#liam mairi angst
ervotica · 8 months
warnings; major character death (but not rly!!), r and liam are tethered like violet & xaden, not a real fic or anything jus a daydream i've been having about my angel liam. shhh ik it doesn't make sense but idgaf it was fun.
liam who survived.
liam who's been healing in aretia since fighting the venin, since his close call with death; liam who's been too weak to do anything, really, until deigh finally started to heal, too.
you, who's dragon and his are mated. and losing him and deigh nearly cost you both your lives, too.
the second you step through the threshold of the riorson house, the bond that's left a gaping wound in your heart in its absence seems to ignite, clicking back into place in your head.
you can feel him.
your heart leaps into your throat; xaden winces when you turn on your heel to watch him, panic etched into every crevice of your expression.
"where is he?" you're quiet, brows pushing a crease into your forehead when xaden reaches for your hands, holding you steady. your whole body thrums with nervous energy.
"i need you to understand that i couldn't tell you. for both of your safety-" he starts.
"xaden, i don't care," you cut him short with a scathing glare. "where is he?"
you ground yourself, focusing every ounce of energy into the newly reinstated bond; you imagine reaching through the tether that runs between the two of you, and you speak through it.
his voice fills your ears, deep and gravelly but unmistakably him, and tears crowd your vision, catching on your itching waterline.
"hi, my girl."
you rush to turn the corner down to the vast hallway, and a disheveled mop of blond you're all too familiar with draws your gaze.
you're frozen, muscles locked tight where you stand, fixated by the sight of the boy you've been grieving, aching for, standing just a few feet away.
his arms outstretch and he takes a step towards you, and you break. a sob seizes you, arms curling around yourself in some semblance of self soothing.
"come here," he croaks. "c'mere, baby."
you rush in a surge of frenzied limbs, colliding with his chest with an audible thump; he stumbles back a step, but plants himself to accommodate you clinging, white-knuckled, to his midriff.
the way you squeeze him makes his heart ache, the guilt of hiding from you slapping him in the face full force. your balmy cheek rubs against his shoulder, nose scrunching in the way he's always found terribly endearing- except the silent sobs that wrack your body contort your features, and you tremble under his touch.
"why would you do that?" you whisper, but even through the bite of your words, your iron grip never lets up. you're terrified that he'll disappear from beneath you. "it almost killed us, liam."
he pulls back to look at you and your chin plants against his chest to gaze up at him through heavy lashes, weighed down and kissing at the corners. his thumb catches a stray tear, brushing it across the length of your cheekbone before he leans down to press a kiss between your brows.
"i'm sorry," he murmurs. "i know i should've told you." his thick bicep wraps around the back of your neck, anchoring you to his chest.
"i kept tryin' to get her to eat and she wouldn't, li. and the bond was so weak. it nearly took us both down with you."
"shh, shh," he soothes. "i'm so sorry, my girl."
you slap feebly at his chest, no real force behind it as you sniffle, swollen eyes watching his every move.
"you ever do some shit like this again and i'll kill you myself, mairi."
dimples crater at the centre of his cheeks, his eyes crinkling when he laughs down at you, deep and earnest.
"i love you so much."
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dee-writes-smut · 5 months
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FEATURING Liam Mairi x reader
SUMMARY seeing the ghost of you hurts almost as bad as watching you go.
CONTENT WARNINGS major character loss, depression, depictions of grief
AUTHORS NOTE I don't know what it is right now, but I am just living for writing about grief. Sorry, not sorry! <3
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"Look at me," Liam croaks from where he's splayed out on the ground by Deigh. Violet is sobbing loudly in Xaden's arms on the other side of him, but you can't hear them. Not when your ears feel like they've been filled with cotton when the love of your life is lying weakly on the ground beside you dying.
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He's dying.
Oh gods.
As the realization sinks in, a heavy weight presses against your chest, squeezing the air from your lungs. Panic rises like a tide within you, threatening to overwhelm your senses. You reach out to Liam, your hands trembling as they hover over him, unsure of what to do, of how to help him.
"Stay with me, Liam," you plead, your voice barely a whisper, yet it reverberates with desperation. "Please, don't leave me."
But Liam's eyes are distant, glassy orbs that seem to stare into a void beyond your reach. His breathing is shallow, each exhale a painful reminder of his fragile state. You feel a tear escape your eye, tracing a path down your cheek as you struggle to hold back the flood of emotions threatening to engulf you.
Around you, the world seems to blur into an indistinct haze. The sounds of chaos and anguish fade into a distant hum, overshadowed by the deafening silence that fills your ears. All that exists in this moment is Liam, lying motionless before you, his life slipping away with each passing second.
Memories flood your mind like a torrential downpour, each one a bittersweet reminder of the moments you've shared together. The laughter, the tears, the whispered promises exchanged in the dead of night—they all swirl together in a kaleidoscope of emotions, too painful to bear yet too precious to let go.
You clench your fists, feeling the sting of helplessness gnawing at your insides. You would give anything—anything at all—to turn back time, to undo whatever led you to this moment, to save Liam from this cruel fate.
But time is a relentless force, indifferent to your pleas and regrets. And as you watch the light slowly fade from Liam's eyes, you realize with a sinking heart that there is nothing you can do to stop it.
"Please, Liam," you whisper, your voice cracking with grief. "I love you."
Liam's gaze meets yours, a flicker of recognition dances in his fading eyes. His lips part, words trembling on the precipice of his breath. With a herculean effort, he manages to muster the strength to speak, his voice barely a whisper, but each syllable heavy with emotion.
"Please…," he rasps, his voice barely audible above the din of chaos surrounding you. "You have to… keep living. For me."
His words strike you like a dagger to the heart, the pain of his plea tearing through the fragile facade of composure you've struggled to maintain. Tears stream down your cheeks unabated, hot and salty against your skin as you shake your head in disbelief.
"No, Liam," you choke out, your voice raw with anguish. "I can't… I can't do this without you."
But Liam's hand finds yours, his touch feeble yet filled with a quiet strength that belies his frailty. His fingers intertwine with yours, holding on with a determination born of love and desperation.
"You have to," he insists, his voice growing weaker with each passing moment. "You're stronger than you think… You can't let this… destroy you."
His words hang in the air like a solemn vow, a testament to the depth of his love and the sacrifice he's willing to make for you. And as you look into his eyes, you see the truth mirrored within them—the agonizing realization that this is goodbye.
A sob escapes your lips, a gut-wrenching cry that echoes through the desolate landscape of your heart. You bury your face in Liam's chest, clinging to him with a desperation born of fear and despair.
"I can't do this without you," you whisper brokenly, your voice a mere shadow of its former strength. "Please, don't leave me."
But Liam's grip weakens, his breaths growing shallower with each passing second. His eyes flutter closed, and for a moment, there's nothing but the deafening silence of impending loss.
Then, with a final exhale, he slips away, leaving behind nothing but the hollow ache of his absence. And as you cradle his lifeless form in your arms, the weight of his words settles over you like a shroud, a solemn reminder of the unbearable burden of grief that now lies ahead.
For in that moment, you realize that you've lost more than just the love of your life—you've lost a part of yourself, a piece of your soul that can never be replaced. And as you mourn the emptiness that now fills your heart, you know that nothing will ever be the same again.
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There is no respite from the suffocating weight of grief that hangs heavy around your neck, dragging you down into the depths of despair.
You move through the world like a shadow of your former self, hollow and numb, the spark of life extinguished from your eyes. Friends and loved ones reach out to offer comfort, but their words fall on deaf ears, their gestures meaningless in the face of the gaping chasm that now consumes your soul.
Nights are the cruelest, long and lonely stretches of darkness that stretch on into eternity. You lie awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling, your mind consumed by thoughts of Liam—of all the things you wish you had said, all the moments you wish you could relive, all the ways you failed to save him.
The pain is relentless, a constant companion that gnaws at your insides, leaving you hollow and empty. You try to drown it out with alcohol, with drugs, with anything that will numb the ache in your heart, but nothing can fill the void left by Liam's absence.
And so, you continue to exist, day after day, trapped in a never-ending cycle of sorrow and regret. You wonder if it would have been easier if you had died with him, if you could have spared yourself this endless torment.
But deep down, you know that even death would offer no escape from the torment of your memories, no relief from the agony of your loss. And so you carry on, a shell of the person you once were, forever haunted by the ghost of the love you lost.
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Days melted into weeks, and weeks into months, but the ache in my heart remained unyielding, a constant reminder of the void that Liam's absence had left behind. I found myself adrift in a sea of memories, unable to escape the relentless tide of grief that threatened to consume me.
Each morning brought with it a new battle, a struggle to find the strength to face another day without him by my side. I would drag myself out of bed, my limbs heavy with exhaustion, my mind clouded with sorrow, and force myself to move forward, one agonizing step at a time.
But no matter how hard I tried to bury my pain beneath layers of routine and responsibility, it always found a way to claw its way back to the surface, a gaping wound that refused to heal. I would catch myself staring blankly at the wall, lost in the labyrinth of my thoughts, my mind a swirling maelstrom of regret and longing.
It was in those moments of quiet desperation that I would feel him—Liam's presence hovering just beyond the edge of my consciousness, a whisper in the wind, a flicker of light in the darkness. I would close my eyes and reach out to him, my fingers grasping at the empty air, longing for the warmth of his touch, the sound of his voice, the comfort of his embrace.
But he was always just out of reach, a ghostly apparition that danced on the fringes of my perception, taunting me with the promise of solace that I knew would never come. And yet, I couldn't bring myself to let go—not when the mere thought of him was the only thing keeping me tethered to the world of the living.
I tried to lose myself in my work, throwing myself into my studies with a fervor bordering on obsession. But no matter how many hours I spent buried in books, no matter how many experiments I conducted in the sterile confines of the lab, I couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at my soul.
My friends and family tried to help, offering their support and encouragement in the hopes of lifting my spirits. They would invite me out for dinner, take me for long walks in the park, even organize weekend getaways to try and distract me from my pain.
But I couldn't escape the suffocating weight of grief that hung over me like a shroud, a darkness that followed me wherever I went, tainting even the most mundane moments with its oppressive presence. I would smile and nod and pretend to be okay, but inside, I was crumbling, piece by agonizing piece.
It wasn't until one particularly dark night, when the weight of my sorrow threatened to crush me beneath its relentless onslaught, that I finally reached my breaking point. I found myself standing on the edge of a precipice, staring out into the yawning abyss that stretched out before me, the urge to let go—to surrender to the sweet release of oblivion—almost overwhelming.
But then, in the depths of my despair, I felt a hand on my shoulder, a gentle pressure that pulled me back from the brink. I turned, expecting to see nothing but the empty darkness of my own mind, but instead, I found myself face to face with Liam—or rather, a ghostly apparition that bore his likeness.
I blinked, unable to believe my eyes. "Liam?" I whispered, my voice barely a breath in the stillness of the night.
He smiled—a sad, wistful smile that tugged at my heartstrings. "It's me," he said, his voice a mere whisper in the silence that surrounded us.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I reached out to touch him, my fingers trembling with disbelief. "But how?" I asked, my voice choked with emotion. "How is this possible?"
Liam's smile faded, replaced by a look of profound sadness. "I'm not really here," he said, his voice heavy with regret. "I'm just a figment of your imagination—a manifestation of your grief."
I shook my head, unwilling to accept the truth. "No," I protested, my voice rising in desperation. "You're real. You're here with me. I can feel you."
But Liam's expression remained unchanged, his eyes filled with a quiet resignation. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice barely audible above the sound of my own heartbeat. "I wish I could stay, but I can't. You have to let me go."
I felt a surge of panic rise within me, a primal instinct that screamed out in protest. "No," I cried, my voice echoing in the emptiness that surrounded us. "I won't. I can't. I need you."
But Liam shook his head, his features fading into the darkness like smoke on the wind. "You don't need me," he said, his voice a distant echo in the recesses of my mind. "You're stronger than you think. You have to find the strength to carry on, even without me."
And then he was gone, leaving me alone in the darkness, the emptiness of his absence a physical ache that echoed in the depths of my soul. I sank to my knees, tears streaming down my face, my heart shattering into a million jagged pieces.
But even as I wept, a small seed of hope took root within me—a tiny flicker of light amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf me. I realized that Liam was right—that I couldn't continue to cling to him, to the memory of what we once had.
I had to find a way to let go—to honor his memory by living my life to the fullest, by embracing the future with open arms, even in the face of uncertainty and pain. It wouldn't be easy, I knew, but I was determined to try—for Liam, and for myself.
And so, with a heavy heart and a newfound sense of purpose, I picked myself up off the ground and began to walk—away from the edge of the abyss, away from the darkness that had threatened to consume me, toward a future filled with possibility and hope.
It wouldn't happen overnight, I knew. The road ahead would be long and difficult, fraught with challenges and setbacks that would test my resolve at every turn. But I was ready—ready to face whatever the future held, armed with nothing but my love for Liam and the knowledge that he would always be with me, guiding me every step of the way.
And as I walked, the darkness began to recede, slowly but surely, replaced by the warm glow of dawn breaking on the horizon. I smiled, tears still streaming down my face, but now they were tears of hope, of gratitude, of a newfound sense of purpose.
For even though Liam was gone, his love remained—a beacon of light that would guide me through the darkest nights and lead me toward a future filled with possibility and promise.
And with that thought in my heart, I took my first steps into the unknown, ready to embrace whatever lay ahead, secure in the knowledge that I would never truly be alone. Liam would always be with me, a whisper in the wind, a flicker of light in the darkness, a love that would never fade away.
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mischiefmanagers · 10 months
when the fic warnings are like *major character death* but then also *angst with a happy ending* sign me THE FUCK up
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siobhanbooks · 2 months
xaden to two of his brothers
to liam
Just close your eyes, the sun is going down You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound
to bodhi
Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire The war outside our door keeps raging on Hold onto this lullaby even when the music's gone, gone
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suebswrites · 1 month
Just Ask, Chapter 15: Confession
Yes, you read that correctly. A NEW chapter is out, only one week later!!! This one just blazed out of me. Obviously we can’t expect this EVERY time, but…woohoo!!
Need a refresher (or missed last week’s chapter)? Just Ask, Chapter 14: Tuesday
New to the fic? Just Ask, Chapter 1: The Funeral
Fic summary:
[Post-Iron Flame.] There's a lot that Violet Sorrengail does not have the emotional energy to deal with right now. From her mother, to figuring out what to do about Aretia, to the absolute train wreck of the situation with Xaden, she just wants to get through the next little while without losing her mind. And last on her list of things she wants to deal with is the sudden appearance of her ex, Crown Prince Halden, because it's going to introduce a whole new clusterfuck of baggage to everything else on her plate.
How do we deal with our book hangover? We write our own Book 3, that’s how!!
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shadowsingercassia · 24 days
100 followers celebration!!
Firstly I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 🥹💕
So since I have been writing so much angst, I will list some of my personal favorite fluff and smut drabble prompts (and writing them so feel free to send me the number of the prompt in my inbox with the character you want!) (You can also use them, just ask me first!)
You can send me aa many prompts as you'd like (personally I would prefer no more than three prompts at a time but it doesn't really matter!)
Fandoms I usually write for (and also will write for in these dribbles and in my fics):
Acotar 🩵
Throne of Glass 💚
A few extra fandoms I will write for (but only for these drabbles sorryy) because I think I should get out of my comfort zone:
Cruel Prince 💛
Aren Kertell from the Bridge Kingdom 🤍 (because I absolutely loved the Bridge Kingdom books and my man needs more fics about him)
Fourth Wing 🖤
Characters can be both female and male I don't mind it!
So, let's get into the prompts (quotes and prompts that just make my heart melt, some of them are quite long sorryyy):
1.A soft first kiss and then both character and reader are giggling and smiling uncontrollably
2. Character taking care of the reader's minor injury (ex. a tiny papercut) and making it a huge deal
3. Watching the stars with the other in comfortable silence and then one says "the stars are beautiful aren't they?" and the other replies with "they are," but they are looking at them.
4. Baking together
5. "You're adorable"
6. The one is sick and the other is denying them a kiss so they will pout and the other will give them a peck on the forehead
7. Cuddling with one another and one asks silly questions (riddle-like questions) and the other chuckles and tells them to go to sleep
8. Kissing the other all over their face
9. Dancing barefoot in the kitchen
10. Walking with their fingers entwined
11. A glass of wine after a hard day (either smiling at each other while wrapped in comfortable silence or while telling each other about their day)
12. Holding hands under the table in a meeting
13. Waking up next to each other and then giving lazy kisses
14. Character giving a piece of jewelry that maybe was their mother's or generally a person who they love
15. Reading date
16. Bringing coffee/tea to the other and the other being VERY specific about what type of coffee/tea (ex. EXACTLY one and a half tablespoons of sugar)
17. Reader being bloody, having just murdered someone in front of character and the other just says "You're beautiful"
18. Character going to the market and getting reader something they know they like
19. Playing the piano for one (most people might say this is inspired by throne of glass but actually it's just because i used to play the piano as a child and i need a fic like this)
20. 👆 Teaching the other how to play some basic things on the piano
21. Character bringing reader something that reminds the character of reader
22. Playing chess (with slightly twisted rules, ex. if one loses a piece they have to kiss the other)
23. "You have a beautiful smile"/"Your smile is my favorite sight in the world
24. Character obsessing over every little thing reader does
25. Reader/character staring at reader/character as the light of the setting sun hits their face
26. Character is injured, badly and they are healing but they are also horny so they say to the reader "touch yourself for me"
27. "Show me how to touch you"
28. NEEDY character but them and the reader are literal enemies, so character touches themselves (from character's pov)
29. "Give me another one, darling, you can do it" (overstimulation)
30. Character with size kink
31. Nearly dying together and then just character coming into reader's room and confesses leading into character fucking reader
32. Eating you out very slowly and the moment reader's hands tangle into their hair, they just... lose control
33. Hate-fuck
34. Reunion fuck
35. Jealous fuck
36. "Keep reading, love" while fingering you in their lap
37. Reader riding character on the library chair
38. Sparring, one person pinning the other to the sparring mat and well you know the rest
39. Kissing your scars turning into something more heated
40. Only reader could make character kneel
41. "Can you help me with the dress" reader says and the character goes and helps "Up, character"
42. The classic "Shut up" "Make me"
43. Lazy morning sex (I want to write this so badly for some reason)
44. "Mm, how about you show me, then?"
45. "Just... fuck me like you mean it. Pretend." "Oh, darling, I don't have to pretend with you." (The pretend part always reminds me of Kai and Paedyn)
46. Reader being on top and taking control because why not?
47. 👆 "I'm supposed to be pleasuring you"
48. Under the stars (this idea has been stuck in my head)
49. On the piano (but the lid is closed don't worry)
50. Reader having to seduce the character as part of their mission
Whoever thought there would be no angst... think twice.
(Claim your free tissues)
51. "You've changed so much"
52. "Why didn't you answer my letters?" "You sent me letters?"
53. Death (not specifying who, but I have the ideas in my mind so...)
54. Neglectful relationship
55. One getting the blame for something the other had done so they would take the punishment to protect the other and then the other is forced to watch
56. "No, no, no, no- stay with- stay with me! Please! Stay with me!" "It's alright... everything will be fine..." "Please, stay with me! Dont- don't close your eyes, damn it don't close your eyes-"
57. Bringing them flowers (but with a twist)
58. Both are in their knees, foreheads pressed against one another, character's hands cupping reader's face and reader's hands are grabbing character's wrists (angst twist after (i want to write this so badly!!))
59. Screaming their name while badly injured
60. Character/reader thinking they're not good enough for character/reader so they try to go away but the other begs them to stay
61. Hallucinating them
62. Character/reader insecure about their scars
63. "You lied to me!" And then the other looking down like REALLY guilty "Look at me, look me in the eye and tell me it was all a lie. That your love was a lie"
64. "And you want to know the worst part of this? I still love you"
65. "What happened, what did they do to you?" "Please, don't make me tell you"
66. "It hurts-"
67. "Tell me where it hurts"
68. Character/reader finding character/reader crying (they see them cry for the first time)
69. "Show me how to love you"
70. Death version two (I had two ideas with this)
Thats it, so feel free to mix and match prompts from different categories!! (Also I made the angst a bit less because I mostly want to focus on the fluff and smut and take a small break from all the angst (although I'm still editing two angst fics))
Also this will be a separate masterlist that I will post later and update it as I write!
Prompts that are crossed like this means that I have already written them
Love, Cassia ❤️
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av-a-fletcruel · 1 month
Wait imagine jesina wrote in the book of how long Xaden and Violet screamed in agony about Liams death:
“Time by tairnanaerch the black Morningstar for Xaden Riorson cried in an ‘agonising' scream for Liam Mairi, his fosteredbrother and a great marked one cadet, for 56 seconds, Violet Sorrengail screamed in 'agony' for her shadow,her protector,a marker on but a great friend of the woman and a msn she loved as a brother,a bestfriend, for a full 52 seconds before her voice went hoarse.
We commend the beloved souls of the marked one, Liam Miari, to Malek
May all his belongs be set on fire but not his influence in the people he has left behind in his death, an insultingly,inscrutiating sacrifice to Malek, an unfortunate death we all will miss and grief."
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audra-0-0 · 1 month
˚ ༘ ೀ Welcome here!!
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{ Hi!! You can call me Odette. Just a delusional teenage girl. I’m half French, half Slovak so English isn’t my first language ✧˖° }
{ Feel free to dm me at any time if you need to went or just talk, this is a safe place. And request are open and really welcomed!! }
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Useful info
{ Basically here there are all the fandom and characters I write about but you can request more characters in the fandom mentioned earlier those are just my personal favourites }
{ Fandoms } : F1 ; Fourth Wing ; The Cruel Prince ; Marauders ; HP ; MCU ; Spiderverse ; AGGTM ; Bridgerton ; PJO ; Gilmore Girls ; Avatar
{ Husbands } : Liam (Fourth wing) ; Bronnan (Fourth wing) ; Xaden ; Jess Mariano ; Dain Greenbriar ; Max (F1) ; Luke Castellan ; Cardan Greenbriar ; Anthony Bridgerton ; Benedict Bridgerton ; Neteyam (Avatar) ; Remus Lupin ; James Potter ; Miles Morales heart 42 ; Hobbie Brown
{ Wifeys } : Rhiannon (Fourth wing) ; Imogen (Fourth wing) ; Jude Duarte ; Lily Evans ; Marlene ; Dorcas ; Mrs Zabini ; Daphne Greengrass ; Ginny Weasley ; Natasha Romanoff ; Heloïse Bridgerton ; Francesca Bridgerton ; Clarisse Larue
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My current pookies : … Liam Mairi, Max 33, Paul Aron
What I currently prefer to write abt : … Fourth Wing, F1, F2
What song I am currently listening : … In Between - Gracie Abrams 
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starfall-spirit · 7 months
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Summary: Liam and Deigh survived, but only just. So close to meeting Malek, trepidatious feelings begin to bloom from all sides of the trio.
AN: SFW, a little angsty, and a quick write with no editing. Enjoy.
Read on Ao3
Someone had driven nails into her skull while she was sleeping. That, or she just had the worst fucking headache of her life. Fighting past that pain, she began assessing the deep ache in her muscles, every one from head to toe. All pain aside, it was the bone-deep exhaustion that kept her from trying to open her eyes and process her surroundings. Unfortunitely, all that did was clear sleep's fog from her mind, making room for her recent memories to surface.
"Alive. Just barely." A warm hand wrapped around hers. Xaden. "He's in the next room. He made it, Vi."
At that she forced her eyes open, taking in the set of his mouth, his furrowed brow, and the soul-deep worry in his eyes. Eyes that had yielded so little in the time they'd known each other. She and Liam had started to change that, cracking his mask. "Liam's okay." She let out a heavy sob. "Deigh made it. Thank Dunne."
"It'll be a slow flight to Basgiath, but Malek hasn't claimed them yet."
The mention of flying had her reaching down her own bonds, searching for those two threads in her mental archives. "We are fine. There is no need for concern."
Still, Violet frowned. "Andarna?"
"She sleeps. And will continue to do so, entering her Dreamless Sleep. She has reached adolescence," he almost grumbled. "You should be in no hurry for her to wake, Silver One. Focus on your partners. And eat something, or I'll tell Sgaeyl's human to make you."
She huffed, but didn't protest, knowing her stomach was on the verge of announcing it's empty state regardless. Besides, she had other bones to pick at the moment. "How long has this been going on?"
Xaden swallowed. Long before they met, then. Still, his secrecy stung. "I told you I had secrets. If I had said something..." Not knowing what Dain had read beyond Athebyne, the logical side of her understood. Emotions shouldn't have a place in this discussion—No. They had moved past the no emotions and feelings stage out on the parapet. She had every right to be hurt by this. "It's clear the second and third years know what you're doing. Liam?"
She saw it. The flicker of hesitation. The urge to cover his brother's mistakes. "Not everything."
Violet swallowed. "I'm going to see him."
"Believe me, Xaden, this conversation is far from over. But I need space. And I need to see he's still breathing."
Forcing her legs under her, she trudged out to the hall, pushing open the cracked door beside hers—Xaden's she supposed. Bodhi's head jerked up from the book resting in his lap. "Well, welcome back." His lips tugged into something that could almost be called a smirk. "Don't take this the wrong way, but you look like death warmed over, mended or not."
"Gee, you must get all the ladies with lines like that. I just need a shower, but..." He nodded, face solemn once more. "Has he woken up yet?"
"Twice, though not for long. The toll on his dragon was heavy. In turn, Liam needs rest too. He'll come out of this just fine, Violet."
"Will he? Will any of us? Soleil won't just be a random name on the death role when we get back to the college, Bodhi." He flinched at that. "I'm sorry. That was cruel."
"It was honest. I'll leave you be."
The door snicked shut behind him, leaving Violet with only her own wild thoughts and Liam's breathing. Stepping forward, she let herself take in the color in his face. The exposed skin of his arms and face bare of any wounds. The rise and fall of his broad chest. Steady. Level. He was alive. "Thank Dunne," she repeated.
And with her relief another memory wriggled forward.
It's been. My honor. I love you, Violet. Another sob clogged her parched throat as she slumped into the chair beside the bed, still warm from Bodhi's natural body heat. People say crazy things on death's door. Had he even meant it? More than that, did she want him to? They're relationship had hardly begun, and now knowing he had hid things from her too. How was she meant to love two men she couldn't trust?
The fact remained, she did. Hurt as she was, part of her wanted—longed for a future with Xaden and Liam in it. If they lived, that is. She couldn't be sure she'd see her next birthday with Venin to worry about. Hell, she wasn't sure she'd see Xaden and Garrick graduate before they were killed without question by their own leadership. "Fuck," she hissed.
"Welcome to my world," Xaden said from behind her. The thud of his boots was near silent as he came to stand in front of her, offering a sturdy tray that held a bowl of stew, hot bread, and a glass of water. "You're no good to him wasting away."
"I told you I wanted space," she growled. "Here you are ten minutes later."
"I'll give you all the time you need. After that bowl of stew is in you." Huffing, she gulped down half of the cool water before taking the spoon and scooping up a slice of carrot and broth. "He said something to you before he passed out."
She took another bite, sighing as her headache already began to dull. Despite how open their relationship was among one another, saying those words to Xaden seemed a daunting task. He hadn't shown the slightest tension since their first night as a triad. Yet she hesitated. "He said he was honored to be my friend and shadow. And that he loved me."
"Meant. Every. Word." She jumped, stew sloshing onto the tray before she set it aside to scramble out of the chair and onto the bed. "Xaden can take me to the mat in a day or two if he's got a problem with it." If he had another quip for their wingleader, Violet quickly silenced it, throwing her leg over his waist to straddle him, claiming his mouth in a desperate kiss. She started to pull away when he flinched at her movement, but the pain had either faded, or Liam had deemed it worth suffering if it kept her mouth on his. "Vi," he breathed, flexing his hands around her waist.
"I am so fucking pissed at you both. But that can wait." Taking a deep, shuttering breath, she pressed her forehead to his. "I love you, Liam. As first my friend, now my partner. I love you."
He stroked his thumb along her bottom lip, a slow smile claiming his mouth. "Good."
Looking back to Xaden, she found only contentment in his eyes. They had many broken pieces to pick up, but they also had something precious. Something worth fighting for.
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lady-of-tearshed · 6 months
I need to finish up some wip...
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“Shortly after her escape from Basgiath's dungeons, on a balcony, Violet sees Liam once more.”
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angstywaifu · 7 months
Liam Mairi - Eyes On Me Darling
Well overnight you guys have ticked over the follower count to 100. And for something I didn’t think would go past a one off post nearly 2 months ago…. This is just crazy. Thank you all for the love. And for that. I figured you Liam lovers can have your smut early. Oh and you Garrick lovers will get your angst later this week now!
Prompt from @fw-gt - Keep Your Eyes On Me
A/N: This prompt.... My mind went crazy with it for Liam. To the point I wrote 2 of these. Ultimately I loved this one way more. But the other will come out at a later date. I am aware there is another fic of Liam with Reader for a similar kind of theme, but I think its different enough it works. Ironically I was writing this one as the other one dropped. Requests are still open if anyone wants to request anything! Warnings: 18+, Smut
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I was glad the halls were empty this late at night. Most of the other cadets already back in their rooms asleep as I stumbled back to my room. Another surge of arousal surges through me and I manage to stumble over to an archway to hold myself up as my knees start to buckle. Why did my dragon decide tonight of all nights to get it on with another dragon? I had tried to slam my shields up, but whatever they were up to must have had my dragons emotions heightened as it did little to simmer the waves of arousal that racked my body. I just prayed I wouldn’t come across anyone else and I could make it to my room or to the showers to douse myself in freezing cold water till it was over. The wave of arousal simmers enough for me to push off the archway and continue the track to my dorm. Only a few more corridors and some stairs and I would be there. But clearly my dragon had other ideas for me as another wave of arousal ripples through me, more intense than the last. My knees buckle, I stick my hands out to break my fall. But the impact never comes as something wraps around my waist. I go rigid as an arm grazes the skin where my shirt had ridden up. It takes all my effort not to arch or gasp at the touch. The touch my body is craving thanks to my dragon. The arms pull me up, the owner of them walking in front of me, their hands on their shoulders. Liam. My god damn best friend. Shit.
“Are you ok?” He asks nervously, his blue eyes scanning me for any injuries. When he comes up short for anything visible his eyebrows furrow.
”Y-yeah, I’m fine.” I manage to get out before I grimace in pain. No not pain. Lust. Desire. I had to get away from Liam before another wave hit me.
His eyes harden as they meet mine. “You nearly collapsed to the floor. That doesn’t look like ok to me.”
I go to respond, but another wave of desire ripples through me, doubling me over and into Liam’s chest as I stumble forward. This time I can’t hide the gasp as my body collides with his. It doesn’t help when his hands reach up and cup my cheeks. The touch setting my skin on fire.
”You are not ok. You’re doubling over in pain, and you’re breaking out in a sweat. I’m taking you to the healers.”
”No!” I rush out as he goes to turn me around. He stops and looks down at me shocked. I had never snapped at him like that.
”Y/N you are clearly in pain. Let me help you.” He pleads with me as he crouches down to look me in the eyes.
As my eyes wander his face, taking him in, my body and brain scream at me to close the distance. Pull him into me. But I can’t. He’s my best friend. But how the hell do I shake him. With the state I’m in he won’t leave me alone. Not till he knows I’m ok. Shit. I was going to have to tell him.
”It’s not that kind of pain.” I tell him as steadily as I can. Another wave of pleasure rips through me, this time I manage to stumble backwards away from Liam.
”Then tell me what's wrong. Let me help you. Please.” He pleads, no begs of me.
I look up and meet his worried blue eyes, his blonde hair now a mess from clearly running his hands though them. Gods did he look good right now. He was in casual attire. Some boots, linen pants and a tight fitting black t-shirt that fit him perfectly and showed off his rebellion mark.
”I-its embarrassing. I promise I’ll be fine.” I plead to him. “I-I just need to get to my room.”
He almost looks angry at my words, a fire burning in his usually cool and calm blue eyes. “I will take you once you tell me what’s wrong.”
I push past him and manage to get a few steps before I’m yet again succumbing to a wave of pleasure that buckles my knees. And yet again Liam catches me, my hand grasping tightly in his shirt as his arms wrap around me. My body starts to tremble at his touch. And with how he’s holding me, I know he can tell.
”I-its m-my Dragon.” I get out between deep breaths.
”You’re dragon? What are they doing to cause you to be in pain?” He demands.
I shake my head. “It’s n-not pain. T-they’re…” I pause, unsure how to phrase this. But I know I’m just gonna have to be blunt. “They’re having sex with another dragon.”
I feel Liam’s arms tighten around me as he sucks in a deep breath at my words as silence falls over us for a moment before another wave hits me. My hands fisting in Liam’s shirt as I rest my forehead against his shoulder. Liam mutters something as he tilts his head back to look the ceiling, but I don’t catch it as I ride out the wave of pleasure racking my body.
Liam quickly scoops my up into his arms. This time I let myself crave his body and warmth as I wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head against his neck. My body is craving his touch, my fingers making their way to his hair at the back of his neck, slowly playing with it. Liam’s arms tighten around me as I do. Within a few minutes I feel Liam kick open a door I assume to be mine. Yes Liam would have taken me back to my room. But as soon as he places me on the bed I know it’s not mine. It… It smells like him. I open my eyes to see Liam kneeling on the floor in front of me in the middle of his room. He reaches out and cups my cheeks with his hands, I almost recoil at his touch. I can’t wreck this friendship despite how much my body is craving him right now. But his hands clamp down and stop me from moving away.
”Let me help you.” He whispers as he leans in and leans his forehead on mine.
No this wasn’t happening. Liam, my best friend Liam was not offering to do this. He knew what he was offering. We hadn’t been taught about this, but from our knowledge of mated dragons we all knew that if they decided to have some fun, it caused havoc for the rider. It was extremely rare for a dragon to have sex outside of being mated, but it did happen. And it so happened that is what was happening right now.
”N-no you can’t do that. I won’t let you. I’ll be fine.” I whisper as I shake my head.
”But I want to help Y/N. I want this. I want to help.”
I open my eyes and look at him. His eyes are burning with lust and desire that I am sure is replicated in mine. No I know it is. I couldn’t deny the slight feelings I had for Liam regardless of what was happening right now. But I never let them be more than a what if. Never let them grow from more than that.
”I think there’s only one way to help.”
The way he smirks at me would have had my heart racing if it wasn’t already.
”I know.” He says softly as he starts unlacing my boots.
All I can do is sit there and watch as he takes his time to unlace them and slide them off my feet one by one. He runs his hands up my leather pants before grasping the bottom of my shirt, my body arching at his touch as his fingers graze my stomach. He chuckles as he slowly lifts the shirt up, placing a kiss to my stomach as he does so. My cheeks flush as I lean my head back and do my best to muffle the moan at his touch. His chuckle only fuelling the blush on my cheeks. He lifts the shirt over my head before leaning forward and kissing the tops of my breasts still covered by my black lacy bra. I mentally thank myself for putting on a nice matching set after my shower after classes earlier. I watch as his hands roam my waist and back, his blue eyes darkening as he takes me all in before moving his hands to the ties of my leather pants. In my lust filled state, I automatically raise my hips as he finishes the ties, quickly removing the pants from my legs. He’s quick to get his hands back on me, roaming my legs. Massaging the skin of my thighs as he works his way up to the band of the black lace panties I have on. He hooks his fingers into the bands before working them down my legs, before throwing them with the rest of my clothes in the corner of his room.
I go to clamp my legs together, as if my mind suddenly realises what’s about to happen. But Liam is quicker and stronger, and easily pries my legs apart with his hands, fully exposing me to him. As he looks up at me, all I can see is the pupils of his eyes. Only a small slither of blue around the edge. He pulls me into him, picking me up with ease, spinning me around and placing me on the very edge of his desk before kneeling in front of me again. I gasp and let my head roll back as he kisses up the inside of my thigh. He lightly pinches the inside of my leg, causing me to yelp as I look back at him. Gods I could have died and gone to heaven with the way he was looking at me while kneeled in front of me.
“Keep your eyes on me. Think you can do that darling?” He asks before kissing his way up my inner thigh.
I nod down at him before he lightly nips at my leg, another yelp leaving my lips.
”I need words darling. You know how to use those right?” He asks as he raises an eye brow at me.
I knew Liam had a confident and leadership demeanour about him, but I never expected this. And gods was it hot.
I gulp and nod. “I-i can do that.”
He smirks as he runs his hands up both my thighs before leaning forward and latching his lips onto my clit before inserting a finger into me. I gasp and moan at the pleasure, and as I go to roll my head back, a sharp pinch to my thigh has my eyes snapping back to his blue ones a that are already looking at me. Finally pleased he has my attention he adds another finger. I gasp at the sensation as I roll my hips forward, wanting to feel more of him. I feel him chuckle at my movements. As he adds a third finger and starts to lick up and down, my hands flies to his hair and pulls tightly on it pulling him closer to me.
“N-need m-more.” I beg softly, my eyes threatening to flutter close.
He leans back, fingers still moving back and forth inside me. His lips and chin are wet with my arousal. “Ask nicely darling.”
I clench around his fingers, causing Liam to chuckle at me, knowing the effect his words have on me.
”P-please Liam. I need more, more of you.” I plead.
“How can I say no to you.” He says with a smirk as he stands and pulls me into a kiss.
I take advantage of him being closer and grasp the bottom of his shirt and quickly pull it over his head. As soon as its over his head he grasps my head and pulls me into a deeper kiss. I whine at the loss of his fingers between my legs. Another wave of intense pleasure wracks my body from my dragons end, causing me to break away from the kiss and gasp for air. The feeling more intense as it mixes with my own pleasure. Liam uses the moment to quickly kick off his own boots and linen pants, leaving him fully exposed in front of me. My eyes must go wide as I take him in.
”You can take it darling, don’t worry.”
I merely nod as he pulls me into another kiss, this time pulling me off the desk. He breaks away and quickly spins me around so I am facing the desk. I turn my head to ask what he’s doing, but his hands tell me. He lightly pushes on my back, telling me to bend over the desk. I balance myself on my elbows as he places light kisses down my back. I moan with pleasure as I feel his fingers between my legs again, pushing into me once more. My fingers dig into the wood of the desk at the sensation.
His breath tickles my ear as he leans forward and whispers in my ear. “Just relax darling. I’ve got you.”
I nod as he removes his fingers from inside my, to quickly be replaced with something else. Something far larger and thicker than his fingers. He sinks into me slowly. And with me bent over the desk, gods did it feel amazing. I now understood why he had kept adding fingers earlier as he stretches me open inch by inch. I feel him twitch inside me as I clamp down around him. Eventually he bottoms out, both of us groaning at the sensation. Liam wastes no time in moving back and forth, each thrust hitting me in just the right places every single time. I raise my head up and realise a mirror is in front of me. A mirror that gives me the perfect view of Liam’s blissed out face as he thrust in and out of me at a brutal pace. He looks up and meets my eyes in the mirror, a smile breaking out across his face as they meet. He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls my back flush against his chest. Both of us moaning at the sensation of the new angle. If Liam didn’t have his arms around me I would have collapsed to the floor. My climax getting closer and closer with each thrust.
“Look into the mirror darling. Keep your eyes on me again ok?” He whispers into my ear as one of his hands runs down my stomach.
I nod and meet his gaze in the mirror as his fingers rub circles on my very sensitive clit. My knees give out for a different reason, as his other arm and hand hold me tightly against him. Not long after I meet my end as I clamp down tightly around him, screaming Liam’s name from my lips as my hand clamps down tightly on the arm wrapped around me. He lays me back on the desk as he keeps up his brutal pace as I squirm and writher beneath him. I feel his pace falter and look into the mirror to see his head thrown back, his mouth open in a silent moan as he finishes as well. Liam collapses forward, his hands hitting the desk either side of me as he braces himself. His breath tickling my back as he recovers. He places a soft kiss to my back as he pulls out. He chuckles as I groan at the loss. He scoops me up into his arms and carries me over to his bed, sitting me in his lap as he leans up against the head board. I sigh as I lay against his chest, my head resting against his neck.
”Did I help your issue?” He asks after a few minutes of us just enjoying the embrace.
I nod. “Yeah, I think so.”
”Good, though I wouldn’t complain about a round 2 if you needed more help.”
I roll my eyes at him even if he can’t see it. But his fingers lazily trace circles around one of my nipples, with the others roaming lower and lower, I know we have a long night ahead.
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dee-writes-smut · 5 months
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A - angst
F - fluff
H/C - hurt and/or comfort
S - smut
D - dark content
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Drowning | a, d | seeing the ghost of you hurts almost as bad as watching you go.
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callsign-rogueone · 8 months
what was I made for? - g.t.
Garrick Tavis x Marked!Pacifist!Reader (continuation of keep her safe) The aftermath of War Games has you questioning your purpose, and what your signet truly is. wc: 4.4k 🏷: FOURTH WING AND IRON FLAME SPOILERS (I have 50 pages left, but I just can’t do it. send help.) canon-level violence, injury, canon character death, self doubt, anxiety. oops, I made Dain tolerable again. angst, then happy, then more angst. I also skipped over a smut scene / just made a reference to it happening, so if anyone wants that as a separate post, lmk and I can make it happen 👀 thank you to everyone who liked/reblogged/commented on part 1! it means a lot to me 🫶
Riorson House is more your home than Basgiath ever has been, but it’s become foreign to you in the three years you’d spent at the college. It feels like you’re hallucinating as you wander the halls.
Maybe everything that’s happened in the last few days has been a hallucination -- it wouldn't be the first time Varrish or Carr had pushed you to delirium with the amount of pain you’d taken for others.
Maybe it’s a dream. That’s it. A really bad dream. Any moment now, you’re going to wake up in Garrick’s bed and get ready for morning formation, and you’ll forget the sight of Liam dying by breakfast, when you’re sitting across from him at the table like you always do. Violet’s screams of pain will stop playing in your ears, replaced by her laughter at one of Ridoc’s jokes.
But no matter how much you pinch at your skin, you aren’t waking up. This is reality.
“I hear you’re a mender, too,” someone says in a gentle voice, bringing you out of your daze. Violet’s brother, Brennan.
“Does it ever get easier?” You ask quietly. “Does it always hurt this much?”
“Mending becomes easier. Seeing that kind of stuff every day doesn’t,” he replies, and the exhausted look on his face tells you he’s being honest. “But it shouldn’t hurt. Tell me more about that.”
“The second person I mended was a scribe who’d fallen from a ladder in the library and broken her leg. I did everything right, the bone set properly, but my leg hurt for a week, right where she’d broken hers.”
Brennan is silent, letting you continue.
“They broke Garrick’s arm in RSC. I was able to fix it for him, and I took the pain, but they broke it again two hours later. I mended him and Xaden over and over until I collapsed. I didn’t wake for two days. They both still think it was just exhausting for me. They don’t know about the pain.”
The tears are coming openly now, dripping down your cheeks, and you bring a hand up to wipe them away with the sleeve of your flight jacket. “But it isn’t all bad. I couldn’t save Liam, but I was able to make him more comfortable in the end. I took his pain away, and let him go in peace.”
You don’t tell him what death feels like. No description you could give could adequately prepare anyone for the cold sensation that still lingers in your chest. It will likely remain there for the next few days.
“Hey,” he says softly, “We’ll figure this out, I promise. For now, just try to get some rest.” 
You nod quietly, looking back up at him. “Can someone please tell Garrick that I’m okay?” You ask in a small voice, folding your hands in your lap. You’d been heartbroken to realize that the rest of the squad had left for Basgiath before you woke, leaving you here alone.
You didn’t get to say goodbye to any of them, and you don’t know when you’ll see them again. Or if you’ll see them, you think, but you push the thought away quickly. They’ll survive. They have to.
Brennan cracks a smile - everyone in the rebel cause is aware of how deeply Garrick loves you. “Of course.”
“Cadet Mairi died alongside his dragon, who was attacked by a drift of Gryphon riders. Cadet Avan attempted to mend them, and died trying,” Xaden says levelly, staring down the group of professors on the dais. “They both died honorable, but preventable deaths.”
Garrick knows Xaden is lying, knows you aren’t dead — or you hadn’t been when they left for Basgiath, at least, but his friend’s words have him on edge. Have you woken up yet? 
Chradh speaks into his mind, sending a wave of hot rage through him. “Relax.”
“Relax?” He echoes, irate. “You’re telling me to relax right now, when-”
Chradh doesn’t bother to argue with him. “She is safe under the care of the silver one’s brother, where she will remain until the moment is right. It is better this way. She won’t be in pain anymore.”
Chradh doesn’t elaborate further. Fucking dragons and their constant need to speak in riddles.
The rest of the quadrant spends the night drinking and congratulating themselves on surviving, but Garrick doesn’t touch a drop of alcohol. The three of you were supposed to do this together. It wouldn’t be right to celebrate without you.
“We’re gonna start from square one, with something that can’t hurt you,” Brennan says, placing two halves of a cracked plate on the table in front of you.
It’s simple enough to make the pieces rise into the air, using the same magic required to make a pen write for you. You concentrate, willing the halves to fuse together. They touch, and you think you’ve done it, your heart leaping, only to fall as they crash back down to the table again, splitting into even more pieces.
Brennan touches one of the shards, and they glue themselves back together perfectly; no cracks, no trace of the plate ever having been broken. “That’s what I thought.”
“Let me keep trying,” you begin, heart pounding. Brennan can’t think you’re a failure, not this early.
“You could sit here with this plate all day and it wouldn’t change,” he says gently, confirming what you know deep down. “I don’t think you’re a mender. I think you’re something else entirely.”
You sit with the information for a moment.
“Signets take the form of our base need as a person,” he says. “We need to find out what that is for you.”
You already know. “I wake up every day grateful that Xaden bargained for our lives, but I have done too much harm in my time at Basgiath. The crown has done too much harm to Tyrrendor. All I’ve ever wished for is to fix that, to undo the pain.”
“To undo the pain, or to help move forward and grow?” He asks gently.
You aren’t sure.
You go through your morning stretches, as always, focusing on your breath to distract from the pain in your side. 
“Your mate has returned.” Tab says, interrupting. “Thought you’d like to know.”
You bolt upright, running through the house toward the gates, bypassing Xaden to sprint straight toward Garrick.
He wraps you in a warm embrace, resting his chin on the top of your head. You still fit together like puzzle pieces, even after months apart.
“You’re alive,” you breathe. “Nobody would tell me anything, I was worried sick,”
“Of course I’m alive, angel. Had to come back to you.”
You trace the Lieutenant’s patch across his collarbone, memorizing the shape. It looks natural on him, like it’s always been there. It sounds good, too. Lieutenant Garrick Tavis.
“I need to tell you something,” you say quietly, “I haven’t been entirely honest with you about-“
Footsteps approach. “Sorry to break up the reunion,” Felix says, “but Avan, we need you.”
There’s something in his tone that has your heart pounding. Which of your friends is it going to be this time?
“Tell me later,” Garrick says. “Go. Do what you were made to do.”
You know he means well, but his words tie your stomach in a knot. What you were made to do. Were you truly made to endure the suffering of others?
Every muscle in your body feels like it’s on fire as you slump into a chair, sitting down for the first time that day. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to get some sleep before you’re needed again.
“There you are. I didn’t see you in battle brief.” Garrick says, relieved.
“Haven’t been going,” you mumble. “They need me here. Bren’s teaching now, so s’ just me and one other mender.”
He realizes no healers had come with the riot from Basgiath. You likely haven’t left the infirmary since they’d arrived.
“Come to bed,” he coaxes softly. “You need sleep. You can't pour from an empty cup.”
Yes, you can. You have been for months.
He takes your hand, not giving you a choice. You lean into him as he leads you up the grand staircase to a room near Xaden’s. Your muscles protest every step, but you keep quiet.
You haven’t been in here for years, not since you’d left for Basgiath as candidates, but it’s exactly the same as you remember; dark drapery, bookshelves, a neat display of the knives that he hadn’t taken to school with him.
The sight has you in tears.
“Whoa, hey,” he says softly, pulling you closer, and you whimper in pain at the pressure against your ribs. He lets go immediately. “Angel, I’m sorry — are you hurt?”
You sob, the dam finally breaking and grief flooding out of you. You haven’t seen each other since that horrible day, you haven’t seen anyone from the squad you went with to Resson, haven’t had anyone to talk about it with, until now. 
You shake your head, tears dripping down your cheeks. “I couldn’t save Liam. I tried, I really did. All I could do was take his pain away.”
So Xaden had told Basgiath the truth, to some degree: you tried to fix Liam, and couldn’t. The boy’s death had hurt you badly enough that Xaden wouldn’t let you return to the school.
“There was nothing else you could do. Nobody could save him, not after Deigh…”
“I know that, but it wasn’t just him. Everyone I’ve ever… fixed, I’ve taken the pain from their body into mine, and I can’t get rid of it for days.”
Garrick’s heart breaks. So that’s what Chradh meant when he said you wouldn’t be in pain anymore if you left Basgiath. Those eight-hour days of mending infantry may as well have been torture for you. 
Torture. RSC. You’d healed his wounds, Xaden’s, Bodhi’s, Violet’s, time and time again without complaint, and he knew it took a lot out of you, but not that it hurt. “Angel, why didn’t you tell me? If I’d known…”
“I wanted to,” you sniffle, “I wanted to tell you a year ago when it started happening. I thought it was normal, that I was just weak, until Brennan told me that this doesn’t happen to him. He just gets tired, like everyone else does when they use their signets too much.”
You try to steady your breathing, but the pain in your not-broken ribs is too overwhelming. “I’ve spent hours practicing and I can’t even fix a broken plate. I’m not a mender. I don’t know what I am. Nobody does, not even the professors. Brennan thinks it’s getting better, but I don’t have it in me to tell him that it isn’t.”
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers. He wants to pull you into an embrace, wants to stroke your hair and tell you it’ll be okay, but he doesn’t want to hurt you any more than he already has.
“S’ not your fault.” You sniff.
“But it’s not yours, either,” he reminds you gently. “You’re so strong, angel. You crossed the parapet, ran the gauntlet, you bonded a dragon, and you’ve endured everything else. Please don’t ever think for a second that you’re weak.”
He takes your hand in his, watching your face carefully, but you don’t wince at the touch. “We’ll talk to Brennan tomorrow, together. For now, I just want you to get some sleep, okay?”
You nod silently, having run out of tears.
As you settle into bed next to him, freshly showered and wearing one of his warm sweaters, you swear the pain has dimmed.
When Garrick takes you to see Brennan the next morning, he isn’t alone. Your professors are seated beside him, along with some of the Tyrrish elders.
Devera speaks first. “We owe you an apology, Cadet Avan. The faculty was unaware that Carr and Varrish were using your signet as a method of punishment, or that it pains you to use it.”
“And I owe you an apology,” you say quietly. “I should have come back after the War Games.”
“That was my decision,” Xaden says firmly, “and I stand by it. She was in no condition to return to the school, much less to graduate and be stationed at an outpost across the continent from her support system, while still feeling the coldness of Cadet Mairi’s death.”
How does he know that you could feel it? Had you told him in your delirium? Had Brennan told him? Had you even told Brennan? 
“Your friends have effectively plead your case, and we agree that you have satisfied all the requirements for graduation from the Rider’s Quadrant.” Emeterrio says. “Congratulations, Lieutenant.”
Garrick slips your flight jacket onto your shoulders, and you notice the Lieutenant insignia has already been sewn on, to match his. When did he…? 
You accept the handshake Devera offers you, still a little dazed, but there’s one more order of business to address.
“May I rejoin my old squad?” You ask the table of professors quietly. “They are family to me. I would like to ride with them again, and aid them however I can.”
They exchange hesitant looks, and your heart sinks. Do they not think you’re good enough?
“I don’t see why not,” Brennan says firmly enough for everyone else to agree — he outranks the professors with the years he’s been part of the movement.
You exhale in relief.
Garrick cheers. “The dream team is back, baby!” He pulls you into a gentle embrace, knowing you’re still in pain, but wanting to hold you close.
You laugh, not minding the ache in your ribs.
Xaden is unimpressed. “When have we ever once called ourselves the dream team?”
“We haven’t, but I’m starting now. It’ll stick. I’ll have it embroidered on your flight jacket, Xay.”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Xaden replies, setting off a brotherly argument behind you.
You look to the leadership once more, bowing your head in respect. “Thank you. For everything.”
Devera gives you a warm smile. “I am glad to see you have found your place here, Lieutenant. Remember that your empathy is a gift, even in times of war.”
“Am I dismissed?” You ask.
“Yes, Lieutenants, you are all dismissed,” Emeterrio answers dryly, looking over your shoulder at Garrick and Xaden. The latter has the former in a playful headlock, messing up his hair. 
“Human boys,” Tab says, exasperated. You laugh in agreement, leaving them in the Assembly room to sort themselves out.
It’s easy enough to find who you’re looking for — he’s the only person sitting completely alone in the mess, a textbook open in front of him that he isn’t reading. He’s gazing into the distance, eyes unfocused, but he looks up when he realizes you’re standing in front of him.
“I’m sorry,” he says quietly, “about what I saw in Varrish’s office. I had no idea how much you all have endured. What we are taught in Navarre is only one side of the story, but you showed me the other.”
“I’m glad I could help change your mind.”
He reaches into the pocket of his flight jacket and extends a hand. Your protection rune sits in his palm, complete with a new leather cord. “A peace offering. I stole it back from Varrish, and Brennan mended it.”
You smile, taking it from him and slipping it back over your head. “You’re turning into quite the rule-breaker, Aetos. But thank you. It means a lot to me.”
You’re about to leave, but something compels you to impart a piece of advice. “I know how it feels when people don’t want to trust you because of your family history. It’ll take a while for some of them to warm up to you, but you can make it go a lot faster if you keep yourself out of trouble.”
Your first flight back with your squad is supposed to be easy, a surveying flight with a small riot, just to check their perimeters, but you can’t seem to quell your anxiety as you take off.
“We will be fine, gentle one. We’re in strong company,” Tab reassures. He stays close to Chradh, knowing Garrick’s proximity will calm you. “How does it feel to be back?”
“Good. I’ve missed this.”
“You have always enjoyed being up this high,” he agrees. “Shall we review some of our basic maneuvers?”
“Sure.”  Maybe that will settle your nerves.
“Hold on.” Tab dips, practicing all the angles — banking right, left, up, down.
“Something is wrong,” you blurt, and Tab straightens his path immediately, falling back into the formation. Every nerve in your body pulses with a sensation you’ve never felt before, standing on end. “Something really bad is going to happen.”
You’re right.
“Wyvern,” Tab warns just as they come into your line of sight. They charge straight at the front of the riot, where Sgaeyl leads the pack. 
You’re outmatched, nearly two dozen of them and only ten of you. You’re going to die here. At least you’ll be with your best friends.
“That kind of thinking isn’t helpful!” Tab scolds, tightening the formation. 
One gets too close for comfort, spewing blue flame, and Chradh banks hard - too hard. You gasp in horror as Garrick is thrown from his seat down to the ground below.
“Dive!” You yell, and Tab follows without hesitation, making a near-vertical drop.
You’ve never been so grateful for the running landing they’d taught you last year. It had been excruciating to execute on top of the pain of unbroken bones, but it’s just manageable now after a few days off from the infirmary.
Clutching Failsafe for dear life, your only defense, you sprint toward Garrick’s limp body, ripping off your goggles.
His heart still beats, but multiple bones look broken, his breathing labored. Touching him is almost unbearable, which tells you he won’t last much longer if you don’t do something.
Deep breaths, like Brennan had taught you, to accept their pain as it entered your body, holding it before batting it away like a fly.
You still haven’t figured out how to make that work.
Hot tears roll down your cheeks, and you start to berate yourself; Why can’t you do this? Compose yourself. Garrick is going to die if you can’t pull it together. Garrick is going to die, just like Liam did, because you aren’t strong enough to fix a fucking plate.
Anger overcomes you for the first time since you’d watched your parents die six years ago. You scream, a sound like nothing you’ve ever heard before splitting the air. The pain dissipates almost instantly. For the first time in two years, your body isn’t aching, and you sob in relief.
Garrick bolts upright, gasping for breath as spring blooms across the snowy plain, trees with bare branches suddenly teeming with green leaves.
Tab roars in pride and the rest of the riot joins in, the cliffs shaking from the volume of their celebration. 
“Lifebringer!” He thunders into your mind. 
Your head snaps upward, and you realize that the ground is littered with motionless wyvern.
Garrick pulls you to your feet, brushing the tears from your cheeks. “Come on, angel,” he says, grinning, “we have a war to win.”
You’re still dazed as Tab brings you back to Riorson house, Garrick helping you dismount and leading you inside.
“We have a weapon,” Xaden says, actually smiling as he faces the assembly. “Something, someone, that can destroy wyvern in their tracks.”
Garrick keeps you glued to his side as Xaden tells the elders what happened, but it’s all in one ear, out the other.
You’re dismissed after a few minutes, heading back out to the mess, where your friends gather around one of the large tables in the library.
“Tab called me lifebringer,” you say, confused. “What is that?”
“I thought it was just folklore,” Violet says from a few rows down, scanning the shelves, and everyone turns to her, listening. “Lifebringers are said to influence healing and growth. In some cultures, they’ve been credited with ending famines by rejuvenating harvests, and saving the innocent from the grasp of Malek and his Death.”
“Wicked,” Ridoc appraises quietly.
“Aha.” Violet produces a thin volume, cracking it open to the right page. The illustration there looks uncannily like you.
“Only the purest of heart can be lifebringers, those who hold no malice toward their fellow man. The weapons they carry are sharp, but unused,” she reads aloud. “Garrick gave you Failsafe as just that — a failsafe. You never drew blood with it. You never hurt anyone except in challenges, when it was kill or be killed, and even then you held back.”
Bodhi speaks next. “With most signets, the stronger the wielder’s emotion, the more powerful the ability becomes. You feel empathy for the wounded, so you can fix them and ease their pain, but when you thought Garrick was going to die, that was another level of distress, and I guess it was enough to overcome the dark magic.” 
Garrick squeezes your shoulder in reassurance that he’s still very much alive beside you.
Violet closes the book, setting it down.
“I’m not in pain anymore,” you whisper, still dazed. You’ve almost forgotten what that feels like, having spent the last three years holding both your own and that of all your friends.
“You needed an outlet,” Xaden says. “Pain makes it harder to channel, and you were in pain 24/7, which is why the professors thought your signet was underdeveloped. Getting angry, and getting that energy out of your body allowed you to use the full extent of your power.”
“If I had known this earlier, do you think I could have…” you don’t finish the sentence. Everyone in this room knows how hard you’d tried to save Liam.
“Maybe,” Violet says quietly, “but that is not a path you want to go down. Trust me.”
“Do you want to explain why the hallway was full of sunflowers when I went to bed last night?” Xaden asks slyly, dropping into a seat in front of you with a plate of eggs and bacon.
You burn with embarrassment.
Bodhi grins. “You see, cousin, when a man and a woman love each other very much, - ow, fuck!” He exclaims, rubbing the back of his head where Garrick had whacked him.
“At least they didn’t set the vale on fire,” another of your squadmates says, looking at Xaden and Violet pointedly. “You still owe me for putting that out, by the way.”
Your eyes widen as you connect the dots. “So all that dry lightning last year was you two…”
“Okay, changing the subject!” Brennan says loudly, not liking the way this conversation is headed. “We need to figure out how to use your signet without endangering Tavis’s life again.”
“Well, it sounds like they already found another way,” Ridoc says, grinning, but he squeaks out an apology as Garrick begins to rise from his chair.
You tug your boyfriend back into his seat by the sleeve, looking past him at Brennan. “I think I need to work a few days in the infirmary between flights,” you propose. “If I build up enough pain, I could probably-“
“NO,” the whole squad says at once, Tab included.
“Your healing is only to be used when absolutely necessary,” Xaden orders, and even though you’re on equal footing now, both newly-minted Lieutenants, you agree quietly without protest.
“See, that’s your problem,” Sloane says, and all eyes turn to her. “You defer to literally everyone. You’re an officer now. Act like it.”
“Pardon?” You ask, looking at her in disbelief.
“That’s exactly what she’s talking about,” Imogen cuts in. “Pardon? You can’t even discipline a first-year cadet. Do you really think any veteran rider will ever listen to what you have to say?”
“Enough,” you say firmly, your nails digging into the wood.
None of your friends intervene, not even Brennan. This has to be another nightmare. There’s no way they'd hang you out to dry like this. Right?
Sloane isn’t finished. “It’s a miracle you made it out of Basgiath alive. You’re too soft. If you won’t kill anyone, what are you going to do when it’s between your life or someone else’s? Their life or his?”
The mention of Garrick is your last straw. “That is enough from both of you, Cadets,” you reprimand. Thorny vines burst from the seams of the table, whipping out toward them, and they stagger back to avoid being cut.
You startle, your heart pounding against your ribs as you realize what you’ve done.
Sloane is the first to apologize. “I’m sorry. We didn’t mean any of it. I just thought that provoking you might…” she doesn’t finish the sentence, looking down at the still-twitching vines covering the tabletop.
“We definitely took it too far,” Imogen adds, sounding genuinely remorseful. “That was a really fucked up thing for me to say. I’m sorry.”
Bodhi waves a hand, and the vines slither back into the table, as if they were never there. 
Your eyes widen at the blood on his cheeks — he’d been caught in the crossfire. You touch his face with a shaky hand, only brushing your fingertips across the skin, and the scratches disappear instantly, leaving no trace of the harm you’d done.
Somehow that makes you feel worse.
“Well,” Garrick says in his section-leader voice, “that was certainly informative, but none of you are to ever disrespect her like that again. Is that clear?”
“Yes,” both girls answer quietly, heads lowered in shame.
Your breathing has steadied enough to speak. “I understand why you did that, but I’m not going to tell you that it was okay, because it wasn’t.”
With that, you take your plate and leave. Nobody follows you.
The balcony door slides open, soft footsteps approaching.
“I want to be alone, Gare,” you say quietly. 
“Not Garrick,” Xaden replies, settling down next to you on the stone floor, “and you may want to be alone right now, but you probably shouldn’t be.”
“I didn't mean to hurt anyone, Xay. You know that,” you whisper. You don’t move your gaze from the potted plant in front of you, as if you’re worried it will lash out at you — or him — if you turn away.
“I know, angel. I know.” He exhales deeply, a gentle cloud forming with the warmth of his breath. 
There’s a moment of quiet before he speaks again, just the sound of the cold wind over the valley and the distant footsteps of cadets running on the trail below. “Working through this is not going to be easy, but if anyone can do it, it’s you.”
You’ve come to hate that notion, everyone’s insistence that the pain you’ve been through has primed you for more pain, different pain. Why can’t it ever end?
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siobhanbooks · 3 months
modern bodhi and Liam hanging out in the kitchen cooking together whilst they play music and dance
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
just finished fourth wing and desperate for some liam fics in my life😩
please may i request maybe some angst with a happy ending?
(p.s i literally devoured all your works in one night i’m obsessed with your writing<3)
Liam Mairi x reader
A/n: I decided to do more fluff than angst. I feel like I’ve written sm angst for Liam 😅 thank you sm I’m glad you like my fics🩷
Warnings: homesickness
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Something you always did with your mom before coming to Basgiath was watch the sunrise on special occasions. Your birthdays, favorite holidays, or just because it was Wednesday. You were feeling a little homesick and your boyfriend noticed.
Liam had been trying for days to cheer you up. He was running out of ideas and nothing seemed to be working. So he turned to your friends. Liam begged them to wrack their brains for something that you might’ve mentioned from home.
And Violet, of course, remembered your sunrises. Liam knew that’s what he had to do. He was going to take you to a nice, scenic spot and you were going to watch the sunrise together. He hopes this would work. Liam would do anything to see you genuinely smile right now.
You slowly stirred as Liam gently shook you awake. “Baby, baby, wake up.” You jolted up, your hands flying to Liam’s shoulders in a bone crushing grip. “What! What’s happening?” You practically screamed. He covered your mouth with his hand as she shushed you.
“You’re gunna wake up the floor.” He laughed out. You lick his palm and he quickly takes his hand away, rubbing your saliva on his pants. Now you’re fully awake laughing at your goofy boyfriend. Looking at the small clock on your bedside table which read 5:15 am.
“Why did you wake me up?” Liam smiled up at you from his kneeling position on your floor. “I have a surprise for you, come on.” He scrambles up, opening your armoire and throwing your flight jacket at you. “Hurry. We don’t have a lot of time.” You shrugged, throwing the covers off your body.
Once your dressed, Liam leads you down to the flight field. Deigh sits in the middle of the field waiting. “Where’s Dalinda?” You give him a skeptical look. Liam takes your hand tugging you towards the dragon. He lets you on, which surprised you, dragons rarely let other people but their riders on them.
Liam climbs on behind you. He holds onto your waist, pulling you flush to his chest, leaving a kiss on your cheek. “Let’s go Deigh!” The dragon takes off, soaring across the forest to a clearing you’d never seen before.
Deigh landed just on the edge of the clearing. The river ran past in slow rushes. Wildflowers were randomly scattered among the grass. You spotted a blanket near the river bank and gave Liam another look. “Ok lover boy, what are you up to?”
Liam wraps his arm around you walking you to the little spot he set up. The sky is starting to get lighter with first of the suns rays you can’t see yet. “I know you’ve been homesick. Your friends told me that you used to watch the sun rise with your mom so…I thought we could watch it together.” His tone turned nervous at the end.
He scratched the back of his neck waiting for your response. Now that he was thinking about it, he wasn’t sure if this would help or make your mood worse. All you could do was stare at the horizon. You slowly turned to Liam, throwing your arms around his torso.
“Thank you.” You whispered into his chest. Liam hugged you back tighter. “Of course, baby.” When you let go of him, Liam sits you on his lap on the blanket, holding you close.
The two of you sat there in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other’s company. As the sun rose you rested your head on Liam’s shoulder. “I love you,” he whispered into your hair, pressing his lips into the back of your head. “I love you too Li.”
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