#forgive me it was 12 am when i saw the ask and i guess i was rlly tired and eepy already
johnsgunbelt · 9 months
This! This as well!! Please!
I know I'm just spamming your asks now.
Forgive me. 😭😭
"Just a one-night stand? Really?" - Ghost/Price
I’m SOOO happy people are spamming my inbox please don’t apologize and I am actually sorry the other owner of this acc with me is swamped with other irl stuff so I’m trying to get to as many as I can <3 I think you wanted Ghost for this but this also suits Price I think!!
Pairing: Ghost x GN! Reader/ Price x Gn! Reader MDNI
Warnings: Mentions of one night stand, other than that fluff.
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You woke up with the most horrific pounding headache and the light from the window did not help. And then you took a good look around... This is NOT your room, it was some random guy's room and you scanned it carefully trying to recall what happened the night before but all you remember is getting really wasted.
You checked your phone and saw a text message from your friend asking if you were okay but you didn’t have the energy to respond and apparently not the muscle to either seeing as you were tangled up in this guy's arms. 
You slowly started to try and get up as you slipped out of his arms and walked to put your shoes and jacket on. He started to stir awake and turned to face you.
“We didn’t do anything...Right?” You asked him as You got a good look at his face and Your jaw dropped. He was surely handsome but also seemed like he was older than you.
“Mm well, you did ride me for a while...Otherwise, no nothing else, come back to bed.” He grumbled at you as he opened his arms for you to lay in. “Sir, I don’t even know you-” “You knew me well enough to ride me just come lay down, please. I’ll explain everything later.” He then sat up a little and ended up pulling off your coat as you slipped your shoes off. 
“Oh- okay well I guess it couldn’t hurt I have nowhere to be.” You said softly to him as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “Mhm..I don’t want this to just be a one-night thing so we can talk when I fully wake up.” you were shocked to hear that from a man you had just met but you decided not to argue about it and just went back to sleep with him.
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You woke up with a slight pain in your legs and a little headache, the room seemingly dark. You checked your phone to see it was 9:12 AM but the room you were in had black curtains so no sun was peeking into the room...Wait…This isn’t your room?
You silently panicked as you turned around to see a broad man's chest in your face and you jumped back a little. “Shit.” You thought to yourself as you tried slipping out of his arms he just clanged tighter as you looked up at him.
“If you’re gonna ask, yes we did have sex. Now stop moving, I'm just trying to cuddle you.” “Sir-?” “We can talk later can’t you just enjoy the moment, cause you seemed to enjoy a whole lot last night..” He interrupted and it shut you up quickly as you looked up to see who the mysterious man telling you this was.
WOW. He looked to have blonde hair and scars on his face with a little face stubble. He was handsome and oddly had a comforting look on his face for a man You had randomly hooked up with. You tried to move up more but your legs were so sore you winced in a bit of pain.
“Ow..” “Hm? Oh. Here let me massage your legs.” He slowly raised you up so he could reach your legs as his calloused hands massaged your soft and tender skin. You felt a lot better no doubt.
“We’re definitely not keeping this as a one-night stand, you’re far beyond too pretty for me to try and let go of.” “I- okay I don’t know what to say, what's even your name-?” “Shh, just let me take care of you, it’s Simon. We’ll talk later.”
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AHHH I LOVED WRITING THIS!! Def gonna try and write some more as I'm also in a different state right now but I'm not too busy so I could probably write a lot more, please send in any requests <3!!
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holdupjack · 1 year
Pairing: Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader
AU: Minister Hermione
Y/n’s P.O.V
I yawn as the elevator ascends me to my wife's office.
She had once again, forgotten her lunch.
I don't blame her, she does have a stressful job so I'm not surprised she forgot to bring her food. Who knows if she even eats during the day?
When I stepped out of the elevator I was immediately greeted by her assistant, who gave me a soft smile.
"Hello Mrs.Granger, can I help you?" She asks as I smile back.
"Is she free?" I ask as I hold up the bag, and the girl nods.
"She told me that you are the only one who's free to come into her office when she is busy" She laughs and I chuckle back.
"I promise I won't be long, by the way, it's 12:30" I remind her and the girl looks at the clock.
"Lunch breaks are the best time of the day" she giggles as she grabs her purse.
"Have a good lunch" I wave as I watch her walk to the elevator.
"You too!" She says as the elevator doors close.
I smile as I open the door to my lovely wife's office.
"Mione?" I ask as I just see stacks of papers blocking the girl and her head pops up.
"My love? What are you doing here?" She asks with a smile.
I hold up the bag and her smile drops with a groan.
"I'm so sorry, I knew I forgot something" Hermione sighs as I walk over and hand it to her.
"It's alright, I just came home from an awful morning of removing a hex from a broom when I saw it in the fridge" I sigh and she furrows her brows.
"What hex?" She asks as she takes my hand into hers, kissing it gently.
"Hurling Hex" I sigh again and she covers her mouth.
"So I'm guessing the story has already made its way to you?" I laugh and she grabs my face, forcing me to lean down to her level so she can look it over.
"I didn't know it was you! I would have come down to the hospital wing to sit with you!" She huffs as she examines my face for any cuts.
"Hermione, I'm fine" I laugh out and she pinches my cheek harshly.
"Ow! Hermione!" I hiss as I try to pull away, only for her to hold my neck. I fall to my knees and she lets go, I immediately rub my now throbbing cheek.
"I didn't know the broom was going to slam me into the wall!" I argue and she crosses her arms, giving me her famous Hermione glare.
She's only given it to me one other time before, and that was when the war was over. I broke my arm and didn't tell anyone till Madam Promfrey noticed, she immediately ratted me out to Hermione who gave me a lecture for half an hour
"Please forgive me" I whisper as I rest my chin on her thigh.
Suddenly her eyes darken, something I only see when it's the two of us at home.
Something is running through her mind...
Something sinful.
"Do you promise to be more careful?" She asks- demands and I nod, keeping eye contact.
"Then for making me even more stressed now, you need to apologize," she says as she runs her hand through my hair, her nails gently scratching my scalp.
"I'm-" she cuts me off by harshly grabbing my hair.
"Not that way my love, get under the desk" she whispers as she loosens her grip.
I do as she says and silently thank god that she doesn't get visitors often.
I rest her legs on my shoulders and have her scoot down towards me.
I slowly move her skirt up and her underwear to the side.
She was already starting to drip as I moved closer to her.
I hear Hermione take a ragged breath as I slowly lick from the bottom of her folds to the top.
I looked up to see her head back and eyes closed, it looked like she was sleeping.
I slowly start to suck on her clit. She wraps her legs around my head and I am pushed deeper into her.
The sounds of me hungrily sucking and licking her like a popsicle, are taking over the room.
"Just like that, good girl" Hermione moaned, and I could feel my skin start to heat up like it was on fire.
As I continue to suck her clit relentlessly, I decide it's time to fully de-stress the beautiful minister.
I slowly pump two fingers into her slick folds and she stifles a moan by biting her lips.
Her entrance was pulsating as it clenched around my fingers. I pull my finger out to the tips then slam them back in, she arches back with a sharp hiss.
I curled my finger every two pumps, just to watch the most powerful witch trembling above me.
Suddenly her body posture changes and she harshly grabs my hair again, stopping all my movements.
"Mrs.Granger? May I come in?" The tiny voice of her assistant said through the door and Hermione glared down at me, basically warning me if I tried anything she would punish me horribly.
"Of course" she calls and I slowly push my deeper into her. She clenches her legs around my head.
"Here's the papers you asked for" I hear her assistant say and Hermione takes it gratefully with her free hand.
Her grip tightens again as I curl my fingers, hitting the spot that makes her see stars.
"Minister? Are you alright? You look like you have a fever" says the girl and I hold in a chuckle.
"I'm alright, your mother is in town today correct?" Hermione asks and I raise a brow, continuing to pleasure the poor woman with slow and gentle thrusts of my fingers. I spread her open to see how turned on she is to be pleasured in front of someone, and she shudders slightly.
"Yes Ma'am, she's only here today before she leaves to go see my father in France" the girl sighs and Hermione nods.
"H-How about you take the rest of the day off?" Hermione asks and the girl gasps.
"Minister that would be wonderful! Thank you so much!" The girl laughs and Hermione gives a smile. I hear her door close and Hermione's smile drops as she looks down at me, her eyes so dark that I almost think they are black.
"My kitten, what were you thinking?" She snarls as her hand yanks my head to the side, I whimper as she waits for my answer, and I pause my actions.
"I-I just wanted to make you feel good" I whisper and her eyes soften slightly...only slightly.
"Don't. Do. That. Again." She whispers back, venom laced in her voice.
"I'm sorry" I whimper again and she lets go of my hair, she scoots down more to me and smiles deviously.
"Finish what you started" she demands and I nod, I start my attack on her again and she throws her head back with a quiet moan.
I could feel her walls tightening around me and  I smiled.
She's close.
Hermione runs her fingers through my hair as she whispers about how good I make her feel.
Her breath increases and her legs start to shake violently.
I remove my fingers and as Hermione is about to ask me why I plunge my tongue into her, she gasps.
"Y/n!" she whispers as she whines out her moans.
Suddenly her body shakes with ecstasy as her cum gushes into my mouth, I happily accept it.
As I clean her up slowly, she tries to push my head away.
"Sensitive," she says and I shrug, continuing to clean up my mess.
After I finish, I get out from under her desk and Hermione pulls me into her lap.
"Thank you for the stress reliever" she mumbles as our lips meet.
"Anything for the Minister"
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mirzamsaiph · 6 months
Okay, calming down now. Hi, how are you doing? I hope you’ve been good. I AM SO SORRY I haven’t commented on your new chapter releases, I’ve been having a rough time, year 12 is hard man, and I still have like two more terms of school after this one, and then university. I promise you I have read every chapter you’ve dropped, even if I haven’t commented. I’ve been lamenting for days on whether or not to send you an ask bcs like, ur my fav and ya know, it’s only fair I do bcs I follow you anyway lol but I also have no idea what to say, ur making me shy, damn. I’ve just been lurking in your Tumblr feed, liking all ur posts like a gremlin bcs sending an ask is too scary, (forgive me, for I am a coward). How long has it been since I last commented, I don’t even know 🙁.
I’m writing this as a draft in Google Docs in the middle of my maths double, who writes a draft for an ask? Me, I write drafts for asks apparently, yikes man. The maths part doesn't matter, I do not care for it.
I still love every single one of your chapters, ESPECIALLY THE READING THE BOOK ONES!! LIKE HELLO?!?!? POSEIDON FOR BEST FATHER!?!?! Sobbing, screaming, crying after reading that, I love the sea fam. Percy is so bbg too, like hold him in my hands and give him lil forehead kisses kinda bbg, so precious. AND just the campers, they're so cute, I love when Camp Half-Blood actually comes across as a family, or like an actual camp, the singing around the camp-fire is so wholesome, and Will being Percy's hype-man, like c'mon man, they're just best buddies, I love that for them.
It is deeply important to me that you understand just how much I love your fics, and just like ur content in general. When I get bored I always check my emails for updates or I go on ur Tumblr and just scroll, like I love u pookie, fr.
I’m just gonna send this as is, I’m psyching myself out over this hahah. I’ll try and get around to commenting on chapters again, especially one’s I’ve missed, and if I have time I might just start sending them via Tumblr. I need like somewhere to list everything I wanna talk abt in the comments.
Anyway, bye bye, see u soon.
Fun fact, in however long I’ve had Tumblr, this is my first ask :3
PS: I just realised I never put my name lol, it’s Smoll_Satan. This is my Tumblr account 👍.
I’m doing great, school is kicking my butt :( trying not fail this semester as the moment. Year 12 (which I’m taking a wild guess and saying that is junior year, in American terms) is known as the hardest and most stressful year, so no judgement here girlie!
Don’t fear girl! I’m not scary at all, I’m like the literal least intimidating person on the planet. I’m just a girl I promise. I saw you go through and like my posts and I was giggling everytime I got a notification bc that was really nice 😭
Writing in your docs is so real because I have done the EXACT same thing so many times, mostly bc I fear tumblr is gonna bug out on me ;( Also I hate math too, it irks my soul.
THANK YOU. POSEIDON IS GETTING HIS REDEMPTION ARK. TRUST ME. I was screaming writing that, i was just so surprised that I wrote that because I lovedddd it.
Will and Percy are best bro’s but Percy is ready to threaten him when he and Nico get together. Trust Percy is a protective older brother… (the singing was so sweet :(()
GIRL I LOVE YOU OH M GEE YOU’RE SO SWEET. I love seeing your comments, whilst you look for my chapters I go looking in my comments for your comment.
Don’t psych yourself out when it comes to Tumblr asks! I love them, like I find it so amazing. If you do comment trust I’ll be replying to each one, they are the source of my amusement for each chapter. (literally have cackled reading your commentary)
BYE! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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harveybwabbit92 · 7 months
The Dark that sparkles in the light: Ultraman Belial x Afab! Reader
chap 2
Note: (forgive me forgive me for any grammar errors and any missing words I wrote this at almost 12 am and half drunk off of Black Fly. So I was very drowsy!~)
"Okay, R/n. You're a big girl you can do this" you say looking at your frazzled reflection which stared back with a skeptical. "who are you kidding?' look as you hid inside your bathroom. It's been a day since you found that weird doll. Belial, as he calls himself at first his presence intrigued you more than it scared you.
You tried ask him questions he'd answer though very reluctantly... You had feeling he liked it better when he thought you were scared of him. You weren't scared just caught off guard! However that soon changed when Belial decided to give your home a remodeling with his mind... Using telekinesis he started tossing things around and chasing you with objects; which how you ended up hiding out in the bathroom for the last (checks your watch) 6hrs... when you noticed it was quiet now, too quiet.
*"Had Belial given up?"* You thought and moved away from the sink and cautiously opened the bathroom door to peeked around for any signs of the 12 inch terror, you swallowed a lump in your throat and slowly opened the door fully and stepped outside to observed the damage around you home, it wasn't too bad actually. All Belial really had really done was move some furniture around and chased you around with a trash can which had spilled all it contents out in the process; leaving a trail of garbage in your hallway.
Speaking of...
When you couldn't see Belial anywhere in the hall you reluctantly made your way to the living room; you froze finding Belial standing near a storage closet staring at his reflection in the long mirror you had hanging on the door. He almost seemed to be in shock? "....Why do I look like this?" (Belial looks like a cross between his early style and his Reiblood form.) he said suddenly causing you to blink. "What?" you say incredulously was...was he not supposed to look like that? You wondered and cautiously stepped out of cover. "Isn't that what you always look like?" Belial's eyes dimmed somberly as he shook his head. "And where is this place?" he asked again you were confused by his questions.
"This is Earth."
"Which Earth?"
"What do you mean which Earth? Is there another Earth I'm not aware of?"
"So, this world hasn't figured out dimensional travel yet? Isn't that Unfortunate."
"Excuse me?" You huffed suddenly feeling insulted as Belial moved away from the mirror. "Who protects this world?" he asks ignoring your agitation. "....I dunno the army, the government?" You say with shrug trying not to lose your temper at the sudden role switch Belial's put into play. "No, I mean against monsters or galactic invaders, you humans always seem to have an organization that deals with them."
You paused thinking for a moment wondering how Belial knew about that? and why he'd want to know about old history?
"There was the SSSP, but they went defunct years ago..." Belial seemed at a loss when you said this. "Defunct, why?" he pressed and all you could do shrug. "There was nothing to fight, ever since they defeated Bemular nothings attacked Earth, so the government shut it down." Belial seemed put off by this. "What about the Ultramen?" You told him there were none since this Earth was clear of monsters not one has ever shown up again.
"My guess is because the peace treaties we have with aliens." You proved a point by turning the TV on the News and the reporters which consisted of a human male and female Alien Fanton they were talking about the recent typhoon that happened a few days ago at least the damage caused by it, but not one word about the strange red lightening phenomenon that brought Belial here.
Weird, maybe you were the only one who saw it? But that didn't seem likely, the news then switch to an outside shot of the street showing more aliens living among humans helping to clean up the debris from the streets and were going about their everyday lives.
Belial didn't know what to feel about this, he was used to seeing humans and aliens going at each others throats, the idea of cohabitation was foreign concept to him, and whats more... He looked down at his hand, what was this pathetic form he was forced into? The last thing he remembered was fighting Geed....Then waking up like this. Then there was you... What was your role in all this, were you the one who did this to him? Belial watched you clean up the trash in the hallway he saw you looking pathetic almost ready to cry trying to wipe something called nail polish off the walls.
*"It's unlikely..."* Belial sighed then tried to grow he focus his energy try picture himself giant, suddenly an energy discharge overtook his body and Belial was hit by a wave of pain. He howled and fell over causing you jump away from the wall and run over to him in a panic! "Hey, Are you okay?" You asked concerned reaching for him only for Belial swipe at your hand. "Don't touch me!" He barked causing you to back off he shuddered as he pulled himself up you were about snap at him and ask what his freaking problem was? until a gurgling noise broke the tension...Belial put his hand on his belly looking very distraught.
"What was that?"
" Uh,....I think it's your stomach."
"But I d-....Why does it make that sound?"
"Cos' You're hungry, when the last time you ate?"
Belial looked at you oddly muttering an "I don't know." You asked if he wanted something to eat again he answered "I don't know." You still hadn't gone grocery shopping since the incident, all you had at the ready was apples, so you cut up a few of those and set them down in from Belial who glared at the plate suspiciously.
You assumed he thought that you poisoned the apples or something so you took one of the slices and ate it just to prove it was safe. After that Belial reluctantly took one of the apple slices, which totally looked like a watermelon wedge in his hands due to his small size.
He took a bite out of it, his eyes brightened up as he quickly ate the entire slice in seconds, You then watched on in awe as Belial proceeded to finish off the entire plate as a red luminescent tongue licked the juice off his hands. "Wash your hands in a sink you animal." You huffed picking him up Belial hissed at you to unhand him as you carried him to the bathroom and made him wash his hands much to his annoyance before hopping off the bathroom counter and going back to the living room to do what you assumed to continue to watch TV .
{pov switch]
While Belial was busy, R/n went clean up all the trash the alien had thrown around during his tantrum, before long it was time for bed but not before R/n went to take a shower; while she was finishing up, the y/ht (your height) woman failed to notice her bathroom door had opened until she pulled the curtain back to see a wide eyed Belial staring up at her. "You're a woman?!" he blurted out stunned before R/n let out an ear piercing scream.
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tedelunazz · 2 years
hurt, al haitham
synopsis: cause i'm not gonna be the one to get hurt.
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warnings: I really feel that this song fits so much with al haitham, I don't like him at all, but here I am writing for him so I hope you enjoy it.
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Maybe you were too greedy and selfish, maybe you expected too much from the wrong person, maybe your feelings grew out of control for the wrong person.
Since the Academy and the Sages happened, Al haitham was getting busier and busier and you swear a part of you understood that but there was another part of you that selfishly wanted to see him, wanted him to be here, right now in front of your window, which was the place where they regularly met.
There were times when you waited for him every day, punctually at that window, at the same time you knew he might come but other times you just didn't, because you got tired of doing it.
As the weeks went by you got more and more tired of his empty and clumsy excuses, maybe you were being stubborn and childish but it really hurt, it hurt that he made promises that he was not going to be able to keep.
"Al haitham, please don't make me promises you won't be able to keep. I'm getting tired of this game of back and forth. " That's what you told him the last time you met him and he promised you that the next week he would be there, even if it was only for an hour, he would be there. "I'm really tired of empty words, come and I'll believe you. "
You walked away from him after saying that, in your head a thought began to grow, a thought that was perhaps going to be your lifeline or the destruction of what little was left of their unstable relationship.
" I'm not going to be the one who gets hurt, even if it hurts, I'm not going to be the one who gets hurt. " That's what you thought before you went into your house.
And indeed, he never came, you waited for him the seven days of the following week, today was Sunday, the last day of the week and the day was almost over.
"In the Akademiya they don't teach you to keep your promises. " You sighed as you looked at the empty streets of the city of Sumeru that were only lit by a few stalls and a few lanterns of light, looking away from the street for a few moments to look at the clock on your wall, it was exactly 12:00 pm. You laughed to yourself, it never came. " I'm so tired, so tired of chasing you. "
You were about to close the window, until a hand came in your way and it was none other than Al haitham, it seemed he came here running as he looked quite agitated.
"I can explain, please forgive me, y/n." You had lost count of how many times he had asked you for forgiveness, if you were paid a arrears for each time he did it, you would be rich. "Let me explain...
What the people at the Academiya would pay to see him like this, all nervous while he apologizes and tries to justify himself, something he would never do, as he is usually a block of ice brought from Siberia.
But with you it was different, he wasn't cold and distant, rather he became weak and awkward, you were his first real relationship and you understood that but that he was like that, it didn't justify how he had behaved the last weeks.
You were tired and fed up, tired of his excuses, tired of him apologizing, you didn't want empty words, you wanted actions and today was your breaking point. And that thought you had last week came back, it came back when you saw his agitated and nervous face.
I'm not going to be the one who gets hurt.
"It's late, Al haitham. This has been it, this can't go on anymore and it's better to stop now so it won't hurt anymore later. " Your heart skipped a beat when you saw how his face changed from a nervous expression to a more serious and somewhat sad one. " I'm so sorry, I thought this was going to work too, but I guess this is as far as we can go. I hope this will help you in the future and help you keep your promises. "
You removed your hand from her grip and closed the window in her face.
And yes, in the end it wasn't you who got hurt Was that what you wanted anyway, right?
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record note: ahhh sorry if I made your favorite scribe suffer, but lately I'm listening to this song a lot and I needed to write something with the theme of this song.
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fantomette22 · 1 year
Triangle dot com sleepover time!!! Tell me more about your two bread shaped cats!
Ok so actually I never reblog the sleepover asks but let's go I guess XD Also the pictures where kind of funny ok
No seriously thank you for the question! I'm glad to got asks so I will gladly answer! But before talking about my lil current bread cats (help that was in winter!) I will talk about all the pets I ever got (we got a couple of fish as a child but they don't count, and there's currently a big red fish white now lol at my parents home.)
Patate (his name basically means potatoes I know) he was a black and white cat my parent got before their wedding and my birth. He died when I was around 4 I think. He was a really kind and cool cat. He even tried to sleep in my bed when I wasn't there XD Before my parents wedding (2y before my birth) my mom had to go to the hospital... when she came back the cat wasn't happy XD but forgive her eventually. Likewise for my birth we stay one week at the maternity he was a bit confuse but warmed up fast from what they told me.
Noisette. When I was hm 9y? I think? We got her from a friend of my mother. She was a white and red cat and only kitten of the litter. As the kitten she was really sweet but as adult idk she become agressive and caracterial. My lil bro was really scared and she started to attack us. So we had to gave her to a shelter... I hope she's doing great.. BUT before she leave she left us with 2 adorable angels :)
Cookie & Tigrou : My dearest baby cats ❤️ They are the sons of Noisette and were born in our house. I remember when they were kitten they slept both with me. Cookie was almost all white with a red tail and a few red spot on the forehead, ears and neck. Sadly he died when he was 1-2 years old.. I couldn't even see him before he was buried. That was a long time ago.
As for his brother Tigrou :) (named Tigre originally and on his papers lol) it's him! he's 12 years now I think! yeah it's my lil baby boy I love him so much.
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Praline : A few years (3years??) ago, I discover a young and wild cat/kitten in our backward who was hiding. A little female. She end up sticking around and our cat tolerated her. Still she stay really afraid of humans and she can't live in a home for too long. You can't just take her in our arms and walk I got hurt the hard way XD Still there is occasion you can approach her and caress her.
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And! She got 2 litters and even birth the first one my room damnit XD So for the first litter, 4 adorable kittens.<3
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(2 male, one black and the tabby one & 2 females with black fur, the last one here being the one with long fur)
It was during quarantine I had all the time to take care of them. My recommandations: don't let unhinged kitten in your room h24 :) it's a bad idea. I miss them a lot but they all have super families now.
One of her daughter had long fur, i don’t have pictures on this phone but she is so pretty now.
A few months later we didn't managed to sterilize her in time and she got another litter. 6 kitten. I don't wanna talk about it but all you need to know is that we ended up with 3 kitten that grow up healthy and all have family now. (2 female : the marble and black one and a male, the tabby one). (The marble one was adopted by my uncle & cousins too)
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I am doing my studies overseas so I can't really saw them now and it pained me so much ;-; but I know my parents & brother are talking good care of them.
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lancermylove · 1 year
Teen MC 32: Change of Heart (Scenarios)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Demon Bros with gn!MC, platonic.
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Do you think you could do a part 2 of the bitter teen mc ask that takes place a few years after? Maybe the brothers meet mc again and mc changed a lot as a person and is actually a somewhat nice person?
A/N: Hope you like it!
Series: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31]
⭐ This HC is a sequel to Teen MC 23.
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When he saw MC back in Devildom, his first reaction was to run like the wind. What was Diavolo thinking? Was he even thinking? He knew how much torture MC put them through, so why did he bring them back?
"Hey, Mammon. How's it going? Missed me?"
Seriously? Did MC just ask if he missed a person who insulted him, called him a waste of space, and laughed at his pain?
"Wait, don't answer that question. Look, Mammon...I am sorry. Sorry for saying mean things to you...and treating you badly."
He couldn't believe his ears. Someone went through a major personality change for the better. "Oh...um, it's ok, I guess. But don't expect me to be all chummy with ya or anythin'. I'm only forgivin' ya 'cause I'm Mammon the Great."
"But Mammon, I still don't see what's great about you." MC laughed at the demon's shocked expression and quickly added, "I'm joking...kinda."
Once a devil, always a devil, but at least they were nicer than before. He wondered what event in MC's life made them change so drastically.
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Asmo noped out of there when he saw MC in the student council room. He wasn't in the mood to take on additional stress. But why was MC back? His brothers clearly told Diavolo they didn't want anything to do with MC and wanted them out of Devildom forever.
"Hey Asmo."
He pretended not to hear them and walked away but stopped when he heard, "Wait, please. I'm sorry."
"Sorry? And you?" The demon was prepared to tear MC verbally.
"Yes, I am sorry. I take back everything I said. You are not ugly and are beautiful. You were right - I was insecure head to toe and picked on others as a coping method."
He stared at them to observe their body language. They were telling the truth. "Aw, thank you for calling me beautiful!" Asmo smiled, his attitude took a 180-degree turn. "MC, I am relieved to see this new you. Um...I am also sorry for saying you will be a lifeless bag of bones, unwanted and hated by the world."
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Unbelievable. How could Diavolo go back on his word to never bring MC back to Devildom? Lucifer glared at the prince, causing Diavolo to tense up and raise his hands defensively.
"Lucifer, please don't be upset with Diavolo. I asked him to bring me here."
The Avatar of Pride was mildly surprised by MC's polite tone. Was this their way of toying with him? Maybe manipulation him into accepting their return to Devildom?
"I hurt everyone here and said a lot of mean things. I crossed a lot of limits, and I am very sorry," MC bowed.
Lucifer coldly chuckled, "What prompted this change of heart? MC, do you believe a sorry will suffice for your mistakes? I care not what you said to me, but you deeply hurt my brothers, and that is unacceptable."
MC seemed disappointed. Did they come all the way here just to apologize to him and his brothers? He massaged his temples and sighed, realizing it would be immature to brush aside MC's genuine attempts, "Very well. If all my brothers forgive you, I will do the same."
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When he woke up, Satan knew the day would not go well, but he didn't imagine it would be this bad. Did MC want to take his offer to free them from their miserable existence?
"Hi, Satan."
"Don't talk to me," he flat-out refused to talk to them, but this wasn't enough to push MC away.
They tried for days to get the fourth brother to listen to them, and MC finally got their chance when they broke into Satan's room. "Before you get or lose control of your temper, I want to say I am sorry. Very very sorry!"
He lowered his book and stared at them blankly but gave them a chance to continue. "I don't know what was wrong with me back then, but I changed...for the better. I am sorry for comparing you to Lucifer and constantly poking fun at you...even though you tried to be nice to me. Can we please start over again?"
"See. Was it so difficult to be nice to someone? Fine, I forgive you," Satan sighed, "but before you get happy, let me warn you. If you compare me to Lucifer again, I will not forgive you ever again."
"O-Okay," MC chuckled, "I thought you were going to say 'I will put you out of misery once and for all'."
"Do you want me to change my statement?" Satan asked with a hint of amusement.
"N-No! I am fine with your original threat."
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Levi started to shake, and his first instinct was to summon Lotan, but Lucifer's hand on his shoulder calmed him a little. They got rid of MC, so why were they back?
"Hey, Levi."
He looked the other way. How dare they "hey Levi" him after everything they said and did to him? Was MC here to check if he was still a low-life otaku? If so, he had an answer for them.
"Why are you talking to an otaku? You know, the same people you said belonged to the lowest life tier."
"I am sorry, Levi. I know a sorry isn't enough for what I did. If I could go back in the past and change everything, I would. Do you think you can give me another chan-"
"No. I don't want anything to do with you."
"That's okay. I will do whatever it takes to get you to forgive me," MC smiled.
"W-What? That's not what I meant!" Levi was at a loss. Did they come back to Devildom just to apologize and make it up to them? But why?
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Beel didn't mind MC returning to Devildom as they already said all the worst things they could have said to him. As long as his family didn't have to host them, he didn't care.
"Hi, Beel. What are you eating? It looks good."
"It is good."
"Beel, are you wondering why I am back? I know none of you want me here, and I understand. Don't worry, though. I have a good reason for coming here and will leave in a few days," MC forced a smile.
"Why are you then? Did Diavolo call you back?"
"No. I came back to see all of you. A lot of things happened in my life after I left Devildom, and all of you were right. No one liked me or wanted to be around me...people started to hate me...," MC sighed. "Never mind my past. I came here to apologize to everyone here. You were one of the nicest demons here, but I kept hurting you again and again. Can you forgive me?"
Beel chuckled and nodded, "Yeah. MC, you don't want to talk about your past because it hurts, right? So, don't bring up the past of other people...it's painful for them too. Okay?"
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Nope. He wasn't dealing with them and wanted nothing to do with them. Belphie noticed the changes in MC's behavior along with a change in their aura. Guess even bad humans can mature and bloom into better ones. So was MC here to say sorry to them?
"Hi, Belphie. Uh...can you not look at me like you want to kill me?" They nervously laughed, "I am not the same person you knew before. I mean, I am the same person but not the same...you know what I mean."
"Why are you here?"
"To say sorry and thank you to all of you. Sorry for the way I acted, and thank you for putting up with me for as long as you did. Oh, I said sorry to Beel too...and he..."
"Forgave you? That's Beel for you, but I am Belphie, not Beel. A sorry won't erase what you did," his tone was sharp, "but it's nice to see you act humanely."
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wrenrogue · 1 year
kuroken au where they've played Truth or Dare casually since they were kids. It went like this:
"truth or dare"
"just choose"
"I'm busy"
"come onnnnnn"
"please, for me?"
"fuck you"
"we don't use that language in the house, kenma, your mom might hear"
"Fine. dare"
"oho, you want to be a little bit daring toda-OW don't pinch me"
"I'll do it again if you don't give me the dare"
"Fine. I dare you to try this neat volleyball technique with me today"
"I change my mind."
"no take-backs"
"but it's a bland dare"
"YOU'RE bland"
"am not"
"are too"
"am not"
"are toO"
"LEt's just go outside and get this over with"
"I knew you couldn't resist a good dare!"
"It's not a good dare if I do this all the time with you, kuro"
"it is when it's sunday and you rarely go outside sundays"
"fuck You"
"AuntIE, kenma's using swears again!!"
mother figure from afar: "KOZUME KENMA"
"/I hatE you/"
"I'll meet you outside, bye!"
"truth or dare"
"uh truth"
"did you piss your bed yesterday?"
"well did you?"
"What makes you say that?"
"it smells kinda funny here"
"maybe you're the funny smelling one, ever think of that?"
"so did you?"
"fine, I did, but only because I peed in my dream"
"never pee in your dreams kenma, because then it will not be a dream anymore"
"you asked!!"
"and you're gross!!"
"I changed my sheets how did you know though??"
"just help me with my homework already"
"truth or dare?"
"did they hurt you?"
"the seniors! I saw them follow you this morning. Did they hurt you?"
"that doesn't matter, it's fine."
"so they did?"
"you don't lie in truth or dare, kenma. that's losing and you don't lose"
"they didn't hurt me... pushing isn't hurting"
"it is to me, they shouldn't have done that! We need to tell-"
"NO it's fine. We don't need to tell anyone"
"I took care of it"
"how??? they're not threatening you are they?? I'll deck them if they are!!"
"no, it's fine. I took care of it, promise"
"what did You do??"
"they... might have donated their lunch to the pigeons...kinda"
"kenma... you didn't"
"I did..."
"do they suspect anything?"
"I don't think so?"
"they're such good samaritans for feeding the starving school pigeons then, good for them"
"tell me when they bother you though, I want to help feed the pigeons next time, yeah?"
"yeah, okay"
"truth or dare"
"I dare you to give me his address so I can go burn down his house"
"keNma, that's arson and illegal"
"he cheated on you though, he hurt you"
"it's okay"
"No it's not!"
"it's fine, I'm over it"
"are you?"
"I chose dare and there's no take-backs"
"it's okay if it still hurts, you know. you didn't do anything wrong"
"but he said he did it because I didn't give him enough attention"
"it's not your fault"
"but I made him unhappy enough to do it"
"you don't control other people's actions, not even his"
"I guess"
"you know, one day you'll find someone that appreciates you and treats you right"
"I guess"
"can I go burn down his house now?"
"can I at least throw an egg at his window?"
"Why are you so adamant on committing a crime"
"sometimes violence is the only way to give a message"
"and what's the message?"
"that kuro may forgive, but kenma does not"
"since when are you so embarrassing??"
"PLEASE just give me his address"
"fine, but only if I come with you"
"fine, does your dad have eggs?"
"truth or dare"
"I dare you to move in with me"
"you say that like I wasn't going to in the first place"
"so you will?"
"I can't stand other people and my roommate smells bad, kuro"
"are you saying I smell good?"
"... can I move in next week?"
"so I DO smell good to you"
"... you use good detergent is all"
"you don't say"
"so can I move in next week?"
"you can move in today, just live with me"
"this was the easiest dare not gonna lie"
"it's not a good dare if it's something I already wanted to do, kuro"
"truth or dare"
"do you like the neighbor?"
"do you like the neighbor? you talk to her a lot"
"oh. I guess? she's nice to talk to"
"no, as in 'want to date' kinda way"
"ah. no I don't"
"she likes you that way though"
"huh, how do you know?"
"she looks like she does"
"would you date her?"
"... she's not my type, so no"
"she has nice hair, you like nice hair"
"I know hair that’s nicer honestly"
"and whose would that be, my mom’s doesn’t count"
"I’m braiding it right now"
"…you should really cut your split ends though, just saying"
"…I’ll do that soon then"
"truth or dare"
"Do you like me?"
"Yes? I don't hang out with people I don't like, you know this"
"Do you like me as more than just someone you hang out with though?"
"Kuro, we take naps together"
"I know! That's why I'm asking"
"what do you mean?"
"I think... I might be in love with you and I don't think I can hold it in anymore"
"truth or dare"
"You Can't Do That, you haven't answered mine yet. them's the rules"
"JUst choose!"
"FINE. Dare. You're such a pain sometimes."
"I dare you to kiss me"
"you can't just take my thunder like that, you're getting penalized for that"
"I know, you're just so cute when you're impati-" ---
"you know, I don't think it's normal to rip my shirt collar when dragging me down for a kiss, were you that desperate?"
"I'll just buy you a new one"
"you'll just steal it"
"take pictures when you do"
"so you never answered my question"
"what question?"
"do you like me?"
"I thought you already knew the answer"
"But I wanna hear you say it"
"Yes Kuro, I love you"
"You said ~Love~"
"so you WERE desperate!"
"fuck yoU"
"not today kenken. I know you want me bad, but patience is a virtue you know"
"truth or dare"
"kiss me again"
"it's not a good dare if it's something I already planned on doing, kenma"
"then get to it"
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suzubelle-chan · 2 years
Breaking Chains Chapter 1
(Just a quick note, you may be spoiled if you haven’t finished the manga up to say Volume 12 since I mention characters and events that happen later on. Just in case you haven’t gotten that far or want to watch the anime first)
Thank you so much Ipham2525 for beta reading this fic! Now onto the story!
In which an unusual doctor makes a house call to the Sacrificial Princess
The King of Beasts roared at the menagerie of doctors cowering before him. Two weeks ago, he demanded that all available doctors gather at his castle. They crammed in, eager to earn the king’s favor. However, the roars of his majesty only grew louder, stronger, and more frequent in frustration.
For not one of the doctors could cure the human princess.
“Incompetent fools!” The king glared at the men, Beasts of all kinds faltering at his feet.
“Forgive us, your majesty,” said a bull from the Black Bovine-folk, either braver or forced to the front of the group to speak for all of them.
“Each and every one of you swore that you were the finest in your lands, if not the whole realm. Yet, none of you have done a single thing to help our queen.”
“Well,” a Rooster-folk raised his head slightly. “There was no mention that your bride was human….”
“Sounds like excuses,” the king growled out.
Another beast, more ears than head, sputtered, “S…she’s just too different! None of us here can treat a human.”
A woman’s voice called out, “Maybe you’re just a bunch of cowards who didn’t try enough.”
Everyone in the hall turned to see a lone crow standing there amongst the kneeling doctors. She was short, with a hood almost covering her eyes. A cloak covered her body, but still, they could make her out to be plump. A few feathers in her right wing held a large bag with a handle.
“And who are you supposed to be?” Anubis asked.
“I am known as Leona Carrin.” The birdfolk bowed, her beak moving slightly with each word. “I heard that there was someone sick in the King of Beasts’ castle so I came here.”
“But you’re a woman,” the lord speaker protested, all four of his eyes glaring.
The bird person tipped her head. “Huh, what was your first clue?” She glanced down at her chest and then covered it with her wings. “Excuse me sir, I’m a married woman, thank you very much.”
Gasps from doctors and fellow chancellors boomed throughout the hall.  Some snickers escaped from the younger soldiers standing guard. A quick glare from Anubis silenced them.
“We don’t require a midwife. I don’t know how you got in here, but be off with you.” Another council member with large pointed ears dismissed her with the wave of a skinny hand.
Leona leaned in, pointing a feather. “Hey! Don’t go insulting midwifery, it’s a grand profession. One most people owe their lives to. I can act as a midwife and doctor, whatever my patients need more. And I got in through the front door, like the other doctors. Though if being a woman disqualifies me…” The woman flopped over, tugging at her head. A black piece of fabric came off, along with her beak. Men gasped as black hair spilled out of her costume.  When she arose, the men saw a human face with brown eyes, the hair flowing down past her waist, covering half her face. A white streak in her hair acted as a dividing line between hair and skin. She tugged at her wings until they came off along with a pair of black gloves. Her lips smirked as she crossed her arms revealing her rough hands. “Then I guess being human isn’t going to help my chances.”
No beast stirred.
The human blinked; head tilted. “What is it, my breath?” She raised up her right hand, exhaled, and then sniffed. She then shrugged and turned back to the men.
“What are you doing here?” The King of Beasts asked, scowling.
“I heard there was a sick person, probably human. Some rumors disagreed on species, but human kept coming up so here I am.” She then started making small circles with her hands. “Although, no one could tell me if this was the ‘hacking-up-a lung, fever, throwing up’ kind of sick or the ‘mood swings, mad ravings, trying to eat socks’ kind of sick. Which is it?”
There was a slight pause as all the men looked at each other, asking if they were all seeing and hearing the same thing.
“What’s a sock?” one lizard soldier leaned in, whispering.
A fox soldier leaned in towards his comrade. “I think it’s a thing humans put on their feet.”
“Uh…the first one?” the king stated uncertainly.
“Thank you. I like to knowing what to expect in a patient’s room.” Leona picked up her bag and took several steps. “She’s in this room, right? Unless you like group around and argue outside of totally innocent broom closets.”
Anubis launched and stationed himself right in front of the human. “Now stop right there, human. You have no right to be here.”
The human doctor sighed, looking the minister right in the eye. “I know you don’t like me. I’m human so it’s a given. You have no reason to like me. But you don’t have to like me to let me do my job. You’ve let all kinds of people treat this princess of your majesty, maybe you need one more kind. I’ve never turned down a patient, regardless of wealth, status, or how many fingers they’ve got. ‘If you can, help.’ That’s been my family’s motto and I intend to live by it.”
Leonhart watched this small woman almost glare at his minister. Her brown eyes shone, determination brightening them. Just like how Sariphi’s eyes shone whenever she declared her intentions, steadfast and strong. He sighed the smallest of sighs.
“That is the room you seek, human. Anubis, let her pass.”
The chancellor turned towards his lord. “Sire!”
The king held his paw out. “She speaks the truth. We’ve asked other doctors to cure our queen consort. So, we shall ask one more.”
“Thank you.” Leona gave a bow, hand extended behind her. She then took several steps towards the menagerie of doctors and then rummaged through her bag, pulling out a ring made out of blue stone, placing it on her left hand. She then pulled out a pen and some paper. She licked the pen and posed, ready to write. “Alright, patient name?”
“Why ask us that?”
“I want to be sure we are all working on the same person. You’d be surprised how often I find patients with some kind of amnesia or dealing with some shady people, trying to pass off one person as another. So patient name?”
As pen broke through paper, Leona flinched. “I’m sorry?”
“Sariphi. Her name is Sariphi.”
Leona tilted her head, shaking a bit. “That’s a name? Are you sure it isn’t short for Seraphina or Saphira or some other Saphy-ish name?”
“Okay…” She then wrote it down with beasts catching her mutter, “Parents and their crazy baby names.” She then spoke out loud. “Last name?”
The beasts blinked. The chancellor said, “What?”
“Her last name, family name…” The woman stared at the beasts in confusion. “It’s something all humans have. You heard mine, Carrin, I got it from my parents.” She then turned to the King of Beasts, “You never told her doctors your future wife’s last name.”
Silence filled the room.
“Oh Mothers, you don’t even know her last name?” Leona deadpanned.
“She never told us, it’s not important at the moment,” the king dismissing it with a turn of his head.
“I’d argue it is, since it means she might be some kind of feral kid who’s never had a guardian. Even orphans get last names from the places that raise them.” The doctor sighed. “Alright, moving on…age?”
Leona winced, again punching another hole through the paper.  She shot the king a glare and sighed to herself as she got some more paper. “Where did the Mothers go wrong with men?”
“What was that?” Anubis glared.
“Nothing, just a thought. Birthday?”
Once again, the doctors blinked and glanced at the king. The king didn’t face anyone, although his ears pressed against his head.
“Alright, where’s the royal doctor?” Leona called out, dropping her paper and pen.  “I think the king’s mind needs examination as soon as possible.”
“That’s enough!” Anubis almost roared himself.
Leona placed her hands on her hips. “Come on, not knowing the birthday of the person you intended to share your life with is kind of low.”
“WE. DON’T. KNOW!” The king roared.
Like the rest of the beasts, Leona closed her eyes at the blast of air, hand on the hair covering her face. Now she tightened her face into a painful smile. “Alright my turn. Pardon me your majesty, I’m just gonna need one moment.” She placed her things next to her bag. The beasts watched as the human stomped towards the nearest window, flung it open, took in a deep breath and yelled, “FUCK YOU!”, while holding both her hands in the air, middle fingers sticking out. She then sighed and shut the window. Leona faced her audience. “Sometimes you just got to curse at a god, society, the world, you know?”
The king huffed, a little bit of smoke coming out of his mouth. “Cease this behavior at once.”
“I’m just following simple doctor procedure. Is it my fault no one knows anything about this girl?” She sighed. “Let’s focus on the medical for now. Hopefully, I’ll get some real answers there.” She picked up her paper and pen. “Okay so what symptoms does the patient show?”
“Nausea, coughing, chills, fever, severe weakness due to the last one…” one doctor listed off.
Leona frowned, “That covers a lot of ground, disease-wise. What have you been giving her? Any kind of spell treatments?”
The priest stepped forward. “Forgive me, madam, but using magic on a human is dangerous. We have no way of knowing how a human body would react to such forces.”
“So, you haven’t tried anything at all…not even some kind cough-be-gone spell?”
The furry creature shook his head. “Again, too risky.”
Leona pinched her fingers an inch apart. “Not even a teeny-tiny spell?”
“Of course not.” He let out a huff.
“Alright.” She turned to the group of doctors. “So, no magic treatment. How about physical? What medication has she been given? Plants or animal?”
“You wouldn’t be able to understand. It would be so hard for your…particular mind to comprehend,” a tall emu doctor said.
Leona crossed her arms. “Try me, sir.”
“Well,” a lizard folk, a skin-like frilled collar around his neck, stepped up. “It’s just due to the miasma, different plants grow in the two realms. Thus, you might not be familiar with what grows here similar to how we don’t know what grows in the human realm. Nor do we know what effect beasts’ plants may have on a human.”
“You’ve got a point there. But you have been giving her medicine, right?”
“We have, of course.” A little figure waved a paw.
“Yet she hasn’t shown signs of improvement?” Leona rubbed her head. “Let me think…first thing, is this Sariphi taller or shorter than me?”
“You two seem around the same height, but I think you’re just a bit taller than her,” a sparrow-looking beast decided.
“Alright, do you think she weighs less than I do or more?”
Another awkwardness enveloped the room.
“Please answer the question. And please next time only bring in your professionalism, leave any shame out the door.” Leona sighed.
“She’s thinner than you,” a ferret declared.
“What’s the point of these questions?” The bull doctor asked.
“Because how much medication you need to give them depends on how big the patient is.” She stuck out her thumb, pointing to the king and his advisor. “You certainly wouldn’t give his royal furriness the same amount as mister tall, dark, and snapping dog over there. One of them got muscle for days and the other is practically just fur and bones. Even if they had the same illness, I certainly wouldn’t give them the same amount. Would you?”
There was a mixed reaction, some men actually nodded with hums of affirmation. Others seem to shuffle and find parts of the ceiling very interesting.
“Now that I’ve got a reference, how much medicine have you given her and how often?” Leona asked.
“What does that have to do with anything?” the rooster said.
“Hey, sometimes it’s not what you give them but how much and how often you do it. Even the weakest poisons can kill with enough doses.”
Everyone blinked again.
“What?” Leona blinked and smiled. “So, none of you ever get pulled into examining dead bodies when you’re on the road or vacation? Must be nice.” She sighed and then straightened up. “So can each of you tell me how much you’ve given her?”
Each doctor produced something in his paws or wings. Leona looked over everything.
Leona then clapped her hands and pointed into the crowd. “Alright, can you, then you and you, please come forward.”
The frilled lizard, the sparrow, and the ferret came forward.
“Now can you tell me, what made you come up with these measurements?”
“Uh well, you see, we are friends, you see,” the lizard spoke.
“Really?” Leona said with a smile and a tilt of the head.  
“Ah yes, well, our clans have gotten along now since we were small. So we’ve often taken turns, caring for the sick and injured,” the ferret said.
“We based our estimations off of treating some of the smaller members of our clans,” the sparrow piped up.
“I see…that’s why your dosages are similar to what I’d give her,” Leona pondered out loud.
“What?” every doctor exclaimed.
“Yeah, given what you’ve told me, I’d give her similar amounts; it might be a bit different if I knew her exact height and weight.” She turned to the rest of the group.  “The rest of you were giving her what? Beast-child’s portions? I’ve seen your kids, they barely come up to my knee. You really think that amount could help an almost grown human woman? Even if she’s small, she still needs more.”
“But we still didn’t cure the queen.” The sparrow sighed.
“Well, that part is up in the air.” Leona shrugged. “It could be whatever you gave her might not work on humans. Or perhaps she needs a slightly different dosage. It’s hard to say without more time to treat her.”
The king sneered, “So this is what our land produces as doctors.”
Many doctors flinched. The three bowed lower.
“Hey you can’t blame the doctors for all of this…” Leona glanced at the larger group. “Completely.” Her attention then focused on the king, “If you want to keep a different species in your house, you’ve got know what to expect. Reminds me of when kids will bring home animals as pets with no clue how to take care of them at all. Leads to all kinds of trouble. That might be the reason you don’t know much about her at all.”
The king growled.
“Hey, just something to think on.” Leona rummaged through her bag and pulled out several large tomes and placed them into the priest’s paws. The moment he held the books, the white beast slammed into the ground. “Here you go, some human medical books. Translated for your convenience, of course.  There’s plenty of stuff about various plants used, there’s got to be something similar growing around here.” She then picked up her bag. “I think it’s about time to meet my patient now.”
Leona took several steps towards the room.
“Wait.” The king held out a paw.
She paused, looking rather disapprovingly over her shoulder.
The King of Beasts sighed, “What you say has merit. We do need a human’s help to save our bride. But know this.” He glared at the woman, a stare that sent many beasts shivering. “Do any harm to her and you will pay dearly for it. You’ll wish you’d never taken one step into our land. Understand that much.”
Leona stood firm. “Trust me, sire. I may be just a human and maybe one with a death wish, my husband would agree with you on that. Begged me not to come here, but he also knows I can’t turn my back on someone who needs my help. I’ll do everything I can to cure this bride you…care about.”
“We shall hold you to your word, human. Do no fail her or us.”
“Thank you.” Leona gave a bow. Just as she opened the door, she twisted her head over the shoulder. “Despite all I’ve said, it’s..nice to mee you, your majesty.”
Once the door shut behind her, Anubis glared daggers at it, trying to mentally will that chaotic, insolent woman out. It was already bad enough the king was losing his mind over one human, two humans in the King of Beasts’ castle ensured chaos. The public already held an inkling about that little girl, things finally settling down after that uprising with Fenrir. If people thought the king would be siding with humans…
Starting with at least three different scenarios in his mind, Anubis calculated how he could minimize the people’s knowledge of this second human. In the middle of his thoughts, Anubis’s eyes caught the king leaning towards the door. The chancellor let himself groan out loud as he stretched out his paw, blocking the royal.
“Sire, we’ve been over this. We can’t risk you being exposed to this disease. While it may be a human disease, there’s no telling how harsh it would be on you should you catch it. It’s best to trust servants with caring for her, in this case.”
“We know…we know…”
Anubis flinched ever so slightly. Although he’d seen that look for the last two weeks, it never failed to surprise him to see so much…longing and…sorrow…in the face of the king he’d trusted for so long.
Meanwhile, Leonhart paid no mind to his companion. Indeed, he paid no mind to anyone else in hall. Instead, he just gazed at the door. With each doctor, he’d hoped that this time, finally this time, Sariphi would be alright. That he could hold her in his arms and thank God for giving her back. So he could just be by her side again. But he never thought God ever listened to his prayers; this situation was more proof. So he had to pin his hopes on another stranger, what little he had left after all this time.  
 Inside the infirmary, Amit wiped Sariphi’s bright red forehead with a sigh. After all this time, the princess felt as though she was pouring out a bucket on a city-wide fire.
For almost two weeks, Sariphi lied in bed, fever scorching her mind, yet her body often shivered from chills.  She barely ate or drank, nausea dictating the bucket at her bedside. She didn’t even have the strength to keep her eyes open. Amit spared one glance to Bennu by Sariphi’s head, little wings clutched like fists, before stepping away.
The princess sighed as she turned around, lifting the curtains around the bed to see her friends where they’ve been for the last two weeks: Cy and Clops on one bed, trembling with worry. Lanteveldt on another, crossing his legs back and forth, paw tapping on his knee.
The hyena rested his hand on his paw, looking at the black creatures. “I know I’ve said this before, but are you sure we can’t leave her in the human realm for a bit? Didn’t the king leave her there when she got sick before?”
Clops lamented, letting out a sigh as big as he was. “The last time his majesty left Sariphi in the care of humans, he just needed a few days to come up with a way for her to live without worrying about miasma poisoning. She’s only gotten worse as the weeks go by, it’s hard to say how long this illness lasts. Plus, the humans kicked her out because she was a sacrifice. Now any human town might just kick her out on the spot without giving any help since they fear his majesty so much. And we can’t stay by her side in the human realm without them trying to kill us too…”
“No way,” Cy lamented.
They heard some shouting in the hall, but at this point they were used to it. The king yelling at the doctors, the doctors protesting, the council adding their own comments. Weeks-long song they knew the lyrics by now, so they tuned it out. They did hear one odd note, something akin to a woman’s yell, but they supposed it was just a maid in the wrong place at the wrong time.
“And Sariphi doesn’t really have anyone we can ask,” Amit continued, sitting down on another nearby bed, all the companions no more than a few steps from Sariphi.  “Her family won’t come for her and the only person I can think of who would dare come is her childhood friend. Yet he’s been banished after kidnapping her. Plus, we don’t have a way of reaching out and contacting him anyway.”
A small click sent the beasts facing towards the opening door. Despite all the doctors who left their Sariphi behind, they held their breaths, scraping up just a little bit of hope for their friend.  
The group watched as a human woman wearing a black cloak opened the door, her face half covered by mostly black hair. She twisted her neck and said, “Despite all I’ve said, it’s…nice to meet you, your majesty.” When the woman shut the door behind her, she slumped against the wood, head tilted upwards. “All of the Family help me, that was hard.” She then looked and saw the group of beasts gaping at her. “Uh…hi. Are you here for the human too or did I make a wrong turn somewhere?”
“A human doctor…here.” Amit said in awe, hand in mouth. She leapt to her feet and then crashed into the human, hugging her tightly to her chest. “Oh thank God! Thank God!”
“Hey there, we humans are squishy things that need air,” Leona murmured, face squished tightly against Amit’s chest. She gently pushed the maiden away, looking up at her. Leona watched tears stream down the crocodile’s face. Leona asked, almost in awe, “Do you…care about the human? Really care and not just because the king told you to?”
“Of course, Lady Sariphi is a dear friend to all of us,” the reptile maiden said.
“Sariphi…” The human doctor let out a sad sigh. “That’s really her name…”
“Pardon?” Amit asked.
“Don’t worry about it, let’s just focus on her health for now,” she muttered a bit. “If not for her own, then for my sanity.”  She pulled up her sleeve, using it to wipe Amit’s face. “I’m going to do everything to help your friend. I promise.” She then tugged at her cloak with her hand. “Let me just get a bit more comfortable, alright?”
“Of course, ma’am.”
“Thanks,” the woman sighed. She tugged the cloak off her, revealing a dress made out of feathers, which soon joined its companion on the floor, a few feathers scattering. The woman, now in a white top with something brown around her waist and small white shorts and brown boots, plopped her bag on the bed. Several scars scattered over her arms and legs. One could just see a pink shape at the bottom of her right wrist. She pulled out a white long-sleeved shirt and black pants. After taking off her boots and socks, she put on the shirt, pants, and put back on the boots. She then pulled out a black ribbon, tying her hair back.
Everyone gasped.
On her face, four red scars slashed across her eyebrow, almost touching her lip.  
“What?” Then she touched the side of her face. “Ah right, my scars. I got these a long time ago, long before your Sariphi was born. I didn’t want anyone to think I had a grudge against beasts with these so I covered them up.”
Cy pointed with his tiny hand. “They hurt?”
“Nah, they stopped hurting a long, long time ago.” The doctor stepped towards the bed. “Now let’s see this princess…”
Bennu leapt up into the air and in a burst of light transformed into his large form, white flames flowing at the edges of his wings.  “NOW JUST WAIT A MOMENT HUMAN! I’VE HAD IT WITH DOCTORS COMING IN AND FAILING MY MISTRESS! IF YOU FAIL HER, YOU’LL WISH A BEAST WOULD CHOMP YOU DOWN!”
However, all Leona heard were several screeches right to her face. She quickly held her hands up. “Easy…easy…I’m here to help, Mr. Big Beast Bird.” She twisted her head. “Is this some kind of guardian the king set up or something?”
“That’s Lord Bennu, Sariphi’s holy beast. He’s been doing that with all the doctors lately…I apologize.” Amit admitted with a bowed head.
“Bennu….the Bennu?  The bird that heals troops of men with a single beat of his wings? I’ve heard legends about this guy.” Leona bowed to the holy beast, hands still up in the air. “It’s a great honor to meet you, my lord.” Then she stood up, a finger pointed at him. “Wait, if he’s the great healer I’ve heard about, why didn’t he just magic Sariphi better?”
Amit clasped her hands, her head still down. “It would seem Lord Bennu’s domain is injuries, not illnesses.”
“Yeah.” Lanteveldt shrugged, pointing to the large bird. “Can’t help with motion sickness, can’t help with whatever Sariphi’s got, but handy to have around if you get stabbed.”
The holy beast squawked loudly in the hyena’s face, “SHUT UP, CUR!”
Leona gently took the bird’s beak in her hands, a serene, yet serious look on her face.  “I bet it’s hard for you as well, seeing this girl ill. Feels like I’m making promises until my face turns blue, but I’ll say it again. I’ll do all I can do to help your lady.” She slowly scratched his head. “So may I please see her?”
The holy beast glowered at her and with a huff, he returned to his small form, wings crossed.
“I’m keeping an eye on you, lady. No funny business!” he chirped out.
“Of course, whatever you say, my lord,” she added, scratching his head with a single finger. He let out a small blush as he crossed his wings.
Leona reached for the curtain, yet paused as she took in a deep breath, a serious look now on her face. “Now time to meet this rumored princess of the King of Beasts.” She pulled back the curtain and looked down at Sariphi with her red face. The doctor leaned towards the maiden’s face, gently caressing her forehead and then her cheek.
At the contact, Sariphi’s eyes fluttered. “Who?” she croaked; voice rusty from weeks of no use. She tried to open her eyes wider, but the lids refused to move. Instead, she tried lifting her head. “Leo?”
If there was a moment of shock, a slight pause in Leona’s stroking, she resumed before anyone could notice. “Hey there, kiddo. I’m a doctor, the last one you’ll need if we’re lucky.” She placed her bag, opened it up, and then pulled out a metal cone attached to a white wire with a small metal tip at the end. She pressed the cone to Sariphi’s chest, putting the tip in her ear. “Okay, Sariphi. I’m gonna need you to take in a deep breath, the deepest you can, okay?”
The maiden nodded and inhaled audibly, but her chest didn’t move much.
“Uh-huh…” the woman muttered, slightly adjusting the cone. She rose, putting away her device. “Her lungs are really congested; she’s got a fever.” She then turned towards the group. “Has she had trouble eating?”
“Indeed, she barely eats anything. Sometimes it seems like she has trouble keeping water down too,” Amit commented, starting to sniffle.
At that moment, Sariphi’s cheek puffed up, hand flying to her mouth. She bobbed with gags.
“Ah, the bucket!”
Leona glanced around and saw the bucket, right by her boot. She quickly lifted it towards the maiden. Sariphi managed to push herself to lean over the bucket, gagging and releasing the contents of her mouth. The beasts flinched at the familiar watery and brown ooze. Some slipped over the side and ended up sloshing right on the woman’s boots.
Sariphi slowly pushed herself away, eyes open just a crack. Their unfocused, almost blurry gaze only added to her haggard appearance. “Sorry,” she croaked, wiping some of the brown slime off her lips.
Leona set the bucket at her bedside, then rubbed the maiden’s back. “No need to apologize. You’re sick. What kind of doctor would I be if I flinched at patients being sick in front of me?” Leona slowly lowered the woman back down on the pillows. “A lousy one with a very short career, that’s what.”
A puff of laughter escaped Sariphi���s lips. She clenched the woman’s hand, smiling softly. “Thank you.”
“Save your words until you’re better.” Leona ruffled the snow-white hair just a bit. Now she turned again to the group. “Did she have long hacking coughs before she ended up like this? It’s often the first sign of illness.”
The hyena’s ears perked up. “Yeah, about two weeks ago, they started up. Thought she was hacking up a hairball. But she insisted she was fine, didn’t want to see the priest. Of course, seems like the priest is useless just like the rest of the docs.”
“Perhaps if we had pushed her back then…the priest could have done something,” Amit lamented, tears slipping out.
The two black balls, trembling so hard now, looked down. Clops sobbed, “It’s our fault.”
“Fault,” Cy agreed.
Leona held her hands up. “Hey, it’s no one’s fault when someone gets sick.” Then she paused, rubbing her chin. “Well, unless those fancy-looking, old fleabags locked her up in a dark, dingy cell while the king was away, then we can blame them. But I doubt we’ll get that lucky. And I’m not going to lie, when people get illnesses like this, without the right attention, they tend to fade fast. The fact you’ve managed to keep her alive this long shows how much you care.”
“Of course, we care about Sariphi,” Amit declared, hands against her heart. “We love her!”
“Yeah, we love her!”
Lanteveldt scratched his nose, his face a little pink. “Well, she is my lady. I wouldn’t be a knight without her. But sounds like you’ve seen this disease before, that means you can cure it, right?”
Leona smiled. “You’re a smart one.” She opened up her bag. “Now I’ve talked to the doctors outside, so it’ll be safe for her to try some new medicine.” She pulled out two vials. “I recommend two spoonfuls of this one every three hours.” She held out the white bottle. “And then two spoonfuls of this one every four hours.” She offered up the brown bottle. “In case I’m not here when it’s time to give her medicine.” She then set the bottles on the bedside table.
“That is quite a bit,” Amit commented.
Leona twisted her head towards the princess. “Say what?”
“Pardon me, it’s just that most of the doctors never gave my lady that much.”
Clops included, “Well, they were giving beast medicine to a human. So they gave her smaller doses.”
“A lot smaller,” Cy agreed.
“Yeah, I’ve heard,” Leona commented. “Sounds like a good portion even didn’t show up in the first place, made more complaints about the patient not responding to their medication rather than actually helping her.” She then turned towards Sariphi.  “Although, it would be better if she had something to eat.” She then turned towards Amit. “Pardon me miss, could you fetch something for Sariphi to eat. Something light and maybe a bit salty?”
Yet Amit didn’t move, staring wide-eyed with a slight shiver in her stance. Leona glanced around the room and saw all of the beasts looking startled as they stared at something. She followed their gazes to her bag, now wiggling on its own. Out of its open mouth, a red box appeared, balanced on a brown kitten's head. It let out a small meow.
“Aw! Sekhmet, good idea!” The woman reached up and picked up the kitten, revealing the dark trails all over her body which made a wing-like pattern on her back. “What would I do without you?” she asked as she snuggled the kitten, who mewed in response. The woman set the cat down on the bed. The moment her little paws hit the sheets; she dashed over to Sariphi’s head. Yet Bennu stopped her, squawking at her. The cat stopped abruptly, back arched as she hissed at the little bird.
Leona smiled, grabbing the kitten by the neck. She used her other hand to wave a finger at the kitten. Her smile continued as she chided, “Now, now, Sekhmet. Lord Bennu was here first. He’s more in charge here than I am. Be nice.”
Once set down, the cat’s ears lowered in an almost bow at the bird. She then set upon the important task of licking Sariphi’s hand.
“What is that?” Lanteveldt asked, pointing at the cat.
“That is a cat. The not-beastly type that doesn’t talk or eat humans. Her name is Sekhmet. She’s my dear companion and often acts as an assistant on these house calls.”
“Are you sure you can keep her here? If his majesty finds out…” Amit said.
Leona tore open the box with her finger, sitting down next to Sariphi. “If he has a problem with my pet, then he’ll have to take it up with Sekhmet herself.  Hope he knows how to deal with claws.”
The doctor wheezed laughter at her joke as she pulled out a small, round, grain-colored disc. The rest of the room just watched and blinked.  After a few deep breaths, her laughter ceased and she turned towards Sariphi, offering the circle near her lips. “This should help settle your stomach enough for you to take some medicine. Try to eat some, okay?”
The patient shifted away from the kitten, giving a small nod. Her mouth opened just a crack to let in the cracker. Slowly she chewed and swallowed. Then she opened her mouth again and continued to eat one small disc after another until the box was half empty.
“Bet that tastes good after so long, right?” Leona asked, stroking the girl’s head.
Sariphi gave a small nod and a small smile, eyes still firmly closed.
Leona smiled, tapping the brown bottle, powder now tipping into a small cup. “Alright, now I’ve got some medicine for you. It won’t taste as good, but it will help you feel better, okay?”  
Once again, Sariphi nodded and opened her mouth. Leona tipped the medicine into the girl’s mouth, watching her face twist, lips puckered. Then Sariphi stuck out her tongue and groaned.
“Yeah, it seems like it’s medicine’s lot in life to be bad tasting,” Leona commented as she washed the cup and filled it with the brown powder.  “My ma told me it just drives whatever ails you out because they can’t stand it either.” She then pressed the cup to Sariphi’s lips. “Once again please.”
Again, Sariphi obeyed. Leona smiled, grabbing a cup of water from the nearby table, tipping that into Sariphi’s mouth. “Alright, that’s enough meds for now. Get some rest.”
Sariphi nodded again, cheek against pillow now, a small smile on her face. Sekhmet snuggled against the maiden’s forehead. Leona hummed, a warm low sound, as she rubbed the maiden’s cheek. The doctor then slowly rose and pulled the curtains down. Just as she turned around, Amit clutched Leona to her, letting out small sobs.
“Oh, thank you, Miss Leona!” she declared. “I haven’t seen Sariphi eat so much in so long!”
The two black blobs clung onto her legs. “Thank you so much! Sariphi’s going to get better, right?” Clops asked, voice wobbling.
“Better?” Cy’s voice trembled like his brother’s.
“Yeah, I’d say so. It might be a bit, maybe a week or so, given how long she’s been sick. It’ll be a few days before we see any change in her though. I’d better tell the king my findings.” She tugged at the ribbon, releasing her hair and sliding it over the scarred half of her face. She looked down to see Cy and Clops, still shaking but one mouth and one eye set in determination.
“We’ll go with you. We’ll testify you’re a good doctor in front of the king.”
“We will!”
Leona smiled, patting the two small beasts at the top of their heads. “Thanks, little spooks.” She took in a deep breath and stepped out into the hallway. Not a single man had left.
“Well, human? How is the patient?” The bull doctor asked.
Leona commented, “It’s Doctor Human, please and thank you. And she’s in a pretty bad way.”
Somewhere in the menagerie, another voice spoke, “See, your majesty, not even human medicine can help the acting queen consort!”
“You didn’t let me finish.” She turned towards the king, “Good news your majesty,” Leona declared. “I know what’s wrong with your future queen, I’ve got medications to help, so, barring an act of the Family or your God, I’d say she will recover.”
“Is that so?” Anubis asked.
“Yes!” Clops declared, floating right around Leona’s arm. “She got Sariphi to eat food and take some medicine! That’s got to be worth something!”
“Something!” Cy shouted.
“Aw shucks, you little spooks,” Leona said, rubbing the back of her head. “Just doing what doctors are supposed to do.” She then gave the king a hard look. “But it does appear you need some human help around here. The decision is well… in your court, your majesty.”
Just then, one of the fox guards ran down the hall with two other beasts behind him. One was a dog folk, golden silky fur trailing from his simple shirt and pants, his ears long and covered in long fur, a blue stone earring on his left ear. The other was a reptilian woman wearing a light-yellow dress and veil, black spots on her brown scales. A necklace of blue beads on a black cord hung around her neck.  As they came before the king, the two men bowed while the woman curtsied, all panting.
“Will, Juno, you made it!” Leona smiled, waving.
The two beasts gave one horrified look at the woman before groaning. The dog pulled at his ears, grumbling. The lizard clasped her eyes, shaking her head. She looked up, agony on her face. “Your majesty, if you are going to execute us, please make it swift.”
“Let me tell my family I loved them,” the dog asked, one finger pointed up, his other paw still clutching his ear. “That’s all I ask.”
Anubis’s eyes glanced between the newcomers. “Do you…know each other?”
Leona brightened. “Yeah, we go way back. I’ve known them for decades. We have an arrangement about helping each other.” She pointed to the dog. “That’s Will. Resident historian and nerd. Taught my kids how to read and write.” The finger then moved towards the lizard. “She’s Juno. Makes the best snacks any side of the Gate. Thanks to them, I was able to get this far into Ozmargo. Would it be alright if they stayed here with me while I look after your princess?”
The two beasts quickly bowed and curtsied respectfully.
Will took a step out. “Pardon our boldness, your majesty. I’ve known Leona for many years. She may be a peculiar…person. I’m sure you’ve already noticed. But she’s one of the best doctors in the land. I’ve seen her tend to beasts and humans alike and help them all with the same smile and care.” He lowered his head before continuing. “When my daughter was dying, Leona was the one who saved her. I’ll always be grateful to her for that.”
“Indeed,” the King of Beasts shifted a brow, then bore holes into the group.
He then turned to the doctors. “You are dismissed. We are certain you don’t need to be escorted on the way out.”
Most of the men scurried away. The lizard, sparrow, and ferret gave low bows to Leona before leaving.
The King of Beasts turned towards the woman. “Human woman.”
Leona stiffened before huffing, holding up a finger. “I’d rather be called Doctor human woman, if it’s all the same to you.
He gave a small inhale, the council and soldiers braced themselves.
She then held up both hands. “Okay, okay, you call me whatever you want. You’re the boss, king.”
“How long will it take for you to cure our bride?”
“Well, I’m estimating a week or so, given her dosage size.  I’d like to stick around a bit longer, just to make sure she’s made a full recovery.”
“Fair.” The King of Beasts held up his paw. “We shall offer you the same promise to those wretches. Tend to the queen consort-to-be. A boon if you cure her. Pray to God you don’t fail.”
He then turned away and left, his council following behind him.
“Leona…” Will started to growl.  Yet the human focused on the king, watching him stalk away, her hand clenching right over her heart.  
The dog sighed and placed a paw on her shoulder. She flinched, snapped out of her thoughts, twisting quickly to the man. Her expression melted into a warm smile, returning the one on his face.
He said, “Just let me know next time, okay? If you’d told me, I’d saved money on the inn and save you from going out the window.”
“Yeah.” She placed a hand on his paw, stretching her back. “I’m not as young as I used to be.”
Cy and Clops bounced over, hovering right by Leona’s face.
“Ms. Leona, are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
“But why do you look so sad?”
Leona found her eyes clouding up with some tears. She quickly wiped them away with her sleeve. “Ah sorry to worry you little guys. I guess I’m tired. Plus, did you smell that roar? Phew.” She waved a hand in front of her face.
The two beasts continued to face her, Cy with his one eye and Clops with his large mouth.
“Ah right,” Leona noted. Then her brows rose in surprise. She then stepped away from the group, kneeling down where the king once stood, picking up a small pile of brown fur. “Hey spooks, does the king always shed like this?”
The blobs bounced over.
“We’ve never seen the king shed like this before.”
Leona hummed, “Looks like I’ve got a lot of work to do. Thanks, kids, for helping, but my friends and I will take it from here. Go get some rest.”
The two blobs cried out, “WHAT?!?
“Sorry doc,” Lanteveldt said, leaning on the door frame. “We’re happy to have you here. But we’re not leaving Sariphi when she needs us.”
Amit stood in the doorway; hands clasped in front of her. “Please ma’am. Let us stay.”
The whole group stared, blinking at one another.
“Ah right.” Leona held a hand out. “Will, Juno, these are…” then blinked. “I’m sorry, I never learned your names.”
“Oh, do forgive me please.” Amit gave a proper curtsy. “I’m Amit, sixth princess of Murga, it is an honor to meet you. Thank you two for escorting Miss Leona here.”
Juno stepped forward. “Think nothing of it, your highness. And it is a great honor to meet you as well. I’m Juno.”
Amit watched the older woman, her mouth trying to speak but no words came out. The hyena stepped up. “I’m Lanteveldt, Queen consort’s knight. You can call me Lan.”
“I’m Clops and this is my brother Cy, we’re Sariphi’s faithful servants.”
“Cy, hello!”
“Will, humble scholar, at your service.” He offered a small bow.
“Hello there,” Juno gracefully curtseyed.
Will held out his paw towards the human. “And of course, you’ve met Leona.”
“’Lo,” she said with a small wave.
Cy tugged at her pant leg. “Please, Miss Leona? Us stay, please?”
Leona turned away, hands out defensively. “Ack! Stop being so cute, you little spook! You’re messing with my heartstrings!” She then looked down at his earnest look and smiled. “Well, I’d be no better than those hypocrites if I didn’t listen to people who cared about my patients. But I’d like for you kids to take a small break, wash up, relax a bit. Let me and my friends get settled in and come back in, say, an hour? Sound fair?”
“Sounds alright by me.”
The young folk left the adults. The princess twisted her head behind her, but then scurried away. The three adults watched them turn a corner. They glanced at each other. With a nod, they walked into the infirmary, shutting the door behind them. Juno all but collapsed on the bed while Will leaned on the wall. Leona stood between them.
“So…what’s the king like?” Will asked.
“Well, at first glance, he’s just like the old king, commanding and domineering. Threatening everyone…and maybe it’s me being crazy or hopeful, but for a few moments there…he sounded like his Pa…”
“Leona, I’ve known you for at least, what, a century now? And I know that you try to look for the good in others, Ghenna, that’s how you ended up married in the first place. And you’ve got a good sense of finding it in people where they least expect it. So I don’t think you’re crazy, well, at least this time. I bet deep down he’s got good in him.”
“Probably keeps in the liver. It’s a family trait,” Leona said, wiping her face again, a few tears leaking out. “Mothers, I’m so tired…” She then noticed her other companion, staring at the wall. “Juno, are you okay?”
Juno continued, still as a statue.  
“Juno? Juuuno? HERA!” Leona snapped her fingers in front of the reptile’s face.
The woman jumped up. “Yes. What? Sorry?”
The human blinked and let out a long “Ooooh! That princess…she’s your Amit. The one you’ve talked about.”
The lizard woman flinched, sighing and clutching her skirt. “I should have known they would send her here. I heard the stories, but I couldn’t have believed it. She must have been terrified coming here. I’ve wanted to see her so badly after all these years.” Now the fabric of the skirt bunched in her claws. “Yet if she finds out what happened…what I’ve done…”  
Leona sat down, leaning against her friend. “I mean, I’ve only known her for a few moments but she doesn’t seem to have changed much from that hatchling you loved and cared for. Still is really sweet. Still cries for others. Shame we didn’t know she was here; you could have warned me about how strong her hugs were.”
Juno sighed, “She did always cling so strongly to my skirts…”
“See? I bet the moment you tell her who you are, she’ll squish you in one of her hugs, the two of you will start bawling and it’ll be like you never left.”
The lizard woman smiled warmly. “That would be nice…” She then took the human’s hand. “And I’m really wishing you can reach your cub in some way.”
Leona squeezed her hand in return, leaning into the woman. “Thanks, I’ll need it. Hopefully, I’ll learn what to call him soon.”
Will sighed dramatically, slightly shoving the women away so he could sit between them, then hugged the women close to his sides.  “Well, looks like it’s reunions all around here. Alas, I have no child to reunite with here, so I guess I’ll just be the emotional support and shoulder to cry on here.”
“Aris, you sure?” Leona wiggled herself free from his grip, standing up. She pointed to the door behind her. “You sure you didn’t leave any little pups or cubs like that hyena when you stuck it to that bastard and ran off with your wife?”
“Please,” the dog started, waving a paw.  “The previous kings did everything they could to stamp out the hyena clan. I doubt our most beloved bastard would have offered me a hyena woman on a silver platter like other women. Though I wonder how one managed to get into the palace. Along with those Cyclopeans too, hard to find members of the Magic clan around here…”
“There’s a lot of stories to be told…” Leona looked up at the veiled bed.  “Can’t wait to hear hers especially.”
The two beasts twisted, following their friend’s gaze.  They both rose, stepping towards the bed eagerly. “I wonder if she looks like her wanted posters,” Juno pondered. “She looked very lovely in those.”
Still looking back on his friend, Will lifted the curtain. “Those things are terribly inaccurate. They always get the noses wrong.” As he twisted his head, he continued, “You’d think that with camera thingies, humans could—” However, once he saw the human girl, he froze.
“Will? Aristophanes?” Leona asked once she caught up to her friend. She followed his gaze, eyes just moving between the maiden’s white hair and the small bird lying against Sekhmet’s stomach.
“Leona…is that a holy beast I’m seeing near Sekhmet…” he pointed to the sleeping beauty. “Her holy beast?”
Leona looked at the two beasts curled up against each other. “Yeah, the kids said he was hers.”
“But…then her hair…” He now looked agasht at the white streak gracing Leona’s face.
“Hey, I was not in the best mindset when I started, you know that.” Leona wove the strands around her finger. “She probably had far better reasons than I did. Besides, if her hair is the result of summoning, she’d probably look more like a little old granny. You know about the Choseh people, she might be one of them. We’ll ask her when she’s better.”  A yawn escaped her lips.
The dog sighed, relief in his tone. He rubbed his eye. “You’re right. You humans are often right. But be careful about using our real names, you never know who might be listening. The council will never forgive me for the character assassination I’ve done to them.”
“Well, you did often kill them in your plays or demote them into toilet cleaners,” Juno commented. “But yes, the longer no one knows who we really are, the longer we can stay here.”
“Good point,” Leona said. “Make sure you let me know when that potion wears off on your eye. Looks like that bunch of relics doesn’t recognize you while it works.” She yawned, “Let’s get ready for bed, the kids will be back soon.”
Once Leona changed out of her clothes and into a T-shirt she could almost swim in, she sat down on the bed near the two holy beasts. “I hope you’ve explained to Lord Bennu everything, that I’d be really grateful if he kept this to himself for a while.”
The kitten meowed to almost everyone in the room, but Bennu and Leona heard, “Rest assured, my lady, Lord Bennu has allowed us to stay and for you to treat his lady. But he does request that should something go wrong; I use my powers to save her.”
Leona shrugged, “Sure, that was the plan all along. But I’m pretty sure he’s more of a swearing bird.”
The bird pointed a wing. “See, you young folks keep fixing the words of your elders for nothin’. You shouldn’t try so hard.”
“I didn’t want to you to hear such words, milady. You’re an excellent doctor and it pains me when people dismiss you.”  The kitten lowered her ears.
“Come on Sek, you know I’ve heard it all before.” Leona leaned, scratching her beast on the head. “But thanks for looking out for me.” Then she scratched the bird’s head. “Thank you Lord Bennu as well.”
The bird huffed, “Just cure my lady and keep her safe. Like you promised. Though some human booze wouldn’t hurt.”
“What did he say?” Leona asked.
Sekhmet replied, “He’s fine with it. He does want some human liquor though.”
“I’ve got some, I’ll start my payment tomorrow.” A yawn again broke her thoughts. “Okay?”
“Alright.” The bird quickly shifted, turning to his side. The kitten let out a small yawn and then curled around the bird as she fell asleep.
Leona then turned her attention to the maiden sleeping, wheezing with each breath. “I know I’m a terrible mother-in-law for letting you suffer like this. I’m selfish, using you to see my son after all these years.” She leaned down to pull out a small round bottle filled with a glowing, bright purple liquid. “But I promise that I’m here to take care of and love you like I should. Just have a little faith in me, okay?” She pulled out the cork, aiming the bottle at Sariphi. Vapor flowed out, quickly transforming into a large purple moth, landing right on the girl’s head and scattering into tiny purple specks. As the creature scattered, Sariphi’s wheezes almost ceased, her chest rising and falling more.
Leona smiled, kissing her fingers and pressing them onto Sariphi’s cheek. “Sweet dreams, dear.”
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dusterson · 2 years
11, 12, 13 for the questions left unanswered mun edition (imtheircleric)
11 : What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
Hmm. Honestly it's kind of hard to peeve me off in RP; not a whole lot of passive stuff i.e. writing style/skill or canon character portrayal gets on my nerves unless it's just outright illegible or moves nothing in the story we're writing together as RP partners. And even then I'm more likely to be driven to give advice than be annoyed. I guess when people just plop a ship on me. EspECIALLY when it's with my older characters, which is where it happens most often. I'll be writing one of my miserable grandpas with someone's younger character and I'll be like, "Aww I'm so happy my character has a son/daughter figure in their life :'D" and I kid you not they IMMEDIATELY will go "They should get together 8)" The kicker's when, if I agree, they go straight to the Smut. Don't even ask me, don't take no time to see what kind of dynamic they have in said relationship, just getting straight to the goddamn point. Don't spring intimate relationships on my characters. OH MAN and if someone does then gets mad at whatever kind of relationships my character's in (someone tried to smut my OC and then read his info and cHEWED ME OUT BECAUSE HE WAS POLYAMOROUS???), I'm out. I might also bite your face off, then I'm out.
12 : What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
NOBODY WRITIN WITH DOUBLES OF THE CANON THEY PLAYYY! It's a silly and pointless peeve I know, but I really really want Dustin to meet another Dustin and then they can COMMENCE
Ok but for a more serious one I would like to Complain and I am sorry ahead of time but I have a lot of Feelings about my boy.
Note, I enjoy Billy as a character, I really do. BECAUSE he's not a decent person!
And I. Love. Jason. And feel horribly bad for him.
He was written to be doomed from the start and condemned for doing what he thought was right. But Billy is a better person despite TRYING TO RUN OVER KIDS??? even if he didn't intend to actually hit, do you think Max knew that??? what if he’d messed up and HAD hit one or more of the kids? think you that risk crossed his mind? Clearly not long enough for him to think twice about traumatizing his little sister. also it's tOTALLY not racist for him to say "hanging out with THOSE KINDS OF PEOPLE--” or whatever like. didn’t dacre like, BEG the duffers to make billy LESS racist? in my books that intention’s still there and it was still pretty,, blatant to me that he didn’t like Lucas SPECIFICALLY.
Everyone saying they were frightened for Erica’s safety because he forced the door open? I getchya. I’d rather a door than a fuck-you-miles-per-hour vehicle. I can kick someone holding my door open. You don’t think she would have kneecapped Jason in the nads if he tried? Also he was in the middle of a psychotic breakdown and You Do Not Act Right during those. Y’all have no idea how upset I was that Jason didn't even get a respectful death. People are all like "duffers said 5 people died well that was a lie lol" INCORRECT. 5 PEOPLE DID DIE. They just didn't give a shit about them. They're both racist because THAT'S HOW THEY WERE RAISED and they were both traumatized teenagers but the one that's less forgivable is the one that was TRYING TO PROTECT HIS FRIENDS? TWO OF WHICH WERE BLACK? Also anyone else notice the cops broke the fucking law and didn't take down his statement which you're SUPPOSED TO DO NO MATTER HOW OUTLANDISH THE STATEMENT IS?? (Also anyone else notice how GODDAMN RIGHT JASON WAS EVEN THOUGH HE HAD ZERO! CLUE!! WHAT WAS HAPPENING!!!)
(Also he brought a gun because he was p sure he was going up against Satanists in the middle of summoning said goddamn-literally Satan. I’d fucking gear up like that if I thought someone could mutilate me just by looking at me. Did we all forget that he also saw that happen? Not just the blorbie morbson? He saw his best friend fucking die but hey you know)
Just. He wasn’t written to be a person. He was written to be an inconvenience that was swept under the rug-- ALSO I WANTED TO SEE A MOB. WHERE WAS MY HELLFIRE CLUB OUTRUNNING THE YUPPIES. If I don’t get more Satanic panic next season I’m mutineering.
So in conclusion: hypocritical interpretation and demonisation and/or woobifying. Keep it away from me. Keep my boy's name outta your mouth if you're gonna slander it then turn around and be all googoo eyed at the other, arguably shittier boy. Conclusion of conclusion: I love Jason and I will braid Billy's mullet. Also Jason was right to call Eddie out for harassing ppl in the cafeteria :P ok done being a bastard
13 : Who is your least favorite character in the fandom you RP in? List three admirable traits about them.
UHM. I love all of them, your honour. WAIT-- Except that lady Hopper slept with in season 1. CAN'T YOU TELL A BITCH BE DEPRESSED? give him a hug or smth don't nag him for the D and get huffy that he don't wanna give you the D 'cos a KID JUST WENT MISSING AND HIS FRIEND SUPPOSEDLY KILLED HIMSELF like jesus murphy No admirable traits no sympathy get outta jimbo's house
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canyouplzjust · 5 months
Into the City
The story of how we got back into DIE is all my fault. I found Max's journal on the ground of poorly attended flea market, in the grime of a warehouse for ghosts and dreams. After my last time in rehab, things were really starting to normal out for me, and for the first time in 15 years I wasn't see Fallen haunting my waking days. I put some clean time together, and held down a normal job and did all 12 steps in a row. It's hard to talk about in AA, but the Fallen are one of the reasons I stayed sick for so long. Anytime I tried to kick, I would see them coming for me. In the dark corners of flop houses and forgiving bars, I saw men and women flicker into Fallen demons and look right at me with eye sockets so red they could be lava, and a smoke oozing and wafting from their bodies that smelled like rotting flesh and burnt hair. It fucking rocked me sober no matter how drunk or high I was, and I almost killed myself many times trying to climb back down into the hole they pulled me out of. What else could I do? No one else saw them, as far as I could tell, and I sure wasn't going to try to convince anyone of their real and actual existance. Who would have believed me? Well, Raine, yeah, but that hardly helped. She had some dark times, too. So when I found the book and saw another Fallen, it felt different this time. Maybe its because I was sober, or maybe it was really different. I called Didi to find out, and she had been seeing them too! I convinced her to come home so we could try to save Max together. I'm a fucking idiot.
We got to the house I'd rented and it didn't take long for things to get weird. Leslie, Rory, JD and Didi all showed up, just like they said they would. It was not as good to see them as I thought it would be, but it would have been rude to say so. I hugged the ones that would let me, and found out I was surprised that Leslie didn't smell like Les, but I guess that makes sense if I had thought about it for like 10 seconds before they all arrived, but I didn't. I never do. We rolled the dice and fell into it just like old times, and the room stayed the same but also turned into hell. Some Fallen broke in, a monster with a percentile die in his chest poppped in to meance and terrify us, and Les for sure saved my life, like he always does. Honestly, I'd date anyone with a laser cannon on his shoulder, but its so hard to find a decent guy who builds his own sci-fi weapons outside of the city.
So, we make our escape through a long and terrifying hallway, and it appears that Max has saved us, yet again. He's alive! And he's in a cool tavern dimension, and he thinks we've been gone for three years. Someone else has to tell him that its been 15 years, and then I told him how I slandered his name after our return to the real world. That we had been kidnapped and he had set us up, because the cops were asking a lot of questions about how two 21 year old women ended up 5 states away with 3 minors and a lot of missing memories. Am I sorry I did it? Sure, in theory. If I could somehow know that what our outcome would have been without a MIA patsy, I'd have different feelings about it, but I don't, so I don't.
I was nervous about using the Voice again, and I didn't know if it would work, but Max said there was only one way to find out. With Didi's encouragement, I waved over a burly half orc and compelled him to buy me a drink. But like, he thought I was hot and he was very congenial, so everyone looked at me and rolled their eyes. Its not enough of a test, he was going to do that anyway, they insisted under their breath. Okay, so I told him to punch Les and it took a few seconds, but then the half-orc wound up and POW- landed a big meaty fist on the jaw of my Neo. Poor Les! He looked more shocked than anything else, but he was a good sport about it, thank god. Its not like I'd ever really hurt him. I think he knows that. Max was urgent about his request for our help, and gave us a ready made plan to follow once we got into the city. Uldman was back, having returned from the dead once more (why won't villains ever die), and taken the city by force. We infiltrated the Military check point (yeah, i did need to use the Voice), Les hacked the security doors and JD easily disposed of the tactical team.
Uldman walks out in a Mech suit and taunts Les with a goddamn plate of Faire gold. Les stayed strong(ish) and JD moved up to just start swinging. Its an illusion. Max started laughing and this veneer falls away, and he's revealed to be Fallen. Fuck. The Fallen Master, he says. I'm not going to call him that to his face. He was really mad that we left without him, and he's going to make us pay. He seemed angriest with me, but I take everything personally, so that might not be accurate. Well, some Black Knights showed up, along with our old enemy the Probability Knight. Somehow Les knew there was an escape hatch in the bed (let's put a pin in that) and I pushed the button before JD had caught up. The bed got stuck, Max fucked us again, and the rules of combat got in the way of the narrative. Like, it was my turn, and then it was going to be the enemy's turn before Les could go again, so when Kara asked me to use the Voice on Les as my action, to use the shoulder cannon, I wanted to ask Les for permission, but like, why would he give me permission instead of just doing it himself? Right, so I just said "Do you trust me? Fire!" and that sufficed. Session 2 and a PC asked me to use the Voice on them? My dreams are coming true. So, the cannon does go off and somehow we gtfo with our party in tact. Oh, Didi manifested a ba-bomb and we all got some damage, but it opened up the floor to the tunnel. Great, the escape tunnel turns into an office building, nope, its goddamn Umbrella Corp. I tried to make a break for it, and got properly slashed and gnashed the fuck up. I was on the ground in round one, and if Rory hadn't flitted over to heal me, I was dead meat. I should learn to be more careful, I do NOT want to die in here. I'm not going to die here. Actually, I wonder, if no one kills me, would I ever die here?
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perpetual-fool · 6 months
(Sorry for rambling so much lately, I've been very not-good.)
I got a cheap hand plane for working wood. It's pretty terrible, and probably not actually for wood. I had some ideas about how I could improve it, and possible new designs in general. And most importantly I thought of a clever way to set the depth and tilt of the blade, the plane itself having no mechanisms to do so. And uh, I did so by laying the plane on a piece of glass, letting the blade slide forward until the glass stopped it. Except that leaves the blade exactly in line with the body. So I added a piece of paper, and set the blade to protrude exactly the width of one piece of paper. And that was way too much. hopes dashed. was kind of excited about it too. Then my improvements, tuning up the thing, doesn't work either. I don't have the room. The mouth, the little slot the blade protrudes through, at the angle the blade sits at I can't even fit a popsicle stick through it. Any work on that would have to be done with a milling machine. I don't have a meaningful amount of access to use a file or something until the angle is around 45°. And hey, that's probably why old wooden planes are built like that. New designs, my thoughts were to have one where the blade sits flush with the 'heel', and the depth of cut is adjusted by raising the 'toe', like an electric planer. In the interim, I could lap the toe a little shorter (higher?) than the heel. And the other thought was to make the blade the sole of the plane itself, so you get an actually low angle of ~25° rather than the usual "low angle" 12°-20° bed angle plus 25°+ sharpening angle which often ends up close to 45° anyway. But I don't think either of those things would be cost-effective. The problem is getting everything perfectly lined up. Like, blade-on-the-bottom would have to be perfectly parallel. I'd essentially need a modular design where every individual component could itself be adjusted. The traditional 'blade through a block' design is cheap and forgiving, and it'd be a whole lot easier to shape one exactly how I want it rather than try to make it adjustable.
So maybe I'm just stupid for thinking I can do better. That brings me to the other thing I wanted to ramble about.
I can't answer to others anymore. I keep getting trapped being 'sorry'. Like the above, I'm a stupid piece of shit for thinking I might be able to do something good, and I'm a stupid piece of shit for not understanding everything the moment I saw it. And if I try to reason with the voice in my head it just twists things around constantly, as it has learned from others. As I was saying before (I think), I have a hard time even having a position, because other people constantly shift the context of whatever it is we're discussing. And I pretty much always have some speculation as to what's happening, but it's never going to be confirmed. And even if Cat suddenly becomes reasonable, she doesn't have time for me. So, I have to find a solution in spite of it all. stop playing whatever game this is. A bit of a challenge, as I don't know what the game is or why I'm playing. I am constantly trying to figure out what's going on, so I guess that's part of it. That's my 'win' condition? and other people are antagonistic to that, for some reason? anyway. To understand generally, I'd have to start with observation, then hypothesize etc. And that (inversely) correlates, the worst responses I've gotten were when asking "What makes you think that that's true?" and "What have you actually observed?" So I should tell people to fuck off if they won't share their premises? Which brings me to 'why', which is that I want to connect, and my way is clearly getting further away from the connection I want. Intellectually I know it's a dead end, the final step is destroying whatever I am and accepting everything they tell me uncritically and unconditionally. especially if it's not logically valid. They tell me what to think, I think it, they tell me what to feel, I feel that. Except then I am not there to connect, and it just doesn't work, blah blah. I guess I still believe this is the path to connection.
How do I believe something else? Going by other subjects, results? Say, when I was wrong about what makes eggs stick to a frying pan. I had my reasons, and when it didn't work I assumed I must just be doing it wrong. The assumptions continued until I formed a new hypothesis, and I didn't change my mind until it worked. So, my inclination is to make another hypothesis about people, but that doesn't work. It has to be about connection instead? What about it? Gosh, what am I even thinking currently? That everything done makes sense in some perspective, and all I have to do is figure out what that perspective is? (Thanks for that, Discordianism.) Alternatively: a thing/idea is only able to be understood if the premises/context and argument/reasoning are known. Results, I'll need something I've done myself. understood myself. That's difficult, as uh, I've never really finished anything.
Okay, did a thing. The plane I was talking about, I did the interim thing. It worked exactly as I expected: setup is easy and it makes a perfectly flat surface. But also that's not necessarily a good thing? I learned some things. Not worth getting into. But in short, I think hand planes are less 'flat-makers' and more 'very well controlled chisels'. Aside, it's another instance of the way other people frame the issue seems completely off-base.
So, what about it? I observed some things, formed a model of how they work, made a guess based off that model, and verified that model by successfully implementing something based on my guess. (As opposed to someone telling me the 'correct' way to do the thing, which I just believe, and then I struggle and fail to find observations and rationale which correlate.) How would that relate to communication? On my end, I would (and I think I already do?) share: the conclusion, the observation itself, the reasoning, and to what extent I am certain of the conclusion. (In parentheses to mark where this example stops, 'cause it's kind of long and beside the point. But yeah, I'd go over all this if sharing. Like: I believe intonation of guitar is greatly improved by having a gradient of tension on the strings, because typical guitars sound slightly out of tune to me enough to give me a nails-on-a-chalkboard feeling, but multi-scale guitars sound acceptable, the slightly longer scale length on the lower strings would mean proportionally more tension on the lower strings, so I think tension is directly correlating factor, really I think it's due to flexibility and how much sharper a string goes when it's pressed down, and I'm pretty sure but I haven't successfully tested it yet.) But for others? Well, the mechanism can't be any different. I'll have to ask for what they've observed, the rationale about it, and what makes them think their idea is actually true. And if they won't answer then I know they're either lying or have no understanding of what they're saying. But most importantly, what they mean when they say things? Like, "why are you being such a scrumbus?" Yeah, still need the rationale and the observation. What pattern does the word/phrase refer to? what is a concrete instance of the pattern? and I will rephrase to confirm.
And if they won't share that? Then they're lying. They can't just not know what they themselves mean. They're blatantly lying or there's not a person in their head. And as a practical issue, I can't ask questions to a video or article, and in most situations the human in question would never be willing to clarify. What do I do, passively? The mechanisms are the same; premise/argument/conclusion or observation/hypothesis/testing. So if the pieces aren't all there, don't assume they must exist? Like, if expert man on the internet says 80/20 bronze guitar strings have scooped mids*, unless I have my own reasons to think so, just disregard it? Or if it's say, a doctor. The human I'm talking to might be insane or absent, but I'd either have to just trust that the system they are slave to is going to do me more good than harm, or find a new doctor. And most practically, a whole lot of the time people are telling others how they should feel. So like, (guitar strings again) I'm watching this one dude saying "X strings sound 'darker' and Y strings sound 'brighter'". Which is subjective, and also completely opposite of what it sounds like to me. So, subjective assertions should be ignored entirely all the time? Yeah, if it is just as assertion. And I suppose I shouldn't need to say that gaslighting should be disregarded.
Lastly, practical application: what do I do about feeling sorry? There's a couple way to reason at it, but my imaginary accuser will never be satisfied. I guess that would mean not 'plugging in' to understand anymore. As opposed to, analyzing? Starting with premises/observations? I don't think it could be anything else. It's annoying. It feels a bit like whenever I try to make something. I want to just grab the material, the one tool I need, and just make the thing real quick. But actually, I need a handful of tools for measuring and shaping and finishing, and I need a way to hold the piece securely while I work on it, and I have to clean up afterwards from the dust of what have you. So, making one little thing means going through the whole tedious process. It's tiring and disheartening. but necessary.
Does it work?
Say, I have this bad memory related to a Stratocaster. I said something stupid, in some sense I was trying to connect and failed helplessly. Analyzing, I was forbidden from thinking and feeling at the time. And no one ever gave me any feedback about anything; I was compliant enough that no one would yell at me. So I didn't know what I was doing, didn't know why I was doing it, and did so thoughtlessly. Because I was mocked, bullied, belittled, or berated for voicing any independent thought or showing even a hint of a possible expression. Because they put me in a double bind with no way out. And it was wrong of them to do that to me. And it was wrong of them to not be straight with me. I ought to be allowed to at least mention pretty much anything if no one's given me a reason not to, and it's wrong for others to gaslight me if I do.
That works.
I uh, don't feel better. I guess it's safer? to think I'm just doing something wrong. or to be so depressed I can't think about it. The essence of torture world is that no one runs on any kind of logic and almost all of them will try to hurt me if they think they can get away with it. I am stressed and afraid.
- *(Aside, I do have such reasons. I had noted before my guitar had very weak mids. But I recently changed the strings, and the mids are plenty strong now. The new strings are phosphor-bronze and have a red tint to them, and I don't know what the old strings are exactly but they're a dull brass-yellow. Incidentally, '80/20 bronze' is apparently 80% copper and 20% zinc, which is "low brass" according to Wikipedia. So yeah, that's probably what was happening.)
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bebepac · 3 years
How’s Your Memory?
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Chapter 3 of Series:  And So... We Met  The Book:  TRR AU  (no royals) Pairing: Drake x Riley / Liam x Hana  / Liam x Riley Word Count: 1142 Warnings and Ratings: Profanity/ PG
Song Inspiration: What Am I To You?  By Norah Jones
Summary:  Riley and Liam  begin to get closer. 
I am participating in @wackydrabbles​  prompt # 133 “That’s not even close to what I said” which will be featured in bold.
This is also @choicesfebruary2022challenge​ day 12 for “soda.” 
Original Post: 02/09/22 at 5:35AM  EST.
“What are you still doing here Miss Brooks?  It’s Friday night.”  Professor Rys leaned against the door when he saw Riley sitting at the desk alone.  
“Honestly, I have this horrible professor that decided to give us a major experiment due on Monday.”  Riley smiled at him.  
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Professor Rys cocked his head to the side and softly chuckled as he was the offending professor.
“Yes, horrible indeed.  I’m sure you’re probably almost done by now. You had picked…”
He snapped his finger. “Memory? Am I right?”  
“Yes, you are.”
“And what was your premise?”  
“People are more likely to remember the sequence of words that I randomly selected for them when they are congruent to their gender, or should I say what is stereotypical to their gender.”  
He nodded his head with a smile.  
“And what is the data telling you so far?”
“That I’m totally right.”  
“I would hope you said it a little more eloquently than that.  That’s not going to fill ten pages.”  
“You should see the font it’s going to be written in.”  
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Professor Rys took off his glasses, shaking his head while he laughed at her.    
Riley had quite the sense of humor, and he loved that about her. 
“Gather your things Miss Brooks I have to lock up.”
Riley quickly gathered her things  while Liam patiently waited for her,  turning off the light  as she walked out the door.
“I’ll walk you to your dorm.”  
“You do realize, we have a safe campus.”  
“And if you fell in a sinkhole and perished, I’d never forgive myself.”
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“You’re really never going to let that go are you?”
His phone began to ring, interrupting their conversation as they walked, talked and laughed with each other.  Glancing down at his phone, it was Hana.
“You can get that, if you need to.”  Riley said, glancing in the other direction.
“No it’s alright.”  He let Hana’s call go to voicemail. “You have my undivided attention Miss Brooks.”  
“We’re not in class, you can call me Riley, Professor Rys.”
“Only if you call me Liam.”  
“Are you sure about that?”
“It’s just a name, we all have one.”  
“That’s one way to look at it.  And by the way, I’m not that interesting to warrant undivided attention.”  
“I beg to differ, Riley, since I’ve met you, you have a very unique outlook on the world.  It’s very intriguing.”
“That means a lot coming from someone like you.” He noticed even in the pale light that Riley was blushing.
“Someone decrepit and senile like me that still says ‘Yolo’ and has one foot in the grave?”  
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“That’s not even close to what I said.”
“It really is.”
Riley’s phone beeped.  She glanced down at it, and sighed.  
“Guess I’m ordering a pizza and hanging out in the lobby for a bit.”
“What’s wrong?”
“My roommate has her boyfriend over for some ‘quality time.’ So I can’t go back to my room yet.”  
Riley air quoted the term “quality time.”  
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“Oh…” Riley was irritated so Liam tried to lighten the mood a bit.  
“I’m a pizza snob. Tony’s is the only place to order from in this area that I can tolerate.”
“Me too, that’s where i’m about to call.  I can’t eat the whole pizza by myself.  Are you hungry?”  
Liam was silent for a few moments.    
“I shouldn’t have asked that, that’s weird isn’t it?”
“No it’s just that….”  
“You have plans, it’s Friday night.”  
“I don’t have plans, and I’d really like pizza. But only if you let me pay or it.”  
“I don’t turn down free food.”  
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Riley swiped her identification badge and Liam  opened the double doors but he hesitated stepping back.  Riley caught the door before it closed.  
“Maybe this isn’t a good idea. Even if it is just the lobby. Would you be willing to go to the Faculty lounge, and I’ll walk you back here later?”
“Is there a television in the faculty lounge?”
“And crappy basic cable.”  
“Then I’m okay with that.”    
They headed back across the lawn towards the student center.   Liam used his badge to unlock the faculty lounge.
“Ooooh fancy, smancy.  You guys even have a fancy keurig in here.”
Liam laughed out loud, watching Riley walk around the  staff lounge area, as he was on hold with the Pizzaria.
Riley’s phone buzzed, it was Drake texting.  Why was she paranoid?  She wasn’t doing anything wrong. But she didn’t feel right about telling him she was about to eat dinner with her professor.
Drake: Hey, what are you up tonight?
Riley: Study session ran late. Breaking for some pizza.
Drake: I’ll come over, i’m starving.
Riley: Actually I’m not at my dorm.
Drake: Oh. Maybe I can see you later?
Riley: I’ll text you when I get home.
It was not long before Liam brought back the pizza and drinks. 
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“I hope you’re hungry, I ordered the supreme.”
“Looks great.  I just can’t have the soda, too much sugar. Considering the other stuff i’ve eaten today.”  
He didn’t appear to be judging her, but she thought she would clarify it for him.
“I’m type one diabetic, insulin dependent.”  
“Oh! I didn’t know that, I didn’t even think about ordering a sugar free option for the soda. I’m so sorry Riley, I should have asked.”  
“It’s no big deal.”  
“It is.”  
He went through the fridge.  
“How do you feel about Diet Cheerwine?”  
“Tell me you’re not about to steal someone’s soda and give it to me?”
“Steal is a strong word. Besides, I’ll replace it before Monday.  Someone took my greek yogurt last week. Karma is a bitch.”  
“Fair enough.”  Riley took the drink from him.  
About half way through the movie, Liam felt his phone buzz again, he glanced at Riley again, who was cackling at the screen, and he turned off the phone.
They were watching a movie that was nothing but slapstick humor.  It was clear Riley had seen the movie multiple times from her laughter, and quoting the movie.  Riley had gotten comfortable taking off her shoes revealing mismatched socks which Liam thought was endearing.
When she noticed him staring at her socks she simply commented.  “They don’t match, but they’re clean.”  
“No judgment here.”
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Half way through the movie Riley  had to go to the restroom.  
“I’ll be right back.”  
“I’d say I’d pause it, but this is basic cable!”
Riley came running back into the room.  
“I didn’t miss it did I?”  
She slipped in her socks.  Liam with his lightning fast reflexes caught her in his arms before she fell.  
“I always seem to be there to catch you when you fall, Riley.”   He said softly as his eyes met hers.  He leaned in closer to her.
“I’m not complaining.”  She whispered.
Her eyes closed as Liam gently stroked her cheek, and just as his lips were about to meet hers, Liam stopped.
“There’s something pulling us to each other.  Do you feel it?”
“Yes, I feel it too.”  
He closed his eyes at her admission.
“But, I can’t do this.  We can’t do this. I’m seeing someone.”
He rested his forehead on hers.
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Riley had to be honest as well.  “So am I.”  
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wh0reifyoudontexist · 3 years
Hi!! I am unloved with "Traitor" I was wondering if you can make a part two in which Astoria sees Y/n and Draco relationship through the year, and one day Y/n and Astoria cross path, and you can take it from there.
draco malfoy x bi!fem!reader
past astoria greengrass x bi!fem!reader
no voldy au
angst > a little bit of fluff at the end
request: yes | no
summary: in which Astoria sees Y/n and Draco relationship through the year, and one day Y/n and Astoria cross path, and you can take it from there.
warnings: somewhat toxic!reader, heartbreakk oml, few curse words,
a/n: im so sorry this is late, i was drowning in my school work,,,, not that proud of this but its okay igg
read this first: traitor
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time flies by, they said.
opposites attract, they said.
everything will get better, they said.
lie, lie, lie, lies.
for astoria, time seems to be always frozen whenever she passes you. in every hallway she turns in, in every classroom she enters.
and her eyes always manages to find yours already looking at his silver ones.
she would say her eyes are magnets, always wandering off to you, and her heart would break-- bit by bit. but that's okay, she's used to it.
magnets attract the opposite, north to south, south to north. and i could say you were both magnets, once. it didn't matter what pole you were, you always attracted her. genuine question, does spending too much time with someone make you want to repel from them when too much time has been wasted just being in that person's comfort? because if yes, then we know the reason why you don't want to be in her presence anymore. but that doesn't answer astoria's side of the story.
september 1, 1996
all she could do was glare as you entered the compartment, hand tucked within someone else's.
her arms were crossed as her vision left yours and instead focused on the scenery outside the express. but she couldn't focus, she's itching just to take a glance at you, to see you and your perfect face, with your perfect hair, talking with that perfect voice.
her eyes turned just a bit to see you talking to draco malfoy, who has this smile on his face, he couldn't wipe even if he tried.
what happened this summer?
a few months back, you were so happy with her, your hands intertwined under the table, hidden from everyone else's sight, as you gushed about your family, your vacations.
and astoria's face couldn't have shined brighter than it did during that time, a total contrast to her now.
she tried writing to you, all she got in return was nothing. she always waved it off, saying you were probably busy with your family.
she was just hoping to see you on your first day back. and she did, but you didn't even spare her a glance. as if she doesn't even exist, as if you've never met her.
and all she could do was glare.
october 31, 1996
ah, spin the bottle. perfect game for halloween, no? not for you, or so she thought.
you once told her you didn't like these types of games, you said they're for 6th graders.
but she saw you, jumping and face glowing when you pulled draco to sit beside you as people started gathering around the bottle.
was everything else you told her a lie?
december 12, 1996
she entered the common room, wanting the fire's warmth. hours spent writhing in bed, trying to find that perfect position to travel off to sleep. and failing.
that's all she wanted. warmth. yet she received something else, something she wants to wipe off of her memory. you cuddled close to him, your legs intertwining with his as he wrapped an arm around you.
she gasped, and you turned your head to face her.
"greengrass" your boyfriend had said.
"malfoy," she paused before looking at you, tears starting to pool in her waterline remembering the sight she was bestowed upon "l/n"
you nodded your head, hands tightly grasping draco's shirt. "i'm sorry, i just- couldn't sleep, it's freezing, and i thought the common room would be empty, guess not." she laughed awkwardly, her arms behind her back.
"wait" you spoke and she caught your eyes. finally. "you can stay here, we can just go to his dorm. c'mon dray," you pulled yourself up, your dress hiking up your thigh, as you exited the room, draco in tow.
"thanks..." she sat on the couch frozen, tears leaking out of her eyes. oh the envy that she felt.
she didn't get to sleep that night.
february 13, 1996
"i love you" your voice sounded through the wooden door as you told draco,
she wanted to hear you say that, to her. not to him. and she broke all over again.
june 4, 1996
you were planning to surprise your boyfriend for his birthday tomorrow, when you ran into her.
"glad to know you still know my name."
"i- what are you doing up?"
she was angry beyond relief, "couldn't sleep. i guess i don't need to ask what you're doing." she said as she turned her head to look at the streamers hanged around the common room.
"yeah, it's his birthday tomorrow. i wanted to surprise him."
"i know, i went to some of his birthday parties at the manor"
then it was silent. and it was deafening.
"can we stop, please?"
"let's just stop pretending that everything's fine between us-"
"oh im not pretending, i know that everything's shitty, especially between us. i'm just tired, and all i wanted was to go to sleep but you're here." she turned to walk away, but you grabbed her wrist and she froze. you haven't touched her in forever. and she missed your touch.
"so what, are we not just going to talk about this?"
"what exactly is there to talk about? weren't you the one that left me, pretending that you don't even know me?"
"tori if you would let me explain"
"explain what? that you fell in love with the person who's been treating you like shit ever since first year? what is up with that l/n?" she used your last name. the last name that you once promised her, she would use.
astoria l/n.
you decided not to answer that, "tori, listen he's changed," she scoffed at that but you continued, "if you won't forgive me, then just let me get this off my chest."
"i liked you, you know that" astoria pulled her hands away from you, crossing her arms over her chest instead. and she could've sworn hurt flashed from your eyes. "but i guess a part of me inside have always known that we won't last. tell me you felt it too,"
"i actually haven't. i thought you were my soulmate y/n/n.." she paused wiping her tears frustratedly with her sleeve. "so," you turned your head to face her, grabbing a hold of her hands to let her continue, "you just decided not to talk to me? not even giving me an explanation?" she laughed hurt evident in it.
you let go of her hands, instead grabbing her body and pulling her close to you, so that you were chest to chest. "i hate myself for ever hurting you." you sighed into her head, kissing it with your eyes closed shut. you rubbed your hands on her cheek, astoria immediately melting into it.
"i'm so sorry. if i could take it back i would. i wouldn't think about ever leaving you, i would give us a chance and if we fall by nature, then we fall. i wouldn't be the one that would break us up." she wrapped her arms around your waist again, needing your comfort, and you returned it burying your head on her shoulder.
you decided not to tell her that even if you could go back, you don't want to.. you've already fallen in love with draco.
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
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24 - through the night.
previous chapter number 4.
warnings: this series contains themes of yandere\mafia, blood, violence, mental health, drugs, non-con.
author note: this is pure fiction and it is not intended to romanticize any of the situations mentioned bellow.
8:11 pm
You pushed the fluffy covers off and hoped off of the high bed, dragging your feet to the bathroom to wake yourself up. The untouched food was waiting for you, the thoughtful warms your heart. You flipped through the channels looking for something to interest you, settling for a cheap action movie to watch while you ate the cold meal.
9:42 pm
It’s getting late, guess no fun for you in this trip..
10:53 pm
Are they seriously staying late and leaving you alone? That’s when you notice that jeno’s bag is gone.. it can’t be, did he leave?
11:28 pm
You look outside the window, everything I closed, the road is empty.. are they staying out all night? You huff.
12:17 am 
Maybe you stop waiting and just sleep they are grown ass men, but what If something’s wrong.. you can’t help but to worry.
01:06 am
You stir awake to the sound of the door peeps announcing someone’s arrival. you sit up on the bed in anticipation, you swallow a knot of anxiety as the door slowly opens, you let go a breathe of relief when you see jaemin’s face, finally.
“Where have you been?” It comes out louder than you intended it to be, your feet taking you closer to him as he walks in, he doesn’t answer you but still gives you a weak smile, his hands stops you before you can wrap yourself around him. he pushes you back deeper into the room. confused, you can see the words hanging off of his lips as he wants to say something, you impatiently wait for him to speak.
Jeno comes behind him, struggling with his suitcase, he drags it to the bathroom.The strange behavior takes your attention away from jaemin, the wheels in your head turns trying to figure what was he doing. Slowly you begin to build a terrifying idea, horror washes over you turning you pale. he drops the suitcase on the floor, its heavy weight makes the ground under your feet shake.. the fine hairs on the back of you neck raises.
your heart was throbbing in your ears, loud and irregular,
“sera” jaemin calls your name,
but you barely hear it, as your mind was clouded with fear, he gently shakes you “listen to me” he tries to calm you, but it’s too late, panic has already setted in.
he tries to pushes you down to sit you on the floor, now that you are standing in the farthest point of the bathroom door, between the bed and the window, but you are frozen in your place, your eyes are transfixed on the suitcase, you can’t stop watching as jeno closes the door.
Plastic, thats all you can hear.. something plastic begin unfolded. A feeling of dread crept up from the pit of your stomach, it’s too much for you to withstand, your knees buckle from beneath you collapsing you to the floor.
Tremors take over you, you look at at jaemin through a blurred vision, wanting him to deny what you think is happing, but he doesn’t.
The sharp sound of the suitcase being unzipped echos in the bathroom, he tries to calm you down as your teeth chattered in fear, his hands cup your face “shhh.. here” he take his AirPods case and puts the earbuds in your ears, they connect to his phone “here, listen to music okay? Don’t take them off and don’t move okay?”.
You open your mouth to speak but you choke, irregular shakes take over your hands, you don’t realize you were crying until his thumbs wiped the tears from under your eyes, “stay here” he repeats holding your face to make you look at him “don’t come close to that door” he only lets go after you’ve nod, he plays a song from his playlist and turn the volume to the highest setting, discounting you from the noise surrounding you. he puts the phone in your hands before he gets up and leave to join jeno.
Time dragged through you at an aginzing pace, each minute passed brought you closer to madness, the horror has became a living creature, it crept over your skin like a hungry beast. You sat in the same exact spot for hours, not daring to move. shaking and on the brink of losing your sanity. It didn’t take you long before you  started praying to god to make it stop, but as always, his ears were deff to your prayers.
Hours passed with the same song replaying itself for the thousandth times, the explosive horror that toke over you before has melted into a cold lump of disfigured sadness mixed with sickness, it sat on your heart. The black sky turning blue outside, You were exhausted and worn out.
Jaemin comes into your view, scaring you for a second. You gasp and jump in your place, he shows his open palms to you in non-threatening manner, your eyes scan him for anything, you note that he’s not wearing the same clothes he was the last time you saw him. he crouches down in front of you, the strong stench of bleach coming from him, your stomach twist and you hold down the need to throw up. you scoot away from him in fear, he singles for you to take out the earbuds. He looks at you for a minute, your hand clawed in fists, your eyebrows noted in distress as hot tears fill in your eyes again. he sighs and looks away, that’s when you notice the dark red spot under his ear. the sharp intake of air you made, the way your eyes were struck, staring at his neck, and your tense body, they all screamed to him that he missed a spot. He quickly wipes the spot your eyes were looking at, cursing under his breath when his fingers return red, he gets up and walk away..
The cheerful birds chirping outside contrasted the grim atmosphere in the room, your stiff joints crack as you stand up, you carefully look around the room, scared your eyes may land on something you don’t want to see. But it’s just you and him, the room looks the same, the bathroom door is wide open with jaemin in it washing his hands, it looks like nothing had happened.. clean.
he comes out drying his hands and starts packing his belongs, he avoids your eyes. 
“what the hell jaemin?!” You yell at him, encouraged by jeno’s absence, a heavy sigh leaves him while he keeps his back to you.
“is this what you’ve become now?” Your voice crack as you choke, for some reason you feel betrayed by him. You sit on the edge of the bed, hot tears flow down your face, it’s not until a pained sob breaks free from you that he turns to you.
 “he was a very bad man, look at me..” He stretches his hand to you, 
but you doge his touch “don’t you fucking touch me!” you get away from him “your a criminal and a killer!” Your voice rising as well as your emotions. He takes one step towards you, he towers over you, “keep your voice down” his tone threatening enough to shut you down, but the angry hot breathes that fanned over your face, the jaw muscles that seethed under his skin, and the icy look in his eyes have crushed your newly regained courage. 
You try to clam your cries as you watch his hands picking the items from around the room and throwing then into his bag, not believing what they have done, what they are capable of. shiver ran down your spine at the thought, you bite your bottom lip and look away, you look outside the window trying to distract yourself.
The room’s door opens and jeno walks in, he exchange looks with jaemin and nods his head confirming something to him, something you wish didn’t understand, but unfortunately you do. Unlike jaemin he looks unbothered, normal, absolutely no guilt. you look at him with and you just hate him, you despise him. you force yourself to look away from him.
He points at you, “Why the hell is she crying now?” He asks jaemin, destine evident in his voice. you panic and do your best to tame your cries and wipe your tears, you were scared of him, of his anger, of what he could do to you.
Jaemin throws you a glance as you try to recompose yourself, but the four cold eyes that were starring at you in this particular situation are making it extremely difficult for you not cry. Jaemin shrugs his shoulders and returns to packing. strong wave of hurt hit you when he turned his back to you, it felt like he had given up on you, leaving you for jeno to take care of. 
Jeno on the other hand had his hands on his hips, anger storm rising in his chest, he walks towards you and collapses on yourself in fear, pathetic pleads for forgiveness falling out of your mouth as you cry harder, he grabs your arm and pick you up, his grip threatening to snap your bone into two pieces, you cry in pain but it doesn’t faze him. “Stop crying! You want to gets us caught huh?” He violently shakes you “huh?” He demands an answer, you shake your head denying his accusations “no” your crying getting louder..
“I don’t have time for you and your childish tantrums! cut it out” he shoves you to the wall and turns, he picks the car keys with him and slams the door behind him.
You lean against the wall, tears streaming down your cheeks. You were unable to left your head feeling overpowered and too broken, your hands shaking as you gasp for air between the hiccups, yet again pitying yourself.
 Jeamin who was quietly watching, sighs. his feet comes into your view, this time you don’t flinch away when his hand land on your hair and his fingers run through it. he holds your your chin and make you look up at him, his eyes watching the misery floating over your tired features. he tsk and wipes your tears away. you lean into his warm palm, your own hand holds his wrist to keep his in place, you squeeze his arm as a silent plea. he takes you in his chest, his arms wrapping around you, his tight hold reassures you. he keeps you close until you pulled away ready to leave before jeno comes back angrier than before.
You slip into your shoes and put on your jacket, you want to zip it up to keep the clod out but you can’t, you can’t still your freezing fingers enough to do it, his hands take the zipper from your fingers and he zips it up for you, your face heating up as he looks down at you and ruffles your hair. Again, he sighs and takes out his sunglasses and puts them on your face to cover your puffy eyes, you cried too much tonight.
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nanaminokanojo · 3 years
[3:00 AM] Fushiguro Toji
CHARACTERS: Fushiguro Toji X You | JJK Characters (mentions)
GENRE: angst | breakup
TRIGGER WARNING: implied violence | profanity | implied alcohol use
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When he lifted his head, you barely recognized him for the bruises. You were asleep, warm in your bed and reluctant to get up, but you were sure that, with the incessant ringing of the doorbell, you weren't getting any sleep either. You vowed bloody murder if it was your best friend Gojo, knocking on your door, but it wasn't him. Instead it was the last person you expected to be there at such an ungodly hour.
He forced a smirk which looked more like a wince. He was bleeding from a wound over his left brow, his right cheek raised and beginning to bruise, his lower lip was split and he looked disheveled. He looked so far from the person you knew. If anything, he wouldn’t be beaten if he got into a fight out of the numerous ones he had gone out of unscathed. He was such a delinquent that you couldn’t really figure out what the hell it is that you saw in him when he had caused you trouble too many to count in the duration of your relationship.
You crossed your arms and leaned against the door post. Finally, he comes crawling back to you when he tried to prove time and again that he didn't need you to be there for him after you asked to work things out again before you two completely had a falling out. You. You were the one trying to patch things up when it was his fault to begin with. A condescending smile adorned your face as you eyed him with a renewed sense of vindictive pride.
"Look what the cat dragged in," you commented contumeliously. "What the fuck happened to you, sweetheart?" He was about to say something but you interrupted him and said, "Better yet, what the fuck are you doing here?"
He chuckled humorlessly. "Baby, aren't you going to let me in first? I'm guessing you'd relish it better if we sit down."
"Now you need me?"
"Because you did this!"
You shrugged. Of course he will blame you. You didn't know what he was talking about but you weren't about to argue with an obviously drunk guy, as if the fact that he's all jacked up wasn't enough. Stepping aside, you let Toji in, letting him wander off to the living room while you shut the door.
“How the hell did I do that to you?” you demanded, leaning against the back of the couch. You weren’t exactly in a forgiving mood when you haven’t seen him for a week, following that humiliation he caused you at Mei-Mei’s house party. He dumped you and he did so big time in front of everyone to see, claiming he was tired of you and your complaints. That, when he was the one being a pain, getting into all these skirmishes with other guys because he thinks they weren’t looking at you right.
Your wounds were still raw, and honestly, you shouldn’t even be speaking to him, much less letting him into your house. But you loved him. As stupid as that sounds, you did. After all, there was no sense in denying it when, over and over again, he would manage to hurt you, and still, when he apologizes, you take him back like nothing happened. You knew him for what he really was – an asshole with a capital A – but there was a side of him that only you were ever blessed to see. And over and over again, you hoped it was the more dominant part of him only to be proven time and again that he’s just a big jerk. A beautiful jerk.
“Your stupid best friends ambushed me two to one, sweetheart,” he spat, livid. “Now tell me you didn’t tell them to go after me just to get your petty revenge over what happened at Mei-Mei’s.”
You laughed bitterly, eyeing him in tedium. “First of all, you’re the stupid one, not Satoru and Suguru. Second, I never asked them to do anything for me, least of all beat you up. You’re not worth it.”
He blinked, suddenly at a loss, his anger dissipating like vapor.
Rolling your eyes at him, you walked towards the bathroom, telling him to sit down, which, to your surprise, he did. Toji actually listened to you for once when nobody can keep him from doing whatever the hell he wants to do. It was regardless of the consequences and whose expense. He was just nasty like that.
Returning with a first-aid kit, you tended to his wounds – a coup de grace to the failed bond you’ve had with him for the past three years. You promised yourself you will not take him back again, that this time, you will not see past what has been done and just give it a rest for good.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked, his tone gentle despite the firm grip he had on your wrist to stop you from turning away from him after you’re done. He let go of you, a ghost of remorse and worry etching across his handsome features when he saw you smile at him through your tears. “You’re crying,” he murmured. He hated it when you cry, but he was always the one causing you to do so.
You didn’t even know you were until he said it, but you quickly wiped them away. “I’m done,” you told him, the words conveying more than your act of taking care of him; your tears speaking volumes of how much you meant it.
“I’m sorry.”
You took his hand and squeezed, taking in a deep breath and letting go of the air in snagged batches. “Too late,” you whispered, your voice cracking. “But consider yourself forgiven because I can’t hate you. That’s another investment of emotions for you.”
“Y/N –”
“And we both know I’m always on the losing end.” You let go of his hand and turned towards the door, opening it and motioning for him to get out.
“I see.” He nodded in understanding, forcing a smile as he passed by you, pausing under the lintel of the door. “At least know that I truly loved you despite of everything.”
“I know that.” Because why else would you have loved him back?
You stood before him on your toes, cupping his face. One last time, you took in his features – those sharp eyes, that perfect nose, the scar at the corner of his mouth glistening under the dim porch lights. One last time, you committed him into memory, a sad and happy one at the same time.
“Bye, Y/N.”
“Goodbye, Toji.”
You pressed one last kiss on his cheek and turned away, closing the door behind you. Closing the door to that chapter in your life that involved him.
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed it.
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