#framing dis’ ASAP !
bwambiee · 9 months
OH OH !! i almost forgot hwehe but everyone lookie look !! jus’ received da cutest ‘n sweetest comm eva ૮ ⸝⸝⸝ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ᵕ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀⸝⸝⸝ ྀིა
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My first run as The Lost and I got nearly all the marks in one INCREDIBLY lucky run what the hell
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Dream is famous; Hob is decidedly not. And really the press intrusion into their relationship has not died down at all.
Every time Hob tell Dream they have to talk, Dream is worried that this time the telephoto lense spying in while Hob is teaching, or the paparazzi following as Hob goes grocery shopping, or the drone that keeps trying to photograph their backyard, will be the last straw -- that Hob is breaking up with him.
They just recently had to hire more security for Hob as Dream's more aggressive "fans" have been making threats. It's so disruptive.
Dream hopes Hob school continues to support him through all the chaos, but maybe this is too much finally. So when Hob said they needed to talk this time, Dream was sure this was the end.
Aww, poor Dream! It's not his fault that all this stuff is happening! He doesn't realise that Hob honestly doesn't really mind. As long as he gets to be Dream’s boyfriend, he's happy with his life!!
And he actually wants to talk to Dream about something completely different! See, he's been teaching for a long time, and as much as he loves it he's kind of hankering to do something else. He'd really like to go back to school himself and finally get his phd! He always wanted to do it after his masters but it kinda got pushed to the side by needing to work, needing money. Now he's stable enough in life to finally do the research he's passionate about! It'll give the gossip columns something new to talk about, hah.
And there's something else that Hob wants to talk about too. With a new chapter opening in his life, he'd really like to talk to Dream about the next step in their relationship. He wouldn't want to just spring a proposal on Dream without discussing it first! So he'd like to now if Dream would consider marriage? Maybe moving in together? Hob knows that he's not exciting and doesn't have much to offer, but he's really hoping that his love will be enough.
Of course, Dream was expecting a breakup, so a preliminary proposal is definitely a BIG improvement. He's quick to say YES and also insist on the two of them moving in together, asap. He can't wait to support Hob as he starts his phd, it's so exciting!!
The press are of course like "DREAM'S GOLD DIGGER BOYFRIEND PURSUES USELESS DEGREE" and Hob has the articles framed for their hallway. He can't wait to propose to Dream properly. Maybe at his useless graduation???
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rusty-courage · 1 year
im really excited about doing this watcher animation bc most of the stuff on my channel has been very loose, sketchy, and colorless, which i LOVE doing, but with this one i really want to take my time and add color/backgrounds/effects/etc.
i'm glad there's no pressure for me to get something out before hype dies down- for example, getting Time's Up out ASAP was so important to me bc i wanted to do it while the hype of limited life was still high- but with this there's no time frame to get something done by. i can just take my time and make something that looks COOL.
that is to say i may not release anything about this for a while (bc i'm also working fulltime rn) but im going to be here having a blast making this. maybe when i get my footing on this project i may stream working on it or something i dunno.
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taiey · 10 months
tma fanon:
basira: hey jon can you do this thing for me that explicitly involves using your spooky eye powers and that will therefore drain you and make you hungry. no you can’t eat someone’s trauma afterward. what do you mean you don’t have the exact information i need yet?
tma canon: she does not know that, and when she does know she does not do that.
Could she know the price? We have no statements about other Eye avatars, unless you count Gerry, who seems to know that hospital keycode freely. Statements from other avatars don’t mention ‘paying’ for using their abilities because they’re, uh, not running low, generally speaking. Elias is exactly as helpful as ever.
And, of course, John is deliberately concealing the true cost of his powers all through the first half of season 4.
He’s sort of still concealing that, in 146? He says, you know, I got blown up and stabbed and buried alive so then went out and tortured someone. …which are all physical injuries. For Jess Tyrell, we can guess from the matching 'two weeks’ that the trigger was him trying to Know of Peter Lukas’s plans in 139, but all John says now is “I just tried to – I was weak. R-Ravenous”. (possibly because “I hurt myself trying to learn things, and therefore hurt someone else” is … a very Eye thing, and a noticeable escalation from “I got hurt trying to save the world from the Stranger/Melanie from the Slaughter/Daisy from the Buried”.)
So she lacks background information on the subject. She also has very poor intuition when it comes to the Fears; real logic is more natural to her than their dream logic. Sometimes this serves her very well, like the Unknowing! Other times… well, “So I’m guessing it represents academic isolation or something?” in 195 is a funny example of her difficulties. But it’s all ultimately of a piece with how she reacts to John’s Eye powers in season 4. There’s a sort of lurching - she’s kinda freaked by his Knowing things early in the season (and the Eye says “sweet! just what i was going for!”) but over-corrects to “By this point, I just assume the Eyeball tells you” by 140. She doesn’t instinctively get that it’s only going to volunteer stuff like “your year eight PE teacher died of pancreatic cancer”. (and the Eye says “aw, i was hoping for more than 'I… wasn’t wondering?’”)
What she does know… she probably has the tape from 107, where John was in America compelling people for information on Gertrude’s movements and growing gradually weaker until he read one paper statement and was fine. She knew she brought him after he woke up from his coma just in case and he read that asap and seemed recovered; she didn’t know, for months, that he wasn’t. She knows that he forced Breekon out of the Archives and extracted a statement from him and that seemed… strenuous? But that, if he was telling the truth, he didn’t go and hurt any random strangers to heal from it.
That seems the obvious comparison for 148, now that I think of it. (in the sense of 'obvious’ where i have never thought of that before writing this, lolp) He didn’t tell her that it was trying to Know Lukas’s plans that hurt him; he did imply that extracting Breekon’s didn’t (like that); when she says “Any luck finding her?”, well, what’s she got to compare it to? He did say in 140 that “I deliberately tried to… Know something, like I did in the coffin, but there was too much, and, uh –[…] It just hurt” but that’s framing it as the size of the request, not opposition, that hurt. A location is just one piece of information; that’d be 'small’, right?
John doesn’t say anything like “I’m just seeing what you’re seeing. Still a bit weak from my trip up north, to be honest.” and then, more specifically, “Doing that sort of thing consciously… makes me hungry.” until… 147 and 148.
She doesn’t sound like she takes it very seriously ...but she drops the question immediately. In 155 she’s the one looking for Trevor/Julia/Annabelle, not John. In 158 she asks for his normal human thoughts on various things, analysis of the information they have and not spooky Insights. [and yes those are the only further episodes with john and basira talking in s4 lol :|]
That one question in 148 is the first time she learns the price and the last time she asks him to use his powers.
Until season 5, when the price is, very evidently, already paid.
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goodlucktai · 1 year
thank you for pulling me through
one piece pairing: brook & luffy word count: 2k title borrowed from precious love by james morrison smile again au
read on ao3
[The livestream begins without any introduction, the camera stationed to that side so that the baby grand piano and the bench are both in profile. The Soul King himself is sitting in front of the keys, playing scales idly and humming to himself. He seems to be waiting for something.]
skuuuullj0ke  Anyone know what this is?
gremlin energy✨✨ @ skuuuullj0ke check his pinned
existential dread but make it cute  @ skuuuullj0ke probably an apology
A handful of angry bees @ existential dread but make it cute Apology for what?? 
A handful of angry bees There was a loss in his family
A handful of angry bees Get some perspective maybe??
existential dread but make it cute  @ A handful of angry bees i paid like 200 dollars for my ticket and he canceled a week before the show
👻SOUL PARADE👻 @ existential dread but make it cute Literally his brother died whats wrong with you?
👻SOUL PARADE👻 @ existential dread but make it cute Also his team worked with all the event organizers to get everyone refunded asap so idk why youd choose to cry about money you already got back.
5924874392607 imagine spending 200 usd on soul king tix lmao 
gremlin energy✨✨ @ 5924874392607 i think you’re in the wrong place actually
skuuuullj0ke  Yikes
[A door somewhere out-of-frame opens with a mighty slam, and someone lets out an ‘oof’ as it presumably bounces back off the wall and knocks the wind out of them. Brook turns around on the bench to face the newcomer, an animated smile on his face. “So glad you could join us!” “Sorry, sorry,” a younger voice replies brightly. “Zoro went the wrong way and we ended up at a Mexican diner somehow. The food smelled amazing so we had to get some. And then Barto was there because I think he’s still tracking my phone? But he paid for lunch so that was cool. And I brought you some steak tacos!”  “In that case, all is forgiven!” A teenage boy in a worn straw hat finally scrambles into view. He launches himself at Brook for a full-bodied hug that almost knocks them both onto the floor. Brook catches him easily and hugs him back with equal enthusiasm.]
clankclunk imagine being this extroverted 😭😭
Jen.  I dont know who this child is but I’d die for him
⋆。°✩lullabyparry⋆。°✩ OH MY GOD ITS LUFFY!!!!!!!!
gremlin energy✨✨ He looks like hes doing a lot better !
A handful of angry bees Aww we haven't seen Luffy on here in ages 👒💛
Water 7 🔛🔝 Is anyone else worried about the dude apparently stalking his phone?????
clankclunk @ Water 7 🔛🔝 no that’s just bart. he’s weird but harmless.
existential dread but make it cute  @ Water 7 🔛🔝 lbr wed all stalk brooks contacts if we could 💞
skuuuullj0ke  We really really wouldn’t though
stream “1000 sunny days” album now 🔪 @ existential dread but make it cute hey mods come get this weirdo
👻SOUL PARADE👻 @ stream “1000 sunny days” album now 🔪 I wouldnt worry. His sister is the mod today and she wields the block hammer with an iron fist  
⋆。°✩lullabyparry⋆。°✩ @ 👻SOUL PARADE👻 lmao our queen is in the room 👑🙇
[“Come sit, Luffy,” Brook says cheerfully. “Ah, but first, throw your bag as hard as you can that way so the food smell doesn’t distract me this entire time,” he adds, pointing off to the left. Gamely, the boy gathers his tote bag together in his hands and flings it with what appears to be all the strength he can muster. It clatters noisily against something off-camera and there’s a deafening bang.  “Perfect!” Brook declares.  “Ah, wait, I forgot that was Sanji’s stuff,” Luffy says.  “He’ll get over it,” an unnamed person replies off-camera.]
Jen. RIP whoever sanji is 🙏
skuuuullj0ke  So much chaotic energy, so little time
clankclunk Luffy’s been here for 1 minute and already something is broken. New record??
[Moderator] Nami 🌊☀️ @ clankclunk Not even close. 
newname92 Woah when he threw the bag and his shirt fell open for a sec
newname92 Did anyone else see that crazy scar????????
A handful of angry bees @ newname92 You know what, I'm not even going to bother explaining why that was an insensitive question, because I’m not actually your kindergarten teacher 
[“My manager as well as the rest of my team have been very forthcoming about my recent absence,” Brook says, seeming to address the thousands of people watching the stream for the first time. “I know that the cancellation of my Sunny Days tour was a disappointment to many of you, and I’m very sorry for that. You know by now how important it is to me to be able to share my music with you all. But I do not regret it, because as much as I love the stage, my heart lives at home, and home is where I was needed.” Luffy leans against him, his head barely making it to Brook’s shoulder. He lays his own fingers on the keys and starts up a stumbling rendition of Binks’ Brew. The musician’s more practiced hands guide him along patiently.  “While there was plenty of anger to be heard from a number of you,” Brook goes on, “mostly your voices poured out to my family in sympathy and support. Your kindness means more to me than I can explain, so I’ll simply say thank you, thank you, thank you.”  “Thank you!” Luffy adds. “I always said Brook’s fans were the best.” “That you did,” Brook confirms cheerfully.]
stream “1000 sunny days” album now 🔪 Not me literally tearing up in the break room rn
👻SOUL PARADE👻 Oh OK cool I’ll just sob horrifically into my pad thai then thanks so much Soul King
⋆。°✩lullabyparry⋆。°✩ 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Water 7 🔛🔝 Ive only been a soul king stan for like 2 days but already i would give my life for this family
stream “1000 sunny days” album now 🔪 @ Water 7 🔛🔝 welcome to the crew 🏴☠️
[“So the reason for this livestream is not to apologize,” Brook says. “But rather something more personal. Today marks the very start of a brand new year, and also the birthday of one Ace D. Portgas—the first birthday we find ourselves celebrating without him.” “Ace can’t be here anymore, but he loved a good party,” Luffy pipes up. He’s still smiling, but some of the energy is gone from him now. His hands are in his lap, no longer tripping merrily across the keys. “We’re gonna make sure he hears it from wherever he is. Marco and Thatch and everybody’s gonna be there.” “That’s right! But the party is later. For now, I’d like to play him a song.”  “A birthday song?” Luffy asks.  “His favorite,” Brook confirms.  He begins to play without further ado, accompanying himself as he sings a slow, acoustic version of James Morrison’s “Precious Love.” Luffy watches him with wide, lamplike eyes, expressive face strangely unreadable. Brook’s voice swells and fills the room.    [CAPTIONS] 🎶 I was so lost, didn't know what to do with myself.  I was my own worst enemy, I was lost and oh, I needed help. Then you came along, and saw what state I was in. You picked me up when I was down, showed me how to live again. 🎶   A young man with hair dyed vivid green comes into frame, but only to sit on Luffy’s free side with his back to the piano. His face can’t be seen, and he doesn’t offer any obvious condolence or comfort; but he sticks his elbow out, and Luffy immediately loops their arms together, and that seems to be more than enough.  There is movement from elsewhere in the room. The light shifts as the door opens again, and shadows move across the wall as the three by the piano are joined by an unknown number of other people. Luffy looks up and whoever he sees makes him smile. Brook continues singing, soulful and slow and golden.    [CAPTIONS]  🎶 I say thank you, for pulling me through, I'm a lucky man. I didn't know what life was, but now I understand. 🎶]
Jen. Okay i did some googling. I dont really follow artists personal lives beyond what they share on their own social media bcus its not really any of my business
Jen. But goddamn this is sad 
skuuuullj0ke  @ Jen. Bro I cried so hard when I found out about the accident i had to leave class
stream “1000 sunny days” album now 🔪 @ Jen. No joke. Some of my friends met ace backstage once during brook’s sabaody tour, the second night of the oakland show, but i never got the chance. Still, his entire familys grief was so raw and horrible, i know in my heart he must have been like a really really wonderful guy
gremlin energy✨✨ Ace is in a lot of the older videos on this channel, those are still up 
gremlin energy✨✨ I’m not saying go be super weird about it but if you watch like 2 of them you’ll understand immediately 
Water 7 🔛🔝 @ gremlin energy✨✨ Ace was brooks brother?
A handful of angry bees @ Water 7 🔛🔝 Not biologically, but yeah. 
gremlin energy✨✨ @ Water 7 🔛🔝 They all sort of adopted each other. Even Ace and Luffy aren’t biologically related but that’s so much a non-issue that i cant remember the last time it ever came up 
⋆。°✩lullabyparry⋆。°✩ @ Water 7 🔛🔝 they’re family 
clankclunk I didnt know this was ace’s favorite song. I didnt even know this song existed. Adding it to everything as we speak 
👻SOUL PARADE👻 @ clankclunk This cover might be the most beautiful thing Ive ever heard
skuuuullj0ke  @ 👻SOUL PARADE👻 FR like i want to be respectful but i also want this version released on spotify asap 😭
Skeletons on parade  The way they talk about ace like hes just somewhere else is kind of beautiful 
owl be back 🦉 @ Skeletons on parade they’re throwing him a birthday party 😭😭😭
clankclunk @ owl be back 🦉 love isn’t past-tense
[When the last ringing note from the piano fades, Brook looks down at Luffy and says, “What did you think, boss?” Luffy rubs his face with the heel of his hand, which is the only indication he’s been crying. Arms come around him from all sides, half a dozen faces spilling forward to hold him. The green-haired boy beside him gets squashed into the group hug before he sees it coming and no amount of flailing gets him out of it. Brook laughs above it all and flops over to splay his weight on the top of the pile playfully.  The piano keys give a jarring clang when someone’s elbow lands against them. A knee slipping from where it’s braced on the bench is all it takes for the entire group to go down in a tangle of limbs. A woman with long black hair is the only one aside from Brook who remains upright, effortlessly graceful. It’s her arm around Luffy’s shoulders that keeps him from falling, too.  “I loved it,” Luffy declares, in response to Brook’s unanswered question. “Ace would have loved it, too. Can you play it again?” “Until my arms fall off,” Brook agrees at once, already fanning his hands out over the keys, as if there’s not a bunch of people bickering noisily and wrestling with each other on all sides of him, just out of view of the camera.  Luffy grins and says, “Louder this time!”  The music that starts up is boisterous and triumphant and raucous—less of a bittersweet remembrance, more of a call for everyone to join in at the top of their lungs. And that’s exactly what everyone does. Clambering upright to hold onto each other, their voices ringing off the walls. The words of the song are clearly familiar to every one of them. The act of screaming out the chorus together is even more so. This was their brother’s favorite song, and they sing it like they mean it.   [CAPTIONS]  🎶This is precious love, it’s precious love. No, I can't let it go. This is precious love, and it’s teaching me, everything I need to know. 🎶]
skuuuullj0ke  Raise your hand if your singing along 🙋 
gremlin energy✨✨ @ skuuuullj0ke ✋✋
stream “1000 sunny days” album now 🔪 @ skuuuullj0ke My coworkers hate me but ✋
👻SOUL PARADE👻 @ skuuuullj0ke ✋😭
⋆。°✩lullabyparry⋆。°✩ @ skuuuullj0ke 👐👐👐
Skeletons on parade  @ skuuuullj0ke 🙋🙋
clankclunk So now im supposed to go to dinner with my friends and act like im not a fundamentally different person after this????
Water 7 🔛🔝 @ clankclunk 🤝 I SEE YOU BESTIE I KNOW YOUR PAIN 🫂🫂 
Jen. They’re laughing and being silly on his birthday. Idk its just rly nice. Its like proof that the good things can outlast the bad 
A handful of angry bees RIP Ace, I hope you had even half an idea of how loved you are
clankclunk @ A handful of angry bees He must have known
clankclunk @ A handful of angry bees Look at how goofy his family is. Theres no way they loved him quietly
skuuuullj0ke  He knew 🧡
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bonefall · 1 year
Oakfur will accept the position when ShadowClan first reforms, since so many of the older cats died, but he makes Heartstar promise that he's got a younger cat in mind to start training.
One of Darktail's first kills was the older Educator. I'm not sure who it is, but I'm picking from this pool of cats;
Swampfang Forced to fight as a kit in the WindClan Massacre. Has a wild and fun-loving personality, not always great at being serious. Good as an appointee if the pre-TigerClan educator is still around; a good, young pick who remembers The Horrors but will last long after Blackstar.
Mintpool Also forced to fight as a kit in the WindClan Massacre, was used in Runningnose's plot to frame Yellowfang for murder. Has a deathly serious personality and pessimistic outlook on life, a hardass, but better with kids than you'd expect.
Smokefall The best choice if the old Educator was appointed during TigerClan, as Blackstar is looking to replace them around the time Smokefall is eligible. Even-tempered, wise, and kindly. Defer back to the previous two if Blackstar is appointing an Educator just after becoming leader. (Also kills 2 birds with one stone because Talonclaw would get taken out too, trying to defend his mate)
Ashheart An older cat, a good choice if the pre-TigerClan educator died. Has three kittens of her own with Stumptail, steadfast and loyal, has enough life experience to be a good teacher and pick up without training.
SO that still means that Oakfur, in the modern era, needs an apprentice ASAP so he has plenty of time to train them. He's getting old.
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jaggedwolf · 3 months
pll rewatch 2x01-2x03
new season, a forced separation, an unexplained greenhouse set
the introduction of one Dr Anne Sullivan. Shares a name with Helen Keller's instructor for no discernible reason, she is played by an actor known to the contemporaneous recappers I've been reading, because more than one of them go "Oh, it's Annabeth Gish!"
She was in 27 episodes of The X-Files and 6 episodes of The West Wings, both shows I'd expect TV recappers to have watched
Another sleepover, featuring the liars revolting against the strength of Spencer's coffee
They don't even get to have coffee because all non-military and non-Tom parents are assembled to tell the girls (1) yeah we think you're making shit up (2) you have to go to grief counseling because you are too obsessed with your friend's death
Our 2010s suburban teenagers are like we don't want to go therapy because we are not crazy (note: Spencer and Hanna are most negative on this topic)
Emily is traumatizing herself by rewatching the Jenna-Toby video, and then gets traumatized by Pam letting a broker go "get rid of all personality from this room asap". Pam work on your scheduling
Spencer on one couch while her parents + Melissa are on the opposite: will this framing ever change?
I'm just saying, in the supposedly unlikely event your daughter and her friends aren't lying...she almost fucking died! Give her a little comfort!
Caleb's apology is very good sad boy, but more than that or Hanna not getting back with him, what I enjoy in this early season era is that there is no secret noble motivation. He did a shitty thing for selfish reasons, because he dismissed everyone involved as rich pretty girls, it isn't more complicated than that and doesn't need to be
Spencer trying on sexy(?) shirts for Toby when it's like. The dude's hair has gotten worse and you know he just put on a random t-shirt and jeans. Also he won't care.
Anw the show has remembered that Toby and Emily are friends. would love for them to be able to hang out without a Spencer motivator, but you know, custody's been transferred
It is a sweet scene, I like Toby immediately taking out his knife and Emily going :0 and Toby going it's okay, I've already gotten my teen carpenter upgrades, I will fix it up (and he does, as we see in the background later)
only Ezra comment is that they painted on his abs LOL please that man does not go to the gym
Jar of Hearts plays as all the girls are really emo about Sullivan-endorsed and parent-enforced separation between them. love that they are so distraught by this
and Spencer freaking out so badly once she hears a sound outside. Spencer :(
I say "parent-enforced" very loosely because all four girls sneak out at night to meet at a greenhouse. It's a great-looking set but where is this greenhouse whose is this greenhouse why is this greenhouse. Is this a public property. Did they break into the local botanical gardens.
It's probably abandoned. Classic.
Okay later episodes show them constantly passing Alison's house when leaving the greenhouse. Do Spencer's parents own a greenhouse nearby.
Emily should be more upset about her laptop being wiped, beyond the videos, like that's all her shit!!!
okay i guess Emily doesn't use her laptop that much, I am projecting
very funny to me that the first Emily/Samara scene this season is at a swim meet. does Paige notice this or is she too busy going insane because there is a scout here and her dad is going well there's the scout too bad you aren't anchor huh
Probably she does not notice because she is laser-focused on swimming and in her "ignore Emily unless we are literally doing a relay together" era. Good/bad for her
Sorry you will continue to get my theories on what Paige is up to when not on-screen. Until I crack and fic it.
Random break-ins happen, reported by Pam. god 2024 pam would be on NextDoor huh
A ring camera would solve a lot of problems in rosewood
Toby is the saddest unemployed boy in the world and Spencer would like to be his sugar mommy. 100% believe Spencer would be good at that
Honestly who cares if she lost Melissa's ring, Melissa sucks, so does Ian, the Hastings can easily afford another ring.
Spencer saying "I wanted to say it first" in response to Toby's ILU and still not saying "I love you too"....Spencer will Win even at love
Aria got fucking shoved into that lamp holy hell, forget her wrist her torso probably should get iced
Samara and Emily have a conversation about first girlfriends
Samara is already kind of boring, I'm surprised they don't kiss in this episode
There's a flashback where Spencer and Emily were going to have a sleepover before Ali crashed. i should be commenting something intelligent about this being the rare chink in Ali's armor, instead i want to know everything about flashback-era Spemily sleepovers
Look it's rare evidence of the liars having individual friendships back then, and they are quite cute in their little sleepover outfits of Spencer's pajamas and Emily's hoodie
Spencer is so fragile-looking when she asks Melissa if she'd protect her....oh Spencer, I'm glad you have Toby and his abs right now
I am also glad you have nightmares where you discuss theories with your friends at the movie theatre while a black-and-white horror film plays. Going to count this as Emily influence
Emily tells her mom it's Paige calling when the landline rings and Pam goes sure and moves on, and like, I have so many questions. obviously the Fields and the McCullers know each other from the swimming but last time Pam saw Paige's dad, he was being a real dick.
has Emily told her mom that Paige isn't a real dick, was Pam at home when Paige came over in 1x20? many possibilities, given that Pam is not confused or disturbed by the phone call claim
Emily you could have said any random swim teammate
I still really like the Aria-Jenna scene, that Aria's forced to listen to what Jenna lost and that Jenna is tricked into revealing this vulnerability to one of the liars - very pretty lighting here too
Hanna's plot is kinda whatever to me these episodes, it's her parents flirting, Mona, Lucas
I like that she and Lucas are friends again already, but I am doubtful of her strategy in getting Lucas a date. love him and Caleb being bros though, I wonder what Caleb wanted from the hardware store
When A was petting the dog all I could think was that in a darker show, A would've snapped that dog's neck at the end of it...
Pam talks to Emily about her sexuality again after looking at Emily's kid stuff and that makes Emily tear up the forged letter - I forgot that Pam brings it up of her own accord here, and it is nice that don't have it be and all settled thing after yelling at Nick McCullers
was distracted in the whole car scene about the forged letter because (1) is this the first hanna-aria-emily scene we get where it's not because spencer is off somewhere else getting almost murdered? (2) hanna somehow thinks emily's forgery skills can get her into harvard. hanna wants emily to re-use a stamp from an old letter she has. hanna what the hell
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altneuland · 1 year
Tumblr media
The Israeli Empire
I am not sure if it is the right time to introduce you to ancient Israel yet, but I prefer to do it asap because high amount of the content I make of Daniel is from ancient Israel.
before I continue, please remember that the term "ancient Israel" is an umbrella term for few eras that I will elaborate on.
in this piece you are seeing Empire of Israel, and the king was Omri, which surprisingly isn't one of the eras I like to talk about much. not because I don't like this era or anything, only because my favorite era for Daniel is Kingdom Of Hashmonai, which I can sit and ramble on and on about.
in the empire era, Daniel was 15. in the Hashmonai era, Daniel was 18. so chronically, I think introducing ancient Israel would make sense starting here, the earliest I have content on. (tho I do have even earlier years of Daniel, but that includes his parents, which I would like to introduce later.
so, this is a post about the empire now, please enjoy this half assed text I wrote to my friends about him, hope you like it lmao
The Crybaby Empire
This empire has no specific time frame, but I’ll go with what I got now ; 1021 bc - 922 bc,
The empire ended in a huge civil war between all the tribes (more like Judea and Benjamin vs everyone else) and that’s how the empire kinda died, but later the second Israeli kingdom was a great empire as well, and some researchers even say that the empire never actually fell, until the rise of Judea, which is that’s why I tend to disagree with the dates above, but until any further knowledge I’ll use those.
If the theory of second and first Israeli empires being one big continuous empire, which btw I kinda agree with, I’ll go with what’s currently considered as canon. I’ll go with Israel being an empire, fall, and become an empire once again without Judea. So this is the kingdom with.
Daniel in his age 15 was pretty bad teenager and annoying. He wanted everyone to do whatever he does. He wanted his neighbors, Sidon, Edom (his twin) Moab and Amon, as well as bashan and Amalek to practice in his religion, which wasn’t called Judaism at that time, it was called Israelism. Daniel took over their places and israelized them, first by, you know… cutting their pps. Then forcing them to not touch any pigs (kosherizing their asses), maybe even forcing them to pay 10% of their income to the holy temple, and not work on Shabbat.
Maybe , just maybe, the israelism is what made all of the nations around have a very similar gods. Remember, israelism wasn’t a monotheistic religion at this point, it was yet polytheistic, with Elohim, the Jewish god nowadays, being the main god in the Israeli pantheon.
The era in history is called “the Israeli era” which is the ofc, era where all cities around were Israeli.
A lot of information about this empire is either missing or contradicting so take it with a grain of salt, but countries around did mentioned king Omri and his Empire, as well as his deeds as I mentioned.
everyone agrees though that Daniel was a little b everyone found annoying but also loved him because compared to other empires around he was a sweetheart smarty pants
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mitamicah · 1 year
Just some transmasc news about this transmasc dude trying to get help with some transmasc things
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1) I still don’t know when I can start hrt and I might not know for months (which in turn means that I might still be declined or only get started on t in late 2024 or early 2025).
2) I’m thinking about going private with my top surgery and depending on how quickly my friends answer me about wanting to go to Sweden with me as moral support I might have my first consultation with the surgeon this year (way faster than expected)
Long story under the line
Let’s start with a bit of context:
I’m a 28 year old transmasc person seeking hormone replacement therapy and top surgery. (Top surgery is my top priority but HRT are a very close second and only seems more right for me every day). So far I’ve been persuing these two wishes through the public healthcare system with the focus rn being on starting testosterone.
Back in May I had my last therapy appointment about possibly starting t where I was told that my case would be taking up as the next available conference date (the meeting where they discuss my case) and that I’d know when that would be asap. That turned out to be August 9 and I’d get the verdict the day after August 10. If I got accepted I was told that there can go up to 8 months of pre-planning where I’d have to have blood taken, my body and hormone levels checked and all that fun stuff.
Now for top surgery  have been a bit more of a bumpy ride so far all because of my weight. I’ve never been that skinny and while most of my life I have had a sort of high BMI it has been in the normal range. Given that I’d been forgotten by the clinic there was a 4 month wait between my first and second appointment for a therapy session at the clinic. Around this time my grandmother died and I dealt with a lot of changes in my live that in retrospect was way too much for me to handle so I find myself calming my nerves by eating a bit more than usual. And so come february I now had a BMI around 29,5 where the cut off for top surgery at the GC was 27. I was told that I had to lose at least 5 kg to be offered surgery. Three months later after restricting my food intake (no more candy/cake and smaller portions mostly) I’d managed to lose 9 kg so my BMI was now under the cut off (but in the high end around 26). My therapist were thrilled yet still ended the session by saying that I probably had to lose weight again after starting testosterone since a known side effect is putting on weight.
Why am I telling you all this? Well, I want to give you an idea for what have been weighing (pun intended) on my mind. And taken into account that there’s probably 2 years since the GC would even as much as think about offering me surgery, being told over and over that even when I am doing something right it still might not be enough to get this life changing intervention is tough.
And so I’ve thought about going private with the top surgery. There is a private clinic not far from here (Sweden) that is well known for their good results with top surgery for transmasculine people. As a bonus they don’t have the same strict rules about your weight (I read that maybe they’d be careful if your BMI was over 34 but that’s still way higher than having 27 as your cut off).
Now all that context is out of the way what are my news:
On August 10 I had hoped to know whether or not I could start t. Instead I was told that one person in the personel was on vacation so the team couldn’t tell me whether I can start testosterone or not. Instead, I would get a message about a possible new conference as soon as they knew more. Me loving to have a bit of a time frame I asked how long the person’s holiday would be and I was told two weeks. On August 24 aka two weeks later I then started my inner clock trying to figure out how much time to give them so I wouldn’t seem impatient and needy. 
When around 9 days had passed since August 24 I grew very wary and vocal about said wariness. I for one made the mistake (?) of mentioning it at a trans meet up where everybody then jumped at me to call the clinic as soon as possible because the clinic had probably forgotten me by now and so my case would be as good as dropped. 
And so I called the clinic today to be told that they hadn’t forgotten me (luckily). The thing is they are very busy (which is fair, given the lack of ressources) and so there might not be time for another conference for me this year and if so they wont send me a message before next year. 
So yeah - in the worst case scenario the line will be dead between me and the genderclinic for MONTHS only for me to randomly get a message with a time for a conference sometime in 2024. 
Given the pre-planing for hormones I might not be able to start testosterone before late 2024 or maybe even early 2025 cutting it very close to my personal goal that is to start hormones before I turn 30 (for no reason other than having a time frame).
Top surgery
At the same trans meet up event where I was told to call the clinic today, we got talking about BMI restrictions for trans affirming care. It was everything from being declined therapy sessions (if you had a BMI over 30) down to being less than 1kg (2 pounds) over the cut off for top surgery. Honestly, hearing all these stories made me certain that I wanted to try reaching out to the Swedish private clinic about a possible first consultation.
Given I was already calling one clinic today I decided to book for the other as well. And here I got a pleasant surprise: I had heard that there are quite a waiting list for pre-op consultations and so I could look forward to wait 7 months or more. Well, when I went to book an appointment there were available appointment NEXT MONTH (only one tbf but there were three in November). So if I am quick enough I might get a consultation this very year. Mind you this wouldn’t nesecarily mean that I can get my top surgery this year (probably not tbh), but it is way more promising than not knowing if you’d even get to have an appointment for HRT (that everybody but one person had agreed I could get) within the year.
There’s off course a “but” here as well:
I kind of want to have company with me to Sweden since going alone seems a little scary even as a 28 year old. I had talked about possibly going with my friends (who are a lesbian couple) yet since I only now decided to actually act on my wishes for the surgery through the private clinic I haven’t spoken to them about going to Sweden this winter. And so I just send them a voice message with my question about whether or not they’d accompany me and hoping to hear from them soon so I can hopefully get one of the times available before the end of the year.
So that’s all the news I have - one goodish and one baddish - I guess everything needs to be in balance :’D
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empty-and-nameless · 2 years
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» Part 2
« Prologue
× paring: kim taehyung x reader (female reader)
x warnings: mentions of death, grief, workaholic behaviour, flirting, in some chapters (maybe) smut but I'll give a warning
x genre: slow-burn, farm life, coming of age, AU
x rating: maybe some explicit scenes, minors dni
x word count: 2k
x inspiration: The Hannah Montana Movie
x teaser: Y/N is the adopted daughter of a farmers couple. She lives in the big city now and is the head of a fashion label. One day she receives bad news that her parents died in a car crash and that she is now the owner of the farm her parents left behind. Now a journey of healing and learning to love begins....
P A R T 1
The door of my driver's vehicle opens for me and I step out, walking straight to the glass doors with golden framing of one of the biggest skyscrapers in the city. It is the entrance to my company building. My stiletto heals click in a smooth rythm above the marble floor that lead to the front desk and elevators. A few of my employees bow and greet me, some gave me pityful looks, knowing that I'm still mourning my late parents death. Arriving at the entrance I greet our absent-minded front desk lady, Ashley, she's bored out of her mind as ever. "Hello Ashley, do you happen to know my schedule for today." I asked her gracefully. She just looked at me wide-eyed and bewildered. Then she began to rummage through a stack of papers and shrugged her shoulder's at me popping a bubble of gum. A few angry words wanted to leave my mouth this instant, but a steady hand on my shoulder calmed me down.
"First of all, you need to look through the old collections and compare them. Then's the meeting with your parents notary and after that we need to talk about the new collection asap. Dior is going to one up us if we dont release a teaser for our new collection soon. The press is also onto us and wants a statement on your absence." It was Namjoon, my assistant and secretary, he rambled to me about my schedule while pressing a coffee into my hand. All while talking to each other we walked towards the elevator and rode to the 30th floor, which was my office floor. What would I do without this clumsy but organized man?
"Namjoon I have no clue what we should do." I said in a torn up voice. Namjoon looked at me and pushed up his glasses. "Well, we could hire a few stars to promote the collection. Maybe even make a short film about it or do something scandalous. I bet if we do that our new collection will get more attention than Gucci's or Versace's." He nodded towards me. "That's the problem Namjoon. There's is no new collection. I have nothing. No ideas. No sketches. Nothing. Nada." I told him truthfully. Namjoon stopped in his tracks, throwing his hands on my mouth. "Psssshhhh" he shushed me and dragged me into the nearest office, which happened to be mine. He closed the door and violently pulled down the blinds, so that no one walking by my office could see us. "Have you gone mad? Oh my god are you in your Andy Warhol phase?" he exaggerated. "No. Namjoon, oh my god stop exaggerating! I've just been so drained of creativity and energy since...you know, since it happened." I said in a weak voice. Namjoon's gaze softened and he gave me a soft hug. "Why did you even shush me and drag me in here?" I asked confused by the sudden location change.
He proceeded to look around nervously. "If anyone hears that you have no ideas for the next collection, we'll be ruined. The public will hear about it and soon the press too. They'll call you a worn-out designer. The company will be in trouble and the employees will lose trust in you and some of them may or may not consider to leave us. Gucci and Dior have offered some of our employees a better deal, most of them stayed out of sheer respect for you and your grief." He explained. He's right, it all depends on the new collection. "Namjoon, I will find a solution. You're absolutely right, no one can know about this. Although if they want to leave us they are unloyal petty bitches anyway so--" Namjoon shoved me in my big office chair without any further words to my sentence before.
"What can I do to inspire you?" Namjoon said, more to himself than to me, while roughly massaging my shoulders. I shoo him away and he starts pacing up and down in my office,making me quiet nervous actually. "Namjoon stop pacing! I'm going insane." "Sorry, that's how I think best."
While Namjoon is in his thought-zone I began to read through the archive of my old collections and started to compare them to each other. Crossing out what has already been done. Also doing a bit of research on what is defined as fashionable right now and what the competition is up to. I've always been a low-key designer. Never one to attend a lot of gala's or fashion shows. I always wanted to make affordable clothes, but somehow my label got a lot bigger and way more high-end than I intended it to be. It did bother me a little in the beginning, but it had its perks beeing a high-end fashion designer. One of them is the creative freedom I have, while also being my own boss and head of my company. It comes with a lot of cons too though. Considering that I have zero to no free time usually.
"How about a power-suit collection for women. Let's hop onto the equality and female rights train. We make a whole collection consisting of power suits in neon and bright colors or maybe patterned." I said springing out of my seat on my desk, very excited about said idea. "Gucci and even Zara already did that honey. Vogue made a whole article about it." Namjoon said in a sassy voice shaking his head left to right. "Ugh, I'm clueless." I told him while sinking into my seat again.
"What if we create a coat collection. A faux fur coat collection." I uttered. Namjoon looked equally excited as me and asked: "In unnatural colors? Like pink, green and yellow? Neon fur coats?" "Yeah, that's exactly my idea? Omg how did you know?" I ushered excited with a smile on my face. Namjoon's smile fell and he rolled his eyes. "Because we already did that two years ago. Cardi B wore it to the Met Gala. Remember?" He said annoyed. "Oh yeah right. I designed that." I answered disappointed. Namjoon looked exhausted. It wasn't always easy with me... "It'll come to me. I will give you the perfect idea tomorrow morning. Deal?"
Namjoon looked at me sceptical, but put his hand out anyways as to say "Deal".
With a rather awkward smile I kept on going with my day and greeted the employees. I was never good at hiding secrets, especially not when these secrets could cost them their job.
As I walked through the corridors I received the message from Namjoon that I need to attend the meeting with my parents notary, that I oh-so dreaded to attend. Decisions were to be made about my parents belongings and about what they've inherited me. I was mentally prepared to be the one to clear out their house if something might happen, because I'm their only child, but never for that...
The notary, a very good-looking man called Kim Seokjin, scattered his papers around my desk and cleared his throat. "I'm sorry for your loss, Ms. Y/L/N. I'm gonna ask you some questions now, just for formality." He said. As a grieving person, this sentence is nothing but a formality itself aswell, it doesn't help you recover from the death of your loved-ones. But I'm thankful for him being this considerate thusfar, so I nodded in acknowledgement. "Your parents were Y/M/N and Y/F/N, farmers on the southside of the outlands? Is that right?" I nodded again. Not daring to say a word. Mr. Kim sighed. "Miss, I'm not here to take something from you. I am the person that enforces your parents will. You don't have to be scared at all. Any questions or anything you'll need help with, I'm here." Mr. Kim gave me a heart-warming smile and held my hand in his for a few seconds which made me breathe a relieving breath. "Ok let's go on Mr. Kim, I'm ready."
"Ms. Y/L/N, I assume your parents adopted you?" Mr. Kim asked cautiously. I released a small laugh and said "Does it really matter, they are my only real parents. I was an accident and my biological parents decided to give me up. These people raised me." Maybe I got a little too defensive, but right now it is a sensitive topic to me. Because knowing what's on the line for me, I would really want some keepsakes to remember my parents. Maybe something small, like clothes from my mom or my dads old watch.
"I'll just get right to the point. You parents inherited you, their only child, the farm and the whole property." Mr. Kim said with a straight face. My coffee mug fell to the ground with a loud clash. Coffee spilling everywhere. I guess it was loud enough to alert Namjoon. He stormed into the room with a look of concern. "Everything alright in here?" His eyes widening as he saw the coffee mug and my shocked face. "I'm gonna clean that up." He said and ran away to get cleaning supplies. Namjoon has always been a neat person and also very clumsy, so for him it nearly is a daily task to clean up messes. But he couldn't help me clean up the mess that is my life right now.
I woke up from my deep thoughts because Mr. Kim put a reassuring hand on my shoulder and asked me if I was okay. I just nodded.
Mr. Kim took a seat again and cleared his throat, probably to get my full attention. Folding his hands up on the table he looked at me. I couldn't decipher his look. Maybe pity? Anyways, I couldn't keep the farm even if I wanted to. I have to handle a company. Fashion Week is about to happen and I have enough stress in the city to just move up to the outskirts right now. It just couldn't happen, how could I possibly turn my life upside down.
"We have two options now, Miss. And I say We because I'll be there for you along the way, that is my duty and my job." He said. "Either you inherit the farm or we have to give it up for sale. Which would make the people of the bank really happy as they have been luring over this peace of land." Oh god, I'm not mentally stable enough to make such a decision. "What would the bank do with the farm?" I asked, basically already knowing the answer. "They would tear it down and build something on it, a shopping center, parking space, anything capitalistic." Mr. Kim and I met a few times before. He knew my parents well and has spent a week or two at our farm with his family. He has always been an honest person (so my father told me) and somehow has had a soft spot for our family since forever. "It would be a shame you know..." He said, his business voice now totally gone. He's speaking from his heart.
"A total shame to give up this beautiful farm. In the end it is your decision. But I know it was your parents dream and it is a peace of you. I will await your decision. I can only give you till tomorrow. I think this might help." He ushered a sheet of paper towards me. It was a letter in my fathers handwriting. Mr. Kim bowed and showed himself out, while I just looked at the last words my parents will ever address to me.
"Dearest Y/N,
If you read this, we'll probably be gone, but Nick/Name don't cry, you'll always be our baby. We know it will be hard for you, to live without us. Just as it would be hard for us without you. Of course we know that you are very busy. Our daughter the CEO and fashion designer of your own brand. We are so unbelievably proud. We still want you to inherit the farm, because you are the only one we trust with it. We wouldn't want you to give everything in your life up for the farm. Maybe you'll find a balance or a solution. You are our smart daughter. The bank has been on our backs, trying to buy the land from us, but we'll do anything to keep our dream alive. It still is the place we're you grew up. We'll fight for it. Please don't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to do...in the end you'll do the right thing.
We love you forever and always
Mom and Dad"
I know exactly what I need to do....
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cryingatships · 1 year
SOOO ep 2 let's goooo
If you change the props then this would 100% fir as a scene from a xianxia drama. Zhang Teng is versatile with genres
The lollypop. Zhang Teng needs his sugar fix??
This is creepy. I hope ZY kept a weapon stashed under his pillow or smt
OMG?? What is this sudden assault get AWAY FROM HIM
oh it was a dream. Valid when you're rooming with a bloodied stranger you found off the streets who keeps blackmailing you.
Food comes back again. What's gonna be the role of food in their relationship? An expression of love?
(Trying) to put on clothes on your love interest, the trope makes a comeback. Is ZR already in the feels? Even if he is, ZY def isn't rn
So ZR making food is showing that he cares, but then ZY doesn't want to eat it. He doesn't want ZR's care (love?) and doesn't want to be a part of ZR world. But ZR forces ZY to eat it, power dynamics coming back again??? I'm hungry and now I want eggs for dinner ueueue
Here lemme wipe nothing off the corner of your lips. Zy's cheek mole is cuteeee tho
Oh Ai di is ~fancy~ with his fan. I need to learn gif making
THE FOOD. omg why is this show using food in so many diff ways. I'm hungry don't torture me like this, but also food is again used as a medium for power dynamics, as a weapon (but Ai di's gonna fall for that man, no?). Interesting how they keep using food in diff ways, eh
I love Ai di's aesthetic! Also the jacket wearing person who stands next to Zhang Teng. They both got ✨✨✨✨
I wanna know how Ai di's eyes are fine and he isn't coughing when he's so near the pot. Your spice tolerance can only be so good...
Ok food as a metaphor for gremlin love. I get it.
His spice tolerance is actually great
Oh you wanna tie him up so bad- Yeah, they only hate eo. No love between them, nope. But atleast let him eat -_-
ZR made him a lunchbox. eeeee cute. ZR = feed my bae. CY = Don't let my bae eat. I'm gonna ignore Ai di's gremlin behaviour, he didn't deserve this, he's just a little meow meow 🥺
protecting your food from friends, that brings up memories TwT
Kitty cat Ze Rui doing nothing and lounging around in tables all day. Oh he actually does a lot of work?? I'm surprised. Maybe all he needed was a little care and a home that he never had before :')
"As a chance to have the cake" SURE whatever way you wanna use food lmao. Now you're using it as an excuse to hide that you care
Thunder! I beet one of them fears it.
And ofc ZY does.
Oh they both have mommy issues and family related trauma. A hug, support from another person is the first step to healing, but ZY needs more than that, I think. Atleast he has someone by his side now. For how long though? I think ZY is also unsure, and he's def not ready to share his trauma with a stranger (who's also blackmailing him no less)
We're finally getting the there was only one bed trope???!! This is more like a mattress commercial
ZR upgraded from crowding ZY on a vertical surface to pushing him on a vertical surface. Mission accomplished now he can sleep in peace.
I wanna examine what exactly was going on in their heads at that moment under a microscope. ZY's eyes? The way ZR was breathing? Smt was def Happening.
"Do you know any tricks other than coercion" - same question actually. What happened to honest communication? (looks up total ep no. Oh.)
ZR's face is very :3 coded. Much mischief u.u
He's having a nightmare :( ZR is trying to help him :)
Cuddling upside - he slept well, downside - he's late.
dhfjbkbl why kiss out of the blue. why not ask.
the 'baobei' was cute tho
ZY's face. Yes, what exactly is wrong with ZR? ZY pls punch that man asap
OMG I think i'm getting too good in making predictions. Alt career path?
Ye I like the girl classmate. She feels like the most normal, sane one of the three. I bet she won't tolerate any of ZR's shit if she was in ZY's place.
ZY is hot headed when he's pushed enough, ZR better watch out or he'll be punched and clawed badly O.o
Nice framing. It looks as if the carpet ZR is sitting on is a box, and the door is separating his world from ZY's. But the door's open, so ZY can step right in, he's just standing at the threshold deciding what he'll do, he's not in yet. It's his choice to enter. He stands, till ZR offers him a compromise to show that he's sorry, and then he (ZY) steps right into ZR's world. The decision was his. But he doesn't stay in ZR's carpet, ZR has to step out of that box to follow him.
"Apology? That doesn't mean I should forgive you." 👏A character who can hold a grudge.
ZY isn't taking any shits. He isn't allowing ZR to take all the power in this (not romantic, yet) relationship, he isn't allowing any positive reinforcements, 'rewards', following an action that breaks his boundaries. He knows what he's worth and what ZR owes him, despite the knife Zr's holding over his head. This is a sign that he won't tolerate any abusive behaviour from now (hopefully?). It's nice to see a character nip a cycle of abuse at the bud ah! He deserves all the applause cause honestly, the situation isn't exactly on his side but he stood up for himself and for others in the future, too.
Yeah, ZR reflect on your behaviour. A bad childhood isn't an excuse for abusive, harassing behaviour as a grown up.
Oh his phone!! I love that actually XD
This man just wants a beating what the- masochism...? There are safer, saner, consensual ways to explore it
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pbaintthetb · 7 months
Burya Role Reversal au- full DGS/GAA2 spoilers
Aight, so now that I've finally finished the game I thought I might note down some of my thoughts of key points that would happen in this theoretical role reversal au, armed with the knowledge of what Kaz's goddamn secret was
Cut for length and/or spoilers for both games
Ryunosuke dies- so the first difference is that after Ryunosuke eats all the chicken legs there is a chicken shortage for dinner. Kazuma eagerly signs up to not have chicken for dinner as a confirmed chicken hater, and thus is the one to eat the drugged portion whereas Ryunosuke is awake to see Pavlova and get murdered
Ryunosuke is a stowaway, while being in a first class cabin does suggest the occupant is aware of his prescence maybe it was also a coincidence. Or perhaps Ryuonsuke actually met his sticky end in the corridor. Regardless the crew decides the neatest end to cover up the murder of a man who isn't even supposed to exist is actually to just dispose of the evidence rather than set up a frame job. Ryunosuke's corpse is thrown overboard* Sholmes, being the only other person who knew Ryunosuke was there, eventually helps Kazuma prove it
*undecided if in this role reversla Ryunosuke is actually dead, because regardless if youre dead when you get chucked into the ocean it's unlikley to end well. However if this is also a fake death as in canon then a few options, one, Sholmes sets up the lie (unlikely he doesn't ahve the same motivation as canon) OR a series of unlikely lucky coincidences, i.e. they're not that far from HK coastal water and a fishing boat happens to be there pretty much as Ryunosuke drops and somehow falling into the freezing ocean from height actually just gives him the shock to regain conciousness instead of, idk, breaking his ribs, accidentally breathing in water and drowning
Sholmes, knowing of both Kazuma and Susato and having been unsuccessful in suggesting Kazuma should return to Japan as a result of his friend's untimely death is very, very, eager to keep an eye on them both. Aside from the assasination threat they are the child and ward of a dear friend and Sholmes is quite worried that Kazuma is going to spin out because he's not doing so well
Kazuma never stops wearing his headband in this, it's the closest thing he's got to a memento of Ryunosuke, after all. Well, other than copies of their identical uniforms. No armband or katana inheritance here
Post McGilded Stronghart makes subtle noises aboout Kazuma killing Gregson already. Kazuma, who in his mind has so very little left to lose now (rip Susato), points out that he came to England to learn get revenge on Van Zieks and the point of the visiting students is to get sent back once done. Stronghart angrily concedes to let Kazuma attend precisely three trials before he needs to do his duty... or face a sticky end of his own
Now this is a problem with timeline in a ryunosuke lives because it implies Ryuonsuke somehow gets to england like, nearly a year before kaz does, but I like the idea that in this au Ryunosuke doesn't wind up under Van Zieks like Kazuma does, but with no memory and a fondness for literature and the english language winds up with Natsume (in his second trial) goes off looking for a lawyer for him,,, and finds Kazuma and Susato
Around the time of the Eggert Benedict trial Ryunosuke eventually (accidenally) wanders his way off to Stronghart- he is curious about British law after alll, and winds up being co-counsel for Kazuma (perhaps after Susato leaves?). A development Ryunosuke is thrilled about and Kazuma is horrified by. Especially when Stronghart comes to personall tell Kazuma actually, 3 trials is not enough, why doesn't he defend a few more :-)
Kazuma cracks and confesses to Sholmes after the eggert trial, he would tell Ryunosuke but he just got him back and doesn't want to lose his trust so soon. Sholmes bundles Gregson off ASAP, Susato is recalled to Japan
See after the Eggert Benedict Trial Kazuma's grace period is up and he's meant to start assasinating so there is a gap in trials... unfortunately Gregson has gone awol (huh how funny). Still Stronghart has leverage and Kazuma is still in a very sticky position
In the gap Kazuma is desperately trying to get Ryunosuke to return to Japan (without telling him why), Ryunosuke refuses- he may not know what's going on but Kazuma is his best friend and he made a promise. Simultaneously Sholmes is trying to get Kazuma to return to Japan (telling him why) Kazuma refuses. (He hasn't done what he came here to do yet.) Sholmes is this close to drugging him and stuffing him on a steamship, but somehow he suspects Kazuma would find a way to come back and at least Sholmes can keep an eye on him this way.
Anyway those are some of my ideas, I'm torn about a. if ryunosuke is alive and b. like while i really do like the idea of meeting him via natsume, it also is kinda too ealry so idk. Also this whole thing was actually originally meant to be about how I felt Kazuma would deal with Ryunosuke's death way worse than the other way around becuase a. he's so angry b. ryunosuke dying is much more his fault than kazuma dying being ryuonsuke's fault and c. he's so much more isolated in it becuae susato doesne't know ryuonsuke so they can't grieve together and stuff?
I also originally considered kazuma not being intersted in 1-5 but i love gaaac 1 gina so much so, BUT kazuma in this au kind of gives up on trust but that's when ryunosuke is dead. Anyway i had a lot of fun thoughts about kazuma nad gina interacting in 1-5 where Kazuma refuses to trust people nor accept anybody's trust. But if Ryuonsuke is alive.... Similiarly, the lack of interest wasbecause initially before I knew much about spoilers Kazuma was honestly just moping and working on his plan (to take down van zieks) and like didnt actually care about trials. But now where the only way he's pushing back his assasination mission by doing trials he might care more. My first thought was he holds off on trials becuase 3 isn't many... but Stronghart probably wouldn't like that. So now we have kazuma strongarmed into trials for people he might genuienly feel bad for (gina). Also gina's complete lack of trust in people and systems could mesh really intrestingy with this jaded Kazuma
Alternatively, Ryunosuke does come back in 2-3,, not 1-4/2-2 and perhaps the only thing he does remember is this guy with a katana and billowing headbands who constantly talked about reforming courts or... tldr amnesiac Ryuonsuke makes his way to Stronghart trying to chase his memories. Stronghart is like the cat who got the cream (it's not hard to see Kazuma has been spinning out about something and now this guy shows up who dresses the same...) So stronghart lets Kazuma have an extra trial, perhaps, just to push leverage
either that or around 2-3 kazuma figures out gregson had something to do with his father's death/snaps a little further and calls gregson back to london to ask about it on the pretext of thsi case. (Sholmes is... uh not happy, to put it lightly, when he finds out)
anway great thoughts
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mlobsters · 10 months
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supernatural s11e18 hell's angel (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
the one true sibling communication method, just holler
honestly don't remember what amara needs healing from (don't even know if we know), what rowena is doing (and ditto if we know). i was just thinking how they managed to stretch out this like... 5 episode arc over an entire season (i presume) but basically just ignoring it a good chunk of the time (i'm not complaining about the monster of the week episodes we got that i genuinely enjoyed, by any means). i get that they need some big bad plotline to hook it all together but eh
lol right, rowena "died" i forgot about that. i need those damned pre-episode recaps
ROWENA All in good time. Right now, you're still weak from that pesky angel smiting.
oh right. that seems like so long ago. thanks for the reminder, rowena
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sam is very tickled about crowley being kept in the kennel
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think i prefer misha playing lucifer than cas at this point, but i think that's mostly on the way they write cas. but it looks like he's having fun with lucifer. (but i saw my pal pellegrino in the credits which i'm happy to see)
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zoned out for a second as i'm wont to do in heavenly politics scenes and i refocus and what in the world is he doing on this angel's lap
DEAN After we exorcise Lucifer out of Cas and put him into a new vessel. SAM What? Really? DEAN Yes, really. We're not gonna send Lucifer into battle inside Cas. What if he doesn't make it? SAM Dean, it's a strong vessel. It's held Cas for years, and we know what he's been through. I'm guessing it can hold Lucifer. DEAN "It"? It's not an "it," Sam. It's Cas. SAM And Cas wanted to do this.
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DEAN Yeah, well, there's times I want to get slapped during sex by a girl wearing a Zorro mask. That don't make it a good idea.
crowley is intrigued. i was waving my arms around like a distressed sim that doesn't like something. too much information for me, dean-o; but i would argue the point that it's in fact a fine idea. i'm sure someone is available that would be happy to make your dreams come true
SAM Dean, this is exactly how we screw ourselves. W-We make the... the heart choice instead of the smart choice. DEAN Oh, okay. Thank you, Dr. Phil. Cas is family. SAM Yes, and his choice deserves to be respected. DEAN Even if it kills him?
maybe i'm projecting but i just don't buy sam making this argument? unless he's freaked out for some other lucifer-related-reason, or looking for a reason to put cas's vessel/whatever in harm's way. if we're goin with the premise that cas is family and he's got the blanket forgiveness for letting lucifer out, then why is sam arguing so hard against getting him out of harm's way asap? i think framing it like it's about cas's agency... does not ring true to me. like yes sure based on sam's history of losing agency, he will be staunch defender of other people's choices - but i'm not getting that from this
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her makeup is beautiful, the lighting is really picking up all the fine glitter in her eyeshadow. lovely
so what are we trying to do here, get lucifer out of cas and back in the cage? losing the plot
i did not anticipate crowley smoking out to hop into cas's vessel, is there just no limit to how many angels and/or demons you can stuff in there?
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CROWLEY He's really got his hooks in you. Snap out of it. Do you know what's happening out there? The Winchesters have trapped the abomination so that you can expel him so that they can put him back in the Cage... CASTIEL Well, that doesn't sound like a very good idea.
his frustrated flailing made me laugh enough to make a gif
CASTIEL Wait. That was Dean I saw a minute ago, wasn't it? CROWLEY Yes. CASTIEL And he wants me to expel Lucifer? CROWLEY Yes! CASTIEL [laughing] Well... he may have a more objective view of the situation. Maybe I should.
cas appears to be zooted out of his mind
SAM Listen, um... I know I came down on the side of wanting Cas to deal with Amara, so... DEAN Well, that's what he wanted, though, right? Besides, didn't we say that we were gonna swear off getting in the way when one person makes a choice the other doesn't agree with? SAM Yeah, um... Yeah, we did say that. DEAN So... SAM Okay. So, that's our policy. DEAN Which sounds damn good. Well, let's go find that idiot and bring him home.
okie dokie pokie. i'm still not buying what they're selling but even i can't resist the emotional power of "bring him home" from dean.
i dunno where they're going with all this but it's a struggle for me to stay with the mainplot shenanigans. also i'm very tired
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wutheringmights · 2 years
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I appreciate you asking ASAP, even if I couldn't get around to it until today. But that means I had a good 24 hours to think of everything I wanted to talk about.
And believe me, I have A LOT to say.
Generally speaking, I think the past section is the weaker half of the chapter. I think most of my chapters are unevenly matched like this, but it's really apparent here when the fever dream sequence worked marvelously while this one... didn't
Looking back, I think the framing device of the hands might have been the wrong move. It's too clunky and draws an unflattering amount of attention to itself, unlike the repeating refrain in The Long Winter (if you remember that one)
It gets a little more complicated when I think about how this strained, precariously balanced yet super off-kilter stretch of the engineer and Link's relationship was one of the many things I was initially super excited to get to; it's weird to know that I basically only have one chapter of this and it didn't feel as satisfying to write as I thought it would be
However, I think a lot of that has to do with how enjoyable and challenging I found writing how they got to this point and how much I'm honestly more excited for what's going to come afterward
So circling back to my poor prose this time around-- I will convince myself that the clunky refrain adds to how strange their relationship has gotten so that I don't feel too bad about it
Like, at the end of the day, this is the chapter where Link is at his happiest and the engineer is lively again, but they are both so deep in each other's bullshit that neither seem to realize that they're making the other miserable-- and that was interesting as heck to think about, even if my execution may not have been 100% there
Okay, prose aside, what actually happened this time around?
I said somewhere before that Link is bi, and no one said anything, I figured that there had to be a few people that noticed that I never had him actually go after guys; if that is you, now you know why
I deeply contemplated if Link outright stating that he's worried about any potential boyfriend being just like himself was too on the nose, but then I realized that in itself is such a loaded statement that isn't immediately obvious.
Or maybe I'm wrong about that. Who knows
There was originally going to be two execution scenes: one where Link insists on beheading the traitors himself, another where Link arrives late to find that the engineer went ahead and did it for him
The greenhorn originated as a character I referred to as the Gray-Eyed Soldier, which some of you may recognized from my list of deleted ideas
The Gray-Eyed Soldier was supposed to be a new recruit that Link was super attracted to but avoided due to his intimacy issues and fears of being accused of fraternization; but he couldn't stay away completely and would end up just lingering at the corners of this guy's life until he suddenly died on the battlefield
The problem with this storyline was that it would show Link temporarily obsessed with a character who wasn't the engineer, and I didn't want to give off the impression that Link's obsession was not as strong as it initially seemed or that Link himself was fickle
However, I still liked the idea of one of boys having this mini-romantic plot line, so I tested it out with the engineer and found this interesting story where you both feel bad for the engineer while also wondering how deeply he actually felt for this second guy suddenly showering him with affection
(Hilariously, the greenhorn was referred to exclusively as "the boy toy" in my notes, and it almost became his in-story epitaph)
(It would have been a sarcastic, bitter name provided by Link's inner monologue)
So... I should also talk about the neck scene, shouldn't I?
Here's the thing-- the neck scene opens a huge can of worms that I am not willing to discuss here. It needs it's own post. Right now, I will just say that I initially was not going to do it but it ultimately was the best way thematically for Link to shatter that promise of brotherhood
(I might talk about this more later, so I won't say more)
And finally, I am very excited for next chapter's past section, which is a good sign that you should be scared
Okay, onto the present
Re: Linkle's backstory-- when Lincoln was first taking Linkle with him, he had an entire mental freak out as he tried to do the mental math to figure out how he could give his newfound daughter the life she wants, whether she wanted an advanced education or to be a respectable noble lady
And Lincoln was doing all of this thinking trying to figure out how he could make any of those things happen when Linkle started yapping about how much she wanted to be trained as a knight; and he was like "oh thank god I can actually do that"
Dad of the Year, folks!
I did not anticipate how well Four and Lincoln would mesh together, which in hindsight is really funny; they're both two guys who will get shit done. Of course they would be friends
(But before teaming up with Lincoln, Four was of the opinion that even if none of them liked Lincoln, Time was an idiot for kicking out the guy who knew this Hyrule better than any of them)
Let's talk Meemaw
Back in chapter 1, Four is the only other member of the Chain besides Warriors to talk to Meemaw; this is because I knew she was going to help with the post-Kakariko Well escape, so I wanted them to interact early on
Meemaw has a line all the way back in chapter 5-ish where she says that she does not want to get involved with Warriors's dad side of the family; this was supposed to be a hint that Meemaw had a personal connection to the Harkinians you needed to look out for
As you may know, Meemaw is based on the literary character Mother Courage, whose first name is also Anna. However, her last name, Beck, is a cheeky reference to Linebeck
I have gone back and forth on whether I think Meemaw is a descendant of Linebeck, and I still don't know how I feel about it. So I took the ambiguous approach and left it vague enough that if I ever do want to commit to that idea, the groundwork is there
Lincoln and Meemaw's conversation was a delight to write. I did not anticipate that conversation being as funny was it was but they do make a good comedy duo
Lincoln's apology to Warriors was supposed to be next chapter, but when he called Warriors family, I just knew that Warriors was not going to let that slide
Alright, let's talk the Fever Dreams
Giving backstory through dream sequences is a cliche I really don't like, but there was no better time to tell you all what happened to Warriors before the story started; so I had to do some introspection to figure out what I didn't like about the cliche and landed on how I hated how un-dream-like those sequences tended to be
So I made it my goal to commit as hard as I could to everything being as trippy as possible without compromising on clarity
I played around a lot with how to define the dreams from reality
One of my original ideas was based off an out-of-context post on Gideon the Ninth I read that discussed how the prose's use of 2nd person POV emphasized how grief affected the main character; I wanted to use this technique to give off a sense of alienation, but it did not work
I eventually landed on only using em dashes to signal when a scene switched and just played up how being sick blurred that line of reality for Warriors
(Oh my god, this commentary is so long)
My warning to the reader that reality was about to get messed up was that conversation between Wind and Linebeck about if Linebeck was real or not (which also gave us another peek into how Wind deals with his problems)
I totally did not think I could ever find a way to get Linebeck in the story, but I am so glad that my beloved found a way
Everything about Warriors dealing with his mother's death was very personal for me, and I made myself cry a few times while writing it, so I hope you guys liked it
Speaking of his mom-- I want to make sure that Marigold has depth and is more than just The Dead Mom, which has been hard so far considering that she is dead and cannot participate in the story any longer
The blue-blooded girl in the dream was established in a previous chapter as a noble girl who was Warriors’s first kiss
Doing a remix of the official Masks comic was a lot of fun, and the transition from Four talking to Lincoln to Four in the scene is one my favorites in the whole sequence
In previous chapters, whenever Warriors dreamed of the Chain meeting Spirit and Mask, he always subconsciously paired Time and Mask up; so Mask fully replacing Time in a memory is the next step-up
I really wanted to use Warriors’s backstory as a way to explore how military recruitment preys on disadvantaged groups; Warriors was pushed into enlisting because it was the best employment option for someone who was at their absolute lowest and needed a way “out”
Even if Warriors wanted to be a knight, he obviously never would have gone down that path if he had any other option
My favorite little “trick” for blending reality and dream was to do two versions of the scene where Kat reports that she knows where Wild is; that idea came to me while I was walking to the coffee shop one day and I felt like a genius for it
Unlike the Kakariko Well, I actually feel like my version of the Lost Woods is interesting and unique
The scene where Warriors meets Gaudin was interesting to write-- I first wrote the scene straight with the conversation they had in reality, then went in and rewrote everything Warriors said and did; it was a complicated way to write it, but it was a lot of fun
That quick succession of scenes between Lincoln and Time arguing to when we revisit the opening sequence was also a ton of fun; figuring out how to build a conversation out of out-of-context lines from other scenes was super fun to write
(you can just tell that this entire part of the story has been a blast to compose)
The scene where the dog eats Warriors’s hand was originally going to be actual cannibalism as Warriors was going to bite into Spirit’s hand with the scene cutting right as he started to feast
Okay, that very last scene with Warrior’s dream of a family. Let’s chat.
Oh boy
Remember what I said earlier about how I experimented with trying to find ways to differentiate between dream and reality? One of the ideas I played with was having all the dreams happen to “Link.”
However, the story has had a very strict logic so far in that “Link” was only used for the past while “Warriors” was only used in the present; so my experiments showed me that if I used “Link” for the dreams, I would be breaking the established reality of the story
So of course, I used for the very last dream
Seeing “Link” there is supposed to be the reader’s oh shit moment where they realize that reality is 100% busted; and it worked so well
Especially since when the reader then saw “Warriors” used again at the Fairy Fountain, they would (hopefully) feel relieved to see reality  fixed-- a subconscious realization that the dreams are over and everything is okay
Also I want to point out that in that last dream, the engineer had this line where he said he was working on a “very important thing”; this was originally going to be a place holder until I could decide what Warriors would think the engineer would be working on, but decided to keep it because it would be funny if Warriors couldn’t even think of what it could be
And of course, we have Proxi in the story at last. I have a lot of plans for her, and I hope you guys enjoy her as much as I do
So the heroes in trouble are Twilight, Wind, Sky, and Legend; no one guessed that specific combo of boys, but a lot of guesses pinned Twilight and Wind correctly
I have known from that start that Warriors was going to lose his hand; this is going to be very interesting to write and I can already see a lot of people starting to work out the significance of him losing that hand in particular
But alas, we have yet to hit rock bottom. For everyone wondering how this is not rock bottom, let me ask you this: what would actually destroy Warriors? Chew on that.
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plutomarigold · 2 years
Guess what time it is! THAT'S RIGHT! It's LSsmp×TMA AU bullshit time
(Zam edition)
He needed a job asap after he "impulsively dropped out" of college (he got kicked out but he won't admit that) so when he sees an ad for an archive assistant post at the Leviathan Institute he's like "COUNT ME IN!"
He works in the archive for a bit but never actually /meets/ the archivist. He always thought the archivist was some recluse creepy guy but he didn't do anything to actually get answers.
It takes him exactly 2 months to accidentally walk in on Mapicc and Ro taking about some part of their plan and he is 5 seconds away from getting burned alive when Ro just tells him to go home. He goes home and,,, finds out some stuff,,,
*spongebob narrator voices* 5 MONTHS LATER
He discovers the Leviathan's actual motives and, after going to Ro's office and demanding that he wants out, he doesn't want to be part of this anymore and he doesn't want to help them in any way shape or form, Ro tells him that he is bound to the institute and if he tries to leave they WILL find him.
Zam's stubborn ok so he /researches/. He reads every document from the archive he can get his hands on, he look into deaths associated with the institute, and most importantly, he talks to Spoke (Spoke is Parrot's blind spot, they have an /old/ arrangement, but that's for another time). Spoke tells him he has an "acquaintance" that can help him. And that's how Zam meets Ash.
Their first meeting is,,, interesting (i might elaborate on it later), but Zam gets his answers and that's all that matters.
**** blood and some uncomfortable shit for the next part
Zam runs home as fast as possible and gets a screwdriver that one of his neighbours landed to him and he shoves it in his right eye. He screams and cries but keeps going. He takes to out of his eye and is barely able to do the same with his left eye. It was dumb, and impulsive, he could've though about it more beforehand, but what was done was done, and now he was free.
**** gross part over
He panics instantly. He considers going to Pangi, his best friend and roommate from college, but he doesn't want to put him in danger so in his panic he runs.
He ends up in a forest all beaten and bruised, but he keeps running. It feels like he's beeing pulled to something so he keeps going. Because he's blind now he has no idea where he is, he just knows that he hears leaves and twigs snapping under his feet so when his foot suddenly hits something that's oddly shaped like a stait he thinks he found a place to stay for a bit. As he climbs what he assumes are stairs his body start moveing on it's own until, as he passes the door frame his body moves completely on it's own.
He doesn't know how long he wanders the halls of the hotel for, he doesn't understand how he's still alive. Surely he would've died from blood loss a long time ago, dehydration or exhaustion even. But here he is. After what feels like centuries of wondering the almost endless halls he finally realise what's happening and he feels fucking STUPID.
How hasn't he realised this earlier? He spent so much fucking time in that goddamn institute learning, researching juts to not recognise one of Them? He feels so fucking dumb.
He welcomes It after he realise his mistake and It takes him as soon as he lets It. He has one job now, tahe the new guest to they rooms, him personally condemning the to their eternity.
He keeps doing this until one day he hears voices in the distance. Strange. People usually come here Alone. Well. More fun for him.
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