#fourth doctor (john 4)
the-multiple-articles · 6 months
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themasterofmischief · 4 months
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 6 months
Michael Sheen talks about David Tennant 3 (4?) times in The Assembly (including the Good Omens kiss) :), 5.4.2024
Q: Who's the rudest celebrity?
Michael: Who's the rudest celebrity? Have you heard of a man called David Tennant?
All: Yes!
Someone: He was Doctor Who!
Michael: He was Doctor Who. Doctor Rude! The rudest man.
Someone: Is it so?
Michael: No, he's not really. He's lovely. He's very nice.
(bonus - yes I believe this was a dig at David :D <3
Q: What about Doctor Who? (do you like DW?)
Michael: Doctor Who. Depends on which one.)
Q: If you're in Doctor who, who would you play, the Doctor or the Master?
Michael: Oh...
Someone: He's put you on the spot again.
Michael: I'm on that spot. I mean, there's been a lot of very good Doctor Whos.
Q: There has been.
Michael: The first Doctor Who I watched was John Pertwee.
Q: John Pertwee. He was the third Doctor Who.
Michael: Right. Well, he was, and I thought he was brilliant. And then Tom Baker.
Q: He was the fourth Doctor Who.
Michael: Right, yeah. I think maybe the Master would be a good play to part.
Q: I think you'll be the good Master.
Michael: They'll have to bring David Tennant back as Doctor Who again and then I can be the Master opposite him maybe.
Q: Can you just walk us through the before, the during and the after of your passionate kiss with David Tennant?
Michael: Well, I remember, I remember reading the script and thinking, that's going to be a big deal, and.... yeah, didn't really talk about it and just went for it. I remember seeing that everyone was quite moved by the scene and all the people who were working on it, so we knew that it had gone quite well. Yeah .And now we never talk about it.
The Assembly can be watched on here (with UK VPN :))
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gallifreyanhotfive · 8 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know
The Doctor has been known to keep a teddy bear in his pocket.
The Master's first TARDIS (Lolita) is the Doctor's TARDIS's twin.
The Eighth Doctor once had sex with a sentient planet.
Machiavelli, Richelieu, and Robespierre were all just different aliases for the immortal Hades.
The iceberg that the Titanic crashed into was actually the Monk's TARDIS.
Also on board at the time were several incarnations of the Doctor, the Decayed Master, Jack Harkness, John Hart, Ace McShane, and Bernice Summerfield.
The First, Fourth, and Fifth Doctors were all in London around when the Great Fire started in 1666.
The Eighth Doctor was briefly engaged to Queen Edith but ran away before the wedding.
Consecrated planets, moons, and asteroids cannot be mined under Galactic Law.
The Doctor used to make up imaginary enemies to play fight when they were a small, lonely child. One of these enemies was called Mandrake.
The Sixth Doctor once went back in time with Peri to kill a baby who would become an evil dictator but could not go through with it.
After Nyssa tried to fix the chameleon circuit, the TARDIS took the shape of a whale.
Tegan Jovanka is the Earth Ambassador to Gallifrey.
The First Doctor participated in a riot and became wanted by the CIA two days before running away from Gallifrey (although some sources dispute this).
While the Ninth Doctor witnessed Kennedy's assassination, the First Doctor witnessed McKinley's.
The First Doctor has been repeatedly eaten and regurgitated by a whale before.
Marilyn Monroe married both the Eleventh Doctor and King Henry VIII, who fathered Elizabeth I, who married the Tenth Doctor, and he had also been married to Amy Pond, who was also the Doctor’s mother-in-law through River Song. Talk about a confusing family tree!
The First Doctor fed a snapping wart fowl to Valyes's summer project, and Valyes has had a grudge ever since.
The Eighth Doctor once demanded to die naked upon being sentenced to execution.
All righty, folks. I'm very tired! Good night. I may add more later.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
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Okay I’m sure someone else has made a similar post but I have thoughts I’m attempting to think about these resurrection beasts
The Houses
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As far as I can tell we only really know for sure that the First House is Earth and the Ninth House is Pluto. My proposed lineup for the houses is as above. Fucking up the numbering so that earth can be first is very human, and John would do it. And it makes sense since it is quite literally the first home of humanity. If we go with this lineup then there are few things I can read into…
Venus as The 3rd:
The third house have an association with beauty, like the goddess the planet is named for. The individuals from the third that we know are also kind of…horrible terrible people (affectionate). Venus, much like Ianthe’s personality, is inhospitable.
Mars as The 4nd:
“But wait,” you say, “shouldn’t the second house be Mars since they’re the ones associated with the cohort and all that?” MAYBE. The fourth also works for Mars though, they too are extremely associated with war, we learn from Isaac and Jeanmarrie that 4th kids go to war very young.
Pluto as The 9th:
Death god, skeleton nuns, we all know.
So that’s one interpretation, but honestly I think that
1) Venus is likely to be the 7th, since Cytherea was both a name for the goddess Venus and the name of everyone’s favorite identity stealing lyctor from the 7th house.
2) The 3rd might be Jupiter? King of the gods, and the third is always described in terms of royalty?
3) The 2nd could be Mars, as discussed above.
4) The 6th kind of needs to be Mercury. Mercury/Hermes as a god was associated with doctors and the element used to be used in thermometers.
So really that brings us back to this which is so upsetting but without further analysis that’s what I’ve got for sure.
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Resurrection Beasts
Similar to the true nature of the houses, we know very little for sure when it comes to the RBs. Alecto is Earth. Varun seems to be Neptune. That’s what we know. Which is why it’s particularly confusing that in Harrow the Ninth Augustine describes a different creature as being The First.
As described by the lyctors…
Number Two: “…spewed quicksilver and remade itself into hundred foot spikes.”
@dmmeeble pointed out that this was probably mercury since quicksilver is another name for the element mercury
Number Six: “…kept sucking us into enormous sphincters and spraying us with worms.”
I’ve got next to nothing for the sphincter worms beast tbh. My only idea is that this could be Jupiter because that sounds like some Zeus (Jupiter) punishment nonsense on the level of Prometheus and the liver pecking eagle.
Number Four: “…a humanoid creature with a beautiful face who held me under the water, and it spoke in a lovely voice but it only repeated, die, die…”
I imagine that this one has to be Venus since Mercy makes a point to say they were beautiful and Venus was a goddess of beauty. Also, water is mentioned and Venus was born from water and is therefore associated with it.
Number One: “…a great and incoherent machine…when I saw it I thought it had a great tail, and a thousand broken pillars on its back, but Cassiopeia saw it as a mechanical monster with swords for wings, and great horns of myelin, tessellated over with graves.”
This is the weirdest one. We already know Number One was Alecto, so this has to be something different. Right? RIGHT?! Cause the thing is I could see this one being earth. Mechanical monster because of all the mechanical detritus of the human species left after John’s apocalypse, the thousand broken columns also speaking to ancient ruins, swords for wings because of the legacy of violence left by the people of earth, the graves all the many graves dug in the surface of the earth over the years. This is a fairly human centric interpretation but having experienced Nona and Alecto, the soul of the earth is clearly very affected by humanity. In an entirely different direction, this could totally be Pluto. The graves, the swords (especially with our knowledge of the ninth), the lifelessness of the mechanical creature. Parts of the description is even reminiscent of some kind of automaton version of a harpy or a fury, with the wings and the general horrors of appearance. And while the furies are chthonic beings…this still brings us back to Alecto…
Number Eight: “…a giant head.” “Finned like a fish…it’s ribs were bloody bandages, and it’s teeth protruded through its own skull, tangled about its face like a nest. It was red, and it had a single eye of green that moved all about the body…”
There are multiple ways to go here. Red implies Mars of course. All of the images of injuries and bloody bandaging could also speak to Mars as war imagery, but the single eye implies Jupiter. Then of course there is the “finned like a fish” and the one eye implying a Cyclops and Cyclopes being associated with Neptune/Poseidon-but we’ve set aside Neptune for Varun. HOWEVER Cyclopes are also connected to Uranus as Uranus and Gaia had some cyclops children in Hesiod’s Theogony. Have I taken this too far yet?
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So as you can see, I’ve connected the dots??????
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literary-illuminati · 9 months
Fourth Quarter of 2023 Book Reviews
50. Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel 51. Women Warriors, An Unexpected History by Pamela Toler 52. The Gods Are Bastards Volume 3 by D. D. Webb 53. The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi 54. Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher 55. The Gods Are Bastards Volume 4 by D. D. Webb 56. Three Parts Dead by Max Gladstone 57. Pale by Wildbow 58. The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. LeGuin 59. Spear by Nicola Griffith 60. The Daughter of Doctor Moreau by Silvia Moreno-Garcia 61. Helpmeet by Naben Ruthnum
62. The Balls of Perilous Graves by Alex Jennings 63. The Bruising of Qilwa Naseem Jamina 64. Poverty, by America by Mathew Desmond 65. System Collapse by Martha Wells 66. Prophet Volume 1 by Brandon Graham et al.
67. Saint Death's Daughter by C. S. E. Cooney 68. Babel by R. F. Kuang 69. Prophet Volume 2 by Brandon Graham et al. 70. American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis 71. Prophet Volume 3 by Brandon Graham et al.
You can also seem them all on my Goodreads
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Righteousness is Better than Fasting
1 And it came to pass in the fourth year of king Darius, that the word of the LORD came unto Zechariah in the fourth day of the ninth month, even in Chislev;
2 When they had sent unto the house of God Sherezer and Regemmelech, and their men, to pray before the LORD,
3 And to speak unto the priests who were in the house of the LORD of hosts, and to the prophets, saying, Should I weep in the fifth month, consecrating myself, as I have done these so many years?
4 Then came the word of the LORD of hosts unto me, saying,
5 Speak unto all the people of the land, and to the priests, saying, When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh month, even those seventy years, did you at all fast unto me, even to me?
6 And when you did eat, and when you did drink, did not you eat for yourselves, and drink for yourselves?
7 Should you not hear the words which the LORD has cried by the former prophets, when Jerusalem was inhabited and in prosperity, and her cities round about her, when men inhabited the south and the lowland?
8 And the word of the LORD came unto Zechariah, saying,
9 Thus speaks the LORD of hosts, saying, Execute true judgment, and show mercy and compassion every man to his brother:
10 And oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless, the sojourner, nor the poor; and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart.
11 But they refused to hearken, and shrugged the shoulder, and stopped their ears, that they should not hear.
12 Yea, they made their hearts as a flint stone, lest they should hear the law, and the words which the LORD of hosts has sent by his Spirit through the former prophets: therefore came a great wrath from the LORD of hosts.
13 Therefore it has come to pass, that just as he cried, and they would not hear; so they cried, and I would not hear, says the LORD of hosts:
14 But I scattered them with a whirlwind among all the nations whom they knew not. Thus the land became desolate after them, that no man passed through nor returned: for they made the pleasant land desolate. — Zechariah 7 | King James 2000 Bible (KJB2K) The King James 2000 Bible, copyright © Doctor of Theology Robert A. Couric 2000, 2003. All rights reserved. Cross References: Exodus 22:21-22; Leviticus 26:33; Deuteronomy 4:27; Deuteronomy 22:1; 1 Kings 13:6; 2 Chronicles 36:13; 2 Chronicles 36:16; Ezra 3:10; Nehemiah 1:1; Nehemiah 9:29; Psalm 21:11; Proverbs 1:24; proverbs 1:28; Isaiah 1:11-12; Isaiah 1:16; Isaiah 43:23; Isaiah 58:3; Jeremiah 7:5; Jeremiah 26:19; Zechariah 1:1; Zechariah 8:19; Matthew 13:15; John 7:24
Commentary on Zechariah 7 by Matthew Henry
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doctor-showdown · 2 years
whoops, I slipped
Doctors of Doctor Who Tournament Masterpost
I'm a big fan of cannon is fake, so half of these are people I would group under "Doctors of dubious cannon" or even "Doctor adjacent entities"
Also the first Doctor has been included at least 3, but arguably 4 times for the sake of numbers, and Richard E Grant and Tom Baker both appear on here twice, so that's fun
The Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) vs The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston)
Best Losers Side Show
The Valeyard (Michael Jayston) vs The Curator (Tom Baker)
previous rounds under the cut
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The Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) vs The Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee)
The Eight Doctor (Paul McGann) vs The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston)
Best Loser Side Show:
The Valeyard (Michael Jayston) vs The Curse of Fatal Death: Twelfth Doctor (Hugh Grant)
The Curator (Tom Baker) vs The Master Doctor (Sacha Dhawan)
previous rounds under the cut
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The Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) vs The Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) WINNER: The Twelfth Doctor
The Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee) vs The Thirteenth Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) WINNER: The Third Doctor
The Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) vs The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) WINNER: The Eighth Doctor
The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) vs The Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) WINNER: The Ninth Doctor
Best Loser Side Show
The First Doctor (David Bradley) vs The Valeyard (Michael Jayston) WINNER: The Valeyard
The Curse of Fatal Death: Tenth Doctor (Richard E Grant) vs The Curse of Fatal Death Twelfth Doctor (Hugh Grant) WINNER: COFD Twelfth Doctor
The Curse of Fatal Death: Thirteenth Doctor (Joanna Lumley) vs The Curator (Tom Baker) WINNER: The Curator
The Master Doctor (Sacha Dhawan) vs The Morbius Doctors (Various) WINNER: The Master Doctor
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The Shalka Doctor (Richard E Grant) vs The Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) WINNER: The Second Doctor
The Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) vs The Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker) WINNER: The Twelfth Doctor
The Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee) vs The First Doctor (William Hartnell) WINNER: The Third Doctor
The Thirteenth Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) vs The War Doctor (John Hurt) WINNER: The Thirteenth Doctor
The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) vs The Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) WINNER: The Eighth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) vs The Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) WINNER: The Tenth Doctor
The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) vs The Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) WINNER: The Ninth Doctor
The Fugitive Doctor (Jo Martin) vs The Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy WINNER: The Seventh Doctor
Best Loser Side Show
The First Doctor (Richard Hurndall) vs The First Doctor (David Bradley) BEST LOSER: Bradley!One
Dr Who (Peter Cushing) vs The Valeyard (Michael Jayston) BEST LOSER: The Valeyard
The Curse of Fatal Death: Ninth Doctor (Rowan Atkinson) vs The Curse of Fatal Death: Tenth Doctor (Richard E Grant) BEST LOSER: COFD Tenth Doctor
The Curse of Fatal Death: Eleventh Doctor (Jim Broadbent) vs The Curse of Fatal Death: Twelfth Doctor (Hugh Grant) BEST LOSER: COFD Twelfth Doctor
The Curse of Fatal Death: Thirteenth Doctor (Joanna Lumley) vs The Watcher (Faceless Entity) BEST LOSER: COFD Thirteenth Doctor
The Curator (Tom Baker) vs The Dream Lord (Toby Jones) BEST LOSER: The Curator
The Master Doctor (Sacha Dhawan) vs The Other (Novelisations) BEST LOSER: The Master Doctor
The Morbius Doctors (Various) vs The Timeless Children (Various) BEST LOSER: The Morbius Doctors
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The Shalka Doctor (Richard E Grant) vs The First Doctor (Richard Hurndall) WINNER: The Shalka Doctor
The Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) vs The First Doctor (David Bradley) WINNER: The Second Doctor
The Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) vs Dr Who (Peter Cushing) WINNER: The Twelfth Doctor
The Valeyard (Michael Jayston) vs The Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker) WINNER: The Sixth Doctor
The Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee) vs The Curse of Fatal Death: Ninth Doctor (Rowan Atkinson) WINNER: The Ninth Doctor
The First Doctor (William Hartnell) vs The Curse of Fatal Death: Tenth Doctor (Richard E Grant) WINNER: The First Doctor
The Curse of Fatal Death: Eleventh Doctor (Jim Broadbent) vs The Thirteenth Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) WINNER: The Thirteenth Doctor
The Curse of Fatal Death: Twelfth Doctor (Hugh Grant) vs The War Doctor (John Hurt) WINNER: The War Doctor
The Curse of Fatal Death: Thirteenth Doctor (Joanna Lumley) vs The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) WINNER: The Eleventh Doctor
The Watcher (Faceless Entity) vs The Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) WINNER: The Eighth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) vs The Curator (Tom Baker) WINNER: The Tenth Doctor
The Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) vs The Dream Lord (Toby Jones)
WINNER: The Fourth Doctor
The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) vs The Spy Master Doctor (I don't think we've definitively decided what to call this one yet) (Sacha Dhawan) WINNER: The Ninth Doctor
The Other (Exclusive to Books and Comics (I believe)) vs The Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) WINNER: The Fifth Doctor
The Morbius Doctors (Various) vs The Fugitive Doctor (AKA The Ruth Doctor) (Jo Martin) WINNER: The Fugitive Doctor
The Timeless Children (Various) vs The Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) WINNER: The Seventh Doctor
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ao3feed-torchwood · 9 months
The Silver Torchwood
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52591651 by noodleleg This book includes the Torchwood crew and my OC Silver (destined to become a solar system) this follows her through side adventures which don't quite fit with the plot of my previous books in this series. There are are also X READERS in this book and probably will be incorrect quotes. Words: 14848, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English Series: Part 4 of DOCTA WHA?! Fandoms: Doctor Who, Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who (1963), Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, Torchwood, Doctor Who: Past Doctor Adventures - Various Authors Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other Characters: Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness, The Master (Simm), Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who), Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who), Twelfth Doctor, Original Time Lord Character(s) (Doctor Who), Missy (Doctor Who), Gwen Cooper, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, Fourth Doctor (Doctor Who) Relationships: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Tenth Doctor & Jack Harkness, Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness, Jack Harkness & Team Torchwood, John Hart & Team Torchwood, Gwen Cooper/Rhys Williams, Gwen Cooper & Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper & Jack Harkness & Owen Harper & Ianto Jones & Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper/Toshiko Sato, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Rose Tyler, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Original Female Character(s), Twelfth Doctor/Original Male Character(s), the mistress/original female character, The Master/Original Time Lord Character(s) (Doctor Who), Eleventh Doctor/Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Humor, Humour, Comedy, Science Fiction
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elvesandlanterns · 2 years
Ghost helpline part 13 Neutral Ground
Diana and Clark had fought for more information. Boston needed more time to convince Jason Blood to help and Dick was still talking Raven out of retirement.
They needed more information, it was late, everyone was tired, and frankly this had grown into a bigger problem than Batman’s paranoia over a child demon. If shit hit the fan, a war between the magic community and humans could start. They need to know if a human group had made disease and they needed proof. The league needed to know the political landscape before doing anything more than cure administration. Which would take days.
Diana and Clark are reasonable good friends. They would later force Bruce to leave with his children and lock the zeta tube to the tower behind them.
—- —- —-
Jack had been born on the fourth day of the fourth month at the tail end of the Qin Dynasty in a bustling prefecture of China.
Jack had been born already dead. Skin white as snow, ruby eyes wide open, sunlight causing him pain. His mother attempted to love him, she did. She would braid his faded ginger hair away from his face and buy him small sweets when he behaved correctly. She tried.
At the age of six he had been given to his grandmother. He was moved away from the city to a backwater town in the midst of nowhere.
At seven his grandmother spent money they didn’t have for a doctor. He called them an albino. The town called him demon.
At age eight war came and he never saw his mother again. He didn’t have the courage to ask grandmother if it was done on purpose or not.
At nine grandmother introduces him to a man that will change his fate.
The first time Jack meets Violet, he’s ten hiding from bullies in the forest. She stands heads taller than him, drenched in blood, dark claws growing from her finger tips holding someone’s entrails.
She’s the most beautiful thing the little Chinese boy has ever seen.
The second time they meet, Jack is eleven eating alone. She sits at his table without horns and nobody notices.
The third time they meet, Jack is twelve and lost. She explains to him that his self pity is unattractive and that he is wasting his life.
The fourth time they meet, Jack is fourteen and his grandmother has died. She tells him that his existence is natural. He notices that he is finally taller than her, she hasn’t aged a day.
At fifteen he can no longer bare the cruel words and actions of the village. He runs away and decides to give Violet his name the next time he sees her.
At sixteen he is freezing to death too tired to move, then the man corners him.
He never makes it to seventeen.
—- —- —-
Boston had a knack for information gathering but this job was going to be difficult. Rumors so many rumors. But Boston at least knew these main things about magic society that everyone knew:
1 - Vampires and Werewolves hate each other to the point of fighting on site
2- You never ask a ghost why they died
3- Any Atlantean on land is considered neutral ground NO fighting
4- Every species has their own royals
Boston finished writing it all down and left the watchtower last with John and Zatanna. He hoped it would help.
—- —- —-
Violet lands on her ass in alley way in Gotham. It’s cold, dark and she has no energy left to teleport again. Her skin stings as she shifts slow and stuttered. Her hair grows and flattens straight down like a pin. Her eyes water as they go from gold to purple. Her scars tuck themselves away from prying eyes. Her horns imply vanish she’s not sure at all about where they go when she does this.
She’s still in her dress from days ago. Her front is dripping in a wet viscous fluid. It’s a disgusting orange color chin is of something falling to the floor. She smells rancid.
This is fine. She’s fine. Now that she’s properly awake all she needs to do is find a phone. Hers having gotten smashed before the move, multiple times. She had already destroyed three this month.
Alright, she picked her self up. She has a plan. Find a phone.
Across the street lights blare.
The Ice Berg Lounge.
—- —- —-
Bruce stubbles out of the zeta tube dead on his feet. Maybe just maybe he had been too harsh on Konstelacio. She had helped them a lot, and while her ‘price’ was worrisome Bruce knew it could have been a lot worse. It left a bitter feeling in his mouth. An unknown having any control over a leaguer, even a non powered individual, didn’t sit right with him.
He needed contingencies against her.
He needed contingencies for her too. She had looked sick, he had noticed Barry running to get a trash can.
Bruce and his kids began to strip off their clothing changing into civilian clothes. Bruce got as far as his pants when his kids conversation caught up with him.
“I know Dami I’m just worried! How could our new neighbor just let his kids wander Gotham! And apparently now the man is alone at his house! He’s so going to get robbed.”
“Tt- the two that we meet shall still be there.”
“I dunno Dami if I was that age and all my siblings were out I’d leave too.”
Neighbors? No they couldn’t possibly have new neighbors the closet house to them was the Drake Manor…. Oh. He probably owed Tim an apology but how could his son decide something like that with out him!
And he apparently had sold it to someone who let their kids run around Gotham to boot! Was the Drake house cursed to have neglected kids within its walls. Neglected kids like Tim. Not again! Not On His Watch!
The car ride only served to make him more upset. Masters? Seriously? That pompous asshole. The man was aggravating, Bruce considered it a blessing they hadn’t crossed each other often in galas. It was a bit of a mystery where he had fucked off to all these years, tho Bruce took the new kids as a simple explanation. His new found lack of villainess behavior could also be attributed to his new found fatherhood. Which made him better than most sadly. Still tho! Batman didn’t trust him not at all.
The millionaire made his way to the front door, a pan lasagna in his hand, and survived the area…. Not a single camera. He knocked. Twice.
After a few minutes the door opened and the vigilante dredged up the most innocent Brucie smile he had. The door opened and he almost dropped the pasta.
The man who opened the door was bleary-eyed, yawning softly. He was wearing a “today is paw-fect” shirt. Baby pink, two sizes too short exposing his muffin top. His pants were fuzzy and matched his open robe.
Bruce gulped at the sight of him. His long platinum hair tangled and frizzed. Cornflower blue eyes looked up at him filled with mirth.
“Well then I’m going to assume your partying had you losing track of time neighbor mine. It’s a bit late but if you’d like to come inside, that pan looks heavy…. Hello?”
The way the man had said ‘mine’ had Bruce feeling warm and … oh oh no. He was in trouble.
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bending-sickle · 9 months
listening to the john foley 2006 bbc adaptation of the liz lochhead play of Dracula (that’s a chain of adaptations) because david suchet (poirot, my beloved) plays dracula and i am just dying right out the gate and idk if i can hold on till dracula shows up because oh my god give me patience
grievance the first: the same old tired corset bullshittery
Lucy: Here, lace me up.
Mina: Well, turn around.
Lucy: Tighter! Tighter!
Mina: I’ll hurt you.
Lucy: No, you won’t. I want to feel it nip me in. The day they put me in stays and made me wear my hair up I swore blind if I was to be pinched and skewered I was to have the thinnest waist and the highest highest hair. I’m not going to suffer for nothing and not be noticed.
1) you can’t tight-lace stays, they don’t cinch in the waist but rather flatten the bust, 2) corsets weren’t tight-laced regularly either, 3) children would wear stays to encourage proper posture, it was not a Coming Of Age garment, 4) corsets are not by nature uncomfortable, 5) i could go fucking on about this hateful “tighter” trope but gawd.
grievance the second: wtf did they do to renfield, he’s a walking Insane Man trope
I once— I once— I once knew a woman who— I once knew a woman who swallowed a fly. [catches and eats fly whilst giggling] I once knew a woman who swallowed a fly, perhaps she’ll die. Perhaps she won’t die. To die or not to die, that is the question. [sniffs] Bedlam. Bedlam. Bedlam. [sniffs] Bats in the belfry, bats set a screw looses, screw loosies, screw Lucys, screw looses. It’s cold, getting colder. [sniffs] Doctor Seward. Sewer, sewage. Lord Mulch Mine [?], Mister Piss River, Doctor Seward, you bastard.
grievance the third: whatever the fuck this is, trying to besmirch jonathan’s love of mina
Arthur: Congratulations. I suppose she is a beauty?
Harker: The loveliest girl who ever lived.
Arthur: And the heir to quite a fortune.
Harker: Ah! I should marry Mina if she hadn’t two brass farthings to rub togeher.
grievance the fourth: more character assasination of Most In Love harker boy
Mina: And Jonathan, you may stop staring after Florie like that. You make the poor girl blush.
Harker: Sorry
Mina: Honestly Arthur, Jonathan has taken so many photographs of the poor girl, he’ll turn her head.
Harker: She’s very pretty—I mean, as a subject.
grievance the fifth: she would not fucking say that! either of them! (also they had to be sisters, because god forbid women have friendships)
Mina: My sister does get very nervous about things, Arthur.
Lucy: Oh yes, crazy Lucy, mad sleepwalking Lucy with her migraines and her overvivid imagination. I know what you say about me behind my back. You bitch, Mina. I wish you weren’t my sister.
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whumpslist · 2 years
A bunch of answers 4 and recap
Hi everyone,
I’m sorry for my lack of answers, I’m trying to keep up with the current airing whumps’ lists but also completing the finished shows’ one and the new seasons’ episodes’ ones:
* The current airing shows’ lists are all updated: Law & Order SVU, The Flash, Magnum PI, Taxi Driver; I’ll soon watch Carnival Row and update it with the first two episodes aired as well;
* I am doing a whumpslist for Will Trent, which is currently airing, and the books by Karin Slaughter the TV show is based on, I'm still undecided whether to publish it or wait to complete them all. What would you prefer?;
* I have to update the Titans' list with the first part of the fourth season;
* I’ve finally updated the Prodigal Son's list with the second season (I will reblog it right after this post); The Boys' one has already been updated with the third season;
* I’ve recentely updated Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan and Strike (TV show and books) too, and posted a new K-list, The Veil;
* I have started to watch the second season of The Witcher (I’ve watched the prequel Blood Origin and enjoyed it so much);
* I have K-drama The K-2 list to complete from... forever, I will gather my courage to finish it and goodbye one of my favorite character; same for The Musketeers, only a bunch of episodes left to review...
You can find all the lists and the links into the Whumpslist’s links Sheet here. Plus, I've made another sheet to include all my gifs, short clips and audios posted as Tumblr allows only a certain amount to links into a single post.
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Meanwhile I’ve received many messages, I’ll gather the answers here into a single post.
Have you ever seen doctor who or torchwood? cuz they have a lot of whump, especially jack harkness
Doctor Who would take an eternity to be watched from the first episode, besides it’s not my kind of show so I’ve never watched it. Neither Torchwood, and that’s because I don’t like John Barrowman very much.
in your endeavor post, what ep was the second to last gif from?
Hi Anon, I suppose you mean the post of January 12th. It’s from Endeavour 1.00 “The Origins of Inspector Morse" when he’s listening at the Rosalind Galloway’s disc.
Ooo have you watched ER I’ve wanting a whump list for John Carter
Sorry @marahm30, I’ve never fully watched it back in the days, only some (whumpy) episodes already reported into The Whumpapedia.
I love love love your lists! Do you think you'd ever do Stargate SG1? I have a list of the daniel whump eps from the first handful of seasons, I'd be happy to help if you wanted to make a list
Maybe, @ravenwingdark, but surely not in the foreseeable future, my hands are full.
would it be possible for you to do Rise of the teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Series and the movie? I saw that you had done the 2003 version and was wondering if you would do the 2018-2020 one
You’re mistaken, @the-true-alpha-04, I’ve never watched nor compiled a list for it neither I will do it in the future, sorry @rachealwolf25.
Clay Spencer
Nope, as I’ve already answered it several times: I will not do a list for SEAL Team, I've only made a gifset for episode 2.17. Despite the potential, it’s pretty lacking in whumps (even if the last season had some improvements). The ones shown are widely reviewed in The Whumpapedia, though.
Do you know any good Chloro Man scenes from shows?
Interesting trope, Anon! Not one of my kind, so I can’t really recall some specifically, but I report it in my lists when it happens. Maybe you can use a selected filter to serch it into The Whumpapedia, though.
Could you do whump lists of…Forever, TVD, The originals, Legacies and other crime sci-fi shows?
It’s highly unlikely it will happen, sorry @anonymous-persona, especially the vampire shows, because of the immortality things, whumps are almost pointless...
Hi! would you be able to make a list for the Mandalorian? specifically pedro pascal’s character! thank you
I’ve thought of making one while I was watching it, but they are just a few, plus Pascal always wears the mask and it’s limitating.
do you know of any whump from All Saints, the '00s australian medical drama? the stabbing episode whumpypepsigal posted was amazing, but the whumpapedia doesn't have much to offer for more... i don't know if the show just isn't very whumpy or if it hasn't been combed through yet, but maybe you'd know, or people in the notes would? thanks!
Nope, I don’t know the show. After receiving your message, I’ve looked for it but I was unable to retrieve it. Please, let me know if you have more luck.
That’s all, folks!
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writer-of-various · 2 years
MW 141 + Los Vaqueros + OC HCs
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Born into a large family, middle child of 7 kids, youngest son
Spoiled by his mother, father always tried teaching him "manly" things but the man himself was a history teacher
Big family, every first Friday of the month is a family outing– grows closer to one of his many cousins (best friends, the cousin who introduced him to the military)
Jokester/Trickster, loves playing pranks and loves it when his uncle William buys illegal fireworks and sets them off (his love for explosions)
When he told his parents about joining the military, his mother was hesitant but supportive, his father was however the sobbing and head shaking parent
He and his father are close, and before his father's death is when he gives Soap permission to join
Soap refused to quit, he was not letting down his father– his father's proud smile keeps him going during the toughest times
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Youngest child, born into a neglectful and abusive enviroment
His older sister and mother often protected him from his father's wrath– his older brother killed himself at age 14
Mother grew tired of the fighting and abuse, drank and smoked to console her bottling up emotions
His older sister was left defending Ghost and tried stabilizing the family to no avail
At 10, his father goes mad and kills his mother and sister, and tried killing Ghost who survives the attack– his father kills himself shortly after
Jumps from foster home to foster home, only one family treated him with kindness and showed him love– they died from a car accident
At 16 he runs away and joins the military, his height and stubble made him appear older– an officer finds out a year later but takes Ghost under his wing (he dies from a terrorist attack and Ghost is once again left alone until he meets Price)
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Born to wealthy parents, his mother was a doctor and his father a lawyer, former intelligence specialist in the Royal Military
Orphaned at 4 years old, parents died trying to protect him and others during a mass shooting at a mall a week before Christmas
Jumped from three foster homes before being adopted by the fourth couple
Grew up in a loving home although his adoptive parents struggled financially
Joined the military, a year after enlisting his adoptive parents were killed during a robbery at a bank
John Price
Father was military, went MIA early in Price's life– mother raised him herself
Mother barely making it through, sacrificed a lot for Price and he was grateful
Tried his hardest at school and excelled
He didn't focus much on school but finding work to support his mother
His mother was conflicted about his wish to join the Royal Army, worried the same fate of her beloved husband would happen to her beloved son
Joined the military at 16 in an effort to help his mom; excelled greatly in the military and became the youngest cadet to pass the Royal Military Academy
His mother accepted his decision and was proud of her little John until she passed from breast cancer
Alejandro Vargas
Only child, spoiled by his mama and father
Always admired his father as Mr. Vargas was Special Forces, trying to help Las Almas be free of corruption
He often skipped school to go on adventures with his best friend, Rodolfo
At 7, his father is killed by a cartel outside Las Almas during a raid– Alejandro decided at a young age to follow in father's footsteps
Grew up and watched Las Almas slowly crumble under the pressure of a growing cartel
Joined the military at 17, excelled greatly
Rodolfo Parra
The youngest of three children, born into a very hostile environment
His father was a drunk, abusive, neglectful– constantly arguing and beating his mother and two older brothers
His older brothers eventually run away and cut contact with all of them– his mother grows tired of the abuse and often gets drunk and brings in random men when Rudy's father is at work or drunk at some bar
Rudy was sexually abused by the random men his mother brought home but never said anything to anyone until he was 21 and had a panic attack in front of Alejandro
Often found refuge in Alejandro's caring home, the Vargas' practically adopted dhim into their family
His mother is killed by the cartel when he was 8, and he vows to avenge her death and protect the people of Las Almas
He isn't only following Alejandro because he loves his friend, but because he won't rest until Las Almas is healed and he avenges his mother who has tried so hard to protect him
Cut contact with his father– black sheep of his family's name and doesn't care
Amanda "Olympus" Smith
Only child, born into hostile environment
Mother overdosed when she was 2, father pointed all abuse on Amanda shortly after the death of her mother
Raised herself, learned how to cook and clean, tried keeping a roof over her head while her father spent his cheques on alcohol, drugs, and hookers
Excelled greatly in school despite having a poor attendance– teachers never asked about her home life and she didn't say anything
Above the whole school and earned all her credits only in her Sophomore year, graduated early but struggled as she and her father went homeless for a year
Athletic and her coach is the only person to show concern and care for her, kept her going during hard times
Her coach let Amanda stay in her office during that year, always leaving a spare key to the locker rooms and showers
Joined the Canadian Army at 16 and excelled above all candidates, gained respect from all her male counterparts
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phantom-le6 · 7 months
Ramble of the month February 2024: 90’s MCU phase 5 – transitioning from Secret Wars to Infinity Wars
Having spent much of last month and a fair bit of this one working on submissions to literary agencies for my autism book, this month’s ramble and the one for next month took a bit of a back seat, and as such I’ve still not been able to vary myself away from delving further into my hypothetical Marvel and DC film universes.  Apologies to anyone who, like me, were hoping to vary things more.  However, hopefully what we cover in this ramble and the next will make up for it, and as April will be Autism Awareness time, I can guarantee something different for then.
By this point, I’m sure readers don’t need as much of a recap on what these posts to do with my 90’s-based MCU are about.  Long story short, I’ve done what the meme makers don’t; looked at the comic book and real-world history of Marvel from that era to create an actual 90’s based MCU instead of putting 90’s actors into a present-day MCU.  However, as we’re into a fifth phase and well past the 1990’s, we should at least quickly review phases 1-4 first.
Phase 1:
1992: Fantastic Four, Hulk, Iron Man
1993: Thor, Spider-Man, Ant-Man & The Wasp
1994: Captain America: Fantastic Four 2, Iron Man 2
1995: X-Men, Avengers, Daredevil
Phase 2:
1996: Spider-Man 2, Thor: Land of Enchantment, Silver Surfer
1997: Hulk vs Wolverine, Fantastic Four: Doomsday, Iron Man 3
1998: Captain America: Society of Serpents, Daredevil 2, X-Men 2
1999: Avenger 2, Spider-Man 3, Doctor Strange
Phase 3:
2000: Fantastic Four: World War III, Thor: Ragnarök, Daredevil 3
2001: Hulk: Rise of the Leader, X-Men: Fall of the Mutants, Avengers: Under Siege
2002: Doctor Strange 2, The Captain, Spider-Man 4
2003: Captain Britain, Fantastic Four: Enter the Negative Zone, Ghost Rider
Phase 4:
2004: Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Secret Wars: Part I
2005: Excalibur, Defenders, Ghost Rider 2
2006: X-Factor, Secret Wars: Part II, Heroes For Hire
2007: Namor the Submariner, Doctor Strange 3, Iron Man: Enter The Mandarin
As discussed in previous rambles, phase 1 was all about establishing the MCU and its characters, phase 2 was about the expansion and development of the continuity, while phase 3 was mostly about many characters and teams losing, being put on the back foot and so on.  Phase 4 then covered Secret Wars, which temporarily deprived Earth of some major MCU heroes to put them through a real alien war, and in the process also allowed some other heroes to come to the fore.  Phase 5 then becomes about following on from some of those plot threads while beginning the set-up for this MCU’s version of the Infinity War.  So, let’s quickly show you the phase 5 slate and then get right into the details of these would-be films.
Phase 5:
2008: Spider-Man 5, Fantastic Four: Unthinkable, Ms Marvel
2009: Elektra, Black Panther 2, Defenders 2
2010: X-Men: Proteus, Spider-Man 6, Ant-Man 2
2011: Silver Surfer 2, Avengers vs X-Men, Ghost Rider 3
Spider-Man 5 (2008) Directed by Matthew Vaughan
Peter Parker/Spider-Man = Wil Weaton
May Parker = Marg Helgenberger
Flash Thompson = Ben Affleck
J. Jonah Jameson = J.K. Simmons
Joseph "Robbie" Robertson = Denzel Washington
Betty Brant = Parker Posey
Ned Leeds = John Barrowman
Eddie Brock = Wentworth Miller
Randy Robertson = Taye Diggs
Harry Osborn = Ryan Phillipe
Mary-Jane Watson = Alison Hannigan
Herman Schultz/Shocker = Patrick Muldoon
Felicia Hardy/The Black Cat = Elisha Cuthbert
Roderick Kingsley/Hobgoblin = Michael Keaton
Quentin Beck/Mysterio = Nathan Fillion
Captain Jean DeWolff = Jessica Biel
Detective Stanley Carter/”Sin Eater” = James Marsden
In the first three Spider-Man films, we built up to Peter befriending the Osborns and dating Gwen, only for the Green Goblin/Death of Gwen story arcs to play out in Spider-Man 3.  The fourth film then gave Peter a clash with the Sinister Six as he struggles to come to terms with Gwen’s death.  Following Secret Wars, Peter now has the alien costume, and so film 5 is basically the alien costume story arc.  Sounding a little too much like the Raimi/Maguire Spider-Man 3?  Trust me, it’s not like that and for two key reasons.  Firstly, I’m not trying to shoe-horn Venom in for the third act, just set him up for another film.  Second, I’ve chosen Wentworth Miller of Prison Break and The Flash fame to play Eddie Brock, and that’s far from being our only change.
In this film, Peter’s occupied trying to stop a series of illusion thefts being committed on behalf of a new “kingpin”, who turns out to be the Hobgoblin, while also having to track down a notorious serial killer called the “Sin Eater”.  As the alien costume influences Peter ever more, the question becomes less will he stop all the criminals, but rather will he become one.  Matters are further complicated when costume thief Black Cat begins seducing Spider-Man and the alien costume pushes Peter to accept this despite his relationship with Mary-Jane.  The film culminates with a chance clash with the Shocker revealing the alien nature of Peter’s costume, forcing him to finally fight it off.  Eddie Brock gaining the symbiote is then handled in a credit’s scene.
Direction-wise, I picked Matthew Vaughan as he’s a proven superhero film director due to his work on X-Men: First Class.  He’s the fourth director to take a hand on Spider-Man solo film in this hypothetical MCU, with John Hughes having directed the first two, and 3 and 4 being handled by Frank Darabont and Martin Campbell, respectively.
Fantastic Four: Unthinkable (2008) Directed by Roland Emmerich
Reed Richards/Mr Fantastic = Tom Hanks
Susan Storm (Richards)/Invisible Woman = Meg Ryan
Johnny Storm/Human Torch = David Spade
Ben Grimm/Thing = Bryan Cranston
Alicia Masters = Heather Graham
Agatha Harkness = Angela Lansbury
Victor Von Doom/Doctor Doom = Goran Višnjić
Hauptmann = Ronald Guttman
Nick Fury = Tommy Lee Jones
Black Bolt = Pierce Brosnan
Medusa = Elizabeth Hurley
Crystal = Dina Meyer
Gorgon = J.G. Hertzler
Karnak = Alexander Siddig
Triton = Orlando Bloom
T'Challa/Black Panther = Chadwick Boseman
Namor McKenzie/The Submariner = Christian Bale
Barbara "Bobbi" Morse/Mockingbird = Rebecca Romijn-Stamos
Jericho Drumm/Brother Voodoo = Doug E. Doug
Having had the Fantastic Four directed by Leonard Nemoy (films 1-2), Steven Spielberg (films 3-4) and Ridley Scott (film 5), this MCU closes out their share of films under the stewardship of Roland Emmerich, notable for such films as Independence Day, White House Down and Midway.  This film adapts the events of the storylines ‘Unthinkable’ and ‘Authoritative Action’, but leaves the events of ‘Hereafter’ to the comics and begins introducing the Infinity Stones.  Since non-comics fans and fans who haven’t read those stories won’t get those references, let’s do a quick summary.
In the comics, Doctor Doom turned to magic for an attack on the Fantastic Four, which resulted in Reed and Sue’s son Franklin being taken to hell, and the team having to storm Latveria to get him back.  During the incident, Doom scarred Reed before being dragged into hell.  Afterwards, Reed seized control of Latveria to dismantle Doom’s arsenal and craft a permanent prison for Doom, one in which Reed would serve as warden.  However, when the rest of the team tried to stop Reed, Doom somehow began to possess each in turn, ultimately forcing Reed to kill Ben Grimm just to stop Doom.  The events of the Hereafter arc involved a trip into the afterlife to bring Ben back, in the process healing Reed’s scars.
In this film, Franklin is kidnapped and taken to a demon dimension, and Sue leads a rescue team comprised of her, Ben Grimm, Brother Voodoo and the Black Panther to save Franklin while Reed and Johnny attack Doom, aided by the Inhumans and Namor the Submariner.  The attack seemingly defeats Doom, after which Reed leads the F4 to Latveria, seizing control of the nation.  Fearing Doom is somehow influencing Reed, Nick Fury of SHIELD intervenes along with Mockingbird, Voodoo, Namor and T’Challa, only for the seemingly captured Doom to begin telepathically controlling the other F4 members.  Ultimately, Reed manages to force a feedback that wipes Doom’s mind, but in the process, Ben Grimm dies as he does in the comics.  With Ben’s death, the Fantastic Four decide to step back from hero work, becoming a think tank called the Future Foundation.
The bulk of the film’s cast is from past films, with the only new addition being mystical nanny Agatha Harkness, played by Angela Lansbury in better keeping with the comics version of the character.  As for the Infinity Stone I mentioned, that would be the mind stone, which Doom uses to control the various F4 members until Reed works out Doom is channelling the stone’s power and creates the feedback.
Ms Marvel (2008) Directed by Gates McFadden
Carol Danvers/Ms Marvel = Melissa Joan Hart
Michael Barnett = Brian Krause
J. Jonah Jameson = J.K. Simmons
Frank Gianelli = Rory Cochrane
Tracey Burke = Kate Mulgrew
Tabitha Townsend = Kyla Pratt
Lynn Andersen = Amanda Seyfried
Mystique/Raven Darkholme = Connie Nielsen
Rogue = Anna Paquin
Avalanche = Alessandro Gassmann
Fred J Dukes/Blob = Vince Vaughan
Pyro = Hugh Jackman
Irene Adler/Destiny = Sally Field
When it comes to trying to tackle Carol Danvers in films, one story that’s yet to hit the big screen is the story of her downfall against the X-Man Rogue back when Rogue was part of Mystique’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.  Indeed, the 90’s animated series of the X-Men is the only adaptation to handle this, and they did it by neatly sidestepping some disturbing backstory.  Long story short, there was a story arc in the Avengers comics around the late 70’s/early 80’s where Carol (then codenamed Ms Marvel) was mind-controlled and raped by an extra-dimensional being so he could be reborn in a body compatible with Earth, then after fast-growing to adulthood, his presence caused a bunch of time disruptions.  When Carol then agreed to go with this being, the Avengers made no effort to prevent this.
When Chris Claremont wrote Rogue into Avengers Annual 10 and showed Rogue rocking Carol’s powers, the question that came to be asked was why Carol hadn’t sought out the Avengers upon returning to Earth, and the answer was made clear.  The team hadn’t shown any real concern for Carol during her strange accelerated pregnancy, and then let her go off with a blatantly mind-controlling rapist from another dimension.  As such, telling the story of Carol clashing with Rogue and the Brotherhood should never be an exact re-telling.  Claremont’s story in Avengers Annual 10 was as much about correcting what the writer of the main comics at that time had written, and with film adaptations, you’re better off just taking a different path entirely.
In this case, we’re showing Carol working as an investigative journalist for a Daily Bugle-owned women’s magazine, who uses the Ms Marvel identity to tackle crime where needed.  This is based on her original run in the comics, so we have Jameson borrowed from the Spider-Man films while using the magazine staff from the comics for supporting roles.  As for the villains, roles from past films like Mystique and Pyro are combined with newly cast actors to give us our second MCU Brotherhood.  The film draws in a mix of acting talent, with Melissa Joan Hart reprising the role of Carol Danvers, and Trek alumni Gates McFadden directing the film.  McFadden has played the mutant Plague/Pestilence for three X-films before this and has some directing experience, making her a good choice for this project.
Elektra (2009) Directed by Roxann Dawson
Elektra Natchios = Leonor Varela
Stick = Scott Glenn
Stone = Sigourney Weaver
Kirigi = Daniel Henney
Frank Simpson/Nuke = John Cena
Matsu'o Tsurayaba = Hiroyuki Sanada
Kwannon = Kelly Hu
Turk Barrett = Gary Dourdan
The story of Elektra following her death in Daredevil is one Fox didn’t quite get right, in large part because they tried to incorporate plot elements and tropes that didn’t tonally fit with the character.  Having used two Daredevil films to set her up before giving the character a one-shot solo film, I think the best thing is taking those bits out.  Instead, we get the Hand going after the Chaste with Elektra in the middle, and when Elektra proves more than they can handle, they bring in the pill-popping assassin known as Nuke.  It’s a straight-up martial arts action film initially, but then becomes a more Punisher-like action film when Nuke comes on the scene.
Trek alumni Roxann Dawson takes the helm because she’s one of the few women I know of that would be directing anything back around this time.  Considering that films with female leads are often better handled by female directors, it makes sense to try and make this the case wherever possible.  The cast is either retained from past films of picked to be more comic-accurate.  Case-in-point, picking American actor Scott Glenn to play Stick rather than English actor Terrence Stamp.
Black Panther 2 (2009) Directed by Tim Burton
T'Challa/Black Panther = Chadwick Boseman
Shuri = Tatyana Ali
Ramonda = Alfre Woodard
T'Chaka = Courtney B. Vance
W'Kabi = Chiwetel Ejiofor
Okoye = Nia Long
Zuri = Joseph Marcell
M'Baku = Idris Elba
Nakia = Lupita Nyong'o
Monica Lynne = Kerry Washington
Baron Macabre = Sterling K Brown
Jerome Beechman/Mandrill = Joaquin Phoenix
Nekra Sinclair = Toks Olagundoye
Kevin Plundarr/Ka-Zar = Chris Hemsworth
Shanna O'Hara = Scarlett Johansson
Zaladane = Jolene Blalock
Everett Ross = Martin Freeman
In Black Panther 2, T’Challa becomes allied with Ka-Zar of the Savage Land when it turns out his hidden jungle in Antarctica houses a cache of Vibranium to rival Wakanda’s.  Most would-be Vibranium hunters baulk at trying to gain the Antarctic variety due to the dinosaurs, but soon both nations are threatened when the woman-controlling mutant Mandrill, his adoptive sister Nekra, the Savage Land priestess Zaladane and Wakandan criminal Baron Macabre team up.  Due to the inclusion of some of these villains, I opted to switch from Tim Story to Tim Burton from a directing stand-point.  This film also features a change of role for a couple of real-world MCU alumni.
Defenders 2 (2009) Directed by Stephen Sommers
Dr Stephen Strange = Johnny Depp
Namor McKenzie/The Submariner = Christian Bale
Bruce Banner/Hulk = John Cusack
Silver Surfer = David Wenham
Valkyrie = Diane Kruger
Kyle Richmond/Nighthawk = Josh Duhamel
Patsy Walker/Hellcat = Mena Suvari
Wong = Will Yun Lee
Clea = Keira Knightley
Jericho Drumm/Brother Voodoo = Doug E. Doug
Dr Anthony Druid = Mark Strong
Daimon Hellstrom = James Van Der Beek
Dr Tania Belinsky (Belinskaya)/Red Guardian = Beatrice Rosen
Dr Arthur Nagan = Julian McMahon
Dr Jerold "Jerry" Morgan = Stellan Skarsgård
Ruby Thursday = Alyssa Milano
Harvey Schlemerman/Chondu the Mystic = Stanley Tucci
Shuma-Gorath = Geoffrey Rush
The Defenders, Marvel’s superhero non-team, return for a second instalment at this point, and I’ve picked Stephen Sommers as director based on him directing a live-action GI Joe film around the same time.  In this film, the few routinely active Defenders learn via immigrant Russian doctor and superhero Red Guardian that a team of scientists called the Headmen have stolen the Reality Stone from AIM in an effort to seize world power for themselves.  Allying with Namor the Sub-Mariner, the Defenders seek to stop the Headmen while Clea joins with Brother Voodoo, Dr Druid and Daimon Hellstrom to try and bring back Doctor Strange from the extra-dimensional limbo he sacrificed himself to in Doctor Strange 3.  At the same time, the Silver Surfer seeks the Hulk.  The whole team then comes together when the Headmen open a portal for Shuma-Gorath, in the process transforming into their strange comic-style appearances.
Everyone from Dr Druid on down in the cast list is new.  As for why we’re skipping over the original male Red Guardian and focusing on the second female iteration for this MCU, there’s two reasons.  First, the second female iteration served as a Defender in the original comics, and second, these MCU rambles are focused on the main film continuity, which in this version of the MCU is strictly cinematic.  TV shows, while allowed as tie-ins, are optional content, and while I’d happily allow a TV show to dive in on Black Widow and some other characters, I think a film was and is a bit much for a character with so little solo comics content.
X-Men: Proteus (2010) Directed by LeVar Burton
Storm/Ororo Monroe = Halle Berry
Polaris/Lorna Dane = Jeri Ryan
Wolverine/Logan = Tom Cruise
Peter Rasputin/Colossus = Henry Cavill
Remi LeBeau/Gambit = Zachary Levi
Cyclops/Scott Summers = Patrick Swayze
Jean Grey = Milla Jovovich
Warren Worthington III/Archangel = Neil Patrick Harris
Beast/Hank McCoy = Alec Baldwin
Robert Drake/Iceman = Michael Weatherley
Banshee/Sean Cassidy = Liam Neeson
Dr Moira Mactaggert = Olivia Williams
Mystique/Raven Darkholme = Connie Nielsen
Rogue = Anna Paquin
Avalanche = Alessandro Gassmann
Fred J Dukes/Blob = Vince Vaughan
Pyro = Hugh Jackman
Irene Adler/Destiny = Sally Field
Professor Charles Xavier = Patrick Stewart
Kevin Mactaggert/Proteus = Iain De Caestecker
Joseph Mactaggert = John Hannah
Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane = Bonnie Wright
Danielle Moonstar = Selena Gomez
Jubilee = Chloe Bennett
Everett Thomas/Synch = Christopher Massey
Douglas Ramsey/Cypher = Devon Bostick
With the third X-Men film Fall of the Mutants having split the X-Men up, and a combination of the Secret Wars duology, Excalibur and X-Factor films following events for the divided team, this fourth X-Men film is intended to reunite some of the scattered team into a new whole.  It also gives Rogue her defection from the Brotherhood following the events of Ms Marvel.  In this film, Moira Mactaggert’s son Proteus emerges as a dangerous mutant and begins a rampage across to Scotland.  With Excalibur unavailable, X-Factor is summoned while the X-Men pursue Mystique’s Brotherhood to Scotland.  The two teams meet up and reunite when they find Professor X is also with Moira, having been recuperating on Muir Island since being released from a SHIELD hospital (this is set-up over end-credit scenes for Fall of the Mutants and X-Factor).
Direction-wise, the X-Men have been handled initially by Jonathan Demme and then Jonathan Frakes in films bearing their team’s name, while Excalibur was helmed by Christopher Nolan and X-Factor by LeVar Burton.  For this film, I’ve put Burton back in the director’s chair.  Casting-wise, I imagine same fans will be perplexed by my choice of Chloe Bennett for Jubilee.  This is because Bennett is of a mixed ancestry that includes having a Chinese mother, and while the ideal is always to try for exact representation from the comics, there aren’t many actresses active in Hollywood around the time of this film with even one parent of Chinese descent, let alone two.
As such, the question becomes which do you compromise; Jubilee’s racial background or her nationality?  My choice, compromise slightly on racial background and bring in some plot threads relating to prejudice against people of mixed race.  Quite honestly, characters of mixed race are among those groups under-represented in film and TV, so if I have to compromise, let me at least try and do so in a positive way.
Spider-Man 6 (2010) Directed by Matthew Vaughan
Peter Parker/Spider-Man = Wil Weaton
May Parker = Marg Helgenberger
J. Jonah Jameson = J.K. Simmons
Joseph "Robbie" Robertson = Denzel Washington
Betty Brant = Parker Posey
Ned Leeds = John Barrowman
Eddie Brock/Venom = Wentworth Miller
Randy Robertson = Taye Diggs
Mary-Jane Watson-Parker = Alison Hannigan
Flash Thompson = Ben Affleck
Felicia Hardy/The Black Cat = Elisha Cuthbert
Sha Shan Nguyen = Grace Park
Captain Jean DeWolff = Jessica Biel
Anne Weying = Michelle Williams
Principal Harrington = Viggo Mortensen
Lance Bannon = Hayden Christensen
Gloria "Glory" Grant = Candice Patton
In the sixth of our Spider-Man films, and the last to both start and end with Peter Parker wearing the webs, we showcase Peter and MJ preparing for their upcoming wedding, but the pair are stalked by Eddie Brock, who has now joined with the Venom symbiote and seeks to make Peter’s life hell.  He attempts to manipulate the Black Cat into being his co-conspirator as well, preying on her jealousy after the symbiote-free Spider-Man resists her seduction.  The story ultimately culminates in Venom trying to force Peter into a no-win situation where he has to choose who to save; Mary-Jane or Felicia.  Matthew Vaughan returns to direct, and we get a few extra supporting cast members in lieu of the various villains of Spider-Man 5.
Ant-Man 2 (2010) Directed by Peyton Reed
Hank Pym/Ant-Man = Michael Douglas
Scott Lang/Ant-Man II = Paul Rudd
Maggie Lang = Judy Greer
Cassie Lang = Joey King
William Cross/Crossfire = Ethan Hawke
Taskmaster = Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Alex Gentry/Porcupine = Nick Offerman
Janice Lincoln/Beetle = Naya Rivera
Having left Ant-Man alone in terms of solo films since phase 1, phase 2 marks a return for Hank Pym, who by this point has been out of action since a mental break-down forced him to retire.  Now of sound mind again, he tries to deal with tech thief Crossfire, who steals the prototype for a new, more aggressive variant of the Ant-Man suit, the Yellowjacket.  However, Hank’s old suit is not safe to use as it clashes with his neuro-chemistry, risking more mental break-down.  Even worse, it’s been stolen.  In tracking down the Ant-Man suit, Hank encounters desperate divorced father Scott Lang, who stole the suit to get money to cover his daughter’s medical treatment.
With this film, the aim is to pass the mantle of Ant-Man to Scott Lang in a more comics-accurate manner, while at the same time preserving certain casting that the MCU got right, hence why Pym, Scott and Maggie are all retained from the real MCU.  In terms of Cassie, I switched to Joey King as she’s had a remarkably steady record of employment for a non-Disney child actress, and I think she’s a great choice to take up this role for the remainder of this hypothetical MCU.  Direction-wise, I figured it best to stick with the choices of the real MCU and go for Peyton Reed, having had to go with Sam Raimi on the 90’s-made first Ant-Man of this MCU.
Silver Surfer 2 (2011) Directed by JJ Abrams
Silver Surfer = David Wenham
Thanos = Josh Brolin
Mentor = Michael McKean
Eros/Starfox = Joel McHale
Gamora = Zoe Saldana
Drax the Destroyer = Dean Cain
Adam Warlock = Chris Pine
Pip the Troll = Peter Dinklage
Nebula = Emma Stone
Mar-Vell/Captain Marvel = Jude Law
Following the events of Defenders 2, the Silver Surfer finds himself drawn into yet more Infinity Stone adventures when Kree hero Captain Marvel and the android Drax the Destroyer come to Earth with Adam Warlock, keeper of the Soul Gem.  Hot on their heels are Thanos and Nebula, each of whom has begun to seek the Infinity Stones.  Worse still, Mar-Vell is dying of cancer.  The film is meant to advance the Infinity Stones plot while also adapting the death of Mar-Vell from the comics, not to mention setting up for the Guardians of the Galaxy to appear in the next phase.
For direction, I’ve picked JJ Abrams based on his Star Trek and Star Wars work making him a decent choice for a space-based hero like the Silver Surfer.  In terms of casting, we have a few reprises from past films in this 90’s MCU and from the real MCU.  However, some shifts have also occurred, most notably with Drax due to wanting to use his original comics origins over the revised MCU/later comics version.  The would-be autistic representation of Bautista and Gunn’s Drax quickly become so much farce, so as an autistic person, I’d just as soon avoid that and go down the android route, thanks very much.
Avengers vs X-Men (2011) Directed by Jonathan Frakes
Cyclops/Scott Summers = Patrick Swayze
Jean Grey = Milla Jovovich
Storm/Ororo Monroe = Halle Berry
Wolverine/Logan = Tom Cruise
Peter Rasputin/Colossus = Henry Cavill
Remi LeBeau/Gambit = Zachary Levi
Warren Worthington III/Archangel = Neil Patrick Harris
Rogue = Anna Paquin
Steve Rogers/Captain America = Brad Pitt
Thor = Dolph Lundgren
Janet Van Dyne/Wasp = Catherine Zeta Jones
Iron Man/Tony Stark = Tom Selleck
Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk = Lucy Lawless
T'Challa/Black Panther = Chadwick Boseman
Sam Wilson/Falcon = Will Smith
Peter Parker/Spider-Man = Wil Weaton
Professor Charles Xavier = Patrick Stewart
Carol Danvers = Melissa Joan Hart
Mystique/Raven Darkholme = Connie Nielsen
Avalanche = Alessandro Gassmann
Fred J Dukes/Blob = Vince Vaughan
Pyro = Hugh Jackman
Irene Adler/Destiny = Sally Field
Frank Bohannan/Crimson Commando = Harrison Ford
Louis Hamilton/Stonewall = James Brolin
Martin Fletcher/Super-Sabre = Peter Fonda
Dr Valerie Cooper = Malin Åkerman
Sebastian Gilbreti/Bastion = Bruce Greenwood
Congressman Rev. William Stryker = Eric Roberts
Forge = Jimmy Smits
There have been two occasions in Marvel comics where the X-Men and Avengers have been drawn into direct conflict, at least using multiple issues of a comic and to my knowledge.  The first is the 1980’s mini-series X-Men versus Avengers, where the Avengers attempted to arrest Magneto to resume his trial before the world court, while the Soviet Super-Soldiers sought to arrest Magneto for his actions in X-Men #150.  As Magneto was part of the X-Men at the time, this naturally put all three teams at odds with each other.  The second occasion was the AvX storyline in which Cyclops, Emma Frost, Namor, Colossus and Magik became possessed by the Phoenix Force, something the Avengers tried to prevent and later combat.
While this film draws on the basic concept of both series, that something sets the Avengers and the X-Men at odds with each other, it’s not about arresting Magneto or issues with the Phoenix force.  Instead, the issue is Rogue; her status as a mutant terrorist is used to convince the Avengers to apprehend the X-Men.  This is bad timing, as the X-Men are working with Rogue to help restore the mind of Carol Danvers.  The masterminds of the plot are rabid anti-mutant politician William Stryker and government advisor Sebastian, who in reality is a new form of sentinel in disguise.  Luckily, government advisor and secret mutant Forge is suspicious of Bastion and convinces NSA director Dr Valerie Cooper to set up a contingency plan.
As a result, the film builds to a climax where, after the intervention of Spider-Man ends a major fight between the two teams, Bastion unleashes his prime sentinels.  Enter Mystique’s expanded Brotherhood in their guise as community service government heroes Freedom Force, and the stage is set for a truly epic battle.  Direction-wise, I opted for Jonathan Frakes to helm this entry, and while many actors are reprising roles from past films, everyone from Crimson Commando on down is new to the MCU as of this film.
Ghost Rider 3 (2011) Directed by Mark Steven Johnson
Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider = Connor Trinneer
Roxanne Simpson = Jessica Alba
Eric Brooks/Blade = Jamie Foxx
Rachel Van Helsing = Cote De Pablo
Daimon Hellstrom = James Van Der Beek
Vlad Tepish/Dracula = Mads Mikkelsen
Lilith = Felicity Jones
Mephistopheles = Jeffery Combs
Phase 5 of our 90’s MCU closes out by bringing Johnny Blaze’s time as Ghost Rider to its conclusion, in a story where Johnny teams up with Blade, Rachel Van Helsing and Daimon Hellstrom against Dracula and his daughter Lilith, who are secretly in league with Mephistopheles.  The film is partly an original plot and partly an adaptation of the end of the original Ghost Rider run of comics, though it’s far from being the last Ghost Rider film of this MCU.  Just as the comics would have others take up the Ghost Rider curse after Blaze, so too will this MCU move onto those later riders in turn.  Having used Tim Burton on the first two Ghost Rider films in this MCU, I’ve picked Mark Steven Johnson who handled the 2007 Nicholas Cage Ghost Rider film to take on this third instalment of 90’s MCU Ghost Rider.
This wraps up our look into phase 5 of this 90’s-based MCU; next month, we’ll cover phase 5 of our alternate DC movie universe.  Until then, ta-ta for now.
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krisrussel · 11 months
Rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and finally the fic with the least words.
Most hits:
Look me Straight into my Eyes (The Pretender - Jarod/Miss Parker)
Parker tracks Jarod down to drag him back to The Centre. Of course he refuses because he wants to finish his current pretend. Parker doesn't want to lose him out of her sight now, so she reluctantly agrees to join the pretend. Note: this is one of my earlier fics (second one in fact) and some of the writing makes me cringe. So don't say I didn't warn you ;)
Second most kudos:
Different Beginnings (Stargate Atlantis - John/Elizabeth)
In the middle of the raging Afghan war, Major John Sheppard meets diplomat Doctor Elizabeth Weir. Note: it keeps surprising me how popular this fic is, it being AU and all. And the amazing @xenantis has made beautiful fanart for it that you can find HERE.
Third most comments:
Sparktober Bingocard Ficlets 2013 (Stargate Atlantis - John/Elizabeth)
This is the collection of the ficlets that I wrote for the Sparktober 2013 Bingo card challenge. Note: The 'third most comments' was already mentioned before, so I went with the fourth one ;)
Fourth most bookmarks:
Doubts (Babylone 4 - John/Delenn)
John has doubts after he asks Delenn to marry him.
Fifth most words:
Is it really over? (The Pretender - Jarod/Miss Parker)
Mister Parker appears out of the blue again after his jump out of the airplane after Carthis. The first thing he does is send Miss Parker on a vacation. Note: My very first fanfic! Be warned of cringyness ;)
Least words:
Exhibitionism (Stargate Atlantis - John/Elizabeth)
Elizabeth never thought she’d find herself here. At a football game. Note: This was a challenge for myself to write a fic with exactly 100 words.
Tagged by: @winternightjewels Thanks for making me drag out my crappy first fics ;)
Tagging: @ddagent, @peridotbelle, @havocthecat, @auniverseofimpossibilities, @anretc
If I didn't tag you, but you feel like doing this, go right ahead!
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cosmicmordecai · 2 years
Has DC like, introduced new original superheroes recently?
Depends on how you define "new, original heroes"
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When I read this ask, Sideways is perhaps the first character that comes to mind when you ask "new, original heroes". You can definitely see the Spider-Man inspiration but his powerset is a combo of gneral superhuman physiolgy stuff and Blink's portals.
He debuted in 2018.
2. Red Canary
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Red Canary is one of the most freshest new superheroes to date, having debuted October of 2022 at the time. This here is more of an example of a character who is definitely based on a original superhero but without actually taking the name. This reason is why I was curious as the criteria. While there's a version of RC that is Dinah's mother, apparently it's part of some illusion so I don't think it'll count.
She debuted like October of 2022.
3. Stitch
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The Teen Titans Academy book introduced a lot newer hero characters that it focused on but out of all of them, Stitch stuck out the most given she is both the apprentice of Doctor Fate (KHALID NASSOUR'S since DC Legends just thinks you can copy-past character relationships from KHALID to KENT).
The character is most notable for being a non-binary character who is both witty and funny in a manner ala Deadpool and their ability to break the Fourth Wall, a power they actually shares with Khalid's Doctor Fate.
They debuted in 2021.
4. Brimstone
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Brimstone's character might be considered more Anti-Hero than anything else in the series but the reason I included Brimstone is because while Joe Chamberlain acted in what I said, the power ended up going to his sister in the last issue of the series. Anna's sporadic appearances after the Brimstone comic series has her acting like a dark reflection but good version of Swamp Thing.
Overall, Brimstone is considered a elemental character whose powers, despite appearing supernatrual, actually come from a dark version of the Firestorm Matrix. Most of their book was, iirc, them trying to learn about their nature while being pulled by various forces.
The 2 character whom become Brimstone debuted in 2018
5. Green Lantern (Tai Pham)
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One of the latest additions to the Green Lanterns mythos (although in a alternate continuity book), Tai Pham is among the youngest to be inducted into the Green Lanterns Corps. His grandmother was considered a excellect Lantern and was John Stewart's trainer. Tai would since then be trained by John.
The character debuted in 2021.
That's all folks!
And there it is! I've given examples of five character who I was aware debuted within the last 5 years given that's a very short time within publication. I also tried mostly sticking to characters who can be derivatives but aren't just character who hold mantles of pre-existing chaaracters. The exception was Tai although given a Green Lantern is essentially space police, I beleive he's a good exception.
Hopefully, this answer some questions!
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