#frank went through a 'i get it now' thing w the blue too
sunscall · 1 year
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Mac and Charlie + their relationship with colours
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if you would all allow me to be delusional for a moment - so i went back to staring Very Hard at the neighborhood map and. um. well. im chucking my marbles out the window! as always take all of this with a Hefty grain of salt!
i thought i saw a weird pixel in Frank's window so i zoomed in. then i took a screenshot, and fucked with the contrast/brightness settings. and uhhhhhh
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FRANK??? HELLO???? HE'S IN THERE? i'm pretty sure im Not seeing things bc that is definitely a vague gray tube-outline with a yellow spot in the shape of Frank's nose. hidden in the dark. and i might be seeing things but in the pane next to his face it kinda looks like his hand is on the window? but! Frank's in there! what the fuck!
so naturally i slowly scrolled through the neighborhood Zoomed The Fuck In. obvi there's nothing in Home's eyes, and Barnaby's & Sally's single visible windows(?) are closed. I couldn't find any out-of-place pixels in Julie's or Poppy's.
but! Eddie's kinda freaked me out a little! look at this shit!
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on the top left pane... are those fingerprints pressing into the glass? and in the lower left, is that a fucking Face peering out? a creepy ass face that almost looks like some sort of mask? there seems to be another Shape in the upper right... another face perhaps?
and then there's the weird window shine in the lower right (along with maybe Another face...). it almost looks like a string of letters. there isn't a single pattern/design like that anywhere else in the neighborhood. what's up with that....
oh and also, just went back to double check the post office's display window
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there seems to be another face - all the way to the right in the darkness. judging by the shape of the paler (yellowish?) pixels between what must be eyes, i think that's Eddie. and i think i see ears and a hat... not sure though. this one is really tough to see but it's There
(side note: Eddie is totally fucked, isn't he? between the faces(?) and hands behind his door, Home sitting in his display, and the hyacinths by his building, the emphasis on his memory (or lack-thereof) in a project that is, in a sense, About memory... i'm concerned! and eating it tf up! hell yeah lets get funky!)
now i couldn't see any, like, concrete Faces or anything in Howdy's store. but! you can kinda see inside! observe~
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in the big open window, you can kinda make out some sort of container on a counter and what might be shelves or a kind of brick pattern. and then above the 100% sign... hold on are those fuckign Eyes? lets take a look zoomed in & without the image adjustments!
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yeah those uh. i think those are eyes. Wally-esque eyes peering out of the darkness. though they also mildly remind me of eyespots on insect wings. butterfly eyespots, perhaps. inch resting indeed...
WAIT I LIED!!! there DOES seem to be another string of letter-like symbols in the neighborhood, not just the post office's window shine. now it could be just a wild coincidence, but at the same time it seems kind of... purposeful. like that's not normal shading/coloring.
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check out the blue window border on Howdy's Place, next to the apples. the lighter blue pixels seem Arranged. i think i see a clear N, and either an R or a P... along with some other symbols that i don't recognize as anything. the lower ones look kinda like faces? what could the top one be? is any of it anything or am i looking too hard?
in short: they're watching us watch them and there's way more to the map than initially meets the eye....
(edit: i've added a reblog w/ the images outlined! badly outlined but a clearer View of what i see nonetheless! + some notes on more little things outlining helped me notice)
#throttling my laptop WHAT DOES IT MEAN??? WHAT DOES IT MEANNNNNNN#got a little spooked there ngl....#noticing the faces(?) in eddie's gave me a lil startle. got a little chill up my spine#I LOVE IT!#im gonna be reeling over this all night....#the implications! the arising questions!! the Choices!!!#frank and eddie being the only ones with their faces in their windows (plus a couple extra)#eddie and howdy having letters/symbols(?) on their buildings#THE EYES IN HOWDY'S STORE!!!#i feel like these are important misplaced pieces of a puzzle i havent even opened yet#god and like. tiny home in eddie's window yeah but that With the eyes in howdy's store?#both buildings - both Stores! - seeming to have hidden letters on them??? WHAT DOES IT MEANNNN#of course i could be just plain insane and seeing things#but some of it.... ough i dont think i am fellas#welcome home speculation#wh speculation#homebogging#ive been meaning to Examine the updated map.... not much Changed or caught my attention but a few things did#why does barnaby have a carton of milk outside his house? something to do with the phrase 'no use crying over spilled milk'?#the flower patch behind julie's house is Oddly green.... kinda reminds me of a body dump#that plus the red thing next to the bowling ball (a ribbon? scissors? something else?) makes me Suspicious#along with a mildly delusional Theory i've had since my first good Examining Of The Map (before the update!)#but thats not what this post is about#theres just. theres interesting things in there!#thank you for reading! i need to go Think about this all....#im feeling the urge to up the contrast/brightness of Every Single Slightly Dark image on the site <3
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Welcome Home Website (Part 1)
spoilers(??) under the cut !!
OK SO first off im just on the first page and already the little animation of someone (Wally?) drawing Home is new
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A LOT OF NEW THINGS SO EXCITING !!! love the little Wally sitting on the website updates !!
as you can see, i've highlighted that little section underneath the artwork of Wally sitting on a rock
and thats because i noticed that the text is blocked after 'about the' and wanted to highlight it and copy paste it to get the text behind the gif (bc im p sure its the gif of the spinning home thats blocking it)
"learn about the vibrant world around them and take part in nonsensical fun!"
i have no idea if that was on purpose or if thats what it said originally (its been a while since ive seen the website ok?) but thats interesting OH I KNOW HOW TO CHECK
ok so i went to Night Mind's video on Welcome Home because it was about an old version of the site, and yep nothing about that has changed besides the fact that 'vibrant world' is now covered
is this important or could it just be a glitch? no idea but i'll let it go for now
onto the more obvious new changes
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alright so i read through the website update, and the 'y' on 'You' in the first sentence of the second paragraph is capitalized AND in a different font last time we had to look out for letters that were out of place, so im taking note of this
though it may just to highlight 'you' as in us, the viewers/audience/people interacting with the site
also!! a little ladybug thing is coming from behind that counter (which i assume is counting how many people have visited the site) and its cute! and new and i wonder if its important to anything?
is it just me or is the background different (i dont think it is but it feels more saturated to me (maybe its just been a while since ive seen the site tho LOL))
the telephone is interesting too but i think we'll find out more of it in the exhibition page
i'll be going through the different pages from left to right
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well now im afraid
i will save that for later i will finish looking through the rest of this page um
so. the W on 'Wally' is still messed up as you can see but not sure if thats still relevant since that was a clue for last time yk
so the restored art pieces are the same, nothing's changed
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this is new though
i can click on the tulips and after the bug im a little afraid
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by clicking on the yellow tulip
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by clicking on the blue and red tulips
audio !! neat
the names of the tabs are interesting, i wonder if u put them in a certain order it will make a sentence? like 'will you help me' or something?? will have to find more secrets i guess
ok so now i will watch 'answer' (im afraid)
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also !! omg they have voices now thats so cool !!
i have no idea what it is im looking at, but it must be somewhere in Frank's garden right?
now the end of the video has my interests peaked, because when Frank asks (who i assume is) us and the audio just glitches out? first a deep voice replies to Frank but i cant make out what its saying
also then the glitch at the end, i think its supposed to loop with the glitch at the beginning
like it sounds connected
oh also some amendment to the figures there's actually 9 of them one is just at the edge of the camera and u cant see it
ok next for the audios
so 'Help' is Wally, which is interesting
nothing too helpful(aha) but just him realizing that we can hear him i guess? 'What are you waiting for?' the answers obv/j
Wally's laugh is so cute
'will' huh he talks about eyes, he said thats what an eye looks like, his are black and asks what color is mine/ours
it might just be me but the middle of the record kinda looks like an eye? or maybe im just crazy LOL
ok now onto 'The Neighborhood' page
so first off, i can click the gif of Home surrounded by flowers at the top
oh wait it just brings u back to the first/home page LMAOAOAOOA
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another bug
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clicked it and another video called 'answer' and its probably another video in Frank's garden
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also interesting thing to note! the colored part of the records are different for each character, Julie's is pink and Sally's orange
i point this out because there were records for the 'Help' and 'will' audio, they were broken but the color was red
and red is associated with Wally (and Home too) so yeah thats all
anyways Sally's voice fits her so well too!! i love it, actually kinda reminds me of a character from Star Darlings LOL
Poppy's voice is cute! has old lady vibes
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another bug, surprisingly on Eddie's character page, which is interesting
LOVE HIS VOICE IT FITS SO WELL TOO 'When it comes to friendship, I always deliver!' ur so cute Eddie
HELP ME HOWDY'S VOICE????? IT FITS SO WELL TOO????? so old-timey announcer voice
ofc Barnaby's voice sample is him making a joke. ofc it is. also his voice reminds me a LOT of Sans from Undertale so
actually now that i think abt it Frank's voice reminds me of Papyrus from Undertale,, n the fight they had has similar vibes to Sans and Papyrus,,, well anyways
tbh in my head he always had more of a Squidward voice, like more nasally(?) but his voice fits really well too!
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everyone already knows what Wally sounds like, but wow hearing it in a not-creepy environment is always cool
anyways. the flower is a gif and i can click on it so more creepy stuff now
hm called 'will' again which is interesting but the W is capitalized
the so below page is the same so time to check out the new stuff!
starting with the bug from the bottom of The Neighborhood page
so i was wrong its actually Frank and Poppy baking which is cute! love their friendship BUT Frank's voice got glitched out at the end when Frank said 'Wally' which makes me wanna re-listen to the first one
so all these videos are from Wally's perspective???
yep so the bug from Eddie's page leads to a video of Frank and Eddie talking about a bug that's in the post office!! made me especially giddy because i ship Frank x Eddie LOL
they are so cute!! so cute !!!!!
also, i've only seen 3 but it's interesting how all these videos are of Frank interacting with the other neighbors, then the video ending with his voice glitching out on 'Wally'
i think that there's more bugs and videos for the rest of the neighbors, but i'll go looking for them later! im gonna eat now and i wanna take a break to absorb all this stuff
i have no idea but i'll ponder on it more later bye bye!
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castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 6x20 that 70s show
the 70s episode liveblog
I made my big bro watch this w me bc he's 70s obsessed.
Cement? mob hit? They would have had to weigh him down bc humans float in concrete. Also yeah what do you do? the one u call is the foreman. They deal with it not you. Reminds me of the ep where the police chief constable was gay & buried a body under the station & they found it while
KATE BECKETT I’ll make the coffee. CASTLE I’ll make the omelets. MARTHA RODGERS And I am going to make your day.
Love how the bells kind of slow down & go low & get weird. I mean at least the arch was nice.
MR: Richard, I am simply trying to bring a little pageantry into your wedding. But it seems that the only role you want me to play is that of guest. Fine. I can do that. I LOVE her
You can't make ANYTHING in a wedding a not-over the top disaster.
78 just like my brother's no wait falsettos was '79. disco era my beloved. RC: And a testament to the truly indestructible nature of polyester.
Milt Boyle: Vince Bianchi. Before he turned into the pile of bones you guys found. Love his VOICE
OH OH YEA DET. SANDVICH. OR SANOVICH I CAN'T TELL. HE'S THE ONE WHO SITS ACROSS FROM BECKS. I WAS TRYING TO REMEMBER THAT THIS MORNING. also under esposito's feet, he's at Det veiss(something) or messer's desk I can't tell what it says bc it is grainy & under shadow
Love the music too. Is it black or is it a dark colour? obv not powder blue... RC: It’s like being transported to a bygone era. Mickey the Blade? Louie the Lip? Where are these guys now?
Hey Frank Russo REALLY looks like the guy in the picture who, yk, went through second puberty. Love their accents. 4ksqft is a lot wow. Broke bread, shot the breeze, I love phrases. Harold Leone, as in lee-ohwn, not lee-ohwn-ee like brad leone from bon appetit Love how Becks calls Boyle on her own desk phone bc, well, yeah. Also set design my beloved, we have a pic of sanovich's kid on his desk
He knew things? Yeah ofc, he was the advisor!
Big bro thought that maybe this gal was just wearing Black fashion. Yvonne my beloved Frozen in time? Dumbass clothes? I thought it was cute. Wow it HAS been 40 years almost...
Beckett def not 70s enough.
YVONNE: Harold? You have guests. HAROLD LEONE: Huh? (he comes from the kitchen) Whoa!!! Well, this hot mama can be my guest all night long. He approaches KB and she holds out her hand. KB: Uh, sir, I’m Detective Beckett and this is Mr. Castle. HL: Captain. HL shakes RC’S hand. RC: (corrects) Castle. HL: Oh, Captain Castle. I bet you’re showing this little lady the ropes, huh? Breaking her in, huh? KB glares at RC. RC: Well, actually, um … HL: I mean, have you ever seen a cop with an ass that fine? If this is women’s lib, I’m all for it. KB: Excuse me? RC: To be fair, you do have a very fine … (off her look) never mind.
So humorous I love this man I love everything (but how does he look in the mirror w/o freaking out? it's like 50 first dates) Big bro LOOOVED the house & colours & wallpaper & stuff.
I love Harold & BECKETT SHUT UP YOU NEED TO MEET HIM ON HIS LEVEL. I know ppl who had to chase away spoon-wielding monsters every night for dementia patients, you do it & move on. It's ok.
No body no talkie. he IS delusional! "cupcake"
clipping clipping clipping I love I love I love snookie & ray the red car the absolute mess esposito pulling over ryan (giffing that) it's just... so good I'm insane
YOU MADE A CAST OF THE BODY!? Lanie just there like "what are you talking about?" unless caslte already asked her if she had any bodies to spare offscreen. LP: I’ve seen them do more with a lot less. But I don’t want to be a part of some crazy plan – RC: You have to. Because for this to work, this place has to look like the 70s. (he looks LANIE up and down) And so do you.
I love how the wife is there & he's smoking with the oxygen & I love this. Carcano: What, I’m going to bury a body in my own backyard? Plus, if I had someone disappear they’d stay that way. MC: If you boys have any more questions you can talk to my attorney. (he moves to leave) You know, after this long the truth is hard to find. If I was you I’d quit looking for it. Sometimes what’s in the past should stay there. (THIS MAN IS TELLING THEM TO STOP LOOKING. REMEMBER WHO HE IS: HEAD OF THE FAMILY, HE WAS TRYING TO MERGE FAMILIES WITH BIANCHI.)
OH SHE IS HOT Oh LANIE IS HOT TOO. (clipping) What if he touches him?
No wallet on him? or gun?
My poor harold. Hit you he's really gone? so will you come to the 2010a now? HOLY CRAP THAT'S-- STUFF IS HAPPENING. (castle flailing when the body hand was there lol. also how does that offer ANY protection from the gun?)
JE: *walks in* So I've got-- WOAH. *seeing Lanie* LP: Not a word KR: *talking abt the case* Right Javi? JE: I'm sorry what? *was staring at lanie* LP: !! *rolls eyes* & then that last little "nice dress" to her lil bro said not to clip but OOF I kind of wish I did
Tory my beloved.
Hm, ryan's pants don't match his jacket...
RC: It won’t burst his bubble... if it...looks like the 70s. Ooh she's ranking officer rn lol. WAIT CASTLE ALREADY OPENED A COSTUME ACCOUNT BEFORE ASKING BECKETT IF HE COULD DO THIS?
"let him dig on this 70s vibe" love the music coming in there the morgue was only one room? what about the drive there or the walk into the morgue? HIS MOTHER!!!??? A little bit, yes. YEAH FOR OUR WEDDING! RC: Let’s face it. We cannot let that woman anywhere near our wedding. But … she will love this. And then we get to solve the greatest mystery of the disco era. Besides the popularity of disco itself. It’s a win-win.
his little groove back Abysmal talent pool? Martha my beloved. Rick & his mom are like beckett & castle. Beckett: castle no. Castle: castle yes. Rick: mom no. Martha: YES YES OVER THE TOP YES!
Oh & the music! & I watched an abba parody production the other day before I watched this too.
LMGDAO A HIPPIE WOULD NOT BE HERE WITH THE COPS. Ooh it's a chalkboard! (So they made the photos black & white but... didn't remove them?)
Oh no snookie & ray Martha <3 ALEXIS (wearing that /gen tho)
Why would they need scripts? if they were pretending to be snookie & ray for real they'd need the mannerisms & backstory down, but ryan & esposito have interviewed ppl before. "super groovy" *ryan couching at the cigarette* Esposito frozen with his hands up p& ryan comes in to save him Righteous is in this context, not nec 80s, besides the 70s were from like 74 to 84 yk?
jive turkey again "my god who wrote this?" I love/hate the feathered chief in there
Glitterati? Do they have pagers? REACH BEHIND YOU & TURN OFF YOUR PHONE RLY QUICK, SAY IT WAS AN ALARM CLOCK IN THE OTHER ROOM. the deets? the details?
KR: Actually, it’s been though a lot of different incarnations, but guess what? It’s back to being a 70s club again! Me: WHAT LUCK
I like his nod. "take him to glitterati-- go! go!" *gates*
RC: Captain Gates! I thought you were at a terrorism seminar? VG: It was canceled due to a bomb threat. & did he? Yes! He did! Ryan & Esposito are taking him there now!
Girl your apb thing was not FROM this charade tho "especially you" CASTLE NO DON'T SAY IT LIKE THAT THEY TOOK HIM TO A DISCO!
Love the car, love the raming, love the fall, love how esposito was the one who talked ryan into this but now ryan is the one who likes it
Love the dancing & the lights & the fun & the everything! HL: *dancing really well, having fun* Dancing fellow: *also having fun dancing "with" him* HL: Hey, baby. How’re you doing, hon? That’s a nice dress. Can I talk you out of it? (kind of good, all compliments, but wow v forward.)
Yay beckett is normal now. *castle on his phone* they would SO not get his that easy with the gun & stuff. *castle banging on the door*
Always wearing the same suit, it's his club outfit! does frank STILL own it?
*esposito dancing on the clock* he does still own it. maybe that's how it connects to the murder.
HL: Oh no sweat. *SMASH* (not clipping)
I like how he doesn't want to say the year. Also he KNOWS it is not '78 but he might not know the REAL year. "It is whatever year I need it to be" that was a GOOD answer!
"The private event was frank killing him" You figured it out from the time that you got shot at.
rysposito normal looking now "we DO think you killed him?"
Last dance was on the turntable <3 <3
"someone special" we KNOW who that someone special is babes. *lunchbag of evidence*
I think I assumed he stole evidence. Ah the 70s. Gay lovers in the mob in the 70s & this is beautiful. I mean the trauma of killing someone it could totally make you think it's '78 forever. I mean, Harold was also flirting with every woman around. (Maybe that was their thing. You can sleep with any woman, but you only LOVE me) Beard, lavender marriage, his number two...
REMEMBER THE MERGER? MICHAEL CARCANO! He kept it a secret from you that you were going to propose?
for a sec I thought becks was pantsless but it was just a light brown colour.
RC: You couldn’t handle the rejection. So as he left you shot him in the back, then again in the face. You know, because it was personal. Where did she get the gun tho?
It would NOT have stayed that way, these cops would have still solved it.
YES YES YES THIS IS THE BEST EPISODE she CAN'T disco dance tho. Yay martha & alexis! RC: I’m just glad it covers more this time. Ryan & esposito chilling having fun I love it. (Tho if esposito was born in the 70s he might remember like,, kindergarten outfits. I only remember a few that are attatched to specific memories, like that striped early 00s (or really early 2010s except it was probably a handmedown) shirt I wore during geology in elementary. Lanie is back! & her hair is normal *ryan dancing* Gates I love her I love her (reminds me of that one fic I read, it was good, I want to dance with YOU, not any of these other people who might be prettier than you, because I want you.)
Harold my beloved <3 Last Dance is def going on my playlist.
ldjsklsdfkfjsdkljf GREAT EPISODE PEOPLE
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verxsyon · 3 years
·:*¨༺ ❝ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐄 ❞
@dreamiehrs​ hi again vera LMAO i was just wondering if i could req kokomi (aka best girl) where kokomi introduces you to all the resistance fleet/members. she’s the head of & one of them gets into an argument w/ you and she defends you (this is all my brain can come up with atm). hello hello kokomi brainrot is consuming me but can i req kokomi x reader where the reader gets very injured in a fight they had with an enemy/monster & kokomi nurses them back to health (& it’s all fluffy & cutesy).
@sleepyyangyang​ kokomi falls for reader who is gorou’s childhood best friend but thinks they’re a couple, but they are just platonic bffs.
✧ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. kokomi x gn!reader
✧ 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭. drabble ; 0.8k
✧ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞. hurt/comfort, fluff
✧ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬). allusions to near-death experience, injuries
✧ 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚. tried to include the requested information as exact as possible. i kind of went overboard with this because she’s so cute.
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Pink and blue blind your awakening sight.
The tips of your fingers and ears give you the impression that wherever you’re at right now is not Fort Fujitou, the base of the Sangonomiya Resistance. The past several days took a toll on everyone, receiving constant casualties left and right from the Shogunate. Because of that result, you make a rash decision to challenge the Raiden Shogun that winds you up in an argument with Gorou.
Though the general understands your impatience and anger, he believes there is nothing much to be done besides to withstand the attacks of the Shogunate a little while longer. You let your emotions get to the best of yourself, ignoring Gorou’s protests by heading off to Inazuma City alone.
A force punches the side of your torso when you attempt to lift yourself up. It reminds you of what happened afterwards: being confronted by Shogunate soldiers while passing through Nazuchi Beach. There were so many of them, and the next thing you knew was a gradient blur of orange and teal before blacking out.
You have to admit that it was very impulsive of you to act out on your own. Not knowing where you are is causing worry for yourself as well as Gorou. You want to apologize, but you are stopped by a hand pressing onto the location of your pain.
“Ah, you’re awake.”
You gasp upon recognizing the voice. It’s the leader of the Resistance who turns out to be healing your wounds. “Your Excellency? Ngh!”
Kokomi shushes you gently as she rubs around the injured patches of skin. “It seems that you pushed past your limits back there. Please try not to move too much and just keep focusing on your breathing.”
You exhale an agreement, which induces a sharp effect on your injury. “Where am I? Where’s Gorou?”
“Watatsumi Island,” she says. That explains the pink and blue theme of your surroundings. “As for Gorou, he remains at Fort Fujitou to keep watch for Shogunate soldiers. He was the one who called me over to take care of you.”
Despite the nasty curses you have thrown at him, he refuses to turn his back. He had lost you once when the both of you were children, so he doesn’t want history to repeat itself. “He went after me by himself, didn’t he? That idiot—”
“Thankfully, he returned to our base unscathed,” she reports, relieving your concern for your friend’s well-being. “You, on the other hand… Your condition was severe, we thought you wouldn’t make it.”
You hiss out in frustration, to which Kokomi sympathizes with. “Since the incident, Gorou cannot stop blaming himself for being unable to protect you. He cares about you a lot, doesn’t he?”
“Hm, I guess he still does,” you say, tugging a corner of your lips to your cheek. “We’ve been best friends since childhood. Ever since I moved, I didn’t expect a reunion between us until recently. We would frequently argue over everything, and we still do. Hah, his frankness is one thing that hasn’t changed.”
“Friends?” She clears her throat to hide the embarrassment spreading across her face. All along, she misinterpreted your relationship with the general as romantic. Hearing that the two of you are just friends makes her relieved. “Sorry, pardon me. Please, continue.”
You pause for a moment to pray away the stab coming from your wound. “I… cannot thank you enough for saving me, Your Excellency. I am forever in your debt. Otherwise, my promise with Gorou would be broken: to not die on him.”
Kokomi finds herself lost at your pinky that is held out. If she recalls correctly, promises are sworn with pinkies according to her book collection and Gorou. Its origin is dark, yet somehow she thinks the practice is fascinating.
“I want to make a promise with you also, Your Excellency.” Kokomi is startled back to reality, glancing between you and your pinky. “You have done so much for me ever since you introduced me to the Resistance, one being defending me against the other members in the midst of our arguments.”
“I did say that I’m forever indebted to you, did I?” Your pinky waves back and forth due to the nerves of forging your promise with your leader. “I will not die on you either; I refuse. I will keep fighting for the future of Inazuma with you until the end. I trust that you will promise me to do the same.”
A smile spreads across her face. She’s glad to have someone as determined as you to join her ranks, being one of the reasons to solidify her utmost faith in the strength of her soldiers. “Then I promise you, my dear friend. Let us keep fighting together until the future of Inazuma is secure.”
She curls her pinky with yours.
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✧ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬. if your url is in bold, it means i can’t tag you!
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manchesterau · 4 years
my thoughts after reading my policeman: SPOILERSS of course!! (ignore spelling or grammar mistakes) (this is very ramble-y and not as in depth as it could have been sorrryyy lol, if you want specifics send me an ask after reading this)
okay...so i read the book in 3 days....which....im very proud of myself bc it takes me so long to finish books but that’s not why you are reading this.
im not going to lie to you...i liked the book. i love angst, and this had plenty of it and i liked it. if you like books such as: harry potter, six of crows, red queen, red white and royal blue you will not like this book. i know many people found it boring, which yeah i can see that, but i didn't find it boring at all. but mostly because i love boring books but that's beside the point. 
the book flowed easily, there isn't a bunch of raunchy sex scenes that ive seen people say it has (i...the things ive read idk what book they even read????) and Tom does has backward views on marriage and what it means to be a wife. but he is not overtly sexist or misogynist or abusive, or subvertly those things either. to be frank he's a scared gay man in the 50s trying to not get caught and thrown in jail. that's literally it. (ill go more into detail on him later). but if you want to read this book i recommend you go in knowing that there will be homophobia (the word queer is used as a slur....3 times or 4 but no more than 5), expect outing, expect not supportive characters, and remember to have some compassion (more on this later).
next i want to go into characters: starting with tom, then Marion, then Patrick, and then the other characters. so if you are planning on reading this book or just dont want to be spoiled them....don't read the next bit.
I'm going to get this out of the way.........Tom (who we never get to know outside of the two-point of views we are presented with, and who is being played by Harry) is a police officer in the 50s UK. to be frank when the rumors first went around I was mad like a lot of people were, which is funny because when we got those pictures of harry reading the book before all the speculation we were....happy, that he was reading a book about a gay man. now...I don't care honestly. I could call out the hypocrites (i won't) and honestly I'm hypocritical myself. I use to watch shows like svu (if you were to turn it on right now I wouldn't turn it off) and I enjoyed watching svu. I know and have seen a lot of mutuals, people on my dash enjoy cop shows like b99, or who like actors who have played the character of police before. so it would be hypocritical of me to be mad at him (this is just my single black opinion) and then go and turn on svu (which I don't do anymore). 
I'm not saying that no one can be mad, I'm not saying that the anger people have at him playing this role is bad or not needed or valid. all I'm saying is.....is that I don't care. I got angry over this months ago, and all that anger I felt I don't have anymore, and I can't tell you why. Harry is playing an abusive demented husband who traps his wife in a simulation, and then he will play a gay policeman trying not to face persecution..........and that's that. nothing I can say will reach him, he's playing these roles and there is nothing I can do. will I watch them (pirating of course) yes.
anyways let's get back to tom's character (do not use my opinion to silence other black people I will find you....don't do that shit weirdo): tom is......tom?? like I literally was expecting the worst when I read this because of what other people had to say. but as I'm reading him through the eyes of Marion (his wife) and through the eyes of Patrick (his...true love, fuck the 50s I hate the 50s) one word came to mind constantly: scared. Tom is very scared that he will be found out and his life will be ruined. His family knows about him, which is why I think his father (more on him later) pushed him to be in the national service (where he was a cook, which disappointed him). you don't realize his family knows and then his sister says something and then you go 'wait....THEY KNEW???' and then you will go 'oh so that's why-' 
tom does have old fashion views that you would expect of any man at that time (gay or not it's the 50s and gay men are still capable of saying sexist shit). when asked by Patrick if women should still work after having a kid he said no it's the men's job to provide, Marion said she would like to keep working, he said no when they do have a baby (they literally never did, and idk why he thought he could be intimate with her for that long to produce a baby lol). that's....the most sexist thing he said in the whole book (there maybe some small things im forgetting but nothing that really stood out). that's it. I know it's not small and that was a legitimate issue in the 50s but yeah. Just in case you were apprehensive about Tom's character being a raging woman-hater, no,....he just wasn't a true feminist yet (???? I don't know that's like..the most this book says about an issue women were facing at this time). It's still bad what he said (you'll see how Marion justifies it in the book and both Patrick and her don't agree and try and challenge him on his view).
i dont want to go too in depth but it is very obvious from the beginning he has no and i mean ZEROOOO interest in her at all (you can tell when it hits him that he needs a wife and he starts to act a littleee different but it's not romantic at alll). 
i feel like my review on tom is shit but like!! we don't really get to know him without bias from Patrick and Marion. I think Harry will play a wonderful Tom (even tho he doesn't not fit the description for Tom...at all....like at alllll).
To summarize Tom: very scared gay man from the 50s who is trying to do everything he can to not be found out. his family knows, even he knew at a young age, and yes he does quit being a police officer but it doesn't happen as soon as id like but then again he wasn't one for that long if you pay attention to the years.
i just...if yall could see the notes i made on her.....
this is a note i wrote that sums up her and tom's relationship (which is more like friends then anything romantic i mean god their honeymoon was horrible and he proposed to her....nvm 😑)
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listen...i can't lie and say i didn't feel sorry for her up until the end when she (spoilers: she outs patrick to his employer which ends up with him getting arrested). after that...ive never hated a character more in my fucking LIFEEEE like oh my god i was pissed
all she does is have fantasies about him being romantic with her (holding hands, hugging, etc) and none of them come true...BECAUSE HES GAYYYYYY i really....the author could have done a better job because there were so many damn red flags.
she's fucking annoying and whiny and yeah it sucked to be a woman in the 50s but you literally outed someone your husband was in love with and thought that you could just go back to being married like he's not devastated and instead of telling what you did you stayed unhappy and made your husband thing that at any point they were coming for him too.......*****
Patrick and tom deserved a fighting fucking chance i hate the fuck 50s fuck you 50s!!!! I absolutely LOVEDDD his pov and seeing Tom through his pov like it was just so damn refreshing seeing the world through his eyes and how he navigates his queerness in the society they live in. (the dichotomy between a proud gay man and a scared maybe proud but fear overrules that (talking about Tom here) gay man).
There was a lot more to say on how gay men were being persecuted at this time than how women were treated in this particular book. There were some little things here and there about what was expected of Marion as a wife and of a girl/woman at that time but it wasn't the focus.
I loved seeing the way Patrick navigated through his world of art and creativity. And how Tom seemed to fit right in with him.
I hate the things the author made Patrick go through (outed, sent to prison, stripped of his job, and later on in the present day he has had 2 strokes in his 70s). it felt a bit much but it's not too distracting (Patricks pov takes place in the past as he writes in his journal). 
Patrick and Julia (more on her later) are my two favorites in the whole book (Tom is third bc he's a very multi-facted character, Marion is not even on the list) and I wish we got a lot more of Patrick's pov.
Other characters!! (speed round bc this is wayyy too long):
Julia: JULIAAAAA QUEEENNN (you'll see why i love her at the end) 
Tom's parents: his father is abusive point-blank. or at least i think he's abusive (verbally). as im writing this i am now realizing that the way Tom's mom reacts to him (sometimes crying) is bc they knew he was gay omg wow.
tom's dad is very much a man's man guy?? Picture a sexist man from the 50s....now picture him with a gay son.....yeah, I'm not surprised Tom went into national service then to the police force. you can tell he didn't want anyone to find out about Tom so he pushed him to do what he thought best and Tom went with it, scared. 
overall: please do not go into this book expected things to be all flowers and rainbows...this is a book about two gay men in the 50s yall.....
there is something to be said about the tragedy that is in a lot of queer stories, I'm more interested in how white these stories are (that's a rant for another time). but I don't mind my policeman, and i think stories like this should be told. because this actually happened (here is a link to em forster's story where the author takes inspiration from, he really had an affair with a policeman!!! who had a wife!!!).
the ending is bittersweet, and i couldn't help but curse for what could have been. Marion could have not outed Patrick (which she instantly regretted), she could have gotten a divorce (she even contemplated it), they could have been more secretive, Julia could have not said what she said. I think Patrick and Tom were sadly doomed from the start, I just wish they had more time together because I loved seeing their love (the little glimpse we got) bloom into something bigger than them.
thank you for reading!! here are random screenshots of my notes as i read this lol enjoy!!
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135 notes · View notes
harryspet · 4 years
obedience | bucky barnes
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[Warnings] dark bucky barnes x named oc, murder, and violence, non/dubcon oral and vaginal, outdoor sex, kidnapping, p/e/t play elements, bad google translate, implied agegap, mater/pet, lots of buildup, Stockholm syndrome(?)
A/N: I’ve been writing a bunch of Peter and Harry and kind of wanted to take a little break! This pretty much post endgame bucky. Sorry for any story inaccuracies! TRIGGER CONTENT AHEAD SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
In which Bucky kills her family of former Hydra members before taking her home as his pet.
Like, reblog and let me know what you think!
word count: 4.4k
Sam wanted him to let things go. Move on and focus on something else, he said. Sam thought it would be impossible to find any of them since it had been years since they were active members. The snap had given them a big enough distraction to escape. Bucky didn’t think it was fair that they could just disappear, change their names, and get to live another day after the destruction they had caused. 
Accept, they couldn’t stay hidden for long. It took months but Bucky finally tracked the small family to Manhattan. The German immigrants thought they could hide within the millions of citizens in the New York borough. They made several mistakes though only because they couldn’t get rid of the luxury they were used to. The daughter had a driver and bodyguard that took her to and from her private school. 
Bucky had cyberstalked her through her Instagram. The eighteen-year-old Senior posted a lot under the alias, Mina, that her parents had most likely given her. The Vogt family had turned into the Bradford’s of Manhattan’s elite class. The daughter didn’t go anywhere without her bodyguard, at least, that’s what her parents thought. Bucky noticed how she snuck out on Friday’s at the same time every week. 
How reckless could she be? Her parents are on the most wanted list in eight different countries. Teenage love was the only answer. Bucky saw the boy she met up with, a poor rockstar type, that gave her that rush of dopamine she desperately needed. 
Poor little rich girl.
Bucky purposely bumped into her while the couple was waiting for the subway, “Watch where you’re going, dude,” The boy spoke in a thick Queens accent. Her purse dropped and, because Bucky was dressed like a respectable man of society, the girl let him pick it up and hand it back to her. Their eyes met for a long moment and Bucky thought for a moment she was lost in his blue eyes. 
“Sorry about that, you two have a goodnight,” Bucky faked a smile as he walked away, tucking the girl’s apartment key into his coat. 
“Old creep, he was definitely checking you out,” Bucky heard as he walked away, a stoic look of determination on his face. 
Mina woke up frightened. She panted, looking around in the dark for the monster that was in her nightmare. Those striking blue eyes looked into the depths of her soul. Brandon had said the man was checking her out but he didn’t see what she saw. Hate. That man didn’t even know her and yet he hated her. 
Looking out the window across the room, Mina could clearly see the lights of the Manhattan Bridge. When they first moved here, her mother promised she would have an even better view than the master bedroom. They were still trying to get her to not be so upset about the move. Mina pulled back the fabric of her heavy duvet and decided she’d go downstairs to get some water. Her bare feet padded across the white carpet and she opened the doors that led into the hallway. 
As she walked down the hall, someone appeared around the corner, “What are you doing up so late, Miss Mina?” The maid asked, her hands full of towels that she was carrying to the linen closet. 
The maid looked over her, sweaty with tangled hair, clad in her polka-dotted robe and nightgown, “Just getting some water. I had a bad dream.”
The maid held out her hand, urging her to stop, “I can bring you some warm milk and cookies, you should go back to your room,” Something changed in the older woman’s eyes. If Mina wasn’t so tired, she might’ve thought the maid was warning her.
 “It’s okay,” Mina insisted, stepping forward, “You work too much-”
Before Mina could even step forward, the maid collapsed on her side. Blood splattered against the wall and Mina thought she saw pieces of her brain. A bullet had come from down the hall Mina was about to turn on to. Mina covered her mouth, backing away, as the man from the subway stepped around the corner. 
No mask. He didn’t plan on letting her leave alive.
Mina hurried backward, towards her room, but the man took off after her. As her fingers curled around the door handle, she felt metal wrap around her upper arm. She screamed loud, a piercing scream even louder than the gunshot, as she struggled against him. 
The man didn’t speak, just pressed the long tipped gun against the side of her head, “P-Please, please, don’t kill me,” She stuttered out, shutting her eyes shut tight, “Please!”
“Scream one more time and I’ll kill you,” The man jerked her away from the door. The man pulled her back towards the maid’s dead body and down the hall, he came from. Mina’s knees were so weak that she was struggling to walk beside him. She let out a whimper as she was forced to step over the maid’s body. 
“W-Why are you doing this?”
It couldn’t be because of the rude thing Brandon said, right? This was too insane for that. 
He had killed someone. Killed. 
The man dragged her into the room she knew as her father’s office. And despite the man’s order, Mina screamed again. Her mother was bleeding from her abdomen, laying flat on the old rug in front of his desk. The man let go of her arm and Mina ran to her. 
He killed her mother. 
As Mina touched her mother, she realized there was no life left in her. 
Her father was still alive, just bent over and handcuffed to his coffee table, “sie ist tot,” She heard her father say, his thick German accent coming through, “She’s dead. Thank the Winter Soldier for that.”
Mina looked up at the man standing over them, her face covered in tears, “Papa?” Her lips trembling, “W-What’s happening?”
Her father didn’t answer as he looked down, talking to himself, “Mashina. Belyy. Doroga. Svecha. Nebo …” He was spouting off random words in Russian and her anger and frustration only grew. 
The man stepped forward, slamming her father’s head into the table, “I’m not your puppet anymore, Vogt,” Her father laughed, blood dripping down his face. 
“I like your new haircut, Winter Soldier,” Her father teased which only resulted in a punch across the face, “It suits you.” 
“Papa!” She shouted to him, wanting him to stop antagonizing. His wife was dead and his daughter was at gunpoint yet he was teasing the man?  “Please stop hurting him!”
The man finally looked at her, “Your daughter is beautiful, Frank. Is that what you get when you make them in labs?”
Frank? That was not her father’s name. 
“What is it that you want? Money? Being Captain America’s best friend not pay much?”
Bucky tried not to show any emotion but becoming Bucky instead of Winter Soldier had its problems. He was still getting used to showing emotion. 
“I want you dead. For every single death that you cause. For the years of my life that you stole.”
Frank shook his head, “Don’t give me the bad guy/good guy spiel. Name your price, Barnes.”
Bucky scowled, tucking away his gun, “What if I said I wanted your daughter?” The girl's eyes widened, still holding onto her dead mother. 
“Papa?” Her father didn’t answer.
“I know what you think, Barnes, but I am not monster,” Frank spoke calmly. Too calmly, “I can give you my contacts, other members who escaped.”
Bucky narrowed his eyes at the man, “Give me an example, a name, and I’ll decide if it’s worth it.”
“... Viktor Vanzin,” Bucky grinned, pulling out his pocket knife. 
“You’re lying,” Bucky had killed that man himself. That meant Frank was truly out of the loop, “I want your daughter. A life for a life.”
“She’s innocent,” Frank continued. 
“So was I,” Bucky countered, waiting for a response. 
“Okay, Barnes. Life for a life,” As Frank finally nodded yes, Bucky thought the girl might faint. She went completely still, her heart completely broken. Bucky almost felt bad but he was really doing her a favor. 
“You evil fucking bastard,” Bucky cursed, moving behind the man and wrapping his arm around the man’s neck. Frank struggled as Bucky drove the knife several times into his stomach. He wanted him to slowly bleed out, to suffer. The man slumped back over the table, coughing up blood. 
He spoke his last words to her, “I-I’m s-sorry, schatz.”
She fainted. 
Mina awoke on a thin mattress in a cold room. She reached to clutch her robe but only found her thin, blue nightgown. She wrapped her arms around herself, the sound of her heart pounding flooding her ears, before quickly sitting up. She regretted it instantly, gaining a headache quickly. 
She looked around and found now windows. The walls were a boring beige and there were absolutely no decorations. Only one wooden chair in the corner. Bucky heard the commotion and walked into the room a few moments later. He found her standing, pacing around the locked room.
He expected her to be angry, to shout at him, but instead, he watched eyes well up with tears. He much rather she is angry then have to watch her cry, “Why didn’t you kill me?”
“You want to be in the afterlife with those evil people?”
“I-I’m evil too, remember?” She choked on her sobs. She remembered how her father was willing to give her over to this man in a trade for his life. She remembered how he died anyways and she was taken by this man too. 
“I haven’t decided that.”
“I know they must’ve done something bad to you but they … t-they were my parents,” She struggled to speak, “They loved me. Doesn’t that show some kind of humanity?”
Bucky leaned back against the door,  fingers brushing through his beard as he thought, “You truly don’t know who they really were?” She was silent, “They were top scientists for Hydra. They’re responsible for thousands of deaths and you … they lied to you.”
She shook her head, “No, they work in finances. They could never do that.”
“I think your father showed you his true colors in his final moments. If that doesn’t convince you then I don’t know what will.”
“Why didn’t you kill me?”
Bucky leaned forward, “So, even in death, they can look at you from the other side and feel no peace.”
“Please … please just kill me.”
“Where’s the fun in that, my little treasure?”
Mina hated her parents. 
She loved them because they were her parents and hated them because they were the reason this happened to her. She would never see them again, never see Manhattan or Brandon ever again. 
When Bucky walked into the small room later that day, he had a black box as well as a tray of food. Mina held her knees to her chest, staring at the wall, “Leave me alone.”
Bucky sighed, “I think you’re gonna need your strength,” Out of the corner of her eyes she could see his shirt was short-sleeved, his metal arm fully exposed. He set down the tray by her sad excuse of a bed. 
He waited but she didn’t move. Bucky gently placed down the box before moving towards her. She flinched away from him but he grabbed her leg, pulling her flat on her back, “No, don’t! Please don’t!” His metal arm wrapped around her throat and with a swift movement, he ripped off her nightgown. She was weeping again as he did the same with her bra and panties. She grabbed at his arm which was completely useless. 
When he was done, Bucky stood up, watching as she scrambled to cover up with her arms, “You’re sick!” 
Bucky tossed the remnant to the side, “Good girls get to wear clothes. Eat and I’ll think about getting you some clothes. I’m in control here, I won’t put up with your tantrums,” Mina stared at him and Bucky was relieved that she was scowling at him instead of crying, “Eat.”
Mina flinched at the sound of his voice but moved forward. It was heated up canned soup and a plastic cup of water. She was glad that he splurged on her. Sitting on her knees, she covered her breast with one hand and moved the plastic spoon with her other hand. 
It was lukewarm and not that appetizing but she ate most of it. Bucky had pulled the wooden chair closer and taken a seat, “C-Can I have clothes now?” Her face was completely red and, now, she found it hard to even look at him. 
“I’ll think about it in a few days,” Bucky answered simply, and, as it were even possible, her face fell even more, “Considering your reaction, it seems like a good punishment.”
“Why do you want to punish me?” Mina asked, her voice timid. Was not taking her from her family enough?
“Oh, doll,” Bucky’s face softened as he leaned forward in the chair, “I don’t want to punish you but you won’t be obedient otherwise.”
To Bucky, she was a prize. A product of all that he had done and all that he had overcome to get to this point. He had survived her parents and now he owned their lives as well as their daughters. He’d spit on their graves by making her loyal and obedient to him. 
“If I promise to behave, can I have some clothes?” Bucky grinned, thinking she was smarter than she looked. 
Bucky’s eyes went to the black box and he swiftly picked it up, “I have something else for you to wear. A temporary one until you graduate.”
“I’m thinking of calling it Bucky’s Reformatory School for Troubled Little Girls,” She couldn’t tell if he was joking but he seemed very proud of the name he came up with. He opened the box, pulling out a plain black collar with a single silver loop, “Crawl over here, pet. Let me put it on you.”
“Mr. Barnes, please-”
“Call me Master.”
It took Mina two months to even earn a pair of panties. And the panties he chose for her were skimpy, to say the least. 
Mina was used to being naked now and she was almost used to Bucky. He insisted on complete order in his house. They woke up at the same time every day, ate breakfast, Bucky went off probably to murder people and came back in the afternoon to torture her.
That morning, she sat at his feet, eating her breakfast from a plate on the floor. Apparently, she wasn’t allowed the luxury of eating at the table or even sleeping in an actual bed. It was her job to make the food, the way he taught her, and she wasn’t even allowed to enjoy it. 
She wasn’t sure exactly where this rustic house was and Bucky didn’t care to answer questions like that. It wasn’t like anywhere she had lived when she was growing up. Though it wasn’t the biggest it was quite homey and somewhere she probably would’ve liked if she weren’t stuck here. The place had a big porch and there were trees surrounding most of the property except for a pond she noticed one time. 
Bucky was going through his computer, looking at codes Mina couldn’t understand. It probably had something to do with whatever mission he had to go on today. 
Mina itched at her collar, a reminder that she was not yet perfect to Bucky. 
“Mina,” She looked up quickly. Every time she heard him say her name she hoped he’d say something along the lines of giving her freedom. It made her think about what would happen if she was free. Where would she even go? She didn’t have any more family and she’d be surprised if Brandon hadn’t forgotten all about her, “Dishes.”
She gave him a solemn look, standing up with her plate in her hand. She grabbed his too and she felt his eyes over her body. He seemed to resist his urges well. Mina knew he desired to touch her and it would be a matter of time before he violated her that way. 
She walked the dirty dishes over to the sink, still feeling his eyes on her as he sat at the kitchen table, “Do you want to do something fun today, pet?”
“What do you mean, Master?”
She heard his chair creak as he rose from his seat, “We’ll go into town. We’re in dire need of groceries.”
Bucky watched her carefully, wanting to see her reaction. This was all another test, of course, to see if he could trust her out in public. 
She turned her head and Mina almost smiled for the first time in a long time. He moved behind her and Mina focused back on the dishes, “Yes, yes, that would be very nice.” He smacked her hard on her bottom and Mina winced, “I mean yes, Master.”
She felt his body heat on her skin as she turned off the water, setting the dishes into a drying rack. As she turned around, Bucky grabbed her by her neck. Luckily for her, it wasn’t the metal one, “You’d be very grateful to me, right?”
Mina nodded as best as she could, forced to look into his eyes, “What would you do to thank me?”
Mina hesitated but not for long as she felt his hand tighten, “Whatever you want, Master.”
Bucky smirked, “Hmm, and if I wanted your lips around my cock? What would you say?”
He loved this, watching her squirm. She actually thought about it and she wasn’t strong enough to defy this. Throughout this whole process, she thought she’d be stronger than this. All she knew is she’d do anything to escape this house,  “I … I-If that’s what you wanted, Master.”
The accomplished look on his face told her enough, “Let’s get dressed then.”
The drive from the house in Bucky’s truck was shorter than she expected. That told her that she wasn't as far away from civilization as she originally thought. She watched all the road signs but she still couldn’t quite tell where she was. It looked to be maybe that they were in the South by the type of trees. 
It seemed to be a very small town with one main street and a few more buildings. 
She was wearing a pair of regular jeans that were a little too big for her and a black hoodie that only partially hid the collar. It was another reminder that she was not a regular person anymore. Perhaps she never was.
Bucky grabbed her hand as they walked into the practically empty Piggly Wiggly. He grabbed a cart with his other hand, greeting one of the old ladies behind the cash register. 
She was not to talk to anyone unless they addressed her and Bucky would kill anyone that she tried to ask for help. Violently, he made sure to add. 
She tried her best to enjoy what little freedom she had but her mind kept wandering back to what she had “promised” Bucky she’d do in return for this outing. 
“Can we get something to eat?” She blurted out, before whispering, “Master.”
Bucky thought for a moment, pointing out the brand of Milk he wanted, waiting for her to fetch it for him. 
“Want to spend even more time in my company?” She scowled on the inside but nodded anyway. 
Bucky chose a diner on the edge of town and they seemed to get stares from everyone inside as they walked in and chose their booth. Bucky looked around as if he wasn't used to being in places like this either. 
Bucky asked her what she wanted so he could order her, avoiding as much human contact as possible, “ … and a chocolate milkshake.”
“That might cost you extra later, Mina,” Her lips pressed down into a thin line. 
“Whatever you wish, Bucky,” It was brave, saying that when he couldn’t reprimand her. Bucky smirked, knowing what she was doing. 
Bucky proceeded to order for them, including the milkshake she wanted, “Can I use the bathroom?”
Bucky raised an eyebrow, “Do you think I was born yesterday?” Quite the opposite, she thought. 
Mina slouched back in her seat. It was only recently that she looked at him and actually thought he was attractive. Maybe they would’ve worked together if he weren’t so cruel. 
“Maybe if I pee my pants, someone will notice and-”
“Mina,” He practically growled her name, “Don’t ruin this opportunity I’m giving you.”
As the waitress approached with their food, Mina slowly slid the knife on the table into her lap and then the pocket of her sweatshirt. Bucky actually smiled at the waitress and she seemed to swoon. 
Mina enjoyed her milkshake and the two sat quietly for most of the meal. Bucky watched as she devoured her food and felt a little bit better about rewarding her. It had been a long two months but she was coming along a few more months, and she wouldn’t have a single thought that didn’t involve making Bucky happy. 
He grabbed her hand as they both went up to pay the check, “You two are a lovely couple,” Mina didn’t even react and the woman only smiled awkwardly, “Have a good night.”
“What do you say?”
“Thank you, Master.”
Bucky could sense the tension between the two of them growing as they got into his car. As they traveled down the dirt road, a feeling swept over both of them. A feeling of knowing and worry. Bucky put the car in park, sighing, “You’re clever but not clever enough, Mina.”
Mina froze, “Give me the knife. I won’t ask again.” Bucky’s words were sharp, demanding. 
Mina reached into her pocket and gripped the knife. As quickly as she could and with as much force as she could muster, she shoved into him. It only entered a few centimeters into the right of his chest but the motion stunned him. Mina opened her door and jumped out. 
It was one last valiant effort at her freedom. Bucky’s chest rumbled with anger as he opened his own door, causing it to almost fall off its hinges. He chased her as she ran into the treeline. Bucky was unnaturally fast and she was only a few seconds ahead of him. 
She didn’t even make it thirty feet before a metal arm wrapped around her waist and through her small body over his shoulder. She fought with the last of the strength she had as he brought her back over to the truck. 
“You have no one,” he threw her body down, pinning her against the front side of the truck, “No one except for me. Do you understand that?”
She nodded, trying to ease his wrath. He was bleeding, she could see it seeping through the plaid of his shirt, “No one else who’s going to give a shit about whether you live or die.”
“I’m sorry,” She whimpered but it wasn’t enough. 
By her shoulder, he forced her down to the ground. She didn’t move as he began to undo his jeans. She closed her eyes but Bucky roughly grabbed her chin, “Look at me!” She did as his erection sprang from his underwear. It pressed against her closed lips, “Open.”
Whatever gentleness he was previously going to give her was gone. He shoved his erection inside her mouth, instantly making her gag with how deep it went.  
He groaned as he moved inside her with animalistic lust. Saliva dripped down her chin and her eyes filled with tears from the lack of oxygen. He even pinched her nose shut to torture her further.
She’d grab onto his thighs for some sort of balance and he’d simply push away her hands, using her mouth like a barbarian. 
Bucky didn’t want to finish in her mouth, he hadn’t waited this long for that. He pulled her up from her position on her knees only to pull the jacket over her head. Luckily, there was no one around to see what was happening in his driveway. 
He turned her around swiftly before easily yanking down her pants and panties as well, He pressed her front into the hood of the car, positioning himself at her entrance. Mina’s body had betrayed her and Bucky could feel her wetness. 
“You’d enjoy this more if you weren’t so stubborn, pet.”
He entered her slowly and Mina cried out, the pressure incredibly intense. 
Bucky held her waist, dragging her body back onto him and then pushing it forward as he moved in and out. He grunted, noting how tight she was around him. It felt like they were perfectly matched together. 
Bucky sped up his pace, his hand reaching around to rub her sensitive bulb. She flinched from the touch but he could tell it was from the sudden pleasure. She was tightening around him and he could tell she was already coming. Bucky made a note about how sensitive she was. 
The first orgasm ripped through her, completing shattering her world in the process. How could she be turned on by this? Maybe what she felt had been wrong all along. She tried to hold in her moans but that proved futile quickly. 
Bucky wasn’t done with her yet, turning her back around to face him and lifting her leg so he could slide into her again. She looked tired from the first one, tears still staining her face. Bucky held her neck in his metal hand as he slammed into her a few more times. He finished inside her with his lips on hers. As he came, he removed his hand and he felt Mina return his kiss. They moved well together, his tongues brushing hers as it became sloppier. 
Mina was crying still, not because of the gagging but because she realized what Bucky said was true.
“I’m the only one you have,” He spoke, starting to kiss her chin and then her neck. She nodded vigorously in agreement. 
“I know, I-I know,” Her eyes didn’t leave his. 
Bucky pulled away, looking her over, loving how perfect she was, “Let’s get you in the bath, doll.”
Hope you enjoy this! I have another Sebastian fic called plaything and a bunch of dark Peter stuff. I’m currently trying to write a Bucky/Steve/Peter related Walking Dead AU so hopefully my idea for that works out lol. 
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the-silentium · 4 years
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reincarnation!Reader
Words: 2755 words
Warnings: TUA season 1 and 2 spoilers, violence, blood, mention of torture, swearing, angst.
Requested by: @asphodelshare​
Hi! I read your Five fics and I like your style of writing! If it’s not too much to ask, could you write one where Five had to leave the reader back in the 2019 Apocalypse bc he didn’t have a choice. He then sees her 1963 counterpart, she doesn’t know him and he tries to stop himself from reconnecting w/ her but he can’t help himself. It’s up to you if it’ll end on a happy note or an angsty one! Xx
A/N: The Eternals are my personal touch, so I guess this should be considered an AU of some sort. I'm sure this wasn't what you thought would happen, I'll be frank, it wasn't what I thought either 😂 The end just wrote itself! And it wasn't what I had planned. Ouups. 
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He tried. Really, he tried. Ever since the first time he saw you walking in the street wearing a school uniform, a school bag hanging loosely on your shoulder and a lunchbox in hand, Five had had a hard time resisting his need to run to you and hug your form with all his might. Granted, Five had no proof that the girl walking away from him was this time-line version of you, she could simply be a perfect replica of your 15 years old self with the same habit of drawing on her school furniture, the same bright smile and the same bewitching laugh. Yes, she was just a replica. A too perfect replica. 
Five forced his legs to take him away from her walking form and tried to push the girl at the back of his mind. He had to concentrate on his task to stop the new apocalypse and return back in 2019 where he left you. 
It never was in the plan to let you die under the meteor shower that ravaged the Earth, if anything you were at the top of his list of people he had to save. Unfortunately Five came to the conclusion that the past was a place way too dangerous for you to venture, add this to the Commission who would surely double down their effort to kill the Hargreeves and whoever helped them, your chances of dying in the past were way too high for his liking. The boy would never be able to live with himself if you were to die permanently in the past and not for only a few days in 2019. 
For a whole day, Five managed to forget about the girl and his feelings altogether. Alongside Diego, he broke into their father's company building and discovered some precious information. The part of the night involving the younger Pogo let him a bitter taste in his mouth but it didn't stop him in the slightest. Back at Morty's, Five was almost surprised to find his brother still breathing on the couch, his new partner in crime cauterizing his bullet-wound. 
"Did you cut yourself shaving? I can teach you to shave like a big boy." Sighing the boy put a gaze to the bleeding scratches burning his neck. All he could hope now was that Pogo didn't give him Herpes B. 
"No, I just ran into an old family friend." Five turned around towards the kitchen in hope of finding a perfectly brewed coffee pot. He groaned in disappointment when he noticed that not only was the coffee pot empty, but Elliott wasn't tied in the chair anymore. 
"You untied him?" Five shot Lila a brief glance before returning his attention to his surroundings, listening attentively to any sound allowing him to pin-point the man's location. 
"No. Was I supposed to?" 
Ignoring her question, Five made his way to the rooms down the hallway. He never ventured there before, he assumed that the three doors lead to a bedroom and some storage rooms filled with conspiracy theories just like the living room. Turns out he was partially right. 
Elliott's bedroom was empty, the bed still undone. The next door opened on a black room with pictures hanging on the walls and dyeing material placed neatly. 
From behind the last door, Five could hear two distinct muffled voices. He recognized the first one as Elliott's but the second one made him frown in concentration. It sounded familiar even though he never really talked to anyone from this time-line other than Lila and Elliott. 
Confused, Five opened the door, not prepared at all to see you standing in front of a seated Elliott, the two of you arguing in hushed voices. The cracking door alerted you, your angry gaze instantly found him, standing in your doorway with his mouth slightly opened in shock like an idiot. 
Five gulped as you made your way to him, there was no way that she wasn't you. Not only did she look exactly like you, but her pissed-off expression was the same as the you he knew. Your fists were tight at your sides, no doubt giving you the courage to not back down before him, your furrowed brows created little wrinkles that Five desperately wanted to ease away by a light stroke of his fingers and your eyes. Oh your eyes. How he had missed their spark. 
“Who are you?” You harshly asked while poking his chest with your delicate finger. 
Five had a hard time keeping his arms to his sides, preventing them from pulling you into a tight hug that you were sure to hate. Instead, he breathed in deeply in an attempt to calm his frantic heart. “E- What are you doing here?” He mentally cursed the slight waver in his voice, then again, you tended to have that effect on him. 
“I live here. Why are you here?” 
He was at a loss of words and couldn't help but stare at you in disbelief. You lived here?
“Oh. Yeah. Sorry.” Elliott stood up, his anxiety showing in the form of a hand scratching the back of his neck. “This is my daughter Y/N. Y/N this is- this is- eh. He’s one of them.” 
You even had the same name! It finally clicked into Five's head. He had heard of the rare phenomenon back in his days at the Commission, someone extremely important to the balance of the time-line would reincarnate after each one of their deaths to keep the time-line on track. Those very few, only eight in the whole world, were constantly chased by the Commission who in the beginning tried to discover the secret of their perpetual rebirths but then changed their goal to killing them as soon as they could when they discovered that the reincarnations could remember their past and future lives. Five had always thought that the Eternals, as the Commission called them, were just a story created by bored time analysts to kill time. 
Shaking himself out of his thoughts, a small smile slipped out of his control at the perspective that this was really you right in front of him, his best friend, his confidant, his partner in crime and the object of his affection. 
“The name’s Five.” So far you didn’t seem to remember him. Maybe you were too young or it was too soon. He had no idea how your condition worked.
"I don't care, asswad. You and your friends tied my father to a chair-" Five's heart stopped at the insult modern you used to call him all the time when his shitty attitude managed to get on your nerves. As much as he hated the nickname, he couldn’t help the rush of excitement he felt when he heard it. You may be starting to remember your future even if you were unaware of it.
"He tried to shoot us." Five deadpanned quickly remembering why they tied the man in the first place. 
"You are in our house!"
"He invited us in." Okay, this one was a lie. Five had space-jumped in first, but then Elliott hadn't kicked him out so he would consider it as an invitation to stay.  
"Dad!" You turned to the embarrassed grown-up, disbelief written all over your face. 
Five decided to let them argue alone and go control his ever growing feelings somewhere else, preferably somewhere you were not. Walking back to the kitchen to finally make himself some coffee, Five thought about how he could help you remember who you were- no, will be. 
“What’s the beeping?” Lila’s voice broke through his reasoning, catching his attention when she poked the computer screen. 
Five made his way toward the machine, a grin stretching his lips. “Vanya.” In a second he jumped away, carrying on with his plan to gather his siblings.
It was only two days later that he saw you next. You were eating your breakfast while quickly scribbling on a poor paper sheet, your foot bouncing rapidly on the floor as the seconds passed. Five was watching you over his warm cup of coffee, swiftly averting his gaze whenever you would lift yours. An elbow hit his shoulder, almost causing him to lose his balance and fall on the floor, wasting his precious black liquid. 
“What?” Five snapped at Luther after making sure his drink didn’t spill over his hand. 
“Why is Y/N here?” His whispering was not subtle at all although luckily for the blue-eyed boy, the sizzling eggs covered the excessive sound. 
Five went to his brother’s side, turning his back to you in the meantime. “She’s not the same Y/N. Well, she is but-” He groaned at the complexity of the situation. His brother would definitely not understand, so he went with the easy way out. “Long story short, this is her past life. Now stop talking abou-” 
“Oh, hey even your little girlfriend made it here.” Diego joined the conversation without a care in the world. He grabbed a plate along with some toast before dropping them at Five’s outburst.
“She’s not my girlfriend!” He could feel his body heating up despite his best efforts. 
All three of them tensed for their own reasons yet they all not so subtly turned their heads in your direction. If looks could kill, they would definitely be at the verge of death. 
“I’m not his girlfriend.” Five just received his killing blow. 
You hurriedly grabbed your bag under the table and rushed out of the room, paper in hand. The silence following your exit permitted your last words to bounce in his head, hurting his feelings like nothing before. If he could gauge the pain he felt at this right moment on a scale of 1 to 10, he would say that without a doubt this was a 10. 
What you said was the plain truth. In any lives of yours did you and him became a thing. It didn’t stop the fact that after all these years suppressing his romantic attraction toward you, Five had nurtured the hope that maybe one day, you two could be more than friends. Today this hope just blew up in his face, mauling his heart in the process.
So in the blink of an eye, the boy disappeared from the kitchen to live his pain alone, away from prying eyes and the pity of his brothers. 
Later that same day, Five was nursing his seventh cup of steaming coffee of the day when someone sat next to his own spot on the second floor, legs dangling in the air where the floor stopped to show the once TV shop. He sipped on his coffee as an attempt to show them that he wasn’t interested in the slightest in what they had to say, needless to say that it didn’t work. He should be used by now, it never worked.
“I’m impressed that you didn’t die from a heart attack or something. Your blood pressure should be pretty high with all the coffee that you drink in a day.” He nearly choked on his sip when your soft voice reached his ears. 
He turned to you, baffled to see you smirking at him. Not angry. Not annoyed. Playful. "You know, if you weren't from the future and weren’t endangering my father by your mere presence here, I would have loved to be your friend." 
Just when Five thought that he couldn’t be surprised anymore! "How do yo-?"
"Klaus doesn't stop talking about how he misses youtube." The boy sighed, clearly his brother couldn’t keep his mouth shut. He wondered if sewing his mouth shut would suffice to shut him up for good. Knowing Klaus, he would definitely find a way to express himself without his mouth. “Also I remember you, asswad.” You bumped his shoulder with yours before crossing your arms on the railing before you and resting your head on them. 
His eyes went wide, the meaning of your words slowly registering into his brain. He turned to you, trying in vain to not get his hopes up about your remembrance. A very genuine smile stretched your lips, making Five almost drop his mug on the floor below. He then realized that if you could remember your future life, then you surely remembered your future death and with it, how Five abandoned you to your demise. Guilt pulled at his heart at imagining what you went through because of him and fear darkened his heart at the thought that not only your past self would hate him but your modern self too. 
Something on his cheek caught his attention, the delicate stroke of your fingers awoke a fire under his skin when he noticed your gesture and the concerned frown disturbing your perfect features. This time around he couldn’t stop himself and reached forward, smoothing the creased skin with a light brush of his fingertips. 
“I’m sorry.” His hand dropped in defeat at his side, his gaze fleeing yours. 
“What for?” You asked, genuinely confused.
“I abandoned you to die.” His voice was so small, saying it aloud made him doubt his choice. He closed his eyes tightly to keep the tears away, his remorses started eating him alive. 
You moved closer and took the mug out of his hand when it was within your reach. You disposed of it before wrapping your arms around his waist and put your chin on his shoulder. He didn’t open his eyes, instead closing them tighter to the point that he started to see stars dance behind his eyelids. 
“You.” You blowed on the side of his face. Once. Twice. “Hey you. Open your eyes.” You sighed when he merely relaxed his facial muscles but kept his eyes shut. “I understand you know? You had to. I’m not mad.” 
You proceeded to poke his cheek when the absence of reaction on his part was starting to get on your nerves. “I’m talking to you, asswad!”
You gasped when Five suddenly turned his head to the side and connected his lips to yours with force. His hands found the side of your face to keep you close when his lips moved with yours in a desperate motion, as if you would vanish at any seconds. At one point, the kiss stopped tasting coffee, a salty taste replacing the strong addicting aroma.
Slowly Five pulled away to discover tears running down your cheeks. His first reaction was to close his hands into fists wanting to jump away and remove his damned heart from his chest with his bare hands. As the blue waves flowed around his fists, your lips stretched in a smile stealing his breath. 
"Took you long enough." Your almost imperceptible whisper was so loud in his ears. 
A smile mirroring your own formed on his face, he was beyond the moon all the while asking himself how he could have been so stupidly blind to your feelings. 
"We got there, that's what's important." You hummed in agreement before repositioning your head on his shoulder and contemplating what next. 
A few days passed and Five along with his siblings met their father. Needless to say that it went down pretty quickly. For some odd reason, Five found himself thinking that it could have been worse. Someone could have died. Or hurt. Everyone was in one piece if we didn't count Diego's soul. 
Space-jumping back at Morty's, Five thought that he was horribly wrong. Elliott's body laid in a chair obviously having been tortured before being executed. As much as the boy wanted to feel bad for the man who played such a great role helping him reach his goal, every thought that passed through his mind was directed at you. 
Five yelled your name before jumping from room to room before he noticed a crimson red trail leading to the black room. 
His shaking hand grabbed the handle of the slightly opened door, pushing it with a shaky breath escaping his lungs. 
If it wasn't of your school uniform you were wearing, Five couldn't have said for sure that this broken body was yours. The obvious torture you went through got him on his knees, water pooling from his eyes like two rivers. 
He was wrong. So dearly wrong. This, right now, was the worst pain he ever felt. He didn't even have to open his chest to relieve himself of his excruciating pain for his heart had completely stopped at the agony scaled to 11.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
The end has arrived, let the darkness take over you
Frank Castle x Male Reader
Request - Okay good i wanna request for a male reader being punisher's sidekick his backstory is that he came from a poor family single mother 2 siblings and a deadbeat dad he wanted to become a doctor to make money for his family and then family got killed during a crossfire between 2 gangs while going shopping so now he wants revenge he gets a knife buys a gun and starts tracking them down and along the way he comes across frank who's badly injured and unconscious so he drags him away to somewhere safe
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All your life you grew up poor. Your mother did everything to have food for you and your two siblings, she worked odd jobs to make sure she can buy clothes and food for everyone. There were moments, that everyone went to bed without eating anything. But your father is a piece of shit, he used to abuse you, mom, and your siblings verbally and physically. You started to fight back. You threw his stuff out then changed the locks. He hasn't come back around for a long time and you want to keep it like that.
You want to be a doctor to help people and provide for your family. Your mom would take you and your siblings to the library, you would start to read medical books old and modern. She knows you want to be a doctor, she wants to help you achieve your dream.
Later, your mother takes you and your sibling's shopping, to buy clothes.
”Y/N, here you can finish reading it at home,” Your mom said.
She gave you the medical book, the library doesn't allow people to check out.
”Mom, you stole it?” You smiled.
”Shh, it's our secret. I know you will be a good doctor and we will always support you. It will be hard but you are strong men and you will make it” She said.
You hugged your mom and she kissed your head. Your siblings hugged you too and you hugged them back.
While walking with them to the store, suddenly there is a shoot out between two gangs on the streets. Bullets start to fly everywhere, people start to run for cover.
You get hit in your arm with a stray bullet, you fall down and hit your head and you passed out.
-At the hospital--
You wake up and your arm is in pain. The IV is in your arm and you look around, the cop walked in.
”Where is my family? My mom-”
”I’m sorry. But you will have to identify your family at the morgue” She said.
Tears start to form and you are stunned.
”W-what happened,” You said.
”There was a shootout between two gang rivals, six people died now we are trying to identify them,” She said.
Your heart starts to race, that's the only thing you can hear is your heart. Later, they take you to the morgue and you see your family. You broke down and start to cry, you kneed down and kept crying.
What happened between the two gangs and six people died, the news kept talking about it non-stop. But the cops are taking too long to arrest anyone.
You want revenge, you collected newspapers, booked marked social media talking about the crime, and Google the videos of the crime. You go back to the crime scene during late hours. You searched for clues. You know about the two gangs and no one got arrested, that made you angry. You want to take the law into your own hand and do something about it.
-The next night-
You want to buy a gun and a knife. You know where you go and you bought the items, without any trouble. You start to stalk the first gang The blue reapers, you look at them, and you are filled with rage. Now, you start to think about how you will lure them and kill them.
You really don't have a plan. You are just going in there with a gun and knife against a gang. You are standing across the street watching them. Before you left, you heard a huge sound towards the dumpster. You walked towards the dumpster and you see a guy badly beaten up. He is conscious, you did try to wake up him but it didn't work, you tried to pick him up. You take him back to your place and you start to clean his wounds.
✯ ✫ ✯ ✫
-Next Day-
Frank wakes up and his body is feeling sore. He did struggle to get out of bed, he walked out of the room and he sees you.
”Who are you?” Frank asked.
”I found you unconscious in the alley. I took you here, to stitch you up and you don't need major surgery. My name is Y/N” You said.
”Thank you,” Frank said.
”Don’t worry your gear is fine. It's in the living room... I know who you are” You said.
”You know who I am?” Frank asked.
You nod.
”Help me. Train me, I need to get revenge for those who killed my family. Please train me-”
”I won't train you,” Frank said.
”Why not? I want those two gangs to fall apart. If we don't stop them they will kill winning and kill more people” You said.
”You don't want this lifestyle. The answer is no” Frank said.
”Just give me a chance. I saw you do it before you fight them then kill-”
”I said no!” Frank yelled.
Frank puts back on his gear and left. You sighed and start to think about what to do.
A couple of days has passed by, Frank hasbeen thinking about what you said. Frank started to keep an eye on you, but you didn't notice him following you. Later, you found out the first gang’s hideout. You are being reckless, you only have one gun, and there are more than ten people inside the bar.
Frank can see what you are doing. He sighed and called you a dumbass in his mind. Frank moved rapidly, grabbed you by your hoodie, and slammed you hard against the brick wall in the alley.
”What the fuck is wrong with you!?!” Frank growled.
He doesn't let go of you.
”I want them to pay!” You yelled.
”With one gun!? Once you pull out your gun the next you have a bullet in your fucking skull!” Frank growled again.
You and Frank glared at each other.
”Help me stop them. You have the skills and you can be my mentor” You said.
”Go home, before I break your kneecap,” Frank said cold.
He let's go of you and you really want him to train you.
”I work alone,” Frank said.
Frank made sure you walked away. You did go home but the landlord kicked you out because you haven't paid your rent in months. You grabbed your clothes and a family picture and left. You didn't want to go to the homeless shelter so you slept in the park.
Frank knows what you're going through and he changed his mind. It wasn't hard for Frank to find you. He did take you to his small apartment which you're grateful. You do sleep on the floor on air a mattress.
Every day Frank showed you how to properly clean a gun, take it apart then put it back together and how to hold a gun. Next Frank would teach you how to pickpocket and it's not easy for you. Because you have to be silent like the wind but you keep messing up. But Frank starts to teach you how to fight but he is not a nice mentor. He hits you hard and he doesn't take it easy.
”Do you think they will go easy on you? Remember, on their mind, they want to kill you either you kill them first or they will kill you” Frank said.
”I won't forget that” You said.
Frank starts to punch you and you start to block his blows. You punched him in the jaw, he almost fell and he is bleeding.
”Not bad, Y/N. Let's keep going” Frank said.
You couldn't help to smirk.
✯ ✫ ✯ ✫
Weeks went by you have been killing gang members one by one from both sides. Frank does go along with you for backup, you didn't feel bad for killing them. They killed your family and they must pay. You finished killing two people on your own, you are covered in blood.
”Sloppy but remember don't leave any evidence that belongs to you on the crime scene. Let's go” Frank said.
You and Frank leave the dive bar. Across the street, there are security cameras and it caught you leaving the bar bloody.
The cops found out that you and Frank have been killing gang members. They want to arrest you and Frank, but they can't find your location. Frank has taught you how to live off the grid.
You are ready to kill them. You and Frank did set up a trap to have both gangs in one place at the warehouse. They want revenge because you killed their friends.
”Who the fuck are you?” He asked.
”You don't care about my name. But I’m here to kill all of you” You said.
They just laughed at you and you are glaring at them. You take out your gun and shot one of the guys in the head. His body dropped now everyone stopped laughing.
”You fucking asshole!” He yelled.
Everyone took out their guns but Frank is on the rail, he is using his sniper rifle. Now everyone is starting to shoot, you run and hide behind a shipping crate. You hid your weapon and you take out the Submachine gun.
You come out and you start to kill them. You were going to load but the guy hit you and you dropped the gun. You take out the brass knuckles and put it on. Now you start to fight and you punch him in the face. He killed your family, you got on top of him and you snapped. All the rage you locked inside came out, he is bleeding out fast but you broke his face.
You grabbed your gun and the bullets, you loaded your gun. You start to shoot and more bodies start to drop. Frank run towards you
” Let's go now,” Frank said.
You followed him outside and locked the doors. You and Frank blocked every exit earlier and left bombs inside. You and Frank get away from the warehouse, he gave you the remote.
”When you are ready,” Frank said.
You didn't say anything and you pressed the button. You and Frank watched the warehouse explode.
✯ ✫ ✯ ✫
You and Frank go to a small diner to eat. You did burn your clothes because it had blood and put on different clothes. You and Frank don't say anything and just kept eating.
”What is your next move, Y/N,” Frank said.
He takes a huge bite from his burger.
”I have nothing else left for me here. We are wanted so I thought maybe I can tag along” You said.
He starts to think and he drinks his soda and you started to eat again.
”Okay, you can come with me to Canada. I have a friend who can help us” Frank said.
You nod.
You met Logan, he has been friends with Frank for years. They trust each other now you're friends with Logan. You told him what happened to your family and he understands the pain and he didn't judge you. Logan told you and Frank that the cops is after you two. But you didn't care, now you want to figure out what you will do with your life.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 4 years
Heavy is the Crown
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer Reid x F!Reader
Summary: During a case, you learn that Spencer never got to go to a high school dance. And that just doesn't sit right with you, so you decide to fix that.
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The case was closed. Several young teenage girls had been kidnapped and murdered. The unsub was a thirty-seven year old male who’d been humiliated at his senior prom, so he saw the young girls as surrogates for the girls who humiliated him at his prom. Before he was able to hurt two more girls, you and the team managed to track him down in time.  
You, Spencer, Derek headed towards the SUV after the capture of the unsub. You shook your head in disbelief, “Wow. Prom. Not gonna lie, I didn’t see prom as a big deal, but I went anyway because I didn’t want to miss out.”
Derek smiled with a hum, “My prom is a bit of a blur, honestly. A lot when on that night,” he gives you a knowing look and you and Spencer roll your eyes at him.
Then Spencer spoke up, “I never got to attend prom.”
You stopped him, before getting into the car, “Wait, you’ve never been to prom?” 
Your friend and crush, Spencer, shrugged, “Well, I wasn’t very liked in high school. I got bullied a lot so didn’t bother going. No one wanted to go with me.” he hopped into the front seat with Derek in the driver’s seat, and you took the back.
You shook your head, not liking the idea that Spencer’s high school experience was tainted by bullies. Then an idea popped into your head....
Friday morning, Rossi walks into the bullpen gathering everyone’s attention, “Joy, Kai, and Shawn are coming over to visit tonight so I’m inviting everyone else as well. Dress to the nines. It’ll be a formal dinner cooked by Hayden and myself.”
Everyone’s eyes lit up with excitement. Yours especially. You watch as Emily speaks with Spencer and you gather everyone else near you, “Okay. Remember everyone needs to get to Rossi’s a half hour before the designated time. We all know that Spencer likes to be punctual.”
“This is so exciting!” Penelope squeals and you, Tara, JJ, and Luke quiet her down, “Sorry!” She then whispers her previous statement, “This is so exciting!”
You giggle, “Okay, remember, Spencer doesn’t know. And try to act cool guys. He’s a profiler. He’ll know if we’re up to something.”
“Who’s up to something?” you jump when you hear Spencer’s voice behind you. He winces and murmurs out an apology.
You shake your head, “It’s fine. We’re planning on pulling a prank on Hotch. You in?”
He shrugs, “Depends what it is.”
“Well, we’re still fleshing out the ideas, but I’ll let you know.” you pat his shoulder and everyone goes back to their respective desks. 
Spencer follows you to yours and leans against your desk as you sit down, “Can I give you a ride to Rossi’s tonight?”
“Sure! You’ll be my DD!” you giggle and he smiles back when he asks, “So, what’re you thinking about wearing tonight?”
“I have this maroon satin gown that I’ve been meaning to wear. Guess I’ll wear that. You?”
“Coat and tie?” he gives a shrug.
“At least add some color, Spence! I know you have some colored ties on you.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Maybe I’ll wear a maroon one so we could match,” he teases.
You scrunch your nose up in playful distaste, “Ew. Matching with you? No way.” you both giggle at the teasing. 
When you answer your door, Spencer is taken back. Your hair is done nicely, makeup glamorous, but not too subtle. The maroon satin dress clings to you perfectly, showing off your figure well.
Spencer gulps, “W-Wow. You look-You look beautiful.”
You shy from his compliment, “Thanks, Spencer. You look pretty good yourself.”
“Oh, uh, thanks,” he says as he smooths down his maroon tie. Looks like he decided to match you after all. 
He gulps when you move around your living room, collecting your purse and shawl, locking up your place. There’s a slit on your dress that reveals your leg when you move and he feels himself grow a little hot.
“Ready?” you ask expectantly. 
“Yup!” he shoots you a smile and helps you into his car. 
You sway to the classical music he plays in his car, completely unaware of the conflict swirling through his mind. Spencer has had feelings for you for a long time, deciding to never say anything to you because he’d rather keep you as a friend than potentially lose you due to his own feelings. 
But tonight, he feels like he’s being tested. You’re so beautiful and there’s this elegance to you that you’re exuding tonight. He feels so overwhelmed. Maybe at the end of the night, he might tell you. Just maybe.
When the door to the Rossi residence swings open, Rossi lets out a whistle, “Look at you two kiddos!” Rossi hugs Spencer and he kisses you on both cheeks, “Bella.”
You giggle out a “thank you,” and then go to greet Hayden who’s donning a beautiful navy blue gown.
“Everyone else is already in the back,” she gives you a wink. 
You begin heading towards the backyard, Spencer right at your heels. With your shawl wrapped around your shoulders, you step outside and you’re beaming.
Rossi’s backyard as lights everywhere, a photobooth, a table lined with hors d'oeuvres and a punch bowl. Music is playing in the background as the team and their significant others mingle. All the while their children are running around playing with Luke’s dog Roxy. 
“Wow. This is nice. Wait-” Spencer then spots a banner that says BAU PROM, “Prom?” he turns to you with confusion in his eyes. 
You gave him a shrug, “You said you never got to experience prom, so now you can. And you’ll be surrounded by the people who love and care about you.”
“You did this?” he asks in disbelief.
“Well, yeah, but Derek, Penelope, and Rossi helped.”
“Reid!” Derek emerges from the group and Spencer’s eyes light up. He rushes to his big brother’s arms, getting a strong hug from him. 
You giggle as you move to greet Derek as well then moving to the rest of the group. Everyone looks at you in awe, “Woooow.”
“You look beautiful, my maroon goddess!” Penelope swoons, hugging you while also not trying to spill her glass of wine. 
“Thank you. For helping out and showing up. This is gonna be so fun!” you jump for joy as your coworkers and friends surround you. 
After mingling for about an hour, dinner is served and you all pick your designated tables. You don’t expect Spencer to sit with you, but he does anyway, pulling out your chair for you. 
At your table is Derek, Savannah, and Hank. You all make small talk, occasionally pausing to coo at little Hank who’s now two years old. 
An hour later, plates are cleared, drinks are flowing, and the music is booming. You dance with various people on the dancefloor while Spencer decides to spend some time with the kiddos. He doesn’t dance and you respect that. 
The music is now cut and Penelope has a mic in her hands, “Alright, everyone! It wouldn’t be a prom without a prom king and queen!”
You look at her with confusion and walk up to her, “Pen, we didn’t even vote.”
She gave you a mischievous grin, “We did. You didn’t. And by unanimous vote, our prom royalty is our very own Spencer Reid and Y/N L/N!”
Your eyes widen in shock as everyone bursts into hollers and applause. You laugh as you watch Penelope rush to Spencer and drag him towards you on the dancefloor. Hotch comes around with a plastic crowns for you, placing one on each of your heads. 
Everyone applauses again and Penelope announces, “Now, if the prom king and queen would like to make their way to the center of the dancefloor for their royal dance!”
You’re now suddenly nervous. You look to Spencer and give him a small smile, “We don’t have to dance, Spencer. It’s okay.”
“It’s alright,” he slips his hand into yours, “You did all of this for me. I can do this for you.” he tugs at your hand, bringing you to the center of the dancefloor. Everyone circles around you as you bring your hands to rest on Spencer’s shoulders and his hands rest on your hips. 
You sway to a cover of Frank Sinatra’s “The Way You Look Tonight”. Spencer is looking at you and you’re looking at him. And the world around you seems to fade away. 
“So...we’re BAU Prom royalty,” you state.
“Yeah. Looks like we are.”
“Have an idea what you’re gonna do now that you’re king?” you ask jokingly and Spencer licks his lips and gulp, “There are a lot of things that I want to do and say, but I’m not sure how.”
You hum, “Uneasy is the head that wears a crown.”
“Henry the fourth,” Spencer murmurs. 
“Yeah. I remember you said it was one of your favorites.” you look down, unable to handle Spencer’s gaze anymore.
The more you two slow dance together, the closer you guys seem to get. You’re completely unaware of the dancing couples around you or the fact that Penelope is anxiously waiting for something to happen. 
“Hm?” you look up and as soon as you do, Spencer’s lips on yours. You stop swaying as his hands cup your face and your hands move to grip the lapels of his suit jacket. 
On the sidelines, everyone is beaming from ear to ear, while Penelope is jumping for joy. JJ and Derek fist bump and Hotch and Rossi are just giving supportive smiles. 
When you pull away, you chuckle at the smeared lipstick on Spencer’s lips. You use his handkerchief to wipe away as much as you can while helps you.
You two don’t say anything, but go back to holding each other and swaying to the rest of the song. 
This may have been Spencer first and last prom he’ll ever attend, but it was certainly the best one ever. 
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Fire For You
Pairing: Reader/Harry Styles,Harry Styles/Omc x2
Rating : Strong R 100% porn w/o plot tbh
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Warnings: *cracks knuckles* orgies,sex parties, anal sex, male oral sex, female oral sex, anal play, sub!dom play, drug use, vaginal penetration, squirting
A/N: Look, never posted fic. And I haven't checked anything 😳 Due to the heavily noted anon prompt fluttering around my dash that read: "My friend went to some weirdo eyes wide shut kind of party in the Hollywood Hills last year and overheard 'yeah you can't use that room, Harry Styles is high as fuck and getting railed by some dudes in there" plus that damn 🍉 video... well, I am at peak feral in quarantine and 3k of smut just popped right out. Title actually the Cannons song cos it's such a sex song innit? I'm doing this at 4.20am after starting this at 11pm my time so..good fucking night. ✌🏻🍉
You were petrified. 
You'd moved halfway across the world with your best friend after a shitty person broke your heart and your spirits. 
A circumstantial opportunity had arisen to become her PA,after her chance audition for a series had turned into cult viewing overnight.
She was everything you weren't. Confident, effortlessly cool and entirely comfortable in her own skin and sexuality. That's why, as she sauntered away with a tuxedo clad tall stranger, you stood frozen on the spot trying to remember it was okay to watch. 
It had been her idea for you to submit an application after you'd said you needed to take risks and feel good in your skin again. Your best friend had told you you were wasting your youth, after years wasted on the ex you were in this country trying to forget. That you should embrace you were young, hot, single and getting older by the second. So you'd rolled your eyes and submitted your video application. You wouldn't get a reply for such an elite thing. 
And yet, here you now were, in a millionaires mansion watching two men fuck a bunny masked stranger infront of you. She looks up at you through the velveteen eye holes and offers you to join with her finger come hithering you over. Your eyes widen. 
You immediately remember your stiff upper lip and bound up the right hand staircase as fast as your heels will allow. Hoping to find a cool place to catch your breath. 
Maybe you weren't as free spirited as you were in your head. Open to trying things theoretically, but now, as you see a flurry of naked bodies out of your peripheral vision and hear sounds you'd only heard in more private settings, you felt quite overwhelmed. 
You were no virgin but not to say you could count on two hands your conquests past kissing either. 
You came to the one shut door at the end of the long hallway, assuming it was a bathroom. Heels clicking against the pristine marble floor below as you approached. You put your hand to the cold metal handle, if you weren't prepared to see strangers fuck, you certainly weren't prepared for this. 
There were five people in the room. 
Three men on the bed and two women. The first woman sat open thighed across a low backed plush chair. Another on all fours on the floor licking into the others cunt as one guy stuck his fingers into her own folds from behind. He was then, with the rest of his olive skinned built body, sharply thrusting into the man on the bed at such a pace you could hear his balls slap against the sweat glistening flesh. He held his hip nearest to you so tightly, you could see the red marks appear from under his large hands. 
The slender man receiving all this action was being silenced in his pleasure by the guy kneeling up in front of him. He hummed loudly through his nose as his mouth was busy bobbing up and down the guys length. Eyes closed in the orange low light as he was thrust into still, with such force he deep throated the guy he was swallowing down. He suddenly gagged and the man moaned then pulled his head away and nodded to signal if he was okay to continue, he agreed then he got right back down to business. 
It was probably one of the more explicit scenes she'd seen. Making her feel hot and cold all at once. Not because of what was happening, no, it was who it was. 
His face was disguised by a navy blue, high winged, theatrical mask. As were those involved, or some variation at least. 
You heard a voice beside you at the door frame. A deep voice talking to a white bunny beside him
"Nah, that rooms got enough going on, Harry Styles is high as fuck getting railed by two dudes" 
And that's all the confirmation you damn well needed. You'd been in L.A three weeks. Three weeks was all it had taken for you to be stood watching Harry fucking Styles getting Eiffel towered by two guys in the Hollywood Hills whilst you watched, mouth agape in barely any underwear. 
No one had seemed to notice your intrusion, if the screaming of the red head  in the chair reaching her climax was anything to go by. She rode out her high on the blondes face before getting up, lighting a joint and pulling the blonde up by roots. No real concern that she hadn't climaxed from Mr. Powerthrusts fingers yet. Dragging the young white cat back towards the door with a glistening mouth and chin, you were still entranced at the boy on the bed pooling your sheer briefs and the sight before you. 
The redhead looked at you, to where your focus was on, then back to you. Giving one condescending chuckle. Still with the small blonde girls hair in a vice hold she spoke roughly into your ear as she passed. 
"He's soft and ready to go sugar, strike whilst he's still loose" with that, she kisses your cheek and her Loboutins clicked away from you. 
You stood there. Tits up to your chin from the force of the practically sheer black bra you were spilling out of, the suspender belt grasped your hourglass shape perfectly too. There was delicate, black designer underwear framed by the belt and thigh high stockings. You'd felt beyond confident at the beginning of the party. New eyes dragging over you in a way they didn't when you were in your regular get up of jeans and a t shirt. But behind the Japanese type kitsune half mask, you had felt invincible.
Right up until the point people actually started fucking. 
But this, this was different. 
You'd never been into guy on guy action, not even in porn. It didn't ignite any fire inside the pit of your stomach like it should. But seeing someone you'd casually ogled through the media like the other few million in the world had, well the chances of being in this position again were rare. Suddenly, the thrill of being able to possibly turn dream into reality spurred you on. He'd never know it was ever you if you met again right? 
The three of them were still going at it. Powerthruster behind, contorting his face as he placed smack after smack across the pale flesh of Harry's ass. Grabbing a fistful in each hand as he sped up even more to reach his climax, he cried out when he did pulling Harry's hips flush against his own, it was only now, amongst all the activity that you notice Harry's cock for the first time. 
The rumours online highly underestimate it. 
He's long and thick and his drippy head is causing a string of pre cum to trail from its opening onto the white silk sheets below. 
You clamp a hand between your thighs, the first time you feel your inhibitions falter that night. You had to relieve some of the friction your body needs. Watching the man remove himself, and toss the condom in the bin by the door frame you were still fixed to. 
Harry scrambles to the other muscular guy infront of him, kneeling back on his calves, hissing a little as his legs under each cheek spread his already tender hole a bit. He doesn't miss a beat though, the already close to orgasming guy looking down at green doe eyes as he pushes Harry's mouth from him. Harry knows where this is leading and opens his mouth for him spill his seed onto his waiting tongue. 
By this point you'd moved quietly from the door and across the wall so you were in prime position to watch Harry swallow all this man's cum whilst you just stood watching. 
Feeling like a pervert, feeling turned on, feeling fucking everything to be frank. You'd question it later. Right now you needed Harry to touch you. 
One leg kicked up behind you so you could slightly part your thighs and rub your middle finger down your folds beneath your knickers. You began to put on a show. The other hand is inside your bra cupping and squeezing your nipple between your index and forefinger sharply. Panting quietly as you see Harry's eye clock you in his peripheral vision. You're terrified of his reaction for a second before remembering the setting of the evening, but he smirks the best he can do with an open mouth and looks you up and down slowly. His dick twitches in his lap and that's all it takes for you to start rubbing two soaked fingers fast against your clit, your ego inflated that you could be the cause of his heightened arousal. You're going at such a pace on yourself that you almost don't catch the ropes of cum descending into Harry's mouth as he watches you trying to get the release his actions have caused. The guy stills, spent. Harry is still watching you pant faster as you take the hand on your breast away to steady a palm against the wall. He holds the guys cum in his mouth before tearing his eyes away from yours to kneel up and place an opened mouthed kiss onto the guys lips, transferring him back into his own mouth, forcefully. Switching the dominant role back in his favour to show you who was really in control in the room despite how it may have looked. He breaks the kiss, both men chuckle at each other before Harry taps the other guys cheek with his palm playfully. Like his just scored a goal at the Sunday football league, but definitely not like they'd both shared a mouthful of semen. 
Your pace has slowed down slightly but you see him whisper something into the man's ear before he hops off the bed, grabbing only his black briefs and closing the door behind him. But not before saying "have fun" to you with a knowing wink. 
It suddenly feels very intimate. When there were a few more people in the room it felt easier to blend into the festivities, but now you were essentially alone with a stranger who was watching the slow movements of your hands in your underwear. You decided to carry on, to keep up the pretence that this is the sort of thing you do all the time of course. 
It wasn't. 
So when he stands straight up off the bed, taking the few steps towards you, slightly pouting into the air as he keeps his eyes locked on yours and gently grabs your wrist that leads to the hand on your pussy  bringing the two digits that had been furiously rubbing your clit, up to his mouth. He never breaks his gaze as he sucks them fully, with the same technique you'd just seen on that man's dick minutes previous. Closing his eyes and humming approvingly at your sweet taste. 
Your insides are screaming but your present body moans and he drops the hand to grab your waist and pull you tight to his torso. He kisses you hungrily and you taste mostly of yourself and try not to think about the other taste from the strangers cum on your tongue. 
He kisses you like he's getting to know you through this alone, grazing his palms from your waist to your shoulder blades then back down slowly to your ass, gripping it tightly to his body as he hooks a thigh over his hip. His cock is sandwiched between you, droplets of pre cum on both your bellies. The crotch of your underwear is rubbing his length slightly as you rock your hips down onto his. 
His tongue is lapping and swirling languidly against yours, it's unexpected given the setting but, it's fucking glorious. You grab fistfuls of curls at the back of his head between your fingers and once you get to the nape and give a sharp tug on the baby hair there, his breathing hitches. 
"You're quite good at this" he says casually,taking a breath. You pant in response and chuckle slightly. Mostly at the contrast of moods he appears to have. 
"Not s'bad yourself" you smile. 
There's a heartbeat whilst he takes in your accent similar to his own he pulls back, brows furrowed causing his forehead to wrinkle down slightly at the top of the blue mask. This isn't the time to get to know one another though, you get that, and despite your reservations on this place you suddenly don't give a shit. You push your mouth into his neck suckling lightly and finding a sweet spot at his pulse that has him shaking. His nimble pianist fingers undo the flimsy material of your bra as he goes back to the weirdly passionate make out session, you let it fall off your shoulders, shaking it down your arms to the ground. 
He walks you both back to the bed and sits down pulling you to straddle his thighs. You both moan at the reconnection and don't miss a beat rolling your hips over his slowly. Giving him a taste of what's to come. He grunts through his teeth out of frustration, pulling away from you both once more to reach blindly for the fishbowl of condoms, provided by the host, on the nightstand. 
"Fucked anyone else tonight?" he asks matter of factly. 
Your eyes looked shocked, even though they probably shouldn't be. You furiously shake your head. 
"Hm" he chuckles as you lay your hands in your lap submissively, he clearly notices and you see an eyebrow raise over the mask. "that mean you're a good girl?" 
Cottoning on to the game he's starting, and that you're more than willing to take part in, you take one side of your bottom lip between your teeth and nod quickly. 
This is an absolute fantasy. But you're aware you could get interrupted at any moment so you'll take what you can get before being pushed out, and no doubt off, this absolute wet dream of a man. 
He tears the packet open with his fingers, sitting back, a little hunched over to roll the rubber down his length. He hisses at the brief contact after being edged so much the last hour or so. You start to wonder how he's keeping up his stamina before he sits back up, taking your chin between his thumb and forefinger and interrupts. 
"Gonna be a good girl f'me then love?" he leans forward places wet opened mouth kisses at each of your breasts in between his words, looking you straight in the eye. "Gonna slip those pants to the side and get on me then?" 
No sooner had he spoke, you were grabbing his cock in your palm with one hand, and pulling the crotch of your soaked fabric to one side with the other. You hadn't done this in a fair few months and definitely never taken a cock as big as his, but your arousal was so high that you were desperate for the sweet pain of being stretched around him. You pumped him barely as to not roll up the condom, just grazing him and feeling him twitch in your fist as he watched you briefly stick two fingers into your cunt. The wetness being heard as you opened your mouth and gasped at the sensation. You didn't want to waste anymore time checking you were prepared so you scooted forwards on his lap. Brushing his swollen head against your clit, before tapping it a few time as you sunk down onto his length. It burned so good as you got to about halfway before lifting yourself up and sinking down again further. It took three times of doing that to be completely seated and drowning his cock in your juices as your pelvises locked together. You both took a second to pant out curses against each others necks. 
"Jesusfuck. You're so fuckin' tight. Can you move? Fuck! Please move" he strained into your throat. 
You sat back a bit so you were facing one another and with fingers pulling at those nape hairs you reconnected your mouths before rolling your hips experimentally against his. 
"Oh fuuuuck" you shot out, the feeling of him so deep inside you and him pressing against your clit was other worldly. The friction of the underwear you still had on, gathered between your folds and caused the sweetest friction. He grunted once as your jaw lay slack at the contact, before getting impatient and guiding your hips to slam into him harder as he thrust up at the same time. 
Your head was spinning. 
His strong hands pulled you close to him he smeared your lips together as he flipped you so he was on top, manoeuvring you up the bed and slightly diagonal so his feet didn't dangle off the edge. 
It became a power battle then. You knew he was on the edge and holding back. He pulled a leg to hitch around his waist and thrust into you at speed. Enough to leave you sore tomorrow. You smirked into his mouth, pulling both up further to lock behind his neck, knowing the angle would make it so much tighter and so much easier to reach that sweet spot inside you. With your head thrown back at the new angle he began leaving marks around your neck and breasts, trying so hard not to cum before you. 
Then you had a brilliant, foolproof idea of how to win this game. As he was preoccupied leaving a red mark against your clavicle, you sucked your middle finger into your mouth for your planned attack. Before you could do anymore though, he moved two of his digits against your soaked clit at speed, tapping every now and then and making you writhe and grip the sheets with overstimulation. You held off best you can but he was hitting that spot that few had taken much longer to find before. You knew what was coming but it was too late to warn him. 
Your orgasm took over your body from the middle down to your toes and up until your eyes practically rolled back in your head. You heard the lewd, wet sounds his thrusts were still making and wanting to even things up you made a quick recovery enough to part your mouth and make your middle finger drip with saliva as you gripped his ass to guide him into you. You could tell by his speed he was almost there so you went between his cheeks with your slick finger and suddenly buried it inside him to the hilt. He was still stretched from the previous guy so you sink to the knuckle easily. It only took two movements to feel him spill inside you. Long drawn out moans left his lips like a dirty drawl from his throat. You took out your finger and went slack onto the mattress. 
He was spent but he wasn't done. 
As he pulled out of you carefully, gushes of your cum cascaded down onto the expensive sheets. If he didn't know you were a squirter, he did now. He stared watching it fall from your weepy hole blind removing the condom and tossing it into the bin behind. 
"Holy fuck. I.. I've never managed that before. You're a fucking dream….so fucking sexy. Fuck" he looked at you like a feast. Your saturated underwear stretched out beyond repair now. Laying against your thigh and the material dripping. He pulled the stockings from their clips quickly, not taking them off but so he could peel the knickers from your sticky thighs. You noticed he threw them down near what you assumed to be his tux. 
And that was it, he pushed your thighs up and back to your body so your knees were flush against your chest. You felt some of your cum still seeping out if you and he growled watching the last few drops drip down your bum and onto the bed. 
He dove into you like he'd not eaten in weeks. Lapping every bit of fluid from your pussy, clit, thighs and ass. He licked around your puckered hole as he sink two fingers into your cunt at pace. 
"You got one more in there for me hmm?"
He said huskily, keeping one arm across your thighs as he sat up on his haunches to look down on you falling apart. You nodded frantically, feeling the bubbles in your stomach growing again. You felt the pressure build between your thighs. Completely living in this moment with this beautiful man you got to see so desperate for you to cum. He dived back in to trace figure eights across your clit with the tip of his tongue before laying it flat and going up over it again and again. He alternating the two before you were ready to burst. He felt it on his fingers so he stilled them inside you still lapping at clit but using his whole arm to move at speed up and down to keep pushing at that one ridge inside you. When he felt the first wave of your climax hit he quickly put his face infront of your cunt and let the force of your squirt hit him the face. He caught a good amount in his mouth before repeating the signature move of crawling back up to your face and getting your soft, limp body to open up so he could spit your cum back into your mouth. It was tart but sweet probably due to the pina coladas you'd sipped downstairs to get you loosened up a bit. 
"Good girl. Swallow, show me y've swallowed it all up" he panted kneeling at your side. 
You gulp and meekly open your mouth to prove it was all gone and he smirks and gives you a slow, lazy Sunday kind of kiss that sends its shivers down your spine. You stare at each other as he sweeps your sweet drenched hair from the front of your face. You're not sure what suddenly changed in the room but you've created your own bubble. Your own bubble where a millionaire pop star a Jenner has shagged, whispers praises against the shell of your ear in some sort of awe and kisses your neck and face tenderly. What even is life? 
It's stupid but you don't want to go. Well, it's not stupid as this boy is a hurricane in the sheets and why would you not want more!
But you know the deal. This isn't a date. This is an elite fuck party. A. Fuck. Party. 
The realisation dawns on you like a thorn to the side. You can't just lay here in a post orgasmic comatose state. There's people waiting, people he's waiting on too. He sees your eyes widen and watches in confusion as you take a white robe from the hook behind the door, still in your heels you pick up your bra. You smile briefly before closing the door behind you and practically sprinting to your car. 
Not before seeing the guy Harry had been deepthoating earlier, now standing fully clothed with a headset at the door you'd just come out of with a suit and headset on. Like nothing had ever happened. Of course you weren't interrupted. Of course he had security. You rush back down the staircase before you have a panic attack in plain sight. Your thoughts scrambled beyond what you thought was capable. Did that really just happen? With him? Is this who you are now?
It's only when you get to the end of the street after texting a quick "sorry wasn't my scene, call me when you need picking up" to your mate before leaving that you're suddenly aware you're missing your underwear...
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lifesabe-ch · 4 years
this means war - billy r. and frank c. (part 6)
summary: this is a spin off from a movie (can anyone find the title? ;) starring Billy Russo and Frank Castle. In this AU, Billy isn’t a psycho, Frank’s family is alive, and they both really like coffee. And, y’know, Y/N.
pairings: Frank Castle x Reader, Billy Russo x Reader (actually both of them, i promise)
warnings: fragile male ego and sass
a/n: hi i’m admin A, aka @pitaparka, and this is my first post on this blog! we’ve been co-writing this for a while so it just seemed logical for me to hop on here as an admin! I probably won’t be doing any individual writing here (i write independently on my above blog, so if you like this blog, you should check that one out too ;), but if we’re doing any co-writing, it’ll probably be here. that’s all for now. later!
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Billy accidentally locked the door to his apartment trying to get in from work. Which was concerning, considering he locked it this morning. If he could bet money on whether or not Frank was sitting on his couch—
He would have been wrong. Frank was sitting at his breakfast counter. Eating pizza.
Billy sighed loudly, “Did you at least save me some?”
Frank doesn’t even look over his shoulder as he slides the pizza box over to the empty seat next to him. 
Billy drops his keys on the counter, tosses his suit jacket there too, and loosens his tie before sitting down next to Frank.
“Mushroom and sausage,” he says, his eyes trained on the news playing on Billy’s television. 
They sit there silently eating pizza together. 
“I saw Y/N today.” Billy says. He can almost see Frank’s ears perk up.
“At work?” 
“No. The coffee shop. I dropped by, you know, to see her.” 
Frank nodded. 
Grinning, Billy nodded, “We’re going on date. Our first date, already.” He gets up from the breakfast bar to wipe off his hands. 
Quirking a brow, Frank chuckled, “Good for you man. Good for you.”
“Yeah. How are you two doing?” 
“We already had a date.” 
Watching as the grin immediately fell from Billy’s face, he couldn’t help but chuckle.
“What? When?” 
“Last night.”
“No… you went on my date?”
“Your date?” Frank scoffed, sipping the beer he had in his hand, as he watched Billy pace. “It was my date, asshole. One too many hits to the head today?”
“I—You… That was my date!” Billy says, leaning on the breakfast bar.
“So why weren’t you on it?”  
 “W-what?” Billy asked. He takes a second to process it. “I was… at a meeting.”
“Sure. At eight o’clock at night?”
“Yes, at eight o’clock at night.” 
Frank shot him a look.
 “Some people have businesses.” He defends. 
Frank scoffed, “You have one business, Billy.”
“And you’re getting into my business, so watch it.”
“Yeah? What’re you gonna do about it, Russo? You gonna—”
“We need some rules.”
“Huh?” Frank asks. He gives Billy a look like Billy’s seen many times before. It basically slaps him upside the head and asks him how much he’s had to drink already. He retreats to the fridge to grab a beer. Get an early start on the night ahead of him. 
“What the hell are you on about, man?” Frank asks. He leans over the box and grabs another slice of pizza. 
“I don’t think we should tell her that we know each other.” Billy says. Frank looks at him. 
“What, like, stay out of each other’s way?” Frank takes the remote and turns the volume down on the TV.
“Yeah. Just let her decide.” 
“We’re already letting her decide,” Frank clarifies.
“No, I mean… no interruptions.”
Billy watches as Frank contemplates this whole thing. 
“Billy, you know you’re like a brother to me, man.” 
He rolls his eyes, “Don’t do this—”
“No no no, I mean, I don’t want this… whatever this is to mess us up, okay?”
“Listen,” Billy starts, “have we ever let a girl come between us before?”
“We’ve never liked the same girl before.”
“I’m just saying…  If things get too tense, we can both back off, okay?”
Frank shakes his head. He lets out a sigh. 
“So we’re not getting in each other’s way.”
“No, Billy, we aren’t.”
“That pretty much settles it?”
Frank closed the pizza box, signifying the end of the conversation. 
“How was my date?” Billy asked, taking a drink from his beer.
“You mean my date.” Frank clarified, turning up the TV a little bit. 
“Well, I was the one who asked her. And I picked the restaurant. And the time.” 
“The restaurant? What restaurant?”
Billy stared at Frank in confusion. “Did you not… wait, where did you go?” 
“We went to Tina's Place. Off of 60th. The midnight one.”
“Oh. Why?” Billy picks at the label on his beer bottle that’s already starting to peel with condensation. 
“Because we were at the bar down the street.”
“You picked her up at a bar?”
“What does it matter, Russo? You’re losing anyway.”
“Frank, you’re this close to getting kicked out of my apartment.  Did you do anything?”
“No, Bill, we sat there and we stared at each other. All night.”
“You know what I’m asking.” Billy deadpanned.  
“We kissed.” 
“And nothin’.” Frank huffed. 
“You went on my date and all you did was kiss?” Billy asked, incredulously. 
“More than you did,” Frank muttered, loud enough for Billy to understand the mischievous grin on his features. 
“Just wait until I get to go on my date, Frankie.” Bill declared, moving to toss the empty pizza box in the trash.
“If you even make it. Maybe I’ll get to go on that one too,” Frank said, chuckling. He gets up and grabs his phone off the kitchen counter. He doesn’t even check it before he slips it into his pocket and makes his way to the door.
“Oh I’m going on this date, Frank. It’s gonna be the best damn date of her life. She’s not even gonna remember who you are.”
“Whatever you say. I’ll see ya tomorrow, Billy,” Frank yells over his shoulder on his way out.
Billy sat, only the company of the TV to keep his apartment from complete silence. As much as he hated coming home to other people in his house, he didn't mind Frank all that much. Especially when he cleaned up after himself. Billy let his own beer bottle clank softly into the trash. He got to work on the dishes that were starting to pile up in his sink. He hated a messy apartment. 
With most of his household chores done, he broods on the couch over Frank’s dinner. His dinner, really. A missed opportunity. He wasn’t upset with her. He wasn’t even upset with Frank. He was more upset with himself, getting caught up like that. He fiddled with the remote. 
“Dinner. Saturday night. Eight o’clock.”
This was shaping up to be just like the situation he got himself in. He needed to do something else. Something drastic. If this was a race, Frank was winning. But that’s okay. Only for now. Slow and steady, Billy. Slow and steady.
He takes out his phone and sends a text. 
Hey, you free Saturday morning instead?
He doesn’t know what to do, so he stares at his phone. He imagines her, rolling her eyes and ignoring him. He cycles through some apps before he gets the notification from her.
uhhhh why?
Billy is awestruck. Why? He doesn’t know how to respond. Everything he comes up with sounds wrong. That’s not how he expected her to respond. 
“Because I want to take you for breakfast instead.” He types, but deletes it. That sounds too forward, like he has plans late on he doesn’t want to cancel for her.
“I just want to see you sooner.” Ugh. That’s the wrong side of creepy, not sweet.
He panics. He’s been typing and deleting for almost a minute. 
Why not?
 He sends.
I’m a coffee man, you know that
He sends again. He stares, and his messages pop up as having been read by her. He lets his fingers do a little dance over the keyboard, waiting to type out a reply.
you got me there
 She sends, and Billy smiles at his phone.
He sends back, and at the same time, she sends him,
still my place?
Billy ponders for a second. The ball is in his court.
Yeah. 9:30 sound good? He asks.
She shoots back immediately. He locks his phone and tosses it to the side, running his hands over his gelled hair. All is right in the world. But he needed to shower. Just then, he gets one more text. 
He thinks it’s Y/N, but it’s not. It’s Frank.
i left my hat at ur house
Billy ignores the message. 
“Even when he’s not here, he’s here,” Billy mumbles to himself. He sees Frank’s blue baseball cap sitting lonely under the chair where Frank sat. He ignores that too, in favor of a hot, steamy shower before bed. Frank will come get it eventually. Just not tonight.
tag list (respond to post or send ask to be added!):
@full-of-sins-not-tragedies, @harrysthiccthighss, @constellation---me, @editboutique, @achesiresmile, @ghastlygray, @muddleofmarvel​ , @starxdame​
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The marriage pact - A new pact
Henry Cavill x OC Alice - multi-chapter
< Part 3 | Part 4 A new pact | Part 5 >
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Disclaimer: some strong language
Author’s note: Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me? Enjoy another tooth achingly sweet fluff chapter my dear readers ❤️
Word count: 1.557
(Link to my Masterlist)
[ Alice.in.writing.land ]
Dear readers,
I’m pleased to inform you that I have passed the princess approval test. Teeth were brushed, laughter was about and she even made friends with a furry companion the size of an adult bear. All and all it was a lovely, sunny Sunday and I can’t wait to bring her along on my adventures of today, which will include.. sheep herding!
Now you may wonder why a news reporter would go sheep herding, but did you know that Jersey used to have its own, very unique Jersey sheep? Through some unfortunate neglect and misunderstanding these sheep went extinct and now their four or six-horned heads no longer graze about. But! As per usual, we humans found out a century or so later, that these sheep and their many horns were a blessing to keep the nature on the island healthy, and thus they were re-introduced. Albeit this time in the shape of a fewer horned, more human friendly Manx Loaghtan herd, whom we’ll be meeting today.
I cannot wait to see if my fellow Alice has a knack for befriending other furry creatures as well, so keep your horns and fingers crossed - we’re going on an adventure!
The jeep tumbled and shook as it drove over the bumpy country road, the habited world slowly coming back into view. A welcome view too, because we had a fun, but also truly exhausting day. Little Alice had drifted into a slumber, her small body leaning heavily into my chest as she clambered onto a pair of fresh wool socks she had received as her gift.
I could only imagine what she’d be dreaming of right now. Probably, it involved lots of chasing of and cuddling with sheep. I yawned and watched with blinking eyes as Maddie and Frank’s house finally came into view, the afternoon late when we finally arrived.
‘Thanks Jonny.’ I smiled at the friendly bearded man behind the steering wheel.
‘Sure thing Ali. It was fun having you two…’ He hesitated, seeing the toddler as she was still far away in dreamland. ‘..You know what. Let me help you out with that.’ He winked, quickly swinging open his door and moving to the other side of the jeep. I sighed a quiet thanks as he pulled open the door, effortlessly scooping up the small girl from my arms.
‘Up you go! Hello little Alice. Looks like you’re home!’ He cheered, putting the sleep muddled toddler on her legs. I slipped out of my seat and thanked him again, my arms swiftly lifting Alice back on my hip before she’d fall right asleep on the sidewalk.
‘Well have a good one! Looking forward to the article.’ Jonny said, brushing some of the toddler’s hair out of her face. A sweet gesture.
‘I’ll make sure to send you a copy. Good night Jonny.’ I waved him off and turned around, my eyes catching some movement a little distance away, at the opposite side of the street.
And not just any movement. It was a dumbstruck, frozen-in-place, Henry, his large blue eyes blinking at me. He was clearly confused, his eyes briefly slipping away from me to look at the truck as it drove off into the distance.
‘Hey!’ I waved, a bit unsure of what to do. I could only figure what he was thinking right now; a man, a kid?! That’s not really quite the image you had sketched the other day. Biting my bottom lip I quickly crossed the street, walking up to him, tired toddler snugly held onto my chest.
Henry remained quiet as his eyes now moved to the girl in my arms, her bright blue eyes giving him a studious glare.
‘Hey..’ I repeated, trying to grasp his attention, my smile a tad awkward as I pulled up the toddler a bit higher on my hip - she sure was getting heavy!
‘Hi.’ He swallowed, quickly hiding something behind his back.
‘You probably wonder what the heck is going on.’ I bit my lip, looking down at Alice, his response a mere nod of the head. ‘..Maddie, my friend, had to rush to the mainland to help out her mom, so I offered to help out and watch over her little princess.’
Alice looked up at me, her eyes sparkling with passion. ‘I’m no princess!’ She muttered. ‘I’m a sheep herder!’
Henry’s pensive face broke into a tender smile, watching the little girl as she snuggled back into my chest. ‘I see.’ He let out a quiet sigh. ‘Sorry..I didn’t mean to..bother you..I was just..-’
‘In the neighbourhood?’ I laughed, nodding at the house. ‘Come inside. I need to put this sheep herder down before I break my back.’
‘Alright. The sheep herding princess is..asleep!’ I cheered, plopping down on the couch next to Henry, our bellies filled with food and the evening young.
‘Good. I eh..wanted to show you something by the way...Here.’ Henry said, offering me a piece of paper, our fingertips touching as I took it from him, my nose immediately scrunching up when I noticed what it was.
The pact.
‘Oh. My. Word.’ I started laughing aloud, studying the hand drafted “contract”, both our names and signatures neatly placed at the bottom. ‘How old is this even?’ I gasped. ‘Pff..well..we were what..thirteen? Something like that? I just started senior school.’ ‘Dearness me. Oh, I actually saw your mom yesterday and she was being particularly vague; “You would never guess what Henry asked of me yesterday” she said, and then she added that you’d probably wish to show it yourself… Very..very mysterious.’
‘Well, I’m a mysterious man.’ Henry winked at me, reaching out for his glass of red wine and finishing the last sip.  
‘Hardly.’ I retorted, smiling. I watched him for a moment as he sat back in the soft couch, his large frame sporting a tight and comfy cable knit sweater. He looked so huggable. Ugh! What a teddybear of a man he was.
He raised a careful eyebrow, testing me. ‘Well, dear Ali, do indulge me.’  
‘You work crazy hard and live a crazy A-lister lifestyle. But all you really want..’ I pointed at the contract. ‘..is rainbow coloured dreams. And..’ I pointed at his finished glass of red wine, shrugging.  ‘..perhaps another glass of red wine.’
Our eyes met, our lips curled into masks of friendshiply banter, but the underlying tone clear. We had been sweethearts before. Many times actually, our paths having crossed in every stage throughout our lives. Sometimes just being tight knit friends. Sometimes more. Could we do it again?
‘I didn’t bring a rainbow coloured pen this time, though.’ Henry said, gesturing me to look at a paper that was hidden beneath the initial contract. I furrowed my brow and turned over the paper, finding a new contract.
A..a real marriage contract.
I blinked, studying the document, then looked over at Henry, my face stricken with confusion.
He smiled sweetly, reaching out his fingertips to caress my hand, the pads of his fingers callus and warm. ‘I know your previous lovers had some..commitment issues. So.’ He shrugged casually. ‘I just thought it better to show you I’m not one of them.’
‘Wh..’ My voice croaked, my throat suddenly very dry and my heart buzzing like a humming bird. ‘W-what?’
‘Well, we pinky swore, remember?’ He chuckled. ‘And..of course I’ll let you off if you do not want to give me a shot. But..’ He sighed, smiling. ‘..it sure is funny how we keep running back into one another, right?’
I finally managed to get some of my breath back, the contracts now lowered on my lap, my eyes studying him, face serious.
‘Really? Is this a joke Henry? Tell me this is a joke.’
‘Do I look like I’m joking?’ He asked, looking indeed quite..serious. I swallowed and put the papers on the table, right in between our wine glasses, the air so very thick in my lungs.
‘Hmm..’ I licked my lips, curious and slightly unsure eyes looking back at Henry. ‘I don’t really believe in fairytales Hen.’ I shook my head, my mind reeling. 
‘You don’t have to. I’m being real Ali. I am.’
‘A contract doesn’t suddenly make a relationship work, Hen. You should know that better than anyone.’ I shook my head, wanting all of this to make sense. Why me? Why now? Why here? Why, why, why?!
‘I’m not asking you to sign it. I’m just showing you the commitment you seek. I want it Ali, I do.’
My heart was near jumping out of my chest as his words floated through the quiet living room, an open fire crackling somewhere in the background. I blinked again, still quite dumbstruck.
This was going way too fast. When I had said that the clock was ticking I didn’t mean; come make babies with me right this instant. Right? Right?! The past few years our only contact had been through over seas phone calls and Whatsapp messages. Heck. We hadn’t even kissed since we reacquainted two days ago and sleeping together? I think we hadn’t done that in..what? Ten years? 
My eyes moved over him, his body folded into the corner of the couch, large chest leaning forward, eyes hopeful. He was obviously trying to keep a friendly distance, though the wish to move closer was clear. Move closer to..to…You sighed, eyes now moving towards his lips. Those sweet, full cupid bowed lips.
‘You better kiss me real good, Cavill.’ You whispered, looking back up into his eyes.
It was an invitation he didn’t need to be given twice.
General tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @mary-ann84​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69​
Fluff lovers squad: @star017​ @perhaps2remember​ @pterodactylterrace​ @witchersqueen​ @desperate-and-broken​​ @toomanyfandomsshreya​​ @deliciouslysassyarcade​​ @pamacs-macs​​ @cavilladdict​​ @scorpionchild81​​ @lebguardians​​ @sofiebstar​​ @amberbabem​​ @mis-lil-red @aestheticqueenb​​ @misslalaland-blog-blog​ @ilieherecharmed-fics2readnrec​ 
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im-abanana · 4 years
Finding time to write small one-shots in between online-classes is hard, but boi, this quarantine is perhaps making me slightly more productive?
I shamelessly took inspiration from @geekgirles‘s wonderful Rock!BranchAU (love you, friendo <3), because I just love it and everyone probably knows it at this point-- and I just had to give Tresillo some screen time too, bc I’m just weak for that pal.
Some related parts: part 1, part 2
Summary: Rock!Branch isn’t the best at taking certain hints, so it takes a good friend, who also happens to be an experienced family man, to help the rocker realize what the funk is going on. 
The last thing Branch expected to receive from Tresillo that morning, as he anxiously waited for Poppy outside the Pop Trolls’ medical office, was a honest congratulations and a perhaps-too-vigorous pat on the back. 
“Congratulations, for what? What do you mean?” the overly tattooed Rock Troll tilted his head, a vague and irritating sensation of disorientation burdening his already fully-loaded cargo of negativity. Being the responsible and reliable man he was, he hated not being able to understand something immediately. Was Tresillo making fun of him?
Either way, Branch decided that he didn’t care, at least not at the moment. “Listen, I’m really not in the mood for riddles. Poppy is not feeling well, and this medical appointment is taking hours… I’m starting to worry,” he fearfully admitted, hoping that part of the weight on his shoulder would disappear. It didn’t work, of course.
“Poppy’s sick?” The Reggaeton leader’s brow furrowed, his expression not at all ironic; on the contrary, he seemed sincerely taken aback by the Captain’s defensive response. “But I thought she was pregnant?”
Oh. Oh, alright. Branch must’ve misheard, and that was totally comprehensible, considering his actual concern for his beloved mate. Or Tresillo must’ve simply misinterpreted the situation, which was completely fine too, it happens to the best of us. 
Poppy wasn’t pregnant, she couldn’t be! … unless?
“And you’re making this assumption because…? I mean, h—how would you know!?” the Captain’s last sentence came out a bit more hysterical than he intended, but he took little notice. How could he take notice, when the pieces were finally coming together?
Upon hearing the Rock Troll’s stupefied question, the Reggaeton leader raised his eyebrows, somehow smug— No, there was actual pride shining in his bluish eyes, with just a tiny amount of amusement. “Why are you acting so surprised? I have fathered three fine trollings after all, and two more are on the way. Créeme Branch,” Tresillo put an encouraging hand on the freaked-out Captain’s shoulder in hopes of calming him. “when Tambora and Marimba got pregnant with our second clutch, I was the first to find out. At some point, you just know.”
It made sense. It all made a terrible, awfully plausible sense.
“So, that’s w-why… y-you really think that Poppy is… could she—” Branch blabbed and stumbled, scorching blood pumping furiously into his pointy ears and probably flooding his entire brain cavity, because the typically eloquent rocker couldn’t string two words together right now. Hell, the world was spinning so hard he could barely stand on his feet!
“If you ask me, there’s a good possibility that Queen Poppy is expecting. I mean, the rounder belly is pretty self-explanatory on its own, but only you can know for sure,” the cerulean Troll replied, his fingers squeezing Branch’s skin tighter to give further support. “The point is, did you give her a reason to be?”
Holy Rock, she actually could be. The signs were all there too, right under his nose; it would explain the constant tiredness, the bigger appetite, the unusual carefulness in each step and movement she took. Last week, when Poppy decided to postpone her own birthday party because ‘she wasn’t feeling like celebrating’, Branch had feared she’d gotten seriously sick. But now—
Now the young Captain had something else to be worried about, something even more important.
An egg, a trolling. A small, precious life that he and Poppy, the kindest soul and the most beautiful angel who ever walked on the planet, had created together. That mere, simple thought alone was enough for Branch’s chest to swell with pure joy and a sense of privilege.
On the other hand, their offspring would be the first half-breed Troll ever generated in… decades or centuries, at the very best. Actually, was there ever a Rock-Pop Troll? And how would the others react to the news? Being pushed away, or worse still, being treated like an outcast or a freak, was the last thing Branch wanted for their child.
“What if the other Trolls don’t accept it? What if they push our kid away, just because he or she is different?” the Rock Troll whispered, his anguished gaze glued on the doctor’s pod front door. 
He needed to see Poppy now. He needed to hear her sweet voice, full of reassurance and positivity, or at least, Branch needed to know if the Pop Queen was sharing his own doubts and fears about that particular subject.
“Branch,” what reached his ears instead, was the voice of the Reggaeton Trolls’ leader, this time dead serious and almost peremptory. It demanded respect and attention, and the Captain couldn’t help but give it to him— now more than ever, Branch understood why Tresillo was a tribe leader. “Have you seen my son, Charango? Physically, he is a Reggaeton Troll through and through, with markings on his body and dreadlocks to prove it. And yet, anyone can see how excited he gets when his tìas Wani, Gomdori, Kim-Petit, Ari and Baby Bun come to visit us; he genuinely adores them and their music. Understand what I’m getting at?”
Branch suspected he must’ve had a pretty dumb and clueless look on his face, because Tresillo let out a lighthearted laugh and went straight to the point. “What we are, what we truly are, cannot be seen or touched. We are the decisions we make, the things we’re passionate about. Perhaps my son is a bit Reggaeton and K-Pop inside— so what? Mi música no discrimina a nadie, remember?” 
Stunned by that frankness and wisdom, the Rock Troll took a moment to reflect on the Reggaeton leader’s words. Yes, it was true that everything had changed for the better since Poppy united the kingdoms, but his usual paranoid-self couldn’t help but wonder if the other Trolls were actually prepared for such a thing, for a more tangible and physical representation of said union. 
“So, do you think the others will just accept it? No curious glances, no nasty comments, no nothing?” Branch finally spoke, his skeptical voice firm, but barely audible. 
“While I wouldn’t know about that, I do know that this new generation we’re creating is genuinely… mejor. I can see it in my children’s eyes,” Tresillo firmly replied, laying his benevolent gaze on his three offsprings. “and one day, you will see it in your own kid’s eyes, Branch. On this, I’m absolutely sure.”
The pensive Rock Captain slowly opened his mouth to answer, but a little voice beat him to it. “Papà!” staggering a bit clumsily on feet that were still too big for his tiny, growing legs, one of Tresillo’s trollings approached the two friends. “Moms said they need you right now, and— oh, hello Branch!” the kid chirped, in high spirits as usual, staring happily at the grey rocker.
Branch instantly recognized him, it was Charango. The color of his skin was the same, unmistakable cerulean shade of Tresillo’s, elegantly covered in orange, magenta and yellow stripes and patches on his arms, legs, chest and face, reminding of Tambora’s own body pattern. The child’s nose was yellow and his irises were bright pink, just like his dreadlocks which, however, displayed multicolored tufts of green, ochre and cerulean blue too. 
“I better go then, the bosses are calling for me,” Tresillo chuckled, a playful grin appearing on his face as he vigorously patted his friend’s back for the last time and picked up his cheerful son. “Good luck, Branch. Whatever happens, just know that you’ll always find a friend in me and my tribe members.”
“Thank you. I appreciate it,” Branch tipped his head gratefully at the tribe leader, and then at Charango. “Take care, the both of you.” 
As the Rock Troll silently watched father and son heading home together, laughing and talking of this and that, he couldn’t help but hope— perhaps a bit selfishly? —that he too could have that kind of relationship with his future children, one day.
The sudden bang of the doctor’s pod front door caught his attention, and before the young Captain knew it, Poppy’s voice resounded in the air. 
“Branch, Branch! Come here, quick! You definitely wanna hear the news,” Poppy cried out, her smile brighter than the sun and exuding an excitement she had never shown before. What Tresillo had said was true apparently, there was no need for words; the Rock Troll understood as soon as her magenta, sparkling eyes met his.
To his own surprise, as Branch wrapped his muscular arms around his beloved mate’s waist— where a small life, their own radiant future, was slowly growing —he realized that he wasn’t scared anymore.
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scribeofmorpheus · 4 years
Chasing Tornadoes {3/6}
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader
Series Warnings: poorly written medical procedural, mild delving into spirituality, language, overbearing egos, graphic descriptions of medical procedures. more warnings to be added. 18+ Generally, like my blog.
A/N: suprisingly, very little to warn about. blood splatter?
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | AO3
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“God, you’re insufferable!” You slammed your clipboard into Stephen’s chest, it was surprisingly firm in a subtle way. You swallowed.
Stephen grabbed your wrist, not tightly, but firm enough to lock you in his grasp. He tugged, you moved forward against your wishes.
“And you’re so goddamn stubborn,” he whispered.
You shook your head, “I can’t believe you went around my back and interfered with my patient! That wasn’t your call. If I wanted your help, I’d ask for it!”
Stephen inched you towards the wall, back pressed to the familiar hospital walls. “You and I both know, I was the more qualified to handle this one.”
Why is he being so blasé about all this? Your breath hitched when he moved in a little closer. Why is he so close?
He cut you off, lips prompting a rise in euphoria as soon as they met yours. They were soft, supple. But there was a boldness beneath it. You whimpered, finding it strikingly good. Deliciously good. And then while your head spun and Stephen stole your breaths, your surroundings changed to the familiar navy blue of the OR.
You gasped and pushed Stephen softly, “How did we…?”
Stephen followed your gaze.
A group of surgeons, masked up and gloved up, were performing surgery on a banana. You stuttered, at a loss for words. Stephen shrugged, unphased and then moved his attention back to you. Lips a mere millimetre away.
You recoiled, “Stephen.”
“What?” He asked, somewhat disappointed.
You pointed your ring finger at the operating table, “The banana.”
“Oh, right,” He turned. “How’s our patient?”
A beeping noise sounded out. A fellow spoke: “He’s going into cardiac arrest.” The beeping stopped. “He’s gone.”
“I’m calling it, time of death—”
You were shaken from your sleep by the sudden reorientation. With a loud thud, you landed hard on your ass, the sheets tangling one foot.
You rubbed your eyes, vision coming back blurry and spotted, “What the hell kind of dream was that?” Your fingers trailed over your lips. Dry and chapped and sorely missing the softness of the dream. You groaned, in no mood to deal with some romance drama in the workplace.
You were roused from the floor by the sound of something breaking. With heavy eye-lids and noodle arms, you hoisted yourself up and walked towards the kitchen, the source of the sound.
Rich loam soil and four fragmented pieces of a flower pot lay scattered on the floor. A small root system was peeking out from under the stove; it belonged to a cactus. The last cactus you owned.
You groaned as your eyes trailed up to the former resting place of the now destroyed flower pot and saw Spike’s fat reptilian body trying to slink away.
“Oh no you don’t, you leathery cat,” you hopped over the mess on the floor and grabbed Spike. You held him close to your face so you could stare into his eyes. “What is it with you and cactuses?”
Spikes tongue slithered out then in again before he let out a whiny growl.
You rolled your eyes and scolded him, “If you keep this up I’ll put you up for adoption.” You clicked your tongue in annoyance as you opened up the balcony door and let Spike down next to the arbour. “You stay out here and think about what you’ve done while I make breakfast.”
Spike made another lazy growl before moving away from the door at a snail’s pace. You hastily swept up the soil from your wooden floors and set aside the broken ceramic pieces in case you wanted to use them for another DIY home decor project.
While you put together a fruit bowl for breakfast, you noticed you hadn’t checked your voicemail. As you squeezed out the last two drops of honey onto your breakfast, you listened absentmindedly to the voice messages while making a mental checklist.
“Hey, Y/N…” Teddy’s soft voice reminded you of a lounge singer who smoked too many cigarettes in between sets. The kind of swaggerful baritone that belonged to men like Frank Sinatra or Nat King Cole. Ironically, Teddy’s face matched the softness of his name more than it did his pitch in voice. “I sent a few messages but I suppose you were on shift. That tornado…messy stuff. My cousin is local fire department, she told me—”
Remember to pay Mr Eliopoulos for the takeout. Teddy’s voice dissolved into white noise as you chewed your food. Get some bills out the ATM to keep on hand.
The next message played after a beep and you weren’t the slightest bit sorry you didn’t fully catch the rest of Teddy’s message.
“Y/N, it’s Irene.” –You froze. For a second– “I don’t know if you deleted my number after the last time we talked or not so…Yeah. It’s Irene,” your sister’s voice was a startling surprise to hear. She sounded as lively as a doornail, probably all the hours spent banging her head instead of her gavel in the courtroom. Irene thrived in the city, even if she never looked fully awake in any of her social media posts. You didn’t care much for city life and its exhausting churn.
Remember to save Irene’s number. Again.
“Mum called me, frantic that you didn’t call or text to say you were okay. She watched the news. The tornado rattled her. Your phone was off the whole day. I had to clear a whole day’s worth of meetings because her angina was acting up.” Irene was rambling in her monotone.
Angina isn’t a disease.
Irene paused as if she’d heard what you’d thought. Then she took a breath. You could practically picture her working her jaw muscles as she fought the urge to get emotional. “Call mum.”
Call mum.
The distance between you and Irene wasn’t consolidated to the miles between your cities. Irene was prickly, like a cactus. Maybe that’s why you had so much trouble growing them. But she was also the only person on the I-95 highway who stopped to pick up a wounded iguana on her cross-country trip that winter you moved into your apartment. That iguana was Spike. That was also the first and last time Irene ever stepped foot in your apartment. And the second time you’d deleted her phone number.
“Or at the very least, post one of those disturbing pictures of Spike dressed in baby clothes,” Irene’s tone turned condescending. There was some chatted on her end of the line. “I’m needed in the chamber.”
No rush saving her number. You swallowed the last spoonful of food before dumping your bowl in the sink. Then you opened the balcony door to let Spike back in.
A third beep. Another message.
“Dr Y/N?” the voice on the other end of the line was now very familiar to you. For a second, you wondered if you were still dreaming. “Dr Stephen Strange. The relief. I got your number from the on-call sheet. Just letting you know I got the go ahead first thing this morning to prep for the transplant. I’ll be the chief surgeon on staff. Marcy is in the best hands. Literally. I’ll see you at work.”
Ask about the transplant. You head shot up so fast you were convinced it’d crack like an Indiana Jones style bullwhip. Transplant?
“Marcy…” you mumbled before rushing to get to the shower. Just then another message played. The last. On it, Mike told you he was on his way to pick you up and that you should do something, but you weren’t paying much attention at that point. You had less than five minutes before he arrived.
Your shower was cold and quick. About half-way through, you realised the conditioner was practically empty. No time to fully detangle your bed-head knots, you raked your fingers through and washed all the shampoo away, making sure to add a little styling crème so your hair wouldn’t look like frizzy from the summer humidity.
You made sure to grab your go-bag, keys and lock the balcony door before rushing out the door just as Mike pulled into the driveway.
Mike had dark circles under his eyes, wind tousled hair that was still damp in places and an outstretched hand dangling out the car window with a coffee flask waiting expectantly.
You grabbed it and hastily made your way to the passenger side.
“Thanks,” you said out of breath as you unscrewed the cap and took a swig. Mike looked at you with a perplexed expression. When no coffee touched your tongue it was your turn to look back at Mike with a similar expression. “It’s empty.”
Mike nodded, “I know it’s empty.”
“Why’d you give me an empty flask?”
“Because you were supposed to make the coffee.
“Then you should have told me to.”
“I did.”
“You didn’t.”
Mike stared at you with a knowing look for a second too long. He sighed, rubbing his red eyes, “You didn’t listen to the whole voice message did you?”
You opened your mouth to retort but then you realised Mike was right. You clicked your tongue, “We can stop by the café near the intersection.”
“You’re buying,” Mike put the car in drive while you tried your best to distract yourself from thinking about Marcy.
“Tell me something new.”
 You got dressed into the maroon scrubs in the locker room. Your lanyard feeling particularly heavy that day. Maybe you weren’t as ready for today as you thought you were.
You had hoped and prayed to whatever constituted as a god on any particular day that Marcy would get a new lung. A healthy lung. And that she’d finally get to experience her youth, but now your hands wouldn’t stop shaking and your heart was so loud you wanted to scream just to shut it up.
But today was here and you only had the one heart, so you made a fist, took a long, deep breath and ran towards the OR.
Bach in C minor was playing over the sound of the heart-lung machine. There had been a slight pause when you walked into the OR mid-surgery, but everything continued without fail.
You knew, logically, that observing from the theatre was the right thing to do. The impartial thing to do. But this wasn’t any patient. This was Marcy. The girl you helped with her science homework that one weekend she came in for a check-up and stayed for a minor surgical procedure. The girl you watched rerun’s on cable TV with when you had the night shift. The girl you watched grow up.
Doctor Weisz was among the medical staff in the room. Strange didn’t bother looking away from Marcy’s open chest cavity.
“I don’t remember calling for a second pair of hands,” Strange said as if he was talking to himself. “Did you Doctor?”
Doctor Weisz’s words came out muffled behind her mask, “No.” She kept an impressive straight face. Come to think of it, you had never seen her smile. Or get angry. She was always professional. Even her haircut was a choice of convenience; short and slicked back.
You stepped out from behind Strange’s frame and moved in closer to Marcy. It was a little unsettling how normal she looked in a hospital gown with the elastic of her breathing mask drawing two red lines across her cheeks. The open chest cavity was different though. Unsightly.
Your fingers trembled, reaching out to hold her open palm lying flat on the table when the sudden loud beeping of the heart rate monitor shook you to action.
A squirt of blood sprayed out, turning the sterile blue operating gowns dark with plasma.
 “She’s bleeding,” Strange noted as if reading a catalogue. “There’s too much scar tissue.”
“BP is dropping. Fast,” Mike said. You hadn’t even noticed him in the room.
“Clamps,” Doctor Weisz’s hand was stretched expectantly to the fellow behind her.
Your feet were glued in place, like a statue with open eyes that couldn’t look away, just watching. Your brain yelled at you to snap out of it, let your training take over, set your emotions to backburner. But none of it worked.
“Someone get her out of my OR!” Strange’s composure shifted for the first time. It was then that you noticed your hand was holding tightly onto Marcy’s.
Just as Strange instructed, someone grabbed your hand and pulled towards the doors. Once you were out in the bright hallway you realised it was Mike.
 In the last couple of hours, you had treated a kid with tonsillitis, a man with a hangnail and one skateboarder with a concussion.
Why’d today have to be a slow day?
You sighed as you flipped through a medical chart Arlene had handed over for a second pair of eyes to go over.
“You said she came in with a fever?”
Arlene stammered before straightening her spine, “Y-yes.”
You kept quiet for a few seconds, waiting for Arlene to jump on cue and finish telling you the symptoms. She didn’t.
“Yes?” She looked up, big eyes fully attentive. Her innocence was endearing, but if not grown out of, it’d be a hindrance in this profession.
“This is usually when you fill me in.”
“Oh, right,” she fumbled with her chart. “Uh…loss of appetite, abdominal cramps and joint paint.”
“What’s your diagnosis?” You looked up at the wall clock, watching the hands tick.
Arlene fidgeted, “M-my diagnosis? I um…” She wiped her forehead as if there was sweat on it. “Cramps, fever and joint pain could be…stomach flu?”
“Viral gastroenteritis, yes,” you agreed with her diagnosis. “Treatment?”
Arlene was getting more confident, “Rehydration Solution, anti-viral—”
“Good, do it,” You excused yourself when you spotted Mike walking down the hall. The surgery was done.
“Mike!” You caught his attention. “So…how’d it go?”
Mike tried to miss eye contact, “She’s stable. Transplant wrapped up okay.”
“Something’s wrong, isn’t it?”
“No, no, nothing like that,” Mike rushed to place his hands on your elbows. “Marcy’s fine, taking well to the lung. She’s on assisted breathing until the rupture heals and the pressure is relieved on her muscles. She will have to stay in Recovery for longer but she’ll pull through.”
You laughed, a bright smile beaming over your face, “Then what’s the issue?”
Mike bit his lip, “Strange recommended to Weisz that you be put on probation for the time being.
Anger rushed unexpectedly, “What?”
Stephen suddenly appeared down the hallway. You marched over to him. He looked at you, expecting your oncoming aggression.
“You recommended I be put on probation?” You folded your arms to seem imposing.
Stephen glanced knowingly at Mike. Mike shrugged before disappearing into the lounge.
“God, you’re insufferable!” You flashed back to your dream and now you were confused as to what exactly you should be feeling.
“And if today is any indication, you’re too emotional,” he said softly.
You baulked, feeling insulted, “Too emotional?”
He rubbed his neck, “I told you about the operation out of professional courtesy. You had no right to barge into my OR and distract from the procedure. You put a bad foot forward, unprofessional. Weisz agreed. I suggested temporary probation to prevent Weisz from dealing a worse blow.”
You scoffed, “So you were helping me, is that it?”
“Yes,” he sounded on edge. “You’re too raw to be working right now. If I was your superior, I wouldn’t be assured that you could competently manage the rigorous expectations of the workplace.”
“Unbelievable, you really do walk around thinking you know everything, that your word is final. Mike was right, you have no reason to overstep your boundaries. You’re the relief, not my boss,” You threw your arms up in the air, ignoring the other residents listening in.
Stephen sighed, pushing passed you, ending the argument prematurely.¨
“Where are you going?” You demanded, following in stride.
“To get a drink,” he pressed his eyelids. “If you insist on still handing me my ass, you are welcome to join.”
You stalled for a second then decided to continue your squabble.
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To be continued...
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ashintheairlikesnow · 5 years
The Birthmother: Dad Fluff
CW: Referenced past noncon - including noncon that occurred underage, frankly discussed past abusive relationship involving minors, referenced past captivity, referenced victim blaming. Frank discussion of difficult circumstances and mindsets surrounding adoption from adoptive parent and birth parent points of view.
Danny speaks with Mina’s birthmother just after her birth. This one’s a heartbreaker, guys - for Danny and for Marie West, Mina’s birthmother. Basically I’ve been tearing up in Starbucks for two hours now and will now inflict it on all of you.
“Can… Can I ask why?” Danny folds himself into the small chair in the hospital room, the plastic pastel padding doing nothing to make it even remotely comfortable to sit in, the pale wood arms and frame nearly the same color as his skin.
He hasn’t slept since they got the call that she was finally in labor, and he can feel an exhaustion headache beginning to throb just behind his eyes - still, he’s gone longer than this without sleeping, and the teenage girl in the hospital bed beside him hasn’t slept, either.
Marie West, fifteen years old and the birthmother of Danny’s daughter, looks down at her hands. She has beautiful fingernails, carefully manicured and painted a perfect even pinkish-cream color that pops against her skin.
“Why what?” She asks, in a low voice.
They’re alone in the room, except for the tiny newborn currently sleeping in the clear plastic rolling ‘crib’ next to Marie’s bed. She’s heavily swaddled in the white blanket with pink and blue stripes that, Danny thinks, it seems like every newborn in America gets as the very first thing they own.
The baby girl is approximately eight and a half hours old, and she has lighter brown skin than her mother, a tiny little mouth that moves in her sleep, and a thick fuzz of black hair that covers her head. She will be Danny’s daughter, if Marie doesn’t change her mind before the grace period is up, and Danny’s heart beats in his throat every time he thinks of that possibility… and he’s not sure whether he wants her to keep to her plan, or if some deep part of him wants to see her decide to keep the little girl, make the best of it, create a life that her child can be a part of.
Some part of him has always been wondering what it would have been like to have his birthmother decide to create a life with him.
“Why us? I mean, um, you don’t… really have to tell me. I just asked Nate and your mom to get coffee and give us a sec because, um, I wondered if… if you wouldn’t… if you couldn’t use a few minutes. I can go, too, if that’s better.”
Danny moves to stand, and stops when he catches Marie shifting around in the bed. She’s wearing a pink hospital gown with little patterned birds on it. It has a slit on each side for feeding the baby, although Marie has told Danny she isn’t going to. I’m sorry, I just can’t, she said to the nurse, who looked at her with perfect compassion and brought in tiny little bottles of premade formula, showing Danny how to give them to the little girl they have yet to name.
He doesn’t want to - not until he knows for sure that Marie won’t decide to take her home, give her a new name, and Danny and Nate will have to start again.
“No, you’re okay, don’t go. I just.” Marie shrugs, inspecting her hands for a few moments longer. Her hair falls in thick black waves around her face. “I, I guess… I just, um, liked you.”
Danny nods, swallowing against a knot in his throat, against the nervousness that makes his fingers clumsy, his hands want to shake. It’s funny, to have lived through what he has but asking a teenager why she wanted to give him a baby is what really scares him, now. “Thanks,” He says after the pause draws just a little too long, belatedly trying to cover it. “I, um, like to think I’m… likable.”
“Yeah.” There’s another pause. In it, the newborn baby girl makes a soft, high-pitched grunting sound, and both of them look to her with automatic instinct. She quiets and settles again on her own. 
Marie sighs, and Danny wonders what she thinks, when the baby makes noise. Does a part of her want to take care of things, to hold the baby as tightly as she can and never let go? Does she just want someone to take the baby away? Is she fighting both feelings, all at once?
“Why… why did you like me?” Danny scoots the chair a little closer, wincing at the awful scraping sound it makes along the nondescript tile floor, but Marie doesn’t seem to notice. She keeps staring down at her hands.
“Because… because. Um. Because I, I just, because you said you were adopted, too, in your profile? File folder. Whatever. What the, the lady gave us to look at, my mom and me… it, like, said you were adopted when you were five.”
“Yep. I was in foster care before that.” Danny shrugs, folding his hands together, elbows on his thighs as he bends over, trying to read her face. He’s good at reading the mood of a room - he had to be, for years being able to read Abraham’s mood had been his only shot at lessening the pain he might be in. “You liked the idea of me being adopted?”
“I liked that you… you can tell her. You understand being adopted. You’re just the only one… you were the only person we looked at who I just thought could, um, like, tell her that it’s… it’s not her fault she was born.” Marie’s voice dropped into a whisper. Danny watched the tears welling up in her eyes, and suddenly he understood, all at once, the other reason he and Nate had been chosen. “It’s not her fault that she was, was fucking born... it’s mine.”
Danny lets the silence draw out between them, and then he reaches out with one rough, scarred hand to take hers. She grips onto him painfully tightly, but he doesn’t flinch - he can take this kind of pain, this is nothing, not when you’ve had your back carved up for hours kneeling in the dirt - and he keeps his eyes carefully on hers.
He doesn’t touch other people very often, but he understands, now, that Marie West doesn’t want to touch other people anymore, either, and for a very similar reason.
“You were r-raped,” He says, softly. It took him so long to say it out loud - for months after it was all over he still referred to what Abraham did as sex, as if it were normal, because Abraham had told him again and again - it was one of his rules - you can’t rape the puppy. He shudders against the memory, pushing it down, because… because this moment, in this hospital room, isn’t about him. “That’s why you liked us. Because.. Because I was, too. You were, um… you were raped. Like me.”
“N-not, like, like you,” Marie says, her voice bubbling and breaking with the tears that she is fighting like hell to hold back. He wants to tell her to cry, to sob her heart out, that he can sit here with her in silence and be someone who understands the need… but he knows just as much that she needs to not cry, that she’s been crying for months without stopping, that she just wants to be able to stop. “He w-wasn’t a stranger, he was, was my… my boyfriend.”
Danny nods, and he moves his other hand to hold onto hers, too, and they sit there in silence while she sniffs back the tears that try to escape, setting her jaw with grim determination as she fights them back inside of herself.
“We dated for, like, six months,” She says softly, almost hoarsely. “Then, one night… and I don’t know, I just, I was scared because he got so mad and I went along with it. And then we, we just kept… I never really, you know, he would get so mad I didn’t want to say no, and-”
“It doesn’t matter,” Danny whispers, with real ferocity. Her eyes go to his, and he looks right in her warm brown eyes, knowing that his own have turned to something like a cold, cold ocean blue. “Listen to me. It doesn’t matter, it took me a long t-time to, um, to understand it, but it doesn’t matter if you can say no. Not saying no isn’t the same as saying yes, Marie, okay?”
She nods, sort of rapidly, her shoulders sagging. She pulls her hands back and Danny lets go quickly, his own skin crawling with touching other people, but he ignores the feeling for now. “Did you learn th-that in therapy?” She asks with a wry smile, watery and unconvincing, but there. “I have to go to therapy now, my mom takes me.”
“I did learn that in therapy. I have… I have a good therapist. She’s about to retire, I just…” He shrugs a little. “I learned a lot from her. I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t be able to do this, to have a baby, if I hadn’t gone to her.”
“I don’t want this baby,” Marie whispers, with the air of someone confessing a sin. “I don’t want her. I know she’s, it’s not her fault, and my mom thinks she’s cute, but I don’t… I don’t want his baby. You’re supposed to want babies, when you’re pregnant, but it just felt like this thing kept growing - like I had a monster inside of me - and I didn’t want it because it came from him, and I don’t… I wanted to find someone who would want, um, want her. Because it’s not her fault.” Marie rested one hand over her stomach, lightly rounded but already slowly growing less and less, day by day. “It was… it was mine.”
“It wasn’t,” Danny says, gently but firmly. “It’s not your fault. It’s not hers, sure, but it’s not, um, it’s not yours either. It’s not our fault, what happened to us. Okay?”
She looks over at him - just for a second, before her eyes skip away again. “That’s why I picked you,” She says, her voice evening out again, the tears drying as quickly as they came. Pushed deep within herself, to wait until the next breakdown, the next moment when it was all too much, too soon. “Because you, um, you know. My mom recognized you from when you were in the news, and I looked you up online and realized… she wanted me to pick someone else, kind of? But I, I just… I just thought… th-there’s nobody better for that, that baby than someone who can tell her… someone who can tell her that it’s not her fault, and that someone loves her.” Her lips pressed together, guilty and miserable. “I can’t.”
“I get that. My birthmom couldn’t, either. Thanks for telling me.” He smiles at her, encouragingly, and she manages another smile in his direction before she lays back against the pillows, picking up the remote to turn on the TV. They sit there in silence for a while.
Just when Danny has started to consider going to find Nate and Marie’s mother, she speaks again. “You have to want her, though. It’s not her fault that she was born, and you have to want her because I can’t.”
“I do,” Danny says softly. “I want her so badly, Marie. I have, I have a name picked out and everything. We… we picked our names months ago actually, before anyone chose us. We sat around talking about it for, um, for weeks and weeks… it was funny to, to talk about it and there not actually be a baby… and then we decorated the nursery but, you know, we had to talk about what if you decided to keep her and we just… had this nursery sitting around our house-”
“I won’t change my mind.” Marie shook her head. “Everyone keeps asking. I won’t. I want you to have her. I want you to, to tell her that someone loves her.”
“I will,” Danny says gently. He moves from the chair to sit on the side of the bed, just slightly resting on it with his legs off to the side and feet on the floor. Marie doesn’t look at him right away, but the set of her jaw starts to waver again. “I will, Marie, I promise. I’ll tell her every fucking day how loved and wanted she is. I… I wasn’t… I wasn’t wanted, by my parents. I wasn’t adopted because they wanted me. And I’m not ever going to do that to a kid, okay?”
“Okay.” Marie says it softly, but the strain is in her voice again. “Okay, okay. Okay. Good.”
“If you want to meet her,” Danny says gently, “We would be happy to fly down here again-”
“I won’t.”
“If you ever do. I’m going to leave all our contact info with your mom, and if you want to see her… please, Marie. This is your baby, too-”
She shakes her head rapidly, her hair flying out around her, and Danny realizes her hands are gripped onto each other so tightly she’s pressed ash-pale divots into her brown skin. “She’s not. She’s, she’s his baby.”
“Okay. I won’t push. Just know that the option is there, if you change your mind.”
She nods again, once more, curt, still not looking at him. Danny wonders, to himself, if his own mother was given a conversation like this before the state took him away. If his birthmother, barely a teenager and recovering from surgery, had been told she could see her son if she wanted and said, no, I won’t, he’s not mine.
“I’m sorry,” Danny says gently. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sure you’ve spent… this whole time getting, um, getting pressured about it. I’ll go now.”
Before he can get up, she reaches out to grab him - it’s an all-at-once movement he nearly flinches back from, and a low deep voice in his mind says never flinch or pull away from Abraham in an echo he’s nearly broken but can’t quite shake. She hisses - it has to ache, moving like that so soon after having a baby, he knows it has to hurt to do what she’s done, and to do it knowing she won’t even bring the baby home afterwards.
“Please tell her I’m sorry,” Marie says, and her voice is choked as she pulls Danny down into a hug. He doesn’t pull back, his skin crawls but he holds onto her tightly, sliding his long arms around behind her thin hospital gown, pulling her as close to him as he can. Her head falls against his shoulder and she starts to sob, muffled sounds into his sweater - even in Texas, Danny is always cold and thinks maybe he’ll never not be cold again.
He holds her while she cries, and he doesn’t say anything, but he can feel in her that she doesn’t want him to speak. She just wants there to be someone to cry with, someone who has been there, someone who knows.
“J-Just tell her I’m, I’m so sorry, I c-couldn’t, pl-please tell her I couldn’t-”
“I will,” Danny says gently, rocking back and forth a little. What Nate does for him when he cries, when he is overwhelmed by the lost time and the horror that happened, the things he saw and felt and experienced weighing him down. The way Nate rocks with him when his back hurts so badly he can’t move, when his ribs ache with every breath. “I’ll tell her every day she is loved, and wanted, and that you were so fucking strong for her.”
“St-strong would be t-t-taking her home,” Marie says, in a voice like a guilty whimper.
Danny tightens his arms around her. “No,” He says softly, but firmly. “Strong is making the choice you have to make, to keep going, for the both of you. Strong is doing what you have to do to stay alive, to survive.” He is talking to Marie West, a fifteen-year-old girl in Texas who is giving him a baby… but he’s talking to a thirteen-year-old girl thirty years ago, too, a little girl who maybe turned her face away from the tiny premature redheaded newborn they showed her and said I can’t, I can’t, I don’t want to.
He is talking, as well, to a twenty-two year old man crying as he begs for mercy that isn’t coming, that Abraham Denner never had it in him to give.
“You’re strong,” He says out loud, to her and to his birthmother and to himself. To everyone like them, to everyone who had to make the hard choices they’ve made to keep moving when it would have been easier, maybe, to give up. “You have to survive for yourself, too. I’m so, so grateful you’re doing this, but I’m so sorry this happened to you. When I tell her about you, I’m going to tell her that you had to be so fucking strong when you shouldn’t have had to be strong, I’m going to tell her that you did what you had to do to give her the family you wanted for her, I’m going to tell her that she is the most loved and wanted little girl in the world. I know you don’t want to keep her, and you think that means you don’t love her-”
“I don’t, I don’t want her, I don’t want her and I’m supposed to want my baby,” Marie half-wails, fingers twisted into the fabric of his sweater, holding tightly. “But I don’t, I don’t, and I’m supposed to and I don’t…”
He hears shuffling steps outside, low voices, one of them Nate’s. He glances up to see Marie’s mother in the doorway, a hand over her mouth, Nate’s hand over her arm to keep her from moving inside.
“Sssshhhh, it’s okay. You’re okay. You don’t have to, okay? Wanting a baby isn’t a switch that turns on, not like this.” He thinks he should kiss the top of her head, some kind of parental something, but he can’t. His skin half-burns with what it feels like to be touched without it being his idea, but he forces back the sick flip of his stomach, the sense that his control over himself is being undone, and he focuses instead on the simple fact that Marie West is hurting, and he can help her. “It’s okay. We’re going to take her home, and Nate wants to be Dad, we already decided - and I’ll be Daddy. And if you ever, ever want to see her, Marie, you’re still Mommy. Okay? And if you don’t want to be ever, that’s okay, too, it’s your choice. You decide who you are, not that guy who hurt you, not your mom or your dad, not us. You decide. You get to decide who you are, after all of this, after you survive.”
Marie nods against him, sniffling, and her sobs start to fade, to come back under control. “Oh my god,” She mutters without raising her head. “Oh my god, the fucking hormones or something, I’m so sorry, I’m crying with a fucking stranger, I’m so sorry, I just-”
“No problem.” He pats at her back, then rubs in a soothing circle. “If you want to call and talk to me about… about the thing with that guy, I’d be happy to. Whatever you need, Marie. We’re here, and we, um, we know… we know a little bit about it. Not, not the way it happened to you, but-”
“Do you ever stop feeling like it’s your fault it happened?” Marie asks, in a whisper.
Danny hopes her mother can’t hear it.
He leans down to whisper back, curled around her. “It took a while. But sometimes… sometimes I go whole weeks where I remember, the whole time, that it wasn’t. And you’ll get that, too. Okay? You’ll get there. It takes a while, and it takes therapy and I take some pills, too, but… but you’ll get there. One day you’ll wake up, and you’ll get halfway through the day and realize you haven’t thought about him at all.”
“Y-you… you promise?”
“I promise.” He holds her for another few seconds, glancing up at her mother with a slight smile. Nate raises his eyebrows in question, and Danny holds up one finger - just a second. “I promise, Marie. I absolutely swear it.”
She nods again, and slowly pulls back, wiping at her eyes almost frantically. He notices, for the first time, pretty gold stud earrings in her ears, and a small gold hoop up in the shell of her ear on one side. “Um. Can I… can I ask you something? I mean, that’s ridiculous when I just cried on you, b-but… can I… ask something?”
Danny steels himself - people are always asking can I ask you something? And the questions get worse and more invasive each time, wondering did he ever do anything that felt good and do you miss him and what was it like to have someone break your arm on purpose or his personal current absolute least-favorite, do you ever think about how if you hadn’t gone over to your friend’s house, none of it would have happened? Do you think maybe you could have done something different to make it end faster?
“Yeah,” He says softly, when he’s ready. “Go ahead.”
She licks at her lips - dry and cracked, a little chapped - and then asks, hesitantly, “What’s the name?”
“What?” He blinks, thrown totally off-guard.
“Y-you said you guys already talked about names… what, um, what name did you pick for her? For your baby.” She subtly emphasizes the your - more for herself than for him, Danny thinks. Her eyes slip over to the infant, still sleeping peacefully in her crib, making the occasional low contented grunt.
“Oh.” Danny feels relief like a wave, nearly knocking him off the hospital bed. “Oh. Yeah, sure, I’ll… sure. We want to call her Mina Nicole. After, um, after a book I like… a character in a book I like. And Nicole was Nate’s mom’s name.”
“Which name does she get? Yours or his?”
“His,” Danny says firmly. “I don’t care about my name. My brother can give it to his kids.”
“Oh, shit. Hit on a sore spot,” Marie says softly, and laughs - her laugh is low and soft, and absolutely beautiful. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s… it’s okay. Mina Nicole Vandrum.”
She repeats the name, in a soft wondering voice, then looks back at the baby. “She looks like a Mina Vandrum, I think. It’s, I like… I like the name you picked. Um. You’ll be a good dad, I think, Mr. Michaelson-”
“Danny. Just… just Danny, please.”
“Okay. Danny. Thanks for… for all that.” She waved her hand vaguely, and then settled back against the pillows. Just as she settled in, her mother sweeps into the room, making plenty of noise to seem like she’d only just walked up rather than been watching in the door.
“Marie! Brought you your coffee. I figure you don’t need decaf if you’re not going to be breastfeeding, anyway.”
“Mom, you never let me have coffee,” Marie says, surprised, as she takes the cup from her mother’s hands. “Thanks. What’s… why-”
“You’re doing a real grown-up thing, and you’ve had a real shit few grownup months,” Marie’s mother says gently, reaching out to tuck a bit of her daughter’s hair behind her ear. “I’m not going to begrudge you a cup of damn coffee, babygirl.”
Marie’s eyes well up again, but she nods, swallowing back her tears. “Th-thanks, Mom.”
There is a moment where mother and daughter look at each other, and Danny sees the child in the teenager, desperate for the first voice she ever heard to still be there to stand between her and the monsters in the world - and in her mother, tired and maybe just as scared by all of this as Marie, the woman who, fifteen years earlier, had had her own baby to bring home.
A woman who, when she cradled the newborn Marie, could never have imagined having to be this kind of strong for her daughter, not like this, not so soon.
“If you’ll excuse me,” Danny says softly, and catches the look of gratitude Marie’s mom shoots him, as he pushes himself up and off the bed. “I’d like to talk to, um, to Nate out in the waiting room for a little while.”
“Do you want to take her?” Marie’s mother asks, nodding towards the infant in the little clear plastic rolling crib. “Out in the hall? I’d love to speak with my babygirl for a little bit.”
Danny nods quickly, trying not to look too eager as he moves to pick up the tiny little newborn - she hardly weighs a thing in his arms, as he slides one hand carefully under her head to keep it steady, so it won’t fall back. She doesn’t wake up, only smacks her lips a few times and settles right under his chin as he lays her against his chest.
She feels like she was always meant to be there, right against his heart.
“Grab a b-bottle,” Marie says softly, sipping her coffee. “She’ll want to eat.”
Being a mother doesn’t always mean raising the baby yourself, Danny wants to tell her, picking up one of the tiny little prepackaged bottles of newborn formula the nurses brought in. He wants to say that sometimes being the mother your baby needs is helping her build the family you want her to have, even if you’re not in the center of it. He wants to say, my mother gave me to the state and I found my family in the end, and Mina has her family and you’re still part of it, whatever part you want to play. You’ll survive this, and it’s going to be okay.
He’s not sure how to say it without tearing up himself. He hopes someone told his mother that, when she was so little, and scared, and had to be too strong too soon.
He carries Mina carefully to the door, stopping to kiss Nate before he moves into the hallway, listening to the noisy breathing of the newborn in his arms.
Marie’s mother steps up, gives Danny a slight smile, and closes the door to the room to give she and her daughter some privacy.
“Is she oh-okay?” Nate asks, softly. “M-Marie?” His voice is low, and deep, and Danny wants to wake up to this voice every day for the rest of his life.
“She will be,” Danny says softly. “She will. She likes the name, Nate. She likes the name Mina Nicole.”
As if she understood her name had been spoken, Mina shifts in his arms a little, and her wide dark eyes flutter slowly open and then close again.
“What did you t-t-talk about?” Nate and Danny amble down the hall, Nate reaching out occasionally to touch Mina’s soft soft hair, the back of her swaddling blanket. As if reminding himself that this - that all of this - was really happening, was real.
Danny shrugs a little, smiling down at his daughter.
“Just… that, that... it’s going to be okay.”
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