#french invasion of russia
theintexp · 7 months
Kutuzov Prospect by The Internal Expression
Music by The Internal Expression & Poems by Denis Davydov & Paintings by Peter Von Hess & some episodes from the film War and Peace by Sergey Bondarchuk were used in this video.
The track Kutuzov Prospect is dedicated to the victory of the Russian Army led by Mikhail Kutuzov in the Russian campaign of 1812
I don't want highest awards And dreams of conquest Don't disturb my peace! But if a fierce foe dares to oppose us, My first duty, my sacred duty - Rise up for our homeland again. Denis V. Davydov, Elegy IV
The French invasion of Russia, also known as the Russian campaign (French: Campagne de Russie) and in Russia as the Patriotic War of 1812 (Russian: Оте́чественная война́ 1812 го́да), was initiated by Napoleon with the aim of compelling the Russian Empire to comply with the continental blockade of the United Kingdom. Widely studied, Napoleon’s incursion into Russia stands as a focal point in military history, recognized among the most devastating military endeavors globally. In a span of fewer than six months, the campaign exacted a staggering toll, claiming the lives of nearly a million soldiers and civilians.
On 24 June 1812 and subsequent days, the initial wave of the multinational Grande Armée crossed the Niemen River, marking the entry from the Duchy of Warsaw into Russia. Employing extensive forced marches, Napoleon rapidly advanced his army of nearly half a million individuals through Western Russia, encompassing present-day Belarus, in a bid to dismantle the disparate Russian forces led by Barclay de Tolly and Pyotr Bagration totaling approximately 180,000–220,000 soldiers at that juncture. Despite losing half of his men within six weeks due to extreme weather conditions, diseases and scarcity of provisions, Napoleon emerged victorious in the Battle of Smolensk. However, the Russian Army, now commanded by Mikhail Kutuzov, opted for a strategic retreat, employing attrition warfare against Napoleon compelling the invaders to rely on an inadequate supply system, incapable of sustaining their vast army in the field.
The fierce Battle of Borodino, located 110 kilometres (70 mi) west of Moscow, concluded as a narrow victory for the French although Napoleon was not able to beat the Russian army and Kutuzov could not stop the French. At the Council at Fili Kutuzov made the critical decision not to defend the city but to orchestrate a general withdrawal, prioritizing the preservation of the Russian army. On 14 September, Napoleon and his roughly 100,000-strong army took control of Moscow, only to discover it deserted, and set ablaze by its military governor Fyodor Rostopchin. Remaining in Moscow for five weeks, Napoleon awaited a peace proposal that never materialized. Due to favorable weather conditions, Napoleon delayed his departure, hoping to secure supplies through an alternate route. However, after losing the Battle of Maloyaroslavets he was compelled to retrace his initial path.
As early November arrived, snowfall and frost complicated the retreat. Shortages of food and winter attire for the soldiers and provision for the horses, combined with relentless guerilla warfare from Russian peasants and Cossacks resulted in significant losses. Once again more than half of the soldiers perished on the roadside succumbing to exhaustion, typhus and the unforgiving continental climate. The once-formidable Grande Armée disintegrated into a disordered multitude, leaving the Russians with no alternative but to witness the crumbling state of the invaders.
During the Battle of Krasnoi, Napoleon faced a critical scarcity of cavalry and artillery due to severe snowfall and icy conditions. Employing a strategic maneuver, he deployed the Old Guard against Miloradovich, who obstructed the primary road to Krasny, effectively isolating him from the main army. Davout successfully broke through, Eugene de Beauharnais and Michel Ney were forced to take a detour. Despite the consolidation of several retreating French corps with the main army, by the time they reached the Berezina, Napoleon commanded only around 49,000 troops alongside 40,000 stragglers of little military significance. On 5 December, Napoleon departed from the army at Smorgonie in a sled and returned to Paris. Within a few days, an additional 20,000 people succombed to the bitter cold and diseases carried by lice. Murat and Ney assumed command, pressing forward but leaving over 20,000 men in the hospitals of Vilnius. The remnants of the principal armies, disheartened, crossed the frozen Niemen and the Bug.
Napoleon’s initial force upon entering Russia exceeded 450,000 men, accompanied by over 150,000 horses, approximately 25,000 wagons and nearly 1,400 artillery pieces. However, the surviving count dwindled to a mere 120,000 men (excluding early deserters); signifying a staggering loss of approximately 380,000 lives throughout the campaign, half of which resulted from diseases. This catastrophic outcome shattered Napoleon’s once-untarnished reputation of invincibility. Sources. French invasion of Russia, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
В создании видео Кутузовский проспект использовались: Музыка The Internal Expression Стихи Дениса Давыдова Картины Петера Фон Гесса Эпизоды фильма Война и Мир Сергея Бондарчука
Трек Кутузовский проспект посвящён победе Русской армии во главе с Михаилом Кутузовым в Отечественной войне 1812 года
Не хочу высоких званий, И мечты завоеваний Не тревожат мой покой! Но коль враг ожесточенный Нам дерзнёт противустать, Первый долг мой, долг священный - Вновь за родину восстать. Денис Давыдов, Элегия IV
Оте́чественная война́ 1812 го́да, во французской историографии - Ру́сская кампа́ния 1812 го́да (фр. Campagne de Russie 1812) - военный конфликт между Российской и Первой Французской империей, протекавший на территории России в период с 12 (24) июня до 14 (26) декабря 1812 года. В дореволюционной российской историографии традиционно именовался «нашествием двенадцати языков» (уст. Нашествіе двунадесяти языковъ) в связи с многонациональным составом армии Наполеона.
Причинами войны стали отказ Российской империи активно поддерживать континентальную блокаду, в которой Наполеон видел главное оружие против Великобритании, а также политика Наполеона в отношении европейских государств, проводившаяся без учёта интересов России.
«Масштаб операций в 1812 г. почти невероятен,­ а потери - военные и гражданские, французских захватчиков и русских защитников - вызывают содрогание даже сегодня, несмотря на несоизмеримо большие потери в двух последовавших одна за другой мировых войнах в XX в.».
На первом этапе войны (с июня по сентябрь 1812 года) русская армия с боями отступала от границ России до Москвы, дав под Москвой Бородинское сражение.
В начале второго этапа войны (с октября по декабрь 1812 года) наполеоновская армия маневрировала, стремясь уйти на зимние квартиры в неразорённые войной местности, а затем отступала до границ России, преследуемая русской армией, голодом и морозами.
Война закончилась почти полным уничтожением наполеоновской армии, освобождением территории России и переносом военных действий на земли Варшавского герцогства и Германии в 1813 году (см. Война Шестой коалиции). Среди причин поражения армии Наполеона российский историк Н. А. Троицкий называет всенародное участие в войне и героизм русской армии, неготовность французской армии к боевым действиям на больших пространствах и в природно-климатических условиях России, полководческие дарования русского главнокомандующего М. И. Кутузова и других генералов русской армии.
В 1789-1799 годах во Франции произошла Великая французская революция, закончившаяся приходом к власти Наполеона Бонапарта. Реакцией нескольких крупных монархических европейских стран (включая Россию и Великобританию) было создание серии антифранцузских коалиций, изначально ставивших целью восстановление монархии Бурбонов, но позже принявших оборонительный характер в попытке остановить дальнейшее распространение французской экспансии в Европе. Война четвёртой коалиции закончилась для России поражением русских войск в битве под Фридландом 14 июня 1807 года. Император Александр I заключил с Наполеоном Тильзитский мир, по которому обязался присоединиться к континентальной блокаде Великобритании, что противоречило экономическим и политическим интересам России. По мнению русского дворянства и армии, условия мирного договора были унизительны и позорны для страны. Русское правительство использовало Тильзитский договор и последовавшие за ним годы для накопления сил к предстоящей борьбе с Наполеоном.
По итогам Тильзитского мира и Эрфуртского конгресса Россия в 1808 году отобрала у Швеции Финляндию и сделала ряд других территориальных приобретений; Наполеону же развязала руки для покорения всей Европы. Французские войска после ряда аннексий, произведённых главным образом за счёт австрийских владений (см. Война пятой коалиции), придвинулись вплотную к границам Российской империи.
После 1807 года главным и, по сути, единственным врагом Наполеона оставалась Великобритания. Великобритания захватила колонии Франции в Америке и Индии и препятствовала французской торговле. Учитывая, что Англия ��осподствовала на море, единственным реальным оружием Наполеона в борьбе с ней была континентальная блокада, эффективность которой зависела от желания других европейских государств соблюдать санкции. Наполеон настойчиво требовал от Александра I более последовательно осуществлять континентальную блокаду, но наталкивался на нежелание России разрывать отношения со своим главным торговым партнёром.
В 1810 году русское правительство ввело свободную торговлю с нейтральными странами, что позволяло России торговать с Великобританией через посредников, и приняло заградительный тариф, который повышал таможенные ставки, главным образом на ввозившиеся французские товары. Это вызвало негодование французского правительства.
Наполеон не был наследственным монархом и поэтому желал подтвердить легитимность своего коронования через брак с представительницей одного из великих монархических домов Европы. В 1808 году российскому царствующему дому было сделано предложение о браке между Наполеоном и сестрой Александра I великой княжной Екатериной. Предложение было отклонено под предлогом помолвки Екатерины с принцем Саксен-Кобургским. В 1810 году Наполеону было отказано вторично, на этот раз относительно брака с другой великой княжной — 14-летней Анной (впоследствии королевой Нидерландов). В том же году Наполеон женился на принцессе Марии-Луизе Австрийской, дочери императора Австрии Франца II. По мнению историка Е. В. Тарле, «австрийский брак» для Наполеона «был крупнейшим обеспечением тыла, в случае, если придётся снова воевать с Россией». Двойной отказ Наполеону со стороны Александра I и брак Наполеона с австрийской принцессой вызвали кризис доверия в русско-французских отношениях и резко их ухудшили.
В начале 1811 года Россия, опасавшаяся восстановления Польши, стянула несколько дивизий к границам Варшавского герцогства, что было воспринято Наполеоном как военная угроза герцогству.
В 1811 году Наполеон заявил своему послу в Варшаве аббату де Прадту: «Через пять лет я буду владыкой всего мира. Остаётся одна Россия, - я раздавлю её…».
Согласно традиционным представлениям в российской науке, от последствий континентальной блокады, к которой Россия присоединилась по условиям Тильзитского мира 1807 года, страдали русские землевладельцы и купцы и, как следствие, государственные финансы России. Однако ряд исследователей утверждает, что благосостояние основных податных сословий, в числе которых были купечество и крестьянство, не претерпело существенных изменений в период блокады. Об этом, в частности, можно судить по динамике недоимок по платежам в бюджет, которая показывает, что эти сословия даже нашли возможность выплачивать в рассматриваемый период повышенные налоги. Эти же авторы утверждают, что ограничение ввоза иностранных товаров стимулировало развитие российской промышленности. Снижение таможенных сборов, наблюдавшееся в период блокады, не имело большого влияния на российский бюджет, поскольку пошлины не являлись его существенной статьёй, и даже в момент достижения своей максимальной величины в 1803 году, когда они составили 13,1 млн руб., на их долю приходилось всего 12,9 % доходов бюджета. Поэтому, согласно этой точке зрения, континентальная блокада Англии была для Александра I только поводом к разрыву отношений с Францией.
В 1807 году из польских земель, входивших, согласно второму и третьему разделам Польши, в состав Пруссии и Австрии, Наполеон создал Великое герцогство Варшавское. Наполеон поддерживал мечты Варшавского герцогства воссоздать независимую Польшу до границ бывшей Речи Посполитой, что было возможно сделать только после отторжения от России части её территории. В 1810 году Наполеон отобрал владения у герцога Ольденбургского, родственника Александра I, что вызвало негодование в Петербурге. Александр I требовал передать Варшавское герцогство как компенсацию за отнятые владения герцогу Ольденбургскому или ликвидировать его как самостоятельное образование.
Вопреки условиям Тильзитского соглашения, Наполеон продолжал оккупировать своими войсками территорию Пруссии, Александр I требовал вывести их оттуда.
С конца 1810 года в европейских дипломатических кругах стали обсуждать грядущую войну между Французской и Российской империями. На дипломатическом приёме 15 августа 1811 года Наполеон гневно высказал в адрес России ряд угроз русскому послу в Париже князю Куракину, после чего в Европе уже никто не сомневался в близкой войне Франции и России. К осени 1811 года российский посол в Париже князь Куракин докладывал в Санкт-Петербург о признаках неизбежной войны. Источник. Отечественная война 1812 года из Википедии - свободной энциклопедии.
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
We took up our residence in the rancho, or hovel, of a curious old Spaniard, who had served with Napoleon in the expedition against Russia.
"Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle Round the World, 1832-36" - Charles Darwin
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illustratus · 7 months
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The Retreat from Moscow by Ernest Crofts
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lavendersewingcircle · 8 months
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Catherine Hubscher, Maréchale Lefebvre Duchesse de Dantzig, by an anonymous artist circa 1810
Of all the Marshals’ wives, Catherine was one of the most loyal to Napoleon. This did not prevent her from criticising him though, and she did so bluntly when she felt it was deserved. Despite this, Napoleon and Josephine were both very fond of her and while some at court sneered at this woman of most humble beginnings, the Emperor made a point of using her title every time he spoke to her. On one occasion, when the Duchess of Lusignan snidely remarked “Sire, it pleased your Majesty to drop the title of duchess on Madame Lefebvre”, Napoleon rather coldly shot back “It pleased me to raise the title of duchess to Madame Lefebvre”!
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
It is difficult to communicate the level of Ukrainians’ affection for Americans and gratitude for American support that one experiences here. They know how important our help is. They know that we’ve given them — to a far greater extent than any other nation — the tools and resources to repel a vicious invasion. Moreover, our strategy has largely worked. Ukraine defeated Russia’s initial attempt to take Kyiv. It has pushed Russia back from Kharkiv. It has retaken Kherson. It has apparently stopped the most recent Russian offensive.
[ ... ]
This is primarily a Ukrainian story, of course. We know from bitter experience that we can supply “allies” with billions of dollars of American weapons, only to watch them collapse in the face of a determined attack. But Ukrainian valor and resolve are breathtaking. Most Ukrainians I’ve talked to since arriving don’t say “after the war”; they say “after the victory.” But this is also an American story, and at the risk of sounding a bit corny, when I watched the air defenses we helped build intercept Russian hypersonic missiles above Kyiv, I felt proud to be an American.
Columnist David French at the New York Times who wrote this piece in Kyiv.
US assistance to Ukraine is the most positive direct US foray into international relations since the 1978 Camp David Accords.
Ukraine does not rely entirely on aid from abroad to preserve its independence. After Putin's illegal annexation of Crimea and the start of the Russia-instigated war in Donbas in 2014, Ukraine accelerated development of its own arms industry.
Recently RFE/RL did a report on Ukraine's locally developed Furia reconnaissance drones.
Perhaps the most famous homegrown Ukrainian weapons system is the R-360 Neptune missile. Last year an R-360 sank the Moskva, the flagship of Russia's Black Sea fleet.
The R-360 and Furia are two of many military products developed in Ukraine.
As Russia raises the stakes with increased missile attacks, Ukraine still needs more advanced systems to repel the invaders and end the war sooner. And the war won't truly end until Russia returns to its internationally recognized borders.
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Mariinka. Once a homely lively town in the East of Ukraine.
Then Russians came and "protected it from the Nazis".
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After the Russian Tsar’s denunciation of the French Continental System, French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte ordered his Grande Armee to invade Russia. June 24, 1812.
Subscriber Content Add content here that will only be visible to your subscribers. Payment Image: Napoleon and his staff at Borodino. (Public Domain) On this day in history, following the Russian Tsar’s denunciation of the French Continental System, French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte ordered his Grande Armee, the most significant European military force ever assembled to that date, into…
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clove-pinks · 1 year
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The U.S. frigate United States capturing H.B.M. frigate Macedonian: fought, Octr. 25th. 1812 / lith. & pub. by N. Currier, c. 1835-1856 (LOC).
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bitchalotl · 27 days
Harbingers in an unhinged modern-day AU I just cooked up:
Pierro - Bitter ex-minister of the German empire. Tried to prevent ww1 and failed miserably. Went into exile during the years of the Weimar Republic. Current prime minister of the Russian Federation.
Dottore - Infamous Egyptian scientist. Expelled from multiple universities due to faults against ethics. Currently wanted by the egyptian government. Fled the country with the help of the CIA. Later, they betrayed them for the KGB. May or may not have been involved in the creation of supersoldiers Capitano and Columbina as well as the tampering with decomisoned Android model Scaramouche.
Capitano - Early soviet attempt at the creation of a supersoldier following the devastation of ww2 and the tensions of the cold war. Unconfirmed involvement in the soviet invasion of Afghanistan during the 80s and the russian invasion of Ukraine.
Columbina - Escaped soviet experiment. Thought to be an attempt at a new generation of supersoldier. Abandoned after the collapse of the soviet union due to a lack of funding. Subsequently, It escaped russian facilities and presumably remained at large.
Arlecchino - French ww2 orphan. Recruited as a Paris based spy by the KGB during the cold war. Alleged mass murderer. Current director of russian espionage after allegedly murdering the previous director.
Pulcinella - Ex-communist sellout. Has been the mayor of Moscow for many, many years. Regularly accused of electoral fraud.
Scaramouche - Runaway android. Created by the founder of Shogun Robotics. Declared faulty and destined for decommissioning. Vanished from Japan years ago and may have been found in Russia and tampered with by Dottore. Shogun Robotics has since forgotten about this failed model and now produces the aptly named "Shogun" model.
Signora - Former German academic turned mass murderer following the death of her husband, who was a soldier in the French front of ww1. On an unrelated note, the russian ambassador to Germany has an uncanny resemblance to her.
Sandrone - Founder, CEO, and senior engineer of Marionette Technologies. Her technology and weapons manufacturing empire has the russian federation as its biggest client. Her personal information remains a mystery since she does not appear in public. Rival firm of Shogun Robotics.
Pantalone - Current governor of the Central Bank of Russia and former economy minister of the Russian Federation. Has a distinct and fierce hatred of Chinese economic policy. Labeled an oligarch by Western observations. The single wealthiest man in all of Russia.
Childe - Formerly a normal russian kid living in the Ural's region. He became extremely violent and bloodthirsty after an accident where he got lost in the mountains due to heavy blizzards. Eagerly joined the russian armed forces and has since become their poster boy. Has an unwavering loyalty for Russia and it's president.
Tsaritza - Current president of the Russian Federation. Her ancestors were nobility in the times of the russian empire. Is mockingly called "the Tsaritza" by political adversaries and Western press.
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whencyclopedia · 10 months
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Napoleon's Invasion of Russia
Napoleon's invasion of Russia, also known as the Second Polish War or, in Russia, as the Patriotic War of 1812, was a campaign undertaken by French Emperor Napoleon I (r. 1804-1814; 1815) and his 615,000-man Grande Armée against the Russian Empire. It was a catastrophic defeat for Napoleon and one of history's deadliest military operations, causing approximately 1,000,000 total deaths.
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asongofcrownandshield · 5 months
As someone aiming for a diplomatic career, and who has always studied the History of the world, more precisely wars and genocide, I must say: human beings are not learning from their own stupidity. The crisis in Rafah is absolutely expressing that and it is concerning. Frustrating. Upsetting.
What is happening is a genocide. We were upset about the Shoah. We were upset about Rwanda (and not enough). We were upset by the Uyghurs (again, not enough). We were upset about a lot of genocide. Why are we not upset against Israel, when part of their history is to be populated because of a fucking genocide??? (I know the History of the creation of Israel. The whole thing. And it sucks. I could write an essay on why the whole thing was fucked up since the beginning).
Are our countries supporting Israel because they are rich? Yes. Are they supporting them because we — ancient colonial powers and the UN — helped in the creation of their State? Also yes. And it is pathetic.
The fact that governments such as the US, the French, and a lot of Western countries are not acknowledging a genocide, is absolutely not normal. The fact that we are basically still financing and selling bombs to drop on the Gaza stripe, and most importantly today, on Rafah, is unsettling. For countries which are proud of their democracy, which are proudly saying in their foreign policies that we should not support violences, war crimes, censure, they are absolutely doing the contrary. All in virtue of money. That's how the world run but money should not be above human rights.
How is it logical that people are being killed, and no one is doing shit?
How is it logical that we are banning social media for spreading the truth on the international situation?
How is it logical that students are being arrested for protesting for basic human rights? For peace? How is it normal that places such as universities, which are supposed to support freedom of expression, we can see students and teachers are not allowed to talk? Reuniting around a common cause?
How is it logical to still defend a State such as Israel and to not acknowledge they are doing something deeply wrong, deeply evil? How is it normal that it took us, as an international community, more than seventy-five years to actually act?
1.4 million people are in Rafah. 1.4 million people have nowhere to hide. Are waiting to be evacuated. Are waiting to die because of our inaction. How is it normal?
We fucking need to act. We fucking need to speak and to shake our institutions. As a new generation with brand new ideas, Palestine should not be left alone anymore. What we are starting should still go on. Until Palestine is free, from the river, to the sea.
We need to boycott Eurovision. The Olympic Games. Because if we are letting Russia not participating because of the invasion of Ukraine (normal), then, Israel should not be allowed in moments like these when they are basically currently killing thousands of people.
As Macklemore said in Hind's Hall (all funds are going to UNRWA, please stream it):
"What if you were in Gaza? What if those were your kids?
If the West was pretendin' that you didn't exist
You'd want the world to stand up and the students finally did, let's get it"
Free Palestine. All Eyes on Rafah.
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illustratus · 1 year
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The Courage of General Raevsky by Nikolay Samokish
The Battle of Saltanovka depicting General Raevsky personally leading his men into battle, with his two young sons at his side.
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mariacallous · 10 months
“Now, how long will this take? The Ukrainians behave like charlatans and we continue to pay,” reads a quote in French next to a picture of Taylor Swift on what looks like a promotional poster for an upcoming tour. “That is not right.”
“Every time the Ukrainians get money, everything goes wrong,” reads another quote in German next to a picture of Selena Gomez on what appears to be a page taken from a fashion magazine.
"It's just disappointing how the Ukrainians use our help,” a quote, also in German, reads next to a picture of Kim Kardashian speaking on stage. “Someone needs to stop this, seriously."
Though the images make it look like these quotes were said by Swift, Gomez, and Kardashian, they weren’t. They were the product of a pro-Russian network of fake Facebook and X accounts that created and disseminated an ad campaign suggesting that some of the most famous people in the world back Russia and detest Ukraine. Among the celebrities included are Beyoncé, Oprah, Gigi Hadid, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Justin Bieber, Shakira, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Cristiano Ronaldo. “Supporting Ukrainians is unacceptable,” reads a quote next to a photo of Oprah. “Their actions destroy lives and societies.”
The disinformation campaign, which was launched in November, reached at least 7.6 million people on Facebook alone, according to a database of the ads reviewed by WIRED and collected by Reset, a nonprofit that provides grants to those tackling disinformation. It’s still in progress, and two separate groups of disinformation researchers believe the campaign is run by a notorious Russian influence operation dubbed Doppelganger that has in the past been linked to the Kremlin. New information shared exclusively with WIRED suggests the campaign has links to Russia’s GRU military spy agency.
At the beginning of November, researchers at Reset discovered what they described as a “blitz campaign” by two networks of fake Facebook pages. Over the course of a week, the researchers saw at least 560 Facebook ads that feature images of celebrities alongside pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian quotes. While some of the ads reached only thousands of users, others spread far more widely. One featuring Cristiano Ronaldo reached over 115,000 people before it was deactivated. Alongside the image of Ronaldo was the quote “It's frustrating to see how the Ukrainians use our aid. Someone needs to stop this, seriously.”
Researchers at Reset believe that the campaign “exploits loopholes in Facebook’s ad verification and content moderation systems to foster hostility against Ukrainians and undermine EU support for Kyiv.” Including fake quotes from celebrities within images makes it harder for Facebook to spot a coordinated campaign, they added. The campaign, which specifically targeted people in France and Germany, also removed any links or additional text in the ads, making it harder for Meta to track it.
Doppelganger has been actively spreading disinformation on both Facebook and X for some time. The organization was unmasked in September 2022 by EU DisinfoLab, a nonprofit working to combat disinformation against the EU, but it had been operating since at least May 2022. The group used clones of media websites, including The Guardian and Bild, to spread disinformation, filling the fake sites with articles, videos, and polls designed to push pro-Kremlin talking points about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Facebook first announced action against Doppelganger in September 2022, and said it was removing pages and accounts associated with the campaign.
In June 2023, another campaign targeting major French websites including Le Parisien, 20 Minutes, Le Monde, and Le Figaro was exposed by the French government. “French Minister supports the murder of Russian soldiers in Ukraine,” read one fake headline on a page that looked like Le Monde during that campaign.
Despite being repeatedly found out, the operators of Doppelganger have managed to continue their work: They also created fake versions of Fox News and other news websites to seed chaos and confusion during the Israel-Hamas war.
While Doppelganger campaigns in the past have been linked to the Kremlin in some media reports, new information from researchers tracking the disinformation campaign shows a link to Russia’s GRU.
A network of bot accounts on X, which in the past have been used to push Doppelganger’s fake websites, has also been used to push people to websites with direct links to Russia’s military spy agency. “Doppelganger bots promoted two sites recently, which both have strong connections to GRU,” researchers at Antibot4Navalny, a Russian anti-disinformation research group that has been closely tracking Doppelganger activity on X, tell WIRED. The researchers did not want to be identified due to security concerns.
The first site promoted by the Doppelganger bots was ObservateurContinental.fr. The Whois data, a public record of information related to the registration of a website, for this site shows that it is connected to InfoRos, a news agency previously linked to the GRU that operates hundreds of websites to push Kremlin propaganda. InfoRos was first reported to be a front organization for GRU Unit 54777 by The Washington Post in 2018. At the time, the group was said to have been active as far back as 2014 to spread disinformation about Russia’s annexation of Crimea.
The second site pushed by Doppelganger bots targeted Germans. In October 2022, an investigation by the German newspaper Die Welt found that the author of content on the EuroBRICS site was being paid directly by InfoRos, which is registered as the operator of the EuroBRICs website by the German domain registrar.
Many of the same images from Doppelganger’s campaign, along with others targeting an English-speaking audience, were also shared on X by the same network of bots that have previously shared links to the Doppelganger campaigns.
“We collected a whopping 75-plus fake quotes by celebrities from the US and EU, all massively posted recently by bots of Doppelganger, the pro-Kremlin influence campaign,” one of the researchers at Antibot4Navalny tells WIRED.
The campaign on X, which coincided with the Facebook campaign, used over 10,000 bot accounts, according to the researchers. In the space of one eight-hour period, the bots posted over 27,000 messages. At one point, the bot accounts were posting 120 messages every minute.
The posts on X are identical to those posted as ads on Facebook identified by Reset, except that some of these posts were in English. The X campaign also featured mocked-up versions of celebrities’ verified Instagram accounts, making it seem as if screenshots of celebrity Instagram accounts, using similar anti-Ukraine quotes, were being shared.
X did not respond to a request for comment from WIRED about the Doppelganger campaign. Since Elon Musk took control of the platform in October 2022, he has eliminated most of the company’s trust and safety team, and disinformation has flourished on the site, especially around breaking news events like the recent Israel-Hamas war.
One of Reset’s researchers, who did not want to be identified to protect their privacy, tells WIRED that, in recent days, researchers have seen Doppelganger’s celebrity-based campaign evolve. Some ads on Facebook now, like the ones on X, feature screenshots that appear to show verified Instagram accounts of the same celebrities, adding a further layer of authenticity to the campaign. In one case, a screenshot of a fake Instagram post from the entrepreneur Richard Branson suggests that he believes America was behind the Nord Stream explosion.
The researcher also found video ads that feature real footage of celebrities with fake audio dubbed over the top, which they say have been created with text-to-speech apps. The researchers at Reset were unable to identify which app was being used to automate the creation of the videos. One example reviewed by WIRED showed footage of German filmmaker Wim Wenders speaking in English about his own films, dubbed to make it appear as if he was speaking in French about how “the Ukrainians are ruined.” The ad was posted to Facebook on November 25 and was seen by up to 3,000 people before it was removed for failing to have the “required disclaimer,” according to Facebook’s ad library.
While Facebook has taken down the majority of the pages, some of them remain active, and the campaign shows glaring gaps in Meta’s ability to deal with disinformation on this scale.
Meta declined to respond on the record to WIRED’s request for comment about the campaign and the network of fake accounts created to disseminate the false ads. In a report from August, however, Meta acknowledged that Doppelganger was the “largest and most aggressively persistent covert influence operation from Russia that we’ve seen since 2017.”
The automated creation of accounts on Facebook is a well-known problem, and Meta has deployed a variety of artificial intelligence systems to combat efforts to mass-create fake pages and accounts. By its own admission, Facebook deletes millions, and sometimes billions, of fake pages every quarter, sometimes within minutes of their creation. Meta claims that around 5 percent of its monthly average users are fake, but outside experts say that figure is substantially higher.
While the Doppelganger group ran the campaign, the fake Facebook pages it used were purchased from an agency that specializes in creating massive networks of inauthentic pages on Facebook, according to Reset. They are still investigating who created these initial networks, but the researchers say this campaign was pushed out by two separate networks they identified containing 52,000 and 25,000 pages respectively. In October, Reset published a report identifying even larger networks of inauthentic Facebook pages, including one that had over 340,000 inauthentic pages. Despite having been identified publicly, these networks are still operating today.
With a number of major elections taking place in 2024, experts are again concerned about Meta’s ability to reign in disinformation.
“Meta’s sloppy product safety is a security liability for both Europe and the US as we approach next year’s elections,” Felix Kartte, EU director at Reset claims to WIRED. “Threat actors will continue exploiting loopholes in Facebook’s advertising systems to target deceptive and inflammatory content at millions of voters in the world’s biggest democracies.”
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girlactionfigure · 30 days
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Disclaimer: the intent of this post is not to delegitimize the right of either Israelis or Palestinians to sovereignty, dignity, and self-determination. There is no future in Israel and Palestine without both Israelis and Palestinians. Nor is this post an endorsement of any Israeli policy.
Rather, after a conversation in the comment section of a recent one of my posts regarding population density in Mandatory Palestine, I decided to rework an older post into this. Personally, I find it really interesting, and I think it’s a key piece in understanding the continuing conflict. It’s also important to dispel false propaganda about the Jewish presence in Israel that has now been accepted as fact.
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For various centuries, the population of what is now Israel and the Palestinian Territories had remained stagnant. Travelers at the time described Palestine as an abandoned backwater province of the Ottoman Empire. That’s not to say that it was empty or that nobody lived there, of course, but it was sparsely populated, according to the official Ottoman censuses. However, the sudden population boom between 1850 and 1900 did not come from natural population growth but rather, from Arab immigration.
"Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies."
Mark Twain, 1867
"Many are Israel's forsaken places, and great is the desecration. The more sacred the place, the greater the devastation it has suffered. Jerusalem is the most desolate place of all."
Moses ben Nachman (Nachmanides), 1267
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During the Ottoman period (1517-1917), modern-day Israel and the Palestinian Territories were a part of the Ottoman province of Syria, which was further divided into smaller vilayets (administrative divisions). Palestinian Arabs would not identify as “Palestinians,” but rather, identified primarily with their religion and clan. At best, they would call themselves “southern Syrians.” Until 1920, Palestinian Arabs advocated for Palestine to become a part of an Arab state in Greater Syria.
The most significant factor in the population growth in Palestine between the turn of the 19th century and the turn of the 20th century was Arab immigration, particularly from Egypt. At the turn of the 19th century, a famine prompted as much as 1/6 of Egypt’s population out of Egypt, with a significant percentage settling in Palestine.
The wave of Egyptian immigration continued in 1829, after thousands of peasants fled harsh labor laws imposed by the Egyptian ruler, Mehmmet Ali Pasha. Travelers during this period wrote that Bedouin tribes accompanied the peasants as well. In 1831, Egypt invaded Palestine. Over 6000 Egyptian peasants crossed into Palestine during the invasion; various Bedouin tribes also arrived with the Egyptian army. Others fled to Palestine as a result of blood feuds between different clans. Many Egyptian soldiers and administrators also chose to stay in Palestine.
By the late 19th century, the city of Jaffa had Egyptian neighborhoods all over town.
When the British invaded Egypt in 1882, scores of Egyptians fled to Palestine. A news report from the time stated: “Many of the people come here from Egypt to wait until the danger passes.” But very few actually returned to Egypt. To this day, the third most common Palestinian surname is El Masry, literally translating to “the Egyptian.”
Following a rebellion against French rule of Algeria in 1850, a number of Arabs and Imazighen from North Africa settled in Palestine, particularly in the Galilee region and Safed.
Between 1863-1878, Russia murdered between 1.5-2 million Circassians in the Circassian Genocide. Another 1-1.5 million were expelled from their homes in Circassia. The Ottoman authorities then settled many of the deportees in the Levant, hoping that their presence would curb Bedouin and Druze influence, as the Druze were not always receptive to Ottoman rule, and the Ottomans hoped to squash sentiments of Arab nationalism.
The Circassians, who are Muslim, developed a good relationship with the Yishuv -- the Jewish community in pre-state Israel -- and are now one of the groups with mandatory conscription into the IDF. Like Jews once did, however, Circassians still dream of returning to their homeland, from which they were stolen.
The Ottoman Empire began issuing decrees to reduce and ultimately terminate slavery in 1830, but these laws were rarely strictly enforced, especially in places such as Palestine. Throughout the 19th century, slave ships continued docking on the shores of Palestine, with the majority of the slaves coming from Ethiopia and Sudan, with a minority coming from Circassia. The last slave ship to arrive to Palestine docked on the shores of Haifa in 1876, though Arabs in Palestine continued holding slaves well into the 1930s.
Between 1881-1903, some 25,000 to 35,000 Jews -- most of them Ashkenazi Jews escaping massacres in Eastern Europe -- immigrated to Ottoman Syria, to the region now encompassing Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Only 15,000 of them stayed, due to harsh economic conditions and disease.
Between 1880-1914, about 8% of all Bukharian Jews immigrated from modern-day Uzbekistan to Jerusalem, escaping brutal persecution. In that same time span, 10% of all Yemenite Jews immigrated to Palestine. Most settled in Jerusalem and Jaffa.
The Ottoman Empire did not abolish the “dhimmi” status for Jews -- that is, second-class citizenship -- until 1856. Dhimmi taxation in Palestine was especially brutal, economically marginalizing religious and ethnic minorities. The Jews in Palestine relied on charity from Jews in the Diaspora for survival. The Samaritans, our closest ethnoreligious cousins, did not have a Diaspora community to come to rely on. Thanks to harsh persecutions, they were nearly wiped out during Ottoman rule.
Though dhimmi status was abolished in 1856, the Arab Muslim majority in Palestine had become accustomed to a certain social order, in which Jews were tolerated so long as we were subjugated. Thus, Zionism and Jewish immigration presented a threat to the status quo.
In 1899, the Arab mayor of Jerusalem, Yousef al-Khalidi, wrote to the chief rabbi of France, “Who can deny the rights of the Jews to Palestine? Good lord, historically it is your country!…But in practice you cannot take over Palestine without the use of force…” The chief rabbi of France forwarded al-Khalidi's letter to Theodor Herzl, who was quick to send a reply, assuring al-Khalidi that the Zionist movement had no intention of displacing the Muslim and Christian populations. It’s worth noting that during this period the mass influx of immigrants -- predominantly Muslim immigrants -- didn’t seem to bother al-Khalidi. It was Jewishimmigration that felt like a threat.
In 1882, the Ottomans prohibited Jews from immigrating to the Ottoman Empire. In 1893, the Ottomans prohibited all Jews -- “Palestinian” or not -- from purchasing land in Palestine. Thus, Jews in the region “enjoyed” less than four decades of equality under the law. No such restrictions existed for Arabs.
Unlike the population boom in the second half of the 19th century, the huge spike in the population of Palestine in the 20th century did come primarily from Jewish immigration. Between 1904-1914, some 35,000 Jews fled violence, mostly in Eastern Europe, and sought refuge in the region under the Ottomans. Between 1919-1923, another 40,000 Jews arrived to Palestine -- now under the British -- from Europe. Another 70,000 Ashkenazi immigrants arrived in the 1920s, as well as some 10,000 Mizrahi immigrants, predominantly from Yemen and Iraq. 
Prior to the Holocaust, another massive influx of Jewish immigrants — between 225,000-300,000 — arrived from Europe. This angered the Arab leadership in Palestine, which responded with violence. To appease the Arabs, the British passed the 1939 White Paper, which limited Jewish immigration to 75,000 people over a period of five years and limited Jewish land purchases to 5% of the Mandate Palestine Territory. 
Between 60,000-100,000 Arabs immigrated to Palestine between the two world wars. There are numerous reasons for this migration, most notably, new economic opportunities. In March of 1926, a railroad from Egypt to Palestine was completed, which prompted many young Egyptians to leave by train to seek employment in Palestine. In the 1920s and especially in the 1930s, the coastal plain between Gaza and Jaffa, as well as the area between Gedara and Ness Ziona, Ramle, and Lod became densely populated with Egyptian immigrants. 
During World War II, when Jewish immigration was essentially squashed, the British brought Syrian and Lebanese laborers to Palestine. Civilians also employed foreign contractors, many of whom came to Palestine without the legal paperwork. Government records from this period state that there were some 14,000 Egyptian and Lebanese laborers. The population increase along the southern coastal plain during this period was almost completely due to Arab immigration. In the area of Israel now known as “the Triangle,” over 35% of the population consisted of immigrants from Egypt. 10-15% of the Israeli Palestinian population today lives in that region.
Jewish land purchases took place in sparsely populated areas and as a matter of official Zionist policy, the Zionists avoided purchasing land occupied by fellahin, or Arab farmers. Out of the lands Zionists purchased, 52.6% were unoccupied, belonging to foreign landowners; 24.6% belonged to Palestinian Arab landowners; 13.4% belonged to the government, churches, or foreign companies; and only 9.4% belonged to Palestinian Arab fellahin.
In the 1920s, David Ben Gurion, the future first prime minister of Israel, wrote, “Under no circumstances must we touch land belonging to fellahs or worked by them...Only if a fellah leaves his place of settlement should we offer to buy his land, at an appropriate price.”
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The 1937 Peel Commission corroborated this, stating: “Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamp and uncultivated when it was purchased.” In 1931, the British created a register for landless Arabs; only 664 Arabs out of a total of nearly 900,000 met the criteria.
For a full bibliography of my sources, please head over to my Instagram and  Patreon. 
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scarz-xo · 5 months
Veto Power in the UN: is the power of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) to veto any "substantive" resolution.
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Veto: an official power or right to refuse to accept or allow something.
Now the question is who holds that much power and right? And most importantly do they deserve those privileges?
Now let's dig deeper in China 🇨🇳:
Here's the most recent crime that for some reason nobody talks about (It's not "some reason" but they're Muslims so terrorists by default, huh?) :
Next we have France 🇫🇷:
One of the things I'll never forget is my Algerian coworker who told us about how some of her family members losing their lives in traumatising ways to those who lived to remember.
Next we have Russia 🇷🇺:
What I find funny is the "could be" in the headline cause the pictures in Kiev and the mass graves should be enough proof that it is an actual crime.
Next is the UK 🇬🇧:
And finally USA 🇺🇸:
And the list goes on,we can go through it not for days but for decades, going around each of the 5 countries histories to discover atrocities some made individually and some made with a bunch of them gathering together and of course that results in many inhumane Vetoes because how can we depend on those who hurt us, who hurt humanity throughout history to hold that much power? To have that right?
Veto is not outdated, it should have never been created.
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mercurygray · 4 months
HBOWW2 Rewatch: June-August 1943
Since Week 2's episodes really only take us through 3 months of 1943 there's not a lot of big picture stuff to get caught up on.
But man, oh man, are there some big things happening elsewhere.
June: The Zoot Suit Riots take place in Los Angeles when a group of sailors on leave get into a fight with Mexican American youth near the waterfront, leading to retaliatory action from many more sailors and soldiers in the following days. The riots last ten days, and are only stopped when the Army and Navy declare L.A. off limits to military personnel. (This is not the only race-related act of violence this month, but it is certainly the most well known.)
Charles de Gaulle and Henri Giraud are named co-presidents of the French Committee of National Liberation. This institution would challenge the legitimacy of the Vichy government and provide a unifying force for French forces abroad and at home. It will also function as a provisional government in Algeria, which has recently been liberated during the North Africa campaign.
The Tuskegee Airmen have their first encounter with the Luftwaffe as six P-40 Warhawks are attacked over the island of Pantelleria by 12 German Focke-Wulf 190 fighters. Pantelleria has recently surrendered and will serve as a jumping off point for the invasion of Sicily, which begins in July. (Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz is currently serving as the head of Mediterranean Air Force Command.)
The invasion of Sicily starts on July 9th as a combined US, British and Canadian force lands at points around the island, starting a month-long race by General Patton's forces to move from Licata in the south to Messina in the north in an effort to catch the Germans before they can evacuate to the mainland. (Sadly, most of the Germans do make it off the island.) Both this campaign, and the North Africa campaign that preceded it, are launched to redirect resources away from the Eastern Front - a move that largely succeeds.
Speaking of the Eastern Front, the battle of Kursk begins on July 9. It is the single largest battle in the history of warfare, and is a turning point for the entire European war. The use of air support in what is largely a tank battle leads to one of the single costliest days of aerial combat.
On July 19, Allied Air Forces bomb Rome, which leads, in some large part, to the resignation of Mussolini as Prime Minister on July 25th, ending a 17 year dictatorship.
On July 27th and 28th, the RAF bomb Hamburg. High winds and drought conditions lead to the greatest single-day loss of life in wartime as more than 30,000 city residents burn to death after bombs set the entire town aflame.
Also in June, the new town of Oak Ridge, Tennesee, which will house workers for the Manhattan Project, officially receives its first residents, and "Comin' in on a Wing and a Prayer" by The Song Spinners tops the Billboard singles chart.
Heading into August, Operation Tidal Wave, the bombing of Ploesti, Romania, begins as 177 B-24 bombers attack the oil plant. This will be the first of many, many bombing runs on this target, which is a sigificant source of fuel for the Axis. (And you can't outrun Patton in Sicily or fight tank wars in Russia if you don't have fuel)
The United States Women's Air Service Pilots, or WASPS, is officially formed under the auspices of Jackie Cochran and Nancy Love. The program consolidates 2 previous groups in an attempt to leverage civilian pilots for ferrying duties.
So. It's August of 1943. The Allies are eyeing mainland Italy for their next assault. The Russians are slugging away in Kursk. The 8th Air Force has just gotten through the Regensberg- Schweinfurt raid. September will probably hold much of the same. Or ...will it?
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