#forgive me for any grammar or spelling mistakes i will absolutely not check for them before posting
wprowers · 2 years
i want to talk about sonic boom characters.
Long post warning.
First of all i would like to say that i really enjoy sonic boom !! I think it has a really healthy and silly humor that for me it's always welcome, so i like this show and its characters. But don't take my opinion as something biased bc i don't really think it is, i can't be biased towards a piece of media that holds little to no value to the true canon mainline games.
I have seen people dragging this show to hell, and at the time it came out it recieved a LOT of criticism for VALID reasons, valid when it comes to comparing them to the actual canon personalities of these characters (which varies from media to media but its mostly the same concept, but you can't say they haven't fucked up in the characterization of certain characters in mainline games but thats for another day).
But neither sonic or amy or tails or whoever in boom actually have any meaning at all, do they have a backstory? a purpose? any serious fight? is eggman even their enemy? Absolutely not!!
If we are talking about knuckles, he is not smart !! he doesn't have a life mission to protect the emerald !! There's nothing going on for him !! he doesn't even remember anything, in one episode he suddenly realized he didn't have a family and started to look for one, getting manipulated into an "evil" complot and that's he most arc he has ever gotten in boom (found family trope at the end of the ep, rlly cute)
And i did see some worries about the franchise being influenced by the boom! characterization. Mostly for knuckles and amy.
As for knuckles i think that some of you watched the scu shortfilm and immediately thought that they were bringing boom!knux into the mix, i disagree wholeheartedly with this (if s3 comes out and it is like that well then...) i think that scu!knux is just someone who gets represented by his pure heart (as every good representation of knuckles) and lack of knowledge of his surroundings and the people who came into his life. He gets easily manipulated and doesn't know what icecream is, bc he has been a loner for so long !! and he does not know earth, that does not mean he's stupid in any way, and i dont think that's what they would go for in s3.
And for Amy I've seen the discourse that boom! generated around her, some claiming that it was the best amy, for her not overly girly attitude maybe or for the fact that her affection towards sonic was hidden and she didn't show it at all, even though it was stated that she liked him.
So I've seen people saying that due to this amy being well received, it has influenced on how they made her in modern media, which i don't think is that much of a true tbh??? Like besides twitter takeovers, i haven't seen much of boom!amy influence in any other thing, perhaps yes they took a different take for her in frontiers or other modern games, but she has always been true to what really her character is, sonic or not Amy is Amy. Its not about how they made boom! canon suddenly but what is the path they want her character to take while she is still connected to her emotions and love for sonic and everyone.
And no i don't think boom!amy is the best version of amy, i don't think any boom! character is the best version of themselves and they will never be, because there is nothing that conveys their true selves in this interpretation, so it's impossible for these characters to be that.
LETS NOT EVEN TALK ABOUT BOOM!SHADOW because that boy is not shadow at all, then again this is a character that suffered a lot of misinterpretations from his own creators so,,,
So im not making really any point in here?
just simply stating the obvious !! sonic boom is a show that you watch to have fun ! it does not have any action or true emotional moments, never has the team gone through a serious situation. You watch it because it's silly and you don't expect much else from it! Everyone is loveable in their own way if you look at them with the right eyes, so maybe you could enjoy this show without thinking about how out of character most things are.
love you sonic boom i will always defend you
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
Hi darling today i am into angst (idk why) so this is my ask
So, creator reader was tortured and killed (by literaly everyone) so when she comes back TRAUMATIZATED OF DEATH she doesn't speaks to anyone, she doesn't scream if she is angry or so, she just cries until the persons who hurt her are not near her. She also has a fav tea(you choose darling), a comfort meal (you choose again) and a COMFORT PLUSHIE(it can be any plushie sweetie) who gets carried in the creators arms
What do you think darling?
Ooh, super cute idea, anon! Angst it shall be, though I can't promise I'll be any good at it lol- And sorry, idk if you want Fem!Reader, but I mainly do GN!Reader so- :')
Also, before anyone gets confused or I have to use repetitive words:
F/T = Favorite Tea F/F = Favorite Food/Meal
As for the plush, I'll simply use the basic teddy bear. I know, kind of plain—but tbh I kind of like it so we're keeping it, bois.
I hope you enjoy this oneshot!
Disclaimers! This Oneshot includes: Bad Grammar, Spelling Mistakes, Angst, Mentions of Trauma/PTSD, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of torture (briefly), & Arguments.
If you are not okay with these terms, or are facing some sort of mental illness yourself, please skip this story.
Please let me know if I mess a warning!
𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭.
It was over.
It was finally over. You were finally free from that torment—that torture. You knew it the very moment you closed your eyes, and the world went dark.
Yet, Teyvat wasn't letting you go. No, it refused to let you go. You were stuck, in this stupid hellhole you once used as your get-away from reality.
You're stuck in an absolute nightmare you had once dreamed of being in. And you hate how you still feel guilty for hating it.
But, most of all, you hate how you're still stuck in this miserable world. You hate it, you hate it, you hate it.
These "acolytes" of yours were sickening. They kept begging for your attention, no matter how many times you've made it clear that you want nothing to do with them. You felt like you could keel over puking whenever they get down on their knees and beg for forgiveness.
You already forgave them. What were they continuously pestering you for? Isn't forgiveness enough to ask from their victim? The person they hurt the most?
You took a sip out of your F/T, trying to calm your nerves. Your "followers" were all nothing but heartless NPCs, you reason with yourself. You've given them enough.
And yet, you still felt guilty for ignoring them. Their eyes tear up like the day you were killed, after the most, horrible, bloody, and messy—
You shudder, shutting down that thought as best you can. You've drank all of your F/T just thinking about this entire thing to begin with, so you focused on your F/F. Only half of it was eaten.
You take a bite out of it, trying to fight away the tears as you remember another memory during your time in this wretched world. A person, out of nowhere, just straight up yelling at you, threatening you, insulting you...
You hate to feel weak, but at the same time, you feared to be too mean. So you stayed there and took it, praying that this annoying and upsetting person would just go away already.
They eventually do, but it felt too long. Your heart was broken, and your eyes just shed a tear or two. You were glad you had your teddy bear in your bag, as you cuddled it to your chest in that spot to make you feel less sad.
Truly, damn this world. Even if your heart couldn't let go just yet.
The End.
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: I have no idea if I did this good or not but I do hope you like this, anon! And, if anyone's curious for whatever reason, the GIF was chosen because it's like Reader drowning in their memories :')
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a guilty god
Hello this is my first official post ⚠️warnings⚠️ death its not brutal its a very peaceful death guilt I’m a shit writer so don’t mind that
"i didn't mean to hurt you “loki cried” please, please forgive me my love" loki pleaded his forehead pressed to the dirt ground in front of your grave you looked down at the sad sight before you the man that caused your death pleading for your forgiveness you wanted to be mad but at the same time this was the man you loved he couldn't have known that what he did would cause your death at this point all you wanted to do was wrap your arms around him and kiss his tears away "my love loki please get up you have my forgiveness you couldn't have known" you say quietly interrupting his cries for forgiveness he looks up at you with tear stained cheeks " w-what h-how can y-you forgive me s-so easily trying to grab onto your white flowly gown but his hands go right through it "my love you couldn't have known no one could have you’re ok i don't blame you a bit" you say leaning down and wiping his tears away with your icy cold hands but he doesn't seem to be fazed by the cold but instead leans into them you are using all your will power to make them some what physical so he can feel your touch until you pull away hearing foot steps coming your way " im sorry my love i have to go i can't be seen" you say stepping away from him" n-no please let m-me come with you please" he begs " fine if you are absolutely sure" you say holding out your hand for him to take when he does you pull him up and his physical body falls to the ground and his spirit hugs you tightly "my love" he cries desperately clinging to you" shh, shh my love your ok we are together again" you say taking his hand and leading him away as his body lay on the ground lifeless as you open up a portal leading to a gold and silver gate you swing the gate open as the portal closes behind you both and the gate revealing a paradise "is this Valhalla" he asks looking around " yes it is welcome to the afterlife" back on asgard Frigga and thor walk into the cemetery hearing some voices until they hear a thud and rush over Frigga lets out a gasp as she sees Loki's lifeless body and they both rush over to check for a pulse "do you have anything" Frigga asks thor as they both franticly look for a pulse Thor looks down to hide his tear and shakes his head "mother he's gone" he says as more tears roll down his cheeks “he's safe" they both look up to see where the voice came from to see you and Loki as spirits his arm around your waist you both look so happy "its ok mother let me rest" he says smiling brightly she smiles and looks at you and says " keep him safe for me ok? Please" she begs "of course I will" you say as you both turn and leave through a portal leading to valhala after all theres always war somewhere in the universe
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amphxtrite · 4 years
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cedric diggory x slytherin fem!reader
warnings: smut, swearing, oral (female receiving), hand job, fingering, riding, kind of dom x dom, spelling/ grammar mistakes.
do not read if you are not comfortable.
summary: Badgers and snakes are born into their rivalry, even in the wild they are practically bred to fight and show their dominance. Cedric and the reader have hated each other from the moment they met. It’s not until Cedric puts his name into the goblet of fire and nearly gets killed that feelings become clear. fluff at the end.
a/n: thank you to @cedricsyellowscarf and nonnie for requesting!
word count: 4.6k
enjoy <3
When you think of slytherins, what’s the first thing you think of?
Cunning, resourceful, and badass?
Y/n L/n was all the above when you thought of a stereotypical member of the house of black and green, someone who knew what they wanted and would fight with a smirk on her face.
Hufflepuffs on the other hand are thought to be loyal, compassionate, and sweet.
Cedric Diggory fit the description perfectly. The school golden boy with a pretty face and a kind personality.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. But just like in nature, the badger and the snake were born to fight.
When Cedric first met you, a chill went up his spine, everything about you screamed ‘no’ at him and had a scowl resting on his face seconds after just seeing you. Similarly, the hufflepuff gave off a goody-two-shoes aura, someone who couldn’t relax and caved into every demand thrown at them. You didn’t know why, but you had the overwhelming urge to push all this boy’s buttons and drive him insane. Maybe it was the whole ‘strict prefect, and perfect person’ thing going on, but you just wanted to have some fun with him.
You started small. Flirtatious winks, smirks and checking him out when you knew he was looking. The reactions ranged from annoyed to bashful and if you were lucky he grew absolutely seething.
“What the hell are you doing l/n?” He sighs as you brush your arm past him in the hall.
“What Diggory? Am I not good enough to be in your presence?” You scoff, turning to face him. “Listen, I know what you’re trying to do and it won’t work.” The badger snarled.
“Oh Diggory, it already has.” Your smirk, brushing your wand down his jawline and licking the outside of your teeth.
Cedric couldn’t explain what got him so ticked off about you, maybe it was your care-free demeanour; someone who could get whatever she wanted with a snap of her fingers. He’d seen you in between classes, people fawning over you or begging for your forgiveness, only to be met by your stoic face. Your whole being betrayed every instinct and belief Cedric held, and the voice in his head begged to attack.
And so the battle between the badger and the snake continued, you pushed the badger’s buttons, challenging him and egging him on to snap.
“I’m not going to ask again l/n.” The brunette seethed, taking hold of your arm and pulling you back towards him after your fingers brush his back. “Ask what?” You cock your eyebrow with a grin.
“Did the pretty boy finally lose his composure?” Your grin turns malicious and Cedric pushes you against the wall. “In your dreams l/n.”
“Oh indeed you do.”
The two of you were natural born rivals, coexisting to keep the other on their toes and keep natural instincts alive. Both sides are stubborn, unwilling to let the other win. It was destined that one of you would though, these things don’t just end in draws.
As you ‘flirted’ relentlessly, Cedric’s only offence was his retaliation. He had a feeling you’d stop if he never reacted, but a piece of Cedric enjoyed the challenge and almost craved the game.
When the badger put his name into the goblet of fire you almost scoffed. Maybe you had done it, driven him off the edge and caused him to go insane. But as the boy clad in black and yellow turned to reveal a smile, you nearly choked on your pumpkin juice. How on Earth was this fool smiling at the fact he could’ve just signed himself up for a public, gruesome death.
It may be hard to believe, but even snakes can become ‘compassionate’ when it comes to things they are close too, and while you couldn’t call what you and Cedric had, a compassionate situation, a sense of worry and dread overtook your senses.
“Hey is your head in the right space?” You fall into step with the badger and place your hand onto his forehead to check if the boy was sick.
“What is your problem?” Cedric flinches back, confusion flashing onto his face as soon as your hand comes into contact with him.
“Oh I’m just checking you haven’t lost your mind Diggory.” You roll your eyes and flash a sickly sweet smile.
“It’s none of your business what I choose to do l/n, now leave me alone.” The brunette’s face remains firm.
“As you wish, your majesty.” You smirk and fall back to head to your friends.
Despite the internal fight the hufflepuff couldn’t help but almost feel sorry for the way he reacted to your gesture. It was the first time you’d shown any type of kindness towards him. And while rather strange, he knew he shouldn’t have let his aggressiveness win over his true personality.
The badger never found his voice to apologize though, and the rivalry proceeded. You wiped any trace of worry from your face and continued your mission of driving the golden boy crazy. Only thing that was different was the way Cedric reacted. When you first began your flirtatious mission, Cedric grew angry and annoyed at your attempt to gain his attention. He knew you were trying to distract him and he let it get to him.
The silver-eyed hufflepuff started to look forward to your pestering, your flirting was the only fun he got after his name was pulled from the goblet. His schedule became jam packed with training, classes and pity parties from every student who made eye-contact with him. He was happy to see that something hadn’t changed.
The first task came and had you holding your breath at each champion’s battle with their dragon. Your mouth dropped open in awe at each unique way of conquering the task, and by the time Cedric stepped up to face the Short-Snout, you were already on the edge of your seat.
Snakes are in no means known for their love, but it is known they can show compassion in subtle ways. Worry blossomed in your stomach as you watched Cedric transfigure the boulder into a dog, he was taking a huge risk using it as a distraction, when the dragon could turn at any moment. Cedric managed to grab the egg moments before the dragon lost interest in the labrador, and a weight seemed to lift from your shoulders and a small smile shone through as you joined in on the applause.
The second task arrived and the four champions dive into the water in search of their treasure. Cedric surfaced first with the girl who attended the ball with him, ensuring his spot in first. Krum was next with Hermione, Harry coming in last, but with Fleur’s person along with his.
Cedric was rather confused to see Cho at the bottom of the lake. The egg stated the treasure was the thing they missed the most, so the professors must have gotten the wrong idea when Cedric showed up at the dance with the ravenclaw, she’d simply been kind enough to be there as support because Cedric had no one else to attend with.
By the third task, the entire wizarding world was biting their nails at the anticipation of the triwizard tournament. Sitting in the bleachers in front of the massive maze, it made you uneasy you may have to sit through one of these champion’s screams, injuries or even death.
“Tied In first place we have Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter. They will enter first, shortly followed by Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour.”
At the sound of the flare, the hufflepuff and gryffindor cautiously make their way into the green maze, choosing each step with caution and wands clutched tightly in their hands, until all that was seen was the walls of the hedge.
Cedric had endured a lot through the triwizard tournament and he was not going to give that up for anything. When he spotted Harry close by the cup, his aggressive side took over and he tried to beat the boy who lived. When Harry actually ended up saving his life, he knew there was no way he could take this victory.
The two of them touched the cup and suddenly the world morphed and they were transported to a graveyard. “A… Portkey.”
A short man enters their vision as Cedric’s weakened frame points his wand towards the intruder. “Petrificus Totalus!” The unknown man shouts as Cedric’s body seizes and he falls flat on his face, his body ignoring his constant attempts at moving to help Harry, he can only listen to everything happening as he lays uselessly against the ground.
“Cedric! Get up, we need to go now!” Harry’s frantic voice calls as He pushes Voldemort and his death eaters back. The binding pressure is suddenly released and the hufflepuff immediately jumps to his feet. He runs to the portkey, throwing back any death eaters getting too close to Harry before grabbing his hand and taking hold of the triwizard cup.
The two boys are transported back into the maze, but they waste no time rushing out and grabbing hold of the first people they see. “V-Voldemort’s back!” Harry screams, followed by Cedric’s own voice. Looks of confusion flash on everyone in the audience's face, but as the champions break down they have no way to deny it, something terrible was coming to Hogwarts.
Amos Diggory makes a beeline for his son while Harry is dragged away by professor Moody. Cedric is gasping for breath and searching around for something, someone, to keep him sane. When your eyes meet Cedric’s eyes flash in hope and he begins to limp in your direction, stumbling and falling often, but not leaving his path despite his father’s grasp. You stand to question the hufflepuff, but he simply collapses into your arms.
“I-I’m so sorry for how I t-treated you. I shouldn’t have let m-my feelings define you, a-and I hate that I despised you for n-no reason.” Cedric begins to cry in fear he could’ve died without finally getting his apology off his chest. He wraps you tightly in his arms and his breathing grows rapid. “P-Please forgive me.” He manages in between breaths and your emotionless barrier falls. “Deep breaths Diggory, you’re going to pass out if you keep this up.” You caress the boy’s back in a soothing manner, but Cedric’s murmuring only rapidly increases, and you were beginning to feel a headache. “Hey, it's alright! I forgive you.”
His muttering continues.
“Ced, please you’re bleeding, let’s go get help.”
No use.
As a final resort you gently lift Cedric’s face from the crook of your neck; tears are streaming down his face and apologies continue to flood your ears.
“Save your breath Diggory.” You smirk, pressing your lips to Cedric’s scabbed pink ones.
Your lips are still as Cedric registers your movement, his eyes widen, but slowly close as your smooth lips pull him into a daze. The slight taste of blood is forgotten as Cedric stands and cups his hands around your face, tilting his face to deepen the kiss and slip his tongue into your mouth. As he familiarizes himself with your taste a low groan emits from the back of the champion’s throat and he pulls away to look at you.
In nature, badgers and snakes are natural born enemies, but when Cedric looked into your eyes, the badger lost its temper and the snake became calm. In the Hogwarts walls the snake and the badger felt something new bubble inside them, and the statement ‘opposites attract’ finally began to make sense. Two people, so different, yet so drawn to each other. Finally giving in to their feelings, with primal instincts still flooding their senses.
“You shouldn’t have done that, once I start, I might not be able to stop.” Cedric’s voice grows low in arousal and he leans his face closer to yours.
“Then don’t stop Diggory, take me.”
Cedric immediately takes your hand in a firm grip and walks you down the bleachers, promising his father to go to the hospital wing, but entering the quidditch pitch’s change room instead.“I-I need you y/n. Fuck, you’ve made me want you for so damn long.” He moans desperately, pushing you against the stone wall and placing his hands wherever he could. You trail your fingers down the hufflepuff’s torso and nibble on his lower lip. Cedric’s hips jolt and you’re met with a sudden pressure on your lower abdomen.
“Someone’s excited.” You smirk, reaching your hand down the brunette’s trousers to take his length into your hand.
Your eyebrows raise at the champion’s size, but you don’t let it shine through as your tease your hand against him, brushing past his tip before using his precum as lubricant to move against him.
When Cedric’s face contorted into a look of pure pleasure and lust, you were sure that this was the reaction you’d wanted from Cedric from the start. Lip in between his teeth and eyes shut tight as he bites back moans and lightly tugs on your hair.
You move your hand faster, smirking in pride as loud whimpers begin to exit beautifully from Cedric’s lips and he begins rocking himself against your palm.
“You like it when I use my hand Diggory?” You tease, applying even more pressure to his aching cock as he began to twitch in your grasp.
“Oh fuck yes y/n, just like that.” The hufflepuff’s rough hands move down from your hair to grasp your face and connect your lips again, drowning out the sound of pure ecstasy leaving his mouth with each thrust of your hand.
“You better be quiet Diggory, or people will know how much of a naughty boy you are.” You whisper in a low voice.
“I’d watch your mouth if I was you.”
Cedric removes your hand from his pants and pushes you on to a wide bench, holding you down so you can’t move.
“Now it’s my turn to make you writhe.” He growls with a devilish grin, pressing open mouth kisses against your neck and sucking on the sensitive skin as he works off your skirt.
Your head falls to the side as Cedric finds your weak spot, a mewl signaling him to go harder. His hands pull down the zipper on your back and he carefully pulls it down as your intoxicating whimpers egg him further on.
“Well princess, I guess you got what you wanted.” Cedric smirks, dropping to his knees in front of you and throwing your skirt to the side.
“You’re driving me absolutely insane.”
Euphoria flows through every single nerve in your body when Cedric presses his rough fingers against your clit, the only thing separating you and pure bliss being a thin piece of fabric. Cedric uses the cloth of your panties as extra friction, slowly circling his fingers around as your back arches and your breath grows irregular. Leaning forwards, he takes the lace of your undergarment between his teeth and pulls it down your thighs, swiftly prying your legs apart as soon as your panties drop to your feet and pass your ankles. “Now be a good girl and keep these open, alright?” Cedric mutters, in a dark voice as he descends.
The hufflepuff tests the waters by licking a stripe up your core, hiding a cheeky grin at the sound of your choked moan and continuing to lap at your slick folds.
Your vision fills with dots and your mind is deprived of any thought, your only feeling was Cedric’s strong tongue flicking around and dipping in and out of your slit.
“So wet for me love?” He groans deeply, the taste of your heat, causing his arousal to grow exponentially. Your only response is the incoherent moans and curses stringing past your lips as your back arches and your body pulses in bliss.
As your hips start to buck and your legs close against his face, Cedric uses one hand to press your abdomen down and using his arm and other hand he pushes your legs apart again, your moans fueling his strength. When the brunette adds his fingers into the array, your hands move from your clothed breasts to Cedric’s soft brown hair. A sudden rush of pleasure has your grip tightening in the champions curls, and a loud curse echoes through the empty room.
“You like it when I pull your hair like that Diggory?” You tease through the pulsing in your body. “Fuck, do that again y/n.” His deep growl responds as his fingers quicken and hit deeper inside your tight walls.
With each tight grip in Cedric’s curls, a loud moan was heard in response as he thrusts his fingers deeper and sucks harder, letting his moans vibrate through to your clit to fill your lower stomach with butterflies.
“I-I’m gonna cum!” You whimper loudly.
“You can cum if you beg.” The hufflepuff purrs with one last roll of his tongue, pausing his fingers, still deep inside of you. Every ounce of your dignity is shredded as the pleasure of Cedric’s mouth and fingers stop.
“Please Diggory, let me cum.” You mewl in desperation, but he doesn’t move.
“Try again love.” He smirks in amusement.
“Please Cedric, you make me feel so good! I’m so fucking close, I need to cum.” You moan in frustration, grinding your hips frantically for any friction. Cedric chuckles darkly, pulling his fingers out almost fully before slamming right back into you.
“Merlin, you say my name so perfectly darling.” The brunette grins, pulling his finger out and slamming back again.
“Say it again.” Cedric commands, attaching his lips to your clit, his fingers now ramming in and out of you.
“Cedric! Oh fuck!” your choked voice almost comes out as a sob, and your incoherent moans mix deliciously with your lover’s name.
With the combined stimulation of Cedric’s rough fingers and strong tongue, a coil snaps as your body seems to lose control. Writhing, pulsing, and gripping Cedric’s hair as you pant for breath.
Cedric pauses the assault with his tongue, but continues using his fingers to help ride out your high.
When the shockwaves finally stop and you’re able to open your eyes again, Cedric is leaning directly above you, a grin plastered on his face. “You’re so beautiful when you cum.” The hufflepuff begins kissing down your neck as his hands move down his torso and pulls his shirt up his chest. Cedric pauses to wince as cuts reopen and the fabric irritates his bruises, but when you sit up to help him, he pushes you down again. “I’m fine, It’s just a couple scratches.” He smirks looking back down at you, but you’ve regained your senses and have pushed the toned champion back onto the bench and climbed onto his lap.
“Are you sure? You looked pretty banged up.” your voice comes out as a soft whisper as you begin to press butterfly kisses to his bruises.
“Yes, f-fuck y/n.” He groans as you suddenly bite down on his shoulder, sucking on it for a couple seconds until you’re sure a hickey will form.
“Good, because it’s my turn now.”
You lift your hips from his lap to tug his shorts down and he lifts his bottom up to help you. As soon as they’re off you begin to unbutton your blouse, shrugging it off before leaning forwards and running a finger down Cedric’s abdomen. “Help me?” You smirk, standing and brushing your hair aside to reveal your bra strap. Cedric obliges with shaky fingers as his cock grows harder and begins twitching. Once it comes loose, you turn and connect lips with Cedric’s again, moving your hand to the back of the brunette’s head to run your hands through his hair and cup his jaw. Cedric takes your hips into his hands and slowly brings you towards him again. You shuffle onto Cedric’s lap again, hovering just above his cock as he rubs the sides of your body.
Without warning you sink onto him, relaxing your walls to take all of Cedric’s length. His grip on your waist tightens as you wrap around him. Strings of curses leave his mouth as his head falls onto your shoulder and he nips at the sensitive skin. When you’re halfway down, he moves his hands from your hips to your breasts, massaging them roughly and peppering kisses all over. With the Help of Cedric’s wandering hands and caring mouth, you bottom out and adjust to the feeling of being full. Your hands dig into Cedric’s shoulder blades and you begin moving up and down. It’s slow at first, you aren’t quite sure how to do it, but the hufflepuff uses his hands on your hips to guide you and soon you’re bouncing up and down, the grip on your side and the waves of euphoria from Cedric’s cock pushing you further than you could have ever thought possible.
“You feel so good darling.” Cedric sighs, his eyes squeezed shut and mouth wide open as your walls wrap tighter against him with each bounce. You don’t respond, your thoughts occupied with keeping the euphoric feeling coming. Using Cedric’s broad shoulders you begin to pick up the pace, sucking dark marks into existence on his chest, panting breathy moans into his ear and tightening your grip around his shaft to earn you that desperate moan that made you dizzy.
With the overstimulation from your voice and love bites Cedric could feel his release coming, but he wasn’t ready to end this just yet, with the last couple bounces he summoned as much strength as he could to lift you from his lap and release onto your abdomen. It took everything in him not to drop you or collapse right there, but he managed, setting you back down on the wide bench to push you back and tilt your chin up to meet eye to eye.
“Don’t t-think I’m done with you yet princess.” He growls.
The lustful look in your eyes as your pupils dilated and your mouth hung open had him hard all over again and before you could reply with something witty, he pounded right back into you.
Your head is thrown back at the new angle Cedric is fucking you in, your back arches so he can move deeper and your legs swing up to wrap around his torso, bringing him impossibly close to you. Cedric responds with vigorous thrusts, desperate for you to submit to him and end this with him on top. While he desperately rolls his hips into yours, you pull his head down and reconnect your lips, using your tongue to explore his mouth as you swallow the breathy moans of the grey eyed hufflepuff. Your teeth clash, lips mold and tongues dance as Cedric fucks you senseless.
“Oh fuck Cedric right there!” You cry, rolling your hips up to meet the champion’s needy thrusts and allowing your moans to fill the empty air. Skin hitting skin is the only sound other than your moans and cries mixing together, intimately connecting and reconnecting over and over as wave after wave of pleasure and euphoria floods your veins and every corner of your body. Your eyes roll back and your toes curl with each movement of Cedric’s hips and with his arms pinned above your head and his low groans right in front of your face you could not contain the knot that was forming in your abdomen. Your nails rake down Cedric’s back and bury themselves into his hair as you grin victoriously at the loud profanities spilling through his gritted teeth. With each pump of his length the knot grows tighter and tighter, Pleasure is swapped with pure bliss and Cedric can feel it too as his thrusts grow sloppy and your core tightens against him. He lets himself go, and you follow right behind him. The proof of your pleasures stream between the two of you, down your legs and in between where you are still connected.
Cedric helps you ride out your high as you run your shaky finger up and down his chest, a smile growing on your face as Cedric finally opens his eyes and looks back down at your tired form, panting and grinning back down at you.
“I win.” He smirks, lazily pulling out of you and resting himself on his elbows.
“In your dreams Diggory.” You roll your eyes and move some hair out of the boy’s face.
“Oh are we back on the last name basis?” Cedric chuckles, cupping your cheek and using his thumb to circle your cheek.
“Only if you want Ced.” You sigh, tilting your head closer to Cedric’s warm palm.
“Well in that case, you better get used to calling me Cedric, y/n.” The hufflepuff beams, sitting up and pulling you onto his lap.
Your eyes widen and you begin to laugh joyously as you connect your lips to Cedric’s again, mumbling sweet nothings in between each peck. You stay like that for a second, in each other’s arms, relishing the feeling of finally being complete and content, but as you press your hand to Cedric’s chest he winces and you know the moment has to end.
“Alright lover boy, it’s time to get you to the hospital wing.” You sigh, pecking Cedric’s lips once more before grabbing your wand and quickly cleaning off the mess in between you and Cedric’s legs. “Do I have too?” Cedric groans, pulling you back to him, as you clasp your bra on. “I’m sure I’ll be fine just sitting here in your arms.” He states staring lovingly into your eyes. “Sorry Ced, but even I don’t know a lot of healing spells and by the look of it you’re gonna need them.” You giggle, standing on shaky legs as you pick up your blouse and skirts again.
“Get changed Ced, I’ll meet you outside.” You smirk, slowly making your way out of the room with a slight swing in your hips.
Taking a deep breath of the night air, you take a moment to really take in what just happened. You thought you hated that boy, but maybe that was just for show. Maybe you’d always had feelings for the boy with the yellow scarf and you had been too naive to realize it. It felt strange how the part of your brain that convinced you to fight was now telling you this was right, but you were fine with it, your whole perspective had changed of this boy from the moment he came limping to you in the stadium.
Cedric had similar thoughts as he tugged on his shirt and pants. He finally realized the feeling he got when you looked at him wasn’t annoyance, it was a crush. A fancy that he wanted so badly to deny, but embrace at the same time, and now he could.
As he finally walked out to you and wrapped you in his arms, you knew it was right and you were where you are meant to be. As you interlocked hands with the grey eyed hufflepuff, making your way towards the castle and your new life. Something was made crystal clear.
Badgers and snakes are natural born enemies, made to fight and hate each other. But you and Cedric aren’t the animals you are associated with,
you’re humans and you had the choice to decide how you would treat your opposite.
And although the two of you were clear descriptions of the houses you were assigned, your personalities molded perfectly.
As Cedric lay in the hospital bed, Madam Pomfrey healing his wounds, you stuck by his side and held his hand, knowing the snake would never define you. The badger would never define Cedric. You were your own people, and you were in love.
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the-bee-graveyard · 3 years
The Fine Line
Chapter One
Wow, you stayed around long enough to read chapter two, thank you! Warning, this chapter’s going to be angsty because we’re getting more Brenda and Teresa interactions, you have been warned. 
It will usually take me about a week for each chapter, but I was really excited so I wrote this one quickly. Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes. 
Chapter summary: Minho and Sonya hold their plotting circle on the beach, and Brenda and Teresa are forced to be there together. Their plan has a very, um, what’s a good word, interesting outcome. Platonic Thomas reunion. Sonya and Minho finish each other's statements a little bit. This chapter’s going to be a bit longer because I wanted to do a few different events in this chapter, but usually I’ll try to stick to three parts/POV’s per chapter.
Let me know what you guys think! I love feedback!
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added): @izzymultifan
Chapter Two: The Fine Line Between Hatred and Hesitant  Friendship
Part One: Teresa’s POV
Teresa had been an only child before the flare destroyed her life, but she was convinced that fate gave her Thomas to fill in the role of her brother. Sometimes it felt like she loved Thomas more than herself, more and more as she realized all the horrible things she’d done. 
That's why it killed her knowing Thomas was mad at her.
He didn’t notice her standing near the tables meals were ate at, he sat with his back to her next to Newt. Frypan, Gally, and Minho saw her though, Frypan waved to her. She spoke to him yesterday, and he’d been quick to give her a second chance, and she was grateful to him. She needed the win yesterday after Brenda blew her off quickly.
She saw Brenda eating at a table with Jorge, glaring at her as she walked over to Thomas. Frankly Teresa didn’t care, she didn’t need Brenda’s permission to speak to Thomas, and Brenda couldn’t force Thomas to stay away from Teresa. He probably wanted to do that enough on his own anyways.
“Tom,” Teresa said, tapping her old friend on the shoulder, her voice small. “I’d like to speak to you for a moment. In private.” Newt looked up at her first, glaring at her. Thomas looked up at her next, his expression less rebate than Newt’s.
“Of course Teresa,” Thomas said, getting up off the bench. They walked over to the edge of the group of tables.
“I wanted to apologize,” Teresa said. “I tortured Minho and I got almost the whole right arm killed and I hurt you in a way I can never heal, and I can’t take those things back. I’ve wanted to so badly but I can’t. I understand if you never want to see me again, if you hate me, I can live with that. I just want you to know I regret it. If I could do it all over again I’d kill Ava Paige myself Thomas, I swear.”
Thomas didn’t speak for a moment, it had to be the most suspenseful moment of her life. 
“I don’t hate you Resa,” Thomas said. “You saved Newt, I can’t hate you after you did that. And it’s not just that. I can’t hate you because I see me in you. I can see how easily I would’ve done the exact same thing you did, most people would have. You were manipulated Teresa, I can’t blame you for that. And I’ll never forget what you did, and I can’t speak for everyone else here, but I’m willing to forgive you.” Teresa pulled Thomas into a tight hug.
“That’s good to hear, because I’m pretty sure Brenda and Newt have already made up their minds on me,” Teresa said. Thomas chuckled.
“Newt’s the kindest person I know, and you saved his life. He’ll come around, Minho did, and you did worse to Minho than you did to Newt. Brenda’s stubborn, but she’ll come around too. She just needs time, everyone does. You can't expect everyone to just welcome you back with open arms, even if you did make the cure.”
“I’m surprised Vince even let me stay.”
“Oh he didn’t want to, Jorge fought on your behalf. Jorge said you’re just a child, and that Mary would’ve forgave you. He doesn’t like it, but he let you stay.” Teresa closed her eyes for a minute and pictured the kind doctor that saved Brenda’s life, Mary. She saw Mary’s lifeless body. She did that.
“I’ll make them forgive me one day Tom, I’ll do something.” Thomas offered her a friendly smile.
“I know you will Resa, you always do.”
Part Two: Sonya’s POV
They’d formed a circle on the beach. Sonya sat in between Aris and Harriet. Minho, Gally, and Frypan sat on the other side of Frypan, Minho and Gally’s hands intertwined. Brenda and Teresa sat on the other side of Aris, as far apart as two people next to each other could be. Harriet had her head rested in Sonya’s lap.
“Are we ready to start?” Minho asked. Everyone nodded, including Sonya. 
“I assume you’ve all figured out why we’re here based on the absence of two people,” Sonya said. “Minho and I talked, and we’re sick of Newt and Thomas dancing around each other, so we’ve decided to do something about it, but we’re going to need your help. We’ve already discussed a plan.” Frypan raised his hand. “Yes, Frypan?”
“Is anything going to be against the rules?” Frypan asked.
“Absolutely, but nothing that big. We’re breaking the rules right now so don’t give me the speech,” Minho said.
“So what’s the plan?” Teresa asked. Sonya didn’t know how she felt about Teresa. Teresa had gotten Mary killed, both Aris and Sonya herself captured, and almost got her brother killed, but she also saved Newt’s life and everyone else seemed to have forgiven her.
“Our plans in phases,” Sonya said. “We’ll start phase one tomorrow morning. Minho’s going to go talk with Thomas later, and get him to talk about Newt. Minho’s going to have a walkie-talkie behind his back. Gally’s going to have the other walkie-talkie so Newt can hear everything nice Thomas says about him. Any questions?” Brenda raised her hand.
“What if Thomas doesn’t say nice things about Newt?” Brenda asked.
“Bren, sweetie, you’ve spent five seconds around Thomas before. You know he will. I officially declare this meeting of the get Newtmas together club disbanded, we’ll regroup tomorrow to discuss our progress,” Minho said as he stood up.
Part Three: Brenda’s POV
“Brenda! Wait!” Oh dear lord. Brenda sighed and turned around to see Teresa running towards her.
“What do you want?” Brenda asked as she kept walking, but Teresa had already caught up to her.
“I just wanted to tell you Thomas forgave me.” Teresa didn’t dress like most of the people at the safe haven, she wore a blue and white dress and her black hair down, because everything about her had to be special. Brenda rolled her eyes. Someone needed to give this girl a job and a reality check.
“Yeah, I know. He’s an idiot, that’s old news.” Brenda tried to walk faster to get away from the girl, but Teresa had longer legs and caught up with ease.”What the hell do you want from me?”
“I want you to like me,” Teresa blurted out. “Or at least, I want you to not completely hate me. We could’ve been friends Brenda, I want that.”
“If you don’t remember, since you seem to have very selective memory loss, WICKED killed my father and brother. My brother probably died in your precious mazes. If Jorge didn’t smuggle me out of WICKED when he worked for them, I would have died in your precious mazes,” Brenda lashed out. Forgiving Thomas for building the mazes was one thing because his apologies were genuine. Teresa was only sorry because everyone told her she ought to be. She didn’t see her fault in anything. 
“I was a child Brenda, and I did what I was told. If Jorge told you to build a maze, you’d do it, wouldn’t you?” Teresa said. 
“Don’t you ever compare Jorge and me to those heathen’s and you,” Brenda snorted. 
“Please Brenda. One chance, that’s all I ask for,” Teresa pleaded, her big blue eyes starting right into Brenda’s soul.
“Fine,” Brenda sighed, already regretting this. “One chance. If you ruin that I’ll push you off the cliffs, I swear.” 
“Thank you!” Teresa said, throwing her arms around Brenda, who shoved her off quickly. “Too soon.”
“Forever is too soon for that Teresa,” Brenda replied, trying to ignore the sudden coldness in the spots where Teresa’s arms had previously been. 
Not today fate. 
Not this one. Literally anyone but this one.
Part Four: Newt’s POV
“Heyyyyyy there Newt,” Gally said, putting one of his arms around Newt.
“What are you up to?” Newt deadpanned. He’d known Gally long enough to know when the builder was up to something, and he was absolutely up to something now. 
“Jesus, can’t a guy come talk to his friend who almost died without getting shucking interrogated?” Gally snorted. “I hid a walkie-talkie in Minho’s coat pocket, and I taped down the speaker button. Wanna hear what he’s up to?” Whatever Newt thought Gally would be up to, it wasn’t that.
“I mean, sure?” Newt replied. He didn’t know what the right answer could possibly be to the question, because the fact the question was even asked seemed pretty bad to Newt. Gally pulled the walkie-talkie out of his pocket and turned up the volume.
“Hey Thomas,” Minho’s voice said on the other end of the walkie-talkie, quite clear for something that was supposedly in his coat pocket. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course Minho,” Thomas replied. Newt loved the sound of Thomas’s voice. He loved everything about Thomas really, but he had a nice voice. He always spoke softer with Newt, even when he was angry. he’d been one hundred percent aware of how in love with Thomas he was since the day they met, and not just the day in the maze, the day Thomas pulled back that curtain in the WICKED lab. Newt had pretended to be asleep,  but even then Thomas’s inquisitive nature had made his heart skip a beat.
“Don’t you think Newt’s hot?” If Newt had been drinking water he would have spit it out.
“I thought you and Gally were a thing now.” Thomas sounded even more confused then usual, so he must be pretty damn confused.
“I wasn't asking for me dumb shank. Yes or no?”
“Of course I think Newt’s attractive, everyone thinks Newt’s attractive.” Newt’s heart skipped a beat.
“What do you think his best quality is?” Minho asked.
“His hair. Or hands. Or eyes. Is this a trick question?” Thomas replied.
“Thank you for your input Tom, really helpful,” Minho said. Newt couldn’t listen any more. He looked up at Gally and solemnly spoke,
“Gally, I’m sorry mate.”
“What?” Gally said.
“I can’t believe Minho would lead you on like that. Don’t worry, I’ll reject him, I’m not interested in him anyways.”
“Newt, what the hell are you talking about?”
“Well I thought it was clear, but I’ll give it to you straight: Minho’s clearly into me, not you.” 
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Carry On Countdown - Day 12
Another ficlet for @carryon-countdown! I wrote it in an hour so rip me and my time management skills and forgive me for any grammar mistakes. 
Prompt: Wings Word count: 1289 Rating: General Summary: 
The wings come with their disadvantages aka the trials and tribulations of trying to give your boyfriend a massage. 
Simon is huffing and turning on the sofa. It’s a whole scene. He fluffs the pillow, lays back down on it for a few seconds before frowning and going back to tossing and turning. His tail is slashing around like it always does when he’s upset or frustrated.
“Are you alright there?” I ask as he fluffs his pillow for the third time. He just huffs and crosses his arms. “Simon, what’s wrong?” I ask again.
“It’s just… these damned wings! My back hurts!” he complains. “I can’t get myself comfortable.” With that, he throws himself down on the pillow face first and growls in frustration. “Penny said lying down would help.”
“Have you seen Dr Wellbelove about it?” I ask.
“He’s just going to talk about removing them,” Simon mumbles into his pillow. I still don’t know why Simon gets so upset at the idea of getting his wings removed – frankly, I don’t think he knows either – but he absolutely refuses to hear it, even though he often complains about his wings. Personally, I don’t mind them. And I sort of love his tail, even though I constantly poke fun at it. (It has a mind if its own, which is rather endearing.)
“Okay, how about this; I call Dr Wellbelove and tell him I have back pain and then we try whatever he tells me to do. How does that sound?” I ask.
“Okay,” he grumbles into the pillow. I pull out my phone.
“Is the pain in your upper back or lower back?” I ask while searching for Welby’s phone number in my contacts.
“Dull or sharp?”
“Dull. Why are you asking me this?” he huffs.
“So that I can describe it to Dr Wellbelove, you numpty,” I say, rolling my eyes. I finally find his contact and press call.
“Dr Wellbelove, how can I help you?” a familiar voice picks up the phone. I’ve never been to Dr Wellbelove’s (it’s not like I can get sick), but I’ve seen him at the Club.
“Hello, this is Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch speaking,” I say coolly. (I’m not letting my phone-call anxiety get in the way of this.) “I have some back pain and I was wondering what I could do to make it better.”
“Well, a Get well soon always seems to help with these things. Or if that doesn’t work, you could try Early to bed, early to rise,” he says. Fuck. Simon doesn’t like people casting spells on him. My brain scrambles to find a solution to this problem.
“I have already tried that, but this is a fairly frequent issue and it seems like a waste of magic to be casting those spells every day. I was more solution oriented,” I say. Simon shoots me a weird look from the sofa.
“Aha, I see. And where does it hurt?”
I explain the pain the way Simon described it, hearing Dr Wellbelove’s aha-s on the other side of the line.  “Well, Basilton, I suggest you come see me sometime. From what you’ve described, it seems like you have scoliosis, but I can’t be sure until I see it for myself. For now, though, if it’s really a bother, I suggest some light exercise and stretching and get someone to give you a massage if you can. And avoid carrying heavy burdens. Now about that appointment—”
“Okay, I’ll try that, thank you!” I quickly say and hang up.
“And?” Simon asks.
“Scoliosis! He thinks I have scoliosis!” I erupt. “My posture is perfect!”
“Baz, about the back pain,” Simon says, laughing.
“Oh. He says you should try some light exercise and stretching, a massage and to avoid carrying heavy burdens.”
“Well, I can’t exactly follow up with that last one,” he says, flaring up his wings. “And I don’t have the money for a massage…”
I just stare at him. “Snow, I’m your boyfriend.”
“I’m not letting you pay for my massage!” he says. I sigh. How thick can he be?
“I can give you a massage.”
“Oh. You’d do that for me?” Simon asks, sounding a bit bewildered. It’s a work not to roll my eyes. Yes, Simon Snow, of course I’ll give you a fucking massage, you idiot, I’ll take any excuse to be close to you.
“Of course. How hard can it be?”
 As it turns out, it can be very fucking hard. We end up moving to his bed and he’s laying underneath me, shirtless, which is already a distraction enough in itself. It’s a work not to trace my hands along his moles.
It’s a work for him to keep his wings in check. I can’t even get my massage properly started, because he keeps knocking me with them.
“Crowley, Snow, keep your wings out of the way,” I sigh as he clips me again.
“Sorry,” he mumbles into the pillow. His wings do come down a bit, but I have to be mindful not to hit a spot directly in between his wing joints, because if I do that, they’ll just come up again. I think it’s some sort of a reflex spot for him.
His tail keeps poking me in the back and nudging at me. It’s probably offended, because I’m straddling Simon’s hips and sitting right on his tail joint, but there’s really no better way to go around this.
I bring my hands to Simon’s back again and he yelps.
“Your hands are still cold,” he complains.
“Yes, I haven’t stopped being a vampire in the past five minutes, thank you for noticing,” I say, rolling my eyes.
“This is a disaster,” he says, and I can’t tell if he wants to cry or laugh.
“Do you want me to stop?” I ask. He reaches behind his back, wrapping his finger around my wrist.
“Put your hands underneath my stomach,” he mumbles. “They’ll warm up.”
I swallow my nerves and do as he says. He’s right; the space between the blanket and his chest is (unsurprisingly) warm and I feel my hands warming up to more humanly temperatures immediately. His heart beats strong and steady underneath my fingertips.  
I lean forward until I’m lying with my stomach pressed to his back and my head on his shoulder and I feel his heartbeat quicken a little. His tail comes up around my waist – maybe it wanted me to do this this whole time.
“Baz?” Simon asks, his voice softer.
“We’re waiting for my hands to warm up.”
I like this. I like feeling his chest rise and fall with every breath, his heartbeat underneath my hands and his tail tight around my waist. He’s so warm and he’s so alive and he’s mine against all odds. I press a kiss on his shoulder and let my body relax against his.
A loud pop sounds from underneath me and Simon groans. I quickly sit back up.
“Fuck, are you okay?”
Simon groans again and I realize it’s a groan of relief, not pain or discomfort.
“This is just what I needed,” he says.
“You needed your spine to make a very concerning sound?” I ask with my eyebrows raised. He groans again.
“This might be the best thing I ever experienced.”
I’m only slightly offended at that.
“So your back’s all better now?” I ask. I also come to the conclusion that human bodies are weird and slightly concerning. How can this possibly make him feel better? It sounded like I broke his spine, for Crowley’s sake!
“I think so,” he says.
“Do you still want me to give you a massage?”
He turns his head to me, a small smile playing on his lips. “It wouldn’t hurt.”
He doesn’t have to tell me twice.
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notcrypticbutcoy · 7 years
Hi! I was wondering if you have any tips for aspiring writers? Things you wish you could tell past you?
Ooh, this is a really fun one, and the short answer is HELL YES I DO.
• Read
This is honestly the single most important piece of advice I will ever impart where writing is concerned. I’ve been writing pretty much since I learnt how to spell my name, I’ve had a lot of practise, and even now, if I go through a period of a few months without reading and not writing very much, the quality of my writing slips. You don’t realise it, but you definitely pick up things when you’re reading, and it does wonders for your own writing, whether that be stylistically when you’re just starting out, or grammatically, or just vocabulary and nice sentence structures.
And, side note, by “read” I’m afraid I do mean published books too. Because while there is absolutely some beautiful and amazing fanfiction in the world (really, some fanfic authors are bloody incredible and I want to bow down to their writing prowess and become their apprentice) a lot of it is less than stellar writing, even if the story is good. So spice up your fanfic reading with some published fiction, too. Preferably something decent, because god knows there is some crap that gets through the publishing houses. Just use your intuition when picking something to read. Read trashy things and don’t worry about the quality, god knows we all love to dive into a terribly written but horribly addictive book/fic sometimes, and add in some nice, quality stuff, too.
Just read bloody everything you can get your hands on.
• Practise
I think this speaks for itself. The more you do it, the better you get. But don’t just write passively, write actively. Read aloud dialogue to see if it sounds clunky. See whether you’ve used the same word 17000 (ha, see what I did there, my references are so subtle 😏) times in one chapter. Have you started all your sentences with “He”? Do you always write in the same tense? (Most people have a preferred tense, I think - I’m awkward and I don’t, I like past and present - but it’s always fun to change it up.)
• Check Your Grammar
I can forgive a lot of things when I’m reading. One thing that drives me up the wall and will put me off a perfectly good story? Grammar. Grammar varies slightly, in English, depending on what kind of English you’re writing in, but the rules are more or less the same. The number one thing I see people get wrong all the time is grammar in and surrounding dialogue. (If anyone wants grammar tips and tricks and rules, send me an ask, I’m always happy to bore everyone by banging on about grammar!)
• Take Advice, But Don’t Take Shit
This is definitely something I needed to hear when I first started writing online. Especially if you’re young, or new to the game, the good comments you get on works are thrilling, and the more critical ones can be really disheartening. But don’t let them get you down. Most people who critique your writing are genuinely just trying to help. If someone has given you some advice about your grammar, or your descriptive scenes, or suggested that you proofread for spelling mistakes, don’t brush it off with an excuse. It doesn’t need an excuse. They’re (most likely) not trying to be horrible. Take their advice on board, and think about it when you write your next scene. Even if they’ve left you a mile long list of things they think you need to work on, don’t let it bother you. Remind yourself that they’re probably trying to help, and pick a couple of things to work on. Then, when you think you’ve got that down, pick a few more. 
HOWEVER. Some people are just there to be total pillocks, and you have to try not to let it get to you. Some people just want to be arses on the Internet, and some people seem to think it’s their moral duty to point out all the flaws in what you’ve written and accuse you of being a shitty person and tell you that you should just go curl up in a hole and die.
Those people? Those people can enjoy your overly polite and cheery responses and waste their time on someone else. There is a difference between helpful critique and being a dick, and you have to learn how to differentiate between the two and harden your heart a little bit.
• Stereotypes and Minorities
One day, you’re going to look back at something you wrote and go, “What the fuck was I thinking?! That’s such a stereotype! And that’s a bit dodgy…”
It’s okay. Everyone does it. I do it to things I wrote a year ago. I do it to things I wrote five years ago. Despite what people will try to tell you, nobody is perfect, and nobody’s writing is perfect, especially regarding the portrayal of social minorities. And especially regarding the portrayal of social minorities to which you do not belong, or have any personal experience with. Be a good person—do your research, make sure you’re looking at reliable sources, talk to people and ask about their experiences, get a beta reader (for example, if you’re writing something about a trans character, try asking a trans person (who’s willing to) to read over it for you and let you know if something seems off) and be prepared to mess up and improve on your next try.
If someone points something out to you, use your judgement, think critically, and, if appropriate, learn from your mistake. You don’t have to pull a whole 100k fic down for one bad line, but learn from everything you put up. (And if it’s an easy fix, just one line, fix it! You’re allowed to!)
• The Bottom Line
Write authentically and write with passion. Read, practise, learn from every sentence you produce, and don’t be afraid to try new things. Your writing won’t magically change or develop overnight. Don’t get put out when it doesn’t.
To leave you with one of my favourite quotes from the writing master himself, Neil Gaiman: “Remember: when people tell you something’s wrong or doesn’t work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong.”
Keep writing, keep reading, and much love
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thenewtdimension · 8 years
It all points to you - pt. 2
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Pairing: Newt Scamander x Reader Prompt: Soulmate AU requested by anon. One shot(x) or Chapter (x) pt.2/2 || (previous part) Word count: 2.2k Warnings: none Genre: Angsty and then fluffy. A/N: I’m a few days late but here it is! The ending was kind of tricky.. and many things are happening on my island so please forgive the tardiness. Hope you like it! Also, forgive any grammar mistakes! I haven’t proofread as of yet.
Endless, black walls stood around you. Or, maybe it was a pit. You couldn't properly identify, since the darkness seemed infinite. One thing you were sure about, though, was that wherever it was, you could walk anywhere and get absolutely nowhere.
The ground felt cool under your feet, and grainy, sand? Your toes wriggles where you stood, and the specs almost swallowed them in their void.
You quickly shook your feet, frowning, and began walking away from the shadows that threatened to pull you in.
You shivered as you walked, the temperature dropping and the cold biting at your arms. Frankly, you were frightened. Because in there, in the nothingness, you could feel it. The feeling that crept into your days, the gloom that suffocated you harshly after that meeting… and you couldn't ignore it, couldn't push it away.
You were a bad gambler, and in the game of chance, you lost. You had met your soulmate: that man named… Newt, was it? (You knew, but you tried to forget.) And you had lost your chance at keeping contact, at finding out your shared connection with him. So the gray tones that colored your life before, for surprising the compass to begin with, could only turn a darker shade. After all, you hadn't tried finding him. You hadn't even tried working after the first three days upon your return.
Your pace fastened, the sand turning damp and then almost liquid, and you tripped. With no strength to stand up and continue, though, you curled into a ball, desperately trying to retain some body heat before the cold made you wither. Then, as if someone hit your chest with electricity, your body jerked forward. You couldn’t help but shut your eyes, crying in pain as your insides burned.
Bang. It hit you once.
Bang. Two.
Gasping, you jolted awake to the sound of knocking. You didn't know how long it took to catch your breath, but the incessant, annoying sounds overpowered your thoughts and eventually got you moving.
You rubbed your eyes and, begrudgingly, made your way down the stairs before apparating before the store's closed doors. Now, you weren't sure who in Merlin's beard was awake at such an hour, but they better be having a bloody emergency-
Right there, beyond the entrance, stood the man your compass pointed to.
He looked at you sheepishly, face caught between pain and slight wonder, while he staggered forward. Your arms quickly held him before he could fall, and your heart raced with worry as the smell of iron erupted in the air. He was bleeding.
"D-doctor... Y/L/N?" he whimpered, and adrenaline shot through your veins for a second time that night.
"Yes," you answered, "I'll take care of it."
Bringing his body to the nearest sofa, you cursed at how unkempt the store had gotten with your absence.
Books and potion instruments were abruptly elevated and thrown to the other side of the sofa, making space for his lanky body and strange suitcase.
Newt grunted once he sat, your hands trembling as they tugged at his pieces of clothing. He nodded, face a bit pale, offering you permission to take off jacket, vest and blouse, before you quickly got to work.
Healing plants of all sorts, as well as clean towels, made their way to you as your hands and wand spilled all the medical spells you knew would help. While the cloths retained the blood dripping from the open gashes, the words helped slow the blood flow. He whimpered slightly as you cleaned the dried up parts, preventing any sort of infection, and as you finally sealed his wounds and applied your best dittany, he began to relax.
You finished, but your fingertips were buzzing after gently leaving his freckled back. Despite the still visible scars, it was beautiful. He was beautiful. You had to stop yourself from touching him again.
You both let out a shaky breath.
All the materials eventually drifted back to their places. He stared at you as you made your way around the store, sorting the mess you made, then took the stairs to what he assumed was your apartment, and then returned to him.
You came back with a soft blanket to cover his chest, a bowl of soup and a glass of water he all gently accepted. His eyes, dropping from tiredness, regained some of their liveliness as he began eating.
"Thank you…"
Nodding, you sat beside him on the couch and waited until he finished.
"Feel better?" you asked.
"Yes… I do apologize, I know it's quite late. Someone frightened a Chimera and I had to put a stop to it. Poor creature ran off after accidentally scraping me," he said, worried look crossing his face before continuing "St. Mungo's seemed too far away and when I saw the sign outside, I-"
"It's fine, Newt, I don't mind," you said, understanding it was best he came to you in such a scenario. You were also beginning to see his care for creatures went beyond dragons. Such a peculiar man, you thought.
But after you spoke, his hands, going to place the empty plate aside, halted.
"You remember my name?"
You nodded, unable to deny how there was absolutely no way you could not remember. He didn’t have to know the details, however.
"Yes, and you remember mine,"
He eyes widened once he understood your slight implication, and his cheeks flushed red as he covered his wrist.
Your heart squeezed painfully at that. Did he know, but not want you to know? Was he better off without it? Was he not having nightmares? And just like that, all the dread from your nightmare came to the surface.
Your head started to spin, but you managed to turn your frown into a small smile before standing. You couldn't help but overthink, so you turned to him slightly, only slightly, without having to look him in the eyes.
"You must be tired, so please stay here tonight.. My apartment is upstairs, and there is a spare room already prepared for these kinds of situations. Your wounds might be closed, but your back is sore and it is adamant you get some rest,"
"O-oh, are you.. sure? I don't want to intrude further," he said, and the way it turned into a whisper tugged at your heart further.
"No, you're not intruding. It's quite alright, truly," you replied, helping him stand up.
After a few minutes, you were back in the comfort of your own bed.  But your eyes wouldn't close and your heart wouldn't rest. Newt was tucked comfortably inside the room right beside yours, and it was comforting, but the irrational thoughts wouldn't leave. So you stood, suddenly in need of a glass of water.
Yet on the way back, passing by his door, you heard strangled whimpers. You certainly didn't want to bother, but if his back was hurting, you weren't going to leave him suffer in his sleep. A simple anesthetic spell could work.
He was curled up when you got to his side, much like you in your nightmare. You checked his back as it was exposed to you, and shivered at the sparks that passed through your fingers once more. But it seemed he felt it too, for nearly as soon as you touched him, his eyes flew open.
He softly changed positions to lay on his back, hand going to catch your wrist, and your eyes turned to saucers.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I - I heard whimpering and decided to check up on you," you said, voice drowning out the longer you stared at each other.
His pupils were dilatation, and his freckles seemed to dance around his cheeks and lips and -
"No, I- Thank you…" yet his hold didn't loosen and his stare didn’t waver, despite his reddening cheeks. Yours imitated his after noting your stare.
"Y/N, did you know… I think, actually, it might be that we're…" but he didn't finish.
You hummed, shifting your wrist to softly hold his hand instead, "were you having a nightmare?"
"Yes.. After our meeting three weeks ago, I haven't been able to sleep properly," he whispered, lips and fingers twitching. "And it might sound silly, but, just mere moments ago… when you touched my back, the darkness… sort of left,"
You nodded in understanding. While his actions might have caused you uncertainty, his touch did burn the shadows away, the ones that seeped out from the recesses of your mind. Even if you wished your nightmares upon no one, at least you were half sure his had the same cause as yours.
You squeezed his hand in yours, reassuring him.
"It left me, too," you said. Silence followed, but it was the comfortable kind. Both understanding, both aware each other knew about the arrow on their wrists.  You stayed there, looking at his eyes, his lashes, his nose, his lips...
And somehow, without noticing, your faces got so close you could feel his shortening breaths - he was nervous, you were too. But then it wasn't air you felt, but his lips, soft and shy against your own.
Your body instinctively reacted, lips molding to his, eyes falling shut and hand now resting atop his warm cheek. And it was slow, steady, as if you had all the time in the world, despite how the electricity being shared between touches contrasted with the pace. It built up and intensified, both heartbeats quickening because finally, finally.
And he tasted sweet, refreshing, and your cheeks burned just thinking about how addicting it, he, could become. When he stopped for air, your face trailed after his and you burned up further once you noticed. Embarrassed, and had to look away.
You were about to take your hand back when he held it in place, touch feathery and with no real strength.
"I-I'm sorry, I - I shouldn't have done such a thing so early, we met just a few days ago… but I,-" he gently rambled, voice hesitant and worried eyes darting between you and everything else, really. He was nervous, worry growing and attaching, despite how he regret nothing.
Shaking your head, you took his hand and intertwined your fingers with his before any more bad thoughts plagued his mind.
"No! It's fine, it really is… I-I'm just a bit embarrassed," you confessed, "the feeling was- and I- um… it was very enjoyable, actually, but I lack proper words to describe it further," you ended meekly. But he eventually glanced back to you, more at ease, before scooting backwards.
You stared at him a bit curiously, but couldn't bring yourself to ask anything as you saw how red he started to become.
So you lay there, next to him, staring at his eyes, understanding he only wanted to get rid of the nightmares. You wanted them gone, too.
In between all of the tender glances and the soft pad of his thumb stroking your cheek, you both fell asleep. That night, for the first time in years, you both slept peacefully.
The next few days consisted on continuous checkups on Newt. His back healed wondrously because of the consistency, but he was much more reserved than the night you spent together. But time brought further comfort, further courage; the more time he stayed by you, the amount of innocent, feathery touches and kisses incremented. A revitalized sense of strength had also came back to you.
After making sure he was entirely alright, health meant going back to work, for both of you. Which meant that at first he could not always be present, his limits being around four visits per week. But you would attend to your usual, and some other new, costumers, and it kept you busy. Of course, after every few days you were already missing each other, so arbitrary apparitions happened more than one would think.
On one particular visit he had gotten the courage to show you his suitcase and the wonderful creatures inside it. He remembers your awestruck face as you went to see them and hear him talk about each and every one. They got quickly used to you, the Niffler being one always stuck to your hip. Newt had laughed at that before offering you advice to keep your shiny things away. You couldn't stop yourself from giving him a coin whenever you visited, however.
It turned natural for both to spend time inside the case and then cuddling on your apartment. Sometimes he even helped you around the store, learning from you as much as you learned from him.
Mrs. Hobbs was giddy, as well, having noticed your change of expression and overall aura. She even gave you her blessing, congratulating you both after a fun dinner together.
It was no surprise how eventually you and Newt ended up living together, perfectly serving atop the shop yet taking various trips around the continent and then the world.  
And you were thankful, because since that peculiar night the shadows did fade away. But most importantly because you found him, your soulmate.
Somewhere along the way, you learned that sometimes you don’t need to be a good gambler. You just need a little patience, and maybe an escaped dragon and a chimera to help you out.
A/N: now, forgive me for the weird kissing part? i’m not.. the best at writing those..
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thatonechicklet · 8 years
When Coincidence Becomes Fate: Part III
One of them is a good-spirited, clumsy girl, fallen from old money into a lowly waitress. The other one is a mischievous, out-going man, lifted from the slums into one of the most powerful men in Fiore. When a chance encounter brings them together, they have to decide whether Fate has a sense of humor or a bone to pick with them.
A/N: On to Chapter 3, and I was beyond horribly late! I’m so sorry and I apologize profusely to those who actually read my little drabbles! I’m still open to suggestions, constructive criticism, and comments ^-^ Any hate will be unappreciated and blocked so please continue to keep in mind that this is my first time! For those just seeing this, I am posting the link to the first and second chappies so you won’t miss out on anything! Also, I should’ve noted this at the beginning but I am rating this story T for teens and above -for some mild language, crude humor, and some inappropriateness- simply because I refuse to write smut in my first story /.\
Link: Chap. 1 Chap. 2
P.S. Please note, I have no beta to check this for me so if I make any spelling or grammar mistakes, please forgive me! P.P.S. I own nothing except for the story itself and a couple of OC’s. All characters belong to Hiro Mashima, Lord of the Fairy Tail.
When she woke up, she was in her room above the cafe, tucked in carefully and with a cold, wet towel across her forehead. Levy must have come up to take care of her. But, she tried to remember. How did she get me up here? There was no getting around the nagging suspicion that someone who wasn’t Gajeel, or her short, elderly employer, had carried her up to her bed. She felt warm and, remembering Gajeel’s cousin -and the familiar looking pink hair- a soft blush crept into her cheeks. What am I thinking? It couldn’t possibly have been him… Right?
All had gone completely black again. When she finally opened her eyes once again, it was late early evening and she had absolutely no memory about what had happened.
... Where am I..?
She sat up slowly, feeling a strong pressure building up in the back of her head and around her temples.
OW! What the...?
She clenched her eyes shut and grit her teeth together against the pain that was throbbing consistently. There was no remembering why she was in such pain, or in bed, during work hours, no less! Her boss was so going to read her the riot act.
Where’s Levy? She should’ve woken me up a long time ago!
With treacherous thoughts about her best friend in mind, she struggled to get up, only to find that her legs wouldn’t cooperate. A second attempt brought her no closer to getting up, so she did the smartest thing and rubbed her limbs back to life.
If mental suggesting won’t do the trick, a little manual labor won’t kill me.
After getting a moving response from her legs, she rose wearily and walked unsteadily to the restroom, eager to start the day. It wasn’t until she looked into the mirror that she realized she was already dressed in her uniform. She splashed some water over her pallid countenance in an attempt to bring some life back into her cheeks while she pondered the weirdness of it all.
Of all the strangest... If I’m already dressed, then what happened to the whole day?!
Jaded by the feeling of exhaustion, both emotionally and mentally, she hoped Mr. Yajima wouldn’t be too harsh with her, considering she worked her hardest and always tried to be helpful to the old man, stinted as he was by other employees’ help, excepting Levy, of course. If only she could remember what on earth had...
A flash of pink darted into her mind’s eye and she froze.
Pink... like my family crest? Where did I see it...?
“I wonder if Lu-chan’s alright, I’ve never seen her like that before. It was as if she’d seen a ghost!” Levy couldn’t keep a tear from straying.
Mr. Yajima, couldn’t help but pat Levy affectionately on the head as he responded, “Don’t worry about her, young lady; that girl has as stout a personality as any I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been around for quite some time now!”
Levy could’t help smiling as she sniffled out and said, “I hope you’re right, sir, but I can’t help worrying. I feel like something Gajeel said may have triggered her emotionally, or something.”
“All we can do is hope that when she wakes up, she feels better and can relax from her earlier fright. Whatever it was, she will overcome it as she has everything else. She’s stronger than she thinks.” Mr. Yajima thought fondly about his young, blonde waitress as he reminisced about the day both girls had begun working in his little restaurant.
“Gajeel... how long have you been going to that cafe for?”
“A couple years now, Salamander. Why?”
“I don’t know, I was just wondering if that girl has ever done that before. You know, flat out faint at the sight of you -seeing as you don’t have THAT ugly a mug on ya.” He couldn’t help but let some of his sarcasm slip through his concerned façade.
“Why you..!” Gajeel actually growled in his attempt to prove himself a threat, “For your information -asshole!- Bunny Girl has never done that before when I’m around, so the most likely conclusion would be, she fainted after seeing your disgustingly PINK hair!” He smirked in victory for his well-delivered taunt.
Which was short-lived once he realized his cousin was, again, lost in thought.
Only one way to get his attention..
“Hey, Nats, what’s on your mind?”
He pretended to flinch as his cousin turned around, a dark look in his eyes.
“Don’t. Call. Me. That!”
Gajeel smirked, having gotten his way, and answered sarcastically, “I’m sorry, but you wouldn’t respond to Mighty Salamander so I thought you’d love the cutesy name better!”
He got a punch in the gut in response, which of course, led to a mini-brawl, but it didn’t matter. Gajeel only hoped that letting out some steam would help his cousin relax some more after going through a traumatizing moment earlier that afternoon.
Hope Bunny Girl’s up and kicking again...
Two inches away, his cousin still felt the intensity of having carried the woman of his dreams up a flight of stairs after she had collapsed into unconsciousness. His first move, of course, was to panic until a little blue-haired coworker of hers yelled at him to check her pulse and, once she’d been reported alive, pick her up and carry her to her room upstairs.
She had been warm to the touch, though her face seemed to say otherwise. Her hair was still golden and she was as beautiful as he had ever seen and remembered her. Her fair skin said little about her status as a waitress now; she still resembled nobility, no matter what she wore. And all he could do as he settled her into her blankets was kneel before her, hold onto her hand, the one with her family’s crest still emblazoned on it, and lift it to his lips softly as he whispered to her, “I thought I’d lost you. I won’t allow you to leave again. We may have switched positions in life but I refuse to let you be alone anymore.”
He was brought back to the present by a rather heavy swat on the back from his cousin.
OW! Either I’ve been slacking off on my workouts, or Metalhead has been adding more time to his weight training!
“Oy, Salamander, seriously, what’s so important ya can’t hear me??” Gajeel asked, a little miffed his favorite cousin wasn’t listening to him.
“Sorry, just worried about the girl from earlier. I hope you didn’t kill her from how scary-looking you are.” He made a face and stuck his tongue out with glee.
Gajeel sighed and couldn’t help grinning. His cousin would never grow up, despite having had several years in the business and multitudinous times to settle down and have a normal life; however, he wouldn’t have it. The Salamander was never interested in anyone, never went on a second date with the same girl, but it wasn’t because he was a player. He was simply being polite when asked out. He never found the woman he wanted to go out with again. So to hear him concerned about a female he’d only just met that day intrigued Gajeel enough to poke fun at his cousin’s expense.
“She was really cute, huh? Though her friend Levy seems more fun than that Bunny Girl.”
He chuckled seeing his cousin go red and hide his face behind his bangs. The only other time he’d reacted that way was when he was so much younger, about ten years old, and he was in love with another little girl, someone he called a weirdo and who he would tease into a fury. Whenever Gajeel asked about her, he would react as he had now, face down, cheeks bright enough that matched his near crimson hair, and he’d go silent. Curious as to why, but not curious enough, Gajeel let it go and simply walked on and changed the subject.
It’d be interesting to see if he finally met someone worth a second date...
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ber39james · 7 years
5 Helpful Tips on How to Write Emails from Your Phone
Today, 80 percent of Internet users own a smartphone. It’s been predicted that, by this year, eight in ten email users will access their email accounts exclusively from their mobile devices. We’re reading and writing more emails on mobile than ever, so getting it right has never been more important. Getting communication right (in email or otherwise) is the driving force behind Grammarly’s recent launch of a mobile keyboard for iOS and Android. But, although Grammarly will help you write mistake-free messages, it’s combining that polish with style and substance that will inevitably make your written communication effective.
Five Tips for Writing Emails From Your Phone
We’ve all seen the ubiquitous “Sent from my iPhone” email signatures, or sigs along the lines of, “Please excuse the brevity. This was sent from my phone.” These signatures, in part, are meant to excuse the sender from typos, autocorrect slips, and all those other times our thumbs betray us when we communicate via mobile devices.
But just because you wield your thumbs instead of ten phalanges carefully placed on the home row doesn’t mean everything you send from your phone has to look as though it was transcribed by a typing chimpanzee. There’s hope! This article will guide you towards writing clear, concise emails from your mobile device with panache.
1 Put important information first.
Nearly half of mobile readers spend three seconds or less reading an individual email. That is, of course, if you can get them to open your email at all. But let’s assume you send emails that people want to read. Your challenge is to keep those emails brief or risk losing your reader to a very short digital attention span.
That means it’s essential to optimize. Before you put your thumbs to work tapping out your email opus, take a few minutes to figure out the key point you want to get across in your message. Ask yourself If I could have my recipient take just one thing away from this email, what would it be? Use the answer to that question to front-load your email so that the most critical information comes first. If you don’t, your recipient might miss the point of your email entirely, or breeze past it in her haste to move on to her next email to-do.
Hi Jane,
Yesterday, I was talking to Jim and he suggested you would have some good ideas about the upcoming Windy City Widgets marketing campaign. As you know, Windy City is an important client and this marketing campaign is pivotal to our success here at XYZ Advertising Associates. I’m going to be downtown tomorrow afternoon, so I thought we might have lunch at JB’s Sammiches to unpack what the client has told us about their ad needs and deadlines. JB’s is close to your office, so I thought it would be convenient. Does 12:30 p.m. work for you? All the best, Richard
Oy! That email comes in at around a hundred words, and most of them aren’t necessary. Let’s consider all the things this message conveys that it doesn’t have to.
For starters, it’s not necessary to state that Jim suggested talking to Jane. Especially not up front. If Jim’s referral would be helpful in sealing the lunch appointment, go ahead and use it, but consider saving it for later in the email.
It’s also not necessary to reiterate that a client is important. Any time you start a sentence with As you know, you’re probably telling the reader something they actually do already know. Driving home the point with an as you know statement can translate as passive-aggressive. It’s as if you’re saying, “You should know this, but I’ll reiterate just in case you’re not good at your job.” Make sure you don’t come across as talking down to your colleagues.
While it’s nice to consider a lunch location that’s convenient for your colleague, it’s not necessary to point out how nice you’re being. That extraneous information adds words, not impact.
Let’s front-load this email with important information and leave out any unnecessary details.
Hi Jane,
Are you available to meet me for lunch tomorrow at JB’s Sammiches at 12:30 p.m.? I’d like to unpack some of the info Windy City Widgets gave us about their needs and deadlines for the upcoming campaign. Let me know if that would be convenient for you. All the best, Richard
Much better! The message body comes in at a sleek forty-nine words and the all-important ask is straight up front rather than buried in a bunch of unimportant details. We can almost taste those sammiches now!
2 Clean up your wordy writing.
Can you imagine how long it would’ve taken Tolstoy to compose War and Peace on a smartphone? If you want to really feel like a slacker, consider that one novelist wrote a significant portion of his novel on his smartphone while commuting on the subway. (And he did it nearly a decade ago.) When you’re using two thumbs and staring at a small screen to craft your messages (let alone a novel), it pays to know how to keep your writing lean and mean.
First, avoid common filler words and phrases. We already talked about As you know. Now, strike useless phrases like As a matter of fact, For the most part, each and every, and at this point in time from your lexicon. Your readers will appreciate your clear, concise language and you’ll convey your points much better without all the clutter.
While you’re at it, dump most adverbs. These words, which often end in -ly, are unnecessary unless removing them drastically changes the meaning of your sentence. So, don’t bother thumb-typing words like basically, very, usually, extremely, probably, and absolutely.
3 Practice perfect email etiquette.
Your signature may say that your email was sent from your phone, but that doesn’t mean you should bypass the rules of polite email discourse.
When you send email to multiple recipients at the same time, respect everyone’s privacy by masking their email addresses with BCC. Similarly, don’t use Reply All and accidentally share an email with all members of an email chain when your reply was meant only to go to one person. And don’t automatically assume that email is private and confidential. Avoid saying things in an email that you wouldn’t say publicly. Otherwise, that email could come back to haunt you.
Here’s a tip: Don’t email when you’re angry. If you must tap out a strongly worded letter, hold off on hitting the Send button until you’ve had a chance to let it simmer. If you can wait, leave that letter on the back burner and come back to it twenty-four hours later. Were you more hostile than you meant to be in the heat of the moment? Could you have been more diplomatic and gotten your point across just as well? Edit!
4 Dictate it.
Some years back, my friend and I tried having a Messenger conversation by using our phones’ voice-to-text feature, and then sending whatever our smartphone interpreted. The result was hilariously bad. But voice-to-text has come a long way since then.
Most mobile keyboards have voice-to-text functionality. On the Grammarly keyboard, simply long-press the comma key to activate your phone’s voice capabilities and dictate your message. Once dictated, you can quickly edit or correct any misheard words.
Here’s a tip: Speak your punctuation so you don’t have to add it after the fact. Dave, did you remember to file your report? would be spoken as, “Dave comma did you remember to file your report question mark.”
5 Proofread.
You want to make a good impression. Proofreading is one way to ensure you will. We often write hasty notes when we use mobile technology, figuring that others will forgive us because, well, writing on a mobile device has its challenges. But proofreading before you hit send isn’t that complicated. And, if you’re using the Grammarly mobile keyboard, you can simply press the Grammarly button once you’ve finished writing to check your text and make sure your grammar, spelling, and punctuation is pristine. No more excuses just because you sent it from your iPhone!
The post 5 Helpful Tips on How to Write Emails from Your Phone appeared first on Grammarly Blog.
from Grammarly Blog https://www.grammarly.com/blog/how-to-write-emails-from-mobile/
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