#fourth wing angst
thisblogisaboutabook · 5 months
I have this idea for a fic in the Fourth Wing world but I have never written for The Empyrean Series before. Do you all like Xaden x Reader angst with no happy ending orrr no?
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ervotica · 8 months
warnings; major character death (but not rly!!), r and liam are tethered like violet & xaden, not a real fic or anything jus a daydream i've been having about my angel liam. shhh ik it doesn't make sense but idgaf it was fun.
liam who survived.
liam who's been healing in aretia since fighting the venin, since his close call with death; liam who's been too weak to do anything, really, until deigh finally started to heal, too.
you, who's dragon and his are mated. and losing him and deigh nearly cost you both your lives, too.
the second you step through the threshold of the riorson house, the bond that's left a gaping wound in your heart in its absence seems to ignite, clicking back into place in your head.
you can feel him.
your heart leaps into your throat; xaden winces when you turn on your heel to watch him, panic etched into every crevice of your expression.
"where is he?" you're quiet, brows pushing a crease into your forehead when xaden reaches for your hands, holding you steady. your whole body thrums with nervous energy.
"i need you to understand that i couldn't tell you. for both of your safety-" he starts.
"xaden, i don't care," you cut him short with a scathing glare. "where is he?"
you ground yourself, focusing every ounce of energy into the newly reinstated bond; you imagine reaching through the tether that runs between the two of you, and you speak through it.
his voice fills your ears, deep and gravelly but unmistakably him, and tears crowd your vision, catching on your itching waterline.
"hi, my girl."
you rush to turn the corner down to the vast hallway, and a disheveled mop of blond you're all too familiar with draws your gaze.
you're frozen, muscles locked tight where you stand, fixated by the sight of the boy you've been grieving, aching for, standing just a few feet away.
his arms outstretch and he takes a step towards you, and you break. a sob seizes you, arms curling around yourself in some semblance of self soothing.
"come here," he croaks. "c'mere, baby."
you rush in a surge of frenzied limbs, colliding with his chest with an audible thump; he stumbles back a step, but plants himself to accommodate you clinging, white-knuckled, to his midriff.
the way you squeeze him makes his heart ache, the guilt of hiding from you slapping him in the face full force. your balmy cheek rubs against his shoulder, nose scrunching in the way he's always found terribly endearing- except the silent sobs that wrack your body contort your features, and you tremble under his touch.
"why would you do that?" you whisper, but even through the bite of your words, your iron grip never lets up. you're terrified that he'll disappear from beneath you. "it almost killed us, liam."
he pulls back to look at you and your chin plants against his chest to gaze up at him through heavy lashes, weighed down and kissing at the corners. his thumb catches a stray tear, brushing it across the length of your cheekbone before he leans down to press a kiss between your brows.
"i'm sorry," he murmurs. "i know i should've told you." his thick bicep wraps around the back of your neck, anchoring you to his chest.
"i kept tryin' to get her to eat and she wouldn't, li. and the bond was so weak. it nearly took us both down with you."
"shh, shh," he soothes. "i'm so sorry, my girl."
you slap feebly at his chest, no real force behind it as you sniffle, swollen eyes watching his every move.
"you ever do some shit like this again and i'll kill you myself, mairi."
dimples crater at the centre of his cheeks, his eyes crinkling when he laughs down at you, deep and earnest.
"i love you so much."
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My personal headcanon is that if the empyrean was in the modern world and Violet didn't forgive Brennan after finding out he was alive she would have his number saved as ASSreigh
(tbh i can totally see canon mira doing this too)
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dee-writes-smut · 5 months
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FEATURING Liam Mairi x reader
SUMMARY seeing the ghost of you hurts almost as bad as watching you go.
CONTENT WARNINGS major character loss, depression, depictions of grief
AUTHORS NOTE I don't know what it is right now, but I am just living for writing about grief. Sorry, not sorry! <3
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"Look at me," Liam croaks from where he's splayed out on the ground by Deigh. Violet is sobbing loudly in Xaden's arms on the other side of him, but you can't hear them. Not when your ears feel like they've been filled with cotton when the love of your life is lying weakly on the ground beside you dying.
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He's dying.
Oh gods.
As the realization sinks in, a heavy weight presses against your chest, squeezing the air from your lungs. Panic rises like a tide within you, threatening to overwhelm your senses. You reach out to Liam, your hands trembling as they hover over him, unsure of what to do, of how to help him.
"Stay with me, Liam," you plead, your voice barely a whisper, yet it reverberates with desperation. "Please, don't leave me."
But Liam's eyes are distant, glassy orbs that seem to stare into a void beyond your reach. His breathing is shallow, each exhale a painful reminder of his fragile state. You feel a tear escape your eye, tracing a path down your cheek as you struggle to hold back the flood of emotions threatening to engulf you.
Around you, the world seems to blur into an indistinct haze. The sounds of chaos and anguish fade into a distant hum, overshadowed by the deafening silence that fills your ears. All that exists in this moment is Liam, lying motionless before you, his life slipping away with each passing second.
Memories flood your mind like a torrential downpour, each one a bittersweet reminder of the moments you've shared together. The laughter, the tears, the whispered promises exchanged in the dead of night—they all swirl together in a kaleidoscope of emotions, too painful to bear yet too precious to let go.
You clench your fists, feeling the sting of helplessness gnawing at your insides. You would give anything—anything at all—to turn back time, to undo whatever led you to this moment, to save Liam from this cruel fate.
But time is a relentless force, indifferent to your pleas and regrets. And as you watch the light slowly fade from Liam's eyes, you realize with a sinking heart that there is nothing you can do to stop it.
"Please, Liam," you whisper, your voice cracking with grief. "I love you."
Liam's gaze meets yours, a flicker of recognition dances in his fading eyes. His lips part, words trembling on the precipice of his breath. With a herculean effort, he manages to muster the strength to speak, his voice barely a whisper, but each syllable heavy with emotion.
"Please…," he rasps, his voice barely audible above the din of chaos surrounding you. "You have to… keep living. For me."
His words strike you like a dagger to the heart, the pain of his plea tearing through the fragile facade of composure you've struggled to maintain. Tears stream down your cheeks unabated, hot and salty against your skin as you shake your head in disbelief.
"No, Liam," you choke out, your voice raw with anguish. "I can't… I can't do this without you."
But Liam's hand finds yours, his touch feeble yet filled with a quiet strength that belies his frailty. His fingers intertwine with yours, holding on with a determination born of love and desperation.
"You have to," he insists, his voice growing weaker with each passing moment. "You're stronger than you think… You can't let this… destroy you."
His words hang in the air like a solemn vow, a testament to the depth of his love and the sacrifice he's willing to make for you. And as you look into his eyes, you see the truth mirrored within them—the agonizing realization that this is goodbye.
A sob escapes your lips, a gut-wrenching cry that echoes through the desolate landscape of your heart. You bury your face in Liam's chest, clinging to him with a desperation born of fear and despair.
"I can't do this without you," you whisper brokenly, your voice a mere shadow of its former strength. "Please, don't leave me."
But Liam's grip weakens, his breaths growing shallower with each passing second. His eyes flutter closed, and for a moment, there's nothing but the deafening silence of impending loss.
Then, with a final exhale, he slips away, leaving behind nothing but the hollow ache of his absence. And as you cradle his lifeless form in your arms, the weight of his words settles over you like a shroud, a solemn reminder of the unbearable burden of grief that now lies ahead.
For in that moment, you realize that you've lost more than just the love of your life—you've lost a part of yourself, a piece of your soul that can never be replaced. And as you mourn the emptiness that now fills your heart, you know that nothing will ever be the same again.
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There is no respite from the suffocating weight of grief that hangs heavy around your neck, dragging you down into the depths of despair.
You move through the world like a shadow of your former self, hollow and numb, the spark of life extinguished from your eyes. Friends and loved ones reach out to offer comfort, but their words fall on deaf ears, their gestures meaningless in the face of the gaping chasm that now consumes your soul.
Nights are the cruelest, long and lonely stretches of darkness that stretch on into eternity. You lie awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling, your mind consumed by thoughts of Liam—of all the things you wish you had said, all the moments you wish you could relive, all the ways you failed to save him.
The pain is relentless, a constant companion that gnaws at your insides, leaving you hollow and empty. You try to drown it out with alcohol, with drugs, with anything that will numb the ache in your heart, but nothing can fill the void left by Liam's absence.
And so, you continue to exist, day after day, trapped in a never-ending cycle of sorrow and regret. You wonder if it would have been easier if you had died with him, if you could have spared yourself this endless torment.
But deep down, you know that even death would offer no escape from the torment of your memories, no relief from the agony of your loss. And so you carry on, a shell of the person you once were, forever haunted by the ghost of the love you lost.
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Days melted into weeks, and weeks into months, but the ache in my heart remained unyielding, a constant reminder of the void that Liam's absence had left behind. I found myself adrift in a sea of memories, unable to escape the relentless tide of grief that threatened to consume me.
Each morning brought with it a new battle, a struggle to find the strength to face another day without him by my side. I would drag myself out of bed, my limbs heavy with exhaustion, my mind clouded with sorrow, and force myself to move forward, one agonizing step at a time.
But no matter how hard I tried to bury my pain beneath layers of routine and responsibility, it always found a way to claw its way back to the surface, a gaping wound that refused to heal. I would catch myself staring blankly at the wall, lost in the labyrinth of my thoughts, my mind a swirling maelstrom of regret and longing.
It was in those moments of quiet desperation that I would feel him—Liam's presence hovering just beyond the edge of my consciousness, a whisper in the wind, a flicker of light in the darkness. I would close my eyes and reach out to him, my fingers grasping at the empty air, longing for the warmth of his touch, the sound of his voice, the comfort of his embrace.
But he was always just out of reach, a ghostly apparition that danced on the fringes of my perception, taunting me with the promise of solace that I knew would never come. And yet, I couldn't bring myself to let go—not when the mere thought of him was the only thing keeping me tethered to the world of the living.
I tried to lose myself in my work, throwing myself into my studies with a fervor bordering on obsession. But no matter how many hours I spent buried in books, no matter how many experiments I conducted in the sterile confines of the lab, I couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at my soul.
My friends and family tried to help, offering their support and encouragement in the hopes of lifting my spirits. They would invite me out for dinner, take me for long walks in the park, even organize weekend getaways to try and distract me from my pain.
But I couldn't escape the suffocating weight of grief that hung over me like a shroud, a darkness that followed me wherever I went, tainting even the most mundane moments with its oppressive presence. I would smile and nod and pretend to be okay, but inside, I was crumbling, piece by agonizing piece.
It wasn't until one particularly dark night, when the weight of my sorrow threatened to crush me beneath its relentless onslaught, that I finally reached my breaking point. I found myself standing on the edge of a precipice, staring out into the yawning abyss that stretched out before me, the urge to let go—to surrender to the sweet release of oblivion—almost overwhelming.
But then, in the depths of my despair, I felt a hand on my shoulder, a gentle pressure that pulled me back from the brink. I turned, expecting to see nothing but the empty darkness of my own mind, but instead, I found myself face to face with Liam—or rather, a ghostly apparition that bore his likeness.
I blinked, unable to believe my eyes. "Liam?" I whispered, my voice barely a breath in the stillness of the night.
He smiled—a sad, wistful smile that tugged at my heartstrings. "It's me," he said, his voice a mere whisper in the silence that surrounded us.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I reached out to touch him, my fingers trembling with disbelief. "But how?" I asked, my voice choked with emotion. "How is this possible?"
Liam's smile faded, replaced by a look of profound sadness. "I'm not really here," he said, his voice heavy with regret. "I'm just a figment of your imagination—a manifestation of your grief."
I shook my head, unwilling to accept the truth. "No," I protested, my voice rising in desperation. "You're real. You're here with me. I can feel you."
But Liam's expression remained unchanged, his eyes filled with a quiet resignation. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice barely audible above the sound of my own heartbeat. "I wish I could stay, but I can't. You have to let me go."
I felt a surge of panic rise within me, a primal instinct that screamed out in protest. "No," I cried, my voice echoing in the emptiness that surrounded us. "I won't. I can't. I need you."
But Liam shook his head, his features fading into the darkness like smoke on the wind. "You don't need me," he said, his voice a distant echo in the recesses of my mind. "You're stronger than you think. You have to find the strength to carry on, even without me."
And then he was gone, leaving me alone in the darkness, the emptiness of his absence a physical ache that echoed in the depths of my soul. I sank to my knees, tears streaming down my face, my heart shattering into a million jagged pieces.
But even as I wept, a small seed of hope took root within me—a tiny flicker of light amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf me. I realized that Liam was right—that I couldn't continue to cling to him, to the memory of what we once had.
I had to find a way to let go—to honor his memory by living my life to the fullest, by embracing the future with open arms, even in the face of uncertainty and pain. It wouldn't be easy, I knew, but I was determined to try—for Liam, and for myself.
And so, with a heavy heart and a newfound sense of purpose, I picked myself up off the ground and began to walk—away from the edge of the abyss, away from the darkness that had threatened to consume me, toward a future filled with possibility and hope.
It wouldn't happen overnight, I knew. The road ahead would be long and difficult, fraught with challenges and setbacks that would test my resolve at every turn. But I was ready—ready to face whatever the future held, armed with nothing but my love for Liam and the knowledge that he would always be with me, guiding me every step of the way.
And as I walked, the darkness began to recede, slowly but surely, replaced by the warm glow of dawn breaking on the horizon. I smiled, tears still streaming down my face, but now they were tears of hope, of gratitude, of a newfound sense of purpose.
For even though Liam was gone, his love remained—a beacon of light that would guide me through the darkest nights and lead me toward a future filled with possibility and promise.
And with that thought in my heart, I took my first steps into the unknown, ready to embrace whatever lay ahead, secure in the knowledge that I would never truly be alone. Liam would always be with me, a whisper in the wind, a flicker of light in the darkness, a love that would never fade away.
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mischiefmanagers · 10 months
when the fic warnings are like *major character death* but then also *angst with a happy ending* sign me THE FUCK up
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siobhanbooks · 2 months
xaden to two of his brothers
to liam
Just close your eyes, the sun is going down You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound
to bodhi
Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire The war outside our door keeps raging on Hold onto this lullaby even when the music's gone, gone
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stargazineyes · 21 days
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Here’s Jack Champion as Dain Aetos moodboard
I hear we are fancasting Jack as Dain Aetos, which is honestly a character i dont particularly like but i can get behind Jack playing him🤭
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yanny-77 · 4 months
Fic Update: I Don’t Feel Safe with You Anymore Ch 3
Chapter 3 of 5
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Word Count: 2,362/6,308
Fic Summary:
“What makes a dragon abandon her rider?"
It's been five days since the Battle of Basgiath and Xaden still hasn't heard from Sgaeyl. The dragon left the college, needing time and distance to reflect on and process the changes to their bond since Xaden reached for power. Xaden is determined to give her that space, even as his magic drains the longer she stays away. He fights the urge to channel from the earth with everything he has but being a rider, his body is no longer compatible with life without magic.
He can wait for her to come back. He can hold out.
The alternative is unthinkable
Chapter Summary:
Xaden doesn’t know how he ended up in the dungeons or why he sought of Jack, but since he’s here, he might as well ask the questions that have been eating at him since the battle.
Note: this chapter includes NSFW content.
“I knew you'd be back.” All the usual arrogance rings hollow in Barlowe’s voice.
Xaden can’t believe it’s come to this. That he’s here asking the enemy for help. For fuck’s sake, this man has tried to kill his Violence more times than Xaden can count. There has to be some other way, but even as he thinks it, he knows there isn’t. He takes a deep breath and lets the words spill out of him. “What changes can I expect?”
Fine. The bastard isn’t going to make this easy on him. He expected it. He can handle it. His hand shakily runs through his hair and he pulls at the roots, just enough to ground himself. “To my body and my mind. If I don’t channel.” Xaden swallows. He can’t look at Barlowe. “And if I do.”
“Why would you need to channel when you have a dragon?” The sickening smile on his face tells Xaden that Barlowe knows exactly why he is asking. “It’s hard to stop once you start, isn’t it?”
“I can stop any time I want,” Xaden says, and he believes it too.
Read Now on AO3
Publishing Schedule:
Chapter 1 - May 23rd
Chapter 2 - May 30th
Chapter 3 - June 6th
Chapter 4 - June 13th
Chapter 5 - June 20th
Thanks to @housetomte and @sarahydeart for beta.
This fic was written as part of the Basgaith Birthday Bash. See chapter notes for credit.
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lady-of-tearshed · 4 months
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Bodhi Durran masterlist
The healer said (Smut) (Fluff) (Angst) (X Reader)
Bodhi Durran taglist:
Artists credits:
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suebswrites · 1 month
Just Ask, Chapter 15: Confession
Yes, you read that correctly. A NEW chapter is out, only one week later!!! This one just blazed out of me. Obviously we can’t expect this EVERY time, but…woohoo!!
Need a refresher (or missed last week’s chapter)? Just Ask, Chapter 14: Tuesday
New to the fic? Just Ask, Chapter 1: The Funeral
Fic summary:
[Post-Iron Flame.] There's a lot that Violet Sorrengail does not have the emotional energy to deal with right now. From her mother, to figuring out what to do about Aretia, to the absolute train wreck of the situation with Xaden, she just wants to get through the next little while without losing her mind. And last on her list of things she wants to deal with is the sudden appearance of her ex, Crown Prince Halden, because it's going to introduce a whole new clusterfuck of baggage to everything else on her plate.
How do we deal with our book hangover? We write our own Book 3, that’s how!!
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av-a-fletcruel · 2 months
Xaden and Violet arguement
Summary: one of the arguments between Xaden & Violet of him trying to keep here safe ( for example her sneaking off to teceruss to get the luminary.)
From violets POV:
‘Why can you not just stay here so your safe from all harms way?’ Xaden raises his voice a tiny bit,with annoyance ringing in his tone, ‘just like everyone else’s here for dunne‘s sake!'
How could he say that when he puts himself in danger all the time? That’s an unfair question to ask of me and especially from how far I’ve come.
'How is it different from you going out there each day or for Maleks sake for a nearly full week while I wait crossing me fingers at the morning formation begging,pleading for your name to not come up,’ or Mira’s but this conversation is about us,about him being a too stubborn arsehole to let me actually do any real help other than staying behind these walls and reading, I let down my shield for him to hear it all down our bonds hopefully to see how unfair this is and how he is being a prick. ‘Reciting the same 3 words in my head like my own mantra,mourning the loss of seeing ur chest raise each morning in bed to see ach breath contains a heart beat.'
I tell him with my voice breaking into a graspy hollow sound, to tell him how unfair it is to see him in dangers and not by side me with his heartbeating my own motivational of life, to tell him it breaks micro scabs of my heart to watch him go gradually leaving me with a hollow wound nothing can fill but his gaze back on me,my hands on him in a tight grip of comfort as I hold him in bed to make sure he won’t leave me once again in the mourning to see the awful view of his side,his side clear as air will let it with the weight thundering on me for him for 2 different but interlinked reasons. For him leaving me and leaving me.
‘You cannot expect me to simply let you into harms way never mind lead you into it.’
‘What because my life is intertwined to yours and you can’t trust me to defend my own or your life!’ … that wasn’t at all fair to say to him of course he trusts me,… I think, but I need to do some thing more useful out of here actually save and protect lives- like his.
‘That is not the truth and you know it Violet. Of course I trust you with my life as you said just a couple of months ago,the only thing you could trust me with was yours, then let me keep that trust and defend your life!’ He says desperation leaning into his eyes with a flicker of gold sway in to the storm of arguements and emotions he’s building. For once please don’t build those damn walls.
‘Yes of course u know that it was an error to accuse you of that but you treat me like less of all the survivors of Resson like I wasn’t one,like I wasn’t the one that killed one,you are sending all of them out there but me for Dunne crying out loud I wish you treated me as careless like at Gauntele-'
‘For fucks sake you weren’t mine then and certainly you then you weren’t nearly not gong to be a survivor for 3 fucking miserable days! Why won’t I let u risk your life every grateful day that u did become a survivor and one of us,on our side is because I can’t risk u because very clearly have I put it that I can’t risk the one thing that keeps me alive not literally my life through our bond but the life you push me to proceed with your heart crashing around doing malek knows what risking you life out there,everywhere u go that ISN’T behind these walls,’ he empathises on each words trying to let me understand his heartbreaking confession of the greed of my security of being protected behind and beyond these ward less walls that u have not succeeded once.
‘You cannot simply ask me to not risk my life with you doing so it is insultingly unfa-' I fail at my arguement with the little one I have..or had
‘Why won’t you let me keep you safe, Violet?Why don’t you just let me keep you safe?’ He pleads in shout that I bet everyone can hear from behind the doors of the sparring room, ‘For once, one time! ’ he contorts to plead with a punishable look of desperation flooding his eyes a storm to let me understand how unfair this is on him.
‘Let me keep you safe,for not for you, Violet, for me, selfishly me!’ he screams at me with desperation and as he drops to his knees infront of me his head hangs low for a second before snapping up to me with mercy in his eyes as no walls stands as they have been penetrated beyond control he can fathom now.
He looks me dead in the eyes as a slither of something comes out from his left side his face threateningly to slither down his cheek
A tear.
It follows it route before I drop down onto my knees and kiss it away the salty punishment burning on my lips of what I have done cradling him in a crushing grip as u do one hand in his soft hair one on his back as he leans his head initi the dents of my necks holding onto my back as his voice cracks into a million apologies none that I take as I tell him my own his hands pull me in in my back as he kissing behind me on the back of my shoulder crying, apologies running down my back from his throat like a fountain broken beyond measures nothing holding back.
A sharp pain shoot up my right shoulder blade as he bites onto it unpleasant tears stream my back still ac it ur my head and his eyes scrunched as tight as they could. With an unfathomable amount of pain I have endoured.
'Im so sorry all I want is you safe I can’t breathe when your not nevermind when we fight I can’t stand the thought of losing you in anyway all I want is you safe,it’s all I want.'
'I know, I know, unknown , I have been unfair on you no need for apologies, Xaden, it okay really I’m here I’m the one who is sorry but we are as you have said before difficult people we need to get through this nervend which one of us needs to be sorry.‘
' …I love you, Xaden.'
'I love you , Violet.'
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shadowsingercassia · 23 days
100 followers celebration!!
Firstly I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 🥹💕
So since I have been writing so much angst, I will list some of my personal favorite fluff and smut drabble prompts (and writing them so feel free to send me the number of the prompt in my inbox with the character you want!) (You can also use them, just ask me first!)
You can send me aa many prompts as you'd like (personally I would prefer no more than three prompts at a time but it doesn't really matter!)
Fandoms I usually write for (and also will write for in these dribbles and in my fics):
Acotar 🩵
Throne of Glass 💚
A few extra fandoms I will write for (but only for these drabbles sorryy) because I think I should get out of my comfort zone:
Cruel Prince 💛
Aren Kertell from the Bridge Kingdom 🤍 (because I absolutely loved the Bridge Kingdom books and my man needs more fics about him)
Fourth Wing 🖤
Characters can be both female and male I don't mind it!
So, let's get into the prompts (quotes and prompts that just make my heart melt, some of them are quite long sorryyy):
1.A soft first kiss and then both character and reader are giggling and smiling uncontrollably
2. Character taking care of the reader's minor injury (ex. a tiny papercut) and making it a huge deal
3. Watching the stars with the other in comfortable silence and then one says "the stars are beautiful aren't they?" and the other replies with "they are," but they are looking at them.
4. Baking together
5. "You're adorable"
6. The one is sick and the other is denying them a kiss so they will pout and the other will give them a peck on the forehead
7. Cuddling with one another and one asks silly questions (riddle-like questions) and the other chuckles and tells them to go to sleep
8. Kissing the other all over their face
9. Dancing barefoot in the kitchen
10. Walking with their fingers entwined
11. A glass of wine after a hard day (either smiling at each other while wrapped in comfortable silence or while telling each other about their day)
12. Holding hands under the table in a meeting
13. Waking up next to each other and then giving lazy kisses
14. Character giving a piece of jewelry that maybe was their mother's or generally a person who they love
15. Reading date
16. Bringing coffee/tea to the other and the other being VERY specific about what type of coffee/tea (ex. EXACTLY one and a half tablespoons of sugar)
17. Reader being bloody, having just murdered someone in front of character and the other just says "You're beautiful"
18. Character going to the market and getting reader something they know they like
19. Playing the piano for one (most people might say this is inspired by throne of glass but actually it's just because i used to play the piano as a child and i need a fic like this)
20. 👆 Teaching the other how to play some basic things on the piano
21. Character bringing reader something that reminds the character of reader
22. Playing chess (with slightly twisted rules, ex. if one loses a piece they have to kiss the other)
23. "You have a beautiful smile"/"Your smile is my favorite sight in the world
24. Character obsessing over every little thing reader does
25. Reader/character staring at reader/character as the light of the setting sun hits their face
26. Character is injured, badly and they are healing but they are also horny so they say to the reader "touch yourself for me"
27. "Show me how to touch you"
28. NEEDY character but them and the reader are literal enemies, so character touches themselves (from character's pov)
29. "Give me another one, darling, you can do it" (overstimulation)
30. Character with size kink
31. Nearly dying together and then just character coming into reader's room and confesses leading into character fucking reader
32. Eating you out very slowly and the moment reader's hands tangle into their hair, they just... lose control
33. Hate-fuck
34. Reunion fuck
35. Jealous fuck
36. "Keep reading, love" while fingering you in their lap
37. Reader riding character on the library chair
38. Sparring, one person pinning the other to the sparring mat and well you know the rest
39. Kissing your scars turning into something more heated
40. Only reader could make character kneel
41. "Can you help me with the dress" reader says and the character goes and helps "Up, character"
42. The classic "Shut up" "Make me"
43. Lazy morning sex (I want to write this so badly for some reason)
44. "Mm, how about you show me, then?"
45. "Just... fuck me like you mean it. Pretend." "Oh, darling, I don't have to pretend with you." (The pretend part always reminds me of Kai and Paedyn)
46. Reader being on top and taking control because why not?
47. 👆 "I'm supposed to be pleasuring you"
48. Under the stars (this idea has been stuck in my head)
49. On the piano (but the lid is closed don't worry)
50. Reader having to seduce the character as part of their mission
Whoever thought there would be no angst... think twice.
(Claim your free tissues)
51. "You've changed so much"
52. "Why didn't you answer my letters?" "You sent me letters?"
53. Death (not specifying who, but I have the ideas in my mind so...)
54. Neglectful relationship
55. One getting the blame for something the other had done so they would take the punishment to protect the other and then the other is forced to watch
56. "No, no, no, no- stay with- stay with me! Please! Stay with me!" "It's alright... everything will be fine..." "Please, stay with me! Dont- don't close your eyes, damn it don't close your eyes-"
57. Bringing them flowers (but with a twist)
58. Both are in their knees, foreheads pressed against one another, character's hands cupping reader's face and reader's hands are grabbing character's wrists (angst twist after (i want to write this so badly!!))
59. Screaming their name while badly injured
60. Character/reader thinking they're not good enough for character/reader so they try to go away but the other begs them to stay
61. Hallucinating them
62. Character/reader insecure about their scars
63. "You lied to me!" And then the other looking down like REALLY guilty "Look at me, look me in the eye and tell me it was all a lie. That your love was a lie"
64. "And you want to know the worst part of this? I still love you"
65. "What happened, what did they do to you?" "Please, don't make me tell you"
66. "It hurts-"
67. "Tell me where it hurts"
68. Character/reader finding character/reader crying (they see them cry for the first time)
69. "Show me how to love you"
70. Death version two (I had two ideas with this)
Thats it, so feel free to mix and match prompts from different categories!! (Also I made the angst a bit less because I mostly want to focus on the fluff and smut and take a small break from all the angst (although I'm still editing two angst fics))
Also this will be a separate masterlist that I will post later and update it as I write!
Prompts that are crossed like this means that I have already written them
Love, Cassia ❤️
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audra-0-0 · 1 month
˚ ༘ ೀ Welcome here!!
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{ Hi!! You can call me Odette. Just a delusional teenage girl. I’m half French, half Slovak so English isn’t my first language ✧˖° }
{ Feel free to dm me at any time if you need to went or just talk, this is a safe place. And request are open and really welcomed!! }
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Useful info
{ Basically here there are all the fandom and characters I write about but you can request more characters in the fandom mentioned earlier those are just my personal favourites }
{ Fandoms } : F1 ; Fourth Wing ; The Cruel Prince ; Marauders ; HP ; MCU ; Spiderverse ; AGGTM ; Bridgerton ; PJO ; Gilmore Girls ; Avatar
{ Husbands } : Liam (Fourth wing) ; Bronnan (Fourth wing) ; Xaden ; Jess Mariano ; Dain Greenbriar ; Max (F1) ; Luke Castellan ; Cardan Greenbriar ; Anthony Bridgerton ; Benedict Bridgerton ; Neteyam (Avatar) ; Remus Lupin ; James Potter ; Miles Morales heart 42 ; Hobbie Brown
{ Wifeys } : Rhiannon (Fourth wing) ; Imogen (Fourth wing) ; Jude Duarte ; Lily Evans ; Marlene ; Dorcas ; Mrs Zabini ; Daphne Greengrass ; Ginny Weasley ; Natasha Romanoff ; Heloïse Bridgerton ; Francesca Bridgerton ; Clarisse Larue
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My current pookies : … Liam Mairi, Max 33, Paul Aron
What I currently prefer to write abt : … Fourth Wing, F1, F2
What song I am currently listening : … In Between - Gracie Abrams 
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wolveria · 5 months
On Frozen Wings - Ch 8
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Pairing: Crosshair x Hunter
Rating: 18+ only, Explicit
Crosshair gives them a lead to finding Tantiss. Unfortunately, that lead decides he wants something in return.
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Crosshair recovered quickly. Much quicker than Hunter had when he’d been in a similar situation.
After he’d lost Tech, and Omega had been taken… Hunter had been a mess. A self-contained mess, but he’d almost had a panic attack when Echo had gone back to Rex. Hunter hadn’t wanted him or Wrecker out of his sight, and that was probably why Echo had eventually left. Hunter was lucky Wrecker was more tolerable of his “mother henning,” as Crosshair used to call it.
At least, Crosshair was getting better about Omega’s capture. Rampart… was another matter.
As soon as he’d offered the Imperial’s name, Crosshair’s hand had started trembling, expression tight with misery. Hunter’s own features were hard, remembering the bastard he’d met on Kamino. He’d trying to engage Hunter in a mocking resemblance of conversation, but Hunter had just stared with hostile silence.
Oh yes, he remembered the man who had ordered Crosshair to do terrible things. And now here they were, on Phee’s ship after a successful extraction, Rampart tied up in one of her cargo holds. This one seemed to double up as a den, but it would have to do with their limited options.
Crosshair still hadn’t taken off his helmet. Instead, he glared down at the unconscious man where he laid on the tattered couch. Hunter didn’t asked why Crosshair had stunned him, and frankly, it had made the rescue a lot easier without a belligerent ex-Imperial getting in their way.
But they couldn’t get intel from a boneless sack of meat. Once Hunter returned to the cargo hold after talking to Phee, Crosshair kicked Rampart awake, which was a kinder awakening than he probably deserved.
“We got you off the planet,” Crosshair growled. “Now tell us where Tantiss is.”
Hunter didn’t like the way his eyes immediately focused on Crosshair, looking him up and down with a sneer before his eyes slid to the side and focused on Hunter.
“It’s more complicated than that.”
Hunter, whose helmet was tucked against his side, had no problem sending an unfriendly scowl his way. He shouldn’t have been surprised Rampart wouldn’t cooperate immediately. The man seemed to thrive on being a pain in the ass.
“Complicated how?” Hunter asked, scowling further.
“No one knows the coordinates to Tantiss. It was designed that way.”
Of course it was. From how Crosshair had talked before, Hemlock was overcautious and paranoid as well as clever.
“But…” Rampart eyed Crosshair again, eyes glittering with some scheme or another, no doubt. “I might know how to get around that.”
“Either you tell us now,” Crosshair took a step forward, and Hunter mirrored the movement, “or we drop you back in that Imperial prison.”
“Now, now. No need for threats. After all, we’re in this together.”
The hell they were. Hunter’s squad would take all the risk, and Rampart was just the parasite they needed until they could discard him. And good riddance.
“Why go back to Tantiss, I wonder?” Rampart leaned back as if to spread his arms across the back of the couch, though the cuffs kept him from doing that. “From what I know of the good doctor, he’s not the kindness of souls.”
“Like you were?”
Rampart’s expression turned cool, almost amused. For a man who had just been sprung from a prison camp by people that hated him as much as the Empire, he was awfully calm and composed.
“I didn’t hear any complaints from you at the time.”
Crosshair tensed so much he visibly shifted in place, and something different mixed in his scent. A sour note that didn’t fit the situation at all. Hunter frowned.
“Just tell us how to find the damn base,” Crosshair growled again. “You don’t get to know the why.”
Rampart shrugged with deceptive innocence.
“Perhaps I simply want to catch up. Won’t you grant me this small indulgence? Conversation in prison hasn’t been the most… stimulating. Intellectually or otherwise.”
That same smug look towards Crosshair, and Crosshair slowly winding up like a cord about to snap.
“Besides, you’re here, aren’t you?” the Imperial sneered. “Which means you managed to make it off that mountain. I heard what happened to you while I was awaiting my own sentence. Lieutenant Nolan, was it? Can’t say I cared much for that little worm. What did he do to earn his fate? I can make a few guesses—”
Rampart paused at the quiet scrape of Hunter’s vibroblade being pulled from its sheath.
Hunter flipped the blade between his fingers the way he used to when he was bored, letting it flash in the low light as it missed cutting into his flesh by millimeters. He didn’t even look at the knife, instead raising a brow at Rampart’s expression.
“Sorry,” Hunter said unapologetically. “You were saying something… remotely helpful and not a waste of our time?”
“Yeah.” Wrecker crossed his arms from where he stood on Hunter’s other side. “You talk too much.”
Rampart’s frown attempted to smooth the unease off his face, but Hunter could smell the wariness in his unwashed stench, unpleasant in the small space.
“You want something from me, I want something from you.”
“We figured.” Hunter fingered the tip of the blade, drawing Rampart’s attention to the knife. “You’ll get your freedom when we get solid intel on how to find Tantiss.”
“And I’ll tell you. But I want to speak to him.” Rampart’s gaze drifted to Crosshair. “Alone.”
“Not happening.”
Hunter didn’t even have to think about it. Whatever the slippery bastard had in mind for Crosshair, Hunter wouldn’t give him the chance. He’d suffered at the hands of the Empire enough without having a shadow from his past do more damage.
“That’s not how this works,” Rampart spoke slowly, as if Hunter was stupid. “You and the big one have to go.”
“The big one can hear you.”
Wrecker leaned in and Rampart leaned back, uneasy and annoyed both at once.
“I should hope so, considering your lack of personal space.”
Wrecker’s growl would have made a gundark take pause, and Hunter put a hand on his shoulder and gently pulled him back. They hadn’t resorted to violence—yet—but if they did, Hunter would ask Wrecker to leave the room. This wasn’t something he needed to be a part of.
But Crosshair would stay. Hunter knew that without having to ask. He might have grown quiet, but his attention had never once wavered from his former superior.
Rampart smirked unpleasantly.
“It’s a small price tag, CT-9904. You can’t deny that.”
Instead of growing angry, Crosshair tilted his head and shifted, arms still crossed over his chest.
“If it’s privacy that you want, you’re not getting it. Hunter’s enhanced senses will mean he hears everything we say, so you might as well talk now.”
Rampart’s brows rose, sending another glance at Hunter, this one curious before looking back at Crosshair.
“I have nothing to hide,” Crosshair added, and Rampart actually chuckled.
“Oh, I sincerely doubt that. I would have a much different reception otherwise.”
Hunter frowned. What the hell did that mean?
“If this is a non-negotiable point for you, I am amenable to changing the terms.” Rampart’s gaze shifted to Hunter again, the gleam in his eyes a warning. “If you would allow me to speak to your sergeant alone—”
“No,” Crosshair snarled. The viciousness of that single word surprised Hunter, but it seemed to amuse Rampart.
“No? You won’t trade Tantiss base for me to have a few moments with your beloved leader—”
Crosshair’s sharp voice once again cut him off.
“Over my dead corpse.”
“Such sweet promises.”
Hunter quickly sheathed his blade and stepped forward before it could escalate further, because it certainly would.
“It’s fine,” he said to Crosshair, a hand on his arm. “I’ll talk to him.”
Crosshair’s helmet drew back as if in surprise.
“Hunter, don’t.” The words might have been an order, but they came out too much like a plea. “You can’t. He’ll lie. Say anything to get what he wants.”
“In terms of advantage,” Rampart said with too much teeth, “the truth will suit me just fine. Can you say the same, CT-9904—"
Crosshair descended on Rampart, letting out a snarl when Hunter hooked an arm around his shoulders to stop him.
“All right, we’re done here.” Hunter gave one last glare at the Imperial and pulled Crosshair toward the door. He tilted his head at Wrecker, who followed close on their heels.
“For now,” Rampart said, so quietly that only Hunter caught the words, which was probably the point.
He shut and locked the door behind them. He didn’t want to leave the man alone for long, but they needed a moment to cool their heads. Especially Crosshair.
Before Hunter could say a word, Crosshair shook off his hands and walked down the corridor, fists at his sides with his shoulders hunched, helmet still firmly in place.
Hunter exchanged a worried look with Wrecker, and he said what Hunter was thinking.
“What was that?”
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Hunter spoke to Rampart alone.
It didn’t take long for him to figure out the former vice admiral wasn’t going to say anything helpful. As Hunter stood there with his arms crossed, frowning, Rampart went on and on about his various grievances with clones. How they were conditional about what orders they followed, how prideful they were despite being Imperial property, how the Kaminoans were naïve to think a chip would make them compliant for long.
From the unending bantha shit, Hunter realized two things. One, Rampart was stalling for time. And two, the only reason he wanted to speak to Hunter alone had less to do with him, and more to do with his brother just outside the door, restlessly pacing back and forth, arms tucked tight across his chest.
Hunter could hear every footstep, the slight pause at the turn, then the same repeat of footfalls as he crossed the width of the doorway.
“You know, I always said the issue lies with the original template,” Rampart continued, not caring that Hunter wasn’t even looking at him. “What possessed the Jedi to choose a Mandalorian to create an army? Yes, they are a warrior people, but they also have a history steeped in hedonistic warfare—”
“Were you ever going to actually tell me anything, or is this about you acting out like a child?”
Rampart stared at him, jaw open. Hunter took some satisfaction from getting him to finally shut up.
“I beg your pardon?”
Hunter stepped closer.
“Are you finished trying to get under Crosshair’s skin? Or do I need to get unfriendly?”
Rampart’s head tilted in confusion until Hunter put a deceptively gentle hand on his shoulder… and began to squeeze.
“You might be more afraid of the Empire than of us,” Hunter said smoothly, “but I guarantee us clones are good at creative solutions. And we could come up with a few… persuasive methods that even you Imperials haven’t considered.”
Rampart scoffed, though he still winced at Hunter’s increasing pressure.
“Oh, please. I dealt with bigger brutes than you at the Academy.”
If he was able to make height jokes, then he wasn’t scared enough to start talking. Hunter shrugged, let him go, and walked toward the door.
“If you’re not gonna tell us anything, then you’re dead weight. And we don’t need the ballast.”
“You’re not going to kill me,” Rampart said, trying to sound self-assured, but Hunter sensed the smallest bit of doubt.
“No,” Hunter agreed. “Not when they’d be eager to take you back on Erebus. Especially when they see we brought you back safe and sound. I’m sure they’ll be eager to find out what Imperial secrets you spilled—”
Rampart sighed.
“That’s… not necessary. I’ll talk, I simply want my conditions met first.”
Hunter whirled on him, face heated in a scowl.
“You’re not talking to Crosshair alone. If there’s something you want, you come to me.”
Rampart’s smile was oil, viscous and oozing, as he gave Hunter a once-over.
“Sorry, but… you’re not my type.”
A chill settled on Hunter’s spine.
“What did you say?”
Rampart didn’t answer, just gave that same infuriating smile. Hunter didn’t even remember crossing the room to grab the front of Rampart’s dirty uniform, bringing their faces close, his teeth bared.
“The hell does that mean?”
Hunter could smell a hint of fear, but it wasn’t enough to keep the Imperial’s words from being filled with smugness.
“Why don’t you ask him?”
Hunter let go, shoving him back against the couch, and for a moment he wondered if Phee had pulled another insane maneuver. The floor seemed to tilt under his feet, but nothing moved or shifted, and Rampart remained motionless, victorious smirk plastered in place.
“As I said before,” Rampart called at Hunter’s retreating back, “I’m not the one hiding truths.”
Hunter slammed his palm over the door controls, stepped through, and locked them in place behind him.
Crosshair immediately turned at the sound, anxiety and stress radiating off his posture before Hunter could smell it on his scent. His face was still covered by the damned helmet, but Hunter didn’t need to see his expression to know the face he would be making. An agitated frown trying to cover the worry beneath.
Hunter’s own expression must have been startling, because Wrecker got off the crate he’d been sitting on and glanced at the closed door.
“What’d he say?” Wrecker pressed when Hunter remained silent.
“Nothing important.”
He passed between the both of them without looking at either. Hunter needed a minute to think, and he couldn’t face Crosshair right now. Not when he caught the imperceptible drop of his shoulders and the small retreat he made out of Hunter’s path.
Next Chapter
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softmenace · 2 months
Ohhhhmygod I just read the Xaden plot twist at the end of Iron Flame and damn. I knew something happened but I didn't know what.
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siobhanbooks · 4 months
just gonna leave this here. snippet from my platonic violet bodhi WIP.
‘Come back, wake up, start breathing. I love you, Xaden, you can’t be gone yet. We are supposed to die together. Meet Malek side by side. But I’m still here so you need to come back, you can’t leave me like this. Please, Xaden, you are supposed to be my endgame.’ Recovered unsent correspondence from Lieutenant Violet Sorrengail to Lieutenant Xaden Riorson
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