papas-milferia · 2 years
I shouldn't be laughing at your header but here I am
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lovelessthan · 8 months
I arrived late in Helsinki on the 5th of January. During the last leg of my 11 hour bus ride I remembered that January 6th is a public holiday in many countries; it is not in Portugal, while it is for our neighbors Spain, so it really varies from place to place and is never a date that's at the forefront of my mind. Nevertheless, my flight back home was on the 7th so I decided to check and sure enough, the 6th is a public holiday in Finland. Since my number one mission during my last days in Helsinki was to visit Aikuisten Lelukauppa, Kari Valo's famous shop, I DM'd their instagram account asking whether it would be open the next day.
Thus began the saga that leads us to the concluding chapter of our story, The Finland Chronicles Part 3: Aikuisten Lelukauppa Oy, and Finland Moi Moi
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I got a response from the person who runs the shop’s instagram account the next morning, while I was getting ready, saying that they weren’t sure whether Kari would be coming in. I decided to risk it anyway and headed over there, only to find that, alas, the shop was indeed closed.
Feeling a bit deflated, I decided to just walk into the restaurant next door and the events that unfolded upon me stepping inside were heartwarming. The place was a very small and simple Thai restaurant, run by just one man, who I at the time assumed was Finnish. I made casual conversation with him and informed him of what had just happened, to which he replied that he had seen Kari lock up not long ago and head to the cafe down the road…so I had just missed him! I proceeded to order food, since I hadn’t really had breakfast, and he made me a dish of fried salmon, rice, and pickled vegetables. It was delicious, and I'm pretty sure the blurry corner in the picture above is from my lens fogging up with how hot it was.
After bringing me the food, this sweet man proceeded to turn the entire restaurant upside down looking for Kari's phone number, which he had written down on a slip of paper; he did in fact have a smartphone but informed me he didn't have time to be saving people's numbers in it, dontcha know. 😂 He said there was a possibility Kari could come back but it wasn't looking likely. Eventually, a girl who worked at the café next door came over, since she helps write the signs and menus for the restaurant due to her impeccable calligraphy, and gave him the number. He dialed it, hit call and a few seconds later we heard a voice identical to Ville’s say (I assume), "Kari Valo speaking." The restaurant owner explained that someone had come *all* the way from Portugal just to see him and handed me the phone. So I got to talk to Kari a bit. He told me he'd locked up for the day and asked me why I hadn't come earlier, and when I said I was considering extending my trip a bit he responded, "I'll be waiting for you every day." Ville wasn't kidding when he said he got his verbal acrobatics from his dad, huh. Sidenote: I thought I'd headed out pretty early, all things considered, but now you know, the early bird gets the Kari, especially if it’s a public holiday.
Heartened, I hung up and got on my own phone to make the arrangements to extend my trip, intending to return to the shop without fail on Monday the 8th. A part of me felt a little silly, but that was overridden by the feeling that my time in Finland wouldn’t really have been complete without a visit to Aikuisten Lelukauppa. Luckily, it was pretty cheap and dealing with that left me with time to relax, enjoy the rest of my meal, and talk to the man who had gone out of his way to make sure I got to speak to Kari. It turned out his name was Pedro, he was originally from Spain but had been living in Finland for 45 years, and had learned to cook Thai food from his second wife. Upon finding out he was from Spain, the conversation promptly switched from English to Portuñol, and he told me all about his family over Thai coffee after I'd finished my meal. I left the place after some time, feeling warm and fuzzy at the fact that complete strangers had gone above and beyond for me, but not before laughing at the fact that as quickly as Pedro had reobtained Kari's number, he then proceeded to lose it for a second time and was once again turning the place upside down looking for it as I headed out the door.
In all seriousness, if you're planning on including Aikuisten Lelukauppa in your Helsinki itinerary, consider stopping by Pedro's place as well. It's literally right next door, so it's impossible to miss, the food is great, and the hospitality, well...if you've read this far then you've probably figured out it's second to none.
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Afterwards I took the time to explore the city a little more and went to see Helsinki Cathedral and check out the other sights around Senate Square. Extending my trip also allowed me shop more leisurely for family and friends before heading home for the evening.
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Sunday was a day dedicated to doing absolutely nothing, which I felt I had earned, and fun fact: my Airbnb hosts were the proud owners of eleven (11!) cats, including the four kittens pictured above. All this while having a spotless home with almost exclusively white furniture. Why would you want to leave the house? I only realized long after the fact that I could have used my Sunday to take the ferry from Finland to Estonia and spend the day in Tallinn's old town, but I think the fact that it didn't even cross my mind just shows it wasn't meant to be. You can't fit everything in on one trip and you have to stop to rest at some point. All in all, a Sunday well spent.
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Then the fateful day arrived! I got up, got ready, headed out the door, and took the bus to the stop nearest to the street where Aikuisten Lelukauppa is located. In the few minutes left where I was walking up to the shop, my heart started pounding and I was pretty sure I was gonna act completely starstruck but...it was fine. More than fine. There was only one other customer there when I walked in, and they left almost the minute I entered. I said hello and told Kari that I was the person he'd spoken to on the phone the other day, and he apologetically explained that he'd had responsibilities other than the shop to attend to that day which resulted in him leaving early. What followed was me getting almost 2 hours of his time just chatting, as it had been over a week since Helldone and there weren't many fans flocking to the shop. He truly is a gem of a person, he seemed more than happy (and I hope he truly was!) to discuss his interest in cars, the movie Taxi Driver, how he acquired a lot of the memorabilia around the shop, how he got involved in this particular line of work, the state of taxi drivers these days (NOT good, he’ll have you know!), some of the shows he'd seen on the Neon Noir tour, and asked me about myself as well. Thanks to Kari I learned about Aki Kaurismäki, a Finnish director who has lived in Portugal for over 30 years, and now have some new films on my to-watch list. He also provided me with some tips for things to do around the city, including enthusiastically telling me I should go swimming (eherm, maybe next time) and to visit Temppeliaukion kirkko, a Lutheran church that was excavated directly from solid rock.
I would be remiss not to point out a significant moment in my visit. Kari received quite a few phone calls while we were chatting, and most of the time the phone ringing would prompt him to cry out, "Perkele!" One of the calls, however, he simply answered without any fuss. I could hear a man's voice but since the conversation was in Finnish, I distracted myself with my phone. Once he'd hung up, Kari turned to me and asked, "Do you know who that was?" to which I replied, "Who?" and he exclaimed, "Ville!" then burst out laughing and grabbed my shoulders as my jaw dropped. Then he told me that Ville had called to ask a question about Kari's car (the famous Checker Taxi, I believe) and implied it was being used for some sort of project? We shall have to wait and see. It was a very cool moment anyhow. I got a photo with him as well and asked him to sign my Neon Noir CD booklet, which he decorated with his famous doodles and catchphrases, most notably "Kari Valo, Boy's Father."
A visit to Aikuisten Lelukauppa naturally demands that you buy some merch so I bought a new tshirt for myself with the alternative design (as a friend had gotten me the more well-known version during her visit a few months prior), merch for friends, and stickers, but also left armed with several Finland/Helsinki guides that Kari provided me with, and a map where he wrote down the name of the rock church. Cutest of all, he just up and gave me some vintage Moomins stamps, which I will cherish forever. After all this, I said I’d be heading out as I did not want to take up any more of Kari’s time but it was a highly memorable first visit, and while I seriously doubt he will ever come across this post I nevertheless feel like I have to express my gratitude to him for his time, his ear, and his generosity. Kiitos paljon Kari! ❤️
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This was the rest of my afternoon: a visit to the famous Cafe Regatta, which was very cozy, following Kari's advice and visiting the beautiful, peaceful Temppeliaukio Church, and finishing my visit off with an early dinner at a traditional Finnish restaurant, where I had the piniest tasting G and T of my life (I love the smell of pines, not so sure how I feel about drinking them). Couldn't have asked for a better last day in Finland.
The next morning I had to be up at 5 to catch a flight to Frankfurt and then Lisbon, but the discomfort of a super early flight paled in comparison to the happy, floaty feeling of discovering a new place to love and come back to. Thank you so much Finland, you were a dream! I hope to come back sooner rather than later and potentially write another Finland Chronicles, maybe in warmer temperatures! Moi moi for now, though!
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And to finish this off, here's a little Aikuisten Lelukauppa haul with all the things I mentioned above, as well as a small Helsinki/Helldone haul, since I didn't think to do one for the very first instalment of this series. It includes a VVgram beanie, an eyebrow pencil and two eyeliners from Finnish brand Lumene (conspicuously absent was their Nordic Noir range, I wonder if Ville bought it all up lmao), and face wipes. Yes, face wipes, because they saved me multiple times when the snow settling then melting on my eyelashes would cause my mascara to melt and smudge all around my eyes. Pro-tip ladies: have some wipes in your bag when experiencing Finnish winter, or just snowy winters in general. Or maybe just wear a more resistant mascara than the one I use.
Thanks to anyone who read through these posts, and apologies for how much longer they got with each update. Nevertheless, I hope it was an enjoyable read and maybe even useful to those of you considering visiting Finland. Much love and here's to hoping 2024 brings many more adventures! 💙🤍
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I Drink Wine (Jake Seresin, Chapter 3)
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Summary: Gwendolyn Benjamin did everything she could to run away from her past. From the pain and heartbreak to come to California and live near her Aunt & Godmother, Penny. A hardened soul, she meets Jake Seresin who ends up turning everything she thought she swore off into a frenzy.
Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Female! Reader (OC: Gwendolyn Benjamin)
Warnings: Cursing, Angst
Tropes: Slow burn, Enemies to Lovers, Sunshine & Rainstorm
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: Finally felt like I could start writing this from 2nd person :D Hope you like it!
PREVIOUS CHAPTER / next chapter
Tension began to grow heavy in your brow, a soreness in the lower portion of the small of your back. Whimpers left your dried, cracked lips when you would rise too quickly, and a wave of dizzy spouts hit you in crashing waves – tugging you beneath the unwavering waters until Fanboy is there to drag you back safely. As your semester of teaching ended and the sweltering heat of San Diego’s sun began to intensify, you were going to more and more doctor’s visits.
Your worst nightmare, mixed with poor timing found you back on medication you hadn’t been on since your Undergraduate degree. The increased pressure of your chronic illness so intense in your skull that they were worried for your vision, worried for the earth-shattering headaches that rolled around your temples. The medication made you hollow, Mickey becoming your crutch as you tried to adjust to a new lifestyle. You were slower, more hesitant with your words as your brain fogged over too easily.
“You can’t keep doing this,” I murmur as Mickey slides a new pair of fuzzy socks over my numb toes, tugging me closer after pressing play on a movie. His hands are steady, the hands of a WSO – you can only imagine how precise he is when in the air under attack. “You’re never going to get married if you keep fusing over me.”
Mickey only laughs, his bright smile beaming in the dimly lit living room. “You and I both know I’m not finding myself a woman or man for that matter while I’m actively in deployments any way. And you’re way too stubborn to take care of yourself properly.”
Your chin tucks into your chest at his words, warmth rising your chest and settling into your cheeks pressed against his side. He notices your lack of response, feels the quiver in your back before pulling away slightly to stare down at him.
“Gwennie,” Mickey murmurs, wiping away your tears. “You’re going to beat this thing. You’re going to beat this thing every single time you fall out of remission. You might be too stubborn to deal with it, but you’re also too stubborn to let it win.” He tugs you closer as gentle sobs roll through you, echoing in the safety of your home and away from prying eyes.
The next night, he decides you need to get out for a little while for some fresh air and human interaction. It’s been a few weeks since you have seen the rest of the crew and you were beginning to miss even Rooster’s mustache if it were possible. Penny messaged earlier in the day, promising a spot in the office the minute the bar became overwhelming and that she would have the cook make an order of fried pickles for you, your favorite.
So, at 5 o'clock, you’re surprised when the doorbell rings. Freshly out of the shower, you’re still towel drying your damp hair when you check the window to see familiar brown eyes and a twisted bun. “Nat,” you greet as you tug the door open in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
“A little bird told me you’ll be joining us for a night out tonight,” she slings a heavy duffle bag over her shoulder while her other hand cradles a large bottle of iced tea. “I wanted to try to cash in on that girl’s night that we’ve talked about before.” You stare at her inviting face, her glowing cheeks and gentle gaze before stepping aside.
Nat had been good to you in the months you had been living in the area. She was a confidant, a feminine energy with a calming center. So sure of herself and what came next…you envied that about her. With all that went down over the last two years and with the break-up, you felt like your world had been thrown on its axis and you with it. You tumbled into the abyss, never knowing when the darkness would end and never knowing if you would ever feel comfortable getting close to another person again. It all just felt like too much. But for Nat, you try. So, you usher her inside your warm and beachy home and watch as she kicks off her sandals.
“It’s not the biggest house in Miramar but Penny did a great job renovating it for me,” you share, showing her your cozy living room with the large bay windows all cracked open to allow the breeze to dance through the white sheer curtains. The sun has already begun to climb down from the sky, so light catches on the worn oak of the floorboards that squeak as you move into the kitchen.
It’s your favorite place, with your beloved coffee maker and original stove. Mav insisted on a lightweight butcher’s board countertop which made prepping meals and kneading bread a delight. The sink was large, vintage and curved to remind you of your grandparents’ cabin out on the lake when you were younger. Fresh flowers sat in an amber glass at the makeshift table out on the patio in the back. When you round the corner, you show her the bathroom and then open the door to your bedroom.
The comforter is a mess, still tossed off the mattress from your nap earlier and your dirty clothes litter the floor. But it’s painted a vibrant green and your brown furniture makes perfectly. There’s a large vanity along with a writer’s desk in front of a big round window.
“This place is beautiful,” Nat gushes, glancing around before jumping to land on your bed. The bobbing makes you giggle as you run and join her, tumbling a top of your soft sheets next to her side.
“Thanks for coming,” you whisper after the laughter dies down, your smile pressed tightly as you take a few deep breaths. “I don’t know if Mick told you -,”
“He hasn’t said a word,” Nat informs you, holding her hands up before you can finish. “I just, I’ve figured something must be going on and I really want us to be friends Gwen, I’ve waited forever for a fun and sassy female around here to share the burden of these men.” Female friendships were never your forte in high school, and you were too focused on studies in college to even try hard enough so her words pull at your chest, wrapping you in a hug.
“Can you help me decide what to wear tonight?” you ask finally, a nervous smile cracking as you sit up and adjust your bracelet on your wrist.
“Of course,” she says, grabbing your hand as she walks toward the closet. Deciding on a simple billowing top and some pink wide legged trousers that sway as you move – you were feeling good about where the night was heading. A light bit of natural and glowy makeup and twist your hair into a braid, so it was off your neck with the heat of the summer rolling in.
By the time you ended up at The Hard Deck, the bar was in full swing with patrons and pilots alike. The smell of sea salt mixed with beer wafts through the air as Nat leads up through the crowd, bumping into bodies as we go. The sandals make it hard to keep up with her, but you push forward and finally find yourself in front of a grinning Penny.
“Look at my gorgeous niece,” she shouts out, sliding a small glass of wine your way which you take with a pouty kiss in return. She pulls the basket of fried pickles from behind the counter and places them down, onto the sticky bar surface. You grab them with glee as Nat clutches your wrist, helping you navigate over to the booth where all the guys are crowded around. They’re all dressed casually this evening, having had time to change from the day of work up in the sky.
“There they are,” Coyote calls, spotting you first as he drags over a chair to offer his spot in the booth for the two of you to slide in. You press your glass down at the counter and greet the pilots, glancing between Mick and Bob with a giant grin before your eyes landing on emeralds. 
“I’m really liking this outfit Gwen,” Rooster admits as he adjusts the collar of his button down before taking a sip of his beer.
“Thank you, Bradley,” you say, eyes flittering back to your wine as you await conversation to pick up. And it does, the boys going back to arguing about who did the most pushups today on the tarmac during training or who was the worst of the latest bunch of recruits for the Top Gun program that they were instructors for. You sip your wine slowly, with intention as you listen contently to their stories.
As the night goes on, you all spread from the confines of the booth and take over the pool table area. You’ve scarfed down the fried pickles with Bob’s help before Bradley asks you to select some music from the jukebox with him. “Anything but Slow Ride,” he begs and so you settle on Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. The bar has thinned out at this point, just the regulars and a few too drunk recruits making idiots of themselves so you’re unabashed when Rooster offers a hand.
He's got you laughing as he sings out the lyrics, twirling you around the small space as if you’re in a swing dance competition but you’re enjoying the moment, so you let him spin you around and around until you’re slightly dizzy. When the song ends and he turns to pick another one, your eyes settle on those green orbs again. Hangman is staring, tucked behind his tequila soda as Coyote talks to him from the side.
His gaze is heavy, his jawline so sharp that you must look away. You turn back to the palm trees of Bradley’s button up shirt as he tries to find another song to dance too. “Nat says you play piano?” He glances over at you, aviators swinging from their shelve on the neck of his white tank top. His bushy eyebrows are raised in surprise before an amused smile glosses over his tanned face.
“I dabble in many things, Gwen,” he leans against the jukebox with his arms crossed and I notice the subtle flex in his muscles. “I can show you sometime, maybe after the rest of the gang heads home?” Bradley is attractive and warm, like a golden retriever but messy commitment issues can recognize messy commitment issues and this thread of gold twining between you two feels too familiar. Bile rises in your throat, and you stammer slightly, eyes wide as you glance around.
“Maybe another time,” you offer earnestly, not wanting to send him soaring to the pavement. You note the availability of the pool table as everyone collects their newest refreshment and a perfect out. “How about a game of pool?”
Bradley seems unphased as you don’t await his response, simply swiveling on your heel and returning to more populated area to grab a pool stick. “You can’t tell me you’re going to play pool?” the thick accent rings out and you close your eyes for a moment, fingertips digging into the wood. “You’ll never win.”
“And what makes you the all-knowing, Bagman?” your tone is fresh for the first time all night and inside you’re screaming for him to stand down. To let you have this, to let you have one good night with a good of seemingly good people.
“You’re too fuckin’ short,” Hangman quips back, bringing his glass to his lips and taking a swig before placing it back onto the high-top to your right. “You’ll never reach the angles you’d need to make a shot.”
“You seem so sure,” you question as Reuben and Nat return to the table, Bradley too with his hands shoved in the pockets of his cutoff jean shorts. They watch the interaction intently before Bradley tries to step in.
“Good thing she’s playing me,” Bradley steps forward to grab the pool stick from Hangman to no avail. He’s like a toddler trying to be funny, holding the stick out of reach with an amused grin on his face. His nose glistens in the light of the overheads and the simple grey shirt he’s thrown on stretches across his torso a little too tightly. You can’t help but roll your eyes. “Jake,” Bradley’s tone is stiff, “Cut the shit.”
“C’mon man,” Hangman responses, glancing at you over Bradley’s tall frame with a pointed look. “A little healthy ass-kicking is good for everyone.”
“Bradley, you can play him,” you grumble, tossing the pool stick his way and turning to Nat.
“I knew it,” Hangman’s words cut through the air, sucking the air from your lungs. “I knew you were a quitter.” You could hear the protests rolling off Mickey’s tongue as he approached the group and heard the blond’s words, but he hit below the belt, sucker punched you without a second glance. And you were hook, line, and sinker now as you turn back around to grab the whiskey from Reuben’s hand to take a large gulp. You clutch the stick from Bradley’s loose grip, eyes ablaze as you turn to the man defending you with a fierce expression.
“Bradley, rack ‘em.”
It was a tense twenty minutes, without much of a noise from the remainder of the group crowded around the table. They watch intently as Jake tries to egg you on, throwing comments of all kinds your way. But your brow is creased, and you’ve been chomping away at the inside of your cheek since the game began so Mickey was certain you weren’t even here at the bar.
To Jake’s amusement, you were holding your own. Something he would never admit out loud that he expected from the moment you leaned down to break at the beginning of the game. You knew your angles, knew some trick shots too so when you sunk the eight ball perfectly on your final shot – he couldn’t hold back the small smile climbing through his cocky exterior. But you miss the gentle gesture.
The pilots all cheer, finally bursting in delight as Reuben comes over to lift you off the floor in victory. They all sing praise, calling you Champ while doing a celebratory lap around the bar. Coyote’s offering a round of shots and Bob is claiming you as his permanent table partner as a wave of laughter bubbles through you. When Reuben finally puts you down on the ground, Nat is collecting you in her arms and squealing about how proud she is.
It feels good, a celebration raging on around you as the boys race out onto the beach to start the bonfire for the evening. You yawn slightly as the crowd breaks and you notice Jake leaning against the pool table on his forearms, a hand wiping over his face with an unreadable expression. That heat returns, the rage in your chest as you stalk across the span of the floor. You hover above him, tucked in front of one of the lights so that a shadow casts onto the green felt of the table.
“Good game Teach,” he says, his tone flat as he clears his throat and finishes his drink. The ice clinches in the glass as he swirls it around and you scoff. The noise makes him jump.
“Don’t ever, and I mean ever,” you seeth, planting your foot, “call me a quitter – you understand me?” Jake’s taken aback by your tone, at a loss for words from your visceral reaction. He blinks a few times before trying to speak again. “Don’t speak, Seresin. I fuckin’ mean it.”
And before he can process, you’re gone from his view, disappearing back to the bar where you get some leftovers from Penny. He watches you press a kiss to Mickey’s cheek, then a hug to Reuben, to Bob and to Bradshaw before you link arms with Nat. Within seconds, your presence is erased from the bar and Jake’s trying to shake the tremble in your voice from his head.
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untamedeventuality · 5 months
How did Neo 3 meet smallfry? What's all of your agents favourite foods? Their main weapons? (inksplattering here)
So Zowie, aka Agent Neo3, was actually raised by salmonids, so Rol, aka Little Buddy, is her brother. Their dad was killed by the fuzzy ooze bc Grizz was testing the weapon on salmonids, which is why they ended up in Splatsville
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Sam, aka Cap’3, has more opinions on energy drinks than they do on food, I’m sorry to say. She’s been known stay up until 3am remixing and splicing songs together, creating a mountain of cans for her girlfriend to scold her about come morning. They main dualies, specifically Enperry Splat Dualies.
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Mackerel “Mack”, aka Agent 4, likes anything that’s been fried but will do just about anything you ask of them if there’s deep fried shrimp provided after completion. Yes, Marina did pay them for their work on the Memverse, but there was also shrimp involved. Mack is a splattershot guy, with his go-to being the Forge Splattershot Pro (they will booyabomb on your ass)
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Misaki, aka Agent 8, loves spring rolls and gyoza, they’re her favorite snacks. She’ll eat just about anything if the base is jasmine rice and there’s a sweet-sour sauce involved. These days she mains either the Inkbrush Nouveau or the Snipewriter 5H, depending if she needs to be on the frontlines or play support for her dumbass girlfriend, Sam.
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Zowie, aka Agent Neo3, likes uhh… salmonid foods, which makes it hard for her to find her old comfort foods now that she’s in Cephalopod Society TM. Pickled foods are the closest to her old diet, so you’re likely to be face with a frightening collection of jars. She and Rol both like sardines too. Zowie mains splatana, with the Splatana Wiper being her trusty go-to.
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marcholasmoth · 1 year
OSRR: 3339
slept in. it was nice.
showered, dressed, left the house.
went to meet a student, but when it was quarter past and hadn't shown up, i said "it's okay if not today, i'm pretty tired" and proceeded to take a nap in my car.
after my nap, i got gas and went to target. specifically went to target to find more of those tiny pumpkins i got the other day.
found dozens.
got so many. so many of them, i tell you. and they're all fuzzy.
nearly also got myself a weighted stuffed dino. put it back and snapped pictures to say "this is what i want for my birthday pls" bc it's reasonably priced and not problem to get and is personal.
need to send picture to friends.
stopped at mall, picked up new cable and joel's order from best buy. got ice cream. went to joel's.
got to hug and hold the joel and see and talk to him and his sister. the three of us went to get dinner together too. texas roadhouse. fried pickles. on nom nom.
home now. tired. busy day tomorrow. so many. need sleepy.
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dreamslogs · 2 years
75 Soft - 1/75
Date: February 26, 2023
💊Daily Vitamins
Time Taken - 11:00 AM
🏋️‍♀️Daily Exercise
1 Mile Walk - Growwithjo 1 mile on the beach
💦40 oz of Water
Time Completed - 11:55 PM
🥗80/20 Diet
Breakfast - Coffee, rice
Lunch - Spicy chicken sandwich, onion rings, fried pickles, fuzzy alligator, green tea shot *
Drinks - Blueberry vodka lemonade, Seagram’s Escape Jamaican Me Happy *
Dinner - Burrito Bowl
Birthday Cake - Cheesecake
* I will say, I drank a lot more than I usually do out of an entire week, but it was my 21st birthday, but I gave myself a pass bc it fits within my 80/20 diet
📖Daily Reading
Book - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Pages - pg. 20 - 30 (10 pgs)
🇯🇵Daily Japanese Review
Content Reviewed - Duolingo Unit 2
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donekindonut · 26 days
I like jade green
I like brisk weather w sun
I like catching angel numbers without thinking about them
I like spicy pickles
Things mixed w vinegar
I like garlic
I like fried/sautéed onions
I like the color black
I like bobs
I like spending hours at a cafe
I like when they know I’m going to sit somewhere for hours
I like drawing
I like writing
I like music
I like loud music
I like a few people
I like having two friends
I like being content
I like having what I want
I like walking in the back alone
I like being left alone and being okay
I like writing out my feelings and feeling better
I like understanding
I like being empathetic
I like feeling confident
I like knowing myself
I like seeing happy families
I like string lights
I like a battery that’s full charged
I like being ready
I like being early
I like being on time
I like cats
I like black cats
I like orange cats
I like food
I like red crushed peppers
I like old wood
I like over grown weeds
I like greenery
I like autumn
I like spring
I like clear skies
I like skies ready to cry
I like fluorescent lights
Cold leftovers (Chinese food,pizza)
I like pretty dresses
I like heavy eyeliner
I like when people say thank you weirdly
I like live music
I like cracking voices
I like when adults sit cross cross Apple sauce
I like being drunk
I like supportive parents
I like being grounded
I like being alone
I like being understood
I like musky smells
I like awkward girls
I like pretty girls
I like reading
I like writing poetry
I like being able to pee when I really need to
I like hardwood floors
I like yummy smelling kitchens
I like yummy food
I like savory food
I like spicy food
I like noise canceling bathrooms
I like sweet vanilla candles
I like candle holders
I like chandeliers
I like slippers
I like cute slippers
Fuzzy bathrobes
I like leather chokers
I like well behaved men
I like thigh highs
I like knee high socks
I like men that know to be in their place
I like short lines to the bathroom
I like broccoli
I like incorporating kale with foods
I like when girls come together and feel comfy
I like when things are in order
I like routine
I like compliments
I like being pale
I like red stained lips
I like long black hair
I like feeling energy
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bob--the--hamster · 7 months
Things my characters eat and drink in my new novel
Cheap beer, Anise tea, Lunch-on-a-stick, Berry grog, Flop bread & sausages, Fried lancelets on a bed of fuzzy grain with tart drupes, Honey brine pickled cactus heart strudels with anthill spice, Milk's cake, Triple sugar fish
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auncyen · 3 years
Do you think romantic Shutaba is valid
Too many people are hellbent on the foster siblings interpretation and it makes me rot inside
I do lean toward platonic/friends/family for them, but romantic Shutaba can be cute, and I do think it gets unfairly bashed way too much.
There are two big criticisms I’ve seen:
Sojiro is a father figure to both of them.  That doesn’t mean they see each other as siblings.  They might!  I think it’s cute if they do!  But...it IS a thing with some married couples that, if one of them’s had a really shitty family and the SO’s family is warm and welcoming, they might consider their SO’s family more “their family” than their blood relations.  It... doesn’t mean...they think of their SO as a sibling.  The situation is a little different with Shutaba, but the point still stands: they can both see Sojiro as a father figure without automatically going “and you’re my brother/sister”.
There’s a power imbalance since Ren’s the leader of the Phantom Thieves/more established in the friend group when she joins.  This one’s kind of knotty but at the same time it just boils down to two things for me.  First, if people are really focused on potential power imbalances, why isn’t it considered a power imbalance of how protective Sojiro is of Futaba???  Like, Ren is VERY unlikely to have Sojiro on his side in any argument that might arise, aside from maybe “Futaba, please stop bugging things”.  And on that note she has Ren’s phone bugged and is such a godmode hacker that she could definitely mess his life up for a while if she was feeling angry enough to salt the earth.  But second and I think more importantly...if this is a legit problem for romantic Shutaba, why isn’t it a problem for platonic “close as family” Shutaba? They’re still the same characters.  P5 does multiple examples of family members/figures being controlling.  If it’s not about Ren actually doing anything wrong but just Futaba feeling overwhelmed, that’s....something that can still happen in platonic and sibling relationships.  And it’s something that can improve with time as Futaba gets more comfortable in the group.
I do think it’s fair if the ship squicks people just because for people who feel strongly “she’s like a little sister!”, yeah, it’s going to feel weird to ship them.  But being squicked by a ship doesn’t mean it’s actually bad and not everyone takes the same view.  Could they get messy as a romantic relationship??  Yeah.  Aaand they could definitely get into fights as pseudo-siblings (I always feel like one day Ren is going to snap about the phone bug, unless Futaba’s supposed to have removed it post-game, and then they will have to have a serious discussion about p r i v a c y).  But like I’ve seen some criticisms of Shutaba that seem to paint Ren as controlling and manipulative and I gotta say, if he’d be that horrible as a boyfriend?  He probably wouldn’t be a good new brother, either.
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wlw-grapefruit · 5 years
Can I 🅱️lease get some Walnut X Peppermint sprite edits...
sorry for how late this is!! life stuff came up oof
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sometimes you just gotta make some pretty music for ur gf!!
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warriorofskyworld · 6 years
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“Thank you so much! It was definitely a great one!”
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princerevelucide · 6 years
Magnus is loosely based on Heracles. Heracles was a distant brother of Athena. Since it's widely accpeted that Palutena is the adoptive mother of Pit, Magnus is his uncle. Think about it!
yes!! yeah!! absolutely!!!! big agree
i’ve always loved the idea of magnus being like a father or uncle figure towards pit, even if their interactions are probably few and far between since pit kinda Lives In The Sky, but i’m so sure that when magnus watched pit fly off after chapter 18 he thought to himself as he walked away, ‘fuck, i guess that’s my son/nephew now’
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girlgeniuspenny · 6 years
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‘‘Aww thank you! I guess I got my own cute rights!’‘
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cautiouslittleninja · 3 years
Better hang on to that feebas, lil missy! He's extra special! (9-volt will probably yell at you if you don't)
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"Oh, well I hope the Feeby will be okay with staying with me then! I-I don't want to get yelled at by 9-Volt..."
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"But I gotta think of a name for the Feeby! I have another one that's brown, and they're like siblings, and I love them both!"
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Cherry and Cherry Blossom being sisters since it's another headcanon I love
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the cherry sisters!!
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boxartcomparisons · 6 years
Has Parappa the Rapper (PS1, JP/EU/US) been done?
I’ve put it in the queue.
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