, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt on that, for the moment. Now, (hands her the same note he handed the Director) can you explain what this is about?
CANDICE: (Looking genuinely clueless) I have never seen that before, I promise.
ZACH: Fair enough. Moving on, what where your whereabouts last night, from 11pm to 2am?
CANDICE: I was here shooting, until about 3am, I think. I went straight home after that.
ZACH: 3 am? Doesn’t seem like a safe hour for a lady to be driving home alone…
CANDICE: Oh, of course not. I had my driver take me home.
ZACH: What’s your driver’s name?
CANDICE: Mr. Trevino, you can ask him if you don’t believe me. He’s right outside my dressing room.  
ZACH: No need, just yet. You are free to go, for now. Let Mr. Wood know I’m expecting him next.
CANDICE: Sure thing. (As she is walking out) Detective, one more thing… I probably shouldn’t say, since she is my best friend, but I feel obligated to mention this, it’s in my duty to do so. You should know Miss. Graham and Miss. Dobrev used to be very close friends, best friends actually. She doesn’t know I know that, but I do. In fact, Kat is the reason Nina got this job in the first place; and the reason why Nina moved from that Mystic place to LA. Just thought you should know… Hope it’s useful information (flirtatious smirk).  
ZACH: (Flirting back) Very useful, Miss. Accola; thank you for sharing.
Cut to –  Kat’s dressing room. She is looking at herself in the mirror; she seems somewhat sad, but a lot more worried. Ian knocks.
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IAN: Kat, please, let me in… I’m sorry… (Kat opens the door, he walks inside, she looks around to make sure there is no one else there; shuts the door after him).
KAT: What do you want? I thought I made myself clear when I said I wanted to be left alone.
IAN: I needed to make sure you were okay (looks around the room) … I didn’t know you knew her outside of the film, I’m sorry if I was insensitive.
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KAT: (Goes to her mini bar, serves and hands him a glass of bourbon) It’s just you and me, look for yourself. You can stop pretending now.
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IAN: (Relieved) Okay, good… I don’t know how much longer I would be able to keep up with the act.
KAT: As long as it takes; we can’t risk them finding out.
IAN: I know, Kitty Kat, but I’m freaking out here! This place is infested with cops. What the hell are we going to do...?!
KAT: Calm down, we will think about that later… (kisses him passionately, and throws him on to her dressing room bed…)
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*Not my art, loads of credit to the creator, this ilustration is awsome!  
TVD 9x15 (part 2) coming soon! Hope you stop by, read, and enjoy! =)
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yanderefangirl · 4 years
Kars was stumped, while he didn't exactly regret getting rid most of the Pillarmen spieces, perhaps he should have spared one or two females. It was kind of hard to repopulate the Pillarmen with another male. While Kars was focused on finding the Red Stone of Aja, he knew that eventually he would have to require a suitable female to help him repopulate the Pillarmen. But so far, none of the females vampire and human were suitable enough for him. They were all too weak, too pathetic and were just completely unsuitable. So Kars just decided that for the time being he would just focus on locating the Red Stone of Stone. Who knows maybe he would get lucky and find a suitable female to breed with, along the way. But unfortunately for Kars, his plans were put on hold as he, Esidesi and Whammu became trapped in stone. (Many years later) (Y/n) was training with her Hamon teacher Straizo. She had been struggling with controlling her breathing while fighting which could be potentially dangerous, if it happened while she was facing an enemy. So Straizo had increased her training to help with this. It was tough, gruelling, hard work but it would all be worth it in the end. She needed to be an efficient fighter after all to fight and kill those horrible, awful vampires. There were few Hamon users nowadays, luckily there was a particular powerful Hamon Master living on Island near Italy called Lisa Lisa who was the adopted daughter of Master Straizo. Master Straizo had been talking recently about sending her (Y/n) to the island Master Lisa Lisa was living on and having Master Lisa Lisa train her from now on. (Y/n) could understand where he was coming from. However it was kind of upsetting that Master Straizo thought that she was so helpless that he thought it was pointless for him to continue to train her. But she knew better than to protest, he was a Master Hamon user after all. Surely he must have a good reason to send her to Master Lisa Lisa. Suddenly (Y/n) was pulled from her thoughts and found herself nearly being hit with Master Straizo's incoming Hamon attack, luckily she managed to dodge the attack just in time. But judging by the expression on Straizo's face, it wasn't good enough. He halted the training and begun scolding (Y/n). "(Y/n), you can't ever take your mind off your opponents. That can and will result in a fatal mistake. This is the third time this week you have become distracted during training." Straizo spoke softly with no hint of anger in his voice but with clear disappointment reaking from his eyes. (Y/n) bowed her head in shame. "I am sorry Master Straizo. I won't let happen again. I promise." She said apologizing sincerely. "You are correct (Y/n) that won't happen again. I have made up my mind, from now you will be training with Lisa Lisa. I am sending you to her island tomorrow. Gather your personal belongings (Y/n) and make sure you have everything. You will not be returning here." Master Straizo ordered quickly, refusing to allow (Y/n) or his other two students to say anything in protest. "Do I make myself clear?" He finished talking and shoot (Y/n) a fierce glare. (Y/n) just sadly nodded her head and went to her room to pack up. She could hear the other two students protesting but Master Straizo shoot down all of their arguments and protests. When (Y/n) arrived at her room, she started packing while softly tearing to herself. The next day (Y/n) found herself on a plane to Italy. She can't believe that she was actually leaving the Hamon Temple forever. It had been her home since her parents had been murdered by a vampire when she was only 5 years old. She had been taken by Master Straizo and the other Hamon Master. Master Straizo had personally trained her for 13 years. He had been a strict, no nonsense, straight to the point but fair teacher. Master Straizo had never went easy on her or had held back. He had treated her like another student, although there were times Master Straizo gave her little treats and allowed her to stop training early. She was going to miss Master Straizo and the others but Master Straizo had been firm in his decision and refused to be wavered. He had been nice enough to personally escort (Y/n) to the airport and had surprisingly hugged her when they were saying their goodbyes and had waved at her when the airport started taking off. It was nice to know that Master Straizo had cared about her. (Y/n) wondered what kind of teacher Master Lisa Lisa was. Was Lisa Lisa gonna be like Master Straizo or would she be more gentle? (Y/n) just hoped that Master Lisa Lisa would be able to help her control her breathing properly. She also slightly was curious about what kind of person Master Lisa Lisa was. (Y/n) soon realized that she shouldn't focus on it, Master Lisa Lisa would be her teacher and (Y/n) would be meeting Master Lisa Lisa in good time. So she instead decided to read one of her favorite books, while she was waiting for the plane to land in Italy. Even though she had read the book (f/b) many times before, it was still one of her favorites. All too soon, the plane landed in Italy and (Y/n) had to gathered up her belongings and managed to make her way to Master Lisa Lisa's island. There she met Master Lisa Lisa, Master Loggins, Master Messina, Caesar Zeppeli Master Lisa Lisa's student and Suzie Q Lisa Lisa's maid. Master Lisa Lisa or rather Coach Lisa Lisa as she liked to be called was strict and no nonsense teacher who didn't hold back against any of her students but she did treat both (Y/n) and Caesar with respect. Coach Lisa Lisa managed to help (Y/n) with her breathing problem, so she was able to control her breathing more easily whenever she was fighting. Caesar was at first kind of hard to approach, but he was a pretty nice, friendly and down to earth guy. Caesar was also kind of a casanova, and at times would flirt and tease with (Y/n). (Y/n) would always return the favor back to Caesar but it was all in good faith and the two were just really good friends. (Y/n) wasn't sure what to think about Master Loggins and Master Messina, as she had only met the two briefly, but they seemed nice enough as it were. Suzie Q was a complete sweetheart, who won't hurt a fly. Suzie Q and (Y/n) quickly became fast friends. They would chat constantly about random topics and often had silly little sleepovers together, staying up late to read books, tell each other stories and just talk. (Y/n)'s life was good that was until she heard the news that Master Straizo had used a stone mask to become a vampire and had tried to kill a man named Robert E.O Speedwagon head of the Speedwagon Foundation and had successfully killed the two students, he had brought with him. (Y/n) was completely distraught that Master Straizo who had practically raised her, would do something so horrible like that and that the students who had been her closest friends were now dead. She didn't know how Coach Lisa Lisa was handling the news or how it was affecting her as Coach Lisa Lisa was able to hide her emotions under a mask. (Y/n) did give Coach Lisa Lisa a hug and told Coach Lisa Lisa she was sorry for her lost. Coach Lisa Lisa seemed touched by her concern and told (Y/n) that anytime she wanted to talk about what had happened or just about anything (Y/n) could always talk to her anytime (Y/n) wanted to. (Y/n) and Caesar had sent to meet Robert E.O. Speedwagon and his friend Joseph Joestar to ask about what exactly had happened and apparently Joseph Joestar was a Hamon User who was pretty talented but had no prior training. (Y/n) was honestly curious about Robert E.O. Speedwagon and his friend Joseph Joestar. She wondered about Joseph Joestar and what kind of person he was. She talked to Caesar about Joseph and Caesar got slightly jealous and said that he must be a real idiot. (Y/n) was surprised by his reaction. Caesar didn't usually act like this. She hoped that Caesar wouldn't act like this when they actually met Robert E.O Speedwagon and Joseph Joestar. Currently they were at a nearby restaurant, waiting for Robert E.O. Speedwagon and Joseph Joestar to arrive. A random lady had approached them when they had entered and said that they were a cute couple which caused (Y/n) to explain that they won't actually a couple and they were actually just friends and that Caesar was actually single. To which the lady immediately jumped on and asked Caesar if he would like to join her for a meal to which Caesar after making sure that it was okay with (Y/n), joined the lady for lunch. (Y/n) went to sit by herself at a table near a window. She gave her order to the waiter and was looking out the window while she was waiting for her food to come when she heard someone loudly and rudely complaining about their food. (Y/n) looked over and saw a brown haired British sounding man yelling at the poor waiter for the color of his food but the waiter calmly delt with the situation and explained why his food was that color. The man actually tried his food and seemed to enjoy it because after he did, the man quickly apologized to the waiter for his behavior. She didn't know why he had been acting like before, he was probably dealing with a lot of stress or something. Etheir way she wasn't going to get involved. Caesar on the other hand, seemed extremely annoyed by the man's behavior and proceeded to make a snide comment at the man who got pissed and to her surprise used Hamon to fling some of his pasta at Caesar who was kissing the lady he was with. Caesar without even looking up evaded the man's pasta Hamon attack using his fork and sent the pasta Hamon attack back to the man who seemed startled by this, barely had enough time to use his wine glass to be able block the pasta Hamon attack. The whole situation happened and was dealt with in under five minutes, but it was still pretty shocking to (Y/n) that someone would actually attack with Hamon other person in public for a kind of petty reason. But then a older gentleman came up and introduced himself as Robert E.O. Speedwagon and then introduced the other man as Joseph Joestar. Caesar seemed uncharacteristically dismissive of Joseph Joestar and then explained that his grandfather had fought alongside Joseph's grandfather and died and crisetzed Joseph for not knowing about his family's history which hurt (Y/n)'s feelings as she was also unaware of her family's history thanks to her parent's brutal deaths but Caesar quickly noticing how upset she was about what he had said apologized to her. Joseph Joestar turned to (Y/n) and waved to her, shooting her a smile and asked "Who is this lovely lady?" (Y/n) stood up and walked over to Caesar, Mr Speedwagon and Joseph and shook hands with Mr Speedwagon and Joseph while saying "It's nice to meet you Mr Speedwagon and Joseph Joestar I am (Y/n) (l/n). I am 18 years old and I am also a Hamon user. We were sent here by our Coach to greet you." After she shook hands with Mr Speedwagon and Joseph Joestar, she politely bowed then returned back to her table where her food was being served. She ate her food while Joseph and Caesar fought outside then once she was finished paid for her meal then went outside and told off the pair for acting like children. She would never understand why most men would insist on fighting like cats and dogs. That night, Mr Speedwagon, Joseph or JoJo as he liked to be called, Caesar and (Y/n) were being driven by Mark Caesar's German friend to where some German soldiers had some mysterious and strange statues. According to Joseph and Mr Speedwagon, they had met and fought with a man who had came from a similar statue but had barely managed to defeat him which worried (Y/n) greatly but Caesar had reassured her that they could handle it. Caesar had gently teased Mark about his girlfriend who Mark revealed to be his now fiance. Caesar then nearly caused a car crash in trying to show the photo of Mark's fiance to JoJo and Speedwagon. But they luckily somehow managed to make it to their destination without so much as a starch. They all climbed out of the car and walked down a eerie and weird cave, stepping on what they first thought was bat droppings but to their shock and horror discovered it was actually the dead bodies of the German soldiers. Then out of the darkness came three scantily dressed muscled handsome men and started walking towards them. Mark who was extremely shaken up by the state of his fallen comrades tried to ran away only for one of the men to walk pass and she didn't even know how to explain what she saw but one second Mark was complete the next half of his body was missing. The worst part of this? He didn't die straight away so Caesar had to mercy kill him. (Y/n) let out a squel of horror at this sight which caused all three men to turn and stare at her. The men then for some reason sniffed the air and must have smelt something good as they all smiled rather creepily then begun talking. The one with strange and weird things on his body spoke first "So it seems one of the females was able to escape and breed with one of those inferior humans." Then another one nodded his head and said "This girl must be her descendent. What should we do with her Master Kars?" They both turned to the last one who had his head warped in a scarf who (Y/n) guessed was Kars thought for a while while staring at (Y/n) then licked his lips and spoke "Whammu Bring the girl with us. She will be useful later." The one who was Whammu nodded his head and stepped towards (Y/n) who instantly went on the defensive. Caesar upon hearing this, already upset over Mark's death reacted with immediate anger and attacked Whammu. Whammu managed to fight back against Casear and revealed that he, Kars and Esidesi knew about Hamon users and had actually fought against them before. They seemed to imply that they had killed most of the Hamon users they had met. When it seemed like Caesar was on the verge of death. (Y/n) immediately stepped in and fought Whammu to protect. But (Y/n) even though was focusing on the fight, she wasn't really focusing on the words being spoken at the moment. All she think about what they had said about her. (Y/n) was descended from a pillar woman? Part of her was the same species as these monsters? Surely it can't be true right? They must be mistaken or maybe they were lying. (Kars' POV) Kars was watching Whammu fight the blonde haired male who was trying avenge his fallen friend and protect the beautiful girl whom he referred to as (Y/n). (Y/n) what a lovely name for a equally lovely girl. She had beautiful (h/c) (h/l) (h/s) hair with perfect (e/c) eyes and stunning (s/c) skin and she had a unwavering fighting spirit, judging how she had positioned her body when Whammy had approached. While Kars had been slightly uncertain about her worthiness to be the one to help him repopulate the Pillarmen species. His doubts were dashed by watching the way she fought Whammu. She was a skilled fighter though she wasn't as skilled as Kars himself, Whammu and Esidesi. She was still pretty skilled and looked stunning while she was fighting, her focused expression, her amazing and unique movements and the way her beautiful body moved. Kars could feel himself getting slowly turned on watching this beautiful (Y/n) fight. He really wanted to tear her clothes off and fuck her senseless and breed her with the next generation of the Pillarmen species but Kars knew that if he attempted something like that right now, the males that were with her wouldn't allow that and Kars wasn't really in mood to fight. Soon it became obvious that (Y/n) was losing but she refused to back down. Whammu was slightly holding back as he was aware what exactly Kars wanted (Y/n) for but was treating (Y/n) with honor and respect. (Y/n) ended up nearly collapsing due to sheer exhaustion. One of the males upon noticing this started coughing which temporarily distracted the Pillarmen and allowed the blonde haired to grab (Y/n) and carry her behind the coughing brown haired male and the older male. When Kars noticed the blonde haired male touching and carrying (Y/n), he felt rage and jealous spread through out his body. How dare that interior pathetic male think he was worthy to touch the beautiful amazing (Y/n). He wanted to go over that and tear him from limb to limb and watch the light fade from his eyes but Kars somehow managed to control his temper and just shoot a death glare at the blonde haired male who didn't seem to notice this. The coughing brown haired male then claimed he was coughing because of his Hamon and attacked Whammu with what he called were Clackers or rather tried to attack Whammu and instead hit himself in the head with the Clackers. The older male and the blonde haired male called the coughing brown haired JoJo and he called the older male Speedwagon and the blonde haired male Caesar. Kars saw to his anger and jealously that Caesar was still holding onto the stunning (Y/n) tightly and Kars decided right there and then that he personally hated Caesar and the first chance he got, he would painfully and brutally kill Caesar and laughing while he committing the act. Kars was so preoccupied with imagining how to kill Caesar and fucking (Y/n) over Caesar's dead body that he didn't notice that Whammu had apparently killed JoJo at least he didn't notice at first. But then Kars noticed that JoJo wasn't actually dead and was seemily trying to get away like a coward which shocked his comrades. Whammu noticed this and got pissed at JoJo but to Kars' surpise it turned out that JoJo was actually planning on this and lured Whammu onto a mine cart and managed to get a mine cart to move away from everyone. Kars and Esidesi then focused their attention on Speedwagon, Caesar and (Y/n). Kars spoke first "Now if you would be so kind and hand over (Y/n) to us and we can carry on our merry way." Caesar pushed (Y/n) behind him, glaring at Kars and Esidesi. "You aren't taking her anywhere. You already killed one of my friends. I won't let you hurt another one of my friends you bastards." He growled at them. Even Speedwagon was standing in front of (Y/n) in some feeble attempt to protect her. Kars closed his eyes and took a deep breathe and breathed in (Y/n)'s alluring and addicting scent. God she smelt so fucking good. He could smell her Pillarmen or rather Pillarwomen blood and her hormones. She was fertile and ready to be breed. He would treat her like a Queen. "Hand her over or we will take her." Esidesi bruntly stated. Kars could see her peeking behind Speedwagon and Caesar and smiled at her. It was adorable how she was acting right now. Both Speedwagon and Caesar just glared at Esidesi and Kars without saying a word but giving their answer. Kars was pissed at their behavior. How dare they try to keep (Y/n) from him. Didn't they know she belonged to him? But he realized that he could use this to his advantage. He signled to Esidesi to stand down. Then he calmly walked up to Speedwagon, Caesar and (Y/n) and said "For now you (Y/n) will allowed to stay with them but don't get comfortable because we will be coming for you (Y/n)." Kars then proceeded to leave closely followed by Esidesi. They found Whammu and JoJo outside with JoJo on the ground and Whammu standing above talking about something. Esidesi went over and joined in the conversation and they placed their poison rings into Joseph's body.(Yes this actually happened in the show) Esidesi did ask Kars if he also wanted to join in on their little bet. Kars declined then they all left. Over the course of a couple of weeks Kars sent Whammu to stalk (Y/n) and learn everything he could about her, because Kars wanted to know everything about (Y/n) after she was going to be his mate and mother of his children. It was important to Kars that he knew everything about (Y/n) so that he could treat her like the Queen that she was. The more he found out about (Y/n), the more he fall in love with her and he just wanted to found her and just keep her with him forever. He discovered her favorite books and her favorite colors and found out what her likes and dislikes were and all of her little habits and quirks. He loved everything about her. It was getting harder and harder each day to resist the temptations of his beautiful (Y/n). Kars can't wait to get his hands on (Y/n) and show her what she meant to him. ( (Y/n's) POV ) (Y/n) was on her way to bed after she had finished her training for the day. Ever since she, JoJo and Caesar had met the Pillarmen, (Y/n) was shaken up by what they had said, so she would sometimes go to bed early. Coach Lisa Lisa was kind enough allow her to do this. After they had met the Pillarmen, JoJo Caesar and (Y/n) met up with Coach Lisa Lisa. Coach Lisa Lisa placed a weird breathing mask onto JoJo's face then brought them all to her island. Coach Lisa Lisa had first made them climb The Hell Climb Pillar to test them then had Master Loggins and Master Messina train them. The training was difficult and Master Loggins and Master Messina were relentless. But she understood that this was all for their own good, JoJo on the other hand hated every second of their training and won't stop complaining about their training. She understood that he was just stressed about the rings inside his neck and heart that would dissolve and kill him unless he got the antidote from Whammu and Esidesi. She hoped that JoJo would be alright, he may not be the nicest guy she knew but she definitely considered him a friend. She would hate for something to happen him. (Y/n) crawled into her bed and snuggled under her blankets and her favorite book and placed it down next to her bed and fell asleep unaware of the eyes watching her patiently waiting for her to fall asleep. When (Y/n) woke up, she found herself in her bra and underwear, tied up and gagged in a strange and mysterious bed and in a room she haven't ever seen before. She looked around the strange room scared and terrified, there was several bookshelves filled with books, the walls were painted with her favorite colors, there were four soft chairs with multiple cushions, the curtains were drewed shut, there were multiple candles all light in candleholders, there was a waredora, there was also a few deskers and drawers around the room and then (Y/n) finally noticed Kars was sitting in one of the chairs reading a book. Her eyes widened upon seeing Kars, she didn't know why she haven't noticed him before, she started to hyperventilate remembering how he acted when they had first met and the way he had looked at her. (Y/n) begun struggled and tried to get out of her restraints, which caused Kars to look up from the book he was reading, he smiled creepily at her and proceeded to mark the page he was on and placed the book down on a small table next to the chair. (Y/n) could feel her heart began to race out of sheer fear. She couldn't use her Hamon, thanks to the gag. What was Kars going to do to her? (Kars' POV) Kars had been reading one of (Y/n)'s favorite books while he was waiting for her to wake up. It was hard not to tear her clothes off and just fuck her unconscious body but Kars decided he wanted (Y/n) to be conscious so they could share with the pleasure. Kars upon hearing (Y/n) moving around on the bed, looked up from his book and smiled at her. She looked so adorable with the fear in her eyes and her non stop struggling to break out of her restraints. She was acting like a scared little rabbit when she should be acting like a queen. He would treat her like the queen she was and give everything she could ever want and the two of them would rule over this world. Kars after he placed the book down, walked over to the bed which caused (Y/n) to increase her struggling and he could faintly hear her muffled begging and pleading. Kars igroned her begging and pleading, because he knew that (Y/n) loved him, she was just being difficult and playing hard to get. She just needed to see how perfect they were for each other and how much Kars loved her, then she love Kars. Maybe she would love Kars as much as Kars loved (Y/n). He certainly hoped so. Kars rubbed his hands all over (Y/n)'s bare legs, loving the feeling of her smooth perfect legs. "Hello my love. I hoped you slept well. You are going to need your strength because you are going to help me repopulate the Pillarmen species and we will create a new stronger, powerful, beautiful generation." Kars' words caused (Y/n)'s eyes widened and she seemed to be trying to somehow wiggle out of her restraints and now he could hear her muffled screaming. He cooed and purred at her, while crawling on top of (Y/n) kissing up her body as he did so. When he reached her gagged mouth, he pushed the gag gently into her mouth and kissed her roughly. (Y/n) attempted to move her head away from him, which made Kars growl and grip her chin tightly to prevent her head from moving. "Now, now, now, my darling stop being so difficult and stubborn. And just relax and enjoy this my darling." Kars then licked and sucked on her neck, gently biting her neck every so often. He carefully pushed up her bra, playing with and sucking her breasts. He could hear her faint and muffled moans despite her feeble attempts to cover up her wonderful moans of pleasure and chuckled. His right hand slide down her body into her panties and found to his delight that she was aroused and her pussy was getting wet, so Kars slide her panties down her beautiful and smooth legs and he slipped one of his fingers inside of her pussy and fingered her wet and right pussy, then Kars added another finger to prepare her pussy for his huge throbbing cock. He didn't want to hurt his darling too badly after all. Kars then would add another finger and another until finally, he was fisiting his darling's pussy. He could tell by the way she was acting that she was on the verge of a orgasm, so Kars went down her body and licked and sucked on her pussy while fisting her pussy until finally she orgasmed all over his fist and mouth. Kars eagerly licked up her sweet and tasty juices from his fist while finding out to his joy that (Y/n) was still a virgin, making sure to keep eye contact with (Y/n) the entire time. Once Kars had licked up all of her juices off his fist, he reached down and removed his liencloth. "Now darling, its time for the main event. I am going to breed the next generation into you and you are never going to leave unless you want your precious and beloved friends to die by my hand." Kars growled as he rubbed his cock against her entrance. Then Kars positioned himself and slowly but surely pushed his cock into her virgin pussy, forcing (Y/n) to make eye contact with him the entire time. He could hear muffled whimpers and faint moans and could see the tears running down her face. Kars leaned down and kissed her tears away while roughly thrusting his cock into her. Kars' primal instincts took over and he went harder, deeper and faster. He continued to thrust as deep as he could into (Y/n) and felt his cock hit her womb which caused her to release more muffled and faint moans. Kars reached down and pulled her gag off of her mouth and shoved his tongue inside of her mouth. His tongue explored the inside of her mouth and wrestled with her tongue which fought for domtance. Kars continued to thrust into (Y/n) while he kissed her, making sure to hit that spot that made her moan so beautifully. Eventually Kars felt his own orgasm building up and increased the pace of his thrusts. He would only stop kissing (Y/n), so that she could breathe then once she had caught her breath, he would instantly deep kissed her again. Kars upon feeling himself on the verge pf orgasm, proceeded to grip her sides tightly and growled into her mouth as he released his seed inside of her pussy. He knew that his seed would travel to her fertile womb and fertilize her womb. Kars kept his cock inside of her pussy and wrapped his arms around her. He looked at (Y/n)'s face only to see that she had passed out. Kars smiled and shook his head at this. Her human side made her soft, but Kars found that he didn't care about that all that he cared about was the fact that he had found his perfect mate and he would never let her go.
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Late Night Confessions...With Father Jimin (Chapter One)
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘈 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘦𝘧 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘶𝘯 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘤𝘩 𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘤𝘩. 𝘔𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦, 𝘈 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘯𝘶𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘤𝘩 𝘢𝘴 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭. 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵?
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𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒: Romance, Smut, Forbidden Relationship
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔(𝓈): Priest! Yoongi, Fake Priest Jimin, Nun! Reader, Accidental Murder
𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈: 2k+
𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔: Jimin x Reader
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Next →
“It was an accident!” The man yells towards the fallen priest.
“Of course it was. An accident that you hit me with your car just as we were crossing the road.”
“But the horse came out of nowher-”
“Bishop Francis?” The distraught priest shakes the other man, and just as he reveals his lifeless body to the younger, thunder strikes. The man’s eyes are wide open, the sockets having a yellowish tint around them. The corpse is fresh but already rotting, enough to make anyone want to empty the contents of their stomach.
“It’s going to rain, get up.” The younger male helps him to his car, offering to drive him to where he needs to go.
“You did this. You killed the bishop, and now you must pay.” He coughs wretchedly, his stomach churning as he eyes the shorter male. He noticed he has a similar build as the previous bishop, and a similar face, if he didn’t know any better, he might have mistaken him for the head of the church. An idea begins forming in his mind.
“I know what I did was wrong, but forgive me, I was in a rush, running away from people who aren’t particularly fond of me…”
“Why might that be?” It is in the priest’s nature to listen to others and tell them how to repent.
“I stole his watch.” The priest turns to him in disappointment. “Don’t look at me like that, we’re close in age, I can tell. I was born in the year of the pig, when were you born?” He asks the distraught priest.
“Ah, only 2 years older than me?! Can I call you hyung?” The older man glares back at the younger one as he quickly focuses back on driving.
“Sorry father.” He murmurs to the priest. If it only went a different way, he wouldn’t have killed someone. He wasn’t a natural killer, it wasn’t in his blood. Heck, he’d never even hurt a fly. It was an unfortunate accident.
“Listen, I have an idea that may allow you some grace from murdering the most important person in the church.” 
“What might that be?” The priest begins digging through his large brown bag, and surprises the younger man by pulling out a robe and belt. The type that only priests wear.
“We’re gonna make you into half the man he was.”
“Half?” The thief steps on the break.
“No one will know, you guys are practically identical, physically. Now how good are your acting skills?” Oh dear, was this priest really gonna help him get away with murder?
                                       ✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
“Reverend Mother, are we really going to send this...imposter to the church of St. Paul?” A nun wearing white goes cribbing to the head nun again.
“Sister Gertrude, now is not the time to argue. My decision is final. We will help that poor girl keep her cover, in case those bad men come to find her again. This is all to protect a child of God.” 
“But she isn’t even a real nun, we would be lying to the Catholic Church, and fooling everyone!” The reverend lights a candle and hands it to her student.
“No dear, we are helping a fellow nun. Go find Sister Rosemary and bring her to me. I will personally help her get...adjusted.” The nun coughs before sending the woman to fetch the other girl. 
“Hey, you fake nun, Reverend Mother Flora is calling you. Go to her, and don’t whine this time.” Sister Greta tidies her corner of the room, making sure there is nothing messy in sight. She turns her head and her smile fades when she sees Sister Rosemary’s pig-sty of a bed. Right in the middle is the woman herself, covered head to toe in her own clothes, wearing an uncomfortably tight nun’s uniform. The real nun is offended that such a person could fool the others in the convent so easily and even get a prestigious honor of moving to the Church and serving God through mass and other important things that nuns do. In the short time that she’s been here, she’s accomplished more than Greta, and that infuriates the nun. Sister Greta knows that envy is a disgusting thing, but she can’t help it, she wanted to go to the church to complete her special nun duties and appease everyone. Instead, it’s this mongrel that has reserved her spot in the church and stolen the spotlight for being the “best.” 
“I don’t wanna. But I guess I will, since I’m bored as hell—heck.” She catches herself before leaving Sister Rosemary to attend her meeting with the reverend.
“Sister Rosemary, so nice to see you again. Pray tell, are you ready to move to the Church of St. Paul?”
“Don’t call me that.” The girl hisses at her senior, anger boiling up in her veins. It was bad enough she had a bunch of bad guys chasing her on the orders of her dear brother. She just didn’t understand why he would condemn her like this, she just wanted to get away from her evil stepfather and his awful family. Not to mention away from the grips of her emotionally abusive brother–step-brother.
“Okay, Y/N.” The nun lets out a chuckle at her indifferent behavior. It had been a week but she was still the same girl she found hiding in the alley behind the convent. “You know your name is a dead giveaway, we need to keep your identity concealed.” 
“I really don’t wanna be anywhere near a church right now but I guess I have no choice, huh?” The Reverend mother nods, giving her a basket of flowers, and clasps her hands together. 
“It’s temporary, dear. But it’s hard to say how long you will be staying there, until the police get their hands on those people and you’re completely safe again.” 
“I may not seem like it, but I really wanted to thank you reverend mother. You’ve treated me the best, even better than my real mother ever did. Thank you, so much.” Y/N sinks into her arms, hugging her and burying her tear-stained face in the nun’s shoulder.
“It’s alright, dear. It is our job, after all.” The Reverend Mother strokes her back until she stops sobbing, and she sends her off to help prepare a meal in the kitchen.
“When will you be leaving, Sister Rosemary?” Asks another nun as Y/N walks into the room.
“Evening. When the sun sets, I will get in a car and be driven to the church.”
“It’s nice there, I wish I could stay there forever but they only accept a couple sisters there every year, and I heard you have to attend four masses each day.” The said girl groans and makes her way to the table, setting down a plate of fruits.
“It sounds exhausting.” Another girl says, much to Y/N’s dismay.
“Let’s just ignore the negatives, Sister Hilda always said to keep your chin up, and always be happy!” 
“Sounds like a depressed nun to me.” Y/N mutters under her breath. 
“Mmhmm! I always hear good things from the nuns there, but they are very strict.” Sister Riya warns.
“Sisters, time for lunch!”
Second Person POV
After supper, you find yourself packing and getting ready to leave the place that you found comfort in. Strangely enough, you found yourself growing attached to the abbey and the sisters in it. 
                                         ✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
“Father Yoongi, do you think we’re gonna pull this off?” The thief asks with sweat droplets trailing down his chin.
“Yes, Jimin. As far as God lets us. You can act well, right?” Jimin nods, running his fingers through his fluffy hair.
“I even look like a priest now, what the hell?” To his dismay, Jimin looked like a real priest. He would’ve never imagined ever being part of a church, at least before his parents passed away. He needed a better job anyway, being a thief wasn’t a choice, he had to make money somehow. He doesn’t know how it’s going to go anyways, he could be really good or bad depending on whether he gets caught or not. He knows some people in the church are super observant.
“Priests don’t curse.” Yoongi grits his teeth, making Jimin stand up straight.
“Come with me, I’ll introduce you to the others. Except the archbishop, he’s too busy.”
“But aren’t I the bishop?” Jimin remembers when the priest told him he had murdered an important figure in the church, something starting with a “B.”
“Yes. I’m surprised you remember.” He takes him into another room, which looks to be a chapel. Inside, three priests stand at the altar, fixing the decor.
“Father Jin, have you replaced the flowers?” A tall priest stands at attention when he sees Yoongi.
“Yes, father Yoongi. I’ve replaced all the flowers in the church.”
“Is the clergy house clean?”
“Spotless.” Jimin looks back and forth, a bit confused as the other priests bow to him in greeting. He puts his hand up, like he’s seen bishops on the tv do when he was five. 
“Father Taehyung, have you marked the readings for today?” 
“Yes.” Jimin is left in awe as he discovers new things he didn’t know about the church before. Everyone has a job to help it work, together.
“Ahem, Father Joseph?” Another tall priest picks himself up, looking to have fallen asleep.
“Do you take this job to be a joke?” Father Yoongi’s tone frightens Jimin. So far, he’s been calm but seeing him angry is kind of offputting.
“N-no sir.”
“Dismissed.” All of the other priests in the room gasp, as the other priest makes his away out of the room, removing his belt and holy robes. It looks as if he has been stripped of his rights as a priest.
“Did you just fire him?” Jimin whispers to Yoongi.
“Yes. Bishop Francis, you might want to go into the back and start blessing the water. We must change it.” Father Yoongi gives him his first orders. “I can’t come back with you since I’m busy but here is the prayer of blessing.” He gives him a small paper with the prayer and Jimin makes his way into the place where they prepare everything before the mass. He sighs, holding his right hand up and trying to sell it to the others. He knows he isn’t worthy to bless something because he is cursed, in his own ways. Just a day ago he was robbing houses and now, he’s dressed in holy attire and reciting prayers. He doesn’t even know what he’s doing here.
“Father Francis, there’s a new nun who says she was sent by the convent.” 
“No, you’re supposed to call me for that, I’ll take care of it, sorry Bishop Francis.” Yoongi glares at the other priest before dashing to the entrance to meet with the woman. Father Yoongi had been exchanging phone calls with the Reverend Mother, since the girl first assumed her identity as a nun. He didn’t know exactly what happened but just that she was in grave danger and the church of St. Paul was to aid her, until she was completely safe. And he was to let no one else know, just like how the Bishop’s identity is concealed from the rest of the priests. Yoongi is a little exhausted from keeping so many secrets, afraid that he might accidentally let it slip. 
“Hello dear, you must be Sister Rosemary?” You nod, a little bit uneasy.
“I’m the only one who knows who you are, so feel free to be comfortable around me. I promise I won’t hurt you.” While Father Yoongi speaks to you, Jimin watches you from the glass-stained windows as you stroll through the garden.
“I’m really thankful for this, but I’m still scared of getting my cover blown.” 
“Don’t be, our church will make sure you feel at home.”
“Please don’t do that. My “home” is scary enough, if anything I’d rather be here.” You explain,
“I’m sorry. If there’s anything I can do to make you feel a bit safer, let me know.” You giggle at Father Yoongi’s efforts to help you fit in. You hate the feeling of butterflies in your stomach, and catching yourself as you stare at him a bit too long. He’s handsome, more handsome than your step brother, or the boy you liked in middle school. 
“Is there something on my face?” You shake your head as Yoongi points at his face.
“Sorry, I was just thinking.”
“Anyways, as I was saying, there are fewer nuns here so instead of going to a separate building, you will be staying in the clergy house, but you will have your privacy and your room will be off-limits to anyone else.”
“How many other nuns are here?” You ask, out of curiosity.
“About 3 others,” You nod, accepting that you might be doomed after all. Your brother will find you here and you will be torn from limb to limb, probably being chained up and beaten black and blue after. Probably. “Y/N?” He breaks your train of thought, snapping you back to reality.
“I’m sorry, Yoon-Father.” You look away, ashamed.
“You poor thing, just what did you go through?” You find yourself crying profusely, tears rolling down your cheeks. Hot tears, too.
“I kn-know we just met, but can I h-hug you?” You ask, feeling vulnerable again. As an 18 year old, this kind of trauma is something that cannot be healed. You’ve been suffering for seven years, since your mother married that man.
“Of course.” The priest opens his arms to you, and you gratefully accept, your heart beat increasing, your cheeks become red, and your eyes even redder. Jimin watches intently, his gaze burning holes into your back. You don’t see him at first, but you notice the movement in the window, and you break the hug first.
“Thank you.” You whisper meekly to him. 
“Would you like to see the room you’re staying in?” You nod, as Father Yoongi leads you into the church through the back door. “Ah, Bishop Francis, you were here?” He forgot all about his new problem, the man posing as the Bishop. The murderer.
“Who’s this?” Jimin peers down at you with an unreadable expression. You gulp, feeling a familiar heat in your stomach that you feel when your brother is near. He gives off the same vibes.
“This is Sister Rosemary, she will be helping with the services.” Father Yoongi leads her into the chapel, and ignores Jimin’s burning gaze. Did Jimin imagine it or did he see a priest hugging a nun in an intimate manner? Wasn’t physical contact forbidden in the church? If not, he has a lot to learn.
Later that evening, all the priests and nuns gather for the last prayer of the day, which is supposed to act like a sendoff of sorts, relieving them of their extraneous duties for the day. You found yourself liking it a lot more than you thought you would, and praying was actually making you feel better. Maybe it was the subtle glances of pity from Father Yoongi, or the calm gentle humming from Father Taehyung, or even the voice of Father Jin as he read the last gospel, but you felt a lot better, and at ease. Of course, the Bishop was looking at you the entire time, not even hiding his doubt one bit. He suspects you, and the only thing you can do is to evade it. Make him believe that you are a nun as well.
Jimin, however was not suspecting you of anything. His thoughts were fixated on when he was getting out of the church, before they found the body of the actual Bishop. Him and Yoongi had buried him, after all, but it was only a matter of time, before they condemned him.
After the prayer, Jimin remains in the chapel, his eyes closed as his mind wandered. It wasn’t just him, but you who decided to stay as well, praying for your wellbeing, and all the others who had helped you thus far. You look towards the Bishop, confused as to why he wasn’t the first to leave. Isn’t he the head of the church? After praying for awhile, you blow out the candles in the chapel, from the back to the front, finally reaching the dimly lit alter.
“Don’t blow those out, please,” You nod, as Jimin keeps his eyes shut. You take that as a sign to leave. “I hope you won’t make any of us stray away from God, we’re all men of the church, you know?” His comment makes you freeze in your tracks. What did he just say to you? And then you remember the incident in the garden. He must’ve seen.
“I know.” You simply reply, running to your private room and locking the door. You just wanted to sleep, but your mind wouldn’t let you. You’re in too deep. The Bishop doubts you, but you’ve barely said a couple words.
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