#fractured mind
gebo4482 · 7 months
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Fractured Mind - Demo
Gamejolt / Itch.io
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arcane-strangeness · 6 months
alright, why the FUCK is no one talking about the new demo for the game Fractured Mind by ACID
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You start in the car of a train, deep beneath the earth in some sort of metro, you assume. You walk forwards, find a gun abandoned on a seat, and pick it up. There's something wrong here, wrong, as you walk through the doors opposite from you and find yourself in the room you just left. You take a minute to examine your surroundings, reading posters and checking flyers, and as you walk through the next door things have Changed in your surroundings. its minor at first, posters are different, things are a little dirtier, and then a few cars later suddenly there's blood on the walls, splattered across the ceiling. A few more and everything reverts back to "normal", and the speaker on the wall next to you crackles to life, detailing the gruesome murder committed by a seemingly ordinary man in a news report type fashion. You trek forwards, taking in all the little details, and suddenly, you're not alone anymore
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People, unmoving, with their faces pixelated out like they're on security camera footage populate the next car. you expect them to move, and jump out at you, as gorror games tend to do, but they never move, so you press cautiously onward. the blood returns, this time lining up behind these "people" and the speaker once again begins to make noise, calling you over and over again.
you are a goddamn murderer. you are a goddamn murderer. you are a goddamn murderer. you are a goddamn murderer.
with the gun in your hand, maybe you are a murderer.
it loops, tone and cadence slightly different every time. still you press onward, even as the seats begin to clip in and out of reality, poles twisted over like some hulking creature threw a tantrum. even as the "people" suddenly turn to look at you, pixelated masks gone and wide smiles on their faces, even as the floor becomes a writhing mass of blood and guts, even as bloodied figures begin to haunt you, even as the lights go out.
this truly is a nightmare
as far as gameplay goes go there is a reason this game is a demo right now, it has some major polishing that needs to be done in terms of bugs. but graphics animation and sound design are PERFECT. it really does feel like a nightmare in the way that everything seems to twist around you, all dimensions just slightly off. and its scary, the few jumpscares there are, really got me in just how overwhelming they are. you see, the game is quiet, quiet in humming lights and low ambiance. it feels like you're on a train, late at night, with no one else around. so when something vaguely flesh colored and humanoid jumps at you and screams for far longer than it should, after 15 minutes of near silence, its horrible. I love it. and the implied story is fantastic, but I wont spoil more than I already have here. you really have to put the puzzle pieces together. and I think what really makes this game a good game is just how uncomfortable it makes you. in every car you need to check every little detail in order to gather clues, and in cars where there are incredibly uncanny "people" staring at you, or spasming uncontrollably, that is the last thing you want to be doing. but it makes you get up close and personal, if you miss something you simply walk through the next doors to find you right back where you were. it loops. all in all I cannot wait for the full release to come out this seems very, VERY promising.
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mayday-mayd4y · 5 months
Is noone gonna talk about how in the last chasing part of Fractured Mind demo, you start with a hallway with no threat or screaming, so quiet it's eerily, and then as you walk forward the fucking "Press L to run" appears and you start getting chased, except THAT INSTRUCTION is the ONLY clue to the fact that you are being chased except if you decide to look back because the entity is SILENT
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swagworm99 · 7 months
fractured mind... fractured mind fandom where are you..
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eve-be-sleep-deprived · 11 months
For those wondering about @a-tenno-called-prin and my collab fic... it's still goin'... and goin', and goin'! 23 chapters so far and I think we're approaching the natural conclusion of the story as it leads into Book 7 of AWNM.
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We're both super excited to finish it and polish it up so y'all can finally read it! :3
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toastthewolfie · 2 months
ah yes
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idk why but when i was playing the demo, this made me laugh really hard simply bc i didnt expect it
anyways PLAY FRACTURED MIND IF YOU WANT, ITS VERY COOL (though the demo did crash for me after a hour or so of playing so that was kinda sad but what I experienced was super cool!)
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purpleleafsyt · 3 months
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Unity, in your purest form
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ryssbelle · 6 months
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Made this ages ago for fun, the characters pictured are both different versions of TLOZ link one being mine and the other belonging to @linked-maze
I think they both deserve to kill a man
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lesliemeyers · 5 months
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Somebody call for a Call Girl?
(after doing stan & kyle hero redesigns i wanted to do wendy as well hehe)
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kaleidoru · 1 month
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Someone's asking of me Is the real Mister Jones Mister One, Two or Three?
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dravikso · 10 months
Mostly out of curiosity, what's your preferred theory on how reincarnation works in Rain World?
I personally lean towards the first two options I listed because they break the least other things (like evolution) but i've included revival as well since I've seen it a fair bit. I'm not aware of any other theories so I'm sorry if i've missed some obvious ones out! If a lot of people write 'other' I'll redo the poll.
1. Timeline Fracture: after a creature dies it wakes up at some point before it died in a new timeline. It remains the same individual as it was before. The creature stays dead in the original timeline. This is the most literal interpretation of the games mechanics combined with lore.
2. Classic Reincarnation: after a creature dies it is born in a new body of the same or a different species in the same timeline. This theory is more in line with the spiritual inspirations behind the game's lore.
3. Revival: After a creature dies, it wakes up again as the same individual in the same timeline at a different point in time and/or a different place.
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blakbonnet · 11 months
Will Ed's forever cold hands meet Stede's always warm tits tomorrow? Stay tuned to find out
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dare-to-dm · 7 months
The character building in D&D 5e doesn't inspire me. I don't know how else to say it. I've only played a few 5e games and I've already started recycling characters because coming up with new ones just isn't that fun. Like, I still enjoy actually playing the game because it's a good time doing improv adventures with my friends, but I don't feel a drive to get super creative with it.
Meanwhile, I just spent 5 hours yesterday building a brand new level 2 Pathfinder character and then literally couldn't sleep because my mind was swimming in the possibilities and deeply inspired to come up with a backstory to match. And to be clear, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Something about the character building system is really fun to play with.
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casualmrboyenjoyer · 2 months
I'm trying to plan stuff for Halloween and my brother suggested doing the cccc album cover so I need every canonical outfit for hmsw cuzzzzz I need refs,,,, if anyone has any plz send me them either by reblogging or just dming me with them (reblogging might be easier though)!! Thank you to the madlad that does this lolol
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gaysie · 3 days
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me when im trying to look up one of the alternative ligands for co-inhibitory receptor lag3 and google decides i need a bible verse but im so far gone i just look at that thinking how it reminds me so much of something anne rice would have armand say or something
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vetuhoh · 21 days
wild the only houseguest I can think of that just flat out said “no. I will not be a pawn.” to an HOH was joseph. I’m begging people to start asking their allies to….uh…protect them?
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