#freddy hitting sans
frutiger-marrow · 3 months
@the-deku-nut hey jerma
im not a bot i swear i put so much effort into this its unbelievable
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 1 month
TMAGP 13 Thoughts: Phone Bug
A big episodes for small reasons. Not much world-shaking happened but just enough was said about just the right things. A lot to get into in this one around the incident. We're starting to have the curtain pulled back. Just a crack right now, but that's just more reason to be cracked.
Spoilers for episode 13, and all of TMA, below the cut.
Not a huge amount to touch on in the date portion of the episode other than a couple of sentences. Yeah, Sam is a gifted burn out that's sad about not getting experimented on. Same old same old. But Celia has a baby. Jack being Celia's kid I wasn't expecting mostly because of how that figures into her timeline. She's very heavily implied to be TMA's Celia but based on what she said if she is then she's been in TMP's universe for at least 4 years. A "couple of wild years" and Jack's "just over a year old". Plus 9 months and it's a lot longer than it might've appeared. None of that stuff tripped Freddy's possible lie detector either that I heard.
If you work under the assumption that the voices are who most people think, and they started roughly when they arrived, then that's a fairly major time discrepancy. The voices are about a year old but Celia has been around for 4.
However, it doesn't strictly rule that out either. Firstly, we know that moving between universes isn't actually one-to-one time-wise. Anya Villette went backwards 2 weeks when she crossed over. So them arriving at different times could support the idea that she's TMA's Celia further. Her general explanation of events could also be explained by this too. If she's not there willingly, or is there willingly but it didn't quite go to plan, a couple of wild years while you get your footing in a world you don't belong to isn't far fetched. If she was there looking for the voices then her showing up so relatively late could be explained by her baby too. So it's certainly not a dead and buried theory yet.
While Jack isn't Jack Barnabas he and the voices are about the same age. If people want to go rabid over that.
Gwen and Lena's little chat has a similar amount to really dig into. It's nice to see Gwen dealing with it all, and it's annoying we still don't know who died, but Lena does have a lot to say in a few words.
The world is full of opposing forces, some benevolent, most not. In order for the wheels to keep on turning, all these forces need to be monitored and balanced. That is where we come in.
This probably the most information we've had on the OIAR to this point from the show itself. I think most of this was safely assumed before this point. They've been doing a lot of monitoring, categorisation, and the only responses we have seen have been tamping major spikes down. A world of opposing forces is also a given. We are being led to believe that these are analogous to the 14+1 but there being benevolent ones if that's true is a big mix up. If you take the above timeline idea a step further and say the 14+1 arrived much earlier (or it doesn't matter because of how they're temporally weird) the benevolent ones could be native to TMP. They could be all TMP had.
Her assertion that the OIAR is a balance on these forces is interesting. Beyond the obvious stuff it also leans into an idea I've been throwing about regarding Starkwall. In the perception of Starwall might not really be the whole picture. The San Pedro Square massacre could've been an easy scapegoat to pin on them for the OIAR to split with them. A split caused by a disagreement in ethics. Starkwall thus far hasn't been shown to have an incredible disregard for human life based on Ep 7. The OIAR definitely has been. It could just be a PR move because the massacre was too big to contain but that feels like the least interesting way to handle this. A faction that's all in on monster hit men splitting with a faction who is against it has more room for interesting drama and worldbuilding IMO.
Balance was also a very large aspect of TMA in the end. The OIAR working towards that balance isn't as noble a goal as it might sound. Or it at least has the potential to be an incredibly misguided goal.
Okay, with all that mostly out of the way onto the incident itself. I enjoy this one a fair bit. Very different to what's come before it but with another recurring theme. We're starting to see a couple of patterns emerge now although it's too early to start naming things. I don't think there is a lot to really get into but this one was written by Alex, had a new VA, and was a recurring idea. Which does all point to this being quite important as these things go. All the episodes will likely tie up quite nicely in the end but this one seems quite relevant currently. In any case this was a fun one and I'm kinda curious how some of the elements within it will tie together. Mainly the gambling and insects.
Also, super weird they went with Zorrotrade for this. Because that's a real thing. Or was a real thing? It might be dead now, but still.
Post-incident chat has nothing I really want to comment on. More Alice and Sam is always good, even if Alice is trying really hard to not seem very upset.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet
DPHW Theory: 4622 doesn't seem particularly noteworthy. It's interesting from a thematic angle how this differs from Rolling With It. Both obviously very linked to gambling but this one lacks the compulsion elements. Which is a good indicator that H is linked to that sort of thing. Not that I need to convince myself of that further.
CAT# Theory: 3. Insert screams et cetera, et cetera. More seriously there still isn't a convincing pattern to this. Although I might be swinging back to my original tria prima and/or triple deity interpretation.
R# Theory: B is where I was thinking it'd end up while listening. So that's nice. Not much to add to this. Much like with DPHW the more information that lines up with the theory the less there is to talk about it because I've already done the hard bit.
Header talk: Gambling (Application) -/- Murder. Other than Application being a pretty weird Subsection I'm not sure there is much to dig into here. Although it does likely confirm he's dead. Which does make it a little strange that his statement wasn't read by one of the Freddy lot.
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moviesludge · 1 day
I went with my buddy for a little drive through the San Gabriel mountains yesterday. We go for drives every once in a while, and as much as I appreciate the scenery I feel like I appreciate the conversation as much or more.
One thing we hit on is that movie monsters have lost the iconic actor connection. Good examples are Karloff as Frankenstein and Robert Englund as Freddy. Now it seems like every monster is either cg and de-humanized or masked or something. I feel like Art the Clown might be one of the rare exceptions, but David Howard Thornton is hardly a household name. I guess Bill Skarsgard's Pennywise is the only other one I can really think of. Oh and Bonnie Aarons as the Nun. Not sure how well known she is though
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sh4tt3rg1rl · 6 months
TITLE: For the funny (is this even for all ages??) FEATURING THE CHARACTERS: sun, gnagle WRITERS: elsie, xeya, tailsbot RATED ALL AGES
One day, Gnaggagngle and Sun decide to go to therapy. Unfortunately for them, the only available therapist is Ragatha, who immediately has a mental breakdown because girlie needs help.
This now turns to Gangle, Sun, and Ragatha all crying together, doing pure crack as they did so. Wh.. do I even want to know?
Anyway, Sun then flared and died, falling facedown onto the table in front of them.
So now a high Gangle and a high Ragatha are next to a dead body.
"wow, that sure did happen, im still depresed" says Gnangel "Lets go kill Jax, for the funny!" ragatha exclaimed "For the funny!" gangle replied
so then the two went and found jax, who was chilling in a t pose as one does "Jax we here to kill you" said gagnle "No u" says Jax 'oh ok" replies ragatha, as both her and gnglea do the family guy death pose and die.
"wow! they had crack on them!" says Jax "im gonna do the crack, and then ill blow up Mars!" Jax proceeded to do the crack, and blew up mars
Jax then proceeded to become the new tumblr secymand
TITLE: Gangle's Secret love FEATURING THE CHARACTERS: gangle, james/mask WRITERS: gummy, tailsbot, xeya RATED ALL AGES Gangle and Mask were at a cafe, waiting on their order. Gangle had been showing off her sketchbook to Mask, flipping through pages, when suddenly Gangle remembered a particular sketch that was in there… Gangle was too late to snatch the sketchbook back, when Mask flipped the page. "What the hell is this?" He said incredulously. "NO NO NO NO NO!" Gangle screeched.
Unfortunately, all had been revealed…
as her life crumbled before her, she sat, watching the terror in masks face, as they witnessed the page. Her biggest secrets, shown to the world, now everyone would know that
Gangle drew herself, KISSING ZOOBLE!
Mask stared down at the BEAUTIFUL AND TERRIFYINGLY DETAILED DRAWING and slowly turned to look at Gangle. "Are you…" they began, their voice trembling… "…a homosexual?" Gangle profusely denied, but the truth was out. Gangle was gay for Zooble. "Gangle.. why didn't you tell anyone?!" "It was… sniffle… it was too much!!! I COULDN'T!!! ZOOBLE WOULD FIND OUT IM GAY FOR THEM!!!" Mask committed a hit and run on Gangle by smacking her upside the head with her sketchbook and ran over to Zooble. "GANGLE IS GAY FOR Y-" Mask was pulled backwards into the shadows by a mysterious ribboned force and was never seen again… Emerging from the shadows was Gangle! "Hello! Everything you just heard is WRONG." Gangle faded away.
"…What the f-"
TITLE: TOP TEN ANIME BATTLES: #1: SANS VS FREDDY FEATURING THE CHARACTERS: sans, five nigt fredy WRITERS: xeya, gummy, elsie RATED ALL AGES Sans was gearing up for battle against Freddy Fazbear. He shined his Gaster Blaster and FUCKING obliterated a dummy. (mad dummy)
Freddy Fazbear showed up in a full blown mechasuit.
What the fuck.
Sans chuckled as he brandished his weapon. "I know your sins, Freddy. This won't end well for you." Freddy chuckled. "you may be strong, but you're still just a skeleton. One hit and you're done. I know you have a limit. How fast can we reach it?" Sans's eyes narrowed, and he pulled a hand from his pocket, his fingertips glowing blue. The bell rang, and the battle began, Sans dodged Freddy's attacks left and right, shooting arrays of bones in every direction. Freddy was hit several times, but this old bear was strong, and resisted the damage enough to keep going. "You're bear-ly taking a hit, arentcha?" Sans, joked, winking. Freddy Fazbear ignored this, and kept swinging.
Sans kept dodging attacks, but wondered how long he could keep this up…
And then he realized Freddy’s weakness… He’s electronic. And Sans has a bucket of water from an old door prank…
It was done.
@zooooble @thecomicallytragicgangle we wrote shipfic about you by the way
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cage-cat-yt · 1 year
Art dump (I need to draw more tf2 cause it's my comfort sbsbsb)
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This has been over a few days, hopefully I didn't share anything I already shared lol. But here's some art!!!
Also characters under cut! Youll see which ones I'm biased for heheh
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
Medic (Team Fortress 2) <333333
Tony the clock (Don't hug me I'm scared) <333
Jack Walten (The Walten Files) <3333
Masky (Marble Hornets) <333333
Hit the Snooze girl (the living tombstone)
Tesla (the living tombstone)
Josef Stauber (Josef and Sauer, oc)
King Stauber (Josef and Sauer, oc)
Minora Takashi (Josef and Sauer, oc)
Sean (Josef and Sauer, oc)
Sans (Undertale)
Lou Jitsu/Hamato Yoshi/Splinter (rottmnt)
Lilith Clawthrone (The owl house)
Darrius (The owl house)
Mikey (rottmnt)
Claire (Opal)
Cubone (pokemon)
Sneasal (pokemon)
Toy Chica (five nights at Freddy’s)
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lavenoon · 1 year
Lave-san i need help i desperately need fics where the DCA does not like you initially/straight up dislikes you and avoids you. Bonus ppints for mechanic y/n
So I'll lead with the disclaimer that I crowdfunded this reply because I am a pitifully slow reader, which translates to me actually reading only very few fanfics. However, I trust my sources (from the Sleepy Cove Server <3), so I'll wholeheartedly recommend these!
First the two I have actually read:
Our Orbit is Elliptical by @sycopomp and @madame-mongoose
The Daycare Attendant is very protective of his role in the Superstar Daycare; he was made for this job, after all, and he finds it insulting that management seems to think he needs help. They insist on saddling him with human assistants, over and over, no matter how many quit. Not that he does it intentionally, of course... but if they can't handle the stress, then perhaps they aren't fit to be working with children. Hmph.
You are the new Daycare Assistant at the Superstar Daycare! Despite some reservations, you're determined to do your best and prove-- mostly to yourself-- that you deserve to be here. You're inspired by Sun and the ease with which he gets along with the children, and you hope to impress him with your go-getter attitude and unflappable confidence! (Even if both of those things are about as flimsy as construction paper...)
aka: Sun is passive-aggressive to his new assistant, whom is so determined to do a good job that they're too oblivious to notice.
Almost Human by @vilz
“I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself.” ― Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis
You get a new job. It's a struggle.
And now the ones that make me wish I could read faster or simply have more time in the day:
Two Choices by @thelonereni
You chose this.
There was regret of course, but turning back wasn't an option anymore. You couldn't lose this new game you found yourself in, and somehow you managed to feel more and more alive the longer you played...
You have worked in sanitation since the pizzaplex opened, but that all changed when you had a bit of a mishap in the kitchen. With the only real option left being an assistant in the daycare, you decided it couldn't be worse that your previous position.
Between the surly daycare attendant, bosses breathing down your neck and the corporate overlords coming for a visit, your starting to think you make really shitty life choices.
What's The Moral Here? by @/siquieres on ao3
Your little brother is invited to a birthday party at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, hosted inside the Superstar Daycare. The Daycare Attendant takes a disliking towards you, or at least, that's what you think it is. Despite this and the violent nightmares of a sun god that plague you, you keep letting your brother bring you back. You keep coming back.
A sort of mean-spirited take on the Sun/Reader dynamic. Reader is often injured, intentionally or not.
What's It Called When Light Hits A Prism? by @/TooManyPsuedonyms on ao3
The PizzaPlex has been running--and the Management needs a new operator for one of their salvaged animatronics.
You are just trying to live independently, so of course, you'll take the job.
You have no idea what you're in for. Granted, you never really know what you're in for, but this can't be much different than working with regular human people… right?
And perhaps one where the DCA doesn't outright dislike Y/N, but the premise still causes tension in their dynamic (and you get mechanic Y/N!):
It's Curtains For You! by @muzzlemouths
|| “You will be befriending, then dismantling the animatronic,” he gets right to the point, “and you’ll have about a month to do it.”
You're not here to make friends. You're here to earn what you can, smile and nod with simple Yes Sirs, and keep your head down low. An open position as the Daycare Attendant's newest 'mechanic' doesn't change any of that. You're on a tight schedule with the disassembly and you can't afford to be getting attached.
But what happens when you do?
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horror102 · 1 year
Things I do and don’t.
Things I do write for
Student X teacher- Just because it’s a weird fantasy and only high school 18 X teacher I’ve gotten a request many times and I refuse to do any 16 year old students or 17 only the age above legal law.
Fictional Serial killer X reader- Only fictional serial killers I will not be writing a fan fiction of Ted bunch, jeffery Dhamer, John Wayne Gacy, Richard Ramirez, or anything’s real serial killer wise.
Any type of fandoms!
Undertale fandom, WWE fandom, Horror fandom, supernatural fandom, Dc fandom, Marvel fandom, Game fandom, Movie fandom, Peoples oc’s X a certain character. Just anything! Anime fandom, Cartoon fandom, Greek gods, ANYTHING! <3 red dead redemption, Cod , YouTubers only ones who allow, TWD, TVD, GTA, Fast food, fnaf , Disney , the avatar,
Things I don’t and won’t do.
Abusive relationships with a character that’s the love interest.
Warnings I do
Fandoms I won’t write for.
Harry Potter- It’s mostly just a bunch of weird adults crushing on teenagers
YouTubers who’ve stated they don’t want smut written about them, only ones that don’t care. But if it’s fluff it’s fine
Scooby doo- Only when it’s the live action it’s okay but when there supposedly teens nah. unless it’s fluff.
Going angst someone’s religion or adding satanism in a story.- only because it goes against some characters I write like Jacob Goodnight
Specific characters I do.
Michael myers
Jason voorhees
Jacob goodnight
Patrick Bateman
Hannibal Lecter
Leather face
Candy man
Jennifer Tilly
Freddy Krueger
Pyramid head
Art the clown
Harry warden
Gabriel may
Norman Bates
Billy Lenz
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Sally face
Sally face
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikealson
Klaus Mikealson
Mason Lockwood
Kai Parker
Simon Riley
Captain America
Dick Grayson
The flash
Beast boy
Spider noir
Roman reigns
Dolph Zigger
Randy Orton
Razor Ramon
Drew McIntyre
Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose
Shawn Michaels 
Triple H
Naruto uzumaki
Kakashi Hatake
Asuma sensei
Erwin smith
Reiner Braun
Connie springer
Coach Ukai
Asahi- Haikyu
Sniper mask
The hand- Wednesday
Freaky Fred
Ronald mc Donald
Burger King
Jack in the box
Fast food
Spring trap
Freddy faze bear
Michael afton
Prince neaven
Any Disney prince fr <3
Anything on my list, or in the fandoms I write for I forgot I couple if there’s any you think I might like hit me up! <3
Tags I do
Daddy issues
Older men
Sugar daddy
Sugar mommy
Age gap
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Great Video Game Bracket 64 – INTERMISSION
Winners' Round 1 is over! Let's see how the bracket did on opening night...
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(Completed matches will be blacked out to discourage "revenge voting".)
Up next is Winners' Round 2... alongside the ever-nervewracking Losers' Round 1. Match polls will start being rolled out on April 26th, 5 am PDT.
WR1 Performances Ranked
Winners' Bracket:
#01 – Stardew Valley – 97.6%
#02 – The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – 96.4%
#03 – Yakuza 0 – 94.3%
#04 – Disco Elysium – 94.1%
#05 – Dishonored 2 – 93.3%
#06 – DOORS – 88.9%
#07 – The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – 86.9%
#08 – Resident Evil 4 (2023) – 85.7%
#09 – Yume Nikki – 85.7%
#10 – Black Mesa – 84.2%
#11 – Pseudoregalia – 84.0%
#12 – PaRappa the Rapper – 82.1%
#13 – DuckTales (1989) – 78.9%
#14 – NiGHTS into dreams... – 78.1%
#15 – Undertale Yellow – 77.9%
#16 – Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga – 77.8%
#17 – Marvel's Spider-Man (2018) – 74.1%
#18/19 – God of War (2018) / Night in the Woods – 73.9%
#20 – Lego Batman: The Videogame – 73.8%
#21 – Sam & Max Hit the Road – 71.9%
#22 – Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. – 69.0%
#23 – Metal Gear Solid – 66.9%
#24 – Journey (2012) – 66.7%
#25 – Godzilla Creepypasta – 64.3%
#26 – Zork – 60.0%
#27 – Shipwrecked 64 – 59.3%
#28 – The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening – 56.1%
#29 – BioShock Infinite – 54.2%
#30 – Halo: Combat Evolved – 53.3%
#31 – Castlevania: Symphony of the Night – 52.0%
#32 – Friday Night Funkin': Hotline 024 – 51.6%
Losers' Bracket:
#33 – Mega Man Maker – 48.4%
#34 – Dead Space (2008) – 48.0%
#35 – Horizon Zero Dawn – 46.7%
#36 – Plok! – 45.8%
#37 – Cruelty Squad – 43.9%
#38 – Power Stone – 40.7%
#39 – Arkanoid – 40.0%
#40 – A Bite at Freddy's – 35.7%
#41 – Wipeout 2097 – 33.3%
#42 – OFF – 33.1%
#43 – Bomb Rush Cyberfunk – 31.0%
#44 – Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade – 28.1%
#45 – Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – 26.2%
#46/47 – The Oregon Trail / Papers, Please – 26.1%
#48 – Spelunky – 25.9%
#49 – Banjo-Kazooie – 22.2%
#50 – Sonic the Hedgehog Time Twisted – 22.1%
#51 – eversion – 21.9%
#52 – Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings – 21.1%
#53 – Tempest – 17.9%
#54 – Gimmick! – 16.0%
#55 – The Secret of Monkey Island – 15.8%
#56 – Joust – 15.0%
#57 – Command & Conquer: Red Alert – 14.3%
#58 – Changed – 13.1%
#59 – Yo! Noid 2: Enter the Void – 11.1%
#60 – Day of the Tentacle – 6.7%
#61 – Sunset Overdrive – 5.9%
#62 – Virtua Fighter 2 – 5.7%
#63 – Altered Beast – 3.6%
#64 – Human: Fall Flat – 2.4%
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sirquestingbeast · 7 months
In Honor of this Sacred Day, here are some KH Costumes
These are from my discord post. Edited to provide alternatives to the meme-y answers
KH Halloween costumes. Debate me.
Sora: Glamrock Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy's (you can't tell me he isn't a FNAF kid) Riku: Rogue the Bat from Sonic / Zuko from Avatar Kairi: Ice Spice (1/3 of the holy Trinity) / Usagi from Sailor Moon Roxas: Cloud from Final Fantasy 7(Crazy how it's the same story sometimes) / David from Lost Boys Xion: Ariana Grande (2/3 of the holy Trinity) / Samara from The Ring Namine: Billie Eilish (Holy Trinity complete) / Princess Peach from Super Mario Brothers Axel/Lea: Team Fortress 2 Scout (no this isn't a joke answer, its the only answer) Isa: Team Fortress 2 Spy (yes they coordinated) Ventus: Naruto from Naruto Terra: Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil 4 Aqua: Samus from Metroid Vanitas: Spawn from Spawn Xigbar/"Luxu": The Joker from the hit movie The Joker played by esteemed actor Joaquin Phoenix Marluxia/Laurium: Zagreus from Hades Larxene/Elrena: Harley Quinn from Batman Demyx: Goblin King Jareth from Labyrinth Luxord: Gambit from X-Men Vexen/Even: Wouldn't dress up (Night King from Game of Thrones) Xaldin/Dillan: An actual classic Dracula Lexaeus/Aeleus: Frankenstein's Monster but from the book Ienzo: Persona 3 Fuuka (try not to put Ienzo in a skirt/dress challenge failed)
Xemnas: Darth Vader from Star Wars (and he WOULD dress up) Ansem: Maleficent (a sexy one just to piss her off) / Vecna from dungeons and dragons Xehanort: Various variations of William Afton/ Springtrap from Five Nights at Freddy's just to fuck with Sora / various Docs from Doctor Who DiZ: Luxord (now that I said it you can't unsee it)/ Capt. Kirk from Star Trek Eraqus: Doc Holiday (I just want him to be a cowboy) / Indiana Jones from Indiana Jones Baldr: Patrick Bateman from American Psycho Hermod: Elminster from Dungeons and Dragons Vor: Frodo from Lord of the Rings Urd: Shiva summon from Final Fantasy / Ellen Ripley from Aliens Hoder: Madoka Kaname from Madoka Magica Strelitzia: Gwen Stacy from Spiderman no elaboration Brain: Neo from the Matrix Ephemer: Hatsune Miku (fight me on this)/ James Bond from James Bond Skuld: Zelda from Zelda Ira: R.J MacReady from The Thing Invi: Sidney Prescott from Scream Acced: Ash Williams from Evil Dead Gula: Charley from Fright Night Ava: Laurie Strode from Halloween MoM: Sans Undertale from Undertale
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dr-blu-skies · 1 year
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THIS IS A FAN-THEME!! One of many!!!
Excuse me, I’m having a bad night and so I’m gonna fixate on this theme until I get all the sadness out and replace it with giddiness because I FUCKING LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS THEME!!!
Welcome Home is my favorite nostalgia horror type of thing I’ve ever seen. I’m a huge fan of nostalgia horror, I love Five Nights at Freddy’s, TattleTail, Poppy’s Playtime, and I even found a little bit of whimsical charm in Garten of BanBan if you can believe it. I love anything that takes something colorful and nostalgically comforting and twists it on its skull.
Coincidentally, I’m also a big fan of puppetry! I never had the money, resources or time, but if I did when I was younger I imagine I would’ve picked up puppetry myself. I used to own a semirealistic fox puppet that I got from a children’s museum, for example, and I played with her and played with her until I, being a silly little critter, “ruined” her by getting her wet. I looked at her wet face and my cold soggy hand and never played with her again after that.
Jim Henson is also a big inspiration to me. Something about someone who is unquestioningly loving of the people around them is so comforting for somebody like me, who’s been through a lot. People like Bob Ross, Jim Henson and Mr. Rogers all hit that special sweet spot of “childhood is meant to be safe” for me. Because it is, and even though my childhood was disrupted, I can find some of that old comfort in figures like those who aspire to be the people who teach or help other people in a kind and friendly manner.
Clown hit the sweet spot for me when they made Welcome Home. Like, it feels selfish to say “for me” but like, I LOVE everything about Welcome Home. Its aesthetics, its art, the story that’s being hinted at, and its unique approach to nostalgic horror that just has a titanic amount of love and care poured into it. It doesn’t hurt that the fanbase is so friendly and supportive, either!
So… you’re probably wondering why I mashed it with Danganronpa, huh?
Danganronpa’s been a fixation of mine for years now. And I mean literal years. More than 7 now, it has to be. Something about the poppy over-exaggerated world of Ultimates is appealing to me, everybody is characterized in such intense and fiery ways that I can’t misread anyone, and every single character is SO intriguing! I have a list of characters I relate to so long it’s silly! And probably a little dumb, but MOSTLY it’s silly.
I love the community sometimes! I like talking about characters I care about and getting back earnest discussion of them, I like discussing the themes of the game. I binged NezumiVA’s videos about Danganronpa, and plan to do so with my friends who are a bit less obsessed in the future. Can you tell I’m a bit everywhere? I can tell.
SO, let’s get to the really really REALLY fun section of this: the font(s)!
FontForge is a really useful program for me, someone well-known among her friends for being the font aficionado. I collect fonts like they’re Pokemon cards, and I hunt for fonts with lots of language compatibility because I really like being able to see what someone of another language is saying while still in the style of the font. It’s a pet peeve of mine for a language to break a theme’s cohesion just because the font’s creator didn’t feel like covering certain languages.
For this reason, Nishiki-teki (and the variants I made out of its additional characters) is this theme’s go-to. The only other font you’ll find in the ‘courtroom’ section of the theme is Shantell Sans, a recently released (and also free) cute font that I also quite enjoy!
Nishiki-teki’s draw was its language support, but I also like its style. Its lettering is thick and playful in a way I’ve rarely seen before. If I had to draw comparisons, think of Billy Hatcher’s logo or the Paper Mario logo. They have cute, fun blocky letters to show that it’s all for fun - all a game. To me it also brings a kind of “hand-made” quality that I really like! Hand-drawn fonts have always been my favorite, after all!
Here’s some trivia: I like the font so much I’m using it for my blog! In all likelihood, you can’t see it yet because I haven’t figured out how to make the html/css display it for everyone, whether they have the font installed or not. Here is a quick screenshot of what this blog looks like from my POV:
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Now, to the aesthetic: Kidcore is my favorite aesthetic in the entire world. Welcome Home is a masterclass in making you feel safe and cozy, while also having a seedy underbelly. I know that last part isn’t necessarily part of the original aesthetic, but its crossover to horror is so fun! I love horror as a genre, and combining it with the comfort of kidcore is what makes Welcome Home so effective to me! Sure, that can be applied to most if not all nostalgia horror, especially the titles I mentioned before, but Welcome Home’s niche interest in puppetry sells it to me as the unique one of the bunch. Sorry to the others!!
I think that’s all I can do for now, it’s starting to storm and I wanna post this before the lights go out.
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tigertaurus22 · 2 years
Kitsune/Ghostwire AU
Y/N is half human, half kitsune fox, making them a hanyou or half yokai. They moved from Japan to America when their father’s work relocated them there. They needed a change of scenery and were happy to have a fresh start.
This happens when Y/N was in elementary school, around 6-10 years old, and they actually got to visit the Pizza Plex a few times as a kid. Their favorite animatronics were Foxy (duh), Bonnie, Chica, and the Daycare Attendants. They felt intimidated by Freddy, Roxy and Monty at first due to them being their natural predators.
Timeskip forwards to now, Y/N has graduated from their junior year of high school, but decides to get a summer job to help their father make ends meet. Practicing their kitsune powers in secret doesn’t exactly pay money, even if Y/N uses them to help people or banish evil spirits.
Cue applying to Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizza Plex! They get a simple job with non-regular hours, and befriend the robots while keeping their supernatural traits secret as per usual (but not for long of course).
As a kitsune, Y/N would be able to summon foxfire, perform illusions and shape shift but only to a certain extent. They’d be able to disguise their black furred fox ears and tail and transform into a few other forms, including that of an actual fox. I imagine they would use this ability to escape Moon’s clutches, stunning him in the process. Naturally, he and Sun are the first to find out Y/N’s not exactly human and Sun especially is fascinated by the concept.
I can see him rubbing their ears and being like ‘OMG, these ARE real!’, like in The Helpful Fox Senko-San. Y/N’s reaction to this is shivering from his cold, metallic fingers. 
I also imagine this being a crossover with Ghostwire Tokyo, so Y/N could also have some ethereal weaving abilities? Those would come in handy when the fog that hit Tokyo hits the city the Pizza Plex is in.
I can also see Y/N fighting Vanny (like a fox vs rabbit cat fight), or just protecting Sun and Moon from malevolent spirits that try to possess them, such as the one possessing Moon.
This whole scenario is inspired by my love of Japanese yokai and folklore, Solar Lunacy by @bamsara, and the vocaloid song Amatsu Kitsune by Marasy.
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✨ Current Fandom / Media that I’m familiar with ✨
(it’s not in order & most fandoms / media are going strong/on hiatus/dead, but eh these are some that I can remember!)
If there’s anything you guys want to recommend, do let me know! even if I don’t end up liking it, I still really appreciate it and plus, I’m down to find new content! 💖
• Soul Eater
• Ranma 1/2
• DB, DBZ and DBS
• Beastars
• Spy x family
• Aggretsuko
• Prison School
• Mob Psycho 100 (never watched the anime before but I’m familiar with the characters because of the popularity)
• (first film and second film) Into and Across The Spiderverse
• Avatar: The Way of Water
• Barbie (2023)
• Bee Movie
• Every Disney or Pixar movies
• Encanto
• Every Marvel movie
• Back To The Future
• Venom (2018)
• Shrek 1-3
• Studio Ghibli
• Puss in Boots 1-2
• Chucky franchise
• Megamind
• Mean Girls
• Rango
• Kung Fu Panda
• Trolls
• Hotel Transylvania
TV Series & Web Series:
• Adventure Time
• Arcane
• Amphibia
• Animaniacs
• BoJack Horseman
• Breaking Bad
• Better Call Saul
• Camp Camp
• Clone High
• Courage the Cowardly Dog
• Danny Phantom
• Dan Vs.
• Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared
• Fionna And Cake
• Gorillaz (music)
• Gravity Falls
• Happy Tree Friends
• Harley Quinn
• Inside Job
• Invader ZIM
• Kim Possible
• Looney Tunes
• Moral Orel
• My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
• Mystery Skulls Animated
• Nickelodeon sitcoms from the 2000s-early 2010s [example Drake & Josh, ICarly, Victorious, & Big Time Rush]
• OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes
• Phineas and Ferb
• Pinky and the Brain
• Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (didn’t finish all episode)
• Regular Show
• Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated
• Salad Fingers
• Samurai Jack
• Spooky Month
• Squid Game
• Star vs. the Forces of Evil
• Steven Universe
• Superjaill
• Smiling Friends
• The Amazing Digital Circus
• The Vampair series
• Teen Titans (2003)
• The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police
• The Amazing World of Gumball
• The Cuphead Show!
• The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
• The Looney Tunes Show
• Basically most of Cartoon Network’s 90s-late 2000s cartoons [Dexter’s Laboratory, Foster’s Imaginary Friends, Billy & Mandy, Samurai Jack, the OG Teen Titans, Chowder, Flapjack!]
• The Owl House
• The Simpsons
• Total Drama
• Tuca & Bertie
• Villainous
• Welcome Home
• Wednesday (Netflix)
Video Games:
• Assassins Creed
• Beyond Two Souls
• Crash Bandicoot
• Cyberpunk 2077
• Bully
• Deltarune
• Deponia
• Destroy All Humans!
• Detroit: Become Human
• Far Cry 3
• Far Cry 4
• Five Nights at Freddy's
• Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and V
• Hitman 1-3
• Life Is Strange
• Little Misfortune
• Pokemon
• Horizon Zero Dawn
• Randal’s Monday
• Saint Row 3 & 4
• Sally Face
• Sam & Max Hit The Road and Save the World
• Skyrim
• Undertale
• The Wolf Among Us
• The Walking Dead season 1
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Since you talked about Papyrus, what about the skeletons taking a night shift at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza?
Undertale Sans - He slept through the entire shift. Sure, he finds it odd to wake up inside one of the bear costume but it's not like he couldn't just teleport out of here. It looks like a great nap spot too. Maybe he'll come back to sleep here the next day. The Animatronics are so confused.
Undertale Papyrus - He makes friend with the nice ghosts inside of the costume. He didn't know there were other monsters here! The kids are confused about everything he's talking about and can't decide what to do of the new guard because he... He can't stop talking omg.
Underswap Sans - Man, he took the job only so he could climb on Freddy without anyone seeing him. He got quite a surprise when Freddy started to move, but he was also enjoying the ride very much so he doesn't care. The robots tried to grab him but Freddy is bigger, the other robots can't reach him, and Freddy's arms can't get up enough to grab his legs. Blue is taunting them, having fun.
Underswap Papyrus - Dude, the second Bonnie moved, he teleported his bony ass out of here. This place is creeping him out and this is way too much. He doesn't want to stay here, he's leaving. Fuck this job.
Underfell Sans - Uh. Bonnie is in front of the door. Chica is in front of the other door. Are they trying to assert dominance? Because he is more dominant, don't challenge him. He grabs a crowbar, opens the door and beats the hell out of the rabbit. He's fired in the morning.
Underfell Papyrus - He heard a noise and got out of the office to investigate. He found Chica half walking out of the stage and gasped, offended. "YOU! YOU CAN'T DO THAT. THAT'S NOT A THING ROBOTS DO. GO BACK TO YOUR STAGE OR I'M TELLING THE DIRECTOR. NOW." Chica is looking at him in bewilderment, so scared and confused she actually obeyed??? And all the other Animatronics are too scared to move now? How the hell that skeleton is so intimidating?
Horrortale Sans - He was in the kitchen for a midnight snack when something touched his shoulder. He grabbed a wok and hit Chica so hard in the face her head fled through the room. Oops. Don't scare him like that!
Horrortale Papyrus - He befriended the little ghosts and was so shocked to learn they are dead little humans. In the morning, William Afton is greeting by a very angry and pissed off skeleton that throws him through the door of the pizzeria asking him how he could have done that to innocent children, right in front of a police officer who was passing by. The end.
Swapfell Sans - The second Freddy moved, he ran to the main door, screaming hysterically, and banged on it, screaming for help. The neighbour called the police on the crazy skeleton yelling in the restaurant. Nox kept telling the officers the restaurant is haunted but no one believe him. But he doesn't want the ghosts to follow him home so he will make everyone blue until someone decide to go in the pizzeria and do something about the damn robots.
Swapfell Papyrus - "neato." He's having a blinking contest with some yellow Freddy that entered his office somehow despite him blocking both of the doors. It's a bit awkward, since Golden Freddy is not talking much, contrary to him who is trying to understand the hell he wants. Thank god he can't blink because he has eye sockets. Because he feels like if he blinks, he's dead. But that surely just an impression... right?
Fellswap Gold Sans - Well, he ran out of power and Freddy threatened him, so he grabbed the emergency ask and destroyed the robot, one by one, as they tried to attack him. The dude survived Underground, it's not four stupid Napstaton who are going to dust him. He's fired in the morning too. And sued by the company.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He locked himself in the toilets after Foxy chased him down through the entire pizzeria. All the robots are now banging on the door and he doesn't know how to teleport anymore because of how scared he is. He's just crying, begging for the robot to leave, until he remembers he has a phone and call Wine. A second later, a loud crash can be hear in the main hall as Nox rushed through the wall with his car to rescue his brother.
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lboogie1906 · 1 year
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Sly Stone (born Sylvester Stewart; March 15, 1943) is a musician, songwriter, and record producer who is most famous for his role as frontman for Sly and the Family Stone, a band that played a critical role in the development of soul, funk, rock, and psychedelia in the 1960s and 1970s. Raised in California, he mastered several instruments at an early age and performed gospel music as a child with siblings (and future Freddie and Rose. In the mid-1960s, he worked as both a record producer for Autumn Records and a disc jockey for San Francisco radio station KSOL, In 1966, he formed Sly & the Family Stone, among the first racially integrated, male and female acts in popular music. The group would score hits such as "Dance to the Music" (1968), "Everyday People" (1968), "Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)" (1969), and "Family Affair" (1971) and acclaimed albums such as Stand! (1969) and There's a Riot Goin' On (1971). In 1993, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of the group. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CpzzKqErIUh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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diceriadelluntore · 2 years
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Storia Di Musica #246 - Sly & The Family Stone, Stand!, 1969
San Francisco è stata anche la città dell’inclusione razziale: sin dagli anni ‘50 il crescente fervore culturale, la presenza di grandi università pubbliche, tra cui  le due Università di San Francisco e, appena fuori città, quella di Berkeley che fu teatro delle spinte culturali giovanili di tutto il paese il decennio successivo, tutta la baia era la zona più eccitante della parte occidentale degli Stati Uniti. Così la pensò anche la famiglia di Sylvester Steward, che nei primi anni ‘50 si trasferisce lì. Sylvester studia teoria, composizione e tromba al Vallejo Junior College, e come esame finale compone un pezzo, Long Time Away, che a sedici anni lo fa conoscere al pubblico locale. Con il fratello Freddie, forma il primo gruppo, gli Steward Brothers, e amplia i suoi esperimenti musicali a San Francisco facendo il Dj per un’emittente specializzata nella musica soul, la KSOL. Intorno alla metà degli anni ‘60 entra come produttore nella Autumn Records fondata da uno dei grandi personaggi del periodo, il dj Tom Donahue, e lavora con nomi del calibro di Beau Brummels, Mojo Men e Great Society, il gruppo formato da Jerry Slick, il fratello Darby e la moglie Grace, che poi diventerà la voce femminile della San Francisco psichedelica con i Jefferson Airplane. Nel 1966 ci riprova con una propria band, The Stoners, con il fratello e una notevole trombettista, Cynthia Robinson. Dura pochissimo, ma da quel nucleo si aggiunsero altri personaggi: Greg Errico alla batteria, Jerry Martini al sassofono, un gruppo di coriste e un bassista, geniale, Larry Graham, che viene considerato l’inventore della tecnica slapping,  in cui si alternano "strappi" (pull o popping o slap) e percussioni (thumb) con il pollice alle corde di uno strumento. Sylvester sceglie come nome d’arte Sly Stone, dà al suo gruppo il nome The Family sancendo la nascita così di un gruppo, guidato da un grande personaggio, che collegherà gli elementi scenici e provocatori del rock’n’roll e del r&b anni ‘50 alle forme della black music del decennio successivo, legate con il rock psichedelico, influenzando tutta la musica funk e soul a venire, anticipando gli stilemi di giganti come George Clinton con i suoi Funkadelic, Prince fino a personaggi come Lenny Kravitz o Bruno Mars. Il primo singolo, I Ain’t Got Nobody, è un buon successo che garantisce al gruppo un contratto con la Epic. Nel 1967 il primo disco, A Whole New Thing, non ottiene il successo sperato. Sfornano due dischi in un anno, e Dance To The Music, trascinato dall’omonimo singolo, va meglio, ma Life, (entrambi del 1968) è un mezzo disastro. Sly mette tutto sé stesso durante le registrazioni agli studi Pacific High di San Francisco, aggiunge al piano la sorella Rosie, sviluppa al meglio questa idea di soul rock psichedelico, e il risultato è uno dei dischi del decennio. Stand! esce nel Maggio 1969, ed è un portento: è un mix irresistibile di brani ballabili e altri più impegnati, che mettono in risalto la condizione, usando anche una certa dose di ironia, della popolazione nera statunitense. Alcuni brani del disco diventano leggendari: la meravigliosa Stand! di apertura, quasi un incitamento alla rivendicazione dei propri diritti, che sfocia nella storica Don’t Call Me Nigger, Whitey, funk-rock allucinato dal chiaro messaggio anti-razzismo dove Sly usa il  vocoder. I Want To Take You Higher diventerà uno dei loro classici, ripreso da decine di artisti (da ricordare che fu una hit per Ike & Tina Turner). Il disco ha altre canzoni numero uno: Everyday People, loro primo numero uno in assoluto, è un inno pacifista che ha il famoso verso “different strokes for different folks” (che diventerà ispirazione per il titolo della serie Tv, Diff’rent Strokes, in Italia conosciuta come Il Mio Amico Arnold). Sing A Simple Song, dal groove irresistibile, diventerà un pilastro per buona parte della musica nera futura, saccheggiata dai campionamenti dell’hip hop, e con centinaia di cover (tra cui,  Dusty Springfield, Diana Ross & The Supremes, The Temptations, The Jackson 5, The Commodores, Miles Davis, The Meters, Booker T. & the M.G.'s, Prince e si potrebbe continuare per una pagina intera). Sex Machine è un irriverente jam session di oltre 13 minuti, un jazz funk ante-litteram, e non si possono dimenticare le splendide Somebody's Watching e You Can’t Make If You Try, che conclude il disco. L’album è un successo clamoroso: vende 500.000 copie nel 1969, resta in classifica per 80 settimane, ed è il trampolino di lancio per altri due grandi momenti: una strepitosa e storica esibizione al Festival di Woodstock, con due esibizioni incendiarie di I Want To Take You Higher e Dance To The Music conquistano il pubblico; il successivo lavoro in studio, There’s A Riot Goin’ On, del 1971, spinge gli accenti polemici e politica sulla vita della minoranza afro-americana, conservando solo un pizzico dell’ottimismo di Stand!. Sarà un grande successo lo stesso, ma non tutti apprezzeranno il cambio di prospettiva, amplificato dal fatto che Sly inizierà atteggiamenti da megalomane e sarà più volte arrestato per possesso di cocaina. La storia della band da qui in poi si eclissa, un po’ travolta dai cambiamenti musicali circostanti, continuando comunque a proporre musica sino a metà degli anni ‘80, incapace però di riscrivere quella magia che questo disco, fondamentale, sancì nell’anno di grazia 1969.
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backpockct · 1 year
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ADELINE RUDOLPH. SHE + HER / have you ever heard of SOLAR POWER  by lorde, well, it describes JUDE YANG to a tee! the twenty eight year old, and PERSONAL TRAINER  was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say SHE is a PERFECTIONIST or more CREATIVE instead? anyway, they remind me of a bubble bath with a glass of wine, mint green bass guitar, a collection of succulents on a windowsill, early morning runs, maybe you’ll bump into them soon!
full name: jude tibelda yang
birthday: 10th febuary 1995 ( 28 years old)
gender: cis woman (she/her)
sexuality: heterosexual
relationship status: very single
orignally from san franciso, jude is the oldest of two and has a younger brother. her father is from south korea and her mother is from german - american. 
jude moved over to the UK, london specifically with her partner at the time, because he got a job over there.
jude really thought this guy was her soulmate and she didn’t want to loose him, so she packed up all her things & her little french bulldog, called freddie & moved to london.
things were fine for a little while, they lived in this cute little apartment and jude got a job as a personal trainer, life was good.
it was all very wholesome, like something out of a hallmark movie. during that time they both made lots of friends & had a great time just enjoying london together!!
then it wasn’t.....they started fighting.....they used to never argue then they started aruging all the time. 
in the end they broke up, it was very sad, neither of them wanted to do it really but they needed time away from each other.
jude is still very much in love with him, they are currently trying to be friends but it’s HARD!! she still wants to give him a lil’ kiss!!
ANYWAY now she’s a boss ass london girlie, she’s got her own place with freddie the dog and she’s still working as a personal trainer.
she works at knock out gym & let me tell u, jude can give u so much advice on keeping fit & what exercises to do, but cooking healthy things? nope, she can’t do that.
jude burns her food ALL THE TIME, she’s not a very good cook, she can just about do pasta but even then it’s not great.
other than being bad at cooking and being a dog mum, jude’s other biggest love is music.
she plays the bass guitar and was inspired by her mum, who also played bass as a teenager & was a singer, she had to give it up unfortunately.
jude has her own mint green bass guitar, she’s very cool okay!!! 
the ex
fwbs / hook ups
other exes
if you’d like to plot with any of my muses then feel free to hit me up on discord @ corey in wetherspoons ™#0678. thank you!!
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