#form connections or stay a loser forever.
exiaax · 4 months
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dni if you don't like these angels
look in tags for me going crazy about these three hahahahahahahaha
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doodlefoxart · 2 months
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Double post lets go! Orc redesigns that i finished before i even started the birds but I procrastinated on posting them my bad lol. As always my headcanons are below
- orcs are generally labeled as unintelligent creatures because of their behavior; attacking whatever they deem a threat, charging into danger when it’d be more beneficial to run and what seems to be a general lack of awareness of their surroundings, its not hard to assume that that’d be true, except it isnt. Orcs have strong senses of community, building small huts and living in communities of up to 25 members, this has driven orcs to be extremely protective of their group, leaving their instinct to protect their families to override any self preservation they might have, hence the seemingly “unintelligent” and impulsive behavior often witnessed. They have been witnessed pulling off hunting techniques most monster hunters use to catch woolies and other creatures (taking advantage of their innate curiosity for example), and using the resources they’ve hunted and gathered they’ve mastered basic skills in weapon and clothes making. Orcs have even, in some cases, formed alliances with goblins, whether it be trading resources that only the other species can get or aiding in hunts and fights, though the relationship between the species are still left tense. For the most part goblins and orcs avoid each other but its not uncommon for them to form these connections, though it is much more common for them to scrabble with one another
- in most orc cultures, groups of orcs are separated by titles; orc hunters and archers are considered the “lowest” and take care of the basic needs of the group; including defense, resource gathering and tending to the social needs such as mending huts or raising young. High orcs are considered the highest and are responsible for raids or taking down threats to the group, essentially handling the situations that are too dangerous for the others to handle. Orc kings are reserved for the leader of any given group and are important for maintaining order and unity. All of these titles are based on the orcs abilities and strengths, as such it is possible for an orc to be promoted or demoted based on circumstances (failure to lead a successful raid -> demoted, proficient skill in combat and team work -> promoted). Orc kings are decided by duels of not just strength but of wit, orcs can challenge their king if they think they’re not a proper leader and beating them means the former king must resign in shame and leave the group; the same can be said if the one who challenged the king loses, though they can either stay and be permanently demoted to the very bottom of the peking order or leave the group forever.
- orc vikings are the most brutish of the orc species, having specialized in not only stronger weapon and armor making skills but fighting techniques as well. Theyre the only orc species that intentionally raids both other orc groups and human villages, while raids on small campsites or wandering travelers isn’t uncommon for orcs overall, only viking orcs intentionally seek out the homes of innocent people to raid. Viking orcs leadership is determined through duels like most other orc groups, but rather than demoting or banishing the loser, they have a bloody fight to the death. Similarly their overall culture is violent and tense; most viking orcs cant stand each other but stay together regardless, leaving their communities on edge and seemingly on the brink of collapse at any moment, with all of this pent up disparity being taken out on innocents in raids or accidental meetings
- rider orcs are one of the more interesting of the orc species, they have managed to create a parasocial relationship between themselves and silver wolves. Silver wolves provide extra protection and transportation to the rider orcs while rider orcs feed, groom and care for the wolves, it has been witnessed that rider orcs will pair up any silver wolf pups born with their own children so that they can create a bond, making it easier for a very special and rarely seen event. This event, that only a lucky few have witnessed, is a coming of age ceremony for both a silver wolf pup and its rider, when a rider orc reaches about 10, the pup they have bonded with for years is ridden for the first time, it is the sign of ultimate trust between a rider and its mount and shows the deep bond they have grown with one another. In some cases if there was no pup for an orc to bond with or something tragic happened to it before the ceremony, the orc would instead go out into the forest, monitored by both its parents and leader, in search of a silver wolf around its age to tame and bond with before riding. In certain cases, a rider orc can be banished from its group for repeated failed attempts at gaining a wolf companion.
- Not much has been studied on dark orcs, but it has been made very apparent that they are elusive; using their pitch black fur to conceal themselves in the dark and stay hidden. It is believed that they are the only orcs that do not adhere to the common group functions of other orcs, instead preferring to stay solitary or in extremely small groups, the most any one has seen of a “group” of orcs is about three members. Those who have come face to face with a dark orc rarely, if ever, see them coming as they utilize their camouflage to its fullest; sticking to the shadows and taking their time to slowly wear down their opponent. Thankfully, their has been no reported fatalities caused by dark orcs; many speculate that they mostly cause non lethal injuries and scare tactics so they can go back to their life of solitude without the worries of a new threat staying in its territory.
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Tony, Holding a gun to a mushroom: tell me the name of god you fungal piece of shit
mushroom: can you feel your heart beating? can you feel the struggle within? the fear within me is beyond any your soul can make. you cannot kill me in a way that matters.
Tony, cocking the gun, tears streaming down his face: I'm not fucking scared of you
Steve: Hey Tony, what the fuck does that mean?
Decay is an extant form of life.
Tough lesson we all have to eventually take. The worlds biggest pill, uncoated. It just becomes a wet slop somewhere in your mouth. Somehow it wiggles its way to your nasal system. Some people have claimed the side effects are akin to rabies, decay and waste mixing and churning deep in your body. Forever connected to your system until it eventually pollutes the ground humanity walks on.
Everything rots. And there's a little bit of everything found in every little part of all of us.
And here's- here's the thing about rot. This infectious disease, we cannot contain it. We cannot control it, and we cannot hold it. May we never hope to see it, because when the day that the devils fall they'll use it against us.
Tony thinks we inherit it.
Rot isn't a natural thing. It is a thing you can cause, and Tony's time as a mortal has built him a throne of sins built higher than the throne of God's. But it's fine. He was built in Her own image.
But no, wait, we're getting ahead of ourselves. Have you ever had a dream where you watched CTTV footage of someone dying? It's a strange experience, Tony will tell you. Because you never get to see the blood, you don't watch them die. No, you watch them live.
Count down the seconds, pause the video slow the audio and replay that shit. Look at that man, he's just standing there. Until something goes wrong. Any second now, something will go wrong. Maybe something will explode, or malfunction. Maybe he wasn't paying attention, maybe someone lost it. Life, it's taxing. There's no such thing as a free world because for every breath you take you're just repaying your dues, paying your bills, staying on top of your taxes. And what we tax you for are things you'll never get back, we take your memories and watch them fade, the entire existence breathes your particles so why do you insist on destroying it.
Here's the thing about life, and about us. Here's what makes us different, here's the secret to being immortal; never live, never die. No, no that doesn't sound right. How can you be in a state where your neither alive nor dead, well let us fucking tell you. Don't be real, be portrayed. Your existence is made for the screen, your life's an actual stage.
You don't die, you're abandoned. So maybe that's why Tony is so fascinated by the concept of death. To stop existing.
Innocence is like a flower. Starts as a seed, hopefully it'll sprout. Sometimes it blooms, and sometimes the beauty of your flower changes the world. You're an icon, you're on top of the world. And nothing will go wrong, because super heroes always win.
Sometimes your owner will forget to water you. Maybe you're an alcoholic, maybe you skip a few meals. What's a hole in your chest compared to being frozen for 70 years? You have it all, buddy. Maybe those few skipped meals slowly but surely turns into active starvation, maybe you're being toyed with by not only a bored god, but someone seen as fucking "mediocre" and "passe" amongst all the other gods.
Can you imagine your God being a fucking loser?
Maybe that's what life is. The relationship between God and man, but we'll never find out because God left the dinner table just after Uncle Bobby asked about their left-wing political gay agenda. Maybe the god lost track of the narrative, and maybe you did, too.
The secret to immortality? Never be alive, always be malleable. If you're not real then you can be anything. And Tony's seen his fair share of fanfiction and fanworks, he's particularly fond of the slow-burns. He's comforted by the fact that someone that looks like him is having a good time. Maybe some version of Tony Stark can live to have a happy ending but it doesn't matter because we can't talk about it right now we need to talk about the guy in the red shirt, jeans, and had black hair.
The man in your dreams, where was he? A big open space, right? Yeah, and something fell on him, right? After you woke up did you ever think about who he was? Did you see his face? Did you ask if he wanted to become something tangible before thinking of him? We see you, all you people above us.
See, we inherit your rot. The same way a child inherits a drug addiction, it's your genes being injected into innocents. We're lab-pets and by god are the scientists using white fluffy baby bunny rabbits. We take your rot. Your sins are ours.
And we spread it. You are breathing in our dust. Do you remember the second sentence of the third paragraph?
So you just have to ask.
You need to know.
If Tony Stark is allowed to exist as an immortal being, then what's the name of God?
More importantly, how do you stay afloat? The ground is as dangerous as the water, if not moreso. Because you aren't in danger of being shot while surrounded by nothing but sea salt and bird shit.
How do you cope with being immortal?
How do you cope with living.
Just answer me that.
There seems to be this kind of notion. A lie, even. That things get better after time, but they never seem to do, right? But maybe I'm the jackass here. For hating my circumstances, but when you're playing a game of blackjack with God and you find out the sly motherfucker cheated his deck, you'd be pretty pissed, too.
Sometimes I just want it to stop.
The feeling between my teeth. The need to tear, shred. I know the feeling will be so blissful, so euphoric, I'll be driven to tears. Fat salty drops cascading down my cherry stained cheeks.
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oddlittlestories · 8 days
Looked up Kotaro Lives Alone to see if there was a fandom
Disappointed to find that lots of posts are about how ~*tragic*~ it is
For those who don’t know, Kotaro Lives Alone is a short anime. I’ll try to give a premise with minimal spoilers.
Karino, a WFH loser manga artist, realizes that no one is looking after the five year old next door. Kotaro struggles with his circumstances and seeks to connect with the people around him while asserting his own identity and dealing with his trauma.
I really like it because a lot of it feels so real to me. I have no idea how custody works in Japan, but I have had experiences with the foster system in the US. And the tenuous, fragile nature of Kotaro’s bonds with the people in his life feel so real. They love him, but he’s not theirs. They can’t guarantee they’ll be able to stay in his life forever. There are certain things they can’t help him with, and they can’t provide the way a parent would. People at school are allowed to assume, at first, that Karino is Kotaro’s dad. Then, his brother. Later, he uses the word “guardian.” And that’s tenuous, too, sharing a relationship that others won’t understand, and may pry about, but is also extremely unusual.
The way a broader community can become so important to a child with circumstances like that. The way Kotaro starts to incorporate and understand his trauma, making new dreams and forming a concept of family and friendship and self that is never going to look “normal” or even like people might expect, but is his own.
His poignant precocious awareness of emotions and circumstances of the people around him. And I do mean precocious as in “inappropriately mature.”
The way Karino uncovers some-but never all-of his traumas over time is just so reflective of the foster parents’ I know experiences, too.
The way Kotaro’s future is hopeful but precarious. What if wxyz happens and undoes healing? Common worry of foster parents whose foster kids might get moved to a new placement or go back to their first family.
A lot of folks were saying stuff like “oh it was so sad! I can’t believe this stuff happened to him!” Or “is that realistic?” But I really appreciated the show for selecting certain stark details, all of which rang really true to me and weren’t reduced to labels but moments.
Idk I found it really realistic in so many ways and emotionally resonant.
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starrprincesss · 4 months
May 20th 2024
Tonight, on my drive back to my parent's house, I cried out that, 'I would like to return home, I want to go home'. But even in my desperation, I questioned myself, 'What is home? Where is this home you talk about?'. I can't go back to anything, I can't go back to the house I grew up in, I can't go back. But I do know that I can't be here, no matter what, I can't stay here. For so long, I dreamt for my parents, I wished for the fantasy life for them, now that it's here, I get to dream for me now. Now it's my turn, my story, what do I want? Where do I want to go, where does my soul desire to live, what shall I do? Everything has become intention now, or rather, I have realised the importance of it, the importance of having all intention come from the heart. From purity and love, and only that. I have reached a very odd point in my awakening, what I once used to deny and proclaim proudly that I didn't want it or need it ever in my life, is now the little voice that doesn't want to leave me. It lingers, day and night, a constant reminder. Connection, that is what I yearn for, but not just any connection, it is a specific one. In my solitude and escape from society, I have met someone. I know it is not the best of circumstances, and even saying it out loud makes me sound crazy, but I cannot deny my feelings, I know what I felt, I know what I experienced. I recognise that I am love, I am a child of Mother Gaia, I am an earth angel, I was sent here to experience humanity, to grow in love. I have love all around me, I am lucky enough to have the most wonderful best friends, gifts I call them, my sisters. We love each other profoundly, we check up on one another, we listen in, we hold each other fondly in our hearts, we love each other unconditionally, this I know is true. Without words, I feel their love, even countries apart, I feel their presence, their memories, their laughter. I am not looking for love to complete me, I wasn't even looking for love, or any connections for that matter. This just found me, he found me.
In my aching despair and agony, my other self had ripped itself away from any form of light and hope, and in that progression, it was forcibly urging me to take my life. That part of me, the very angry (and rightfully so) girl had taken over, overrun by grief and pain, all the betrayal, the back stabbing, the fake friends full of animosity and envy, the hurt, the injustice, the physical pain brought on by the hands of another, the deep deep frustration that ate away at my heart, the injustice of it all, but most of all, the deep sadness that plagued me. That was her, she was full of it, anger was what she could express, because to sit down and pour out her true feelings, it would be too much, she was too full of pain. In my minds eye, I saw her, but it felt that I was looking at a shadow, because she was completely black, no face, no details, just human form, covered in darkness. That part of my self was the girl who stopped eating for 7 months, the girl who forced herself to go to the gym even when she could see fuzzy stars ahead of her and the pounding in her head wouldn't stop, that was the girl that couldn't even stand to look at herself in the mirror. Which is why I never recognised how much weight I was losing, how much weight I had lost. She was the girl that was so angry at herself and all the past decisions, but most of all, she was the girl that blamed herself for the abuse she endured from all of those individuals in Paris. She was tough girl Elizabeth, where nothing would slide, no excuses, you must do better, you must be better, feel the hunger, feel the pain, let it be your driving force, let anger be at the forefront of your life, let that be the reason why, fantasise about being better than all of them, fantasise, fantasise always. But anger doesn't last forever, thankfully. That was my motivation, them? Those low life losers, they mean nothing, how can I have them as my motivation, they do not deserve that, they don't exist anymore, they don't matter in my reality, they never did and they never will. But more than anything, I was starting to recognise that I was never at fault for what I experienced, how could I? How could I, the girl that endured the abuse, be the abuser? Be the one to blame? Instead of holding compassion for myself, I turned into those vile creatures, I attacked myself, I criticised myself, I looked down at myself for allowing it all to happen, for choosing to hang out with those people, choosing to befriend them, especially those two awful ones, and every awful person that came before.
Yes, I understand we must accept and take accountability, but we must be smart enough in deciphering when and what was really our fault. You are telling me that a girl, that was 20 years old and alone, flew to another country for the first time, where she did not speak the language, had never been to that city, had no prior friends or connections or knew anyone there for that matter, that she, she was at fault? That she knew what the intentions were of a 26 year old creep, and every other terrible insecure fake friend, no way. Absolutely no way, and I will never ever blame her, I will never blame or attack the 20 year old girl I was, I was barely even an adult, I knew nothing. With a heart of gold, and only good intentions and awareness, I never thought others could be so cruel, I never thought it to be true, that's how I was unable to see what was being done, what was being orchestrated, because I would never do those things, because I couldn't even imagine how people could do those things. And that is exactly how they got me, that is exactly how I fell into his trap. I was young, and I believed in the goodness of everyone, I was too pure for the people I was surrounding myself with, and I was in a pool of insecurity and vulnerability, not of my doing, but on what M had put onto me, he stripped himself clean of all his insecurities and ugly scars, and forced me to wear it, believing it to be mine. In that storm, I was knocked off course, I was in uncharted territories, I was the prey, hurt and alone, surrounded by predators, feigning to be saviours. The worst of their kind, can you imagine opening up to these people, showing your wounds so openly, flesh still covered in blood, truth in all its vulnerability, eyes full of pain discarding tear drops with every breathe, only for them to use all of that against you? Well, how can I blame them really, they were doing and being exactly themselves, after all, they were pretending to be my friends, they were pretending to care, all for their sick twisted pleasure and amusement. Again, because they were wolves disguised as sheep. I have no idea how I survived them all, by the grace of the divine I suppose. But also, by my strength, and by the smallest amount of love I still had, in the depths of my heart, tucked away so well not even I could know it was there. That love, that is what kept me going, that is what helped me survive, that was my strength.
I no longer blame myself, and especially do not attack myself, I hold myself like the child I am, and I whisper, repeatedly, "I am sorry Elizabeth, I am so sorry, I am sorry that I was cruel to you for so long, when you never deserved it. I will never treat you with cruelty, I will never hurt you again. I am so sorry my sweet child, I'm sorry for it all."
I take back my love, and I give it to myself. All of it, completely all of it. I will never abandon you ever again, my entire being is love, I will never experience that again, that will never be me, that reality has ceased, it no longer exists, and the memory is slowly starting to fade. How sweet life is on the other side, thank you for climbing, and most of all, thank you for never giving up.
I love you,
Yours Forever, Elizabeth Sainz.
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akaraboonline · 2 years
8 things I wish I had told myself when I was younger about love
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We learn very little about love when we are young. It is not always simple to learn as we go along. Before we can truly know what we want in a mate, we occasionally have to endure pain and embarrassment. I often wish I could have told myself these things ten years ago, but here is a list of things I know today. 8 things I wish I had told myself when I was younger about love
You don’t have to find your soulmate at 18. In fact, you shouldn’t.
I'm aware that some high school sweethearts find the love of their lives when they're still young and decide to stay together forever. However, despite the fact that most people don't experience it, we are led to believe it should by the inspiring love stories of our peers in novels, movies, and television shows. Since I had never really had a significant partner before, I genuinely believed I had a mental health issue when I was 18 years old. When you're young, your priority should be discovering who you are rather than looking for a husband. Your entire life is still in front of you.
Young, immature guys are so not worth your tears. 
If I had a dime for each time, between the ages of 18 and 22, I shed a tear over a loser I encountered... Young men are frequently merely immature. They have no idea what they want, have no idea how to respect a woman, and most definitely have no idea how to love you the way you deserve it. The guy is frequently a jerk, but perhaps he's just too young to understand better. Don't waste your time pining for him; eventually, he'll develop into a fantastic guy (maybe), but right now, he's just not ready for all of that.
Casual dating is overrated. 
I'm not referring to an adult relationship in which two people agree to take things slowly and just see where they go. I'm referring to young people who alternate between different interests every week, refuse to commit, and ultimately hurt either themselves or a large number of other people. When you're young, it could appear hip, but it's just a waste of time. You can wind up with a lot of regret and heartache and you aren't learning anything in the process, other from the guys you never want to date again. Get yourself a close-knit network of friends, put your attention on activities that bring you joy, and spare yourself the emotional suffering.
Don’t let your friends pressure you to meet guys. 
When all of your friends are using online dating, meeting people through mutual connections, and engaging in casual dating, it can be difficult to resist giving in to the pressure. Go for it if you're really interested in dating and meeting someone! As long as it's your idea and not your buddies', that is. It's quite acceptable if you want to put dating on the back burner in order to concentrate solely on your studies, your job, or yourself. There will be plenty of time in the future for you to form many relationships. Even if you're the only one of them, loyal friends will back you no matter what you wish to do in spite of the strong influence of peer pressure.
Find yourself now so that you’re ready to meet your match.
Even if meeting males and finding a boyfriend could seem like a priority at the time when you're young, your major concern should be taking care of yourself. Just concentrate on determining who you want to be and what you want out of life because you are so young and have so many experiences to go through. You will be so much more prepared to meet the incredible person who is made for you once you have yourself figured out because you will actually know who you are.
You won’t be ready to love anyone else until you can love yourself. 
Although you have probably heard this a million times before, it is true. Before you can find true love with someone else, you must first learn to love yourself. It's not that you can't work on yourself and make the improvements you want to once you find your soul mate; it's just that it will be very difficult to show someone else the same acceptance and compassion if you can't show it to yourself first. Being young and still trying to figure out who you are makes it challenging to fully appreciate yourself. Prior to entering a committed, romantic relationship, learn to appreciate yourself and work on yourself.
Regardless of what other people say, there is no “clock.”
I detest it to the core when people refer to your window or clock as such. The notion that you must experience love, marriage, children, career success, etc. during a set period of time in your life or you would never experience those things is simply outdated. That is totally absurd for a variety of reasons. Everybody travels on their own path and experiences different life milestones at various times. You can have anything you want in life and are not at all limited to a specific time period. Don't hurry into something that is wrong because you are afraid of something that isn't even real.
You will find your way. Don’t give up on yourself. 
When you see everyone around you moving in different directions and you aren't even sure what you want out of life, it may be quite difficult to concentrate on yourself. Never give in to discouragement or the notion that there is anything wrong with you. You'll work out what you want and how to obtain it, but you can't judge your life against the lives of others. The rest of your life, including your love life, will fall into place if you just trust yourself and concentrate on your own objectives. Read the full article
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Finish Him
Benny Miller x fem!reader x Frankie Morales 
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: slight smut (18+ only), cockwarming, bisexual MMF threesome, fluff, lots of kisses, established relationship, no use of y/n, you can tell I got very nostalgic while writing this lol
Notes: Written for Writer Wednesday (tagging @autumnleaves1991-blog​ and @clydesducktape​)! I saw this photo and immediately thought of Messy Pile of Affection universe! This takes place in that story, but this can be read on its own. Taglists are in the reblog, please fill out the google form on my masterlist if you’d like to be added! Or you can also follow my update blog @flightlessangelwings-updates​ and turn on post notifications to stay updated! Enjoy!
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“Hey guys look at that,” you exclaimed as you tugged on Frankie and Benny’s hands.
The three of you were out on a date night and it was a perfect evening. The weather was just to your liking, the restaurant was delicious, and the company was perfect. Ever since you, Frankie and Benny had become an official thruple, things couldn’t be better. You were all happier than you had ever been in your lives, and you felt safe and secure with your boys.
As you all walked down the street after dinner, you noticed a new little arcade that recently opened up. The flashing lights and retro colors caught your eye immediately and a wave of nostalgia ran through you.
“How about we go check that out?” Frankie suggested, “I haven’t been to an arcade in so long.”
“Me either,” Benny chimed in as he couldn’t contain his excitement. Benny was usually more physical, with being a professional fighter and all, but he still wasn’t able to resist a good old arcade game either.
Laughter erupted between the three of you as you all bounced into the arcade. The moment you all walked through the doors, however, you all felt the breath leave your lungs as you felt like you were transported back in time. It felt like the old place you used to go to as a kid, and you thought you would cry from the memories.
“You alright baby?” Frankie whispered in your ear.
You glanced between your boys who both had looks of concern on their faces, “Fine,” you breathed as you gave their hands a squeeze, “Just thinking about how long it’s been since I’ve been to an arcade and how much fun it used to be.”
“Well we’ll make it just as fun now,” Benny chimed up as he dragged you and Frankie towards the machines.
Both you and Frankie rolled your eyes as Benny dropped your hand and went right for a classic Street Fighter game. But at the same time, you couldn’t help but giggle as he went right for a fighting game. You shared a glance with Frankie before you let his hand go as well as you went for a Ms Pac Man first. Frankie picked an old racing game from the 80s that you couldn’t remember the name of and told you that he used to play it as a child all the time.
All of you suddenly felt like kids again as you let yourselves get enthralled in the bright colors of the games. Once you finished your game, you moved over and watched Frankie as he raced against the computer players and easily won.
“Guess you haven’t lost your touch then, Frankie,” you murmured as you kissed his cheek.
“Neither have I!” Benny hollered as he raised his arms up in victory, “Now where’s my kiss?” he joked.
Again, you and Frankie rolled your eyes playfully before you both gave him a soft kiss on either cheek. Benny beamed at both of you as he leaned in and kissed you more passionately on the lips before he turned and did the same to Frankie. You felt the tension rise between the three of you as the moment turned more heated, but before it escalated any further, another game caught Benny’s eye and he ran off in that direction.
“After you,” Frankie extended his arm out as you both followed loosely behind Benny and found other games to play.
You all spent hours in the arcade as you rotated between different games. Most you all were familiar with, like Asteroid and Donkey Kong, but you also found more obscure ones that you hadn’t heard of before. Of course, you also shoved the boys into a photo booth that caught your eye and took a few rolls of silly photos that you all would cherish forever. 
“This one is my favorite,” you commented in a soft tone as you pointed to the one where you all hugged each other and your faces were smushed together. It was cute and silly and perfectly encapsulated the relationship between the three of you.
“I like this one,” Benny pointed to the one where you and he kissed Frankie on either side of his face, “What about you, Fish?”
Frankie mulled over the pictures and picked the one where you were in the middle and cupped their faces on either side of you while they both looked lovingly at you and each other, “This one,” he breathed.
A calmness came over the three of you as you looked at the photos in your hands. Both Frankie and Benny covered your hands with theirs as they each took a sheet of pictures and you all shoved them in your pockets. You gave each of your boys a quick kiss before you turned your attention back to the wall of games.
“How about one last game before we head out?”
Benny’s face lit up as his eyes fell on a certain game in particular, “Hey Fish, how about a game of Mortal Kombat?”
A mischievous look came across Frankie’s face as he rolled his sleeves up, “You’re on!”
You watched as they selected their characters and readied their stances. Both men were so focused on the screen in front of them that they didn’t hear you walk up behind them. It was then that you remembered that they both had a serious side, and you darted your eyes between them and saw the fire that burned there. Benny and Frankie had their hands wrapped around the control stick and their other hands were splayed across the panel with their fingers on the buttons. You bit your lip as your eyes trailed up and down their arms and you couldn’t help but get turned on by their intensity.
That was when you got a glimmer of mischievousness in your own eyes and you leaned in between them, “Winner gets to cockwarm in my pussy tonight.”
They both gasped your name and faltered at your words before they looked at you with wide eyes. But they soon turned sharp in their gazes again as the friendly competition started.
You cheered them both on as they fought intensely on the small pixelated screen. As much as you would have liked to play too, this made it just as much fun for you as well. Plus, you knew that neither of them were truly the loser anyway since you all shared your affections equally. It was just a way for you to get them riled up for when you all got home later.
“Finish him!” Benny shouted as he quickly tapped the buttons for his winning attack combo and Frankie’s character lay on the ground in a bloody pile.
“Kitana wins,” he cheered himself in victory.
“I can’t believe you picked her to play as,” you playfully teased him as you kissed his cheek.
“She’s a badass, baby,” Benny defended himself, “Besides, I know she’s your favorite character,” he then turned to Frankie and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Good game babe. My boyfriend was a worthy opponent.”
Frankie looked at him with those soft eyes as he faked a pout, but he couldn’t hold it for long and all three of you burst into laughter.
“Let’s go home,” you whispered to them as you took their hands.
The moment the door to your home shut, the three of you were on each other as you placed heated kisses all over each other’s bodies. A trail of clothes led the way into the bedroom as you all collapsed down naked onto the bed with Benny in between you and Frankie. Hand and lips were everywhere as you all showered each other in affection until you all started to feel tired from the day. As much as you all wanted to make love until the sun came up, you all realized how late you were out as you laid out in bed. You had a promise to keep anyway.
You opened yourself for Benny as you rolled onto your side and parted your legs for him, “Come on, baby,” you purred.
Frankie reached around and stroked Benny’s cock a few times to make him hard and helped guide him into your pussy. You let out a soft gasp when you felt the tip of Benny’s cock at your entrance, but you relaxed when Frankie’s hand caressed and squeezed your ass while Benny slowly slid into you.
Both you and Benny let out heavy exhales once he was fully sheathed inside you and you dropped your head down onto the pillow. The stretch of his cock was a comfort to you and you sighed as he wrapped his arms around you and held you close. Frankie watched with an affectionate look on his face until he settled himself behind Benny and held both of your bodies close.
“You can warm your cock in me, Frankie,” Benny’s voice was low as he turned to face him.
Frankie’s eyes went wide as he stared at him for several moments. Before he moved, Frankie leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Benny’s neck, “Just don’t let me hurt you,” he whispered.
“You won’t,” Benny reassured him before he let out a loud moan when he felt Frankie’s cock against his entrance.
You squeezed Benny with your inner muscles while Frankie caressed his body as he slowly and carefully slid into him. Low moans and groans filled the room as you all connected yourselves to each other and got yourselves comfortable on the bed. Frankie pulled you both in close as you all found the perfect position to lay all wrapped in each other’s arms.
It was quiet and calm and perfect as you all laid in each other’s embrace. Slow, heavy breaths from you and Benny told Frankie you were both close to sleep, but he couldn’t resist the thought that popped into his head. He leaned in close against your ear and whispered, “Hey babe, you gonna finish him?”
Laughter burst out in the room as you all cackled at Frankie’s joke.
“You boys are ridiculous,” you sighed as you kissed them each as your laughter died down and was replaced by a calmness. The three of you stayed wrapped up and connected together as you all fell asleep in your cuddle pile. 
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ladyoriza · 3 years
"Hey Sparrow, what do you mean, 'Every FNAF game takes place in the same universe as Stephen King's IT'?"
Glad you asked, and I'd love to explain, but first, a crash course in the Stephen King Multiverse or this is going to sound even more deranged than it already is
SO. Every book of his is connected through a structure known as The Dark Tower, it's pretty much the foundation of the multiverse and all existence depends on it staying upright. It's held up by 6 beams. You can apply this variation of the multiverse to literally any fictional property. There's more to it but we don't have time, read the books if you want to cry a lot.
WAY back in time this entity called North Central Positronics just fucked around with magic and technology and nearly ruined everything for everyone. They have a bunch of people they kidnapped called "Breakers", who are kept in camps to break the Beams and knock the tower down. This will be important later.
They ALSO made very advanced robotics what were sentient, had their own personalities, and were basically fully autonomous. Shit like...facial recognition despite the tech being way too advanced for 1987. William working for NCP makes a TON of sense and explains why the animatronics can do what they do. Bitches run on Eldritch Power.
(There's two other related corps- Sombra and LaMerk, that also fuck around, Sombra is just Bastardly and LaMerk does the metalwork for NCP, they're not terribly important to this Theory).
So, IT. Derry, Maine appears in tons of SK's work and there's ALWAYS some shit happening. Not just when Pennywise is active, (though the Bite of 83 could have contributed to Pennywise waking up in 1984, this is the only part of the FNAF timeline that lines up with the Novel).
So, say you're a british bastard who pits his kids against each other, who just likes to cause kids pain, who does a little murder here and there......a city so desensitized to missing kids sounds like a nice place to settle down. Especially if your robotics company is just a derivative of the people that build machines to ruin everything forever.
("Hey, you're a maniac that wants immortality, wanna harvest this Substance from children that MIGHT give you that but definitely WILL fuel our breakers?"
"Oi cheerio that sounds lovely"
"Oh yeah also there's a Beast under the city that eats kids and feeds of fear so if you could make some fucked up scary robots that would be lit"
i'm out of british sayings to make fun of but you get the gist
also can you imagine the Loser's Club just fuckin beating the shit out of PeePaw Willy)
Remnant is either fuel for the Breakers or for the Machinery that facilitates the breaking. Either way every single game takes place in Derry, and the animations do offer a nice, easy form for Pennywise to take when it's awake eating children.
in conclusion:
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spacegirlapollo · 4 years
Again [ Aizawa x Reader Smut]
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Whats up folx I am back ! Sorry for being gone so long! Here’s a new mid length fic! 
Title: Again
Genre: Some fluff , Smut
Description: You are feeling hot and heavy after your personal training lessons with you boyfriend Aizawa Shouta. 
You huffed out a tired breath clutching your stomach with your right hand and holding yourself steady from the floor with your left. On the gym floor below you, you could almost make out your sweaty, wild haired reflection. You were trying to get as many deep breaths as possible before you stood up , knowing that they could be your last for a few minutes. 
From the corner of your vision you could see the socks of your boyfriend, Aizawa Shouta, and even though you couldn't currently see all of him, you knew he was looking down at you, probably with his arms folded. And you were sure that he had that look that he gave his students when he was challenging them, and pushing them hard. 
You were the one who had asked for the training in the first place, you’d watched once, the way he kept in shape and practiced his fighting, and you wanted nothing more than to be able to do the same thing. You knew it was going to be hard but, this…. was tough. 
“Y/N” He said, his tone was devoid of any impatience, but he wasn't showing you any other emotions either. He was not going to take it easy on you. This was the fourth week of training and you were just seeing the end of your heavily bruised and sore body and having to take ice baths every night. Shouta had warned that once you got to that point, it was easy for your body to reach a stand still, so he was going to push you even harder. 
Feeling a bit shaky you moved your legs to balance your frame and stand back up. You were running a cycle of high kicks and punches. First you had to counter him, coming at your quicker each time, then you had to come at him and try to find away against his counters. Shouta would always stop right before a kick landed or a punch landed, as to not hit you but show you how open to attack you were. He did however counter and counter hard, He was an expert at making you lose your breath and your balance. All your bruises were just from hitting the floor after unsuccessfully landing a punch and being countered or pinned to the floor. 
You faced him again, chest rising and falling fast, you’d been trying to land the same combo for 20 minutes, a high punch, a low kick a high kick and then a punch to the stomach. 
Shouta curled his hands forward, becoming you to try again. You saw him move into place meaning that he was preparing himself to not be knocked over. You were both in all black sleeveless workout clothes and you had to forcefully remove the thought about how good he looked in it. 
Your right foot shifted forward and you could see him react before you had even thought what to do next. As your balled fist launched towards his upper chest area, he swatted your arm away with his right and pivoted back, you launched into your kick, using momentum to launch your left foot forward. In a swift movement, Shouta slid his foot out, connected with your swinging leg and pushed hard outward. 
You gasped as your legs were forcefully split, the wobble returning again and you landed on your right knee, hands falling from their fist to catch yourself on the ground again. 
You loved your boyfriend, and after every training session, he would give you massages, run the baths and grab the ice. But suddenly you felt a surge of annoyance. You had not been able to land a punch in 4 weeks worth of practice, sure he was a pro, beyond a pro, but the sore loser in you was reaching for the surface.  You didn't even want to land a punch, you just wanted to be able to disarm him once. Just once. 
“Again.”  He was rolling up the gauze over his knuckles, the strand of hair that had fallen loose from his high bun was bumping limply across his face. Your fingers gripped against the gym floor as you let the annoyance wash over you. It provided you one thing that maybe you had been missing. Focus. 
Without any more promoting you lifted up from the floor quickly, barely standing up tall you used your left hand this time to come for his right side. He reacted, but you noticed a little slower than before, using this right to disarm your left. His stance was good as if he was bracing for your kick but his chest was wide open, so you decided to go out of order, releasing a grunt of pure adrenaline,  sending your your right forearm into his chest, he was sturdy but surprised, moving a step back. As you hooked a foot underneath his now open stance, He grabbed your elbow and waist, and the both of you fell quickly to the floor, you on top of him, and his back to the gym flooring. 
Your chest was rising and falling as you laid on top him to soar to move. You didn't feel like a winner going out of order, but it was satisfying to finally knock him over the way he had been doing to you. You realized as you looked at him he was smiling. 
“That was good.” 
Your eyebrows raised high, “That was good? But I went out of order.” 
“You made it so that I couldn't predict what you were going to do next.” He said as if it was simple. You always come with your right and you came in with your left. I wasn’t expecting that.” 
His sudden praise of your work had sent any previous annoyance away and your sudden closeness had you staring at his lips as he talked. You forced yourself to meet his eyes. 
“You were still able to counter it though.” 
He shrugged as much as he could on the floor, a smirk playing on his lips. “weIl… I am pretty good. But your getting closer ” 
You giggled at this, feeling that lighter, airy feeling after a workout, and a bit light headed by your closeness. 
“So your saying that I’m going to actually get better than you one of these days?” You teased, a playful smile on your lips. Your lips parted a bit as he hand came up to your face and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. He murmured 
“It wouldn’t surprise me.” He said softly. “You’re always throwing me off guard.” This time it was you catching his wandering eyes to your lips. 
“Maybe we should.. Go back inside.” You say, knowing that any further and you’d kiss him on the spot. 
He nodded, and you tried to push yourself back up, only to have your arms buckle and collapse back on top of him as he was sitting up. 
You could feel his chest shake as he chuckled at your almost noodle like state. Before you could protest he was lifting himself off the ground and picking you up bridal style, as if he hadn’t just done a whole work out. You opened your mouth to demand to be put back down but you knew that he wouldnt and that your legs were Jello anyway. 
By the time you’d made it up the stairs, you’d convinced him to take a bath with you, you undressed as he filled the extra large tub full of water. Since it was so large, it took a moment to fill. You were trying to pin your hair up with your noodle arms but everytime you raised them you felt that dull ache of pain. 
Shouta appeared in front of you taking the pins from your and and moving in close now, his wholly naked form distracting. You could see from the mirrors in front of you that he was haphazardly putting your up but you still appreciated it. 
“ I feel so helpless when my arms hurt like this.” 
“Pain means its working.” He said finished with his messy work on your hair his hand traveled down to your check and your lips parted a bit as he raised up your chin. You were ready to close your eyes for a kiss but instead he said. 
“The bath is ready” 
He let go of your face and you stood there stunned. He was teasing you and you didn't not not like it. 
Shouta felt his cock twitch at the little moans you couldn't help that escaped your mouth as you sank into the hot water and sat back into him. He’d been trying to reign himself in but he knew that soon you’d feel him pressed up against your back. 
He could have stayed in this position forever as you laid into his chest. He wanted to hear more of your little moans though and his hand slid up your leg slowly to your core. You about melted into him as he used his other hand softly cup your neck as he began to pepper kisses there, his finger slowly spinning circles around your pleasure spot. He relished in your whiney gasps as he laid hot kisses down your neck.  
~Damn~ You thought as your brain was nothing but fog as Shouta picked up the pace. You felt his teeth graze your neck and whimpered a bit. In response you felt him pepper you with kisses before sinking his teeth a little less than gentle into your neck.  
You couldnt help the moan that came out of you, it felt a little to good. You could feel the rumble in Shouta’s chest as he began to cup your right tit, earning more whimpers from you as you rapidly approached your orgasm. Almost as if he sensed it , his grip became tighter and his voice was right in your ear, urging, almost begging you to cum for him. Your breath hitched in your throat and your eyes fluttered as you came to him, which earned you kisses along your jaw and his slow deep voice saying “ Mmm good girl.” 
You wanted so badly to kiss him how and so you turned, his grip shifting to your waist as you straddled him, the water sloshing slightly at your movements. You brought your lips together and he responded in kind, letting you control the pace. You wanted to repay his pleasure and you were sure any brush up against his sensitive and throbbing cock would send him writhing. 
Grabbing a fist full of hair, you pulled him away from the kiss, leaving hot kisses down his skin, he sucked in a lot of air as you pulled his hair, something he was never shy about letting you know he loved. His grip on you tightened as you grazed your free hand against his throbbing cock.  You began to return the favor gripping him, stroking him while sucking softly against his sensitive neck. 
You were unrelenting as you picked up the pace leaving bite marks across his neck. As you felt him starting to unravel you brought your lips together again nibbling at his lower lip as he stared up at you as if you were the only thing in the world as he came into your hand. You relinquished your hold onto his hair and he brought you close to his chest, and it was your turn for your head to tilt back as he pressed himself into you, guiding you with his hands around your ass. 
“Fuck.” You gasped out pleasure exploding around your body. Your moans filled the bathroom as he began to stroke into you at a needy pace. Neither of you were going to last long but your closeness was intoxicating. Your hands were on his chest and your pins had fallen letting your hair fall over you and cling to your curves. 
Head falling back as you felt that knot in your stomach you moaned out as you came. 
Unable to hold out on your tightening core he thrusted a few times before spilling into you. 
You both sat for a moment breathing in and coming down from your high. 
An hour or so later you were climbing into bed, completely and utterly spent , knowing that sleep was knocking at your door. Shouta slid into the bed next you and almost like magnets you came together, snuggling into his frame. He was stroking your hair behind your ear again and you struggled to keep your eyes open. 
“Good night baby.” You said softly. 
“Goodnight love.” You were sure he said as you drifted off into sleep. 
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awed-frog · 4 years
Absolute despite and rage and resentment for people who’re like, ‘I won’t make healthy choices, I’d rather die 10 years earlier and have a good life’. 
Like first of all kudos for your selfishness. Whatever the meaning of life is, we’re not alive in a void. We form connections. We have parents and children and spouses and siblings and friends and pets and people who look up to us and people who depend on us and people who love us. So your premise is already fucked up, because it’s not only you losing ten years of your life, it’s all those people losing time with you. 
And second of all, ‘a good life’ - grow up. There’s not one single definition of good life. It’s not your way or no way, and the land of Neverjoy. Habits take time to form, and you may grow to like, need, head-over-heels love the hard changes you’re making now. And even if you don’t - some things just need to be endured. Life is not always fun, and that’s just the way it is.
And finally: many people seem to have this rosy misconception that you can keep smoking or scoffing burgers on your couch for 30 years with pure&undiluted joy in your heart and then BAM, you painlessly drop dead and that’s it. (Meanwhile, that person who exercised or whatever was probably hit by a bus two weeks earlier, HahahhhHHHHA LOSER.) And let me tell you, as someone who’s watched and is watching several beloved family members go through this, that’s not what fucking happens. You don’t have a happy life and then gently embrace the winged messenger of fucking death, smiling at the pomegranate-sweet memory of your ‘good life’. As fucking if. Want to know how this goes? Here it is: you’re fine and happy up to a point - say, your late 30s, or maybe even your late 40s. Then it’s over. You start having pains and aches. Migraines. Diabetes. Hypertension. You’re always sick. You take antibiotics. You take 3 pills a day, then 5, then 10. Those pills fuck up your stomach and intestines, so you take other pills to stay alive, and you still have a shit time. You’re constipated, you have heartburn. You have cancer. You try for kids, but good fucking luck with that. You can’t sleep anymore, and it takes months of waking up in a panic, your brain and soul underwater, before you’re given a machine. You’ll have to sleep with that thing for the rest of your life. (It’s not pleasant, feels like the fucking alien from Alien sucking half your face off, and you still wake up several times a night.) You develop ulcers in your legs, wounds that just won’t close. If you’re severely obese, wounds between your rolls of fat. They’re painful, stink, take forever to clean. (They just won’t heal.) Meanwhile, your world shrinks. You can’t play with your kids. You can’t go on trips, hikes, adventures, family outings. You have trouble walking, sex isn’t fun anymore. Your partner and kids slowly turn into caretakers, reminding you to take your meds, resenting you, possibly enabling the life choices that are slowly killing you. Step by step, your house turns into your entire reality. For whatever reason (severe pain in your knees, open ulcers, shortness of breath, failing eyesight, an amputated limb, a constant need to pee), you just can’t walk, you don’t trust yourself to drive, and you have nowhere to go because all that stuff you’ve missed? That means you haven’t formed or maintained meaningful connections with anyone. You take refuge in that thing you wouldn’t give up to live 10 years longer: bad food, alcohol, smoking, unrelenting sloth. (It’s the only thing you have left.) And next: one day, very slowly and then all at once, your organs start to fail. You have one issue here and one issue there. You’ll have one surgery, then two. More meds. Heavier stuff, with more side-effects. At some point, doctors will just shake their heads at you. They don’t know what’s wrong, exactly. Too many things at once. You could try one more surgery, but there’s a chance your heart won’t be strong enough. So you trudge back home with yet another gut-destroying drug, and you sit alone on your couch, and you get sad and depressed and mad (at the world; at yourself) because you can’t bear the fear, the worry, the humiliation, the constant, gnawing pain. It goes one for months, years if you’re lucky (or unlucky) and then, yeah - then you die.
I loved you, goddammit. 
(I wanted to actually get to know you; to spend more time with you.)
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Amphibia Reviews: The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers/A Day at the Aquarium
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Last full episode before hiatus! The Kids have a sleepover in the castle that starts like the Princess Diaries 2 and ends in unspeakable horror, while the Plantars try to spend one final day together without getting sad. Sort of like everyone these days without the final part. One last ride under the cut. 
Whelp it’s the end for this batch of episodes which is sad, and i’ll genuinely miss covering these every week. Yeah I have other coverage incoming with Ducktales coming back, eeeee, and current Loud House coverage.. but it was still nice to have something to cover this summer and something to watch every week during this blighted year, as i’ve mentioned before there weren’t any BAD episodes just hard to cover ones and I think by the end I figured out how to do that.. mostly by stopping straight up recaps for more condensed ones. Point is I had fun, grew as a reviewer, and it was a good way to kill a few saturdays, sundays and one or two mondays, and that ain’t bad at all. So before we come back for halloween, let’s send off weekly amphibia coverage in style for now, unless it comes back in November and I look stupid, with this week. Let’s go. 
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The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers
Well this one took a turn. It was also an excellent one as we got more insight into Marcy and Anne’s friendship with Sasha, and some truly excellent horror. Yes, horror.  The Plantar kids head to the castle for the evening for a Sleepover. Turns out the king finally did find something, as did Marcy who’s playing coy about what they found in the hidden library I forgot to mention last time because I was covering 4 episodes at once. Anyway King Keith David has a meeting with them tommorow. So the kids are staying with Marcie to have a fun night together while Hop Pop has a night without the kids to get something head to toe.. it’s better not to ask. They also annoy Olivia who goes off to drink.. juice. Yes the hard juice that comes with a lemon wedge and speedoed servant newt. 
It’s also our ambigously gay duo’s first sleepover without Sasha, but their confident they can do this themselves while Sprig is hoping i’tll be good as his first sleepover (And has a creepy closeup about formative memories) Cue a fun montage of everryone annoying olivia and getting into hyjinks round the castle from sillys tring, which is shot from critters, to painting moustaches. It’s fun stuff.  Then we go from fun stuff to...
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As , in order to stay awake, as being the bastion of pleasantness she is Sasha refused to let them sleep till sunrise, Marcy and Anne initate a SCARE DARE! A SCARE DARE! is a scary dare where the person who dosen’t complete it goes in the book of losers. Which of course was Sasha’s idea, both in general concept and the dares done. What a well adjusted young lady!  So naturally our heroes go into the basment they were told to stay out of. They get pass Lady Olvia because she’s passed out drunk on hard lemonade, living the dream as it were. ,Anyway they.  find a bunch of tombstones, and then Marcy and Anne taking a selfie (Say desecration) wakes the dead... all because they were both playing chicken. One has to imagine how the kids talking with hop pop would go
So yeah the ghostly horror terrors chase the kids, who somehow end up in Marcy’s room. So she just has a passage from a floating graveyard contaning horrifying eldtirch ghosts to her room.. a room the king put in for her. Someone protect this child. 
So our heroes soon have to deal with the ghosts but luckily sprig’s mirror catching it reveals the mirrors, which were foreshadowed earlier by a hall of mirrors leading into the corpse room, making the ghosts solid and allowing our heroes to fight htem back. Our heroes are exausted, Marcy and Anne reveal that they also chickend out on the scare dare so it’s okay, and Oliva arrives. It’s go time.  Final Thoughts: A fun episode that quickly pivots into a great and nightmare inducing one perfect for spooky season coming up soon. I do generally wonder just WHAT those things are, and it’s great setup for whatever’s abotu to come. And while I didn’t mention it in the recap we also get sprig finding some sort of painting and it being of the king, a toad and a frog.. we don’t get to see it clearly so it could be someone else.. but.. it’s clear the king likely has ties to what happened before. But what DID happen before? what are those ghost things? what’s the king’s angle? 
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Yeah I have no answers for now on what the king’s plan is, or how inocent he is or if that’s his dad, just that something’s clearly wrong. And the omonious chess metaphor told us that.. yeah I do think that bit was kind of a mistake as otherwise while we’d probably still question the king, we would be more conflicted as evidence piled up versus “yeah something’s clearly wrong. “ Then again we genuiely don’t know what his motives or plan is or how well intentioned he is or anything other than he SEEMS nice, and that said game could be a necessary evil for all we know. We just don’t have enough information, even with the ominus bits, to truly know what’s going on and what kind of villian the king is. If he is one at all the show could pull a massive swerve on us.. I mean I doubt it he probably is evil, but I wouldn’t put it past the show. For now let’s move on so I can do more wheel spinning and what not...
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Day at the Aquarium
So it’s time for another audience with the king. Turns out he and Mar-mar found out a LOT. Or Marcy did at least, as the above makes clear the king may of known ALL OF THIS already, and just needed Marcy and Anne to think he didn’t long enough for his evil plans. But we do learn a LOT about the gems, the box, and what it does as well as how to fix it... 
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So let’s not waste time since some of you probably don’t have episode acess this early and want to know: Turns out the calamity box is an interdimensional travel device, and, as far as the king tells us anyway, the king’s ancestors went around from world to world as explorers, possibly the group seen in the picture and just as likely the king himself hiding his role in things. Now how much of the explorer part is TRUE remains up in the air, especially since history also painted Columbus an explorer, including when I was in school, and not you know.. an idiot and a colonizing bastard. History is written by the winners after all so it’s hard to know what’s true, only that the book is likely real: While the king COULD’VE planted it to lead marcy, or had one made up, a fake would’ve been spotted immeditly as we’ve established Marcy is a master detective with batman level deductive skills. Or Elongated Man but I wanted most of you to get the refrence and his adaptation versoins so far haven’t been the kindest to ralph. Anyways, point is that con wouldn’t work on her so the book IS real, as is it’s info on the box.. i’ts just hard to tell what was left out or if this was written before utter diastaer and apocalypse insued. After all Gravity Falls Journal 3 is all fine and dandy about bill before the giant passage about bill not being trusted written in blood and Ford going into a paranoid tailspin after realizing his friend is actually a horrifing monster, literally and figuratively, so we don’t know WHAT could’ve been hidden in a nother book the king could’ve removed at any time before  Marcy got there or while she was away on a mission.  But yeah while we know there’s probably more to it this is sitll big information, the box connecting to 4 other worlds other than amphibia, which not only opens up the story possiblities but the fan fiction, and that each of the gems can be recharged at three temples, each one of the gems responding to a diffrent trait judging by the symbols, each representing our girls; Purple is strength, and thus sasha, Blue is Heart, Anne, and Green is Brains, Marcy. I do like thisd as it tells us more but only raises further questions, hooking the audience more. It’s great stuff. But our heroines now have a goal.. but unforutnately the Plantars need to go back and Anne can’t go with as Marcy wants her close. It’s harvest season soon and the Plantars have been away long enough. So they have one last day, though both marcy and the king are apologetic and the king offers them a large tissue and upon getting no response just gives it to them as next time we see them with it. it’s both a great gag, and a nice show of kindess from the king and possible diabolical mastermind. 
So the Plantars decide to spend their final day with Anne at the aquarium, as it always cheered her up. This goes south as eveyrhting from the eels to the giant kraken to the coral reminds them of their past and leaves the poor group sobbing. Even a water show goes sideways as Sprig sees an eel, but it does lead to the group fighting off the stingrays at the show in an utterly stunning fight sequence. Not the best i’ve seen this month.. but only because I binged what I missed of rise of the tmnt this month and that show’s final figh tis an utter showstopper, as are most of it’s fight, but this is easily on par with most of them. Fluid, well done and emotoinal. Our heroes get thrown out of course, but the thought counts and they decide one last throughly them memory is better than nothing.  The final scene is naturally an utter gut punch as we get tearfull goodbyes (sprig and anne forever). Their crying, i’m crying we’re all crying and Hop Pop promises they’ll see each other again. Because family always finds each other. My heart.. it’s too full. here have an apporiate song...
Let’s see how i’m doing. 
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Yeah so two things: I’m not going to be able to stop sobbing thinking of this scene so let’s move on and how have I only NOW refrenced gilmore girls on this blog?
But yeah the scene is utterly moving as the Plantars leave and Marcy realises something. She likely was keeping Anne close because she just got her back... but realizes she’s being selfish. It’s not SAID on screen but it’s clear both in Hailey’s voice acting and from the animation what’s going through her head. It’s utterly captivating stuff. So she tells Anne to go with them.. offically because they should have someone they can trust keep an eye on the box, which is a good idea honestly given just giving it to a royal messenger is just asking for it to be stolen. So Marcy will stay behind and prepare, and since she mentioned it before likekly try to find Sasha as she earlier stated they HAVE to find her.. and given what we see with the recharging that’s both because she misses her friend no matter what she’s done, and because she’s vitally important, while Anne goes with the Plantars to get the box and have some more time before they say goodbye forever, with Marcy coming to wartwood to pick it and anne up for the first temple. Because nothing terrible’s ever happened when a plucky youth with a sword went to three seperate temples, especially involving a guy with a beard and full plate armor. 
Marcy stares off, sad her friend and possible crush is gone.. but unederstanding that this is what she needs, and that she can’t hold her here.. Anne needs to see her family off.. and we get a tearful reunion as Anne chases after them, passing her friends from “Scavenger Hunt”, and reunites with her family. But of course we can’t end on a happy moment, as we cut back to Marcy whose utterly sad.. and the King who says he has a proposition for her, one she’ll find most agreable. 
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But yeah we end on that bit of ominus as we close till october. 
Final Thoughts: Yeah if it wasn’t obvious this was a great one. Great plot progression, great animation, great emotional hook, good jokes which I dind’t get into for time, and tons of stuff to leave fans wanting more just before the break, but without a HUGE cliffhanger. Sure we don’t know what the King’s planning, but that aside our heroes are still together outside of marcy, and we haave a lot to look forward to whenever the show gets back. I’m hyped. Your hyped. IT’s a good note to go out on, especially since last weeks eps were also excellent and it looks like things are about to pick up. When next we meet it’s an inconsequential, probably, anthology episode, though it should be fun, then whenever new episodes return, wether it be just in november or more likely in February, our heroes return to wartwood! And we’ll find out what everyone’s been up to. Hopefully Ivy didn’t leave sprig. We’ll see. Until then, you can check out this blog for more recaps, as I said i’m covering ducktales as it comes back monday and loud house whenever I can get my meat hooks on the new episodes, and until then say safe and go team venture!
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Multiples of 6 for the OC asks!
i think for this one i’ll answer each question with three ocs for comparison >:V
(under the cut because, predictably, It Got Long)
6. Do they smoke or do they hate smoking. 
(origfic, unnamed superhero verse)
Neil: won’t touch cigarettes, but has been known to smoke a bowl every now and then when his anxiety gets the best of him. he doesn’t like doing it--he’s internalized some pretty negative shit about how it means he’s a trashy, weak-willed loser who can’t handle reality--but since meeting nads and then beth, he’s eased up a lot on the guilt and is able to relax more.
Nads: smokes cigarettes, but only if they’re stolen. she’s got an active lifestyle to say the least and she doesn’t want to risk fucking up her lungs, so that’s her compromise. my god does she love her weed though
Beth: smokes cigarettes to take the edge off her anxiety when she has to go outside during the day. she knows they’re worse for her than weed, but she’s wary enough of her liminal space powers without imagining what they might do if she got stoned.
12. What’s an outfit they’d despise wearing Vs one they’d love wearing? Draw it! 
(Tales of Arcadia; i’m godawful at drawing clothes so i’ll just describe them as best i can ashdflkshdfkl)
Liyen: loves comfortable, understated, professional-looking masc clothes, usually in muted shades of gray, blue, or black. give them a fuzzy turtleneck sweater and black pants and they’re happy. meanwhile they’d be SUPER uncomfortable in loud, clashing colors or anything too femme. 
Schommag: Does Not Like Clothes That Will Get in Her Way, also not a big fan of dressing femme with very few exceptions (the right Little Black Dress, for example). give her what she needs to get around the woods and stay out of her way. that said she does love showing off her muscles, so she wears a lot of tank tops and sports bras (and sometimes no top at all, if she can get away with it). 
Oryalv: VERY femme, particularly business casual. this man loves his pantsuits. meanwhile his nightmare is middle-aged high school coach aesthetic. put him in a t-shirt and khakis and he’ll start pouring smoke like a teakettle
18. Have they ever committed a crime? How? Why? If not, then what’s their opinion on crime?
(origfic, unnamed VALENTINE DON’T DO THAT verse)
Valentine: has been made complicit in a lot of their family’s cutthroat-noble shadiness growing up, is otherwise a law-abiding sort up until they jump off the slippery slope and get the war crime ball rolling in earnest. Whoops
Edmund: has gotten into plenty of cutthroat-noble shadiness of his own volition, thank you very much. unlike valentine he’s a whole lot more inclined to go UHHH and pull up when it comes to war crimes
Marcel: LOVES war crimes. LOVES them. would marry them if he could. lucky for him he’s captain of the guard and has plenty of opportunities. will otherwise use the law as a bludgeon but i don’t think he’s too bothered about it for its own sake
24. Mcdonalds, subway, or KFC?
(Final Fantasy Tactics A2)
Nebilim: subway, grease is sensory hell and makes him sick and it’s the easiest place to avoid it. the number of variables per sandwich make him anxious, but if he has to pick one then fuck it, it’s worth not putting grease in his body.  
Moovry: loves grease with all his somehow-still-functioning heart, would bring his own beer keg to KFC and refuse to leave til he’s finished his fourth bucket of chicken
York: MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS. gets the happy meal and then uses the toy to test their black magic minispells. we hardly knew ye, beyblade 
30. Have they ever dreamed about another oc?
(Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, taxidermy/doll horror cw)
Faerna: has dreams about missing his mother sometimes. he hasn’t seen her in a long time, and for all he knows she thinks he’s dead, but he can’t bring himself to go back and look for her when he doesn’t know if she’ll approve of the life he’s chosen for himself. for all he talks himself up, not everyone’s happy to have a thief and a conman for a son.
SkekNev: has recurring dreams about the victims of their taxidermy coming back to life. less of a HOLY SHIT THE DOLLS ARE ALIVE nightmare for them, more of an anger/anxiety nightmare because stop that, stop having autonomy, i made you like this for a reason.
Aivne: dreams a lot about her little siblings. outright nightmares, semi-lucid rehearsals of danger scenarios, memories from before they lost their parents.
36. If they’re nonhuman, what’s their opinion on humans?
(origfic, faeverse)
Aislinng: vampire/incubus, more specifically A Dracula Lookin Motherfucker. depending on how much of a bastard he is in a given au, humans are usually somewhere between ‘fun to dazzle with my Supernatural Charms’ and ‘boring. where are the interesting people to torment’
Meadowsweet: rabbit faun. depending on which of the two wildly different versions of him we’re talking about, he either treats humans with the same goodwill as anyone else who might need his healing, or looks down on them and considers them fair game for whatever evil bastard he’s pining after this week.
Agaric: aislinng’s son with a forest spirit, so fuck if i know what to call him at this point. humans tend to find his brand of quiet, aloof awkwardness either offputting or endearing; either one is mortifying, and he’d mostly rather just keep to himself. 
42. What’s their standpoint when it comes to washing hands?
(origfic, bumfuck nowhere cult)
Cristina: obsessed with cleanliness, washes her hands constantly, crissy please you live in the desert
Skinner: if my hands are clean i can’t wipe them on cristina’s robes now can i
Rosemary: who needs to wash hands when you’ve got tentacles ;)
48. If they were defeated fairly in battle, would they accept and move on or throw a fit?
(origfic, slasher movie slaughterhouse dimension)
Maggie: will stay down and let you think she’s beaten, until you take your eyes off her for a second too long. then she’ll go for your hamstring
Dee: will accept it and move on, but will also try to make you feel like winning wasn’t really important anyway. maggie loves her dearly but she is kind of infuriating to everyone else
Esau: is delighted when somebody beats him, because if they’ve gotten that far they’ve committed at least one horrific atrocity and will have to live with that forever (if not embrace it). the real treasure was the corruption and PTSD we found along the way. no wonder maggie kind of hate-connects with him, he reminds her of dee lmao
54. Have they ever lost anyone?
(misc origfic)
Gray: lost the person who summoned them, gave them form, and taught them how to speak. once she died, all they knew was that she’d stopped coming, and that their only friend--their only contact with the world outside the cave--was gone. they’re there alone for a long time before a hitchhiker stumbles across them, and now they’re clingy as fuck and terrified of being abandoned again.
Ashdown: lost her wife the spring before her story begins, which left her so depressed she didn’t bother flying south for the winter with everyone else. she does eventually find love again, after coming to terms with the fact that what she’s lost isn’t the only thing she can ever have.
Jake: lost his older brother as a kid, which might or might not be why some fuck haunting their own fursuit recruits him to help with their unfinished business.
thank you again for the questions!!! i have. so many ocs. SO many ocs, and it’s always fun to get a chance to trot a bunch of them out, especially with a good range of questions like these :D
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wordsofwhisper · 3 years
fic: doom days (1)
A ‘ALL THIS BAD BLOOD’ SEQUAL! (You can read that one here)
It’s been eight years since the house burned down. Adrian, Arthur, Zane, and Isobel have packed up the pieces of their lives again. Adrian and Arthur continue to struggle and thrive as a couple, figuring out how to make each other happy while their past is still haunting them. Zane is in office after the fall of the government, but it’s not as easy to change age-old rules that some aren’t ready to let go of yet, as for some there is a lot more at stake than others. And Isobel is turning sixteen, which means her soulmate connection could finally happen...
This is Izzy's three-chapter story!
It's a quarter past midnight
And the sirens are mending some hearts
But we're the losers on the back seats
Singing "Love will tear us apart"
Isobel Gates looked behind her at the house that was disappearing into the distance while she was running towards the little alcove of trees. This was not something she would do normally, but it was for a good reason. She stopped running when she knew she was out of eyesight. If her dad or her uncle had seen her skipping out, they would’ve called her by now. Or chased her.
Nobody was following her.
She slowed her pace once the house had disappeared. It wasn’t long before midnight. Before her sixteenth birthday. Which meant, just a little while and she could get her very own soulmate connection.
This was what Isobel had been longing for since she was a little girl and learned about soulmates in her class. Only a few people in the world got blessed with it, her teacher had told her. Those who did, were some of the happiest people in the world, but they were cursed at the same time. You see, happiness comes with a high price. Sometimes the love only lasted so shortly as one or both of the soulmates passed in a deadly accident. It should be enough to scare the children from ever finding their soulmates, but it had never stopped Izzy. But there was only one person in this world she desperately wanted to be her soulmate: her boyfriend.
Her secret boyfriend.
John Linden.
Her Jack.
Izzy arrived at their meetup spot. “Jack?” she whispered.
No reply.
She walked towards the big tree, where she and Jack had shared their first kiss a couple of months ago. He’d been her best friend since they were younger. The first friend she made in school. The first who stood up for her against Richard Martin, who bullied her because she didn’t have a mother anymore. The only person who kept writing her letters after she had moved to the other side of the country after her house burned down. The first to have welcomed her back when the house was rebuilt and they moved back a few years later. The first boy she started to like as more than friends.
She could only picture it to be him. 
More rustle came from the left. Izzy turned to look, to see if she could spot Jack, but there was nothing. A branch snapped. More rustling. Her heart started to pound. “Jack?”
Still nothing. 
“John Edward Linden, do not try to scare me, because I will smack you!” 
Laughter came from around the tree now before Jack appeared within her eyesight. “I’m sorry,” he was still laughing. 
“You’re not being funny right now.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest as she glared while he came closer.
Jack carefully placed his hands on her shoulders before moving them down her arms. “I’m truly sorry, Iz.”
There was only so long Izzy could stay mad at him. Even in the darkness, his green eyes looked so bright. He had grown a foot taller than her over the years, which she had noticed the first time she met him again after moving back. His sharp nose and the dimple in his chin are more beautiful than before. She took a deep breath before she unfolded her arms and looked up at him. “I forgive you. This time.”
Her lips were pressed against him after she stood on her tippy toes, her hand at the back of his neck. It didn’t take long before her lips parted and their kiss became more intense. She could only imagine what it would be like to be kissing those lips with their soulmate connection. It was already this good, but it would be so much better then, she imagined.
Jack pulled away too soon for Izzy’s liking. He pulled out his pocket watch. “Three minutes until midnight. Are you nervous?”
Isobel had ignored the nerves until that moment, but now she was. “What if we’re not soulmates?”
“Then I will still love you.”
“You say that now but─”
“Iz, stop.”
“─what if you’re not and you meet someone who is? What then, Jack?”
He only took her hand, lacing their fingers together before he lowered his face until his forehead was touching her own. She stared into those green eyes, searching for an answer she couldn’t find. She wouldn’t know what to do if he wasn’t her soulmate.
Jack was a few months older than she was. He turned sixteen a couple of months earlier, before they shared their first kiss. She had feelings for him for some time now, but she hadn’t known if he felt the same way for her. When Jack turned sixteen, Izzy had been scared that he would meet his soulmate and forget all about her. The entire weekend after his birthday, she felt a little heartbroken and had been avoiding him. But she could only avoid him for so long until Jack showed up at her home, wondering why she wasn’t talking to him. That’s when she confessed to him that he liked her and that she was scared that he would meet someone else.
Luckily for her, that hadn’t happened. Jack was her boyfriend now, no matter what would happen. Hopefully it wouldn’t be much longer and their soulmate connection would take away all of her worries.
Izzy wrapped her arms around him, her head against his chest as she listened to his fast beating heart. He was nervous, too. It made him feel a little bit better about her own nerves cruising through her veins. She didn’t want to ask him if it was midnight already. It wouldn’t be much longer now. 
Just a couple more seconds.
“Happy birthday, my Izzy,” Jack whispered to her.
Midnight. Isobel Gates was officially sixteen years old, the age for when soulmate connections could form. She didn’t want to look up, afraid that if she looked into those eyes, there was nothing there.
“I need a little more time,” she whispered with a shaky voice.
“Izzy…” He gently caressed his arms up and down her back, trying to soothe her. Until she was ready to face him.
It felt like forever before she finally pulled away from him. She could feel his eyes burning on her, waiting for her to look up. His finger was under her chin, moving it up to make her look at him. It was a gentle touch, not forcing her but she still let him until she was met with his eyes.
How is she supposed to feel?
Izzy didn’t feel any different, but her teacher had never told her how it was supposed to feel. Tears started to form in her eyes when the realisation started to sink in that Jack, her Jack, wasn’t her soulmate.
It was over.
Izzy turned around, tears already falling down her cheek as she began to run away as fast as she could. She didn’t want to be here anymore. She didn’t want to celebrate her birthday either. She didn’t want anything, but for Jack to be her soulmate.
But he wasn’t.
“IZZY!” Jack had called after her, but Izzy didn’t stop as she ran back to the house. 
She didn’t stop until she opened the door and closed it behind her, her back against the door before she locked it. Jack would be foolish to follow her at this hour. Her father would kill him if he knew she had gone out to meet a boy.
She ran up the stairs and straight to her bedroom. She forgot to be quiet when the door slammed shut and she fell on her bed, crying. Her face was in her pillow when she began to scream as loudly as she could.
Jack was not her soulmate.
Jack was not her soulmate.
Jack was not her soulmate.
Her heart was in pieces. The only thing she so desperately wanted for the past couple of months didn’t happen. He had told her they would still be together if they weren’t, but Izzy didn’t believe him. Every minute they stayed together, she feared that he would find his soulmate and then leave her. She didn’t want her heart to get crushed more than it already was. She couldn’t live with herself thinking that someday he would leave her for someone else. It wasn’t fair. He was supposed to be her soulmate. Izzy didn’t want anyone else to be her soulmate either. It was supposed to be Jack.
They had it all planned out. As soon as their soulmate connection was there, she and Jack would announce their relationship at her birthday party that day. He would arrive and they would announce their relationship, their soulmate connection. Everybody would be happy for them and it would be the best day ever.
Now it was ruined.
Izzy didn’t know how long she had been crying or if she had eventually stopped, but at some point she had tired herself until she had fallen asleep, still dressed in her day clothes.
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Goodbye for now
Summary: Maybe one where Eddie breaks up with Richie while he's out by leaving a note because of the ugly fights they've been having and he goes to stay at one of the loser's house, but Richie finds out where he is and begs Eddie to take him back?
A/N: I’m not sure this is what you hoped for but I really hope it was! Let me know what you think!
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How Richie discovered he was staying over at Bill’s Eddie has no clue, but he’s here and his eyes are red-rimmed, skimming over the paper Eddie wrote and left on the dinner table before packing his shit and going in the middle of the night, his keys to the house sticking the paper in place. He can recite it word for word, letter by letter, forwards and backwards, top to bottom.
Dear Richie
Hey Richie
I’m staying one of our friends for a little while, until the dust settles around us. I’m sorry to let you know via this note, but if I wait for you to come home we’ll argue about it and I can’t have that right now. I think time apart will do us good, and help us clear our minds. We both need it. Please don’t hate me for this Rich, know that I’m really doing this with our best interests at heart. I will call you after I’ve had some time to think.
I love you
He’s been stressing every possible way Richie could have reacted to it, by yelling at the dead, empty air in the house, crying in his palms on the kitchen table, drinking himself out of the world, head far above the clouds, but nothing could have prepared Eddie for the seeing the noxious, sullen outlook of his face. His beard is untrimmed, hair wildly sticking in every odd direction, making Eddie question if he even brushed through it in the morning.
He’s holding a coffee mock, the one Eddie claimed as his own after moving in, a peace offering to lure Eddie out of his hiding spot. There have been no door rings, are sneakily peeking in the house via the blinds, just what Eddie considers to be an ambush.
The most mundane thing exploits Eddie’s fortitude, the primal urge to surround himself with Richie pressing deeply in his core. But his mind, the logical part of his brain, rapidly deflects the notion. Eddie knows this it this right choice, though it’s not the easiest, being apart from Richie is like missing a limb, but they survived twenty seven years apart, they can abide a few months.
This is a delicate situation, partly due to Richie’s insecurities, and his mindset, and Eddie feels very under-prepared on what to say to prove to Richie this isn’t an issue about him, more about personal growth.
The care and deliberation Eddie has to enforce to ensure Richie avoids spiraling back into the person he was pre-coming out and entering a relationship with Eddie is a lot to handle. It frightens him, the power he hold over someone the way his mother and Myra had and the responsibility to not abuse that is stressful.
The note was a good alternative to that, but Eddie is starting to realize that what it really was, was a cop out. His own predisposition may have altered the decision, the fear of Richie manipulating him to stay as was the case with Myra hitting too close to home.
Richie, and Eddie too, deserve better than that.
So, after adjusting his tie again, Eddie grasps his suitcase and storms to his car, his head held up high. The gravel on the ground crunches and lodge themselves in the rim of his shoe, plastering shut and releasing in Eddie’s expensive car, the little bastards.
Richie perks up, speeding to match Eddie’s pace with his coffee mock. In the middle of Bill’s driveway they collide, both a little too eager for different things, Eddie hurrying the conversation along, and Richie for a heart-to-heart.
The lickings off the pure black coffee drip down the sides, Richie narrowly averting the stream to drizzle on the ground, not Eddie ridiculous expensive suit.
‘I bought you coffee,’ Richie lamely laments, flipping the cup upside, but no liquid is left to spill out. ‘I lost some on the way over here so.’ He says, so weirdly cheerful and faked that Eddie’s knows without a doubt that the note achieved to opposite intent.
Richie’s face is constructed, a mask that Eddie to this day has trouble wiggling off, the ability to disguise his emotions is something Richie got practically spoon fed.
‘Richie’, Eddie begins a pre-practised speech, pinching the bridge of his nose to stop any tears before they’re even formed.
‘I’m sorry,’ Richie blurts out, and Eddie’s heart drops all the way from his chest to his stomach.
‘I’ll change okay, I’ll get therapy and I’ll work on bettering myself just please give me another chance.’
‘Richie, this isn’t about another chance or not. I swear it isn’t.’
‘I saw you die. I saw your guts get ripped out and dangled in front of me like a chew toy for dogs and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I never wanted to be like your mom, or treat you like you’re delicate,’ his voice breaks on the last word, a kicked puppy couldn’t come close to the way the words inflict an anguish in Eddie.
‘You don’t think I know that? Richie for the longest time all I tried to do was convince you that I’m alive and breathing, and it was all I was ever focused on. I can’t continue this way. We need some time apart or there’s a chance we might not even be friends anymore. I can’t lose that with you Rich. It’s great you’re considering going to therapy, but you need to do that for you, and not on my account.’
Eddie’s dispensing for a counteract, a plea to alter his decision, but what he witnesses is a tearful apology from Richie, fumbling to translate the thoughts in his head to real life sentences.
‘I can’t lose you Eds. I can’t.’ His hand lifts up, non-verbally requesting their trademark sign. Eddie blissfully parrots him, the palms of their hands resting flat against the other. It’s like coming home, and the meer idea that they might lose this forever is too foreign to entertain.
‘You won’t lose me Rich. You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.’ Eddie tilts his head up, nosing against Richie’s jaw, connecting their lips in a kiss. Their kiss is desperate, a goodbye mixed with an declaration of love, no, a departure mixed with a declaration of love, for this isn't the end.
It's not to Eddie, and it's not to Richie either. They adore each other too much to ever let go of the other completely, but if they ever hope to Exide above the trauma Pennywise and Derry forced upon them, they first have an obligation to work on themselves. Separately, before either can even think of forming a union again. Conquering their past and present demons, Eddie on how to live independently, and Richie who is and learning to care for that person, should be forefront now, yet Eddie is sure Richie will still cross his mind on the daily.
‘I’ll call you okay?’ Eddie promises, dislodging himself from Richie to get to his car. At the click of the cardoor, Eddie turns around, and claims with the upmost passion, ‘ I love you’, because he means them.
He chickened out of writing in the letter, terrified Richie’s dismay for him would be too large to accept the truthful confession, but Richie needs to hear them. He needs to know that Eddie will never let him fall the way people in his old life did. He loves him.
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bellafarella · 4 years
Hey there :) for the character list: Ted, Patrick, Alexis, David, Stevie, Mutt and that Animal, Lover vet guy (sorry I forgot his name) and Jake :)
LOL “and that Animal, Lover vet guy (sorry I forgot his name)” - that’s Ted and you said him first :p 
Thanks for the ask, here we go:
Sexuality headcanon: straight (as in canon)
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: Alexis
A BROTP I have with said character: David, I’d like to think that after their emotional talk at Singles Week that Ted tries to text him every so often with stupid puns that make David roll his eyes but can’t help but smile at his sisters dumb cute boyfriend. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Heather - just nope.
A random headcanon: I like to think that maybe some day in the future, when his contract is up in the Galapagos (him not staying any longer even though they asked) that he keeps track of Alexis - not like in a stalker way but like in a “i love this girl with my entire being and i want to know that she’s doing well and what she’s up to” kind of way- they follow each other on instagram and he sees that she’s still living her best self in NYC so he goes there, hoping to maybe run into her, too nervous to ask her to hang out and anyway, he’s never been to NYC and wants to check out a play so he does and when he posts about it, Alexis dm’s him and they meet up for lunch the next day and he finds out she’s single - has been this entire time, working on herself, focusing on her career - so he asks her out again on a real date and now that he’s not working in the Galapagos and nothing is tying him to Schitt’s Creek, he eventually moves to NYC and the timing is finally right for him and Alexis and they live happily ever after. goodnight.
General opinion of said character: i LOVE ted. he’s so cute and sweet and just so adorably punny. i’m a fan of dustin so loving ted came really easy. 
Sexuality headcanon: gay (as in canon)
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: David, duh
A BROTP I have with said character: Stevie. i think people talk a lot about how cute stevie and david’s friendship is and even how cute alexis and patrick’s friendship is but stevie and patrick is just so good. they both love to tease and banter and just be a complete and total troll, especially to david. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Rachel, duh
A random headcanon: idk if it’s random, might be pretty common, but i like to think that patrick always knew deep down that he was gay - the way he didn’t really pay attention to the girl in porn (when he did watch it) or the way he liked to spend time with the guys on his sports team over hanging out with his gf, or how his room was plastered with posters of different sports players but also they had their shirts off. how he sort of knew but really had no way of knowing because there was no one he liked like that that was a boy. not until he met david rose.
General opinion of said character: my sweet button baby, precious boy deserves the world. 
Sexuality headcanon: bisexual but with a preference of dating men
Gender headcanon: female
A ship I have with said character: Ted
A BROTP I have with said character: like i said above, i think her and patrick’s friendship is so cute but i’m gonna go with her sibling. the bond that forms between david and alexis is just so pure - they actually become siblings and friends and i love them so much. omg and Twyla because their friendship is just so fucking cute and pure.
A NOTP I have with said character: Mutt, ugh. & sorry I can’t get on board with Alexis/Stevie either. they’ve constantly talked about how Stevie is part of the family - she’s treated like a Rose every episode so I just find it ehh to ship them but to each their own, ship who you want, idgaf lol 
A random headcanon: *read Ted’s* but also, yeah that she’s living her best boss girl self in NYC, growing her business and making moves. 
General opinion of said character: i love Alexis, she’s so hilarious in her facial expressions and mannerisms. i’ve never seen such hilarious physical comedy than i have on this show. Annie is a star and i can’t wait to see her in more things.
Sexuality headcanon: pansexual (as in canon)
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: Patrick, duh
A BROTP I have with said character: Stevie, Alexis, even Ronnie (see previous ask). i love his friendship with Stevie so much because it’s his first real friend in probably ever, and he’s hers too. they’re both just so closed off and similar that they never were able to let anyone in to actually be their friend so when they became friends it was just magic, they’re soulmates in the friend sense. I also love his friendship that he gained with his sister (see above in Alexis). 
A NOTP I have with said character: Stevie, Jake, Sebastien. Literally anyone who isn’t Patrick
A random headcanon: that he and Patrick are living their best lives in their cute little cottage house in schitt’s creek,  expanding their business, and just loving their life. David knows he could live in this town forever if it meant being with Patrick - anywhere is home as long as they’re together. 
General opinion of said character: MY BABY. he deserves the world and to be protected at all costs. there’s always been people connecting to characters in meaningful ways and I’ve never really seen that for myself - yes, I am a cisgendered heterosexual woman but i’ve never connected on a deep level to any cisgendered heterosexual women like not Alexis or Moira or any other female on other shows. however with David I can. David is sarcastic and has his walls up, he’s been taken advantage of time and time again. he’s been used and abused, he thought he’d never find love or happiness. I still find it hard sometimes to be optimistic and say I will find happiness and someone who will love me unconditionally but even though David isn’t a real person, just seeing him be so happy and loved so openly and wholly by Patrick gives me hope. I’ve been in emotionally abusive relationships, I’ve been used for just my body, I’ve been taken advantage of by exes and friends, I’m always there for people but yet I don’t get anything in return. So yeah this got away from me lmaooo but yeah i just love David Rose so fucking much.
Sexuality headcanon: bisexual 
Gender headcanon: female
A ship I have with said character: no one, my girl deserves the best and we haven’t seen that on the show
A BROTP I have with said character: David, Patrick, Alexis. I love all these friendships for different reasons. David because like I said, they’re soulmates but in a friend way. Patrick cause they’re both trolls. And Alexis, because Stevie’s never really had any girl friends before and having someone like Alexis look out for her and want her to be happy, I think it really helped Stevie gain confidence in herself and her abilities to run shit. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Jake, Emir, any of the loser guys they set her up with. David, ugh they are not right romantically lol.
A random headcanon: that she spends as much time as she can bothering David by coming over to their house unannounced. Patrick just finds it hilarious because of course he does. 
General opinion of said character: I love Stevie, I thought her ending was great, how she didn’t have a romantic interest and just was excited about their franchise of Rosebud Motel. I hope that if they ever do a special or a movie or something that they do give her a romantic partner because she deserves to be loved unconditionally.
Sexuality headcanon: straight
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: no one, i really dont care lmao
A BROTP I have with said character: does he even have friends???
A NOTP I have with said character: Alexis
A random headcanon: that he died
General opinion of said character: I don’t care lol
Sexuality headcanon: pansexual
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: Jake doesn’t do monogamy so no one lol
A BROTP I have with said character: does he even have friends or does he just fuck everyone??
A NOTP I have with said character: Stevie, David. 
A random headcanon: i don’t even know, i don’t think about Jake enough lol 
General opinion of said character: he was a great character, I liked the drama he brought and how it also wasn’t really drama because Jake’s just Jake which is also something I loved. like you can’t hate him cause he’s just Jake. he does what he wants when he wants, he doesn’t do monogamy, he likes to have fun, but he doesn’t hurt anyone in the process because he’s upfront about it from the jump.
Send me a character & I’ll answer those questions 
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godrics · 4 years
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UNDER READ MORE  (bc it’s actually really long now that im on tumblr)
okay so the concert started with the vcr/video from the dream show ..
rory's little scene was her as a teacher !!! so cute
OOH and then the transition into her into her teacher clothes into a suit .. thats my girl
her hair is still like this. much more vibrant than it was because she redyed it oops
first song was GO!! change ur ways
she was wearing this [ black cargo pants, a black crop top, belt, along with chains lmao idk how to describe. oh and black boots ] for go, drippin', we go up, and stronger performances!
it was kind of awkward at first but then she saw nctzens' faces so she was happy
"to the world, this is the nct! we are nct dream”
she clapped excitedly, jumping up and down
"beyond the dream show~"
when haechan asked the time where the fans were, she read the comments, squinting funnily at the screen before gasping
"one of the czennies said it was 3am!"
the other boys gasped in shock before clapping slightly
"thank you for watching us even though it's 3am!" rory said to the fans. "but go to bed as soon as this is over~ or whenever you're feeling tired, that's okay too!"
"for our global fans, we prepared something special, right?" haechan said and rory nodded, smiling
"so we prepared our greeting in various languages"
rory's greeting was in french! fans went crazy bc she sounded SO good and her pronounciation was good too
after that she says, "renjun took english from me" in english and playfully glared at the older boy who laughed.
she turned to the fans and said, "but um, wendy-unnie taught me that so .. if it sounds bad it's all her fault." she claps as the other boys laugh
when they were talking about how they felt, rory said "i watched superm and wayv's concerts so i was excited because i knew we'd hear from the fans just like they were here with us in person. they were really loud, too" and laughs
when renjun told them to scream, she hit him lightly and said "yah, don't you remember what i just said? some fans it's 3am there!"
"oh dont scream then," renjun laughed, making her laugh before she went back to waving at the fans as they waved their lightsticks
when the fans appeared behind them, her eyes widened and she immediately ran to the screen, waving in all directions
she noticed when she got close to a fan's screen, they'd start waving their hand/lighstick even harder and it made her laugh
"rory, come back!" jaemin laughed, tugging her with him back to where the other 5 were
"wow, pretty grass" rory mocked mark as she stared at the lightsticks where the audience were supposed to be and on the screens
haechan had to hide a laugh
then there was we go up performance
woo fun
then stronger! she loves that song is2g
okay for the next vcr
she was in a school uniform standing in between jeno and jaemin
"you guys suck," rory laughed, watching the boys try to succeed
when renjun comes over and succeeds in under one minute and one hand, she gasped in shock lightly before watching him walk away coolly and put his head back down on the desk
jaemin nudged her as she laughed, "you guys are just losers!"
and then it ends on her walking over to renjun and bending down to face him and tapping him on the shoulder
he jumps from how close she is and she laughs, grinning at him, "that was cool" before going back over to the boys and he watches her
next video of the vcr oo
she gets hit in the head by the basketball(she's after chenle) and luckily saves it before it falls to the ground and throws it towards the basket, renjun jumping up to hit it in
why is she always getting hit in the head rip rory's head
next performance is dunk shot!!!
she hated the outfits tho jfc
she was wearing white loose shorts that ended midthigh and a pink button up over a white t-shirt
yeah super plain im so sorry rory that the stylists did you dirty like that
(to be fair the boys looked bad too like what was that matching .. there was NONE)
she hyped up jisung so loud during his solo dance
and had a huge ass smile on her face during it
she was in the middle of renjun and chenle at the bottom
"i think chenle changed the most" rory laughed, talking about the difference from now and almost four years ago when they debuted
"you changed a lot, too" chenle poked her and she huffed out a laugh, choosing not to respond to him and shook her head
when it was time for the interactions, she had to hide her wince because since she watched wayv and superm's, she was worried about how it would go because some fans' wifi connections were bad(so were sm's but anyways--)
oh luckily the first fan spoke korean !!
"hi!" she waved excitedly at the fan
when the fan said her name, she quietly repeated it to herself but it was still heard from the mic
"there's a song called 7 days in your album. what do you guys mean to each other?"
rory's mouth went dry at that question as she rubbed her hands together, looking at the boys silently as they ahhed and oohed
she smiled slightly as she saw how big their smiles got at the question
chenle said that the members were his family. they're literally siblings
she laughed at that
hyuck said that the members were apart of himself and that he grew up with all of them
jisung said bc they're older than him, they're like his younger siblings
rory had to look away in order to not laugh at his answer LMFAO
she couldnt contain how big her smile got when jaemin said that he couldn't live without them
she literally almost cried from tears of laughter from jeno's answer "onion"
renjun said that the members are youth to him
and him bringing up the stupid bottle to his face . i s2g she quickly yanked that from him so quick while laughing
and then finally it was her turn
"um, thank you for the question, siyoung!" she clapped slightly before continuing. "to me, the members are .. my childhood" she nodded slightly as she spoke. "we all grew up together so each of them have a piece of my childhood that i dont want to leave"
renjun pulls her into a side hug as jeno says "cute~"
wolfies(rory's stans) cried
when the fan said she'd stick with nct dream seven days a week, she laughed from the sudden overwhelming feeling at her words and bowed towards the fan, keeping her eyes to the ground so the camera wouldn't catch her teary eyes
too bad the camera did once she looked back up
"nct dream have 8 members--" when haechan said that, rory smiled big and nodded her head
"infinity" rory cheered, the members following behind
the next caller was up!
"ooh, poland" rory smiled
the fans question was "what are your biggest dreams" which she translated for them
rory's answer was "i have no doubt that nct dream will stay together forever so ... i my biggest dream is nctzens staying with us forever. even when we all grow up and have our own lives, i hope nctzens will some day think of nct dream and smile"
jaemin literally walked over and pinched her cheek, cooing at how cute she was
rory rolled her eyes playfully but let him
ah yes to this day he's still the only one she'll allow to give her skinship in public
rip other boys
she felt so sad when the third caller's connection was bad
"ah ... difficult technicalities"
she put a thumbs down
anyways next was don't need your love!!!
she LOVES this song so much guys its unreal
her place at the start is right in between renjun and jisung again lmao
shes leaning against chenle and jaemin
she loves hearing the boys' english btw
also in this version she has more lines but im not gonna tell which ones that's too much work
and next is we young!!
watching the part when they take a pic .. made me cry so it made rory very nostalgic
rory's wearing a professional suit but like . with a skirt i forgot what its called rip
she's standing in between hyuck and jeno
when jaemin laughs she laughs
she has that pic in her phone case btw
along with an ot8 pic
when they're talking abt the 50 years later OO im gonna . cry again
"so we can see how we change"
"um, we're gonna look older" rory laughed
btw grandma rory literally still looks good as hell sorry i dont make the rules
rory: "chenle would look like steve jobs but like .. chinese"
chenle was so offended bye
rory: "jisung if you grow a mustache i will never forgive you"
"bc you'd look stupid i cant be seen with someone looking stupid"
the other pic where renjun jumps .. her face is literally so genuinely shocked in that pic LMAO she didnt expect that
btw she was wearing a black blazer but it was shorter .. and another black skirt with a white crop top underneath rip
so theyre uneven rn right?
so instead of her being a third wheel(not really)
when it's her part, she's backstage and as she's doing her part, she reached into an open closet and .. pulls out a cutout board of mark :((
yeah she cried too when she thought of it and luckily sm let her!!
at the end of her part towards the end of the song, she smiles and says, "right, mark-oppa?" and forms half a heart up to the camera
(taeyong later sends her a video of mark reacting to her parts and when she does the heart he puts half a heart up next to hers <3)
next is candle light! they dont really have a choreo to this one either
anyway candle light wouldnt have been her first choice bc she'd prefer to perform dear dream .. BUT ANYWAY
next is PUZZLE PIECE and 7 DAYS!!
the camera catches her and jisung doing their little handshake . so cute
she then hugs chenle so he wouldnt feel left out
end posing of puzzle piece, she's in between chenle and jisung AGAIN SLDJDJL
they form a heart with her doing the bottom and chenle and jisung doing the top/sides
when they read the comments after performing jeno reads one that says "rory is so talented, her vocals are so good"
and then hyuck read "rory's parts in best friends was so cute"
she blushes so cute
when they talk abt the album
rory says in english, "thank you for supporting us and we hope you guys enjoyed listening to the album as much as we enjoyed making it .. think of it as our gift to you for always loving us!!" cute baby. and then gives a little finger heart
special guest is mark, jungwoo, and doyoung!!
she expected mark but was surprised about jungwoo and doyoung
she couldnt stop smiling the whole time because literally all she had to do was see 127 and smile immediately like they dont even got to do anything
the technical difficulties .. rory said in english again "i think you need to get your wifi checked, mark"
"no mark-oppa?" he teased and she laughed
when they were complimenting them, jungwoo said that mark really enjoyed rory's parts in best friends and she full out giggled from nervousness, blushing from embarrassment
doyoung complimented her vocals and rap and shes never been so proud of herself
compliments from 127? her greatest achievement
jungwoo then said she was so cute wow more blushing
she found the challenge boring and wouldve preferred if 127 picked the damn challenge themselves bc then it wouldve been funnier and more fun but alas .. sm >:(
she picked puzzle piece tho
THE FUCKING NEXT VCR .. so emotional when she watched over it
she literally just watched her and her friends grow up in literal seconds
there's a clip of her from chewing gum on mark's back while he's riding the hoverboard
.. also somehow they got a clip of her hugging jaemin when he came back sigh
emotional manipulation!! she was kinda pissed that was in there bc it was supposed to be private but what can she do .. it's sm
there's a video of her chasing jeno during we young era while on the mv set
and another one of renjun literally dragging her on the ground because she wouldnt let go of his legs in mfal era
in mfal era she's seen running over chenle when he's out of their little cars
its funny he almost fell if jeno didnt catch him LMAO
but its ok dont fret he was in the grass
mfal era where hyuck tries to make a basket but fails and she steals the ball from him and makes it in .. he pouted FOREVER after that
the video of them in chewing gum era and then goes to ridin' era ..
her clip is her smiling shyly at the camera WITH HER CUTE PIGTAILS OH MYGODDD SO SOFT SO BABY
and then it goes to her in ridin' era with her leaning against the car and a lollipop in her mouth, staring dead straight at the camera somehow intimidatingly
n then ofc the music changes and the videos go more recent
theres clips of her behind the scenes in we young, go, dnyl, and boom
also some of her at that dream show concert
the ridin' stage was prerecorded but anyway she's wearing the same outfit she does in the mv
she saw a clip of the car cg and she yelled at the members jokingly saying it almost ran her over
wearing same outfit for quiet down which was live
they had one more song after :( she was really sad and she made sure nctzens knew that
"i wish we could perform more songs for you guys but .. only one more :(" and then sighed really loudly
"i wish you guys were here in person as well but your health is way more important and until then .. well, hopefully we can see each other again in the future! i miss seeing all your pretty faces" she then pouted as the other members oohed loudly and she laughed
after the other members continue she then reminds them all to "wash their hands and wear their masks over their noses if they have to go out"
when renjun says bonjour her eyes widen and she says "wow, so you stole my english and now my french?" she jokingly raises her hand to hit him but all he does is laughs and grabs her hand to 'stop her'
last is boom!
they shouldve performed dear dream or mfal but i guess booms good too not like they havent had to hear that song for 9 months
at the end she sneakily gives the camera a finger heart
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