#forks for all
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Hey hey hey may 31th anon! How's 2024 going? ☆ヾ(*´▽`)ノ This year I have for you a leaked Sherlock season 5 image. Thinking of you!! And everyone!!
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yuwuta · 2 months
childhood friends to lovers with yuuji is like he’s five and he catches frogs in the lake near his house on weekends fishing w his grandpa and brings them to you like a courting gift (and gets sad when his grandpa tells him he’s got to let them go again, but yuuji promises to catch even more for you next weekend). he’s six and learns he likes to cook and starts making snacks for you and always sits next to you at lunch to give them to you. he’s seven and very definitive that you’re his best friend in the whole world and he doesn’t leave your side during class or lunch or recess or ever. he’s eight and you’re much better at reading than him, but he’s not jealous or upset because that means sometimes you read the harder books to/with him and he learns he loves hearing your voice when you read out loud. he’s nine when he learns he’s got an older brother and even tho he takes to choso quickly, he doesn’t really trust him until you meet choso and declare that you think he’s cool. he’s ten and that summer you go away to sleep away camp for the first time and yuuji cries the first night you’re gone, but choso helps him write and mail letters to you while you’re away, and every weekend yuuji is up 8am to greet the mailman and receive his letter back from you.
he’s eleven when you both start middle school and it’s the first time you both aren’t in the same homeroom, but that doesn’t stop yuuji—he’s sitting by your desk before you even get to school, he’s outside of your classroom before lunch, walks to your classroom after lunch, the first face you see. he’s twelve the first time he realizes that you’re pretty—you’ve always been pretty, but this is different; you’re pretty like sunlight, pretty like his favorite meal, pretty like feeling of coming home. you’re thirteen the first time you get a love letter on valentine’s day, but it’s not from yuuji—it’s another boy in your homeroom that yuuji doesn’t like very much and he never knew why until that day.
once he learns he likes to cook, he starts making snacks for you and gives them to you at lunch and it escalates into packing you bentos almost every day when you two start high school. he’s sixteen when prom rolls around and he’s rocking on his heels asking you to go with him—“as friends, you know haha. if you want, since you’re not going with anybody else and—well megumi and nobara are doing the same thing so i thought? maybe it would work for us, too?”—and when you say yes he tries to play it cool but he jumps and clicks his heels on his way to run and tell megumi about it (and then choso takes approximately 400 pictures of you and yuuji before you two head off to the dance).
it’s not until he’s twenty and a junior in college, and you’ve caught your first sort of serious boyfriend cheating that yuuji finally says something. he always says he wishes it was more romantic, but even now at twenty-six as you watch yuuji laugh with everyone at your rehearsal dinner, and look the collage of pictures choso has proudly displayed, you can’t help but think that it was the perfect confession—that everything about yuuji has always been perfect and that you’re beyond lucky to have him. and when yuuji catches your eye across the table, he smiles all dopey again like he’s five and just caught that frog for you for the first time and you’ve become the center of his world all over again.
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canisalbus · 9 months
So sorry but this is all I could see in this picture
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kotzwinkled · 1 year
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stupid stupid hair.
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whatbigotspost · 3 months
Given that SCOTUS has anointed the office of the presidency as a monarch role beyond all reproach (so that when 45 wins in Nov as they are intending), and we’ll never have another presidential election, I wish that Biden would assume lame duck status IMMEDIATELY, call their bluff, and start issuing executive orders like crazy now through January 2025.
He could do shit like defund the military and pour the funds into social services, repeal all nationwide laws/restrictions on abortion, make all healthcare including all reproductive services and gender affirming care accessible, instate UBI and Medicare for all, write a 100% tax rate on billionaires, push sweeping environmental protections, break up monopolistic megacorps, close federal prisons, expand and pack the court, cancel all student/personal/medical/non corporate debts, open our boarders, decriminalize all drugs, etc. etc. etc.
Maybe then the 6 block justice set of 45 worshippers would see what they’ve done.
Maybe then, if Biden immediately, decisively even did 10% of that, he might not lose the election.
Of course, he’d actually have to give a shit about any of those things in order to do this.
And that’s the whole fucking point, right? He won’t. And it’s why we’re here.
Democrats hold themselves to “the rules” only to the extent they’re spineless liberals who are in the same big money pockets as republicans. The key difference being, they let republicans be the ones to more overtly, proudly kill us all and act powerless to stopping them.
When our structures demand they are the ONLY ones who could stop them. I can’t take it anymore.
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firewasabeast · 10 days
Hey CJ! Idk if you take prompts (I loved your most recent ficlet)
BUT any thoughts on how Buck and Tommy annoy each other (on purpose)??
ahhh thank you so much! I'm always taking prompts, it just sometimes takes me a while to get to them. here's a two-in-one fic for you!
Click. Click. Click. Click. Click click.
Click. Click. Click. Click. Click click.
Tommy looked over across the couch, where Buck was staring down at a crossword as he clicked his pen. Over and over.
“Do you need a new pen?” Tommy asked, keeping his tone calm and casual.
“Huh?” It took a second for Buck to register what he'd asked. “Oh, no. No, I'm good, thanks,” he said, glancing over at him with a smile.
Tommy returned the smile, then went back to reading his magazine.
Click click click clickclick click click.
Tommy took a long, deep breath.
Click click click click click click click click click.
“You sure?” He asked again, his voice going up an octave. “I have a whole drawer of them.”
And they're the kind with caps, he added to himself.
Buck shook his head. “Nope, this one works just fine.”
Click click click click click click. Click. Click. Click.
Click click click click clickclick-
Tommy closed the magazine and squeezed his eyes shut. “For the love of God, Evan, please stop.”
“Ha! So it does bother you!” Buck exclaimed, pointing the pen to Tommy with a triumphant look on his face.
“Does the endless pen clicking bother me? Yeah, maybe a little.”
Buck shook his head, relaxing further into the couch. “Finally.”
“Finally what?”
“I finally found something that makes Mr. Cool lose his cool.”
Tommy huffed out a laugh. “I did not lose my cool, thank you very much.”
“You looked like a pressure cooker that was about to explode.”
“So you were doing all of that just to annoy me?” Tommy asked, a playful glare on his face.
“After about the third click, yes.”
“And if I didn't stop you, you were what? Gonna click the entirety of We Will Rock You?”
Buck tilted his head, looking more impressed than anything now. “Y- You knew the song?”
“Of course I knew the song. Who wouldn't know that song?”
“I just didn't realize I was so talented. I could quit my job, begin a professional career as a click artist.”
Tommy opened his magazine back up, crossing one leg over the other. “I'd stick with firefighting if I were you.”
They were just settling back into a peaceful silence when:
Click click.
“Okay.” Tommy reached across the couch and pulled the pen out of Buck's hand before getting up and heading for the trash.
“Wait! No!” Buck exclaimed. “I just had to finish the line in the song. I was done.”
Tommy raised the lid to the garbage can and dropped the pen in it. “You can get another pen out of the drawer beside you. One with a cap,” he added quickly, “not a clicker.”
“You're no fun,” Buck teased, opening the drawer and grabbing another pen. “Oh, I see some clickers in here, Babe. I could do a rendition of Come Sail Away for you!”
Tommy walked back over to Buck, standing right in front of him on the couch. “I love you, Evan, but if you so much as touch another click pen I will leave.”
Buck snorted out a laugh, staring up at his boyfriend. “This is your house, Tommy!”
“I'll sign it over to you.”
Buck reached up and tugged on Tommy's shirt until he was hovering over him, one hand on the armrest and the other on the back of the couch. “Has anyone ever told you you're dramatic?” Buck asked, pulling Tommy in for a kiss.
“My drama teacher, third grade,” he replied with a nod. “Mrs. Collier.”
Buck gave Tommy one more kiss before letting him go. “I'll have to send her a note, tell her she was right.”
“Well, she was about seventy when I was in her class,” Tommy informed him, sitting back down in his seat, “so you'll have to search her address on Find a Grave.”
He resumed his magazine reading as Buck got back into his crossword...
Until about two minutes later, when Buck began drumming the new pen on his thigh. This time, he was seemingly completely unaware of what he was doing.
Tommy headed to bed early that night.
The first time it happened, Buck was surprised, but he didn't say anything about it.
The second time, he laughed a bit, and when Tommy asked what was so funny he just shrugged and said he'd never seen anyone do that before.
The third time, he thought he might die.
“Did you, um, did you use a fork to scoop out the butter?” he asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as humanly possible.
Tommy breezed by, grabbing a drink out of the fridge on his way to the garage for a work out. “Yeah. Had toast this morning.” He gave Buck a pat on the ass before heading out the door.
Buck immediately pulled a knife out of a drawer and smoothed out the butter.
It shouldn't have been a big deal. Realistically, Buck knew that.
But there was something so jarring about opening a container of butter only to see that it was littered with stab wounds.
It felt wrong.
It felt like a crime.
The fourth time it happened, it was the day after he and Tommy had gotten into an argument. Nothing too serious, and they had made up by the time they went to bed.
But Tommy had made himself dinner that night and he'd decided on scrambled eggs.
Which meant he'd first put butter in the pan so the eggs wouldn't stick.
Buck didn't want to another fight right now, so he kept quiet and fixed the butter once again, then went about his day.
The fifth time it happened, Buck was ready to throw every fork in the house away. He could no longer remain silent on such a serious issue. It needed to be discussed, and it needed to be discussed now.
There was no better time, as Tommy was opening their mail at the dining room table while Buck started on dinner.
“Uh, Tommy?”
“Yeah, Babe?”
“We, um, I- I need to talk to you.”
Tommy looked up from the mail and over to where Buck stood in the kitchen. “Uh oh,” he said when he saw the look on Buck face. “You sound serious.”
“Yeah, I- it. It's the butter, Tommy. I- Most people use a knife when they're getting butter, but you're using a fork, and it makes the butter look all stabby and I've just been fixing it myself every time I see it, but I really don't understand why you can't use a knife, or even a spoon, ya know?” He was rambling, but once he started he couldn't seem to stop. “It looks so much better if you use a knife because then it keeps that smooth, buttery texture instead of looking like its been to war and-” he stopped when he noticed that Tommy was smiling at him. “What?” he asked.
“I knew you'd break eventually.”
“Wh- What do you mean?”
Tommy picked up a pen from the table, holding his arm out straight in front of him.
Click. Click. Click. Click. Click click.
When it hit him, Buck gasped, his eyes widening. “That was months ago!” he exclaimed. “We weren't even living together then!”
“And yet I've never forgotten,” Tommy replied, feeling a sense of vindication.
“You're diabolical.” He held the tub of butter out toward Tommy. “This could be considered a form of torture, you know?”
Tommy stood and walked over to Buck. “What would they call it? Butter-forking?” he asked, taking the tub from Buck and getting a knife from the drawer. He began smoothing the butter out himself, until it looked perfect on top. “Better?” he asked, showing Buck his work.
Buck turned his head to the side dramatically, staring out the kitchen window. “I don't know if we'll get past this.”
Tommy put the butter down, moving closer to Buck and placing his hands on his waist. “Could we try?” he asked. “I'd hate to tell the caterers we had to cancel the wedding on a count of me forking butter. Especially since it sounds shockingly close to doing something else with butter.”
Buck shuddered when he realized what Tommy meant. He looked up at him through his eyelashes. “Will you never destroy the sanctity of our butter with your fork ever again?”
“I will try my best,” Tommy promised. “As long as you continue to stay away from clickable pens.”
Buck sighed. “There goes the last chances of my career as a musical clicker,” he said with a pout, wrapping his arms around Tommy's shoulders.
“And there goes my career as a professional butter stabber,” Tommy replied, his hands tightening on Buck's waist as he got rid of his pout with a kiss.
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magichats · 7 months
Nintendo is not your friend-o
emulation is preservation
also be quiet about your emulators and roms, I feel like yuzu doing as much as they did in the public facing sphere is at least partially to blame for it getting taken down, regardless of how you feel about the patreon stuff and the developers. The Less Nintendo knows, the better it is for everyone else.
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ultravioletbrit · 11 days
“metal” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 281 words
CW: lighthearted talk of violence, not explicit
Regulus is waiting at the table for James to come back with their food. He tried to go up to the buffet with him, but James insisted on going alone for some reason. That was fine with Regulus, the less people he has to interact with at these things the better. These work events are some of the most boring things they have to attend. Regulus would feel bad saying that, except he knows James thinks they’re boring also.
James makes it back to the table and sits everything down then takes his seat beside Regulus.
“Thank you.” Regulus tells him but pauses when he looks down at the table. “What is this?” He holds up his fork in question.
“A fork.” James answers simply.
“Why is it plastic, James?”
“Because when you had a metal one, you stabbed a guy in the thigh with it.” James reminds him.
“Well, these things are boring and the guy was badmouthing you. That was entertaining and I got to defend your honor. Two birds, one fork.” He says casually. “Plus, it barely broke skin. I could do significantly more damage with a…” he looks down at the table. “Where is my knife, James?” He looks back up at James.
“I’ll cut your meat for you, love.” James says and kisses Regulus sweetly.
Regulus huffs and slumps back in his chair. He picks up his spoon- his only metal utensil- and stares at it while he twirls it between his fingers.
“What are you doing?” James asks skeptically.
“Determining if I could gouge someone’s eye out with this.
“We’re not coming next year.” James tells him as he plucks the spoon out of Regulus’ hand.
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purpleshadow-star · 5 months
Underrated moment
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thresholdbb · 10 months
I’m now realizing I could never be in Starfleet. The spoons are too weird
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crabsnpersimmons · 14 days
I can't help but love how u accessorize the dca boys~ but for the have you eaten au, have u thought of giving each of the dangle earing the boys wear a utensil? Like a fork spoon & knife lil accessorie?
aww thank you, sweet anon!
let's see what the boys think:
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Moon: oughhhh but wouldn't it be cute? i would love a little spoon! or stars! or konpeito! or or--
Sun: The added accessories would affect our signal.
Eclipse (thinking about all the piercings he would get if he could get them)
Eclipse: sadly, these are just magnetic clip-ons. We only really wear them when we go out because some of our older clientele don't approve of them—a little too punk for them. They barely even approved of seeing robots in the restaurant, but at least back then we had Boss to vouch for us.
so basically the three DCA boys may have separate bodies, but their code requires them to stay within a certain distance to one another—which wasn't a problem when they still worked at their old pizzaplex.
but nowadays, sometimes they need to go a further distance (for example, two of them stay at the restaurant while one goes shopping). in that case, the earrings serve as a signal extender so they can run their errands (legitimately, i looked up wi-fi extenders as inspiration for the earrings 😂 that's why they all consist of bars of some sort)
Eclipse wears his the most often because he likes to go out sometimes and be alone. Moon will wear his often because he likes the dangling parts. Sun wears his the most sparingly because he doesn't get out much, so he sees no reason to wear them if he doesn't need to go out (so if you ever see me forget to draw his earrings... it's usually on purpose... usually)
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hyunpic · 6 days
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240919 📍 ICN AIRPORT
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autmayy · 4 months
daniel being a menace and max giggling at him
via twt
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aq2003 · 2 years
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thegreatestheaver · 5 months
refs of a ton of chars i drew for myself because i'm tired of hunting in my photos for each and every character. If I missed nyanyone it’s cos I don’t plan to draw them ever.
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close ups under cut
honestly unsure how well the quailty of these is gonna be but fuck it we ball
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i like to think that J is so incredibly tall but she leans back/down on her legs so much that you cant tell until she gets #serious
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dizzy sweep btw theyre so silly to me. lizzy helps brush out doll's huge mass of hair
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alice murder drones. you agree! doll obviously didn't get her mother's height genes.
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cyn got them fucked up pawbs :( dw she fixed them herself later on. solver bullshit u know how it goes
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totally normal human being. flesha takes up like most the page im not cropping her. ok hopefully the quality of these isnt murdered. feel free to use my colors if youd like. idgaf
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yakittydraws · 1 year
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It was silly goofy meme hours last night, featuring BLEACH babes keke~
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