#forgive it getting messy and disorganized
dearesmeray · 7 months
Character Traits & Quirks (For Writers)
Peace and blessings upon everyone!
I hope life's treating you well. I’m Esmeray and I welcome you to this post on my blog Dear Esmeray.
Ever wondered what makes your OC truly unforgettable? I believe it is the character traits. Character traits are what bring a character to life, or else you just have a flat, one-dimensional everyman as your OC. So today I'll be sharing with you a list of character traits that I compiled to help you develop better OCs.
Positive Traits:
Love of learning
Social Intelligence
Neutral Traits & Quirks:
Raises Eyebrows
Blinks rapidly
Avoids eye contact
Maintains eye contact
Blinks rapidly
Stares off into the distance
Shrugs often
Touches their scars or wounds often
Chews lips
Paces around
Smiles a lot
Rarely smiles
Gestures with hands while speaking
Often is distracted
Negative Traits:
Acts superior
Always plays the victim
Avoids their problems
Can't take criticism
Can't take a joke
Distracted easy
Holds grudges
Makes up excuses for everything
Has a reason for why nothing is ever their fault
No accountability
Not a team player
Makes everything about them
Makes everything a joke
Their way or the highway
Offended easily
Talks over others/interrupts
Too loyal
Too forgiving
Remember, there are no one-dimensional characters in real life, and there shouldn't be in your stories either. The possibilities for your characters are endless – so get creative and have fun writing!
With Love, Esmeray ♡
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keruimi · 5 months
The Consequences of My Ignorance
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Pairings: Miya Atsumu x Reader
Warning: Angst
Note: Forgive me if it's quite disorganized. I just rearranged an abandoned oneshot of mine so it can be quite messy. Early apologies!
One step...
Two step...
There were so many that even I couldn't count them. Steps between the two of us.
Build the distance that separated us.
I don't know how long it started when I noticed her slowly drifting away from me.
I don't know how long, has she been far away from me. Something so far that even I can't reach.
My first love felt so distant from me.
"Tsumu, tsumu" my twin called for me when my mind started to wander again.
"Did you see Y/n?" I asked him before we started to fight again. His hand that was supposed to hit me stopped midway.
"She passed by awhile ago, why?" He asked me while raising an eyebrow toward me who frowned.
She didn't even stop by?
"Did she say anything?"
"Nah" he looked away that made my frown deepen.
"She didn't stop by, not even for a minute?" I ask out loud as Suna from the other side approaches the net.
"You wouldn't even look at her or greet her so why should she bother?" He bluntly stated.
"Yeah, I think she finally decided to not waste her time on you"
That was supposed to be a joke. But the longer I reflected on it, the more the feeling of dread grew within me.
I carried that feeling to the Tokyo Stadium.
I am proud of myself for keeping up with my usual routine but damn that dreadful feeling never left me.
"Where did everything go wrong?" I question out loud as I slap my forehead in annoyance.
I've been doing great for the past few months, but her absence is really starting to bother me.
"Everything 'Tsumu" I've heard Samu beside me who leaned on the wall.
I was supposed to get annoyed but it felt like my entire world froze.
"You're thinking about her, right?" He gave me a side glance before he took a sip from his glass of water.
"We have told you before. Both of you started the relationship too early"
"What do you know?!" I burst out at him who stopped leaning on the wall in case I attacked him.
"Woman loves attention. Especially from their partner. 'Tsumu, you simply didn't bother being with her. In other words, you didn't make time for her" he exclaimed.
"It's normal if she wants to leave you"
Ginjima went between the two of us to avoid escalating the situation especially in public.
"Don't you remember when you forgot her birthday? When you didn't congratulate her the first time she won a contest?" My twin continued his words as Akagi tried to shut him up before I completely lose control over myself.
"Your ignorance disregards even the major things in her life. You already took her love for granted. You have no right to ask for more"
No matter how angry I was at him, we both know that his words were engraved on my mind ever since that day.
That day I began to realize that I didn't manage to spend time with her on our entire relationship.
And if we did, I would simply forget she is with me.
I neglected her without noticing.
So stupid, Tsumu.
No wonder she didn't bother trying anymore.
Once that realization hit, I made up my mind to make up for her.
But I didn't realize how grave the consequences are.
"What do you mean Y/n?" I asked her, confusion laced my tone that made a small smile lift from her lips, not in disbelief but another emotion hidden on it.
Not even my words can explain it.
"Let's end it Atsumu. I can't handle this"
"So you're leaving?" I finally took a hold of her wrist that made her halt from her steps.
"Leave. Break up" that's the words she uttered that encircle my mind.
"Atsumu" she finally faced me and the look of frustration is the one thing that greeted me.
"I never benefit from this relationship. Only your love and time is what I received." She started as she snatched her hands from me.
"But if one of those two slowly disappears, the other one will follow. That's the real nature of this emotion called love." She muttered before looking away from me.
"I'm tired. So tired" she whispered as she wiped a tear that attempted to escape from her eyes.
"We are not acting like a couple anymore. So what's the point of this relationship of ours?" She managed to let out before facing her back to me.
"I have no strength, nor patience to stay in a relationship"
"Y/n... You know there are things I still need to do at that time. This is just one of the times where we need to make it through" I reasoned making her huff at my words.
"We?" She looks back to me with anger on her gaze and tears gloss over her eyes. "You were never there" she laughed out before giving a tight smile and looking away.
"Atsumu, I also have my own needs. I also need you to tend my insecurities. But in the end?"
"It was all on me and I can't take it" I noticed her clench her fist shut as she blinked her tears away.
"You were never there..."
That time, I felt a pang of pain in my chest from her words.
"I shouldn't have chosen a start
player. Worse, a prideful one too"
The regrets were very obvious. She regret loving me.
"What was my youngest self thinking?"
"If I were to choose a volleyball player, I should have chosen someone like Hirugami"
"At least he would not forget about me"
Her words made me silent as her sobs was the only thing I can hear.
When did he entered the picture?
"Do you really regret loving me?" I ask her once to confirm if it was really her real thoughts and not an impulsive one. Because her words really hurted me
But her gaze really gave away everything.
"Atsumi is a great volleyball player. You have many achievements and less time for a relationship. So I never blame you for it"
"I kept trying. I really did" she cried out as she step back when I tried to reach for her.
"But even if I become an air, I can't enter your life at all. Can't make you look at me at all, can't make you prioritize me more"
"Whether it was in activities, hangouts, school, rest, I put you above others!" She pointed her finger on me as she bit her lip in act of holding back.
"That's why it hurts more knowing I give my all"
Her words conquer my mind the entire match against Shiratorizawa that we almost lost because of it.
"Atsumu, get yourself together" the coach scolded me as I bit my lip to stop myself from crying.
Its difficult.
"You can handle yourself without me"
Those painful reality words made me think about my actions from this past month.
"You wouldn't even look at her or greet her so why should she bother?"
"You didn't make time for her"
"Samu" I called out for my twin who kept drinking from his bottle as he sat beside me.
"I badly messed up"
And I don't know how to correct it back.
When she is not willing to come back or even repair the relationship she chose to end.
I'm losing my mind
And that heartbreak turns into jealousy when her focus went to a middle blocker I completely knew.
Hirugami Sachiro from Kamomedai High.
Her words completely threw me off my focus.
The only time I got to calm down is when I manage to target him throughout our match.
My team doesn't even know but Hirugami itself seems to know, due to the way he gazes at me.
"Don't you think you're getting too heated with me the way you keep targeting me" He finally spoke up when both of us were in the front lines.
He's relaxed smile made my blood boil more.
"Don't blame me for your short outcomes"
Suna took a hold of my arm before I managed to get to the other court just to land a smack on him.
"I envy you, Hirugami" I muttered as I snatched my arm away from Suna.
"I lost to you again"
That time, I completely broke down.
No matter how good I was, or how talented I am. I would always lose to someone like Hirugami.
He's not a genius, nor a well-known person.
But the feeling of inferiority never left me ever since we met in middle school.
The fact that she compared me to him out of all people, never made me happy even if we won the game.
"People chose you over me. The only time someone chooses me is when it comes to playing volleyball"
"That's already a great achievement, Miya. I came from a family of talented volleyball players. Winning against me in that category is something you should be proud of."
"How can I?" I spat back as he finally took my feelings seriously.
"I always lose against you and I hate it"
That damn jealousy didn't leave my chest even after we won the match.
Nothing seems to make me happy anymore.
Because I lost her
Hirugami's Perspective
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jaketsparrow · 1 year
Tending Part 4!
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x f! Reader
Word Count: 9.7K
A/N: That last chapter was… a lot. A little change of pace this time :) I’m so very sorry this took so long, but I was captivated with one of my other 8 million hobbies. 
A special shout out to @gvfpal for being an amazing person and helping me with this chapter! 🫶
MENTIONS OF/ TW: Soft Jake (I’m sorry), fluffy stuff, fingering (F! Receiving), swearing, sexually explicit content, teasing/edging, *some* angst :)
It's hard to tell when the morning comes. The blackout curtains in the room offer no indication of the time. Your naked body still rests between the maroon sheets; cozied between the layers. You turned yourself away from him during the night; he chose a better spooning position that almost made you jump on him. He was so close, pressing himself into you with slow thrusts. If only his boxer briefs hadn’t been there…
You turn yourself to face Jake… Except… Like always- he’s not there. A sigh escapes your disappointed lips. 
Why is he always gone? 
You wish just one time you could wake up next to him and surprise him with your own sort of morning treat. You wish you could feel more than just the nights with him. Would that be asking for too much intimacy? Too much too soon? 
Maybe for him, but for you it was all you wanted. Sexual intimacy can be enough, but knowing someone like Jake, he was always going to leave you wanting more. This was a fun game to him, knowing you’d get worked up and upset by his absence. He was right of course, but you wish for once you’d have all the cards. 
After last night you finally thought you had turned into something worth his time. But in reality, Jake wouldn’t change that quickly, he just needed to do enough for you to forgive him. You fell for it and would continue to. He was your addiction, and you would continue being strung out for his attention. 
Jake’s house was the perfect blend of clean but disorganized. You imagined this space is exactly how the inside of his brain looked. Every surface was clean, but stacks of information and knick-knacks pile on bookshelves, and musical paraphernalia was placed everywhere. It was not messy, but actually strategic and logically arranged artifacts. 
The house opens directly into the mellow-vibed living room. The area is occupied by a luxurious and worn brown leather couch and an orange cloth armchair. The floor has been covered in a dusty blue rug that sat underneath the wooden coffee table, which was covered in sheet music. The opposite wall had a modestly sized TV and next to it a large stereo system. Speakers litter the floor around a turntable, and vinyls sit in a crate directly next to it. The walls house several different vintage posters; some movies, and some travel. All with muted color palettes of earth tones. 
There were no overhead lights in use, but rather a few soft lamps that provided an ambient glow to the space. A perfect cozy retreat… An artist’s cave. 
Nothing in the room matched each other, but it all fit seamlessly. Like an amalgamation of collected objects that he just had to have in his life. It was like he ran into an antique store and had to grab everything in sight as quick as he could. 
Jake ushered you further into the room, gently nudging you with his hand on your hip. Your eyes continue to wander the space, taking in every inch, trying to absorb every moment. This brief glimpse into Jake’s life is rare, and you spare no time trying to analyze it all. 
For the past week, you tried not to think about Jake. It was hard to imagine him not in your life, even though he had only been a presence for a short time. 
That’s the thing about obsessions, you rely on them to be there constantly. You can obsess over a band, you can also obsess over a favorite TV show or a celebrity, and the best part about it- they’re always there. You can always find them. With Jake, he was an obsession that could never really be yours. You would have to chase down any information out of him. It was practically an interrogation with him, playing good cop bad cop to try and fish anything personal out. 
He was your new addiction. It was sad to say that you could become addicted to someone like him, but it was easy to miss him. Every moment you wish would have lasted a little longer, every time you woke up hoping he was there with you, every shift you hoped he would be there. He was the strongest drug you’ve ever tried. You relied on his praise, on him noticing you. It was maybe unhealthy, but the need you had for him felt justified. 
Everything felt worth it in that moment. Being allowed into his home was like stepping into a new form of intimacy. The dark and mysterious Jake wasn’t as mysterious as he used to be. He was opening his world to you. It was like walking out of a dark room and into day glow. It felt like finally finding that stupid puzzle piece you searched hours for, that you finally found and could place. 
Today sitting in the field was the most romantic moment of your life, even if you were dragged there against your will. It made the possibility of you two seem real. You didn’t want to feel hopeful just yet, but the companionship you felt today did nothing but warm you.  
You decide it would probably be best to say something instead of being in your usual silent shock, “Wow… Jake, this is a… really nice space…” 
He squeezes your hip and blushes at your compliment. 
“Thanks, uh… like yours, my personality kinda just took over.” He abandons your side and walks over to the turntable in the corner of the room. He leans down to the box of vinyls; sifting through a few before turning back to you. He tucks the hair that falls in front of his eyes, “What do you like to listen to?”
“Um… Anything really,” You take a few steps further into the living room to try and get a better look at his collection. Pushing forward slightly, tucking your hands behind you to distract them from awkwardly moving about. You don’t recognize much of the music in the case; of course, he wouldn’t be the kind to collect anything too popular. It looks like a collection of old blues, rock, and well really the classics. 
Jake finally settles on what looks like a blues album and pulls the record from its sleeve. The jacket is old and tattered, well used most likely or second hand. He slowly lowers it to the turntable and starts it on a low volume. The crackles of the vinyl start and the first song echoes softly across the decorated walls. He takes a step back and rests his hands on his hips, admiring his choice. 
Jake has this look of pure accomplishment, like he just couldn’t stand how proud he was. It was honestly adorable. A huge smirk is creeping over him and his eyes are excited and wide. 
He stares at the spinning music for a moment, before turning his gaze back to you. You feel so awkward standing there in his home. Before, he had only been in your space, a comfortable option. But now you werre in his home, taking possibly the biggest step you two had taken yet. 
It still feels out of place for you to be somewhere with him other than the bar. The past couple of months that was the only place you were even able to see him. There were no outside events between you two, no mutual friends to visit, no one went out for drinks after work because you had already been drinking. Before that first night, Jake was like an enigma, only appearing behind the bar when called. 
That one night together changed everything. You saw the full range of Jake’s emotions in just a short time, and you saw your full range of feelings for Jake. There was no denying that you’ve already suffered the worst of your relationship already, and just hoped for more moments like this. Discovering and unearthing the man you knew he could be. 
“Do you recognize it yet?” He asks. 
“What? The song?” 
“Yeah!” He grabs your hand and brings you closer to the record player. He squats down and turns up the volume with a slight crank. He points to his ear, “Listen…”
You lean down to get a better look at the sleeve and hear the rhythm better. The melody does sound familiar, but you can’t place where you heard it. You tap your fingers over your thigh, trying to feel the beat. The artist nor album rings any bells, but you can’t place why you remember the song… 
Until it hits you. 
“Oh! Your band!” You exclaim, “This is the song you guys opened with at the bar!”
He smiles at your realization. He can finally trust that you have good ears. Jake lifts himself from his low position and grabs your hands to bring you up with him. He reaches for your waist and pulls you in.
“Yeah…” He gazes at your eyes and smirks at you, “This is one of our favorites.”
He has a different feeling than usual, his aura is warm and comforting. All the rough edges that you thought about this past week were smoothing out in front of your eyes. Its like he’s sculpting a new version of his personality for only you to see. 
You reach your hands out to wrap them around his neck, draping yourself over him. He returns the favor by reaching up the back of your shirt, caressing you closer against his body. 
These were the things you had missed most. Feeling special to him. His touch was warm… Gentle. He wanted you to feel cared for in that moment. He couldn’t bear to keep any verbal apologies going, but these soft gestures were enough to make you whole. It was like he was tending to your wounds. 
You felt like you finally were allowed to have some control over what happened between you. He wanted you. At least that’s what he said…
The flattery of knowing that he chose you over Mariella did something. You knew Mariella would have been anyone else’s first choice. She was a beautiful woman but lacked something compared to you. You try not to compare yourself to her, because right now, there was no need to. 
“Dance with me?” You ask.
Jake laughs softly and shakes his head, “No, no. I don’t dance.”
“C’mon!” You plead, you’re so giddy to get him to cave,  “It's the least you can do to make this week up for me,”
He throws his head back, laughing again. 
You reach your hands further back to hold his head in your hands; gently running your fingers through his scalp. His hair is soft between you, freshly washed, silky even. He purrs softly at your petting. He also craved this softness, but he would deny it. 
He lowers his head back down to look at you, smirking. His big brown eyes completely melt you every time you get to look this closely at them. It’s like that night in the bar all over again, back to a sense of normalcy. Joking and playing with each other, trying your best to awkwardly flirt. 
Jake is so handsome tonight, you think to yourself. When is he ever not though? He was quite possibly the most attractive man you’ve ever seen, with intrusive tendencies that make your heart go wild, which might not be the best. There is no such thing as perfection, you remind yourself. He was going to try his best, and you would try yours to be patient with him.
“Maybe another time,” He answers, “Just listen to the music.”
You giggle at him and move your hands back down around his shoulders. They’re strong and sure. He’s at the perfect height that you don’t have to lift yourself too high to rest on him. You lay your head in the center of his chest, molding yourself to his body. You can hear his heartbeat gently beating. Oh, thank god, you had worried maybe he didn’t have one. 
“I don’t listen with my ears,” You whisper
You use what little force you carry and gently sway him between your arms. Rocking your hips back and forth. He tries his hardest to fight your movements, but you can tell he wants to give in. Soon, he subdues his fighting, and leans into the swing. Shuffling his feet tightly; lightly stepping around yours. 
You try your best to be sultry and coy, “I like to feel the music and do what it tells me,” 
He lets out a faint chuckle and gives in further to your swaying. You rock back and forth across the floor, each step moving you further into the room. You try to help him lead the way, but ultimately take control of the movements. 
He lets you take control in this moment; finally letting you show him how to be gentle. He rests the edge of his jaw against the top of your head, nuzzling into your mane. You wished maybe you had time to shower before he picked you up, but you’re sure the dry shampoo you use smells just fine. 
Being close to him like this is pure bliss. Butterflies stir in your stomach, each one fluttering with the excitement of this new start. Each spot where you meet each other sparks with the heat of passion. It was like a scene from a movie, how silly. 
Like the couple who just moved into their first apartment, and theres absolutely nothing set up yet except their record player that they unpacked first. The man walks over to the record player and puts on ‘their song’ and the woman can’t help but blush. He reaches his arm out to her, inviting her to be with him. She raises herself off the floor and swoops into his arms. The two of them moving about the empty apartment floors, unwinding after the long moving day. The stress of it all meant nothing to them though, because all they needed was already unpacked… Each other. 
You wanted that with Jake. A familiarity. Your song. Which you suppose could be this song. You imagine your future together, wishful thinking. Life would be filled with movie moments, and you hoped he would be the star in each one. 
You look over to the nightstand and see a glass of water sitting on a coaster. The fresh condensation drips down the side of the glass. 
Did he put this out for you? He actually had a caring thought before he left and brought you a glass of water…?
You gather yourself up to reach for the glass and take a few cautious sips. The cold drink slides down your dry, rather exhausted throat. It quenches your thirst and instantly pulls you into an awake state.
Instead of his striking body lying next to you, there sits a lump. You lift your head slightly off the pillow to examine the objects to your side. It's a pile of folded clothes- your folded clothes. Not all of them though, just your sweatpants, your thong, and… a new item?
You reach over to the new t-shirt and pull it out from under the sweatpants. It's a white cotton shirt, soft and well-worn. You bring it to your face and inhale the fabric’s scent… It's Jake’s shirt. No doubt his gift is an apology for ripping yours last night. He would never apologize with his words over such behavior, but the gesture is still as nice. 
You pull the sheets off of your body and begin to dress yourself on the mattress, starting with your gifted shirt. You want every second to smell like Jake, especially when he’s not there with you. Next the sweatpants, until you’re finally in your completely lazy outfit again; this time with an extra piece to your ensemble. 
You slide your legs off of the mattress and touch your feet down to the cold wood floor. That truly is the most sobering part of getting up. You hesitate fully getting out of bed and choose to admire the room just a little longer. Last night presented no opportunities to survey the room. There was nowhere to look but him. 
Jake’s room truly is as mysterious as he is. Dark, closed off, and has an air of calm and refreshing easement. There’s a vintage, timeless touch to his design. You wouldn’t expect him to put this much effort into his home, but it's clear that he carries a sense of pride in his spaces. 
The room is quite vast, but caves in with the decor. The tall mahogany bedroom set is clunky in the space but fits well with the vibe. Under the bed sits a beautiful black rug with subtle detailing carved into the yarn. The nightstands are ornate; detailed with wood carvings along the edges. The corner of the room has another orange chair, different than the living rooms, it’s more cozy and comforting. A bookshelf sits next to it, with autobiographies of artists, historical pieces, and of course, classics. 
There are a few different light sources in the room, but no overhead lights; he must have a distaste for them. The lamps are covered in cloth shades, adding a dull glow to the room. You wonder what it would look like if it were brightly lit and could see every detail around you. 
There’s no TV in his room. Clearly, he hasn’t yet given in fully to modernity. You imagine his nights here alone, playing guitar, sitting in this room. Moving about the house like a shrouded figure of moodiness, taking in the space step by step. You imagine him lying in bed, staring at the objects that stack on each surface. There is nowhere for your eyes to rest; every little knick-knack is an object worth wondering about and admiring. These objects fill up his space, where a person has not. 
You snap out of your snooping stare and make your way out of the bed. 
Figuring Jake has left the house, you try your best to tidy up after yourself. You pull the sheets back into their rightful place, bringing each layer up into a tight spread. The bed has been erased of both of you, of your acts, of your…
“Look what you did pretty girl,” He whispers in your ear. 
You creep towards the bedroom door, remembering the rest of your items wait for you in the living room. Your phone and shoes were simply an afterthought last night. 
Jake takes his hand and reaches up to the back of your neck, gently wrapping his fingers up into the base of your scalp. His touch relaxes you; it heals you. After the anger and pain of this past week, you knew you needed some release. The tension that had built up from all the uncertainty was vanishing.
His other hand slides and relaxes across your back, embracing you. It’s hard not to notice the bulge growing between the two of you. You’re so tight against him, feeling him press himself into you, almost needing to be sure that you know of its presence. 
The song tapers to the end and a new one begins. You nudge your head up, and Jake lifts to meet you. The contours of your noses barely touch each other. The desire sits heavily between you; your breath is the only thing separating you from him. 
He brings his hands down to sit across the band of your sweatpants. It’s fucking devious how horny he can get you in a matter of moments. Feeling him with you, knowing all is forgiven, leaves little room for hesitation. You reach your lips up to meet his, but he pulls away from you. 
Devastated, you pull back to look up into his eyes, “Jake, I need you.”
“Not here.” He whispers. 
“Yes, here.” You beg back to him. Reaching your hands to hold his face, pawing at him to let you continue.
He runs his hands down over your ass, palming his hands on you. They move past your curves and reach underneath your thighs. In one swift lift, you find your legs around his hips, enclosed against his torso. 
You bring your head to his ear, gently kissing the brim of his pierced lobes. He takes a few small steps towards the hallway, having to pace himself through heavy whining breaths. 
“I said not here…” He repeats. 
You continue to tease him, peppering his neck and profile with soft pecks. The warmth in your core is starting to take you over. A frenzy of lust cradles between the two of you. The soft pressure of the spreading hold he has you in makes you wish you weren’t separated by your clothes. 
“I’ve been thinking about all the things you’re going to do to me,” you whisper.
He continues down the hallway, choosing to ignore your statement, wanting to follow through with his mission. You are completely unaware of where in his house you are being brought to.  Most likely, his bedroom; it was going to be the ultimate insight into Jake’s mind. 
Your nuzzled state into his neck left you limited vision to stare at your surroundings, but you were more concerned with the man holding you than the objects in his house.
Your moaning had become louder too, sounding like a starved animal, ready for a feast you’ve been waiting a week for. 
“I need you,” You purr into his ear. 
“Don’t worry pretty girl, I’ll give you everything you need.”
He backs himself to the door of the bedroom and leans to open it. 
The room has a soft glow, although there isn’t much light present in the room. There are a few fixtures emitting an orange light, just enough brightness to outline the shape of the room.
“I want you in here,” He says. 
He shuffles the both of you slowly over to the bed, bringing his knee to the edge of the mattress and slowly lowering you down into the center. Your head just barely rests on the pillow, and the comforter around you consumes your boundaries. Jake’s body hovers over you, his hair falling on the sides of his face, shrouding him slightly. His knee still rests between your legs, splitting yourself around him. The way he looks at you at this moment isn’t full of the usual fire and lust, it’s more caring; almost loving… 
“Jake…” You mutter through hushed lips. 
He sweeps your hair away from your cheek and leaves his hand there for a moment. You both have a habit of lingering. 
“Tonight,” He leans in close, kissing the edge of your jaw, “I want to show you how special you are. Give you everything you deserve.” 
“I want to be the only girl you remember,” You snap. 
Some strange form of lingering jealousy that you almost regret. Here he is trying to make up for the behavior, showing you kindness, and yet you still let the bratty personality wash over you. You can’t help it. Being in his presence makes you this way. You’re trained to respond to him the way he’s wanted it previously. As much as he may deny it, he loves it when you fight back. 
He lets out a disappointed ‘tsk’ in your ear, and backs himself from your face. “I need you to be a good girl for me tonight… My good girl.” He cups the side of your cheek and looks down on you in a stern and endearing manner. Those words ring through you ‘my good girl’. You were his, finally. Even if there were no official relationship titles, you were his. His plaything, his girl, the one he chose. You weren’t expecting such sweet words to be the kind of thing to turn you on this much, but you find yourself writhing underneath him. 
“I can be good.”
“I know you can, sunshine.”
You swing the door open and stroll into the hallway, taking your time to walk through. Seeing Jake’s home in the daylight is a completely different vibe than the night. The whole house is brighter, letting in diffused light from the shades. 
The artwork in this hallway is different than the living room. It’s not even artwork really, it's concert posters. You stop to admire the biggest one hanging by the bedroom door. It's a gig poster with his band written in small letters under some other local bands. The colorful squiggles and designs resemble a 70’s music poster. There are streaks of orange, purple, and yellow cascading underneath the lettering. It's nicer than the usual band posters you see posted up at the bar. It’s bright, eye-catching, and honestly pretty. 
How cute, you think to yourself. It's nice to see he’s proud of his band. 
You turn to head back down the hallway towards the living room, but pause when you hear whispers. Voices speaking on the other side of the wall in the living room. You can make out Jake’s voice, but there’s another male voice with his. The two sound comfortable talking together, like old friends… Maybe he has a roommate that he didn’t tell you about? 
Well, that would be awkward considering how loud you both had been last night. 
You stand there stuck at the edge of the hallway, unsure of whether or not to take a step further and introduce yourself into the situation. Did he want you to stay back, hidden away? Was this a private moment amongst men? An after-hook-up catch-up? 
Let’s be honest, men don’t do that like this. 
The confusing limbo of the moment pushes you to just take a step, and try to creep past as silently as possible. Maybe you can get Jake’s attention. You take your first step, successfully staying quiet, but the second step screws you. As soon as your foot presses into the hardwood, a loud creek echoes below you. 
“Is someone here?” The unfamiliar voice asks. 
He leans back down into you and enters your mouth. His tongue lapping over yours. Both of you are too concerned to stop for air, kissing each other over and over; trying to make up for the time that was lost. Tasting each other ferociously, like you were trying to practically inhale each other. 
Without hesitation, a hand is reaching up to your breast. You’d completely forgotten that you weren’t wearing a bra when you left the house earlier. Granted, you hadn’t really worn a bra in days.
“I have been looking at these all fucking night,” Jake mutters through breaking breaths. He pulls away from your entanglement and lays his tongue across your jaw, licking up to the crest of your ear, “Such a fucking naughty girl leaving like this. You wanted to tease me, huh?”
You let out a guilty sigh, taking accountability for your teasing. 
His hands run over your already sensitive nipples, toying with them between his fingers. Rolling the buds over the pads of his fingers. 
Being here in his control again is invigorating. Just thinking about being so close to him again sends shivers of lust through your needing body. 
He releases you from his tease and reaches up underneath your shirt to the collar. He yanks forward, pulling you close to him. The sound of cloth ripping alarms you both, breaking the intimacy for a moment. 
The collar had stretched and snapped from his tight grasp, a tear present where stitches used to be. A look of apology flashes over Jake’s eyes. The moment is entirely unsettling to him, but for you, it just made you hornier. Knowing how strong he is… He actually ripped your clothes off of your body. 
You laugh, allowing him to be rid of any true guilt, and lift the shirt over your head. 
“It had to come off anyways,” You throw the shirt to the end of the bed, not breaking your eye contact with Jake, “Plus, it was kind of hot.”
“Maybe you need some new shirts,” He jokes. 
He places one hand around the crook of your neck, and the other at the soft point on your waist. You collide back into each other, pretending that the accident didn’t even happen. It’s unlike Jake to be so stunned by something like that; you’d think maybe he’d even done it before- on purpose. 
You reach your hands under his shirt, lightly caressing his back. It feels so soft, smooth… Comforting. You’re not sure if he’s ever let you be this cuddly with him, and it might never happen again, so you try your best to make the most of it. Reaching up over every inch of his body, trying to feel every muscle, every warm inch of his skin. 
Your hands move to the front of him, nudging at his shirt. 
“So, should I rip yours now?” You ask, teasing him. 
“You better shut up before I have to make you,” He says through a smirk. 
He balances his legs beside yours and leans back to take off his shirt. You can’t help but blush to see him undress in front of you. He is truly the perfect specimen- the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. His skin is golden in this light, god-like even. He has these soft formed muscles, not incredibly chiseled, but enough padding to know that there’s a real strength to him. 
He perches back over you, inches away from your face. There is truly nothing keeping you from tearing back into him. His face seems gentler than ever before, caring and intimate. It’s incredibly hard to not want to step into your usual games, but feeling this new side of him is even more enticing. Instead of a feverish lust growing over you, it’s a soft blooming need to be close to him. 
His brown eyes are deep and beautiful. His hair falls perfectly past his face, draping down in soft tangled curtains around him. And his lips… Look more inviting than they ever have to  you. 
He slopes down to your jaw and places caressing kisses along your skin, moving down to your neck. Each kiss is placed with more intent than the last, and then each one getting sloppier as it moves down your chest, around your breasts, and to your stomach. A growling excited moan comes from within him when he reaches your pant line. 
Jake tugs his fingers on the elastic waistband, teasing you in the worst way possible. 
All you’ve thought about since you’d first seen him today is how he looks going down on you. The sweat that perspires on his forehead, the grunting moans that he can’t hold back, his tight grab around your thighs. It’s what you need. 
“I’ve missed this,” He tugs again slowly on the waistband, pulling it down just enough for him to see how wet you’ve already gotten in your thong, “Looks like you have too naughty girl.” 
“Jake please,” You beg, “You know how bad I need you.”
He stops his pulling, and looks up to you, with a devious look plastered across his face. 
“Why don’t you tell me how bad you need me?” 
You rock your head back and whine to him, upset that he still can’t resist being a tease. You drop your eyes back down to look at him, staring intently. 
“Jake… All I can fucking think about is you tasting me.” He continues to pull your pants off of you, “I keep thinking of that first night together. How special you made me feel…”
Your pants finally are strewn aside. 
“Yeah?” He eggs on. 
“It was honestly the best I’ve felt in a long time. No man has ever-” 
The pad of his thumb is teasing your warming clit. Jake is resting by your knees, head propped up by his opposite hand, watching you feverishly try to beg. 
“Go on.” 
“No man has ever…” You look down to him, watching him slowly slip your thong down over your thighs, “Ever made me feel like that…” You lift your legs slightly to help him take them fully off of you, “And I need that again.”
With your thong to the side, he’s allowed the full sight of your needy cunt. You’re practically dripping before him. Just thinking of him devouring you is causing your body to fill with lust and desire. 
“I want to try something with you,” He states. Your body instantly tenses up. You sit up and look at him, puzzled. “Don’t worry, nothing bad… I just think it will help.”
He crawls up to meet you and sits you up. You prop yourself up, completely in awe of how he couldn’t have picked a worse time to stop the momentum. You were so close to being attached to him again, but he has to keep you waiting. 
“C’mere,” He says, wiggling himself behind you. He yanks at your hips and pulls them back to meet his. You feel something else pressing into your lower back, practically twitching with excitement. You try not to put your full weight back into him to protect him. 
He snuggles his arms under you, running his hands around your body, still careful to avoid the areas you need him most. Soft whining moans escape your lips, you can’t hold them back at all; your body is aching having to wait. 
“Can you show me how you play with yourself again?” He asks. 
You lean your head back into his collarbone and look up to him. A serious yet cunning smile is already waiting for you. 
“Jake, I thought you were going to take care of me?”
“I am sunshine. Just do what I ask… Please.” 
The last part seemed painful for him. It was unlike Jake to use manners in the bedroom, but because of his politeness, you obey. 
You reach down to your deprived clit, and start to swirl the pads of your fingers over yourself. Feeling some sort of touch, even if it was your own, made it clear to you that it wouldn’t take very long to get you anywhere. You try to be easy on yourself, not allowing yourself to get too far without feeling him.  
Your back arches away from him and desperate moans break free. 
“Please Jake, sir… Please.”
“You don’t have to call me that tonight sunshine. You’re my good girl tonight.” 
He truly must not know how much the praise is killing you, or he does, in which case he is truly vile. 
His hands still move unhurried around your torso. Each pass of him over you is breaking you down, pushing you further to a release in your own hands. Kissing and licking are happening on your neck, a nice distraction to what you’re feeling below. 
“Jake…” You moan. 
Your body is heaving from your touch. Feeling the soft skin run over your fingers, shooting waves of excitement down your legs. Your breath begins to hitch and you can feel the building begin. 
Before you realize what is happening, Jake’s fingers enter you. He rests his chin on your shoulder to watch the mess you’re making. His fingers move in unison, gently running over your sensitive spot. It doesn’t take much movement for him to almost completely push you over the edge. 
“Do you know why I wanted to do this?” He asks. You shake your head, unable to talk in fear that it may exert too much energy. “I can see all of you from here, I can feel your body get closer, I can feel your pulse against me, I can hear every little moan…”His voice is beginning to fade. Your core grows tighter in preparation for the orgasm you’ve been waiting for. You can feel his cock growing against your back- each moan that you gush causes a jump within him.  
“C’mon good girl, are you going to come for me?” 
You moan loudly this time, hoping that no one else in this house- well maybe even the neighborhood, can hear the pornographic noises coming from you. 
Your cunt is practically red hot, feeling the pressure of him touching you, nudging you to finish for him. You can feel the wave forming within you, growing stronger and stronger with each stroke of your hands. This build was like nothing before, it was intense, almost too much for your body. You feel the overstimulation crawling through you. 
Soft distressed gasps echo in the room, but Jake doesn’t let up on his movements. His fingers are practically going right through you. It’s too much, you try to slow yourself, to hold his hand in an attempt to slow it all down. 
“Keep going.” He commands. 
You try to keep moving your hands, but the bracing movements are pushing your body into an unknown state. Jake takes his free hand and takes over for you, completely shrouding your frame with his arms. 
You can’t help but just watch him artfully manipulate you. He knows what you like- what you need. He pushes his wrist into your lower stomach, holding you down in between him. The rush is sweeping you. Hearing him- feeling him, you couldn’t hold on any longer. 
“Come for me, baby.” 
It all happens faster than you can even process. A rush of euphoria washes over you, each muscle contracting from the ecstasy. A loud blissful wail accompanies the feelings. Your whole body tenses, wanting to crumple itself, but Jake removes himself from you and holds you back, trying to relax you. Your legs shake, your core tightens. You spill out on to the sheets, feeling each wave of the orgasm pulse out of you. 
You crash back onto Jake, turning your head into his chest. You rest your eyes and nuzzle into him. He pets the hair out of your face and squeezes you gently between his arms. 
“Look what you did pretty girl,” He whispers in your ear. 
You open your eyes with apprehension, unsure of what you could have possibly done. 
The comforter is completely soaked beneath you. There is more of you there than there has ever been. You jump up and stare at Jake, completely embarrassed. 
“I-I I’m sorry I didn’t-”
“Are you seriously apologizing for that?” He says with an excited grin, “Do you realize that is the best outcome of this?”
You look up to him with your doe-eyes, still feeling unsure of how that even happened.
“I’ve never…” 
He takes your chin into his hand, “That’s because I’m the only one that can make you feel this special sunshine.” 
There’s no hiding your presence now. You look down at your lazily dressed body and try your best to lift your boobs up in the shirt. Walking around with no bra when it was just Jake would’ve been fine, but around an unknown man… probably best to try and seem somewhat modest. One quick shove upwards, and you move down the stairs. Each step lets out a pained creak in the floorboards. 
You peek around the corner, like a timid child, and see Jake sitting on the sofa. Across from him is a curly-haired man with his back to you. 
Jake seems cautious to invite you into the room but nods to allow you into the conversation. You take a step forward into the living room, letting your presence be known by the guest. 
The other man turns around to face you, and instant confusion sets in. The man is eerily similar to Jake, other than the hair. It sits in a wide curly mohawk, barely dancing down the front of his head. He has a different glow than Jake, it’s brighter- more welcoming. Their faces have similar qualities, features, and even mannerisms. Maybe their brothers… 
The suspected relative leans back into his shoulder to get a better look at you, staring at you harder than you are at him. His mouth slowly starts to open, admiring your confused and revealing stature. 
You pull your arms up and cross them in front of your chest, trying to hide your breasts behind your forearms. The staring was flattering, but also… a lot. I guess you know how it feels now…
“Jakey…” He plays, not removing his eyes from yours, “Whose this?”
Well, Jake hasn’t been telling him about your sex life together, so that’s one positive. Or is it? Why didn’t Jake say anything? Why wouldn’t he tell his guest that he has someone else here? He could have turned him away and told him to come back later, but he didn’t.
You take a step forward to introduce yourself, “I’m-”
“She’s a friend, Josh…” Jake cuts you off and runs over to your side. He rests his hand flat on your lower back and nudges you to sit back on the couch with him. You sit on the cushion next to where he sat and remain stiffened, trying to avoid eye contact with Josh. He still has yet to break his gaze at you, except now, Jake is included in this amusing sight. The stunned gaze resembles one of someone watching a boxing match; watching the tension thrown back and forth between the two of you. 
Jake lowers himself onto the couch and turns to match your eyes, “A very good friend.” 
Josh raises his hands in defense, “Oh, oh, you don’t need to give me much more than that. I get it,” He giggles, “Just hard to believe such a nice-looking little lady would have interest in you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You and Jake echo together. You both glance a confused look at each other. What was this weird defensive synchronization that was happening? Why would it be abnormal for you to be with Jake?… Maybe Josh knew the other woman Jake had pursued. 
“Oh now now,” Josh adjusts himself more comfortably into the seat, almost perching himself on the edge. He gestures at you, “It was not supposed to offend you, but my twin has never been known for being a solid gentleman,” He leans further in and covers the side of his mouth that faces Jake, “He’s too rough and tough for that-”
“Josh-” You can see the anger mounting inside Jake. He’s already giving in to the stereotype Josh has put out. He doesn’t see it, but you can clear as day. 
“Me, on the other hand, I am quite the gentleman,” He laughs, “if I do say so myself-”
“Josh!” Jake snaps. 
Twin rivalry. The worst kind of sibling rivalry. It felt like being right back in your living room on holidays, watching your family bicker back and forth at each other. Knowing how to dig into everyone’s worst insecurities. Like an old married couple who’s known each other for far too long, knows every good and bad thing about each other, finding the perfect ways to jab in their soft spots. 
Josh giggles at himself. It's blatant that pissing Jake off is a favorite pastime of his. I guess you share something in common, but at least Jake gets to take out his frustration on you in a far more… exciting way. You try to cut the tension and ease Jake. 
“Well,” You reach over to place your hand on Jake’s thigh, trying to soothe him with a touch. He gingerly reaches back to place his hand over yours, “He’s working on the gentleman part, but I think he makes a great lover.” 
Both of the twins turn to look at you, shocked looks expressed on their faces. Jake’s gentle touch on your hand becomes a grasp, crushing your knuckles between his fingers. You flash a remorseful grin at Jake, who isn’t having it. Josh cuts his giggling with a clearing cough and sits himself up properly in the chair. 
“Well, that’s…” Josh covers his mouth with his hand, pondering the words he just heard, “That’s just great.”
Jake has still yet to break his glare at you, clearly being funny in that moment wasn’t the kind of soothing words he needed. It was your bratty side coming out again, embarrassing him in front of his brother. You’d be sure to pay for that later. 
“So you guys are brothers?” You ask, trying once again to break the tension less bluntly. Jake loosens his grip on you, letting his fingers heavily weigh over the top of your hand. 
“Well, to be particular, twins, bandmates… Sometimes roommates.” Jake grumbles.
“Well, we’ll always be womb-mates!” Josh jokes. 
It was interesting to see Jake be put up against someone so close to him. 
Josh is quite the opposite of his twin, very outspoken, and chaotic. It's almost like they split their personalities at a young age, neither one of them level human beings. One energetic and spunky, and the other moody and brooding. You imagine them as children, were they both once spunky and energetic, but took different roads, different paths, somewhere down the line? Imagining Jake with a childlike heart was melting you. 
“So you’re the funny one, huh?” You joke back at Josh sarcastically.
“Precisely dear! You have to at least have some personality if you are the lead singer.” Josh raises his hand in a preachy theatrical matter, trying to play up each word he says. 
“You don’t remember him from the set?” Jake asks. 
He’s trying to belittle Josh and make him seem inferior. And he is. You don’t remember him. Shit.  Watching Jake play caused a weird form of tunnel vision. Well, watching him and drinking those exceptionally strong whiskey sours. You try to find the right words to say, trying not to offend Josh and also trying not to reveal that you were staring at his brother’s dick all night. 
“I’m sorry,” You say, “I don’t- not that you weren’t rememberable! But my focus was… elsewhere.”
Jake smirks. He liked catching you off guard at that moment, a slight torment for your quick remarks. 
“Ah, don’t fret,” Josh muses, “You should come to our next gig! I’ll sing especially for you,”
“Hey…” Jake warns. 
You turn to look at Jake, snapping a glaring look. Why shouldn’t you? Why would he try to quiet Josh’s invitation? The brat in you is filling up, taking over your mind. There would be no playing around or trying to hide from Jake. If he wanted you, he could at least act like it. 
“You know what? I’d love that!” You exclaim, “When is it?!”
Josh starts to catch onto your tone and joins in, “Next week! At this bar a few towns over, but it's got a really great vibe and a dance floor!” 
You perk yourself up and place your hand over your heart, resembling a shocked Southern belle. 
“Oh! A dance floor?” Your tone is trying to be mocking to upset Jake, but it is nice to feel invited by his brother, “Too bad Jake doesn’t dance…” 
You pout your lip out and turn to Jake. He won’t even look at you now. His eyes are locked on Josh; who is living in Jake’s discomfort. The anger is creeping through him, starting to fume. Josh and you both are piling it on, pushing him past where he’s comfortable. 
To be fair, this is an extremely awkward situation. His twin is here, having a normal conversation with him, and you show up here, his… his lover? His… Not girlfriend. That’s very clear. Why not be fun and break the tension? Jake could have easily told his brother that now wasn’t a good time, or he could’ve tried to warn you. But he didn't. 
You’re sure this was not how he expected the morning to go. 
Josh leans forward and drops his head in fake dissapointment, “It’s really too bad for him…” He perks back up to engage with you, “Guess I'll have to save a dance for you when our set is over.” He winks and smiles at you, with a wild resemblance to Jake. 
“Why thank you,” You reach your hand out and wave it at him, “You’re such a gentleman for offering.”
By this point, you both are fully aware of the game you’re playing. It's the ‘who can push Jake the furthest game’, and you’re both winning. 
“Alright, alright,” Jake sneers through gritted teeth, “Josh, why don’t we plan the set tomorrow, okay?”
A furrow has appeared across Jake’s brow. He’s embarrassed, but too prideful to admit it. He’s being shown up by his twin, no doubt his previous rival in endeavors like this. You both are cutting into him, trying to make him vulnerable, but he won’t budge. 
“Aww Jakey,” Josh whines, pouting at him, “We weren’t trying to hurt your feelings, little brother,” 
You try to hold back laughter, but a small choking giggle escapes from within you. 
“And, that’s enough of you today,” Jake snaps. 
He stands up from the couch and paces over to the door, gesturing at it, ushering Josh to go. A disappointed and frustrated look is painted across his face. Instead of standing up for himself, he’d rather cut the whole conversation short.  
“Jake…” you scold. You don’t mean to sound so demanding, but he is taking the jokes too seriously. 
“No, no, It’s quite alright,” Josh stands from his seat and walks over to you, grabbing your hand from your lap, “It was a pleasure darling.” He lowers his head to place a soft kiss across the top of your hand. 
You meet eyes as he releases his lips. He has that same devious smirk as Jake. You know he means no harm, and by no means does he want to pursue you- he just wants to get under Jake’s skin. Still, the gesture leaves you blushing.
You both linger there for a moment, trading secretive glances, knowing what turmoil you’re creating inside Jake. Before Josh can even release his hand from yours, he’s pulled away by Jake, yanking at him from the back of his shirt. 
“C’mon,” Jake pulls, “You’ll have plenty of time to woo her at the show…” 
Josh is giggling at himself, knowing that he’s leaving a mess for you to deal with. The realization of this situation is settling in your stomach now, knowing that once that door shuts out Josh, the angst will continue within these walls. 
Bad behavior has consequences. 
“I’ll see you!” Josh yelps before being shoved out into the daylight. 
“You must be pretty tired after that, huh?” Jake asks. 
You hate to admit how tired you were, but it was true. You wanted to keep going, to feel more, but you were completely overstimulated and feared what might happen if you were to continue. 
It was already a long day full of emotion, some turmoil, and newness. Despite spending most of the past week in bed, resting, you still felt exhausted. 
You drop your head, disappointed, “I’m sorry, I can-”
“You don’t have to do anything. It’s been a long day. Get in bed.”
You oblige, sneaking yourself under the sheets. He’d already taken the comforter off and assured you further that what you did was completely normal, and incredibly sexy in his opinion. A new blanket was strewn over the bed, and you were snuggling into the mattress. 
Jake unhooks his belt beside you and takes off his jeans, getting himself comfortable. He lifts his side of the sheets and slides in beside you. 
Both of you were face to face, just blushing at each other. He places his hand on your cheek and rubs his thumb back and forth over it. The most gentle and kind gesture. 
“Just so you know,” He says, “No woman has ever felt as good as you… No woman has ever been as beautiful as you.” 
You turn your head to meet his palm and place a kiss in the center of it. 
He runs his hand to the back of your head and nudges at it to move closer to him. You scootch yourself into him, resting your head in his chest; bringing your legs up to sit around his. 
Despite already seeing so much of him- having the best sex of your life with him- this was the most intimate moment you had shared. 
This moment was everything. This night was everything. It was proof that Jake could try. That a future with him was a very real possibility. That you truly meant more to him than just sex. He could trust you enough to be comfortable with him. You never wanted this time together to end. Just laying here together in bed. 
Jake slams the door behind Josh and immediately turns to you. He looks utterly ruined. Far past embarrassed, actually quite upset. 
“Really?” He asks. 
“What?” You snap back, settling yourself further on the couch. You cross your arms, trying to come across as nonchalant; as if nothing bad had happened. You truly believe nothing that bad has happened. 
Jake matches you and crosses his arms, “Do not what me. Why would you act like that?”
“Hmm,” You mockingly ponder, “I don’t know, maybe it’s because I was surprise attacked into meeting your brother?” 
Jake loosens his arms and walks back to the couch, positioning himself in front of you. Putting you in his perfect line of fire. 
“Yeah, well he wasn’t supposed to be here. I would assume that you might behave if you came down.” 
You purse your lips, trying to remain calm in this moment. Behave? Really. What were you? A twelve-year-old? You’re a woman who was put in a situation you weren’t expecting and was trying to get along with his brother. Setting good impressions for the family is supposed to be a good thing. At least you know that you and Josh would get along swimmingly but at the expense of Jake’s sensitive feelings. 
“I was just trying to be funny. You’re just jealous of him.” 
Jake chuckles softly, not believing the words you just uttered, “Oh I’m jealous? You seem to forget you didn’t talk to me because-” 
“Jake that’s different-”
“Oh so you can be jealous, but I can’t get a little bothered by you flirting with my brother?” His tone is changing. The frustration is evident in his voice, the hypocrisy is getting to him. And he’s right, you have been jealous. You have had a hard time sharing Jake or even thinking about him with anyone else, or doing anything else. 
But this is different. 
Jake slept with someone who was a friend and tried to hide the information from you. You on the other hand were jokingly playing around with his brother. Maybe it was a revenge tactic… Maybe you were flirting, but it felt good to make Jake just as uncomfortable as you once felt. The toxicity between you is what sparks all the good things. The back and forth, the teasing, and the accusations, all lead to physical apologies. 
“This is all completely different and you know it… If I’m being truthful, you haven’t always put me in the most comfortable situations Jake.” 
That last part was cold but honest. You promised yourself you would be honest with him. 
You can tell you struck a chord with him. The anger is still within him, and you thought telling him the truth would maybe help loosen its hold on him. But of course, it didn’t
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” He scoffs. 
He may have anger inside him, but there is a much stronger force of annoyance pushing through you. For him to ask that question is equivalent to a slap in the face. Does he seriously not know what you mean? Mariella, confronting you at work, showing up to your apartment and dragging you out into the middle of a field, inviting his brother into the house knowing you were just upstairs sleeping…
All he does is push you into an uncomfortable place, but the moment you start to play around and make a few jokes, that’s completely unacceptable? 
“Jake, you know what I mean. I want this to work out, but you have to consider how I feel sometimes too… I think that’s pretty reasonable.”
He scoffs again, crossing his arms in dismay. Your attempts at pleading are useless, mostly because he already knows what he wants you to say. He will always get his way. “You think I don’t care how you feel?”
“Oh, my god.” You throw your hands up in the air. Defeated. “Can you not be so defensive over everything I say? Can you have a little fun sometimes?”
“You think I don’t care, you think I can’t have fun…” Jake leans down towards you and pulls your face up to meet his. He stares deeply into you, his gaze burning. The arguing always gets the both of you going, it’s like a foreplay of sorts. It would be wrong to deny either of you the release you both crave. Neither of you are truly mad, but it's a game you play. You’re ready to let him take you, let yourself forgive him with his touch. 
He runs his calloused fingers across the edge of your jaw. The burning exasperation lingers inside of you, but slowly erases with each second his skin is on yours. His thumb extends down to your neck, carrying his fingers to wrap around your neck. He squeezes you in his hand, careful to not let his displeasure translate to physicality,  “Why don’t I show you how much I fucking care?”
“Yes sir,” You reply. Immediately, you assume your role. The softer Jake that was present with you last night has subsided, he needed to be himself again, and you needed to take your place as the submissive. 
Your heart is beating in your chest, excited to be in this roleplay with Jake again. You feel the heat rushing down your between your legs, ready for more with him.
“Pants off, now.”  
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Taglist: @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @gvfpal @lipstickitty @anythingforjtk @giraffehippy @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @gretavansara @sanguinebats @awkwardlyamazing2000 @pinkandsleepy1934 @bajabule69
98 notes · View notes
intuitively-her · 9 months
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Water signs current energy (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)🌊
🦀Cancer: There's some individuals around you that really don't have your best interest at heart right now. You may already know this, or you can sense it. This could be your parents or people you see as parental figures. Grandparents? Practice detachment with these people. There could be some unhealed trauma coming back up during the holidays. It's time to address it, heal it, and move on for good. Stop revisiting the past. It's time to practice the art of forgiveness. These people really want to heal the past with you. Something about your childhood? I feel a lot of remorse from both sides. Someone here should look into family therapy. Communication with your loved ones needs to improve. You could be going on vacation with your family soon or they want to. They feel like y'all need more bonding time. For someone specific here, pay attention to a certain family member that will try to make a deal with you. Something about a contract? A house? This will be out of nowhere. There's someone here that wants to throw you off your path intentionally and make you doubt yourself. They might constantly judge your career ideas? This person does this because they see you're destined to do better than them. Don't give in to these people.
⭐Angel # confirmation: 333 & 1010
☎️ Angel answers: Trust, Peaceful resolution, Big and happy changes
🐟Pisces: Someone here has to go back the drawing board and completely rebuild their career or home life. Something in your life fell apart. You could be going through bad luck right now. You trusted the wrong person with your money? Or you were too over-extensive to others. There were a lot of people close to you that were taking advantage of your kindness. Someone stole from you? You might be spending more time alone these days. This situation forced you to get real with yourself and see people/situations for what they really are. You could be viewing those around you as untrustworthy. Someone here feels left out? Or people tried excluding you from a group. Don't worry honey! I see a sudden turn of events for you. You won't be down for long. Stop carrying other people's burdens. You know exactly who I'm talking about. You need to put yourself first and stop the people pleasing tendencies. You're about to hit the jackpot and walk into the dream life that's meant for you. I keep hearing "best revenge is your paper." There were people around you that wanted you to fail and prove them right. They never expected you to really amount to anything. But you're about to make a major comeback and prove these mfs wrong. Straight up!
⭐Angel # confirmation: 444 & 111
☎️Angel messages: A happy change or addition is coming to your family. Keep charging ahead, and don't take no for an answer. Expect miraculous solutions to appear.
🦂Scorpio: Someone here was caught cheating or doing something they had no business doing. 3rd party situation? Serial cheater? They really thought they could have their cake and eat it too with you. This person could be indecisive on going back to someone else. This caused a huge tower moment for you or them. Like someone's actions and lifestyle is starting to catch up with them. I sense a lot of embarrassment here. This situation could've thrown you off of your A game. Someone here has been very messy and negligent towards your responsibilities. You need to get your head back in the game. For someone here, your hard work is finally about to pay off! You took control and brought your vision to life. It took a lot of busy days and sleepless nights to get here. You felt like you had to carry most of the weight with this job. You were a little disorganized at first, but you're getting back on track now. There were people that tried to take credit for your work or use you as a "work horse." That shit aint happening anymore!
⭐Angel # confirmation: 999 & 888
☎️Angel messages: Have faith and hope, because there is something positive and new on the horizon that you can't see.
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frail-and-freakish · 1 year
on growing up with "intensive intervention" and abuse as a young autistic trans kid.
(quotes are from neuropsychs and reports, things said to me verbally, my own words/thought processes at different times. tw ABA, dehumanizing clinical language, stim suppression, some transphobia toward the end)
february 6th 2012.
an appealing child
with many areas of precocious development
alongside areas
of definite developmental lag.
meets the following criteria
for a pervasive developmental disorder.
you want more water
pronominal reversal
Alligator alligator alligator
intense and restricted interests. immediate echolalia.
its too hard to be a girl
too hard to be (deadname)
call me pangoo the penguin
because i'm scared of (deadname).
i like it when it’s cold
i hate it when it’s hot
appears overstimulated by environment
i am never tired
scripted language
i never like to smile when people tell me to
facial expression is usually flat
too soft too tight hurt hurt no touch
extremely opposed to imposed touch
it doesn’t hurt you
it just bothers you
need to control every aspect of environment
but i like it when it’s messy
do you like bedtime? is it bedtime? is it bedtime? bed bed bed
perseverative speech
i’m not good at saying what i mean
severe communication disorder
no is my monster
i only want to point to zoo animals
extremely self directed in play
i don’t want to say that
significant conversational rigidities
(the message is wrong
it’s okay to be sad
but you have to get over it.)
the words stab into the report with grisly black ink
began to behave in a silly manner
primal defense mechanisms
unhealthy involvement with reading
atypical prosody
symbol oriented cognition
disordered phonological processes
appears uninterested in others
needed maximum verbal cues
very spontaneous and overly enthusiastic
and also withdrawn and hyper focused on her own ideas.
my hands fold into my palms in the speech therapist’s office
ripple flutter in a dance with the air
motor stereotypy
often loses focus and becomes squirmy
stilled by a dead end voice
quiet hands
‘physically disorganized’
body messy
they think it’s weird
after all
it’s hard for you to know what other people are thinking
impaired theory of mind
everybody noticed
but they were being polite
and would never have said anything
to you
responds well to a behavioral approach.
may 5, 2018.
acute awareness of needs and vulnerabilities
too old to trick into being compliant
self appointed position as autism champion
i asked her if
when she was little and only read books about alligators
if we should have expected her teachers to respect that.
she said yes
failing of course to consider
that she was in a class with people who had various interests
not obsessions.
insisted that people who are cognitively impaired should not be changed.
having a vagina does not define biological sex????
i am going to have a hard time keeping up with her thought process.
extremely hypersensitive to what is perceived
as non-acceptance or rejection.
i thought you were just one type of weird
but now you have all these different types
i’m so sorry to hear that she
(forgive the pronoun, please)
is miserable right now.
the test was not developed for use
with individuals who are gender non-conforming.
steady growth in mastery of pragmatic language skills
improved social functioning
i am so happy to hear
that she’s acknowledging she needs help
rather than continuing down the path
of “i’m perfect.”
progress intervention treatment success.
barely even autistic.
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therollinkaagenda · 1 year
Well I can't just NOT make a post during pride month so... Rollinka Time shift AUs, why not.
Maverick Hunter Roll/Navigator Kalinka au (X era)
-exactly what is says on the tin
-they are both adults in this au
--either the two have been steadily dating as long as anyone has known them, or are just married in this au, I can't decide
-Roll would give mavericks a chance to surrender, but only one (I liked how Archie's Roll was more skeptical and less forgiving than Dr. Light and Rock, that carries over here)
-Roll uses a lance-shaped Saber as her primary weapon, but also uses improvised weaponry when applicable
--Kallinka uses a broom, as a callback to Classic Roll
-both are very knowledgeable about robots in general, and give advice about how best to deal with enemies when navigating
-Kalinka has her father's notes on hand and will refer to them when needed
--Kallinka seems to be the only one who is able to read the notes (apart from, presumably, Dr. Cossack himself), due to the combination of messy handwriting, disorganization, and mix of Russian, English, and Japanese they are written in
-they work best as a pair, and are considered difficult to work with when appart
-Roll is a B rank hunter, it could be far higher but she has a lot of disagreements with other hunters- including her superiors- and doesn't particularly care to improve her rank anyway
Destruction Deity Roll/Cyber Elf Kalinka au (Zero era)
-Roll is revived during Copy X's reign of terror, and Kalinka is there to watch over her girlfriend while she kicks Copy X's self-righteous arsenal
-see, given that Zero is considered the god of destruction in this era, and Roll is the Classic series equivalent of Zero, She is, by extension, a destruction deity.
--before anyone tried to argue with my perfect gay prosecutor logic, I already ran a Tumblr poll on my main to check this. I love democracy
-how is Kalinka a cyber elf, you may ask? I mean I guess technically she isn't, she is running off the life extension tech Dr. Cossack made for himself (I mean both Light and Wily did so that's not a stretch) but couldn't quite finish so he gave it to Kalinka instead
--But functionally she's like the elf in Zero 4
-Roll lost her memory like Zero did, but don't worry, Kalinka remembers everything so she's not completely in the dark
-gotta love the mental image of Neo Arcadia losing their minds over the resistance reviving ANOTHER destruction deity
-and don't think Roll is about to be proven outdated tech so easily, because not only is the broom a timeless masterpiece of a weapon, but she has a bunch of Classic era weapons to fall back on
--most of them aren't nearly as strong as what Neo Arcadia's forces can dish out, but they are still stronger than the lemon shooters that have become standard, and the variety can be used to more effectively exploit weaknesses and design flaws, and catch foes off guard
---there's also the fact that many of these are forgotten, or their equivalents in this era are unrecognizable. For instance, shields that both protect from all directions and can be used for offense, screen clearing attacks, and especially stuff that freezes all enemies like the flash or time stoppers are practically unheard of. It really can add up to a death by a thousand cuts, and Roll, much like Zero is a relatively small target that's more than good enough at dodging to make up for her comparably small health bar
----Yes, there is a Sans joke to be made here, and the joke is on Copy X
-Kalinka is very much her guide similar to Cyber Elf X, but also stays by Roll's side and buffs her like the Zero 4 elf
-once Roll does get her memories back, she begins to take Copy X's actions personally. She does NOT take kindly to what he did with/too her "baby brother"'s good name
-famililal relationship with guardians status: very, very complicated. So they are each a piece of X's soul, right? Does that make them X's children or his siblings? Or some other third thing?
--Either way, Roll can't bring herself to actually kill them - She already has two and a half dead brothers too many at minimum, forget whatever the number becomes if you could ALL of Dr. Light's robots as her siblings.
-because of their backrounds, they are quite good at crafting items and can be found helping develop weapons when they aren't on missions
-Smol Kalinka, very cute
--i know Cyber Elves aren't necessarily the size they are shown to be in game, but I also don't care. Kalinka is smol anyways
Mega Man? Kalinka/biometal Model r au (ZX era)
-A role reversal, or should I say a ROLL- *gets shot*
-Model r was a third party hired by Tomas's unwieldy attempt to create a new biometal without Ceil's research or model W, using a soul of beyond ancient and unclear origin because a large amount of mysterious (justice) energy was detected in it.
-however, Model r was unable to Mega Merge with with anyone, even the ones with Albert's DNA- and all telepathy could tell them was cryptic hints as to the one person who could
--Determined not to let the project be a failure, they would eventually revive Kalinka without her memories - only the knowledge (well, feeling) that she could, and should trust Model r, and together they break out of the lab
- Model r is not the strongest biometal, and since Kalinka isn't actually a 'mega man', isn't compatible with the other biometal's either. She does, however, have the variable weapon system, and a broom.
--given that the Psudoroids are complete [YouTube]s, I think that will be enough
-certain memories can be found by going to certain places - the met theme park and e-tank shop, for instance
-Roll does remember everything - her memory wasn't wiped because of the aforementioned search for Kalinka - but she doesn't tell Kalinka all that much because... Well, she's sorta 'not supposed to be alive' right now and it would be difficult to explain that everyone Kalinka cared about is dead, and the one exception, her, is the reason she has to live with that
--and then Tomas tries to use that to make Kalinka doubt Roll and give up right before they fight and it works about as well as the last two times a ZX villain tried that, who would have thought
-the male alt ZX has for some reason is either Rock/Bass or Protoman/Tempo, take your pick.
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champagnepodiums · 1 year
Ok I’m here for your thoughts on the nyck daniel decision. Personally I think neither side benefits here, Nyck doesn’t get the time to develop further and if Daniel can’t make the car work (because that alpha is significantly worse than the red bull he drove today) it could be the final end of his career, people won’t be kind if he still can’t perform.
Also, what red bull have done to nyck is so much worse than what mclaren did to daniel and I’m finding it quite hypocritical when people are saying nyck deserved it while claiming daniel didn’t. Mclaren have experienced daniel 2 years to make it work, Red bull gave rookie nyck 10 races. If people don’t think red bull are in the wrong here, I really want to hear the logic that means mclaren still are.
Sorry for the rant, I just feel that rookies should get at least a season to show what they can do, it seems unfair to give up on them so soon.
UGHHH i have a lot of thoughts about this whole thing, very messy and disorganized so pls forgive me if I don’t make a ton of sense.
First, I think this could set a really dangerous precedent for rookie expectations. I see the argument that Nyck wasn’t a true rookie but he most definitely was. 10 races is nowhere near enough time and if we judge everybody on the first ten races and nothing more, that’s just such a disservice to rookie drivers. There will be no chance for development.
And like you said — the position all of this puts Daniel into is Not Great. I fear there will be a lot of expectations for Daniel in this shitbox of a car and a teammate who is almost certainly way more comfortable and knowledgeable in this car so it seems likely that Yuki will probably outpace him at least at first.
But if Daniel doesn’t achieve the results that Horner and Marko want (which like to be completely fair to Daniel, there will only be so much Daniel will be able to do in the AT shitbox so like if their expectations are Very High to consider promoting Daniel, he might not ever be able to clear those because there is only so much performance a driver can squeeze out of a bad car, ya know?) then his career is over and that sucks?
but yeah the hypocritical fan thing, i’m going to pass on commenting because i don’t want to be yelled at today LMAO
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strbymacaroon · 8 months
Silent Love: Ch. 6 - "Forgiveness"
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⊹ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ Chapter Six
Previous Chapter: "Good Guy."
Chapter One: New Roommate(s)
Master-List: Here!
.・゜゜・ 。・゚゚・ ╰┈➤ Sukuna x Reader
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙ Sypnosis:
When moving out of your dorm and leaving your eccentric roommate goes to shit, you're offered by one of her friends to move in with him... for free! That is, if you don't mind living with two completely opposite college boys.
However, life isn't that easy, and there's a hot asshole around the corner to piss you off. Especially when he's always up late at night when you're studying, purposely trying to get on your nerves in the most perverse way possible.
You hate him.
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙ Genre:
College/Modern World AU. Multiple parts.
Shameless Smut, Thin Walls, Mildly Dubious Consent, Roommates Fluff and Crack, Slice of Life, Kinda Slow Burn, Oral Sex Vaginal Sex, Slight Age Difference, Degradation Fake/Pretend Relationship, Dirty Talk, Dirty Thoughts, Enemies to Lovers, Spit Kink, Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙ Word Count: 27,169
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・ 。゚☆:  *・ November 14th, 2023 ☽ .* :☆゚.
You keep your eyes closed, ankles crossed while sitting down on the toilet. Your fingers play with the end of your sweatshirt while Uraume kneels before you, their thumb pads softly working into the eyelid of your eyes. Softly rubbing left and right, and up and down. 
“This always helps with swelling.” Their voice is monotone, holding no emotion or form of expression. “Cooling them down is good for a short amount of time, but it can strain the eyes and be uncomfortable. Rubbing them gently removes the fluids that have built up.” 
Uraume is completely different from when you first met them. They’re more collected, calm, emotionless, and put together. They haven’t so much as smiled yet, nor do they even sound human. They’re also wearing something more formal, a white button up shirt, and some nice black pants. You feel like a child next to them, messy and disorganized. 
You sheepishly nod, “I didn’t know that.” 
“You most likely haven’t cried enough to know that.” Uraume tells you, pulling their hands away from your face in exchange for a cool damp cloth. “These are things you learn with experience, much rather time.”
You tilt your head, “Have you cried enough?” 
Uraume pauses for a moment, before responding, “Not me, no.” The stand up, tossing the wet cloth in the sink and it hits the bowl with a gross splat. Then, they add, “But, someone I used to tend to, yes.” 
You nod, fluttering your eyes open, you immediately notice how much lighter your eyes feel, along with your vision being a bit better. You push yourself off the toilet seat lid, moving to the mirror and looking at yourself. 
Uraume’s standing next to you, looking at you through the mirror. “Looks good enough for the day, wouldn't you agree?” They grab their rolled up sleeves, and pull them down, making sure that the cuffs of their nice shirt rest perfectly at their wrist. 
You nod, the tips of your fingers moving to the corners of your eyes. They’re still a bit irritated, but the swelling is practically gone, along with your eyes, no longer bloodshot, more tired or high looking. “Yeah, it looks good.” You smile slightly. 
Uraume nods satisfied, “That’s good.” They sigh to themselves, closing their eyes with a bit of exhaustion, their hand pressing against their mouth, mumbling, “This is getting to become my normal again.” They open the restroom door and leave the small room. 
You follow after, blinking a few times, “Is there…?” You watch as Uraume makes way to the kitchen, opening the plastic bag they brought with them. “Uhm… are you? Is there something you’re here for?”
Uruame nods, placing the things on the table. “Of course, I’m here for Sukuna.” They place the final item, and you quickly observe they’re the ingredients for cookies. 
“Oh, well, I’m sorry but…” You move to the island, resting your weight on it, “Sukuna’s not here, and I have no idea when he’s coming back.” You pass them an unsure smile, “If you want, you can stay and wait, but I don’t know how long you’ll be waiting.” 
“I’m aware.” Uraume tells you, discarding the plastic bag, “He’s currently at my place, he’s going to return later today.” They pull out their phone, typing something. You can’t deny you’re jealous, especially knowing that Sukuna spent the night there. 
Wait, what? 
Now, you’re a bit confused, why would Uraume come here for Sukuna while he’s at their house? “Oh, did he tell you that?” You lean back and forth, a bit anxious at the thought of Sukuna coming home. “He hasn’t told me, or Yuuji anything.” 
“No.” Uraume tucks their phone in their pockets, “I just told him. He should be here in an hour or two.” They shrug, “However long it takes for him to get out of bed.”  
You tense, “Oh, uhm. Okay.” You twist your feet to the hall, ready to leave. “I’ll be in my room if you need anything–” 
“I do.” Uraume points at the items on the island counter, “I’m making something, it’d be nice to have an extra pair of hands.” Their finger taps expectantly on the counter, almost impatiently. They want you to stay, and you don’t want to stay. The idea of Sukuna coming home has you anxious, and avoidant, you really don’t want to see him right now. 
“Oh, uhm…” You thickly swallow, shakily pointing at Yuuji’s room, “If you want… I can go grab Yuuji?” You pass them an unsure smile, letting your hand fall to your side again. 
Uraume shakes their head, “No. Your help is good. Come on.” They point at the butter, it’s two sticks. “Put those in the fridge for me, I have a feeling they’re close to melting.” You pass them an unsure look, naturally turning to go to your room, only for Uraume to say, “I’m trying to help you feel better, you’re being a brat.” 
You blink at their abruptness, before slowly nodding, “Okay.” You grab the two slabs of butter, and move them to the fridge. “Bossy.” You whisper, shutting the fridge behind you. 
“No, not at all, just trying to help you.” Uraume says, reaching into their personal bag and pulling out a headband, “People tend to drown in their emotions if they don’t have anything to distract them.” Their hair is now out of their face, “Besides, everyone likes making cookies.” They blink at you.
You roll your eyes at that, you’re sure Sukuna doesn’t like cookies, he’s too brittle for that. You cross your arms over your chest, huffing a small bit.
“Even Sukuna.” Uraume quips mindlessly. “Although, he is picky about how they’re made. But, he’s like that with all food, it needs to be perfect, or it goes in the trash.” Despite the content matter, Uraume doesn’t sound like they’re complaining, it sounds more mindful if anything. 
You laugh a bit, “Am I really that readable?” 
“People tend to be when they’re mad.” 
“Really?” You lean on the fridge, biting the inside of your cheek, trying to find a kind way to phrase your words. “Uhm, Uraume, I appreciate the attempt to make me… uh, feel better, but I’m not interested.” You place your hands behind your back, “I’m sure Sukuna would be more than happy to help–” 
“He told me what happened.” Uraume says, reading your face, seeing the way your face burns. “He told me everything. Including what occurred at the party.” Which… they already had a faint idea of what occurred. 
“Oh.” You don’t know what to say anymore and Uraume knows that. “I’m surprised, I didn’t take him as someone to talk about such things.” It’s a slight jab at Sukuna, but it’s the least he owes you, right? 
“He doesn’t.” Uraume moves around the island, “Although, as of yesterday, he’s become much better at it.” Uraume tilts their head at you, narrowing their eyes. “Any idea to why?” You divert your eyes at that implication, shaking your head. “I’m sure you’re aware, but back when he moved out, he moved in with me, I was the friend who took him in.” 
That makes you gasp, “You’re… So, you two lived together during–” 
“Yes.” Uraume looks down, “Yesterday, I’ve never seen him so… vulnerable. It’s endearing, as his friend, but very odd to witness.” They hesitate to say, “It’s almost as if I’m reliving my youth. Dealing with Sukuna back when he was a teen and first moved in with me.” 
You feel your chest flutter, “Wait, you mean…?” You play with the end of your shirt, your face slowly heating up. “He’s also hurt by what happened?... He cares about what happened?” Uraume can sense your flattery, it’s as easy to read as a children’s book. 
Uraume turns away from you, chin resting on the palm of your hand. “I didn’t say that, but if that’s how you take it.” They reply emotionlessly, not bothering to look at you. 
You’re trying to hide a smile, but are miserably failing. Which makes you turn away from them altogether, “Can you tell me… what he said?” Your fingers are toying with each other. 
“No.” They push themselves away from the chair, moving towards the ingredients on the table. “Are you going to help me with these cookies?” They pass you an expecting look, a bit hurriedly too. 
You move after them, softly saying “I can’t cook.” You’re a bit embarrassed by that confession, even though you’ve said it close to a million times now. 
Uraume softly sighs, letting their head fall in a tilt, “I don’t think that matters, Su–” Uraume pauses for a moment, before awkwardly adding, “It’s cookies.” They grab some bowls from the cabinets, placing them on the table lightly. “You can’t mess up cookies.” 
You rub your arm, “You’d be surprised.” You open the drawers and pull out some mixing supplies, along with falling to the floor cabinets to pull out the electric mixer. You didn’t think there was one, but checked just in case, which thank god you did. 
Uraume doesn’t respond, just grabs the sticks of butter and uses a butter knife to cut them into chunks. You take this time to ask more questions, “Sukuna likes your cooking?” You tilt your head to the side, “But, needs things to be perfect?” 
Uraume nods, “Yes.” 
“How did he know your cooking was perfect?” You grab some paper towels and place them on the counter, allowing Uraume to place the blocks of butter on them. 
“He didn’t, and it wasn’t.” Uraume almost smiles to themself, recalling back to those times. “And he wouldn’t eat anything I made for quite some time. Sometimes he would starve himself, which I forced him to eat before he died in my house.” 
You laugh, and Uraume adds, “Could you imagine that? Cleaning a dead body?” They shiver, “The absolute time and mess it would be, the smell?...” They wrinkle their nose, before relaxing, “Is what I would say about anyone else, but it’s Sukuna.” 
You lean on the counter, a bit of dread filling your stomach. “You… like Sukuna?” 
“I love Sukuna, more than myself, actually.” That makes your stomach drop, twisting into something gross and unnerving. Uraume shakes their head, “Not like your type of love, mine is more… admiration, if anything.” 
“Oh?” You tilt your head to the side, “You admire Sukuna.” 
“Of course.” Uraume went through something similar to him, but was much more… crushed by the situation. Sukuna handled it far better than they did, which was admirable to Uraume. They hesitate, but add a small, “Sukuna admires you…” 
“Really?...” You turn away, cheeks burning, and heart racing. However, you don’t dwindle on it for too long, you’re quick to change the discussion. “So, how did Sukuna grow to like your cooking?” You tap your finger against the table, the action creating a small noise of which Uraume absolutely despises. 
“He had no money, nor anything to eat.” They toss some of the butter cubes into the bowel, passing you an empty one and silently ushering you to do the same. “Yet, that didn’t stop him. Like I said, he almost starved. But, I cared enough to force him to eat.” 
You nod, mimicking their actions and placing the butter in your bowl. “So, you learned how to cook for him?” You push your bowl in their direction. 
Uraume grabs some sugar, pouring some into their bowl, and pouring an equal amount into yours, “Yes. I learned exactly how to cook for Sukuna’s taste.” They sigh a bit, “It was difficult the first few tries, good food would go to waste, but I managed to get it “perfect” soon enough.” 
“How did you make it, “perfect?” Sounds a bit impossible.” 
Uraume adds brown sugar to both the bowls, eyeing the amount. “I don’t know.” Uraume passes you a whisk, mixing their batch which entitled you to do the same. “One day, after his constant comments on how to make the food, I served it to him, and he ate it.” 
You struggle a bit to mix the ingredients, before finding a rhythm that is good for you. “Hm. Sounds like Sukuna.” You smile a bit, but immediately hide it, “He’s bi-polar as hell.” 
Uraume quickly breathes out of their nose, “Sure.” They tap their whisk on the side of the bowl, their free hand spinning the container while expertly twisting their hand and mixing the batter, “Although, I have a suspicion it wasn’t the food that was…‘not perfect.’” 
“What does that mean?” You glance at both your bowls, and notice yours doesn’t look as nice as Uraume’s. You start mixing with a bit more purpose. Uraume doesn’t respond, just taps their whisk on the edge, then takes yours to do the same. 
“Does he feel bad?” You ask, watching them mix your bowl. 
Uraume pauses, before finally removing the whisk, tapping the edge of the bowl and placing the whisk to the side. “You’ll see.” They add an egg along with vanilla extract in both bowls, handing you the items again. 
You smile a bit, you know you should feel bad, Uraume is silently telling you that he is hurt over the situation, but that makes you a bit happy. Knowing that he’s in pain, just like you, maybe even crying, makes you happy. Because, it means one thing. Sukuna does care for you. 
You cringe, eyeing your burnt cookies, and Uraume’s perfect ones. You grab one of your cookies, tapping it on the pan, it’s solid. You drop the cookie, “I told you I was bad at cooking.” You pout slightly. 
“Like I said before, I don’t believe it matters.” Uraume grabs one of your cookies, breaking off a piece, and popping it into their mouth. You can hear the loud crunching, before they pause, close their eyes, reach for a paper towel, and silently spit the cookie inside the towel. 
“I’m sorry.” You say, but smile ever so slightly, you find the situation a bit amusing. “I swear, only I would be able to find a way to ruin cookies.” You pick up the remaining piece, popping it in your mouth, only to split it back out into your hand. Wow, those are horrible.
Uraume nods, tossing the paper towel out, “It’s just a matter of practice.” They sigh, looking at the two trays, “I suppose we can toss them out and say you made mine.” They put their hand to their chin in thought. 
“No! Why would we do that!” You take one of Uraume’s cookies, “You’re being ridiculous. Here, let me just–” Your heart stops when your head the garage door opens, Sukuna’s engine revving. You feel an indescribable worry shot through your body, forcing yourself to freeze. 
Uraume’s leaning on the island counter, chin resting on their palm while they’re looking at you. “Too late, it seems that Sukuna’s home already.” They’re watching you so intently, you’re a bit unnerved by it, are they…? Are they waiting to see what’s going to happen?
“Cookies?” Sukuna asks, closing the door behind him. 
You jump, turning back to look at him. Sukuna’s eyes are already on you, and unlike normal, he’s looking directly at your eyes. His hands twitch as his sides, unsure of what to do. You’re looking at his eyes too, they look familiar. They look like yours.
Sukuna raises his hand, and weakly waves. 
You mimic him, passing him a weak smile. “Hi.” 
“She made cookies for you.” Uraume cocks their head to the side, gesturing at the two trays. “She left the first batch in for two long, and insists on making a second batch for you.” They pull the headband off their head, letting their hair fall in their face. 
You blink at this, turning over your shoulder to say, “No, that’s a lie, Uraume made one batch, I made the other.” You can’t look at Sukuna, you only mumble with a flushed face, “I messed up my batch… for you.” 
Sukuna finally tears his gaze away from you, looking at the trays. “You made them for me?” He takes a few steps forward, standing in front of the two trays. He makes a face at your burnt cookies. 
You feel even more embarrassed now that he’s blatantly looking, “U-Uraume made some for you, too.” You stutter, playing with the ends of your sweatshirt. You feel Uraume standing next to you, their arm touching yours. 
“It was all her idea.” They immediately press their hand to your mouth, not allowing you to add to their statement. Going so far to shoot you a nasty glare when you turn to look at them. That’s when you feel something click into place, Uraume’s helping you right now.
Uraume is here for Sukuna. 
You can’t help but wonder, did Sukuna send Uraume to check up on you? See how you’re doing and if you’re okay? Is that why they texted him to finally come to the house? You feel so many questions flooding your mind, but your mind is stuck on the implications. 
Sukuna sent Uraume to check up on you for him. Uraume is here for Sukuna. They're here in place for Sukuna.
“Which one’s did you make?” Sukuna asks you, finally glancing over his shoulder. By this time, Uraume already pulled their hand away from you, acting as if nothing had happened. 
“Uh,” You point at the tray with the burnt cookies, “The ones that are rocks.” You move to grab them, “Here, let me just toss them out, I know no one is going to eat them.” You reach for the tray, but Sukuna grabs your wrist, shaking his head. 
Sukuna grabs one of your cookies, and pops it into his mouth. You cringe when you can hear the harsh chewing, and you instinctively reach for a paper towel, but Sukuna doesn’t give any indication of the taste. He just closes his eyes. 
He’s eating your cookie? He’s eating your burnt cookie that is sitting next to Uraume’s perfect ones. The picky Sukuna, is eating one of your fucked up cookies… and why? You softly pull away from his grasp, “You’re eating it…?” Sukuna swallows, and it makes your cringe. “You didn’t have to do–” 
“You’re cooking is…” Sukuna places his hand over his mouth, turning away from you. “You really do need to work on it.” His voice sounds shaky, uneven, and a bit mocking. “Did you even try?” Is he laughing at you?
“I can’t believe you ate that.” You’re burning up, turning away from him. “And, of course I did, I just… messed up.” You cross your arms over your chest, “And, it’s–it’s the thought that counts…” 
“Dumb girl.” Sukuna replies with a small amount of amusement. 
You look at him for a second, mumbling, “Why–Why did you eat them? They’re obviously not… perfect.” 
Sukuna raises one of his eyebrows, pinching your cheek. “You made them for me, it’d be rude not to.” He wrinkles his nose, shaking his head slightly, “Even if they’re shit.”
Uraume smiles slightly, grabbing their things. “It’s getting late, I suppose it’s time for me to leave.” They turn for the door. 
Sukuna looks at Uraume, he places his hand on the back of his neck. “Thanks.” He waves, “I’ll see you around.” 
They smile to themself, “Anything for ‘Master’ Sukuna.” Yet, right before they leave the house, they point at Sukuna, “I don’t want to see you acting weird anymore.” They point at you next, “You, learn to like better people.” 
“What?! W-What does that… mean?” Uraume passes you a knowing look, which makes you flush. You place your hands on your hips, pretending to roll your eyes as you look to the side. “Bye, Uraume. See you later.” 
Sukuna nods in agreement, “Of course, I’ll see you.” Uraume waves, finally leaving the two of you alone in the kitchen. It’s silent, but not like the silence when the two of you argued, it seems more comfortable and somber. 
You’re about to say something, when your phone rings, making both of you jump. You laugh slightly, “Sorry.” You pull it from your pocket, checking the called ID. You feel a small spike of dread when you see your mom’s name, did something happen? “Wait, let me get this.” 
Sukuna just nods, instinctively grabbing for another one of your cookies, but quickly pulls his hand back. It makes you hide a giggle before answering. You place your phone on the counter, seeing her face fill your screen. You pass her a small wave. 
She waves back, “Hi.” She pulls something on the screen, and you recognize it as your driving license. “You left something, I forgot to tell you yesterday.” She looks at the card, nodding her head, “You are so cute in this.”
You let out a sigh of relief, nodding your head, “Oh, I didn’t even know.” It wasn’t like you’re actively driving, so keeping it on you at all times wasn’t entirely necessary. It was just used as a form of identification. “I’m sure I can pick it up during the holidays.” Your mom nods, and in the corner of your eye you can see Sukuna looking over your shoulder. 
Oh no.
“Who is that?” She’s trying to look over your shoulder, despite being on a call. “Oh my–is that your boyfriend? He’s so hot!” She’s signing a bit more frantically, she’s excited. “Why didn’t you tell me about it? You are so lucky, baby, I wish your father–”
“Mom!” You say, covering your face. “Can you not, he’s just my roommate.” You bring your hands down, and silently tell her, “For now, just wait.” 
If your mom could, you know she would be smiling like an idiot. She’s always been one for listening to your stupid drama or about boys, you’re sure it’s no different even in your adulthood. “I knew it, I have a sense for these things.” She nods, “You have good taste, although, he looks like an–” 
“Asshole.” You nod, “I’ll talk to you later mom. I’ll see you during break.” She nods and ends the call, prompting you to let out a relieved sigh.
Sukuna stand next to you, one of Uraume’s cookies in hand, “Mom?” 
You nod, turning your head to look at him, “Yeah.” You snatch the cookie from his hand, taking a bite and handing it back to him. 
Sukuna’s eye twitches at your actions, “Fuckin’ disgusting.” He scowls at the cookie. 
You hide a giggle, “I accidentally left my drivers license.” 
“You could’ve grabbed another fuckin’ cookie.” 
“You’re still on the cookie?!” You give him an aspirated look. 
“Just tell me what she said.” He waves you off, “I’m over the cookie now.”
You laugh abruptly, “Ar-Are you?” He rolls his eyes and nods in acknowledgement, you quickly add, “She thought you were my boyfriend.” You’re tempted to take another bite of his cookie to mess with him. 
Sukuna looks at the bitten cookie, passes it a scowl, then pops the rest into his mouth, chewing while asking you, “What’d you say to that shit?” 
You turn on your heel, walking towards your room, “You’re the worst person ever, and I’d rather date Yuuji than you.” You have a smug smile on your face, fluttering you lashes innocently at him. “What else would there be to say?” 
Sukuna scowls at you, “You’re such a fuckin’ liar.” He wants to follow after you, but keeps in his spot. “You know you love–” He stops himself from finishing his sentence, he probably shouldn’t mess with you too much right now. Especially saying something of that nature. 
You wave him off, opening your door. “You’re so full of yourself. I will never like you.” 
Sukuna half smiles, something you can’t decipher hiding behind it, but it becomes more real once he sees you smiling back at him. “Promise?” He tilts his head to the side. 
You stop at the door, leaning on the frame while looking at him, “Do you promise?” There’s a small smile on your lips, your eyes full of curiosity, but it’s tainted with a bit of pain. Like you’re looking for something in his answer. 
Sukuna pushes his hair back, giving you a boyish look, “Do you… want me to?”
You bite the inside of your cheek, trying to stop your smile from building as you look to the side. You pass him a final smile, before silently entering your room and closing the door behind you. Sukuna cups his face, shaking his head into his hand. 
He hates that he’s smiling right now. 
・ 。゚☆:  *・ November 30th, 2023 ☽ .* :☆゚.
Yuuji picks up his controller remote, which is coincidentally pink, and clicks the icon for YouTube. “I usually do this with Fusiguro or Nobara, but they’re out of commission today.” He leans on your legs, his head falling back on your knees, “Studying or something…” 
You run your fingers through his hair, “I mean, finals are coming up, Yuuji.” You grab another butterfly hair clip, clipping it to his hair to hold his bangs back. “I’ve been starting to study, too.”
Yuuji groans, closing eyes and moaning, “I don’t want to study.” He lets his head fall to the side, which you quickly grab and pull it back on your knees, adding more hair clips. “I don’t even want to take a final, why can’t break just… come.”
“Don’t whine, Yuuji, you’re a smart boy.” You take one of your under eye patches, and place it in its designated space. “I promise you, it’ll go by so quick, you won’t even process it.” You nod, “There, that should feel refreshing for your skin.” 
Yuuji nods, propping his head back up and searching for something on the search bar. “It feels good.” He clicks something, mindlessly telling you, “We should do this more often, I like doing girly things.” 
You giggle, twisting your hair up and pulling it out of your place. “We can totally do that.” You place another pair of eye patches underneath your eyes, and tap them in place. “Although, I’m moving out after finals, so you may have to hurry.”  
Yuuji gawks at this, twisting his head so fast, you think he’s going to break it. “What?! You’re still moving out?” He sighs, shaking his head, “Is it Sukuna?” He throws a dirty look in a general area. 
You laugh, “No, it’s not Sukuna, Yuuji.” You pat his head, “Although the thought is thoroughly appreciated.” You watch as he plays the half time of a super bowl game, one featuring Shakira and Jlo. Of course. 
“Oh, are you two still mad at each other?” Yuuji leans his head back, allowing you to put some star pimple patches on some designated areas. “Or, did you two make up?” 
“Mad at each other? No.” You close the small container which you keep your pimples patches in, before looking to the side and thinking. “Me mad at him? Well.. I haven’t completely forgiven him. But, I’m not as mad anymore.” You smile a bit, thinking about Uraume, and what they did to calm a bit of tension between the two of you. “But, I feel like that doesn’t answer your question.”
Yuuji looks at you with determination, shaking his head. “Stay here. If it is Sukuna, I can kick him out.” He grabs your hands, giving you a curt nod. “Mhm!” You just laugh, hand pressing against his head to push him away from you. 
“You’re being ridiculous, Yuuji.” You tap his forehead. 
“I pay for the house, Yuuji. Please, throw me out, see what happens.” Sukuna snarkily adds from behind the two of you. “Maybe ask our old man for a job while you’re at it. Get you to stop leeching off me.” He grumbles. 
Yuuji flops back into your legs, groaning out dramatically while you giggle. “But I don’t want to work…” The super bowl music starts, and Yuuji springs out of your lap, raising in his arms as he dances in his spot. 
You laugh again, looking at Sukuna and passing him a quick shrug. 
Yuuji is already up again, the system remote in hand and singing Shakira opening half. Moving his hips, and smiling like an idiot. Still, you got to give it to him, he’s actually really good at dancing. A part of you thinks Shakira should’ve had Yuuji as one of her backup dancers. 
Yuuji looks at his brother, passing him an unsure smile, before saying your name. You snap your attention to him, “Hey, can you do all this to him, too?” He gestures to his face, “If you couldn’t tell, his skin is literally crying for help.” 
Sukuna’s eye twitches, “If you didn’t know, I actually take care of my skin.” He moves to stand over Yuuji. He crosses his arms over his shoulder, smirking to himself while adding, “Probably better than you wash your ass.” 
“Hey!” Yuuji yells, pointing an accusing finger at Sukuna, “I wash my face with a soap bar.” He narrows his eyes, “And my ass, too.” He turns back to the TV, wiggling his shoulders to the beat. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes, “We can totally tell.” 
Yuuji pauses his dancing for a moment, pointing at you. “Do a face mask on him so he has to shut up.” He turns back to the TV and dances like nothing happened, completely changing up his attitude the moment Jlo appears on the screen. 
Sukuna drops down next to you, making you bounce ever so slight from the weight distribution. He closes his eyes, leaning his head back, “Alright, let's get this shit over with.” He taps your thigh. 
You raise an eyebrow, “Wait, you actually want me to do this?” You push his hand away from you, “I thought this type of stuff would be too girly for you, or something?” Besides, you’re not too keen on touching him right now, you’re not completely healed from the argument between you two. Better than before, but not completely over it. 
You wonder if Sukuna is over it, he did seem relatively upset over what you did. Even if you have no clue what you did. He seems over it, then again, you can never know with Sukuna. Yet, a part of you wishes you do. 
“Just do the shit before I leave.” Sukuna tells you, eyes still closed and his body relaxed on the couch. If you know Sukuna well enough, you’re sure that means he wants to do this, just won’t admit it. 
You can help, but subtly smile. “Then ask politely.” You point at Yuuji’s dancing body, “Your younger brother had no problem doing that.” Yuuji didn’t ask, you forced it on him, but Sukuna doesn’t need to know that. “Aren’t you supposed to be setting an example?” 
Sukuna’s eyebrow twitches with frustration, but he remains silent. Which you think is much better then hurling more insults at you, so you take it as him asking politely. “Whatever.” You grab a pink headband, and place it on his forehead, sliding his hair behind it. You pick a few of his baby hairs and clip them with your hair clips. “You know, I saw you before all this, just mixed you up with Yuuji.” 
“Really?” Sukuna asks, not bothering to open his eyes. 
“Yeah.” You grab a moisturizer, placing it on the tips of your fingers before spreading it to the other hand and placing it on his skin. “I was with Maki when I first saw you.” You laugh to yourself,  “She said you were spoiled.” In nice terms, “Then, I met Yuuji, and complimented his hair, since it was the only thing that stood out to me.” You pull your fingers away, “Looks like Yuuji stole the only compliment I would ever give you.” 
“Oh, how absolutely kind of you.” Sukuna pauses for a moment, recalling the conversation you’re referencing. “Wait, that’s why you said I didn’t work to get here?” He huffs a small bit.
“I was hoping you forgot.” You whisper, gathering more eyepatches to place on Sukuna. 
“I have a good memory.” Sukuna tells you, finally opening his eyes to look at you, “I’m sure you know that, at least.” You don’t respond, just peel open the product and place them under his eyes. “Just so you know, I pay for my and Yuuji’s education. I work for our grandpa.” 
That surprises you a bit, “That’s kind of you.” You feel that's a common thing you tell Sukuna mindlessly. You place the final eyepatch, swiping your fingers over both to make sure they stick. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you leave for work.” You open a face mask, spreading it open to make it easier to fit over his face. 
“Yeah, you’re just really forgetful.” You glare at him, which clearly assumes him. “It’s nothin’ I need to leave the house for, purely mental work.” He smiles to himself, flicking your forehead. “Stuff your little brain wouldn’t be able to wrap around.” He mocks you.
You feel your eye twitch, you slap the face mask over his face. You laugh when he flinches, his eyes shutting from the intrusion. “Uh-huh. Yeah, my stupid girl brain wouldn't be able to wrap around your big man, alpha job.” 
Sukuna shakes his head, trying to hide his smile, “You’re so fuckin’ dumb.” 
You spread the mask over his face, “Yeah, yeah.” You tap his cheek, removing the small air bubble caught between his skin and the mask. “Okay, there.” You grab the package and check the instructions, “Says to leave on the skin for fifteen minutes.” 
Sukuna sits up, about to speak when you cut him off, “Ah, nope! It means no talking for fifteen minutes.” You tap his shoulder a few times, a cheeky smile building on your lips. “You don’t want to get wrinkles, right?” You push yourself off the couch, tapping Yuuji’s shoulder to show him your masterpiece. 
When Yuuji turns to look at Sukuna, his jaw drops, “Holy shit, I didn’t think he’d actually let you do it.” He smiles at his brother, hand holding onto each other while singing, “He’s such a cutie, maybe he’ll let you do his makeup, too.” 
“Both of you come any closer to me, and I will kill you.” Sukuna says with a scowl, pulling up his phone to scroll through it. “Especially, you, Yuuji.”
Yuuji wraps his arms around your shoulder, whispering, “Hear that, he’s got a soft spot for you.” He wiggles his shoulder, singing in your ear, “Maybe, he likes you.”
A pillow comes right between the two of you, but hits directly on Yuuji’s head, making him fall to the floor on his knees. Sukuna cockily laughing behind him, “That’s what you get for whisperin’ like little fuckin’ girlies.” 
Yuuji just collapses into himself, “Why… Why does this always happen to me…?” He reaches a tantalizing hand for you, shaking while he mumbles, “An.. an angel. An angel has come for me…” 
You giggle, naturally reaching back for him, but Sukuna places his body between you and Yuuji, smirking while he slaps his hand down. “Yeah, that’s one hell of a way to put it.” He picks up the pillow again, only to throw it back at Yuuji’s face. 
Yuuji’s reaching for you, again, but your attention is preoccupied by picking a new video to watch. Which… Sukuna feels a small pride in. You’re not paying attention to Yuuji, then again, you’re not paying attention to him, but it’s better than you hanging off his brother in front of him. 
Sukuna swears when Yuuji’s hands dramatically falls to the floor, he can hear Yuuji whisper, “Traitor…” Of which falls on deaf ears, clear by the way you're humming to yourself and clicking onto a video. 
“Here, I picked a Selena video.” You say with a smile, placing the remote down. “It’s the intro to her performance at the Astrodome.” You already smile when you see her waving to the crowd. 
Yuuji gains an inhuman amount of strength to push the pillow and Sukuna off him, joining your side and chanting Selena’s name. You’re quick to grab your hair brush, using it as a mic to sing along with Selena’s singing while Yuuji messily follows her dancing on the screen. 
Sukuna merely sits on his heels, looking at the both of you idiots with a dumbfounded look. You’re idiots, you two are actual idiots, maybe even mental. Still, Sukuna is… smiling. A fond look on his face watching the two of you enjoy yourselves. 
More specifically you. You’re hair tied back with a similar fuzzy head band, although yours is decorated with small cat ears and the color white. Some matching colorful clips holding back your baby hairs, and your face adorned with star pimple patches and eye masks.
You’re so weird, he thinks to himself. It’s nice to look at.
Even when you turn to look at him, passing him a face that can only be read as, ‘Stop looking at me, weirdo.’ Sukuna still admires you, passing you an expression you’ve never seen before. It makes your chest flutter a bit. 
“You look dumb.” Sukuna tells you with a smile, laughing when you push his shoulder making him fall off his heels.
“Oh please, have you looked in the mirror?” You say between lyrics, passing him a smug smile as you say, “I’m sure your blonde girlfriend would be on her knees if she saw you right now.” You laugh to yourself, spinning alongside Yuuji. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes, grabbing your wrist and pulling you down with him, “Forget about her.” He tells you, enjoying the way you perfectly fall into his chest, an adorable glare staring at him, “I know I have.” 
You naturally place your hands on the floor, pushing yourself off his chest. “I haven’t.” Your words are directed at something else, and Sukuna knows that. Still, you don’t stand up just yet, you keep your gaze concentrated on him. 
Sukuna looks to the side for a moment, “I’m aware.” 
“I have such a thing for asses.” Yuuji says from behind the two of you, making you turn your head over your shoulder to give him a questionable look. Only to see he’s giving you a mirroring look, “Woah, I literally had my back to you for five seconds, what is happening?” He covers his face, “I feel like I’m interrupting.”
“I’m trying to kill your brother.” 
“Oh.” Yuuji slowly nods to himself, “Fair.” 
You look at the pillow, then point at it, “Pass me that so I can suffocate him.” Yet, Yuuji’s quick by your side, placing the pillow over Sukuna’s face with a laugh. “Or, you can do that, too.” You place your weight on Sukuna, keeping him in place. 
“We got him!” Yuuji yells, looking back and forth around the room. “Someone call animal control!” You giggle, only for both of you to be pushed back, practically sliding across the room as Sukuna sits back up. Yuuji fakes worry, “He’s loose!”
You and Yuuji start laughing again, finding humor in how dumb that line was, while sitting on the ground. Before both you take a moment to stare at Sukuna. You point at him, “Su-Sukuna, your face…” You cup your mouth, trying not to laugh, “..Where’d your face mask go?” 
Yuuji makes a confused face, before lifting the pillow he’s still holding onto. Displaying Sukuan’s face mask perfectly intact and sticking to the cushion. You and Yuuji fall to the floor, laughing hysterically. 
Sukuna turns away from the two of you, his hand placed on his lips. “I-Idiots.” 
Yuuji then proceeds to pick himself up with the pillow, raising it in the air and recreating his best ghost impression while violently sprinting after you. “Boo!” You awkwardly get up, your feet sliding on the wooden floor as you run away from him with a fake cry. 
Sukuna just… watches as this unfolds in front of him. 
And at some point, he swears there is actual terror on your face while you’re running away from Yuuji. Practically, slipping on everything everytime you take a quick corner or round the dining room table. Yuji’s quick on your tail with another scary yell, which tears a real scared scream from you. 
You pass Sukuna a quick look, hiding behind the dinner table. And despite your terror, you’re smiling, clearly enjoying yourself, as you scream, “Help me!” Then, quickly run behind him, hands pressing into his back, “I��m calling for backup, someone get the ghostbusters in here!” 
Sukuna, does something that shocks you both, he laughs. His hand lifts to his eyes while he shakes his head, “You’re so stupid.” Yuuji takes this as an invitation to continue, this time giving his attention to his brother. Only for it to seriously fail and receive a bodyslam into the couch, the pillow long gone. 
Your jaw drops, watching–almost in slow motion–as Yuuji drops, presumably, dead in his spot. His hand dramatically falling limp by his head, his head falling to the side with it. He mumbles, “Brother…?” He blinks, his other hand touching his face, “Is this heaven?” 
“It’s hell.” You quickly perk in, sitting by his head, “I hope you had fun Yuuji, because it’s nothing but suffering and fire from here on out.” You laugh to yourself, pulling his head into your lap. “I swear, you’re always dying on me, Yuuji. It’s like you’re trying to escape from me.” 
Yuuji covers his face with his forearm, “You’ve finally figured me out…” 
You slap his arm, Sukuna sitting on his legs, which you have to think is painful, but Yuuji doesn’t flinch. “Rude.” You mumble, pulling his arm off his face, “What were you saying?” You silently scold Sukuna for sitting on his brother's legs, but he doesn’t move. 
Yuuji’s eyebrows furrow, him looking to the side in thought. “What was I saying?” his eyes land on the screen, watching as Selena finishes her final song to the intro of her performance. “Oh!” He sits up, “Asses.” He says with full confidence. 
You tilt your head to the side, passing Sukuna an unprepared look, before repeating his words with uncertainty, “Asses?” There’s a small laugh hidden behind your words. 
“Asses.” Yuuji asserts, “I have a thing for asses.” 
You nod your head, eyes wide, “Wow. That’s… amazing, Yuuji.” You give him a forced smile, as if he were a toddler passing you a horribly drawn drawing, “I didn’t need to know that.” You stand up, almost pushing Yuuji off the couch as you do so. 
Yuuji throws finger guns at you, clicking his tongue, “Well, now you do.” He falls back down, taking your place on the couch. Yuuji passes you, what he thinks is a charming smile, but looks more scary if anything.  “By the way, you have an amazing–” 
Sukuna hits the back of Yuuji’s head, “Learn to shut your fuckin’ mouth, Yuu.”
Yuu? Is that a nickname Sukuna calls Yuuji? You’ve never heard it before. You put your hand out, “Wait, Sukuna, let the boy speak.” You shrug, turning your attention back to the screen, “He may say something that I want to hear.” You scroll through the related videos, and try to pick another song to listen to. 
Yuuji passes Sukuna a smug smile, “Yeah, Sukuna.” 
Sukuna just rolls his eyes. You give up on finding a video, and place the controller in Sukuna’s hands, silently telling him to pick something. Then, you sit on the ground next to the coffee table, since both boys are taking up the couch. 
Yuuji pulls his legs from under his brother and stretches them, pulling out his phone in the meantime. Yuuji calls your name, “Are you free the whole next week?” You just give a halfhearted shrug. “Well, if you are, Nobara and Megumi are planning on meeting up in the library for the whole week, to study. They just texted me about it.” 
You watch as Sukuna begins searching for a song to listen to. “Oh, that actually sounds really nice, I’d totally be–” You pause, thinking for a moment, “Wait, I can’t on Monday and Wednesdays, I have my club.” You groan at that thought. 
Yuuji tilts his head to the side, “Wait, I thought you liked going to your club?” 
You turn to look at him over your shoulder, “No, I do. Believe me, I do.” You sigh, “But, I have to go to every club meeting since no one wants to cover for me. It’s honestly so exhausting. Like, you don’t even have to do much, you just have to check roll-call, yet no one seems to want to take on the small work load. “And with finals coming up, I really need a break.” 
Yuuji hums, pouting ever so slightly, “Sorry to hear that, if you want, I can take your spot.” 
You laugh, shaking your head while turning back to the TV, only to see a video playing. “I feel it coming.” By, The Weekend. You hum to yourself, already nodding your head to the beat. You smile to yourself, “Tell me what you really like.” 
Yuuji nods with you, skipping a few lines before adding, “Just take it step by step.” He pushes himself off the couch, crawling next to you, “You’ve been scared of love, and what it did to you.” He bumps into your shoulder, making you nod in sync with him.
“I feelin’ coming, babe.” You sing, this time snapping your fingers to the beat, your shoulder rolling together. The two of you enjoy the rest of the song while humming parts, eyes engrossed in the music video. Until you turn over your shoulder to look at Sukuna. 
You feel a bit… shocked by what you see. 
Sukuna’s nodding along, his eyes already on you while singing along, and now that you’re looking at him, it feels like you can hear him singing, “You’ve been scared of love, and what it did to you.” It sounds a bit odd, knowing how deep his voice is, but at the same time it’s domestic. A bit intimate to you, never in your life would you think that one day you would see Sukuna singing along to a weekend song. 
You pass him a ridiculous smile at him, nodding your head a bit more dramatically, “You don’t have to run, I know what you’ve been through.” You place your hand over your heart, which gives Sukuna some form of encouragement. 
He places his hand on his chest, “Just a simple touch, and it can set you free.” 
“We don’t have to rush when you’re alone with me.” You mouth back, swaying your shoulders slightly. 
Yuuji leans back, shooting his hands in the air while loudly singing, “I feel it coming,” Which inclines everyone to sing the final lines together with a laugh.
It may seem ridiculous, singing along to a weekend song with Sukuna, but… it feels real. 
Sukuna feels real. 
You stretch your arms over your head, letting out a long yawn. “I think I’m clocking in for the night.” You push yourself off the ground, accidentally making Yuuji fall to the floor. Shit, you didn’t know he was sleeping on you. 
Yuuji shoots up, “I’m up! I’m up!” He blinks hard, looking around a bit confused, “Uh, save your tears for another day?...” He lets his head fall back onto the floor, almost as if he had passed out again. This time, without you to cushion his fall.  
You laugh, rolling your eyes, “Goodnight, Yuuji.” You pat his head, which gains you a small smile from him. 
Yuuji pats your hand back, “Night, night.” He curls into himself, much like a puppy. 
A small huff leaves your lips, before you make your way to your room. Sukuna passes you a quick glance, which you return with a curt wave. “See you in the morning, Sukuna.” 
Yet, when you go to open your door, a hand grabs yours. You don’t even need to look at him to know who it is, you turn over your shoulder, the name leaving your mouth like sticky honey, “Sukuna?” Yet, your eyes aren’t on his face, they're stuck on your hand. 
He’s holding your hand.
Albeit, he is holding it a bit awkwardly, but he’s holding you. Last time you were in a similar situation he was holding your wrist, now he’s holding your hand.  A small difference, but it holds more meaning than you can ever imagine. You’ve never noticed before, most likely because you’ve never taken the time to mentally note, but Sukuna’s had it much larger than yours. It holds your whole hand whole, it's warm and calloused. It’s comforting.
It’s far more intimate now.
“You're rude.” He tells you, but for once, there’s no malice in his voice. It’s more calm and playful, shockingly. “I see you clearly have a favorite brother, pretty girl.” 
You raise your eyebrow at him, slowly pulling your hand away to cross it over your chest. “What? Is it that I didn’t wish you a good slumber?” You smile while he glares at you, you tilt your head to the side ever so slightly, “You’re oddly sassy today?” 
Wait, did he just call you pretty girl? “Wait, what did you call me?” You blink dumbly. 
“I didn’t say anything.” Sukuna says, before adding, “Besides, you’re always fuckin’ annoying, but you don’t see me bitching at you ‘bout it.” You raise an eyebrow, which is more than enough said. “Okay, fine, I’ll give you that.” 
You nod satisfied, “That’s what I thought.” You shake your head, “Wait, no, you’re not changing the conversation, what did you call me?” 
“Dookie stain?” Sukuna says with a satisfied smirk. 
“Oh my god.” You place your hand over your face, “I don’t think I’m ever going to forgive you.” And with that sentence alone, the tone between the two of you snapped into something less light-hearted, and more… distant. 
There’s a small silence between you two, and it isn’t very comfortable, nor is it uncomfortable. If anything, it’s more…. The two of you don’t know what to say. Should you say something about the argument? Or, should you leave the topic to simmer, then eventually die out? Maybe, find a completely different topic to talk about, despite how much you want to talk about the argument.
You look to the side, biting your bottom lip gently. Sukuna leans on the wall across from you, “You’re still mad?” Looks like Sukuna can also read your mind. 
You’re hesitant to say, “Not as much as before, no.” You hug yourself, “I’m guessing you’re also no longer mad…?” You give Sukuna a hopeful look, but it isn’t returned. 
Sukuna doesn’t say anything, just softly sighs. “Finals are coming up.” He tells you, and him ignoring your question, is answer enough. He’s still bothered over what happened. Still, a part of you wonders what you did that got under his skin. That makes you feel a bit worse, the fact that you don’t know. Yet, it couldn’t have been that bad, right? 
That thought makes you feel even worse.
You merely nod, not adding to his words. You don’t have much strength to do that right now. Maybe, you don’t have the strength to have that conversation right now, much rather to your own desires. 
Sukuna seems unsure, hesitant to say, “I study at home, if the brat isn’t bothering you, you should come by.” He cocks his head in the direction of his room. “I already know how annoyin’ he can be.” 
You tilt your head to the side, raising an eyebrow. “Wait, right now?” You tap your door, “It’s past my bedtime, and I’m actually really tired.” You tease. 
Sukuna scoffs at you, “No, dumbass. Later.” You laugh a bit, knowing that even though you're clearly joking, Sukuna seems to find offense to everything. “Besides, I’m going to… uh, talk to Yuuji right now.” He passed you a look that says a thousand words. 
You feel your lips part a bit, knowing exactly what Sukuna and Yuuji’s conversation is going to entail. And, as much as you are a bit mad at him, you smile at him. Your eyes glowing in the small light of the hallway, while your eyes shine bright at him, “That sound… amazing.” You nod softly, “I’m glad.”
Sukuna diverts his gaze away from you, not able to hold your gaze. “Yeah, whatever.” He crosses his arms over his chest, mimicking your stance. “I swear, you always look at me with that stupid smile. It’s annoying as hell.” 
You’re still smiling, tilting your head to try and look at his face. “What? You hate my smile?” You say, leaning closer to him, “Is that why you can’t look at me right now?” 
“I can’t look at your hideous face.” Sukuna responds. 
“Uh-huh, sure. I completely believe you.” You smile a bit, “I’m sure that’s why you called me a pretty girl right now. Just because of how hideous I am.” Sukuna doesn’t respond, but the twitch in his eyebrow is satisfying enough. “Okay, yeah, we can study later.” You turn on your heel, opening your door, “Since you asked so nicely, Sukuna.” You say animatedly. 
“Didn’t ask for anything.” Sukuna tells you while rolling his eyes, pushing himself off the wall to stand a bit closer to you. “You might actually be going mental.” He pinches your nose, blocking your airway for a moment. 
“Sure.” Your voice sounds ridiculous. Which makes Sukuna smile a small bit. You wave his hand off, turning to your room. Yet, right before you close your door behind you, you pause to look at him. Your head leaning on the door. Sukuna almost perks up at you, expecting something. It’s a bit puppy-like in a way. “Say it.” Your eyes are boring into him. 
“Say what?” Sukuna mumbles back, passing you a disinterested sigh. You just give him an expecting look, similar to the one he was giving you not even a few seconds ago. He loudly—and obnoxiously—sighs, “Good fuckin’ night, loser.”
You burst into laughter at his insult, which doesn’t at all feel insulting, but more humorous. “Bye, Sukuna.” You watch as he makes his way back to the living room, but you call his name again, just to mess with him. “‘Kuna?” 
Sukuna—visibly—sighs, his shoulder slowly raising, then lowering, before slowly turning his head over his shoulder to look at you. “What do you want now, idiot?” He’s glaring at you, but it’s still entirely humorous in your head. 
“Good…” You watch as he eyes perk a bit, and you laugh a bit, you can’t help it, really. “Good luck removing those eye masks, they stain the skin.” 
“Fuck you.” He flips you off. 
・ 。゚☆:  *・ December 1st, 2023 ☽ .* :☆゚.
“It’s done!” You squeal, throwing your hand in the air with enthusiasm. Only for you to collapse onto your computer, “Oh my god, I’m done.” Your eyes close, rubbing your eyelids from the strain of looking at a screen without your glasses. “I hate Gojo, I pray for Gojo’s students next year. This project is literally so invasive.”
Yuuji merely nods, a bit caught up in his thoughts. You can’t help but notice Yuuji seems a bit different, more put at ease, and untroubled with himself. A blissful smile on his face, as his eyes blink with a similar tone, he looks happy. But, not in the sense of grinning ear to ear, but in self… contentment. 
You can even see it in the way he holds his body, his shoulders seem lighter, his smile less forced. It’s almost as if you’re finally getting a glimpse at the real Yuuji, not the one he’s been trying to force into your eye. He’s still Yuuji, but more… real. 
It makes you feel warm. 
You can also see the slight puffiness in Yuuji’s eye. They’re a bit red, and the corners look a bit irritated, too. You assume their conversation entailed a few tears, but you’re not going to point them out, nor are you going to ask. You’re sure Nobara will do that for you.
If anything, you’ll bother Sukuna about it later. Noticing his eyes are also a bit irritated at the corners, too. Not in front of Yuuji, though, maybe when the two of you study on your own, you’ll tease him about it. 
You bite the inside of your cheek, turning your computer to Yuuji, “Wait, can you check it for me? I feel like it’s too personal.” Knowing Gojo, he’d probably love that. “Should I tone it back some more? Or, should I say ‘fuck it,’ and leave it as is?”
Yuuji leans over, eyes skimming the google document. “I think it’s fine, your writing is way better than any papers I’ve done.” 
Sukuna reaches over, taking your computer, only for you to snatch it away from him. “Ah, you can’t see it yet.” You’re mumbling a bit, your face growing hot, “I still have some comments I need to delete before I turn it in.” Again, you think it’s far too personal for a normal school paper, much less for Sukuna to read. 
Sukuna doesn’t bother to ask, just lets you do whatever. “Weirdo.”
“We still enjoying our Friday out?” You ask Yuuji, pulling your head up to look at him. “It’s our last glimpse into freedom for a month.” 
Yuuji perks at this, “Yeah, Nobara should be swinging by with Megumi anytime now.” He closes his computer, looking at Sukuna sitting across from him. “You sure you don’t want to come, Megumi is going to be there.” 
“You’re acting like Megumi is going to suede his decision.” You rest your head on your hand, looking at Yuuji. “Wait, unless they’re secretly dating, and this is your way of coming out to me.” You turn your attention to Sukuna, passing him a smug smirk. 
“I’ll kill you.” Sukuna says, not taking his eyes off his computer. 
You merely giggle in response, leaning ever so slightly in his direction. “Mhm. Keep talking to me like that.” 
Yuuji blinks innocently, “I don’t know, It might. I think Sukuna likes Megumi.” He narrows his eyes at you, “Wait, I’m changing my answer, she’s going to be there.” Yuuji points at you. 
“You’re acting like that is going to change my answer.” Sukuna rubs his eyes. 
You shrug, “It might.” 
Yuuji sighs, looking away from you with a red face, “Well, I’m going…” 
That makes both you and Sukuna turn to look at Yuuji, a smile building on your lips, while Sukuna bites the inside of his cheek. “I’ll…” He smiles a bit, “I always hated when you pulled that shit on me.” He leans back in his chair, letting out an exasperated breath. “I’ll take you out somewhere this weekend, you good with that?”
Yuuji tries to hide it, but he smiles into his hand. 
You lean close to Yuuji, “He loves you, Yuuji, isn’t that so sweet?” Sukuna throws a pencil at your head, to which you almost tackle him for. You quickly compose yourself, “Good thing you love him, because everyday I fight the urge to take him out in his sleep.” You give Yuuji a small smile, “You’re keeping me sane, Yuuji.”
“Who knew we actually had that in common?” 
“We love Yuuji, or we want to kill–”
“Nobara’s here.” Yuuji stands up, closing his computer and placing it in the middle of the table, which you allow your device to join next to. He laughs to himself, tucking his phone into his pocket, “She also said, Megumi bought drinks, but I think that’s a lie.” 
“Let me grab my shoes.” You push yourself back from the table, grabbing your converse and twisting your feet into them. Tapping them on the ground once you stand back up, satisfied with how they look. 
Yuuji’s already by your side, draping a blue jean jacket over his red hoodie. “We’ll be back around ten, I don’t think we’re going to do anything crazy.” He tells Sukuna, looking over his shoulder to see his brother standing behind him. 
“I don’t care what you do.” Sukuna says dismissively, “Just don’t wake me up when you get home.” His hands are in the pockets of his sweats. 
Yuuji nods at Sukuna, pulling your hand quickly to the car. “See you tomorrow.” Sukuna returns the gesture with a small wave, almost laughing when Yuuji pushes you into the car awkwardly. A small yelp resigns in his ears as he shuts the door again. 
Sukuna softly nods to himself, making way back to the table, grabbing his computer from the center. He doesn’t know why he put his device in the pile when he was going to return not even a moment later, but what was done, was done.
“To finish that stupid assignment for Geto’s class–” Sukuna pauses after opening his laptop, immediately flooded with a pink background, and a splitscreen of a google document. It hits him like a rock through a moving vehicle, this isn’t his computer. 
See, if this computer was Yuuji’s, he would’ve closed it and reached for his own. It’s truly as simple as that. But, it’s not Yuuji’s computer, it’s yours, and the google document open is the research project you did on him. 
Besides, what you don’t know, won’t hurt you. 
Sukuna hides the open webpage in favor of looking at your wallpaper, noticing what he thinks is your family under a cherry tree. But, he can’t spot you, which is a bit odd, you would assume that a picture like this would include everyone–Sukuna pasuses, his eyes landing on a small girl in the middle. 
“Holy shit.” Sukuna mumbles to himself with a smile, trying not to laugh. That small girl is you. You look incredibly young, most likely a picture from middle school. Yet, what he’s a bit perplexed by, is your appearance, a stark contrast to how you look now. Glasses, braces, messy hair, and a fashion sense that screams early 2000’s. 
Sukuna wonders if you still need glasses, possibly changed them out for contact once you hit college? Now, he wants to see what you look like in glasses. Would you look childish, like the picture here, or would you look more grown and dignified. Some other thoughts pop into his head thinking about you wearing glasses, but he doesn’t dwindle on them for too long. Despite how inviting they may seem. 
He opens the document again, immediately meeting with the simple words of, ‘Project, by me.’ He thinks it’s a bit improper, and adds your name for you. You can thank him later for being such a kind roommate, and–now–study partner. 
Sukuna’s eyes naturally fall on the small circle chart at the beginning, explaining the nutrients, and food he intakes. Right next to it is a graph explaining his active life, how much he works out, and practices. Along with the calories he burns, along with what he gains from working out. 
It’s far more extensive than he’s ever noted about himself. Yet, that’s not the part that seems interesting to him, more or less what he’s looking for. He’s looking for personal notes about him. Your… “evaluation,” of sorts. He wants to know what you wrote. 
Sukuna actually spoke to Maki earlier in the day, asked her about the project. 
“What?” Maki asked with a scowl, “Why the hell would I do that?” She places her hands on her hips. 
Sukuna’s quick to say your name, “Asked for an example, just hasn’t had the time to find you yet. Decided I’d help her out.” He placed his hands into his pockets, tapping his foot on the ground impatiently. 
Maki sighed, flicking her glasses to the bridge of her nose, before pulling out her computer, placing it on the picnic table where she was eating. “Fine, but tell her she owes me.” She said with a groan. 
“Nah, I’ll take care of it.” Sukuna said, eyeing the screen Maki just showed him. She did it on her brother Megumi, writing about who he is, analyzing his character, and more specifically, who he is in her eyes. “Hm.” He nodded to himself, “Cool, I’ll buy you lunch, or something.” 
Maki shook her head, “Sure, whatever.” 
Now, Sukuna can’t deny how curious he is about what you wrote about him. Along with the small comments you added to yourself. He’s quick to click the first one. It’s attached to a sentence. 
“Sukuna Itadori – a previous student of yours – holds himself with pride, strength, and dignity. Yet, contains a side to him which no one seems to view, a side that’s more caring then most would note.” 
– ‘Pride is one hell of a way to put it. I already hate this.’ 
Sukuna laughs a bit, clicking onto the next personal comment. 
“Sukuna is an individual that pushes everyone out, in fear of rejection. (Rejection – the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.) However, the rejection feared isn’t tainted in love, or measly relationships written in immature youth, nor is it littered from social cliques which people tend to flock to, but rejection as in the fear of yourself, of never meeting what you pray to become.” 
– ‘That’s all the professor is going to get out of me, honestly, the man is so nosey. Fail me if you need to, I don’t care anymore.’ 
There's another comment attached to it. 
– ‘Sukuna deserves so much better, then just being my stupid fucking project. I wish I could tell him that.’
That makes Sukuna reel back, his heart beating loudly in his chest. A plethora of emotions flooding his head, along with guilt seeping through his chest. It feels weird, something he feels very little of, but it’s real and drowning. You… You do know why he’s mad. 
Now, ugh… he feels a bit stupid. 
Now, he feels bad. 
Sukuna shakes his head, he wants to continue, but doesn’t know if he should. There’s only a few more comments, which can’t be too revealing, it can’t make him react in such a way as the previous one, right? So, he’s fine to continue. 
“I noted that being by the side of an athlete was going to be revealing of his character, however, I couldn’t help but notice the change of mine. I became more nervous, scared, excited, and riddled with anxiety. My personal agenda against Sukuna switching from the one I heard from acquaintances, to something I could piece together on my own. He’s brash, stoic, and pleasing to the eye.” 
– ‘“Pleasing to the eye?” What is this, 1900? I swear, just call him sexy asf, I’m sure Gojo wouldn’t care… hell, he’ll probably understand if anything.’
That makes Sukuna laugh, “She’s going to hate me.” But, that doesn’t keep him away from looking, if anything, it has him clicking your second to last personal comment. However, right before he can get to them, Sukuna notices the massive paragraph break between a conclusion, and the two more comments. 
The conclusion is simple and dignified. However, the paragraph under the break isn't so much. 
“Sukuna Itadori. A man who has managed to flip my world upside down, a complex person of which I feel I will never understand. Yet, I've grown to terms with that. I’ve grown to terms that the only individual I will understand is myself, however, spending time with some else at close proximity, passes me a glimpse into someone else's life, along with their problems and aspirations. I understand so little, yet more than most.” 
– ‘This is too personal, I need to write a better conclusion. Ugh. So close to being done.’ 
Sukuna agrees, mumbling to himself, “It’s like she’s in love with–” His finger clicks the last personal comment. 
– ‘Just say you love him, it’s not like he’s going to see it. Maybe, Gojo will give me a good grade for the confession, too.’
Sukuna closes the computer, then cups his face. 
He’s fine, there’s nothing happening right now, his mind isn’t racing, nor is his heart beating quickly at all. He’s completely calm, not freaking out at all. His…
Sukuna’s ears are tinted red. 
You’re going to kill him. 
・ 。゚☆:  *・ December 2nd, 2023 ☽ .* :☆゚.
You already told yourself–close to a million times now–you put your name on the document. You just don’t remember putting your name, even though you distinctly remember, not putting your name on the document. You shouldn’t think about it anymore, anyway, you turned in the assignment and–
“Madame President, are you okay?” 
“Stop calling me that, I actually hate it.” You mumble to yourself, before standing straight up. “Uh, what’s up?” You glance around, “Are there more papers I need to fill out, or something?” A boy shows you his drawing of him and you, a heart in the middle. 
You smile, patting his head, taking the paper away from him, telling him a silent ‘thank you,’ before looking at your peer. “Uh, no, there’s someone… uh, someone’s waiting for you.” They push their glasses to the bridge of their nose. Pointing in–what you think–is a general area. 
You feel everything around you go blank, the floor sinking beneath you. You want to swallow the lump in your throat, but you can’t. You force a nod, “Uh, yeah, I’ll go… talk to them.” Walking to the person makes your heart pound, your body littered with anxiety. 
He’s smiling at you like a friend, waving widely and catching the attention of your fellow peers and children. He calls your name so kindly, you wonder if you hallucinated the whole night at the party. “Yoo-hoo! Come here!” 
You feel your eye twitch, your feet sinking into the ground with each step. You pass him a half-hearted wave, “Uh, what do you want?” That sounded really mean, but he deserves it. 
“Awh, don’t be tense with me, I’m not here to hurt you.” Mahito waves his hand reassuringly, before his eyes narrow in on you. “I just wanted to talk to you, little puppy. Without your owner to bother us, this time.” 
That nickname makes you uncomfortable–no, Mahito makes you uncomfortable. “Uh…? My owner?” Is he talking about Sukuna? That makes you scowl, why in the world would Mahito think Sukuna owns you? Just because you spent some time around him–and like him–doesn’t mean anything. “I’m sorry, why are you here?” 
Mahito pushes his hair over his shoulder, his smile widening. “I’m here to talk to you.” He taps your forehead, and his finger is cold, sending an uncomfortable shiver down your spine. “Also, Sukuna sent me for you.” 
“Did he?” You glance over your shoulder, looking at the children and peers playing. It makes you feel a bit sick, you’re in such a tight situation. You can’t cuss him out, nor can you make a big scene. You’re trapped, and there’s nothing you can do. 
Mahito nods, “Yup! He’s asking to bring you to the parking lot.” He places his hand on your head, ruffling your hair, which you hate immensely. “Just wants to make sure his little puppy doesn’t get lost on the way over there.” He smiles at you, “Isn’t that so kind? Wanting to keep you safe from the horrible people out there?” 
You push his hand off your head, “Don’t touch–” 
A hand presses on your shoulder, making you turn. “President, if you need to leave, that’s fine.” They lean in a small bit, cupping your ear as they whisper, “A few of the kids are scared of your friend.” 
You shrug them off, “He’s not my friend.” But, that leaves you in a horrible place to make a decision. You don’t want to distress the children, but you also don’t want to leave anywhere with Mahito. Your head is screaming at you, that is a horrible idea, and you’re going to listen. 
“What? But, I thought we were close?” Mahito takes a step forward, placing his arm over your shoulders, “Is this you telling me that you hate me? That you don’t want to be my friend?” 
Yes. “Uh, I would personally…” You push him off you, glancing at your peer, then the children again. You look down at the drawing in your hands, before softly sighing in defeat. “Fine. Where does he want to meet?” Your head is screaming at you, don’t, you’re going to get hurt, but you can’t be around children with this creep. 
Mahito jumps with joy, humming to himself briefly, “Yay!” He claps his hands excitedly, grabbing your wrist to pull you along with him, but something grabs your hand, pulling you away from him. Mahito instantly turns on his heel with a questionable look, before his face flushes pale. 
You keep your back to them, their chest hitting the back of your head. Their voice is laced with venom, “You really want to die, huh?” Naturally, relief washes over your body, your hand squeezing his. A silent thank you, and gain of strength. 
Mahito thickly swallows, shaking his head, “Let’s stop kidding around, Sukuna, you’re not going to kill me.” He waves off his sentence, “That’s… illegal.” He sounds unsure of himself, passing the two of you an unnerved smile. 
Sukuna merely raises one of his eyebrows, “You want to talk about shit that’s illegal?” He sticks his free hand out, holding it open and gesturing for him to hand him something. “Give me your phone, let’s see what’s on it.” 
Mahito seems to cower at that, shaking his head. “No, actually, do we have practice today? I think I need to be… there.” They don’t have practice today? He turns on his heel, shoving his hands into his pockets, “I’ll see you there, Sukuna.” 
You twist on your heel, looking at him, “What are you doing here?” 
“Saving your ass, apparently.” 
“How did you even find me?” You cross your arms over your chest, tapping your foot impatiently. 
Sukuna raises an eyebrow at you, lifting his sunglasses up to keep his hair out his face. “I didn’t find you, I just remembered.” He’s wearing something that fits along with his sunglasses, a black button up shirt, two buttons popped at the collar, and the sleeves raised above his elbows. He’s wearing some black pants, however, they’re matched with some red jordans. 
“Remembered?” You say a bit confused, “What do you mean, remember? I’ve never brought you here.” You glance at the person with glasses, passing them a quick look of, ‘did I?’ They shake their head shamefully. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes, lifting his hand to rest on the back of his neck. “When we first saw each other.” He turns away from you, and, maybe it’s the sun–it’s December, there’s no sun–that’s making his ears red.
You blink a few times, before your eyes widen with realization, “Wait, you noticed me?” You tilt your head to the side, trying to look at him, “Wait, are you saying you were looking at me when you passed by with your football friends. You noticed me?”
“Don’t sound so giddy, weirdo.” Sukuna finally looks at you again, but he pinches your cheek, hard. “Who wouldn’t notice your ugly face.” 
He smirks to himself, but it quickly dies into a scowl. “Looks like Mahito noticed you first.” He sighs, leaning his head back slightly, “If I were you, I would file a restraining order.”
You shudder, recalling the blue-haired man, “Ugh, I don’t want to remember him, or that…” Your voice waivers a bit, before you finish your sentence, “Uh, that night…” You divert your eyes, pulling your hand in front of your body to look at the drawing again. You shake your head, “What on his phone, by the way?” 
Sukuna looks to the side, licking his teeth. “Don’t worry about it.” He places his hand on your head, but instead of ruffling your hair like Mahito, he fixes the messy strands. “It’s nothing you’re ever going to have to worry about.” 
“What does that–”
“You’re a horrible fuckin’ artist.” He takes the paper from you, looking at the drawing. “Good thing you’re becoming a physical therapist.” 
“I didn’t draw that.” You flinch when you feel a small hand tug at the bottom of your shirt, drawing your attention to the artist of the drawing Sukuna is holding. You instantly lower yourself to his height, your hand touching his shoulder gently. 
“Is he bullying you? Mean one.” The boy asks, pointing a finger at Sukuna when he stops signing at you. A small breath of relief passes your lips, you’re glad he’s around with Sukuna, and not with Mahito. 
You laugh a small bit, a smile splitting your lips as you quickly glance at Sukuna. He’s looking at you curiously. You shake your head, “No. Not bullying me.” You pat his head, “A close friend. He’s nice, most of the time.”
“He looks very scary.” The boy tells you, “Is he the boyfriend?” 
You loudly laugh at that, shaking your head. Sukuna hands the drawing back to you, “Did he ask you if I’m your boyfriend?” 
That accurate guess startles you, “Uh, yeah? He did?... Wait, how’d you know that?” You blink a bit at him, taking the boy into your arms as he silently asks for a hug. 
Sukuna shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets. “A good guess.” 
You narrow your eyes on him, suspicious. “A good guess?” Maybe, Sukuna and Uraume are part Jedi, or something? For some reason, that makes a lot of sense in your head. 
The boy tugs your shirt again, “Is he take you away from me?” 
You smile, “No, he will not take me away from you.” You look up, locking eyes with his mother, “But, your mom is here to pick you up.” He perks at that, quickly twisting around and searching for his mom with an excited smile. You stand up, pointing a finger at the person with glasses again, “You, go sign him out, I gotta’ deal with him.” You cock your head in Sukuna’s direction. 
“Fine, walk your ass home then.” Sukuna turns on his heel, walking away from you. 
You’re quick to grab the back of his shirt, “Wait, you’re taking me home?” You ask innocently, peaking your head past his shoulder, “But, that means that Yuuji’s going to have to take the bus alone, and I can’t do that to–”
“I’m taking you both home.” Sukuna pulls his shirt away from you, “Believe it or not, but not everything is just about you.” 
You roll your eyes, before glancing behind you. You catch a glimpse of all the people and children, before turning back to Sukuna. “Let’s just go.” You whisper, looping your arm with his, “Maybe, no one will notice.” 
Sukuna seems to smile at this, “You’re not going to get in trouble?”
“Who cares?” You shrug, walking alongside with him, “I do everything for that club, the least they can do is let me have a day off…” You look to the side, mumbling, “Maybe, even two.” You smile, picking up your pace when you think you hear someone call your name, you look at Sukuna over your shoulder. “Besides, don’t you need me to study today?” 
Sukuna raises an eyebrow, before scoffing a bit, “Yeah, let’s go.” 
You just laugh in return. 
You pop another fry into your mouth, “I thought you said you were also taking Yuuji home?” You shut his door behind you, passing Sukuna a quizzical look. “Unless, he somehow has powers and is just invisible?” You use your hands to feel around the car’s area for anything. 
“You’re so stupid.” Sukuna locks the car, turning it on to blast the heater for you. “I just lied to you. He’s out doing some weird ghouls and ghost shit. The weirdo.” He can see the glare you’re giving him, and quickly responds, “What? You were acting too cocky. Can’t have you think I’m goin’ soft on you.” 
“Well, you are.” You lift the Mcdonalds bag, shaking it slightly. “Even if you don’t want to admit it.” You lower it into your lap, grabbing another fry and eating it. 
“I was hungry.” Sukuna tells you. 
“Uh-huh.” You pass him a knowing look, then point at the cup sitting in his cup-rest. “Can I have some of your Mcflurry? Looks good.” 
Sukuna doesn’t even pass you a glance, “Help yourself.” 
You giggle before grabbing the cup, helping yourself to the creamy treat. You know, and you’re sure Sukuna knows the ice cream is now yours, and he’s not getting it back. So much for being hungry. “You’re so sweet to me.” 
“Nope.” Sukuna takes a bite of his burger, nodding his head in approval. Something you noticed all people–more specifically, men–do when eating. You wonder if that’s a psychological thing, or something…
“You didn’t get any fries?” You ask with a head tilt, grabbing a small french fry and lifting it from the brown bag. “Isn’t that the best part of Mcdonalds?” You take another bite of the Mcflurry, a shiver shooting down your spine uncomfortably. 
“Sure.” Sukuna looks at you, taking a bite of his burger. “If you don’t mind dying from whatever shit they put into them.” He grabs his coke, taking a small drink of the dark liquid. 
“Ugh.” You loudly groan, sinking into his leather seat. “Don’t tell me you’re an obnoxious gym-bro who’s gonna’ criticize me for everything I eat.” You twist your head away from him, “I don’t think I’m going to be friends with you after this.” 
Sukuna laughs a little bit, saying your name to catch your attention, you merely lazily pull your head in his direction. “I’m joking, I’m literally eating Mcdonalds with you.” He lifts his burger, testing it back and forth. “You’re bad with sarcasm.” 
You quickly sit back up, narrowing your eyes at him. “It’s not sarcasm if you sound the exact same, Sukuna.” You press the fry to his lips, keeping it there for him to eat, “That’s you being… you.” 
“Hm.” Sukuna opens his mouth and allows you to feed him, “Maybe, you’re autistic.” He says in between chews. He says it so nonchalantly, you didn’t even find it humorous, again, you think it’s Sukuna being… Sukuna. 
“That option is definitely on the table.” You say with full seriousness, before narrowing your eyes suspiciously, “Wait, is this a form of you shaming me?” You point dramatically at him with a fry, “Are you shaming me right now, Sukuna?
“Absolutely.” Sukuna turns on his car, “In fact, I’d call you a whole lot of things in my head, just filter myself since I know you’re sensitive.” He places his hand on your head while looking over his shoulder,  pulling out of the parking spot. “You big baby.”
“Now, we’re just going back to our previous conversation, you do have a soft spot for me.” You pop another fry in your mouth, adding, “You may not be aware of it, but you subconsciously do, which I think speaks louder than any actions, or words you may yell at me.”
Sukuna furrows his eyebrows, “You seem very talkative today.” 
You shrug, scooping up more ice cream into your mouth. “I’m just stating the truth.” You scoop another mouthful, but this time, you hold it to Sukuna’s lips, which he takes into his mouth without a second thought.
He mumbles, “And, what’s that?” Sukuna pulls his hand away from your head, putting the car into drive. 
“I don’t know.” You lean your head on the window, a small spark of anxiety building in your stomach as you whisper, “You actually care for me, in a weird Sukuna way.” A part of you wants Sukuna to agree, you want to hear what he has to say. You want to hear it more than anything right now. 
“Wait, I thought you have to eat healthy for Football, or something?” You tilt your head, “Isn’t Mcdonalds totally bad for you, or is this like your cheat day?” Not even that, but supposedly Sukuna only ate things that were perfect, did Mcdonalds also happen to fall under that specific spectrum?  
Now, you have so many more questions. Wait, no, Mcdonalds fries are fair, you completely get it. But, he’s not even eating them?! You’re just making your brain hurt right now. 
“Coach doesn’t care what I eat.” Sukuna shrugs, “I don’t care how I eat, as long as I work it off later.” 
You thoughtfully hum, “Oh. Well, you should probably write down all of this in your app thingy.” You gesture to the Mcdonalds mess in his car. “I can do it for you.” You reach for his phone in his pocket, and he naturally lips his leg for you to retrieve it. 
“My app thingy?” Sukuna questions, but it sounds more like he’s making fun of you if anything. “The hell are you talkin’ about?” Wait, no, he sounds genuinely confused. 
Now, you’re confused. “Yeah?” You tilt your head to the side, “You literally let me look at it for my project, remember?” 
Sukuna pauses for a moment, before his eyebrows raise ever so slightly, “Oh, yeah.” He nods, “I know what you’re talking about.” 
You slowly move your hands back and forth, “So…?” 
Sukuna groans, “I deleted that forever ago.” He shrugs, “I didn’t need the app.” 
“Then why did you–” 
“I got it for you.” Sukuna rolls his eyes, “I didn’t want to deal with your pestering questions about my diet. Thought it’d be helpful for the situation.” 
You furrow your eyebrows, “Wait, does that mean you got the app for me?” You end up smiling, poking his arm playfully, “Oh my gosh, Sukuna, you got an app to make the project easier for me? Is that why you were really bad at filling out the–”
“Not everything is about you.” Sukuna shrugs off your arm, mumbling to himself. “I swear, you’re so conceited.” 
You pout like a child, shoving your face with more fries before placing the empty bag on the floor of his car. “You can at least let me think you did something nice for me, ‘kuna.” You try to finish the Mcflurry, but find yourself a bit too full. 
“Kuna?” Sukuna mimics back to you, “Where’d that come from?” 
You furrow your eyebrows at him, “What? What are you talking about?” 
“You just called me that.”
“No, I didn’t.” You’re not looking at him.
“Yes, you did.” 
“You’re such a child.” Sukuna rubs his eyes, “Whatever, be like that.” 
You just shrug, scooping another mouthful of ice cream and feeding it to Sukuna. You keep silent, and you can’t help but notice the way Sukuna adjusts himself uncomfortably in his seating. “Keep talkin’ to me.” 
You tilt your head to the side, narrowing your eyes at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“I want to hear you talk.” Sukuna flicks your forehead, “Dumbass.” 
“You want to hear me talk?” You smile to yourself, “Or, is this a silent way of you telling me you like hearing me talk?” 
“I’m used to you babbly about nonesene, silence from you makes me uncomfortable.” Sukuna didn’t really answer your question, but he didn’t deny it. Which is better than nothing. Honestly, that’s a win in your book with Sukuna.  
“Wow, thanks.” You put the empty cup in his cup holder, shoving the spoon inside. “What do you want me to talk about?” You naturally place your elbow on the center console, leaning your head on your hand. 
“I don’t know.” He rests his hand on the center console, it’s close to touching your arm. “I like hearin’ you talk.”
“So, you admit it now.” You sound more matter of fact, rather than playful this time. Because, in all actuality, you already knew Sukuna felt that way. You huff a sharp breath of laughter, “I feel like you’re making fun of me.” 
Sukuna smiles to himself, “Oh, I absolutely am.” 
“You know what, just for that, you now have to take me home everyday.” 
・ 。゚☆:  *・ December 3nd, 2023 ☽ .* :☆゚.
“Do you think Yuuji will be mad we got food without him?” You shut his door behind you, passing Sukuna a sympathetic look. “Again?…” You pout to yourself, “Hopefully, he’s going out to eat with his other friends?” You grab the trash from his car and stuff it into the paper bag. 
“He’s good on his own.” Sukuna locks the car, making way to the entrance of the house. “He can manage one or two days without Mcdonalds.” He can see the glare you’re giving him, and quickly responds, “What? You want to buy him the food?” 
“No.” You add from behind him, following him into the house. “You already know I’m too broke for that.” Sukuna doesn’t respond, but you’ve grown used to his silence, so it doesn’t bother you. If anything, the small huff of laughter is enough for you. “Do you want to set up in the kitchen?” 
Sukuna opens his room, shaking his head. “Nah.” He walks inside, “We’re doing this in my room.” 
You almost trip over your feet, your face growing a bit hot. “Your room?” You look to the side, then back at his open door. Shoving the paper bag into the trash can sloppily, a small napkin falling out. “We can’t study in the–” 
“Get in here.” Sukuna yells from his room. 
You’re quick to join him, dropping your converse loudly at his door while mumbling, “Maybe, if you would ask politely.” You shut the door, dropping your bag next to your shoes. Mumbling to yourself, “I swear, you’re also so bossy.” You naturally move to his bed, flopping onto the mattress. 
“Yeah, just lay in my bed.” Sukuna says sarcastically, pulling out some textbooks, “It’s not like you haven’t washed your ass in days or anything” Sukuna literally saw you leave his restroom with wet hair in the morning, he knows you showed today. 
You laugh, rolling your body in his blanket, trying to create some form of warmth. “Shut up.” You naturally grab one of his pillows, planting your face in it. Instantly, his scent floods your senses, making you a tad bit dizzy. 
Sukuna feels one of his eyebrows twitch, his face a bit red from watching you shove your face into his pillow. “Stop being fuckin’ weird.” He grabs your ankles, tugging you off the bed and onto the floor, your back hitting the ground with a solid ‘thud.’ “Now, I need to clean my sheets.” 
“Stop being so dramatic.” You let your head fall back onto the floor, a small smile on your lips. “I remember you telling me you like the way I smell, so consider it a–” 
Sukuna slaps the pillow over your face, “Oh my god, you never shut up.” He sighs, sitting down on the ground, laying out his computer and textbooks. “Start doing your damn work.” 
A muffled, “You asked for this.” Leaves your mouth, making you push the pillow off your head. “See, this is why I wanted to study in the dining room, we would actually be working on a table. Not the floor.”
“Stop complaining.” Sukuna’s already trained on his work, notebook and textbook open. “Do your damn work.” You sigh, crawling over to your bag. Sukuna’s eyes follow your body as you bring your stuff in front of him. 
“Hey, do you think my skirt is cute?” 
The question seems random to Sukuna, but he answers nonetheless, “What do you want me to say to that?” 
“Yes.” You say with a playful grin, “Honestly, I would prefer it if you got on your knees and told me, ‘It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen since you’re wearing it!’ but, I’ll take a simple yes in this situation and be happy.” You bat your eyes at him innocently.
“Even if it would save my and Yuuji’s life, I wouldn’t get on my knees for you.” Sukuna says annoyedly, “But, uh, your skirt is fine, I guess.” 
A small spread on your face, “Awh! Thanks Sukuna, you’re always so sweet to me.” You wave your hand up and down, pretending to be flattered. 
“You’re pushing me.” Sukuna says unbothered, looking at his work. 
“That's the goal.” 
Yet, as you’re laying out your things, a small light bulb lights up in your head. “Sukuna?” You place your notebook on the ground next to your computer. Sukuna doesn’t look up, but he does say your name in a similar tone to your question. Acknowledging and a bit indulging. “You’ve never told me what you’re studying?” 
Sukuna lifts his eyes from his computer screen, “I’m studying engineering.” He writes something down in his notebook, answering or writing a question down. 
“Is that what you always wanted to do?” You lean forward, trying to catch a glimpse of the type of work he’s doing. Although, you can’t really see it, to be honest, you can’t really see your work right now. You need your glasses, but you’re not keen on retrieving them from your bag right now.
Not in front of Sukuna, at least. 
“No.” Sukuna places his pencil down, “I wanted to go into business, but gramps told me that was a stupid idea.” 
“What?” You tilt your head to the side, “Why would that be stupid?” You think for a moment, “Well, I have no idea what business would do for you. What type of business would you be dealing with?” You laugh to yourself for a moment, “Perhaps… you’re in everyone’s business?” 
Sukuna’s eye twitches, “I don’t know how you’re in college.” He shakes his head, whispering, “You’re so fuckin’ stupid.” Still, with his palm pressed over his lips, you’re sure he’s smiling right now. 
“It’s a genuine question.” 
“That’s what makes it so stupid. I think that makes it worse, too.” He leans back on the palm of his hands, “But, I wanted to get a degree in business to… I don’t know, do whatever people do in business.” He shrugs, “I knew I was going to inherit my old man’s company, so I guess I wanted to learn a few things before jumping into work.” 
Things are starting to make a bit more sense now. Sukuna had a nice sports car at sixteen, and owns his own house. Then, there was that one time where you ate out with him and Wasuke at a really nice–expensive–restaurant. You’re slowly starting to piece together Sukuna comes from a bit of money. “Wait, but that sounds smart.” You lower yourself to the floor, laying on your side comfortably. Sukuna’s pillow supporting your elbow. 
Sukuna shrugs, “Gramps said he was hiring me no matter what, as long as I worked, so I decided to do something else. I’m not going to pay for something I’m already experiencing at work.” He sighs, “So, I decided to major in engineering.” In simple terms. 
“Hm.” You continue scrolling through your computer, it’s nowhere or anything important, but you’re sure an idea of what you’re supposed to do will come to you in a bit. “Are you excited? It seems like you’re going to be making a lot of money.” You rub your pointer finger and thumb together. 
“You’re asking a lot of questions.”  Sukuna says, closing his computer briefly. You don’t know if it’s a sign of annoyance, or a silent tell that he wants to continue the conversation. “Any reason behind your sudden pestering?” 
You laugh, a small smile on your lips, “I want to get to know you more, Sukuna.” 
Sukuna pauses for a brief second, your personal comment on your project flashing in his head. ‘Sukuna deserves so much better, then just being my stupid fucking project. I wish I could tell him that.’ And, it makes his throat tighten uncomfortably, a sensation he’s getting far more familiar with, then he would personally prefer.
Sukuna whispers, “Really?” Before he quickly covers it with a scoff, “Money, who cares.” 
You can be going crazy, but you swear you saw his demeanor slip. “Uh.. I–I do.” You explain, slowly shaking off whatever you might’ve noticed. “I’d love to have money to burn.” You smile a bit, “Uh, but… doesn’t everyone?” You drum your fingers on your computer, “It’d be nice to have some money to spend on luxuries, you know?” 
Sukuna passes you a half smile, “Yeah, I get it.” 
“Don’t do that.” You wrinkle your nose. 
“Do what?” Sukuna furrows his eyebrows at you. 
“Smile.” You say, an unserious smile on your lips. “It’s scary, looks like you’re going to murder me.” You search up something on your computer. 
“You’re so kind.” 
“Yeah, this is what you look like.” You flip the screen to him, showing Jeff the killer in picture form. “Think someone posted your morning pictures, Sukuna. Should we go hunt them down?” You turn the screen back to you, giving it a quizzical look, as if you were trying to find the answer to your question on the spot. 
“I’m going to kill you.” 
You giggle, pointing at him loosely. “Only proving my point.” You hook your foot on your other sock, playing with the fabric. “So, how do you plan on doing it? Suffocation, maybe taking me out–” 
“I actually have it written down here.” Sukuna pushes a sticky note to you, it’s pink. “Read it out loud.” 
“Is this a fetish?” You raise an eyebrow, “Do you make all your victims read what you’re going to do to them, or am I just special?” 
Sukuna furrows his eyebrows, almost glaring at you, before he breaks. Twisting his head to the side and bursting into laughter, the back of his hand covering his mouth as he tries to collect himself. He ends up covering his face, still laughing while muttering, “You’re so dumb.” 
And, in this context, you agree. You’re absolutely dumbfounded. Sukuna is laughing, and it’s not a pretty small huff, or a brief chuckle, which you’re not even sure you’ve heard him do, but now, he’s genuinely laughing. 
You press your lips together, a tight lipped smile slowly building on your lips. But, you still look at the sticky-note anyway, trying to make out the words, but you can’t. They’re too small, and a bit too messy. “Sukuna, I can’t read this.” You’re just trying to distract yourself, because if you look too long at Sukuna laughing, you know your face is going to break out in flames. 
“Yeah.” Sukuna says, ignoring your words. “You’re special.” Your name follows, punctuating the sentence. 
Your lips part ever so slightly in a silent gasp, before you look away. “I–I… still can’t read it.” You try to ignore what he just said. Still, Sukuna just called you special. You can literally hear your heart beating in your ears right now, your hands are shaky, too. 
“I want to hear you read it.” Sukuna says, tilting his head to the side slightly. 
“Can you…” You slid the sticky note back to him, turning your head away from him. “Read it for me, I genuinely can’t read it.” You can feel your ear burning, before a horrible realization comes over your mind. 
Sukuna dramatically sighs at you, snatching the sticky note from you. “What? Are you blind or somethin’?” He laughs to himself, before looking at the sticky note whispering, “Oh, that’s right, you are.” 
You blink once, then twice. “What.” 
Sukuna presses his lips together, “Huh?” 
“What did you say?” 
“Didn’t say anything.” 
You narrow your eyes at him, watching as his eyes are trained on the sticky note. “How do you know that?” You made sure no one knows that, even Nobara, so how would Sukuna know that? Were you squinting too much at your screen when you worked with Yuuji and Sukuna yesterday, or did he see the family picture on your–
Your stomach drops. 
Sukuna can see your express fall with it. He closes his eyes and tries not to laugh, “Don’t tell me you saw it?” A horrible, twisted realization falls over your consciousness, “You read it?…” You can feel yourself flush pale, an uncomfortable and embarrassed feeling twisting in your stomach. 
Sukuna deeply inhales, “Read what?” The expression you pass him, breaks him. It’s riddled in embarrassment, your lips quivering slightly, as your eyes are ever so slightly watering. Sukuna laughs until his hand, unable to control himself. Yet, he didn’t expect you to do what you did next. 
You tackle him. His pillow in your hand as you place it over his face, sitting on his abdomen as you ignore his muffled laughter. “Shut up. Shut up. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.” You chant, closing your eyes and trying to not reel in your embarrassment. 
Sukuna taps your thigh, trying to tell you to stop, while his other hand tries grabbing your hand, or the pillow on his head. But, you don’t relent, you continue to try and kill Sukuna. Then, the resistance stops, Sukuna’s hands drop limply by his side, his laughter ceasing. 
You sigh with relief, letting your hands fall slack, but Sukuna goes in for the attack. Swiping the pillow away from your and grabbing both your wrists into his grasp. “And you’re calling me the fuckin’ killer.” He scoffs, using his free hand to reach for your bag. 
You struggle in his grasp, glaring at him. “I have every right to kill you now.” You watch as he grabs something from your bag, and immediately you resist even harder. “Absolutely not, don’t even try to—“ 
“I just want to see how you look with them, calm the fuck down.” Sukuna opens the small box, pulling out your glasses and placing the lenses over your eyes. “See, look at you.” He sits up, making you slide down into his lap, your wrist still held together by his one hand. “You’re…” He looks to the side for a moment, “It’s cute.” 
You look to the side, face burning, “You’re so… ugh.” You groan, “Infuriating.” Still, you can’t deny how pleasant it is to have Sukuna admiring you like this. If admiring is the right word in this situation. 
It’s quite for a bit, before you softly sigh, your legs sliding down and relaxing into him. His grip on your wrist looses up nicely, your breathing soft and content. “How… how much did you read?” You finally look at him again, but with the glasses decorating your face, you can really see him now. 
Sukuna’s face markings are so much more detailed than you originally thought, and his eyes… they’re stunning. A deep crimson, looking at you with so much… admiration and awe. They divert away from you, a cocky smile on his lips. He scoffs, “All of it.”
You feel so exposed right now, “All of it?” You repeat, more so to yourself, then to Sukuna. “So, you know?…” You stop yourself, unable to force the words out. You’re too embarrassed. Sukuna nods, turning his gaze back to you. You instantly cover his eyes with your hand, you can't look at him. More so, you don’t want him to look at you. 
Sukuna smiles, his sharp teeth flashing at you, the dimple in his cheek indenting perfectly into his skin. “I can’t look at you?” He cooed, it’s more mocking if anything. 
“No.” You lean back slightly, which makes Sukuna grab your waist, keeping you in place. His smile falters for a moment, and you wonder why. You were just adjusting your sitting. “Besides, you think I’m hideous, or whatever.”
“It’s true, your face makes me laugh.” You annoyedly groan at him, but Sukuna trails one of his hands to yours, his finger hooking over your fingers. “Let me look at you.” He tugs a bit at your hand, it’s not forceful, it’s more asking if anything. “I want to see the girl who likes me, stupid.”
You don’t respond, you don’t even let his hand pull away from his eyes. You don’t know what you do, you don’t know what to do, nor how to respond to his question. You’re merely grounding yourself into the situation, in the way he’s holding you, and his soft breathing.
Sukuna says your name again, only for it to quickly die in his throat. 
You kiss him. 
Your other hand cupping his jaw as you deepen the kiss, your eyes fluttering shut as his lips work with you. His hands wrapping around torso, holding you tighter than he’s ever held anyone before. You can feel his lashes flutter behind your hand, his head twisting to the side so he can deepen the kiss. 
You break it, pulling away with your hands at your side now. You chew on your bottom lip nervously. Sukuna leans in again, but you turn away, your hands resting on his chest to push him back. Despite your denial of his advances, he holds onto you just the same. His hands aren’t holding you like they did at the party, they’re gentle, they are soothing, and comforting, maybe even a bit longing. 
It’s silent for a moment. 
You softly sigh, your fingers playing with the collar of his shirt while you whisper, “Sukuna?” You see him nod, but keep your eyes on your fingers. Looping your index finger under his shirt and pulling his golden chair for your pleasurable viewing. “Can… we talk about it?” 
Sukuna doesn’t even let a second pass before he responds, and his words make the world fall silent. Your heart is beating so loudly, and your body freezes, your fingers tangled in his chain as they finally process in your head. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Your lips part, before you quickly press them together, pulling your gaze to his face. Did he just say that? Did the stoic, unforgiving, asshole, Sukuna… just apologize to you? Your lashes flutter at his expression. Sukuna’s isn’t looking at you, his glare is trained to the dull wall to the right. “I’m so fuckin’ sorry.”
Your heart beats even faster at his expression, your face flushing hot. 
Sukuna is blushing red. 
His cheeks covered in a deep blush, eyebrows furrowed, glaring at you like normal Sukuna would. Except for one thing… his face is burning in a deep red blush, even the tips of his ears are red. He’s embarrassed, very embarrassed, but he still looks angry. 
You move in quickly, wrapping your arms around his neck, whispering, “You… you’re sorry?” You shakily exhale, closing your eyes into his neck. “Did you just say that?” 
Sukuna instantly wraps both his arms around you. His hands touching his own sides from holding you so tight. “I’m so sorry, I’m such a fuckin’ horrible…” He groans, leans his head on yours. “I’m terrible, I’m so terrible.” 
You nod, laughing slightly as you add, “Yeah, you’re an asshole.” You softly sigh, “But… maybe, I am, too.” You hold him tighter, your heart longing. “What.. what did I do wrong? I–I feel horrible for asking, but… I really don’t know.” 
Sukuna closes his eyes, “When I told you…” He thinks to himself, “What happened to me. That’s something I’ve never told anyone, but Uraume about.” He pauses for a moment, “And, I really… I value you more then… I don’t even know. That scares me. It’s terrifying.” 
You nod. 
“I was telling you the worst of me, and I didn’t want to know how you were going to react. I hate everything that happened, and how I reacted, but here I was relieving it for you.” Sukuna pauses again, before forcing out, “Only for you to remind me our friendship was only a week. Everything that we were experiencing was only going to be for a week.”
You instantly pull away from him, “Sukuna, that’s not what I meant–” You pause, looking at his expression, his eyes glossy and shiny. You feel something trail down your cheek, before hitting Sukuna’s shirt. You feel your bottom lip wiggle, before your sniff, your shoulders jumping up with a hiccup. You feel dumb, you’re not even as upset about what happened anymore, but the tears don’t stop. “At the party, I thought you were just going to use me and throw me away, but I didn’t want that–”
Sukuna feels his chest tighten, shaking his head, “I thought you were using me for your project.” He tells you, “I thought that's why you told me you were a burner phone.” Sukuna recalls the way his heart shattered when you told him that, doing everything in his power to keep his emotions together. “I thought you wanted everything to end the moment the week was over, and…” He diverts his eyes, “I… I never wanted that.” 
You close your eyes, recalling the following day. “Then, we had an argument.” Your mind instantly floods with memories, recalling the pain and words you yelled at Sukuna, the lies and truths you told him in a fleeting agonizing moment. 
“Yeah.” Sukuna looks regretful, “The stupid fuckin’ argument.” Both of you are silent for a moment, and you don’t think it’s going to be broken for a few moments, but to your surprise, Sukuna speaks up again. “Did you…?” He thickly swallows, “Did you mean those things?”
You feel a bit on the spot with that question, and you don’t know how to answer. Well, you do, but… what about Sukuna? Did he mean the things he said? You don’t want to say something only for him to not feel the same. But, it’s obvious how he feels, right? It should be now, but it doesn’t feel like that. His words bounce in your head clouding your mind with doubt. You’re scared, no, you’re terrified. “Did… you?” 
You don’t want to hear that answer right now.
“When we “first” made up.” You abruptly ask, chewing the corner of your lips, “I asked you if you’d promise you wouldn’t like me. You asked me if I wanted you too.” You push your glasses to the bridge of your nose, “Why?” 
Sukuna remains silent for a bit, before huffing, “This is so weird to me.” He mutters, softly groaning to himself. “I’ve never done this type of thing with someone.” He furrows his eyebrows, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. 
Still, you look at him through your lashes, and hopefully ask, “Do you… like it?” Your voice is a hushed whisper.  
Sukuna wrinkles his nose, scowling ever so slightly. He shakes his head, “No. This fuckin’ sucks.” This conversation is supposed to make everything, but it feels sad, every word that comes out of you, or him makes his throat tighten painfully. He watches as your gaze diverts from his face, and that makes his chest tighten. Shit, he didn’t say that right. “Well…” He starts again, pulling your face to look at him, “I hate it, but… I hate it less, since it’s with… uh, you.” 
You sniffle again, his words holding you in a comforting blanket. The words spill out, sooner than you would like, “I didn’t mean it.” You push your glasses up, whipping your eyes with the back of your hand. “I was just scared, and you made it seem like you didn’t… I don’t know. Care for me, or something.” 
Sukuna cups the bottom of his face, whispering, “I don’t know why I said that.” 
“I don’t know why I said that, too.” You sniff, “I was just…” 
“I didn’t want to promise anything, because I already know…” Sukuna pushes your hair from your face, leaning in a bit closer, “I’d be lying to you.” He flutters his lashes, “And, I don’t want to… lie to you anymore.” 
You nod, eyes pearling with tears, “I don’t want to lie either.” You whisper, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” You grab his shirt.“I want to be… I want to be with you.” You hug him again, your tears wetting his shirt. “I’ve always wanted to be with you.” A soft whisper.
Sukuna chuckles, letting you cry into his shoulder. “Why did you say that sooner?” 
“I thought you didn’t like me!” You cry, adding in a hushed whisper, “I thought you hated me. I thought you were just going to leave me the moment the week was over after using me.” You shake your head, gripping onto the back of his shirt, “I couldn’t stand that thought, so that’s why I pushed you away!” 
Sukuna continues to rub your back, “You’re so stupid.” He mumbles, bringing you into him tighter. I could never hate you. I would never push you away. “It’s okay, now, don’t cry like a baby about it.” He adds a derogatory, yet playful, “Baby.”
“I’m so happy you don’t hate me.” You softly sigh into his neck, closing your eyes as your body completely relaxes into his. “So happy.”
Sukuna tries, he really does, but something hot and wet slides down his cheek, and you don’t see it, nor are you ever going to know about it, but it happens. It’s real, it’s grounding, and it’s pulling. “Yeah.” He holds you, “I know.” Arms wrapped around your, his head tucking close to yours, “I know.”
Your body is completely relaxed as you whisper, “I don’t want to argue anymore.” You shake your head, whipping off the final tears on your cheeks, “I don’t think I have the power to argue with you anymore. I want things to be…” 
Sukuna presses his closed eyes onto your shoulder, “I don’t want to argue like we did on Tuesday.” A sharp breath comes out of his nose, “I like the arguments like the one in the car. It’s cute you have a bit of spunk. As much as it is annoying” 
You pull back, a small smile on your lips, “Yeah, your grandpa is right, you do need someone to keep you in check.” You lower your hands to his chain again, “Thank god you have me, right? What would you do?” 
Sukuna nods, “Yeah, I’d be stress free without you.” He raises his hands to your waist, “Who would want that? A carefree life, compared to an annoyin’ little shit like you?” He’s passing you a boyish smile. He’s smiling far more than you’re used to. You like it. 
“Yeah.” You laugh, pulling on a piece of his hair, “Look, you even have a gray hair, now you have a small piece with me wherever you go.” You look  at him again, this time a smile on your lips. “Aren’t you so happy? You’re stuck with me?” 
Sukuna doesn’t say anything, he just looks at you. His pupils blown wide, as his hands gently hold onto you. You pass him a silly smile, “What?” You tilt your head to the side, “Why are you looking at me like that?” 
“Can I kiss you?” 
Your lips part, your eyebrows raising in silent shock. “Huh?” A small suppressed laugh escapes your lips, “Wait, are you asking me to kiss me?” You tilt your head to the side, “The f-boy Sukuna, the one who had a girl over this very week, is asking to kiss me?”
“We didn’t do anything. It was just a stupid fukin’ project.” Sukuna leans in closer, grabbing the back of your head. “Just fuckin’ kiss me already.” Sukuna doesn’t even let the sentence process in your head, before trying to press his lips to yours. 
Key word. Trying. 
Unfortunately, right before the two of you can kiss again, a strand of your hair falls in between your faces. Blocking the kiss from ever happening. You naturally giggle, mumbling a small apology. But, Sukuna doesn't seem to be fazed. He just pushes the strand behind your ear, cups the back of your face and pulls you into a kiss. 
It almost feels like he’s smiling against you. 
You kiss him back, but his kiss is much more brief, ending then starting again. It feels unreal, Sukuna, the emotionally unavailable Sukuna, kissing you like a lover of years would. 
You’re giggling, sniffling every now and then, only for Sukuna to kiss your cheeks, then kiss you on the lips again. You can taste the salty wet tears on his lips, but you don’t mind, it’s cute in a way. “You’re not acting like Sukuna.” 
He places his forehead on yours and tells you, “I’ll slam your face into my bed, if you’d like?” Sukuna cockily smirks to himself, tilting his head to the side. “Or, do you want me murder you silently?”
“Silently? I feel like murdering me would not be a quiet activity.”
Sukuna nods in agreement, “You’re right. I can set the house on fire with you inside.” He kisses you again, whispering, “Doesn’t that sound romantic? You’d be my first murder. You’re special.” 
You laugh, “Romantic is definitely one way to put it.” You look to the side, thinking, “But, that definitely sounds more like my Sukuna. I wonder if you were an arsonist in your past life. I feel like that’s very on brand for you.” You look at his eyes, and catch a slight red look to them. “Oh. My. God.” Sukuna flinches when you point at him, “You were crying? Oh my god, were you crying?” You huff, “And you’re calling me a baby… hypocrite.” 
He makes a ludicrous face at you, placing his hand on your face and pushing you off him. Making you fall onto your elbows with a laugh, “I think you’re actually going mental now.” He throws the pillow at your body, “I fuckin’ don’t cry.” 
“Not true.” You smile at him, grabbing the pillow and holding it over your lap. “You cried when you talked to Yuuji, and don’t deny it, I totally saw how red your eyes were.” You wiggle your shoulders, “Awh! The big strong Sukuna is actually a big cry baby like me–” 
“I can make you cry.” He’s now leaning over you, the pillow thrown on his bed. “We’ll see who’s the real cry baby, then.” He’s smiling, but it doesn't look inviting or reassuring, sadistic would be the right word here. A small squeak leaves your mouth. 
You blink a few times. “Huh?” Sukuna picks you up, tossing you over his shoulder. This must be a common practice with the brothers, it doesn’t happen often, but it happens enough for you to mentally note. Another noise leaves your throat when he drops you on his bed, parting your thighs and moving in between them. 
Sukuna keeps his forearms near your head, his nose touching yours. “You want to know somethin’.” 
You giggle, “No, not really.” You laugh when Sukuna drops his head with dejectment, his forehead hitting your nose gently. “Fine, tell me, what do you want to say, Sukuna.” You shiver when his nose brushes over your neck. 
Sukuna’s hand moves under your knee, hooking it around his waist. “I’d give anything to make things up to you.” 
You laugh, letting your arms comfortably cross over his shoulders, “You already said sorry, and that’s already enough for me.” You tug him closer, which almost throws him off balance, causing him to stumble into you. “Especially with your big boy ego.” 
“You ever call me that again, and I will throw your ass to the streets.” He kisses your neck, enjoying the way you naturally open yourself to him. Still, there’s a bit of hesitance behind your movements, and that alone makes him stop. “Did I hurt you?” 
“Mentally.” You throw out loosely, but immediately smile, “No, I’m just, uh…” You divert your eyes for a moment, “Uhm, nervous, I guess.” No, you’re not nervous, you’re scared. What if he just… leaves again. 
“About?” Sukuna sounds different, more soft. 
“Uh, this.” You naturally hug him tighter. 
“Should I stop?” 
You take a moment, “...No.” You softly sigh, “I just don’t want you to… uhm, leave again.” 
Sukuna takes a moment, before kissing you again, it’s sweet. “I’m not, don’t even worry about that.” But, your unsure expression makes him hesitate. It’s a bit weird, he’s feeling so many new things today. He wants to make sure you’re comfortable, and he’s almost scared to touch you. You feel like glass to him. 
Sukuna thinks he may be broken, maybe you broke him, but everything that is happening is so new to him. He doesn’t know how to respond, but he does know one thing, he doesn't want to hurt you anymore. He doesn’t want to scare you, or make you cry. He doesn’t want to hear you sob in his arms over something stupid thing he did. He can’t stand that. 
He doesn’t know why, but seeing you like that, hurts him. 
Maybe he is broken. But, every broken part of him wants to be around you all the time. And, he doesn’t know exactly how to comfort someone, or fix what he’s done. But, he’s trying, he’s trying harder than he’s ever tried with anyone before. 
Sukuna may not be the best person in the world, but he’s trying to find a way to build your trust in his own way. It’s the one thing he has always been good at, and almost centralized his identity around. It’s a bit sad when he really thinks about it, but trauma has a unique way of messing with a person. 
He nods, “Okay.” He kisses your temple, “I won’t do anything until you beg me to.” He pushes himself off you, standing between your thighs while you lay down on his bed, towering over you. “You like the sound of that?” 
You feel your stomach twist and turn with butterflies, the feeling of being prey to a hungry wolf has you heating up with desire. “O-Okay.” You thickly swallow, pushing yourself up and sitting up straight, grabbing his chain and tugging him down to your lips. “I like… uhm, I like the sound of that.” 
Sukuna chuckles, “You do?” 
You bite the bottom of your lip, nodding your head slowly. “Mhm.” He cups your face, and his nose tickles your cheek, his kisses coming in fast and soft. Peppering down to your neck, his nose touching your neck like a fleeting feather. While his fingers trail down the inside of your thighs. Goosebumps follow his hands on your legs. 
A pleasurable shiver shooting through your body when he finally slides his hand under your skirt. You whimper, grabbing your skirt and lifting it up, allowing yourself to watch the way Sukuna gropes you. A small moan leaves your mouth, “Keep… uhm, doing that.” You watch as his thumb works painfully slow circles into your covered clit. 
Sukuna nods, eyes enraptured by your thighs shaking around his hand, your pink panties wrinkling and damp from your slick. “Such a slut.” He shakily exhales, “You like this, don’t you? You like when things are nasty.” 
You don’t say anything, merely nod your head. “Yeah, I know, baby, I know.” He says against your neck, his deep voice rumbling against your skin. You feel something warm, and wet slowly move up to your ear. Before his mouth bites your ear playfully. “I know you love the way I touch you.” 
He lowers himself to his knees, flipping your skirt completely up. Allowing himself to look at you for however long he wanted. You move your hand in between your legs, “Are you looking?” You can feel your face burning, your heart beating in your ears. “That’s so embarrassing, please don’t look.” 
“It’s not embarrassing.” He responds, running his nose gently down your thigh. “It’s hot.” He grabs behind your knee, tugging so your legs are dangling off his bed. He smirks to himself, “You’re making me hard.” 
“Oh my god, please don’t say that.” You use your other hand to cover your face, your face burning in embarrassment. But, a small whimper leaves your mouth when Sukuna places his hand over yours, applying pressure to your pussy. You pass him a half hearted glare, “Sukuna!” 
“What? Don’t tell me you hate my words?” Sukuna teases, his eyes drinking up the way you jolt. “Or, maybe, it’s that you hate my voice?” 
“I just hate you.” You mumble, leaning back in his bed, and allowing him to peel off your hand from between your thighs.
“Mhm, I know, babe.” He loves how much he affects you, his voice and words, causing your body to burn and shiver with desire. “Hopefully you can keep to your words when I make you squirt over my fingers.” Sukuna devours the way you shiver at that, your thighs twitching. And, all caused by a few kisses, a light touch, and some deprived words. . 
So cute.
Sukuna grabs your hips, pulling you closer to his face. Lifting your skirt and looking at the thin pink panties that separated you from his mouth. He groans, resting his hand on your knees, pushing your thighs apart to look at your drenched panites. He swallows, blood flooding his cock, straining it against his pants. 
“Okay..” He starts, putting all his weight on his knees. He can see the way your chest is slowly rising and falling, and the cute pink panties that stick to your wet hole. He wishes, more than anything, you weren’t wearing them, but he wanted to toy with you. Just a little. Besides, they would be off in a few minutes, so he isn’t entirely worried about it, he has the patients to wait. “Has anyone touched you here?” 
If anything, Sukuna wants to hear you beg for him to take them off. 
You blink at him innocently, before softly nodding your head. “You have.” 
Sukuna chuckles a bit, “No, gorgeous, anyone other than me.” Both his hands follow the curve of your thigh. Getting closer, and pressing under your skirt. You thickly swallowed, glancing at his hands and face. 
You hesitate to shake your head, but when you do, Sukuna freezes. “Wait, have you ever…?” Sukuna’s still touching you, but it’s more endearing, and less sex-driven. “Has anyone ever gone down on–have you ever had sex?” 
You again shake your head. 
Sukuna feels his cock twitch. “Shit, so you’re really a virgin.” He watches as your eyes divert, “That’s not bad, I just…” He leans his head on your knee, resting it there. “I’ve never been with a virgin.” Sukuna’s been with only a few people, less than he can count on one of his hands, but they’ll all have some form of experience. So, approaching them, and their sex-life is different, but with you, he doesn’t entirely know how to approach it. He wants you to feel comfortable with him, but he also wants you to feel good. 
You push yourself up, leaning on the palms of your hands while looking at Sukuna. “I’ve never done anything, does that make you feel better?” You pass him a silly smile. 
Sukuna huffs, “I mean, it’s kinda hot.” He smiles, his sharp teeth flashing as you, “I'll make your head spin, and your legs shake.” He lifts his hand, tapping your forehead. “Do you want that, you want me to make you feel good?” He watches as your throat bobs, “You want to shake and cry with pleasure while I tongue your clit?” 
You shiver. “Just get on with it already. I feel like we’re talking too much right now.” You laugh a small bit, “I feel like we’re doing this wrong, or something. Are we doing this wrong?” 
Sukuna just raises an eyebrow at you. “You’ve never done this before, how would you know what’s right or wrong?” 
“I’ve seen porn.” 
Sukuna drops his head back, deeply inhaling that exhaling. “Porn is made for horny twelve year olds.” Sukuna smirks to himself, “Wait, don’t tell me you get off to that fake and gross bullshit.” He sarcastically adds, “Dirty girl.”
You flop back down, a small giggle leaving your lips. “I feel like you’re messing with me now. Just do what you’re going to do.” You mumble, before softly adding, “I mean, I want to know why everyone cares about sex so much–” Your mouth parts in a moan, his tongue giving you a hard kitten lick. Eyes bouncing up, and trying to see what reaction you would give him. 
He laughs, “I’ll make you an addict.” Sukuna places his thumb on your clit, rubbing it up and down. “Just promise me you’ll keep your legs wide open f’me. Don’t even think about fuckin’ close them.” He slaps your thigh, making you yelp. “Or, I’ll make you go so brain dead, you won’t even be able to.” 
“Stop talking–” A moan tears through your throat, Sukuna wrapping his lips around your covered clit. Sucking hard on your small pearl, before laughing against your cunt. 
“Did you say somethin’?” He slowly inhales, eyes rolling to the back of his head from your scent. Sex and pure lust, god you’re so fuckin’ sexy. He continues licking your clit, keeping his attention on the sensitive bud. 
You can feel his tongue working against your fabric, wetting it with his saliva and your juices. It’s so nasty, but it makes your eyes cross everytime he flicks his tongue over your sensitive bud. This is amazing. You gasp, your hand clamping down over your mouth to try and keep quiet. A pathetic attempt, really. Sukuna slaps your thigh in response, shaking his head, his tongue swiping left and right as he does so. “Don’t even fuckin’ think about.” He seethes, pissed by you trying to keep quiet. 
Sukuna doesn't want you to be quiet. He’s been robbed of all chances to hear you cry out in pleasure, or his name in ecstasy. Despite this not being his first sexual encounter with you. The first time, he knew you were listening to him jack off, but you didn’t so much as whimper for him. Which was saddening. And, you can only hear so much when the music from a party is playing in the background. Sukuna wants to hear how good you feel. He wants to hear how good he was making you feel.
“What–ah! What if Yuuji is home?” You arch your back, Sukuna sucking on your clit again. “What if he hears?” You whisper, grabbing onto his sheeps, the fabric seeping between the cracks of your fingers. “That’s going to be so–” 
“Embarssin’?” Sukuna fishes for you, trying to finish you off. “I know, but he won’t know, if you stay quite.” Sukuna reaches for your hands, pulling it to his cheek, only to kiss your palm. “But, I don’t want that.” He continues kissing your palm, moving his lips towards your middle and ring finger. “I want to hear you, want to hear you whimper over my tongue and scream my name.” Sukuna smiles, slides his tongue between your two fingers, letting you look at the lewd gesture the two of you are making. “Okay?”
A shaky exhale leaves your lips, before you meekly nod. Sukuna chuckles, pushing your hands to your face, “Good girl.” He keeps your two fingers spread, pressing the open space to your lips. “Let me see your tongue.” 
You feel your bottom lip tremble, before opening your mouth, your pink tongue sticking out and resting between your two fingers. You can feel how they’re wet, and you can taste Sukuna’s saliva. You moan, “This is…” You feel your sentence trail when you notice Sukuna’s gaze trained on your tongue, wiggling and moving between your fingers. 
He closes his eyes, softly groaning to himself. Fuck, he’d give anything to feel that tongue on his throbbing cock. Watch it slide and swirl over the head of his cock, before your pretty little lips would stretch over his fat cock. Drowning in your glossy eyes as hot tears slide down your cheeks, your throat constricting around his girth. 
“Stop thinking too hard about it.” He tells you, his tongue sliding from your knee to your inner thigh, pressing wet kisses into his skin. “It’s supposed to feel good, even if it is gross.” And if Sukuna is being completely honest with himself, knowing that something is filthy makes it hot. He moves to your covered cunt, kissing your lips. Avoiding the place where you want him most. “Just lay down and feel, I clearly make you think too much.” 
You just pull your hand away from your lips, a string of saliva falling down on your shirt. “Okay.” You keep yourself propped up, watching as Sukuna practically makes out with your pussy. You can see how wet your underwear is now, along with how glossy Sukuna’s lips are. 
You keep your hands bundled in his sheets, trying to keep yourself sane as Sukuna makes you feel good. It feels incredible, and looks porngraphic. The fat of his tongue pushing itself between your lips, making a small crater in your panties. The tip flicking your clit, moving up and down like a teasing feather. 
You feel your eyes flutter shut, holy shit, it feels amazing. You don’t ever want it to stop, you want… more. You clamp your thighs together, but Sukuna’s hands are already on your thighs. Pushing them apart and smiling against your skin, “Keep them open.” He shakes his head to the side, his tongue following his movement on your clit. 
You groan, and Sukuna moans with you. Grabbing you right knee and placing it on his shoulder, “Keep this here.” He whispers, continues to suck on your covered clit, watching as your body falls back on his bed. Your back is arching. 
“Oh–oh my god.” You lean your head back, your body hot and sweaty. Holy shit, this feels amazing. Sukuna feels amazing, and it feels depraved. Licking and sucking at your clit, even though it's covered with the thin fabric of your panites. “Fuh–fuck, please.” You moan, tucking your calf behind Sukuna’s head, pulling him closer to your cunt.  
His eyes seem to glow watching as your body jolts, and your pussy twitches. And with the way your panties are absolutely drenched, clinging onto your pussy lips like a second skin, it doesn’t leave much to the imagination. “Please what?” Sukuna mocks, “Please… stop?”
Sukuna isn’t going to stop, there’s no way in fucking hell he’s going to stop, but mocking you, seeing your eyes water, it makes him insane. Hearing you beg and whimper over his mouth, god… Seeing you like this makes him feel… incredible. Knowing that you haven’t done this with anyone else, yet want to do it with him, has him spinning. It makes him feel good. It’s something he’s never had before, but knows he now can’t live without. He has craved for something like this. A hole he’s always adorned in his chest, but never found a filling for it. But now, he feels full, it’s a feeling he would’ve never thought to find, despite how desperately he searched for it. 
Sukuna feels amazing when he’s with you. Even when you’re dancing in his living room with face care adoring your face, a pout on your face while you playfully ignoring him, glaring at him with your reflective eyes, or the small back-and-forth the two of you share. It’s all so amazing. 
But, seeing you like this. Embarrassed and eager for what he was going to do next. Open and vulnerable, trusting and wanting more, it’s… it feels like the best thing in the world. Sukuna feels like he’s becoming addicted to this. He holds the back of your thighs with his big hands, closing his eyes and flattening his tongue on your pussy, tearing another moan from your mouth.
“N-No! Please don’t stop.” You whine, tears brimming your waterline. Your lips part as you moan, gripping onto the sheets as your hips jolted forward, trying to push your pussy harder against his lips. Desperate to get more pleasure from his mouth, you just want to lose yourself in it. You don’t want to think about anything, not school or studying, just Sukuna between your legs. 
Sukuna laughs against your cunt again, continuing his abuse on your pussy. Enjoying the way you try holding your legs apart, your thighs shaking around his head. He tightens his grip on you, not even giving you the opportunity to move them together if you wanted to. “I won’t stop.” He whispers, “Don’t you worry your pretty head off.”
You giggle, sounding a bit drunk, “You–ah! Called–you called me pretty, fuh-fuck, again.” You feel a coil in your lower stomach, something you’re all too familiar tightening inside of you. “You think–oh my god, holy shit, you think I’m–I’m pretty.”
“Fuck yeah.” He moans into you again, “I think you’re fuckin’ sexy, your tits and body, your lips and tongue, all of it.” He wants to add your eyes, but feels himself grow a bit… embarrassed to say that. Ironic, huh?
That makes your stomach twitch, butterflies swarming inside of you. The coil growing tighter, your thighs pushing agsint his hands in protest. It feels good, it feels too good. “Su-Sukuna, m’getting… I’m–” You back arches, your body resisting a bit more. “I’m gonna’ cum, I feel–shi-shit!” 
“Yeah?” Sukuna lolls his tongue out, letting it slowly drag over your over-worked bud. “Fuckin’ cum on my tongue then.” Sukuna closes his eyes, feeling them roll to the back of his head with your soft moans filling his room. You taste so fuckin’ good. 
You roll your eyes into the back of your head, your pussy clenching around nothing. But, you wonder to yourself, what it would feel like to have something inside of you. Something long and thick, stretching you open and fucking your insides until you’re mindless. “Sukuna–Sukuna!” His name leaves your mouth like a mantra, your voice raising in pitch as your legs shake. Your toes curl with pleasure, your hands grabbing onto Sukuna's hair. 
Sukuna instantly moans, loving the way you tug at his hair. Unsure whether or not you want to push him away, or pull him closer to you. “Fuck, c’mon, cum on my tongue, just let it feel good.” 
You finally feel the coil snap, your lips parting in a silent moan as your body tingles. Your thighs naturally pull into your body, opening wider for Sukuna’s tongue working fasting against your covered clit. It feels amazing, it feels unworldly, unlike any orgasm you’ve ever had before. Your fingers don’t even compete to this, it’s addicting. 
The worst–best–part is, it feels so long, and Sukuna doesn’t stop his abuse on your sensitive bud. This time, placing his thumb over it and rubbing circles into it. Making your orgasm even more intense, your back arching in pure pleasure. 
Your hand reaches down for his writes, your mind pulling together only for it to be thrown back into intense pleasure. Something you don’t entirely like, but you don’t dislike, it feels good, but it feels… too good. Like, unbearably, burning pleasure, type good.
Your body grows hotter to the thought of Sukuna touching you without any fabric in the way, the fire in your lower stomach lights a flame again. His tongue actually touching you, his fingers spreading you open allowing him to get easier access to your swollen cunt. 
Sukuna slow stops, watching your legs twitch by his head as he pulls his finger away. “Awh, is it too much for the baby?” He mocks, tilting his head to the side and passing you a cocky smirk. “I thought you were a big girl.” 
You naturally pout. Even if Sukuna didn’t say anything bad, you want to… make him proud. You nod your head, “I… don’t be mean.” You whisper back, “Feels too good.” You pull his hand to your mouth, kissing his palm like he did yours a few minutes ago. You slowly bring your lips to his middle and ring finger, silently admiring how big they are. You can’t help but think how they would feel inside of you, splitting and stretching you open. “I want to make you feel good, ‘Kuna, I want to do something for you.” You open your mouth, your tongue making way between his two fingers. Your tongue is peaking at him, while you flutter your long lashes at him. 
Sukuna feels his brows twitch, his dick straining against the zipper of his jeans. His pupils are blown so wide, you can barely see a ring of red in his eyes. He’s absolutely enraptured by you, his mind swirling with nothing but the way you cry his name, and tremble beneath his touch. 
It feels like Sukuna’s going insane. He just wants to push you further, he wants to see what noises you make when he laps at your clit for hours. Would you cry, or whimper? Would you scream in pleasure, or go numb from it being too overwhelming? Only for him to push his thick cock into your slit, watching your eyes grow wide as your pussy swallows him up whole. 
Your breath grows more uneven with his concentrated gaze, sliding your tongue up the tip of his fingers, and pulling it into your mouth. You whimper, your body flowing with nice tingles again. “‘Kuna, can you please…” You divert your eyes for a moment, before softly finishing, “Can you please do that, without my panties in the way…?”
Sukuna breathes out, closing his eyes for a second before placing his hands on your shoulders and pushing you against his bed. “Careful.” He whispers, resting his dick between your thighs, grinding himself against your wet panites, “I would do anything, if you beg me to.”  
You smile, grabbing his face and kissing him tenderly, tasting yourself in his lips. You tongue rolling around his, “Then…” You pull back, whispering, “Can you please stop teasing me, ‘Kuna, and really eat me out?” You furrow your eyebrows cutely, as you add even quieter, “I really want to feel your tongue on my pussy.”
That makes Sukuna snap.
Sukuna places his hands behind your knees and pushes them to your stomach, keeping them pinned there, “Grab your knees.” He tells you, and you instantly listen, your hands grabbing at your knees and keeping them pinned to your chest. He pulls your panties up, letting them dangle at your foot before looking at you. 
Sukuna looks at you again, his eyes devouring your bare pussy. Wet and swollen, ready for his touch. He keeps himself snug on the bed, places his hands back on your thighs over your hands, and licks a long stripe up your pussy. Instantly you throw your head back, your teeth digging into your bottom lip with pleasure. His tongue sliding between your lips, dipping into your hole, before sliding up and dragging over your sensitive over stimulated clit. 
You whine, your hips writhing against his mouth as your juices slides down your ass and onto his bed. Ruining his sheets, but Sukuna loves that, he loves knowing what the two of you are doing is so filthy, it makes a gross mess. That’s so hot to him, makes him so fuckin’ hard. 
Sukuna moves his hand to his cock, his palm rubbing on the head and trying to adjust his painful hard-on. A feeble attempt to try and release some needed tension, his head spinning from how horny he is. His hips rut into his hand, desperate to feel something, anything on his aching cock. 
Sukuna unbuttons his pants, pulling his boxers underneath his cock and sloppily wrapping his hand around his girth. Groaning against your pussy with an eye roll at the brief, yet pleasurable relief. But, that doesn’t stop him, no, that makes him work his tongue even harder against you. Getting off to every whimper, moan, and breath, that leaves your pretty little mouth. 
You can’t help but notice how much more vocal Sukuna is, and as much as you want to push yourself up and see what he’s doing, but you can’t. Your legs twitch with overstimulation with every swipe, your chest bouncing up with every moan leaving your lips. 
Sukuna pulls his remaining hand on your thigh to your pussy, creating a ‘v’ on your base, then spreading you open. Flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue, making you cry out in pleasure. You try to grip the sheets harder, but it doesn't help, the pleasure is just so intense. This coil of pleasure builds within your belly again, this time it’s faster and more intense then last time. It makes you babble something incoherent to try and warn Sukuna, but to be honest with yourself, you don’t know what you’re even trying to tell him. Your mind is swirling with thoughts of Sukuna, and his actions. How he makes everything around you disappear with something as simple as his tongue.  
You feel tears slide down your cheeks into Sukuna’s sheets, your eyes crossing into your head with pleasure. You babble out, “Oh my god–oh my god.” You hands move back to your thighs pulling them open, and another moan tears from you, he has so much more access. 
Sukuna pushes himself off the ground slightly, places his hands and weight on your thighs, keepings them securely pressed to your stomach as he continues to abuse your swollen clit. His tongues sliding between your lips before catching under your hood, applying pleasure to make you squeal. 
The small act makes your words jumble and moans out of your mouth, your thighs fighting against the pressure and trying to push him off. You don’t want to, but it’s so overwhelming. You don’t know if you want him to stop or keep going. Yet, at the same time, you know you don’t have a say in that currently. 
Which… for some reason, you absolutely love. You love that you don’t even understand what you’re trying to do or say. You love that you don’t even know what you’re laying on anymore, or which way you’re facing, again? But, Sukuna can make out the words, “Fuh–’Kuna, I think… oh my god, please, don–don’t stop! S’close!” Your eyes squeeze shut.  
Sukuna laughs at that, not stopping and letting his eyes drink up the way your muscles tense. You’re close, he knows that you're so close. He sucks onto your clit, watching the way your twitch, before letting go. He pushes his weight off of you, watching as your scrunched expression relaxes, and immediately looks at him with an adorable confused expression. 
Fuck, he loves teasing you.“Feelin’ good, babe?” 
You tense, the feeling being ripped away from you. It feels good, but it also feels wrong. The intense feeling pulled away from you so quickly, it makes you tense. Your muscles are tightening in your lower stomach, you’re so close, but so far at the same time. Then, the intense feeling quickly vanishes making you completely relax into his sheets. Instantly you feel sweaty, your muscles tired and sore. You feel your bottom lips wiggle, “Stop d-doing that! I was…” You trail off, looking to the side as your eyes flutter. “Uhm, you know…” 
Sukuna smiles at this, you got embarrassed. How cute. “Were you?” He mocks at you, caressing your cheek, “Awh, the poor baby wants to cum, you want me to contune tongue fucking you? You like the sound of that?” He rubs his nose on your inner thigh affectionately. 
You pout, “I–I…” You pass him your gorgeous eyes again, glassy and wanting, “Can you please not stop again?”
Sukuna knew he was making you feel good, he could tell by your fucked out face, but anyone could. He merely wants to hear it from you, hear you writhe and beg for him to keep you on the edge. He gets off on that, watching a girl cry from how good something is, but at the same time, he doesn’t want to scare you. So, something more intense, would have to wait for a later time. “I won’t, don’t worry.” He places his thumb on your clit again, “I’m just teasing you.” His finger rub slow and pressured circles on your clit, and it drives you insane.Again, this curling string continues to spiral inside you, pleasure building upon itself. 
Sukuna hums in acknowledgement, before going back to your pussy. Taking two fingers and spreading you apart. Tongues hitting all the places he couldn’t before. He gently bites your clit, letting his fingers trail down your slit. Your eyes widen, before a moan leaves your lips. His finger sliding into with ease, your slick and saliva allowing you pussy to swallow his finger whole. Sukuna groans at this, fisting his cock again. 
Your reaction is perfect, the small gasp you let out when his knuckle hits your lips is liberating. He almost hears you choke on your breath, a bit shocked by the intrusion. But, Sukuna is already reassuring you, praises spilling his lips as he shushes you. “It feels good.” He slowly adds another finger, “Trust me, you’ll love this.” 
You nod, turning your head to the side and resting it, trying to watch as he fingers your hole. It’s not something you’re too experienced with, since you stick to stimulating your clit. If anything, you thought you were broken, since every time you finger yourself, it didn’t feel like anything. Also, the stretch is a bit uncomfortable, but it’s complemented with Sukuna’s tongue, so it’s not all too bad. 
You softly sigh, before closing your eyes. You hold as you feel this prickle of pleasure intense, far more pulling then Sukuna’s tongue. It feels… good. 
Sukuna’s finger slides inside, then pulls out, only to slowly slide back into you, his knuckle resting on your lips again. Pushing his fingers up slightly with every slow thrust. You can hear your voice raise in pitch, growing louder with each thrust and swipe of his tongue. You want to place your palm over your mouth, but you can’t. You’re unable to function, more or less keep quiet. And after a few pumps of his thick finger, you're writhing in his bead with pleasure. 
Your eyes roll into the back of your head, toes curling as an unexpected loud pitched moan leaves your lips. You feel like you’re unable to express how you’re feeling, you want to desperately pull away, but make it even more intense at the same time. It feels like you’re so close, the coil inside you was about to snap. 
You feel something unfamiliar in your lower stomach. It feels good, it feels somewhat familiar, but at the same time, a bit different. His fingers are still working into your cunt, wet with the slick you’re producing. 
It makes the feeling even more intense, and suddenly, it feels like you’re about to… You feel your bottom lips wiggle, “K-kuna!” You gasp, trying to form words, but are unable to find the right ones. 
Yet, Sukuna ignores your plea, merely smiles to himself while sucking into your clit, and pressing his fingers inside of you. He nods to himself when he touches something spongy, he chuckles to himself, “Fuckin’ found it.” As he presses his fingers up, applying pressure onto your g-spot. 
Your vision goes white. Your back arching as you quickly grip his hair, a high pitched moan leaving your throat as you feel yourself completely let go. The pressure in your stomach releases with a painful orgasm. 
Sukuna’s mouth is already on your pussy, riding out your orgasm while he milks his cock. Focusing his attention on the head with a soft groan. His throat bobs as you finish, your thighs shaking around his head before they limply slide off onto his bed. But, he quickly grabs them and wraps them on his shoulders, giving you a final long stripe up your pussy, watching as your hips twitch in overstimulation. Sukuna cockily smiles, watching you pant and melt into his soft and sweaty bed. Clearly exhausted by the high you just received. 
You look adorable. Your eyes were still watery and red, the bottom of your lip swollen from you biting on it, and your body abused from the pleasure you were receiving. God, it makes him even harder knowing that your first time was with him, too. “Mhm, that’s it. Just relax.” 
A shakily exhale, before humming with a head nod. 
He feels his cock twitch in his hand, but he pays it no mind. Just tucking it back into his boxers and zipping up his pants. It feels gross, but he’ll think about that later. He pushes himself on his feet, whipping his mouth with the back of his hand, a smirk on his lips. He sits down next to you, pinching your cheeks and making you look at him. “You with me, doll?”
You slowly blink, trying to gain your sight again. “What is… uhm, what’s supposed to be…” You drop your head back, his fingers slipping from your cheeks. “What was the question?” You still feel… you don’t even know. 
“Yeah.” He lays back on the bed with you, “Just say you’re in love with me, I promise I won’t make fun of you.” 
You gain your head, blinking a few times to pull your thoughts together. “I hate you, Sukuna.” You turn on your side, flipping your skirt down to cover yourself up. You lean forward, and kiss him. “I already told you that.” 
Sukuna hums, nodding his head while closing his eyes. “Keep saying that, I’ll get hard again.” 
“I hat–” Sukuna raises his eyebrows expectantly, passing you a cocky smirk. “I can’t with you.” You look away, but you’re smiling. Trying not to laugh at Sukuna’s stupid fucking joke. Suddenly, you’re hit with the feeling of your bare legs sticking to your sheets. “I feel gross now.” 
Sukuna kisses you for a final time, “I’ll be right back.” He pushes himself off the bed, walking to the door and pulling it open. You assume he’s going to the restroom, and he isn’t gone for long. The next thing you know, he’s back between your legs with a damp towel. While he cleans you up, it feels a bit intimate, as well as embarrassing. You ignore the lewd comment Sukuna made about you wanting to pull your panties back up. Cockily saying, “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” 
You merely respond with a slap to his shoulder, letting him press the towel to your legs and clean up the mess. And despite how embarrassingly bare you feel, it’s nice, really nice. “We can put a towel on your bed next time.” You say, pushing yourself off his bed and looking at the stain left. You giggle to yourself, “Guess you were right, I did dirty your sheets.” 
Sukuna slaps the towel over your face.  
You immediately pull it off your face, throwing it at his, “Oh my god, that’s so gross!” You place your hands over your face, “I totally need to watch my face, or I’m going to break out or something.” You work so hard to keep your face clear, now this jackass might ruin it! 
“You’re actually a child.” Sukuna says, dropping the towel to the floor. 
The two of you flinch at the sound of knocking at his door, both of you turning your head simultaneously. You smile to yourself, “One, two, three, not it!” 
Sukuna throws the towel back at your face, which makes him laugh when he hears you cry out in anger. You’re quick to drop the towel back down on the ground with a satisfying, ‘plat.’ Turning your attention back to Sukuna to watch him open the door, you see his back tense. His shoulders pull together slightly. 
You sit up in his bed while tilting your head at him. “You okay?” 
“Is that…?” That voice makes your face drain. Yuuji tilts his head to the side, looking past Sukuna’s shoulder and right at you. He instantly lights up, your name leaving his mouth, “Oh my god, have you two made up already?” He loudly gasps, “Wait, does that mean we can have more movie nights?” 
You part your lips, and look at Sukuna when he turns to face you. The two of you don’t say anything for a moment, before you burst out in laughter, cupping your mouth as you turn away from the two boys. Sukuna leans his head back, resting his forearm over his eyes as his face turns a bit red. 
You let out a sigh of relief. You don’t think Yuuji heard. Sukuna straightens himself out, “Get out of the way, Yuuji.” Sukuna pushes him to the side, making his way to the kitchen. “I need somethin’ in my system.”
Yuuji lets Sukuna pass, “We’re out of drinks!” Yuuji calls back, which is responded with an obnoxious groan. You giggle, but Yuuji is quick to eyeball the floor, noticing how it’s scattered with books and computers. “I’m guessing the two of you have been spending quality time together?” He smiles, “You’re going to tell me all about it, right?” 
You don’t know how to respond to that, “Uh… Sure, yeah.” Still, you feel a soft smile split your lips, crossing your legs over one another. Before you quickly pull your foot underneath your ass, realizing your panties are still strung on them. Shit, you really should’ve put them on despite Sukuna’s comments. “We’re… uhm, we’re just studying together. And, he was… making things up to me, I guess.” 
Yuuji tilts his head to the side, “Things are good now?” He passes you a hopeful smile, “No more angsty tension between you two?” 
You giggle, nodding your head in agreement. “Things are good, Yuu. No more angsty tension.” You feel your thighs sticking together, and you resist the urge to wrinkle your nose in distaste. “Yeah, definitely no more angsty tension.”
“Alright, get out.” Sukuna pulls the back of Yuuji’s shirt, pulling him out of his room. However, this time he emerges with a cup in his hand, you wonder if it’s water, or if he really did find some alcohol. 
Yuuji waves at you, “Bye, I love you.” He passes you a sad look with his big puppy dog eyes. 
You feel your heart tug, “Can we keep him here with us, Sukuna?” You plead, which is answered with a silent glare from Sukuna. You pout, begrudgingly waving back, “I love you, too, Yuu.” You blow him a kiss.  
“Yeah, yeah. Cut the bullshit you two.” Sukuna shuts the door on Yuuji, shaking his head while making his way to you. “I swear, can’t believe you say that shit right after you just came on my fuckin’ tongue.” He leans on his nightstand, passing you a teasing look, “Whore.” 
Sukuna smirks a bit, leaning his head to the side. “Gorgeous.” 
You feel your brain malfunction for a second, “H-Huh?” 
Sukuna grabs his phone, opening an app. The smirk goes wider as he responds, “Dookie-stain.” You’re about to respond with quick banter, when he pushes the screen in your face, “Give me your phone number.” 
You furrow your eyebrows, taking the phone from his hands. “Wow, does that line work with all the ladies?” You put your phone number into his phone, placing your contact name as, ‘LOML.’ You nod to yourself, clearly content with the creative name you picked.
“You tell me.” Sukuna takes his phone from you, sending you a quick text. You can hear your phone ring in your bag from across the room. “Are you obsessed with me already?”
“I mean, you picked out the name for me.” You point at his phone, making Sukuna actually look at the name you saved yourself under. “I think you’re the one obsessed here.” Sukuna looks at the name, and clicks the contact, and you automatically assume it’s to change it. “Awh, I actually like that name.” 
“Of course you do.” Sukuna saves the contact, then pushes himself off the desk. “Alright, get your ass back to studying.” 
“I can’t believe you just ate me out, then are going to make me study.” 
“Do you want me to buy you a cookie?” 
Sukuna grabs your ankles, pulling you off the bed again. “Study.” 
You yawn, stretching your hands over your head. You can hear the washing machine rumbling in the background, Sukuna’s sheets in the wash for the night. You hear your phone ring again, and you’re quick to grab it, flipping onto your stomach while you kick your feet back and forth. 
You don’t even have to look at the name to know who it is. It’s not like the two of you have been texting all day, despite sitting across from each other, or merely a wall apart. 
Come here
You smile to yourself. 
im not sleeping with u
Just come here
You left your glasses
Thats what I thought
You wrap your blanket around you, shivering when your bare feet hit the cold ground, but you’re quick to shake it off. Slowly cracking your door open, and tip-toeing to Sukuna’s room. Luckily the door is unlocked when you go to open it. 
You giggle a little bit, “Give me back my glasses.” You can see the room is still a mess, your notebooks and textbooks littering the floor, since you were too tired to pick them up. However, your glasses aren’t on the floor where you left them, they’re now on Sukuna’s bedside counter. The small lamp ever so slightly illuminates his room. 
“Go get them.” Sukuna responds, and you can see him on his phone, face illuminated by the blue screen. He’s wearing black sweats, and nothing else, his hair is messy and unruly. 
You’re already smiling to yourself, closing his door behind you and making way to the drawer. Being careful to step over all the things on the ground, and finally reaching the drawer. “You’re so kind.” You inspect them, “You even clean them for m–” 
You feel Sukuna drag you into his bed, quickly reaching an arm over your body, and turning off the light with a loud click. He taps your back, “Oh shit, did your dumbass fall?” He says, draping his blanket over the both of you. “Clumsy.”
“Ha, ha. So funny Sukuna.” You let go of your blanket, warming up to Sukuna’s body. “I’m leaving the moment you fall asleep.” 
“Oh my god, shut the fuck up, and fall asleep.” He mumbles back, an arm resting underneath his pillow. “Can’t do anything without you annoyin’ me.”
You giggle, closing your eyes and whispering, “Goodnight, Sukuna.” You don’t expect to hear a response, even when you’re seconds away from falling asleep in his soft bed. But, you hear something anyway. 
“Good night.” 
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Next Chapter: Ch. 7 - A Lovely Night
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Tag(s)!: @openup-yourmind, @sherlock-holmes-jr, @maskedpacific, @gasp-a-homo, @diogodxlot, @beahappyhoeee, @tojimeow, @sukunamylovexoxo, @yoontaedotin, @sukunaloverrr, @lanadelreylover4l, @raininginthemoonlight, @blackjanexx, @ethereally-lyann, @fritzzbitzz, @lanadelreylover4l, @chayunwoo, @madamteller, @mazzd4, @haithamsbb, @c-l-ellis, @samysaha, @pi-crust, @shukiinnkm
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308 notes · View notes
blaster-aichi · 8 years
Override: Legion Mate plan
Days after the Link Joker invasion and all seems to be well in Hitsue. Kai goes about an ordinary day; attending school with Miwa and getting dragged along to the Cardfight Club after-school without any apparent lasting damage from his time under Reverse’s influence.. After getting out from school, the two of them trek home, and travel through the park where they used to play as kids with Ibuki. Miwa reflects on the day they last played, the day Kai first used his Royal Paladin deck, and asks Kai what he did with the cards afterwards, given his change to Kagero shortly after. Kai stays quiet, not answering immediately but trying to recall what exactly he did with the Blaster Blade which had been both the heart of his deck and the reason why it was dismantled. He shrugs it off, and finds himself led by Miwa to Card Capital, where they find Misaki at the counter and Kamui in the midst of a fight. The scene resonates as something vaguely familiar, but he brushes it off given his quest to become stronger than Ren a year earlier, which might have brought him across the shop, but his extensive training across various locations makes it difficult to tell.
He and Miwa continue on their way, Kai returning home and setting down for the night. He dwells on the sensation he's been followed since Card Capital and heads out for a walk, intending to see if he can find out the culprit. When he reaches the roadside by the park where he remembered running on the last day he saw Miwa and Ibuki, a light shimmers despite night settling on the city. Perplexed, he's uncertain what move to make but the light gravitates towards him, and whispers his name, though without a voice, he can feel it calling out to him.
Raising his hand, his fingertips come into contact with the light and his vision becomes engulfed in brightness. With no such words, he can feel the need to fall onto the old practice of envisioning himself on Cray, as was the case during his fights before High School and begins to channel his energies into doing so. By the time his vision clears, he indeed finds himself on the planet Cray, and before him standing the same Blaster Blade that he played with as a child. He asks Blaster Blade about why he was urged to touch down onto Cray, also puzzled by being summoned by a unit he’s not seen for some time; confirming the knight's assumption that Kai has also been affected by the phenomenon which has taken place, he tells Kai to think back to the day they parted. By Blaster Blade's instruction, Kai tries vehemently to understand what it is he's missing. Blaster Blade leads Kai to understand the voice which called him from the light wasn't his own, but of someone who needs him. Kai notices a darkly-clad figure in the distance; Aichi, with his back to him, but he doesn’t recognize him to begin with. Only when Aichi turns his head, peering over his shoulder back at Kai does he recognize him.
Suddenly, it dawns on him that Aichi had been absent from the past few days and tries to reach out to the figure, who just forces the dream to an end. With the crack in his falsified life, he quickly tears open the illusion, bringing Aichi back into his memory. As a result, the forced memory is swept aside, it dawns on Kai that Aichi has been missing for days and it comes back to him that something is terribly wrong.
With Blaster Blade's card in hand, he heads to Card Capital, to find it closed, but Misaki appears from her window by the strange appearance of the boy well after closing time. Kai asks for her time, she finds it puzzling but comments that he's come by the shop so rarely that she can't understand what he'd want with her. He calls for her to open up and he'll explain. She begrudgingly heads downstairs without disturbing Shin and meets with Kai through the glass doors, asking what exactly is going on. Kai states that the two of them are friends, which Misaki finds difficult to believe as she doesn't recall befriending him and tries to dissuade his story. Unsure how to convince her, Kai pulls out his phone, punching in a number and raising the phone to call. Misaki's phone begins to vibrate, to her surprise, and answers it - on the other end, she hears his voice, asking that if they weren't friends, how did he know about her number?
Misaki pulls a face, but decides to hear him out. Letting Kai into the store, the two of them converse about the absence of Aichi and the effect it's had on their lives; Misaki claims she doesn't play Vanguard that often, though has come to terms with the passing of her parents through means of her own. Kai states that both on a memorial and physical plane, there has been no trace left of his existence, something which troubles him as to what precisely they’re dealing with coupled with its intentions and means. It appears as though he’s chasing nothing, but he has a means by which to change that, and requests a Cardfight. Tired from the long day and curious where this is all leading (or to prove him mad); Misaki humours him and begins the fight. Kai plays with his Kagero deck, rebuilt after the Link Joker affair, which Misaki has a vague recollection of; she claims to have dealt with Reverse fighters and met with the others at the Tatsunagi tower in their individual attempts to stop the epidemic, but her series of events don't match his. Kai reminds Misaki that he was Reversed, and alone on the rooftop of the tower when the Gate opened, with the agent of Void, Misaki comes to the conclusion that Kai had been the one to stop Takuto, but Kai refutes that, asking how he could have when he'd been Reversed himself. Misaki, puzzled, presses on - she's the first one to Legion, having been able to reconstruct her deck with the newest stock in the shop and takes on Kai's arsenal. Through the fight, Kai comes to learn that without Aichi, Q4 is non-existent, Kamui is simply a kid who occasionally plays at the shop and many other elements parallel that of Asia-hen’s world, leading him to understand how Aichi must have felt at the time before they’d found one another. In the back of his mind, he begins to ponder if another power has carried him to an alternative world where Aichi simply never existed to begin with and a pang of loneliness strikes him, if there should be such a world.
With a space cleared on his front line, he throws out his own surprise - Blaster Blade. Misaki can't fathom how or why Kai would have a lone Royal Paladin in a Kagero deck, but Kai pushes that it's the card that ties Aichi to them, and inwardly reflects on the usage of Blaster Blade Spirit and Blaster Dark Spirit when facing Vanguard, with the same intention of getting Aichi back. Adamant to undo the spell which has erased all trace of Aichi’s existence, Kai’s campaign starts with the same unique tactic. The line-up jogs something in Misaki’s memory – the combination of Blaster Blade and Dragonic Overlord has always reflected Aichi and Kai, which leads to her recalling their first fight and triggering it all falling into place.Using the imagination theme, Kai and Misaki meet on Cray and, within Blaster Blade, Misaki begins to see the flickering face of Aichi. With the memories flooding back to her, she calls time on the fight, and intends to minimize the risk of causing Shin to come down to find them. She asks what Kai intends to do, he answers that he hopes to gather a force that can help find Aichi, and restoring her memory is the evidence he needs that he can do it. He asks Misaki to meet with Ishida Naoki and Komoi Shingo at Miyaji the next day, and he'll deal with their friends at Hitsue. Looking at her phone, Misaki re-enters Aichi's number and tries to ring it, unsuccessfully. She lets Kai out of the shop and the pair agrees to exchange regular updates. Kai heads home, texting Miwa to come over, while Misaki heads back upstairs, meeting Shin along the way. He comments about her unusual behaviour, sneaking in a friend, or something more, and asks like a proud mother. Misaki smiles and shakes him off, claiming it's something like that, but tells him not to get involved or embarrass her with his zealous nature.
Across the city, Miwa arrives at Kai's apartment complex and, as he enters the flat, comments on how odd it is for Kai to invite anyone over. As per usual for Miwa, he takes the situation light-heartedly and teases what Kai could possibly want, but he’s met only with the challenge of a cardfight. An occurrence which leaves the blond puzzled and asking why exactly it was vital to fight at night rather than wait until tomorrow. There’s no answer as such, but Kai pushes that it’s important; there’s something he needs to test and Miwa’s the only one he can entrust with the task. Kai encourages Miwa to recall who Aichi is, pushing various instances in time, alluding to the parallel world that the three of them had been taken to, and the events on Cray. Miwa intervenes the despairing thoughts he senses Kai mulling over in spite of failing to recall the absent party and highlights the fact that Kai speaks so passionately about the matter that he has no reason to doubt him, or that Aichi exists. If anything, it makes him happy to know there’s something which Kai can take such a vehement stance over and makes clear he understands why Kai wanted to fight so immediately; aware how it's the way Kai always clears his head, and wants to see if it would have the same effect on it; to remove anything unnecessary and find the memories of Aichi which have been buried within him. Kai uses the same Legion mechanic that Misaki had against him, and with Blaster Blade on the field. Kai pushes Miwa into a corner both within the fight and regarding their missing friend. Miwa does begin to recall seeing the similar sight on Cray in the fight against Vanguard. And whatever spell was cast is broken. They spend much of the night discussing what happened, why they forgot and where Aichi could possibly be. Kai frowns, because he remembers that they had become aware of Aichi's absence before whatever took their memories, but were never able to find him. He adds that Misaki is aiming to recruit Naoki and Shingo, so they should do the same with Kamui, and see who else they can rekindle those memories within; a plan which Miwa naturally agrees on.
Misaki confronts Naoki and manages to drag him into a fight – largely out of fear that she might do worse to him should he refuse, but during the game, she’s able to pick apart the isolation into which he pushed himself, which Aichi and Vanguard brought him out of. Naoki understands that something lately has been different after thinking about it, and he couldn’t understand, but now he registers that he’s lost something important; thus returning life to its boring state. Her efforts pay off and Naoki recalls everything, immediately beating himself up over forgetting Aichi and everything he brought into Naoki’s life, Misaki consoles him as best she can, and asks for him to get Shingo on-side, while she follows Kai’s plan, and visits Fukuhara. Meanwhile at Hitsue, Kai and Miwa lure Kamui to the gym, where Kai Reversed him and the inter-school competition took place, hoping that he can produce the same results on the remaining Q4 member. At Miyaji, Naoki is approached by Pennyworth while investigating the former-Cardfight Club room and Misaki confronts Suiko. By the time Final Turn is called, Kamui’s memories are also being undone – urged by their union under Q4 and Kamui’s familial feelings towards the Sendous. Kai texts both Misaki and Naoki for a rendezvous at Card Capital afterschool. At Fukuhara, Suiko claims Kourin took off on her own and no-one’s heard from her since, though it reinforces that she seems to be alright. Misaki leaves, with Ren watching as she departs from the area. Between Suiko remembering Kourin while Emi doesn’t recall Aichi, Misaki’s fears that he might have been kidnapped grow.
Grappling with his fears of losing Aichi, Naoki finds himself faltering in the fight with Pennyworth and difficulty in moving forward; he worries that Aichi might leave them behind if something’s happened to him, even that he might be vulnerable to whatever is in store for him, reflecting on how not long ago, he was fighting off Reverse, fearing for his friend’s safety. Pennyworth overwhelms Naoki and brings him to the brink of defeat when Shingo appears in the clubroom, having been drawn by an unusual sensation to visit the Physics room and then hearing the commotion inside. While he doesn’t recall anything to do with the Cardfight Club, he urges Naoki to fight and push back against Pennyworth; a sensation he puts to his closet passion for Vanguard, bemused that Naoki is a player, though leaves questioning him about it until later. Outside the room, Maki happens upon the fight, remaining outside and hidden, but listening with intrigue as, she too, has her affiliation with the game that remains hidden from her peers. Naoki hollers his resolve to stop whatever Pennyworth and his colleagues have planned for Aichi and swears to get him back, reiterating what he introduced to his life through Vanguard – something which touches both of those listening in on the game. Though his efforts fall short of finishing off his opponent and the fight has no conclusion, as Pennyworth escapes, though it leaves the two with an ominous feeling.
Naoki reinstates the Cardfight Club and asks Shingo to guard it, claiming it’ll make sense afterwards. Although he can’t understand the meaning behind it all, Shingo begrudgingly agrees. Naoki leaves, catching sight of Maki nearby and asks if she heard everything that happened inside, the Council Secretary confesses that she had, and fears that someone like Naoki would expose her for having an attachment to something perceived as so childish by her peers, but he instead assures her that he wants to help her out ‘this time’, and pleads for her to have to be seen the Physics room isn’t taken by another club until he can come back with his club’s leader. Like Shingo, Maki is perplexed by what exactly Naoki’s talking about, but goes along with the idea, capable of telling that his behaviour is no simple act. Naoki heads off, leaving Shingo and Maki to their duty.
The team gather at Card Capital, anxious about the situation and put their heads together to consider others who might have recollection of Aichi. While immediately, Emi comes to Kamui’s mind, the others recommend against involving her, wishing to keep her out of danger. Naoki offers to visit the Middle School branch of Miyaji to talk with Rekka, if she might corroborate Suiko’s story – with Kamui quickly piping that he wants to tag along. Kai and Miwa volunteer to visit Ren while Misaki tries to make contact with Leon. The respective parties go about their way – at Miyaji, Naoki and Kamui find the Middle School’s club engrossed in their activity, and when asked about Kourin, Rekka simply chirps that she’s likely stormed off in a mood over the price they paid for Link Joker’s defeat. Kamui asks if Rekka’s really alright with losing her past, to which she confirms because she’s gained Emi and Mai as friends. Emi then recognizes Kamui and Naoki as familiar faces, which raises Kamui’s hopes for a moment, but she replies that she can’t recall having a brother. Hopeful to find a blip in the story, Naoki questions Rekka on who stopped Takuto, which she claims was Kai alone – Naoki asks further how Kai got himself unReversed if it had just been the two of them on the roof, and Rekka gives the answer that he simply turned on Takuto once everyone else was beaten to make up for his earlier loss. To Naoki’s dismay, he recalls that Kai had used such a motive as one of many reasons to fight Takuto. At Fukuhara, Kai and Miwa confront Ren, and although they press him to remember the Nationals against Q4, Ren claims to be oblivious to everything. There’s no apparent shifting him and they have to concede that he’s as in the dark as they have been. Just before they take their leave, Kai asks Ren to let him know if anything strange happens.
On the way back, they encounter a man who claims to know Aichi – naming himself as Raul Sera. Though the fact that a stranger claims to know Aichi keeps the pair’s guards up; and it’s clear as to why when he reveals he was the one responsible for the attack by Pennyworth. Sera unleashes his power – Millennium Blizzard Prison, trapping the pair inside the frozen scape. With no alternative, Kai steps up to fight Sera – who drops malicious hints that Aichi is in danger and being held against his will, though gives no clear answers when the duo press him. Growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of answers that they can make heads or tails of, Kai launches full-force with his Kagero-Seeker deck, asserting that Blaster Blade reaching out to him means that Aichi’s in danger and they need to get him back; the deck and Clan are something that he and Aichi share and he intends to reach Aichi regardless of the obstacles set in his way. But the conversation plays its role in serving as distraction, costing Kai the game and his best shot of getting to Aichi as soon as possible. What he realizes though is he feels the scene to be something similar, as though he’s experienced it before, but can’t clearly recall it. Sera delivers Judgement on Kai, watched in horror by Miwa when his best friend is tortured and collapses. Sera turns towards another figure – dressed in a similar uniform, with a stoic expression. His vision blurred and consciousness fading, Kai weakly reaches out to the smaller enemy, hoarsely whispering Aichi’s name before passing out. Miwa hovers over Kai, adamant neither of their foes will get anywhere near him, though they appear to have no intention of doing so. With a smirk from the pair, they depart, leaving Miwa dismayed that he couldn’t do anything for his friends, as much as alarmed at their power, if they could best Kai with little effort.
Miwa hauls Kai back to Card Capital, shocking Misaki by the turn of events when they return, and together, they move him into the upstairs of the shop, placing him in the guest room where Aichi had been after his failed attempt to help Ren escape Psyqualia’s influence. Miwa discloses about Raul Sera and his commentary, which leaves Misaki as disturbed as he and Kai were. On high-alert, they have the others rendezvous at the shop where Miwa can fill them in. None can report that any of their respective targets have any understanding of what’s happening and they come to a consensus that they’ll have to be more careful, with it known they’re on the move by an apparent enemy. When Kai comes to and the strategizing continues, he confesses that he believes what’s happening is punishment for what he did under Reverse’s influence – an outcome they so nearly faced where Aichi passed away and he had been so far off that the consequences hadn’t resonated with him. With the spanner in the works that Judgement throws, he’s hesitant for anyone to get caught in the line of fire for helping him atone for his personal mistakes. Miwa shrugs off the proposal of dealing with things alone, seeing as that was what led Kai to Link Joker’s clutches in the first place, and none of the others have any intention of stepping down, so Kai would be stuck with them regardless.
The group retire for the day, going their separate ways. Remembering that they live in the same neighbourhood, Kamui travels with Kai and Miwa, lamenting his fears and doubts about what might happen or letting Aichi down when he went above and beyond to reclaim the three of them from Reverse. The older pair assure him they’re prepared to go to the very same extremes, as they owe it to him, and help to build his confidence about their chances. By the time they separate, Kamui’s spirits are reinvigorated and in much better shape along the last stretch home. However he happens upon a young girl once safely alone, she claims to have been trying to find the money to buy some doughnuts.
Kamui offers to help her out, thinking a treat might be in order after such a rough day, and they share a box. The girl stealthily leads the conversation towards what he’d been doing before, so Kamui says that they were looking to make arrangements to meet up with a friend, sugar-coating the search for Aichi. She giggles and stands from the bench, twirling around before stopping and claiming with a sweet tone that Kamui won’t be able to meet that friend. Suddenly on edge about the implication of her words, Kamui faces her to get answers, she introduces herself as Rati Curti and confirms that she knows Aichi and she won’t let Kamui split them up, intending to cut him down inside her Imaginary Fairy Prison. Much like the last effort, attempts at acquiring answers are met with vague comments and jests from the girl, whose demeanour sends chills racing down Kamui’s spine – furthering his worries if the personalities around Aichi are all so warped. Despite his best efforts, Kamui struggles to stand his ground and Rati decimates his Nove Grapplers, dealing her own brand of Judgement. Once the vines untangle their pocket dimension, Rati picks up the box of doughnuts, sweetly thanking Kamui for them and scurries off, leaving her battered adversary kneeling behind her.
Misaki reflects on Kourin’s attitude throughout the Link Joker campaign and wonders what she could be up to, if she’s also vanished but without any apparent erasure of her being. Her memories circulate around Kourin’s venom towards the others during their fight and how, even afterwards, she seemed torn between who to stand behind. The more she considers it, the more troubled she feels. That’s when she gets the call from Kamui that there’s another of Sera’s people lurking around, and tells her to be vigilant, in case she were to slip into Card Capital some time.
Naoki skips school the next day to venture to Fukuhara (which prompt Shingo and Maki to get into contact with Misaki over), pulling Suiko aside. He questions why she isn’t more concerned about Kourin, after promising Rekka they would become more like a family. To which Suiko does admit she’s quite concerned, but she’s running out of ideas as to how she can locate her sister, who has cut all contact. She admits that after Takuto, they were worried that their family was beginning to unravel and fears that Kourin has initiated just that, leading to Suiko’s reluctance to worry Rekka by pulling out all the stops to find their sister. Naoki finds himself astonished that Suiko’s softened so much, how far she’s opening up as a person after trying to play the mysterious harbinger of news in the past, after what he heard of her prior, and assures her she’s doing the right thing – he was simply ignorant of the pressure she must have been under, with the Tatsunagi family being torn apart as they are. He assures her that he intends to bring Kourin back, both for her sisters and the Cardfight Club to repair.
In the far-off lair under a starry sky, Sera apologizes that he had been caught by the enemy and sparked their retaliation. The quartet, with Pennyworth also present, discuss the leak in memories which collected Aichi’s closest friends, dismayed that Blaster Blade had, not only escaped, but thrown a wrench into the works so effectively. Between them, the gathering comes to the conclusion that it was perhaps bound to happen, but after dealing with the problem once before, they’re in prime position to stop the enemy in their tracks again – once and for all. Sera looks in the direction of the towering throne under the looming Earth where Aichi’s body is, and muses with a smirk that he’s certain it’ll all work out.
On her way to catch Naoki, Misaki happens upon the Anjou siblings. Tokoha hurries towards her, thanking her for handling the Reverse plague. Misaki hesitates and asks vaguely about when they first met, hoping Tokoha might stumble onto an inconsistency, but the girl claims it had all been Misaki who assured her. Mamoru also thanks her for helping them, and relays his being a follower of the Q4 members’ fabricated campaigns, of sorts, throwing in that Tokoha has been eager to drop by Card Capital some time. It’s news which Misaki welcomes, and they part apparently cheerfully, though once away, she grapples with the impact of losing someone important, when she’d sworn not to face that very same fate again. At Miyaji, Maki wonders if everything’ll be alright, with how strangely things around Naoki are, Akari assures her that Misaki’ll handle it and invites her and Shingo to share lunch, to keep themselves busy and for some company. Maki hesitates, unsure why the others are reaching out to her after she Reversed them; which isn’t a big deal according to Akari, because she was in such a lonesome place. Shingo bolsters the points by reminding her that they fought because they wanted to help her, then pauses because he feels as though there was something else to it, but can’t put his finger on it.
Misaki finally locates Naoki, relaying that Shingo and Maki were asking about him, leading to a synopsis of their witnessing his fightwith Pennyworth and what they’re doing to help him preserve the Cardfight Club’s room. Its while theyre putting their heads together that a third enemy makes himself known before them – one with an apparent vengeance against his fellow man. Naoki and the man, Neve, do battle, with Misaki standing by. Miwa and Kai look over their decks at the latter’s home, wondering what more they can do to strengthen themselves against the enemy, who appear to have mastered the Legion mechanic; Miwa receives a call from Misaki, but it serves only for them to listen in. Naoki gets no further in acquiring answers; which serves only to aggravate him even more. At some point during the fight, Neve twists the knife by alluding to seeing Aichi in a similar position, goading Naoki by pushing him into a corner and waiting for him to look the very same as he did. Whatever the meaning behind his words, it crosses the line for Kai who takes off, with Miwa scrambling after him. Equally fired-up, Naoki throws everything he can think of against Neve’s Metalborgs in hopes of making some headway on the team’s behalf, all apparently in vain as Neve seems to have as little problem dispatching him as his colleagues prior. Misaki asks about Kourin; if their enemy has anything to do with her apparent disappearance, but gets no answer to suggest she’s involved. Neve makes clear his frustrations that the group are opposing what would be best for the sake of the world; another cryptic message which leaves Naoki and Misaki scratching their heads, as he refuses to elaborate. Just as Kai and Miwa arrive, Neve takes his leave, leaving them with his malicious feelings towards other humans and the irony that his duty with the Quatre Knights counters them.
Worse for wear, the four retreat to Card Capital and mull over what little they have to work with. By the title of the faction, there’s one more knight who’s yet to make themselves known. Kai ponders if it could be the same whom he saw with Sera; something Miwa can confirm, although he never heard anything of a name or any detail which might them locate or contend with him. Which leaves Neve’s ominous words to decipher. Kai latches onto the insinuation that whatever’s happening is for the sake of keeping the world safe, then considers all the power which will have built up in Aichi’s body over the past months, likening Takuto’s warnings to his belief that he himself had been a dangerous force. To counter the measures taken to contain any threat Aichi could bring, Misaki wonders if drastic action was taken, uncertain what said action could have been, but that doesn’t explain how the Quatre Knights could be aware of the situation or know of him in the first place.
While skulking about the streets, Kamui passes the Sendou house and takes a moment before daring to knock at the door. Shizuka and Emi answer, inviting him in once the youngsters exchange pleasantries. The atmosphere is tranquil, although with the understanding that they’re a family member short, it feels somewhat empty to Kamui; at some point, he excuses himself to use the bathroom, and travels to the upper level of the house, pausing outside what should be Aichi’s room. In a safe moment, he takes a glance inside, finding what resembles a guest room more than what it had previously been; it’s a bitter pill to swallow. Emi ascends to the upstairs when it transpires Kamui’s taking his time and wondering if he’s alright. He asks her how and why she first got into Vanguard; Emi ponders her answer and comments that she remembers seeing Kamui fighting at Card Capital, but why exactly she was there is something she struggles to recall. Kamui takes his leave shortly afterwards with the words “Keep playing long enough for me to bring Onii-san home”. It’s a request which has Emi bemused, as being questioned about someone called Aichi is still clear in her mind.
During the night, Kai ventures to Fukuhara and asks Ren for a fight, for the sake of sparring. Tetsu observes the fight, surprised somewhat that the two are simply practicing like old times. Though Ren comes to understand rather quickly that the fight isn’t just about practice, as he identifies Kai’s halfhearted playing, which allows an easily, albeit unsatisfying victory, for him. They share a heart-to-heart afterwards, where Kai gives a general summary of what’s on his mind, without any specifics, after how Ren could shed no light on the situation, though he’s quick to fill in the blanks between the two approaches. He reinforces really not remembering anything, claiming that Aichi’s accomplishments in dealing with Psyqualia and Link Joker were Kai’s, as far as he can recall. That said, he muses that if there’s someone who’s gotten Kai to open up and more like his older self, then he’s happy to know of it, and wishes him the best. The matter of Blaster Blade stands out to Ren, who knows of Kai’s original affiliation with the Royal Paladins, however finds it strange that he incorporated the card into a deck with Kagero, highlighting the mismatch; even if it is poetic of Kai’s character to introduce his original cherished card. Unable to remove Blaster Blade, with the significance the card holds now more than ever, Kai questions what he should do, Ren muses about playing Royal Paladin – he’s never seen Kai wield the Clan he learned how to play with and he can imagine it would suit his quest for redemption after what went down with Link Joker. Kai appears slightly taken aback and takes the suggestion to heart. Miwa, on his way home from a local store, has his attention caught by the movement of something and believes he sees Aichi. The figure takes off when he calls out his friend’s name and gives chase. A short one which leads to a dead-end and ‘Aichi’ discovered as the Quatre Knight who was with Sera. Miwa frowns at having been fooled, but note the partial similarities between Aichi and the young man in front of him. The silver ring on the other’s finger glows briefly, as if to indicate it’s more than a simple accessory. Miwa demands answers from the knight, about where Aichi is and why they feel the need to attack anyone who pursues him. The knight smugly comments that Miwa should know how business is done on this battlefield and engulfs them within his Holy Prominence Prison, reminding Miwa of the consequences of losing; so if he wants an interrogation, he’d have all the time in the world if somehow he wins.
On his way out, Kai crosses Asaka’s path, and asks her to keep an eye out for Emi. Though they’ve grown somewhat closer since the National Tournament, Asaka confesses they’re still not particularly familiar with one another, but jokingly warns him that if he keeps slacking, she’ll surpass him easily as Ren’s regular rival. The quip doesn’t seem to inspire any light-hearted response, so she points Kai in Leon’s direction, as someone who was also heavily involved in opposing Link Joker, if there’s really something unusual going on. He wishes her luck with the upcoming National Tournament, which she thanks him and carries on her way.
In the silence following, Kai has Q4’s triumphs and still future potential front and centre in his mind. Miwa’s fight against the Quatre Knight rages fiercely; between his slight resemblance to Aichi and usage of Gold Paladins, Miwa wonders if it’s all deliberate tactics to throw him off. However the knight appears to be driven more by irritation at Miwa’s closeness to Kai, in the heat of the moment, questioning venomously how he could remain beside the root of the Reverse epidemic after all the suffering he caused. In spite of all that, Miwa makes it clear he has no intention of deserting Kai, and Aichi wouldn’t have either – leading to the discovery of why the knight feels so viciously towards Kai. The Reverse which spread across the world tore many lives apart; and he had seen it attack the most innocent of fighters first-hand at the orphanage in which he grew up and worked. To protect theose children, and ensure nothing so terrible happens again, he’s vehement in declining any audience with Aichi and his friends. Not about to allow much of a defence in Kai’s favour, the knight is quick to Ride Alfred and finish off Miwa, who is left with the worrisome implications of Alfred being wielded by someone other than Aichi. While on his way back from Fukuhara, Kai happens upon a dishevelled Miwa, whose knees buckle right as the brunet reaches him and passes on what happened.
Following Asaka’s suggestion, the group seek Leon out. Misaki researches what she can about the known Quatre Knights through any resource that Card Capital can offer her; allowing her to find Sera and Neve’s histories, although Rati is proving much harder and, without a name, the fourth cannot be traced. Naoki request Leon train him after a conversation which leads to their dealings with the Reversed Ren. Although unable to recall anything other than the world’s perceived reality, Leon agrees and the two begin to spar. With the team busy, and wanting to be able to offer help of their own, Shingo and Maki track down Pennyworth and begin to keep tabs on him. Kai spends his time occupied by building his Royal Paladin deck at Card Capital, present when Tokoha and Mamoru stop by to chat with Misaki. Even though they’re all occupied in their own way of contributing to the effort of finding Aichi, each member of the team struggle with the feeling that they’re wasting time which could be put toward actively searching for him, Suiko gets back to them that she’d managed to establish contact with Takuto, whom has reverted to his Ezel form and searching for answers across Cray. He reports that, thus far, he’s seen no affect on Aichi’s erasure on other worlds, allowing some degree of relief that the problem is contained to one universe.
The day of the National Tournament comes and Kamui finds himself dejected while watching the event when, by all accounts, Q4 should have been a part of it. Kourin remains missing from Ultra Rare’s appearance, which sparks unrest in some pockets of the audience (Morikawa kicking up such a fuss that he gets his moment in the spotlight). While the players in the city have their sights set on the tournament, Kai keeps himself occupied. Wandering into the park, he reflects on the events that have transpired over the past days, weeks and months, bringing with It trepidation about just how much those around him have to face, and how dangerous it’s going to get, as the stakes seem to escalate.
While looking over his deck, a young boy happens upon him, curious that another player isn’t invested in the tournament broadcast by the fact that he, too, is out in the park. The boy answers that his schedule doesn’t allow him a full weekend off to spectate, and becomes intrigued by the Royal Paladin deck, asking briefly about it. When Kai confesses that it’s a work in progress, the boy offers a fight to see how it’s coming along in Kai’s image of it, presenting his own Royal Paladin deck, with units also recently released. The two sit down and exchange blows, learning a little about one another and their reasons for using the deck (even if Kai’s are a little deceptive) - the boy, Shion Kiba, reveals that he uses the game as a means of enjoyment in the midst of a hectic schedule and upbringing as a prominent heir to the vast Kiba empire; aware that perhaps one day in the future, he won’t have any spare time to enjoy Vanguard. Kai considers it a daunting future, but begins to reflect upon his similar lack of enjoyment – much like in the lead-up to Reverse’s epidemic, he plays it as a means to stay close to people, to push himself, and it has contorted Vanguard into anything but a game to him. Still, even after coming to terms with his shortcomings, it isn’t what it should be, and has become a means of warfare. At the same time, as he watches Shion, he’s reminded of the younger Aichi, who came from such different walks, with a different image of the future, but found sanctuary with the Royal Paladins. Kai wonders if, given his life began to fall apart after parting ways with Blaster Blade, that the battle to reclaim his friend and reunion with the Clan, might allow him the chance to return to the right road and find the way forward which suits him best. As the fight progresses, he finds himself simply having fun; the dire priorities beyond the game fall to the back of his mind, even if just briefly, and he’s reminded of the fun he felt was restored after first returning to Hitsue and playing with the people who would come to grow as his friends. By the time the fight reaches its conclusion, Kai is satisfied with the deck, and with a refreshed look on both the world around him as well as his future. He thanks Shion, and assures him that he’ll go far as a Vanguard fighter; they part with equal invigoration towards what lies ahead.
Maki and Shingo’s surveilence of Pennyworth finally pays off and they gather the Mates in the Miyaji Physics rooms, Akari also tags along. They report that they’ve recently seen Pennyworth visiting a totem of sorts, hidden in the shadow of the Tatsunagi tower, underground, and he vanished, leading them to the conclusion it’s connected to wherever the Quatre Knights are hiding. The team formulate a strategy and take off into the city. Shingo and Maki observe the totem, awaiting the appearance of Pennyworth – sure enough, he does manifest as dusk approaches, mumbling about running errands. Through messages and calls; Shingo, Maki and then Akari; Miwa and Kamui are able to track Pennyworth’s route, relaying it to one another and their fellow comrades. [shout out to Courtney for helping figure out the portal totem thing and sparing another, probably lengthy block]
In the midst of his errands, Pennyworth catches sight of Misaki, to whom he gloats about the Quatre Knights’ success and how the Mates will get nowhere, she shows no apparent reaction, allowing an eerie silence before challenging him to a fight. He smugly declines, which provokes her to grow forceful, scaring him into a frantic retreat. While fleeing her, he runs into Kai, and then Kamui, furthering the sense of entrapment. Ultimately, it’s Naoki who corners the attendant and forces him into a fight, determined to get revenge for the torment Pennyworth thrust onto him last time and their unsettled score. The combination of preparation and time to fortify their decks proves crucial as Pennyworth is easily overwhelmed and trounced, granting the Mates a much-needed confidence boost. Claiming Pennyworth to be a prisoner of their own, Naoki and Misaki threaten him with nothing more than intimidating appearances and tossing the idea around of holding him as hostage to lure the Quatre Knights to come out of hiding. In his panic, Pennyworth pleads for mercy, met with the condition that he has to take his captors to the Quatre Knights’ lair. Seeing little alternative, that’s what he does – the group return to the totem, which Misaki notes has not only a Vanguard emblem on its top face, but space for six cards, into which Pennyworth inserts one of his own, and then twists the plate onto which the emblem is carved. A light begins to glow under the group, spreading out into the same pattern as a Vanguard circle. Akari, Shingo and Maki opt to stay behind to keep an eye on things and cover for the Mates should they be gone too long; with well wishes, they see off their friends. Once they’ve been sent off, the three see little harm in reporting back to Suiko, Ren and Leon, as they look to the broadcast of the Nationals to see AL4 in the final against Team Caesar, with a sense of satisfaction.
The Mates arrive in a strange marble corridor. Pennyworth tries to duck out, but Naoki and Misaki’s intimidation tactics keep him fulfilling his role as an escort. He begrudgingly leads them down the hallway. Sera appears along the way, infuriated that his attendant has been used against him and demands a fight. The one who steps up in opposition is Miwa, who had to watch Sera belittle and torture Kai. Like Pennyworth, Sera witnesses how a short amount of time and preparation propels the Mates onto the same level as the Quatre Knights and struggles to hold his own. Using a deck that combines his own and Kai’s cards, Miwa quips that he has to keep the reputation of the Kagero users in good light, and charges through whatever his enemy puts up in the way. His forces decimated faster than he can keep up with Miwa’s newfound aggression, Sera is defeated before too long, and Judgement cast upon himself. With his strength drained from the punishment, Sera scowls at the infiltrators not to get cocky – as any loss will see them sent right back to square one, and then collapses. With the ominous warning fresh in mind, they march forward. Along the way, they find themselves confronted with yet another familiar barrier, however to their astonishment; they find it not to be any of the Quatre Knights, but Kourin. Misaki asks what she’s doing in such a place.
Through the corridors, a frantic Aichi runs, desperate to get distance between himself and the scene behind.In his usual attire and watching over his shoulder every now and again, he finds himself lost in a supposed labyrinth. His limited stamina running low, he pauses to catch his breath, never lessening the fear which drums his heart furiously. Shortly after resuming his escape, he crosses Kourin, whom he’s srurprised to see and pauses in front of her. He asks if she was brought against her will and offers to escape with her, feeling somewhat at ease that there is someone to help should he be caught. Much more casually, he walks to and past her, expressing his hope that they can find a way of helping with things back home. Before he can get very far in expressing said wishes, he’s grabbed from behind in a rear naked choke and is horrified to realize Kourin’s the one administering it, without any show of emotion. All his efforts to break out of the hold fail and within a matter of seconds, his consciousness dwindles. When she’s satisfied he’s passed out, Kourin lets go and Aichi’s body crumpled onto the floor; from behind, Neve, Sera and Gaillard catch up, thanking Kourin for salvaging the situation.
When her silence persists, the Mates have to face the likelihood that Kourin is sided with the Quatre Knights, which pushes the question as to why. Despite the multitude of questions put to her, she seems reluctant to say much, forcing Misaki to step up and challenge Kourin. Aware of the blonde’s grips towards their lifestyle in contrast to her own, Misaki relays Suiko’s wishes for the Tatsunagis to simply continue as a family, to look forward, and laments that Kourin clearly didn’t hear her during their last fight when she was telling her to move forward instead of anchoring herself to an uncertain past. In stark contrast to aforementioned fight, Kourin shows little to no emotion, much like she’s detached herself from the human feeling which gave her so much passion previously. Misaki notices the unnerving air around her, how distant she is, almost as if she’s not human. Kourin argues that it’s best that Aichi stay where he is and she intends to make sure it stays that way, further aggravating the others. Naoki vents his frustrations that Kourin could have taken off with such a twisted motive, abandoning her friends and family – Kourin dictates that she doesn’t remember choosing anyone as either, they were forced upon her. She has one objective: to reclaim and preserve what went missing. While doing so, she recalls watching from the Tatsunagi Tower as Gaillard and Neve met with Aichi.
As far as the Mates are concerned, it’s another cryptic comment. Strangely, as much as she’d determined to get Kourin on a better path, Misaki can’t seem to break through, and with the threat of what Sera claimed hanging over them, the Mates start to feel concern creeping in. Kourin berates Misaki about the importance of a past – criticizing her for lecturing when she spent so long bound by her own – and claims that a future isn’t possible without a past as a foundation to build upon and ultimately comes out of the fight the victor. When the subject of the threat comes up, Kourin explains that a barrier around the fortress is the spell which removes all trace of Aichi beyond its reach; so triumphing over the Mates should reverse their puncturing the power and revert them to the same reality as everyone else. The infiltrators approach Kourin, intending to keep her from withdrawing, however steel poles seal the way and Neve appears in front of them. Neve states that he admires the Mates’ feelings for Aichi, but that it’s best that they stand down, lest more people suffer. The Mates agree to split up to lessen their time in the fortress and take off in separate directions – Naoki stays to deal with Neve, Kai searches for Gaillard, Misaki and Miwa hunt Kourin and Kamui seeks Rati – all with the intention of bypassing their respective obstacles. All, but Misaki/Miwa, are able to find their respective targets and initiate fights of their own.
Naoki and Neve butt heads over their respective gripes with people, but their separating beliefs as to how far humans can grow and change. Neve informs Naoki of the strife his country has suffered – with civil war plunging their livelihoods into ruin, their families in danger and is onlyone of many conflicts which will continue to fester as long as humanity continues on its destructive path. Naoki questions why precisely Neve is doing something which apparently will protect them; he grumbles it was a duty handed to him, nothing more. Elsewhere, Rati and Kamui argue over the value of having friends; Rati’s past was that of travelling, without ever settling and no-one whom she could safely become friends with. It was only on Cray that she could feel some stability, but even that was plunged into darkness and anarchy. She grew distant and taunted the idea of having friends, seeing them unnecessary and temporary – rather than be harmed, she would rather harm, and became twisted in the process of cutting herself off from ordinary feeling, relishing in causing others the same pain which she herself grew up experiencing over and over. Kamui feels uneasy to have heard the tale and Rati’s peculiar personality unravel. Between them, the youngsters come ta consensus that Rati doesn’t possess Psyqualia to carry her to Cray, as she has a reason to keep fighting and no intent on giving up. But that drives Kamui to help her untangle herself from the thorny vines which have become her shell. Within the blue flame prison, Kai and Gaillard come to blows over Reverse; Gaillard tells the same story that he did to Miwa, reopening Kai’s wounds over bringing about the initial Reverse wave. Gaillard vehemently swears to stand by his duty of preventing another catastrophe, and vows to take down Kai to do just that. Between the three of them; Neve, Rati and Gaillard tell the story of how it was Takuto who approached them, requesting their power as guardians if he should come under attack as a result of his role as Cray envoy on Earth. While Rati was quick to catch on, Neve and Gaillard required a little more explanation, and it was because of their individual strengths that Takuto could deem them suitable solders for the job. When Link Joker invaded, they were too late to reach Takuto before he was consumed and the world was overrun by the warped power. They all witnessed suffering and strife as a result, understanding why Takuto had chosen them. And when they could finally converge in Japan, the Gate was broken. To be safe, they sought out Takuto but found nothing of him.
Though how that links to Aichi, they don’t reveal, nor do they show any intention of cooperating with the Mates, despite their united goal of keeping Earth safe. The knights stand by that their method is the only way. At which time, Misaki and Miwa arrive at the throne room and are astonished to find Earth looming over the throen situated in the centre of the chamber – learning only then that they’re on the moon.
Kamui and Rati’s fight comes to a head, and telling is own story of being alone, Kamui tries to make Rati see that they can be helped out of a dark place by having others around them. His focus turns to Q4, and the friends he’s made beyond them; as a result, he feels more accomplished, stronger and wholesome than he ever could on his own, by his own strength. Even then, Rati refuses to believe his words, until it turns it on her. By banding with the Quatre Knights, Kamui states that Rati has given into the human tendency to grow close and attached to the people around her, relying on them as a team; weren’t they all required to seal and guard Aichi? She’s not doing it for Cray or herself alone, but for many people, even if she hasn’t come to acknowledge or accept that. Left unbalanced by the news, a hole opens up in Rati’s game, which allows Kamui to charge through and seize victory. Rati crumples to her knees, and then endures the same gruelling punishment that she forced onto Kamui. Resigned to her fate of always being alone, her head hangs and waits for whatever should come after her loss, only to see Kamui’s hand enter her field of vision. Despite everything, he reaches out to her, offering to help her up, as if nothing happened. It’s a behaviour that Rati struggles to understand. She shakily takes his hand, Kamui pulls her into a hug and promises not to leave her alone; if she wants a friend, he’ll gladly become one.Thrown aback by the kindness she feels from him, Rati allows herself to sink into the embrace and feel warm for the first time in a long while.
In the throne room, Misaki and Miwa find themselves unable to get closer to Aichi as the result of a barrier which has been erected. One layer of the forcefield suddenly cracks and shatters – suggesting that one of the other Quatre Knights has fallen. They come to understand that each of the four knights has a responsibility in the form of these layers – so between Sera and the second’s loss, they’re halfway to unsealing Aichi. Behind them, Sera looms in the shadows.
Gaillard muses teasingly why Kai and Miwa might have seen him as so much like Aichi – a subject which hasonly lingered in the back of Kai’s mind. Gaillard presents the silver ring he sports, claiming that he carries Aichi’s will. It’s not an explanation that Kai can wrap his head around. So Gaillard reflects back on his and Neve’s arrival in Hitsue City, meeting with Aichi for the first time; he appeared friendly and helpful, but by the information he’d gathered, Gaillard began to speak ominously about the boy. By the eerie ambiance which soaked the air, Aichi could tell he was in trouble and attempted to flee when Gaillard activated his Holy Prominence Prison, locking Aichi inside the battlefield. Uneasy with the situation, Aichi found himself forced into a fight – pitting Gold Paladin decks against one another. Without understanding why he was being targeted, Aichi tried to plead for an explanation and cooperation. Like the present, Gaillard gave a summary as to why he had been recruited and was hunting Aichi. But the final statement puts Aichi into a frozen state – horrified by what he’s heard, his already unsteady game falls apart and Gaillard finishes him off. At that point, Gaillard reveals to him what the prison is all about and Aichi is subjected to Judgement. Once it’s over, his body buckles, Gaillard looms over and smirks at having fulfilled their objective. Maybe out of spite or for fun, he hangs his right hand beside Aichi’s head, sealing a portion of his willpower – the thing which gave him strength and lured people to him – inside. Neve expressed distaste with the action, and that it might jeopardize their plan, but Gaillard swayed the concerns – if none remembered Aichi, than any sensation surrounding his willpower would be rendered void. The two recovered Aichi’s body and made their way onto the next phase. With it confirmed that Aichi was abducted against his will, Kai’s fury intensifies and he goes on the offensive unlike anything before, even as Gaillard’s own over Reverse lingers. The Royal Paladins, spearheaded by Blaster Blade, cut through Gaillard’s forces and the knight contends with his king, striking him down to secure Kai’s victory. Gaillard endures his own Judgement and crumples onto the ground, Kai wastes little time, recovering Alfred from Gaillard’s deck and then racing on ahead to catch up with the others.
In the throne room, Misaki and Miwa are elated to see not only another level of the barrier break, but the forcefield which encompasses the entire fortress beginning to falter. Exchanging their excitement to have Aichi back as soon as the last fight is finished, they’re unaware of Sera’s presence until he uses his Millennium Blizzard powers to freeze their legs, rendering the two immobile. With it seemingly safe, he emerges from the shadows, gleeful that his plan is coming together smoothly; although it takes them a moment, Misaki and Miwa come to realize Sera is betraying the Quatre Knights. He confirms their suspicions, stating that by allowing Pennyworth to become captured, he brought the Mates right into the knights’ territory where their defeats would be allow the seals around Aichi to weaken and ultimately crumble. Neither is sure why Sera is eager for Aichi to be released; he divulges his family’s history and the fates of those both weak and strong – claiming himself to become the strongest ever once Aichi is free. Kourin interrupts the scene and challenges Sera to a fight, furious at his betrayal. Kai arrives partway through the fight, catching sight of Aichi in the midst of the fight raging nearby; Miwa and Misaki warn him that Sera’s also looking to have Aichi released – which instills concern as to why his objective would align with theirs. Sera beats Kourin, dealing Judgement onto her just before the seals begin to cave in. As the forcefield dissipates, Emi freezes up in class – an act which puzzles Mai. Giving no explanation, she bolts out of the classroom, which leaves her class and teacher scratching their heads, but as she runs through the corridor, she has only one thing on her mind – having just remembered Aichi.
Sera’s arms rise, hailing the awakening of the transient king, but as soon as the barrier falls, Kai races over to check on his friend. With Kai beside him, Aichi’s body begins to stir, and rise from the throne. Unease is strong in the air as Aichi stands in front of the throne, sights fixed on Earth. Kai utters Aichi’s name, hoping to get a typical response from him. But Aichi stares at him with a blank look, his eyes devoid of life, speaking one word – “move” – in a monotone. Two digits extending from his right hand unleashing a blast identical to the one which almost killed him atop the Tatsunagi building and throws Kai back. Gaillard’s words which he told Aichi during their fight resonate – that Aichi harbours Link Joker’s Seed within him Kai crashes onto the floor and knocked unconscious. Miwa and Misaki yell to their friend, and plead for Aichi to stop. For them, it’s a surreal sight to see Aichi looking down at Kai with no sign of human emotion.
Sera hails the waking of his king and approaches Aichi, swearing his allegiance by offering up the Earth to Void, then leads the vessel past their resistors and on their way to the totem. Kourin laments that Takuto’s fail-safe of only the knights being able to use the totem has been rendered useless; where Aichi would have remained contained on the moon, he’s no longer bound by any restriction.
Miwa gripes about the irony that it was a Quatre Knight who proved most dangerous in the end, but Kourin herself protests that it it hadn’t been him, then the Mates would have unleashed the very same threat. Misaki and Miwa place the blame on the knights for not informing them fully, but Kourin snaps back with the question of it they would have stopped if they’d known the full extent of Aichi’s plight, to which they can’t bring themselves to respond. Instead, they have a whole new crisis to face – a second Reversal. As one of few who evaded Reverse, Misaki fears unleashing a new wave across the city, with flashbacks to what Kai, Kamui, Akari, Miwa and various others were like back then, and it sends a chill down her spine. Kourin assures them she’ll have Gaillard help them out and takes a brief leave, to return with him moments later. Using his flame, Gaillard liberates Miwa and Misaki, who immediately hurry to Kai. It takes a moment for him to stir, and the remnants of both sides present find themselves begrudgingly working together.
On Earth, VoidAichi Reverses Sera, who gives himself over to the power, and commands him to spread it (comparing the act to that of vermin spreading a disease). The Mates and Knights return to Hitsue and split up; Kai gets a call from Ren about recalling remembering everything, Kamui also hears from Emi, who tearfully claims she understands what he was trying to tell her and can’t forgive herself for forgetting Aichi. Misaki and Kamui rendezvous with Emi, Akari, Shingo and Maki while Kai meets with Ren and Leon, each giving the grave news that Void is on the loose on Earth. When Leon questions what Kai will do when they find it, he doesn’t give an answer, Leon reminds Kai that Takuto was going to have himself sealed as a means of protecting Earth, but if the Seed can transfer between hosts, then there’s no easy way of solving the problem other than to follow suit. Gaillard catches up with VoidAichi and Sera, challenging the former to a fight by way of activating his prison. Sera gleefully mocks Gaillard’s intentions, with their immunity from the Seed’s transfer by use of their gifts from Takuto; Gaillard retorts that he’ll subdue Aichi and have him put back to sleep so the planet can be at ease. It’s far easier said than done, as VoidAichi reveals his Link Joker deck, which taints the units whom he began fighting with and warped them into the malevolent force’s units.
Gaillard reflects on the events after his last fight with Aichi and his attempted escape – the Quatre Knights explained in full the circumstances by how Aichi came to possess Link Joker’s core, and Takuto’s plan. By pushing him into a corner, they broke down his will to resist by emphasizing on the peril that the entire world could be in should Aichi return. Donning the attire of Void’s vessel, Aichi reluctantly made his way inside the throne room, but when questioned about the knights looking out for everyone else, only then did they reveal Aichi’s existence would be wiped as a precautionary measure. A revelation which throws Aichi into turmoil, and unable to escape, he reached up for the Earth, wishing to be able to reach his friends, and as he did, a glimmer fled the sanctuary – Blaster Blade escaped from the sealing process to warn the others while Aichi’s body collapsed into the throne and fell into the deep sleep. Not about to let down the children whom he cared for in France, Gaillard charges in. It’s a battle in vain, as VoidAichi shows no evident struggle, regardless of what Gaillard uses, aware that he’s lost Alfred. When the battle is sealed, Gaillard suffers his own Judgement. With his prey weakened, VoidAichi raises his hand.
A brief hesitation and his arms withdraw, holding his body as if it were about to split apart – for a matter of seconds, the real Aichi is able to break through and tell Gaillard to run – it’s a sigh that stuns Gaillard, who couldn’t begin to imagine why Aichi would care about him, after all he’s done. Aichi’s unable to hold back Void long enough before it resumes control and Reverses Gaillard, whose final thoughts are of the children he swore to protect. Rati arrives just after the process is complete, Sera takes leave at the same time. Gaillard and Rati simultaneously unleash their prisons to hold one another to their mercy, creating an amalgamation of the two. As the fight progresses, Rati asks Gaillard how he feels towards other people; she’s been mulling over Kamui’s words and figures she wants to believe, even if just a little longer – she doesn’t want to be alone anymore. She notes how Aichi reached out to Gaillard right before his Reversal and how it affected her former-comrade. But ultimately, she asks what happened to his fight against Reverse; he wouldn’t be so easy to put down as the power has done to him, and tries to get him to wake up. None of her arguments seem to have any effect on Gaillard as he continued to crush her defiance until she succumbs to defeat. Both Judgement and Reverse rain down onto her, but she smiles wistfully, glad that she won’t be alone, at the very least.
Suiko, Rekka, Asaka and Tetsu rendezvous with Ren, Leon and Kai, just as a broadcast breaks out on the news about a phenomenon striking various people in the city remescient of that just weeks ago. After the mayhem the previous epidemic caused, the newsreader advices people to stay away from anyone behaving strangely, and police forces are preparing should riots break out. Ren grumbles about Reverse’s revival and the incredible with which it’s spreading; within a matter of hours, it’s reared its head enough for even those unconnected to the game to recognize the patterns of the first wave. Neve locates Sera, scowling that the sinful ways of humanity are the same as ever. Sera claims that if there was going to be a wrinkle in his plan, it would be Neve. Even though he stands the sole remaining Quatre Knight, there’s little he can do, as the matter of Reverse is already far out of anyone’s control other than Aichi’s. The two engage in a fight – for Sera, it’s the completion of his scheme, and for Neve, his duty as a knight, to keep the wickedness of humans like Sera from succeeding.
Escorted by Gaillard and Rati, VoidAichi returns to the district where the totem is hidden, preparing to return to his sanctuary and watch humanity tear itself apart as though an overlord. Kourin blocks the way, livid that everything had been undone and defiant against it continuing. While Gaillard offers to put her down, VoidAichi decides to take up the challenge himself and transforms the space around the four of them to resemble that of dead space. Sera and Neve viciously exchange blows; the former mocks Neve’s attempt at sympathy, but Neve brushes off the taunts, adamant that all he’s doing is his job – he’s not about to see the ill-intent of humans condensed into one form wreak havoc; intending to oppose VoidAichi directly once their fight has concluded. Sera brags about his position in the scheme he’s unleashed – intending to be the puppetmaster which dangles VoidAichi from strings, he considers himself the strongest force to be reckoned with, achieving the ultimate of his family’s ideals. To drive it home, he pulls off the victory needed to Reverse the last of the Quatre Knights. Meanwhile, Kourin tries and fails to overthrow VoidAichi and suffers the same, recalling the moments as Suiko Reversed her previously.
The resistance find Aichi and fend off any Reverse along the way. Ren and Leon lead their respective squads of Asaka, Tetsu, Maki, Suiko and Rekka + Sharlene, Jillian, Shingo, Emi and Akari while the Mates head off as a unit. VoidAichi’s six core soldiers gather at the totem, from where VoidAichi broadcasts a brief message – re-introducing himself as the force which spoke to cardfighters previously through Tatsunagi Takuto and reaffirming his intention of returning everything to nothingness. Kamui becomes alarmed because of the site from which VoidAichi is speaking – the totem, with all the Quatre Knights under his command. The team realize that if VoidAichi returns to the moon, they’ll have no means of reaching him or stopping the spread of Reverse, sparking panic among them. The three parties split up to cover much more area in the scramble to reach the totem before they lose the enemy’s commander.
Anarchy rules the streets, Misaki calls Mamoru to ensure he and Tokoha are alright, after recalling their first meeting. She can hear Tokoha frightfully asking about everyone while speaking with her brother; the fact that it had been Aichi who assured Tokoha previously comes up, souring both Misaki and Mamoru’s tones as they share in the discouragement that he has been seized as Link Joker’s new lead. The Quatre Knights use the portal system to return VoidAichi to the moon and stay behind themselves to further besiege the city. After they’ve taken off, a figure walks towards the totem, resting their hand onto the Vanguard insignia atop and sighing how they made it too late.
Misaki reunites with Mamoru and Tokoha, whose concerns are on everyone else. Misaki assures them they’re fine and promises this time they’ll save Aichi. Tokoha feels some comfort to hear the reinstated promise. Elsewhere in the city; Leon, Maki and Emi come face-to-face with Neve, Gaillard and Rati respectively, with fights breaking out between each pair. Maki contends with Gaillard’s hatred of Kai and argues that if he has beef with anyone, it’s her, as the puppet who truly introduced Reverse to Earth, and she won’t stand by without taking responsibility anymore. Rati meanwhile teases Emi about Aichi and becomes far more unhinged than her fight with Kamu. Emi voices her thanks that Kamui would fight so hard for her brother and try to help Rati, affirming that she’s always been the sibling who took care of Aichi as opposed to the opposite, so she has a duty in getting him back. Unfortunately, all three fights swing in Void’s favour and the three are Reversed.
Sera and Pennyworth find Ren and Asaka, triggering a tag-fight between the four. Naoki arrives at the totem, finding no trace of Aichi and calling around to pass on the message, although figures Maki is behaving oddly on the other end of the line and is horrified while fearing the worst. Sera and Ren exchange blows with their power-hungry agendas the front and centre of discussion, while simultaneously, Pennyworth mocks Asaka for blindly following a man whom sees her only as a sidekick. Reflecting upon their fight when she was the Reverse, Asaka bites back against any claims the servant makes, while Ren makes clear his pity towards a man like Sera who is naturally driven by greed and a lust for power. Admitting that he himself is far from perfect and has been warped into such, he’s growing to become a better person, though quips he wouldn’t dare give in completely and become a mature adult (jesting that’d just be boring). Rekka runs into Kamui, they exchange what little updates they know of the others, and the priority to find and unreversed a Quatre Kngiht, but Rekka gets a call before they part ways from Emi. Eager to see her again, Kamui opts to tag along and they find the younger Sendou – something immediately comes off as odd. It’s not long before her behaviour gives away to the pair that she’s become Reversed, and each offer themselves up as opponents, arguing between themselves briefly about why they should be the one to help her. What they understand are their feelings overlap greatly and decide instead to team up for Emi’s sake.
To counter Sera’s claims about being the strongest, Ren coolly points out that he hasn’t been using VoidAichi, but the opposite is very much true – despite how he’s interpreted the situation, it’s Sera who’s on the front lines doing the work to further any influence, and Void won’t acknowledge him as anything more than a foot-solder; yes, he unleashed VoidAichi and began the epidemic, however if all continuted to Void’s plan, he wouldn’t become the strongest, and ultimately only Void would win. There is no great power from within that has been unlocked, but only potential which lies within the people themselves, undermining Sera’s intention of becoming a force which outmuscles any other. Keen on proving Sera wrong, Ren leads the charge to overthrowing both the knight and his underling, undoing their Reverses without much difficulty. Sera becomes horrified at having been bested by Ren and makes a swift retreat. With the escape, Ren playfully laments that he got away before they could get him to take them through the portal.
Rekka and Kamui’s combined power puts an end to Emi’s Reverse; the three embrace, with apologies and tears. Kamui asks Rekka to look after Emi and prepares to take off, Emi pleads with him not to do anything dangerous – which Kamui shrugs off as fine, he has a promise to her that needs keeping and heads on. Maki locates Kai and urges him into a fight; with the both of them primary sources of the previous incident, each feels there’s unfinished business between them. Naoki finds them in the midst of the fight, requesting Kai step down and let him take over, but it’s a call which is declined, Kai stating it’s something he needs to do. They both see themselves as responsible for a catastrophe when they were both taken advantage of and wants to help Maki move on, even if he himself hasn’t; something more which he interprets as the price which needs paying for having spurned so much chaos. They exchange their likenesses prior to and during their time fighting for Link Joker, and Maki relies once more on Venus Trap Reverse, but Kai meets the relapse with resolve to never go backwards, in turn strengthening that to save Aichi, so no-one need suffer from Void’s agenda.
Naoki protests that Kai needs to go on ahead, because Aichi’s waiting for him. Kai looks to Naoki, puzzled as to why he’s seemingly giving up on reaching Aichi; Naoki shakily states that he’s still lagging behind in standing on the same stage, and blames himself for unsealing VoidAichi, as the last one to beat his opponent in the sanctuary, on top of the fact that he barely pulled through. Kai calmly refutes any guilt that Naoki feels he should bear, stating that because he lifted the seals, he’s made it possible for them to save Aichi; unsure what exactly Kai’s getting at, Naoki asks him if he knows how to, to which Kai nods, but says nothing of an explanation and resumes the fight with Maki. He asks of Naoki to remember the morals he stood by during their last war; how he wanted to search for the Vanguard Kai offered him years ago and the one which Aichi showed him; not to lose hope but keep fighting for that. Naoki stands by and watches the fight, refraining from jumping in while Maki and Kai exchange blows both verbal and through their units, until it ends in Kai’s victory. Naoki rushes to catch Maki once she’s purged of Reverse, she apologizes for causing trouble yet again, but both Naoki and Kai assure her she’s done anything but. They understand that she’s been making amend for what happened. Naoki tells Kai to go and find any of the Quatre Knights and he’ll catch up, which is met by Kai asking him to stick to that.
At the time that Kourin meets with Suiko, Leon also hones in on Misaki, Mamoru and Tokoha. Kourin demands a fight for Suiko, with motivations stemming from their previous fight and resentment not unlike Rekka’s previous gripes. Suiko gladly accepts, noting she had been hoping they would have an opportunity to talk and the sisters face off. Misaki stands in opposition of Leon, who muses how Misaki is perhaps the only one who has escaped Reverse’s clutches so far, and ready to fight in order to keep him away from the Anjou siblings, when a voice interrupts, leading all the parties present to turn in the direction of the source – seeing Tatsunagi Takuto. Misaki and Leon are astonished, after the extent to which Takuto’s body had been Link Joker-infested and how little time has passed since. Takuto assures them he’s alright, and he had help in recovering – as Cray and Earth’s bridge, he feelts it impossible to simply stand back and leave the work on the shoulders of cardfighters. Standing between the trio and Leon, he urges them onwards; to carve their way through the madness and find the end. Apprehensive about leaving Takuto behind to hold off Leon, Misaki hesitates to leave; to which he responds with a smile that he needs to speak with the Souryuu; he put a lot onto his shoulders last time and would like to make amends, assuring her that he’ll be alright.She and the Anjou siblings take off, allowing Takuto his moment to apologize to Leon for burdening him so much by using him as an anchor through which to remain attached to Earth and placing him firmly in the line of fire.
Suiko and Kourin clash fiercely, as Kourin lays the blame for much of her hardship; criticism which Suiko, once more, takes on the chin and accepts as fault her own. But makes clear she isn’t about to fall back and stop fighting just because she’s gone the wrong way about it previously. Instead, she reaffirms her intention to become a more understanding sister and think about their family, not to let herself get swept up in dealing with inter-planetary matters, as Takuto has stepped forward to fulfil that role which he entrusted to her while seeking out Psyqualia. For Kourin, however, Takuto himself is a figure of resentment – as he still embodies their lost memories, and while Suiko and Rekka might have accepted their pasts being gone, Kourin herself hasn’t. Suiko calmly points out Misaki has urged Kouin to live her life for herself and not for what she’s lost on numerous occasions, Kourin emotionally protests that it’s easy for Misaki because she knows where she comes from. But without changing her stern attitude, Suiko asks Kourin if it is really. With the blonde confused, Suiko goes to make clear that Misaki is someone with trauma in her past which she struggled for a great deal of time to come to terms with and will never truly get over, as is the case for many people – Kai Toshiki, Sendou Aichi, Suzugamori Ren, Souryuu Leon and countless others – but for Kourin, Takuto might have deemed it safer to remove her past, to spare her the same trauma; asking how Kourin would feel if she uncovered the secrets of their pasts and was left only disappointed or scarred,with nothing to return to.
It’s an argument that unbalances Kourin and opens up a window for Suiko, who dives in, tells Kourin to stop living in the past, and live in the present, for the future – before landing the critical blow that ends their feud. Kourin is set free and slumps, becoming propped up by Suiko who embraces her and apologizes for having her priorities wildly skewed in the past, promising to do her best to make it up to her. Rekka and Emi arrive onto the scene, the youngest of the sisters racing in and embracing the others as their reunion is finally achieved. Emi is touched at the scene, but finds herself looking skywards, her thoughts and worries turning to Aichi, hoping to be reunited with him soon.
Ezel and Aqua Force go at it with one another; Takuto swears to liberate Leon and do what he needs in order to restore order – noting how he always manages to place a hefty burden onto the shoulders of the people whom he intends to protect. He commends Leon for handling intense pressure so well, making references to the alternative world’s Souryuu Child in the process, although the meaning behind it is lost on the Reversed. Utilizing Grand Ezel’s Unlock ability, Takuto crushes the seals which tie to Leon’s stresses in relations to his clan, his past and contending with the world, allowing him to rid the Souryuu of Reverse and bring him back. With the two of them on the same side, Takuto thanks Leon for everything he’s done and apologizes yet more, making it clear that he can’t stop long, as he has to attain a means to travel through the portal he created and reach Aichi. Leon asks about the alternative world; Takuto gives a brief summary; how Void began to taint the fighters on Cray, how he and Aichi became targets of intense efforts by the nothingness and turn into weapons, both against each other and Earth. He laments that he seems to mess up a lot, and wonders if he’s fit to serve Cray in the role he does, but Leon attempts to lift his spirits by stating it was Ezel who was chosen to, nobody was forced to entrust him with the position. Feeling his confidence restored, Takuto thanks Leon once more and requests for him to take care, of himself and Earth, then takes his leave hastily, leaving Leon to wonder precisely what he intends to do and why he spoke so morbidly.
Kamui and Kai reunite and encounter Gaillard, who uses his ring storing a portion of Aichi’s willpower to lure the brunet to him. Kamui insists on fighting, stating that Kai needs to ready himself for whatever awaits on the moon. Although reluctant at the idea of standing back and leaving everything on Kamui’s shoulders, Kai tries to assure the younger that he can handle Gaillard, though Kamui states Kai had his win over Gaillard, and he wants a piece of revenge for what Gaillard put Aichi through. Kai relents, albeit still begrudgingly. Gaillard mocks Kamui’s spirit and intentions, stating that he won’t lose again, not with his enhanced power and once he’s finished, he’ll tear Kai down. The older of his adversaries bites back at how hypocritical Gaillard is, to have given into Reverse and forgotten the curse it brings, the suffering it caused. The Gold Paladin player scowls that Kai has no right to criticize, being a lead figurein the last incursion, even if Maki claimed to have been the original root. In an effort to wake up the real Gaillard, Kai tries to turn his attention to the orphanage he grew up in; what the kids he cared for endured and felt, asking if he intends to inflict that upon them a second time. If Aichi wills it, Gaillard claims, then he sees no problem with it – they can become a part of the empire they’re building, where they can be protected.
Kamui pipes up that Aichi would never wish for harm onto anyone else; what Gaillard is following is a twisted scheme concocted by something wearing Aichi’s body like a glove. Kai iterates additionally that Void has no intention of simply stopping at consuming the world, but intends to take all existence and return it to nil; something Gaillard can’t protect his children from. While reflecting on all those who would come to harm, and the innocence of young players which would be lost, Shion comes to mind, and Kai can only hope silently that he’s alright. Along the way, Misaki and the Anjou siblings come across Rati, prompting a fight between them; the Anjous see for the first-time the level of stakes; an experience throughout which Mamoru puts Tokoha’s safety and protecting her as his utmost priority. Misaki confesses to Rati that she, likewise, began as someone who couldn’t bond with others after the passing of her parents, but has come much further since uniting with her friends and letting people in, growing to leagues which she could have only imagined on her own. Both fights become much more intense as Kamui and Misaki push themselves to the limit in order to reach through to Gaillard and Rati, They manage to overcome the hurdles erected against them and undo the spell, granting them both a means of making it to the final stage. Rati agrees to help Misaki, who tells her to stick with Mamoru and Tokoha, apologizing to the siblings over the fact that she won’t be able to hang around. Mamoru thanks her for everything and assures her that he’ll handle things now, as they’ve leaned on her an incredible deal already. Kamui and Kai make clear their case for wanting to deal with Aichi to Gaillard, who’s hesitant to cooperate, making it clear that Link Joker needs to be sealed away again. Kai swears that it will, they’ll find a way. The Quatre Knight still seems as though he wants convincing, but agrees to give them the means of travelling there. The three make it to the totem, where Gaillard activates the portal, sending the two onward. At the same time, Misaki calls on Miwa and Naoki to meet up with her; letting them know she has the means of going on after the others – Naoki tells them he’ll catch up.
Kai and Kamui manifest on the moon, beginning their way down the familiar route. At the totem, Rati opens the way for Misaki, Naoki and Miwa, who leave the girl with Mamoru to take care of. Gaillard reveals he’s been waiting since sending the others on, and vows to stay with Rati; as colleagues and more, as friends, no matter what the outcome. The Mates reunite on the way to the throne room and march together as a single unit, where they find VoidAichi, watching the Earth. The six of them are finally alone, Naoki then realizes that they’ve gotten no way back, so they’re also trapped, so if VoidAichi refuses to fight, they’ll have no contingency plan. Kai confidently announces that Void will fight, facing the vessel with a stern look. In a rare break from his muteness and blankness, VoidAichi smiles, as if impressed by Kai’s deduction and the two ready themselves.
The fight begins and it transpires that VoidAichi and Kai were bound to fight due to the latter’s role in its last campaign, how Kai ultimately resisted and aided to bring down Link Joker. It’s a motive likened to revenge, although without malice, Miwa deems that Void is more seeking control and increasing the odds of succeeding this time. With one of the strongest fighters on the planet firmly under its control, by recruiting another, the morale and success of the resistance might easily dwindle away to nothing. The Mates try to break through to Aichi, nothing of which passes the possession which moves him against his will. Within his mindscape, Aichi’s mental image lays on the ground; surrounded by nothing but vast emptiness. Since being forced back down by Void, his existence has been stripped away bit by bit; he has no memories, no words to speak – which in turn silences his voice – no identity. In the blank air, the view of Earth from the throne room glows; as something which stands out, Aichi picks himself up and remains seated, leaning forward with one arm reaching up, despite the great distance. Around the extended limb, the essence of Link Joker glows. Without any thoughts, Aichi cannot determine it’s anything of threat, or even something different than himself and resumes reaching up, allowing the power to claw up his arm.
In the physical realm, the markings of Reverse appear on VoidAichi’s cheeks and he claims that Sendou Aichi is an existence no more. Horrified by the implications, the Mates reel from the news, but Kai is adamant to stand firm. Kai persists with the fight regardless, during which, an image of Aichi appears around him, encouraging him to keep pushing forward. With the fate of the looming world which hangs behind Void’s vessel in the balance, he does just that and matches whatever the Link Joker deck throws – batting away any insinuation that he deserves what’s happening with the protest that even if he does, Aichi doesn’t. And he intends to relieve him of that immense burden. At the same time, Gaillard, Rati and Neve arrive, watching from the edge of the throne room. Naoki is astonished and then asks if this was what Kai meant when he insisted he’d save Aichi. Kai confirms his fears – the Seed transfers to the successor who triumphs over its current host – so he intends to offer himself up as a sacrifice; he who brought about so much anguish, even long before Reverse, will seal himself and allow Aichi to live as he should have always been able.
Miwa struggles to hear the proclamation; something Misaki notices, and rests her hand onto his fist in hopes to comforting him through the fight. On Earth, Ren leads the resistance, quipping to Leon not to push himself too hard. The Souyruu claims he isn’t about to, though he has to contribute to undoing the mess that he was a part of, even if briefly. Ren smiles, noting how Leon’s more emotionally invested in Aichi and the others than he would have expected; Leon reminds Ren that it was down to them that he and the twins were rescued. It’s simply a matter of wishing to see Aichi saved from his own closed-in solitary world, and the current to last long enough that he can explore it fully.
On the moon, Kai reflects on the happenings they experienced on Cray and wonders if the same solutions as back then will apply now. Facing units such as Blaster Joker and Chaos Breaker, he answers with those of Blaster Blade Seeker and units which Aichi would have typically used, pooling his energies into joining with Blaster Blade Seeker, so that he, too, can wield the image of the sword itself. With the final turn well underway, Kai hesitates with the decisive strike a matter of seconds away, afraid that if anything were to go wrong, Aichi could become a casualty. The image of the boy lingers behind him, urging him with a soft voice. Kai braces himself, launching the final attack and seizing victory over his personal demons and Link Joker. VoidAichi begins to withdraw, with Aichi’s body reacting to the separation of the Seed. With the thoughts and hopes of those watching, and those waiting on Earth, Kai charges at VoidAichi and thrusts the sword forward; for the first time, VoidAichi shows something resembling human emotion – worry – and freezes at the image of Blaster Blade’s sword pierces through him. The onlookers also become still in disbelief, and eased by there appearing to be no physical wound opening up.
The Seed emerges from Aichi’s back, hovering inches from the tip of Blaster Blade and shatters, splitting in numerous shards which embed themselves in those on the moon, as well as a significant number falling to Earth. Kai pulls back the sword, which vanishes, and Aichi’s body crumples. The Mates rush over, eager to see how he is, and piece together what happened at the end of the fight – the truth comes to light; how the Seed was fractured and divided into pieces far too small or weak to do damage; without Void leading them, the clans of Cray hope to manage some form of peace treaty with them and grant them somewhere to call home, when taking into consideration they were forced from their own homes. Aichi stirs, seeing the faces of his closest friends above him, they take it easy, and it’s when Aichi tears up, and begins embracing them that they see he’s returned for real.
On the outer face of the sanctuary, Takuto lingers as in a spiritual form, musing how perhaps peace may settle. He voices his regrets at troubling the kids so much, and hopes that both planets can move forward, with Void’s offensive force mght separate. He questions though, if the image Kai had been seeing was the true Aichi reaching out from deep within. The form beside him denies it, stating that all along, Aichi has been encased within Void’s possession. The secondary figure appears identical to Aichi from the Circuit, although also transparent and with a multitude of colours to the ambiance around it. It claims that it’s a deduction made through sensing Aichi’s Psyqualia, as it has taken on the form to survey matters from beyond Cray’s core – one which Takuto states must have come out of fondness for him. Psyqualia states that it was more intrigue, but it has come to feel more content with humans, and claims it will drain Aichi of the majority of the power within him; not completely wiping out his Psyqualia, but at least ridding him of the build-up, so to ensure that he needn’t require saving, and sparing him the fate of overloading again in the future.
It asks what Ezel will do, Takuto responds that he’ll need to return to Cray in order to help with relations, however before that, would like to prepare Kourin to take over the Tatsunagi Corporation, as she seems to have distanced herself from Ultra Rare. A satisfying answer, as Psyqualia deems it, adding that they should prepare as the Messiah will soon awaken, and the need for Vanguard should no longer apply, meaning it, too, will have served its purpose. The two depart from the moon and begin their preparations for the future. Kai picks up Aichi and the Mates, with the remnants of the Quatre Knights, who bury the hatchet, with no threat remaining.
The sanctuary begins to disintegrate, which prompts concerns given the barrier around it protecting them from the moon’s true atmosphere will also vanish. The party head towards the portal, viewing the opening view of the Earth above the hallowed hallways. Each of the Mates begin to grasp one another’s hands, with Kamui reaching out to Rati’s, and the knights embracing the invitation to a truce. The portal transports the teames back to Earth and no trace of the sanctuary is left. Once back on Earth, everyone reunites at long last.
[insert Neon Messiah, with them tweaks to make it fit the changes since writing the original plan, here]
More than a year following events of the second incursion, everyone prepares for Kai, Miwa, Misaki, Akari, Ren and Suiko’s graduations. The second-years ponder the future as everyone begins to consider their lives beyond school and where they’ll each go. Kamui expresses concerns that they’ll all go off on adventures and grow apart by the time he’s out of school, but they assure him that won’t be the case. Shin and Naoki plan a special event for the friends at Card Capital once the graduation ceremony has concluded. In the wider scope of things, Suiko and Rekka continue Ultra Rare as a two-piece group while Kourin has gone through with succeeding the Tatsunagi corporation, as per Takuto’s wishes. Ezel continues to help with matters on Cray, however returns now and then to check up on everyone and report that things are also normal in the alternate world/s. As the day draws near, Aichi finds himself concerned at the idea of becoming separated from Kai again, as fate seems to toy with them whenever their paths diverge, coupled with the stresses of wanting to pen a worth farewell speech for the senior students. He, Kamui and Naoki learn about each graduates intentions with high school out of the way, and where they plan to go, helping to smooth unease about the immediate future. Misaki and Miwa plan to attend the same university, Ren wants to stay and look after Fukuhara, though has no actual plans to speak of, Suiko will tour with Rekka and Akari plans to attend another university not too far away so she can come back and check in on Misaki at any time.
When the big day comes, Kai arrives to school and finds a note in his shoe locker, opening it to read a request to meet in a particular location in the evening. The ceremony omes and goes without a hitch; with the extended circle of friends gathering at Card Capital, where they meet with Leon, Ren, their respective teams, Suiko and Rekka, Naoki manging to drag Maki along. They share a party as celebration over the past three years, where they’ve come to be in the present and ready for the future. Miwa teases Kai on the letter he got during the morning, wondering if he should tag along and play wingman, Kai shrugs off the attempt, shifting the blond’s sights to Misaki, who smiles, as if amused, but also tender in appearance.
There’s some sadness in unknowing when everyone can converge again when the time comes for them to go their separate ways. On his way home, Kai takes a detour to the location the letter requested him to meet at. He stops outside the park, taking a glance at the sakura trees in full bloom and contemplates the significance of the place. When the other party arrives, Kai states that he figured they had been the one to call him out, and sets his sights on Aichi. The younger confesses that he couldn’t even plot a speech to express what he wanted to say before Kai left, but he wanted to share one last occasion in the place where they met, if they have to part somewhere. He gets choked up in trying to congratulate Kai on his achievements and wish him well on the travels he’s to be experiencing over the next year. Kai closes the distance between them and assures Aichi that they’ll stay together, even if they aren’t by one another physically. It soothes the younger’s spilling emotions, and helps him to steady himself. He exchanges how important Kai is, and how much he treasures that day when they met in the very same spot where they now stand; how it was because of that which means he can be there in the present. Kai assures him the same is the truth with him, and he isn’t about to let all that wither simply because of leaving a year earlier, or heading out to see the world beyond, he swears that he won’t miss the very same occasion when Aichi and the other second-years graduate. Aichi asks for Kai to come back to the same spot in a year’s time, when he follows, which Kai agrees with. A year later, he keeps that promise.
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bibleluvr · 2 years
Want to live a more religious life but don't know where to start? Here are some ideas:
Get into the habit of praying, even if it's short and in-between a busy routine. You can worry about putting intentional time away for prayer later; it's just important to start.
Maintain an attitude of gratefulness. Hashem has blessed us with a life where we get to witness His creation each and every day. As the Talmud says, do not be overwhelmed by the state of this world! It's definitely hard at first, but now finding beauty and good in God's creation is like second nature to me.
Thank Hashem at least once a day; it may seem like very little, but I didn't even thank God weekly. Doing it just once a day can (and hopefully will!) change your perspective and nurture your relationship with Hashem.
Don't try to sit and read the Torah all at once! While I admire the devotion of those who read the Torah every day to study it in depth, I'm often too busy or forgetful to do so. What I do, is I read the Torah over the course of the week and reread the portions that move me.
Once you're used to prayer and reading the Torah, I would begin the practice of reading one page of the Talmud each day! However, if you have a tight schedule, then reading the Torah is more than enough to praise Hashem.
Begin to cut out and/or limit the amount of "forbidden" food you consume. Everyone's lives are different and not everyone is able to keep kosher (I would be lying if I said I do it regularly myself); however, this practice may be deeply fulfilling to some so I'm including it in here!
Find community! Follow blogs that inspire you to follow Hashem and lead a life dedicated to Him. It can be overwhelming and isolating at times, so finding community whether online or in person is so, so important
Forgive yourself. You're imperfect and that's okay. We all fall short of God's kindness and beauty. It's our effort to exist in God's image and to follow the way of life He commanded us to that counts.
It's okay to not get it right the first time. It's okay to be disorganized. Faith is hard and life is messy. It's your effort that proves your love and devotion to Hashem, not about whether you have the practice of Following Him just right. I hope this list is helpful to some 💖✡️
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saeneryis · 2 years
Tag game!
Ahhh, thank you @thehistoriangirl for the tag! T^T This is how I get exposed... my drafts are all super messy.. most don't even have names! I am SUCH a disorganized person, both in documents.. and in real life. I wish this was more interesting to look at.. props to everyone else though! You all have such a perfect organization I can't help but.. *chefs kiss* beautiful! This actually got me thinking, man. I really need to get some organization here. --- Dynamic: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
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And then, my favorite:
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I am really sorry if you don't want to get tagged. Forgive me! Feel free to ignore it~ I won't take it to heart. I'm tagging my bestie @milkysweettea! @aerynwrites @mischievous-piltovan @grumpyoutlaw @gingersforeverbox i'm sure y'all already got tagged :') but... i'm sorry i know no one else i'm just trying to make friends u.u please.. yall cool take this as a compliment
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rhyskerr · 2 years
hello, all! my name is bek, i am 25, live in the est timezone, and i am making this intro so much later than i should be! i present you all with my seelie fae baby, rhys (not that he is a baby, he’s 30 yrs old, but he’s my baby, please love him).
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i think it just goes to show that i can be extremely slow at times, but i just thank you all for your patience with me in advance. i know i have been saying this everywhere anyone will listen, but this is my first time being in a group rp in about two years, so i am still trying to get my footing. i have been rping for 10+ years so i am very familiar with everything, but anytime i leave a setting for a long period of time i have to kind of get back into the groove of things again. i have been rping in the meantime, but it’s only been 1x1 so i haven’t had to do any interaction and since i am a very introverted person, i think i got really used to that. so, that being said, please forgive me if i forget to answer a message or if i’m just slow at replying at general, i have a very low social battery but never be afraid to remind me if you’re waiting on me, i never mind!! if anything, i appreciate it because my brain is sometimes the size of a pea and i swear i don’t mean to forget.
anyway, enough about me, i am going to tell you about rhys now!
first and foremost, you can read his bio here and while i am going to be working on a profile page... it is not done yet. well, actually, it’s not even started, so never mind that. i kind of want to write for him some before i start doing something such as a profile so i can get to know the muse a bit and i always have a better time doing that through playing them! so, instead of a profile, i will list a few facts that i already know below:
his name is rhys wren kerr, he/him
he is a seelie faerie
he is the younger brother of meadow kerr
he has a degree in journalism and art
he considered following in his sister’s footsteps and working at the gazette but ultimately decided he had a different dream and now works at the blue moon tattoo as a tattoo artist
he doesn’t often hate people, but he does hate his father
however, he loves his mother and his siblings, though he is closer to all that are his mother’s children
he dated sera for three years when he was 22-25 and even though they are currently broken up, she is his soulmate and he is very much so in love with her
he enjoys writing, creating art, and playing the guitar
although not an overly athletic person, he is a fast runner and swimmer
he just recently returned back to wolford after being gone for 5 years
the reason that he returned is because his father showed back up and forced his sister into an arranged marriage
did i say he hates his father? because he hates him
he is currently living with meadow until he can get a place of his own
he can be mischievous and meddlesome, but not in any genuinely harmful ways
he is an incredibly protective and loyal person
he is heterosexual
night or morning person? night
light or heavy sleeper? heavy
left or right handed? right
acting on more logic or emotions? emotions
optimistic or pessimistic? mixture of both
tea or coffee? coffee
cats or dogs? both, leaning closer to cats because they’re independent
open or closed minded? mostly open-minded unless it’s something he is specifically set in his ways on
shower or bath? shower alone, bath with company
clean or messy? he isn’t a dirty person, but he can be disorganized
workaholic or lazy? a healthy middle
lover or fighter? he can be both, but more of a fighter. he’s not a “kill ‘em with kindness” kind of person
favorite color? blue and red
you can listen to his playlist here and he has a pinterest board here even though i haven’t really started on it just yet.
connection ideas:
school friends (he graduated in 2010) - 1/∞
best friends - 0/3
tattoo clients - 0/∞
partner in “crime” (mischief) - 0/1
fellow art lover friends - 0/∞
he’d lowkey like a band for fun and he plays guitar so if there are any muses that’d like to join him in that, we could come up with something
that is all for now! if you have any specific questions about him, feel free to ask and i will try to figure out out! ♥ 
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bestkindofbeehive · 3 years
Smile for Me Week, Day 1: Secret
happy smile for me week!!! for my first trick, have a fic I wrote after thinking about my dad too hard. it ends well and it was pretty cathartic for me, but it does get a bit emotionally intense re: feelings about having to stay closeted in front of your parents for years, so fair warning. but it does end well I promise!!! I’ll probably post this on ao3 soon too, so look out for that!
Never in a million years would Parsley have ever expected that being stuck in the same slapdash “mental health” retreat as his dad would end in anything other than frustration. And, to be fair, that was how things went for a while. But then that weird florist handed him one of his dad’s terrible dishes, and before he knew it he was getting drunk off his ass and actually talking to his dad for the first time in... years, probably. Somehow it wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be. The Kahlúa and birthday cake flavored vodka probably helped.
And then he’d been woken up in the middle of the night and suddenly urged out of the giant front gates with very little reason why— something something carbon monoxide poisoning. Not that Parsley really needed convincing to get the hell out of there at that point. Even a constant flow of free alcohol probably wouldn’t have kept him there for much longer. Those last PSAs were getting pretty creepy and, well, incredibly specific and aggressive towards one particular person. He had hoped that chicken te- flower vendor made it out alright, but he saw them a few days later in town. So things couldn’t have ended too badly.
The most astonishing thing, though, was the fact that he and his dad actually kept talking once they got out of that place. And he somehow didn’t wind up wanting to tear his hair out by the end of every conversation, even. Of course his dad frustrated him plenty of times, but it never got bad bad like it used to. Things between them were... good. Not good good, but just. Good.
So good, in fact, that Parsley manages to somehow metaphorically vomit up the words necessary to tell his dad he wasn’t attracted to women. He wasn’t even drunk— tipsy, certainly, but he was painfully in control of all his faculties that night.
It went... well. He knows the night ended on good terms, and he knows his dad didn’t get angry. He’s pretty sure his dad told him he loved him at some point, which is a good sign. It only happened a few weeks ago. He isn’t really ready to think about it very hard in any capacity. He’s scared that he’ll go looking for some specific sign, or a phrase, or a look— something that definitively tells him that his dad doesn’t look at him and wish he had another son— and come up empty.
Parsley takes what he can get, until what he can get isn’t enough anymore.
The tension finally breaks one evening; almost six months to the day they both left the Habitat. They were watching the end of some melodrama that was airing right before the hilariously disorganized cooking show they both enjoyed. And the stupid thing is that Parsley can’t even remember what his dad said that set him off so bad— but, god, his dad would know just the right string of words to tick him off enough to say something. It was something about keeping secrets. Something about how he didn’t understand why some people keep harmless stuff so close to their chest for no reason. Which is rich coming from him, the man who has to bluster his way through every emotional conversation he’s ever had. Parsley would be seeing red if his eyes weren’t already that color.
“See, I mean, like with your whole, uh, situation— Not that I’m tryin’ to rag on you or anything, sprig, but I just don’t see why you didn’t just go on and tell me! I wouldn't've been mad at you or nothin’,” Jimothan says, gladly shoving his entire foot in his mouth for the sake of scolding Parsley, just like old times.
Parsley, to his credit, doesn’t immediately blow up. “You didn’t exactly make it the easiest thing to do,” he says, his voice clipped and his jaw tense. His dad makes a bewildered noise next to him; a noise that wouldn’t be out of place in a sitcom.
“Now what’s that supposed to mean? I always told you that you could talk to me about anything, didn’t I?” Jimothan asks. The look of genuine confusion on his face almost makes Parsley want to drop it and just keep watching tv, but the fuse has already been lit.
“Sure, if you forget about all the times you showed me that definitely wasn’t true,” Parsley scoffs, pretending to focus on the tv again. The melodrama is still going. The character on screen is crying big, unrealistic tears. Parsley can’t make out what they’re crying about over the blood starting to rush through his ears. Every neural pathway in his brain left over from his teens is yelling at him to just let dad think that he’s right so the lecture that hasn’t even started will stop.
“What’re you— Parsley, what the heck are you talkin’ about? I’ve never— When have I ever said somethin’ that would make you think I wouldn’t—”
Something in his dad’s tone immediately sets Parsley’s blood to a boil. He sounds like he doesn’t understand; like he doesn’t even know where this is even coming from. He has no idea. Fuck, would it hurt less if his dad tried to justify himself instead? If he sounded angry instead of confused? Because this means that he just doesn’t know. Decades of hiding and bullshit and being afraid and he just didn’t know.
“Are you KIDDING ME?” Parsley fires back, eyes wide open and blood red. Jimothan almost jumps, having not been witness to his son’s temper in a while. “When HAVEN’T you said something that would make me think you wouldn’t approve? I wouldn’t— I couldn’t go a day without you making some comment about how I needed to get a girlfriend, or- or- how you couldn’t wait to have grandkids, or some other stupid thing about me “finally” getting a wife someday—” Parsley rants, his voice stuttering with the anger flying around in his chest.
Jimothan at least has the decency to look a bit stunned. “But— Oh c’mon Parsley, that was just me tryin’ to give you a little push! I thought you were havin’ a tough time talking to girls, so I figured I would just give you some pointers—”
“No! That’s just it! You just had to build up and build up this— this idea of what I was supposed to do! Every time you just had to make a comment like that it was another bullet on the fist— LIST of all the things I wasn’t doing right,” Parsley flusters. At some point in his rant his hands find their way to his head, and he tries to run his fingers through his hair to calm himself down, but they keep catching on tangles. “A-And you wanna act like I shouldn’t have been scared to tell you, but you—!”
“Scared?” His dad’s expression breaks a little, which just makes this awful situation all the more difficult. Shit. Shit shit shit, this wasn’t how this was supposed to happen. It shouldn’t even be happening, but the fire in Parsley’s chest isn’t dying down and he can’t keep his traitor mouth shut.
“Sprig, you didn’t have any reason to be scared, it woulda been fi—” Jimothan tries to start.
“Ugh, you’re not LISTENING!” Parsley feels like he’s seconds away from tearing his hair out. God, he sounds like such a teenager. “It wasn’t that easy! Of course I was scared! How the hell could I have explained— I just—!!” 
The room gets quiet frighteningly fast. His dad just stares at him, his face slack with a cocktail of confusion, surprise, and what Parsley wants to hope is sadness.
Suddenly, all the anger and half-hearted bravado flies out of Parsley’s chest. His arms fall to his sides, and he’s left panting with the exertion of having just spilled out a flood of emotions that have been building since he was in elementary school. He doesn’t feel relieved. He just feels tired.
And then he starts crying. Which is just... great. As if this night needed some extra turmoil to really polish things off. Like most times, he can’t even stop himself; he was never good about not wearing his heart on his sleeve. Not his anger, not his disappointment, and definitely not his heartache. It’s not even a “dignified cry”, as his dad would put it— he’s hiding his face in his hands, and he can’t stop his shoulders from shaking every time he tries to suck in a stuttery breath.
He probably looks pretty pathetic right now, Parsley thinks. And in a few moments he’ll hear his dad get up and walk out of his apartment while mumbling something about seeing him later. And then in about a week’s time, Parsley will answer the phone, hear his dad’s voice, and both of them will never speak of this night ever again.
But something different happens.
Instead, he feels his dad’s sturdy hands take him by the shoulders and pull him into a firm hug. It’s an awkward thing; Parsley’s hands were still covering his face, so now they’re kind of pinned to his chest, and his dad is squeezing him just slightly too hard. They’re both out of practice, really.
Before Parsley can manage a “whuh” in response, he hears more than sees his dad take in a big, faltering breath while his shoulders start to shake. Parsley has only seen his dad cry a handful of times in his life. Most of them happened around the time the divorce was finalized. But after that... Nothing.
Jimothan makes a wounded noise of a sob. “Y-You’re— God, sprig, I would never...” he starts, but can’t find the words to finish. Parsley manages to find it in himself to forgive his dad for that pretty easily. He’s never been the most eloquent when it comes to emotional outbursts. Parsley manages to wriggle his arms free, and wraps them around his dad. The older man lets out a little sniffle in response, and then starts to run his hand down his son’s messy head of hair. It only catches a few times.
“You’re all I got, Parsley,” his dad mumbles through the thickness in his voice. “You’re all I got.”
Parsley lets himself cry just a little bit more, his chest finally starting to feel lighter than it has in years. The two of them exist like that for a while— clumsily hugging and crying and mumbling little fragments of things they’ve both been meaning to say. At some point they’ll have to break apart, and at some point the night will have to end. They’ll part ways with slightly stilted goodbyes, and very likely won’t speak of this night for at least a few months. But for now, they both let themselves have this moment. 
And it’s not much, but it’s enough.
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psychemeanscure · 4 years
PART 27 {Uhm.. Still have audience for this? Surprise? 😌 guess another long days of next update as is. I miss you guys though.😩😙}
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She needed to make sure, blinking number of times for she not need another ghosting.
But she’s not as there he is, Jang Taeyoung in his simple summer polo attentively approaching on her way from afar. The moment she least expected has finally come to light. The man she’s been looking forward to yet the very reason now she’s backing out. And yes, she is. Turning her way at the opposite side, denying things isn’t true like usual. Shutting eyes, clenching fist, interchanges she had to do. Strength she needed to overcome. Walking as far she can be.
He was abashed. For a while, he has to process his women’s behavior. Sung Eunyoung on her back, turning on the path opposite to him. He obliged to stop his tracks, prying the sight of her retreating figure from the glaring sun as he has to use a hand to protect his eyes.    
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“Sung Eunyoung!”
The voice that made halt her steps a bit till she continued. Stupidly scolding her own. “Mierda, Sung Eunyoung. What on earth are you doing? You’re running away, seriously?”
“Sung Eunyoung.”
He’s following, she can tell for his voice is getting nearer with her still whispering on her own, shaking head. “No. This isn’t true. He isn’t true. It’s alright. You’re doing the right thing, keep moving.”  
But she wasn’t allowed to go further as the words of the man towing her finally make her stilled. “Don’t make me repeat myself woman, or you would not like what I’ll do next.”
Few more steps and she can already feel him behind her. Feeling the bazaar breath, she had not felt from the past three years. She’s tempted. “I’m here.”
His baritone vocal that had always fill the depth of her systems. She urged to be silent. She may not still see his actions yet she can picture his questioning look, tilting head, both hands intact in its pant pockets, waiting for her to turn to face him on her own accord. Suppressing himself not to give a single contact on her, but she didn’t for the only thing she did is to gulp an invisible lump in her throat, not even a peek was executed.
That’s how he decided. He’ll give in. Comprising their first touch after a long time. He missed her. Jerked by his sudden action, she can only stare of nowhere, riveting by the caress who had always given her goosebumps. Now, just a turn and will be meeting the reason again.
He longed for this. He realized that having the thought of feeling her tenderly, anticipates him like forever. His calloused hand that maneuvered the points of her elbow, he itched her to face him and she did.
She wanted to refuse but her body doesn’t want to. She’s moving how he wanted her to do. “There you are.”
Yet her consistence went through. Cannot attain to face him besides her lips parted in bewilderment, orbs staring so blankly at the expanse of his collarbone while gentle wind blowing the plain fabrics of his summer shirt. She ain’t still ready to look at him. “Hey, allow me to see you. Please?”
The drawing circles by her elbows and the softness of his plead isn’t helping either for she instantly became a hypnotize prey obliged to follow orders of her predator, not realizing how her actual reaction did to him.
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“Why with that cold stare?”  
By chuckling, he responded as anything doesn’t matter because she has always been the perfect image for him. An Aphrodite anyone cannot judge with flaws. That’s his girl. She is, well except that she’s not speaking to him still. “It’s me, Sung Eunyoung.”    
Another try of pushing yet for another avoiding. She ignored his sight as she shifts by her side direction instead. “Talk to me, can’t you?” putting his most substantial voice which only made her gulp with no choice. “So you’re alive and flesh after all.”
Guessing her knowing words, he concludes. “You’re mad at me, I see.”
Feeling accused, she defended herself like a bulldozer instantly moving to its tracks stomping every rigid rocks that gets her way. So it did, the moment she finally faces him, word attack by words. Argument between arguments. They began each other’s impulsiveness.    
“I didn’t say that.”
“Indeed, you didn’t but it seems you do.”
“Are you mocking me now, Jang Taeyoung?”
Straight as she wanted it, she felt proud all of a sudden. Even surprised by how she reacted, different to how she expected. Like the Sung Eunyoung he always knew, not the other way around. Not the vulnerable her now.
Yet for Jang Taeyoung, nothing was a defeat for it is accomplishment. Coy smile appearing as he was bestowed by the retort he’s been waiting with. “Finally. It’s been a while, Eunyoung-ah.”
There he expected air will go on light but seeing her unceasing coldness, he knew she’s being serious since. “If this was just all jokes for you Jang Taeyoung, then we should haven’t met all along.  Everything about this meeting just became useless. “
In a snap, the coyness in him faded away as he watched her turning deportment. Passing by his sturdy stance, he decided to reveal swiftly.
“I was in coma.”
Looking back like a flash, waiting by the shutters of facts she desired to hear right there and then. “Did I heard you right? Coma, you say?” shaking her head, she refused to believe. “I tell you Jang Taeyoung, if this is another of your schemes I swear I rather---“
“Left posterior cervical region of the neck, above and medial to the scapula.”
Taken aback by how she has been given a quick medical terms, she urged to listen. Eyes which had bow down on the ground was now heading up to meet hers. “I was shot from that vital parts as it wasn’t surprising for my brain to be affected. I never intended to but except for your blur images, I can’t remember the rest of you Eunyoung.”
She was tongue-tied. Eaten by her own words, absorbing every details he inexplicably confessed. “I… I’m not following, loco.”  Eyes bulge in more skepticism. “I have forgotten about you. That’s what I’m saying, Sung Eunyoung.”
Now she regrets everything she said. Wishing to withdraw even its already impossible. “I-I’m sorry… I didn’t know.” Words she can only utter almost unheard for it was her turn to meet the grounds. He comprehends. Tending the remaining steps between them, he softly lifts her chin up to face him again. Giving his very gentle response only for her to see. “Don’t be please. Hm, Sung Eunyoung?”
From her chin, he traces the side of her neck as she can only feel the warmth of his touch, friction of their frons. “I have never, once thought of you being sorry because of me.” She can only close her eyes to comprise the earnests of his every word. “You’re no fault. I want you to know that. You can, right?”
The curls of his brows, reassurance of his orbs. She knew, it will always be the death of her vulnerability. For only cascaded into her eyes was the blurry tears she wanted to show off since and when the trembles of her chest met his composed ones. The lenient embrace letting out each other’s yearnings at last.
“Guess, gathering back my memories of you wasn’t as bad after all. You were still stunning as I can still remember.  My dazzling volatile bulldozer. I have missed you.”
A gentle peck by her eyes, a caress on her back. They stayed on that position before he finally decided to pull away, wiping her tears and cup her cheek. An eternal frustration of him back from the past years not given a chance to savor while a crazy dilemma she always been missing for. “S-stop it. I’m s-still mad at you.”  
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The airhead incoming smirk that had never failed to distort her, right then she knew. He has redeemed his coyness for she needed to find a best unfished excuse to hide her uncommonly embarrassment. “You’re blushing? Just like that, I’m not even half way of doing so?”
Being peeked by her obvious state anyway. Yes, she’s definitely hating herself right now. “Shut up.”
Crunched by her messed up terms, she walks out instead. Stomping through the fine smoothness of sands. She had finally manage to brought back her usual self even when the result isn’t what she pictured. Being followed by the overconfident loco who’s annoyingly laughing behind her.
“Stop. Teasing me, will you?”
Emphasizing her every word. She did mean all she said. Swiftly taking her wrist, he compromised. “Hey, I just miss doing it with you. I’m sorry? Forgive me, hm?”
There’s something different. 
She can’t seem to figure it out well, except for one thing. She’s facing the soft Jang Taeyoung she had never imagine before. Giving up otherwise as she let him obtain what he wishes.          
Funny how one moment they’re defending each other’s arguments but then here they are, ended lightly. He liked it. The feeling of their twist and turns, she opened the door for him. “C-Come in. Not a bit spacious like my usual though but anyway, soothe yourself well.”
Finally, her next word from the last compromising talk they went through. Indeed, they have been muted the whole time of their walks. The raging silence that field both them. She’s unable to create a topic except being quiet while he decided to go along. He waited and it did. Quite an interval but ‘whatever’ that’s how he thought, he doesn’t care anyway for her presence is simply enough for him. Not when their hands he hardly managed to intertwine would go in halt though.
Sighing, he halfheartedly let go, giving her intended nuance to get her keys and open her home. A by the shore abode he did not expect coming from her. Gone the luxury of a Sung Eunyoung for he has been introduced by the prim and modest today. Hurriedly stuffing things, she left disorganize. He urged to sit by a near settee, eyes cannot stop scanning her whole place, feeling new about everything.
For her, it was a disturbing one. She cannot even dare to meet his eyes which she knew he already notice as well. She can only thank him for not doing his usual teases. “Sorry, a bit messy. U-uhm. Want something though? Drinks in mind?”
He has a lot say actually, but he chose not to other than staring at her. She felt it, yet she can only act like heedless. She’s troubled. Or rather, she simply doesn’t know how to start over. “Anything will do.”
He took the simplest instead while swiftly answered by her nod. “O-okay. I’m going to get you one for a second then. You wouldn’t mind waiting?” as it was also his turn to nod over a small smile ahead. Palms starts to sweaty the moment she reaches her kitchen, becoming nervous all of a sudden.
“Mind if I look around?”
His permitting question from the living room, answered by her roaring dumbfoundment. “As… as you please!”
“Mierda. What the hell is happening with you, Sung Eunyoung.” For she can only share a pissing whisper on her own. Jang Taeyoung in the other hand, serenely let himself to look around just how he’s permitted as it did take a second for her to serve him refreshments. She found him standing by the displays of her achievements, putting off the tray on the living room table, she gets his attention clearing her voice.
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A regarding look he has to show contemplating between something he wanted and what is needed. She notices, so she questions. “Is there something wrong?” A glint of diminishing response, he chose the latter. Simply moving to her pace instead, sitting back as he pay attention to the serve she offered. “Tea?”
Nodding, she answered. “Mint. Though I’m not quite sure if it’s one of your preference, knowing yo---“
“I’m learning. Thank you for this, Eunyoung.”
“—liquor has always been your best option. I’m pleased. Good for you then… Jang Taeyoung.”
Surprised indeed for she almost can’t hear her own words. Change. Time isn’t the only thing changes after all for it also the person she least expected. Talking with manners with a Jang Taeyoung never been on her list. She can swear on it.
But if not because of his chuckle and grip to her wrist, she could have still stuck in her position standing above him whose actually ready for his sensible bicker. “Guess my neck will definitely face his destined rigidity any minute. So will you sit for me now please, Eunyoung-ah?”
‘She’s spacing out.’
That’s the thought he could only think of. Even if he doesn’t like doing it so soon, he needed to. He has to give the time she seems requesting. Because from the moment she seated like what he wanted to, not a single flex conversion happened other than blandness, as if a simple questionnaire seeking for its straight answer which ends up in awkward silence instead.
It had never been a thing between them since, so why now? A kind of consequence from their releasing attraction, is that it? F*cking then. Yet even all of the cursing he wished to banter, he still chose to give it one more try. “Eunyoung, ask me anyth---“
Just to be halt by a phone call, yes.  For that’s it! He’s close of deciding. Winced from the sudden call this time, it was her turn to be hesitant to ask for permission. “U-uhm. Would you mind if I take this call for a moment?”
He can only approve a nod on her. Standing up as she moves few steps away from him, she can only bite a lip by her own indicative excuse. To be honest, she can actually decline it easily, learning it was simply her nosy colleague Judy who called. But her retreating thought of chance avoiding him gave her the idea. Using it at least as a breathing break from their unhelping state. Screw herself for doing so!
“You’re leaving?”
She almost missed Jang Taeyoung quietly exiting without her knowledge. If not with her fast reflexes she surprisingly thanked afterwards. She had reached him by the steps of her porch, turning eyes glued by her gripping hand on his own shoulder. He looks up to her. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to---“
“I’ll give you time.”
Facing her on the same match orbs this time, he repeated. “I said I’ll give you time.”
Not expecting the turns of event, she needed to retort abruptly. “But...” She swears. She doesn’t understand herself right now. A while ago she just wanted to avoid him. Now that he’s leaving to give her amply space, she doesn’t want him to. ‘Really, Sung Eunyoung?’
She can only scold herself once again. “How are you?”
It was a statement. She knew what he intended to comply. “Here, doing good.” Letting her remember how she actually behaving earlier. “I see you have become the educator like you dream of.” A big slap of her senselessness. Tucking in its both hands in his pockets, fixated eyes lock into her.
“And you only said thank you. Just by that fact Eunyoung, I can simply see you aren’t ready for this.”  
“T-this?” Her degrading look on the ground can only let him convince of something. A blow through the air, he finally discharges his suppressing complains. “Yes, this. If you don’t want me to leave even, you should have talk to me in the first place Sung Eunyoung. You’re confusing me.”
Shutting eyes from the guilt she’s feeling, she admitted. “I really am so---“
“Enough of it please, woman. Apologies isn’t what I need anymore.” Crumbles of his brows starts to falter upon him.
“But it’s my fault! It was all my fault, Jang Tae---“
“Fuck this.”
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Scoop by the raging man in front of her, brushing hers against his. She can no longer fight back for she also resigned.  A savoring soul of fervor that always meant craving for him while a hidden plea for hers. The wilderness of his tongue that relentlessly a gasping for her and a tempting attempt throughout his by her silky ones. They truly equally banded.  And with a last chaste by her plump lips, he opts to release. ‘For now.’
Yes, he thought otherwise. “Was that why you keep on pulling yourself away from me? Huh, Sung Eunyoung?” she chooses to answer in silence. And as if he understood what she meant behind the line, he nods by his sensing conclusion. “Dammit it is. I should have corrected you all the while about that f*cking faults!” Frowns of self-dismay pondered upon him.
“But I eventually did, Jang Taeyoung. I harmed you, can’t you see?”
“While you also heard me clearly that day.” Eyes laid onto her clutching hand of his shirt, she struck by her own words. “I did…”
“Then you expect me to blame the woman I confess my whole heart with? Bullsh*t. I didn’t even consider you one, and I will never be. Now, can’t you see?”
Eyes swiftly meeting his, she surrendered.
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Towering Jang Taeyoung, taking her chin up for him to see whom he called his. “Jang.”
The word he’s been waiting for, finally uttered from her husky contralto he always admired. “God, how I missed that pet name of yours, woman. If you only knew.”  
Hitch by her own breath as he brought her close to him. Nose touching the outline of hers. A hand to her neck while the other’s on the extremities of its forearm. He overjoyed. Invading another kiss saying, all of him. Dragged through the pillars of her porch, she can only get a hold by its banisters while free ones palpably clinging onto him. Bended by the intensity of their present. Hunger that had drought for a long time…            
Has now flowing on its own.
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lovely-jily · 4 years
just a few reasons why i hate severus snape
alright, sorry to start any beef but i have a lot of feelings regarding snape
so here are the following reasons that i hate the sorry excuse of a man, just off the top of my head:
- to put it quite plainly, i think that james and lily would’ve lived (or at least lived longer) if it weren’t for snape. he overheard the prophecy and decided to be a little bitch and tattle to voldemort. if he hand’t told voldemort about what he had heard then voldemort probably wouldn't have gone after the potters, meaning that they probably wouldn’t have died. read that again. severus snape is the reason that harry potter was an orphan, and he still had the AUDACITY to be such a dick to harry. 
- lets say that voldemort didn't go after james and lily... snape most likely wouldn’t have ever turned against him, as lily wouldn’t have been targeted. he would’ve remained one of the most loyal death eaters. the same applies to if voldemort went after neville and his parents. i can’t see snape being a good person because he didn’t give two shits about all the other murder and torture of muggleborns. he only cared about himself and his gross obsession with a woman who rejected him years and years earlier. 
- he was so immature. i mean, bullying harry only because he reminded him of his childhood bully? in no way do i condone james’s behavior, but honestly grow up. just because he was picked on as a child does not give him the right to bully other children AS A GROWN ADULT. i mean, for gods sake that’s so messed up. 
-he outed remus because he didn’t get his way, knowing it would ruin his life but just wanted to be a petty lil bitch. what the hell. he did that deliberately knowing the consequences and that the chances of it ruining remus’s life were high, but he was mad that he didn’t get his way, so he threw a tantrum like a child. (for the record, at this point he knew that sirius was innocent and didn’t deserve the dementors kiss or all those years in azkaban, but he was still petty and bitter because they hated each other in school. grow tf up you’re like 34 now dude get over it)
- not only did he harass students and played intense favoritism, he was neville’s biggest fear. neville’s parents were tortured into insanity by death eaters and his family treated him like shit, i mean he has a shit ton of trauma before coming to hogwarts, but severus snape was his biggest fear??? are you kidding me???? do you know how FUCKED up it is that SEVERUS SNAPE, his TEACHER, was his biggest fear???? 
- um do we even need to get into how death eaters are an allegory for literal nazi’s and white supremacists??? like do i need to elaborate on why it isn’t appropriate to glorify any of the people who were involved in any way with that??? i don't care that “hE wAs SoRrY!!!!” and that he “cHaNgEd HiS wAyS!!!” He didn’t turn against voldemort because he was bothered by the what was pretty much a genocide of an entire blood race. oh no, if that were the case then snape would’ve betrayed voldemort long before he did. snape had an issue with the fact that voldemort was targeting the woman he loved, not an innocent life. so forgive me for not tolerating people for glorifying essentially a white supremacist. i see too much of that in my own country already. 
i suppose that i just really hate the glorification of the man. i completely do not understand it, and quite frankly i see a lot of similarities in the way that trump supporters glorify trump, to the way that some snape apologist glorify snape.
i understand that he is an interesting character, and you can’t argue that he isn’t. he’s complex and i understand the thinking behind that, but why or how the hell would you even want to excuse the behavior of a pure blood supremacist. again, i see too much of that in my country already. 
the fact that so many snape apologists have to excuse every single thing that snape did and can’t admit anything that he did wrong is so messed up. i don’t give two shits that he loved lily, love doesn’t excuse being a shitty, fucked up person. i've been in love before. but i can still admit when i wasn’t a good person and when i did some pretty messed up things. love does not excuse behavior. someone who was a horrible person loved me once, and never tried to treat me poorly. just because that person loved me, doesn't make it okay that he was a super horrible person. and just because he treated me well, doesn’t mean that he was a good person. he was an asshole to everyone else, especially marginalized groups of people (*cough cough* like snape), so i still think he’s a shitty person. even though he treated me well and loved me. if i ever catch anyone glorifying him, even though he’s matured a bit, i get pissed. because love doesn’t excuse behavior and just because he loved me doesn’t mean that he wasn’t a shitty person. the same applies to snape.
if jkr (fuck her too tbh) wanted me to like snape then she should’ve come up with a better character arc than “lol i wanted to bang ur mom harry”
sorry for this messy rant, i know that it probably doesn’t make a lot of sense and it’s super disorganized but i just have a lot of feelings regarding snape. this is only the tip of the iceberg and the few thoughts on the top of my head at the moment. feel free to add more reasons because i know i missed some. 
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june-the-botanist · 3 years
The Botanist Reborn
NAME: Juniper Rose Blower
(FC image below = manip by me for accurate reference)
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FACE CLAIM:  Elizabeth Olsen NICKNAME:  June, Rose AGE:  24 HEIGHT:  5′6″ SPECIES:  Human GENDER:  Female BIRTHDAY:  March 17 SUN SIGN:  Pisces RESIDENCE:  unknown SKILLS:  botanist, shapeshifter, medic DRINK:  Gilnean Ambrosia FOOD:  Meat Pie (usually beef or venison) DAY OR NIGHT:  Day SNACKS:  Honeycrisp Apples SONGS: Assassin’s Theme composed by Lorne Balfe [click links to listen]; Invincible composed by Russell Brower PET:  none COLOR:  earthy tones (brown / green); Gilnean colors (faded blue & gold) FLOWER: Gilnean roses EYE COLOR:  hazel-green (left), ocean blue (right) HAIR COLOR:  Sun-rich Blonde BODY TYPE:  slender, swimmer’s build, modest curves
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A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. She is devoted to helping others. She works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. However, neutral good can be a dangerous alignment because sometimes it advances mediocrity by limiting the actions of the truly capable.
PERSONALITY:   ISFP-T -- The Adventurer
Adventurer personalities are true artists, but not necessarily in the typical sense where they’re out painting happy little trees. Often enough though, they are perfectly capable of this. Rather, it’s that they use aesthetics, design and even their choices and actions to push the limits of social convention. Adventurers enjoy upsetting traditional expectations with experiments in beauty and behavior – chances are, they’ve expressed more than once the phrase “Don’t box me in!”
Adventurers live in a colorful, sensual world, inspired by connections with people and ideas. These personalities take joy in reinterpreting these connections, reinventing and experimenting with both themselves and new perspectives. No other type explores and experiments in this way more. This creates a sense of spontaneity, making Adventurers seem unpredictable, even to their close friends and loved ones.
Despite all this, Adventurers are definitely Introverts, surprising their friends further when they step out of the spotlight to be by themselves to recharge. Just because they are alone though, doesn’t mean people with the Adventurer personality type sit idle – they take this time for introspection, assessing their principles. Rather than dwelling on the past or the future, Adventurers think about who they are. They return from their cloister, transformed.
Adventurers live to find ways to push their passions. Riskier behaviors like gambling and extreme sports are more common with this personality type than with others. Fortunately their attunement to the moment and their environment allows them to do better than most. Adventurers also enjoy connecting with others, and have a certain irresistible charm.
However, if a criticism does get through, it can end poorly. Some Adventurers can handle kindly phrased commentary, valuing it as another perspective to help push their passions in new directions. But if the comments are more biting and less mature, Adventurer personalities can lose their tempers in spectacular fashion.
Adventurers are sensitive to others’ feelings and value harmony. When faced with criticism, it can be a challenge for people with this type to step away from the moment long enough to not get caught up in the heat of the moment. But living in the moment goes both ways, and once the heightened emotions of an argument cool, Adventurers can usually call the past the past and move on as though it never occurred.
$ Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty. ✚ Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged. ✪ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / slave / unsure. ✔ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying✖ Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet.
◐ Marital status : married - happily / unhappily / engaged or betrothed / partnered / single / divorced / separated / widowed ◒ Children : has a child of sorts or children / has no children / wants children. ◑ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased / Has cousins and is close to them ◔ Filtration : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parents mother
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between. ♦ disorganized / organized / in between. ♦ close minded / open-minded / in between. ♦ calm / anxious / in between. ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between. ♦ cautious / reckless / in between. ♦ patient / impatient / in between. ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between. ♦ leader / follower / in between. ♦ empathetic / unemphatic / in between. ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between realistic. ♦ traditional / modern / in between. ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between. ♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown. ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown. ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown.
★ Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic. ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. ✮ Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. ✯ Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. ❃ Belief in Aliens : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. ✧ Religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious. ❀ Philosophical : yes / no. / in between
❤ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual. ❥ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable. ♥ Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable. ❣ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naïve / inexperienced / curious. ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all. ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all.
☠ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none. ≡ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none. ✍ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none. ✂ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none.
☕ Drinking Alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ☁ Smoking : trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ✿ Other Narcotics : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ✌ Medicinal Drugs : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ☻ Indulgent Food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. $ Splurge Spending : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ♣ Gambling : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
You are not afraid of the sufferings and sorrows of other people, even when they are acted out in unappealing ways. Beneath even defensiveness and self-righteous behavior, you know that deep down people need nurturing and consolation. One danger is being naïve about people’s dark sides. But at your best you know you can be mean yourself, which helps you to sympathize. You bring strength and forgiveness where other people might panic.
You like clarity and intelligent simplicity and you get frustrated at messy thinking. This can make you seem unreasonably pushy to some, but it is actually a virtue: you are motivated by a horror at pointless effort and a longing for precision and insight into how things and people work. Your ability to synthesize and bring order is essential in producing thinking which is truly helpful.
You don’t set out to be different for its own sake; you are more easily guided by what interests and moves you. You are more concerned about what is right for you than about the pressure to fit in. In sex you are more aware than others of impulses which are not entirely conventional. You know the value of selective irresponsibility, of forgetting occasionally about being ‘good’.
Your archetype is the doppelganger.
Traits: manipulative, self deprecating, intelligent, knowledgeable, ambiguous, caring
The doppelganger is most commonly used to symbolize the divide between two egos, or the grey line between good and bad. Doppelgangers are extremely intelligent, and are able to manipulate a persons thoughts and feelings for their own benefit. While they are seen as a darker character, they are closer to being morally ambiguous, if not someone who has been forced into a position they never agreed upon. Doppelgangers wish they could do better, and often find themselves regretting not doing something. While they are capable of manipulating others, they are vulnerable, making themselves susceptible to being manipulated as well. Although many of their traits are negative, they crave attention, validation, and wish they could be a better version of themselves. If you can get under their hard exterior, you’ll find a true friend, and a loyalist.
You Are: You’re quiet, sometimes shy, with a tendency to be reserved. You have a humble, kind nature and often find yourself taking care of others. You can be known to hold things in, and you don’t always speak up for yourself. This tendency to hold things in can lead to disturbances.
Fennel is soothing and supportive, helping to ease digestive upset. For feelings of fullness and bloating, fennel is the friend to call on to help.
Sweet and mildly bitter, with a distinct licorice-like taste, fennel was revered by the ancients for its charming properties. Attributed with the power to bestow long life, courage, strength and even to ward off evil spirits, we modern plant people highly regard fennel for its capacity to ease uncomfortable feelings of fullness, bloating or gassiness, or as an all-around promoter of healthy digestion.
You Are: Truly a nurturing and supportive friend, you’re the kind of person that just isn’t for everyone. But those who take the time are rewarded with your gentle disposition, and the kind of friendship that does a person good no matter the difficulty they’re facing. When out of balance, you can become more prickly than supportive or nurturing, though—a sign that you need to shower yourself with the same kind of nurturing you so freely give to others.
Nettle is a deeply supportive herb that has been used for centuries as a tonic to support your body’s well-being. A traditional springtime tonic whose alluring “green” taste is a reflection of the rising green of spring, nettle gently nourishes the whole body.
Nettle’s genus name, Urtica, comes from the Latin urere, meaning “to burn”, an obvious reference to nettle’s nasty sting. Nettle is widespread around the world, and evidence of this very old plant was even found in Neolithic stilt dwellings in Switzerland dating back to the third millennium B.C. It has long been enjoyed for its gentle support for the whole body, as well as for its refreshing, green taste.
You Are: Unflappable. You are cool in the crisis, calm in the storm, collected amidst the chaos. You’re a breath of fresh air, a waft of inspiration to the down-and-out, a refreshing, inspiring, uplifting person to be around. Of course, even a cool cucumber like yourself can run into trouble. You may try to take on too much, which can leave you feeling weighed down and not quite yourself.
With its comforting breath of fresh air and the peppery, sweet familiar scent that tingles your nose, peppermint is a classic candy flavor. But there’s herbal wisdom hiding in those after dinner mints—peppermint oil also has the power to relieve occasional indigestion and soothe your stomach when your digestion needs a little help.
Long before mint became the go-to flavor of everything from gum to candy to toothpaste, the Greeks, Romans and ancient Egyptians were using mint leaves as a digestive aid. Peppermint’s characteristic minty-ness comes from menthol, an important part of its essential oil that, when present in high enough quantities, will be felt in a tingle in your nose and a strong minty scent that carries across a room.
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