#found out the hard way I cannot sleep on the plane
megagrind · 2 years
*heart pounding, body shaking, losing feeling in the extremities, genuinely feel like I’m about to die rn* damn those Starbucks refreshers have caffeine in them don’t they
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accio-victuuri · 22 days
cpn o’clock: tea or coffee 🍵☕️
treat this as my clowning post for episode 2 of exploring the unknown. hahahahahaha! though i have mentioned the relation about tea in my previous post, let me explain more and include the thing about coffee.
so people were panic buying the tea yibo packed during his prep for the trip— which turns out to be calming tea that helps with sleep ( he said so himself ) . which now that i think about it, he shouldn’t have any problem sleeping cause he is beyond exhausted every damn day on this show.
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and i don’t wanna act like i have him on speed-dial, like everyone, i observe his habits and personality via public means. i have never seen him talk about or act like he has problems sleeping or even needing that help. we all saw summer surf shop — he was out like a light. he mentioned sleeping in planes and taking short naps. you have photos of him sleeping or probably have his eyes closed but whatever — you get the point.
now who do we know has problems sleeping?
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p1 is yibo in richora event where he mentions having no trouble sleeping and one time fell asleep in seconds + he goes on deep sleep.
p2 gege saying sleeping is now more stressful.
p3 mentioned that his sleep is not stable, sometimes good and sometimes bad.
p4 when you have insomnia, it’s good to download rain sounds to help with sleep. which lowkey is the same logic as yibo saying the sound of the jungle us good for sleep.
p5 is an article that says:
When he goes to different cities, Xiao Zhan will bring the same type of pillows and quilts. I will bring anything that can help me sleep well. "He also tried aromatheeapy lamps, lavender essential oil, various medicines that will make you fall asleep when applied on your body. Spray it on your pillow to make you fall asleep, melatonin, meditation music. Later I found out that the best way for him to sleep was eye mask, earplugs (….)
CPN is XZ probably asked him to bring the tea along so WYB can sleep better. thinking that he may have a hard time since he is in a different environment. They are just too sweet!!!!!
people have also pointed out how xz packed tea in his luggage before but this was 2019/20 and the type of tea is different. the examples above are much much recent. but i guess this is fans saying that “tea” is something XZ will pack with him too.
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plus we are aware of the green tea connection during untamed filming which is one of the favorite cpns out there 🍵
… now let’s move on to Coffee ☕️😋
everyone’s favorite beverage! people picked this up in episode 2 when wyb was joking around having the coffee he brought soaked so now you can drink it directly. also how he shared that he drinks coffee in the morning. look, we’ve known for some time that he likes coffee especially when he goes camping. we also had another cpn of xz bringing some coffee home etc.
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if we’re gonna start with CQL, xz was the one who drinks coffee and in interviews continues to say he does. sure, wyb is free to change his preference on his own and have a new found love for coffee but as a cpf, we cannot ignore the fact that this is an “xz thing” and one of a couple of “things” they have in common. from something as mundane as this to more specific ones.
thinking about them waking up together and having their morning coffee is making me happy 😌😌😌
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ghoultrifle · 1 year
Ghouls at the Airport
To preface these silly hcs I want to say that taking the ghouls through an airport is a life-changing experience, in that it will take 10 years off your life span. It's not for the faint-hearted, but alas here is what happens when the ghouls (the characters, obviously) have to take a plane to their next show!
Also consider this a 100 follower special !! Thanks to everyone who decided I was entertaining enough to follow, I love you all <3
Dew is on a leash. That man simply cannot be trusted not to lurch at strangers or run off when he hears the roar of a plane engine. They found out the hard way on his first tour as a water ghoul. They were on the tarmac, about to board the plane and Dew ran off to cosy up in the engines. The band nearly had to tour without a bassist that year...
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(I take absolutely no credit for the idea of ghouls wearing these, whoever said it feel free to credit yourself I'm sorry I can't remember you!) Edit: @jesusbutbetterrr big brain monkey bag thoughts
Aurora gets overstimulated really easily (can you blame her?). Mountain lent her his big ear defenders once and she's been hooked ever since. She claimed the camo defenders as hers, even though they don't sit right on her tiny head, she loves them dearly! Mountain had to buy a new pair, but he doesn't mind. He's happy if his pack are happy.
Aether and Mountain are straight through bag drop, security, the lot. They're old ghouls and have the routine down by now. They know the faster they make it through security, the more time they have to sneak off to the disgusting airport toilets for some even more disgusting airport sex.
Cumulus is already high on half a bottle of sleeping pills. She gets restless on the plane so doses up early on. Unfortunately that means she is completely out of it and has to be guided around entirely by the others. She was once put in charge of Dewdrop's leash and, yet again, they nearly had to tour without a lead guitarist.
Cirrus is basically unconscious for the entire journey through the airport, curled up on a luggage trolley being driven by Dew. Travelling really tires her out and the pack don't want to get on her bad side so they leave her be.
Rain is incredibly spoiled. The whole pack know that if you set him loose on his own to catch a flight, he wouldn't make it past the front doors. He's been coddled by everyone since he was summoned, and he lives for it, he never has to lift a finger. Swiss, ever the gentleman, always carries his bags and holds Rain's shoes when they go through security. It's just an excuse to reenact the slipper scene from Cinderella
Phantom tries to order an insanely expensive Starbucks in the airport (it's just a hot chocolate with a marshmallow, why is it £4?!) but misses them calling his human name "Why would anyone name themselves 'Tom'?"
Swiss has a four-wheeler suitcase. He loves to sit on it and propel himself around like a toddler. In fact, the pack bought him an adult-sized one of these after he kept breaking everyone else's bags:
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I saw your answer about being burned out on Gigi but still being open to discussing the topic -
are there any little fun tidbits or ideas you had planned that you could drop in the answer box as a little treat?
Was there an eventual endgame for her?
Anything quirky or outrageous set to take place with her in her story?
Would Gigi ever change her ways and act grown up?
XOXOX you are my favorite writer on this whole entire app you must know
My darling, yes, yes, yes I am happy to talk of it! And I’m so happy you popped in. I cannot believe I’m your favorite, that’s just stunning to me, I’m really touched. ����🏼💋🫵🏻
Now into Gigi!
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Shortly before the August tour she and Lisa Marie meet and as Lisa is in many ways more mature 🤣 they actually end up bonding very well, I imagined a case of Linda and Lisa with someone who’s even more playful -Gigi- and who genuinely would spend five hours playing Barbie’s because she wants to and has no fear on the golf carts.
On the August tour she’s a lifesaver for Elvis in so many ways, but things are also hard and she’s clingy and he’s on the pills to hell him keep going and it’s a side she hasn’t fully seen from him and rightfully considers to now be “the real him”
So she sticks it out but he also lashes out at he rom e about how clingy she is and it’s devastating to her. Positively devastating…all he really said was that she should be able to go to sleep on her own if he needed/wanted to keep socializing with the boys or whatever
When he goes to join her in the room that night he finds are shaking and crying and cold and practically going through a sub drop of sorts
Which gets cured with insistent assurance he’s a selfish old man who doesn’t even appreciate the miracle right under his nose and massive amounts of love and cuddles and him laying on top of her like a weighted blanket.
Swearing she’s always gonna be His Baby Girl
There’s no going back after that
Not that either Elvis or Gigi would want to
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Something wonderful does happen on this tour and in many ways it’s due to Gigi yet again, Colonel Parker hasn’t being so well himself and now having to endure Elvis calling out his newest PR nightmare from the stage each night as his little Angel when she’s sitting there beaming, nineteen and big titted, is a worsening strain.
Sometime in later September the strain gets to be too much, apparently, when Colonel Parker is trying to enjoy the hotel’s amenities and soak in the hot tub with his cigar and a starry night sky but instead of being able to enjoy these he is assaulted with the caterwauling sounds of Gigi getting pleasurably railed on the balcony, one too many references to how big Elvis is and how much she loved how big he is and how big he is and…on and on and on
The Colonel was found at dawn bobbing up and down in the little bubbling caldron -a heart attack apparently
Big Sad
Such a big sad they have to cancel the rest of the tour and fly out to Hawaii to mourn and lift Elvis’ spirits
There Gigi feeds him pineapples and papaya juice and frolics in the surf in every smaller bikinis that are more calculated than Elvis assumes because her chief goal is actually to get him shirtless and frolic with her and he won’t unless it’s such a dire paparazzi emergency he must offer his own shirt to cover her bouncing assets
They make a baby on a plane ride, he just goes in during the turbulence and she’s so vigorous and delighted no pulling out occurs
So he marries her *duh*
Lisa is delighted by this and Lovey is born -cue, lots of Gigi never updating her wardrobe so everything is just flowy and unbuttoned and lots of nursing with a tit out much to the Memphis Mafia’s consternation about where to look without Elvis biting their heads off
Gigi loves engaging in a past time of seeing how far she can shoot her milk, it’s her favorite thing about motherhood, the little clothes are next and somwhere down the line is the actual baby
Don’t fret -Lovey has more than enough parental love coming from Elvis
With Parker gone and out of the way, wishes and whims honestly get to be met a lot easier and Gigi considers one of the most tragic things her Bug Daddy went though is the closing of Circle G ranch so you best believe she wheedles and begs for another and it’s a complete zoo by the end, not a ranche
They have another kid, soonish —a son named Baron. He’s the only one to inherit brain cells and will go on to be as devastatingly handsome and charming as his father and yet a full on Bayou living recluse when he’s not taking care of Graceland and his mother and kindly informing Miss Bealieu that if she wanted to use the name Presley, maybe she shoulda not divorced the original Presley she was related to?!👇🏼
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but all that is after Elvis dies.
Because he does and yeah it’s genuinely sad and it happens sometime in the early 2000’s and his last words are to Baron and to “take care of my Gigi”
Gigi then proceeds to live and a very Yellow Wallpaper version of reality, never one for facing realities but gifted with a massive amount of emotional intelligence, she’s quite certain every breeze through the curtain and creak in the old house and song order on the radio is a message from Elvis to her. Yeah it’s a bit morbid but it’s also oddly convincing, “Daddy” doesn’t lose any presence just because he’s zipped out to the gas station longer than usual.
She’s preserved everything and that’s her chief hobby along with the zoo, even when Lovey is situated and taking over the magazines Elvis bought and produced. Gigi takes an interest for sure ->hell, she used to be their centerfold time and again so the least touch of her manicured hand on an editorial is still gold, no matter how time passes<- but first and foremost she’s still insistent she’s gotta be at Graceland, can’t leave Daddy alone there for long.
Which is a CRAZY and weird ass world for a certain Austin Butler to step into for research.
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It’s impeccably preserved to the point of being past creepy, like it’s not creepy instead it’s just fully convincing, which probably should’ve been his first clue to run for his sanity sake, but when you love a thing you’ll quickly embrace a comforting illusion over a hurtful reality
And Austin loves Elvis, almost as much as Gigi does
Which becomes their joint reality
She’s eager to help him with the research, pours out the most insightful and tender perceptions of her Daddy, shows Austin his guitars and his books, his notes and his bibles, hours of hole footage -some of which Austin initially did not see the research value in due to their scandalous content but Gigi was insistent it was crucial material to get to know Elvis as his most unassuming, which she insisted was in bed
Probably shoulda been predictable -except for their age gap but life does imitate art- bonding over one all consuming love in their lives and watching X rated home movies and breathing life into each other’s lonely delusions really binds people together
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Baron Presley is initially totally incensed and suspect this little twink Butler but eventually he softens, gets won over
Austin’s a good and kind influence on Gigi and between him and Baz they get her out more, Lisa’s good word regarding both helps this, too
Gigi gets convinced to go to Cannes with them all and Baron actually surfaces from his redneck palace in the bayous to confirm he’s not in fact dead for the first time in ten years,
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He Takes Care of Business one last time at Cannes like his daddy would like, see Austin would dearly like to be Gigi’s and Gigi would like to be Austin’s -hell they already are- so Baron does them a little favor and draws out the little Nepo Arm Candy that Austin’s been toting about the these events and charms her real well and let’s just say, when Priscilla Bealieu saw Baron Presley come out of the coed bathroom in swaggering dishevelment with a little bowlegged twig behind him -she got some severe ptsd flashbacks to his father
After this it’s all happily ever after and Gigi is still showing up to Austin’s premiers and she’s proud as anything of him and he of her and together they’ve found whatever it is that binds souls together
Life imitates art
•also, for those who ask, if Gigi ever gets a lurid and beautiful biopic herself, looks like Emerald Fennel is the one for the job, uhem
Tagging my Gigi taglist as this is a headcanon list of sorts and y’all may enjoy seeing it 💋
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uchihaharlot · 26 days
Hi, I hope you're doing well, I don't know if requests are open, but if they are. Can you write an angst about a reader who is pregnant with Shisui during the same period of his death?🥺
Nonny!!! ❤️ my heart is so so so broken for him and you. Also I’m sorry this took forever 😅 work is a drag; and I rarely have enough energy to do anything afterwards.
My grandmothers most famous line, and I’m not bullshitting you; was: to get over one man, you should get under another.
N/SFW; angsty—overtly depressing?; not proof read; and now I’m sad 😔 DESCRIPTIONS OF VERY VERY SAD SHIT; nonny, Shisui is crying in purgatory because of you—he wants to hold his baby!! And sorrynotsorry but I’m definitely blurring the timeline of the show for dramatics, sue me.
But that’s not the case for you, is it? Especially not when the only thing tethering Shisui to your plane of existence grows within the soft swell of your stomach. Too small to show, and to much to bear.
That night will for be engraved in your mind. The way your knees buckled; almost falling face down into the dirt had it not been for Itachi-san. Him too, crouched with you as you both ugly cry. It was hard for him to be that torn, let alone see you shredded. Barring teeth with snot; the most gutteral outcry of pain.
Of course it’s not easy for you, this whole thing will never be easy. You can’t sleep, can’t eat. Hell, half the time it feels like you’re just going through the motions. It’s hard to be grateful for new beginnings when recent endings are so fresh, the wound not even cauterized. It just seeps and oozes into the deepest crevices of your soul, a permanent branding. It’s hard to be grateful for new beginnings when recent endings are so fresh. The cascading tidal wave of emotions is exhausting, and it’s mostly due to your hormones. Grief, anger. Desperation, longing and joy.
Was it really this fair to feel a little bit happy when Shisui is somewhere, nowhere to be found? His corpse endlessly floating— no. Full stop. You don’t even want to go there, how many times have you pictured it? How morbid of you, you think; to wish to see him. Even in that state. That if it were the only way to see him again, you would.
And you get angry, on very bad days, shut the world out. How can live when it’s the end of the world? How can people, Uchiha or not, be so nonchalant. In fact, the only person who really shares your grief is Itachi. And he’s pitted as Shisui’s aggressor, his means to an end. But that’s not the case.
Slowly, you come around. Itachi is there, and both your griefs are endless. Sometimes you feel that his is more vast; and it probably is. Definitely is. So you tell him your secret, hoping it would bring joy. Though it nearly broke him all over again. There, in the midst of chaos and confusion and mayhem. Is still a little piece of Shisui.
But, this is the most inopportune time for happiness. You see, dear old Itachi-san has a secret; one he cannot tell you. The government coercion behind the curtain, his upcoming mission. The happiness he shares with you in this brief moment of reprieve from your darkest days is short lived. The feeling of his presence changes, making you uncomfortable with sharing this news.
Itachi’s final words to you are devoid of emotion and severely cold, ‘if you know what’s good for you, you won’t tell anyone else.’ It’s a threat and a silent plea all at once. You soon find out later about that, and it’ll all make sense.
Pregnancy feels so uneventful to you. After the massacre, you’re one less person to share your grief and it only grows more once the details are revealed. Your life; your baby. Your Shisui. It feels like everything around you won’t ever stand on solid ground. As a good mother you buck up and slowly integrate back into a mundane routine.
First milestones are less than exciting, but still hold weight. Those tiny black images, hung on your fridge. They bring momentary happiness each time you pass them. The first time it’s little heartbeat echoes off the walls in the medical room make your heart feel less empty, but you still cry over the sink eating your lunch like a rat.
Eating is more of a challenge, but eventually the cravings will make sustaining your growing body easier. The vitamins help too, but it’s still difficult to find your stomach from time to time.
I think the only day you aren’t a complete mess is when your water breaks while you’re waiting for a decaf tea. Two weeks early, figures. Nothing goes according to plan, you’ve become accustomed to expecting the unexpected. And this day, this is when the weight of Shisui’s loss is wayfared into the world, and placed in your arms.
Smol, tiny. Itty bitty little hands. Big and soft dark eyes, just as his were. In fact, as time passes by. There’s not a day you don’t think your baby is more Shisui than you. He’s all you’ll ever see in them, and some days you’ll feel a twinge of sadness. But mostly it’s pure unadulterated love.
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nahualnextdoor · 2 months
Character Analysis for Shitpost's Sake (long post; tw suicide discussion):
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A funny haha, a whimsy silly image. Something I did in like 10 minutes...
Well behind the scenes I spent an entire night dissecting every episode and book paragraph in my head just to see what box fits what character (I take my silly guys very seriously and my shitposts should represent their characterizations accurately otherwise I'll kill myself).
So, here we go.
Active suicide risk: (literally anyone except Cleo and Six)
-Resus: Pretty obvious and intuitive in my opinion. Our favorite trans allegory emo boy that literally sleeps in a coffin. Hates pretty much every aspect of his life, thinks he's a disappointment to his family simply for existing (and sadly kinda is), and is pretty much fine with death as a whole (most of his friends already went trough it, after all).
-Luke: This one was also pretty obvious in my opinion. While not as clear cut or active as Resus, there was this one time where he decided to banish himself to the Underlands, no hesitation, as soon as he found out (or rather was made to believe) he attacked his parent. He's very often ostracizing himself over his lycanthropy hurting those around him, and for the major part of the book series he believed himself to be a burden for his parents. (Also he has like. Zero sense of self-preservation, at least in the tv show).
-Luella: Oh boy. Where do I begin with you girl. Just her living situation alone is sad enough, add in her attachment issues, her lack of control over her emotions, her crush on a guy that treats her... horribly, and her lack of any meaningful friendship in her life up until she became bffs with Cleo in s2. Honestly I'm just glad that by the end of s2 she's mostly content with her life the way it is, but still... at least on the episodes before she got her shit together, I'd say she's kinda worrying.
-Dixon: Yeah this guy's life is just hell lol. I'm not really getting any suicidal vibes out of him, but it is more than plausible.
-Cleo: She's just... I love her 🙏🙏 Badass, one of the most interesting characters of the tv show in my opinion, autistic as fuck (they all are, but she's the one I relate to the most), curses the entire town in order to fix her problems and is pretty much happy despite being in an eternal sisyphean cycle.
Needs to retake the am I gay quiz:
-Resus: self explanatory I think. He really needs to get his shit together because I just cannot tolerate when he's all over Luella "oh luella I need your help with this spell and also brain drain dumped me in a wet cardboard box and killed my grandma 🥺🥺" and then going "well thanks for nothing, fuck u and ur stupid useless magic, also even tho we're nothing I will get all possessive over u at the slightest possibility of u liking Luke hey can we kiss to save the world btw" She deserves so much better than him omg. Boy you're queer!!! Leave her alone and just stay with the werewolf!!!
Cannibalised first in plane crash scenario:
-Resus: I just thought this was funny lol
Adderal prescription ASAP:
-Luke: Also pretty self explanatory. Lycantrophy is the magical equivalent of autism and adhd in this universe, I don't make the rules. Both in the books and in the show he's shown having a hard time focusing on class, finding it easier to just focus on his videogames. He spends hours playing on his console, to the point of ignoring his baisc needs, and is pretty hyperactive in my opinion, at least in the show. Really I wish they'd bring back the idea of Eeafa (or maybe even Luella) figuring out a potion or spell to help him manage his wild side, wich, to me at least, is not only his wolf self, but all of his neurodivergent tendencies in general (basically it would be magical meds that makes you have more control over the wolf form on top helping you study).
Missing person:
-Pretty much all the other kids from the books but I choose Kian because he's kinda the one that has the most relevance and the only one with an available image on the internet that is not a 3 pixels wide scan on the Internet Archive (still love them tho). He could potentially be on active suicide risk once he gets old enough to understand what happened to his parents tho, but thinking about that for more than 5 seconds makes me cry so I prefer not to.
And that is basically it! Thank you for listening to my ramblings and analysis of these silly little guys that keep rotating on my head like rotisserie chicken ballerinas. Next will probably be my still pending character analysis for why I assigned the slimes I did on my slime rancher post.
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nimirel · 1 year
I have thoughts about Leander and need to share them.
First of all I think it's hilarious that we are all speculating about him. The devs knew what they were doing making his intro so cryptic, and I fell for it too so get ready.
We got that sweet combo of light eyes, dark circles and massive tit- a kind disposition with some twisted secret that lead us all down the possible yandere route. And while we see some suspiciously controlling/jealous/possessive streaks with him not letting anybody else treat the mc to drinks, forcing the mc to touch him when they hold back and saying negative things of the other LIs in his alone time, there is a post here already analysing how this might not be the case. I agree with them on the whole, he values freedom too much to go too far on that front.
So I'm going to include my humble theory to the mix. I think with Leander they can go for a really tragic story of a boy who grew up in the Lowtown, who saw all the horrors that lurk in the dark. He founded the Bloodhounds to help the people since the Senobium do nothing for those less fortunate. He wants to save everybody, but (according to Ais) he is only human after all. He is the only LI that does not have a monster background in his intro, it's just his shadow. However, we know that he is very powerful and has incredible abilities to yield magic without any incantation (this is giving strong FMA vibes). So, how does he do it? How could a regular mage encounter such power and why is he not with the erudite in the Senobium? I think, that he has to have made a pact or some sort of deal to achieve all this power at an incredibly high cost. If something feels too good to be true, it probably is... He is kind, he wants to help his people, and he has the power to do so. All free of charge, of course. There is no way he could have gotten all that power without giving something vital of himself away (again in true FMA fashion). We will have to find out what that is. We already know about his massive scar, how he likes to work hard, play harder and does not like to sleep. He is always drinking in his free time and having plenty of "escapades". It feels like he is trying to distract himself or forget about something that he cannot change and is inevitable. Ais says that Leander's resolve will be tested in this plane and the next, and I wonder if that could mean that he is reaching a turning point in which he has to decide between himself or the people. Or if he is too far gone and could forget his initial intentions.
Then again this could all be wrong :). I have only played with the Unnamed Origin, and as an oracle, the mc does not feel anything amiss when meeting Leander, while the oracle can feel a lot of stuff when meeting Vere, Ais or even Kuras (and don't get me started on that "nagging feeling" and "sense of familiarity" with kuras omg what if him or his power have something to do with the curse and that is why he is so guilty bdjnfioefjn). So he could simply be a Guy ™ that happens to be very powerful.
Then there is also how Vere talks about him. Vere straight up insults him and calls him slimy. I feel like we can trust Vere's sense of smell and he can really see through others’ intentions so I wonder if that is really how Leander truly is, although Vere doesn't really have anything nice to say about anybody (other that how big Ais is snfinrf). Could I just be another victim of Leander's charm and fail to see that he is a little evil gremlin ready to show how you don't need to be born a monster to be truly villainous? Possibly, but I don't mind I would just like to hold them him.
I feel like all the LIs do have a good heart or at least no real ill intent against the mc (looking at you Vere), but Leander is the only one that seems to openly claim that he is doing this out of the goodness of his heart. And that is terribly suspicious. Anyway, I still need to play with the other origins and see what else I can find. I would love to hear your opinions on this!!!
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archerygun · 7 months
Wowee. This is a bit of an emotional one. Just warning you now.
I’ve been watching Ghosts pretty much since it came out. My dad surprised me with the first episode and refused to let me know what we were watching until I saw Ben Willbond’s face and was like “HOLD ON.”
(Nobody asked, but my favourite has always been the Captain because I’ve been obsessed with the Second World War since I was 7. My dad’s favourite is Robin, my mum’s is Kitty and my sister likes Pat).
It wasn’t niche then by any stretch of it. It’s always been popular, but it certainly wasn’t something your teachers plus the whole internet were cracking out the good wine for. (I proceeded to annoy everyone in my life by talking about it, little did they know that 3 years later they’d become equally obsessed by it).
And that doesn’t sound too special, but like. When Ghosts came out, I was in Primary School. Now I’m sitting my GCSEs. That’s fucking insane. Not even mentioning how it singlehandedly carried me through lockdown when I was dealing with a bigger workload than ever (online school just means strictish parents get to cross over into actually strict) and only had one friend to communicate with.
The first (and last) time I read proper fanfiction was when I was like 12 and looking through the Ghosts fandom because I was having a really, really bad time with paranoia and couldn’t sleep.
When we had our Year 10 mocks, my friend showed up half an hour late to our Chemistry exam after doing zero revision because she was bingewatching every episode of Ghosts to cope with exams. She gave me a rose for valentine’s this year with “I’m from Yorkshire mate, I’m practically made of tea.” on it. Her Yearbook quote is gonna be “I’m going to drown myself in the lake! I mean it!”
My Media Studies teacher found out I watched the show and started enthusiastically taking me through all of her theories about it before Season 4 came out. (She’s like sixty and her favourite show is Line of Duty by the way). Before Season 5 came out I asked her how she felt and she gave me a very excited “We’re getting out the good wine!!!”
So. My grandad died in 2022. Just before Christmas. They thought he’d make it to celebrate Christmas with us, but they’d overestimated. He had lung cancer, caused by working around asbestos as an industrial electrician. I genuinely cannot describe how much of a wonderful man he was. He was the best person I ever met, and more of a second dad than a grandad.
The last thing my grandad watched with us (we put a lot of importance on watching things as a family, at least in my family. Not sure if this is the same for everyone) was an episode of Ghosts. We thought it would be a laugh, because his end of the family are all from Sheffield and they’d introduced Maddocks. He was very out of it, and on an oxygen drip. He couldn’t really pay attention but he insisted on trying because he wanted to make us happy.
He died that week, on the day we had to leave. We were in the house when he started failing and all we could do was drive back down to London.
(Ghosts actually got a shoutout in the funeral. We’re a family with a sense of humour, and my grandad was the kind of man that results in a family debate about whether Ça Plane Pour Moi is an appropriate song for a funeral).
The Christmas episode that year broke me. In a good way. When they played Pat’s video tapes, I saw every photo of my dad’s family in the eighties in Yorkshire. It can’t be too hard to capture the energy, I’m sure, but I’ll tell you this. There wasn’t a dry bloody eye in the sitting room. My aunt even got their Christmas pictures out afterwards. My Sheffield family saw their childhoods on the screen and my London family saw my grandad.
It’s funny how things can end up being an accidental allegory or feel cosmically intentional.
I’m not saying this for pity, or to one-up anyone about my connection to the show. I just feel like if I don’t describe every detail, Ghosts’ impact on my life is going to be understated. And I’m more than happy that it will impact so many more people.
So, yeah. Thank you, Ghosts. I can’t think of a single piece of other media that’s been as impactful on my life. Thank you for being made with care and love and attention to detail and terminal levels of Britishness. Thank you for dealing with death and grief and healing in an entertaining way.
Thank you. For everything.
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ljussangen · 1 year
I want to travel to Europe sometime especially Sweden. But I am afraid. I live in USA and it's a long trip. I think I can never wear a mask for that long on a plane. And I don't trust covid tests. I have to get a negative test to get on a plane? I don't know I was never flying before. What is it like to travel? Is it so hard like I heard? It's my dream but I just can't take this condition
You don't need to take a covid test, or wear a mask, or even be vaccinated to fly to Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, or the UK. I am sure that this is the same for many European countries (if not all? Last summer you needed to wear a mask flying into Germany, but I am unsure if that is still the same), but I do not have personal experience with the others. Some passengers wear masks still, but it is not required. I have not worn a mask or taken any precautions at all, and I have not gotten sick in any way.
It is a long trip flying to Europe (it generally takes me 18 hours to fly to Sweden from the Pacific coast, with 1-2 hour layovers added to that time, and with good flights (going north and east, as opposed to having to travel south at any point)) but it is doable and not that bad. To be fair, I was a bit uncomfortable this time as I was 17 weeks pregnant, but it wasn't bad. Bring books or a handheld gaming system, or watch a movie or show on the flight (long flight planes have a screen that you can use to watch movies and shows, sometimes even music or games to play), or if you have a window seat look out at the beautiful view! If you can, you can even sleep. I have a hard time sleeping on a plane, but plenty of people do. Most planes also have wifi you can purchase if you want to Tumblr or something, though I just go without wifi on my trips so I do not have any thoughts about quality or anything. Planes also provide drinks, some give you a meal or two (usually only over 8 hours) but you can bring some snacks or purchase food (snacks or meals) if you want. Honestly it's like sitting in a chair at your computer, only it's a bit less comfortable and you sometimes (usually, but not always) have people sitting next to you.
The only part that ever stressed me out is going through American security (lol it's the worst!) but it is not bad at all. Sometimes they pat you down or ask to open your suitcase to check for something that looked suspicious on the scan, but most of the time it's easy and there is really nothing to worry about. Make sure you pack your bags accordingly, as you can only bring certain items into the cabin of the plane, and you cannot put certain items into the cargo of the plane, and some items have restrictions (liquids), but all of this information can be found on the airline website/TSA information page. Airports can feel intimidating at first, but they are very easy to navigate once you get the hang of it. There are maps and signs all over, and you usually can only go the way you need to go (passport control/immigration, for example).
Honestly, traveling to new or beloved countries is worth it! I travel and stay for ~80 days every time, so it might feel different if you only go for short stays, but all of the stress of travelling pales in comparison to the excitement and fun of exploration and new experiences. I travel for love and to live with my man and I would gladly do it over and over and over for that alone, but if you want to have tourist experiences and see popular places, I am sure it is worth it all the same. Do not let fear keep you from doing the things you really want to do, and if you have to - Do it while scared! You will get used to it eventually.
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ageue · 1 year
Udaipur. 🪷
Believe it or not but our next bus trip made up for our first bus. We were sitting in luxury seating with AC, the bus made a stop past a toilet AND it arrived on time. Unbelievable!
Udaipur is absolutely stunning and it felt like an Indian Bali (the perfect place to relax). We checked into our accommodation and spent the afternoon wandering the beautiful little streets which cars cannot access as the roads are too narrow. We stumbled across a Tailor - his name is Prateek and he happened to make a suit for Jay last time he was in India. I couldn’t believe he still remembered Jay and before long, I was conned into getting a suit made for myself in a forest green linen. There are some days that I love ‘India time’ and other days I don’t, but today was one of those days and we spent a while perusing the store, sharing memories of our trip and enjoying cups of masala chai. We managed to find some western food in Udaipur just across the road from the suit shop - Mavi. It became our regular for breakfast (I can’t tell you how much I’ve been craving fresh fruit and cereal). On top of that, they even made coffee…and it was actually good! It’s a sister and brother that own the cafe with a beautiful little puppy called Peanut. He loved to lie underneath our table on the cool tiles while we were having breakfast.
We spent the next couple days wandering the streets of Udaipur and visited the city palace as well as a hike up to one of the temples. There are some beautiful views of the lake and it was so nice to be out of the heat for a little bit (32 is very different to 39). Other than that, we would spend our mornings reading and drawing which was so lovely. We found this absolutely incredible restaurant called the Lake Shore (which we couldn’t help but continue to order the same every day) - chicken Biryani, garlic naan, paneer tikka and Bindi Masala (okra). It was peaceful here - a very different feel to the rest of India.
On our last day, we got caught in a thunderstorm. We were so tired and had taken a break at a local restaurant for a cup of tea before the rain seriously hit hard. The restaurant kitchen had flooded by the time we decided it would be best to make a run for it back to the hostel. We were soaked to the core and just before hitting our hostel, the water was covering the entire road around 30cm deep. We took refuge in a little barber shop on the side and managed to hail down a Tuk-Tuk but we made it back safely!
We visited this little cafe on our last night before catching a sleeper train. This was our favourite masala tea in the whole of India (so so good). The train left at 10:30pm and got into Agra around the same time the next day. I absolutely loved it. We were in class 3A which meant that there were 3 beds (bunks) on either side of a cabin (600 rupees each - around $12). We were both on the top bed opposite each other. It was certainly a bit awkward having to sleep next to your stuff but I was asleep by midnight and slept all the way through until 9:30am the next day (way better than being on a plane in my opinion).
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ekaterinatepes · 3 years
Nothing but the Best
Author’s note: it’s getting interesting here ;) enter prince charming Sugu-kun to save the day.
Satoru was afraid of making a move, least he tipped you over the edge and made you bolt; he didn’t want that. Swallowing hard he looked into your eyes… God… he had missed your beautiful E/C eyes so much. Waking up every morning without you by his side, without you kissing him awake cause he was going to be late for work… again. Your absence had left a literal infinite void in his heart that he was unable to fill.
“I know I don’t deserve anything from you Y/N, but I love you and I cannot give up on us… We said forever when we got married. And I want that… with you” speaking from the heart was not something Satoru ever did. He always preferred to cover any emotions with inappropriate jokes and double entendres. But he knew he couldn’t play his stupid games, not with you and most certainly not now.
You pulled away in that moment, as if his touch was burning you. He allowed it, doing his utmost effort not to pull you back in. His hands itched resting at his sides, missing the warmth of your body.
It was you and me, it seemed to last forever
The way you taste and I still remember… the sounds we made.
“It would have been nice if you felt that way before you decided to ruin this marriage. Where were those promises of forever when you fucked someone else?” You asked piercing his eyes with yours. He cowered under your glare. Satoru had never been on the receiving end of your wrath and now he understood why most people chose (wisely) to not mess with you. Every single one of your words was chosen carefully to cause the most damage. At the same time… what hurt the most was that you were right.
“Leave and don’t ever come back… you and I… are through…” Satoru noticed how you avoided calling him by his name, he hated it. As if uttering his name would leave a bad taste in your mouth “Y/N…” he whispered pleadingly when you took another step away. But this time he didn’t have the courage to stop you as you disappeared inside your apartment and locked the door behind you.
I bet you wish you had me back! Another chance to gain it, just like that. The best you ever had.
Satoru was fucked.
The next morning Suguru’s plane landed. JFK international airport was as busy and chaotic as one would expect. After collecting his luggage he made his way to a cab giving the driver your current address.
He hadn’t been able to sleep a wink during the trip, his mind swarmed with all the possibilities of what could be happening right now. Satoru didn’t play fair and of course… you loved (probably still love) the lucky bastard.
With a sigh he decided to focus instead on the city going by through the cab’s windows. It wasn’t the first time he was in New York and his mind was much more occupied torturing him instead of appreciating the landscape.
After 40 minutes, Geto stood before a very nice and modern building located in the upper east side called Hawthorn Park. You sure knew how to live in luxury. He approached the doorman and let him know his name and that he was here to see Miss Ekaterina Petrova to which the kind looking old man responded by using his intercom to contact you. Geto was soon granted access and guided to the elevator.
The elevator doors opened on the 21st floor, he walked to the door of your apartment which was already open and you were waiting for him. His smile fell once he noticed you have been crying “oh Kitten” dropping his luggage on the spot he surrounded your body in his arms “I’m so sorry…” one didn’t need to be a genius to know Satoru had found you.
You both moved inside your apartment. Settling on the spacious couch you buried your face on Suguru’s lap as you cried. He stroked your now darker strands of h/c hair without a word exchanged. He knew you needed to let it all out. After what seemed an eternity you sat back up. Suguru gently dried your eyes.
“He was here last night…” you whispered in a raw and scratchy voice, result of your endless hours of distress before his arrival “he told me he loved me, that he left Sookie” scoff “and hear this… he left her because the baby wasn’t his!” Talk about karma at its best. Suguru already knew that but he was surprised to hear Satoru had come clean about it to you “He probably thought I would fall for that! But I didn’t” you added firmly.
Suguru was proud of you. He knew how hard it was for you to resist Satoru but you stood tall and proud when it mattered the most. “What do you want to do now?” Where you planning on moving again?
“I’m not leaving…” you said looking into Suguru’s liquid amber gaze. You couldn’t help but notice once again he had such pretty eyes, like a cat. You’ve always liked them, specially when they looked at you with such tenderness. You have missed him dearly during all this time.
“I can’t keep running away from him; I mean… it’s obvious he won’t stop and I… I am tired of molding my life to adapt to his whims. I’m staying here whatever happens. Sugu… I got the part for the Swan Lake!” You added remembering you haven’t talked to him during the last week and so he didn’t know about your latest accomplishment.
Geto’s eyes enlarged before a huge smile split his handsome face and his massive frame engulfed you in a tight hug. Of course he knew everything about ballet, he was your best friend after all. This was huge! Probably as big as making it in the ballet world meant “I’m so proud of you Kitten!” He said excitedly kissing your temple. Maybe not everything was as bad as he thought.
You were upset, it was true. But then again you were not prepared last night. Satoru had taken you by surprise. Now… you knew he was here and more or less knew what to expect from your soon to be ex-husband.
“Thank you Sugu…” you stopped and pulled back just slightly to look into his eyes from your height. He was a very tall man compared to you “I missed you” you said with a bright smile to which Geto replied with one of his own before pulling you in again for another hug “I missed you too Kitten” stroking your back softly Suguru decided he was happy to be here… with you.
She's given up, been holding on for way too long
She's had enough
He's coming home again
But it's too late 'cause she won't stay with him
The sunshine hitting his face was what woke him up. With a grunt Satoru rolled over on his side only to fall unceremoniously from the couch where he had passed out last night. The last thing he remembered was warping back to his hotel after you left him on the roof. The memory of you, turning your back on him and walking away squeezed his heart in a painful grasp.
Alcohol was never something he was attracted to, he liked to keep his brain constantly alert and stimulated. It served a purpose of course, it kept his infinity barrier on at all times, even when he was asleep. But last night he hit rock bottom. He didn’t care anymore…
As soon as he got back to the hotel, hopelessness made a home in his chest, sitting heavy on his heart. Walking to the fully stocked bar placed on the corner of his suite he opened a bottle of whiskey. He started slow since most everything was too bitter for his taste, so he went through the process of trying every single bottle until he found something to his liking.
Two hours and about fifteen different shots of everything he decided to settle for a bottle of Amaretto, some fancy Italian liquor made of apricot kernels. It was sweet.
Everything else after that was blur. Moving his sore body from the floor he forced himself to go to the bathroom. Maybe a hot shower would help ease his misery. Peeling off his clothes the smell of booze clinging on them made Gojo cringe. He decided to brush his teeth before showering. Looking in the mirror he couldn’t recognize the man starring back at him. He was a mess.
Are we just ghosts out in the night?
Are we just waiting for a light that doesn't shine?
Are we just faking or is this real?
'Cause I don't know how to feel
Are we just ghosts now, you and I?
Last night he had been so desperate, so hopeless and broken hearted. That’s when it hit him… his wife didn’t hurt him, she didn’t cheat on him (unlike himself), she didn’t do anything to him and yet he was feeling as if the world was collapsing around him. He lied, cheated and fucked up everything for them both.
Unadulterated, burning and suffocating guilt was consuming him. He felt bad before but it wasn’t until last night that he grasped the concept that Y/N didn’t owe him anything at all and that HE didn’t deserve it anyways.
The plan originally had been to get back in your good graces by doing penitence, submitting to your every whim and desire by becoming your devoted slave for as long as you would have it. He never even considered the possibility that his wife DID NOT WANT to forgive him in the first place.
He thought you left to give him a lesson, that you would eventually come back to him after he had a taste of what it was like to lose you.
But even after you both shared such a searing kiss, so passionate that every cell in his body was humming, aflame with desire you still managed to walk away from him as if it meant nothing to you.
What good did it do to him to be the strongest when he couldn’t even protect his wife… from himself.
After showering, changing clothes and ordering every sweet pastry and desert from the room service menu Gojo stopped to rethink his strategy.
Did you think he was going to stop there?
Absolutely no, love!
If anything, your rejection had only fueled his need to get you back.
“Time for plan B” sighing he pulled out his phone it rang a couple times before someone answered “good morning Mrs. Mazzo, this is Gojo Satoru. I’m going to need you to forward to me Miss Petrova’s rehearsal schedule…”
“This is really good!” You hummed happily after swallowing a bite of your steak. Suguru sat across from you at Keens Steakhouse, with a grin he watched as you indulged yourself in what you called your ‘cheat meal’ of the month. Being a professional ballerina was a tough and demanding commitment that controlled every aspect of your life, from how you train to what you eat. Despite it all, Geto knew you always found a happy balance that worked just fine for you.
Seeing your big smile made his heart jump in his chest, you were as beautiful and alluring as the day he met you. If only he had told you he liked you before Satoru did. This question kept him up at night, playing all sorts of scenarios in his mind. If he had taken the first step… would things have been different? Would you have ended up together? Married? Shaking his head he tried to focus on what you were actually saying. Deviating his thoughts to that kind of scenarios was dangerous. He also didn’t want to push it when he was perfectly aware you were still healing; he wasn’t a low life piece of shit to take advantage of your vulnerability.
But when you smiles at him as if he was the only thing in your world, when you held his hand across the table, playing with his finger, his throat felt dry and tight.
“What do you think Sugu?” Your curious and expecting eyes caught him like a deer in the headlights “I’m sorry Kitten, I was distracted. Could you repeat that please?” He asked with an affable smile.
You chuckled and stroke his hand softly “you look tired, did you sleep at all in the plane?” He shook his head “no, I didn’t. I never can, it’s uncomfortable” he hid on purpose the true reason why he hadn’t been able to sleep “come on Sugu! Let’s go back home! I bet you are tired” you said offering him a sweet smile.
After paying your bill you walked the few blocks back home. Suguru of course would be staying with you in the spare room of your penthouse. Holding hands while you talked to him about the activities the city had to offer, your schedule and how you intended to fit the time to do some tourism with him. “You don’t have to bother Kitten, I know you are busy enough with your job, I will be fine” he insisted.
You stopped on your tracks and stood in front of him, pouting, making him chuckle. You looked every bit the kitten he knew you to be, all bothered and moody “no! I want to spend time with you too you know! I haven’t seen you in so long! I’m not going to waste this chance!” You insisted to which Suguru threw his hands up in the air “I surrender Kitten! Do with me as you will” you giggled and then blushed. “Uh… eh… ok! I will!” He took your hand again and you both resumed your walk.
Satoru warped to the roof top of the building adjacent to yours, the lights were out in your apartment and he couldn’t sense your presence inside. You left? Where did you go?
Before a second though he warped inside your apartment but he saw all your stuff was still there, maybe you went out for groceries or something?
After a few minutes sitting on your couch he decided to wait for you on the street so he could see when you got home.
(Almost an hour later)
Oh… he wasn’t ready for what he saw.
“That mother fu….” Satoru grinds his teeth watching you walk down the street holding onto Suguru’s hand while talking distractedly. From his hiding spot in front of your building he closed his hands in a tight fist.
Well, this complicated things… a lot more.
————-> Chapter 10
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With You
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A/N: So Two in one week huh? I wrote this a lot faster than I thought I would! Also I decided to make my own collage to go with this one! I really really like this one, so I hope you guys do! Feedback is always appreciated!
Request: “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” with Andrei Svechnikov
This was not the end to the season that anyone wanted. You felt your shoulders drop, along with your stomach. Your heart on the other hand had shattered into a million pieces, seeing Andrei’s heartbroken and frustrated face blasted across the television. You sat alone, in your shared apartment, wearing the same Svechnikov jersey that he had cheesily gifted you on your first birthday together. You made it a tradition to wear it every game you watched at home, making sure to send Andrei a picture. It had become as much a part of his pre-game ritual as having Martinook scream in his face. You hadn’t expected this game to be the last time you got to engage in your self made ritual,
You could feel the tears brimming your eyes, if not from the fact that you had so much hope for the boys to move on, for the sad faces of all your friends and your boyfriend as they shook hands with Tampa Bay. You waited until the very last second where the Canes players could no longer be seen before you shut off your TV, sitting in silence. You didn’t bother holding the tears in as you let a few slip, this was your time to be sad about it because the second that Andrei called you, you had to pull it together. You needed to be strong for him.
You knew your boyfriend well, you had seen him at the highs of the wins and the lows of the losses. He was going to take this personal, he had been battling himself all year. Saying how he hadn’t been having a good season, how he needed to improve, staying late after games to put in the extra time. You constantly had to remind him to take time for himself, to not be so hard on himself. There were countless times that you would have to force him to relax, letting his body rest, knowing that he would return to a hard training regime at the next practice. This wasn’t just any old loss though, this was a Stanley Cup elimination game loss. You were going to have to pull out all the stops to make this one feel better and you had a limited amount of time. You assumed that Andrei would be going back home at some point in the off season, neither of you had really talked about it recently. Then again, neither of you had planned on a playoff elimination.
You wiped the last few tears off your cheeks and stood up, collecting the snacks you had laid out, setting them in the kitchen before you went to change. After you came back out, you decided you needed to do something to pass the time until Andrei called, and you began busying yourself with cleaning. It was a habit that you had when you were nervous, you picked something to do and you fixated on it, usually until Andrei stepped in to stop you. It would be no different tonight, the shrill ring of your phone pulling you out of your trance. You glanced around you, seeing the kitchen of the apartment spotless before you rushed to the living room to snatch your phone off the coffee table where you left it.
“Hey.” You breathed out, hearing a slight chuckle from the other end.
“Were you running?” He asked, knowing that it was far too late for that. You, on the other hand, knew that he was avoiding the inevitable but you could hear the sadness in his voice.
“From the kitchen, didn’t want to miss your call.” You explained, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. This was the first sign that he wasn’t going to let on how upset he was in the moment, he had called you rather than facetime you. “How are you doing?”
You knew it was a stupid question but you had to ask. If you didn’t make the first move then odds were he wouldn’t bring it up and judging by the sigh that came from the other end, he was hoping that you wouldn’t.
“You gotta talk about it Andrei…” You encouraged gently, settling back on the couch and tugging a blanket over your legs. “Before you get on the plane.”
“It’s hard.” He began and you hummed, another gentle encouragement that you were listening. “We really thought we could do it. You know? We had them, we outplayed them every game and it wasn’t enough.”
The frustration was clear in his voice. You had seen the statistics and on paper, the Canes had come out on top, but unfortunately that didn’t translate to the ice.
“I wanted us to go all the way, these guys are my family and nobody deserves the cup more than them, and I couldn’t get them there.” You could hear the defeat in his voice and it was like someone took your heart and threw it on the ground.
“Andrei… You cannot put that pressure on yourself. Hockey is a team sport, you all left it all out there on the ice. You did you best and the weight of this loss does not fall entirely on your shoulders. Please.” You practically pleaded with him before you heard voices in the background.
“I have to go.. We are getting ready to board, I love you. I’ll be home late so don’t stay up okay?”
He hung up after you returned his goodbyes, leaving you once again sitting in the silence of your apartment. This time though, the exhaustion of everything set in and you pulled yourself to go to bed. You left a light on in the hallway so that Andrei didn’t have to stumble around in the darkness, slipping into your bed and quickly falling asleep.
When Andrei got home, well past three AM, he knew that the house would be quiet but it didn’t make it any less suffocating. It felt like silence was the only thing he had heard since the boys departed the locker room, each one caught up in their own heads. A few of the older guys, who had spent a good number of years in the league, did their best to offer some kind of comfort to the younger men on the team but it was clear that in the moment it was half hearted. Everyone had wanted to beat Tampa, everyone had wanted to make it to the end and hoist that cup. It was their year and they had done everything right only to lose to a team who had a goalie like a brick wall.
He set his bag down by the couch quietly, having mastered the technique of coming home quietly after waking you up one too many times. He carefully made his way down the hallway to the bedroom, smiling a little to himself as he saw you curled up in bed, tucked into one of his shirts. The season may not have ended the way he wanted but at least he still had you to come home to.
Slipping into the bed, he was careful not to wake you as he wrapped one arm around you and quickly fell asleep himself, his mind shutting off for the first time since this morning.
When you woke up the next morning it was to the weight of an arm carefully laying across your waist and the sound of gentle breathing beside you. A setting you were very familiar with, but today you couldn’t enjoy it. You had a plan that you needed to get started on before Andrei woke up, which is why you were secretly praying that the late return home would play in your favor.
You glanced back at him, smiling at the peaceful look on his face before you skillfully wiggled your way out of his grasp, pausing on the edge of your bed to make sure he remained asleep. After a few minutes you stood up and grabbed his bag, sneaking out of your room.
First things first was to get his laundry started so you made a beeline to the washer and dryer you guys had, setting the bag down and carefully emptying the clothes, checking all of his pockets to make sure they were empty. There had been a mishap one time of airpods in the washer and you both had quickly learned your lesson.
You felt a small box tucked into one of his pockets, pulling it out and setting it into a small basket with other things you found. You didn’t pay any mind to it as you started the washer, carrying the basket and setting it on the dining room table where he could collect it when he woke up.
Part two of your plan involved slight rearrangement of your living room, a number of blankets and pillows, and a fully charged laptop. After nearly twenty minutes, including a quick peak into the bedroom to make sure that he was indeed still sleeping, you had a blanket fort all made up and ready. Which was the easiest part of the plan, the real trick would be getting Andrei into it.
You moved back to the kitchen, pulling out all of the things you needed to make a real breakfast. Not the coffee and yogurt that you scarfed down on work days. You started the coffee pot, humming to yourself as you carefully dialed Evgeny’s number. It was times like these you were thankful that Andrei had introduced you to his brother and you two had a good standing relationship. You cut Evgeny’s greeting off gently, explaining that you didn’t have much time before Andrei woke up but you needed to know how to make his favorite breakfast.
At some point during your phone call with Evgeny, who thankfully walked you step by step through a homemade breakfast that he and Andrei had grown up on, Andrei made an appearance from the bedroom. He stood back and watched as you worked, hearing his brother’s voice over the speaker.
He smiled to himself, it was no secret to anyone that Evgeny was an important person in his life. When he had first introduced the two of you, he had been a little nervous that Evgeny and you wouldn’t get along. Which would have left him in a very awkward predicament. Seeing you in the kitchen though, clearly taking instructions from his brother over the phone, stirred something inside of him. Whatever he was feeling though quickly screeched to a halt, a small jolt of panic ran through him as he saw the small box on the table, quickly grabbing it and stuffing it into the pocket of his shorts just as you turned around.
“Oh hey! Evgeny, he’s up, I gotta go. Thank you so so so much for all your help! I owe you one!” You hung up with his brother and smiled sheepishly, holding up the plate with your finished work. “Surprise?”
You clearly hadn’t seen the glimpse of panic that crossed his face, quickly replaced by a smile and a look of awe when it registered in his mind what was on the plate. Sure you cooked often, but it now made sense to him why you had called his brother.
“If it’s bad you can blame your brother, but I just… I wanted to do something nice for you, especially since I didn’t stay up for you last night.” You explained, pulling him over to sit at the dining room table and setting the plate down in front of him.
Andrei was speechless, which you had learned was a hard feat to accomplish, as he watched you fill two mugs of coffee, making it the way both of you liked it before coming to sit down beside him. You hadn’t brought up the game yet and he wasn’t sure if you would but in the moment he didn’t care, he couldn’t stop staring at you.
“So is this really all it’s cracked up to be?” You asked, watching as he took the first bite. You had spent twenty minutes listening to his brother rave about it.
“Yes, I mean maybe not to other people but Evgeny and I ate it every weekend growing up. Is this why you called him?” He asked as he ate, reminiscing with every bite. His heart growing with love for you when you nodded behind your coffee mug sheepishly.
“I didn’t know how to make it but I remembered you mentioning it. I figured waking your brother up and dealing with his wrath would be worth it.” You teased, Evgeny had never been anything but nice to you and he probably appreciated this gesture as much as Andrei did.
“Also, I hope you didn’t have plans for the day or at least part of it. I wasn’t sure if you had to do something for the team or not.” You trailed off as he finished eating, grabbing the plate from him when he was done and carried it to the sink.
“I uh, I’m not sure. I think they’ll text me if I need to be there but I don’t think I need to today. Why?” He asked, though you didn’t answer him. You just grabbed his hand and pulled him to the living room, smiling as you looked at him.
He froze, seeing the elaborate blanket fort laid out in the living room, snacks and water already inside of it with your laptop. Part of him wondered if you had done thing last night and he had missed it in his tired state or if you had managed to do all of this, on top of breakfast, this morning. Before he could ask though you were tugging him to crawl into it, forcing him to drop to his knees to follow after you.
“What is all of this?” He asked after you settled in the pillow fort, laying on your back as you smiled up at him.
“This is me forcing you to relax and take a minute to yourself. I know last night did not go how you wanted, how any of you wanted, and maybe there’s nothing I can say right now that will make the thoughts in your head go away. Which I hate by the way, you’re way too hard on yourself but I just wanted you to take a day and not think about the game or about hockey or about what you could have done differently. I just, I know it’s not a lot but-”
Your rambling was cut off, as it so often was, by a quick kiss to your lips. You felt your shoulders drop as his hands cupped your cheeks, melting a little into the kiss before he pulled away and rested his forehead on yours.
“Thank you.”
It was a simple two words, but it was enough. It meant that he was accepting this, your plan to relax and just spend time together. Maybe it worked and maybe it didn’t, but all that mattered was he was willing to give it a chance.
The two of you spent most of the day in the fort watching movies, leaving only if you needed to use the bathroom or you needed more snacks. At some point the sun was beginning to sit lower in the sky and you both knew you would need to leave to make dinner, especially considering lunch had been nothing but snacks yet neither of you wanted to make that move.
You rolled onto your side, tucking your body even closer to his when you felt a bump against your thigh.
“That better just be your phone.” You teased and he looked at you confused before he realized that the small box that he had gotten well before the roadtrip was now pressed up against you. He sat up quickly, reaching into his pocket to pull it out, though you still couldn’t see it.
“Hey, I was just teasing.” You pouted, reaching for him as he chuckled and shifted to look at you. It was then you caught a glimpse of a familiar sized box and you found yourself sitting quickly to look at him.
“Andrei…” You began softly, it wasn’t that you didn’t want to marry him but you two were both fairly young and had never discussed the prospect of marriage before.
“No! No, I mean. It’s not what you’re thinking, not yet.” He rushed to explain, his accent forcing the words to run together. It was something you had picked up, whenever he was angry or excited, his accent made it hard to differentiate what he was saying.
Instead of continuing his explanation, he opened the box to show you the very thin band, with three tiny diamonds in it. You could feel the breath leave your throat as you stared at it. It was beautiful, there was no doubt in your mind about that and it was your style. Simple, understated, something that you could wear with anything and it would never look out of place.
“So if not… that, then what is this?” You asked confused, looking up at him again with nervous eyes.
“It’s a promise and you don’t have to think of it as anything more than that. No other strings okay? I just. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know we haven’t talked about it before, but I wanted to make you the promise that one day, it’ll be a different ring and I had hoped to do it after a winning game, but this… I think this is much better.” He explained quietly, keeping his eyes on the ring, watching as you carefully pulled it out of the box.
This was not at all how he had planned on doing this, in his mind it was much smoother. It was after a winning game, probably not in your living room, and he also wouldn’t be stumbling over his words and half tempted to switch back to Russian. Despite all that though, he didn’t want to wait any longer and there was no taking it back now that it was out there.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you too.” You smiled, carefully slipping it on your right ring finger for now and smiling up at him. “ Don’t want to give people too many ideas now do we?”
You heard him chuckle before leaning down to kiss you again. The game may not have gone how you two wanted, the season may have ended early, but one thing was certain for the both of you.
You had each other, now and for the rest of your lives.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Familiar stranger | Helmut Zemo
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Requested by @realremyd
Female Reader!
The moment is eyes had landed on you, so many things happened at once. He zoned out Sam and Bucky, he took a step away from you, his heart seemed to clench in his chest, and all he could think was 'it can't be.'
Right there in front of him was the spitting image of his wife. Well, maybe not exactly, but you did hold such a resemblance to her. It was like she was right there with him again.
You were looking at him. The others too, but it was you he found hard to look away from.
"Who are you?" He asks, needing to know if his mind was playing tricks on him.
A sigh of relief escaped him. Was he relieved though?
He was obviously making you uncomfortable with the way he was looking at you, so he turned his head away. Yet, your presence felt loud. He would never be able to look at you without seeing her.
It got worse.
In Madripoor you were required to wear a disguise. You were the last to come out in the clothes he had got for you, and once again he was struck by the sight of his wife.
Often they would both dress up and go out for the evening. The outfit he had chosen, though he wasn't sure if this was intentional or not, really made you resemble her all the more.
He couldn't take it.
Zemo avoided all eye contact with you. He focused his attention on the boys, finding it easier that way. Even when he stated your role in this he wouldn't look directly at you.
You wondered if you had done something to offend him, which kind of hurt. You always did your best to get on with anyone you worked with, but obviously that wasn't happening here.
Perhaps it was best to stay out of his way.
Things took a turn: a bounty was placed on your heads because of the death of Selby, all of Madripoor was coming for you, and Sharon popped out of nowhere to rescue you.
Back at her place, you changed into something less flashy. You wanted to tone down the outfit a bit and wear something a little more you.
Zemo couldn't help thinking that you looked much better this way. Though he still saw his wife's face, you looked more like you. You suited you.
Down in the club it was easy to avoid you. Zemo blended into the crowd... kind of, and you stuck to the other side, enjoying your own time here.
You left before all of them.
When the boys left the club and went back upstairs, they found you sleeping on the sofa. You had kicked off your shoes and, obviously, made yourself comfortable.
He couldn't look away.
Zemo sat down near by and looked at you. This was a good chance to look at you without making you uncomfortable.
"How can you look so much like her, yet be so different too?" He whispered the question.
Not really realising what he was doing, he tucks some hair away from your face. You can't possibly be all that comfortable or warm here. Not wanting to overstep any boundaries by carrying you to your room, he gently lifts your head enough to put a cushion under it. He then grabs his coat and drapes it over you gently.
He leaves you to sleep in peace.
You wake up rather slowly. You had been extremely tired when you got back last night. You had enough fun in the club and excused yourself, passing Bucky on the way out.
You sit up. The coat falls from your shoulders and into your lap.
Zemo's coat.
You blink away any tiredness to examine it, running your fingers across the fur. It was soft.
Why did you have his coat?
It dawned on you that he must have out it there himself. No one else would touch it otherwise.
It smells like him.
You look up when you hear someone approaching. It's the man himself. He stops like a deer in headlights when your eyes meet his. Before he can turn around and leave, yoy call out to him.
He stays standing, looking at you curiously. It still hurts to look at you, but your voice is so much different, it makes him remember who he is looking at.
"Thank you."
He looks at the way you're holding his coat. The way your have a hand resting over the fur collar, clearly finding the feel of it satisfying.
For some reason that pleased him.
"You're welcome."
You smile. It's not her smile. It's your smile. He likes it.
You stand up and hold his coat carefully, taking the utmost care in handling it. You held it out to him when you stopped a little closer to him.
He takes it. His eyes never leave you. This is the longest he has looked at you at any one moment.
You're still smiling.
"I have to ask," you begin, "have I done something to offend you?"
His lips part ever so slightly as be tilts his head a tiny bit.
"Offend me?"
"Yes. This is the most you've looked at me since we met. You don't really talk to me and you seem to avoid me when possible." You gaze down at the floor.
He can hear the disappointment in your voice. He can see the way your hands fidget in front if you.
It seemed to really bother you that he was avoiding you.
"It's nothing you have done."
You look at him with concern.
"Something I've said?" Not that you've spoken to him much.
"Then, please, tell me how I can fix whatever this is. I would quite like for us to get along while we work together," you were pretty much pleading with him.
He clutches his coat, but you don't seem to notice.
"You remind me of my wife."
The way your head shoots up to look at him tells him he caught your attention. There was no going back now.
"You look so much like her and I can't take it," he whispers. "It is not your fault at all, but I cannot look at the face of someone I loved and failed greatly."
You're at a loss for words.
"But I know you're not her. The way you speak, the way you dress, the way you look when you're sleeping soundly... that's all you."
You stand there quietly.
"If you'll excuse me." He turns on his heel and leaves the room.
Helmut doesn't speak to you at all at the dock. He ignores you further on the plane to Latvia. You find yourself looking at him a lot more, but he doesn't even glance your way.
When you arrive at the safe-house, you immediately seek out a bedroom and try to stay out of everyone's way.
Sam comes to look for you. He can see something has happened and he's concerned it's a problem.
"Y/N? Open up."
You open the door to him.
"What happened?"
"What do you mean?" You ask, trying to sound as casual as possible.
"Between you and Zemo. You're ignoring each other more than usual. If this is going to be a problem, I think we should at least talk about it."
"I think it's best I tap out now. You still need Zemo, right?" You ask, avoiding his eyes.
"Possibly, but not for much longer. Why? What's happened?"
"I think I'm making it difficult for him. He told me, back in Madripoor, that I look a lot like his wife and I think it's hard for him to look at me. I don't want to be the reason the job fails."
Sam wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into his side.
"That's not going to happen. If you want to stay here, I'm sure that's fine, but just know we could really use your help."
"I think I'll stay here. You can call me if you need me."
"Alright, we're not going anywhere just yet, so you'll have to deal with Zemo being around a little longer."
"I know."
Sam gave you a slight squeeze and left you in peace. Zemo was waiting downstairs when he returned. The Baron was kind of disappointed to find that Sam was alone.
You were avoiding him too. He supposed he deserved that.
"How is she?"
"Fine. She'll probably stay in her room for a while. She's decided to stay back for now, so we'll be dealing with the Flag Smahsers without her," Sam explained.
Zemo didn't mean for that to happen.
There was another knock at your door. You called for them to enter, expecting it to be Bucky coming to see you, but it wasn't.
"Oh, Zemo."
He closed the door behind him and walked over to you, but still maintained a comfortable distance between you.
"You're not coming with us?"
"Thought it would be better if I didn't tag along any more. They need you more than me right now," you speak softly, playing with the corner of your pillow next to you.
You hear Zemo sigh gently. The mattress sinks down next to you as he sits down.
"They need you too."
You shrug.
"I didn't mean for you drop out of the mission. I shouldn't have said anything."
"No. I'm glad you did. I feel better knowing the reason why you can't look at me."
"Who's not looking now?"
You look up. His dark gaze is on you. He had been looking at you from the moment he entered the room.
He smiles.
"Won't it be difficult working with me if I'm there? I'm worried I'll jeopardise the whole thing."
He reaches out and he takes your hand.
"No. I did some thinking on the plane. I've spent too much time living in my past already, I won't let you back out of the plan because of my foolishness. I had no idea it would bother you so much that I was avoiding you." He gives your hand a little squeeze.
"I'm surprised too, you know. It kind of bothered me that you wouldn't even talk to me unless absolutely necessary."
"Apologies. I am a fool."
"No, you're not," you chuckle softly.
The smile he gives you sets the butterflies off in your stomach.
"Who is it you see now?" You ask, whispering.
"You. Just you."
You bite your lip shyly and shuffle a little closer.
"Then, I changed my mind. You'll have to put up with me when we go get the bad guys."
Zemo laughs.
"Poor me."
You rest your head against his shoudler. You don't know what it is about him, but there was something there that made you want to know him. If he would let you, you wanted to get closer to him.
Even if his freedom was short lived.
@ajeff855 @moonstuffsteve @sky-writes-stuff @lieutenantn @lostghostgirl94 @friday18eo @yaskna
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drspencerweed · 4 years
Silence is Golden
Summary/Request: from @writergirlyy​; the reader rides spencer on the jet while the team is sleeping!🕊💞..
W/C: 1360
Content: public sex, penetrative sex, fingering, mention of violent crimes (just basic BAU stuff) 
A/N: This is the first (and so far only) request I’ve gotten and I’m so excited to finally post it! I hope you all enjoy
read on ao3
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The plane was silent. I was nestled under Spencer’s arm, my head resting in his lap as he quietly read a book out loud to me. Everyone else on the plane was sleeping. We had dealt with a missing child case, and none of us had gotten much sleep in the past 72 hours. Morgan’s light snoring echoed through the cabin, almost drowning out Spencer’s voice. We were sitting towards the front of the cabin, and everyone else was towards the back. Spencer’s soothing voice was lulling me to sleep, and I was about to doze off when his voice stopped. 
I turned my head to look up at him, and saw he was already looking down at me. I gave him a small smile. “Why’d you stop?” I slurred slightly, exhaustion seeping into my voice. 
“Just wanted to look at you for a moment.” He said, smiling at me. I pushed myself up on one arm, so I could be closer to his face. 
“Isn’t that sweet.” I said. He smirked at me and leaned down to catch my lips with his. One of his hands left the book and came to my cheek, holding me close as he kissed me. I shifted so I was sitting up next to him, my hand finding his wrist and letting my thumb stroke his pulse point. He hummed into my mouth and I opened slightly to let his tongue slip in. I let out a quiet moan as it brushed over mine. He pulled back. 
“Shhh, people are sleeping.” He whispered. “Sounds are often the easiest way to wake someone up.” I chuckled and leaned back in, kissing him softly. The kiss turned heated as he gripped the back of my neck, pulling me in harder, causing me to gasp slightly. His other hand gripped my waist, and guided me to sit over his lap, my skirt draped over us. I could already feel him growing hard underneath me, and I ground down on it. Spencer whimpered into my mouth and I smirked into our kiss. His tongue found mine again and they danced together. He thrust up into me slightly, his bulge putting pressure on my clit that made me whine. “Shhhhh,” He said again, pulling back slightly from the kiss. “If we’re gonna do this, we have to be quiet.” He whispered in my ear. I quirked my head to the side and gave him a questioning look. 
“Do what?” I whispered back, letting my head drop back as he trailed his lips down my neck. 
He thrusted up into me again and whispered harshly, “This.” I bit my lip to contain my moan. Spencer’s lips caught mine, distracting me while his hand snaked under my skirt. His fingers ran over my pussy through my panties, which were almost soaked through. “So wet for me already.” He mumbled into my mouth. I ground down on his fingers, the tips finding my clit and running fast circles around it. Burying my face in his neck I bit down on his skin to contain my whines. His other hand stroked up and down my back. I was dangerously close to an orgasm. I didn’t dare lift my head, scared I’d make too much noise. His fingers maintained their rhythm, bringing me right to edge and over it. My whole body shivered through it as I soaked my panties completely, and bit down hard on his neck. 
His lips found my ear and he kissed right under it before whispering “Good girl,” directly into it. I laved my tongue over where I had bitten him in response, still shuddering through the aftereffects of my orgasm. His fingers had stopped moving but stayed pressed against me. Slowly I came down, and reached to unbuckle his pants. He stared between us, moving so both of his hands supported my back. I pulled out his cock and immediately draped my skirt over it. Slowly stroking it up and down, I met his lips in another kiss. Our tongues slid together hotly, as I reached down and pulled my panties to the side. 
I leaned up on my knees, and his hands stayed on my back, his face going in between my breasts. He kissed each of them over my shirt, looking up at me as I lined him up with my pussy. I rubbed the head back and forth a few times before his grip shifted, pulling me down on him. I let my head fall back as I sunk down on him. He pressed kisses up my neck as I slid down until he was fully inside me. My mouth dropped open in a silent moan as I adjusted to him inside me. His large hands squeezed up and down my sides as he trailed kisses anywhere he could reach, his hips hitching as he waited for me to move. 
Finally I started bouncing, taking it short and sweet, trying to keep quiet. Because of how small I made my movements, he stayed buried deep inside of me. It felt perfect, hitting all the right spots as I moved up and down. His hands drifted down my sides onto my hips, his head falling back against the couch. 
Suddenly, a loud snore ripped through the cabin. I immediately stopped, dropping down on Spencer completely and burying my face in his neck. His arms wrapped around my body and held me close. To an outsider, it would look like we were sleeping with me in his lap. I took deep heavy breaths into his neck, grinding down lightly to get some friction on my clit. I rubbed against his stomach, his cock buried deep inside me. His head dropped into my neck, biting lightly and thrusting up as much as he could. 
“We’re clear.” He whispered. “Morgan just turned over but he’s still asleep.” I nodded and started bouncing up and down again. 
Our lips met in a heated kiss as one of his hands slipped under my skirt and his thumb found my clit. My hands were wrapped in his hair, letting the curls run through my fingers and tug slightly. He groaned quietly into my mouth at that, and his thumb sped up on my clit. The circles were tight, and hurtling me towards another orgasm quickly. Kissing became second to breathing, as we panted into each other’s mouths. 
“I’m close.” I whined to him. His hand came to my neck and pulled me in closer, his tongue pushing into my mouth. I sucked on it and he groaned deep in his throat. As I rapidly approached my second orgasm, his thumb pressed harder and moved faster. I whined high as it was impossible to stay completely silent as it crashed over me, and I spasmed all over Spencer’s cock. He pushed up into me harder as he followed close behind me. 
I felt his warmth spread inside of me, and I reveled in it as aftershocks of my orgasm swept through me. I leaned up on my knees until he slipped out of me, and then moved my panties back into place. He tucked himself back into his pants at the same time. I sat back down with a heavy sigh and found his lips for a tender kiss, his hands running up and down my back and mine running through his hair. 
“I cannot believe we just did that.” I whispered with a small chuckle. He hummed. 
“It was hot.” He said. “I didn’t know I was an exhibitionist.” 
“Me either.” I said, pulling back to give him an intense look. “We’ll have to play more with that.” 
He smirked at me. “We can discuss that at home. We should get some rest.” 
I bit down on my bottom lip, thinking of all the possibilities. He simply grinned up at me, and then captured my lips in one more kiss. 
“Now go to sleep.” He whispered. I nodded and moved off of him, to lay down in his lap. He could sleep sitting up, but I never could. His hand found my hair and ran through it as I drifted off.
requests and taglist are open!
tags: @rusticreid​ @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto​
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shidoukanae · 3 years
This is from a Volo-centric WIP I abandoned because I realized I don’t know enough about Volo’s character from the two scenes we see of him to write anything that is remotely cohesive. 
Regardless, I like how this reads even if it’s clunky so here is a WIP Volo-centric fanfic chock full of ideas I doubt are in the actual game lol:
~~ ~~ ~~
There is a void in his mind. It is dark and empty, like a rotting abyss of things better left unsaid. There is no light to this place, nor is there truly any darkness. Instead there is only a knowing, one that burrows deep into his bones as he travels through this lonely place, arms cradling his body and a chill permeating his skin.
Volo has visited this place many times before. Has felt its strangeness in a way he’s felt nothing else. He is welcome here, but also an intruder. Though he knows himself as a guest to this place, one brought here by his own mind’s eye, he also realizes that the place he treads is sacred, like the stomping grounds for Noble Pokemon.
It is hard to explain this place. There is nothing to explain, and yet it exists all at once: a plane of emptiness that exists on the cusp of nowhere yet somewhere still. All he knows is that he must keep walking forward. If he doesn’t, he’ll feel those eyes upon him. He’ll feel the phantom breath of a ghost on his neck, see the glistening of a shadow just out of view, and then he’ll be wrapped in inky blackness, dragged into misery and torment long before he can awaken.
Step, step, step. He continues moving forward, approaching an end that is never coming. As he does so, a curious sight begins to manifest. Shapes formed from misty light emerge from the nothingness, screaming with a cry that goes beyond anything he’s ever heard before. Step, step, step. The beings move in a way that is incomprehensible, tossing and turning, contorting and writhing, and all he can think to do is keep his head down as he moves forward, knowing better than to look directly at them. Something glistens in front of him. He hears the echo of footsteps beside him, feels the touch of skin upon his own, as if he is accompanied by more than just himself. However, he cannot see them, nor can he dare to look at them. They are just mirages in this place, mere figments of his imagination meant to taunt him. He must not look at them. For, if he does, he’ll be dragged down with them, caught in the turmoil of the beasts shrieking before him. Blue and pink and yellow blink in his vision, swirling with desperation, as if calling to him. Some part of him yearns to heed the call of the colors, to turn his gaze up and to witness the spectacle taking place before him. But he keeps his head turned to the floor of this nothingness, expecting nothing more than to keep trekking forward. Step, step, ste- ~~~ Volo is tired of waking up fatigued as hell and tormented by incomprehension. It’s been five years since he’s immigrated to Hisui from his own region back home and five years still he’s found no answers to his problems. The dreams that haunt him continue to do so, plaguing his every dreaming moment to the point he’s certain it’s only a matter of time before he goes insane. Ginter doesn’t seem to appreciate his pouting, however. The man has already entered his tent without permission, staring down at the man with arms crossed and an expression that says he’s not ready to take any excuse Volo gives him. “You’re supposed to be guarding the camp today,” Ginter tells him. “Why are you still sleeping?” He rubs his eyes. Yawns. And then nestles back into his covers, Ginter be damned. “I don’t think you can consider my dreams sleep.” Ginter gives an aggravated sigh and Volo is not in the least surprised by the way the older man rips off his blankets and practically shoves him out of bed. It’s expected by now, but it doesn’t mean he hast to like it. He grumbles loudly, reluctantly coming to a stand as he dusts off his night clothes and gives the man a tired stare. “Oh come on now. You know what it’s like for me.” “With that attitude, you’ll never get an audience with Lady Cresselia,” Ginter tells him firmly. “You know she only-” “Appears before those who are good in heart and deed,” he finishes with a sigh, fingers combing through his already messy hair. “Yeah, yeah. We all know the legend. I don’t need reminding for how unfit I am for her, thank you very much.” The older man shakes his head, pats Volo’s shoulder, and then clutches it firmly. “Darkrai’s curse will stay with you for as long as Cresselia deems it. Unless you earn her mercy, she will not spread her wings for you.” He nods. He’s heard this talk so many times before and yet even still Ginter tells him about it. Volo knows the man he knows as his leader means well. But, that doesn’t mean he wants to be reminded of his own inadequacies in being unfit to meet the deity who can cure him of his troubles. “We’re heading to Jubilife Village tomorrow,” Ginter tells him. “When we get there, maybe we can ask the locals if they’ve sighted Her.” “You say that like we have a lead. We never have a lead.” “Cresselia is a flighty goddess. You never know where she might visit yet.” Volo once again nods, not wanting to argue any further. He’s tired and he’s got a patrol to do, he doesn’t need this nonsense. Ginter frowns at him, as if sensing his argumentative spirit, before the older man simply beckons him to the world outside. Volo obliges, leaving the tent. Jubilife Village, he thinks with a puff of misty air leaving his mouth. A shiver wracks his body: it’s much colder outside the tent. “There’s no way I’ll learn anything about her there,” he muses, knowing it to be the truth. After all, the goddess hasn’t been sighted for ten years now, not since Ginter last laid eyes on her in the glory of the golden plains of Eastern Hisui. He’s not likely to learn anything new about her now. ~~~ Well, as it turns out, Volo is completely and utterly wrong. According to Akari, one of the researchers under the control of the Galaxy Team, there’s been reports of a mysterious creature who fits Cresselia’s description. The reports are flimsy and vague, mostly suggesting that the goddess appears on nights of the full moon bathing in the waters of the nearby shores, and Volo knows he has to see her for himself. At first, he plans to approach the place of the hauntings by himself, calling upon his Rapidash to carry him to the destination. However, when he finds himself blocked by the advances of a herd of Wydeer, he finds himself helped by Rei, Akari’s traveling companion. The two of them approach the lake in question, curious to sight the legendary Pokemon for themselves. However, what Volo sees is something else entirely. From the waters of the shore they tread upon, a small creature the size of a Hisuian Growlithe emerges. It is a strange gray creature with a red gemstone glowing from its forehead. Twin tails fluttering behind it while eyes that seem to be snapped shut gaze upon them in a way that should be impossible. The creature looks upon Volo and he looks upon it. It’s beautiful yellow feathers glisten with water, glittering under the light of the moon, before it vanishes back into the water, melting into it like a Vaporeon as its disappearance leaves nary a ripple on the lake’s surface. Rei is impressed and beyond excited at their find. A new Pokemon, a new friend to capture. Volo, on the other hand, is stung by the disappointment of his high expectations. Lady Cresselia is not here and nor is his hope at a panacea for all his miseries. ~~~ The Pearl and Diamond Clans are fighting again. Somehow, his guild is caught up in this. The Ginkgo Guild is taking sides, sympathizing with one clan over the other and drawing the ire of their peers. While most of the guild is made of immigrants, a few have come from the snowy city of the Pearl Clan and others from the balmy seaside of the Diamond Clan. And each are stubbornly true to the ideals from their homeland, as argumentative as starving Starly’s every day and every night. Frankly, Volo doesn’t get the whole dispute. Each clan has territory of their own to lord over. Each clan has ideals that stick to that territory. Unlike his guild, who cares for little else but the information they can buy and the wares they can sell, the clans are confined to their arbitrary ideals, stuck in the lore of their land and people in a fit of desperation. Rei and Akari, the two trainers with whom he seems to cross paths with often (and whom he teases with the doting adoration of his own fervent curiosity), have been pulled into this fighting, picking sides of their own. Rei believes firmly in the ideals of the Diamond Clan, valuing the time he has left to live after a close encounter with Lord Kleavor. Akari, on the other hand, believes in the respecting of the land that has given her the blessing to savor the sights of a world that has yet to change any further. And Volo, who is fond of them both, can do nothing but nod his head to their ambitions, careless to their beliefs but respecting of their decisions.
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hacked-by-jake · 3 years
I've just got broken up with after 3 years because he cheated on me with multiple girls... (And blamed me for it)
Can I please request some Jake fluff? I leave it up to your artistic freedom, I just wanna feel better for a bit
Love your little stories, thank you for writing ❤️
The Truth
A/n: Hey dear, I hope you’re okay, I’m really sorry about what happened to you and thank you for telling me that. The words I will say are known from everywhere but they are true.You definitely deserve something much better than him. First of all, it is not your fault that he cannot control himself; it is not your fault that he cannot see your value. He doesn’t deserve you, and you don’t deserve to listen, it’s your fault. Even though it’s always easier said than done but you have to forget it. He's not worth your time, he's not worth your power, and he's not worth anything else. I wish you much strength and send you much love. Feel hugged and if you want to talk to someone you don’t know, feel free to write to me❤️❤️❤️
So, when I saw your message, I jumped right up to write this. I really hope you like it and that it will cheer you up a bit. I wish you a wonderful evening/ a wonderful night or a wonderful day. Take care of yourself. And thank you for the sweet compliments.❤️❤️
Summary: Jake tells you the truth.
Words: 2,1 k
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Far away from you, you can hear the quiet bells of the church beating. It’s exactly 12 a.m. on a beautiful summer night.
The cloudless and pitch black sky offers a beautiful view of the sea of stars that sparkles above you and Jake and gives you the feeling that this is the eternity. On the edge of Duskwood town centre, on an abandoned high-rise, you sit cuddling with the Hacker and just watch the Quiet Night. Only occasionally cars drive through the streets of the small town, again and again lights go out in apartments and houses to end the day. The large windows of the shops and stores of the shopping street light up brightly and from up here the few people who are on their way home look like like little ants. You’re leaning your back against Jake’s upper body, and he’s got his arms wrapped around you. His head rests on your shoulder and your legs are knotted together.
You look up at the sky and watch the stars. Every now and then a plane flies by and you imagine yourself sitting up there with Jake on your way to your deserted island.
A beautiful holiday destination that you have traveled two times. A cute little wooden hut surrounded by white sand and crystal clear water. It is just perfect. You remember the moment when you were lying in a hammock with Jake in the middle of the night, under the starry sky and the moonlight, and he read you something from your favorite book. As beautiful as this moment was, as beautiful is this one too. In Jake’s arms, you feel like you own the world, like everything else is standing still and only you and Jake count. And it’s true, up here, it’s just you, him and the eternity.
Satisfied, you sigh, "It’s so lovely here, isn’t it?"
"You're right. It’s the most beautiful thing in the world," Jake whispers in your ear and breathes a tender kiss on your cheek, making you giggle. You turn your head a little to the side to see him, "I’m talking about the sky." He grins slightly, "And I’m talking about something even more beautiful."
Your cheeks turn slightly red and you are glad that it is not visible through the little light. Even after two years of relationship, he still manages to flatter and embarrass you, but the other way around it’s the same.
"You charmer" you joke and turn your head away from him again.
"No, I’m not a charmer. I am a man who only speaks the truth!" He whispers and draws you even closer to his body.
"Oh interesting, and what is the truth?"
He makes a superior sound, "Turn to me," he demands and lets you go so you can move. You do what he asks and turn to him. You sit between his outstretched legs and put your legs over his thighs and slide very close to him.
"Now, I am curious," you wink and look into his eyes that radiate so much love and security that you would like to cry the most, that you have the feeling that a whole zoo would rage in your belly, so tremendously tingles your whole body.
„The truth is that you are the most beautiful thing that could have happened to me. Before, I always felt like I didn’t belong anywhere. As if I were superfluous everywhere and nowhere would a person really understand me. I thought it was my destiny to be misunderstood by everyone and to be an outsider. But when I met you, with your extraordinary kind and your jokes. With your courage and your trust in me, I understood it wasn’t true. I realized that all I had to do was wait for the right person that I found in you. Since I know you, my world is colorful, I see the future and I don’t just live for myself. Or rather, I don’t just exist. Since I know you, my whole life has changed.
When I’m with you, there’s no place I’d rather be. You’re the last thing I think about before I fall asleep, even when you lie next to me every night. You’re the first thing I think about when I wake up, even if you’re half on top of me.
When I look into your beautiful eyes, I can see my future. I never looked for love until you came. I didn’t know that I longed for love and affection, I didn’t know how beautiful life can be. I didn’t know there was a person who made me feel what you made me feel. I had no idea that all I needed was you.
Before, it was just me and my computer. Trying to be anonymous and not letting anyone get too close to me even though that’s what I secretly wanted. All of a sudden, you made my world shine.
Everything I never thought possible became possible when I met you.
You know, MC, there’s flames, but you’re the fireworks, you’re the light that makes me see. Your eyes are my refuge, your touches are my salvation, your voice is my favorite music. Your smell is my healing, your lips my protection, and your love, my life. Your heartbeat is what keeps me alive, I don’t know what I would do without you. I don’t know how a life without you at my side was and is possible. When you enter the room, stops my heart for seconds and then beats twice as fast because you take my breath away.
Every time I look at you, I doubt whether this is the reality. Because I just can’t imagine how someone like you, so perfect, so beautiful, so sweet and tender, can be with me.
I know I talk a lot of messed up and confused stuff and I’m probably repeating myself, but if you could just feel what’s happening inside me while you’re sitting here with me, you’d think I’m crazy. And I am.. I am crazy about you.
I forget the simplest things around you. I forget how to talk and stutter all the time. Breathing is a hard thing too, because my emotions roll over when you’re there. I forget how to walk because I only have eyes for you and no longer look forward.
But I also forget all the bad, I forget all the pain, all the suffering, all the unhappiness. All thanks to you.
When I tell you something, you listen to me and you don’t just pretend. You’re interested in things I like, and even if I tell you boring computer stuff for hours, you listen to me carefully. If I’m not well, you leave everything behind to help me; if I’m happy, you’re happy with me. If someone treats me badly, you say something before I say something myself. You’re defending me from everyone and you’re defending me even if I’m not there.
MC, no one’s ever done this for me.
My heart is beating so fast I think it’s bursting. I feel drunk when you look into my eyes and confuse my mind, I feel so safe and loved. I feel like a human being since you’ve been at my side.
You showed me what happiness means, you showed me what love means. You showed me what life means and how beautiful life can be when you spend it with the right person.
I thank everyone out there that I can have you by my side. That I can be the person who is by your side, who may hold your hand, who may kiss you.
Who can sleep next to you, who can look at you all the time, who can protect you, and I always will. I will protect you from anything that could hurt you.
I would endure any pain in the world to stay by your side.
I would take any pain away from you so that it doesn’t hurt you, I would do anything to maintain your happiness and love. You are my God damn world! You are my angel, my heart, my one and all. You are my freedom and you are my prison, you are my happiness and my pain. You are everything, everything important in this world.
I wish I could describe to you how strong my love is for you but unfortunately there are not enough words to express it. And it drives me crazy that I can’t describe it to you, because I would love to.
I would like to express to you how damn much I love you because you deserve to see how I see you. Because you deserve to hear how perfect you are.
I love you so much that sometimes it scares me because I don’t know how to deal with it if you would to disappear from my life. I would never be happy again MC, I would never laugh again, I would never live again, it would break me, my dear.
We have too much in common. When you go, I go with you, when you cry, I weep with you, and when you live, I live. The truth is, all I am today and what I stand for is because of you, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are all that matters to me, I love you so much that my heart hurts. You gave me a life."
Like frozen you stare at him.
You’re not moving, any more than you were during his entire speech.
Silent tears run from your eyes like little streams. Laughing nervously, the hacker also wipes away some tears that he has lost while he poured out his heart and laid it at your feet.
"I also don’t know where that came from," he murmurs in embarrassment and clears his throat.
You don’t know how to react, should you fall into his arms and crush him? Should you kiss him until you can’t breathe? Should you just burst into tears? Or maybe all together?
Your head has trouble processing all its words and your associated feelings, you don’t know if this is really happening. Whether that’s real, whether you’re awake, whether you’re even alive.
It all seems like a dream, like a dream you never want to wake up from, but that’s the beauty. This moment is real, and it is yours.
"Please say something" his voice trembles slightly and he looks up into the sky, "I am afraid that you get up and run away after what I have said."
The worry in his voice finally lets you break out of your trance. Stormily, your arms wrap around his neck to pull him into a hug. From the momentum and the suddenness he has no chance to hold himself upright and tilts with you to himself, backwards. He groans painfully as he comes up on the ground and remains rigidly lying down. You’re hanging on him, clawing at him like someone’s trying to pull you away from him, hiding your head between his neck and his shoulder. Loudly you sob up and a tremble shakes your whole body.
"I love you," you croak weepy. Your voice sounds as if you have excruciating pain, but at this moment you are the happiest person in the world. "I love you so much Jake, so unbelievable that it hurts"
"I love you, too, my dear," he whispers and wraps his arms tightly around your upper body.
"I don’t know what to say. Or rather where to start" a little laugh leaves your lips, "I don’t know how to give it all back to you."
Jake grumbles, "You don’t have to answer or return anything. Please don’t say anything and take it like that," he asks, "Don’t say anything and just kiss me."
Of course you’ll grant him his wish right away. You straighten up and wipe the tears from your face. You put your hands on his cheeks and look deep into his eyes. He smiles as he wipes a few strands of hair from your face and pulls your head down to him and closes his lips with yours.
You stay there until the sun rises.
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